Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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Payne Tariff, House Rules, Insurgency and the Interest of the People
WixriELD. Kan.. July U-Joseph a.
Cannon of Illinois, epeasnr f th house ef
representative, spoke at th Chautauqua
here today. He said:
Six month ego t accepted aa Invitation
extended to m thrtjusrh yoir rnmn
tlv in congress, Mr. Campbell, tp address
tne winrield Chautauqua association touch
ing economic policies aa connected with
legislation, or. In ether words, to make a
v political (peach. I greet yau.
A few year aso on of your distinguished
citiaens d-clersd that Kansas had been
marked" out on tho desert with the word
"aid" written on tha first paga of lta hla
tory, and that It had not bT abl to get
rid of that word srnc. That waa written
by William Allen Whlta and published In
an eastern magazine. In March, wn.
Whether ha correctly represented condition
in Kansas at that time I will not attempt
to. discuss. Tha data la. however, signifi
cant. It waa the month and tha year when
William McKlniey waa inaugurated presi
dent of the t'nlted S'atea. Kansas had not
given Its electoral vote to MclvLr.ley. but to
Bryan, on a hyphenated ticket. That was
only fourteen years ago, but that fourteen
years has transformed conditions In Kansas.
The same gentleman I have quoted as lo
conditions in I5T7. who said you had built
your state with other people's money and
then bad forgotten tha debt. was. la New
York a few weeka ago. and told the news
paper reporters that Kansas waa the most
prosperous state in tha union and that the
high cost of corn and hogs had coma to
stay, because Kansas land Is now worth
fcO aa aore. I cona-ratulate the people of
Kanaaa that this great chance has coma in
so short a time and under an economic
policy which came in with MctCiniey and
Is stilt in force tinder Taft. I am told that
you even buy your automobiles for cash
and that your banks are overflowing with
money while you are looking for safe in
vestments in tha east.
I am (lad that the prosperity which you
boast la not confined to Kansas, but that
It spreads over tha country and that it
has come In greater abundance to those
sections that did not aid to bring in tha
policy of McKlnley than to those -hat did
vota for him in 13M: for tha statistics of
tha census office show that tha greatest
development under the Dtngley law waa in
I toe south and west, which then Insisted on
" bringing in high prices by cheapening the
Eaerary a-md latelllsjeaee.
The creator gave ua a great continent.
filled with abundance of natural resources.
and wa have developed the energy and the
jk u utilise those resources to
r make the greatest Industrial nation on
l earth. We did not do this all at one. W
1 did not discover these resources or know
I their value for many years. It has been
a:d that tha whole plains country waa
peopled three times before there was found
a popuiation that had the pluck and the
Intelligence to learn how to utilise what
nature had given for the creation of a
great commonwealth. The coal and iron
ore has been in Alabama since the creation
of the continent, but only tha present gen
eration has utilised it. I have confidence
In the American people and in this country
and I believe they have confidence In them
selves and In their government. It doea not
require .either energy or intelligence to b
a pessimist. A lazy man la an ideal pessi
mist. He will not work, but spenaa his
time la envying the success of those who
do. I believe that the great majority of
the people of this country those who are
employing their energy in working out
their salvation have confidence- in them
selves and in quietness are going about
-'hair taslta too busy to hearken to the
ptss-lmist who la crying aloud to create
Teaefclasr the Perkel 3T
Discontent of a people la not measured
by complaints in tha press. It is measured
in a mure significant manner and makes
a more indelible impression than that of a
penny paper bought, perused, thrown away
and forgotten. "The pocket nerve", la one
of the most sensitive nerves In our civilian-"
tion. and that nerve is always the first
affected by any general discontent or want
of confidence. I have seen no evidence of
. weakness in "the pecket nerve" out here
in Kansas, where you are reveling in high
prices fir farm products and showing no
- sympathy for those in the east who com
plain about the high prices of beef ami
pork, of wheat and com. I nave wen no
evidence uf attack on the pocket nerve
anywhere in the west, where bualnesa is
hcvtng with a push rarely seen before.
