Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 10

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KnUrtd at Omaba postofflc aa oond
claii matter.
International Traffio Pact
Only tha meat casual survey of
the situation la required to dem
onstrate tha wisdom of the movement
to create an international railroad
commission to nave supervisory con
trol of traffio between the United
States and Canada, and it ia well, in
deed, that the two governments have
la,ly i (incliniing- undiy, par
l ..ii., i. . i i . 1 nr wak....lvO
t.i. x r ----- ... I . , ..... J m.VIn
Dally baa and ttundajr, ona jfar. -- . irtn
1 . . I .......... W i-IUHIUK. I - - w '
iwi, iinu,vi. oer w.i r,verr year iu iuwiunuui tiwv
iuveuina nea iwitn unuay. pr "II-"; increases and with every such Increase
Buiiua cee, una year L m
fcaturoay ia, ona yaar Comes a corresponding Increase or au-
Auurm an coii.DihiiU 01 irruii , - v.i . -I-
delivery is City circulation uaprmienu Iicuuy in nmuimi wo ..--
umcui. ins from such Business. nairman
Omaha-Tha Be Hullaing.
douin Onianar-i wsnty-iourth and N.
council Alalia it bcott otreeu
tuncoln ois Dittla jsuuuiim.
cnicaso lo JaarqusU iulldln.
,aw ior Kooius iivi-livd Mi. west
Thirty-third 8ut- ,v
asninsUoa J r'ourtaanUi 8 treat, w.
. . . ... w and Mil '
lominumcauons rem una w -- -- i ., . . .
itoriai matter anoum ua daread; omaaa unless immediate action Is taken
Knapp of the Interstate Commerce
commission and Hon. J. P. Mabee,
chief of the Canadian Railroad com
mission, seem to be agreed that aerlous
complications will ensue and the prob
lem get beyond governmental control
., Aiutiorial ttuarunenu
Ileum by aral t, axpreas or postal ofJer
I...V-..... In 'Ills timtk UUllanillK LOfflP'''
vMiy a-cent aianipe reoeiveu in payment i
i,iaii account, l-ersonai cnecKa, except on
fiuafta ar astern sauiiango, not
This is easy to appreciate when we
consider that in order to determine the
fairness of a rate now the shipper
must institute hearings before both
American and Canadian commissions
and that this precludes any inquiry
u.V xa:cnuutf:.r orr"'BM by another tribunal and in the end the
fuoii., ' company," uems ui worn: result is seldom satisfactory. Time
WZp&V ZXXn? itm,. under existing conditions counts for
Evenms and Sunday Boa pnnieu during m nothlng. whereas it ia as a matter, of
uioau of Juna, lklu, wa as follow. x , , . , ... , .
1 43,700
1 4-J.B60
a. vj,7su
4 4t,lW
1 41.SB0
1 41,700
I, ...,41,030
10 43,090
11. ........ .4,480
It .11,400
II ..44,400
14 44, MO
li. 44,410
ia fact a most Titai auu vaiuaoie element.
II.. 4410 The probiom of tha interchange of
. ej AyA h'AQ a
41)400 terminals and terminal rights is one
10 !!!!!!.' .'4MW that w111 BOon cballenge expert advice
.1, ..44,so and lta difficulties. may be materially
it 44,730 leasened by providing an international
aa A'iri
' si ........ . .4M80 uch matters,
. ,.,.4100 1 Failure to take this step would not
17 48,410 oniy be inconsistent with the settled
4S.OOO nilrV A railroad rarnlatlnn. hnt mlo-ht
u SAO -
commission with power to control all
to.'!..!!.'!. 4.a aerlouslyjiamper railroad development
between the two countries a tning to
Total be guarded against wita all possible
Returned Coplaa l0,3W vigilance,
Nat Total .Xll.i
Dally Avarasa 4,704
qeouob a TZ3CHUCK.
Ruharrlbcd In ml nraaanoa and sworn to
Detora ma mis Wta aay oi June, uiu.
' Notary Public
abarrlbere Iravlnar tha city teaa
porarlly ahonld bar The Baa
wailed ta them. Addreeaee will
caaased aa oitea aa raqaeeled.
wanta to hold out Inducements to new
factories and business houses to locate
here we should see to It that they are
not frightened oft by an ominous tax
The Transit of "Mike."
