Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    HIE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. JLLV 12. 1910.,
1 ,'i
Friend of Fa-President Eioserelt
Sent Tor j Pmideat Tslt
toTT.rnoB foe gotfjlsgeshi?
Well Deflaed Keawrt ew 1 wktr U
tlt f rmKni Taft to
Make the Beaabllroa
EEVERJ.T. Hum.. July U-Beverly w"
about to tuk ite.f a ay ta aleep laat night
alter a duu and sultry Sunday, when Wii
liara Loth. r riht-band ZAn of Tbeodire
KooeevaH. notttrri inu town. There baa
beean warning of hit coming and bia
arrival caused a flutter ef excitement, only
st-cond 19 that ta the day thai Mr. Loeb
former Ci.lfl ta tie White House visited
' 7 aft at Iijrt Point.
Ml. Lwfcb a ill see th president tomorrow
afxeraaoa aad W aaa linnkry admitted that
politics unl be tbe subject ot their ta
TTlw. It will ta the firat pontic, by
u.a as.)-. that lit. Talt baa talked atoca
ilr. Kojevlt was at bnr!r. Tb pree.
cEC start fd ii u i tea da) a nutwi
laat week, but there are iniicaUona that
lie period at res is ended and a Dumber
ef important conferences Hi mark tie
coming seven C. ' period. Than Mr. Taft
la going ta sail wy "iovm east" for a
tea di.y era i along the shores of
Recent tntadeau at Oyster Bay, Mr. Lee
declared tonight, bad ta da with
t.a visit. Ia fact, h said teat Mr. Rooee
veit probably knew nutnicg of his coming
to Beverly. '
Taft heads for Mian.
!t developed later tbat Mr. Loe waa
trt Sot T Secretary .N'onoo, with the
knowledge af .ProMuer.t Taft.
I cuw ta talk over the renerxl puliticai
altjation eiLb tre prekideat. aaid Mr.
Xoea waea rrahsed for aa exp.anAUoa a
to tie r-iait- "Aa a repreaentatiTa af tba
cJieT aa aeked.
'Jit,; l atom aa tba aid friend ar"-. ,-ya;
r.ftartee of rtmi&tzit Tr.T ;
Durtrif all of Mr. Taft a terra CUaetor
Loea baa beea a frequent caller at tbe
White Hows ia WaatScf-ton. aad kia prea
eaca there, eocpied with tba senerai raas-ifesta-Uoaa
ot friendaaip bet-aeea fcim aad
tba preeident, baae dosa mac-b ta coDtra
dtet tba etcrrkee af atradaed relaUocs be
twaea Mr. Taft and Cotoaei Ruoaerelt.
iiurtr- cua cjtrxUoacT f or tba republtcaa J
oomiosviiosi and bis caanpaia-a for tb prea
vleccy Mr. Taft bad oa more ardent ad
vocate than Mr. Loeb.
Mr. Loe-b- -em astkad by oa ef bis iater--riawexs
if there waa a possibility tbat hla
vwit bAd aomethicc ta do wttb bndstaa; a
"ckua" be-tweea Bererty aad Oyster Bay.
-Tbere ia ee chasm be replied
wtub etnptoasia. There Barer baa beea a
break of any sort acd relations eonld not
be any more pleasant. Mr: Raoaevelt told
in ba bad a perfectly buQy time wban be
via; ted tba prwaiaeat. Tba president and
Cojooel Roceerelt ar actiac as ads
pendect Aiceriraaa. eacb along kia own
Urea, but to tba aaaoa and.'
X E.4nrarmt Steles.
Asked If bo tboucba Calooal Roaantit
would coma out wttb aa aodormimawt of
tba Taft admizustratioa. Mr. Loeb took tb
pusitkm that tne president's admialstra
toe needed eadoraetnent from Colonel
Rooeerelt or aBToce els. As already
stated, a dumber ef times ia Brreriy, the
presBdntleeiB ftkU'J stalped sua party
Lake a record 6 'axing the aeasian of con
greaa recently ended, upon wbldt it can
well afford be anjLDd in tb emntaf eta
Baljn. Tba Quesra of iadirldaai eadarse
t&omI baa sot isrr.ed itself ta Mr. Taft
la any way
Mr. Loeb van asked as te recent erects
at Oyster Bay and tb seeming prcponder
axio of Insurgents among Ceiaoai S nines
velt's viaitera. '
-CokineJ Roosevelt eeea ererybedy," he
eiii. Tb ao-caHed laaurgeata were ail
frienaa of ba aad naturally ba waata te
see tbcm. Some of tbem want him to help
tbera in tbelr tAmpalgn."
