TirE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 10. 1010. ! C ! 11 I t..M V ' i . rL JL"TV I ! BAD DOLLAR STARTS CIRCUS Tiue Story of the Foundation of the Ringling Show. FIVE BROTHERS WITH ONE IDEA F.arlr r Boat I'laata fierm that Ilaa Grown Into Mighty HailiiM In ihr tiiiusa inrat World. IDAHO SURGEON WHO IS BROTHER TO GREAT SINGER Amusements BUSY BUILDER OF EMPIRE IS THIS MAN OF IDAHO li OMAHA !i Manawa Offers rine Mualo to the rubllo Plotnrcs and TaudenUa at Oayatj Barry" at Alrdoma. TUESDAY ULY1Z It "Ohail.ali ii ! Ti oinlii'Milai Aggregation of Win ul Womii iV i.m made id inter duy In McUi i ti"i . I.i.. i" tin: spring of 1K4, as it did in Hi'' .loon otii' r town along tho .lljjla.iipii. 'Hie atnail boys of the town wet In ti un- iorU of ac robatic ecsthc, notably ftvo brothrri, tlie youngest of whom ".a only j eai old, tlia eldest In. No railroads reached McGregor in those days, hut now and then the river shows that piled the Mlilppl nuule tlie village a Mopping polnl. ll was mm of thorn; boats with III ftlrcn wlilntle thut lured the five brother to the ilver bank to i!tu.-.-.s the arrival of Obadlah LSimii'm big tmvi. And It happened that they were honon-d by pemonai and plfHi-lng cmUd witii the great Obadlah. A they looked upon hlin In lliorie liijri, lie waa s"evcn fei;l and i-iKUt lining In height. Mi! tallied himself Hk' 'iuial. Jl u before the U of tlie for collar and the "lofty lid." but Ohadiah Vuie u hat that would make Buffalo It'll' look apulo geilc. He tpoka a language that waa pic torial and wonderful and he had been an lar west aa Omaha. The. boya bad arisen befoie daybreak to thee the show conio In. The sounding of the whistle when the boat waa tour or five miles up the rlvr had been their cue. When the clumsy and water-soaked tub, with Ha belching alack and rear wheel diew Into the landing and threw out Its gangplank, they ant in a row on the bank, their wondering eyes fastened on Obdiah Uiean, who directed the work of unloading. Wonders In the Boat. I...... . k. - In.tLu nf Vi ft lariat pinli the r.oui i... . .!, f,v P"' uo they built with their own sound of growls and hlsaoit. It a poke I . . . ... . ..... eloauently of tho "world wonders" that i "" 1 t - ' V '' x :a'7 x : 'I! t 1 i i . ,.- .-....-, I JOSUI'H l'-RKMSTAI), SI. lL, Hiuiry., Idaho. lr. Josejili I'YeniMtad of Hurley, lihiho. Ik a phynli'lon who Ik mukhig Kood In Idaho, he being a apeclullBt In aurgery. Dr. Fi-eiribtuil 1m a brother of Mln Ullve Krematad, the yotniR MwedUh ulnger, who gained iuch a eplendid reputation throiiKh her appearance In the Metropolitan Opera company, and who sang Kundry In "Par sifal" at the Omaha Auditorium In UK)". in nut lie concealed there. It was such a noise as muet have emanated, so the boys tbougnt. from the lower deck of Noah's ark In fly time. A horse In the sere and yellow of life had Its forlorn head out of the stoke bule and was looking with yearning eyes on the green, pastures beyond. Jt took twenty mlnutea- to unload the "world's wonders." With the exception of two canvas and pole wagons and a single cage the wonders walked out. Uetddee the four or live horses there were two camels, one elephant and any number of doga. The fcandful of performers helped unload the wagon and put up the one tent Even the Wild Man of Borneo wag useful. He washed the breakfast dishes, carried water, bor rowed a chew from the town marshal and wore In the purest English. It was in the early afternoon, after the hands the little one-ring circus that has mown to be the blKgeal amusement cn- tei'prlae In the world. Omaha remembers the Hlngllngs with a peculiar Interest, for It waa these five brothers who sent their elephants and camels to grace the 8hiiners' parade In and again In 13DH sent a special train from St. Joseph to carry anlmala to take part In one of he great Tranamlfsippl ex position parade". NERVE CENTERS OF LEATHER New Cnilaad Ynnui Maklag lr the Billion for the World. Shora Over at Lake Manana liui.