The list of delegates commissioned
to represent Holt county in the demo
cratic state convention is headed by
the name of "Mike" Harrington. We
take it that this means that "Mike"
has finally shuffled off the last remnant
of his populist clothes and clad himself
In out-and-out democratlo garments
Up to two years ago "Mike" had al
ways insisted that he was a populist of
the blown-in-the-bottle variety, al
though he was always busy steering
the populist cart In the wake of the
democratlo machine. Two years ago
"Mike" got one foot over the fence
when he ran as one of the Dryan pres
idential electors with the populist
brand on one shoulder and the demo
cratic brand on the other. This
flagrant fraud proved to be successful,
If the theft for Bryan of votes Intended
for "Tom" Watson can be called suc
cessful. But "Mike" has evidently
been forced to the conclusion that the
game has been overplayed and that
he now has nothing more to gain by
masquerading as a' populist. The
transit of "Mike," therefore, is now
complete, and he will perform in the
democratlo ring at Grand Island aa he
used to perform in the populist end of
the tent. ,
Another Place to Oet Together.
One section of the country is threat
ened with another railway strike In
volving soma 15,000 trainmen at
season when such a contingency would
seriously injure general business in
terests. It is therefore of tha utmost
importance that the contending parties
get together and settle their differ
ences in some other way than by a
strike, whose greatest burden must
It is becoming noticeable the way fa" UP the public, as the innocent
Jack Johnson has turned his back on third party
re,a8. In the arguments set, forth by the
railways and their employes In the
Wisconsin's ballot law compels each present controversy there appears to
party to choose a party color. Who be notblng new so rar as issues ana
will take the yellow? claims are concerned. Each aide in
slats it has done all it can honorably
Looks as if W. K. Vanderbilt, jr., do to avoid hostilities and that .unless
had slowed down from an autoist to a the other will now make some con
tnere railway magnate. cession a strike is inevitable. .The vote
It the duty devolves upon Mr. Bryan
to free the democratlo party in Ne
braska from liquor domination be
cause Governor Shallenberger got
more votes than he did in 1908, it will,
of course, be his duty as a follow-up
to purify the party in Ohio, where
Governor Harmon got more votes than
he did, also in Indiana, vhere Gov
ernor Marshall got more votes than he
did, to say nothing of the other states
where the "peerless" ran behind his
ticket. .
The first announcement of a census
population for a Nebraska town has'
been made for Harvard City, Clay
county, which shows up 1,102 inhabi
tants as against 849 In 1900. That is
an Increase of more than 25 per cent.
We know several Nebraska cities and
towns that would be mighty glad to do
as well.
Colonel Roosevelt confirms the date
of September 2 for his visit to Omaha.
If the publicity agents will get busy
now and the railroads will put In an
excursion rate, Omaha will entertain
one of its biggest crowds of out-of-
town visitors on that day.
of the men who have ballotted on it 1
The way candidates for legislative
Pan Antonio girls are beating the lg overwhelmingly ia favor of striking.
buebts for cowboy husbands. To
arms, you Rough Riders
There is seldom a labor controversy
that could not be settled without a
strike if each side cared as much for
the publlo as it did for Itself and It Is
up to the, public to find some way of
enforcing its rights in such matters.
This strike will be east of the Missis
sippi river, if it comes off, but It will
affect every part of the country and
every business that depends on ship-
Please take note that Mr. Bryaa Ping or raHroad facilities. Certainly
soma uienua buuuiu uo iuuhu 01 set
tling the differences and the public
be spared the inconvenience fend ex
pense of a transportation tie-up.
Why not make Mr. Hearst com
mander-in-chief of the army and navy
when Japan declares war?
V .
"Crime Opens Door to an Educa
tor," says a headline. Opportunity
apparently is denied to no man.
does not even get front page any more
with, our amiable democratlo contem
I nomination on the democratic ticket
are ignoring "Statement No. 1" would
Indicate that the so-called Oregon plan
is not particularly popular, with lta
democratic . foster parents who have
adopted It in Nebraska. '
Jack London says every human
being is a combination of an ape and
a tiger. It is a vain man who Judges
others by himself.
The Tax Hate.
