THE BKK: OMAHA, TIIUKSDAY, JULY 14. 1010. aasnarsaa Bre Closes ir.K. day. as Friday is Our Oreat ft ami -AmI Clearing ale of BnutlM The Bargains Arc Greater Than Ever In Our Great Semi-Annual Clearing Sale rth to O HERE ARE THDSRDAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS Yonren High Grade Corsets at 59c Clewing- saJe of all new models, medium and long hip, made of'.'fj&e, quality French batiste, with four heavy elastio hose supporters attached. This lot contains some of " thd veil .known makes-regular price f fK up to $1.50 clearing price, V if C each. Misses- "4 Children's Summer Hats at 50c 75c -' WORTH VP TO $2.50 Hundreds of misses' lingerie hats, trimmed with black velvet ribbon; misses' and children's linen and duck out ing hats;, duck tnms; girl's leghorn hats and pretty milan hats for little girls odd lots, but all new styles, worth up to $2.50; Thursday in our ,ffc ( clearing sale second floor, RJj and fits " 75c 16o quality woraen'i gingham aprons clearing "ale price r In. basement fee Xlnra aOO yard apool thread all numbers, whits and black; Notion department, clearing aula price; par dosen !9c An assortment of 800 wire hair pin clearing sale price 7c ' Lily Wkito Corset Cover (terni-made) a.t 39c Ekch The new idea. Out out and embroidered arm holes, with straps !of scalloped edge beading to match full Z Q .size main floor worth up to 75c, at. . .. J1 C All Silk Taffeta, Ribbon, worth up to 20c at 74c All silk f taffeta ribbon plain and fancy colors, ' checks, plaidsetc. i-up to No. 80 main floor at, . : . : Hlf r v per yard.. .......... 2 18-in. Fine Embroidered Flouncings, Etc., at 19c Yard Skirtings, Qorset cover widths, wide insertions' and galloons . . a -a -a -a e i 41 . ' big bargain square piled nign on main iioor 1 (J worth up to 40c a yard, at. VraiNl 1 Imitation ft eather bloom Vettl eoeta Feather allk, etc.. double ruffle ' and tucked flounce 11.60 and 11.76 val ues, at. . 98c Choice of our 35e and 6O0 yrenoh "Bril Uant Sat Pins Clearing sale price In Jewelry depart ment, at . 15 c Buster Brown Dou ble Taoed Patent Leather Baits Blacks, reds and white clearing sale price. In leather goods dept 15 c Tborjday Special Demonstration of the Celebrated HARTIIAN WARDROBE TRUNKS A demonstration of these extremely high grade and desirable wardrobe trunks will be held all day Thursday In our Trunk depart ment, basement, new store. Mr. Melvln Adams of Chicago will conduct 'this demonstration. j 'We are Omaha agents for the oelebrated Indeatructo Trunks. Every trunk Is guaranteed for five yeara. BR-A'NDEIS stores nwlNl M ikll li ) I f Hurinit Jul a.irl August Store Hoars at l f t I JJ 1 5 O'clock. Haturdajr at 10 I. M. I fJ for $25 f Silk Dresses Up to $40 Thursday morning at 9 o'clock the selling begins. None sold before that hour. 150 Handsome Models This is our entire stock of the finer lines of silk dresses and in clude embroidered Pongees, Satin Foulards, in many colorings and patterns, plain and stripe Taf fetas, Changeable Sunburst Taffetas, etc. There must be a dozen or more distinct styles, all as fresh and new a3 the day they left the maker a few weeks ago. Tunic and Princess mod els that were $35.00 and $40.00. To avoid the inconvenience of hur , rying to an 8 o 'clock sate, we start the selling" at 9 o'clock. The choice of the stock Is yours Thursday for - C oS tell BLACK LAWN DRESSES FOR MA1D8 AND WAITRESSES We have Just received a shipment of these much asked for dresses. They are in two-piece' style with 15 gored full pleated skirt and tailored waists, self collar and belt, materials are fine and sheer, at $300 WHITE LINGERIE WAISTS Our best sale of $1.25 waiBts Is on now. Most of them are very fine $2.00 kinds. Embroidery and lace of very dainty pattern and superior quality . . . $1.25 ABOUT-THE-HOUSE DRESSES Neatly made, one-piece styles of percale, high or low neck mod els in. light or medium colors, all sizes, at, each $1.00 Extraordinary Sale Hand-Embroidered Linen Center Pieces and Scarfs VALUES TO $10.00 AT $1.95 A purchase of 500 pieces, at a remarkable price concession. 