-lc- lovem will ;inve thn Incomlvc at both the afternoon ai'i evening coiii-crts today of two entire i h.inanx of pi naram by I lie Mauawa coh eir; tiand. In the advertisement the mimic at Manawa hn been treated very modestly Ihl-i eaon. Not it ngle realm e at Maua iiiih a gieater finlowhig than the Oaud. and .1 appeal to I h lalur elax.ieK aa well. A a ileMltiat Inn to an amomouuc run the liaiid Is making Mariana enptcialiy populai. XiiineruiM automobile parlies vi.-li toe park every evening and Iimpn to the music. 1). rector jonen had made himself very pop ular by his gi aeloumiesH and consideration lor hia auditor. Rmrnnce to Manawa is always trie and the oiuy expenxe Incurred In availing nne'w mif of t lie fine lnutdu I rut lure. Hummer time vuuuvvlllc will etui r upon tl.e nix i h week uf Its iuii at the tiuyvty theater thla afleiiioon. A moHt iiinely film ul InijMiited mnke to be shown will be "Mr. .sici..m' Miiiimer Vacation." Nomerou.t ti.hleil' m,lji'c(M ale liiiiuiled uti I tie bill, A lii-ri ( lil i mi eoliieily will be Mitpplled by tVallielxel' r Klxller. Willi loollllKe jiollie il.itik in) i nlei laming In the line of a ."iligiug ai.il luikiiiK Hkeuli. Villaid ttali, eouiel' juwaiei, will put ovi r eeverel ecieimic stunts tliaL will cao.ie many a Himle. , Dairy Lyons has been retained owing to li Ih poiitilarity and will reiuler the latent deaciiptlve ballad. "Mother," tlie accompanying views being beautiful and appropriate. On Tuesday the pictures will be changed ncaln and on Tnursday tlie vaudeville and picture will be new. The Uayety theater announced Its regular opening of the coming' season as occurring on Sunday afternoon, August 'iK. the attrac tion being the maslve musical, "The Beauty Trust." Summer tlmo vaudeville will continue until Sunday night, August 21, and during the few days that the house la "dark" new draperies will be placed In the boxes and some new chairs In a portion of the balcony. A logue will sluo be built on the front of the balcony to bold the spot lamps, which have hitherto Interfered with the comfort of people sitting next to the lamps as formerly placed. Commencing tonight at tlie Airdome the Hillman company will be seen this week In that great French historical drama entitled Dm Barry," with Hiss Ella Wllsou In thei title role. . , . . . .... I -.. v ?:, - V . . X ! r : t i if t i I ' - ' 1 j ! i ! i.. L.t;.:,;; 1111 We )iae yei'iin acre. tiilmtarv t out eltv srol we M'.KO KAKMIIt.S oK TIIK RlOHT mot to till t'ie Idle acre Will yoi come If we show iuii where you isn make monev easier than you aver mails ll bafoie In your Ufa? Juat answer thai question. Write me a tiote and say that you want to make a living a llt'le bit easier tlan you have eer toad It before and. st the same time share In the devel opment of the country, and profit by the rapid Incretise In the value of the lands Write to me today. Ton can satisfy yourself about this If you will write to me at once. I can send vnu a booklet showing Jt'SC WHAT THIS bKl.'TlON 11A9 TO PIC PfMi ON; lust WHAT IT WILL I) KOIt Vol'. Writ for Ibe book. It costs nothing and may mean a fortune to you. Adrlrras O. K. McQXrOWBT. Secretary 1CIL COM ICXmCIAX. CLUB. Bnat.. Idahe. V. ROB 13 IN I.. W. liobbhis. prtdideiit of the Snake Hlver Implement company of Burley, Idaho, la a native now of the tloldeu West, and one who lias built up a business which Is now an Important factor In the devel opment of aouthcrti Idaho. Mr. Rubbins waa born at Weston, Oneida county. In the Cache valley, lie la a director and vice president of the Burley State bank as well aa president of the Implement com pany which he manages. Trno Inventor. A Canadian lawyer tells this tdor.v: A bailiff went out to levy on the con tents of ii bouse. The inventory began In the attic and ended In the cellar. When the dining room was reached, the tally of furniture ran thus: "One dining room