There has nut been enough of a disturbance
af this nerve even to frighten Wall street
for more than an hour or two at a time,
and then tha set re has been produced by
some fake report of supposed calamity,
such aa the false report of th administra
tion running amuck among tha corporations
or the rumor of tha death of soma financial
"The pocket nerve" waa never in bet
ter condition than it la today, and that la
tha real evidence of confidence on tha part
of the American people in Um economic
policies of tha government. That nerve
shows no sign of prostration, such, aa it
hewed after rhe democratic party came
copied th principle of protection, and that
he hoped It would be many years before
there would be another campaign made
against It. But In th neat year th demo
c ratio party in national convention again
took their old position that th tartff was
anconstlrntlonal and made their campaign
against it, Just as they did in 1901, and aga-n
la 1906.
.4 Meek mt the Ieeersreeta.
Th remarkable success wf th Psyne law.
both in restoring conftdene and encour
aging business, and in raising revenue,
ought to have taken tha tariff out of poll
ties for several years to come; but tha op
ponents of protection renewed the campaign
immediately after the enactment of the law,
and they have cor'tinued that campaign in
the most violent and virulent form ever
since. They have misrepresented it; they
have lied about Its schedules; they have
resorted to every conceivable trick to, keep
the tartff in politics.
On th final vote on sgreeing to the con
ference report on the Payne tariff bill the
majority in the nous of representatives
was twelve: the Kansaa delegation in the
such a manner as to protect American tributing either etf'jrt or suhersnre. and
lahor and capital engaged In production, without any mure knowledge than the
From bv-th these stand-points th Payne tramp bsd concerning the locomotive,
tariff law well deeervee the commendation When Lincoln became president the sale
of President Taft wnen he says that It of public laoria had so fallen off that tie
ted to make these ; imrtor'anf piece of legislation j
j the last etnn of congress considered un
i der a special rule. It ha been said that
this poena! rule was a drmstla one; It was.
house, with the exception of Mr. M lrdock. locomotives that hauled them, have gone
Is the best tariff bill ever enscted by the1
republican party. The demagogue may pick
out an item here and there and say that
duties are too high; but the law la to
be tested by all It provisions and not by
an isolated item here and there.
The bust test is that afforded by the
renult of the operations of the 1w. The
Payne law went lnt effect on August V
W. For the fiscal year ending on June
3. WW, the duties received under the op
eration of tha new law (It being in op
eration lees than eleven months of that
timet amounted to the largest
revenue produced under any tariff law ever
enacted. So that it la a success aa a
producer of revenue.
One-third of our population are engaged
in agriculture; two-thirds In mining, manu
facturing, railway work, and other vaca
tions. ilnc the enactment of the Payne
law TW.OIW idle freight cars, with the
voted to adopt the conference report. The
majority In tha senate In favor af the
adoption of the report was sixteen. Among
those voting against the adoption of the re
port in the senate were Messrs. La Follette,
Cummins, Dolliver. Beverldge and Bnstow.
After the final passage of the bill In the
senate. Senator Cummins made a speech.
On hi way to Iowa, after the adjourn
ment, he gave an interview to the Chicago
papers, and later on addressed the Mar
quette club tn Chicago. On these occasions
Senator Cummin declared, that "the Payne
tariff law 1 a repudiation of th Chicago
rmMrst CesaaaesKtea PifM Law.
President Taft. when ha signed the bill.
Loaad a public statement. In which he said:
"There hav been a great number of real
decreases In rates and they constitute a
sufficient amount to Justify a statement
that thia bill la a substantial downward
revision and a reduction of excessive rates "
In hia Winona speech th president de
clared; . . t
"Th Payne tariff bill 1 th best tariff
bill th republican party has ever passed."
Senator Cummins declares that the issue
from now until the national convention in
1913 la, "Shall the men now In control of
party destinies be permitted further to dis
regard plain party platform T
Republicans constituting a majority In
both house and senate passed tha bill, and
tha president approved it. but Senator Cum
mins, voicing aa I am informed, not only
hia own sentiments, but those of Senator
La Toilette. Beverldge, Brtstow. Dolliver
and Clap p. proposed to make war upoh
those republican in th house and senate
who- voted for th bill, and upon the presi
dent who signed. It. That he and his fol-
inwm actually carried out their threat i
shown by political biatory since that time.
In th primaries recently held In Iowa
Senator Cummins, aided by Senator Dol-
rev-eipis but little more than paid for the
administration of th land office. He rec
ommended the homestead law and dons
tion of aiternate sections to the rsllroads.
and it was such legislation that opened
th way to th settlement of the great
west. That w a mean to an end. and
after It had brought result th policy of
giving away th public domain waa aban
doned. It waa abused ss all laws are
Twenty year ago we began tha policy
of conservation, and by statute in 1S88 we
withdrew all the arid lands thought to be
capable of irrigation, and authorised the
director of the geological survey to select
sites for reservoira I took much Interest
m that legislation and helped to enact It.
