Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1910, WOMEN, Page 2, Image 32

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Miny Prominent Omaha People De
left the City.
Some (,u lo the NurlJirm Lake !
Pom t Kror Other Kn
int ibrlr rr llome
Nntare Knlbaslast.
This world of uiiri la fair Indeed'
If yon Would gsln some aj(n I.lnt
or all lis beauties, ynu should read
The ad, the aumnier landlord print
K. T. .
tor la I Calendar.
MuNDA VMts. M. F. Funkhoiiser, curd
allernoon at Happy Hollow; Mm. Karl
Klpllnger, Junior Hildas club.
Tl'ESDA Y-.MIk Klisiiheth I'lekens. bridge
afternoon for Miss Kathryn Wrieht; Mrs.
V. L. Vetter. luncheon at Field club;
Ladles' Day at Happy Hollow and Field
clubs: Midweek dance at Happv Hollow.
WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mia. Frank Woyd.
dinner at Field club; Table i'Htt dinner
and dance at Field club; B. H. Card clul.
Mm. W. T. Wchiielder; Comet club, Mia.
K. C. Ienman.
THUKSDAY Mrs. H. I.. Huntley, lurrcli
eon at Field club for Mis'. P. H. t'pdike;
Ml Gladve Peters, luncheon al Field
club for Miss Wright: Mia. K. M. Martin,
luncheon at Field club; Ladle I av ut
Field club and Happy Hollow; Midweek
dance at Rod and Oun club.
FKlDAY Junior Friday Rridtre club. Miss
Hud. va Peters; Miss Helen lilej-en, danc
ing party at Rod and club.
8ATFRDAY Week-end dinner dunce at
Happy Hollow avud Field clubs.
Midsummer's influence Is atrongly Indi
cated by th social bej-ometer. The so
ciety nawa beoomae mora and more a story
of departure of well known folk for the
coo) and comfortable mountain and lake
resorts. The number of those to whom the
woods called thJs last week has been large,
and more are going this week. In fact the
vucatlon spirit is quite large and dangerous.
threatening the summer social
pne Intel est which promises, however, to
furnish Interest this week Is the men's clly
tennis tournament at the Field club. Al-
wnjs the play In this tournament attract
a large gallery of women who play or en
Joy watching the game and it becomes,
therefore, the cause of numerous (mail and
Informal luncheon parties.
Aummer is proving a season of many
charms to the trio of Omaha young women
who are touring Europe under the chepcr
utiage of orie of their teachers at Mrs,
Si-mere school. Mtvses Jean and Helen
, Cudahy and Frances Nash. Miss Nora
Furthman of 'Los Angeles, who Is well
known In Omaha, Is the fourth young wo
man In the party. Ireland, Stratford-on-Avon
and Oxford already have been vis
ited. After a coaching trip through the
lake region of England they will go to
Paris and begin their tour of continental
points of interest.
General and Mrs. C. F. Mandereon will
leave July 19 for a three months' sojourn
In Kurope. They will sail July 22 on the
steamship Cleveland, going first to Lon
don, where the general will attend the
meeting of, the International Law associa
tion. Later they will go to Carlsbad, Ger
many. Mr. H. II. Baldrtge, who In now
In the east, also will sail on the Cleveland.
Mrs. Ella Squires has gone to tlelvldcre,
N. Y., for a visit with her daughter. Mrs.
Hoxle. Clark.. Miss Mary Keyes of Council
Bluffs will join Mrs. Squires in ' the east
the lat of this month and they will kail
July JO for Kurope.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith and chil
dren are now touring England and Wale.-.
Hon. J. II. Millard and Miss Jessie Mil
lard will leave this week for a two months'
so.lurn It" England and. the continent. They
will return by way of the Mediterranean.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Metz spent the
Fourth In Dresden and are now in Ucrltn,
Clei many.
Saulte Ste. Marie la the niecca of several
Omaha people who find their summer coin
fort In their summer cottages there: Right
. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur I.. Williams. Mis.
Oei'.rge Thummell, Mlss Katherinc hikI
Stella Thummell and Mr. George Thummell.
Jr.; Mrs. .lames Martin.
Mrs. C. A. Crlinmell and daughters. Mar
guerite and Ruth, and Mrs. A. F. Smith
and children left during the week for Lake
Miniietonka. Minn., where tley have
intid a cottage Until the fiist of iSepteui
ber. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis and family are
planning to leave about July 15 fiir a trip
west via the Canadian Rockies. They will
top a Yellowstone park on the return trip.
