Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    niE bee: omaiia. Wednesday, jtly u. inia
im rnu r.
Take ywa pvtttlBa; a te IT
mi Fans Bargns.
3mm Bry Cleaning ot ganueala, Twsa
Hty Dro Wurke, t7 goata FUtseaMa.
TUfi faMuti m Xebraaka Saving
and Luen Am n. una dollar ta la.i0 each,
ais per cent per annum, crmiiud sni
annually, urpimjrt IsSi. ; Farnatn.
rumla a Maw taw Tia McCalio Sun
day achiml will htitd ;ta annuu pnmc at
Hiv-nifw park on Haiurday, July IS.
childien leaving FnrUeth and Famam
vtreeta In a special oar in the morning.
Orpaaaa ta Xum Mauawa will b
thn acaue of Uie annual orpnans mit'.i.g
given by Uie jLiiiguls of Coluinbua fur Lbs
orphans of Omaha. TMe children will go
J in two. peclai (sxa to .the grounua ana
pwnd tUe tr in (am and pleasure
events. The .n.,a ui be heid Thursday.
Mrs, Watte maada Bos S-oliry Ceorg.a
aui, airmailed buijie uue caitue
T jsaday- meitilng on a charge .if murtler
ill the firm druree. pleaded nut g-.illty. he
ia charged ill Uie murder of Lillle Wade
In ftoutn- Omaha on June 9. Tha women,
bota colored, quarrelled over dumredo af
fairs, whim ted u ilia ahuoting of Mrs.
WiiUb by ilre. Watt.
S tha Blvoene Cenrt Detective. June
R. MLonmd waa .(ranted x decree of di
vorce Tuesday mur-uag by judge Cray from
Anna, M. Uo&eiuuii. Ua claimed ana waa
In tha fcaMt- of slapping tin face and other
wlaa mistreating film while ha waa on
duty aa an officer at the law. Aradell FL
Glenn baa brougut uit for divorce against
Gaorge i Olenn on a charge of noa-eup-port.
Mortlculturiet ta Tiatt Mtmm li. C. AX
well, of Portland, Ore., presiJent at the
Oregon .-late Horticultural society will be
lit OenaXa 3eptrmber 3 aa the guest of
C. C. Wright. Mr. At well la U spend ail
of Ue fail In the middle weal Uxiklhg Into
fruit market conditions for tba benefit of
Qrm no rUnultura lists. Besides Omaha
ha win spend considerable time in Chicago
and St. Paul.
Wocld- aro Aooev m Tie George
Rig Or. charged with burglary, when, ar
raigned, . before Judge Estelle In district
court Tuesday morning wanted to plead
guilty and take a ehanoa on a parole or a
light sentence, but wanted It understood
at tha aama. lime that he waa not guilty.
Cnieaav tha prisoner would admit bla guilt,
which, ha wonid. nut. do. Judge Kataila
would not aoept tua plea.
-maa" ala Waive graltrataa-ry nad"
Dale tha nagro who shot and killed Henry
Anderson, a South a pool hall on Four
teenths street the evening of the Fourth,
waived tua preliminary examination In pa
llce . oaurt , T jeaday morning; and waa
bound -ower to tha district court without
bond. The trouble la said to have oeeurred
after"' some tnfju!e tha two men had In
the pool room after they were ordered to
leave- -
Twe aal raptay VeatOoaa Two peU-
Uons In bankruptcy 'were Clnd In tha Cnl
tad dtatea court yeaterday morning, one by
Harry Q,. Con, a butcher of Fremont, and
the ottier by John H. Chandler, a braka
maitim tha Union Pacific. Tha lauer gives
bia Ua&milea aa ETI. with, aaeata of U
wearing apparel. Cona reports liabilities
of aad asaeta of SL3ZS.M, a larga
part of which cut! Mat of household goads
and 'tools of hia iraiie.