But In two year there was a great pro
test from th western states that their de
velopment had been arrested, and th hard
est fight I ever had in congress was
against the absolute repeal of that act. I
had charge of the sundry civil bill in the
house snd made the fight against the
end tho H nmt
changes are not satisfied.
vlerdeea Awe Beeerd.
.....i - . , .... -. ,i,.t,. sne-
the bonse recounting what the insurgents I . .
, " . . , i tTial rules ever adopted br the house ot
any mn to sei tire that legilarhn. A!
for once In hia legislativ career h became)
j a constructive legislator instead of a mere
I obstructor ags-nst legislation. A a member
I of the committee on poetofflce and poat-
roada which had charge of that bill, he d
had wor.. He pointed with pride to cal- i . ; , ..... : i ...m i mmmittM ud M tilt noor,
, . . . , .'representatives, l cmn r-mfiiiii - - - - -
ndw W edneeday. But he not only voted , wM m m,)n, arM. OT. and t am giad to make this acknowledg
er-met the rule cr-atlng calendar Wednes- ; adopted tn ! ment of that service. I hop he may tak
the Fiftv-third congress by which the dem- i th advice William Allen Whit gav ua
o.-r.tie house dleoharg-d th conferee on Kana In WT. "be,Tme less interesting and
i the Wilson tariff bill, and accepted, en . mora rrequenny mm.
day. but epoke asainst It. ss a Trolnn
horse, brought Into the houee by the com
mittee on rules; and he said be coul! see
cold feet sticking out of the belly of that .
I want to say a
; Kl.. Sffll mnmrm mandrnanlS With rillt tWO in COnClUSlOO,
, horse, ref-rring to some member who had t.i and without an opportunity J about your delegation tn tha national house
been associating with him but who had i
acted with the majority to secure thst
Mr. Murdork also boasted that the In
surgents had reformed the rules to secure
a unanimous consent calendar, so
members would not hav to go "hat In
hand" to the speaker and a.k his consent
m k ne mmher H forvot to mv that the
I un-mmo... consent r.l.ndar was rr-sted position tnat tnPj n-en .
I by the Fitzgerald rule, sdopted the first
I day of the Sixty-first congrees, and that
Mr. Murdock not only voted against it.
for amendment
Special Rale fee Pnatwl Svlsr Bill.
The specie,! nils for the consideration of
the postal savings bank bill was advocated
that1 by Mr- Murdoch- and other gentlemen who.
In tha complained ot special rules.
In the republican caucus these gentlemen
; who have been opposed to special rules
of representatives. As a wmx tnere ex
few If any better delegattone In eon i esa.
Experience In a greet legislative body i
as valuable ae experience In any other
plac or calling. If you believ In th
policies of the republican party send to
congress to represent you there men ef
ability, men of courage, men of industry,
men who will represent the imeresta of respective districts, but who will b
out of tho shops and off of th sidetrack
and again are engaged In answering th
creat demands uf transoc rtation and com
merce. Labor which had been idle, and amendment adopted in th senate repeal
therefore a minimum consumer of th I " the entire act. After a long contest
products of the farm and n product of I compromised, repealing that part of
th farm and th factory, baa gone Into
constant employment. No one who Is will
ing to live in the sweat of hi face need
search for employment; employment
searches for him. Not only la there uni
versal employment, but it has been esti
mated that since the passage of the Payne
law wage hav been increased In th
aggregat fn0B.0m.00O. Th demand comes
for full her advuicea in wage, and. in my
Judgment, there will be and ought to be
further advance.
Prosperity a Certalsi Bee wit.
With full employment and full waea
there full consumption. The price
the farmer receive for hi product ad
vance because of th greater demand, and
In turn, be la enabled to increase hi con
sumption of articles which he doe- not
produce. The farm and th factory coma
closer together, thua cheapening th cost of
U exchange of products.
Tear by year tha economic poll dee of the
republican party, or, to put it in another
way, under the economic policies of a ma
jority of the people of th republic, con
stituting, aa they do, th republican party,
w hav become the greatest producing
nation on earth. In agriculture, in mining,
in manufacturing we produce one-third of
the products of all the civilised world.
