TTTE OMAHA S OTP AT BEE: .TCLY W. 1910. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Dodge County Republicans Pledge Fealty Conntr Convention at Fremont Say Sew Tariff Law Will 3Ieet Station's Seed. FREMONT. Nob.. Juiv 9. Special Tle gram. Dodge county republicans today adupted resolution renewing Mpiwun of faith In the party and confidence In its principles and their pmpects of vindica tion at the p lis. Desnng on the tariff bill, while that it is not perfect, the rKlutlons said: We recall the bitter ifuuila made on CHANCE LAW OF DECEDEH Supreme Court Holds Law of 1335 is WDOWST BJGHT3 LT70L7ZB wty Jdri Mar Aside llnmrmndi i n Fe Brram lot AMonrd tit Determine Title. (?mm a Btaft ""orreTnr:dPTit. LINCOLN, Jmy .'Special Tloifrm. T. Bupreme court today handed duvn four belated opinions which make a material ahange In the Isv of decedents In N unanka. Jud Ro"t wrote the decision. Chief Jui-t'ce Hw and Judge .t-dsdick I the McKin'ey and Dmgley tariff laws at disrating from a portion of if. , the ttmea of then enactment, but their suf- Tb court reaffirms lla former decision, j flciant vlndlcatlor waa found In the unpar ranuered several years two. but goes fur-1 aleiled prosperity which followed. Uier and declare Invalid a curative act of! "We are extremely skeptical of those re which had never before bwen quce- j form elements, the most vociferous utpport tliined. The Baker act gave the wiodw of era of whom are democrats, a deceased person the homestead In fuel "As a matter of fact the peopl eof Dodge and authorised the county judge to set I county have every reason to be satisfied aide a toad fur a widow. i with the present tariff law. la the f.rsl That act was held urcuisillulionaj eev-j year of Its operation It haa produced not eral yearn ago on the ground that It was i only sufficient revenue for the needs of the not properly pasvd and because It gave j nation, but has shown surplus of t,0a.( a county Judge power to determine tale besides. This Is a very favorable showing , to real estate. The curative act of lKj as oompared with a deficit of SSS.tKe.O0Q the was Intended to legalize the acta of county j year before." Judges In setting aside homesteads In fee ! The records of the republican county of to widows. The supreme court now holds . Oners were approved and pleasure waa ex that the curative act Is unconstitutional i Pressed over the prospects of the noml because such an act cannot cure the de- j nation of J. G. Martin for attorney general frets of an act that Is void in Itself. ""he j of ttl8 re-ult Is that the law enforced prior to the I Tha following delegates were selected to TJaker act la now too law and that widows! th convention: may only have a life Interest In a ho A& JJ a fchnrt C. B. Abbott, stead. After she- gets her share the heirs jpn Roberta. C. Sack. Jorgen Larson, rr-f.y make title In fee. It Is believed that! W. M. .Sander. Hd Uenilng, J. M. Beaver. f.w oaeea will arise under the ruling be- "on- w- - Kelly, r H. Knowlton. causa in most risns of division of estates I ths statutes of limitations haa run and Application of New Parole Law L. K. Meyer. Before adjournment Grant G. Martin, who is to be a candidate far attorney general, was asked to address the convention and he responded, talking a few momenta on stats pullUca. litigation is barred. Him ass SmlTWtek Dlsnewt. Chief Justice lianas and Judga Sedgwick dissent from that part of the decision hold ing that part of the court's old decision, holding that a decree of a county Judge, setting aside a homestead In fee to a widow, at granting power to a county Judga to determine tlUu to real estate, and from that, part of the new holding which says, that children of a deceased person ara not escarped, if they have not ratified such an order of a county Judge, from objecting; to such an order. They agree with the court that ths curative act of 1996 la vssd and with the balance of the opinion. Tm iu fa aa rr rirnr amiTiit C"5a-von anneal from Hamilton county, opinion br ""ArRBCRT. Neh.. July a-Th. demo- jt ..