8naa) Cow nniaiwis Lutlte A. Morrison
wife of the lata a. a. Jlarr'-son.
brought auit against the Woodmen of Lbs
World tar SZ.8U1. She clainra her huebajnd
waa Insured In the Woodmen for this
amount but ttiat tha ajresta Save refused
to maka Jie oaym'enti Mr. Isurrlsoa -died
from tha offeeta of a seif-lnnimed gun
ahot wound on February X At tea sunt
time ha attempted to taka tha Ufa of his
wife but lBfUotad only a slight wound from
which aha soon recovered.
sTaw afetfeod at Xrrtgatton Farmara
of Nebraska, are taking up a new faahion
9t watering dtT and arid land, which la
xplained. In tea Farmers' Bulletin Just
'seuad by the Burlington railroad. By the
new method, tha water doea not have to
be tanked and than flowed over tha land,
but pa sana directly to the dry placea and
na or two acraa are alwaya In proeesa of
being we, tared. O. Clem Dwaver of the
Burlington ofSoea In Omaha la greatly in
lerested in the new matliod.
L. Wye, kmaatlr mt Catveie
try mt Wakraetu, Klewtwd FMat.
deatg ml Tlmtlmmml Assawtatloau
Librarian Junes L . Wyer. formerly libra
rian of the University of Nebraska and now
director of tha Nrw York state library, waa
elected president, and Mrs. H. I El men -dorf,
vl oe Ubrarmo. of tha Buffalo Public
library, waa elected rtca president at tha
meeting of tha Amarloan library assorls-
Uon, held at Maokinaa laat week.
Misa Edith Tobitt and Mlas IOla Bowen of
the Omaha Public library hava just re
turned train, tfea meeting. Tha ssaoolstlcin
bad an atteadanoa ot between TO and SJ
and held a most successful meeting. Tha
program oanslstad of general an
dealt wKh subject of Interest to ail of
tha tnambera, parCtouiarly book cntidsm.
and of different sectlona of tha aasoeuuion
which gave " programs dealing prinripaily
with spsnliil subiecta such as refereaca
work, auhaol Ubrarlea. branah libraries and
other denarunenta of library Work. Soma
of tha.. speakers, for the general session
war thara saving unusual axperienos alung
the llhaa rapreaented.' Wallace Rica, liter
ary or lie and Mr. Howard Frnst. secretary
for tha agmearlng News and also eruie
ot th Bechnlcal boeka. had prominent
madea on the, program. Ona session was
given up to tha pTsaeBtaUoa of tha legends
and stones of ths northwest, including the
history ot. tha aetahuaument of tha- Jeevut
mlBsionsv and another sraaeoa to legasMla
and stories ot Canada.
Invitation www received from a number
of olttes, auking the assoctatlon to meet
there next year, but the matter waa not
decided. Aa tha association haa not met in
California for twenty years .t ia posatbla
that tha rSU meeting will be held at ImM
Misa Tahiti and Miss Bowen spent t"W
va In t alt Ago on aim way w aaiuiiM
and devoted the Urns to visiting depoai2
BLationa. uiaxich Uurai-:ea and piay ground
libraries rersnily eatahltafaed. Chioago haa
made wonderful progress in this way dur
ing the las, year and ia rapidly establishing
a system wmch will aaon ba a moaai fur
atuer cities.
la Arrats-Bwd Bafarw Jaaa EHiUa
sued Will IVa Triad OawtaaaT Sa
Terns mt
Frank Erdman waa arraigned befora
Xudjra Estella Truwday morning on a charge
at assault with Intent to oommit murder
In placing a suit case of dynamite on Tom
PenaisoH's porch. Ha entered a piaa of
not guilty and will bo triad during tha
next tana uf tha district court.
waa prevented by ii. W. Ctoyd. Plunk. Mix.
a-ho healed hta dangeroua wound with
ucklea's Arnica aave. So. For sale by
iun Drag Ca.
llU Mi Lit Ui IA dAlEIXecro Robs Sate
-axga It-try
City Tarpayer.
lie-aaoaasjvsa-rwt Added Millie
Tear and Witrr Board la
Dmaaadla gl0,Oe) at Ita
Dlssenl Tale Ttar.
. ,
... . i
Tual. 'iw l. anka-. Sen I. W W. j aa . i
SlO.... s.i 1 1S.0 a. .t,
11M .YT.i a. it H.
1H,.... 3.t . ... t4.i
ii' . a. . ik.
M.s s.a 11. - is.
Including sinking fund.