table, oak. "One set chnlrs islxl, oak. "One sideboard, oak. "Two bottles wnlskey, full." Then the word "full" was stricken out and replaced by "en:pty." and the Inven tory went on In a hand that stratrijled and lurched diagonally across the pae until it closed with: "One revolving doormat." Everybody' Magazine. There are more than a hundred cities and towns In New England where shoes and slippers are made. Since the close of the civil war thesa havA nmniifftpl limit and . j jt ,kMi, . t. m tnufii'. final I parage n.u v-""" T V shipped no fewer than than 4,000.000,000 pain ..ret, that th boy. met Obadlah Green. of of wWch tnree.fourth8 nave They were seated by the roadside in con- throu( wnat Advance New Ergiana call8 ultatlon over the queatlon of how to raise , wonderui n.rve-center of our leather the fund necesaary to aumii mem "'" and footwear Industry. Boston." anow. wnen tno immense . v., Bo.lon may well pilJe ltS(lf on beini6 ltfwman appeareu ii. th- wor,A-a iBfta,llr .hoei .nd laathee mirL "Young men," nald the circus king, "can you direct me to a harueas shop?" The question wag asked of no one of them in particular. John, the youngest, waa at that age when bashfulneea is a chlld a chief asset. He hung hl head and with Mb great toe bored vigorously In a crawfish hole. ' The hand that now can draw a check book from any pocket, twisted nervously at the folds of his blouse. for It is today the headquarters of 350 shoe manufacturing concerns, 260 leather companies and firms, 107 dealers In shoe manufactured goods, sixty-five shoe manu facturers' agents, fifty-two glased kid con cerns, sixty hide and skin dealers and brok ers, sixteen shoe machinery makers and dealers and nearly 800 miscellaneous con cerns. j While comparatively small quantities of Ilia tongue glued Itself to the roof of Ws ... Iealher or .ho.m are ni.nur.n,ura,, )n mouth and refused to wag. Boston itself. It la the ureal buvlmr. sell. But Al waa 18 and he spoke right up. AI,Mhi,iini in:in,i.i r.u. nMh. Five mlnutea later they were all in the country ftnd ha8 been BUt.h for many year8 hop of their father, who, as fortune would Th. 8tatl8t,c(l for tne lndu8try of Magsa. have It. waa a harness maker. The article cllugett8 aIon6 are gtupendous. In 1908, ac the, show-man needed was handed over, and cordlnfJ to the report of tne dlreRtor ct Obadlah slid a dollar across the counter. He th6 MalliachuiJ(,t Bureau of Statistics, the did not throw It down; he slid It gently. tota) capUal ,nvaated , th6 manufacture The elder Mr. Ringing, for that waa the 0, bot)t8 and Bhoe( cut 8tock and flndmgi family'! name, slipped It Into his pocket b , ,42.000.000. and the total value Hp bbI Without looking at It. And the Dollar Waa Bad. Next morning an Idol had fallen from lta high place. The, fragment lay at the feet of the five brothers. The butcher bad returned the dollar. It waa lead. the product for that year was approxi mately 1170,000,000. Lynn, the great center for the manufac ture of women's footwear, claims an annual product of $50,000,000, counting the collat eral Industries, whose name Is legion. several ooga wore oidu ubii o.vt i,i th wnH 1.. h the village, numerous washings had been turo of men.. 8how .and hag m faotorluH taken from tne nnea. ana me cuw . , wnU.h footwear ftnd ,cce8gorlea are mile up tne river naa oeen " produced. Last year It shipped 800.000 cases, ttousiy mugea. out i.ie c.ru jo.000.000 pairs, valued at I5J.000.000. an In- peen pianiea in m uni raa r,t liaoonnno r th. it. unnn . V ..... ' irV, ... ra.nli'.ri that tllSV ahOllllf I ' una iw. , - workers receive ja.ooo.ouo in wages an te ghowmen not or tne ureen sinpe. nuallv Brockton also ih irt out in a. graoiucr u u.,," neel factory in existence, doing a business U. circus men 01 mat u.jr uim of about ji.ooo.000 annually "w "lr":Z i ,i k Haverhllir the world'a leading slipper city, to Baraboo, Wia.. and the old folka be- . ,iai,v,iin. in i.h., a