THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JULY 15. 1IU mil) CUAKDS WAKE CAbtt Set7 Deposit 7alt VTatciei by Men with. Hear? Weapoai. CITY JATIOSAL D KOTO&! BRIEF air NEWS Ext See Frh t, TaAe yeas print, jig ba Cm IT-n-a Keetrie Fn Ttrgso grandem Ca alee Bry Cleaning ef gartneaua Twla Uly Uye Wurlt. ; gout f.XfeeaKI. Piylng borne la Aa easy aa paying r-nt. Nebraska Savings and Loan laiton will show you Uie way. Uourd -if Trade building. Uctt and Vtrum street. More Pilings F. C. lies! ati.l Si. O. r jnning; ooui repubiit ans, im 3ieu ui Ofluiuai tor state representative. K. . C. Trolley Bide- -Taa U. P. C eiuo. a V,ii . V.VTT V , . vl . ro- "iw.rt me,., srmed with revolvers a Ixodes car ride for the membra and , Md -- .r. .itting m a ami: trienaa on Saturday. Largw Yeslte Tra MiiH ta Move n U4 Mawa ( IimL Irf orreries; a Herd te Tk at tartak ClerJi ta Stay fcata The 'office oC the eounty clerk wiu rnmain epen unui 4 p. ni. Saturday to receive tilings of eiuididalea. jtaer business will not Ue uiki in. " Bwa. BrakuB Leave Batata An es tate uf SLI.faw ta Ion ay auk. aaraa u. -Ya.k.ipv who did May 2n, uie, to her four brothers, one smier and buaoaud, Uj a Mlvidml among them. - BUtaaeeeeaerw Baooiston A homeseoli er' excursion will leave Omaha July IB for ia Uig Hoi a Cmatn on tlie Burlington radrrnuL several lumnr excursions bava Been pliuined by the ruat iJ take out proa peeilve tarmrrs dunni tha harvest season. Typo Appeiat Coamittss Anneuncs nunt is made that Typograpnical union li iwa by resolution, endorsed Con gressman H. toll cor U for. United States aen ehor end appointed a sommlttea of five to make tha endorsement effective. K. &. Planer beads ihm Uttcbcock. aommlRM Xatlwar Xmivraa be ataw Tha Amar Wa Railway &inpoyaa and lovaatura' aa aoulat:ua wUl meet la aim educational bu rau of tha L'oiun Paclfla at tha PaaiHo Kxvfwm frl(Uy. Praaldr.nt J, J. gliarloea win ba tn efiaira and delagatia to tha ovm entlon of tb aavoclatioa to bo bald, at Uoitalrt will ba aiactod at thia maaunv. Sim few Champa g Xn-Mt Jnnl W. Da via bruturtit ault attainac tha Pullman onmpany for It.Mt, claiming aha waa an earamonlouaiy forcrd ta Wava a bartb aha occupied la tha canter of th oar. tn tha miiidia of tha Dlht, and move to a berth at" tha an 4 of tha car, which change Bauaed bar eertoua lllnaaa. Sua claima ao sM (ivan a bar tit at Loa Ancviaa. Cal., and was uiUt sha ouuld retaJn it throush to Omaiia. - be b Kaawy Travnl on the rail roada paaainir through Omaha la reported to p at tta height just at tha praaant time. , X-ait yaejr tha earloua Unas thouifht that . they bad mad a record that would beat all other summer ti ave! on tha paaeenirar llnea, but M far thia aeaaon tha amount la Iarnr tig to- data, although tha BurUnaton of ficial state that their uda wtU break . hnut J iiy 38 for tha etimmer. Tha North aeetera rrad haa raaervatlona made up to - Aufuet 1 and thlnka that th averaa will 'tep up ta then.' - BTawyia i Tafeaa. Ktofc Deputy Labor Commiaaioner Wilt If. Maupin. who wrta Turced ta foniaita bla campaiKn in Omaha ana: nut vtoiatnra of the ehtld labor law "jeoaoee of Ulneaa left with the local author ise a number of notlcaa ta be eerved. Bev ral downtown drua; atoraa were notfed that they wera keapina; aoda fnuntaln glrla too 'ate at night. When Sir. Maupin returns to 3mna Saturday ha will continue his m reatlsatlona and If Bis orders are not eom ailed with tha march an ta will be proae-suted. -itf sliotKuna are small room at the City National bank. ktrp Uiff day and night guard aver the safety deposit bfiaea of tha ua-na. Tha bean's vault la betnc taken down preparatory to re moval to the new building at dlxteantn and Hiwir strseta an-i ihatnad of sti-el walls human guards are looking after the private buaea Sieantlme the bank's twn eaab and se curities repose in two email manganese safea rauteii for tue purpose. In the nw baak building a at.