TOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA BEE BEST IN THE WEST PABT EXX WOMEN VAOKS on TO KXOHT VOL. XL-NO. 4. OMAHA. SUNDAY MOKXIN'd. JULY lu, i:n. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The . Omaha Sunday Bee. aaa sssssssssssssssssssssw . v . - -x. . in VigH f 1 l :5 gill n Clearinf Table Linen 70-Inch bleached damaKk, heavy CSc quality, re duced to 39c CleariaJ Table Linen Heavy, double sa t In damask, handsome pat terns, f 1.50 val ues, reduced to 98c Clearing Linen Napkins Strictly all linen, 22-in. aiie, reg ular price $1.8 do., reduced to 81.39 Cleans White Goods All kinds, checks, stripes, etc., usu ally 1 ".c and lVc reduced t 10c Clearief Bed Spreads H e a v y beinmed Mars illt-s quilts full sise $1.25 value, re duced to 89c Clearing Bleached Sheets Heavy,, service able muslin, 72 x9i lncta.Tegu larly 9c each, reduced to 45c A Notable Purchase of 1,200 Beautiful New Waists Monday $1.25 25 There are twelve charming models in this shipment. A July sale of immaculate new fresh garments at a price barely half the regular retail value. We bought 100 dozen from a maker who was clearing his summer stocks. You can now have three or four new waists for the hot months for as little as two usually cost you. There are dressy lingerie styles exquisitely deigned in law and embroidery in several varieties with high neck or low neck, and with long or short sleeves. The Kular "Middy" waists and sailor collar also Dutch collar styles for outing or business wear. Several tailored lawn gar ments with fancy piping for a trimming. $2.00 and $2. 25 values for Motidav at My Clearing in Women's Vf ear The eeml-anBual mark-down sales are now in progress. Summer wearable are never carried over to other Beacons. great. $20 Linen and ReppWaeh Suits for. .f 10 $10 Linen and Repp Wash Suits for...fS $25 Silk Taffeta Dresses for $12 $25 Silk Moire Dresses for 912 $20 Long Pongee Coats for $10 $15 Long Linen Motor Coats for $10 Rajah Silk Dresses, up to $40 values: clearing at $19.30 We sell them out while the demand Is still Black and blue Taffeta Silk Dresses: on sale at $18.50 $15 Lingerie Dresses, tunic style. . .$7.50 $25 and $35 Wool Tailored Suits $10.00 Women's Bathing Suits $2.25, $2.03, $3.50 Misses' and Jr. $10 Wash Suits $3.00 Misses' 5 and $6 Wash Dresses. . .$3.75 New Showing Wash Dresses VOH MOM) AY. A lot of pretty laira, gingham and mercerized Foulard dresses get their first showing tomorrow. High and low neck effects with tunic or overdrape feature. Fortunate pur chases bring rrieea uncommonly low 4.95 July Sales Muslin Underwear CO&SET COTEU Corset OoTerw Two styles, lace and ribbon tnmmd. Jec values lSe Oorsvt Cowers 20 styles, embroidery end lace trimmed. 2c values 8 5c JTainsook Oover Finust lace or embroidery tnmmtd, JSc values 690 Drtwtra 10 styles, cambric with ltwn ruf fle, pin tucks of hemstitched plalui, Sc values at 8Se Dnvtrt Two style, cambric with lawn rut fle and hemstitched tucks, also lace trimmed styles, &0c values 39c Drawer-"Circular shape, ten stvles. nain sook and cambric, embroidery or laoa trimmed, 7Sc values ao X.OXQ CAatmmTO SKimrs Skirts Four styles, deep flounces of em broidery or luce, underlay and dust ruffle, at S1.O0 aowwm Oowne Six stvles. Mali and low neck style, cambric and nainsook. $1 o values .. 8o Downs Ten styles, round neck, slip-over and fhort sleeves, also hirh neck. lace, embroid ery and ribbon trimmed $1.00 Clearing Stnsner Blankets . Sinxie bed size, white. Trey or tan: '5c blankets reduced to, pair 48 c Clearing Linen Suitings All pure linen. In nat ' nral ahadej finest SOe quality; reduced to . I5c ' Cleaxiag Venise Binds ; White and ecru lace, I to IH Inches wide worth to Sic a yard, re duced to 12 Clearicg Cotton Blankets Full bed size, white, tan and gray; our beat fl.C line, reduced to. pair $1.25 Cle&riBf Pccee Fabrics Silk and linen mixtures, all color, diagonals. )ac Quarda. etc.; Xc vaJuea, ""29c Cluflj Art Linens Less than Half 3,000 pieces for Monday, fancy cluny lace trimmed 'Jinen squares with scarfs to match; sizes 18, 24, 30 and 36-inch finest assortment we ever had; values range to $1.50 each; your choice 49c 59c 69c Wonderful Clearing 27-inch . .... Embroideries . Thousands of yards very fine Swiss goods In Frenchy patterns that are ery extractive. 