gan to plan for the future of their sona. uct. 164athl8 Is no Infant Industry v. . . l . t. V. n . . . m , mn lntMt In thai . In New England and today It lias 100 fac tories producing 20,000,000 palra of slippers This comparison shows the remarkable almilarltv fcetwaaan aha trail a moat. tione of Omaha ana Vooatalle. Bail roads caaraga hare aa evarv oppertaalty la present for any alert snaa who seska oomxort, ease aa plenty. LOOK AT THIS tllAP V otT HAVE got to know atont Po I Hat tha boya took no interest in trade and professions suggested the for them. They did not want to be lawyers.! )d ,QW cut they laugnea at me iues 01 ueuuioms teachers, they refused to be atorekeep- er and the scalpel and the pill bottle ther tannl 'gVown), $17 Slav ,i ...p.. a year, of a value of (30,000,000. Nothing decadent about this. Haverhill, lynn, Peabody (the great lea- m,- I'.cverly, Dan- vaf Ma.hDh.arf anrf nTaichiiMrnA.. .ill , . u.. , . , A , . 1 ' tMniitM .itrnuuijijiiii, All I nnoruy .ucr.uu i...jr - v""" havlnir some connection with this Iretnatrv ri tuiiin...,. a-. ;' ,- located In a Massachusetts county- uaiM- - f - - - B!as.whleh nrnitnxoa nnuw..ll, oil . . t K... n I , t. tit a I " ' "" " ' ". 1 ' w -1 1 losaea anive. K.va .w-t "- , .h. Bnrt i,.athe. , ,L T--i .... 1 1 itt...i rr T ..A . a .llvAfJ ' - ' " t. ma i a. wiaaiu. auidu i. m " I States eatello. It offers the most su preme opportunity for Invest ment, safe, secure, and bound to pay that the entire west shows forth to day. Pocatello is a city; In every tense of the word PoeateUe Is a city, ttmall yet, to be sure, but it Is the center of a vast Udnatrlal area, all of which mast pay titbate to this eager, earnest growing cty: the en trepot for all mining, agricultural and commercial wealth of Idaho. And I want you to know about Poca tello. That's why I'll send a wonder fully beautifully book free of any sort of 00s. I am not In the real estate buHlneas. But X do Tiwm pronerty la Pooatsllo and I want to see It grow. I know that you will want to Invest money In Pocatello when you know as ma eh aboat It as I 60. That's why I want to send you this free hook. I Invested my money n Pooatelle be cause I absolutely new that It would grow to he a big elty and I also know that every single family that cornea to Pocatello will raise the value of iny property. I know that yon will come to rooatallo. once you know the supreme chances that await the earnest, sober. Industrious young man. Remember, then ran t a nn book and that Z want yen to have It with out expanse, of course I own prop erty in Pooatello. Of cou:- I will profit by the growth of the city. The days of purs altruism aren't hare, hot yet. But that doesn't hurt the value of the book to you. The oover alone would aell for fifty cents In any art store. The pictures are. really beautiful, and the information in It ia valuable to any man who aeeks to better hla condition. Please remember that the country won't do It all. Pleas remember that Idaho has no more room for drones than has any other state. Please remember that when you eome to Idaho you'll have to work Juat as everyone else does. But It's a pleasant place to work; beautiful scenery, pure water, and good neigh bor Tne sail Is ths most fertile on earth. And X oaa put yen la ths way of luaHrlsg a gret deal of money where now, perhaps, you are having to be satlsffad with a living. Write for the book. Do it now. Tou've rot to knew about Pooatello. And tne man who know first are the onea who will win meat. Writs right I Write today I FREE J. 171. IHGERSOLL Poestollo, Idaho FREE cornet band and gave Hibernian reclta tlons. John was the German dialect come. dlan. Charley gave a musical act that In those days was a wonder, and Otto . ..!... K aa ailuanii fllmnl Hal t h f may aeem, It was equal 'to making them fr makln "hoe " 1 f Fn hat There are a good many other thlnrsl about tho New Knglund shoe business that the New England publlo