Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 11

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Boot mat n.
your printing to th Times.
Slectrla Tut-Barttii-OitDiltt Ce.
Thomss W. Blaokbnra for congress.
est Dry Claanl&g of garments, Twta
City Dy Work. 4UT South fifteenth.
Ther ar BTrai Ways of ImU(
Th Nebraska Savings and Loan assocla
tlon wty, and others. Our way pays
par cent per annum. 1Q board of Trail'
Body goes to Ksw Jrsey lh body of
llsa Florence Erickson, uo died Amy 24,
was sent Thurs-lay to the old homa at
Barnegat, N. J., for fnml interment, Mr.
nd Mra. John D. Pharo accomwiiiylni the
Bw Commercial VAutt iinbera 81x
raw members vero vntou ;.,n) the Commer
cial club at a sped;-.: i.kulIi.b lieid Friday
noon, making a .f Ul new members
alnce January 1. 1 ie nmUy elected art
Hii B. i'Myr.r, K. M. a.utor, Jeff W.
T.adford, F. ii'. Low, J. A. l'erry a:id V. E.
AW for Tzozai toy The Hoard ol
County .i morning
voted 150 for the use of Andrew Nelson,
the boy who had boili less amputated aa a
reault of burnt tbclly frozen last winter at
Carter lake, He wnl ba aent back to Den
mark In tl.a care of the Danish Aid so
ciety. Stevens Oomea to the OonTsntlon 3. C.
Btevens, general advertising representative
of The Bee In New York Cty, la In Omaha
on his annual trip through the, west and to
attend the Ad club convention. "There has
been soma tightening up of business this
summer In the east," said Mr. Stevens,
"but building In New York has suffered
BO diminution. '
Colonel Ore gory Laid to Final Host
The body of Colonel Ueorge Uregory, who
died at Utverton, Wyu., July 6 and waa
placed in tha receiving vault at Forest
Lawn last Sunday, was laid In tha family
burial tot Thursday morning. Julius Fest
ner, Jr.; bugler of tlio Dahlman' Quards,
sounded taps after the body waa lowered
In the grave.
la tha Divorce Court Adrian U, Har
vey asks a divorce from Emily M. Harvey
on a charge of desertion. Harold Q. Ran
aom has filed auit for divorce from Daisy
Hansom on charges of abuse and drunk-
enness. Mable C. fcimpson has ' brought
With Flaunting; Flumei, Sashei and
Swords They Parade.
Sir Kalarht ef Taker Walls
; Daaghters of Taberaael Ride la
Carriages Plcale Follows
Coareatloa Saoceosfel.
Bright uniforms, flaunting plumes, glit
tering regalia, flashing awords, gold-hued
crowns, varl-rolored sashes, marshals on
gaily caparisoned horses, with marching
kclghts and daughters of tha order In car
riaRes these thine, marked the annual
parade of the Knights of Tabor and Daugh
ters of the Tabernacle through the streets
of Omaha Friday at r.oon.
Tho parade way an hour late In getting
started from the gathering place, at Six
teenth and California streets. Leading the
line came Grand Marshal Blr A. M. Her-
rold, who had several assistants. Following
was the Omaha Military band, In very neat
blue blouses and cpu. with while trousers.
Tha band was followed by a big t a lb ho,
carrying tha maids and pages, and then
came members of the various drill teams
In resplendent uniforms, with uniformed
knights falling In behind. After the knights
there was a line of thirty or more car
rlagea. each having four members of the
Daughters. The women officers of the or
der wore their regalia, and a great friany
had on golden crowns symbolic of the
When the parade had covered the princi
pal downtown streets, to Sixteenth and
Leavenworth, the knights took cars to
Hlbheler's park, while the women went on
In their carriages. At the park the annual
picnic was held, and addresses were made
by Dr. C. M. Motes, P. C. M., Leavenworth,
Kan. J Rev. William Botts, Sir A. A. Crosby,
C. O. M., an4 Rev. Sir G. W. Vrlght, G. M.
Friday evening the public Installation of
the new grand officers took place at
Crelghton hall. Fifteenth and Harney.
This event marked the close of tho con
vention. All In attendance agree the Omaha con
vention, the nineteenth since organisation,
has been the most successful yet held.