- a, i. ;cratlo county convention which wa held affirmed In all things except to the sub-im ,h" district m ne wa nnt jkj at contribution, and aa to such sub- ProductlTS of harmony or a complete union. Ject the causa la reversed and remanded ', irrora ths beginning It becama apparent for further proceedings. The costs In this tn1 ,hoMI " controlled the wires were i court ara taxed equally against appellees no oln" to allow the convention to de-nji-i-ta. Iclare for ths referendum, neither waa It Demos Repudiate Bryan's Plans County Coorentioa. Turns Down Reso lution for Referendum Delegates Opposed to County Option. Grand Island Xan Convicted of Con-; cealinir Stolen Property Escapes j rnn in Penitent' ary. j GRAND IS1.A.ND. Neb.. July . Hp-! rial.) By a new providing, as far at; leest as the local courts are com-emed. the application for and granting of parole by the district court of a person convicted ; on a criminal charge by a Jury, a former, Lincoln end more recent tirand Island : saloon man escapes a term In the pen-' Herniary. Last winter a young farmer 1 named PYauen was taking a sealskin coat home to his wife as a present. ' Boarding the Union Pacific train for Chapman hs lert the coat on the car seat tor a moment, it was stolen and ; the coat was later recovered from Parcer. One Kennedy waa arrested and admitted to the police that he stole ths coat and In the confession declared he had sold j it to Parker for In. relating how the j buttons were Torn off at Parker's ra ; quest, etc Kennedy was sent over the road for a year. While awaiting trial in the district court, having been bound over from the poilce court. Parker's license expired and he saw that it was hopeless to apply for a new one. A Jury of twelve, after listening to the evidence, found Parker guilty of con cealing stolen property. The defense was that it was a frame-up by Kennedy and the local police. Judge Hanua over-ru-ed the motion for a new trial yester day and the defense made application undet the new law for parole, placing eight prominent cltlsens on the stand to testify to Parker's former good oonauct, among them cashiers of banks where Parker did business, grocers who had em ployed Parker's son. and even the chair man of the council's commitee an police and board of health. las parole waa granted and the verdict of the jury was thua practically set aside. The pollca department la quote in the local press as declaring It waa "the worst batch" ever nanaed to it, Parker la on parole Tor seven years, pending good behavior and subject to a bond of $2,009. POSTMASTERS' MEETING IN LINCOLN TUESDAY l-rrpustioma er Elaborate Ca to Eatertala Tlaltli Naakra. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July S.- Special. -The coming postmasters' convention at Lincoln tn-ntn. j laes to be the largest in point of attendance ana interest that has ever been held hi the state. Already acceptances have been re ceived from Robert J. Sharp, chief post- ouioe inspector A. S. Haaleton. postmaster Of t-OUndl Bluffs, aufairi if. t.. ...... t-i . In the second cases Involving lnd tide, j Intention to send a delegation to the ' moax of th delegation in congress will be Hemllng against Forrester, appeal from i stats convention that would be Influenced XJawaon. opinion by Judga Lstton. ths causa la reversed and remanded. Ia the case of .Draper against Ostarmaa, appeal from Hamilton, opinion by Judga Barnes, the Judgment of tiled Istrict court Is affirmed. In the caeer of Mc Far land against Flack, appeal from Kearney, oplnloa by Judga Sedgwick, the Judgment of tha lower ooart Is affirmed. V AaatkM Iwsetortal Caadldwta. Alfred aorensua of Omaha, known a the "wlll-be-eenaujr." filed bis receipt with ths secretary of stats this morning showing that ha had paid his f& filing fee to the county dark of Douglas oounty as a candi date for United States senator. He la run sing for the republican nomination. artaa Files tnr Aadlta. Ellas B. Barton, state auditor, haa filed Chamberlain. Richland; J. A. Thiessen. Cub to vota for Mr. Bryan's Idea on ths county option question. A. committee waa appointed to select the delegates to the stata convention against ths feeble protest of a few who thought the convention should have something to tar about who its delegates were. Later on a few who believed that