-ere of work men , are buay lntitailii:g toe new vault. This will ba a structure uf concrete and steel UxJtxS feet on tiie inside meaavre ments. Its base will be composed of sight but of solid concrete and railroad tits whiob It would take weeka to bore through. Tia vault Itself will ba two feet thick be sides the steel lining of manganese steel. "It ia Doing butit to withstand anytojng and everything," aaid President John Flack. "Not emy burglars are to be guarded against, bttt i. chance la being tRe-r By bankers nowadays against vauila being looted in time of riot or revolution." 3tevla tbe V alt Other workman are bavins a tough Job taking apart the vault which stands in tha old home of the City National bank. Tha ia to be removed and set up in the mam bank room of tue new quartan and will be uaed ta hold aurrent cash. It ia constructed in sections of m&ngsnaae steel and ia 3x13x11 feet. The several sec tions of manganese steel are linked to gether an the inside by stuel hoopa about the stse and shape of a ouupling pin. Thay were put on at wmte boat and. suddenly oouie4 so that prying them ofX la a bard task, taking several hours for each link, and there are It" or more of these. By cooling and contracting, tnese links brought the several aeutlona of the vault so dose tugetiiar that the vault became one solid piece of manganese steel, a maae whicu no tool could Out. so tough that breakage la almost impossible, "X cannon bait Cred square at tha side." said President Flack, "might be imbedded in the walla, but it would not crack nor hatier them." Tha bank haa a good many thousand dol lars in caatt to move when the time cornea, ta new u,drtars. and It will probably call upon an express company to- da this. Jx preea companies have wagons built for the purpose and the transfer can be accom plished tn a short time.. The City National will probably move into the new building August IS. Stoecker Hands Dictator Bryan Stinging Rebuke Bryan Sends letter by Mistake tod is Amrwered by t Fierce Cau-ixiwu. Dictator Bryan, uosa ot tne gsmnoraUc iiHity aas been euuKoaing uirrular letters Mt mainour uf uie lefaie.ure. aaamg tneia ui ueilt nun wrifa county optMia uilo tue .euiuviui sut.a insuurm Si.u uy luistae .ut une to noa. atui.aer m. u.e uw iuua s Otfugatioa wmuu aaa arawa torui tue ore. MJk.tiX. HS. July U. iai'1 Hon. W. i. jui, iuiuuu4. '. wvmT smt -a Ae. l.e 1 s. iihwr uttt sm' i, u. dm mm ii u ua . aiun jiu a. ae upvu tuts to give Ui t ausiw ul viui uwuvuuuutf U tieroinjiy Uhi tiuwuir ut cwuuuiMu lus Ute Hiel,eusiu.u, .u utM. wiiy uum wito aeueve ta jour Q5L MAS E1LLED IS WRECK -aawa eAe.el dVaVA 4a AJssVa. v aeV Hal Two Can lam Otst. i GATE KTJTZJL HOTE n TTCTESj i He ie Crwek4 I aker Oae ef Vyrtwrwew i Case siaeelteej jtpiMtratae Owt ef Ovder Ileve Ha-t Oaly J ea at Paet Few Data .l uieuries suouid ue sent, ut eouvenuuna etu legtSiatures, iet me ask yuu it yuu are a uieu ot aeedsr umi your past rueurd wur iiic iu to answer auua huwuwi ut tna ll.nnanivr if yuu wer-i I might give yvar letter soma ctinsmeration. Ail of chose eocaiied paiamount issues whicn you persunany (urceit upun tue democrat. c paity luv never uiU;riit.isad or Been aueuesatul paramount Isauee for persunal purpoeea ouiy and to rescu the end deetred by you. who in tne world gives yuu sue a per