Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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The Omaha Sunday 13e&
Entered at Omaha postofflce as second
clsss matter.
1'ally H-e (including riunday), per week..l&c
Lislly bee (without tundy). per week... Wc
Deny Bee iwiuiuut buiiuayj, one ear...K
Uauy toe and Munday, ana year
Evening liee (without Sunday). per
Kvemng Bee (with dumlajr), iiar week). ..10c
sufiony dm, oia year
Saturday Bee, one rem- 1 "
Address all complaint of irregularities in
delivery to City Circulation Leparuneut.
Omaha The Bee building.
Mouth Omahsa-rwentj-touitb. and N.
coumll tl hi la 16 scott btreeL
Lincoln 61a Little Bunding.
V. nicago li4 Marquette feulldiug.
New Xork llve-me liul-HOJ No. M Weal
Tbirty-tmrd fctreet.
Washington !Jb fourteenth Street. N. W.
OmmunlciUuna relating to nwi and ed
itorial matter auould ba adureeeeo: Omaha
toe, a-dliorial UepaJ-tmenL 11 '1A.NCES.
KemH by draft expresa or postal order
payanle to 'Xh Bee lJuulUtiliig Company.
Only 1-eent stamps recelvea m payment o(
mail account, personal ciiecas. except on
Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
State of .Neurajika. Dougiaa County, ne:
Oeorge U. Tssohuok, treaaurer of Ibe Bee
Pubuaning Company, being tuiy sworn,
ears that the actual of fun end
complete coplee of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of J una. 114. waa aa folio wa:
43.700 IS 44,120
..a.. ...43,700
...... ...44,794
... 41,860
e 41,700
I e im mm m 43990
liaMe 44,009
u, .44,400
It..-; 11-4O0
i $4400
11. ......... 44,410
It 44,410
It... 44,630
1.. 4LS00
10 44.400
11 44,460
1 44.730
14..... 46.030
H 41,400
J....... ....48,000
8 0 a a . . 44.M0
a ...... X4s30
' Not Total .... a. laia,iae
' Daily Average 43,704
' Treasurer,
Subscribed ta mi presence and a worn to
stare me uua wu ay ot June, ui
Notary Public
SatMrtbere leaving; tke elty torn
omrllr aSused hare - The Bo
aaJledl the-na. Adenma wlU b
it mm eMfcoB aa e .
The man who rests m hard as he
works Is generally tired.
This is good weather for
later tines., if you havt any.
Aviators continue to break propel
lore, 'Whether" they break ' records or
Bisbee Arizona, is swept by a flood
the report says, Must be a flood of
sunshine. ' '
"War with' Japan Is Imminent," says
,W. Ei Hearst, "You're another," says
th m!kdo. --. '
So long as this Japanese war is con
fined to Hearst, Hobsoa and Sulzer we
can endure it. . '
Th Ad Men.
Omaha is to hare as Its guests this
week a bbdy of men who hare a most
unique relation to the social organiza
tion. Tbo Associated Advertising
Clubs of America represent fn a pecu
liar way the development of modern
business method! aa evolution that
s so strange ss to be slmost revolu
tion. The organisation is the concrete
expression of the keynote to surceas in
any enterprise. "Publicity." Without
publicity of a favorable sort no enter
prise can attain Its fullest develop
ment, and this Is the "ad man's" field.
His function is to provide tbat pub
licity. He both buys and sells space;
he looks into the business of a custo
mer with the professional acumen of a
skilled specialist, determines what Is
needed and then With printer's ink he
starts a stream of gold flowing into the
coffers of the msn who employs him.
It sounds simple enough, but the ad
man has demonstrated his case often
enough to be entitled to his place, for
his results are possible only when his
printer's ink is mixed with brains.
To argue the value of advertising is
to waste time. Publicity is as neces
sary to success in modern business as
is a building to house the machinery
of the factory or the stock of the store.
