Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1910, HALF-TONE, Page 2, Image 20

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    Native Rulers of India Hold Throne in Six Hundred Hindustan States
line lilahaiaian or UJgpore vfflo.ESTfiBiiaiE. schools
CopyrltTit, inin. by Frank C. rarpnlr.)
(EIPORE. (tfprcial I'orrespun-
denr of The jF.lee.) The
native mate of India are likely
to become hotbeds of unreal.
Many of the rajahs have been
educated abroad, and not a few
bringing modern innovations. Tlio
inahaiajah of Jeypore
lias established
liioois lor pom boya and girla. He lias a ruler the viceroy' orders to step down the government to go there 1.0 i"prese it
native college containing: 1.000 students, aand out. He read them and was greatly the native princes at the time KIiik Ktf- luconie of Million,
female seminary where SOU girls are being surprised. But he merely salaamed to the ward was crowned. His many modern im- The most of these rajahs have incomes of
educated by foreigners and an Industrial little British resident, and walked off to provein-nts, his museums and KchooK have millions. They live In state at their capi
art institute in whlchi among other things, prison, while his boy took the throne In been greatly benefited by his travels and tal cities, wear gorgeous clothing and dec
is made u blue and white porcelain which his stead. I cannot tell you why it is. but he savs he expects to visit London again, orate themselves with somo of the flnext
compares favorably with that of Japan
The gaekwar of Baroda, who has a ter
ritory as big as Massachusetts between
bete and Bombay, Is Instituting all sorts
of factories. He has appointed an Ameri
can as Ills economic adviser, and this man
is suggesting all Sorts of Improvements. A
. bank has been organized, and native cap
ital wJil be used to develop the country. A
cotton jviill with Ij.000 spindles has already
. boon built, and furtories for the lnanufac-
ture .of glass, brick, cement and pottery
will shortly be started. The gaekw&r ex-
peots to make starch from rice, and he will
manufacturo his own cigarettes and cigars,
He Is U-acliing his farmers modern ugrl- by way of Japan and China. He spent aggregating more than 100.000 men. The
culture, dairying; und stock breeding. He some time in Peking, and while there met more important ones, such as liajinjtana,
bas his agricultural experiment stations, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who was visiting Central India and the l'unjab, as well as
and new plants and crops ate being tested, the Chinese capital. I rode with the prince Kashmir, Hyderabad and Mysore, main
He has largo cotton plantations, upon from Peking to Hankow by rail, and chat- tain Imperial service troops to the num-
whlcu he uses modern gins with hydraulic
pressure. He will eventually have weav- -
ins mills as well. He is also experiment
ing in silk raisiug, as well as in ramie and
other fibers.
On my way here 1 was advised to stop
at Uwaller and was told that tho maliu
idjuh there ould take me over the coun
try In his automobile and show me his im
provements of various kinds. There aro
. other states where railroad enterprises and
irrigation scheme Hre well under way, and
altogether Ibis biipposcdly dead part of
India is springing to life.
'1'kc .Native States
i'w people realize the extent of the tei-
l Uoi y still controlled by the Indian rajuMb.
They govern about half of all Hindustan
ami more than one-fifth of the people. Thu
native states are scattered all over India
lrum Kashmir and Nepal In the Himalayas
to Mysore ami others at the extreme south-
ern end of the country, riajpuiatia takes a
great slice out of the he lit of the penin
sula, and Hyderabad, ruled by tho Nizam,
i an Immense state silll further south. Al
together there are t-lx or seven hundred of
these states, containing a population of
more than 0s.it0W.
These u re a part .f British India und
set not of it. The native princes and ra-
Jahs are supposed by the common people
to have absolute rule, but they aro all
under the control of the British and all
have British advisers. The chiefs have no
rliiht to make war or Deace or to send am-
bassador to each other or to outsiue states.
Tney ure permitted to obtain a limited mili
tary force, their trco altogether amount-1
Ml ft to a little over K0.0P0 men. It i.i pi-o-vlded
that no Kuropenn shall rc?!de at sny
of their courts without the sanction of the
Biitijh government, and, in case of out
rageous misrule, th British can come In
and dlctata tvhat shall be d me. 8:ne of
the natle states pay a tribute to the Hrlt
ish. and ethers. 1 believe. h;ve allowance
of arlous ki.'.da to help them upioit their
I ank.
Monkey on Ike Mick."
"Indeed, the rulers if imsst of those ua
tl states arc little more tuau the monkey
Oil It.o Mick, whici i.-i held by Juiin Bull.