Tho local knights and daughters have been
Suit for divorce against William Simpson t0 tne fore n th time to make tho stay
or the visitor pleasant and profitable.
Tho committee of arrangements consisted
of Sir C. M. Johnson, A. M Herrold, S. R.
Jackson, William Jackson, Fred Barley,
G. W. Obee. F. L. Barnett. Solomon Brown.
O. C. Tucker. J. F. Bruce, Dr. William
Gordon and Dr. W. A. Williams, assisted
by Daughters Ellen Golden. Blanche Alton,
ennle Sellers, Lulu Roundtree. Sarah Se-
ere, LJriie Herrold. Mamt Shelton, C.
Weade, S. Jones, E. W. Graham and Annie
Brown. They wero on duty at tha service
of the delegates throughout tho four days.
The general committee, on behalf of the
grand officers, waa Sir C. M. Johnson,
G. P. P., chairman; Dr. Ellen Golden, D. G.
P., assistant chairman; Daughter Blanche
Alton, P. H. P.. secretary ; Sir A. M. Her
rold, D. G. M.p treasurer; Daughter Lulu
Roundtree, chairman of finance.
hi aa fl illaf f astMM
a dsJ.sUia sS.aWIHbs-'Iha- i
IT -
1la4 aW -JWtfc eVar
a Ja-aVi, eusV " TVlri'
Now Co roes ttto IVIosf Sensational Sole of Years on
k iA
IFoip IMIeini amd YoiLiiinigj IMteini
We now have about 1,750 of x this season's choicest Summer Suits which we
are determined to dispose of at once, regardless of the cost. So we have made
such an ENORMOUS reduction in prices that you can now buy these garments
at less than the actual cost of fabrics alone. . These are the finest Suits we have
ever sold at their original prices of $10 to $30.
Remember, there is yet three months of this season, beside all of next that
you may wear any one of these Suits.
STOP and CONSIDER what an extraordinary opportunity this is then buy
at least one suit, two if you can, for it may be years before you will have another
such chance. Sale starts Saturday. ,
to $16.50
Fancy Suits,
on charges of non-support and cruelty, fcva
Johnston aaka divorce from Frank John
i aton, charging that he deserted her. She
'. claims he has refused to live with her
1 alnce a few years after tneir marriage In
1899, at which time he waa only It year
of g.
. Arguments la Bergera Case Affidavits
I Vy members of the Jury which awarded
j 1(,67 to Frank N. Phelps In hla alienation
I suit against John W. liergers, were Intro-
duced Friday morning In the arguments
r for new trial. They were made by Jury
men Thomas McDonald ana ueorge w.
Hughee and stated that Mhe Jury waa
biased In giving Ha decision. To determine
th amount to bo awarded the affidavits
how that each Juryman wrote the amount
bo considered Just on a slip of paper, after
which they were averaged with tho verdict
as a reault.
Begin Driving
Piles On Site
of U. P. Work
- -r-'
fifteen Hundred Yellow Pine Pilei
to Be Used Outside Contractor
Who Underbid Loses. r
Pllo driving has begun on th alto of tho
:ew Union Paclflo office building. The
Dumber of pile to be driven I something
over 1.600. Considerable delay was caused
by th need of getting extra long pile of
Southern yellow pin. Each pile la forty
tlvo feet long and will be driven Into the
grround forty feet or perhaps more. After
.being driven to depth they will be cut off
Lriust below th water line, and on this
naoo tho concrete piers are to bo built
That foundation will last forever," sold
n engineer, who has been superintending
ifthe work.
Talk oonoerning tho aucccsrful blddor for
hthe uporatructuro ha brought out aom
(acta not ordinarily of publlo knowledge.
"How oan an outside firm com In and
tlnaderbid Mardla and othra closer to th
HworkT" was asked of a prominent builder.
"Easy enough," ba responded. "Some of
,f.h big construction companies have a
tremendous working capital, with closely
!rranlsed forces. They cannot afford to
'Ulaporso their building staff In dull time.
)guid they can afford to take a contract such
iaji this, oven at a loss of a good many
thousands of dollars, to keep their men
busy and to get th reputation that at
tach to th quick and successful oxeou
'lion of the largest contracts."
Celebrities Due
to Meet Ad Men
l Arthur Brisbane and ' Former Vice
President Fairbanks to Come
White in Busy Siege.