the oft-repeated declaration of the democrat to party in favor of the referendum meant something; offered an amendment to the resolutions passed endorsing the referendum, but they here and most of the Nebraska postmasters. "tM provision win be made for the women and a large attendance of the wives and sweethearts of the nasbys Is assured. Many postmasters will arrive Monday. On Tuesday the convention will be formally opened, the entire day being given over to meetings of different class offices. The main convention will open at X' p. m. for addresses of welcome by the governor and mayor and opening exercises for one hour. Postmasters of different class offices wiii mble an hour later in their respective HOUr, HOTFL AND orflCF: FUHNItHrWi R6HARO & WSLHELM 414-16-13 Suth Sixteenth Street Tomorrow the beginning of the Second Week of Oar BIG JULY SPECIAL FURNITURE You'll find the assortment just as complete as the opening day. SALE i A 1. 55-T'r:-!WT We pur chased for this sale several carloads of ma'iufacturers' samples and surplus stock. In many instances there are quantities of the same pattern. We offer our purchases at Twenty-five to Fifty pr rent less than rfgular. Now la tlie bet time to bur. Hpr we quota some of the bargains Buffet. (Like illustration.) Made n of best quarter-siiwel white oak, "4a, golden polish finish. Has carv ed claw feet. Large linen draw er. Haa two small top drawers, one lined for silver. Top is 44-in. long by 19-iiu deep. Ha3 a pattern French beveled mir ror 42-in. long. Regular selling price for this buffet S is fcJO.OO-July sale JK nfe Early EngMsb Buffet. reruUr price $87 July aale price S62.0O Early English Buffet, regular price $63 July aale price $45.00 Early English China Cabinet, regular price $56.00 Julysala price 8-42. OO Golden Oak China Cabinet, regular price $75.00 July sale price $39.00 Dining Chains, leather seat, regular price $5.50 July sala price S3.0O Arm Chair to match, regular price $9.50 July sale price J3.50 Early English Dining Chair, leather seat and back, regular price $5.00 July sale price $3.00 Arm Chair to match, regular price $7.50 July sale price $4.50 Early English Dining Chair, leather seat, wood carred back, reg ular price $6.50 July sale price 83.73 Arm Chair to match, regular price $10.50 July sale price $6.00 Early English Dining Chair, wood seat and wood ack, regular price $3.25 July sale price S1.75 Golden Oak Dining Chair, leather seat, scroll wood back, regu lar price $12.50 July sale price S6.2o Arm Char to match, regular price $18.50 July sale price S9.25 Golden Oak Dining Chair, wood and leather seat, regular $4.50 July sale price $3.2o Arm Chair to match, regular price $8.50 July sale price $5.50 $38.00 Mahogany Leather Divan July Bale price 324. OO $52.50 three-piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in velvet . -833.50 $65.00 three-piece Mahogany Suite, leather upholstered Jul sale price S3S.OO $42.50 larg"- Arm Rocker, leather upholstered seat and back. for $35.00 for . , .$28.50 Golden Oak Rocker, leather upholstered back and seat, S22.50 Golden Oak Sideboard, reg. price $97. 5H July sale price S79.00 Golden Oak Buffet, regular price $58 July sale price $45-00 Golden Oak Buffet, regular price $40 July sale price 8127,00 Goldt-n Oak Buffet, regular price $52 Jul', sale price $3J).0O Golden Oak Buffet, regular price $40 July sale price ?31.00 Goidn Oak Buffet, regular price $27 July sale price $20.00 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, regular prk-e $4;.. 00 July sale price $28.50 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, regular price $."ni.t)0 July sale price $34.00 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, regular price $50. 00 July sale price $33.00 Three-piece Ma&ogany Suite, consisting of dressers, dressing ta ble and chiffonier, trimmed with glass knobs, regular price $220.00 July Bale price $165.00 Mahogany Dressing Table, regular price $97.50 July sale Price $frO.OO Mahogany Dressing Table, regular price $35.00 r3uly sale Price $21.00 Mahogauy Dressing Table, regular price $36.00 July sale Price $ltt.0O Mahogany Dressing Table, regular price $25-00 July sale price $12.50 Mahogany Chiffonier, reg. price $39.00 July sale price $2fJ.OO Mahogany Chiffonier, reg. price $32.00 July sale price $21.