D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 17, 1910. cJ ALL TOGETHER) y i. 1 . ii. i ni I 1 vV I i 1 o , cd i POM--3 Ey ry - bo dy Reads Bee Want Ads i' HELP WANTED FEMALE Ml oatlaaeri. WANTED Women of good ' education and appearance house to house demon strators. Must be conscientious, energetic and willing to travel. straight salary, permanent work, good opportunity. Ex perience not (necessary. Apply 8 aw m., Mon de y. R. L. Klo. Grand hotel. Council Uluff. WANTED Good live young lady for cigar clerk In hotel stand; must he alive and awake; If Interested give reference and prevent salary in first letter. Addreea W. J. Foater, -Box. 13t, Fort Dodge, la. LADIES 61 to 13 mad dally collecting titmu; no canvassing; -particulars . for stamp. .Golden Rod Co., Dwpt. U,- Beaton Harbor. Mich. WANTED Lady to travel in Nebraska; good pay and tailor mad suit' In 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. E. Mcbrady. Co., Chi cago. LADIES' II. GO value white wahrts, 50c Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor. r i i . ' , ; r 'i HELP WANTED MALE Areata, Saleaaaea - Solicitors. WANTED A good hustling subscription olid tor . to go on the, road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The .Bee Publishing Co. ' WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high grade Irrigated vineyards In the famous. Pecos Valley of Texas on Installment plan. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO., HAMLIN, TEX. AGENTS make 600 per cent Profit selling our UOLD WINDOW LETTERS. NOV ELTY SIGNS and ctvaiigeabln signs. 00 Varieties. Enormous Demana.. catalogue free. SULLIVAN CO., 12J4 Van Buren t.. Chicago, 111. : , , A HIGH class Hosiery Concern requires a ' few more Intelligent . and ambitious re presentatives to canvass fine line of hosiery to the better clases. (fold, only through our agents (no stores); liberal commission; muku n nei-manent. orofltable business: i no free samples); experienced agents; men preferred. Krossknlt Mrg. Co.. iept. da, 1.8 East 127th Street, -New York. $r.K0 average made by our AGENTS last week. You can do as well, even better. Wilson writes, ''best money getter 1' ever saw." Mrs. Judson says. -".Making . dally.". Nothing like it oftered ror Men or Women, bend today for free Information. Uould Specialty Co., Hennen Bldg., New Orleans. AOENT&-840 weekly selling our Sun Ray Mantle Burners: . 10 times brighter than sja; defy competition. Investigate, Sim plex Gaslight Co., Vi Para itow, JMew iora. CHEWING GUM. sell to dealers In your town; clean, . profitable business built up quickly with our brands; four, flavors; novel- packages. Writ today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. - . MANUFACTURERS agents having office and working force, are offered ."crack" line fast selling electrical ana other household articles. Progressive selling helps. Absolute-control. No risk. CHESWiCK SALES CO., 1 Liberty St., New York.' - WANTED Agent Legitimate subsltute for slot machines; patented;' sells oa sight tor $1.00. Particulars. Gisha Company, And erson, Ind. . ......... 1 AGENTS Men or women your chance; big seller, 200 per cent profit. "Anti-Window Rattle;" Just out. Send 6o for sam ples and terms. RALPH HYMANN. 1103 Manhattan Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y. SALESMEN wanted. Sell grocers, drug gists, confectioners; $125 monthly and ex penses. California Cider A Extract . Co., ISO Lefflngwell, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS earn $23 to $50 weekly selling latest styles exquisitely braiaea emDroiuery waists and orlncess dresses, various novel ties; catalogue free. National Importing Co., desk D, 6U9 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN calling on the shoe trade. I have a good side line and can be carried your i ,ii, uJ'Mi ... nonunions.' A. W. Thoma, Mineral Point, Wle. SALESMEN IX) YOU WANT TO BET TKR your present salary? Have you 10 mlnutea a day you could put to use 7 If so, da you want to make i to $26 a day with a atrlctly new proposition, carried as a side line? Pocket sample. Exclusive terri tory. Get Into.communicatton with us quick, American Novelty Co., btatlon B, W ater- loo, la. , STATE manager wanted: If you can In torcst aood man to enter into a contract with us that you yourself .would and if a high class remunerative and permanent proposition that will grow better all the time Interests you, write us fully, giving references. Pttner Gasoline .Lighting Co., 13 Michigan St., Chicago.