I Tho strenuous ltf will begin Sunday for
(Victor White, chairman of th receptlo
i committee for tho Omaha Ad club, Mr.
"Whit and his auxiliaries will begin duty
that afternoon at Union station welcoming
AeUcate and visitors to tha convention
Of th Associated Ad Cluba of America.
Among the first men In will be two who
om th longest distance. These are H
Ii. Humphrey and A. I. Coleman of Boston
Pes Moines arrives seventy-five strong In
a special train at t p. m. Sunday, and the
following morning delegatea will com la
. by th hundred. Bom ot th celebrities
ar then due also. Including former Vie
President Fairbanks and Arthur Brlsbaoe,
th Hearst editor.
tlxaeet to Go to Groat lalaa Solid
a a Dual ma a Dele
Th eighty odd members of tho demo
cratic central ci mniltteo will meet at tho
Faxton hotel Saturday afternoon at
o'clock and choose delegatea to a county
convention to be held some time next week,
A probable outcome ot tomorrow's masting
Will be tho resolution ot th committee Into
convention with practically th aam
membership. Th business of tho conven
tloa will bo to select delegates to tho state
con veti t Ion to be held at Grand Istevnd.
On thing that seems very certain Is that
If the county central committee make up
a county convention out of its own member
ship It will Insist upon th unit rule and
that will mean that any representation that
any opposition to tho Pahlman democracy
gets In Grand Island will bo well oup
preeeed and completely burled under th
. fore of th unit. Th Pouglaa county
democrat will vote together, and for
Pahlman. If present plans of th eommiuos
tiHlptW uaeipecud satbaek,
Omaha Man Re-Elected br Knla-hts
of Tabar.
C M. Johnson of Omaha was th only
Omaha member to get an office In tho
election held by tho convention of th
Knights ot Tabor anj th Daughters of th
Tabernacle at Osthoff's hall, Thursday
afternoon. His competitors wer John
Davis of Atchison and Deo Holllday of Par
sons, Kan., but Mr. Johnson, who has held
the office of grand presiding prince for ten
years, was re-elected. Chief Grand Mentor
Rev. Frank Wilson was also chosen again
for tho sams office. Another exciting cam
paign was made by the ministerial members
for the honors of being onlef grand orator.
Rev. M. Wooton of Hutchison, who deliv
ered th grand sermon this year, was an
other re-elected candidate. Th other offi
cers elected were: D. I Taylor, Ballna.
Kan., vie grand mentor; Mr. Laura Lee,
Weir City, Kan., vice grand preceptress; A.
W. Hopkins, Leavenworth, Kan., chief
grand acrlbe; Sarah Forbes, Lincoln, chief
grand recorder; William Core, Topeka. chief
grand treasurer; Mrs. Bessie Halt, Fort
Scott. Kan., grand queen mother; Maggie
Robinson, Kanaas Cty, grand Inner senti
nel. Pauline Woodfork, Kansas City, chief
Thursday evening was spent In listening
to a splendid musical program and a souavs
drill was executed by tho crack women's
drill squad from Kansas City, th Rabocca
Princesses Palatine Guard, under th cap
taincy ot Mlas Lena Downs. )
Friday evening th three drill teams mad
up of knights will bavo th floor. They
corns from Atchison, Parson and Kansas
City, Kan. Cash prise to tho amount of
$90 are hung up for th Palatine Guards
and th knights drill teams.
Traces Beaten
Wife by Blood
Policeman Walker Arrests Man After
Brutal Attack Latter Gets
Ninety Days.
Policeman Walker arrested William
Klrchenar, MHO Orae street, after th po
liceman bad followed a trail of blood on
th street near th Kirchener horn and
found the man' wife bleeding from vicious
wounds inflicted by him Thursday after
noon. Mrs. kirchener told tha officer her
husband had beaten her unmercifully be
cause she had failed to give him all the
money h wanted.
Kirchener was arraigned before Judge
Crawford Friday and sentenced to serve
ninety days In tho county Jail.
Xlooo of W. jr. Hraee rail to Ho
cover from aa Operatloa Nooeo
sltatea by a rail.