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, reg. price $22.50 July sale price $16.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, reg. price $28.00 July sale price $18.00 Mahogany Chiffonier, reg. price $32.00 July sale price $21. OO Mahogany Highboy, regular price $110 July sale price $70.00 Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $45 July sale price $20.00 Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $63 July sale price $45.QO Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $60 July sale price $39.50 Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $40 July sale price $25.00 Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $42 July sale price $30. (X). Mahogany Library Table, reg. price $70 July sale price $54.00 Oak Library Table, reg. price $52 July sale price ...$3S.OO Oak. Library Table, reg. price $35 July sale price . . - $27.00 Two-piece Mahogany Suite, loose cushion, upholstered silk velour, regular price $120.00 July sale price $90.00 $22.50 Golden Oak Divan, leather upholstered seat Julv sale price $15.00 $50.00 three-piece Golden Oak Suite, leather upholstered July sale price ' $150.00 Sideboard July sale price $135.00 Sideboard July aale price $150.00 Mahogany China Cabinet, solid mahogany. $175.00 Mahogany China Cabinet, sold mahogany. $32.00 $100.00 $90.00 $95.00 $S7.50 GREAT MHTTING SHLE We announce the greatest matting sale in Omaha's history to take place Monday, July 13th. Watch, papers, for further particulars. were unceremoniously set upon, and that meeting places to take up matters pertain- iu 10 umr own class of office. Aa auto mobile ride for the women of the conven tion will be given afterward. At : o'clock all visiting nostmasi.r. proceedings went through. Uke they were oUed. The delegates to the stale convention, which meets in Grand Island on July 26, were elected as follows: C U. K. Blauarr. Pleasant; Henry Hettinger. Gibson; V. E. and the ballet entered his mother foot. I n'n C I P DICUC TDOCC rCVTL i faiUn.arr Co',,,c 'to!"d TU-' J"l "L. . ., .ni underwent ' II nr..4 I 1 11 IV L.L. LLiJ 1 J "nee or tns emiumuns is vruuiu. iur i- a surgical operation to remove the leaden , messnger. ALMA Two strangers broke morrow, refreshing provisions that have I been parched by seven weeks of dry into the . t MM rrnn : Thm thermometer, which has been nd their wive, will b. landed . ,s .,t o-crr farm hone, n r Oxford UUVCnuacilL a.cFulk vu. -riB -r" , " . HEPUSUCAfi COUNTY . CONVENTIONS CALLED his name aa a candidate fur a second nora- , Creek; W. H. Barnes. J. C. Harrigan. I. lnatlon on lha republican ticket. Ms. Bar-1 Ronham and R. D. Russell. Falrtrary; ton. la now serving his final (area. He fiied KJeorge Shortrtdge. Buckley; William Ja- from tirand Island . dines becamlng. staxa auditor Mr. Bartot: haa paid particular at tention to the Insurance department of his office, having been a well knows fraternal soaa for many years. Eureka; E. A. Wunder. Falrbury. The date for the republican county con vention has been set for Saturday, July 23. Optic Nerve Cut by Piece of Steel XtialsaH Sassrfms ftrew auadl Maatasi Asiesg Taoaw to Uml Hm.t Wawlu HOLDRKliB. Neo.. July SL 3peoial.i The republican oounty central committee baa deckled that its oounty convention will be a delegate affair and haa therefor called precinct caucuses to be held on Monday for lha purpose of ssieoting dsls g&tes to attend it. Th delegates ara chosen on th basis of one for every fifteen votes oast for Presidential .Elector O. C. Bell In ISflS. thus making a total oilutrnent of ninety-five delegates. Th convention will be hed In this city July IS, and beside th election, of (to ceiegatra to attend tii siate convention other business of consideraUl tmportanr will be iranv&L-ted. WAHOO. Mtli.. July a. Special.) The Saunders county republican convention mi.l meet lu Wanoo Tueauar. July 12. A big uwutuig is e pvcted. Hon. Chariea H. bauao. rf-puLilcan candidal for congress In this dlM.nct. will address th meeting. The foilaving ill probably be the candi dates on the rv-puotican ticket ax th pri maries neit munth: Aies ltxerty. statu senat(Hr; C 11. liutifon. 