- 4- SALESMEN wanted to sell lots In our new seaside harbor city on the Pacific ocean. Square deal for buyers and . big money for you. write me now. erank p, Cleveland, WW Adams Express Bldg., Chi oago, 111. ' ; SUMMER, suits' to order $17.10, reduced from $26. MaoCai lhy- llaon, 804 S. Will St. I'LL START YOU in a big business give you credit; fascinating, work; easy; even amateurs inane to su a ua. cnan , man, Jdifli , made its tlrst day. l,ee. Ok la., made $.1000 and built - home in one year. Our new -aalea plan creating sensation. Men, women write today for particulars. C. E. Swartibaugh. Boa . TolKlo, U.V . SALESMAN as local ma.uagr,to handle Forniacone, the formaldehyde dlxlniecior; lOO.dOO In use; also complete line formalde hyde tumlgatork. dlelnfctanta, floor oil, sanitary sweeping compounu, lm,ctiCiue ' and aaiiltury supplies; goods used by United States government, N. V. Central R. It. and Pennsylvania R. R. ' This territory open. The Fvnnacoiitt Co., 60 Churoli SL. New York. WANTED Threa high-grade salesmen that do things to present a first-class prop osition to business men in an intelligent manner; pooiilon permanent and good puy to flrsl-ciaa men. Call Monday. 11. VV. Curtis, W'V Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to' aull shares, Omaha companies we incorporated; beutniiers taught, good ' pay. Promoter. (10 paxton block. - AGENTS WANTED To handle a piece of . art work. Something every one buys. Big commiskion given, dsnd for sample. Don t watt and luae lime and money in this profitable work. - Address The Art Studio, not Biokn Bow, Neb. HAVE opening for 4 good. experienod country canvaaaera end aaleamen. Pt-r-inanent propositions. Salary 13 to $4 per day and expenses. State experience and iv rei-rno'. if 274, Bee STOCK SALESMAN Will give a ground floor proposition to the right man who can Interest capital in an A-t land syndicate, where the Investor .will double his money within one year and "you can make $2,600 for yourself, w 4&, Bee. AGENTS New self-filling fountain pen; ordinary pen points used; 72 sold one build ing; 10W per cent profit. Write for terms and exclusive territory. ' Ilrause Pen Co., w'ambrldxe Bldg., Chicago. ONE MILLION AGENTS WANTED for fast aellor coaling about $c each, retail ing lie to Wo. each needed by every con cern. Orders range from 6wo to $M. No ex perience neornaary. Samplea and particu lars free. tM MOSSED Mr U. CO.. Cam bridga Bldg., Chicago HELP WANTED MALE Ageats aaa Salesladies Caatlaaed. WANTED Agents to sell lots on gulf roast on railroad, less than, ten minutes walk to electric line and gulf. Southern Land Investment Co.,, Gulf port. Miss. SALESMEN Experienced In ny line to sell general trade In Nebraska; unexcelled speclaly proposition with brand new fea ture; commission with $35, weekly for ex penses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleve land, O. '. CAPABLE salesmen' to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H- Smith. Co. Detroit, Mich. . , ; . i . WANTED FJrst-c)aas specialty sales man for Nebraska, to. wall staple line to general trade: experienced man preferred; cornmlaslpn i and expenses paid. -references required; a good live man can make a fory tune. Confidential. Wholesaler, iJ Frank lin St., Chicago., i . WANTED F1rsi-K:lass speclilty sales man for Nflhrmjiltft' ataola ilna on new and exceDtlonal terms: commissions with $140 monthly advaixe for 'expense to man who makes 'good. Successful ;ompuung sesjes, cash register, Jewelry or typewriter man preferred., A splendid - opportunity for a hlgh-clsss ' salesman; .references required. Miles F. Blxler Co.. Cleveland, O. SALESMENWANtEDf-Vlsltlng archi tects, stilling to mason . material dealers, Imllilinir run tractors, etc. to Control terri torial aale of the renowned ASBESTOS for stucco and wall plaster. Direct from mines. Liberal arrangements.. Address Mine, 114 oV 28th, New York. AGENTS WANTED-Big money; ex penses pnld; no experience required; va riety portraits, bromides, photo-pillow tops, utm- frimn at our factory prices. Credit given; catalogue and samples free. Ritter Art Studio, liU W. Madison, Chicago, HI. EXCLUSIVE agency control; something new; great seller; profit 100 per cent.' We show good falUr by supplying , ow siock on consignment; $10 deposit only required. T. J. King, Richmond, Vs. , $10 PER day sure;- $S0 to $30 per day if you are a hustler; sells for cash; no orders, Sales Mgr., P. O. box 41, Newton. U. FREE samples; agents; both sexes; can easily, add $15 to $46 . weekly to Income. Write today lor proof and Sample. No pos tals. Vv. u. aeeo, W Rade. New York. CANVASSERS to sell screen door1 catches and checks; exceptional proposition; sample catch postpaid, 25c. Auto Cgtch Co., Chi cago. ,.,.. ' '.. MANAGER ' wanted, every ' city and. county, handle bent paying business known; legitimate, new. exclusive control; no in surance or book canvassing. Address Chaa. Halstead. 