Kr. Loeb left tbe impressios that Colaael
Rooaevalt tzagbt not go a deeply lata the
coming caspairo as baa beea srencrmlly
eur'poeea. The cunonel is reported aa being
an 'on to aroid anrtbing ti at looks Uka
safaimeas la bis attitude. Tbia fact Is aaid
to exi&ra bis consent to Senator Bever
tdge'a rerjest for a epeerb in tba senator's
campaign for re-election in I ml ana. Coiorjei
Robeeralt already bad prumiaed la apeak
for Senator Lodge here in Maasaeheaatta.
It was put ' up to him by Senator Bever
idce's frienda, it is stated bere. that this
w ouid lndienta tbat be favored tb so-called
eoaeenmUTW wmg of tbe party, and would
ve a lot of b la aid friends out ia tbe
Loeb fee Gctfnwl
Soma of the rrporta correct la Beverly to
afct oocnect Mr. Loeb a viait with tb
garvemorstlp in New Torn. Tb collector
of tba pert aaa frequently been mentioned
fwr tbe republican nomination. Mr. Loeb
decided ta taks tbe t&atter aerions'y vbea
jrtloned. He declared be already kad
mad bl ciana fur a saontb'a tscsum t.
be spent tn the Rocky mouatajna. bunasg
a;d fcafci. wcacon will fee taken
aWtit Mt"W4 iba ataie coavectlo'tis are
Beecmg in Mew Tork. eo if h republican
r.ominaiJ- sm. Mr. Loeb U l.i tuc tj
cross iit a.t' :ThI ta catch up with b--m.
Mr. t..-0 inaiSTed that bi tkik with be
president would bav ta da wta general
pti.Ucs. l o much wi-J New Tork state.
Mr. Lot expreseed the h.itt. hoeever,
t: tbe resmbiicau in New Turk would
g eogetJka.- eiettioo day and would be
suroescfut aa nauaJ. c
stcrtauT Nertua n as wan Mr. Lock nntU
laU. r.7. It aa also t sa.d.
ij ti .i:U toufk witn the noUucal eitua
tuu keen to, Mr. Lcjeb.
S- fr as tbe poaeibllity ef Mr. Loes s Xtjr tbe gaiemorsfc'p Is coa-c-rned,
it was staled bere teegbt tbat it
aaa not cecua.'ry for him t coin to
Mr. Tft for an end trsetnect far it bad
been known ail aiong that Mr. Taft has
locikrd wTrb favor spoa tbe reporta that
Mr. Leek might e tbe successor of Gor-eri-or
Hugbea. T'
left ratoee Latew.
Mr Taft is aaxwus tbat tbe candidate
in .ts Verb abnll be a maa upon waom
a.l jtucjiKuii can unite aad whs win
tbnv wi slJied support ef Ojtraor
Kww ena.eoid several ef k-s
tcrs. Jt a aad. Mr. Loeb secawid to
f .ia ir-a bi. ,.
u.'J etMucfe. Mr. Loeb's viait to Be-
14 ottacuieec rib vbe arrri ai bere of
r-itai s;ary in caanecuoa with
Cmta Ii..jeeit s consent to aueke a
nnc's (pt:rh ia linan ia behalf of Seo-att-r
Be.erUlge. Tbe story gues tbat Swaa
ur Beoertdce and Mr. Loeb met by chance
tbe tiaia. It aad Juet been announced
IMI CortMwoi Rweeeil would apeak for
eUt Lvdae la Masaaebueettn tcaatT
fceveridge was coftcerned at tbia. 1 ce
ciarvd that tt wwuid be taken aa aa ia
ooreavetit by Colonel Rooaereit of
reac'Uonairjaa. fr be declared, -pefpie al
ee: of AKiricti. h.e and Lodge iwbew tbey ftund tbat they were forcibly
ia tLe ae3 bteetn.- Senatur Bevertdgs f getained lb gjamour of running away
B.oisrea ifcat if coioael erouij speLk i tf.'.y becaxne tamianed. and ha-d forth
,f- la'-tr nU indicate tbat he waj&-h tba lugbt beCera had had forth
ii If tu rl fnenda j hniiiAiit adeaure aeeened te turn into
Ti. rwin Indaxa declered that the aani cold o4 pUoa tawjr bad alwya
It rreaecvH-Maera4 ujpja
mooed to the White House pa many
cuiofi duT"ng the Ro"eeelt elmiairtra-
tlon and bad never faed to repocl.