11,1. And Jul Petermicnel. Valparaiso, for repreeen tauves: C. P. Peteraou c4 Wanoo. for county attorrwy .and Peter KnJth of Csd'sr Bluffs, for cumnusBJoneT. P1EHCE. NVb., July . i3peal. Tha rvpubiican county convention for Plerern county haa bren ra.led to meet at P!ercA on Saturday. July 16, f.- the purpose of aeierting wei lieieKatea to tne stata con-, Peculiar Injury to Fonca Xan Hurt bj Ezplozion on Fourth of July. PONCA, Neb-, July 1 Special.) Ths re port from ths hospital In aioux City re garding Ray Harding, who waa Injured on th Fourth. Is interesting. Dr. Young was ' called to the city today and an operation was performed, which brought to light party by th local newspapers. j and stole property to tne value oi , On Wednesday th. main convention will 1"" "WmreT alid wUl bring, Send Ogtions Upward. be opened prompt!y at i a. m.. whan mat ters or general interest to the service will be discussed. The afternoon sessions of the convention will commence at 2 p. m. sharp, and printed programs will be followed closely. On Wednesday evening. July u, th Lincoln Commercial club tenders to th guests of the city a reception and ball at ths auditorium. Thursday th program of the convention will be carried out. and an outing provided for th women at th theater and a gen eral good time for ail Thursday evening at Capital Beach. Th Lincoln Commercial club, the Epworth Lake Park and Capital Beach tender th courtesies to all wearing convention badges during ail the time they ar in the clay. A w:fe FEW BUYEra OEBESS OS HA3D mm PriTat) Advtee Prices) Tin Beau Cat. Sell aad Oa AILIKID AC TO THIKF IS TAKJE wlta Stealing Car at Karsjaett la C as tody. GRAND lcHLND. July .. Special Sheriffs Dunkel of Hall and Her of Mer- piecs of th shtt sv.,1 from ths case of the ' rtck county madm mtm c,ca Maxwell thunderbolt that exploded, which had been ! MLer(lj,''' when they hul61 ia Billy Craw driven through th skull behind the eve- I fonl oa xb" charge of stealing aa auto ball and severed the optic nerve. The piece I moblla- Th m,lcnme disappeared from a was half an Inch wlds and three-quarters i time aga he thieves were captured. them to Alma. c-Tj AuiniRt Anderson L1L tw . . - - . . . m ; found a sad greeting wflen J, Tt 1 t- m"",n',bvlnrll- ered Wl. Had notified of th. death of a 17-year-old sou. , Th boy had been burled six week. VALENTINE A crew of men have been t here for the last week X ; down the old wooden railroad bridge the Niobrara river. Thursday they blew I th old structure down with dynamite and ar now taking the timbers rrom me ' NORTH PLATTE Work waw begun yes terday upon the foundation of the new building being constructed by the h.ts ZZiL. Th. huMdlng will b a three-story close to the 9P at midday for several weeks stood at ii at noon today. NORFOLK. Neb.. July . A. two hours' rain, amounting to .71 Inch in Norfolk, cov ered northern Nebraska, southern South Dakota and northern Wyoming aa far west as Casper early today. Coat and Pants TO ORDER CHICAGO. July Traders In wheat, ex cited by yesterday's sensational crop fig urea, which showed ocndltlor-S In the spring wheat country to be the worst in ten years, bid prices for all options up S to 3 cent pressed bnck structure with store rooms on i at tna opening today, ths main t'.oor and lbs other rooms lor Th( overnnlent report, which put the lodge purposes. , . . ' condition of spring wheat at 6L and that toIS TrTyot winter wheat at was mad. public attorney. C. F. Overberk. republican, filed I after trading hours yesterday. It was Im for ths off ice of state senator from Gage ! mMuBtMy apparent there would be a sus- county. Ths raca so far is betwetn Jac Klein, democrat, ana r-eier J" F. overbeck. republicans. pension of buying ordeis when business was resumed In th. pit. " . r..,in. inh Th advance was what a number of held a meeting st mgnt and decided not j scattered longs, who had loaded up on to bid for the national coursing meet be-. Dr)Vs.te reports of crop damage due to th. cause of th. lack of Interest mown among j had been waiting for. of an Inch long, penetrating to ths nasal wall on the other side of th aye. Th dostors bop now to save the uninjured eye. The wonder ia that there were not thirty or forty peopl killed by th explosion. NEBRASKA STOCXMEN ELECT OFFICERS Hassaa f Alliance la Ai Chasm rmtatst f tst Aasaaeitt Ttwa. lla ALU AN C B. Neb., i'uly Sl 'Special.) 