misMun? Haven't t the right aa an American aiUr sen to my own opinions? Who gives you the r:i ta shatikla my thougnu and force yours upon mm? It yuu were a man of deeua like our nine senators your name in your stautment No. 3 who were sucoeeefiii In ens-rung many good laws and repealing several bad. ones, tin their Judgment) you might presume. I do not need any une to guiue me. aa 1 am a man of age and matured. As to the last named lien of Deeds, i remind you that they ww choeen by the majority nf voters, who gave their expression at the polls. If ynu Insult tha n:ne senators you groasly insult the voters who elected them. Cor the von e of the people ie God voice. I admit that people have made mistakna at times at the electlona. Tou have maala mutakee and I have made mistakes. But une thing I am sure of la that the people did not make a mistake when they refused to elwt you president of thie country I bel'eve tn the right of the penpie to rule. . Watching your maneuvering since tils last defeat. I feel sure that no man haa mir1 ambition to dictate than you. The test of democracy la not only whether the penpie vote, but whether the people rule. Respectfully. w. r. sTOECitaR. Governor is in a' Smiling Mood Sayi He Expect Democratic! CoaTen- . tioa ta Endorse Eia Ai-miastratiaa. Governor Snail en berger was in Omaha Thursday, on hut way to address the demo . :rac!a county convention at Blair In the vfiemoon "I Hunk tlie convention will indorse Shal lenberger and the atats admlntstraUon." tuid the governor, smiling ia the gnnarous 'aahloo, Uiax diatingulshas him. Of the possibilities at Grand Island, the Tuvernor remarked th&t be did not care M make any further declaration than he iad recently. In hie formal statement. "Of course, we have a little friendly soutreveray on hand." ha said, with, a face ertoua as an end man's, "but perhaps the e publican brethren will also have s few tinea of entanglement to- break through a taa alato onnventlon. at Lincoln." . Then the governor drifted to a good OAtured dlseuasiott of the general situation n. tha state, underlying which, wee the thought that Mayor Dahlmaa ia net Jlkely to get all tha votes) eaat ia tne primary; in tact, thac ba may fall ahort ot a major ity. "All things are possible, you know,' said the governor, aa his smile aaln hove ' nto view. "Anything doing In the etaymore Une concerning the Uuuor situation la Omaha, governor?" . "No. not at present. The lerter of tne chief of polloe was the last move, in which be asked for evidence. By the way, this Orphans Invade Manawa Park At 'nanal Picaio GireaTby 3L of Ci Tiey Hare to Be Fried Off 3Ierry-Go-jIoaaL , Twenty-five autotnomias Oiled with the happiest children in Omaha drove through the city Thursday morning beaded for Lake tanaws. The little orphans from the St. James Institution at Benson were being given their annual outing by the Knights of Columbus. j Boys and girts were packed five and seven and eight In each, touting car. All were waving small United Slates flags and cheering at tha tap of their voices. A quiet faced nun or two sax in each car ta keep the email picnickers front failing out, through too exuberant activity. Tha grounds and concessions at the re sort were turned over to the children on arrival by William P. Byrne, manager of Lake Manawa. Some small boys and girls apent nearly all the morning on the roller coaster, others had ta be pried off the merry-go-round while others filled the skating rink and nearly swamped the min iature railroad. The picnickers were provided with, big meals at neon aa at 3 p. m., consuming hundreds of fried