MI'S Mary Alice Rogers will probably ac
company them.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. V. Breckeni Idge. Miss
Myra Hrtrkenrldge, Mr. Warren Hrecken
rldge and their guests. Misses Fannie and
May Nash, of Cleveland; Mr. Carl, S.
til eilUcni Ida Of Cllliaan i n.l Mr llmn.i
Hreiikemldge of Franklin. I'a.. left lust
week f.r ixune Lake, where they will spend!
July and August.
Mrs. Theodore L. Klugwalt and daugh
ter, .Dorothy, Mary and Elisabeth, have
gone to Ogomiuil Beach, Me., where they
nave taken a cottage for the summer.
Omaha people who are fortunate enough
to have summer homes near here are spend
ing much of their time In the country.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Itlngwalt and family
are spending the summer at fhelr cottage
"Oak Uidge." on the blurts between Flor
ence and Pi lea lake.
tSeveral Omaha people who have cottages
near Klorenoe are spending the summer
there. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned moved
several weeks ago to their home. Thor-wald.'-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyniaa usually
spend the weik end at their bungalow, aim)
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge spend a part
of each summer at their cottugu In the
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison, who have a
large and beautiful farm near Cariiouu,
are rlannlng to spend the montIV of Au
gust there. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Ulfford
have moved to their country home and
plan to spend moet of the summer there.
Mr. and Mis. Louis C. Nash have an at
tractive country home rear Coffman and
have moved there for the summer months.
Mr. F. P. Klrkendall. who has recently
purehfihed Pries lake and the adjoining
grounds, will build an attractive summer
home there next year.
At the Clubs
At Mmpvr Hollow.
One of the larger dinner parties last even-
li:g at Happy Hollow was glien by Mr.
Prank W. Parr. Cover were placed for
Mis l-oulse lxrd. Miss Kunice Howell,
Miss Gladys Peter, Miss Alice Carey Mc
Orew, Miss Katherine Wright of Buffalo,
N V.; Miss Elisabeth Pickens. Mr. James
Van Hurg. Mr. Ouy Kuray. Mr. Kalih
Peters, Mr. Miles Uuhsn, Mr. Ralph Halney
and Sir. P. V. Parr.
Mr. and Mr. T. J. Nolan entertained at
dinner Lr. and Mis. W. J. McCrann, Mr.
and Mr. II. K. Neabranch, Mr. and Mra
John O'ilearn. Mr. and Mr. K II. Lulk
barl. Mlsa Haumer and Mr. WoodUnd.
M:ai Alic Trotell hostea at one
of the dinner tm rt ti lust evening, rover j
being placed for Ml t'esrl Fltgerald.
MIhm tarda ."ott. Mis Edith Flnher. M'ss ;
Alice Trnvel!, Mr. ittchard Payne, Mr. 1
U'lger M' Kenzle. Mr. Il.irry I lelamcter. Ir. :
I'. W. .-'cott. Mr. and Mr. Cyrus Bow- j
j man nd Mr. mul Mr. C. C. Truxrll.
i Mr. ami Mm. Augustus lwkner had a
their guests at dinner hi I f u I'py Hollow
last evening Mr. ami Mrs. John A. Iemp
ater, Mn II. N. Howes. Mm. M. C. llnnri
ml Miss Atihl Howes.
Other who entertained lat eietilng and
Ilia number of their guests were: Frank
W. I'urr. fourteen; C. II. Walralh, six;
Dr. Mllro.v. four; Mr. llerilard, eight; It.
J. Dinning, twelve.
Al ike Field !.
A Inrge number of dinner parties were
given at the Field club last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. V. tlurley entertained
as their guests lr. and Mrs. F. .V. Con
nor. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1.. l'.sncker. .Mr.
Gilbert Hitchcock and Rev. lluckey of
Washington, V. C.
Oinlng with Mr. and Mrs. John It. Me
iJonuld were Mr. and Mrs. John II. Beaton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Fetters and Dr. and
Mrs. H. W. Christie.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vlei ling hud as their
guests Mr and Mrs. H. J. Sea until. Miss
Luella Vlrlllim, Miss Claire Vlerllng and
Mr. I, Vlerllng of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Uarrntl eiitertulned
at dinner, their guests Including Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Hllxh, Mr. mid Mrs. C. T. Clapp
and Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Ellis.