Property owners and business men
should understand that the impending
determination of the tax rate which
Cincinnati club . women " have for- tbey will have to submit to for next
I .eui Va. flllKllA
eworn to war on the kiss wherever '"" ui "
they meet it. That Is probably it, they thortty. While tha city council Axes
have not been meeting it. ine Clty rate- Jci tn paramount
dictation or me,, water ooara, we
Lancaster is for county option, as amount of tha school tax is decreed by
was to have been expected. Lancaster the school board, and the amount of
going tor county option is very much the county tax by the county board
like Texas going democratic. : The Bee has already called attention
to the fact that the council is figuring
The Nebraska postmasters will hold on Imposing the maximum levy per-
tha next annual . meeting in Omaha, mitted by the charter, when It ought
Another pleasing evidence that Omaha to give the people the benefit of the
is still considered part of the state.' additional revenue which It is getting
from the' occupation tax and other
"Where can, a man- get a drink, sources to the extent of 1150,000,
nowi". asxs me rniwauKee sentinel, which can, and should be, abated from
Coming, from that ;town, that is the the sinking fund and general fund
most patnetio appeal we nave heard, levies
The Bee has also called attention to
Newspapers are running stories now .Wf.rr thlt th .,hftoI w,.,, .r
lauding P. T. Barnum aa "America's made its estimate, on th, baai. of a
wv-- t loss of $50,000 of revenue from liquor
ir,. m u. vu4 lUiriy years Ucenses. which loss did not material
lze, and yet has spent the additional
150.000, and is figuring on making the
school levy again the same ' as last
year, when it should be out at least
Attention is hereby called to the tact
that a very stmilar condition is pre-
Should Associate .Editor Metcalfe
get Into the running tor United States
senator we would have another exhibi
tion of that famous "sting of ingrati
President Madrlz, by half starving
American captives in filthy cells, may
come in for some severe treatment at
the hands of Uncle Sam before he geta
through trying to out-Zelaya Zelaya.
Thus far the score is tied: Colonel
Roosevelt will speak for Senator
Lodge, a regular, in Massachusetts
and for Senator Beveridge, an insur
gent, in Indiana.
A Chicago alderman proposes an
ordinance asking for seats in the L
stations.' Some impertinent Chicago
alderman may yet demand seats .In
street cars. -.
The British Parliament fnust be get
ting tight. It has told King George
he will have to worry along on
$6,000,000 a year for him and
Grswlnsr Too Faat.
Baltimore American.
Tha list of persona killed In Aerial flights
Is growing- all too fast, and suggests the
need of requiting some standard of ability
and fitness before flying la permitted.
A Divided Honaefeold.
81oux City
Mr. Bryan Is very earnestly engaged In
trying to show Mr. Hitchcock that he
putting ambition for office before sound
democratic principles. Mr. Hitchcock,
however, cannot get It out of his head that
Mr. Bryaa' s arguments are too dry.'
A Record Worth While.
Boston Transcript.
Tha rural mall delivery for the fiscal year
on which we have entered Involves an ap
propriation of nearly 139,000,000. But the
carriers seem to be a pretty clean class of
employes. Out of 41,000 only 175 have bean
dismissed for cause.
Asseaablymaa HooaeTelt Bad Got.
eraer CleTelaad ia m Talkfest
Maay Tears Ago. ,
In a series of reminiscences by an "Old
Political Iteporte'r" In the Brooklyn Eagle
Is the following story of the relations of
Theodore IloosevelL assemblyman, with
Orover Cleveland over a quarter of a cen
tury ago:
"Recently I have read as the conclusion
of a writer visibly affected by the revealed
greatness of Mr. Roosevelt that Roosevelt
exercised a commanding Influence over
Cleveland during the two years the latter
waa governor. Nothing could be further
from tha truth. In their intellectual con
stitutions and their mental habits and pro
cesses they were diametrically opposlto.
Cleveland arrived at his conclusions
through laborious thought; there was noth
ing Inspirational about him. The natural
tendencies of hH mind were confirmed Into
habit by the praotloe of the law. Rooaevelt,
In those years, at least, seemed to be wholly
Inspirational. His mental processes were so
'rapid that, he apparently reached conclu
sions Instantaneously and he seemed to be
surprised when his opinions Were not taken
at his own valuation of them. Indeed, in
being opposed he seemed to take as a per
sonal grievance the necessity of offering
argument In support of his determinations.
"Roosevelt -was a frequent caller on the
governor, but not mora so than other mem
bers of his party In tha assembly. To Cleve
land Roosevelt was a perplexity. The gov
ernor liked the assemblyman personally,
but the latter' peculiar mental attitude
bothered the executive. The governor "would
sit, large, solid and phlegmatic, listening
gravely to th energetic utterances of the
mercurial young man, but signifying neither
assent nor dissent. : Not infrequently, tak
ing silence for acquiescence, Roosevelt
would go away thinking that ha bad car
ried everything before him.
One day while standing at th private
secretary' desk with Lamont, watching
th two at the executive desk, th latter
said: 'I never see those two together that
"m not reminded of a picture I have of a
great mastiff solemnly regarding ' a small
terriar, snapping and barking at him,'
One day I asked the governor his opinion
of Roosevelt: 'There Is great sens in a
lot that he says, but there Is such a bock-
suredness about him that he stirs up doubt
In me all th time.' Turning to Lamont,
he asked: 'Dan, what was that you quoted
to me that some on said of Macaulay, that
he wished be was as sure of ona thing a
Macaulay was of all thlngsT Yes?' Then
to me: 'That fits Roosevelt Then h
seem to be so very young.'