To give a list of the Immense fortunes
that have been raised on a foundation
of Judicious advertising would be to
call a long roll of names familiar to
all; many of these names still bring
lng large sums to the heirs of their
owners by reason of a value due solely
to note gained through advertising,
And the ad men are busy all the time,
building up more of these names, ad
ding to the value of those already es
tablished and doing the one great act
finally essential to business success
bringing producer and consumer to
These men are keen, discerning and
endowed with the faculty of analytical
discrimination. It, is this fact that
doubles the pleasure of entertaining
them, for Omaha is ripe for Just that
sort of Inspection. The ad men are
welcome, and they will have no occa
sion to complain of Omaha hospitality,
should combine to uproot this evil, to
countersct the grossly erroneous no
tions and exalt government- andU the
men charged with the grave responsi
bility of carrying It on. This will
make for a better and saner clt lieu
ship and it will displace a tremendous
amount of ignorauce with the truth.
Those increased imports show that
we still love luxuries and have the ble form, symmetrical, fair
Billion for Building.
Official statistics show that 128
cities in the United States Invested
1, 000, 000, 000 in new buildings dur
ing the year 1909, which might fairly
be placed over against the billion
which congress found it necessary to
appropriate to meet the demands of
this great grpwlng' nation. Authorities
predict that 1810 will even surpass
the building record of 1909.
When we take these facts and
figures, together with the enormous
increases all over the country In bank
clearings, we have two sure indexes
to business that show most astounding
expansion. In 1907 we were told by
some men who chose to make the
most they could out of that little
money stringency that we would
not recover from the effects of that
panic for many years,; but now we
must conclude that those men did not
know what they were talking about
But now we see the truth in its tangi-
to look
price. , Oh, these hard times.
The right kind of hospitality to the
'Ad men will be the kind of an ad for
Omaha that will bring results.
Not ft Party lime.
While political parties dedsim In
their platforms on any subject they
choose, the question of county option
s not, and should not be, a party Is
sue in Nebraska. All agree that the
chance for physical and mental ex- weekly services to a comparatively few
errlse, purer milk and food all these well-ordered men and women who at-
are elements that enter into the com
mon sense remedies applied for the
child's welfsre and rich and Influ
ential citizens are lending their sup
port to preserve it. The campaign is
really exciting, it is so earnest and
persistent and much good already has
come of It.
Such things as those should con
tend as a matter of course. If this
Is the correct theory, then the insti
tutions! church is best comprehended
in the downtown parish, for it Is
acceiHlble to the largest number of
needy souls.
Such a church might beeonie the
headquarters of immense chsrlty and
good work, keeping Its doors and
vlnce us thst it does not pay to be channels of mercy open every day.
sordid, or to settle ourselves In the
solemn conceit that the world is
sordid, is Indifferent to the condition
New York is going on in some form
or other in nearly every otner cuy
where the necessity exists. Happily
it does not exist to a large extent In
cities out here where nature is able
able because unhampered by artificial
handicaps to deal with the situation
suppression or regulation of the liquor of the other fellow. What Is going on in
traffic is strictly a local matter de
pending upon public sentiment in each
community, and that where public
sentiment favors license the most
strenuous effort to enforce dryness is
bound tp miscarry and invite law vio
lation. It is seldom, also, that com
munities divide on party lines on the
liquor question, and it is recognition
of this fact that leads the temperance
and anti-saloon organizations to prose
cute their work, not in any one. polit
ical party, but irrespective of parties.
If county option is really a local is
sue and not a party issue, no good
reason exists for injecting it into the
psrty platforms and attempting to
make its aupport or opposition a test
of fealty to political parties built upon
principles of government and devoted
with a pastor, or assistant pastor on
hand to administer to the wants of the
'whosoever will" come. But the pastor
of such a church must be a man, a
full-rounded man, not merely a
preacher or theologian; a scholar and
affable gentleman, but a man of busi
ness and executive ability, capable of
handling such a work as would nat
urally fall to the lot of a man in such
a position. Such a situation would
itself. But where children require spe- require an unusual amount of ad-
ctal attention In the smaller cities of
the west they are receiving it.
The Manly Art.
Apropos of the recent prize fight,
the signed editorial In the Outlook by
Theodore Roosevelt praising the manly
art of boxing, and at the same time land the demand for service would be
condemning the brutality of the prize mucn greater, no doubt, than the
minlstratlve power and above all it
would demand a man of strong, virile
character, who could meet and deal
with all sorts of men and conditions.
Of course ministers whose trend Is
toward the format work of the pulpit,
mould not do for this kind of a field
fight, throws another sidelight on a I
much discussed topic.