Westward the star ot empire has taken
It course. There la more of production tn
manufactures In the middle west that In
the east and far west combined. Illinois,
we claim, 1 still first in agriculture. It is
third tn manufacture. Chicago la th sec
oad manufacturing city in tha United
States, ays, more, it is the second manu
facturing city in th world. Ia the middle
liver, entered into the contest and opposed weHt wa naT, KtMd borrow, and now
successfully the renomlnation of Repre-1 u longer true, except la the
tentative Hull of tha Dea Mollies district.
Senator Cummin also went Into the dis
trict represented by Hon. Walter I. Smith,
entered, into the campaign and sought to
defeat hia nomination at th primaries, and
opposed the nomination of Mr. Kennedy In
the district represented by him. Their op
position to Smith and Kennedy, however,
waa unsuccessful.
My Information la that In Kansas Sena
tor Brtstow with his allies. Governor
Stubbe, Representative Murdoch and others.
Is opposing the renuminaxioa of Representa
tives Scott, Campbell. Anthony. Caiderbead
and Reader, for the reason that these rep
resentatives voted for the tariff bill and
co-operated with their republican brethren
In th house of representatives.
Co-Opera ties Threes; Party.
Thia la a government by the people; but
in order to govern it la neceuary, with
popuiation of 9.000.(K!9t that those who sub
stantially agree touching economic and
other policies should co-operate, and they
can only co-operate through organisation.
Luringi! whole history the republican
party tma stood for protection to Ameri
can industries, to American labor, to Amer
ican, capital for the deveiepment af our
resources. The democratic party ha op
posed the policy of protection. They would
levy duties upon Imports for revenue only
and not for protection. All republicans and
all democrat do. not agree touching every
detail covered by their respective policies,
but they do substantially agree.
Th differences existing between mem
ber of the party In power must neces
sarily be compromised or there would be
no legislation. During th consideration ot
th senat amendment to the Payne tariff
bill Senators Cummins. Brtstow, La Ful
lette, Beverldge and Clapp voted aubetan
tlally with the democrats, although, Kansaa
being a great cattle-raising slate. Senator
Brlatow voted to place a duty on hides,
while msny republican senator voted to
place hides on tha free list. Senator Brls
luw voted also tu increase the duty fixed
by the house on barley.
No one senator, no one representative
constitute the republican majority. Many
republican senators opposed the reduction
of the duty ou lumber, many members
bui power and enacted tha Wilson-dor- would bv Preferred to see lumber en the
mi 9 bus at go uirough ail tha
schedules and find differences among re
publican senators and representatives aa
to the- Items that should be placed on the
free list, those that should hav aa la
creased duty and those . upon which the
duty should be decreased. There could
hav bees no legislation had not these dif
ference been compromised.
Detie Were sleslaeesl.
Under the Dtngley law the duty on lum
ber wa K thousand feet; la tha Payne
la it was fixed at LJ3 per thousand feet.
Ia the Payn law hnlea were placed on the I
free list; there waa a material reduction
upon leather and upon boots and shoes;
also upon agricultural implements, with a
provision tor free trade in agricultural Im
plements with all countries that admitted
.nan tariff act. There waa an experience
that snatvered the pocket nerve and all
otter serve ia our buakueaa organisation.
Take Tariff Oil ( PeUtlee.
"Take the tariff out of politic" ia the
advice of some; but I have noticed that
this advice usually comes from those who
aia opposed to the protective tartff under
which thia country baa had its greatest
development. We have several times
thought we had the tariff eat of politics
by the demonstration of t success and
ti:e necessity for tha protective tariff prin
VTe thought this prlncipio of tariff taxa
tion had been firmly established when it
produced the revenue La pay off the debts
f the civil war mod. at the same time.
built up our industries, not only ia the , " """":m'u'u wr ul"r
north, but la the south, which had been !
laid waste by the ravages of that war.
But our opponents would not have it so.
Every tour years they met ia national con
vention and declared that a taf.ff for ;ro
tsctloa was unconstitutional and a system
of rubbery. They made their campaigns
on that iaeue. refusing to allow tha sys
tem that had been established to such
great advantage to the country to stand
inmolested. They did not merely advo
t a change of tariff schedule. They
nststed that the system waa wrong. u
unconstitutional and must be abolished.
The present democratic leader in the
honw of represantattvee has repeatedly
"I am a free-tiader from the sole of my
foot to the crown ef my head, said I would
tear dowa every customs house from turret
t. foundation stone."
mcuth ot the demagogue, that tha west Is
tributary to tha east.