doesn't realise. How many, for example, know that thoy Fitly Lois in jiaOrmn gsiae enough money to build a email clrcui In tnx spring, of 18S5. The tent was home .. .a Tl-iawati a at nnlv An h ft a And nn menagerie. The five brothera gave the " , ",'" ' -. ui. .' Th., .11 rtnnhiett in bra... and " diness for shipment to Kngland Lynn or that one of the big concerns In that city on a cabled order from Kngland had a large quantity of mourning shoes FOR ONLY performance. They all doubled In brass, The first performance was given in their borne town. One of the biggest mer chants n Milwaukee remembers that per formance. He laughed at it, and he says that in frosty weather ha can sun feel where Alfred T. kicked him for his levity. Growth of tho Ida. it was not until 188 that the boys made their first appearance with a rail toad show. Year after year the show grew and improved. In the early nineties the Bar num. aV Bailey people began to look over the tops of their spectaoles when mention of the Itlngllng boys was made. It dawned upon tbem that they lit connection with the obsequies of King Edward VII. within a weekT One of the most marvelous development of the shoo industry lias been the perfec tion of the almost human machinery that now performs more than a hundred of tbe operations required In fashioning the modern sho. This represents another New England triumph, for most of this won- Fifty Cents a Week See These Prices $40 to $235 No Interest! No Taxes! No Payments When Sick. Perfect Title. Free Abstract. $100 DOWN 50c a Week derfui machinery is made right here in ju our famous addition of Morningside. close to Benson and Dun- Mausachuaetta and practically all of It , ... . , , . , 1 has been invented by clever New Kngland- Ciee. UVer yUVJ IOIS BOld 1U lour UttJ S. Bring your Dollar Down and select your lots. Contracts de livered on the ground. Salesmen on the ground day and evening, Saturday and Sunday. ers New York World. In tho Moutalaa "Lemma tell you a good one on Dock hlttle. said the waarlah nmnntilnur lied an opponent in tne neia u would be at the crossroad s store. "Last week advisable to waton. iney uia a neap or l)ogk hitched up the old mare, piled his watching, too, and while they were old woman an' the kids into the wagon watching five men sat up late In the prl- an' took 'em over acrosc the mounting to vale end of a circus coach and planned where the new railroad's been built. Jest to and figured. I see the kyara. When the advertising war begun and It None of em had ever seen a railroad aa the greatest in history they went Into ,rlni roek, ner the old woman an' the the thick of the fight. They were plucky kids, ner the old mare either; so Dock and thty fought with tootb and nail. And ne ee' uneasy. Thinkin', hs'd be what 1 more, they won. Their show grew on the safe side, he on hitched the mare larger and larger till opposing power came an tied her to a saplln ; then he went ... .I.. alltlnn t had coma ta atav and nere inn 01a woman air me KHia 17. - .,i. m.tr. m.n.v f,. a-settln In the wagon In the middle iiiih ... ... ... " "-iof tha road. Dock thinks he ll pull 'em lug 10 Disprove iv, auwn tito .roaa a piece ao thay kin see In lsyj the brothers made their first ap- better, so he takes hold of the shafts an' auranM In Chloiio. Later tbelr show vis- "rll: but Jeat then, Hoot! Toot!' come Ing. One of the prime factors In the suc cess o How to Reach Morninside Take Benson oar. get off at Orphanage avenue, and walk four blocks south to our big sign. You, can't miss it. Our free conveyance meets all cars if you prefer to ride. N P Dodge Co. Telephone Douglas 829. 