Uc puli& tli string atul tlx-;, dan -e as he
v isue.u. If li)t-y will not ob he uieitiy
clisngf.i the monkey." Suid mm of the it n
it iffichtli o liin Inil ai. aims tu me th3
other d-a.v:
"Tho power vC the vUciuy of India oer
Hi rajfchs is b?yoTd louceptinn. Nearly
t.'e.y one of 1'ie native rulers has an army,
and poire oi' mem nave 1 .trees' of will
l;a.r.ed men firtly eauipped for active war-fa;-.
"c-rrlfn.le?s ww t an depute them at
tvi-.l. When l .'i.t.t iu:iie here e a
l:idi.a: tv no ji making a di.sturha.ic.
ll'j would no; Wu.'U with ttia governnten;
hnd was ulnays klcklug ovr the iruets.
U.i day (he viecioy said to mt . 'That nun
Is too mjcii bother, 1 think I shall depose
l.lm and put his son. a boy of 1). I i his
place. Then wo can rule as we please.'
" "Hut," said 1. 'In that case you will need
ti.e army to support ovr orde.-, will you
"'I tiling no!.' ti;'.ied tlio Tlcerny; 'I
flu; I juet send void to our ieUlent taere
to muko the change und it v-i'A be done.'
"'l.idetil.' nal'i 1; 'but tue maharslaU ha
a large . u.y and Uc may decla.u uti,'
I i '2111 y .T T ' f 1 1 "VI
' '.. a y -wsv. i- j . j , u
: ' sr -SVS&sZ?! W ' ' l ......
. i m - ; i r v i. mmnm sJkf a .m - i o
WW X(' 1 I f. H
V 111 -Cf7A. VA If - I If
'"I tlilnk t!ire uill lie no IrouUe, was
the reply.
"Well." continued the general. "I hap-
pened to be at tho capital of that native
state when these instructions from the
viceroy came. It was it the time of the
durbar, and the rajah sat In state upon
hls throne. Then a little man . In black
clothes entered and handed the gorgeous
the power of our government here seems
supieme and the native rulers know that It
Is useless for them to resist."
Ktlncnteil ltajahs.
The most of these native rulers are
well educated. The British government is
Interested In having them so, and it urges
them to visit England and to send their
sons there to college. In ray travels
through China I made one or two Journeja
with the kumar of Sikklm, a little native
state in the Himalayas, under the uhadnwa
of Mount -Everest and Mount Klnchun-
janga. The kumar, or prince, had just
graduated at Oxford and wis coining homo
Quaint Happenings in the
l'oittd lor Sis. Years.
HINK of being married to and
living with a man for six' years
without even passing the time
o' day without saying a word,
except dig about once a week
asking "Where' my money?"
inat was the condition of Alfred and paid $&0 for the funeral of Mary Mc
Pauline Lollies, of 428 Palisades avenue, Ooniglu; the body of Mary McOonlgle now
Jersey City, as set forth in the complaint
filed by the wife before Vice Chancellor
Garrison In her suit for separate ninlntcn-
ance. I
The Lothcs were married July 13, 1?SS,
and that', twenty-two years ago- They lived
together happily, with an occasional spat
to season their affection, until six years
ago. Then ono bright morning up came a
subject at the breakfast table upon which
they could not agree.
Alfred held to his own opinion to show
that he was a regular man, and Paulino
was stubborn and wouldn't give In. Neither
thought It was a matter of serious mo-
nient. yet neither cared to say the first
bo matter continued. Alfred several
times was doubtless on the point of taking
' wife In hi arm and saying. "Come,
Pauline, let's call It off," and there were
occasion when Taullne felt like saying,
"Al, Isn't it about tlmo wo stopped this
nonsense?" Hut neither spoke. .
Now six years fcnve elapsed, and it is
said that neither lu'band or wife can
remember the caue of their trouble it
was so trivial
Identified b Moae In HI
A man registered under the name of
Michael Munuloz at a lodging house in
New York City. That evening he commitud
suicide by Inhaling gas In his r-joni. Ho
was about ::S year old. Among his papers
w:ts a card bearing the name of Dr. U'do
J. Wile, of OH Madison avenue.
Coroner Physlan O'Hanlon and Dr.