It was In 1881 that Roosevelt Introduced
a number of bill relating to th city and
county of New York, some of them re
ducing fee offices to salaried offices. He
passed them with great effort 'and against
serious opposition. '
"One day after the legislature had ad
journed and Roosevelt was in attendance
on the republican convention at Chicago
that nominated Blaine, the governor, at
work on the thirty-day bills,' as the passed
measures left unacted upon by the execu
tive on adjournment were called. In pursu
ance of his habit to talk out what was
on his mind to any one in whom he had the
slightest degree of confidence, said to the
Old Political Reporter: 'I shall have to
veto most of those Roosevelt reform bills.
Not that I object to th principles Involved,
but th bills are so loosely drawn that they
will be as laws ineffective and give endless
"A day or two later, while walking down
Stat street In Albany, I met Roosevelt,
Who: was on his way home from Chicago
and who had stopped off at Albany to look
after hi legislation. He immediately asked
what th governor had done with his bills.
I replied that as yet th governor had don
nothing, but- that I thought that he In
tended to veto soma of them. Without seek
ing to know why, Roosevelt exclaimed:'
" 'He mustn't do that. He mustn't do that,
can't have that. I won't let him do it
I'll go up and see him at once.'-
-He fairly flew up tha hill. Having In
my mind that old stock problem as to what
would be the result of an irresistible force
meeting an Immovable body and perceiving
som fun ahead, I followed after into the
executive chamber.
"The contest was begun Immediately by
Roosevelt's asking what th governor pro
posed to do about his bills.
" 'Mr. Roosevelt,' replied tba governor, 'I
must veto them. While I'm not opposed to
th principles involved th ' bills are so
loosely drawn that it they were made laws
the city and county of New York would
b plunged into prolonged and expensive
"Roosevelt bristled up Immediately and
after stating that th main thing was th
establishment of the principle and com
bating the Idea that litigation must follow
he went Into a forecful argument, In which
ha used the most vigorous language, pound
-ing the desk for emphasis. Finally he con
cluded with these words:
ou must not veto those bills. You
cannot You shall not I can't hav It, and
I won t hav It'
" 'Mr. Roosevelt' said th governor, alt
ting up very straight In nis chair, 'I am
auing to veto those bills.
"And his fist cam down on th desk with
a solid wbaok.
"Th Irresistible force bad been smashed
on th Immovable body!
"Roosevelt fell back In hi chair, declar
ing it was an outrage to overturn a year'
work in that way. Lamont went to the
window and looked out on th green in
an endeavor to get rid of th broad smile
that was plastered on bl face.
"With hard and stubborn front Cleveland
turned to hi work and th Interview waa
over. Th bills war vetoed."
In Other Lands
Ida Ught aa Wat la Trans,
plrtag Among th Wear and
raj nations ef tha Berth.
Kauri Clrmr Retoras ta Canada.
LONDON, July 15, Earl Gray sailed to
day on tha Empress of Britain for Canada,
where h will resume tba duties of his
office as governor general pending th an
polntment of his successor, the duke of
Now that Tom Watson has been wel- Mnted wth reference to the county
corned back to the democratic fold. ooara- ine " 01 me county
why not let down the bars and call In board tot th m,n contem-
the other prodigals Outtay, Roger P'"6" r,aln mora- from
Sullivan. FIngy Connors, Murphy and taxe' thaa waa ra,aed laat rr- Th
tha rest? county board ! figuring on $100,000
for the road fund and $50,000 for the
Tha only explanation of that long bridge fund, an Increase for these two
article of protest in the World-Herald funds of $35,000,. which, we submit, is
is that the democrats are afraid that entirely disproportionate. The county
if A. E. Cady becomes the republican hoard is also figuring on an increase
nominee for governor , he will be of $30,000 In the general fund and
elected by a handsome majority. - $60,000 in the bond alnking fund. The
necessity of paying for some maturing
A notorious grafter and political bonds apparently Justifies some in-
blackmall artist has filed for state rail- crease in the bond sinking fund, but
way commissioner in the coming pri-lthe county, like the city and the school
mary. It will be interesting to learn district, Is also, receiving increasing
how many votes a man can get simply revenue from year to year from
because the people do not know Utm. sources other than taxes, and the tax
payers should get soma compensating
According to toe laws on prixe fight- relief.
ing, crime Is relative. Nevada Invites As we have remarked before, the
the fight as a good business prop!- Commercial club worked Itself uo into
tlon. Its governor personally hob-nobs g frenzy a week or two ago over an in
with the fighter, while Virginia sends significant plumbing ordinance, but
one to the penitentiary for a year for usually lets tha all-Important natter
engsgtng In a fisticuff. 0f tha tax rate get past it If Omaha
Geuesls of th now.