Other hosts and the numoers In their
parties were: Mr. Frank Ho.vd. ten; Mr.
II. L. Kemper, six; Mr. J. W. Hughes,
four; Judge W. H. M linger, eighteen; Mr.
n. F. Marshall, five; Mr. 11. H. Hiismann.
four; Mr. J. II. Adams, eight; Country
club'golfcr. seventy; Mr. W. 11. Uuchola.
ten; Mr. C. II. Walroth. six.
Personal Gossip
Miss Stacia Hart left today for a visit
In California.
Mr. Arthur G-ulou has gone to Phlladel
l hla for a brief visit.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Miller have te
tutned from their wedding trip.
Miss Fanny Pratt will leave tomorrow tor
a two weeks' visit in Michigan.
Miss Ethel Hlgbeu has returned fro.n a
six neeks' visit ai llasin. Wyo.
Miss Nelle Coleman left Thursday for a
visit In tl. Joseph, Mo., and several points
in lo a.
Miss Luclle Patterson has returned from
Chicago, wheie aho has been studying ut
the Art institute.
Mrs. Charlus l Kalis and daughter,
Kathcrlne. left Thursday for Neva4 Scotia
to upcili the summer.
Miss Mayone Thompson returned today
from Stella. Neb., where she. had been visit
ing Mrs. Ileibert Hayes.
Mis. William Kesron and family of
Houston. Tex., are the guests cf Mr. and
Mrs. George. A. MoXelce.
Dr. Nelson Mercer expects to leave sjon
10 join 11. s siuis.
Mary Mercer, In California.
Mrs. Harry K. llurnham leaves this week
for Lake ukobojl. where she will be the
guest of Mrs. M. U. Cameron. I
Mrs. George M. lloerncr hits returned
to her home at Hastings after a' visit
with relatives in this city.
ftr. and Mrs. Harimn V. Snilt.i, Jr.,
leave today for Wltten, S. U., where they
will visit telati'-e.', this summer.
Captain and Mrs. K. C. McQuaiU of Sid
ney, Australia, are visiting" for a few days
With Lr. and .Mrs. Allied Seiialefc.
Miss Nellie Urautord Wood ' and
Master Raymond Wood arc spending a
few weeks In western Ncbraiiia.
Mr. Fred Mela will leuv6 suo.i for s
pleasure trip to Seattle. He will go by
way ft St. Paul and Mlnnaapolts.
Mr. Bryant Kogcia, who has been v'isltlng
j In Chicago and eastern and southern points
for u few weeks, hus returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Lidded ot Dav
enport, la., have arrived to he the guests
of tholr daughter, Mrs. K. K. Classun.
Mis. K. D. Man' and her sister, lis.
Webb of Kun.'as City, left Friday Tor Cal.
fornla. whelu they will spend to months.
Mies Helen Shedd of Ashland. Neb.. Is ex
1 hIkiI in a few doys to bi the guest of Dr.
nnd Mrs. C!?::ien. JicMIMan at Port Crook.
Mhs Beitln: Shiuklefcrd Is visiting In
Seattle. Wash. She will take the trip
tlnoitgh Ye.lowstnnc park on her way e:ist.
Mrs. Li.uls MX'olough of Dubuguc, la.,
and Miss Ctilila !?hcca;i of Des Moines, lu..
are the gueMs of tliplr aunt, Mrs. J. Con
way. ...
General and Mrs. ..liarle-) Morton left
Friday for a trip through Yellowstone
paik. after wliich t'ley. will visit the
Pacific coast.
Mrs. R. H. Howell and son, S.dney Bull
liighum. left last 'wtc-U for u wlalt with her
slater, Mrs. W. A. Carter, on a near
Fort Bridger. Wyo.-
Mrs. Can- and two children, who are In
Washington. D. C, are expected shortiy
to Join Major Can. who Is commanding
officer at Fort Omaha.
Mrs. John A. Doe left Huturday for a
visit with friends In Denver. Kpokane. Port
land and other western cities, and will lo-
tU'" eu,li' dl)t,)n'be,
an. miia mi, i . i.. niiu unuiiici,
Miss Lydia Itamer, left yesterday for a
visit witu friends in Chicago, Milwaukee
and oilier points in Wlcconlu.
Mia Minnie Hlller and her mother. Mr.
Henry Hlller, have gone to Kvaneion, 111.,
to attend . a house party given by Miss
Hlller's fiance. Mr. Lester Klrschbi uuu.
