Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 14

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    ,miFl OMAHA SUNDAY BEEi JULY 17. 1010.
his is a loffleapoiiig BiisxiieSS Mam peadtog
Bee Wantt Ad's Me cfat First Poiiion a
Bee WaiKt-Ad . Hie seccapes - .ms aejp
Mow itipQTUL&E lEhe
lx in
Fwrnlakea A
TWO desirable front rooma suitable tor
Mire young dm. 2108 Douglas.
TWO double rooms (or rant. 181$ Dodge.
FRONT parlor and bed room, outhk
poaura; H weak. 2203 Ftrnvn.
ROOMS, walking distance: strictly mod
rn. 67$ 8. 2sih. Harney 11.
' two single rooma, cheap; alio room and
alcova; private. I 687 St. Mary' Ava
LADIES' 1. M valua whIU waists, 60c
Monday. Boofleld' Faxton Blk. 3d Floor.
"mCELY furnished room, tit N. 26th.
"'FURNISHED room, strictly firs claee,
everything raw and mod ami walking
distance. 2220 Dougiaa
KLBOANTLY furnished lngl and doubla
front rooina; aleo front parlor. 3111 Doug-
NBWLI furnished, eool rooma In mod
am bona. 214 N. Uth St
v TWO aultaa of light houaakeeplng rooma,
114 and $16 par month; aUo doubla parlor,
aultabla (or (our yoyng man or woman, $20.
8l 8. 2th St. -
' NICELY (urnlahad rooma, modern, large;
aultabla (or housekeeping or sleeping. 4U8
W. d at - -
' NICELT furnished cool rooma 1216 S.
1Kb BC
SINGLE room, privata houae, rant cheap.
1818 Chicago St.
NICELY (urnlahad room In omdern boue:
walking distance; private family. ' 8012
2020 Emmet, large room, modern. Phone
Webster 4170.
KLEOANTLY furnished (ront parlor,
first floor, reasonable, 1618 Chicago.
COOL, strictly modern (urnlshed rooms;
$8 to $16 par month. 2628 Capitol avenue. -
LADIES' J1.60 value white waists. 60c
Monday. Scofield' Faxton Blk, W Floor.
NICELY furnished rooma, modern; large
lawn; will furnish for housekeeping (or
desirable party. Phone B 2206. 1624 N. 17tb
COOL, nicely papered housekeeping and
sleeping rooms, cloaa In. 719 8. lUn street.
FRONT parlor, suitable (or one or two,
gentlemen preferred. Red 7H64. 407 N. Uth.
FNRNISIIBD room on parlor floor: suit
able (or two, modern; walking distanue.
rnona Tyier iiai. zuis California street.
FURNISHED room for rent for
housekeeping. 2010 Davenport street.
. TWO small .
Iodge street.
rooma: also parlor. . 1830
KOI Lake 8t
and unfurnished . rooma
FOR gentlemen, nloely furnished room,
walking distance, strictly modern; phone,
tievinu ran; private tamiiy; reierencea re
ulred. 612 N. 30th street
' NICELY furnished rooma mndnrn 714
. ivtn avenua ' ,
FURNISHED room for rent; modern.
191$ N. 24th street, upstairs; Web. 4688.
. NICELY furnlahed room, modern, pri
vate entrance. 216 N. 23d atreet
ROOM, 83.50; private;
K 8. seth street
modern cottage.
LR(Jhl front parlor, elegantly furnished:
modern, clone In; laundry, light and oook-
;is gas rurnisned; reierencea; lie month.
THREE rooma, partly furnished; water,
" "u rara, su. vti a. mm Ave.
NICELY furnslhed rooms for gentlemen;
viuvw in. sjq r . inn.
NICW furnished "rooma 624 N. 20th. Tel.
neo. Yii
NICELY furnished front room, close In;
waeru. sue XN . m&
( MODERN, per month, breakfast if pre.
leered. 1402 N. 20th at.
ONE single room, 11.60 week; front par-
""a- uu uougiaa.
FURNISHKn riuimi 11 mnii tK iu,' nuinlh
for gentlemen: also first floor parlor (or
young ladles at U per week; gas, running
water, telephone, laundry and pressing
Mti. a-.y ink. j uarnay
''LADIES' 21.50 value white waists, 60o
Monday. fcScofieiU's Paxtou Blk,. 2d Floor.
HoiMPkeislag (teems.
I OR 8 nicely furnished front rooma; main
floor; oompleta for housekeeping. 2018 Dav
enport ONE extra large front room; large cloeet;
fcewly furnished for housekeeping; oath;
Phone; 110; walking distance, wil Caldwell.
Web. 10.
TWO large, modern, shady, oool, rooms,
Including refrigerator, gas range, washing
utanulla 107 North 2oth Street
LIGHT, well (urnlshed housekeeping
rooma; gas range and bath. Inquire third
(loos.. 1616 Howard.
SUITABLE (ur dressmaking. 817 N. tttn
TWO housekeeping rooms. 614 S. 2?d.
MODERN, clean, airy rooms in (lne resi
dence. Close In. 2104 Webster St.
FRONT room and bark parlor for light
housekeeping; ground floor; modern. 2lt
TWO newly papered housekeeping rooma
13. 418 No. 17th.
FRONT and bark rooma for sleeping or
nouseaseping. ioiS liarney.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; reasonabla 614
a ua.
"MODl-RN housekeeping rooma; good
neighborhood; walking dlaiance. &t3
TO young couple. modern rooms, un
furnlahed or partly furnished. 16J0 M St.,
ONE or two rooms complete for hous.