43 West S4th St., New York. GREAT opportunity for, young man to develop oig oraer ousliitss with little capital; new patent; state agency; mr oe mand. Address Partlon Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. x. v ... 'I .1 , . . 1 WANTED Agents. . You can make big ales and big profits ..with, our new self- lighting winuprooi cgar ngnter; every smoker buys ou sight; sells itseif.' Rathbun Mfg. Co... Jndlanapols,-.lnu. . A . SUMMER suits to order 117. W, reduced from $26. MaoCarthy-Wilson, W4 S.' 18th St. WANTED ExDerleaced salesman for Ne braska territory, to sell our. manufactured line and furnishing - goods .Apply Bell Bros. Co., Dubuque, la. WANTED Agents' to sell Soilth Dakota lands. Hartwlck Land Co.. Browneli Blk., Lincoln, Nab. , . .. . Clerical ana Off lee, PHYSICIAN FOR ADVERTISING DOC TOR'S OFFICE, $200 per month. TRAVELING SALESMAN, machinery, TRAVELING SALESMAN, grocery trade, $100. ' BOOKKEEPER,. Ins. office.' $76-$85. BOOKKEEPER, retail store. $100.. ASS'T HKFH., wholesale Implements, $65. BANK bookkeeper, $7. STENOGRAPHER, $76. STENOGRAPH ER, $06. STENOGRAPHER, $. ' - STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPE1 $00. ' OFFICE clerk, must be-good at figures, tc5. ';, HOTEL clerk, $30. . COLLECTOR. $M. We also have a number of miscellaneous positions at different salaries, together with a number of first-class investment proposi tions. Call or write ror complete llste of vacancies. . WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N.. INC., 762-64 N. Y. Life Bldg- . . -t- 8 yeara.) VOUR TIME iS WORTH MONEY! Don't waste It by walking the streets looking for a position. Give us your record and past experience, 'we Will put It" on our bulletin, which is mailed to the leading business men of Omaha. Council Bluffs and South Omaha dally. RESULT: You get a posi tion quicker and a better one at that than you would otherwise. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 073-76-77 Brandela Bldg. IF YOU ARE AN ' EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRAPHER, OF FICE CLERK. SALESMAN OR COL LECTOR WE CAN PLACE YOU. CAKSON -KEFKHENCK - iiUKEAU, : '. ' o74-67i Urandels Bldg.- . OUR Dally Bulletin gets results. Give us your record and we will ecure the position you are adapud to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. . (r,-V6-T7 Brandela lildg. Sto'k and Insurance' Salesman, t-$l. Bookkeeper or Ledger Clerk, $40-$iu. , Bookkeeper. . (out of town, excellent cliunce for promotion, $t!0-$80. Three Stenographers. $4e-$76. Five office clerks, $40-$i5. I COSTS YOU NOTHING IF POSITION IS NOT SECURED. THE CANO AGENCY. 432 Bee Bldg POSITIONS for several good bookkeepers and- stenographers. Hee us at once. PAR 8QNS EMPLOYMENT CO., 13 Bee Bldg. A MALE STENOGRAPHER; advance ment rapid. Lee - Broom and Duster Co., Lincoln; Neb. WA MTFD Clerk In coal office. Address B-43S. Bee. SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from $26. MacCarthy-Wilson. 204 S. Idth St WANTED First-claas bookkeeper capable of taking care of ottlce. J. J. lrlglit, 1U8 Farnam. LEDGER clerk; state age. amount of ex perience and telephone number. K 439, Be. Factory aaa Trades. Drug itorea (snaps). Joba,- Knlest Bee Bldg. BERTS, reliable emp v agent Martm Co.. 1411 Capitol Ave. Successor to WANTED An experienced rum Addresa Mmnrapolla Rug factory, 2124 Lyn- aaie atv.. nuiucaiiuiii, aiinn. WANTED Twenty-five carpenters at City National Bank Building. James Black Masonry and Contracting Co. WANTED Engineer and Draughtsman One familiar with structural Iran and Hteei Work. Paston t Vlerling Iron Works U. F. Ry - anfl So. 17th St. 1 ' WANTEI Sketch team, ii.an and a ife; double song and oVnce and iriil fur ballet land: no boostrs. Address Klei;trt Miow Carnival Co., Audubon, la., ltth to IVI HELP WANTED MALE F artery mm Trades Cealaae4. SUMMER suits to order 117.80. reduced from.KS. MacCarthy-Wllson, 104 S. 16th St. Mlaellaaeas. . WANTED For horse breeding farm.' 0 mile from Omaha, married man, aged SO to 40. high school education. - experienced and reliable In handling horses; Will fur nish house, cow and ground ror garden. Answer fully, stating occupation past five years; when and where can Interview; references and salary expected. Good op portunity to man proving worthy. Address, Y uman a uee, Oman a. ll$$$$$$$$$$$$!