chickens and watermelon almost by tha ton. some of the ehildren listened to the band In the afternoon, but moat of them, preferred to ride on one or another of the eoncesaioa thrillers. Must Pay Debts or Go to Jail Jadi-e ICaafer Orders Fremont Batcher to Liquidate or , Soffer. Harry David Cohen, a Fremont butcher. who has recently filed a petition In bank ruptcy in the Unit ad States court, dis trict of Nebraska, must turn over property alleged to eea sequnetered or go ta laiL Judge Hunger has confirmed a finding made by Referee in Bankruptcy J. A. C- Ksnnedy to the above efSset. It is the first order of the Kind made in thia Jurisdiction since the present bankruptcy act went into effect in IXfcg. Referee Kennedy found that within a very short time before filing his petition Cohen had ordered bills of good from Omaha Jobbers, also that the goods bad In an acrtdent whicn occurred In the rail- road yards st the crossing at Fifth snd , Jones at Z M thia morning. Gatekeeper H. Hove was killed, two loaded Burilngton ; freight cars wrecked and a Union Psclfic ' ear damaged. Huyo waa burled under one of the cars Lis only part of his body visible , being the left foot snd part of the leg. Burliligtoo engine No, Unz was switching a ' string of cars south when the trsin w ts irnrk h V s 1'ninn Pj.Pf. r1rh IniH tit ' tliree cars coming from tne east. So great I ft wee wm imped, uzat two nurnngien cars were thrown off the track and, tonpli over, fail on Hoys. The Union Paclllc car. which caused the collision, waa driven ' if en the top of one of the cars n contact. The Union Farlf'c switching crew waa made up of John Whitcomb. foreman, Dan Royce, engineer, and switchmen, John Murphy and Lewis Dltbretter. The Burlington crew consisted of A. X. ars ing 1 fl li ie ' y Oster. switch- ' M John Tugent. fireman, and C H. Blomberg and J- W. men. It waa several hours before the wrecking j erew oouid geCto work and their opera- tions were delayed in ennaeojuence of the I dangers attached to handling tha cars, ow- j ing to the overhead electrical wires. The j power house ia. a few hundred feet from ' tha crossing and the wires f r supplying I Council Bluffs overhung tle wrecked Bur- I llngton ears. The telephone pale was ; struck and waa In immediate danger of falling. Beys Waa FaaUly Sep sort. Hove who waa a man or- middle age, lived at Gibson with his widowed mother, aged 87. whose only support he waa. He had only been acting aa gatekeeper for a few days during the illness of the man whose place he waa temporarily filling. It waa stated on tha scene ot the wreck by a railroad man that the signalling ap paratus which, when in order, will auto matically block one line or the other, bad been out of Hoar for several days and that the switching crews bad been in tha habit of sending a man forward to aee that tha line waa clear for moving trains. Tell us who is going to buy a piano and if we sell the party an instrument we will give you a gold watch Here i. a latiiea'.size CT Have your choice gents' cr ladies', Elgin or .Waltham movements all guaran teed. Just senvl us the name and ad dress of the party you have La mind, we will do the rest Thia ia to stimulate our city business and only includes Omaha, South Omaiia and Council Bluffs. We cannot afford to give a watch away and send a salesman out of the city. This no faie scheme. We have been esabl-shed fifty one years. These gold watches are on display in our west window. We want to know who is going to buy a piano in the next thirty days, and if you will tell us and we will sell them the watch is yours. Write today, or still better, call for full information. Get busy; a little thinking that is alL We do al the work. SchmoHer & Mueller Piano Co. ,4- r-y V , . . n fc-'-'C-. .