Keeping: ic oz ana gaa uu Dougiaa
NICELY furnlahed modem front hou
keeping rooms; other rooma close In. 647
a. Hut ava
TWO modern houaakeeplng rooms.
M04 Davenport.
TWO or three rooma, furr.lshed oompleta
toy housekeeping; modern. Hue Farnam;
gaa ana iiuens lurnisuea.
.SUITE of large, nandaomaly furnlahed.
cool rooma; modern, shade, walking dis
tance; iu ana evt av ulo.
LARGE rooms, also light housekeeping
rooma Kit iwwiia
FRONT parlor and dining room fer tight
'housi-keephig. " roniplele. sue South toih
at. let. liainey wis,
LARGS dl-ilng room and kitchen; house
keeping; modern, to t. rim
FOUR furnlahed or unfurnished rooma In
modern brtck building: good neighborhood
aiid within walklug diatauoe. all H. mil St
TWO furnlahed roams, mod era.
lug Miami stu
TWO modern housekeeping rooma 4u8 S.
Kth Ave. i
PARLOR floor of two or three rooma (or
oiierie..iir(i oouillcly furnished, so 8.
ca ,
HoaaekaeplaaT Kexa Caavtae4.
MODERN light housekeeping rooms. SOU
. Mary s Ava
TWO rooms for light housekeeping; mod
ern. U D. 2th.
TWO nice rooms; gas range, laundry
privileges. Farnam.
KITCHEN and bedroom in basemeDL U
per week. 1H17 Dodge.
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping; modern. 4244 Harney tt.
NICELY furnlahed. all moderat. reason-
abla u 6. lath St
THREE modem furnlahed housekeeping
rooma an suite. 1122 Chicago.
TWO nlca oool rooms for bousakaaplnx.
2ti21 Harney. Harney 2L ,
STRICTLY modern room, oompleta for
housekeeping. Hi S. 2ath.
THREE rooma. gag raiga
U0t Oraca
ROOMS for light housekeeping, (1 N. 17th
TWO modern front rooms, furnlahed com
plete, refrigerator ana sewing macnina
207 N. 26th SL
TWO front rooma, housekeeping, small
rooma. 2U12 LeavenworTh.
REDUCED rates; furnished housekeeping
rooma, all modem; shade treea; all out
side rooms, 12.60, Z.?6, II 20S3 Burt Bt
Tel. 44V2 Doug Inn.
TWO rooms, 17;
2 rooms, $10; modern.
262S Capitol Ave.
THREE nicely furnlahed housekeeping
rooma 41U N. 2Hth Ave.; cheap If taken at
onoe. Call 1210 Dodge St (or Information.
BUMMER suits to order 117.60. reduced
from 1. MaeCarthy-Wllaon,i804 S. leih St.
2111 DOUGLAS, Deelrable parlor, oom
pleta (or houaekeeptng; lee box, gas, eto;
reasonable. v
THREE nicely furnished rooma: modern.
with new piano. 266 St Mary's Ave.
TWO rooms, bath, furnished complete for
housekeeping; modern j 24 floor. 642' N. 2d.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms: modern, reaa-
onabla 262 Capitol Ava
TWO nice front rooma. 1421 Dodge
TWO funniahed housekeeping: rooma aaa
sink, refrigerator; no children, eft S. Utb,
8UITS5 of houaakeeplng rooma, newly pa-
pared; modern, walking dletanas. 2uU
HOUSEKEEPING rooma lit 8. 24th St
FURNISHED rooms for- light housekeep
ing. U4 8. 17th Ava
MODERN rooma
2210 Harney St Red
Suits. 616 N. 20th.
single or on
CLEAN, coot rooms; . housekeeping al
lowed. 201S Harney
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
TWO auitas of housekeeping rooms, mod
ern; referencea alls Chicago.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma; furolahad. 228
Capitol Ava.
FOUR rooms, furnished complete for
housekeeping; no children; ana rsierenoea
104 N. 40th.
THREE furnished light housekeeping
rooms, bog n. 16th Ht.
FOUR unfurnished ground-floor rooms;
modern, except heat; close in; rent, $12.00.
131 8. 26th Ave. )
llafaratafced ttavaaaa.
TH RGB-ROOM modern except heat UM
fi. 12th St.. 'phone Douglas iotW.
THREE atrtotly modem rooma, unfur
nished, (or light houaakeeplng. 4768 N. 24th
- FOUR nice housekeeping rooms: Jll N
4th Bt, near Cuming; prloe 812.60. Apply at
offica 1714. Webster Bt.
MODERN. 8 rooms, 810 unfurnished. 846
8. 36th St. -
FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern, close
In; Sua Webster ttu
UNFURNISHED, roomu modern.
tth 8t Harney 4348.
(14 &
THREE nice rooma. water end gaa 27
per month. 2102 N. 27th 8t Tel. B-aai.
Apartaueata ,a Flats.
vrT.TCnANT 1- 4 and i-room apartments
Btreblow Terrace. . w eoater
Cornish Apartments
S. E. Corner 11th and William
Thla location la one of the beat in the
city, surroundings very pleasant Free from
noise, dirt and traffic, making It a vary
deali&bIB place to live. Convenient to whole
sale district. All Farnam cara pass. Fine
(uilHh and every modern convenience, in
cluding steam heat janitor service and auto
garage, one apartment left lor ana
one (or 8VJ.
1320 Farnam Street.
Tela.. Doug. 114; Ind.. A-MK4.
ly Cass St., lu-room brick; modern; 860.
itii? lwev Ave.. 7-room brick t modern
nak finish: nvarlv new: verv choice: 246.