$$$al$$t$$$$ $ $$ $$ We are making extensive arrang- . $$ $$ ' menta to Increase our business all ' $$ $$ over Nebraska. There era oppor-' $$ n' tunltlea at present, to represent a big, K sound, popular, 'up-to-date Life In- W $$ suranco Company. $$ $f PRUDENTIAL REPRRSEN- it $$ TAT1VES MAKE MONEY. $$ $$ They have the most varied forma of $$ $$ policies. ' The Prudential, offers an. $$ $$ advantageous contract, with, liberal $ $$ first year and renewal commissions. $$ $t " The attention of young . men, par- . $$ $t tlcularly of young men about to tS $$ start In business, is especially sought. $t H Address: $ $$ MANAGER, . $$ $$ 004-f Merchants National Bank Bldg., . $$ $$ - th and Farnam Sta., $$ $ . . OMAHA. $$ $ I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $1 GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. lal R, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED- Men to larn barber trade; practice burnished by free work; careful instructions by exprts; few weeks com pletes; tools given; board secured; experi ence in shops before completing;, catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer;- steady work.. 8. Scheffer, treasurer, E 1S8 Chicago. CAN you write Insuiance? If so, you can make good money selling the policies of the Western Life and Accident company; health, accident, burial and dividend-paying features all in on contract; liberal renewal ' commissions. : Continental : Bldg., Denver, Colo. f FIVE Knights of Pythias given profit able employment heat home;' whole or part time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg., New York. MEN wanted, age 18 to 85, for firemen, $100 monthly, and brakemen, $; on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, conductors. Railroad employing headquarters over 600 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. -Address Y 147, Bee. k5 MONTHLY and expenses to reliable people to collect names and leave samples; large wholesale house. H Monroe, Presl- dent. T 868,-Chicago. ' WILL THIS SUIT YOU? $2,0U to $5,000 per year profit. - If you are the man we want as district representa tive, address i i M. A. DONOHUE at CO..' CHICAGO. P. S. Investigate- us; we are one of the largest and most reliable manufacturing nouses in me woria.- ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to mac income growing musnrooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc.; big market; free booklet. Hiram Barton, W. 4th. St., New York. GOVERNMENT positions; chances never better, to secure one of the thousands of appointments to be made; full -particulars as to salaries, .positions, dates of examlna tions in omana, sample questions, etc., sent free in circular 231. National Cor. In stitute, .Washington,, u. C. . ADVERTISING aolicltors wanted In every city; exceptional opportunity for permanent agencies. . i ne Tissue company, Cleveland, vjmo.- ... SALESMEN to place stock of absolute merit representing a gut edge Investment. Liberal commission. Give references. Box i.oji, nttsDurg, pa. , . . SALESMEN wanted; our men make $3,000 to $H.0ut a year; a new specialty; all- retail ers; where can oit sales manager see you? Write -age, experience, present line and send photograph quick. Frankel, 1831 Schiller mug., nicago $100 MONTHLY; spare time; no canvass ing; enclose stamp. Mutual Exchange, Col umbus, O. DINING car conductors;- salary $7S-$125 no experience necessary; -write Correspond ence School Conductors. 601 Imperial Bldg Chicago. . . $25 WEEKLY. and axpenses1 to trustwor. thy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, - M 268. Chlcaso SUMMER suite to order $17.50. reduce from $26. MacCarthy-Wllson. 804 8. 16th St. MAN-i-Falr Intelligence, qualified to a proach leading retail merchants; nothing io aeiii wrrsiy assurea. Aaarees Cor poratlon, 49 Lyric Bldg., Newark, N. J. WANTED Men or women for' permanent mail order business: $160,000 oll!na- nrdxra on hand at $25,000 profit: tX investment requirea; you nai dle the money; It s secure absolutely no rlk. Address A 4S6. Bee. ' WANTED-Manaccr for a hrnnrh man,. facturlng agency and mall 'order house to be established in Des Moines. Ia.. and Un. coin,. Neb.- Salary $00 per month, with half interest in proius; must invest l.00 cash for working capital. Address Lock !in tti Omaha, Neb., where Interview may be had. HELP WANTED MALB AND FEMALR. wantki-sh good agents to work round city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown AGENTS F'or Omaha and countrv. Onii, seller, good money. Oa"ll or address 434 n'i ons iiours, u. noon to 4:30 p. rn. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear Expert cieane ana Lyerit 1818 HARNEY ST. BOTH PHONES. LOST Oold and stiver bead watch chain on 16th St., near Farnam. Reward for r! turn to Oma4ia Grain Exchange. 786 Bran- FOUND Brtnd! bull dog Leavenworth. Female. 1713 SUMMER suits lo order 7i0, reduced from 3. MacCarthy-VMlson. S. ltkh sTl LOST-SCotch Collie (Shepherd). yaluTw with shaggy white breast four white feet. aharp iom with white stripe to forehead I small brown ears, tail partly black and . j yellow with white tip at end. waa wearing collar with lag No. I when he diaappeared a week ago and responds to name of Fliini gan. Suitable reward If returned to B K Baker, 10(1 bo. fiith St. 