-.ji ' 1311 and 1313 Famam Street. Dept J. Our July Sates of AIens Straw Hats and Fwniilvnjs now in progress Sir airs and St grades rediretf ta , . . $3.t)'J grades reduced to 2.5t) grade" reduced" to !. 00 s;rad? reduced to 11.30 grades rwdatwd to Shhrts $2.00 and $2.50 snirta reduced to $1.30 ghlrta reduced ta 1 J3 waaa neckwear. duccd to $2.83 .$2.33 .$1.83 $1.33 ...33c $1.33 ..85c rt- K our Cutters busy thia been turned Into put out of sight. Then it waa that the order to produce or go to Jail waa made. Tha order contemplates the return to the asset of approximately SLOvS, but much more ia ! aaid to be rigMly due the aetata. Cohen will have a reasonable time, probably ten days. In which ta respond to tha order ot the referee. Omaha merchants. In common with others. believe they have been "worked" mora or s by men who have purchased goodn. disposed of them and then taken the bank ruptcy cure. The Cohen ease developed soma features that led hia creditors to be lieve he bad not treated them far!y, and Referee Kennedy made an official investi gation, with the result stared. Rain Falls All Over the State Lincoln-, However, ia Sat Dampeaed by Single Drop ia Geaer&l Bawapoux. Bain fell Wednesday night all over 2fe-l braaha la scattered secttunaT ranging any- where from a quarter of an inch to two. mcbea ia some piacee. The general direc tion ot tha downfall waa toward the south east, the showers starting up ta tha north ern part ot the state. m the BurUmttoa llnee a fairly hi S"l"!L! CITY HALL DWELLERS ARE FORCED TO WALX STAJRS ilttt Tea. Tesurer LemJky KxlateeMO tke Clevatwvs VtssUIy sUa. fee se Week. Just aa "water alowiy dripping wears away the hardest stuns." sa water slowly dripping will In time em-pry the largest tatter writing appears to be getting ex- Taa Hydraulic elevator tanks, in the eastr and the proeeedM j nia u reported fn-most sections, the heav iest part being' on the lines near Grand Ialand. Tha Northwestern had showers aa far aa Long Pins and the Union Pacific j all the way out in the stats. j Lincoln remained dry throughout the fail over the rest of the state, not a drop of i rain fall there to wet the dryness of the ' destitute people who have suffered there! so many months) awaiting for tha wet spell I to bit their town. treraely faahionaule." said bis excellency, in fact appears to be catching. To go any where we nearly always have to pass mrough Omaha, you know, and we Uke the city, benite my preaenae at thia time. Just passing through to Blair, and I have had to request that they ezcuae me for being lata aa X misunderstood the train sched-ala.-- Lewis Offers to Meet Blackburn Eeaiocratic Candida ta Would Serve M Opponent ia Gruelliag lo liticel Eebita. " "The lost art of oratory Is to be revived. a. A riot Lewis, democratic candidate for KANSAS the congressional suminawin. aespairing si least of ever getting bis ewe rivaa tn the denaKrntla party Into a Joint debate, haa loused about aim and Coding Torn Black burn ut the republican camp anxious for s trial of strength baa made tha announce ment that be wtU argue with Mr. Black burn on the public platform any question or set uf gdeatluna Mr. Lewis will make only one condition, he says, and that ia that Hi. BUcktuirn pay for the ball. Lewla baa thrown challenge after- chal lenge at tlie head of Quluby. Lobeck. stoecker, Flaherty and H-tcncock, bat they rafsse to be embroiled. Blackourn haa tnrown down the gauntlet to Judge Suttao