2411 newsy Ave., good a-room nnoa i moo-
em; ;.
una M. JKth St.. new R-room. Bt. I-onl
buck; oak finish, a swell apartment; 8H.A0.
2716 Jackson St., good s-roora onca; raoa
rn; ;.
112 N. rrtn St., e rooms; moaern; sis.
A23 B. th St., J-room brick; 111.
Phnlce 4-room apartments: every modern
convenience; walking dlatance; nearly new
brick, 821 S. 24tn t. ta.
Third 6'loor New York Ufa.
17TH AVENUE AND JACKSON ST. I'nui Rlucka From buiauti Center.
2, a aua 4-room apartraeiits wun iuurr
rooma. laraa bath, wardrobe, refrigeration,
heat gaa rangea, filtered water, lanltor
servioe and vacuum cleaning. Most euin
pleie apartment houae in Omaha, Every
thing new, clean ana attnuniva
1801 Farnam St I'hon Douglas 76a
602 8. 26tb St. brand new a-room Bt Loui
hnrk. uk (lulah. J0-
24)2 Dewey Ave., choice 2-room, modern
brick: excellent location. 8JD.
OARVIN BROS.. 8d Floor, N. Y. Wfs.
NEWLY papered 8-room flat; modern,
except heat; $18. 11S08 N. 8Mb St Conrad
Young, 1618 Dodge Street
SERVANTS prvblem solved; 8 rooms con
denaed into 6; elratn heat; electrlo light and
laundry; hot and nr-ld water; wail bed, aafa,
gaa atova, rf rlgerator; Janitor eervloa The
Hunter, 86th and Dodga Tat Dougiaa 4128.
FUKNISrI "CD apartment of 8 rooma. flrat
floor; modern plaue; talepbono, Ota 2u0i St
Mary's Ava
VERY beautiful apartment West Far
nam dlstrWt; modern and oompleta Par
line at Woloott, U Brandeia Theater.
I AT 80th and Famam, 6-room (lat strictly
goodern, IM per sovulh. Tel. Uarnay 2u.
2-ralahed Heaaea ss4 Flats.
It rama, completely furnlahed, near Field
Ul Bi
Trade Bldg. Tel. D. 4: Ind. A-2049.
elegantly furnished apartment, evnry I
moden convenience. Inrludinv ainiun hM.t I
and Ato garaga Cornish aparUnenta
AliNAM &MIT1I & CO..
- I
1 raxnam street.
19 IOOM& all nloelv furnlMhed. near Ktb
andjfamey streeta Lease 1 year or longer.
v- yvi iiiuuiii.
uuvmi. ward m 4 vuui OL. I
BUITMER Suits tA ordar H7.Su. reduoed I
from!. MaoCarthy-Wllson, 204 B. lvth St
fN-ROOM furnished modern home,
j,. ...... ... i .
yearim per month; lawn, shade, barn ate.
IVtirr4ariaB V-kaaaa f ilna Kl.wiU aAn rsm A AAm I
.jT ..;j r''A "'I'"1
M-. ru,..
Klght-roorn, modern, fin condition.
Farnam nl.tHnt
2414-Elght-room. modern. Field olub dla-
trlct) I
Elght-room. modern houae. at 2814
Chafles St, large yard with plenty of flue
W120-8SH Burt St.. eight-room, modern
S"L,tS?' ""XH not water heat
tal urn v a,i.. n. riu.m..m
tarTk at .nw . '
W ii'u " .V" . j.. U
l-t3 Emmet atreat; seven-room house,
In fine condition: UUlet gas and city water;
larre toi; a Dargain.
lib Ril KfVA.Vnnm iuitfnir. nnrtlu . 1
lurM lot; sii(i rii Ht - I
212-For four nloa rooms, with hath I t
toilet: 1218 N. lth St.
117 6A I.war Kt T.uilu U( . )A 1
Leavenworth; S rooms.
Peters Trust Co.
N. Y. Life.
FOR RENT Juat completed-. Hew. elesrant
8-room all modern brick house. It has 8
rooms, with an extra room on the third
(lour provided with hot and cold water (or
the servant besides a neat room (or stor
age. This house is beautifully finished rn
quarter-sawea oak, latest nickel plumbing,
ana a penecx iiiue asm. Bee it. iu in.
tut Ht.
i win aiao nave aoverai nice. new. prick I
occupancy In a few dava.
Tfcey are located on the oomer of 20th
and Davenport streets, right in the beat
residence section of the city; these houses
are especially well built. They have eight
rooms wivn aoauionai servants ana store
rooms on the third floor.
'tZ ."L .k
i: .lMT ar,uP-
bath room for the aarvan
stantlally and elegantly finished In hard
wood with mantel, book eaaea eto. In fact.
there la nothing better on the market See
them ana you win want ona For price,
appiy w m. uacaman, aw r ax ion hik..
Phono Red-2m Residence Phone, Doug.
408 N. 26TH ST.
m rooma mini.
1 rom' modern except
, a rooms, modern except
beat $21.
40S N. 26th St,
beat 823.
1010 Jones St, 8 rooms, all modern, $26.50,
8406 Ames Ava. 8 rooma modern. 210.
4120 N. 88th Ave., a rooma all morinm.
8646 California, $ rooms, all modern, $21
2218 Maaon St. rooma. all modern. LIS.
8227 Fowler Ave.. 1 rooma mndnrn uiwnl
heat, $17.
1108 S. 22d Bt, rooma, modern except
423 Bee Bldr.
Phones Douglas 4764. Independent A-17M.