28-inch round Centers and 54:inch Scarfs, in natural or brown linen. Every piece is gorgeously embroidered in silk, with rose, poppy, appleblossom, and conventional designs. Scalloped and lace trimmed. Every woman who loves beau tiful decorative, linens will go in raptures, over fo,a Ai 3 them and readily recognize one of the best, bar- j$k I rl! G (ruins fcfi Oft t n fe1 0 00 nip.pps. rlioicn far . hJLW K t-j t'" -w i i j . - I?. i 75c Embroidered Dutch Collars 25c White and colored Persian embroid ered designs, some withv dainty eyelet or Maderia open embroidery pattern, round and square shapes. The clev erest new novelties shown forvthe hot weather. All new, fresh and clean, just in from the importer. All are 75c values, our .price. . . 25c BIDS FOEt JEW BILL DEPOT Ms oy Largo Contractor! Send ing Bids '. L 1 to Chicago Office. WILL' COST OVLE A MILLION ' :. s .i To Bateaa front Jaekraa to Fern ant llrett Aaa KlahtJa Street aad rar( of Klast Street Will f ;.(...r.'t ;'. Wee. ' Omaha's new fretstvt depot which the Burlington will build In the near future will, be ihe Jargest building of its kind In the city.-': It jmlil "eltaiid from Farnam to Jackson streets on Eighth and eover part cf lEttittr street,. -. i , There will be two buildings in the com plete freight depotone for Incoming freight and toe other for outgoing. The approach to the depot will be on Eighth street, the platforms and the approaching driveway taklng up part.' of the street, for which the road go permission last night Be tween the two houses there will be four platforms for unloading and loading freight, with the tracks running between each two platform,.''-: . ;;: r . ' The wagons 'of city firms going to or from the depot will have the use of four streets In hauling (relght Farnam, Har ney, Howard -tJid Jackson each street leading Into Eighth and the wide driveway whih,w1ij be built tbere. The entire cost tUe j'Mur tipine of the .Burlington will be .soinethki over (1.000,400, but the rail road officials think that It will pay them . in the end. "Our business is steadily growing and Omaha is a growing city, and we will need all of . the new building in a very few ytars." eald U. W. Loomls, assistant to the general manager of the road, when questioned lit regard to the new depot :"Th new fretgitt house will be one of the finest In the weet and Omaha will be proud of it when finished." ' , Bids from large run tractor for the build ing ef thai two buildings are being received In the1 rfflce tf ,T, B. Calvin, chief en gineer' of the. rad, whoee office la In Chi cago. The date, of the opening of the bids has not beea mads public yet, but It Is probable that preliminary operations will be started early this fall. Officer Saves Man from Death Would-Be Suicide ii Prevented from Jumping Into Biver by Officer Wilion. Threatening to 'commit sulolde by plung ing off the Douglas street bridge, Ueorge Warner. M20 Leavenworth street placed his Ufa In the hands of Patrolman Wilson, who prevented the self destruction Tuesday night. Warner came to Wilson's notice when the man rushed madly past the policeman on Douglas street. Wilson thrust out bis arm and stopped ' the stranger to learn what the trouble was. "Let me be, ' for God's sake," panted Warner. "I'm going to end It all." "Oh. that's all Is It," Wilson replied. "Well, go ahend and end It." With that the policeman let the stranger go. A moment later, however, the policeman broke Into wild pursuit of the other man, aa he perceived the fugitive was surely headed for the bridge. The policeman caught up with and grasped Warner just as the latter was preparing to Jump from the bridge , into the murky deptha below. Warner was taken to the police station at.d hsld for Investigation. MEN'S COLORED BORDER HANDKERCHIEFS Full size, splendid quality, 3c each, or a dozen 35c ' TKXAS ELUUKTA I'KACIIKS A HALE. Another carload for Thursday. Pine luscious fruit tor canning.. 4 baskets to crate, per crate In 3 crate lots, 80c each. 85c asHsassasrsHsasasrasserasasasKEScasasaS liable Strangled by erd&Ji. couha or colda are Instantly re Ileved and quickly cured with Ir. King's New Disouvery. Goo and $1 00. For sale by lieaton Drug L Choice of Smyth is Aimed at "Jim" Follower of the Mayor See Cloyed Hand Back of Selection. the "Tea, the selection " of . C. J. Smyth to preside over the Grand Island convention Is a slap at 'Jim,' " said a city hall attache,' "and we know where the slap oomes from. The hand may be gloved, but It Is the hand of Congressman Hitchcock Just the same, and he la not fooling us a bit. Hitchcock told a friend of mine, only a few days ago, that he wlahed Dahlman were not running; that it wasn't his time; that ha had two years more to serve as mayor and should be content with that, and not tri to succeed Ehallenberger until after his second terra. Of course, Hltchoock would be no more for 'Jim two yeaj-a hence than he la bow. We are on to him and he will hear from us." GOOD-BYE WALK-OVERS! v ' . Closing Them Out At Cut Prices First time in Omaha Walk-Overs ever sold for less than the factory stamped price, $3.50 and $4.00; but now THEY GO No more Walk-Overs for usour new, improved line for men will be IT. ; Shoes and Oxfords Now Going to Clear the Shelves. ,V, Walk-Over Shoe Store ED S. THOMPSON,' Sales Mgr. Every man knows "Ed" Pa Rourke's Neighbor. 