27-lnch flounclngs and 22-inch allovers worth I5c, $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard. To clear Monday, huy them at. .... . ' 18 and 27-inch embroideries and sllovers. In ahowy patterns, new fresh crisp goods fitm worth to 50c a jard clearing at .e)C 2 -clasp 25c Lisle Glovea. white and black . . 10c lC-but. $1 Lisle Gloves, tan, gray, white.' black, pair 2c 16-but. $1.25 Silk Gloves, double tipped.. 40c Hemstitched White Hdkfa. for women, dor 15c Men's 5c colored border Handkfs .Sc Men'a 10c Japonette Handkerchlefi 5c Lace Curtains at Half Odd curtains, 1. m and 2 pair lota only, one curtain of each kind used as sample and Is a little mussed Nottlngbams, Irish Point. Brussels Net and Cluny IT-If fit! Sc to $5.50 values, now... ..11311 UIl Clearing Furniture 59c I. Y. Dressmaker's Suoolv Co. A A M nrtiv Cn UUUill UJ Oi At I'lUUlA our N.-Y. rcprcsentatiyes from Receiver's Sale at Stock S rm m through the depart- Clcariag Neckwear Sanples federal thousand iiecea m freh trtle. busht from maker, up to li.KU values, at 25c Liberal reductions all ment. Iron beds at one-fourth off. Brass beds. 2-lnch posts, at big reduction. Bed Room Furniture Three-Piece Suites dresses, chiffonier and table, aolid )A oak. worth $125.00, for )5j 24 other bed room suites at 80 per "cent off. 1111 on the Dollar Clearing Cot Glass Sugar and Creams TI pairs deep rich cut tine, handsome designs our $r.oo values; reduced to. pair 2.49 A $15,000 stock of foreign silk novelties from one of the most fashionable and exclusive establishments inHew York City. A concern that catered to the elite and the handsomest gowned women of the east Their entire stock con sisted of rich imported silks and the better lines of domestic production. Our New York office captured this magnif icent stock from receiver's sale at lowest price in history of the trade. It's the most phenomenal silk sale ever heard of in Omaha or elsewhere. See the windows today. MONDAY MORNING AT, NINE O'CLOCK we start the selling to give you ample time to be here with the first crowds. Many of the finest silks are in single dress lengths, so they'll be snapped up early. Gorgeous silks for evening and dinner gowns, for street wear, for suits, for dresses, for coats, will be displayed in profusion. 'kk CIetnn Lisle Hosiery Our 60c and r.e rauce and ailk lisle hose, black lace and plain and lancy colors; pair 35c Silks worth up to $2.25 for 59c Women of refinement will recognize them as the most fashionable silks worn today. Silks that readily sell at SI .50. $2.00 and 2.25 In the best stores. The variety is almost unlimited. The entire following line at one price, per yard, 59. $1.50 Silk Poplins in best shades; $1.50 imported, colored Shantungs; $1.50 gray silk Shantungs, 36-inch; $1.50 navy Diagonal Silk, 36-inch; $1.50 Crystal Cords, in street shades; $1.50 Silk Moires, pink, blue and lavender; $2.00 Crepe de Meteor, all best shades; $1.50 Silk Cotele, for coats and suits; $2.25 Silk Marquis ettes, with gold cobweb de sign; $1.50 Shepherd Plaid Pongees, in navy and white or black and white; $2.00 Kosc Cashmere de Soie Silks worth up to $5.00 for 79c The silks in this lot are simply gorgeous, very high class French novelties suitable for elaborate gowns. Never were we so fortunate before for we can sell silks worth $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 to $5.00 for 79c such as: $2.50 silk Pompadours, 36 inches wide...1 $3.00 black crepe Kayo, 36 inches wide. .. $3.50 Marquisettes in gold and chameloon effects $2.50 Crepe Plisse, 36-in. in pastel shades $3.00 Persian Peau de Cygnes $5.00 French