(.kl.n MfaWn fralig.
As an evidence of the reored aetfvtty
io Bvery. it ta said tonight that President
Taft may aaa three member of kit tM
ttet Urs week, altherjrb deruirta arranfe-tr-Bta
haTe not beea made. Attorney Gea
erai Wickeraaaw aad Secretary Nael ct
the r.lartKiet)t cf Commerce asd labw.
are at the latter bonte la Martoro. Maaa.
Btb of tbeae cablet nersber are ta tart
for Jkiatka tba latter pmsx af tba raoota
and tbat tbey -awi-d rttne fcere pretred
t bMl -roodbve ta the -fre.. Mr. Taft
ia parLic.arly ntereated ta AJaaka and baa
own aoakooa ta runt tba territory ever
aioce ba became -preeidest. He plaaoed a
trt-a tbara laat yeax. but the Voce tariff
fif bt ta comareaa -mad It lmpeea.bia. Tba
prfidet baa a bili for a oev form ef
a-o-reraa-tent ta Aiaaka vblcb be a-iU vt
mi tba next eekia at tonara. Secretary
of the Tri.tiry MaeVeamh ia expected
br d-jrtna; the week.
PTeaideat Cleaira D-e-rka te Meet O-ee-
f.r Hackn Taieaday.
OTFTER BAT. X. T . Ju'y 1L Sanday
ca:- bucs; evr ftwinirt K.ll aU day to
day, aad Tbeodor &Mae-Jt eajored it
He went ta eh arch this nanucz and
apent the rest of the day readme. !ourrcj
m tba -Tetania and walkina; trouTb the
vooda t bU e-ax
When Couccai RaoaereJt vact to ehurcfc
tbia morning ba vaa Isfarmed that the
people of thU eosatrr da toot like the
"atresaoua life" af vhicb ba baa beea aucb
a conspjcooaa exizact. The hrr. W. R.
Wataon. rector of St. Luke a EptfcO'P-!
ehnrch of Beacliff, 1. L, -preacbed lb earn-too.
Ccuo-oel Rotaei tit did Dot appear ta
take thi as a refareoc ta himself.
No -naltors are expected at Samcre
Hill totnorrew. Tbe ataae ia bernc cleared
jfor tba arrival oa Tataday of Otovernor
Huchea for a conference oa state politics
aitb particular referesu te the defeat of
the direct primaxy biB. Colonel Rooaerelt
already has let It be knows that be and
jtha -roreraor w-iU eor-eider tie beet moves
to be adopted to tortas about the aoact-aext
oC tbia sxid otier lesr-jlatico for which
Oov-eraor Hicbaa baa fouffct.
Woodmen of World
Meet at Manawa
Grind ZBCUBpment Will Be Held
There ia Arqput Delegites from
Fire States Cortin-f.
ArraJ-iresiects rapldry beics made for
tba graad aacaoipraaot of tba uniform rank
of tba K"aoda-ea of tbe World from tbe
state of Iswa. Xebr-aaka, Minneaota,
Nertb Dakota aad Soutb "Dakota, acd tba
blc claas iiHUauan. wbicb wlU ba bcld at
Lake llutvt durlr.f tba latter part of
Aua-uat. JCsctu-aiona will ba rua tata Co jn
oU Bluffs em aU tba rajiroada at that tizme
aad it is expected by thoee ia chara; tbai
frero 14. 800 to tt.ti peraosa. inciuduia;
Vtsod-ssa, tbeur familiea and -rkntora wtll
be broiJt fcto tb city aa Woodauui
Tba drCCa aad erolutloes of tba onifar-n
rack teams arm be atspeciaily baterea-riii
aaid teams frota tba five atataa repraaeated
will coanpeta dxirias tb aeaaioa for prises
auT-ecaiicA- C"- A choice spot win be
selected ta Sbaidy crer, wblcb will be as
eloeed, aad tn . bl daa iniHaUoa ac
Couocil camp 3. M of tb B huffs will be
-field Glider tba ahad of tba tinea. It ia ex
pected tbat tba daaa will eons-tat of SM to
X eaadldevtea from tba BJirfSs aund -rtctnity.