Not only do our agricultural product con
stantly increase in volume and value; but,
basins; th estimate on the semi -decennial
census of 1905, Kansaa produced during the
fiscal year ending June JQ. 1B10, manufac
tured article to the value of $
The same census shows that, counting the
real wealth that you can see and feel, the
tangllble property the per capita wealth of
Kansaa ia now about H.6M. Nebraska, ha
a per capita, wealth ot about C.308, Iowa
fclOs. Illinois C. New York ftoes. while
New England haa a per capita wealth ot
abont II. 10. I say again the star of empire
westward haa taken lta way.
Chsusip Clerk's Oesleaght.
Under thes conditions, tha leader of the
, democrat in th national house of repre
sentatives, Mr. Clark, make proclamation
In hia speech ot July 4 at Tammany Hall
that tha democrats are united; that the re
public ana are divided Into faction, and
then he proceeds to call for recruits. He
attacks the Payne tariff law aa vigorously
aa Brlatow, Cummins, La Follette, Bever
ldge and other so-called Insurgents attack
It. He gives notice that the democrats sr.
to control the next house of representative,
and that their first labor will be a revision
of the tariff from the standpoint of rev
enue. He declares that they will pass a
tarlff-for-revenue-only bill, put It up to the
senate and if the senate doea not pasa It.
upon the provisions of that bill, they wUi
enter the campaign of 1912 asking to be
clothed with full power both executive and
I have been denounced aa a stand-patter
and a again a revision of the tariff. I
will confess that I do not believe frequent
changes tn the tariff are for the beet Inter
ests or tne people. Therefore, from the
time of the enactment of the Dingley law
to the making of th national platform in
19t, upon which w nominated Taft and
Sherman and declared tn favor of the re
vision of the tariff, I waa against entering
upon revision or the tariff.
Asrltates Halt Prwescttww.
Agitation for revision and the revision it
self aiway halt production. Th Importer,
fearing that he will not have customers,
import tha minimum, and tha revenue
that are derived from Import correspond
ingly decree. The manufacturer, not
knowing what th proposed revision bring
forth, our tails hi production, for h 1
aware that hia product may be sold later
at a loss, The farmer, the miner and an
other producer purchase the minimum,
and the result la that in the aggregate the
capacity of the people to buy decreases.
It baa been estimated by careful observer
that every day spent during the discussion
and consideration of the Payne tariff bill
resulted la aa aggregate loss to labor and
production variously estimated at from HO,
00o to a day. Yet those who
oppose the Payne tariff law propose to
enter upon a reviaion f the tariff during
the next congress If they are granted
Much compUint has been made about the
nign coat or living. Our friends, the en-
the act withdrawing all the lands from set
tlement, but preserving that part which
withdrew the site for reservoirs. That
legislation waa wtser than the west real
ised at the time, for It t on those identical
sites that we are now constructing the
great reservoirs for the greatest irrigation
scheme ever undertaken by man. We have
already expended more than sTAOM.On on
this great scheme, and a few weeks ago
congress authorised the loan of t.W fl"
more to the reclamation fund to complete
existing projects.
It waa also nearly twenty year asm that
we gave th president power to withdraw
land for national forest reserves, and w
now have 3n.000.0Qo' acre of such reserves.
President Roosevelt withdrew several mil
lion acres of public land to protect and
oonaerve water-power sites, coal land and
oil lands. President Taft. following th
same policy, doubted the power of the ex
ecutive In such conservation and to be en
tirely safe recommended legislation giving
such authority. The legislation haa been
enacted and the president ha again with
drawn th lands, making th conservation
doubly certain a authorised by law a
well ae by executive order.
alee et the Heeiee.
We have much loose talk about the rules
of the house as though they were of re
cent origin. Instead of being in tha mala
as old a the congress and even older, for
Thomas Jefferson prepared hi manual for
the senate from a treatise on parliamentary
practice he secured in Europe. Tha rule
of th house of representative are simply
a code of procedure so a to enable a largo
body of men to trails act bualnesa in an or
derly manner, protect each member la hi
right and at the same time not permit a
belligerent minority to block the proceed
ings, nor a merciless majority to ride rough
hod over th minority.