repeatadly, but without suecesa Neither baa been able te get a rtgnr at any edds wttx bts own competitors. Now Lewis says he intends to ml It with Blackburn, If Ue returns the an. upon any eub)eet aa .b list. dty hall bare, acoording to Secretary Bur gees of the Board of Education, been leak- j ing for at least ten years. Thursday they burse out with a final splash, flooded Jul the school supplies) and the elevator servlue gave up the ghoet. City officials who need the swiftness of the elevators to get to their orfieee 1 before they uiose up had to walk and all afternoon the landings were covered witn discouraged and fatigued clerks. City ball peupla are nut accustomed to physical exertion. Secretary Burgeea haa made complaints before in regard to the leaking of tha elevator tanks and tue coun cil baa recently appropriated Ism for re pair, but tlie limit ef tlie machinery's pa tience had been reached and It refused to wait any lender for a rest. Several offices an tha upper floors were elueed altogether because tneir patrons refused to mount the steep pathway. To Save Jail Apostles Leave Bearded Preachers Are Released from Jail ia Iatereita of Otaer Prisoners. Expresing an interest in tile comfort and welfare of prisoners in the city and county Jail, Judge Crawford Thursday morning discharged the three evangelists who bad been arrested oa Douglas street the night before. Sergeant Samuelson testified he came upon the trio while they were in the midst of a disturbing argument en Douglas street. He said one was arguing on the trinity of God, one loudly kept proclaiming on the Muses interview with Fharoah. and taa third was snouting a vindication ot John tha Baptist. The defendants were Bert Slsberry, Charles MoG wrath and J. J. Slmpaoa, and three very long, un trimmed beards. Judge Crawford told the outfit to go forth and preach the gospel to the whole world mstde of a halt, and to cease arguing. JUDGE IS -IN TOWN Llfehswei BeeeSgs ,- dyvpepela. liver complaints and kidney troubles la needlesa El ec trie Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy, too. For sale by Weatoa Drug Co. Lite Jse Jells C. sews a Day ia Fee Fleet Tat rwttemfc; 1 Judge John C. PollocK. of the federal bench In XUinsas waa In Omaha Thursday aa a guest of X. U. Loomis. general solicitor ef the Union Piu-.r.c, whose personal friend ha baa been for a number ot years. Ha was entertained at lunch at the Omaha, dub. "I came to Omaha on private business.' said Judge Pollock. " Since I had never spent a whole day In Omaha before. I decided ta wait at lsast that long before I went back n Kansas City." BIG PICNIC FOR ELO000 Writ ttsvtswertk Croat Arm Grssd bvnis tw rmbMe) at Pretty Park. Through arrangements by tha West Leavenworth club, an enormous basket pin. niu will be held at Elmwood park oa the occasion of tha opening of tlie new car Una to the park. The club appointed a committee of five, in the course ot its meeting Wednesday sight, to carry out the plans and management of the picnic -it la announced that tha public ef Omaha, South, Omaha. Benson, Florence and all the surrounding territory Is Invited to attend tha affair. There will be mualc, games, athletic sperta and oonslderabla to eat at the picnic Those who form tha committee en ar rangemen'a are: S. Artoa Lewis, John. Wlb. ' ler. Morris Tsrklsaen, J. w. Joan son and Prank Marshall. The park covers an area of X4 scree and e situated at sixtieth and Leavenworth, streets. The street car rafts to tha park will soon be completed. ' TAX RATE IS OUTRAGEOUS SAYS WILL HERD WAN get see Asetataat t ley Artanraey Saye It Ie Dwe to Delayed Wltn sU The existing situation la not promising, and in some respects is outrageous, " said Will Herdmao, formerly assistant city at torney, speaking of tha increase of taxee In Omaha. 