Colonel Roosevelt tells how he, him-
to the execution of broad policies for slf' ,n D,B earIy d,yB derlved mucn
eUte and nation. Every candidate "uent irom noxmg contests, aitnougn
running on the republican ticket in Ne
braska this fall, for example, wants
the votes of every republican whether
he believes In county option or opposes
It, and as many other votes as be can
legitimately get. Any action calcu
lated to drive away a large body of re
publican voters disposed to stay with
the ticket, 1bv not only uncalled for, but
bad politics. Whether we get county
option or not from' the coming legisla
ture depends entirely on the action of
the people in selecting law-makers for
their respective legislative districts
in other words, it must In any event be
fought out as a local issue.
So far as Nebraska republicans are
concerned it may be well for them-to
remember that the only time the party
allowed itself to become entangled In
the liquor question it suffered its first
serious defeat that lost it control of
the state government In which It had
been entrenched for more than twenty
not always with success over his op
ponent, and how he as police commis
sioner encouraged this form of exercise
and recreation among the policemen
and firemen of New York, and later, aa
president, on the soldiers and sailors
The former president confesses not
only to admiration of. but to friend
ship with, a number of - professional
boxers and heroes of the prize ring;
but hits the bull's-eye' when he decries
the sordid and .brutal conditions that
have come to surround these pugilistic
bouts with prize money aggregating
hundreds of - thousands of dollars
divided almost equally between winner
and loser, and the additional tempts
tlon offered by the prospect of motion
picture royalties.
The manly art as practiced by pro
fessionals has degenerated so as to dis
gust everyone and to forfeit the good
opinion even of those disposed to en
courage wholesome tests of courage,
strength and endurance. So Colonel
available supply at first. It would
seem to be a matter, therefore, to com
mand the attention of divinity schools,
whose business it should be to try to
meet the needs of the times, try to
turn out the kind of men most needed
and to keep pace with the demands of
a rapidly changing social system.
If such a departure which is upon
us should result In forcing a higher
standard of ministerial ability, then
all the better for it, for it would be but
serving one of the apparent needs of
the day.
Hostou lleraidi KIctrlo faim will km
the rtmrch temperature right. Hut it takes
a plilloKoplilo and 1. vout mind to prevent
a rising temperature behind your fair
neighbor' Iiki.
Philadelphia Bulletin: A pieiu'lu-r In one
of yeeterdtty's uriiione eald: "What a UIC
ferent world this would te If the truth were
epoken for a alngle day! What reprlalina
tion:" And what a demand tor dictionaries.
Brooklyn Kanle: The "new ChrlHtlanlty"
at I'hlcMgo la to eland with geology agaimtt
Uenet8. It la widely knnmri that Chicago
university, where thin Idcallem ha lu
fount, hag bored deeply Into the earth's
oriint and struck oil. It le now up to the
profeaeura to demonxtrate to tlrnd humanity
that what they have1 found la th oil of
Baltimore American: A New York rnln
iFtor lu the coiiidb of hia Mprmon lately
(aid that Mr. Carnegie and other million-
alien got used to the feeling of giving ay
a million and advlned others to try the
same to experience the joy of giving. But
to this advice the anewer of the majority
will be an eager Inquiry of how flint to
get the million. '
Washington Poet: John D. Rockefeller, In
an addrce before the Bible olaee of tho
Euolfd Avenue Baptist church In Cleve
land, prophesied the amalgamation of all
the religions In the world. As an incidunt to
his prophecy he might have predicted the
nillk-iilum. The amalgnmation-of all the re
ligions lu the world and the millennium
probably will take place simultaneously.
Kalth Is the flrnt aid, to fortnight
Kafth wells but never keeps Its ork
Tou cannot save strength by refusing u
usn any.
The man who hai ha port alwajs ha
Many contrary winds.
Some folks never pre Is others ekrept
where the echo la working good.
Tonr many who are sure Hod is on their
side show no anxiety to be on Ills.
No man can w alk straight to klory w hll
he Is looking askance at his fellow. '
Often the struggle to keep the wort from
the door also keeps the serpent from the
In life's play It Is often hard to tell
whether we have the pity or the envy of
the spectators.
It's no uxe singing about rising In the'
arna of faith so long as you forget thst
fulth has feet. too.
A man's "Virtue Is a f Unify thing hen 4t
has to tie determined by his freedom from a
court record. t.'h lea go Tribune.
Rev. F. B. Meyer is one Britisher
who has a good opinion of Americans.
