TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: JULY 10, 1910 ft mili Simmer Wmm h C5 Where Nature and Summer IVIaRioo Retreats of Ik; A WW 7CT A TXT A TTAF A ivji AixJ A W A Bathing Boating n and t1 ishing Dancing Come Out for the Day Bring the Children There are beautiful picnic groves equipped with fine swings A GOOD BAND Concerts Every Afternoon and Evening Excellent Cafe Service serving all the delicacies of the season. Meals and Lunches served under a roof Dancing and Bathing The dancing pavilion is large and roomy and is open to the air on all sides. Fine, large bathing beach. Bath suits for rent at bath house. Roller Coaster, Merry-Go-Round, Miniature Railroad, Roller Skating, Bowling, Shooting, j Penny Arcade, Japanese Novelty Game and a Score of other Amusement Features A&inrifeioini IFiree 1Z F3 Take a cool ride to some of the many pleasant parks and resorts located in the City of Omaha and its suburbs. a Among the many places of Amusement and interest to be- visited by the pleasure seeker are Lake Manawa, with its beautiful grounds and many amusement features; Fort Crook, Benson, Florence, Dundee, Bellevue, Hanscom Park, Riverview Park and Courtland Beach, all of which afford various kinds of out-door recreation, good music, etc. Excellent street car service in comfortable, open cars, is maintained at all hours. Steamboat "CITY OF PEORIA" Give tho Childron a Trip They'll Enjoy It. Runs to Florence and Return Sundays at 2:80 and 8:80 p, ni., and daily at 2.30 p. m. The boat is comfortably furnished there being large, spacious decks provided with plenty of seat. Tha Boat f.lay Ba Chartered BY LODGES, SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Desiring a Pleasant Day's Outing. A special Barge is provided for dancing. Good music furnished. For particulars address P. J. BOYSEN, Socy. Board of Trade Building. NO LIQUORS WILL BE SOLD ON THE STEAMER. Omaha Provides Summer Outings for Stay-at-Homes Beautiful Clubs and Delightful Car Rides Hake a Satisfactory Sum mer Resort of Omaha. There are mary people hi Omaha who re unable, for various reasons, to take lot.g vacation trip aome on account of the jroat expense usually Incurred on ti Ips of lhln kind, while others find that business coo ill Ions will not permit ihmr absence. To overcome theau condition varinu or tai isallona have been formed; their pur pose being to give every body an opportun ity to enjoy outings that In many ways excel! "go away plan." The o!do-t and bent established of these organisations are the I'ojntiy club, the Kltld club, and Happy Hollow club, all of which are well known for their high rlrtss of membership and the many aricantagis that they offer for out-door leenatlon. ' The Omaha Rod and Gun club, while u younger organisation, Is growing healthily and attracting cor.sldt rabla favorable pub I. a art out ion. It hui built an auiacthe summr city on the wooded chore of I'artcr iake. with plenty of boats, fins dockage facilities, and a fine bathing beach. It furnishes many attracdons to the de clines of Uaao Walton In uiMo-ii:i t rifh. I."a uccoun enter u and fan t-att. Aside from t!i. water kports. It maintains four tennis C"UiU. a fine base ball diamond, and a Han shooting range. This club has large and suhstsndul cluh buildings, which include a large, roomy dancing puvlllion and a well equipped cafe. Many of the members have built cottages on the grounds, where they make their homes, throughout the summer; enjoying I he out-door life In &. way that excclls. for practical benefits, the two weeks' or a month's vacation that mean much travel tut. expense, and other trying experience. The Young Men's Christian association, also, maintains a summer home not far from the Hod and Gun club, and the fac ilities enjoyed are much the same as those afforded by the Rod and Gun club. At all of the resorts snecial attentions am given to ladles. In the way of providing dretwhig rooms, parlors, and every facility for out-door recreation. THE LIMIT OF FOOLHARDINESS Pruiinird Itaee of Motor Iloata i'b rough (he Water of Magarw Issyoi, Can a motor boat lire through the Ni agara whirlpool? ' In ninety-nine cases out of the hundred the answer to such a question probably would be no. It seems Improbable to think that a small boat that must depend for safety upon remaining upright on Its keel can do what doiens of daredevil swimmers have failed to do In barrels. Yet that Is what the power boat enthusiasts of the country propone to do next September. Not only is It proued to navigate the fearful whirlpool and rapldi below the falls, but u regular motor boat race, with something ova- twenty-five entries, and with a solid!'' it what constitutes gold cup and ll.UM in easli as tha prise go through any kind of water. The com will start downstream, and with engines running at full speed will dash down through the upper rapids, through the "Giant Wave," and into the fatal Whirl pool basin and through the gorge, where so many daring navigators and swimmers have paid for their daring with their lives. Such boats as survive the battle with the whirlpool will go on to the lower rapids, and those that remain after this will race It out on the smooth waters below. The winner will gain gold and fame for himself and his craft, but the haxards of the race are to severe that the winner will "earn all that he gets," while the unlucky ones well, those who are unlucky, In Ni agara's whirlpool are most unlucky, Indeed. In spite of