Embroidered Silks $2.50 cashmir de soie in plain shades There are many others, buy them Monday. Silks worth up to $1.00 for 29c Kimono Silks Finest Florentine quality, charming Japanese and floral designs, also plain shades, all 75c goods 9 ft a Clearicf Cups and Saccers Hand painted Italian China, handsome dex-ora-tiona; our $1.2i kinds reduced 49c Li W Clearing Earthen Jardineres 100 on sale, lsrre sixe. every one worth ti.tio etach ; reduced for Moo day to at Stripe Lining Silks Rich soft finish taffetas, used for lining suits and coats and for fancy pet ticoats; ii.oo values an. at 29c Crepe de Chine 24-inch, floral crepes, also silk Foulards, plaid silks, worth to 11.00. JQf Colored Taffetas Changeable and plain shades, peau de cygne, mescalines, etc., for dresses, drop skirts, etc., values )ft to $1.00, at LJC Clearing Umbrella Stands Made of solid brass full size, rerular 14.75 value, reduced for Mon day S2.98 Bennett's Big Grocery Clewing Heck Towels Larae heavy ones with red borders. bt lie qualities; relucrd for. Monday to 10c Sc a-rad Clearing Mercerized fcp'i&s Veually i'To, the riht material tur lunu.irr frulm. all Kilor: clearing ""12 VaC irnmei, yellow or white. 14 lb. sack lSc Fentiatt'a Golden Cof fee, special, lb. So Bennetts Capitol Cof fee, special, lb. pk.. t ate Bennett's Teaa. lb. Bennett's lie rrade Teas, lb ac Tea Siftlnx-a. pound par t 10 Armours Shield Fllred L'r,ed Beef. Jar. ISe Veal. Beef. Ham Loaf, per can ......... loe Krani-o-American PotleJ llecf. can lOe And It Ktaiuis MarslisU's Kippered Herri na, can SOe AuU 1 Stamps Ghlrardelli's 1'ob dered C7ioc.Histe a& And i Stawpa l"Ks. Flirts tra t rarkera. ail sorts. pk. at ioc And Stamps Dutch Hand Soap, three cakes for S And 1 8tamps Sterling- Gloss BtarcU. lb. box for ftos . And ail Stamps Capitol Wheat. I pound PS 10c And IS Btamus Jap Rire, Tc grade. 5 lbs. for ase Flake for .. Tapioca. 3 Ina. tie Gaillard Imported Oilve Oil Small sire boitles. . .4e And 20 Stamps Medium alae bottles. 4S And 4U Stamps Large aiae bottie. . .T5c And k Stamps Walker s Chili Con Car- nl, can io And Is Istatnpa Macaroni. ti-tar and Cresoent. S pk-s . .SSo And 10 btamps Bpratt's Pkg. . . . Juppy Cake. Snider'e Chill Bauce, pt. bottle afie And It flumps York Rose Toilet Soao. S for a& And 10 Stamps Bnider's Pork and Beans ined. can l&c And 10 Btatnpa Hartley's Pure Orar.ce Jelly. Jar aoe Capitol Baking Powder. lb. can Ma And ?0 Stampa Poppy Condensed Milk. cans 85e Newport Catsup, bottle, at fee Pick lea. tie . . bot- aaaorted. 1 Imperial Grape Juice pint bottle a5o Aad 1 Stampa Clearing Haviland Dinner Sets Complete 100-piece sets, genuine Haviland cliiua, in four different patterns. These sets sold originally as high as $40.00. We xiae ij sets 10 ciear bomorrow. oucu a bargain may never come again ; while they last, per set $12.50 Cat Glass Knife Rests usually 25c clearing at, eat-h. . lC Cut Glass Vinegar Cruets, usually $1.50 "T T clearing now for. JC I j .ai!j XijaVjaJfc-- M y ' 1 1 ( ot Cloaas at t O'clock Zrartaf JaJy aad Aarast J J jj J ' ana Sataraay vifkU at 10 U'cloca j B K Tan Russia Calf Two Eyelet Ties t Handsome "Lady Betty" Oxfords for the summer months; smartest of new foot wear for street wear, for business or lor the vacation trip. They are cool, comfortable and shapely fairly bristling wfth good style. We have all sizes, all widths, l1 j to 8 on AA, A, li, C, 1) and E hts. tans we know of; Monday, sjiecial Monday Great Clearing Lot Women's Odd Lines Oxfords Nearly 4u0 pairs black and tan low cuts. In many different style. The shofs are all correct style and Id good coiidliiou simjily oroaeu lines cuneu irom our stocks dull Eg iDteutorv; M2e 34 and 4. on D, K and hL lasts; Monday )ou hoote any, and thev arc- all fS.dO values, for Clearing Cut Glass Vases Fifty In the lot and all . $4 en alue. beautifully.' t-uu reduced to $1.98'- Cletriaf Wide Ribbons H-inrn ail iik tnoire Ittffeta. glace :itid fan iea orth u 4oc a lard, at 15 $1.45 Clearing Brass Jardiceres Kooied Ftyle, made of r,it, ltraKS. halite qn ve r-ell regularly at l.'