John II. Lai'Mii of the College of Physician
ami Surgeon were performing an au
topsy when they tame upou a piece of
bon j about tu Inch In length Inclosed tu the
tiFMies ol the left lung. They found an
old sear dl.ectly over the lolnt where the
iragment of bone was found, van d an In
cleinn di.seloaed tbe fact that the eighth rib
Imd been shattered at some time by a bul
let. 'I'oty wero piittziing over the mal:er
when an explanation wu received from
l'r. Wile, had been coinniunh atrd
sith. ite said trst three years ago he lad
treated a t.iun ansr.eri.ig the description of.
tli suicide for revolver rhot wound. His,
p.ittei.t, who had given the name of Michael
Michaels, said he had betn held up and
sl-.ot. Dr. Wl:e' records showed, he said,
that a bullet had been extracted. Michael
was a waiter...
'I be Hlikt and the Wrong Mary.
If Mary Mctlontgl of New York had been
a leader of tho nswspapers, none of the
complication below would now puzzle her
rela.lona. Mary McOonlgle was etruok by
a trolly car laHt April and died shortly
afiarwan', in a hospital. On notification
f;oiii tl.e cot one", her relatives tain to
91 x i;ii.fri. lit.'ii i mi i I I I I ill -u f v r mm m . i -ill
- III - f " irZAJ.. ' t -s t f,.-:
W nitli him a!iotit hl lH'i- prlnctpnl'ty.
He va glad he was goliifi tacit liomp and
was anxious to take part in thi government
of his people.
The ninam of Hyderabad was educated in
England, and the inahaiajah who rules the
native state of Jevpore has pent his sorst
there to school. The maharajah has vis-
itcd Great Britain, and he was chosen by
lve Courses.
The government of India has established
colleges for the ' education of tho native
princes and rajahs. There aro Jour of
these, situated at AJmer. Lahore, Unjkat
and Indole. It is necessary to have dlf-
ferent schools, because of the Ihws of caste
by which the natives are governed. In
some cases tutors and -guardians take
charge of the young chiefs, and an impnrlul
cadet corps has been established for tho
military training of the sons of noble fam-
The native Htates altogether have nimies
view the body and she was Identified by
her son, Kdward, a prhate in the Fifth
Vnlted States infantry; her sister, her
brother and a cousin: a burial permit was
issued In the name of Mary MoOonlgle. an
Insurance company paid $117 on the life
of Mary McOonlgle; the traction company
lies in Calvary cemetery. But Mary Mc
Uoniglo In-the flesh walked into her sister's
homo.' The sister screamed, tho brothor
dropped his new clay pipe and a small
nieco fainted. Mrs. McOoniglb herself was
surprised, but placid; she had not read tho
newspapers. Then came' explanations.
Maiy McOonigie had been burled all right,
but It was the wrong Mary. The living
woman is a washwoman In private service,
and her address fluctuates with her em
ployment. The dead woman who bears
UCh an extraordinary resemblance to her
was no relative, but had known her and
uad Ven her address to the hospital. Tho
undertaker who but-led theilate Mary wa:
View of the Union Pacific bridge a'ler
the tornado of August lis;. The bridge
was IS feet hbjh and ?,75M tf-l long. Two
a j-u rtr" rn - is iii '" t--. I
if '"' r" ' t. mm pi ii 1-
Trf . . - - 1 in mini i.Li urn in . j j j ju i mi M i Am imtHmm mmwg. , tt- - - UJI1' ,
. I 1 I J , . nsi - " ' i
' '' ' i - f v f '.; .',v.-y, ..v..-- : nsj . : "
SUNDAY UVAl: .11 LY 10.
br of 18.000.- These troops are inrtr th
regular Ini-pcctlon of Britlcili offlrorw, and
belong absolutely to the stateu, although,
they an available for the Kovcrnnient
service when needod. They have the' name
armament as the regular soldiers of the
Indian government, and are well trained,
Homo of them have served In l.'hina and
jewels known to man. The richest of' all
i the nlzan of Hyderabad, whose revenues
are from SO,000,000 to $00,000,000 a year. His
palaces aro enormous, and he has 7,000 re-
talners and servants. Jlis courtsardtj aro
full ef elephants, camels and horses, aiid
their scenes remind you of a page from
the-"Arablan Nights." - -
The country ruled by the nizam Is more
thun twice as large as the state of Xeny'
Tork and his subjects to uprise different
races and many religions. He is a Mo
hammedan and lie is the most Important
Motlem ruler living, with the exception of
the sultan of Turkey. JIany of his nub-
jects wear turbans, and ho has about hlrn
representative from all parts of the Mo-
hammedan world.
.Vs to jewels, his collection Is said to be
worth iw,O00,COO. Jleowns the Xissam dla-
Trend of Everyday Life
summoned to view the living Mary. "I
never saw such a resemblance, he gapgd,
"and I've burled many."