Beloiw uaa Uie levy was made on a full !
amattnn and waa divided up two a num
ber og funds such as police, library, street,
Another big city tax levy ! Impending
for iriL
L'nleea Omaha property owners bring
pr-Fdure to bear to rvduca the burden. Una
yars tax rate of T2-J mills which mads
e'.ty taxes Jump up nearly 'Jt per oent
above what they were last yar will be re
A big part of thla Inomaaed tax ia due
to Water board mismanagement which ad
ded mills to take care of a judgmtvnt
for defaulted hyJrant rental. Another in
stallment of that Judgment la to be met
this year, and on top of that the water
board haa already demanded a levy of a
full hundred thousand dollars to be placed
at ita disposal. Ths requisitions ot the
water board therefore ttir the coming year
promise to be bigger than they were fur
the current year.
Another place where the tax rata got a
boost for tna ISIS levy waa In that part
which went to tha school board. The
school board budget a year ago figured on
a loaa of CQ.0CO from saloon licenses and
added an equal amount to the tax levy in
expectation that the number of Uquor li
censes would drop off under the o'clock
law. The number of liquor licenses did
not drop off and the school board got
SA.OM mora than it expected, but aeems to
have spent it Just the same In increased
oost of living, and Instead of lowering the
school tax rata this year the talk la that
the school tax will be the same, or If not
slightly higher. The school board raised
til'.sVLll from taxes for 1S1 and over
B30.0W mar oomea in from saloon license
fees, state apportionment and similar
For the city tha general fund this year
put at an even tI.009.OC by the council
and tha slnkthg rand for the payment of
Interest on bunded debts at CSCUflO. For
119 the general fund tax waa levied to
raise and tha sinking fund tax In tha Interval tha city la get
ting out of tha occupation tax In tha
neighborhood of on tha side that
It did Jiot hava before, and without which,
wa are told, tha tax rata would be still
Sell Many Tickets
to the Saengerfest
Directors' of Omaha Bond Hear Good
Sews of Outside Interest ia
the Fed
i... Directors of tha OinahavSaaiVerbuad held
a meeting. Tuesday morning as4 heard grat
ifying reports of large aaiee of Uckttta to
persona outnde of Omaha. Orders for COS
worth were received Tuesday morning
It is announced that tha big parade ot
the Baangertrund will bo held Saturday.
July 3. tha last day of the feat. Twenty-
five hundred men will tall into line on
Harney street from Thirteenth to Fifteenth.
Tha soloists will be in carriagea. A big
picric la being planned for that afternoon.
Tha annual business meeting of the
Saengerbund of tha Northwest will be held
tha sarna morning. St. Paul and Burling-
ia, are candidates for tha meeting
Has Queer Idea
of Man's1 Rights
Prisonsr Telia Policeman He Pays
Taxes and- Can Accost
Women on Streets.
Al House la a prisoner at tha police sta
tion under a charge of disturbing tha peace
by aooostlng a woman on the street. Police
man Bellman reports ha found House try
ing to nonverse with Mlas Martha Miller,
whils tne latter strenuously objected, on
Dougtaa street. House became highly ln-
dlgnant upon his arrest, doelarlng ba was
a taxpayer and had a perfect right to talk
tj, tna woman. He waa discharged In po
Uoo court, aa no ona appeared against him
Stranger Grabs
Purse and Ring
Andrew Anderson Lisei Yaluanlea
Wnile Displaying Tnam to
Hew Pound Friend.
Andrew Anderson of Wainut. law reported
to the pollen Tuesday morning that he had
bean robbed of a purse and gold ring
by a new-found friend the night before.
Ha explained he was Knowing his ring to
tna stranaar-ia a saioua ua Davanport
street when tha man suddenly snatched the
valuable from him and boited from the
rat wawtia Caeuatryx.
Thaaa Indians who mads tha Trst canoe
mt blrcn bark long ago were our rreatast
benefactors. Tha children of these Indians
know tha canoe, and they know how to use
It. and it you go to Tomagami. Ontario,
, mimm ter wlU paudla your canoe In
ttieir own suberb way. Students who camn
in summer along the Temagaml lakes are
able to do two years' work in one. Flneat
m . h i n mn.A hiinimi E. ni k
tha tiraiid Trunk Railway trj-atem, Infor-
maUon and beautiful descriptive publication
seat free on application to W. A. Couksoa.
HI Merchants Loan A Trust Building.
Permits to wad hsve been granted ths
Mama and Reeidsnce. JLgm.
Guaiavw raiM- e. aoutn Omaha. A
Kmsua Dneiwiera, doutlt Omana.. Zt
: tarry J. Haymund. Cedar RatMdB. La 21 i
Sihsi Junes. Ob
Prauk Runa. Oaaa...
bl ale liumuek. Omana.