'It largely eomea from tha fact that hydrant rentals were not paid for years. and then heavy la visa have to be made under judgments, with interest added. That one thing probably adds 30 per cent to the city tax, and other elements are enter ing In which look as if an even higher rate will have to be made. The Water board wants tha limit and t note tha city council has also certified its levy for a million. 'When the occupation taxes were Wvied on the publla servlcs corporations every body understood the amount raised in that way would" very likely be deducted tram the next levy, but the taxpayers find that Is) not the eaae and the resulting levy for general purposes will be aa high, u not higher. Instead of being lower." VAUTED-40 Union Bricklayers Highest scale wages paid, to work on the large factory now being erected by John G Woodward & Company, the "Candy Mca," at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Apply to C Norgaard & Son, Contractors on the job, at Broadway and Glenn Avenue Council Bluffs, Ia. EEPING and ' Tailors week by including An Extra Pair cf Trcussrs with your suit order for the price of suit alone. Sait and Extra Trousers S2S ta V i VACATION HUB CUED AND PEED Tried Many RemediesbutGrewWarsa Impo'sibla ta Do Housework Cured by Cuticira Soap antf Ointment. MURDERER CAUGHT AS VA3 taatk eaaaiBa Deteetrvw Pteka- t' Kg iMt, Wum4 at Vmmmm City r.alteatlarr. BailrfteeT rwesatta. J P. 0"Kffe. iiitt Case, frame dwelling, &... Ed J.iuotn. Tiurty-r.i-vt snd H--Mn. adi'.'ou to nprtMt, IT Mm. K. W. t-i'teiiiuua. aui Jatsjoiv bnt-A gsxaae, UJva Edward Stout, who waa arrested in Soma Omaha as a vagraat by Evteetlve Suae nan several days ago, la suw being held aa an escaped con tc t and murderer. It baa been leacned he escaped with two ethers tram the Canoe City penitentiary. Mariwav story's WUew ' LONDON. July 14. ST re. Maria Hunt "tory, widow ef Marion Story, and A. Mnr ray Young a New York banker, eas mar ried today la 9. George's church, Hanover Square. The bride was gives away by Mr. i Retd, the American amoaaaadur. The nup tials were eolomnfsed bv Bight Rev. C. H. Brent. Protestant Episcopal bishop of tha Philippines, assisted by Rector Andreaon of St. George s. A luncheon fur the wedding party waa given at Dora eater house, the home ef Ambassador and Mrs. Bald. If year Qver is si us (ten and out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, soasupated, take white be waa , a due ef Chamberlain's gtumacb aad Liver serving a sixtren-yeer a rutin ee for mur der some time urn. A sheriff Is oa tlie (ay from Culoradu ta brtna bias bank. Tablets taaia-ht berore reurtng aad yea will feet ail right ta tna morning. 8uid by ail deaiave. "About six years ago my hands bewsA to craca and peel. I tried many mb- edies, but they grew worse ail tha tuna. AX last they became) so sore that it wsa impossible for ma ta da mr house work. If I put my hands in water 1 was in agony; if I trwd to cock, tha heat caused intense) pain. I oonsulbsd a doctor, but wtLhouC the ieaat aar.'acuun. After auout a year ef thia suffering, I got my first relusf whoa I triad Cuueura Suap aad Cuticura Ointment. After using them for a week; I found to my greet oUnigbt that my banda were beginning to feel much, better, tha deep cracks besna to heal up and stop run ning, and in a little while my hands wera cured by using only one case of Cuticnra Bomp and sotosi ef Cntieura