3J i M frA IT has a peculiarly deli cious flavor found in nootherbeer. It'sbecauso we grow our own yeast, malt our barley in the old and reliable way and age our beer properly. High Life Beer is always uniform In quality and purity. We always make it the same way. It always has the same rich and pleasing Haver. if is n if III ffi J? M HI malt our barley in the old 1 f I Jtm and reliable way and age i WSjF t7''';lr" V- ' W"-LER BREWING CO. Z&SW JffiM$ ORDER A CASE TODAY IJbeerJ B C JESSEN LIQUOR CO., , I Distributers. I ill V I 1030 Broadway, Ooanoll Bluffs, Xowa. J t I V f Both Phones 705. J J""'" "''- t"-v nrmu w-wiwr j .... D Children's Ankle Strap Pumps . The ankle strap pump is the real shoe for ... chldren this summer. But let us tell you something. The fit of a pump la of-more Importance than any other kind of a shoe. The pumpB we have combine fit and style as well practical and serviceable in every way. . J THE ' PRICES ARE: ' Children's sizes, 8, to 11 ... MiBsrs' . sizes, 11 Ji to 3 ... . Young Women's fry CA sizes, 2 to O . .V-'WV We carry complete sices and widths, In ' both turns and welt soles. , Come in and let us convince you that we can please you. $1.50 $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. J NORTHERrl MICHIGAN LINE! The Elegant Steel Steamships ManItou"-"Mlitourl" -IlllnoJs' offer nnrt valed Mnrtos tMrtwMa CKImsto ktid tiarkt no llaitl and uiiier Umovi Huwtur Kaurua if Northern Mlcblp7.oooneiUef 1tkiJ liao for Lake na airtxi roufe ta M mii 1. 1 re 1 ravrmeClty ilaror Mrlu -Uii Oufcama I harlvtA h(. Ikuhi G)a Aiavvm liay law IrlaM-k ! laUuul CilMcas 1 N tJ .-..-w t-yjzzj m fT ."VfT iff Yheaa claaat taabtpa era bodi tba ffosMt baai rqutppatl cm tha Oraal TAkaa. Uifi out i of ci tha wat4r. tor bbua of tour aid fto l&rant auJ bj ii T aa la aiiaifort.sblai ml lhay otfar tha travaler evary ato4rn oouvantanoa Uaafc atitia t thm ilaituhia ot u ult fita. MiH ho thista to lka trtpa. J. C CONUT. C r. A. Wwt ami bk. Mwti t4 Ka lm Iriin. CHICAGO . 4 Bee Want Ads Boost Your Business 20. DISCOUNT July clearing sale of odds and ends, In suit cases, . bags, trunks and traveler's goods. This means reliable goods at a great saving to you right at vacation time. Freling & Steinle Trunks. Bags, Suit Cues and Good Leathtr Gsodi 1503 FARNAM ST. sv.wr. ITS St. Paul OltS ulutt h NW16Q1 , Three splendid trains 'ai ' day via The North Western "-. Line leave the Union Station; ? Gmaha, at 7:50 a. m., :7:00 'f. p. m. and 9:00 p. m. J5 There are hundreds of cool northern resorts in the woods and on the lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Lake Superior District. "' Vacation Rates The Best of Everything ?r : t For rates, tickets and full infor mat ion apply to J i: Ticket Offices 1401-1403 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebr. 1. ( Hotel Rome iLuropean IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cor. ICth and Jackson Sta. Two blocks from leading department stores and all theaters. KOMK M1M.KH. KUDLAVU Mud Curt t&KrZiJl'"&z Etly aa4 aaiaraliy Hhoumatian. K tdketjr, bkta aoa ra ir !. Big htl odi allysMar. Heu4 tut Sixth Annual Convention July I B, 19 and 20 v i ' " ' Associated Ad Clubs .. ' Meet with America's business creators ' . , ' WRITE OMAHA AD CLUB FOR PROGRAM - , RstVeS ' g'l aj ( 1 yj n Mils3 erf "4 THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO CIA? O TI0N baa paid its members Six' Per Cent per annum for the past 21 years, and today U better prepared than ever to protect and foster the interest of ita members. . , Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Ask for Booklet u A" and 4 other information.. 1 ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000. Address, 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb, I 1