Mr. J. I. UobliiHon will leave this
week for a trip to Niagara Falls. He
will be accompunied by a party of six,
members of his family and other friends.
Mrs. Kobert R. liingwall, who has been
visiting In Portland, Ore., expects to leave
there this evening for a two months' visit
to Puget Sound kltles, and in British Col
umbia. Mrs. David A. Baum and daughter.
Miss Margaret, leave tn a few weeks for
Kurope. where they wilt spend a year.
Miss Puutn will attend school in Flor
ence. Italy.
Mia Marlon Kuhn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John A. Kuhn, who under
went an operation for appendicitis at
Methodist hospital Friday, Is recovering
Mlsa Dorothy Stevens left last week for
Ogunqult, Me., where she will be a member
of a house party given by Mr. and Mrs.
John Kendrlck Langs, at their summer
home. Urayrocks.
Mrs. rJamuel .turns left Friday for a
month's visit wlt.i her daughter,
Charles T. Kountse, at Mackinac. She
a as accompanied by her granddaughter,
Miss Helen Eastman.
Mr. Charles Urout and Miss Myra
Urout. who have been visiting Mrs. Grout's
sisier, Mrs. F. U. ltochstellcr. and alio
have been much omertalned during their
visli r. tut ned horn Friday.
Mrs, J. J. Dickey, who has been
abroad for some time with Misa Berths
Dickey and Miss Helen Pcoble, Is now In
Norway. M a Dickey and Miss Scoble
are attending school In Germany.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry have returned
home after an absence of several weeks In
the east. Mr. Frank Henry, who had been
at beune university, Is back with his
Mr. L. I Weaver and daughter, Mls
Pauline, of Lincoln, and Mrs. F. D. Reed
and daughters, Missea Ueneva and
Wsuneta. and son, Prank, are visiting Ur.
K. L. Templlne. s North Twenty-fust
Mis. K I- !Amax sailed Tuesdav
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Mlfs Nell Grlscom. who is visiting hr
mother. Mrs. Henry Tcmpler, In Omuha, Is
prominently identified with the mimical
life of her homo city, Chattanooga, Tenn
For the la!t year she has been In charge
of the music at the Cen'.ral High schojl
of that city, and the splendid musical
program at the recent commo'iicement ex-
crclses was due to her good work '"'! announce the engagement of their daugh
the hlh school t Infers. PtevWly she j tpr MlsB Hazcl t0 Ml. Byron ai.t Tlie
nan siuniea ai me i niversuy 01 iu-.ic. i
Sjracuse. N. Y. This year she plans to i
apord In studyiiis: in -New oi k city. t
From" rrman'y'whe'ro she" ""ha'a "been
spending several months with her daugh-
ter. Miss Mildred Lomux. In - Berlin. !
Mrs. Lomax is expected In Omalm about '
July 15. j
Mrs. K. L. Ptone and Mrs. Frederck I
J. Adams and children are spending the j
month of July at IImU'I Anderson, F.pli- I
riam. Wis. Since June 1 Mr. pnd Mrs.
Adams havo been In New York and New i
Londoih C'.:nn.
Mr. and Mrs. W'.f B. Mi Phorsun. Miss
Louise Mcl'herson and Miss Margaret Me-
Phei son. and their cousin. Miss Merrlil of
Aiiiryi-jn j. anu .uis iisuii r oi urf. ii t c jn i
to the Mcpherson., lamli near Rancueeler, J (.)!,, ' -
Wyo., for a two months' sojourn. Mp and'..Mrs- Pr,nt Boyu eiuc,..
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackuy and Mrs. . uin at dinner at the Field club Wednes
B. H. Barrows nnd Son. Ronald, left last ay evening of next week, when they will
week for a trip through Yellowrtone park. I ltLVt. fjficeu guests.
They will alKo visit at fall Lake City and Tne Columbian circle or Sacred Heart
Denver. Mrs. Burrows will so to Pueolo pa,.sh will entertain Wednesday afternoon
to visit her son. Mr. Wllllald Barrows. j at ihelr Uall Twenty-second and Locust
Captain George Glbbs of the signal cjrps. '
recently quartermaster at Foi l Omaha, lef t j
lat week for California, lie will return,
the first of August In order to accompany j
Mrs. Glbbs and the children, who will re-
main In Omaha during July, to his new j
station. Fort Leavenworth.