He saw the house of representatives
adjourn two hours early one day to
permit its members to attend the In
ternational Sunday school convention
and wonders how soon the British
Commons will be' doing such a thing,
Chances are, however, that had
Brother Meyer tracked some of those
American statesmen he would not
have reached the convention hall.
The Funny Man.
The village cut-up is a national
character. Every little town and
many nig ones nave mm and some
times he is funny and sometimes he Is
not, but always he fills a perilous role,
It costs something to be known as a
funny man. It has cost some men
their places in congress, while others
paid . their Influence and standing
among serious men for the reputation
Unhappily, forces for evil, for un
known but sinister purposes, con-
Roosevelt Joins in the almost universal "tantly are endeavoring by false re-
demand for legislation that will make Iort"' or other methods, to create con
prize fighting hereafter unlawful ditlons of ill-will or distrust between
within the bordera of anv atata or tar. two neighboring peoples," said the
ritory under the American flag. Hap- foreign minister of Japan at a banquet
pily, the pugllllsts have but a few tendered Secretary of War Dickinson
daces of refuge left, and th change at Toklo. He will have Mr. Hearst on
are good that the door to these will be uls back flrBt thln he know,
closed tightly before another
pionship fiasco Is attempted.
Eelp for Ex-Conviott
'A - rtnh , manr .- TAfiAnflv . 4Mti Arvait
And most of then have admitted that from a California penitentiary, wher.
they paid too much for what they got.
Funny men are born, not made, and
they, are very scarce. The world needs
Colonel Ouffey has had to put his
property In the hands of a receiver to
conserve, his millions. Perhaps Mr.
Bryan would ' let I him have a little
ready cash to help him out In view of
No matter who else fails, aviators "come
Margaret Illlngton'S husband announces
that ha intends to be her manager. Sure,
Mr. Bowes does not differ from othor hus
bands in the matter of illusions.
It is reasonably certain that the project
of flying over tho Atlantic will command
i fine a line of front page advertising as
balloon trip to the North pole.
Kvanston Is a suburb of Chicago and a
city of choice homes, the owners of which
are diligently chasing the stone into the
lake. While homea multiply, the school
population decreases.
The will of Chief Justice Fuller covered
a page and a half and disposed . of an estate
of 11,000,000. , Mr. K. .II. 'Harrlman's will
covered leas than a page, and disposed of
property worth more than $100,000,000.
Philadelphia is about to try the experi
ment of floating a 4 per cent loan by pop
ular subscription.- Bonds will be issued In
units of 1100, and sold at par over the
city treasurer's counter.
The storied age of ronutnct) is easily
outclassed by the modern variety. Imagine
what a heart-gi'lpping story the modern
romanclat might' weave around ' the mar
riage of a New York couple drawn tog-ether
by the love both entertained for the same
bull pupl
The taxing board of review of Chicago
la slowly recovering its collective breath.
But another Jolt such as was administered
by a woman wb called and asked to be
taxed on 12,000 worth of personal property,
wilt put the board In a permanent coma
tose condition.
Press associations discriminate shame
fully In handling "hold-up" newo. Two
days after, the event near Ogden, a pair of
suffragettes boarded a train near Chicago
and compelled forty-eight men to listen at
tentively to a speech on equal rights. The
'hold-up" didn't get a line outside of tee
local papers.
he, completed a term; of Imprisonment, tnof Btalned window glasses.
has determined to establish a fund to
help ex-convicts regain respectable
He became convinced by his experi
ences of the need for more of such
Production Bxeeeda Ceuaamptloa
Washington Post. -
The country continues to manufacture
more , prosperity than the pessimists can
With Brother Charley to at on the
lid at home, W. J. can always find time
to run out and gather up a few Chau
tauqua dollars.
One paper asks if the air is beyond
legal control. Let ua not bother
about that until we get It under
physical control.
upon, a form, we readily admit, that
could scarcely have been moulded
amid unseemly surroundings and con
When we look about us and see f 1
000,000,609 worth of new buildings
going up, all kinds of labor employed
at the highest wages in history and
everybody busy and industrious, we
must appreciate better the wonderful
resources and recuperative powers of
this great country.
Keep Yatr Sean, Gents.
Philadelpnlt Ledger..