$22.60 NICE two-story 8-room home.
moaern except furnace; has four
rooma below and five rooma above;
nlr. Inontion anrf .ly.u- I. l
nice location and dose
in. 706 N.
30th St
$42.60 10-room all modern brick flat
rooming house. 812 N. loth.
ROBINSON It WOLF, 43S Pax ton Block
82$ Park ave.
Fine 8-room, etrlctly modern house: evrv
room in fine repair; house Is nearly new;
rent only $46. 4 '
' iui eui xiuor n. I. uia Bldg. I
$08 No. 21st St. Everything modern and
up-to-date, tile veatlbula tile bath room.
oak floors and finish, owner furnishes gas
stove, muuury stove ana winaow snaaes.
X.00K tnia up it is a big bargain.
Sola AgenU. 8th Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg.
Uet ratM At OfClCa. TWO TOW in nunra
savav. ' I
8-r. 83d and Mason.
.'.k.kT.u ,
' h . ' o L". 1 . A""""-
wall ' I
; x . . .
a-r., jttn ana A st, south Omaha, new
After Aug. 1 City National Bldg
1818 N. S6TH ST., 4 rooma, $18.
16ttf Yatea St.. 7 rooma. modern. 8W.K0.
3228 8. 23d St. two-story, containing 6-room
modern flat on flrat floor and 8-room
modern fla.t nn sanond tri,w ,i,,m I. .... .
splendid arrangement for two families; will
redeoorate; 840 for both flats.
12 S. 27th St. i-room modern 8t Louis
iiut, too. CO.,
ai2 Braridola Theater.
628 8. 86TH AVE., 8 rooms. $30.
14) Pinkuuy St., 8 rooms, $27.aO,
2-Jol Farnam St., 8 looina, $.10.
V.'2 S. 36th Ave,, 7 rooma, $1$.
3650 Farnam St., 8 rooms, $26.
Call and get lint and auminer prions,
F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St.
B-ROOM modern houae, vary fine; $17.00.
avu mFiv. vj uuv uuor.
HOUSEd. Insurance. RUigwalt
1 beater Bldg.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
cheap freight rntee; moving and storing.'1 1 l.llv.rv 'P-l l
ncum !.,.. .
wyn Bwy-iiii-w unua uouas,
Capitol Ava Tel. Doug. 418.
WUVIIh H.WUIH ..l. IV W. k M Uati.
. . I . fi' 1 .1 a
f-KOOM houae, modern except furnata
BmU iMvaiipori eikt, . ei. tMug.
8-ROOM cottage, Just north of Bemlg
park, near Harney car. Both combination
gaa and electrlo light barn, south front lot
4UX1W, laying nice, uiuy 82, iw. vv. ti. Uatua,
844 N. x. Life. Phoue u. 14.
OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move,
tore household gooda; aiorehouae, U20-24 N.
mo; onica us a. itn au leu uuugiaa 1668.
houses ln a v1
UUUOUO Craigh Bona 4k
of tho city.
Co., Be Bldg
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 278 Capitol
Ave.: bath) good plunioltig, good repair;
nearly new, eu, Mia
NINE-ROOM modern detached brick. 1414
Bherwooa Aval 4JU. raiiaraon, iims Far
nam M.
10-r, Mo4 641 8. Sid St, $0.
12-r., mod., 418 8. Uth Ava. $68.
18-r., mod.. $l a lid Bt , $76.
FRED 8. HADUA, 6u0 N. Y. L. D. 4134.
ONE 8-roov , new, brick house, just com
pleted, all modern; combination fixture.
$11 No. 2ist St.; $68.
C. M. BACH MAN N. 4M Paxton Block.
Office 'phone; R. 26U8; Ueelaence. D. 8U8C
VERY choice 8-room bouse .entirely mod
ern; hardwood finish; (our bed rooma and
Bleeping porch: tlia bath room; looated In
Field club district; south and weat ex
poaure; $ud. peters Trust Co., N. Y. Llta
211$ CHICAGO, $ rooma. mod., $30.
7l$ N. 22d. 1 rooma, mod., $16. i
Rltiewalt Brua. Mraxvdala Iheatex Bid.
Moweea sva Catlagrea Ceatlaaea
8152 Ames Ave., 4 rooms, city water, 87 60.
8164 Ames Ave., second floor, 6 rooms.
partly modern, only 110. '
110 ' Ftanfonl circle, s rooma, moaem ex-
cept neat nIca cttage home. J19,
1646 S. 27th, 7 rooma, all modern, including
-J inu
,.i t . c n i y.
i Yates. 7 roomsT all modern except
!... , -
iw isara, I rooma, niouoni nuuaev "
Ifln. t en I
PI14 Hamilton, large, n-rornn nnuse, line -
lv... .11 mnHpn .rnt tIM
22; Famam. flat 4, 7 rooms, all modem,
lOnlV ImI
S2i N. 26th St.. I rooms, atrtotly modern. I
naai.1v fc19 I
oc in., ' ci. ' a vnnma all nwwrn fin. I
larse barn. 235.' '
modern home, near Field olub, house In fine
4103 'lifayette Ave., 8-room strictly .
. . .... I
noma, corner lot, w. .
vxw p arnajii, I rv.iiu, iiiuuctu, ftv, i
v . . '-""-.
um u fth a M rnoma. mnd.rn
In, W.
oirvr timrpwrrv . lit atcp
Sole Aeonta. oth Floor N. Y. Life Bid.
irooraj, moaem except neav, ioug-
7'roon, modern, at 1S26 N. 40th St. 230.
8 rooms, modern exoept heat 2164 8. a4th
7 rooms, modern new, 3315 Dodgo St., S4S.