Ererett R. Hendtirsa. Omaha.
I ri"i'r i terrua. Huuth Omana.. .......
Ben H. Brria. Hastings
XUiieen Mct'auiey, eWHith Omana..
Cart C Larsea, oaaaa.
Mlrtane tiruniund. omanav.
a i
A bras-ant Bahtca. Otnana.
Liua kvsrrytaay, Omana....
of Grand Horel
of Large Sura
Police of Council Blafli and OmaJu
Lookias; for notorious Col
ored Ex-CoaTict.
Arthur Harea. a ynang negro whr la said
to have murdered a man and aerred time in
a reformat orr. became the fugitive of
lm.h. mwtA PMinHI H '. itf'm nsl Xll ! r
moming. following his dlsappearan-ne from i
ine Grand hotel ;a Council Bluffs with be
i twnen S3!4 and SA liavea. who waa porter
tn the hotel, is eaid to nave rottfeed tha
sail; ot the establishment while the mgM
dt Gua Hgcvn. was out of the offire for
a mtnut
U. B. Park, manager of tba hotel, oama
to Omaha early Tjrstlay morning, notify
ing the polica here that Hayea la thought
to hava taken the fliit oar across the river
to this city.
Hares recently came from San Franmsco.
Ua" ia alleged to hava served time In a
penal Institution there for murder, and
generally la dsclared to hava bean a dis
reputable dtlxen.
He affected tha theft of tha money Tues
day while Night Clerk Eggen waa ex
amining tha cash register hi another tart
of the office for a moment.
Rait Files for
County Attorney
Popular Youiuc Attorney to Ga After
the Offce Sow Held by
Politicians are manifesting- deep Internet
in tha announcement that I K. Bait haa
tiled for tha republican nomination for
county attorney. Mr. Rait ia one of tha
best known of the younger members of
the Dougtaa county bar. Ha waa for soma
years in the legal department of tha Union
Pacific, leaving tha employ of that oor
pa ration to form i partnership with I. J.
Sullivan, formerly ot the supremo court,
after Mr. Sullivan had removed hers from
Aalda from cases with which tha firm
haa bean occupied Mr. Rait haa bean iauiy
tn the publie eye as one of eounsel for
John Maaouiidea. tha Greek who shot and
killed Officer Bdrvard Lawry of south
Mr. Rait haa in favor of hia candidacy
tha recognised fact that he haa bean a
successful trial lawyer, having won
many cases against railroads since engaged
in private practice aa ha won for tha Union
Pacific when a member of Ita eounsel.
Joy Riders Get
Heavy Penalty
Judge Crawford Fines Eight Defend
ants One Hundred Dollars
and Costs Each.
Ona hundred dollars and ousts waa tha
stinging nno Imposed upon each of tha
eight persona arraigned before Judga Craw
ford Tuesday morning on a charge of joy
riding and disorderly conduct. Tha party
had been arrested by Officers Biegletnan
and Morgan after a chase of several biocka,
when the auto In which tha fugitives were
riding traveled at the rata of about thirty
five miles an hour.
From Nineteenth and Bardatta streets to
nineteenth and Pratt streets tha policemen
say they oh Band tha joy riders before the
latter finally name to a pause and suffered
Following are those who comprised tha
parry: C T. Moran. Jaokaon. Mich.; H. C
Bonn. 13M Farnam street; B. B Brown, natal; Burt Simpson. Florence
May Wells. Chicago; Julia Harris. UN
South Fourteenth street; May Ella. ISU
Sherman street; Qua Bayadarfar, CTB Can
ton street.
G us Bayadorfer later waa furnished aa
appeal bond for tha amount of CDs, whiok
waa signed by E. L. Robinson.
Dig Potatoes
and Sell Them
Such ia tha Complaint Kada Against
Two Boys by August
Because they went Into tha garden of
August Schafr, 3K5 Cactetlar street last Frl-
. day night, and dug a bushal and a half .
potatoes, which they are alleged to hava
sold. Earl L Clair waa turned over to the
juvenile court officers and Joe Griaham
waa given fifteen days la tha ooranty jail
by Judge Crawford tn tha paUoa oourt
Mr. Schaff filed tha complaint against tha
two, and appeared in court against them
Tuesday morning: Both boya stated they
were not guilty, and could prove that they
stayed at an aunt's of tha St. Clair boy
unill J o'clock Saturday morning.
aw ta Mlsseasalto tluM M a a
eeeaae a Caadldatw fear Dr.