Pleasures Past
Mr. and Mrs. David A. lJauui entertained
at dinner last evening at the Country club,
hn ntivei's nwh nlared for e'orhteeri
. ,, .....
gnosis. Mr. and Mrs. Uauin will emerUlii
. , ,. ..iii
al u;iot her d nner party ai the club next i
Saturday ev.tiliig.
Mrs. Chfcrles C. Howe entertained Frl'lcy
afternoon In honor ot her niece. Miss
Rvelyn Whyte of Lincoln. Those present
were Mlsi.'ts Eunice Evvell, Helen Watklns,
Kfhtlt- Hothwcll, Helen Dennis, Dorothy
.Smith, Munraret Vlmer. Rachaol Jordan.
Marie Koutsky and Kvelyn Whyte.
Mirs Ina Mae Fitzgerald entertained at
dlrner Friday everlt-j at lier liptne for Miss
Ellen barney of Elkhart. Ind., who is the
guest of Miss Mario Holluud. Covers were
placed for Misses Ellen Uarnev, Matilda
Alpersoii.. Vera Fitzgerald. Katharine Hol
land. Marie Holland, Helen Riepen. Glenna
Rlel, Hophla Aliierson, Isabel Linn, Ina
Mrs. J. R. Ringwalt yesterday afternoon
gave a delightful garden party at her sum
mer cottage. "Oak Ridge," in honor of
Miss Johnson of Rt. Joseph. Mo., who is the
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Yates.
The large porch, which is screened, was
attractively decorated, with maiden hair
fern, from the nearby woods. Shasta
daisies were 4he flowers of decoration al
the tea table. About thirty friends enjoyed
the graceful. Informal afternoon,
Mrs. H. F. Morris entertained at a
children's party last evening from 7 to 9
o'clock, at her home In celebration of the
sixth birthday of her tmiall son, Thomas
Morrlp. The lawn and porch were deco
rated with Japanese lanterns, and children's
games were played. Mlsa Jean Matter
assisted Mrs. Morris. Those present were
the little Missea:
Lola Sweet
Jjiulss Sweet
Helen Tabor
Gertrude Morris
Clyde Babrocli
Clifford Schurig
John Mitchell
Harry Mitchell
Oeorg McUrid
Rulh Wallace
tiludy Putnam
KleaiMir Hliihaugh
Grace Slabaugh
Allison Hamilton
Waller A loach
Ceoigo Martingale
Stuart McDonald
John McDonaJd
Omaha members of the Qreek letter fra
ternity. Phi Uamiiia Delta, and they repre
sent many of the leading university and
college chapters, had a splendid and much
enjoyed reunion Friday evening at the
Rome hotel. The banquet, which was
served at T o'clock, was especially planned
In honor of the men who are Just return
ing from college. Mr. Harley Moorhead
presided as toastmaater, and clever after
dinner talks were given by Mr. F. M.
Sanders of Lincoln, Mr- Arthur Pancoast
and Mr. William L. Vnslnger. Among
those present were Messrs. V. M. Sanders,
O. Cramer and Leonard Huts of Lincoln,
Herbert Barber of broanavllle. Tex.; E. II.
Wood, Clement Chase, T. H. Matters, Jr.;
Fred W. Thomas, Wilson Austin, Harley
Moorhead. C. L. Waldroo, Howard Thomas.
Roland Thomas. Robert Kchenck, Robert
Fisher, Ralph E. Valentine, Macmlllan
Harding, Harold Van Duaen. Dana Van
Duaen, Vail Punly, Fled Balid Hairy
ill 0 TTV. n1 If
111 I I 1 -
High Class Tailored Suits
Sold from $35.00 to $75.00, your
unrestricted choice at ...... .
MEN this extraordinary , (sale started we stated that we would dispose of our entire unequaled stock without
stopping to consider the exelusiveue!t or beauty of our high class garments, so as we could open the fall
Heawon with a complete new line, and the way we are disposing of our stock in order to carry out our ninv"
is the wonder of modern merchandising.
All of Orkin's finest
the very finest materials.
Regular Prices $35.00, $40.00, $45.00.
$50.00, $55.00, $60.00. $65.00, $69.50
nd $75.00
Your Choice at
Cheek A. L. IJtt, Morris Bllsh, Soarle
Holmes. John liraln. Paymond Hayward,
W. L. Vnzlcker, Kugene Rose, Orant Coy,
Van Sant, Charles Mann, Arthur Pancoast,
Al Dudley of Council Bluffs. Erie Wlltse,
Wilbur Raceley of Tender and Lloyd
Hurdle of Herman.