St Louis Qlobe-Democrat
"An oligarchy based on beer Is what
Bryan calls tha democratic slat of Ne
braska. What do his friends, Governor
SheUlenberger and Congressman Hitchcock,
say about thlsT Or has Bryan cast them
out too, as he did the democratic senator
several days agot
Our Birthday Book
Dr. John O. 8. Perkins of Shanghai.
China, a missionary "now visiting tne
United States, supplies a reason for the con
temptuous references to the efficiency of
th Chinos army by a Japanese officer,
quoted In this column recently. "Japan Is
more or lei alarmed at th progress China
Is making with organisation of her army."
said Dr. Perkins In an interview In the
Washington Herald. "Japan cannot Inter
fere In any way to retard this progress be
cause of th watchful eye tft power keep
on China and Japan. At th present time
there are many Japanese army Instructors
In the Chines army, but their services are
gradually being dispensed with, as the
Chines learn th army tactic and become
accustomed to their own officers. . There
are also a large number of German military
Instructors In th Chines army, as well
as French and other nationalities. A spirit
of patriotism is also coming to the front
something hitherto almost entirely unknown
In China. The Chinese are quit different
from th Japanese In this respect who are
the most patriotic people In the world, and
gladly gly their live In th service of
their country."
The Berlin Lokal Anselger comes as close
as the average foreign critic In measuring
American traits and results. In support of
Its assertion that "Americans are bad
losers," th Anselger cite th fact that
after every exhibition of the national game,
base ball, the crowd is aocustomed to as
sault and brutally maltreat th defeated
team as revenge for lost bets." This native
peculiarity has escaped th notice of ad
mirers of clean sport who usually hasten
away from th bleachers before the end
of the gam and rarely see th unhappy
riulsh noted by the foreign critic. More in
sorrow than in anger let It be admitted
that the evil complained of cannot he
remedied so long as th management fires
tne righting blood of the crowd wffh pink
pop and permits the visiting team, in vio
lation of the rules of hospitality, to steal
bases openly and brazenly. There are
limits to American patience which visiting
teams cannot overstep with safetv. "Kill.
Ing the umpire" with hot air foreshadows
critical stage In the game, and m, th
blood-thirsty crowd in shape to "eat 'em
up" . at th finish, unless, as frequency
happens, the visiting team la too infernally
tough-for ordinary molars. Much as the
country grieves over these ferocious pecu
liarities, intelligent foreign criticism Is to
D9 welcomed as an aid in safeguarding th.
accident policy of the umpire, in uppress
ing base stealing, abolishing pink firewater,
and in persuading the bov rfn. .. .
peace offering to mako good all losses of
uie sports.
Among tha proposal for mending the
British House of Urds which command
considerable support is one that follows to
a limited extent th lines suggested by
Lord Rosebery. The proposal would leave
tha House of Lords constituted as It now
Is. Every pear would have a right to sit in
me nousa and take part "in the discussion;
he might talk as much a ho liked ana tr
fo Influence tha vote; but the actual voting
would be done by a legislative committee,
consisting of 100 or 150 peers. Each of th
iwo greater partlea would nominal.
half the members of this committer ana
fo assure concord between tha two h...
ine ministry of tha day would have power
to aiigntiy to the membership of the
oaiaisuve committee., This would h a,.
compllshed by appointing peers to cabinet
posiuons, whicn Is Invariably -done. The
plan would preserve th bicameral system
practically Intact, and would mk h.
House of Lords amenable to the popular
mm expressed at th polls almost as
now Is.
Eenstor Aldrlch of Uhode Island Is sum
mering at his tl.50C.0iO cottag at Warwick
Neck. N. E.
Mayor Gaynor of New York differs from
most statesmen. He doesn't saw wood or
worry over his fences. Pitching hay Is
his favorite diversion.