1h. following officers nr elected for ths ensuing yesr by ths Xivoraaka Stockgrow- 1 ers association. Frvjittenu R. SL. Hamp ton. Alliance, vie. president. Al H. Mela j gcr, Merrtman; secretsry-treasurer, Charles Jameson. Ellsworth; executtv oommlt- enuon and t.i sei.ctlon or a county ceu- v c jt. Tully. Lakeside; E. P. Meyer, tral cjmmilte. The convention w:d oon- j i,, nuim Llsco. Lodgepole; K- K. Lows. it of sixty-four delegates. i Kjanau; W. M. Fletschman. Bailey; Rob- STA.VTOX, NVh.. July . Special.) The i rt Graham. AilUnce; Herman Krauas. republican couniy convention haa been ' Longlak; J. H. Monohan, Whitman; E. oailrd to meet at th court bouse July IS ' M dearie. Jr.. Ogailala. A. B. Modiaott, to ae:ect -iil.saics fur th srat meeting. 1 Rusbville; B. M. Kid red. Orlando: A. i. Cartes McLeod has fiied as stste senator! Lavia. Hjannui. Dan E. Hill, Gordon: Rob- A few days ago Crawford apneared at a Wood river garaga with the machine for some repairs. His answer to inquiries were unsatisfactory, it waa noticed that th. machine had been repainted in an other color, and ths marshal undertook to put ths man under arrest on suspicion, but In an unguarded mom eat. th marshal being unarmed, the fellow pulled away wtth th atjilce. drove hurriedly west lo ths Hueium bridge, there abandoned "spiked" th. machine and went westward aa the railroad. At this point th sheriffs took up th chas and auided th maa at UxweiL Crawford wu at one recognized Sheriff Dunki as ths negro who years ago waa arrested hare for breaking into a trunk, waa later arrested at Fair field and broke iail her. while awaitlns trial, th deputy taxing several shou at him ax the tlm of th breakaway, on ths ctay ths trial waa being had. Sheriff Iler asok th maa to Central City. In which ouumy be anil be tried for burglary. by kmchimSm". FneTd SuVton Neb., j They .id promptly on th. buig. and forced ss bidders for th. big event. 1 pr.oss back a cent during ths first half NEBRASKA CITY Ths democrats of hour. At the top July sold at XL. P th'm city and county held their primaries j temtn. 4t December at U- and May from this district. Oasaaa Maa Barged wlta Blgaaar. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. July S .Hps cl Thurdu.y a woman signing her name as Mai-y Ferr-.n AJuaii of Ojuaua. cants to Ibis city a.;d fKed a complaint wlta County Attomi-y D. W Liv:ngston. chsrgmg that her hurband. Lester L. Adams, of Dmana. waa a bisa.xlst. and aaaed for a warrant for his amet. The warrant waa pUced in the hands of F si' tier, and b. returned frnin Omaha yesteraar with his prisoner. a as placed in sit await ing his bearing. M;a Mary Ferrln, ths complainant, and Lester L. Adams were unlttd in marnag. in this city Jun L by Judg W. W Wilsin. th judge w no Issued a warrant (or th arrest of th man Thursday. Ths Omaha wile 00 ro p.aitis mat Adams ws iaarr!ed to Anna P. Ruiand at Lua Atig lt. Cai., on December T. 'JM. and trial she was still his wife when hs f-ain ui oicmt and indui-ed her, the at.mrlainaitl. lu iou.e 10 th s ciiy and u some tus waa t.unn 1 .a 4 aw, ai gtttmm U ASCUAS lha caar srt A. Cook. Lakeside; John Orr. Lwweilen. psl'a rkasva for lfkruka City. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. July . .Sp jii. ) Ther Is a move m foot her to es tablish what Is known aa tha Peopls a church, bet-aus of tn action of tour of th ministers of this city in regard to ths Blarlna of bar ba.l on Funds and ths Mesmlis Itwi wta. GENEVA At th moating of th Rebekah lc-4ge last eight Mrs. A. E. Holt was elected .lBlfgatr to vne slate assembly tn October Ba TRICE Messrs. dtoddard and tVil lliuns of the Peru tennis team yesterday piayed double with Young and Hherwood of ii:a .Slier ttmntng three to two. HIIJjRETH Hlldreth did not celebrate th Fourm. but unless present plana mis carry will hrttd a thre davs" carnival the last of August or first of