Soros ot th ablest and fairest member
we have ever had in public life have con
tributed to thle code of rule. Tha custom
haa been to adopt tha rules from one con
gress to another, because they were con
sidered aa practicable aa any that could be
devised. They are. not partisan, and never
have been. They are the law of th house
of representative for the government of
that body, a much aa the statute are for
the people. Men. desiring to secure result
in legislation have been abl to accomplish
much, while men who were little Interested
la general legislation have either devoted
their time to some pet private measure and
complained because they could not pas it.
or they have found th means of attracting
attention to obstruction or efforts to re
form the practice of parliamentary pro
ceedings tn general.
Effect ef that ReJee.
As a rule, the majority of members study
the rules to secure result in legislation.
There haa always been a minority who
attacked the rules with little study and a
the easiest way to attract attention and
make up for their deficiency In general
legislative work. As a member of the bouse
of representatives for thirty-five years,
sometimes on the majority- side and some
times on the minority side of the house, I
have found the rules sufficient to secure
result a I waa a member of the committee
on rules In the Fifty-first congress with
Speaker Reed and William McKiniey. We
then had to modify the rule for a quorum
to enable the speaker to count member
who would mak motion and then- refuse
to respond to their names when the roll
waa called. That modification waa made
in a constitutional way, reported from the
committee on rule and adopted by a ma
jority of the house. That was simply to
check aa endless filibuster by the minority
thst boasted it would not permit the ma
jority to do the bualnesa congress was
elected to do. Reed waa denounced a a
csar, and th hysterical cry went all over
tha land. But the majority changed and
the democrats came into control. They
adopted tha so-called Reed rule after one
session of trying to get along without them.
Wa have, bad another season of hysteria
over the rule, abounding in more ignorance
than knowledge. A small percentage of the
political majority went over to the political
minority and created a hybrid majority to
change the rules and create a new com
mittee en rules. In doing thia they ad
mitted It waa revolution a rather strange
admission for a majority of a law-making
body to defy the law created for it con
trol while making law for th people to
obey. If mob spirit is invoked in making
law. it ia difficult to draw the line against
mob spirit to resist law made by such
a body.
But there have been change In tha rules.
but denounced It aa a part ef a conspiracy
to prevent real reform. Mr. Murdock did
not forget thes things. He simply hoped
other people would forget, and that he
could Justify his co-operation with the po
litical minority of the house by claiming
it bad accomplished tilings which he op
posed and denounced. Now. I have no
fault to find with any of these changes.
I do find Tault with the methods of
men who were elected as republicans and
then gave their services to the democrats.
Mr. Kendall of Iowa, who was generally
associated with Mr. Murdock in his alliance
with the democrsta. defended the special
rule for the consideration of the postal
savings bank bill, and in bis speech said.
"They (the democrats) are not here to
assist us in redeeming the pledge of the
republican platform or in Justifying the
recommendations of the republican presi
dent. A usual, they are interposing what
ever .obstructions seem possible to the
carrying out by us of the solemn declara
tions ot our platform and the expedient
recommendations of our president."
Mr. Kendall there exposed the weakness
of those who-co-operated with the demo
crat in thia eongresa in legislation and in
revolutionary methods against legislation.
Greet Wsrk ef Cwegreea.
It ha been said that tha change In the
rule, effected on March 19, 1910. enabled
the house to accomplish more work than It
rule cutting on ail amenamenis save -,.- that thev lesrl
broad enough to recognise tnsx tney legi
s,ios..,u.e u.,nm Uy , !t for the wbola country and that no
committee as a means of protection, iney
said very frankly to their associates in' the
republican caucus that, if the bill were open
to general amendment on tho floor of the
house, the democrats would certainly offer
many amendments which would be em
barrassing to the western members, and
tha; they would either be compelled to vote
for those amendments or have very serious
trouble explaining why they had not done
so to their constituents at home. In taking
that position I think they were Justified
and by so doing they kicked from under
them the old prejudices and arguments
against special rules. j
The republicans mes In caucus and after
four long night sessions perfected a bill
which they agreed to as a party measure.