12 rooms, strictly modern, 61 8. 22d St.
W. . ' . ...
' rooms in ner annex, a. loin oi., neai,
L.. ..i... t..,ni-A j7 cm
" TA . 'T.. ., ""'" V'V v...
" "7""." JIV
u rooms, atrictlv modern. 204 Harnev St..
practloally new, aH oak finish, everything
In excellint condition. Sultablo for high
olass rooming- houe, ISO. .
.r . l 1 O n . V. . I
i .v, I
IT?!. JlVl ii inii TanWinn Ri
Ifirnnci' A. fnupANV mm Vanam Bt.
. " . .
8610 Jones St., 8-r, all mod. 826.50.
aw No. 2Kth Mt, 5-r., mod. ex. neat "
4U No. 26th St, 6-r mod. ex. heat $23.
845 Ames Ave., 8-r. mod. $10.00
4128 No. 26th Ave., 6-r., all mod, $22.50.
im California. 8-r.. all mod.. $25.00.
2212 (Mason St, 9-r., all mod. $.16.00
8827 Fowler Ave.. 7-r., part mod., $17.00
lioo 8. 22d St, -r., mod. ex. heat $26.
lwr Dothrop Bt, e-r., an mod. w.
Indicates water paid by owner.
nn n att.i a
J Houses to Let
XTrt A1A "M V)A at ft rwim m U mrarlarn
very oeelrable. $47.60.
-No. 1306 B. aftth Ave.. 8 rooma. modern
barn. 835.03.
No. Iitt2 N. 27th St., 7 rooma, ls.OO.
1330 Farnam Street
2217 N. lth St (boulevard), splendid 7-
room dwelling; oak finish and every con-
v,nlence; ,nap at 830.
SJL81- ood' 7 room,' bftth' tc':
anao at 222.60.
iu? ft. 27th St. nils a-room nouae la Do
ing painted and repaired, leotrio lights,
etc., ana ia a umf, i.9u.
8814 Charles St., 7 rooma modern; tai.W.
8707 Caldwell Bt, 6-room collage; ild.ow.
8408 Capitol Xv.. f rooms (aecond floor)
Nortneast comer ami
rooma: citv water: newly papered; $18.
-IT -
8601 Blondo, 8-room cottage; city water;
Third Floor New York Life.
S-ROOM cottage, clone In, $10.
1 rooms, brand' new, on Ca'pitol Ave.,
Li0,, t 835 00
I ClOSO in, JO. W.
U68 New York Life Bldg.
'Phone Red li.
8 rooiu ; city water on both floors, well
TJm ; 7. T -wi ,.,..7 Lk at xtai D.
and clatarn. buitahi tor two lamiuea
catur and 1718 North 24th and make aa
wi want to rant them. Nowata
t A. T.t r... lis N. X. Life 2Mi
Phono Boo una,
8412 Parker St, 6 rooms. $16.00.
8M6 Poppleton Ave., 6 rooma, $20.00.
JOHN N. KH.JN,, bow -nones.-
SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduoed
from $26. MacCarthy-Wilson, 804 8. Uth St
Houses, flats. Garvin Broa 8d floor N, Y. L.
aan-M MA.n n.rl-ar tti rrt itiKawl gtiim.
Ma nm InnvaP. KaVU. HISaiai J arkCxUlil.
" " " ' " '
FOR RENT -rootn cottage, bath, good
Plumbing, hara pin. riman. snaa. yeea.
a '
Suite 824 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Had
8. 86th Ava 'Phone Dougiaa 4687.
MODERN 8 room house, $18 South 36th
avenue. 'Phone Doug. taxi.
FOR RENT -room house, strictly moa
em, at 2212 Maaon 8t wui oe vaoatea
July ltt. Doug. 3218.
2828 CHARLES, 7-R MODERN, $26.
rtlKNIX Tnuel uu
iNium. comoieieiy intKiwit, imiuMimi
l.. ' i -iiKi. orio tixd annlv! no
Sin inTaV M M
ohtldren. 217 8. 26th. D. W7.
7-ROOM, all modern, except heat 217.00.
Phone Webater 4060.
HOUSES, rata.
Oarvln Bros., $d floor
N. Y. L.
FOR RENT 3208 Charles
street, six
room, modern except heat, half block
Harney ear line. Apply 3210 Hamilton s
B.nrvt .11 mwn 14th and Beward
I 1 - .
bt, lniuire at 2uo2 Cuming street, -fnune
Harney 628.
8-room modern house, 2407 Jonea St.,
8-room houae, modern except furpaoa, 2642
Davenport St, $26.
hs JLZXT TL.A2Jlh.,r i
K.i . . .... ..Hw.n.u.. . i uuin.a n nr ..uv
JOHN W. BOBBINS. U02 Farnam Street
PLOSB-IN. I-room modern brick. 418 So,
Sflth St. $46.00. U D. Spauldlng, Omaha
Nat l Bank, Doug. Z30.
8-r., mod., except heat $2000.
7-r., mod. except heat, $8.00.
7-r., mod. house, $36.00.
6-r. house, $U 60.
4-r. house, $10.00
Come to J. L Duff,
2312 L Street
Bouth Omaha, Nob.
10M S. 8()th Ava. .wall 6-room apartment.
strictly modern and up to dale, large rooma,
oak rininn, in so. .
Sol AgenCa. 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
Farnam 81 T lroome. etrlctly modern
Sol Agenta.' $th floor, N. Y. Life Bldg
HANDSOME 8-room oottage, lawn. hade,
cluiern. cement cellar, elty waver, $1 60,
814 South 40th. Leavenworth oar.
$ ROOM house, strictly modern, $38. 2T38
Popploton Ave.