According to Mrs. Belmont the eo-oalled
chivalry of man la a humbug. The first
male to offer the lady a seat will be an
them, for it needs fun but it needs poBltlon antf beCome useful citizens
lunut la tueir yiacei, sua waen a man
can be both funny and sane he is for
tunate, for he la In a position to do pnlUntnropr.
.C..v,c, muv Penitentiaries are not primarily
" vw "UUk vu lun " places to punish and disgrace men, but
proper times he becomes a misfortune, Tth My)um of rerorm an1 ,f they
" " . . are ever to accomplish their real mis-" Yui "
Thai aadrlmt of all thmih I. . . I enemy of his sex.
" " ' sion they must nave the outside co-
euuw wno im.aiu-e ae is.runny and operation ' which thus far has been
.ih. iou trequenuy meet up wnn wIthheW .ntlreiy, Cr stingily given
men woo aeem to ne imoued witn the P-opl. 6 pron. tO ostracise the ex
" "- convict, in social ana Business cnan-i the colonel was found swinging bis own
pie iaugn. meet mem in company, In ia;-to draw about them thlr nharl- axe and not turning the grindstone for
. gnuiermj, na ,ey are cnattering MlcaI robea of righteousness and repel wnoay.
ana cninning use a monkey In a self
Uncle Sam a Good Boss.
Francis E. Leupp, who has been in
Washington for thirty years as a news-
DSDer correspondent and In late years
aa Indian commissioner, is the author
of a very interesting article on the
subject, "Does it Pay to Work for the
That Newark, O., mayor who re- Government?" the main his an
signed had been elected four times. It swer Is in the affirmative, but very nat-
Mew England does not permit Sun
day base ball, but it had twenty-five
drownings last Sunday in its various
streams -and bays. ,
Is hard to understand how a quitter
could have such a record.
The New York World wants to know
If Mr. Roosevelt is too popular. Yes,
to suit the World. Mr. Bryan, Mr.
Hearst and Chancellor Day.
Some scientist thinks he has discov
ered that cows give more milk when
music . is, 'played during milking,
Maybe that explains why so , much
milk ta tainted.
More than 1,000 people were over
come by the heat in Detroit while
watching the.Elks parade. We men
tlon this 'simply to make our readers
feel more comfortable.
Chicago has gone into esctasies of
enthuslssm over the United States
army tournament "which is being held
there. Omaha will have a similar mil
itary display In the fall.
Practical retrenchment Is shown by
a certain eastern psper which has re
cently gone into the bands of receiv
ers. It formerly printed its editorials
In double columns, now prints them In
single column.
urally he modifies it by saying that It
depends on the alms and attitude of
the publio servant
Of course, the man who is looking
for opportunities of amassing a for
tune would scarcely be -Justified in en
gaging In government service, but it a
young man Is seeking a work which
offers a reasonable pay, with the aver
age opportunity for advancement and
the highest character of service, then
he is Justified in becoming an employe
of Uncle Sam. - There are men who
have spent their lives la the govern
ment's service and would not exchange
places with anyone, and some of them
have remained In comparatively mod
est positions, too, but they have had
fair salaries and the opportunity of
sharing in the work of maintaining
the greatest government on earth a
work, not of .today or tomorrow, but
of all time, that will endure.
It does no harm, but a vast amount
or good, for men who have given some
years of their lives to government
service to stand up publicly for it and
to exert their Influence toward dispell
ing that all-too-common Illusion that
It Is to be shunned by young men of
talent aa a mere catch-basin for politi
cal obligations, or a temporary expedi
ent. True, it la often used - legiti
mately as stepping stones to some-
for It . la a
Caeerfol Kxvrciae.
Washington Star.
Some of the visitors at Sagamore, Hill
may attach, importance to tne iaot tnat
conscious effort to make somebody
laugh. It is pitiful, sometimes.
If you .have a friend thus afflicted
take him to one aide and tell him
about his weakness, try to, persuade
any advance the Jean Val jeans may
make. It la an old story, repeated by I
many a man who has served time In a
IMd He Walk Backf
Minneapolis Journal.
Uxpert doctors, hired by Porter Charl
ton's lawyers, find the wife-murderer at
him to overcome It. It will be doing men shake their heads at his applies
uim a amnness ana nis associates a
. .t.i v . j .a tun "
yruou mat ur "P" ruoted wlth 0onfuional Insanity." "ex
portunlty - Closed to mm wnen he haustlve psyohosls" and "hebephrenlr.
emerges from prison walla. Business! Did he walk back from Rene, too?
great favor. Get him to understand
tlon, police officers often trail him in I
the expectation of catching him In new
Yea, Tkm Waa a Tl
Washington Herald.