It Is MtlmMed that every word spoken
In debate during the last session of con
gress cost l0. Th value of canned words
can be determined only by watching th
effect on constituents when they lift the
lid. N
It has been estimated that Jama J. Jef
fries received altogether. In on way and
another, a total sum of I2X4.O0O for th ft-tio
fight And yet some peopl say "Jeff was
foolish to agree to the meeting with John,
Socialistic reform In Milwaukee scores
several good points. One hundred and four
disreputable saloon hav been closed,
dano halls detached from saloons, marked
Improvements hav been effected In street
car service and In street cleaning, and pro
ceeding started to recover 12,000 unpaid
street car fees. '
Giovanni Virginia Schlaparelll, ex-chlef
astronomer and director of tha Milan obi
sorvatory, Is dead. He became known to
the publlo in 1ST", when ha announced his
discovery of th canal-Ilka markings on
tha planet Mara, which have since become
tha most discussed subject In' astronomy.
Long before this, however, Schlapsrelll had
gained a reputation among his brother as
tronomers. There will ba something doing in Kansas
next week. Unci Joe Cannon is to in
vade th stat In behalf of ftandpat con
gressmen, firing tha first gun at Wlnfleld,
where Senator Brlatow opened his batteries
last week. Congressman Murdock, repub
lican insunrgent will camp on Unci Joe's
trail and return oratorical blow for blow.
Th Kansas campaign this year .promts
to tlval tha hot old times of Pepper, Simp
son and Lecse.
Tha Blat Stick and the Peerless . as
Party Assets.
Washington Star.
There are two of them a republican col
onel and a democratlo colonel the first
standing for success; the second for failure.
Not a docade ago, or about that time, the
democratic colonel was the most consplclous
personality in th republic, though a cap
tain without a victory. Since 1901 the re
publican colonel, like another Corlolanus,
has been "every man himself."
It Is amusing to not th view each party
takes of It own colonel. Ia th republican
camp they do not seem to know exactly
what their colonel is going to do, but all
alike, regular and Insurgent . are agreed
that he Is thinking of ajid will work for the
exaltation of tha O. O. P.
On th other hand. In th democratic
camp there Is a feeling, amounting to In
cipient alarm If not demoralising panic, that
their colonel Is a bull in a china shop. This
impression Is not confined to th "sane"
contingents, but pervades th ranks of th
crank as well. And even enthusiastic
Bryan men of 1908 are asking the portentous
question; "Is our colonel for us; and If so,
what does he mean?"
Only a while ago the democratlo colonel
Issued a general order that Judson Har
mon should not ba a candidate for the
democratlo nomination for president of the
United States. Th Ohio democracy re
buked Colonel Bryan' for that Impertinence,
which amounted to Insolence, and did It
with emphasis, if not with resentment.
And at this writing the democracy of
Indiana, with fear and trembling,' ia debat
ing the question, ''Is Bryan a republican
asset?" Until now the Indiana democracy
was ready to swim the " Wabash to hear
the "Peerless One" make a speech; but
In the impending campaign the consensus
of hoosler democraoy is that "th Match
less" keep out of the state.
An uncrowned king Is a sad spectacle.
a tha House of Commons
A Stalwart Palls Through.
Minneapolis Journal.
On account of tha votes in the Pittsburg
primary, John Daliell ' is found to have a
majority of 20? votes. His total Is ll.Otfi
to his opponent's 10,434. This Is not as deep
a well nor aa wide a a church door, is enough, especially as th recount
removes th taint of fraud that hung over
th original count .
Iucoina Tax Progress.
Springfield Republican.
Th Louisiana legislature has adjourned
without ratifying the Income tax amend
ment and without providing for a plebesclt
on th subject, as waa talked of. Th
aenat favored ratification and the house
opposed th protected sugar Interest hav
ing som Influent) against ratification
which might possibly lead to the substitu
tion of a federal tax on wealth for the
present taxes on sugar consumption ot
lh poor. Th Georgia legislature, how
ever, has coma around to ratification. It
will be remembered that the amendment
'as held up at last year's session of ths
Georgia legislature. It will likewise come
up again lu Louisiana,
July 1. 1910.
Mary Baker Glover Eddy, founder of the
Christian Science church, was born July 18,
1821, at Bow, New Hampshire, snd Is there
fore S3 years old today. ha was baptised,
a congregatlonalixt but discovered Christ-
Ian Science In 1886 aqd began to teach it
th- next year, from which the present or
ganisation has sprung. ,
Tfcoodore N. Vail, president of th Ameri
can Telegraph and Telephone company,
which controls the Bell phones and western
Union telegraphs, Is 6& years old today.
He used to run In this part of th coun
tery In th early days as superintendent of
the railway mall service, and Is a frequent
visitor to Omaha now.
John W. Springer, the Penvar banker,
who was presldont of th National Live
Stock association, was born July If. 1363,
at Jacksonville, 111. He ha practised law,
but bis aid line now la stock raising.