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. filalr of Lamonl. la..
wrillnir .. tak(. n,A..e i SeDtember.
M. Moril Newman. 20 Wool worth
enue, announces the engagement of his
'gliter. Miss Frelda. to Mr. Fred B
l of Council Bluffs la. They will
iv tne.r trienus, unaa
For the Future
' Thursday Mrs. R. L. Huntley will give a
lui.cheon at the Field club.
Mrs. W. L. YettetvwIH entertain fwenty-
four guests at luncheon at the Field club
Mrs. E. M. Martin will give a luncheon
T, . .i..ii, .(..,. ... thm
Washington Social Notes .
Beverly to Have the Center of the Stage Durng the Summer Season
Where the Cabinet Memberi Will Spend Their Vacations Miss Taft
Not to Seturn to School Interesting Wedding Announcements Made.
; WASHIN't'iTOX. .Inly 9 (Special Ols-
i patch to The Bee.) The seat ot Interest of
Washington society will probably rest in
,. . , , , . . ...
Heverlv during t ie greater purt of the
' .
will probably rest in
warm season. In
U11IL1V:I IV 1 i
prestige lent to the Massachusetts resort
there Is still further reno'vn in store for
the place by the announcement that Col
onel Theodore Roosevelt woild spend some
time there with his daughter, Alice Lung
worth. Mrs. Longworth's mother-in-law.
Mrs. Nicholas Long worth, has tal-.en on
of the show places as Beverly for the sum- May with Mrs. Harry Woudwaid wife of
mer. It Is called the Castlo mid It is well j Representative Woodward, of West Vlr
named. Really no British or German castle j gi,ia, will return home shortly.
is any more beautiful nor any more lux
urious. It is at Mingo beach.
President Taft's private yadit, the Sylph,
is l.ow lying at BuiKess point, and It will
be the scene of many gay affairs. When
the Eastern Tacht club commences Us
hummer cruise there will be a good glred
fleet of Beverly ynciits following in the
wake of the commodore's craft. Among Hi
new residents of Beverly, who will have
yacht entered, are Harold S. Vsndorbllt,
8. Reed Anthony. Charles K. Ciluimings
and Herbert. M. ftais.
Henry Clay Frick. the Pittsburg multi
millionaire, has a place near the Tafts at
Pride' Crossing. Miss Helen Frick 1 ex
pected to become very chummy with Miss
Helen Tuft, and Clllds Frick will likely
play a few sames of Polo w!t,i Robert!, ntHnAriK t0 Bryn Mawr Is gaining
Archie Butt, tlie president's aide, is
housed In' palatial bachelor quarters hi tha
Wi.odbury residence. Captain Sowerby. of
the English army, is staying with Captain
Butt. . They are great chums and ate to
gether very much.
Mrs. Ievl LeltM' of Chicago has pent
pJO.OOtt In beautifying her Beverly place.
All In all. Beverly gives Newport a pretty
close call for ornamental display this year.
Although Secretary and Mrs. Knox will
spend the summer st the Knox country
seat, at Valley Forge, Pa., Secretary
Knox 1 expected to muUe a number if
trips to Beverly. Both President Taft and
the secretary are very fond of golf, and
they will probably Indulge themsehna In
competition many tlmea before th summer
i over.
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson
will not return to Washington until Sep
tember. He Is making an ikten-tlve tour
through the western states, combining busi
ness with pleasure. His daughter. Ml
Wilson, ha been visiting in Denver for
some time.
Secretary of War Jaoob Dickinson and
Mr. Dickinson, who are now enrout for
Manila, upon a tour of the world, will
return to this country by the way of
Kurope, arriving In New York In October.
Miss Helen Cannon, daughter of Hpeaker
Cannon, will not return to this country
from Europe until early fall. Miss Canuou
tailored suits; every one u good,
On account of store alterations during July, we will hate our
immense saje of hair goods. All th latest novelties, such as
Curls and Puffs, from ..: $1.00 t0 $5.00
24-inch Switches, good value $3.00
22-inch Switches, nothing better made $5.00
36-inch Cornet Braid '. $2.50
36-inch Cornet $4.50
Pupils taken to learn the art. Mail Orders Solicited.