A Man Who Turned lllue.
Joseph Pick leaned against a friendly
lamppost at 1 1 if corner of .Second avenue
and Fifty-seventh street. New York City.
"Why, that man's ' face Is turning blue,"
said a passing citizen; I'll call a policeman."
Tl, Policeman sent for an ambulance, and
when the suraeon examined Pick, he con
eluded thut he was suffering from asphyx-
latlon. At Flower hospital It was found
that his whole body had turned blue, and
oxygen was administered. On recovering
consclnusoess. Pick ' explained that he was
employed in a chemical factory In Long
Island City, and that his color began to
change several days ngo. "I guess It's the
fumes I havo been Inhaling," he said, "and
I'll get another job."
I.oiik Walt for lloibnul.
Mrs. Sidney Jane Watson of 43 South
Valley street, Kansas City, after waiting
What a Storm Once
of the eleven spaim,
on the row end. were
blown out
since been
by tiie wind. The hridye has
enliiely replaced. Tue piioto-
0he jBaharajahiof
mond. which Is one of the fine axoncs or
its kind, and in his realm Is tlulconda. the
t lie
buys diamonds occasionally and owns some
of the best stones which have come out of
South Africa. Not long ago he engaged to
vmy tho Imperial diamond at a cost of
$i.5tO,(XW und he paid one-half this price,
the reat to be given at Intervals durlnx
more than twenty-four years for her hus
band. James K. Watson, to come home,
gave up hope' of Ills retu.-:i and filed suit
for divorce. The divorce was granted by
Judge 1.. C. True of the second division
of the district court of Wyandotte county.
"We were married thirty-five years ago
and lived together happily for eleven
years," Mrs. Watson said. "Ono . spring
Jim got up and hitched up the horse and
ald he was going to town. I haven't seen
r heard of him since."
Had you ever done anything that could
ve caused your husband to leave you?
Judge True asked.
"Yea, I gave hint an awful scolding just
tho day' before he left," Mrs. Watson an
swered. "And then you waited twenty-four years
for him to come back?" the Judge asked,
It's more than twenty-four years," Mrs.
Watson corrected.
You can have the divorce," the court
graph from which this ia copied wa made
by F. J. Currier, who once
on lndla stirei.
a stuulj
r VII !
m I
tbe' next few yar. The British, govern-
ment of India, however, objected, saying
that tlm nlzam had no rleht to suend so
much money out of the taxes collected from
his hard-working subjects, and that he
could not afford to buy things of that kind
They forbade him to pay any more on the
stone. At the same time the diamond had
come into the nlzam's possession. He re-
fused to give it up, and those who sold It
have brought suit against him for the bal-
ance still duo them. At a durbar not long heads and cars in the patterns of a cash
ago this nizam wore abnat( his neck ropes mere shawl, and when taken out for the
of pearls and strings of rubies and dla- rajah they are covered with fancy trap
monds which were valued at $1,009,000. pings and have bra?s chains aroumi their
Another nabob who has magnificent jew
els and who lives In great state, Is the
maharajah of Oudeypore, whose ancestors
resisted the conquest of the Mohammedans.
He claims to have the bluest blood of any
of the native rulers and submits to the
British only because he is forced to do so.
If I remember correctly he would not at
tend the great durbar held at Delhi some
years ago, at which Lord Curzon was pres
ent, and to which most of the native rulers,
Including the nizam, came.
The nabob of Bahawalpur' is another rich
prlnce. He . ut0 on,y a
3 fiouth Carollna, but hls orown a ma8.
of diamonds set In silver, with a row of
pear-shaped pearls about tho base. The
scabbard and hilt of his state sword are
set with Jewels worth $600,000, and he ha a
necklace of uncut emeralds with a chain of
rubles ana pearls, Some or his rubles are
on Inch and a half in diameter. That na-
bob owns 1,700 watches and carries two or
three at one time. He always has a pock-
etful of gold coin made In India, and on
ceremonial occasion lie now and then gives
one to a friend. He was educated under
an'Engllsh tutor appointed by the British.
His present income is said to be about $500,-,
000 a year.
The Maharajnh of Jeriore.
I don't know what the maharajah of Jey
pore Is worth, but he certainly has money
to burn. His journey to England Is re
ported to have cost about $1.0)0.00(1. and he
is said to have given away-oniethlng like
$00,000 in charities during that trip. He
chartered a special steamer for the oc
casion, and this was fitted up with six
different kitchens, according to the castes
of his followers. He took with him his own
drinking water from the Oanges, and had
a little temple on the ship in which he
worshiped Kama, hi own divine ancestor.