A baaket ranch -a-ill ba aarred as tba iraa
osder tbe trees durina- the day.
Reckless Auto Ma i
Crashes Into Buggy
JLr. ui Mn. Willi&m OTeiH Iajsxed
by Cixaffear Wi.o 2oes Sot Step
to Express SegTet.
aaa af rut k'eee auctmobile diir-
ing accurred aa anoacway. near Thirtieth,
street. Council BJaffa. Saturday tufhu
whea a large tsmrias car coats h-itr: t:f
er astx parsuea craabad into a bucxy ac
cupkad by WUUaja O'Neill. K2 rtfib ai-o-eua,
aad hi wife, tbrowica; tbcm ta tbe
pa-ce-maat aad painfully lsjurtnc Mra.
O'Xeiil. Twe wheels ef tb buggy were
Wltbo-ut waiting to aaoertaia tb aaaouat
of dsmaga he had dona, tne chauffeur
kept on hia.way. Mra. O'Naui was pain
fully bruised and cnenpiaiaea af pain ia
ber bead durhsg tba right. A abort time
after tbe accident tba an to waa recog
ntaed being rapidly drivea back toward
Omaha. Witnease war unable to get the
number of tb machine,
were carried.
No tall lighla
Clare ae
Coaler and Mas-tow Hi
aa Idea Tbey Weald
Like ta Btansal.
Through a mere eolnedacea Claranca Con
ley and Harkey Horn, aged K and 14. re
spectively, two be- from Cedar Reseda,
la were found ia Omaha yesterday af
ternoon fey Officer Rich and placed m tbe
matraa a departn.ent af tba city Jail un
til their Barents are beard from. The
boys were coming front a drug star aboat
J o'clock, when tbey were noticed by tb
officer. Tba deeerrptioa answered tbat
cf tba twe lads oho had been bagging an
the street 6 turd y night, so ha began
c,ues-uonirg tbem. After a few minotes
ineir ury immMrm -- ujrj Vila
up aa tea tact wax taey naa run away Ircta
home and reached Omaha Sunday morning
Later la tbe afternoon tb Horn lad
aaid'. simply wanted to gat cat for
a coup' of caya and have a good time, mo
w left boaie Saturday night and came
aver ta Omaha oa a freight. We mere ln-tend-ng
to return horn tonight, but bare
ae are and I really don't aee how we ar
going ta da it.
-My father is J A- Horn, and he is in a
be til in Rochester. Mina.. wtere he bas
recently beea aperated aa. Mother ia U
him. and we received a letter from ber
jeeterday tbat father la better. I waa stay
ing nith wy two bratbers, wt work la
Cedar Raptda. and aa Clarence anted te
come to Ocuk a decided to rua away
aad com up her loa-atber. This morning
Clarence decided that b would like to go
te Ora-oa, bat I would not go so h d-.dn't
try to soaks the trip aioa. Now aleaae
aoa't teiea-raph fatber. fur I am afraid tbat
If be hears what 1 have Aaaa it might
hurt him ant make aim woree"
Clarence Coaley ia the soa af Charlee
Coaler cf Cedar RarieU.
Both lada are brixbt IrtUe felloe a, and
j known,
thick and ttrn. that h had beea nm-
Xsry Rjer Held Up leax St Louii
Without Snccetn.
-e frwen nVobwere, Lewpa let
Ink aad Opesia Throstle la stale
of Believe Rlrk L-et
ST. LCU1. July 11 CTeTernees en tbe
part of tb engineer prevected three youth
ful baadlta from rc-brang tbe Miseoart. Kan
sas A Texan Soathwestern riyor No. t at aa
early hour this mornirg. near Larimer. St.
Louis county, about fifteen mile from St
Leuia. Three men were arrested this af
ternoon aa suspects aad are in Jail pending
Tbe pcUc do not believe tbey ar tbe
men wanted and ar searching for three
others a ho are said to bav entered tbe
city about I o'clock tbia morning. It wna
I o'clock before new of tbe attempted
boidup reached tbe city and detective aer
immediately ass.goed to the eaee.
Engineer Q-jinn. through a rues prevented
tba baggage car aad passenger coaches
from being looted. The bandits compelled
tbe engineer and firemen at tba point rf
revalvers to descend from the cab and
go with them to tbe baggage car to assist
thorn ia uncoupling It. Wall tiakerjig I H
aboat tba coupling tbe engineer aad ftre- I "
man eanaged to ri away from tba band
its. Baadlta Opew Fire.
Tbe two atarted oa a run far tbe cab.
Tb band.ts soon became aw that tbe
crew waa dashing for tba cab and opened
a rain of fire.
Tbe engineer and fireman, undeterred.
; ran faster. Springing into tbe cab tb en
gineer threw the thrcttle wide open aad
dashed away with the train.
Fire miles further oa at Spanish Lake.
Quinn rarg up O. C. HI31. yardmaater of
tbe St. Loola, Keokuk A Northwestern in
St. Louis aad hi a matter-of-fact ton toid '
him of tb detaiis of tbe robbery.
several snots were rireo earing tb at
tempted holdup and tb passengers who
filled Ova coacbea were thrown teto a
panic Conductor Walker, who alac dis
played great coolness ia tb crisis, devoted
his time to calming the paaaengera.
Tba train was ia tbe hands of tb bandits
forty mlnutea For half an hour tbey tried
of their own accord to unrcuple tb bag- I
gage car. It was not until they found (
tbemseKes una b e ta do the work tbat
tbey got tbe engineer and fireman. j
According to Kary official her there j
were tbooaanda of dollars ia tb baggage 1
car in addition ta tbe mail which ana on- !
usually heavy for tb ft. Louis-Houston
run. j
Ta three men. armed and masked, used '
a red lantern to halt tbe train. 1
Girl of Eleven j
Works New Game j
Bat is Hasiy Cisg-lit sad Was
Up Before Juresile Court j
Todsj. j
Eleven-year-old Donna Kelly was In
Juvenile court Monday moramg charged I
with working a sWn game- which she !
devieed and executed an by herself. Mogy )
Bernstein brought ber in. baring made the ;
eaten Sunday at the Mver-IUea phar- j
nsacy. 6b was charged writh taking tooth- i
brushes from a tray la tba store and then ;
returning them t tba clerk with a story
hi 1 1 tmr l aoMs vwiQ ixac voe znooey oars
Twice, it ia aaid. ebe got tbe money, but
tb third time, en Sunday, the game failed
to work. Mogy was tnformed of her acta
and brought her before tbe court. Tbe
Uttl gn-re mother says she has never done
wrong before and that ber present action
aaa a result of aBaodatioa with bad com
panions. Donna waa paroled.
aeaa af hei EaraUwsl ta
EaUtle the MiUtlaasew ta Mix
with Bearalara.
Ia preparation for tbe encampment at
Fart Riy. Xta, tb tbrea Omaha com
panies ef the Xat)oaaJ guard are doing their
( em ia swea tneir ranks o-ita new recruits.
Company I, af which it waa rumored that
tba required cuota would not be able to
go. baa its necessary forty and will Join
with companies O and L.
Monday evening, under the direction cf
j Sergeant F. O. Haasmaa of 1 a new ea-
j gtneering corps ef sixty mea will be formed
at the armory. UM Harney street.
Th trip to Fort RCey ia a very attractive
eating for the members of tbe militia. Bra-
'Tiding a chance to get actcal exnerletio.
the lieid. including sham battlea against
eeveral regiments af regulars, and those
wh take part tare tbeir expenses and a
salary paid tbem. Company G. which is
compoeed largely af high school Beys, i
particularly anxious to enlist Bore aoea
Before golng-
Frva mea from each company wH g-o to
the rtrie range at Aahiaad and try for tb
chance to represent tb Nebraska regiments
at the national rifle meet at Camp Parry.
O.. later ta tbe s immer. Tbe men from L
and Q bare already been chc-era.
From company L Sergeant Cbristlanaon.
Corporal Hill. Musician Parkinson and
Prtvatea Kacel and Swansoa: and trora
eompaiiy G, Sergeants Wells. Stevens and
Heyser and Corporals Shrum and Reiael
will compete la tne state tnaia.
1 Old
CUbm BaUdla at Ele
aad Fire A venae
Tba lea boas formerly used by tbe Gil
bert Ice company at Eleven tb and First
avenue. Council Bluffs, together with three
barns and a seal house occupied by tbe
Ceuacil Bluffs Coal and lea campaay, were
deatreed by f-re which started about T J
a dock Sunday nght. Tne old Schiita stor
age bouse en the oppoaite teds ef First
avenue waa also set oa fire by rising fire
Branda and partially destreyed. Three coal
wagons belocgnng ta the Council Bluffs
Coal and Ice company, which were in one
f tb Barns adjumiag th big lea bouse,
were also destroyed. Tb total loss la esti
mated at ST. eta. Partial Insurance was car
ried on aU tbe property.
Tbe f-re la thought ta have beea caused
either by tramp awaking in the ice heuae,
which was unoccupied, er by sparks from
a passing N-wth western switch engine. The
blaae atartaS from tbe maide ef tbe ice
aeeee ana gveauauy worked its way
....,k - , . ,
" - 7
pee pi aearby. Tare alarm, wire turned
ia from as maay boxes ba rauMid swrreesi oa.
Dyaaaait Wrwki Maaidlmata
aj eocpeteiy as c.ign aad oalda wrack
IfwtV. a-T
bwaidoa Ir--g C
I .z" . osaaf M II 'n av - ,m i i f , -'
And a mighty interesting week it is
going to be for those who want to add
to the beauty and comfort ot their home
and at the same time want their money
to accomplish as much as possible in
buying furniture. What kind of furni
ture? Well, th-re is hardly a furniture
need that cannot be supplied on this occasion.
Scores cf exception
ally handsome odd
Rockers are offered
during thia sale at re
markably low rrtcea
Fetter com and see
them. Tou'll say yon
never saw han-leomer
Rockers than you will
find here.
m 1 1 v
sap,, ye,w, c"r"Y
u u u
Dining Tables
Do yoa need a Table ar will you need one Boon?
If eo. it surely wm pay yen to look over our line
and select 00 now. as w bav a large variety for
ya to cbooa froen- Ton will pay more If yoa wait.
20.sDiscount .
Tto-Qumdi ef Sons ef Esenld Ile
oa "Wsy Back for Tisit
Secretary af Oraraaiaatiea 'Will At
tend 'atiaal Cesrrstiss af
A. O. H. at Pwrtlaad.
WASHINGTON, July IT (Special)
Franda J. Kilkenny, president, and Joseph
D. Sullivan, secretary, of the Irish Home
Going association, the men who have de
veloped the piigrimaee to Ireland, are pre
paring to go over and witness the results
of their handiwork. They eill leave New
Tork for the old country on July Mi, and
wQl spend a number ot weeks in the midst
of tb great series of celebrations tbat art
going oa there.
They sail by tbe White Star liner Arabic,
and wiH disembark at ueenrtown. There
they will be received by a delegation of
Irish business men. These represent the
progressive element of the island which
is anxious to take advantage ef the inva
sion and turn it into a commercial benefit.
They will lay before the Americans the
commercial opportunities cf Ireland and
the Americans In turn will put thesa In
touch with the spirit of the people who
are coming bacit to the aid sod with the
Ma of inverting money and intreduciag
American methods and machinery.
Talka of Peramaaeat Oraianiaatloa.
It ia anticipated that a permanent or
ganization will be formed in Ireland ta
take over the Home-Going idea that has
been aa successfully worked out on tbe
Americas side. T ho Amencafia will attempt
to demonstrate to tbeir brothers who re
main on the othet aide, the advantages of
continuing the work that baa as Ms object
the rejuvenation of the narve land. In
Dublin an organisation has already beea
formed and the wwrfc la spreading.
Mr. Sullivan will make a final effort to j a. teie-ram recaivea at tne inferior ee
tba Interest of the movement before sail- partmanc today from tba uparintecdent of
ing. Ha wfll leave Washington tomorrow
fur Par-Car. a. Ore, aa a dalegata to th
national eonveation of the Ancient Order
cf Hibernians t be bald :a that city
July r to a.
Mr. Sullivan win tell tb Hibernians of
tbe wast of tbe plans for Ireland's up
building after ahica he will cross to New
Tork and oia Mr Kilkenny.
Frrm Ireuand there are coming by every
mail reports of tbe great throngs from
America that are landing tnere. . Tens j
cf thousands tae already reached tbe j Cay Sbefler Trvea la Step f pirieed
other side and the ataaoa ha but juat J Teaaa at Fallen, bat e-
cpesed. The rig'-aators of the movement j fvea lajartra.
are assured that th claims that they have 1
beea making ta the effect that S. Irish- ' FtlXERTON. Nth . July 11 Special -Americana
aouid go to Ireland this sum- j Gut Shifier. a young farmer. agd K. Hv
mer, are beir born out by tbe facta, i ing aith bia father alxteea nulea f rjra Ful-
All bteaaeer troafde.
IndrvtduAl Irishnvea from all over the
fi mfrr a .a MuMrtt WiM In NW Tork . T"i.
every departing steamer la ladea aowa
with tbem. These siaamera. arrivmg at
(ueecsiewn. disgorge tbemaelve ef some
kanred cf saasencera. St 11 others reach-
ma other norta nave many Irish paaaea-
i eers wno rirat view otner isrmi. eei lut
- . . . . . .
ri,. ,... Mton that thee kin
rvever known booku-gs called geaerany
' fcr a vii t to Ireland at soma stage of th
j tna. From all over th country tb teaav -
iinvinnu nrnari Tiir
tiiuiiuai DLuau iiil
H ImJ' il4vli il rs f?t r"t
te you eei a Parlor Suit? If eo yea could not do
better than secure one of these offerinre during this
sale. A Isnte section devoted to the display of Parlor
Suite. reiay coming and you will bar to pay more
for tfc an-.e laier on.
Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, Dining Chairs, Bed
Room Furniture, Book Cases, Writing Desks
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures
20 Discount
I3-:i Broadway,
ship people are arranging aocommodations
for parties ef from half a doaen to fifty
persona These Irish-Americans who have
known each other intimately ia the land
of their adoption, are banding together ia
their return ix-gs to the native land and
sharing in the fellowship and enjoyment
of It.
Police Arrest
More This. Hundred Segra lieu tad
Women Tslen from Serricei ard
Pat ia Cells.
CHICAGO. July 11 Polio of th Har
rian street aad Cottage Grov avenua sta
tions raided ths Holy Naxarene church of
the apostolic faith. Iaarbora and West
Thirtieth streets, during ttarict!m tonight
and arrested tb entire congregation, com- j
posed of mora than 190 negro mea aad 1
women. Among trioee arreetea were a
woman bishop and three ministers.
Ail of those arrested were placed in cells
at SVuth Side police stations. Aaida from
saying that riotous scenes fcd occurred
ia tbe church, th police refused to ex
plain tbe reason fir tbe raid of tbe church
and the Imprisonment of tbe eongrrc-atioa.
Big Trees Are
Not in Danger
Forest Fires in Sequoia. Sstursi
Fsxk Are Sow Under
WASHINGTON. July 11. The forest firee
which have been raging ia the SoQooaa
Xarjucal park for the last few days are
believed to be under control aad the fa
ux ua giant treee out of danger, according
Jtn park.
No firea en the national forest reserves
have beea reported to tbe forest servica.
j Associate Forester Porter artr!but"J the.r
absence to tbe effective patrol which be
! said had been eeiablished on the federal
I wjod.ania.
lerton, w as tnatanCy killed y esteroa y. Tbe
elder maa attMnpied to drive a seif-eroder.
to wfe'ch were hitched four bora-a too cults
Real'xing that he could not held
tb team. Fr efier called upua bia aoa for
aid. The young ran sprang to tbe boraea'
beada, but waa struck oowa by tb reel
Tb -ards tf tbe macr.ine struck
' head, peritra-.irg i tne brain. Bxfura yount i
ICW. K rUw t,. ft.. Vn.,.
-a extinct. The aider maa was throv
i to the pUtfarm asd became entangled ta s
barbed aire feao, through a hie the team
.ran. be sustainrd t. rrwi injury.
r AdvwrtinTb. Road b,
nrnn n iirrrrr nr
ocuuiiu ur
Want an odd table for the parlor? An
easy chair for the living room, a china
closet, a dresser, a library table? All
these and many other articles of furni
ture can be had during this sale at
prices considerably under those we or
any other store ask under ordinary circumstances.
If yoa need i
Bed. you want to bay
a Brajia Bel. A larr
variety to cbooa
froau. and at price
tbat -win astonish
Council El-efts.
Bn&ii&a. Laborer Found Desd Buried
in Etrsv Stack.
szvESTxrjr wotjsds nr bodt
Idewrlflaw frwaa Letters aa reeisray
. Karelneik Slewey ta Peskets, sw
Stabberr Sat Matlva far
. Frem a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. July U.- Special Tdegram.)
The body af a murdered maa was found
half buried la soma straw back of a abed
near the Union Pacific depot trmiglrt. At
tbe inside ef tba shed waa blood bespat
tered, it ia tbe supposition ha waa killed
in a figlt and then tbe body carried out
side and oovered.
Letters la the pockets of tba dead maa
Indicated tbat ba was a Pusaitn laborer
and tbat his name was Feodoroy Karelneik.
He was apparently about B years of aga
The man's threat bad beea cut and In his
body were seventeen knife wounds, en af
Not Sisters
Now aad agaia yoa aa two anna
ia ooww ta street ark look like sisters.
Yoa arc aataaushoa ta kaara that tne-y ar
a worn i at Bam or ortv-sv sedhf to
at her kaeet and iaireet. "kr '
Th gaoe rat acwlth ot, woaaaa W eo m
tiaaaeaiT aaaocaacaa wrtb th loon! bowirh
of the tssesHsl'r snaaaua orgaaa that
there cas a a red cbeeka aad roaod
ktra wacr tbar ia feasal wee t area.
Woaaoa oh ksavw aafferW froaa
that troaai kava fooaal oraiatot
relief aW core ia ta aaa of Dr.
Fieroe's Faworiba rreacriptma. It treaa i or aa-J vitality to tba
orfaaa of siistsiil It olarnra th coauplexioa, kriantxas ta
eyes sai reAlaaw tka rWelia,
Na alooooi, or babit4oraiuif drngs ia ticotiarit ba MFawwrisa rSriptioa.
Any sick woman assy con alt a by Wetter, frtt. Every letter ia add as
aacrvtfly oanndeatal, aad aaawerad a a plain envelop. Adds: World's
jpii ntisry Medical A saooiaTioa. Dr. K. V. Psert, Presidcac, ftafalo, N. Y.
5 45 Tp
vmAT srsTStt I Mf
That's tr.e
young people just now.
field t f eteonrrspt .jr.
TSUt HIT TSTJTS TO XS TZXSt Enroll AT ONCE In tr school which
make a iciity tt tralr.irg succeefcl s'enr-rrathera. Tne tert rf a achool
la la tte saccesa of its graauatea. VAN SANT graduates SL'CJEEXi-
Wrrte far Cataiagma ar Tlatt tba schoal.
R3 n
Wa4 Bld(
laae C Baffy,
Sterling Blue Tubes are built up
of four cross-grained lasers of
fine rifa rvUULT iDd w nf-Ti COmplM are CO CTPO Wltfl H aliHtlOfial
. v. nt ,
fceit rfsiftlEg blllC LiJcT. Tbey are
j jrtxeT how lor.Z XHl caiTV them.
the dxsX tube oa earth. Surlit Rbcr WWij. JJori..J.
Far ai by FaAaoai aV GmliMfittw Ouv. Troto oUfet lajact. Ufnali.
II fBwa
II w
! I, . i 4
ir , - . i
'" 11 "'f ""' "DIMIU. Ii -1
Be aure and look at our Buffeia. We surely nava
the bandaoaiaet one for yoa. aad aooraa of tbera to
choose from. too. Select ana wtfis this sale la as
at remarkably low pricaa.
20 Discount
which probably penetrated tba heart, while
another waa a . long gash serosa tba
In the mas s pockets were 40, which
indicated that aom motive other than rob
bery inspired tba crima Tba name waa
taken from a postal cartlfleaUoa slip. It
is Bupposed KnrelneUt recently arrived
from Rusala.
It la the theory f Coroner Matthews
that the maa bad been killed either Sat
urday night ar soma, time early Sunday
Tb body waa discovered by Peter Krl
ger, who. with his wife, was passing
tnrough tb railraad yards. Near the body
was a pair ef everalle and soma under
clothing which the murderer evidently used
to wipe tba blood from fcia in nanda.
Frederic lc Termer of
Belag Tabes Eaat ta Aavawor
AUegoattoat Mavao,
DENYTR. Colo.. July n. Frederick
Turner, cat- his arrest, manager for tba
Cadaby Packing company la San. Fran
Cisco, paaaed through Leaver today an
charge of New Torfr Cveciveu. aa hla
way east to answer a charge of amfc mil
ment ta tba sum af ST.Mt six years aga
oa?, I
&p sf
Question which is filling th mind f
Mak up your mind NOW to enter th
Sa:t School
Omaha, Neb.
: Eijcabeti Taa Sast,
. - .
DevCT pOTOVS and 1ieTT Orydize, DO
InitialiV hiifhrT in price ullimatflv
ii V I