Everything in Millinery must be sold. Now is the time to get Miil
Sumiuer Millinery at reduced prices.
streets. The hostesses will
ba Mrs.
Morlarlty and Mrs. Callahan.
Miss Elisabeth Pickens will give a bridge
afternoon Tuesday at her home in honor
of Mine Kathryn Wright of Buffalo, N. Y.,
who Is the house guest of Miss Alice Cary
McOrew. Miss Gladys Peters will give a
luncheon at the Field- club Thursday after,
noon In Miss Wright's compliment.
will spend the greater part of the hot sea
son in Paris, although she will go Into
Switzerland and Italy. Speaker Cannon
Is now at his home In Danville, 111. As
usual Miss Cannon will have charge of
the speaker's residence in this city next
S.-nalcr and Mrs. Borah, before leaving
Washington, said they anticipated spend
ing the summer In Idaho. '
Mr. Champ Clark, who went abroad In
Mrs. Charles D. Norton, wife of Presi
dent Taft's confidential secretary, will di
vide her time this summer between her
country estate on Long Island and Beverly,
Mass. Mr. Norton will do likewise, al
though lie will be In Beverly the moil of
the tlma.
Lieutenant Robert VVhiifield - of the
Taeuty-second United Stales Infantry, nas
announced the engagement of his sister,
Anna Harris Whitfield of Summerville,
Ga., to Mr. Welles Metrisn of this city.
The wedding will take place in Georgia Hi
The rumor that Miss Tsft will' spend the
social season at the White house insloi'1
credence in Washington and society is look
l Ins toward earerlv to such an acQiusitio'l
to Us ranks.
On her last visit home, just before t io
White house family left for Beverly, Miss
Taft was several times seen taking horse
back rides around Washington. . Although
not athletic in her tastes sh is a god
rider, having first grown used to a saddle
In her childhood days in the Philippine-,
alien she and Miss Marjorie Aloshlre wer
to be seen riding around Manila on fin
backs of the little native ponies.
Miss Taft Is rapidly realising the promt.
she- gave of becoming an unusually hand
some woman. Her coloring Is beautifully
fiesli and her blonde hair sets ll off strik
ingly. Miss Taft Is fond of the shade of
pale blue; which only those of perfect
complexion can wear, and she look her
bast In it.
The marriage of Mis Prlscil'a Tolanl
and Mr. Gaspar Banon, oldest son of the
ambassador to France, and Mrs. Baron,
will take place on the afternoon of July
IS, at Whitemarsh, Pa., and will be followed
by a reoeptton on the lawn. Mr. Robert
Bacon will be best man and Mr. Eliot Car
din Baron as usher and Miss Martha ila
con as bridesmaid. Mis Anna Ingeraoll,
Mrs. Salvador Mesde, Mis Hebe Wnrnt
and Miss Francis Blokes will be the olh r
V Captain Walter McLean, U. S. -V. a id
Mr. McLean announce the eiiaraeniciii
of ilieii
daughter, Elsie Jarvls Mc Lean.
South 16th. St.
practical style for fall suits that
to Mr. Paul Chenery Patterson. The wed
ding will take place In the autumn.
Miss McLean is one of the prettiest girls
In the army and navy set. In which she Is
popular. ' She Is an accomplished musician.
Mr. Patterson is from Chicago, and Is a
well-known newspaper man.
Mrs. Mary &, Howard announces the en
gagement of her daughter. Miss May 1L
Howard, to Lieutenant Walter A. Bloedorn,
assistant surgeon, U. S. N. Th wedding
will take place In the Howard borne in
this city soon. Miss Howard Is on of the
most skillful and daring riders in Wash
Ington, and was a figure in the fox hunts
and paper chases the past season. She
made the required ninety miles of the regu
lation test rides In fifteen and one-half
hours last December with the cavalry
officers, on which occasion she met lier
fiance. Miss Howard comes of an old
Maryland family.
j Hint for Wash Ut).
I "Every Monday morning I hear the thump
of a baby carriage on the stairs leading to
the roof," said a fiat dweller the other day.
"Relng curious about this regular weekly
airing, especially as I knew there were no
babies in the house, I accosted the maid as
she was returning with the empty carriage
one morning.
" 'Have you left the baby on the roof T I
" Shure, It's no baby,' she chuckled, 'it's
the week' wash 1 left up there. There's
nothing like an old baby carriage when it
comes to hanging out clothes.' "New York
fiun. i !