Thm wmji time, four months Airo. when
mat ne owes society no debt that has crime. It Is not only a case of kicking ail around the sleet and snow were thick
tO be Paid In that sort Of Coin and con- the doe- that la down but also varv "n the frosen ground, and trapped earth
v -v.. . tne aa tuas is oown, out aiso very w. -WmiM
July were here." And now July upon the
i tutf uu iub uvotu, nut a.av tvi I
vlnce him that what influence he may llkely to kep Wm ,rom Ter rising to
have suffers by a constant display of
cheap wit.
the station of respectability and law- spot Hke Johnny Is but, gee, it's hotl
abiding usefulness.
Practical charity that reaches the
hand to the apparently down-and-out
Is badly needed today for this very
purpose. It will go a long way toward
SaYinff the Child.
Physical and moral perils alike be
set the child in the lower strata of
the larger cities to such an extent that Lobrtna- a most distressing problem,
publio and semi-public societies have u not always the man who talks most
taken It on themselves more and more of -hU righteousness who is most
to look out for their safety. In New righteous. So long as this Is so it is
York, where the problem is most sort- rather unbecoming: for us to sit In
oua. the effort 14 more systematic and judgment too rigidly on the other fel-
na,.I.Unl Thl fall . i I .
aw..u.vUM a u .an nut ib uivwu invr Th la la not a matter ar mr
' Suspicion Confirmed.
.-' Chicago Record-Herald.
Assurances come from Berlin tnat Ger
many ha no Intention of stepping In and
picking up the Central American live wire
known aa Nicaragua, We have suspected
from the ' first that the report of Ger
many's Intention to sat the fool was un
. American Sara-err Tee Vast f
New York Tribune.
American surgeons are suprpised to find
tbat In Indon hospitals methods of oper
as a child welfare exhibit will be held .ntt.nt w a nn.ation of atlon which were here abandoned long ago
. - . .. ' I a. a. .K-axl.f. OB H1I 111 llrVlilfla With SI
m new i or. wnere cnnaren trained ,ense that faces as In the world's it- riTUi . uVsi .S
or treated by these charitable Instltu- tltude toward its exonvicts, and
tlons will be exhibited to show what i0oner or later the world will have to
has been done and what may be done
Senator Lodge sets up or lays down
a irew code of ethics to govern political
candidates by deciding to ignore his thing better financially,
opponent, Mr. Ames, or the fact that training school for. big business, but
he Is running. This leave the people ln itself, under the civil Service rulea
free to deal with Mr. Ames in their and reformed consular service, where
own way. 1 (the merit system prevails, It msy be
made Just as permanent and aafe as
The Chicago Tribune's campaign any other business.
against unmuzzled doga reminds us The habit of taking tblnga for
that It has been several yeara since the granted, very common among Amer-
and persons Interested In this form of
philanthropy will be invited to attend
the exninit ana study the problems. It
is to be a sort of school where mothers
and fathers and others may learn the
lessons of child culture.
This is an Innovation In the reform
of pnblte protection of children. It Is
pay more attention to it
The Downtown Church.
The growing tendency of churches
is to seek the residential centers for
their locations. They want to get as
near as possible to their parishioners.
Especially is this true of the Pro
testant churches and in all cities the
favorable reeulta as are obtained here with
the most advanced methods. Tbe fact
suggestive. 'It 'Is just' possible that what
has aptly been dubbed "gnrmophobia" has
carried some persons to needless If not ac
tually mischievous extremes.
Our Birthday Book
Cynical Krlond If the baby Is the hoes
Of th establishment and his mother 'Is the
superintendent, pray vhal position do you
occupy? . .
Young Father (wearily ) Oh. I'm the floor
walker. Baltimore Amorlcan.
"Then you think she'll marry again?"
"I'm sure of It. Her late hunbaml Inft
her mime tobacco coupon, but not enough
to get anything with." Kansas City
Wife Mother pays she refuses to pay u
a vlait unless we let her pay her board.
Hubby Tell her we couldn't ' think of
such a thing. Cleveland Leader.