this, however, in spite of the fact that the deadly reputation of the whirlpool Is known all over the world, entries are pouring In for this weird race from all over the country. As soon as the subject was broached In motor boat cir cles, dosens of men rose up and offered to back with their own lives their belief that they could go through the rapids in their particular kind of boat. The fact that a tew men and women had made the Jour ney In barrels seemed to encourage them In the belief that where a barrel could go their boats could follow aafely. The fact that dosens have lost their llvts lit the attempts where only a few were successful failed to deter them. Their confidence In their crafts is supreme, and they are willing to back their confidence with thelt lives. The boat in which they will tempt fat will vary as greatly as the contestnntr' boat fitted to satisfy the committee that he is qualified. by knowledge and experience in power boating, from engine running to current picking, to make the race without being foolhardy. It Is believed that only the most powerful and up-to-date boat will have a chance to go through safely, and It is probable that these only will ba al lowed to make the attempt. The problem of . whether the Niagara rapids and whirlpool ever would be navi gated by man In a boat Is one that has puxzled the heads of those familiar with the treacherous character of these wator. Since 1760. when an Indian attempted the pasago In a birch bark canoe and was drowned, until a few years ago. when Peter Nlessen, a Danish bookkeeper and insentor of Chicago, successfully inada the trip In a barrellike contrivance; the swirl of the treacherous pool constantly has tempted swimmers and boatmen with a foolhardy streak In their natures.-New York World. for the winning craft..' Is to be held over this, the most perilous walvr course ill all the world. The boats will line up in comparatively calm water directly below the falls, at the landing place of the fulls steamer, the Maid vif th illsl. At the glvsu word they mittees In charge of the race composed of boatmen entirely familiar with the currents of the rapids, will stipulate but one con dition, that each and every on of the boats entered be equlped for rough water. There will be a rigid Inspection of each ci aft U Insure this, and eaoii enUaut must RESCUE STATIONS FOR MINERS reanatlvanla Preooses t Follcw the Lead of European toaatrlea. Pennsylvania produces practically all the anthracite In the country and nearly half tho bituminous coal. The next legislature will have no more Important duty than to provide for "rescue stations" In the mining districts. These were first heard of by the Ameri can public when the federal rescue station sent a rescue psrty to the terrible acci dent of November in Illinois. A rescue sta tion haa oxygen apparatua. oxygen helmets and trained men who. after an explosion comes, can descend into a mine for rescue, where no on else can venture. The Kngliah royal commission on mines, appointed In 1 in 1907 made a special report on this subject and urged a rescue station at every group of mines, Tbrss central station have been started and thir leun are being organized for the hard coal of South Wales. In addition, each mine is to have Its trained force. In Germany, which raises only a third an much coal a the United States, 690 sets of life saving apparatus, oxygen helmets, etc., were provided by 1908 In the Dortmund dis trict, and 673 In the Breslau district. Each German miner who Is killed costs a minu a certain sum, whatever the cause of death, as long as It come In the course of work. The German government now requires two respiratory apparatuses to be on hand at every separate mine. France requires these oxygen helmets for any mine with 100 or 200 men, and an additional helmet for every 2o more miners. Belgium and Holland have taken like steps. , The United Stales geological survey, which has taken this up, puts the cost of apparatus at $2,264, and the building and fillings at $4,000 more, it la plain that this state-, which raises nearly as much coal as all continental Europe, ahould require the rescue stations, which all European coun tries now require, at each coal mine. Phlla dephla Press. Got tils Reeelnt. lie had run up a small bill at the village tore and went to pay It. first asking tor a receipt. The proprietor grumbled and complained It was too small to give a receipt for. It would do Just as well, he said, to crcms the account off, and so he drew a diagonal pencil line across the book. "Does that settle If.'" asked the cus tomer. "Hure." "An' ye'll nlver be askln' for it again T" "Certainly not." "Faith, thin," said the other coolly, "an' I'll kap me money In me pocket." "But I can rub that out." said the store keeper. "I tnought so," said tha customer dryly. "Maybe ye'll be glvin" me a receipt now. Here's yer money." Utppincoti'4 Magasme. When you hsv .nyuilng to sell or trade, advertise It In The rfr Want Ad columns and get quick result. ANewAmusementParlc At the End of the Florence Car Line Free Moying Pictures and Illustrated Songs SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE ACTS Refreshments Including Ice Cream and Cold Drinks Serred en the Groundj. An Ideal Place for Picnic Parlies. We tho hare an Open Air DANCING PAVILLION which can be engaged for prirate dancing parties. TAKE A COOL RIDE TO A COOL PLACE Street car fare 10c for tb ; round trip. Coney Island Amusement Company