Favorite) Fiction. I
"My Friends Are Urging Me to Become a
Candidate." v'
"Yes. I Can T)rlnk Boox-wr I Can Let It
Why. Papa, I Don't Wear Half ss High
Heeled Shoes as Other Girls Do."
"No. I Wouldn't Go Across the Street to
See a Prise Fight."
"1 Can Sleep Ever so Mucli Better in a
Chair Car Than 1 Can in a Sleeper."
"Yes. Madam. Your Daughter's Voire
Shows Great Promise."
"I'm Always Glad to Have a Friend Tell
Me of My Faults." Chicago Tribune.
Lady Will Kend Fre to Any Kuffewr
tlie Seem Which Cured Her.
From childhood I was distressed and
humiliated by an' unwelcome growth of
hair on my face and arms. I tried all
the depilatories, powders, liquids, creams
and other ihU-oii preparation I ever
heard of, to make It worse. For
aeeks I suffered the electric needle with
out being rid of my blemish. 1 spent a
great deal of money on various things In
vain, until a friend recouiiiie.m1d a sim
ple preparation which succeeded where,
all else failed.
This simple remedy, s harmless, soluble,
liquid, enabled inc. permanently tn find
entire relief tioin all traco of iiiiwelioni
jiulr. and forever end all erubarraHSiueiit.
It I
aiinnle. safe, uure and inn he u,-d
prlvuielv ut Iiuiiic, without fear of pniu
or blumish. it makes the elect lie needle
entirelv uniiecesnury
I a lii tell In detail full partlculsrs to
enable any oilier uffier lo ai lilei
lave the
II I ask
Aildl r
am naptiv lesjlt.-. us i uui. Ail
im a lo.i'.tit .litmn fur letilv. Ai
i'.r..i .1...,.,. i i t r i im' i-
j., UN ,tei H I.'
are perfectly tailored of
$3.00i $3.50
We have' all sizes in
men's Oxfords at these
prices. They are made of
Gun Metal and Patent Colt
Leathers and are really
$3.00 and $3.5Q shoes.
It's not old stuff market!
$2.98 and $3.69, but good
fashionable, w e a ru-b 1 e,
$3.00 and $3.50
letb and Doaglaa 8trtta.
Nebraska Cycle Co.'s "Stock"
Machine Takes Everything
in Sight in Fourth of
July Eoad Races.
When a "slock" motor cycle behaves
too finely at a road race, many Interested
ones are prone to ltiiniollately exclaim:
"Ah, that's a special." "That's not a
stock machine," etc.
But suspicious ones were neatly dlssp
ponted at the Fourth of July road races,
when the ".Excelsior" motor cycl. which
Is handled in Omaha only by The Ne
braska Cycle Co., at Fifteenth and Harney
streets, "took everything In sight" in the
way of honors and prizes.
The prize capturing mount was "dis
sected" In full view of a committee of
local dealers, and it was Quickly proved
llrnt the oft winning "Excelsior" was an
ordinary stock machine, taken from a lot
of many of the same kind at the sales
rooms of Th Nebrsska Cycle Co.
In the first race, a twenty-mile road
race for single cylinder stock machines,
the "Excelsior" took first prize in the
face of twelve contestants.
The second race was a Iweuty mile
free-for-all for single and "tain" cylt
Incier sloik machines. In mis race the
"Excelsior" entered bv The Nebraska
Cycle Co. was the only single cylinder
among eiglit entries, yet It eame out with
second honors. Even thouclt a single
cv tinder against "twins ', this "Excelsior"
won second place, losing first place by
only six seconds, and passing the fif
teen mile post even with the "twin" cyl
inder that took tirst prise.
All of which goes to show that a "single
cylinder", if an "Excelsior", can do stums
on a race track. Sole agency t The Ne
brsska CVle Co., Fifteenth and Harney
streets. Omaha.
lJr " MHrlstuUgl
55 klf lrisj Mr r Vf J
if j rn. mmr J j
. 7f reliakl a, w
Madame Josephine Le Fevre.
i um... ai.. ratiaa... ri
HoM to Mrers-nilon Drug io , H.lon lru Co.,
th. Belt Drug lo. llaliiM rjru Co., oiii.fc.
Cl.ik Prut IV, Council BluKt. low.
il1lt. JEAN G. JONES I
' r
I i
i ?
lifsvitetlijr Method
I'upil of Wagner Svtayne, Paris
ITD9IO Soomi T-t Davids lk