MajnakaU'a Pwli.
MINNEAPOLia. Minn.. July IA 'Special)
It la understood In local Presbyterian
circle that Bev. E. H. Jenka. D. D-. of
Omaha will becomo a candidate for the
pulpit of tha First Presbyterian church of
this city, vacated by Rev. A. B. Marshall
D D.. who goes to Omaha aa president of
the Omaha Theological seminary.
Dr. Jenka and Dr. Marsban are Intimate
friend. Dr. Jenka. aa a member of tha
j semmary board of trustees and executive
committee, and also ths nominating eons-
1 "" thi reoommendad Dr. Maranai) to
the board aa president of tha seminary, was
r1 Instrumental in his coming to
m- Dr- Pastor of tha
! Frst church of Omnia for soma tan ream
i" tBer" n" hrn "m tBilt kmong Omaha
i.-rasoyTenana ot a pronahla change by him
soon, and many hava believed ba might not
ba averse to going tn Dr. Marsha. l's pulpit.
Hrary Ottw Umm Hia Pawatwt Plefc.
Walla) mm Way e te Clr-
Henry Otto, from out tn tha state, had
hia pocket picked of Hi at Frmrtaaeth and
Dodga streets, while a ear gmr.g to the
a reus grounds. A man on the back plat
form saw the robbery and yelled: "You're
!ror.d." But that waa
the cue for the
light fingered gent to
gat away, and.
3 ; although ha waa followed, ha made goad
tin PA.S Na lutaii MliToo Busy to
j Atlanta GiTf i 1500 to Delegation for
I Trip to Omaiia.
Ovwr Om Haadrvd t Jain Saas
rtsmda 3xt laasaf It veal
at tke Pew t'arade la
Aoomdlng to speeUies by the leading
antr. rf ro. r-m.h, u .t.,i. . i.
, .
noon every !
member of tha club ia to oerume a knttfni
of Ak-aar-Ben before next Motiosy snd :v j
netnuera are to form a reception oornmtt- j
tea of the club to the visiting bosta who
w!l! attend the oonvem'un jf Associated d
dubs In this city next week. It was ar- j
ranged that the reception committee is to
bo at tha Colon station at tt Mmday i
morning and receive see-eral hundred dt ia-
gate " will arrive at that time from:
Chicago, SL Paul and several other clUea.
AU will wner & Urge badga.
K. A. Zarrman, president of the Omaha
Conunemai college, waa principal speaker1
t tha luncheon. Hia subject was. "The
Benefit of Advertising to Schools.' :r.
Zartman took orcamon to remark that
Omaha la ona of the best commercial col
lege cities In the central west, and that
students are attracted to Ita commercial
schools from a radius of t-mnty statea. Ua
said that all schools and colleges of every
description hare taken up the advertising
idea in tha past few years until now placea
of learning are advertised tn all the papers
and periodicals of tha country. He ex
plained that tha spirit of ths day among
business colleges of a competitive sort Is
ona of friandllhesa. whereas In former
years colleges looked upon each other aa
Secretary Harwood of the Ad club made
the Interesting announcement that the city
council of Atlanta. Ga., had voted an ap
propriation of (ErJt to send ita delegation of
ad man to the Omaua convention. Ha de
claied bo had received communications
ahowing that numerous other ettlea are
going to equally great length to have big
delegations at tha affair.
Cm of tba biggest Incidents of the meet
ing, it waa announced, will be tha parade
on Tuesday. Ralph Sunderland, president
of the local club, who presided at tha lunch
eon, announced that most at tha delega
tions will be in full uniform and tha par
ade wilt be a spectacle of considerable In
terest. Steals Roll as
He Uses Tape
Self -Styled Tailor Geta Victim in Al- '
ley Pleasures Sim for Suit
and Geta. Xoney.
Guiding his victim Into an allay and pro
ceedlsg tn measure him for a suit of
olothea is tha method of affecUng a robbery
charged against George Thomas, a negro,
who is under arrest at the police station.
An onlooker to the proceeding Monday
morning In the alley notified tha police
while Vhoraaa waa engaged in measuring
Walter Swiggnrt Zor tha suit of clothes he
said bo waa gains; to make.