206 Whitnell Block Telephone on Ground Benson 603 ACRtiGL TRACTS FOIl TIIK INVESTOR OK KOIl TIIK SMALL t ARillift THIS is our specialty. From One to One TboiiBaad acres. TbU business Is made to serve your Interests. No sum of money, however small, la two small to get our beat attention. And no sum, however large, is too larga to tax our capacity to TO FLACK AMI 1'l.AC'K WITH FKOFIT TO THK INVKSTOK. We would like to have you write to us for our bookleU, literature and other informa tion. We are sure that you want to know about IDAHO. It Is the last West, and the rap idly growing section of the United States. Here you can make big profits on small In vestments. Land can be bought on credit. 1 Write Kifht Now, Wrile Todaj GRAY . GRAY INVESTMENTS. POCATELLO, - . IDAHO 500 bushels of Po tatoes to the Acre YOU know that potatoes art always staple. Potatoes are he gold. The markets fluctuate very little on potatoes. And If you have GOOD potatoes you CAN ALWAYS FIND A MAR KET FOR THEJVI. This is the most remarkable potato country In ALL THE WORLD. The Snake River Valley has been known to produce EIGHT HUN DRED AND FIFTY 3USHELS OF POTATOES TO THE ACRE. You can RAISE POTATOES IN THIS VALLEY. RAISE THEM AND GET MONEY FOR THEM. Write to us about this. We have the moat handsomely illustrated booklet written about thla, THK TWIN FALLS TRACT In Houtii ern liluho. that ha been printed for a long while. It la mighty In forming, too. IT 18 FRKK AND WE WILL SEND ONE COPY TO YOU IF YOU WILL.JUHT WRITE A POSTAL CARD RE QUEST. WRITE TODAY. J. E. WHITE TWIN FALLS, . IDAHO Slr R, CARS CAGES OF CA&k fCpV 650 HORSES ylmk WILD BEA$T$X?? iK $3500.000 . MiVA'2AWKTENT$ xF CAflTAL INVESTED f'oQv0l $7,400 mm hhW STRONGEST OF ALL M HOLDING 8000 LBS. EARTH'S ST80NG MEN JjLgr 0N Vl?oFffIs?r VX60 ACROBATS AND THE GREAT LORCH TROUPE iJ AERIALISTS AND THE ALEXIS FAMILY KjO RIDER S T H 0UTTQNS.4S hvwSLEDILLO, wiziRO of high wibev all rlrVMtjJARWIN, KISSING J$8y AM'E,CA flT GREATEST J li JJ PERFORMANCES 8CCIN ml 2 and 8 P.M.I JfJ J V, " ONE 60c TICKET ADMITS TO ALLrrfPM1 lOHILDREN UNP(:W g ggjrp IBII Admission tickets and numbered Reserved Seats will be on sale stow day In the store of the Mjers-lUHon lrug Co., 16th and Karnam Sts., at exactly the same prrce charged in the regular ticket wagons on the show grounds. mm i WHl'EF. AND ASK US l?f li! PLtASL f Only alxty-four iieoplo can have thla snap. Pay one hun dred dollars down; then -take six years to pay tho balance. THEN wo turn over to you a bearing orchards worth NOT LESS THAN $5(10.00 PER ACRE. You can make from $1,0(10 to $3,000 per year In commercial apples. You KNOW WHAT THEY ARE WORTH. You muHt be an lntelUKnt man SEND FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET, WHICH TELLS ALL ABOUT THIS REMARK ABLE plan. Forty centa a day la leas than some nifii throw way. Invent It HERE. You do NOT take a chance when you buy orchard land. The renults are ABSOLUTE LY CERTAIN. Western orch ards. In othtr sections, HAVE PAID AH HIGH AS $3,000.00 per year NET. YOU CAN EASILY PROVE THIS. Trees eight years old, planted 4 8 trees to the acre, yield 9 boxeft of apples TO THE TREE. At $1.80 per box THIS 13 AN INCOME OF THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY DOL LARS. Our FREE booklet tflle ALL about this opportunity. Send for It RIGHT NOW. TO DAY. Thus Fortune beckon". Twin Falls Land ft Orchard Ce. l.--w .. Twl. "VI,. Id.ki J. Tr 5s rara. an' Jumpln' Jeruahy! of this wonderful firm Is the loyalty hollar, an' . I a-if Hid It of the five brothers. It has kept them to- .yer'thlna f ISXAX. KObU ttt TH OOKV AID BX.TO 0)sVAM BXX.T OT stlBSOUmX ,i m.-.m 11. milra from uuol town on Burllnaton railway, a mllaa fruin anothar I'o.k run sway with the wagon, the old of 1 !ioO people; It mllea from Chllllcothe. Surrrounded by fine farms and wealthy woman an' the kids begun to acres m an' farmers. Adjolnlnc land of same quality selllnf from $12$ to $150 per acre. Frao- away iney went down tlie sliwltlcallv level. Just enouan Slope ir naiurat uraniase. ah, excepune; 10 acres iimtKir, nuiuiulng. an' like to a-busted tillable soil deep black loam with clay auli-soll, in hlh stale of cultivation. Ini- to pieces. uroveinents seven-riHiiu nouae wnn oaaemeni. iwo large Darns, imjii