8U66-8 rooma strictly modern, 1Mb 3.
xii ktf
and Cettagee Ceatlaaed.
S-ROOM cottage, close In, $10.
5 rooma. clear In. 112.60.
7 rooms, brand new. on Canltol Ave..
close in, 2.
6.' New York Life Hide.
'Phone Red 19a.
7 ROOMS, modern axoept heat; newly pa-
tS "d. P?' L18 Leavenworth ttt.
v"'- - . ,
. - -' y
apartment 1917 Clark. 110.
8-rooni apartment 1H17 Clark, 89.
4-room apartment, city water, toilet, 812. 60.
(-room apartment, 1U8 N. 17th, 811.
i-. M. vwhmin, 43 Faxton Block.
'Phono Red 8U; Realdenos Doug. 608,
FOR SALE Brick bars at 2118 8. 824 Bt,
Itawaai mm Offleaa.
B"-"Meew, wan ninwo, mt sn w
fifo7. rnJm r.iii w nth at Sa nmaha.
t.).9? S4th St., So. Omaha.
V-1 ."nl)
Ptore about 22x80 feet Hotel Rome
" StS'tot
i.vSJr1" ,t decoltea to ult tenn-
ajfd'jLkaZ St. f. aimw windows irood
"""wfth 'ffeiaht Zlt Heat ?u
SKhS? Prio'on antL
r.t ( ,iMnJr im u.m.v nt Itmf
i nree-story buiwinif, ims Harney si., just
of the City National bank building.
lf.xl feet. Fine show window, electrlo ele-
Irr" ...ul,,-"l Prac.ia 1?.new n1 n
V-i m Tp mnt h S ii R ih St
K , 2' ?S n.? m
WiZa V.. iii a
" . ...... .j ,
?XWJ ?t entrance from Farnam street
Lease four to (lye years. 2' per month.
"Vf11;?3 COMPANY,
u smiiu mrroi.
STORE for rent In Wead Bids.. Uth and
F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St.
Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and
meat tnarnet, with fixtures compute; no
equaL Tisara Block. Apply 20 N. 234 St
We offer for rent ths one-
story and basement brick store
room at 914 Farnam. TLia prop
erty has trackage facilities is
rear. Apply
17th and Farnam.
FOR RENT about Sept 1: central loca
tion, one ol best business towns of Ne-
braaka; modern store building,
door space; now bulldlngfsulla
Prtment stora Addresg Y 146.
10.0V0 leet
table for de-
$12.00 Large office room on lUth St., opp.
p, q.( No. g, Crounse Blk.
. wounao oik. . . . ,
r j S.T ' s" .
408 Brandels Annex.
Mr mt V T inuTcll Minn t a ' ......
carter Sheet aieiai woraa,
MODERN ateam-heated storeroom and
baaement, 18th and Farnam Stu., IXa.
JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1MI2 Farnam Street
$20.00 Nice large storo room, good for
Daruer unop, pool room, tailor shop,
eio.. him . luin rst.
ROBIN .SON U WOLF, 436 Paxton Block
DESIRABLE office rooms in Webster
Sunderland Building, 16th and Howard Sts.,
i rwuiuiiauie priuea
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St
DESK room In choicest brand new build
"'K privilege of praotlcally the whole
BUije ""eluding tne private office, telephony
an ,Ulr message taken care of. Drop
Dl "ca ja-io ueo.'
SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced
from $26. MacCarthy-Wilson, 804 S. 16th St
SUITE of rooma In Baldrlae A Wead
Blag., xotn ana f arnam; 1,200 square feet.
r. nitAii, loui carnam bt.'
Second hand pieces as follows:
Ona flat top walnut desk,
Ona 18 Drawer 8x6 drawer case.
One waist basket
Five offica chairs.
One rug.
17th and Farnam
WALL case; 10 feet long, (or sale cheap.
A. xneoaore, wn a. mui.-
Maaloavl laatraaaeata.
FIRST CLASS PIANO for sale or trada
I W. F, Shear, 4M ana Francia
, , . r .... r . ... . ... . .....
oiuiaiu nan omow, oaixu, A.u
PUUR Mttoliedi full octave; leaving
n,. h .old nr ira.UH rr Ln
J "
I Typewriters.
BUY an L. C. Smith 4s Broa. Typewriter.
B. F. Swan son Co., Distributers, 1412
Farnam St.
XOU can r
an OLIVER type
WRITER with oak stand, $3 monthly, from
manuiaoiuis... v.. ...... ...
I ,i..n vlvall.
vr,. ,
Oliver Typewriter Co., Douhl(!as29i8.
Tmovritpra fnr lipllt ALL Mi
Xypewnten lUr IXKUi B y w
m r arnain ou, vwu.
i i -
SECOND-hand typewriters sold, reoalred
Central Typewriter Exohangs. 1807 Farnam.
1 . SUMMER suits. toorder $17.60, reduced
I1""" "'""fnuwii, m a. xstn at
I Tii a Vnnnnmv Window Screen w!
""J ,aV, you one-half
IT. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., all kinds of
nun work.
FOR SALE New and second-band billiard
and pool tablea Wo lead the world In cheap
Bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-
ttaiae-4Jollender, 407 8. lOin W.
4A (W (set of cottonwood lumber and
V(v.Vvi fcu.oov brUk (or aala Corneer
vroa, Mtn and Doreaa Hta.