depuembrr. BEATRICE A. J. Jones the iiiMUilty commissioners on mrA .Ineted a full set of delegates to the county convention which meets in this city next Tuesday morning. It is promised that a delegation pledged against county option will be sent to the state con vention. NEBRASKA CITY Tha deep well la now .town 1 a feet and heavy, coarse sand bearing oil has been struck and vy bucket coming up brings oil covered sand. Ther ia a heavy body of water over the strike and th cltlsens ar now busy rais ing monev with wnicn to purchase casing to shut off th water, pump tha well and ascertain how rich th sinks la. NEBRASKA CITY William Reun. who has been a resident of this county for many vears. died at his horns in this city yes terosy. aged 77 years, of cancer of the stomach. He was born in Germany and cams to this country and becama a farmer and accumulated much land. He is sur vived by a daughter and thre sons, ail grown. The funeral will ba held Sunday afternoon from ths Bethel Evangelical cnurch. NORTH PLATTE In th district court of" this county m ths matter of whether or not a saloon should b had at Brady for ths present year was decided in favor of th rerooDarratora and against, the ap plicant for tn license Th Board of Trus tees of th village, after hearing th vl denoa oa both sides, overrated th ronxin utranca ft Wd by tne Women's Christian TeniDeranest union and other persons and ed to grant lha license. An appeal was j Millet iWUi at SLOB. NSW YORK. July a. Ths wheat pries shot up 2 cents per bushel this morning aa the result of yesterday's sensationally bullish government report on spring wheat condition, which tha traders here Inter preted as almost a calamity. A large amount of short wheat waa covered on the bulge. rigsrn a Cft Grswts. WASHINGTON. July a. The crop growth of ths Unitod States on July 1 wag lower than at any tlm during tn last ten years, according to a erop report of tha Depart ment of Agricultur Issued today. Th re port says: Tha general average condition of erop growth La th. United States on July 1 was &.s per osnt lower ttam on July L ISQB; X per cent lower than July L UtH. and 1.4 per cent lower than th ton-year average condition on July L" Ths following shows the condition on July I and comparison of various crops not previously announced by th department: Four Years' Crop. Alfaifa . No Break in the Heat Wave! i Hot Sight Predicted for the East,! Except in the Lake Se- j gions. WASHINGTON. July . For th next j thirty-six hours at least ther will be no ; break in th. beat wav over the eastern section of th country. Hut nights ara pre- 1 dieted everywhere eavept In th lake region. : A cooler area now in tha mountain tat as Is moving east. Indications ar th weather will continue generally fair today and tw 1 morrow throughout tha country. j Three dead and seven prostrated is ths record for th heat wav. which spread over Washington at noon yesterday. NEW YORK. July . Ths tropical heat wave continued with extreme intensity to day and with no relief In sight. So far to day three persona hava succumbed to Uu torrid air and ther have been numerous prostrations. Th temperature at t o'clock waa 8w degrees and still rising with ths high humidity percentage of U accentuating tha distress. CHICAGO, July 9. Th season's heat record of M degrees attained yesterday waa equaled today. A number of prostra tions occurred. MILWAUKEE, July . Twenty-five ease of Insanity tn lha last two weeks, break ing all local records, war before th pro bat court of Milwauke oounty. That tha lntenss heat had a direct effect on thns cases la tha belief of County Judge J. C. KareL Reduced from $23 and $25 EXTRA PANTS X3. This aaia includes our $25 and $28 two piece Suitlnss. Cool Grey, Blue Serges. Home spuns and Crashes in abund ance. Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and stylo. McCarthy -Wilson Tailoring Co. H 804-306 So tub bixteasi Persistent Advertising is the Road to Biff Returns. TTiav Columns of The Bee Are Best for Adrertlaera,. t 'I BELIEVE PE-RU-NA SAVED POLITICAL A'torvcKHEirT!. YOCR VOTE SOLICITED JOHN YIRAK Rrpullraa Candidate For County Coram iasiuner. Second District. arresting of th ptsyers therefor. movement is being backed up by many leading dttaens and moony ed man. It la tha prwasnt Intention to aaa on of th ministers, who refused 10 tak part In th fight, to take charge of the movement, . cause aa favors ail hsaltny ant of doers iporta. As arflelal of on m" lb churches isvulved say he will file en&rgae against the minister who refused to tak aharg m th prosecution and will ask for his dls mlajHtl from toe ministry. It that is doae ;l ts said th deposed minister will be placed la chargs of th new churra. taaen to th district court, whers th board was overruled yesrerday The saloon waa not opened thia year. GENEVA Mr. Samantha Harvey, aged . died yeateroay at l.JS p m.. at toe resi dence of her daughter. Sara. Ed Mercer. Sara. Hsrvey waa a sister of A. J. Besis. who expired suddenly. The funeral of Mr. Beais was held yesterday afternoon at the MetQodtst Episcopal cnurch. Rev. Mr. Era- up before I brat and Rev. Thomas Griffiths officiated. tu charge i The Odd Fellows haa enarge or me oere This ' liminacy. He wss ordered committed , monies. Th sons of tne di enaesd. O. O. to the aat'lum and waa takn o L.nnn i aaa and Frank Beals of Oklsnoma, al: this morning. ms oaigritsra. Mrs. Chambers of Blair. NORTII PtjkTTE A tetter man General M- A"nurA,ki'; "I rIZVnA M u v, . 1 . ! Mrs. J. L. Houchln of Omaha and Mr. - -ujb rsnira stawa 1 , - ,T..TT , .., rt .nn i,, h,ik ! bands, were present. When you have anything to sail or trade, advertise it tn Th Be Waul Ad column tr 1 vel 9, auk; resell. work will begin on th new Union Vmc...c dspot this rail. TMs milldsng is to be ermtad at a oost of Is. JOB. NORTH PLATTE A. G. Huttmaa has pumhaead frosn J. R. White his osmeat oiock busussss in this aty. The plant la a morit eeraeat factorv. wtiica has been uperaten upon West Front street. VALZ.VTIXa-Crdonel Ai T. Tcrwi died here Friday morning. He waa one of ths utd settlers hrr and up nil four years ago waa receiver at the land office. He waa 75 year of ag. and leave on sun. NEBR-tdKA. CITY -A young sen of Mr. and M-m. John Wililsma. farmers residing nsar this ally, was footing wun a loaoed ivo1vk It waa ariiiquinlly 1'scnarged HOLD REGS Local Manager Newland has )ust announoed the program of- ths annual Chautauqua which will b held in this city the early part of August. The list of taient so far tnciut'ea ex-tjovemor Glenn of North Carolina. ,enator Cummine of Iowa and Governor Auon tel of Colorada. hreirlie many musical aumbers and other lectures by noted men and woroaa. On account of the building up of the grounds on which ths event turmerty waa netd it will lu piece this year at lha west ward schuui pars. The Chautauqua is under the managMnent ef the t.ommercuU year and eaeerai cemmitt work yuaxurg it w:LU aonaideratue Kiflr com.... ruiurn Apples Peanhes Prs drapes Watermelon Canteioupea . Broom oorn... Hemp Hops ..... oorgnum dugar beats... 1S1. ...t.i ...Tbl ...a.T ...Ms ... ...4i-l ...SI M ... 2 ...7 i ...TT.J ...tit ...m; ... i ...mi ...Al Average. KS4 . "I. M.J MY LIFE." i . i.4 : 7.1 , "A I, Ten-year average. GOOD BLAINS II riVC STATU Dreatat ta Brakes la Celetade. 5, araska. Ieera aed SeatAl OaksaMaw DES MOINES. July k Rain, character ised by Dr. George M. Chap pell of the Iowa erop bureau a "a million-dollar rain." Is falling today over northern and western Iowa. It will be of great benefit to crops. MAflOH CITY. la.. July a t Special Tele gram.! The sixty-day drouth was broken today by a fin ram which la quite general over northern and western Iowa. It la still y . y:. imercial ciuo this raining. ar already at DENVER. July L-A drUallng laideratue vigor. 1 Mrs. Charles Aaapaogh, of Cronrwell, IntL, says: "Parana haa bees a godsend to me. I aaa feel safe in saying that it saved my life, as I waa all run down and was Just miserable whan I oemmaneed taking your Perun, bat gat oa th road to recovery now. I oaooot thaxJt you too maoh.' . .-... . . : I am a titisen of Omaha for ti years and a tax payer for S- 'ar. Wi:i appr. lata your nserty support and Hi sua oii for same. rain My name iU appe?ar is the re publican column of Uie primary hailoC aa a candidate for the nueni. aal lun for set rv tary of slate. ADDIHO W.UT