Thomas A. Janvier, th well known au
thor and novelist. I (1. He was horn in
Philadelphia, and did editorial work on th
Philadelphia newspaper In the early seven
ties. Frederick E. Bollard of the Hutchinson
Bollard company, Inaursne and real es
tate, waa born July li. 1864, at Northamp
tonshire, England. He came to this country
In IsTO, locating first at Geneva, O., re
moving to Oiuatta, In lb
An 'imperial newspaper orrajv
to support the administration under all
circumstances, Is about to be limnh k
close friends of the kaiser in Berlin, backed
ujr wun capital or 11,600.000. Social I- 1.
regarded as th chief enemy of Imperial
project and la to be the main object of at
tack. If tha socialists could bs eliminated
aa a political factor in Germany life at the
palace would be a round of joy. But the
party holds a tenacious grip nnd persists
... wvrryiug ministers, since tha retire
ment of Prince Von Bulow tha government
ha bean obliged to withdraw lta
bill owing to tiie determined opposition of
tha socialists. In th last twelve months
me party gained six victories at hv-w.
tions to the Baichstag. and Is likely to
make' further gain in half a dosen by
elecUons scheduled for July and August.
Th editors of th new Imperial organ are
not likely to work themselves out of a Job
u a tew monin.
Wu Ting FAng, former Chines minister
at1 Washington, Is dispensing among his
countrymen ome of the store of knowl
edge he gleaned In the United States, Eu
rope and South America. In a recent lec-
turewbefor the Young Men's Christian as
soclation of Hong Kong, Dr. Wu said that
tha south American republics would ba
great market for Chinese goods, and urged
tna establishment of a chamber of com
merce at Hong Kong to promote trad in
that direction. According to a report in
the Chines newspaper at Hong Kong, the
SHeong Po, Dr. Wu is slated for the post of
resident general at Tibet, th region from
which Chines troops chased Dalai Lams!
last winter and assumed control of th
government Should th report prove cor
rect th mystic land will undergo a ren
ovation that will shake th monasteries
to their foundations.
Many of th virulent opponents of th
Lloya-ueorf budget taxes are ready to
admit that good spring from "an evil act
Increased taxation caused a sharp de
crease In the consumption of tobacco as
well as of liquor. Th secretary of th
Wholesale Tobacconists' society report a
decraas of B.OuO.OOO pounds in th consump
tion of all form of tobacco In a year. Th
duty on cigars now Is $1.50 a pound, re
gardless of quality. The humble stogie
and th lordly perfecto are taxed alike.
Th duty on cigarettes la 11.10. Th duty
on ordinary manufactured tobacco Is i2
Som parts of Germany show an In
crease in th number of physicians out of
all proportion to the Increase In population.
Berlin, for example, Increased 6 per cent
In population from 183 to 11W3, while the
number of physicians Increased lit per
cent. In the province of Brandenburg pop
ulation Increased 6S per cent and doctors
M pur cent lu number. There is now or
was recently on physician to every ',1t of
population In Berlin, t.Ut In Posen.
King George of Er.glsnd Is somewhat
mora modest than Kaiser Wllhelm of Ger
many, but then ha la younger and la newer
In th king business. Wllhelm recently had
his salary raised IVMO.OOO a year. Oeorg
Only wants frft.000 more than his father re
ceived, but aa that will make his salary
13,:1,M ha will ba able, with economy, to
(.ink bStn ends meet
"You allowed that young; man to hug
you lHst 11 ik ML Vet you are not in lose
witn nun."
'Hut, ma, how can I ever lenrn to lore a
Lomig man unless I take a few lessons? -r
ulsvllle Courier Journal.
"That tragedian we saw the other night
aaya he I HI that he wants to see a good
Oood doctor nothing! Get him a good
"How coul'l a rook help him?
"A great deal. If toil kci one who knows
how to cure 'hams.' " Baltimore American.
"No, air," said Untie Allen Srarka, "you U
never catch in kixiik uu in nn aeroplane
until nature suspinla the law of gtavllatiuit
iil I know out iiHiiire well mogh, by
gum, to know mat she 11 never do ttiat on
my account" Chlcaao Tribune.
"Where's your automobile?"
"Traded It off," replied Mr. Chugglns.
"What for?"
"One of these street pianos. When I
St snd In front of it and turn the crank
fur fifteen or twenty minutes I II at least
have the satisfaction of hearing a tune."
Washington altar.