Ointnwnt. X am Tory thankful to say that I have) had so return of the) skin dseesa since, I shall be giad t you will pibiihh thia eo that others may know uf Cuticura. Mra. Minnie Vr-w. 23 ranforth St.. eamaica Plain, Mass . April 20, I JUL Tor thirty vnare Cutitmra Soap anil Cntinura Ointment have affurried speedy rauaa ta tests of thousamis of sin -tortured and disfigured sufferers from eo sraea. raehrs, uchinws, irrttaMune and ehaflnna, from infani-y to agn bringing oomfort and prewo to ditrssXMl buuea huiiia whoa ail elaa tailed. rnsiieis anewa srs b4 tamesaaM tke ev SMSeenA fnuelme4 !M rwi B.eee& S ' LOWEST EXCURSION ROUND-TRIP RATES TO St Paul-Minneapolis and points in ILimesoia By rail or by boat to the cool spots in MICHIGAN; to Hua koka Lakes and tha idling places along the St Lawrence River; to New England Mountains and Sea Shore; to any and all points East, via . Chicago W1LLLIM JEERK.M.V SONi . 1 i 2U9-SX1 Su. 13tb St. ii: : !' ieji!LWs.we..flJe,l gMls.W.w-W.J,..W JETTER ESEWHS CO., j I Pistrae Sa 1 30ti tad TSteets 1 ! -a.weeiCTg 1 1 Scala Oaaha. Nebraska g If G. N!l M Ksie asww. -raiP" TWflr . . ! j f l:1 4 t ir-inr; i?t 1 1 1 offers diversity of routes and the best through serv ice. "See America first," but not necessarily the same places twice. We plan your trip as to direction and cost; our itineraries are free for the asking. I Ticket 1512 Faroam SI. Omaha, Nebraska. 'Phone Douglas 220 . cojrymrxxs BiarraxaTrrras: . pmsnsi XtTwO V: MOM, UB4 Douglas Scree, wboaeat Songlaa 1ML Xad. AL34X tcDtb Omahat rz, nrm, asat ar aa. flmtTieil Blaffst , zjeix incTn,t 1013 Mala at. Beta Phoasa. M FOnii Ff52 wna and aarveeos me K JJ is ua wt,j. find tiiotr power te NFUVFS work and yoathfui vteor 'a""-" suns m a result of aver, era er nnntal exertion enould t, .Ni-HVH KCMiO PILJa. They will eaake you eat aaa eleep and be a el Boa arsea ti-SO by ataO. ft HsGinrssu oat; a col. wr. MUB B nm BOMUb osrc nana coacrAJrr. Cos. IssJa aad Marasy ata. QauiAa. Mcai rWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEft eaekee the Live stock Men. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Academic and Collrga Preparatory courses. Art. Mualc. Domes tla Science 1st, (MI and Gymnastics. Native French and iMrmtii teactiera A echool for glrle with all the advantage of E.i.tem echoula "ertt'leatee admit to Weilesley. Smith. Vassar. L niverelty ot tnicago anu state i. niveranies. a.i gir's in scei iai t - i saaaa. EBaaSIA U si rttnrge of esperienred hoiee-moUier. Year boob sent upon request. Mldtl MAfUi- VJentivorlh LZlZlzry Academy Oldest and LaiTat In M.dile Wast. Government S jpervtsion. HlstieiU ratirn; by W r Drparuaent. I nl an try, Artillery and Cavalry Ltf iii. Cuutms of study prepare tor Universities. Government Acadeaiiea or for Buunesa L.le. AcTedlted by orUI Central Aaodattnn of ch(ol!i and Cdlegea. Manual Training. Separata Department tor Small Boy. For catalogue, addreaa Ta 9mm i asry. Most A, f.evti RI FF Military OaUeUeLrvJ Academy KACOV, MO. sxxt uxsiom uans urruun bl lsia. ros cTtio, Asnaewe SUSS kIUT4r ACAJBAMT. KACOS. MO. UfltlSfiS CITY VETEnilianY COLLEGE TtuuMeti mm! otp1 ' Ceeei too ad er CnSisw e tVtiitimn. Teb.ii. Iieeipin. Se h. . eeiuSB li a. iiinsimiis lS sr ele, iWaeaiiulaM ee .piuidVue. lut-a. alAaSAil t. aecreaaay. Uulw Art, Eiyresiioa. Speidsl CnuriM. format urKa tor leaiiucta. btsding to Ulpiomss. aeasonabla Bates. full Con The Best Inscruohra. Healthful aad sleipfnl CoUega aurniundliiga Waaua'a Caile.a, Beg 2 Jacksesvule. EL r I Hm flivM. iO a I ( omlDMIBlMl I nuraaia. aFrraw ti ia..g ie ;. a.Ufe a,(tlai , . J " fl'tf4il,i'll!tio