'Phone H. 817, A-1614 LOST from Cut-Off Lake. Biddv, white female bull terrier. Sharp ears, bob tall Reward. Tel. Wt-bster 626. IXST Black leather card case containing 8J0. !htman club membership card and other. Return to 2Ui Harney. Reaard. WHEN answering advertisements fJiuTi 1" ,ht Wnl AJ to!unan' Ples mention e EDUCATIONAL No One Has Claimed the $100.00 , : i. . . , V . ' . ' The Mosner-Lampman Business College Hag been offering for the last two weekg for any teacher In other bugliess oclleges 'who could equal the wrltin, prove pretty ; xclugively thi superiority of the Moaher-Lampman Colegt in penmanship. ' ' ' m - Another point of guperiority is to be found in the MA8HER-LAMPMAN BHORTIIANL7 WORK. Read this letter concerning the work 01 Mr. Travis while he was stilt in school. . ' . . - 1 . t , ... . . Omaha, March 16. 1910. To Whnm Tf Miv Rruvairn ' "I take great pleasure in saying Travis, acted as court stenographer year 1809-10, and as presiding judge of that court I was called upon to ex amine and pass upon the bills of exceptions pepare by him, and his work fas uniformly excellent, and the records prepared by him compare most favoraily with the records prepared by the , court reporters of the District Court of Douglas County. 1 am satisfied that Mr. - Travis is qualfied by experietce to fill any position where quick and accurate stenographic work is required. ' ... Yours truly, . DUNCAN V1SUONHALER A school that srives its students a shorthand system "and shorthaid teachers that develop such ability while the student is still in School, would be THE BEST SCHOOL FOR'YOU TO ATTEND.The Mosher-Lampman Bul- Thla colleraihss turned out more three years than all theother Omaha sults are what tell; results are what Mosher - Lampman College New. catalogue explaining all the be' ready for mailing by Wednesday. Be ' .Address, MOSHER-LAMPMAN 17th and Farnam Streets. THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. : Cn.,. tnr nrnftt&hl DOslttonS In bOOk- keeplng. shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; sura to be open In the fall and winter. The year book Is ready. Apply for It. - Students admit tea any ay. . . BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST. AND CHARLES. LAUNDERERS-CLEANERS OUR sanitary system is death to germs and . lite . to you; protect, your family by sending us your laundry. I'hone Douglas 3M0. v Oinaba 6 team Laundry, 1760 Leaven worth St. YOU MISS the best laundry service If you fall to patronise us. National Laundry. tam Cuming St. SUMMER aul to order 11700, reduced from 136. MacCarthy-WllBpn. 804 8. 16th St LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses as .Vehicle's. , 125 PER CENT OFF on LEATHER HOUSE COLLARE. Big bar gains In HARNESS and FLY NKTS. HAVDEN'S, Harness Dept.. BASEMENT. 1,400-POUND TEAM, harness, wagon, disk cultivator; bargains all. W. F. Susar, 42d and Francis. . . FOR SALE Good, stylish driving horse; perfectly sound. Inquire at Omaha Trunk Factory or 2218 Grant St. .. CHEAPEST FEED In town at KIDMAN'S. The Cut Price Feed Man. 612 8. 13th St THREE 6INOLE BUOOIES-Two with rubber tlrea, without top; one steel tire, with top all In good order will be sold less than their worth. - Also two sets sin gle harness, . one fly net will trade for good two-horse, second-hand express de livery wagon, 1 or 1 axle; must be In good order, not badly worn. Call Stuben's Livery Barn, Woolworth and Park Ave., Omaha.' , ' HOR8K, harness' and runabout for sild reasonable. - Inquire evenings 8646. Ave. C. PONY harness and runabout; gentle to ride or drive;- won first prise at last horse show. Phone W. .. 1607 Yates. St . SUMMER -suits to order 117.50. reduced from MacCarthy-Wilson, J04 S. 16th St A GOOD gentle driving horse, harness and buggy for 160. Horse weighs 1,100 lbs., was raised In the city and is not at raid of street cars or- automobiles. For further particu lars address ' W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 766. 860 N. Y. Life Bldg. GENTLE HORSE, good traveler quick sale, 638. 2636 Capital Ave. HORSH, harness and runabout for sale, reasonable. Inquire evenings, 304S Ave. C, Council Bluffs. I w lira. Desrs aatf Fata. FINE white Angora cats, 15. 1416 Daven port street Omaha, Neb. . - FOR BALE Thoroughbred Boston Ter riers. Well marked, $16 and-up. 'Phone, H. 41J, or call at 3614 Davenport St. MEDICAL Dr. McGrew lias clveu his entire profeasiona. lite t th treatment of sll forms of enror.lo and spe cial disease of men. For 88 years h ha been known and trusted by all 4 years la Omaha. Chargea low., if you have no money, call or write, anyway, ur. jauUrs Ce.. 116 ti. 14th at, Omaha. Neb. HAZEL LEAP PILE CONES; best rem. edy for Itohlns, bleeding at piutruding PILEa; 60e postpaid; samp'.rs Ires. She bid A McConoeli Drug Co., Omaha. QE8T nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Fnbd pills. Ii a box. postpaid, tensr man A JatConuelt Drug Co., Omafea. St FREE medtcal and surgical treatment at Cteightoa Medical college. 