.i'S. $1.75 FiRiLESS COOKER AfiCIENT ilira Ballt Tkf (rMsrlit its aad! allvea .Have l w4 Tkirsa far Aaea. Again the "new idea" new or original, but c.itnm pre va lent la la found not to ba aa adoption of a another aJ,d "! civilised country " The fkrelesa cocker idea j in auuereeded by one cannot ear bom many i year by the cuaiom tit the Maori pei.plr of J Australia. Mrs. li. T. Roel. of Auchland. New Zealand. h la now in Chkago :.d acgulrlng the science of dress n Akitig tbit she may in turn teach It to people, aa a 'The Maoris always have had flrelesa itMkera" Tbey liave gone even further than that n4 had fireleaa oi-eni, made hy nature, and In the northern fart of the island rt these convanlenors did not exist, they mere Imitated. "The oilglual flreWs oven Is a chalky prt urberanre on the aide of a bill which 1 bulred out by fore of heat. The heat pernteatee It perpetually, and the Maori woman who lives near the thermal district digs out a fcollvw la the little ntound. Then the takes her meat or f'.su. yams. IndWn 101-n. and bread and wraps each one rep arately In a mat oven of sarrt crass, which 2s wet abundantly befaro being put Into the oven. Once In. 1: Is shut up ai.d left to cook for aa hour and a half, when tne moisture will be exhauste-l. and the cook, who has gone back home to rest comfortably while th dinner was cooking, comes and takes It out. bringing the family with her. "nen t-he doesn't want to bake the Cixi r r the Maori woman puts the fish and potatoes In a grass basket and dips it Into on ot tb but springs ax,4 tXs uoaa ou ; the bank to w?it until it is cix-ked. Tl.e j springs are divided, according to tlieir I ural temirature. Into tl.os wnlch are , ud f r bathing, others for washing e ottiis, I and the bollng hot on. uhKli aie left j sacred for oooking. Tese are called Ta pu' I and often are covered ever with boa ids ! so tliat no dirt w-ill fly Into them, so jar- ticular Is the Maori woman, j It is not only we who havo abanrbed ' crvliiaallon w ho think so. but all travelers I who nave seen the best oookini; in Euro pean club? agree ta the wonderful super iority of foud cooked in this war. When , they open the 'Ij-ugi,' as tne Maoris tall the oven, there is gres. ifj"irl; s, as it is jalm-.. H a tit liciuus feaet, and the Mauri i woman, who has only to al: bet guests to I sit down on the grass, has a continual i ptcnlc ail tl.-e time. i "Even the educated Maoris haven't al together given up thin nv-thod cf cooking. : except that they hive a detai-hed kitchen 'riear the house built to use when the wea ther is bad. I'nfortunatHy many of the ; colonists have scorned the beuer ways of ithe Maori. Th? bei Enr"h Cflonlsls, ever. have adopted majiy ,.f U native cur tonis. j "One of the was niaVu.g it eary for the houM-wife tint has tioan out of cr.iu bitieu Kiiiihii aiid Mari cufninu, m that iiOlMKly haa a parK-r exoept a few old iawiioned p"opie. Th walls and floor are !ooved with nutlve mata. which makes the l.ouM-work ea . The Mat.ri voma.i is l.ot overb'n Je'ied w :lh the ca't if her 'childrfrv. as they are allowed to run wild xo-pt when tly are in school. Children are popular, ai.d the tin aie ConsMered of as much or more v alue than th: b oa. al though this is only rinoe xmrii have had suffrage. Now a man who t.a three 11 four uugbtera is coosrdeied of great imrKjilbnce u cnii- tl fie vot.-s in his family." 01 e eu niEny l ibrary Lore. CJd UtukM tirwl tit, gush. Kvery dot-fare1 tome l,m1 his day. A book ii the hand is vmtn tao in the card oalol.igue. CitruTtu'tefitK aller li,?.cttKe. The lonyvl .iitt et.ioi.a t i;,ord batU bin end. A bint s-lle Kut'iers no du-l. Vmi iimv la,1 u rejioer to a bM.k, but you cannot make him Itiink. It is an Hi U .K ll.ul r.n index. Tlie gci.eulociM is ihe tlilef .f lime. Many rarp air not well done. A five-fo(.t Mit if to tue isu is aufficeat. -Ufr.