In response to tho.informatlon,. Detectives
Emery and Fleming, warn 1& wailing at tha
end at tha alley whan Thomas left his
victim. Swiggart told Ufa police he met
Thomas in a saloon and tha negro Instated
on measuring him for a suit. Swiggart'
money was found on ths person of Thomas.
Thomas waa bound over to the district
oaurt and bia bond set at KM after appear
ing before Judge Crawford Tuasdatr morn
Holdups Get
Twenty Cents
Trio of Segroes Strong-Axm White
ym and Get Small Change
for Paina,
Cpon the report made by Theodora Heldt,
who stopped at the Oxford hotel Monday
night and later told tha polios 'na had been
held up and robbed by three negroes the
police arrested Walter Field. 112t Capitol
avenue Tuesday morning. Heldt identified
Field aa ona of tha trio of colored men who
strong-armed him. Ha ears tha negroes
got a pocket book containing US cents from
him and a truck him several blows. The
robbery took place at lth snd Nicholas.
Street Car Hits
Peddler's Wagon
I. D. lloCartv ia Severely la hired
and Horses Are Dragged in
X D. Mccarty, a peddler of sue Corby
street, received severe Injtirtea tn bis knew
and about tha body when a north-bound
ear atrack his wagon on the Tenth street
vtaduot Tuesday morning. Ths oar dragged 1
McCarty'a burse about fifteen feet and
H imaged thai wwgon eonsideraaly. Mc
carty's Injuries were not regarded as ser
Siirlun Cosaplaia ef
a Teaacra apuarlag with
taaaa la Alleya,
Tha municipal afrnira committea of the
Commercial club haa been receiving com
plaints of the number of fruit stands again
making their appearance on streets and j
allays. Axtentiua is particularly called to !
I aaprs who hava taken up position in the
i rmmr of tha Board of Trade building, the
Brand na building and tha Bayden Bros.
building. The complaint recalls the war
of two yeara ago against lunch wagons.
Kali way Xwtaa aa4
D. O. Clark, superintendent of oeal ssi vloa
ef the Union Pkcnfle railroad, oomea in to
aigtit from a bunneaa trip in the west for
tha railroad.
Tha Milwaukee will hava ro speoiala
amvuig .n Omaha in the near future. On
July Is tha Chit-ago Ad ilub will cum to
Omaha and on tha 2M tha Milwaukee I
HangerfeM will oxnne to omana an a a aerial I
train over Ita ilaea.
W. C. Bock. ty Uckex and n Bum aer
kou of Uie MUwaulMaw senos word froen
Lae Franais. U na., wnere be is .
spending bis vauanim that the flahing ia I
ftna there. Tha otner oay aa peuled eum
leatl karaw baas and one pw-kerea Uire nta
bat ano sja nuapaaieai did a.inawt aa wetl.
Oearga A. McNurt. district passnnifer
agent t the Missouri. Kaiuat a Texas
railroad, whose office la in Kansas City.
waa in Omaha mwnir. Mr. ki .N jit said
am mv '.'-r ......... utt. m wnmr
ntwifaper man of Omana. who la noit with
tha Denver, Laramie A N urtb w wurn rail
road. Aatoa waa Tu
aymg a new ngnt-d-
Stop to Count
Family Money 1
Fonr Fsopla frani the Sctcfand
Simply Help ThenueiTet by
the HandrnL
When the bank messenger trrS down the
street In the morning with his Utile satchel
full of specie, he carries a gun. tnovea as
fact aa be can and looks aa desperate aa
slbie. Whwi 3. H. kimmel of rtoaeoud
i - am into tlie Paxton hotel Mt-nday n
earned a small iady s iiaiid bag filled to
uu brim and bulging with oonis, bill
money of every auru and ioaed it over
counter to the clerk without batting aii
uye. 'Put that in the safe.' he remarked ;
A Ultla later hia lro daughters. M as '
Helen and M'.sa Hatt.e Rimmel. came down
from their room and asked for the hand-
bag. "I want soma money," explained
Mats Haule. and reached nnreremonieusly
into the satrhei. She extracted a handful
without stopping to count it and put back ,
the bag. About an hour later Ii. W.