14th and Davea port bta.; special attention paid to eon finement cases; all treatmeot supervised by eeliec professor, 'fboo uouw'as us Call answered, day and night MONEY TO LOAN .SALARY AND CHATTELS. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room T Crouns Block. Corner 14th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Posloffir. Doth Pbeaes Uoug. XM, . A-Ilea EDUCATIONAL of a Mosher-Lainpman atudent. Ihat . from Judge Vlshonhaler, of Omiha, that the bearer of this letter, Mr. Crde for the Creighton Moot Court for he court reporters, twice ovr, in th lajt business colleges put together. Re you want and you can get tnem at toe points of superiority- of this school will sure to get one. . MONEY TO LOAN Salary sad Chattels Coattaaea. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONET. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEV. MONEY. MONEY to LOAN . RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, . 308 Paxton Block , LOANS .. . - J10 TO-r0 on . . FURNITURE, PIANOS, .WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS I FIXTURES, HORbEa, WAO OS'S. or on " YOUR SALARY, if you MONEY MONEY, are steadily employed. . MONEY. ... MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. BEST. TERMS and CHEAPEST RATES MONEY. . MONEY. money. MONEY. iuvjinEY. If you need MONEY for your MONEY. ' vacation, to pay ' grocer, land- MONEY, lord or butcher do not fall io MONEY. PLACE YOUR LOAN with us, MONEY, an old established and ratable MONEY, firm, where you Are absu.utely MONEY, certain to receive a swoAttE MONEY. DEAL. MONEY. . - MONEY. ' We are here to do business arid MONEY. If equltaole rates,' courteous MONEY. ' treatment, privacy and prompt MONEY, servloe are inducements worthy MONEY, of consideration, place your loan MONEY, with us. if you are already cir MONEY. rying a loan with another mii MONEY. cern, you can transfer it to us MONEY, at a cheaper rate. THY IT. MONEY. mon- RELIABLE CREDIT MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. COMPANY, ' 808 Paxton Block. N. E. Cor, 16th and Farnam Sts. 'Phone Doug. 1411 and A-1411. WWWWWWWW88W M NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. IS CHEAP MONEY. M FOR YOUR SUMMER it - VACATION. 1 -1 810 TO 81,000 as IjOANED ON HOUSEHOLD U FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES, 84 H THIS IS A NEW FIRM, U U Orsanlzed by the REPUTABLE- It 88 BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro--31 88 tect honest working people In ned 81 88 of temporary help from the exorbl-. 88 88 tant charges oi tne so-caiied loan 8 88 companies, wa win losn you an the 88 money you want and charge you only 88 10 per cent a year, fft THIS MEANS YOU PAY 88 f 1 Interest on 810 for 1 yesr. 88 I- Interest on 826 for 1 year. 88 110 Interest on 1100 for 1 year' U And all other sums in proportion. 88 Easy Weekly or Monthly payments, 8 6? Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 88 88 A glance at the above rates will 84 88 convince you how much you save by 88 88 dealing with us. 88 88 NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. IS 68 ' MONEY IN YOUR POCKET 1 68 WITHIN AN HOUR. 88 ROOM 4 W1THNELL BUILDING. 88 8$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. 8. D. sola. N. B. Cor. 15th and Harny. 61 88 mttttttmtttttttttmmitmtttfttttttitttttiim Cash Quick on Easy Terms Hsv you ever thought of borrowing money on youi furniture, piano or team T If you haven't. Just think bow easy It lr to get a loan from 'is and have your pay. menta so small that you. will not miss tham 81.20 1 tb weekly payment on a ut loan for 60 week a Other amount to the sain proportion. If you have a loss at present and the company stilts you, sta with them. If they don't suit you. come In and let u explain our 60-week plan to you. We are dally taking up loans from other companies and sdvanolng more money. Why not let u do th asm foi vouT Money ssved la money earned. Phone or mall applications receive our prompt at tention. Prlvata aud reliable State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk.. ISim Dodge St Phone Douglas . SUMMER suits to order 817.60. rilnr.1 from 8. MsoC'arthy-Wilson, 304 g. iftif, hi. MONEY! NEED ANY? CO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner 14th and Farnam lis Telephone Douglaa t3li. Rates vchapr than any advertised W can prov It money loaned salaried peoplk wlimex keeping house and oth EHb. without security; easy psyments Offices III M principal cities. Tolms. room 6l'Nw York Life Bldg. ' m MONEY TO LOAN Salary aa tkatteli atlaa4. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C FLATAU, UU l0dga Tel. Red Mil PRIVATE money, $J.0U0 to loan on first class security. Olve description of prop erty. D-438, Bce. . MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAuN AND STORAGE CO. . cleans carpets on your floor. . Klectrle vacuum system. J0t S. 17tb. Tel. D. lt&i EXP. Delivery Co., office Mth ang Day enport warehouse. law -OS lsard Pt OFFERED FOR RENT Board aaal ! LARGE front' sotitn room, ' connecting room it desired: good home cooking. ttiO Harney. Harney rrn. Kijjkr.u aiiu rj w & ,1 1 iwauon, waiv ing distance. Ladlea preferred. Suit Cali fornia St. nr. I r -w-i a vt i , . .. CHOICE rooms with board. . The, Tern- plars." Ills Capitol Ave. - LARGE south front room onv first floor; running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also other rooms. 121 8. !6th Ave. COOL east front room, with board. 213 8. 2ith St Phone Douglas 1138. . MADISON HOTEL Rooms or room and board if desired. X102 Chicago. . THREE or four elegant connecting rooms, suitable for ladles or gentlemen, with board. 253 California St. Douglas 6151. , FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; also room and Njard. Tel. Douglas toil. 811 N. 25th St ELEOANT rooms and board. 25KS Cali fornia St Tel. Doug.. (161. CLEAN furnished rooms and board, with German (Christian) family. 1811 Capitol Ave. 2100-11 DOUOLAS, coot, light very desir able rooms, 12 up. Boarding privilege. THE LIVENGOOD STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to . wait table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 488.6. S4tb St Douglas 6428. . BOARD and room, 84.H per week. 8426 De catur St TeL B-66S1. TABLE board and rooms for two. 1716 Chicago. ' ROOM and board in private family; home cookings 4i N. Z3d. BOARD anu rooms. 2007 St. Mary's Ave. LARGE room, with board; suitable for two; private. 114 8. lstn. , SOUTH front parlor; also one other room. for s gentlemen or married couple, with board. 2610 Dodge. THE LANDON. S. 24th. Rooms with board. 611 WANTED By young married couple, a child, 10 or more yean, to board. 4702 Davanport St. ' Faralsaea Booses. - LANGE HOTEL, ROOMS Geo AND UP. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel., Web. 628. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611 A-2611. NICELY furnished room for men; mod rn, coolest part of city; walking distance wholesale district and depots; 812 pe month. - 'Phone Douglas 726S. 1404 8. tin St., corner of William. , LADIES' 11.60 value whit waists, 60c Monday. Scotleld's Paxton Blk, Sd Floor. ' thkct rooms, modern. exceDt heat: fur nished complete. 2326 So. 12th. Phone D. 5iit6. . . . 7 DODGE HOTEL, 13th and.Dodr. all cool rooms; special rates by th wsek.. . - NICELY f urniabed. large, oool fronr room; new house; private family; Hansoom park district Phone Harney 716. , LIGHT, pleasant room' for. gentleman; private porch and all conveniences; a per week. 2t08 Harney. . 'THE COMUS NICE SUMMER ROOMS; rates reasonable. D. 7256. 8474 Harney L THE BACHELORS 80TH AND FARNAM. , EUROPEAN PLAN .. TWO elegant furaisbed rooms, light and cool, all modern, la prlvats family. 60s N 21st St ROOM-tor on or two gentlemen; pri vate home; walking distance; new house; clean, cool and quiet Phone Harngy tjj, NICE, clean, strictly modern rooms In eeautiful location; alao suit of these rooms fur light housekeeping. Tt Douglas 7614 1106 Cass 8t i COOL east-front pan or; modern, private home, clean bed; te quiet fr-nUeraao; -.22-61 a week. ltiu . 80th. Red 6227. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSUITB OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in fin Weat Farnam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated, O 466, Be. NICELY furnished room; all convenience; gentleman preferred. Call 2M2 St Mary'a, COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N, 18th. THREE large, beautiful modern rooms In private family, furnished or unfurnished; bear car. 40t6 Grand Av. Tel. Web. 4784. TWO slngl room, 82.S0 up; prlvst fam ily. 600 S. 28th. , , SINGLE rooma. 82.60; prlvat family. 31 8. 20th. . TWO cool rooma. 2216 Douglas. LARGE, cool rooma. modern conveniences nicely furnished, fine location, walking dis tance, on Harney line; rent reasonable: private home. 822 N. 2Sth St. SMALL ropm; modern; private family; cheap. 712 N. ltb. DESIRABLE room: beautiful location; frlvate family; modern. 