"Mine Is a sad story," murmured the
salexludy of the big department store. '
How so? ' asked the sympathetlo cus
tomer, i .
"It's tho story where they have the
mourning goods." answered the saleslady.
Indianapolis News. ' -
"According to statistics." read Mrs.
Peckem from a maKasine, "75 per. cent of
main criminals are unmarried."
"Which Knows how many men prefer the
penitentiary to matrimony," rejoined Mr.
Peckem significantly. Chicago News.
"Is Mrs.
En." on going to be at ' the
'That's whut everybody is trvlnr to find
out. Mrs. Kmbon Is always the
social equation.
. lu the
Aatomonlles , Bend the SUM Vmr tm
turn Skeir.
Washington Post '
That the large and constantly growing
use of automobiles should ..ave resulted -In
higher prices for rubber shoes, and rubber
goods in general, because or the immense
quantity of rubber used ln tires, laf not
surprising. Tbe reasoning from cause to
effect here Is along evident lines.
It Is somewhat astonishing to learn, how
ever, that because ol die general use 01
automobiles, and the outdoor life neces-
rlly Incident thereto, the silk hat Indus
try haa been seriously orrppled and lan
guishes as never before. This Is a fact,
nevertheless. If -we may take the word of
the .hat manufacturers of England, and
they ought to know.
It would seem, therefore, that our old
friends, the common people, get It ln the
same old place, while the plutocratlo con
tinuant reaps such measure of good as
comes from the situation In the silk hat
aspect of it. The common people must
have overahoesaand liunga, and they must,
because of the gay and festive automobile,
pay more for them. The plutocrat, because
of this same automobile, gets his silk hat
cheaper than ever before; albeit he does
not need one so u.ten as of yore.
It really would seem that this old rule
might work the other way around now and
then, but It never does. Whatever happens
because of something else Invariably ap
pears to operate to the benefit of those
who have more than they know what to do
with already. If silk hats doubled in price,
the common people would feel .the effects
of It nut at all, but ' with rubber shoes
doubling In prle the shoes pinch In the
ame old place, of course.
However, the common people are wptlmls-
tlo, and approximately happy. The Lord
generally tempers the wind to tne shorn
lamb after some sort of fashion, and He
must love tbe common people, for, as Mr.
Lincoln said. He made so many of tbem.
What do you mean by thsl?"
"She's the unknown quantity." '' '
"Tnknown ouantlty?" Not a bit: J bap
pen to know that khe weighs J17 pounds "-,
Chicago Tribune. " '
Indianapolis News. 1
Could we but know what Influence ' we
.wield .
Over our fellowmen each day we llve- T
How frowns may hurt, or how a smile
may give ,.
Courage to some faint heart In life's great
Of battle; ah I me til Inks that we would be"
More cheerful of our actions as we go
Through tills strange world of ours, could .
we but see
Could we but know. .':.
Could we but stand In some one - else's
Seeing our ownielves from his' point of
Our faults, of which we thought we bad
but few,
Would seem aa countless as the stars In
And all the great, good traits we -thought
we had,
And all that we had done to lesaen woe
Might all be overbalanced by the bad,
Could we but know.
Could we but know bow just the little
things - '
Which we call oommon places mold the
Of. all of us I The struggling man who
To reach a goal, and falls, and feels tbe
Of unjust crttloe pieree' his vary soul
Knows what kind words are worth; arid
long age
A kind word might have helped him resell
the goal; - ' W
Could we but knew,-.- - .' 1
Could we but knowl Ah me I could we but
The hearts that we have made to ache
with pain
By little thoughtleae deeds, we would
From doing them again;-and we would go
With tear-wet eyes and beg them to for
give Ah, yes, - our hearts would ever warmer
grow ,
Toward all mankind aa long aa we should
live, ,
Could we but know.
Alloucz Magnesia.
Water (from Greta Bij, Wit,)
la only one of over 100 kinds of Mineral
Waters we aeU. We buy direct from
Springs or Importer and are In position
to make low prloe and guarantee fresh
ness and genuineness, write (or cata
logue. Crystal Uthla (Bxoelslor Springs) I gal
ion jug, at SJLoo
Salt Sulphur, (KxceUlor Springs) gal
lon jug, at , , alas
Diamond Llthla Water, H galloa bottle.
now at , 4w
1 doxen g44M
Sulpho Saline water, qt not Its. dec. ftJS
Regent Water, Iron, at, bottle ....... See-;
a aincu, at ....) .. ....