Harper of Valentine, i who arrived with '
them, earns and in hia turn took out a
handful. Than cams Mr. Klmmel again,
and as ha pulled his hand forth the clerk. ;
who waa fast passing away, counted Ave
fives on the outside of tha bunch. For ,
nearly two dava that small biack aatchel
haa been yielding handfuls of caah to the '
four people from Rosebud. They haven't i
offered any explanation, nor is there any- I
thing In their conduct to Indicate that they I
consiuvr their bank extraordinary. When- i
ever they want money, and that baa seemed
to be rather often, they coma and take ,
it, never stopping to count. And ths bag
ia Mill aa thick aa It it waa bulging with
grain, and in the meantime the pour clerk
haa chewed off half the marble top of his
counter trying to keep from arking them
any questions.
saaat trass tke
aa Ca.Pwreeiaa- I
Inlgaiaa Kafteta
era with Be a
a A Ca
A At ed is on tils in the office of the
county recorder acknowledged the sale of
a big tract ot land by tha J. A. Creighton 1
Real Estate and Trust company to the '
Barker company. Tha Barkers are co-1
Durciiaarrs with Benson A CarmichaeL who !
: now selling this land In Clairmont, In S
A consideration of 55831 passed for tha
tract which includes forty acres leas the
When the digestion la all ngnt, tha action ;
at tne bowels regular, there is a natural !
oravtug and relish for food. When this ia j
lacking you may know that you need a dose i jg
of Chamberlain a aiomacu and Liver Tab.
lata. They strengthen ths digestive urgana,
Improve tha aopatlta and regulate uie '
bowels. Sold by ail dealers. !
Law Bam tm thai Bast T lav JHcka-t j
Plata aad. i
From Chicago to New Turk and return, ,
T75 58. Boston and return, SS-oa, Reduced ;
rates to other eastern points. Liberal j
stopovers. Tickets on sale daily. Thirty-1
day ilmlt. Inquire of locai agent or address
John T. Caiaiian, Genera Agent, 107 Adams i
street, Chicago. i
BlrtSM aid jaeatavs.
Births William Butta. Do us la, boy:
Collin Boje. iUto North Twenty-urat. boy;
F. K. Gaauey. Ii Win, boy: John hlansey, j
JM Suim Fitly-first, ooy; Martin F. lauoU !
leimaier. MZb auuth Fifteenth, boy; Joseph j
Lewis, St! ttuirtette. girl; Harry H. Riley.
41 Harney, buy; .Neis 1. ttaammsen. 2t4 '
brown, buy; Peter Banner. &a Wester-1
field, boy; William J.. Seilner. 3t North '
Twenty-titth. girt; S. E. Mciailiao, is '
Lravenport. girl; Edward (iiimora, Hit '
North HJxtee.mli, boy; asui BlacJuedge. isai 'I'VMitT-fburUi. rtrl: Jniunll V,itMinl !
11H ckiutn Fifteenth, gin; Vacl rroaba, u I
nJm, girl.
Deaths Albert amske. county hospital.
60 years; Steryeor betaioa. SI years: f ann
C. F. Carlson. Burtiette, 9 years;
Chariea McIermott. 1212 Ptarca. elz years;
Bubert Tween. Twenty-sixth snd Marey. oil
years; Claudia Stewart. 7C9 North Eight
eenth. 1 year: Curtis Parker. Sixteenth and
Caaa. a years; Margaret MuCann. tad North
Thirty-fifth. 8 years: Annie Kunes. Dodge.
4 7eers; George Gregory, Rivarton. Wyo.,
t years: Frederick G. Planter. 1UI Pleros.
C yeara.
aUalag Permits.
N orris A Martin, frame dwellings, 373 '
Pierce, Cm i74 Pierce. B..lW; North
Twenty-fourth. tti: MBS Florence boule-
vard. tZ.ji: tufl Florence boulevard,
all Wiiliam. U Manaeraon. ilJV:
Bert Hamedrean Haawlool. Nineteenth and
Burt, bnrk svnogue, 16.000; T. S. Iearlit.
ul Blondn. frama dwelling, tU: Myers B.
Lewis. 4715 North Nineteenth, frame dwell- ;
mg. d.WM; Mrs. L- dldney, Ua South Twen-
ty-ninttu mune aweiung, .ww: airs. a.
Waehbum. Si Burt, fnuna dwelling. GLata.
From adatti and ftssaa
and mmr
Hew anwsjir aer snaaav
Ts win ii t wHes, 1
wtw r iir j
CjuapbcITs Tomato)
Soap ia mora than a
mcr delicacy.