SAF1S.S Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all rlaea and makes; bargaina
American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St
WE HAVE on hand a number of ink
!."' 'th will sell (or M cents each.
at pres. room. Be. F.iblUhiDg Co.
HALL'S safe, new, ad-hand. 1818 Farnam.
TfTR ROY 1 fst urtabl for butcher
wu Jr Mrocr. 'Phone Doug. $2u
Etandard Produu Co,. 418 8. Uth bt
FOR SALE 6.008 abarea Uncle Sam oil
stock, trausferable on company hooka (or
M A. L. Deibei. Plerc Bldg.. Mt
t Mir Atitn Olovea cost 86.00: 1 pair Gog-
glee, cost $1.60 tt.OO for both. Call Red t&A
or 1007 Pierce 8t
DRUGS at cut Drlces: freight paid on all
10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman at
MoConneil Drug Co., omana, eo.
FOR SALE A praotlcally new Walea vis
ible :6 adding machine. Reasonable prloa
Sl Little Bldg., Lincoln.
FOR SALE Ladv'a ticket from Omaha
to Seattle, 20, good until August 8. Ad-
reaa N. 727 11th Ava, So., Fort uodge, la.
A SNAP Complete cigar store fixtures.
all solid oak, stained finish, in good condi
tion. They Include one eighteen ft wall
caee. two ten ft ahow oaaea. one 4 ft ahow
caaa and a tan ft settee. A bargain If
taken at once. Address W. J. Foster, Box
13 Fort Doc re, la.
iri niruirMU gooa as new.
with eoaatar arake, ixx. Harney
JS H. P. GAS ENGINE for aala Web.
Filters Mia aourl Filter COv. U10 Ilowara.
About 40 feet of 28 Inch diumeter No. 20
guuga, galvanised pipe, with four 46-lnah
elbowa and T. Thla was used lor ventilat
ing purpose, and pipe la In good condition.
The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam.
OLD col lection coin for sale; snap. 331
Neville Blk.
SUMMER suits to order 217.50, reduced
from $26. MaoCarthy-Wilsou, 304 S. lth St.
BLACKSMITH tools for sale cheap; com
plete set of blackamiUi tools, guaoline en
gine and all; coat new about :M to 21,000;
will aell (or lees than half price; all in
good order; will be sold prompty. A. A.
Bmlch, Administrator, Ht. Edward, Neb.
Alios Johnson. 808-8 Brandels Theater Bldg.
B. S. PetArson, 618 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Kathryn Nikolas, 634-8 Brandels Theater.
JOHN DE FOX, 830 Brandels Theater.
D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
in u. ts. fat omoe. 618 Faxton Blk. H. roi,
LADIES' 81.60 value white waists. 60c
Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor.
Massage treatment atomach troubla Dr.
Margarita Halloran. 228 Neville Blk. D. 7761.
Rwitrri0 ,rora combings, $1.80. Mrs.
OWUCHeS Mathews, $04 Neville Blc D. 6
HINDOO TABLETS will build.
strengthen. 60c BELL DRUG CO.
LADIES' 31.60 value white waists. 60o
Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor.
MRS, EGGERS' private confinement
home, 1618 Martha St. Omaha, Nab. Tot
Dougiaa 8230. '
Health In every glass AlamiW Lactone.
SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced
from $26. MacCarthy-Wilson, 804 8. lath St
All Chronio Dtseasea
Boston Store, 12o S. 16th.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangsrs are invited to visit the Young
Women s Christian association Buiiaing at
Seventeenth St. and St Mary's Ave., where
thev will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted. Look for our
traveler s aia at tne union station.
LADIES' 31.50 value white walnts, 60c
Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor.
MMfO ALLEN of Chlosgo, baths, salt
glow and maaaage. ltwt Dodge St, oppa
site poatofflca. 8d floor. Tel. Doug. 7M6.
STRICTLY nrlvate homo for confine
ments; excellent care; bable (or adoption.
2618 Davenport
(JVRTWnV3 Rubber gooda by mall; cut
OXXlLlNUXLiO uric-H- Bnd (or fine cat
alogue. MYERS-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha.
LADIES' 31.60 value white walHts, 60c
Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor.'
GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer'a
Adellght Hair Food. Megeath stationery
WB rent and repair all kinds of sawing
machines, ina. a-jscj, uoug. im,
16th and Harney Sia.
Room 8u8 Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th
fioor. elevator entrance. 120 8. 16th St
LADIES' $1.60 value white walHts, 60c
Monday. Scotleld Paxton bik, sa i loor.-
PRlVATE HOME during confinement:
babies tor aaopwoo. owu on.
Urium. 70 1st Ave., Council BluKs, la
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
clothing, in raci, anyunns
We collect repair and aalt at 134 N. Uth
L. nnmt at oollectlou. to the worthy
poor. CaU 'phone Dougiaa 4136 and wagoua
Will oau.
PTT TP3 cured without operation or pain.
XiTiO pr Maxwell. 624 Bee Bldg. D. 1434.
w a si XI Wlf! treatment Mma Sm:th,
M-AUiNlIillU ia g. jtth. Third Floor.
TirTna and toupea for men. orifnth.
LADIES' $150 value white walMta, 60o
Monday. Scofleld'a paxton Blk. 3d Floor.
JOBIB WASHEURN'g book. "The Under,
world Sewer." at all book stores: prloe 31.5a.
MAGNETIC Lrru-'p. iVfott-
EXPERT eblna packer; wedding presents
specialty. U14 Paveaport Ind. W-37H6.
WANTED Summer boardera For par
ticulars addreas Mrs. Chaa. E. Taylor,
Monroe. Neb.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles
peimanently removed by electrlolty; con
aultatlon free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Mlaa A Mender. 824 Bee Bldg.