wens ami wina- "Doik saya the old mare wag the only I mill nice orchard, all kinds am all fruit; public road on two aides. Priced 1126 per proapecuve purcnaa-r luunuii mr a iiuma wi a luvoaiiiiviii suaien! pay ranroau iare one way. lieiertlue. I tie rnn I r,l 1 fti a V 11 iimI vI v In- coatrAirr, cii.ucotbjb, ausson Yes, distinctly, plainly, write and ask us for the opportunities we can how you to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN SOUTHERN IDAHO. The land la filled with new ways of living well, comfortably, happily and profitably. Send today for THE FREE BOOKLET which describes Southern Idaho so well that WE BRING IDAHO TO YOU. We tan show you how to make money. We need money to loan on approved security at such rates as to net you 7 per cent. You can't get such rates in the Middle West. Farm lands are cheap and can be bought on credit. You cannot make a mistake in SOUTHERN IDAHO even if you buy with your eyes shut. But WRITE TO US FIRST. We point the way to easier, happier, pleauanter living. Any bank In Twin Falls is our reference. Hill & Taylor IRRIGATED FARMS Trrin Falls, Idaho Are You Going to Duy Land No farmar abould think of buying a Soma befora awing a coyr ol our Journal. It haa landa, city prolan r and tka or guoda advartlMa In It Irorn vrv atata In the union, ao Uit you can II ml lut what you wWh Ul lu column. It reachaa no rwauara ai;h tatua, Auart!alig ralw. to par ura Band liw for I inontha' trial aubacrlpllon. It will ba luDiird at Uia and of 2 nmntha uulona you ranaw. VaKM ANl KKAt, KHTATB JOURNAL, TRAKK, IOWA. The True BEAUTIFUL LAKE Omaha's Beautiful Summer Resort A COOL PLACE STRICTLY HIGH CLASS WITH LOTS OF FUN EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK AIIA17A CONCERT BAND Two Concerts Sally Afternoon and Hvaning- BATHING POATING FISHING DANCING Holler Coaatar, Marry-OrO-Xound, Bollar Skatlnft Miniature Railroad. Bowling-, Japaneaa Ball Game. Penny Arcade and a Soore of Other raatnraa. rinaat Equipped Fionlo Orovas In the Weat. BseaUent Oafs arvlce. 7ree Admission free. -aa". XT II'B AT TKB earv fT ayetY (etner in siorni ana in uami. n atwiia mtm "Uwli aaya the old mare wag the only mill nice orchard, all kinds am all iru from giving up thslr old home in Baraboo one that wan't akrered plumb to death, acre! To a proauectlve purchaser looki f.F mure nralantk.ua tltv honit-s It haa Drxi lm' he' "lu' lva hr alone thla farm to be as desert bed or will tor mote pretentious my nomt-s. jt nas . hlaaelf to a aplln'."MaiVs Na- rlral NalUmal Hank. Chilli, ollia. Mo I, fid them to ths old country town uhere TiAus! Monthly. xig a r MOTUI LAID COM TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Haaikra t'armrr, l.aud Sellers I.mhiI Harm anal Hum Foilov Up System AVlierever you go, let The liee follow you. Subscrib ers need only notify our circulation department and the address will be changed as often as desired. Getting The Bee is tho same as get ting A Daily LetteY Fran Home Keeping you posted on what's doing among friends and afiHOciatea. It's the only up-to-date way. Let Th Dee Follow You IT'R GOOD We're to the Fore Agala Witk Aa Appetising Menu of SUIVUVIEFiXIIVIE VAUD'VILLE Laat week's crowds were the biggest yet, but watch 'em this week. AKOTKXB IlttF" TXATVBB TIZ.M, "MR. NICHOLS' VACATION" and you know thy don't make ?hnavrheu.,;;t.,.r:.iT's a jcreami Wlllard Rail JiaXu'lactor WALKEISER & FISHER y Harry LyonsX. ALWAYS A TWO-mOVB HOW, Dally 1 to 67 to 11 V. ftf. Pictures Change Tues., Burs. & Sun. Bew Vaudeville Thursday. Oome Any Time Stay 1 O Kid Aa tong As Ton lake. 6o. The Oayaty's rag-ular season opens Bun., Aug. 38. With TBS BEAUTY XBUIT." Beat sale opens Mon., Aug. 81 iaawaaMai.a,.t ai, nn - Bl, , SSy IjR Q O IV! E Corner lata and Douglas Streets. The Hillman Stock Co. Presents Thle Wek The Qreateat of All Kincli Hlatorlcsl lirainas Entitled "DU BARRY" MISS JEAN WALLACE Teacher of Piano Studio aoa i j Barkar Block