And that Is exactly the function that had
been performed by special rules of tho
bouse of representatives ever since the com,
mlttee on rules was given the power to re
port such rules. Such special rules, always
reported from tha committee on rule in
obedience to caucus action, or a canvass
of a majority side of the bouse, have never
been rejected by the house. The support
of Mr. Murdoch, and other so-called Insur
gents, which was given to thesepecial rule
for the consideration of the postal savings
bank bill, was Identical with tha attitude
of the "regular" republicans not only In
the support of that rule but in tha support
ot every saeclal rule by which an impor
tant piece of legislation has been considered
in the twenty years. And Mr. Murdoch
late for the whole country
part of th country and no part of th
popuiation can permanently prosper at tha
expense of any other part. Send repre
sentatives who will co-operate with their
republican colleagues from all the other
states and who. through co-operation and
after full consultation will be wise enough
and strong enough to legislate for Sb.0O9.iM
people. With such men representing you. -you
need have no fear but that you will
receive full recognition for Industrie,
whether of farm, mine or factory of your
respective localities. Send men who are
competent to legislate in th house and la
the senate, and not merely la th news
papers and magaaine.
Tou may say ic is none of my bussnessl
to take counsel with you touching this
matter. My reply Is that we tn IlUnoia are
aa much interested in having correct rep
resentation from Kansas aa your are la
having correct representation from Illinois,
for tn the last analysis wis leglsJarioe, la
vital for all th people of the republic
did before. That change in the rules was , " bis vote of June 7. 1910. condemned all hts
simply to create a new committee on rules. 1 Prl" lous actions against the committee on
composed of ten members In th piece of ruJe of noU8 oC representatives.
a committee of five, and the speaker not
to be a member thereof.
Thia new committee on rule reported
two (pedal rules; one for the consideration
ot the postal savings banlc bill, the other
to consider the Appalachian reserve bill.
In addition to these that committee reported
a new rule providing a method for dis
charging a committee from the further con
sideration of a kill.
But the great work of the session. In
providing appropriation for the life of the
government, were, with three exceptions,
passed before the change In the rules ot
the house. The District of Columbia ap
propriation bill waa passed December 3;
the army appropriation bill. January 1L the
fortification appropriation, January IS; the
agricultural.. February 2; the urgent de
ficiency. January S4; tha Indian appro
priation. February 22; diplomatic and con
sular. February 11; military academy,
March. 10; river and harbor appropriation.
Febnvary IS; pension appropriation, March
X; naval, Apr-It j; sundry civil. June 4; and
th general deficiency appropriation bill.
June 18.
It will be seen from the above list that
with the exception of the naval sundry
civil, general deficiency and pension appro
priation bill, the great budget bills were
all passed upon by the house of representa
tive before the date of the change tn the
rules. They were all considered as in the
past without any special rule, and all the
Important legislation of the last session
of orngrea waa enacted without any ipe
cial rule.
The railroad rata bill, creating a court
of commerce, was passed tn exactly the
same way a the Hepburn bill waa passed in
the Fifty-ninth congress; considered tn the
committee of the whole house and open to
amendment at every stage, with no time
fixed for a vote, except by unsjiimcua con
Th statehood bill, the employers' li
ability bill, tho conservation bill and many
other were passed in the same way
The postal savings bank bill waa the one
Hope for Mtrssrk.
There was no one in the house ot repre
sentatives more ardent in hia support ot
the postal savings bar.k bill than Repre
sentative Murdock. He waa ready to adopt
Jlseerest Flattery.
At the dinner of a literary club la Chi
cago two minor porta were heard In con
versation, "Harold," said the one, "I've Just seen,
your triolet in the Spread Eagle Maga
Une. "
"Ah"' exclaimed tha other, a pleased
expression coming into hia face, and with
the air of a man preparing himself against
a burst of praise.
"Tea," continued the second poet; "and.
do you know I heard rather a neat lltt'e
i compliment passed on it by a young lady
of my acquaintance.
Harold seemed still more pleased. "May
I ask what she said?" he quiered.
Whereupon the first minor poet gurgled.
"Why." said he. "she wanted to know
whether I had written It Upptncotf t
"Love All"
In-between games, after a hard set any
time and every time drink
It's red, it's rich, it's delicious.
It's pure and wholesome.
, It drives away fatigue.
THE T. F. MEMMEN CO, Lincoln, Neb.