Mansger of Illcksliurg Theater Well,
how s things theatrical In little old New
York? ,
Actyn rturnrs (gloomily) The best I can
tell you, my friend. Is that the New Thea
ter la still a noninovlng-plcture house.
"Your chauffeur seems careless."
"Not a bit of It. He is merely persistent
When lie makes up his mind to get some
where he lets notnlng stand In the way.
Yesturday he bowled over five persons and
an ash wu;on ami then knocked a atreet
car from the track. Cleveland Plain
J lugs I tell you, that new landlord of
mine Is a pretty square fellow.
liiggs Ko's mine; but he's always 'round
on rent day. Judge.
s .
Reporter What did you do when you met
your first lion?
Teddy I ran with all my might and th
lion ran with all his mane. Judge.
"That Jones fellow Is th meanest ever."
"What'a he don7"
"Called me up by phone to ask 'Is H hot
enough for you? "Philadelphia Ledger.
Smlthers It beats all that a fellow can
never express a conviction In mixed com
pany without some chap's meeting it with a
sneer or a "pooh!"
Blithers True enough, old boy, but don't
take It hard. Itemeber that the pooher
we have always with us. Chicago Tribune.
"When I am gone," faintly breathed
tha dying aviator, "don't put ma In tha
cold ground nor cremate me." ,
"What are your wishes In the matter?"
asked a sympathising friend.
"I want" replied the aviator, "to be
burled In the clouds." Baltimore American.
T. L. Halllday In Judge.
A man te fly just like a bird?
It can't be done! The thlnk's absurd!
For man was meant to walk the ground,
As poor Darius sadly found.
Soma day a man may able be v
To sail about o'ver land an sea,
From danger safe, devoid of fear;
But you and I will' not be here.
It looks, by Jove! as if at last
Darius Green had been outclassed!
But still, I think, the man's Insan
Who yearns to steer an aeroplane.
A pleasure craft the aeroplane
May answer well and stand the strain J
But never In commercial trade
Can airships hop to ba of aid.
They seem as safe aa motor cars
I think I'll sail onca to'ard the stars.
And bravely face fear's clutching pain
To say I've sailed an aeroplane.
The finest sport I ever tried I ,
I'll buy me one, and loarn to gUd - -
And circle round and rise and soar,
My auto days are past and o'er. '
For passengers or hauling freight
Tha poky railroad's out of data.
And "Aero Transportation" stock '
Is bound to rise. Coma, tak a block.
Talks for people who sell things
What a vast difference in the per-
What a vast difference in "Our", a'nd and goods aa truly aa does my dally
"The!" - aui waeuicui iu tug sn.
r. . . . - "mere is not a man or woman nere
What a vast difference In the atmoa-
t , who doesn't feel perfectly at home in
phere of a store where the employes ,...., woulda.t naT. lt th-
say "our store" Instead of "the store." erwlB;. 1 maaV it a point to know
What a difference In the employes their names and address them as Miss
themselves, in the appearance or or Mr. So-and-so always."
stocks, in the number and class of cus- "Ian't that rather a large order?" '
I asked.
"Oh, no," he answered; "you see lt
la mr business to make thla tha hest
sonality of the merchant whose assist- -lked itor6 ,n town wlth botn 9mtQm
ants say "we" and "our" Instead of merB anu employes and I attend to
"the" and' "you" but this is not get- my business strictly."
ting to my story. Is there any wonder that this man's
A veteran merchant did the talking employes are loyal and enthusiastic?
while I listened. Said he: His business is successful because
"Mo man can buy loyalty. The sala- be gives both customers and employes
rles I pay my assistants are for serv- a square deal.
icea rendered for standing behind my His advertising reflects the spirit of
counters and selling my goods. his store lt rings true the people .
"But for the higher services j0y- respond to lt because they know they
alty, enthusiasm and interest I pay will find exactly what the advertise
in friendship, courtesy and fair treat- ment aays they will find, and that they
ment. My employes are my business will receive courteous and satisfactory
associates, and I treat them as such. service in this store where the em-
"A satisfied employe is as good an ployS say "we" and "our," and are
advertisement as a satisfied customer, unafraid when the "Boss" , comes .
and my assistants advertise my . store around.
You Can Buy
7 Piano Bar
Takes one
A4 A.Hospe Co's
One each of the following good Pianos, not exactly new,
but near lt: , Weser Piano, Pease Piano, Kimball Piano,
Ellington Piano, Hammond Piano, Irving Piano, Bosh Si
Oerti Piano Price:
$98 $115 $145 $105 $175 $189 $198
Stool and Scarf Included,
One Dollar Per Week Pays for It. COME AND SEE.
D.ufllas St.
( f