701 Georgia Av. leasonable. FURNISHED rooms; hot bath. VU 8. J6th Flat Jl, 3d floor. . , Read the auto snaps Tbe many new automobiles, now being sold bj Omaha dealers, has -placed on the market some exceptional snaps In sllgbtlr used machines. On today's want ad paces, under the classlflcaltloa "Au tomobiles", are special bargains. The pick of them all. Everybody reads Bee want ads. OFFERED FOR RENT ' rralafce ltms Coatlaaea, ONE large room, with alcove; I larr oloeeu; also single room. (21 Park. Ave, Tel. Harney (017r YOITNO MAN to share oomfortable fura nlshed room; reasonable terms. X702 Far nam St. Phone Harney Jt'73. SUMMER suits to order . 17.50, reduced, from 26. MaoCarthy-Wllaon. H 8. 16th St. LADIES' $1.60 value white, waist. COo Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, M Floor. VERY large, well-furnished, south frontj permanent parties. 2236 Farnam. NEW house, up-to-date, modern rooms, for gentlemen. !01i Lake. NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. Hi 8. 20th. TWO coot single rooms; modern hom reference.' 814 N, 10th St, SINOLE rooms, 2 up. 615 8. 16th. td floorj , flat ' ONE furnished room, modern. 11SS 8. lltb. FURNISHED front room; private family, Va N. th St. Tel. Red 6316. FOR RENT Two front rooms, nloely lor ntshed; close In. 14fl N. 20th St N1CB, cool, pleasant bedroom, second floor: for one gentleman; private family references. 110 N. 65th St. TWO elegantly furnished rooms; private home; board If desired; business men pre ferred. 694 N. 17th St. . TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping; also sleeping rooms; modern, walk ing dltsJce; 206 N. 23d FURNISHED room, suitable for two, I3-6S per week. 611 N. 22d. LADIES' 11.60 value white waists, 60o Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, 3d Floor. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for tw gentlemen. 023 B. ISth St.; 8d floor. ONE large front and one small room ta gentlemen only. 814 8. 20th St. FRONT room for rent to two gentlemf at 811 N. 22 St. Tel. Douglas (236. NICELY ' furnished single south . front room; also single west room. 2338 Farnara St Flat 1. TWO large, cool rooms; modern; prlvats family; walking distance;' $8 and 810. TeL Harney 23D6. 2608 Dodge. NICE front room for gentleman: In family of adults; modern; close In. 608 8. 22d. IDEAL SUMMER ROOMS In nice private home; one large alcova room; all convenience. 2667 St Mary's Ave. MODERN ROOMS. 1210 HARNEY ST, Red 6426. - FURNISHED rooms for rant. 1702 Vfnton St STRICTLY modern room for, gentleman. 116 8. 16th St Douglas 6ti. NICELY furnished rooms; terms reason able. 823 8. 20th St. TWO or three furnished rooms. 801 N. 80th St. 'Phone Douglas 8068 (Bell), Independent phone A-8484. NEWLY ' furnished rooms In modern house,. by day and month. 8018 Chicago St NICK clean furnished rooms, cheap at 1816 Chicago. LADIES' 81. M value whit waists, 60c Monday. Scofleld's Paxton Blk, Sd Floor. SINGLE room, nice porch, private bath; 83 week. 8008 Harney. , . LARGE front room; everything new and strictly modern. 1816 Chicago 8u TeL Douglaa 4H68. t COOL room; gentlemen only; near good boarding place; references required. 1710 N. Hth. COME to 8668 St. Mary' Ave, If you want a large, cool room with piano; also single - room. LARGE room, suitable for two ladlea; modern; housekeeping If desired. 808 8. 27th St. FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen only; references required; near 83d and Cuming. 817 N. 33d St. Tel. Harney 2378. FURNISHED rooms; private family; modem. 121 S. 27th. BIG, cool, modern rooms. 2018 St Mary's Ave. Nice porch, -1 NICELY furnished rooms In new, modern house. 2018 Chicago St. VERY, modern, pleasant evenings. 2110 Chicago St, rooms. Call FOR RENT Modern, furnished single o double rooms. ' 1818 Cass. SINGLE room 11.76, doubl rooms 88 and 83.60. 118 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms, 81.60 and up. 1647 North 17th St LARGE, cool rooms, neatly furnished, ia modern home. 814 N. 23d. ALCOVE room, 112; single, 63 monthly. 1216 California. NICELY furnished modern room; table board if desired. Ut Chicago. NICELY furnished, large, front suitable for two. 201 So. 20th Av. room. NICELY furnished room for rent reason able. 2230 Fainam St., suit 4. 'Phona Douglas 66U1. FnONT room for two or three persona, ' 1918 Farnam. LARGE, cool bad room, ground floor; nice horn with young couple for Jewish) gentleman. Call evenings. 2002 Chicago St. LADIES' 11.60 vslu whit waist, 60o Monday. Scotleld's Paxton Blk, Id Floor. NICE furnished modern rooms, reason able, 624 N. 20th. Tel. Red. 772. TWO well furnished rooms, 1011 N. 24th St., South Omaha. COOL room, nicely furnished, electrio light and fan, bath, 'phone; nice porch and lawn; prllvate house; walking distance. 2th Ave and Farnam. Harney 4008. 4 LARGE. STYLISH. MODERN ROOMS: hot water; at 113. A-4314. Doug. 6M8. 1311 8. 26th Av. DESIRABLE room, fin location, private family, modern, m N. 81st Ave.