Nebraska DUtribatara
Ia the IHngley law the duty on print pa- j y, nwnufacturtna: center. d
Km the house passed y that tho who ar. engaged in manu-
the Payne bill the duty oa thia commodity facrurlng. mining and mercantile pursuits,
was fixed at B per ton tn accordance with u differentiated from those engaged in
the recommenda-ons of the Mann commit- agriculture, are compelled to pay too much
minor for hreadstuffs and other product of tha
txrm. Then ia the prairies ef Illinois and
authority ef action taken at th last session
of th Sixtieth congress. In my Judgment,
th rate fixed by the house bill was cor
rect; but when the bill reached the senate
Kansas and In tha agricultural districts
generally they declare that the farmers are
payuig too mucn ror the product of thi
ubetantially all the New England senators, lwo.tnlrflU of th. ju wno ar. ,
together with senator, from New Tork. .n-d In agriculture. They are all thing.
lc"'"a '' "here print ps- ! men ccortlnc to Ujcation from
V " "Piwiw view , m th- ... ,,,
la that declaration- Mr. Clark was not
speaking as an tndindual but as loyal,
autuaiastlc. arcert cemccrat. representing
the tartff prw:et;u the democratic prty
vid their unwavering determination not to
illow the Ur tf to be kept out ef
President MrKlnley thought we had taken
he tariff eut of politics in ISPS, when the
vl.oir eountry had so proenervd under the
jtnj'ty law that the peop. had ceased to
Stcus tariff. Ia a speech ia BVetan
it swamod we bad at last ec-
and insisted that the rata fixed by the
house wa not protective. So a compro
mise wa made fixing th duty at U. per
Takes aa a whol. th Payn law reduced
j duties en imports which compete with sim
i liar eemmoditiea produced in the United
3tateo amounting to consumption valus
yearly tm J6 OuO . f while the increases
ever la a rates ef the Dtngley law were tn
the main upon luxuries, the largest Increase
belpg upon wiaea and similar produeta. th
coueumpuoa value of which i (SM.4S
a year.
Alas ef tit Tariff Lew.
Tha object -ef the recent tariff tegis
tatina waa twe-fold: First, to provide
Take Off ihs Faf
Vhsra It Sham
Moat women suffer much humiliation be
cause of great quantities of fat. so located
that no matter how they drexa. everybody
sees that they are abnormal. Thia ia the
day of the slender figure, and fat women
are simply not tolerated either tn business
or social affairs. Women may not know
it. but men when tney see a fat woman
pass them on the street make all manner
of sympathetic remarks about her. Tney
do not mean to be unkind or to aeem un
manly but it la natural for a man to dis
use tat en a woman, w nere fat shows
reveuw to pay the expanse f
eminent, and. second, to tlx the duties la those who ar
" " ma upmsici wita aemocratlc I tne moat there la hn it irtua h. r.rr....-.i
tartff revision during the year from U9 ! and a quickly aa pcssible. Tne hot weatner
to 1897. Our democratic fnenda. belnc In 1 """ n " "oade for a fat woman's
, . .. . . . " I misery and the slender woman s deugnt.
full power, enacted the Wilson tariff law. j They expose ail Ms cuarms of womsn and
Tha blind led the blind and they fell la a her ugliness aa well. xrcio and diet
ditch, carrying wita them the remainder I wUl remove fat. Thia haa been proved.
of the people of the United States. T"? i!?0" Mrm"' JT!TP;',,n whai
I has met wita such phenomenal succeas
Pe i as sad Csassrtalies. ! snd has so many of our society women as
After we had made such progress in the i " sponsors, is now being soad in tablet
.JL . ... ,,m. wh form to meet the demand of tie publie for
creation and use of wealth as no other j thi style ef treatment. The iitti tablets
people la all th hiatory of civilisation, w go into your system just Use food. They
are advised to be progressiva I have heard ! to eioenaeti and digestive apparatus
, . . . from producing fat axid reduce the tat upun
of a tramp an the breakbeam criticising the body ax tha rate of from U to 1L ounce
t.te engineer who was responsible for the a day. They are harmless and cm a ha ear-
you have Indulged ia a hearty meal away
frotn home. They are sold st a-1 dru
at 72 eenta a case, or tf you prefer
Twentieth Century Limited, and much of
this talk about progressive legislation j
the gov- I come from as raspisksibia a course from I '
. i . . ; v
urtog a witnout aoa- i V" mr "r't U:" M"T'" Compaq.
onJ Farmer Bldg.. Detroit. Mica.
t i . rr
iiti-- -sri'ii v ---- j i--4 . ft f," v: .-f. i'--TL"U- . 'css i rr i t
M M mix, X. ' .' , -, 1 Asa. X s" Nil , jth sTM 7 i
I k fla'Tiie- Moses are
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Blooming out in-
Southern California
Spend your summer there. Take thb
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The Safe? Road
Dining car meals and service "Best in the Wtorld."
Low round trip summer tourist fares. For irJorrnation write
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