He carried with him priests, servant of
all kinds, several wive und a chorus of
nautch girls, and when he reached London
he filled to the brim the palace which the
government had allotted to him.
I wish I could show you the state In
which hi highness live In Jeypore. HI
palaces cover ncres and his gardens are
watered by silvery fountains. I have gone
through court after court floored with mar
ble arid carpeted wllh Pertlun rug of great
price. In one palace I saw a billiard room,
the floor of which was covered with the
skins of tigers and leopards killed by the thorn. The anarchistic demonstrations anil
rajfih. They lay In i;rcut plies on the floor, thu unrest have so far been in the Brit
ain! some of the divan were upholstered Itth Hates rather than elsewhere, and today
with. them. The beasts were all killed by native India Is quiet. During my stay In
his hlghners. who I famous a a tiger Calcutta I called at the state department
hunter and as an excellent shot. and bad a talk with Mr Harcuurt Huthr,
I saw also the outside of the harem, lis secretary. Paid lie:
where hi highness keep hi numerous "The native rulers are giving u no trnu
ladles. and then took a look at the stables, ble, and, In fact, they aro aiding In k p
The maharajah ha several hundred fine lug ihlngs quirt. Many of them are en
horses. The stable run around a space of tcrprlslng. They employ civil engineer
six acre or more, being heavily roofed to and are trying to develop the country,
keep off the sun. There Is an arcade of form- are buildings Irrigation works, some
stalls, each filled with fine stock. II. establishing factories and nearly all hav
majesty ha stallion from Arabia, Amer- school of one kind or another. In some
lea and Rurope, a well as some from dlf- of the. (tales newspaper ar published,
feient part of India. Kach horse wore a
baiter, in strap or wnien was ilea to a
ring over hi bead, and each had also
v. ,v.
t me Uiifcam, wno
has nnllions jap.
A " 1111
rope about Ms ankle, fastened to posts
that he could not kick nor rear up.
All of these native julers have their ele-
phants, upon which they ride about in state
upon ceremonial occasions, ine manaiajan
of Jeypore has a dozen or more. Some are
of enormous size, and not a few are so dan-
gerous that their tusks have been cut. off
and the ends bound with brass rings, inese
beasts have brass chains around their
necks. They are tattooed on their foie-
During my stay In Joypore I have had
a ride on one of the?e royal beasts. At
the invitation of tho secretary of his high
ness I traveled by one to the ruined city
of Amber, which is situated in the hills
about four miles outside Jeypore. The ele
phant was brought to me shortly before
noon. At the command of Us Hindoo
driver, who sat upon Us head, it kneeled
down for me, and 1 climbed to its back by
a stepladder. There was a cushioned Sad
dle on top, with bar at the sine, anu int.
cllmb w Ju ,
to hold on while
feet. The elephant
,aHP(i uelf uion one leg at a time nd 1
Ki.h..i i.iei ami forth like a ship In a
Blormi The motion was a swaying this way
n,i ,i.n, i became half seasick a we
.,, nr wav uu the mountains. In front
of tne driver, with his brown legs
(.p OVer the elephant' neck just back
of the big flapping ears. He had a sharp
Bte(), hook lu his hand and with this he
stirred up the great beast ana now aim
then made him trot.
After a time I got used to the motion,
and when we were out in the country
and climbing the hills I began to enjoy my
strange ride. I had to wutch out, however,
for every now and then something made ths
beust shy. At ono plnce a motiltey ran
across the roid and it long-tailed ape
.lumped through the branches Just over
our heads, whereupon the elephant swerved
"' almost threw mo oui ot n..v . u
other places we saw wnu tuuvi.n, nou
among thH trees wild hogs were feeding.
By and by wo came to the ruined city
of Amber, which a generation or so aro
was tho capital of the state of Jcypuitb
It Is now quite deserted and the nionkevs)
play in Its ruins. It was once a magnlfW
cent city, with fine residences, big
pess quarters and temple
and palace
Hut one of the rajahs ot tn out oecam
dissatisfied with his and
decreed thut the capital snould Do moved
down to the plains, and the result wus the
pink city of Joypore, of which I may write
In tho future.
Tlir Vlrerur mid the Itajnli.
As to the relation these native rulers
hold to the British government, I must
say before closing this letter that the
viceroy and bis high officials do not f ar
although the ruler reserve the right
abolish such ut any time and to banh U
the editor." FHA.VK U. CAKPKNTKiiC