Carlsbad Sprudel Waaser. bottle . .
1 dosen, at ,
Frejich Vjchy water, bot. 40o, do. . . . ,400 .
Appolllnarta Water, Qt., pts. and Splits,
at lowest prlues,
Alloues Magnesia water, Qt Ha, dog a SO
Buffalo Uthla Water, M gal. bottle . OOe
1 dosen oe J T
Ballardvala, pts. Ho., aoe
Dallardvale. ata., 30a, dos j, S.SO
liallardvele, H gals. 40a, dos 4.00
Colfax water, ft-gal bot. Ida, dos . ,a.eo"
Delivery .free In Omaha, Cvuacil Bluffs
and Bouyt Omaha.
Sherman & HcConneSI Drag Co.
Corn ex leth end Bodge Ma.
a .
Carl Drug Co.
Wm and axarasy St.
based on the principle that society Is finest church edifices will be found ln
at least Indebted to the Child to the handsome residence districts.
extent or neipmg it to get fresh air to I While this, of course, has its ad
breathe and sufficient recreation and vanUges, It will not do for all churches
decent companionship to make it ta follow this course. There-is still
last drg-day scare waa perpetrated on
Omaha. Anyone here with a Job lot
. of dog muzzles he wanta to unload at
hlgh-eost-of Itvfcog prices
leans, hss had a mischievous Influence
on the attitude of the public mind to
ward the government service and serv
snts and the home and social agencies
wholesome and healthy and tloubtless
a vast amount of good will come from
such an Institution.
The department of health of New
York haa lent a most helpful hand to
this movement and haa figured right
down to an economical basis the
matter of the chlld'a life and death.
It makes tbe cold statement that It
cost only $36 per baby to save the
little onea, the total cost per year of
whose funerals their deaths are held
to be needless Is 14)6.000, or 60
per funeral. Better ventilated homes
and schools, more plsygrounds, more
room,, for the downtown church, a
church, near the edge of the city's
business activities tbat may be reached
by the "stranger within our gates,"
or Others who cannot, for some reason
or other, get to the outlying houses of
worship. But the field for it ta broader
than that. There Is a feeling among
a great many good and able men that
the church of the future must be the
Institutional church, the church that
never closes It doors, but becomes the
house of prayer and counsel and hop
to the wayfarer every day in the week
and Is not simply a secluded place for
July 17, isxo.
John Jacob Astor, the head and founder
of the Astor family, was born July 17, 176a,
and died ln IMS. He put up the money for
the expedition to Astoria, whose centenary
we were oelebrsvtlng at Bellevue laat mouth.
r. 8. Howell, United States dlatrtot at
torney and member of the law firm of
Jeffarls , Howell offlolng in the Bee
building,' Is 47 year old today. . He was
porn In Atlanta, Oa Hie first law practice
was at Loup City, Neb., and .later at
Albion and Blair before removing to Omaha
in 100.
Orion Darnell, eoal operator, formerly
general manager of the Sheridan Coal
company at Omaha and now of the Aome
Coal eompanr at A cone, Wye., was born
July 17, MM. at Panvllle, Ind. He studied
law at Kansas City before going Into the
railroad and coal business, where be made
hia success.
Kdward r. Leary, with law offloas la the
Brandels building. Is just Z7 years old. He
was . educated at Creighton university,
graduating In law three years ago from the
law department of that Institution,
Here's What You've Oeen Waiting For
derful. . . xsy uu Piano
aoTat tks riAvo aits tsb fx-atub ovabahtoed.
.The equal in qual-
hyto Play ere
coating $150 to
' $230 more.
Mere la the most remarkable
player-Piano offering ever - ex
tended to Omaha muslcless homes
we say "muslcless homes," for,,
really, every home is muslcless un
til It breathes of the very best
music the world haT to give.
HTKUCTION. But. the best of all
is the fact that, these musical
blessings can be had for the same
price aa that paid heretofore for
the plain piano, which exacted
years of hard Work and study, and
even then did not exert any Influ- ,
ence upon the artistic results to be
obtained from It.
Free Music RoVm
Free Bench
Free Delivery '
No Extras
a. hospe co. Mr.?: