Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIE F.ZZ: OMAHA. 5rON"DAT. JrLV IT. l.V.o.
tnmiritty if
b. si worhv
"t Tf th others.
Sf cr-tarT 3Lacrx Tills Cani'riac", Eel- 1
iat Pnnn i atm
CeWfs-y WVeve Mel.(.
Nebniskans Are
Seeing New York
I Xjnia-r. ;
Mr. Roosevelt
Are Doomed in Whes da rf c;r
California' six ThTisaati rest.
, 3 Oa3IZ TO STJ? SS3W Sate-8 Md xt.-ua icscr a Pti 3T TO FTTZ TSCrSAX
of Fiiiifi Mat Jat Hcttn
r" ; t v t5 . , i Mima. iwji.m m w aa.i tm-m , L
ujmpaay oi .Ttaooi. i:tar4i aoi - DeitnotioTL. I
L. XLaaLlia Aonooaan Candi
dacy f jr Head f Spaaiaa Var
Tef.rjuta. !
PUotmi About Gotham by
Snpnarcadeat Bishop.
Illlin Dalian t ato Hi- .
a TwaMae W . SVa-rar C Mii r
te Bnttht at
N'I'V T'.'dX. J il" 'naeiai T-ngri-.Ti.
W A SHTJCriTOW.. Ji.v III u v :ar nn unit i ter ;ue gniitanea of S. C. Blauon. .
the rH&r!ona of liie .. nited iti.i.iss w I't auperinti'mliiu if et:!iooiH. Basoned bv r-"i'.' .
the other twonty ti-puiulis ui tirf.f i world ...uni mper-nt.-ndi'iiis. tur','-t-a teSA-hess
wsm never upon a rr mr i.'iunda:.oii. mil ':--im N Ijismk ar-vd hem luiu.' on ooar I
aitmpinii the Psui-A.-nern-.iri joiiry jji ina- l!io .ram. r P'ymuut.i fnm Bimtun. wnem
In Smt piaca :n u Hpltim.u y of H ' 'iicy trended t.i :.onal Hl.i'.ii atlunui v
Lmted States. m i:a:e li-iwrnirit .-ser- j i::ai.uii. Tim young wjmen will rnw..
day made pntiilr iiwrn" mnn u tMn L'n.t "l ;iii .iu nn a mnff ina; oxy.ii-,
Standi ui ttiH r.iur'i .iiM'nu .iiiwi I uim. T.iuae fi-nm hiaHa a'ppl Jfl t
ctinfrnn of Aitih. :rau ;.i:f. TUh run- friivmnn-u wmih r.iwj' vtvt ml Lttr1 a: U .
tfTnira upwnuU at. Eut-no A .ts 'jkI.i:'- 1 .ty p- Hidi-nr a.hht uf Uia nata niii"'"-! ;
Tytn Instr-u'Uuna t-i;t umiii f!i .mimr- tjuuin. F mm P'in"ani:a '-Uy ami ui
tunr of uratliKr n .n t:m piviiiiiu.iiu x V irk.
if Htm mutuiii cunKUMius :inil truipHra;nin ; lr!(l ,, Haiimm ami arfiiuiii 54:iii-
iinunK ti:n sn r. rfov rniTif nta. amt oai
unitirsia.ndin3 iiy wtituit am 'jui'.t
lnnrriuxlunai i-ipml!itni finiiiiK-i n ;ua- j
W. man:l. nuil wll anil Luieraui'R.
T amuriiM piwu-s. .-i Miiir:.' lCiu.t
'BHt.r-.ict ta Irli'Hnti-n. "Jiner m nca ;
zid Ifenij-iatfn ami .n U;i-iry ami .uH::ua:u i
;nnr:tajnr. T'lt-v na. a uinnmun
xarv T. CwC J i iv J.U. ..-in" :al Twctm.)
"!"! rt pnhilo uf t: mm'lna;
ontai rf t.'m Iimvv w-mtu lampiunHhip
finite hnt'n J:itp J. J'ffn anl J:u:h
Jiinnxrin will b mudn n 'Ium mty Ji.inrtu?
t uiim Ma-'-tr '-u.VTiir miluv rf'imMi
;ti pmvMit tJu .if the pimums hm.
Ha Wiii
"II t iiuit m v a I wiuicl atun Diimr
"nmt puituma. but I tiiev it wouiit bn
il!tat fur me m ailpmpt t du tsat in my
capacity as mavor of o!ty "
Tha atctatlun vr Ola nuu-oma i tiia rwai
tight in Katnu immwiiaicly gava way to
taa waifara wtiu-ti baa baaa. huvnnn
ii'iumt t!j miivinn pictum ntuarinn.
X"iv thai- t3i pivturea hat-a lMtn bannaft
I Fa5jXO. -"... iuiy T'm "f'a
! Wiich Duvo iwn rairn .n tna :41ft m .
, nmr tiia rtnHrai Imnt National partt en
trrmt tiia lhr of Kiant wtiunaa .. tlua
nniNW. acriirtinH" o a rwinir r,ivwft
arm tumwnt frnm Tlir-a R;vm. Tia "aincs
am t:ll unrawKut. s)ii tiia ffir3 of '
X.irwa Flln at Hatm mt
Wilo a Wlaain la) rfc SlvrlaiC
!!imkinn. ili"vnu
maii:iiM( an ;t I'.iiin
'ivir taa 'i vm atit
Lr A.MliLE.". Juiy :0 It u an-'
-mum l nra amir !.iac J. I. M Uauiu!iiln
if L-.m Antifira wll ba a uamtlilain Cur
if"ra if "imma;itr-in-'tiif of Ui oai-
all war vanrana if tn Lnitiwt jtatea wuen 1
! tney rtmil iiHtr mnuai unca.upmrni in Dtn- '
j vr. afpitMiiiw j
j L n::l Mi La.mrmn a 'autillila'V ww in-i
i pounrfl ,t w.4a supt)timt t!iaL Ula tlnniir 1
; uiti '. 4ivn "u '.'niiinai TlwMtiim Riiuaa-
- r vit 1 thitui 'iiipiiaiUun.
N. X . X-W" W-Tttw
W-'K'tt M-plantt.
"i.ruin't't 'it 'M. twf
" "iiuiij aint hrriKa thf
ovr .19 Jim. wn fta-a won rTtinuna: tlmin. 1 tnni'i w'lrt fir 'iipi.i im uiUt-ultt.
Tin xtunt fi-rwt .a Iwatpii in tiia cuuntv ! i?r'iiK:nM ui-nt 1 'nmr 'nmuiex i:nl
Una hwnwil Fr-no and T nam miinCM. ' ---nintH n tla '.r. .u vur-ilnif 'n ntTr.v.ii i --" "un. ;m at prwm
Thm i. n.u rtia lirnma mv .if tnic - mina ! -tr--. n niniitM f ttiiH i'lmiir vu a ounimanitr if tiia ir?.miua:iun.
II Mi .i. wiu:tl .a liM-ariKt in Mai-tniHa county maila in r.-ia :ir:illni .cant. tan
ac t:ia anrraai-a of Y iwtnit ulay I r-ixu of amp a mile n :ha riunit oonmim-
Ownaj to rfia ilatani'e it t:ia Cm ami : inn :iun a"-n mintm-a.
18 fairt tiiat av'rr pamnn wuhln ranii : , iia ihwmI i:s ust .l.-in ir a-iilni" ai Itis
an;ajft in fiiffmnir tt. only maanpr r- mithaat aa:t.idi". ami aa ncll climliuiif
naa u.n amiur'wil bv .Mtvnttn 4iaiA. ac- .
iTi.i-tinn :u tiia a.innuni rniHnt. mxln .torn :
iumraiT una tu ur-li-r UT.ja. mitu:ml from '
puna can ba aacumrt riraitln- its proaj- "riiim Mih !i:n mnwwfl ipiimmna. Tia ! MoCarriiy W '.lmm. H iutSi aiia.
i ja.d tnmx.'it that a avar .ir br nmnc 'i n mai innn iia k
n tiia muUfni niao-n anit in many nf the !
iiat'aal laiaiiit and a tmir of t:i ciiy aa
maita UMiay T imormw thn a a::iBrs !
sen to i-oni".- : anil and jiumluy tiiy
v.wt Uta r-Hif artn nanism eiUes. tiia uutinua for tiia pi-imotem
T'ia riiiiti impii am pav:tii t.ifir "i ! to mxaa a profit on tha pictures baa baeiime
jtiiai. havtnar ar"i(t iptrn t;na tua'a- ! Mimawhat vnSf-ia.
tun mailu by Mr. Blirmp lima btf im t.m it m wi.miiunl tiia mtivinif pitnura anm
wniHiia itluwd. litia liuinli-wl twuiiwrj rr nn pany mu miutx E2.iiW iiftum it turtia a
aunt tJiat
arounil m mpu.)ilra.i aim ot mix ammaui, . N,braij(uij at-.nn.tad tiia onnvm:tin .n dua- , panny prtifr. Tha picture hav.
loi-a of Ubarr-y. auuuisitinn of nlf,w nilenue j .(m but nJF airty.t aumilurtmt tu ornna amount mi fat .
auit Snatory oC tnnr pnnjra. Itiu '.u --ir
mra;:n- utrnu:i cimi atr-.-a -' ' ' oimnty. . : i to exhibit tiia Clma. is ;n trti
paopilntt; and dw!iinintf of .niif ana v ia
auila tnin ardarti minlarn atitttHM. T'im;- am
.it N.m Y ii !c HaC of tiu-m ara Cr-ira O .tm
Fura y-" Y int ma di'lpjfasiiin wll nrn.
bounJ toaatiiar ao by a cumtnunity of
MiLaraat and by tiia ua of mat lal Siupf.ii-
I tnt :o Wasiiinirun. tncni'ii ou P'f.sdurj '. :tairapli cum pan y Ha a.d tiMtay: -
a;nl oiinr i'ICpj, and then lwm. :
r ma, aitnuuirh it ai ja.d tnnix.'it that a , avar .ir mai inna :ia k tu lavi
lart(a part of tlio fumst rmwrva iiad urvn ti mt tiia !nt .li-"P of f ihi out of j C EWGCHACT Ciw WAY TO
iaatrnva-U Cnlaas tha Km nan ba or:ei:"l ; ftomin ta.ia tit n-a. :i ;n '.ina of viaum of j
on tiia giant iwrjuaiaa ail wll ha uumaiL : nnwri in ti baat-n. R- :nn t"n J RU!! SATS TAYLOrt
A munnar of imtela and summar mns j .mair.nar'- mm. Bi tmit na a;a.tal to r '
am tiimaianad by tiia Ca-ni-i :n tiiair pma- j ti ai-h and .r,a nu:n .ininpa.1 nmt ba ' 4.Mr Wltiana rnalM ta
ft coumai waa at iji fwr and ovsr rha oiaii.
Ki circunu alula tu ;na iiaiurn. Tniirb tna
M wy j .'jwl ballfvatt ba a bit of fa.ti.-y Cyn.
ajVeS IVaCe in 1 "" 'una tu aa '.-a li.iroavf fr-nn tl nu into
r -SaNL.
WlUam R...rk. bna.1 it tiia company which ! H flCC Ot L . H f! fCTeS ! vM.i.ul riKkt. t
city, wnam : i KF'Mi'VV pl rx pm'-u-i Jul" -a -'in cimu.t ita bittir .Maaanamna. ina-
tiia piimiraa am bainaj put in srtiapa by a ' j aany m-.tirrlH ba.a Iwn hmaan tr rha avl- i tt,r R"h,!rt- L- Taylor today aava out a
WA.-HIN7TO!. Juiy -.0. tpaytnif rliat j
ha ai-aa w'th diamay ttiat t;ia damucr-icy j
f Tnna m rnalunir mmtly to dnarrsin- j
botii morai and ,-naier-ni.
Frar mt lficiflaia.
and of a i , t nava an rw ovar tne outenme of our
JacL'c ' m""sn,,"nl- w hrva fh- pintuma and pa-i-
OSC eit aTaSlVS i pia am anx:niia to thmn. In c:t:aa wera
. - . wa oava baan bai-red Mtiail maiia no
nilfTntrS Lll VjUIIIC ,cort to-oiapiuy ma nitna. ran rttiit vu
caramon deauny."
lutnrruiaa a at Artiirrnrianaa.
Th laiBat ura intrui:!wl to onpoaa
pmpoaitiona luiiK.nH tu Ula aar-lun of
oompatwri'a tir imuima upon any sta.a r-.ia ,
ar-jital aanirmanc of on or anatiiar partlc- !
ujar .iispuiB of lunn atandinit. u:ii aa j Gravenior Aijoepta LiTitaticia Xo Oyster
till aic amonaj a :w .
tjrja. T!i HaifUB aiivntiun and tna var
loiu bilatarai, irlimLun traiidaa suv.m tu
Dr-sw tiia moat aiivanrwl poaitiun y-jt
!Lee Braves Aaiaaaces Caadidacy far; luB m"-" !
i i tiia moat wnMa::nnaI fliiftti
1 Tiorigh. TJader Lidictzieiit.
; OTTAWA. lil.. Juiy UX Unn
tiia . but I
ifitia uava baf-n
mada by Laon Morann. tiia Fr"ni-ti ab ator. '
who today, in a nat UViinra-piwar Blarrot
munnnlana. cuvmt Eva a.Uiinatpm tZ.M 1
miles.) in and liitt ailumcrpra in i.4-7. j
O'Saiil : and br 1L Laiiaui-;tra. AiiMi Franisnman. i
jtatamant wittnlrawtnat bia prjmlaa to
struinp tiia stale m t.'ia intamata of ir
rniir 3t. H. Pactarsam si paaxular ontanlaa
t:un judlKlary tiiket. T'ia sanator wyi
j. a a. tlun la taann bauauaa ha canimt
mCict hia advusa Wiara .t i mjaisted in
advaiuia. Snaair Taylur !ia.l anraud tu
nut bfiral and Wien the Rrse axbibitiona Browne- damm.rtia leaaer un- vhn hnK tiia w.,r!ii'i rannrd for llatanca i ""! in baha.f of Pnrt!T'Hiii and bis Ju- ;
am ivan the oppaaitinn will brirrn to dta : ,1Kr ont"v' iiidlirtmanta at ciiiisajjo and Cyinir rM Kiliimati-r,:
ipi-.nnr.ald annuuncad bunaalf aa a candi- , ainxla flin
mural :n
ma an by tiia natlona In uaaaa nr tliey
du not pn tan t ma I y maort to anntrarion
simpir aa tiia aanuilila anit anllniiu-nad
avitai-naiiva to furra.. aya .iattratary Kjioic.
Tba aauna onnaidaraauiia am dauiamd to
apply to any Airnal danianit by tiia confer
ence for CDipamduBi of janarai- ctimpui
aory arbitrauim or- avan tn -twiarsitlnna aa
to tha proper methods of anfumlnj accept
ance, of boundary awarrla. sini-e tiiaae
tniaht 3X tlua Juncture ba mifardmi by shim
ataun aa eETorta :u put rilara at aa unfair
dlaadvantaara In tha adjMunmenc of pandlnn
"Thiia anvarrunant.' .-mtary Kjdi
points our, "now. aa aiwiyi. earnestly ad- i
vocataa the cntsr-U pr-ncipla of pacir.c siet
tiement af tnternaaunal lUeriutna and it
ballevaa that thia la aiwi the policy of all
the cuunrrlBB parrlcipatlnir in tiiiB aanfer
enca. but thiB conference would not seam
an opportune oucaaian for oflarinif or an
tmrtairuiiaT deftnite propaaitlonB on the iuh
a;U Eeieapitea are adviBed to maintain
aucb aa attitude aa Wll aire nee to no
uenlciun of partiailty or of a dealre to
uaa the present conference ta aflect enn
cmte eaBea."
Tnw Cmte Statca deleaation la oautionad
against taking a poaiUiin of undue prom
inence th tna BBlectlun or ofHcera and unm
raitteea and eac-tt. daiagata ta to apeciaiiae
fur oommittjm aervuia.
Ceaaneupaarhaw. m taali ajuaataiaae
Tha iliBtmctiane dlmrt sympai-heca up-
pusrt for- eae aerruaroioraUan of tna lnda
pendenna uf the Amartcan rapnnilca in this
aad tha Oallowm yaara. Tha dalafat
am tn- advocate the adoption ot a system
of deposit of ratifications so aa tu anabia
prompt procia.-na'.ona. and they am to favor
a mode of adhwrance by mm-airtiaxurv go
emmenta. Thay ai- to uo-oparate aian
txiwssu-d obto-nlna tha adoptiun of a oonven
tiun ui early (iMtermimns; the orajanlaariun.
statu and wording of the Intaruatiunal
rmtm of th Aiaartcan Bfpubllca and tile
bureau, which i it ofSca. the idea Oaina
tiiua m provtila for tnr parmanncy of that
aavarai aaarnment bava fuilt-d to r'Uify
tlie to hit annvenriuna recommended by tha
Rio da Janalm uonfarance- or to name tha
Pun-Ameruran committee tilen recom
mended.. The United. 3tuea delaajame am
directed to imp jrimpt actum on these aa
wei). aa fur tha enlorgament af the func
bun of the Psa-Airicrcia coramitupes uj
include aulrratiuii with tiiair nrn
menrs in prepau-uieT any reports couled fur
by Uv Faa-Aimancan oonferenca and In
pmpanna Pan fur future conffrancea.
kaia Tkm Ceauacary- raam.
Tb InacuiUuna direct the disli-Kataa TO
favor a rawiuuuii axpreaaina appreciation
of Aadrawa Carueaie a :ft tur Um conatruu
con oC a saw buildlna ac Waahuiatxiu tur
the Bumau of American Republics;, a fur
Uier vtaunuu impuiae toward, the uituiuue
reaviiaatinn af th Pan-Amertcan railway,
interest In the Improvement of mail aud
ateanuthip fadilt.aa batwawn bia Amarlran
republics and aaoaclaily between cao Cniiad
Slall-a and tile Latin American stale, but
taa oremtfltuLuin of auy daiimta proposals
in deelarett aiadvtaaiua in view o um-er-iai,,M
of Uia-'rtiMii'n bmfiim rtin Culled
.VU3AT. July 2). The following;
We anuuipatnd trouble about stuawtna i5" -r rmwnnnitlim sa a mamner of the i Tile must mmarita-ila aciuevamant of a
in the local newspapers nem rnmariiabie day wan that of Muranp. w!m
dlHcnuntad tliia by other arrange-1 yternay. made his Piifht of mure than a tnila a
. menta. Despife the pe si i uCun af our plans Bmeme s primary petitions- am being cir- j minute, while tn ithar mnnhinas wm .n
i by reftirmers and other buirrbndlea. I still j oulatad m Ladaule cwinry and it ia said jj oiimpnma e-irli his. Crny wtmed
j maintain we smail clear a big pnft. It ia i aiready tne reejiiiait number of snaria- ; w (jw suanding sniil. LiBlana will use this
Ear far Taeaday ZvsniHiT Suenda : ei" piums m the south if Junnw-n won. j igtsutum
' ' and we dlHcnuntad tiiia by other arrange-1 yerday.
A tvw lioiet Days.
statement sua grven out at tha esecucv? '
diciarj- ticaet Tu.e announcamant
arouaed a murm of protest from fnemui
if the senator who said r.iev did not j
sum to haar him on tiiat subject. Ui
amur Patterson a pardon of nionel Dun
can B. Cooper, who was aonvlrtant wtth
Ilia ston Robin C.nipar. of the mur-ier j
of former Senator E. W. trarmacii. Va ;
t-pe of aeroplane in tile i..r-I.m Bemiert " -""J" ,
anntost. and Fmnch asparta conmdpr thati trnuDia w" damocrsuty of the s lata, j
of the fight, mimplliur- in the Larimer scandal or in ' ne saa a TOlandid chance tu capture the
We had twelve machines working and cunnolioii with the St Louia "Jackpot ' crophy. as the sipaed developed by Murane.
aatjmauid that C' will be spent In ! turns has been secured. -Ail of tha other !
I this and others countries to see the pictures ! members of the irgiBraxum. accused of
mansion laat night. . of tha Csnc j
Uflvai-ior tt'ig.ia. naa receivea an mvi- w .nru,n, i connection with the at Lauis "ia.sknuf i . rf,. v A
taaon from Caiunei Ruosevelt ta spend ; thr- morf i li ,..i,r rH i-..,. r.. I ... '. " . ..,..! remiit from chroniii ctimrripatltm. Dr
Tuesday .vening at tester flay aa iu. ! " ' , u i.TWnT wOl meet o. I ,TTl,:" ' Z7 " Z Sew Ufe Pin cur. be,ach..
piast. and baa accepted. I Maiti..n tv.m four .napiar. to Mi- rtOT..... I . , ! tromactt. liver an kidne trouble. Sc.
QYSTEa. BAY. Y.. July 10. ' I shail
tha wmn distance iaat yar.
jaayor uaynor nas Mmn tha mnar mns ot junn a. Jfttrt-itisnpr or . jh. and At. .-.n . . i..t ri.. oai u.t..m..t.
have no vimtors unt.l governor Hughes ar- I atctiufe of ail puhila men tn whom appllca- 1 A. Bmnmin. Per Helnhart and George reoort dC2 miles, to l.tWtal Anhran. In a
For sale b Beaton Drug Co.
rives next Tuesday.- 3tr. ttoosevelt said Ui-; aunm aav, bmm mmdfl m rr1D th- ! fflaaa. the three Iat named. bain
uay i.ia governor win spena ma aiipii GnnB. if mviB ofBcmiB as broad i Stmator.
il,r- ' minded aa Jtayor Gaymir we should have '.
The colonel spent most or tne day trying . suffered nn trouble at ail. !
to maiie some Iiaadway Wth the piles af i ;
lettem that await his artantiiin. Deepm ' Prt-atw Iiilalti.
the haat n r-jdi tJ his wort until lata m L T! VT'V". ;,'h,e"n P- i
cures waa given last nignt to a select :
crowd of sporting writers. The picrums 1
shown make it avidant that Jeffries trie
the axinrnuiiu whan
x game uf tennis.
be stopped worn ti:r :
Says Saw Cook
in Chilean Andes
munnplar.e. wth a smgie paasengfr, cm-nrd ,
3 --i""- . mitoj i -Drink Was Getting
Bouchard wis aurardi-d a special prize of !
aUaraMa alaiai la tkar Wanrlal rtnalm
reanKis m H sMa iareal. Dnrlmaua
Tlaaeantat sti'aaav
5jy TO B. July a. i .-special Telegram.)
His royal, hiannasa. tha aaekwar of
Bar? ida. who haila from the hutiest part ef
bulla, sat in tha imperial suit at tha
Piaaa. butai this aftamoon. sipping chilled! Rev. U. K. ililler, superintendent of tshe
Uu.uid through a stzaw and looking; the , Intemaxlouai Beform bureau, who bad re-
every one of his pet blows every tlm the I
chance- oCfnred. But while the pictures j
established the fact that Jeffries put up a (
gam fight they- also show that Johnson's j
cleverness and strenarh. ware ton much for
the forme- champion.
It ia said that tha fight pictures w.ll put
Brians Piotograph. to Prove
JfSW YOHjC July m Another traveler
baa dome back front Snuth America wtth
tales of tha vanished polar explorer. Dr.
SLiina for hmnkinir OUaslaK',rs' mcord of :
J5 kilometres, matte befom the csimpeti-j
tlcin. fur tiia sinsie diatniice pirze. i
The constructor' a prtn for rhe gmatest
total distance enrpred br three machines
of one design goes to the Anttitneriw !
monoplane, which covered i74 kilometres!
il.7TM miles 1. j
Mumet established a world's record fur i
oan-j-tng two: paaaengers ar. the aviation
meet today. He Caw for Stt.75 kilometers
the Best cf Him
Efa Drank a Quart of Whiakey a Day '
Anil Win Ahout "A3 In.-
'"?tare Sorator Jnmes EL Bruce. I
Atlantic. luwa.
"Befom I tuna tha Jfeai Tireo Day
Drink Haint Curw at night my arms
would an to Bleep, for my blood did nut
(rirrjuiata right, and the muscles in trrr
at rest much dismission over the Sght. It j Frederick. A. Conk. This time it la Dr.
m expected they will alienee soma who say
that Jeffries did not put up a battle.
Mayor Gaynor today wrota a letter tn
(57.39 mileiu at an altitude of fifty meters ; i,.s9 did not work right; they wars, I
ill feet). Aubrun made a new distance : could not sleep and had no appetite I
record with a single pauBenger of 9 kilo- j far food. I drank: a oiiaal of whiskey a '
meters (6E.7S miles in l-S.S. Both used i duy and lived upon the effects of the
Blortot monoplanes. ! stimulunt. 3rly anndltlon and appearanoe
Robert ML Kaeiey at Philadelphia, and he i BCC. Frsuice.. Juiy i M. Tanuteau today I ,,,, changed tha. you would not know
ail-turn of Omtrimiii. OutsMia Ilia window
tha mercury toyed around, the UN mark,
wtula tiia humidity wa 70 according to
a. truthful hail-boy who made meteorolog
ical, report..
The suita of the sat about.
ouestad that th exhibmna af the picmres
be barred in ew York Cltj-.. In part. Mayor
uaynur said:.
brings a photograph to prove bia taie. Dr. j Cew 21 kilometers tl4.riB miles) in two . ma now.
Cook show in tha print wearing a long 1 hours and forty-five minutes, beating the: (fUg-ned)
raincoat a gait cap and without rhe mus
tache ba had: whan he toured tha country.
Dr. Heiey. who arrived today, did not
succeed in Interviewing Dr. Cook.
"Tlte doctor keeps very much to himself."
"If it lay in my kMiwec to sa? whrh- jia explained, "and avoid Aoterlcans when
tha pictures should: be exhibited, it would ! aver possible. He ta living In C umbra. I2.i
foat up In tha Chilean Andes."
not take me lung to decide it. I don't see
some wttii than- collars off and ail mopping ; buw It can du any una any goad; ta look at
their buses while they alternately sipped' them. But will you ba so good aa to remem
clullad liquid through straws and tanned ; bar ttat ours ia a government uf laws, not
vigorously. In brief they ware suffering i of man? I am nut able to do as I 11 aa as
from tha beat.
Captain 3. R. Untiaiker. who accompan
ass the Indian pulentata III the role of mill'
world's recttrd for biplanes.
I Tha Xeai is an tnternai treatment, grsmsm
- - lm jaj drop doaeav w1ttnc, hypadefTOie In-
EAD WEWS CCES TO GOTHAM , r:cm that afreet: a perfmrt onm in rhree
! days., of the drink h atari, at tha institute-'
or in the home.
5i Cure, 5o Fay
It Is tiia moral duty which every person
addicted tn tha drink habit owns to bia
family, relatives, friends, society and the
Mat ef ranraawv
Pari Tafen Rlsa Tsr.
mayor. Ion say you am glad tu see that
tha mayors uf many arias nave ordered the
pictures shall not be exhibited. Indeed, who
tai-v aide and interpreter, attempted to i Mt- mem up aa autocrats?
mimpam tiia baat of biasing India, with 'The gruwth uf arbitrary power In this ' """"
that of Saw York, but be got stuck in the anuntry is mom dangerous than sum of HTW TOP-EC Juiy TU. .Special Telegram.)
fur the want of words to ! "t" v'.ca wa are trying tu minimise." j a-ermit mioaw-eiu ol oiuu :ni-
, dom Roosevelt, sailed away tor ixuropa
IXICiSa PlslTOSS Witt. ACT yesnsrday on the Earn hurg-American liner.
. ; Ameiiba. to o gone two months. Ha
laflssesaar tw B Caeal aavuhawc thm laughed merrily, when Baked if ba wa
hrtaaa na Plistai.aa i amnr over ta meet Miss Margaret Ruth- i
CHICAGO. July a iSpetaal Taiegram. erford. daughter of Mrs. WJllam K Van-
convey his rai sentiments mgai-dlng our
summer a-eather. Af 'r Erst aid to the
niiired. Captain yinuiaiaar said.
"Wa hava very hot weather in India.
In some places It is so tumd that only j
-. .. Mnrf T Ibun i
1. . .iiarr. ..t . aH- ' P"-" twenty Chicago chumhea w.ll j dertUt. sr.
mv,rc on my ability to stand the terrific j Z f'T"""8 morrow to ahow "Why. I don't know the ynung woman."
r rt,- orient, but smc. I cam. to w '"-nnroval of th. JonnaoneCries flght! aid Hermit "I am going pnmiy tor mem-
York I mails, bow futile my claims am.
it ia true tiiat soma parts of India, are
(salt ewet'veit th tta Cm
et af rraan Ha Bad Ti
Karai atiu.
X'HTW YORK. Juiv 10.. Special
axm.iThem Is distreaa upon
parrs of Broadwar, other than that caused ' puhiiiv aiao everyone who ia interested in !
TO EUROPE TO SHOGT GAME' b- hOC wave- W1n" ""nts havelor anows of one who ia addicted to th
I th TTiampaTie belt" of France bad : tjm Jfaal Cum toilay for free oople ot
i done js.iinii.iiiiii worm ot ouiiuuta ra me ( tiiair guarantee.! Bond and Cunt-act. bonk-
vtneyarns. TnaX mc mean a slump in . ;Bt tnatimunlaia, endorsement and bank
the vtBible quantity of cnampagne. j pafemncsa. which WII ba cheerfully fur-
AJ rthampune plnr the moat import-! iHI)wl Adtlmsa
ant part tn a number of Broadway caie
braCnns. the absence wuuul b. keenly
felt. However. Rueenng news wa son
vyad In the informanon tiiat the Ameri
can vineyards am still doing business.
Taw si Cure.
Institute. L502 South 1'Jth St,
STaaw aiu Des Moines, Davenport
aioua Clry, Iowa.
plrtums. which Tom O'Day, tha San. Fran-' atinn. I am taking gun and ammunitirm
ciBca pmmoter. and th. Jonnaon Fight Pic- I alone with on ami will da a little hunt- ,
i tur. company hope to maiie milliona our I ins. I also tntwnd to do a graar. deal, of ,
order to eaten ur with my ,
hotter than Sew York, but the humidity la T " ' ' " out. -a- -
" ' ., . i ot Th. pastors wiU ask that aa posaibie: atudytng in
worn. neia. i individual innuence be used against the' studies at Harvard.
couiu aiuu I exhibition of the pictures in Chiuaao. "I do not tnuoid tn think of marriage
af'er a summBr spent in Jfew York.
The gatkwar la one of th. richest rulers
in the world. Ha owns diamond mines and
jna piece of his iawalry la worth C2.JNB.-
' lc ' a- - m(r 0,cmm dlatribuUng firms In Chicago 1 in th. stories of our doings. '
Tha most mmarkahia development today ! until after I jraduata from cullerra. I
In the fight against this exhibition, which ! should think that tha papers aught ta have
baa spread wtth murvaioua rapidity mom regard for th. feelings art Miss Ruth- ,
throughout th. country, came when mov- i erford than to link her nama with mine
denounced th. proposition to show the When Colonel Roosevelt and bia family
' ; Cuna hem and Insisted that moving picture warn
1 ' sn.-n aTsnaraJIv aniuiMwl rSium I mimh.
arrived yesterday from isan
to un' - ; cuni nem and insisted that moving picture warn In Parts, the otirresponaanta sent a
The gaeawar aim iihj -",w men annerallv onDosed riiam. munher of ul snatches to America, telling
u t:-aat;is on
naruniary eimms after their oxpiration. an
Uiiarcnaniitt of pr-ifesaiirs and sit launis , JJQ j Qp
ainons; tna miiwi... -
govei-.ttn- board tu rwuraniMVl tile niuu
nar 'Ji wiiuai ',T Amar-.can riiiau
UaTS tight "B wfth Wa Cnittol sjtutaa ui caic
brliS lha auanina of me Ps;a:r.a canal,
ad ausfBtraMiun. out dliMutiun, t-iat fuum
Pan-A-Tiarman aunfimnca ba htd at m- i
tarvala of. aut years nunimtiut. umisaa
It. aaouiUl ba tea:naU Inaxpadlaut Uiut tiia '
naax. ounfaranua uuiuct arucnr uuatt na
tha eelatii-axiuu of tile Paiuuna caaal '
L iufaram:' i urgtal m cuiiaiiiar aucu-(
T im. iuy t" J""m""J " Perhana one of tha m..t rmnnr., . 1 u..r FCrmir wa nai-tna marked artentuin
Franciscu. j f the campaign against the Clma la that to- M!b Rutherford. Acnordui to these
"I do miL like the speech of your soldier, t of Palll.. CalH(s. aaaoclation. wiin ti stones they were oonatantiy together. They
, RtHMavut. so. d ..ia mannnsuiee, in wnii.n , axnetoial rr. .imir rx..i..r...n. . d.n,.I umnthar. tuik autkimubila ridea tu 3
., ... . 1 ara.sncaiiLa aian ate: n is nt ' . . . ... it- . .,i mw ... ,
s-mm v.-.. - - - cum B-..a..-.. that such pit-rums am likely to "anrruDt ' the city in each others company and saw
covering Duita. traua marka and copy- s.- what can He kno w -. , put)1 !c murala. , great deal of aach other,
rant the da.esaatn.n fe. b. suid-d by uia j Uila nRVr om:n m my omlntry. Ou j xh. C)fhc pictums warn of-ciaily in-! Hrmit waa accompanied by Consresanuuii
.avtca af Camiuumiii- of - atcuia -irl ( an,mia ntIT r uf tiuiig of wtmm ha , tMU ay Aaaiatant Chief of PoUc. Cocks of Oyster Buy. but the congressman
B. M.MU. who uaa been appointed aa - nuwl, aolIllnJ. , nuertiar and iergeant Charles O'DonnoiL I bad nothing to say about tha trip. Hermit
part attach, to Uewsatom. adoption of, Une oailnut iaarn tiia heart of a pea-, nuraher uf newspaper men were per- waa emphate in his demais that he had
reoommeiidariuna of P-ui-airn.aii sani- , , a yaar- in lu yaara. and my people rmtMi to witness th. show. Aaeiatant Chief3 any other purposa save raomation tn going
stay oongrwos,. , ju nut afluw uiuir aearta aiy. i:buettle and Sergoant O'DonnaiL uli ' abroad.
j by John Naughton. tlieir stauiographer. OYSTER BAYJjJy a Colonel Ruoaeveii
i later began preparing a repert tn Chief . today gave a Utile mformaUun aiMiut his
' iteward on the pictures. If tn. mport tells aon Krmif a depaiTum for Europe today.
! just whut was aeeri. it will b. sufficient, , Srmit. hs said, waa sailing tn accordance
9tljmmmim The story neada no frsUa. atijeuUvea or ax-j with a plan mad. king ago to spend aa
aafifeiuun uj uaiiaraiu me p.uturea. Chief miuia ui :in etixzinicEr a yimuis ui muiv
d Lawar.1 aays: mg at Psx-s. Tha plan hud bean made
"If thane pictures am dcrpravtnir. or nf befom ICermtt and his father left for
character that might causa .iiiilituuancey ' America, and Karmit prohauly would not
on ina part of young people witnessing have mturnad to this aouurry unr.l Uitar
' thara. they will ba stopped. '
Mayor Busae waa seen
! i;!TiiH11L 'ki.. J.ina 111 1 n annilrarion
of Damal .ma. an va-aiave and propecW ,
owner o( this riiy. Federal Judge Junn H.
I'ni.uiui f ..... 1 ( '.!,. I a lamntii-am in -un.t.
n-, - w" . i Steward had. delivered bis ultimatum. Th 1 ding,
tiun reatraining rhe ataua Election board,! . -a
ma Stale Board or? AJTaim and. tha sacre-
ua- 1 :ary of staia finm having primed Uia pra-
j had nor his brother Theodora requested
Chutf that ba act aa best man at Thoodure s wed- '
Comrrena ha Jnet apprvnrta(rl Twanirj StllUu DVi3Lar
to haHtpa th work f GowrnuiieBC Irr-upatlijn.
thi GfiVEsnHEUT ss:ss::e phsject is
Will rrl-v lta sharfs aad b puahnd to complecloa ac nm. Coatracts
Cor a twelve mil extnaioa of th main canal wp list June ZZth.
Morn than 15 farma now rady for settlers, and a lars number of
Carma ar bow bting surveyed., waiea win be opened ta entry wltlitn a
ftf w weeks.
Tase rii'a lands, trr' gated by taa Government,, can be hjmeataxld
b?- simply reyaying: tlie Government, actual cnac 145 per av.-re. In taa
yeariy payments,, witnrmt lntereat.
IXiMMr ACRES OF C.1BXT ACT LlTDt Jttat opened ta entry only 3')
dars residence retiuirnd. Tader tiiia law seders buy water from,
the Irrigation company ac $30 per acre., aad the land from tne
Stare at 30 cents aitre, payin 110 per acre caah, taa remainder
running- aver a period of ten years at 4 per cent-
COME WTTH HE THIS SOCHEKV on the Crst or ttUrl Tueadara. aad
let me show you tie proHperiry and growing- empa of the Big Earn
Basin, a country depending largaiy upon Irrigation.
R.l!LIll).l Hrt yiT TOW5S. These lands are all near the Burlington's
fl new l!nea In Wyoming and e!o ta new, growing
a t to waa. Writ baiy for sparciaily prvpareit llusrav-
i"H Uf
A matter cf t2ute
and more.
it:? trsh ar'ir'.i: ir-s i!-li-htrul
:;j,vor ir-i riclv
part of Ct ri:a-itn. v'.:y
It nnt tt,!v ;irear.-i t
the most ju-ici jrerite.
but it is wiiuiesv-nitf. nirur-
a 'iiet to "u:'i" on.
Try it these J-.-.Iy .ia;:"!.
aril how it sirnpiincs
the proUt'H Iiouseksep
inc; in b t weather. I t
ract all Canjceua Soi:p4
dn that.
21 kicJs ICc a can
Just tdd knt vn:ert
tirmir tit .1 wo.V
na nr a cm 01 Cirap ' ' , . '. . .
bril l Menu Una.
t. , u iiotTr. t :
Cam.icn N. f . j
If yon think r" have kidney
trouble you ah. an it ail mean
. onHiiir a $nod nh-nii'.'.an. I! tins
Is tmrioHHiijie then aaa our driza:-,t
for the beat remeiiy the one he
would use or recommsnd.
Twelve thousand of the nest (tru
giBta in Amerii-a ttave f'irmeil a Na
tinnaa A.iHuciaLiun. wairu they call
the American Druirgists Srndii'ace.
Through thia aswiriarlon ' rhey
give their ciiuturtrers the benefit of
their vant s;)erit!n by furnishing
the organization tvtth tae formaian
for a complete line of mediuinal
remedies anit nnilec pfMiarationa.
Each one of thesse prPBaiati"Tla
before they are cGereir to the puh
Iic ia approved by a National
Formula, Commit tec., c.umprialng
one of the leading dr-.1g3i.3ra frora
each Staco, aad this Farmuia Cotn
mittea haa piat.-9d uUasr?rial iipnnv
A. D. 3. H-iitii? EiJtntt'ii-, wttiiiik
meaaa that thia. aest U the pre
scriptirm of a Htaponmiiie physi
cian, in th mont efricient, the
saiest and altogether the beat rem
edy for the relief of Unlaey trouble
that ia known ta the entire mem
bership of thia omaaizaxion.
It meaaa that the relief secured
through its uae will be trf. from
nahit-forming tendencies such, aa
would nHuaily fol'tiw tile use of
th ordinary pan-ire medli-ine.
The fact that .. D. 3. Xiilney
BU;medy ta a.iac.lnttil ha-rcle a ris
Juat una ot the a.uu: reanoua why
you siiutild uai ir at tile- Erst sign,
suspicion or of kidney
trouble for if you have kidney
rrouJile aad it doea nor. help you
the druggiat voir bought it of will
cheerfully refund your money
wtthont a question.
Get tt ac any A. D.. 3. drug star.
r.8 j Si 1 Ja
ayi , 1mm. I AS30CATJ J
WltS 1.1 arm C'lar Qrosiiaiw
D. CXEM DEZAVZK. Genatrai Agrntv
I4JT SKEH-EErt' PFDa.M.lTlrt'i BiBX-iC.
Farruutt SKJ-eet. Gmoiiav Seh.
mayor said:
I only know what I bav. rwul and' OFFICE
Bail Drug Co.. l-ilti- ifatmam . u
H. 3. Bang. Ith. and Firnuiu.
Huinea Drug Co., lll'l Famam.
' Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4th and Ouminas.
garsauiga Drug Co., 24th anils Ames Aa
J. H, Mei-chant. Hth and Howard.
J110. X Freytau. 132 North iii Street.
The Ctiaeay Pharmacy. 14th and Lake.
Johanson Drug Co., Zzh and Spalding.
3. A. Beranaa, ItO Souxh lith Street.
haa. ffi. Lutiiron. I3S X. : til Stmet
H. L. Pnbliarntiw, 2lTth aud Vinton.
Forest A isenmn Drug Co.,. 5rtit axul 4
Street. Suiuh Cmniu.
Schaafer-B Cut Price Dt-ig Stores. 15th
and Douglaa.
Scnaafar's Cut Prica Drug Stoma,.
Sortii lstli 3tret.
Schuefers Cut Price Drug Stores, HiTf"
31 Street. South Omaha.
Beaton Dr-ig Co.. ir.nt and Famum.
mauua, in iuil!l.ui.miu.ini.o.j ui. i ' " " " -Mar hiua rami mid ma n..r .
.- -.i ,,. . i,i noaad "zrandiaiher causa amendment to i . 1
uima . "-"'" . ' . . . I shall, of launn, say nothing until r hu,. i r lr taaasMaas tw av Hm-rmm.
: : ) m .'Mil ji . 1 ir . 1 n 1 rr rna nauior nir ma aaia - '
I nnai-a uw jiumionab u .niasr aiawanl in . Kfi
1 th. matter. After that. If I aonauter char i
thar am special neaawns wtiy tha exmbi- I BltSI-Cs'. iarmany. July UL Special Cab- MA.uilfl Iim nmnlhllwl T ma. . . . I , . , , . m. . . ......