Dcwcy Ave. Landlord says this about
the Bee want ads:
I used a flv lino want ad in The De to advertise a
bouse I bad to rent Tbe number of Inquiries truly sur
prised me. Could have rented the house a dosen time
over to an extra good class of tenants. Losing a tenant hag
no Urrgrs for ma an wore.
Look for
School and
n tho School and Colleg
i Page ,
WIDOW wnulil Ilka hflim ln country fo
boy 11 years; mother clothes him; good boj
about houtie. Addreas Y 161, cara Bee.
LADIES' 21.50 value white waintu. 6i
Monday. Scofleld's Faxton Blk, 3d Floor.
MKf'HANO-THERAPY. ScJentiflo Mas-
Sage Treatment Biliousness, Rheumatism,
Poor Circulation. Physical culture. Helen-
tlflo baths. Dr. A. 8. Nelson, 2637 Capitol
Ave. 'Phone Har. 64U1.
LADIKS' $1 .60 velue white walxta. 60o
Monday. Hcofleld'a l'axton Blk, 3d Floor.
434-ACRE ranch 30 miles from two ;
larga cities, afford best possible market;
railway atation on land; properly managed,
pays easily $4,000 per . annum net. Prloe
$12,000; dear; want Income property in
Omaha; will put In aome caah or assume.
6S New York Life.
Phone Red 1996.
848 ACRES extra level land, oloao to rail
road. In Boa Butte county. Nebraska: will
exchange (or merchandise; price, 830 per
acre; win carry 4,uuu, a. M. aaompaoai.
Uoldrege. Neb.
DOUBLE apartment houae. 8 rooms each;
one of the ohoioeat locations In Omaha.
Rents $730 per year. Price. $7,000. Want
land or vacant Iota In Omaha.
668 New York Life Bldg.
WB can trade anything, amywharo.
D. 8068. 421 Boo.
WILL exchange 180 acres of the beat corn
land In Iowa, fo.' good Omaha Inooma prop
erty, or will consider a modern home aa
part payment Addresa Welsh Martin,
410 N. 84th St, South Omaha, Neb.
Will trade good a action of firat-olaas
farming land for a general merohandlee
stock. Prloa, $13.60 per aero. Holme In
vestment Co., Kimball, Neb. .
147 ACRES Morrill Co., Neb., clear. You
know laad in this leoality la selling at $76
per acre oaah. Will trad for realdaaoa In
e8 w YorkTjfe Bio - .
Phono Red 18118.
WE handle exchanges of properties of
merit HARJiY H. CULVER, WJe-814 H, X.
Life Bldg. Phono Douglas 7666.
820 acrea North Dakota land, free of in
ounibranoa, for guod Omaha pixaiarty.
Phone Harney 133ik
BEAUTUTUL apartment building, Cincin
nati, O. Colonial architecture, new, mod
ern. Price $160,000. Mortgage $66,000. Net
rental about $10,000. Will exchange equity
(or (arm or land. Might assume. Phil. Q.
Bond, 68 Dearborn, CJhloago.
dred thousand acrea coming on market
monthly aa ranchmen's leases expire; (or
sale by the state. $1.00 to $6.00 per acre;
terms, hi down; balance 40 years; good
(arming and fruit lands. Send 6c postage
for further information. Journal Publish
ing Co., Houston, Tex.
SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced
from $36. MaoCarthy-Wllson, 304 8. )6th St.
PROPERTY In Nebraska to exchange for
property in or near Portland, Ore. J. B.
Seeley, Portland, Ore.
Fine Omaha realdenoe of 10 rooms thor
oughly modern; hot water heat; completely
and handsomely fumlvhed; 60x160 feet of
ground; desirable location; street paved and
paid; would consider good Iowa or Ne
braska (arm and might put in $6,000 to $8,000
cauli or assume mortgage. Price $12,000.
Ill Bd. Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam Su.
Telephones: Doug. 42. Ind. A 2049.
$3,500 Stock of Hardware :
Good corner store building and nloe resi
dence in good eastern Nebraska town (or a
good small (arm near some good town.
8-room modern house, small barn, large
lot on paved atreot in good residence) dis
trict, (or land and caah.
Owner of one of the best residence in
the Hansoom Park dlntrict going to make a
change and will exchange this fin real
dunce for good land.
Large double brick house, 8 rooms each
and modern; well located on paved street
In good rvidnce district Owner wants cot
tage, IT. 000 to $3,600.
Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha
IMPROVED corn, alfalfa and stock farm
4K0 acrea. Want Merchandise, hardware, or
Implements. No band. Price $00.00 per aura
D. B. Huff, Ord, Neb.
TO EXCHANGE Two No. 1 furnished
hotels, $38,000; mortgage $!,000; will tak
clear farm or land (or equity; goes to
gether or separately. Addreea Y 278, Bee,
I WANT Information about a good grain
or stock farm (or sale; 1 know of over 1.000
buyers, willing to pay your prloe: I can
Ull you iiow to find them; write me about
it and let's see If ww can close up a deal.
Address, at onoe, Arthur Capper, Dept 2'j, 1
Topeka. Kan.
Three clear lots well located and about
$6,600 secured shcrt time notes; owner
moving east; want cheap clnar land or
will exchange notes for city property. Ad
dreas owner, E 40, Bee.
FOR evening funotlona full dress Is tba
rule, and to get It mad right aee k.d Tbie
Tallor. 718 8. Uth ft
J4 !
' V I
. V-'
t i.
4 f
5 5
ft f