Mlsa Clair BlgeliW. th 10-yoar-old
daughter of Mr. and Mra A. H. Blgelow
of Lead, 8. D., died Friday morning at
th residence of her aunt. Mrs. F. E. Fits-
erald. XTM North Twentieth street Miss
Blgelow has been In Omaha alnce Monday
evening, coming her for treatment with
Dr. GUmor. Sh waa In a serious condl
lion upon reaching here, and nothing could
b don to save ber. Her trouble was the
result of an Injury sb had about a year
Last winter It waa thought that by th
amputation of a limb her lite could be
aaved, and after th operation ' h was
much Improved. Sh returned to her home
and there graduated from th high school.
Boon attar pleurisy developed from a cold,
and th trouble wont to ber lungs, and
sinus her condition ha been critical.
8he was a nlec of W. J. Hynes and Mrs
FKxgerald of Omaha. Her father, A. H.
Blgelow, la a former Omaha boy, who
graduated from th High school her la '14.
He Is now th superintendent of the
publlo school of Lead, and la well known
over th state. Mis Blgelow Is survived
by her parent and a sister, Luclle, who
cam to Omaha with her. Her funeral will
b bald Monday and tntarmout made la U
Holy aoBwletar oemsiery.
$18 to $m
Fancy Suits
- ab)(0)5O
all)) J I. ))
)Mlik (
I 'V'' i
f?f.-, WKtf V
mm. 7 mim-
Clearing Sale Bargains in
for Men and Women
LOT 1 Any Man's or Woman's Patent Colt
Oxfords or Pumps in the store (" Regal s" in
eluded) regular $3.50 and $4.00 yc
grades; Clearing: Sale Price $iiv
LOT 2 Men's Tan Calf, Gun Metal and Patent
Colt Oxfords tliat sold all season UP 1 C
-to $3.50; Clearing Sale Price taVslU
LOT 3 Women's Patent Colt, Tan Calf, Tan
Vici and Gun Metal Oxfords and Pumps ; reg-,
ularlysold up to $4.00;
Clearing Sale Price
LOT 4 All Women's Oxfords that formerly
sold up to $2.50, in broken sizes and 'JCLt,
widths; Clearing Sale Price OC
Our July Reduction Sale of Men's Straw Hats and
Furnishings is Now in Progress
IVfen's Hlfjh Grade
Shirts Reduced
Our $1.50 Grades of Madras, Per
cales, Penangs and Dimities with
plain or pleated fronts, coat style;
new 1910 patterns. Perfect fitting
and highly tailored; reduced to
Our $2.50 and $2.00 Grades of im-
ported fabrics, in exclusive pat
terns. These are high class custom
tailored shirts, which will fit per
wectly. All sizes and styles. Re
duced to
II I l r
Ms,aa)4 ) f
ih""; . ,
25c Wash Four-in- 191
' Hands i0 2C
"Hand Made" Straws Reduced
$3.50 and $4 Grades n Q C .
Reduced to.. 9V09
$3.00 Grades Qr
Reduced to
$2.50 Grades &t QT
Reduced to..... gloOtf
$2.00 Grades Qfl OT
Reduced to. .' '. .
$1.50 Grades APa
Reduced to.. vwv
(3.00, $2.50 and 92.00 Union
Suits, of French and silk ltsles,
mercerized fabrics, etc., in all
styles. Also "Scrivwn's" Elastic
Seam Nainsook Athletic ap
Salts, reduced to .l3d
f 1.00 Union Suits, nalntiook. sea
island cotton and silk llsles. all
styles, reduced of
to fc.oaC
l.OO Union Snlts, "Ponosknlt"
and "Holeknlt" bal
briggan, reduced to.
75c and OOo "PoroBknllT' nain
sook, mesh weare and lisle fin
ished balbrig-gan shirts 99a
and drawers, reduced to...0dl
85c French Balbriggan Shirts and
drawers, In blue-gray O
color, reduced to IOC
25c Paris" and
ton" Garters
. 15c
Suit Cases and Bags Reduced
$2.00 Matting Suit Cases re
duced to $1.35
$5.00 Solid Leather Suit Cases
reduced to $3.95
$6.00 Cowhide Suit Cases re
duced to' $4.95
"The House of
High Merit."