WhUe its tempting
davcr makes it one cf
the choicest of dainty
appetizers, it is also rich
with, substantial food
value. Any constitu
tion thrives on
a f
m m mvmr
Tomato Soup
A strornT man finds satis
faction in it. A weak or
tired one finds easily-dig-e-red
nourishment. Aa in
valid, a child or a nervous
run-down woman finds it
a strernjtheninjr, invigorat-iri-footL
II any Campbell's Soup
fails to satisfy you, the
refunds the price. ,
21 Itirada 10c
Jmsi MddM wmUr,
brrmg ta m boil.
.J J
Wan ef sensible
Cail'l Maaa " ''-
Sw. Jast wnta as '' --
mm a.
JawiCianau V. i
toaaur II i -il
Lawk for Bta
Our Clearing Sale of
Every Mans and
Young Mans Suit
In Our Clothing Department
Blue series, fancy worMvMi!. noveitis. Sft-!i
mixture, all are included in this wonderful pai:
Hake Y0UX& selection before your sizw is soi l,
at these never equaled low prices for up-to-date,
510.00 and $12.00 Suits.
$13.50 and 515.CO Suit3.
$13.00 and $20.00 Suits.
$22.50 and $2100 Suits.
$25.00 to $35.00 Suits.
We Close
'The House of
Elh Merit,' f
St Paul-Minneapolis
and points in Minnesota
By rail or by boat to the ccol spots in MICHIGAN; to 21ns
kcka Lakes and the idling places along1 the St Lawrence
River; to New England Mountains and Sea Shore; to any
and all points East, via
f - : s " , iij
Tickets it 1512 Farnam S!.
Omaha, Nebraska.
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
A. I. ROOT, IncgsiposbAted
ftt Special Prices
An aacailant opportunity to eaulp
your office onmpiete or In part.
Marked at liberal reductions mora
than IZi patterns and aisea to choirs
from. In oak and nmhugmny ROLL.
Aenta for
wloba-Waniaka Oo, Ttllag Oevioea.
Orchard &
41-La-ia Boath ldi Btraac.
food rca
Weak and
wtoa flad their power ta
work and ynuthf'i! vlenr
aune as a result of ever
era ar wiewtal caerUoa snouid ibjlo
HAla Smuh socio pilla. Tn.y
will saak raa sat and aleap and aa a
aa ac-alit.
t mam a Wna ILM ay wlsU.
at acinvtu bkiso co.
Caa lata aaa Mla IUwUi
fpt - i ! m a i aie 'ajj
VJentivorth ZZlTitary Academy
CUta and Larvest In Middle War. Government Surervron.
HitiuU ratm by 'V ar Deparrmcnt. Itilantrv, Amllary and Cavairy
Ckiila. CursMSi ot study prepaio for Lnivarsne. uvcmturnt
Ataiinmiea or tor Buauiess L.lo. Awreaited hv North Cetitul
AaaiKHtMai of Skhuois and Culcges, Manual Traunna. Separata
Dapartaent fur hoiail Boya, For utalogua, addreaa
Jen ana
at 5 P. 31.
offers diversity cf routes
and the best thrrrairh serv-
lice. "See America first,''
but not necessarily the same
places twice. Wa plan your
trip as to dirpflirm aTiri cost;
our itineraries are free for
the askrj.
Douglas 2S3
Sarul your y ourt(jf paopla to
An accredited achunl of the highest stand
ing, in . a oomraumry remarkaoia for Its
clean. wholesome, uplifting inf.'ut-nio.
A Trained Faculty of Specialists.
Low Expenaa Best Facilities
Fall Term Opens 8pt. llth. Send for
literature. TAiJa COLIiiS. Tauor. la.
atAComr. mo.
amr gBTOsr Mzazsa
Urrzaasa at. iia.
tTraa Hn.naAT ACaVOXstX
atACOM. 1KO,
A TI TCI P Eoniestic Sdeace,
Art, Expressica.
lw-w Spenial CoursHS. Normal
Cuiinaae tor Xeauhara.
Fall Conrsea leading to XMutoicaa.
Ttia Beat Instruct tun. Beaauaabia aalea.
Beaiihtul aad Haipral Collaga thUTommlnita
Wemaa'a Giflexe, IWz Za JuiiasnSa. m.
. Ba A, Lewii
way tor aie i nia,
- 1