,u , ,, , , r . . , . , , , ; -- .. j vacua to 1 iagrawn. - a 0110 ... uumhi. .
it distnininuiaa againar him btH-aua of
mYsia! aiai.stii. UHUuUir.iS a uu.i.ii-m tea
ur ass ja suid fur tiia cert.CrJiiea of aui-b in-j prtmarr :m-t:uu aa A.ig-UK l
uica. eiuni-Tuang as many aa four copies; . fn bis paiuton Sims ailegaa that tha pro- I
n-ad)na 3t cant fur invo.nas w:iea! B"s-d amendment would dlafrancaiB. him. ! dot nui axotsd C-iai.
Ill a
Th Uiiruct:ui anunci-aa '.ha ductnn.
uuiun antiiias n guversuneiit to partici
pation, m tiia o.nfaranuaa, UTaapatuva of
ti. Baviaiarm-a af Uiuiumaui: miaxiuns Ua
twaau a ami tiia (iivonmuic 111 shorn
aaoitai tit cuufarance may ba hold, and
, prs"vuiiiB miniUtiun of
uroarr th. picturea out of Chicago. In th, j that the baat way to fill a municipal office
servitude. It is avso 1
meantime I am awauting official in forma- I ia to bim th. bast available apart in tiia
I particular Un. of work to b. dune, tr Tiry
I of M-tadniiurg, by th. prasiuamt of Its aoun-
avltsged -nat a proposed amendmant to tha ;
ainK.iauiiu uiuarv uat upon at a ragii- p . . mi r 1 1 -i f 1-T-a .. .,
ar eia-i on ami pot ar a pr mary uon to FISH INSCf.GETS GET BUSY i "m napicuoualy tn Pr-ua-
ba iei;ai.
I awaar 9
If yiu are fmd of fianing. canoeing.
fffaB Ba li aoaexistaui-e of dipioinuuu na- -s-npmg ar uia study of wild ainmaia loo a
Uacuit tiatwwan this guvurumeiit and
.' iaraaua. The iut,i:-ut:Uuua
t'ia Mi.arauj iia.1 ui.:iaair a.t a orta uf uis
.wo peopio auid -sa" uia L mteu aiu. ii
KAaiai tiiat its drastic ai-i.on :n t:iat cumi
would aut be ainr.u.uatr-ia.1 bi- pr---aiv
"For aura govai-uiUfcOta," tna tiiatr'ictiiins
coni hiila. "kiu mat to aaa .ium .1 a for our
aant liarman newspapam:
Jea. Casawt," aa ; Tsaaaic tat ' "The piatse of mayor uf Magdecurg ia ,
rJkar Taak. k t-wkaa a Mim vaoanu Tha sauary ia a.iM mars ij-.iao
ratlfawaw ! year, tncludtng tiia rants, of a dweilliug
Sfsw YORJC. July UL .imperial TaiaaTram. ) thB trlty hall. Baal ilea bis salary the In-
up tit. .tiaonuuin Satiunal Pant af Ontan. 1 "J" Cannon.' th. leader and ktng of u:a i cumuaiit w.ll rererva .:rm marks O.JW) tor
fur your summer ouiing. A flaa and aama s-naai Inrf trout tn th. aiiau-um. waa ; bia offiiiiial expense Candidaraa snuuid
tsaia.'rva uf U auraa miersparaad with j depnaed tialay by a lot of insurgent trout : apply before awptaBOiMr L '
L21 Uiaea and nvara is awautng you. of- ' ol oimlir s asprram j tonight aa to ', Tha practics uf birtng atxpert off!cia.s
fei-ng id tha attract ;una thar Murira can wnaiher ha nan "enma back. ' I wherever ooiainalua, is no novelty in sr- j
baatuw MaT:iu:eant oanu. b-pa. Altitude I "Jims Cannon ' waa tha biggest trout n ssaany. wnara aomatimas two Hum aid 11
Uai f.-at aiwva sea level. Pur. and. aalul- i tlis bank. Ha ate tn. Jti.a faslows. shaaad oumpwution with aavch other tor a pariu
axaung aimuagnara. Juat th. piacs. to put. tha big ana. and ruled generally aa lord of larty capaoia man.
ai your au.nmer boilduya U.nvd butal 1 tha fiao in bia aartlon of tha autiaaium. " Th. Maafdeburg caa. aitrmwna apneial ai-
eiuxana and lu retina to uuaraia and dVaa ; acc-jniniola::iiu. Aa interesting snd pro. day tha Insurgents got busy. They enaa.-d tantion, a it ia til. first large city to ad- I
with mad'anvai .lesspuia is uniy tu ba true fiuau" '.-uiimiBil uasaur'pt.v paallcaciua "Jo. Cannon around and am una, bi'ajg I vertia. hi filling sa prominent an uffine.
tu tna dv'iliiaiion and the institutions ! n-iling y.t a.l about it sent f-a un appd- j piaren out of bis mil and using mm up gn- Tia ret-.r'ng mayor. Dr Lenta, waa lau-lv
aware ttirfy a.i j-e. If t na warn awl t.-ua. t ftar-.on to w. S. 4. onMajn. iL. Maircuauits arauly. Tha keepara had to :a. him out u pmminiad tu b. Prusanan mimsiar of
to W.
in sau-A.aiaru-a.iiam auu.d ba a anam ua- I L.ian A Triat Haiiuiiig. Chicago.
save uia Ufa.
Spend Your Vacation
at the Seashore
You caa visit any cf the Aflatrtic Coast Resorts
A riant;.: City, Cape iLiT, Norfolk. Va. with the Natt
Yarda ami OUi Pairu. Comfort and in additioa see the
siihu cf 2rw York, Ealtimora ami WizhizLztan, aul at
moiierata cnac
Low rourul-trip fires good for 34 days, on ffo
daily until September 30, ria
Far all infunnanan telephone or call at
Omaha City Passenger Office
213 Board at Tiaal Building
w aaaiaas W. H. IDWU-ID, Trwaaaiag P. i lag r Asast. OMAH.. ?TT3L
laiia.iiwlA (LlU LiitJ it will lit J
Lew Fare Summer Torrrs
Tlckata on siuia Dailv Chtil Oct. Hat.
liberal auip-va- PrivilMgaa.
For further partlcuiam aiidraaa
w. a. raavna, av ar. AoarTTM.
T. P. A Chicago si. k: A., lihusaga.
will mt that saoaat baaaea, sn
asa anart swCias, aa a arr