Hartmans Vardrobe
Trunks at 25 Off
$50 Ladies' Model 859 $37.50
$40 Ladies' Model 801 $30.00
$50 Men's Model 924. .$37.50
$70 Comb. Model 870 $52.50
All Candidate, lacladlnsT Tbose tor
Sekool and Water Board, Mast
FH kr atmrdar.
Th decision of th treasurer to keep his
offlc open Baturday was th result of a
decision given by Deputy County Attorney
Magna! to th effect that applications
could b received only until July 16. Can
didates for th school and water boards
will be accompanied In th city clerk's
offlc. which will also keep lat hour Saturday.
Friday afternoon, Ed Johnaton, democrat.
filed for stat senator and James P. Red
man SDd Ben 'Relnschriber, republicans,
and William Butt, democrat, filed for stat
Ha are Bank Rises Tier Aker Tier
ta tk Roof of tk
Tier on tier of seats are being built In th
Auditorium to accomodate th 1.600 sincere,
who will be heard her during th Saenger-
feet. Th stage has been torn out and forty
rows of seats, eighty feet broad ar being
erected In lu place. Besides thla, seats will
b installed for the orchestra.
Seats for the concert went on sale at the
Auditorium Friday, and the opening waa
brisk. Orders from outside th city con
tinue to com In with pleasing quantity,
Nervousness and Exhaustion,
and diseases ariBinjr from
imperfect digestion and de
rangement of tho nervous
system, Horsford's Acid
Phosphate g-ives the most
?rratifyinr results. It nour
ahes and strengthens the
entire body,
. (Xea-AkaaeUsj
VJAMTED 40 Union Bricklayers
Highest scale wages paid, t work on
the large factory now being erected
by Jokn G. Woodward & Company,
the "Candy Men," at Council Bluffs,
Iowa. Apply to C. Norgaard & Son,
Contractors on the job, at Broadway
and Glenn Avenue Council Bluffs, la.
TION has paid its members Six Per Cent per annum
for the past 27 years, and today is better prepared
than ever to protect and foster the interest of its
Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly
payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Ask for Booklet "A" and
other information.
ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000.
Address, 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb.
Cbcn end
Ths Cans
Yea I7c3.
A Bd!y
irrcr of
Coat and Pants
Reduced From $25 and $28
Make your selection early. 100
nice patterns to select from.
Blue and gray serges, cool
crashes and homespuns in abun
Every garment guaranteed per
fect in fit and style.
Tnllcrino Co
BOi-800 South sixteenth St,
Near Farnam.
Who wants
those dirty,
oily worms
in their face?
A per. on with blackheads might not b
considered clean, aa thee llttl worms
ar th result of dirt In th pores.
It's s bit ntrou la UM tear flnsr BAlls
or m.t.1 tools 1 MM.M eel blukkaa.
Mloo4 polwm er some Mm trevkt. mlsbt
sxii'a TacnnrTBai) aoi.TAWT
is s .l.nilfl. srodiMt Ikat ts fwxsaleet to elcktod In e tm eara, At ail
erussxis er Slract tot sts the tutw.
Aseptic Chemical Co.. Chicago
1T1 wsabinstoa SUet
la th SBoyplf
blstrioi. .
11th ana
KoQee, on
-3'. ' '--r
Hotel Kuppor
llth aad KoOs
Kasisaa City No.
Xu th Shopping DUrtrlot.
Hear all the Th eater.
BOO Baeatirnl Kooms.
100 rrlrate Baths.
Hot and cold water la all rooms.
Vpaalou Lobby, Varlors.
Teleahoa la every room.
BeaatMul Oaf, rerfeot Cuisine.
$1.00 to $2.50 Per Day
Zoropesa riaa
Kupper-Benson Hotel Co.
V. A, Bxirsoir. icgr.
Vnlqu sea food Culstn.
FORTKiiOd MuNHuhl. Largaat UU1-
tary fost on th Atlaotlo Coast.
HAiUTON KOAKa. th Kandesvoua
of th Maiioo'a Warsblps.
gpeolai Weekly Bates fuse te Ootobei
Boob-let at Caioago, Book Island S)
Vaelfia, Bd Wabash BaUreada.
O address OliO. r. ABAata, atisB.
roazuai MOBAvoB, ta.
Haaeaee th LIt Stolc Blea.
Oa Dolla Per Tear.