7 ,f-""-- "i , The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska. ' full ' t The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. m REAL ESTATE EAL ESTATE CXTY PHntttHTT rOH I ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY POH IALB. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE " CITY PHtll-KHTY POH 94LK. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PMUPKRTY FOR 9 A LB. fContlnveat 1 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTY FOR 4AI.IV tCortinued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PMOI'KHTV FOR SALTs. (Continued! TTIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 10, 1010. Li CLAIRMONT Don't Take Our Word for It We May Be Prejudiced Call at our office. Let ua put our time against yours and show you CLAIRMONT. Or, if more convenient, take Benson or Institute car line to Forty-fifth and Military Boulevard. Someone will be there from 2 p. m. till dark to show you the prop erty, today. ;..;. It is high, sightly and beautifuL Two street car lines. Boulevard one hundred and fifty feet wide traverses it from end to end. Prices range from $300 to $700 a lot. Terms $10 to $25 cash, balance $7.50 to $15 a month. These are not cheap lots, but high class lota at cheap prices and unprecedented easy terms for this class of property. It is the place ehosen for the Aviation meet- on account of its close-in location on account of its street car facilities on account of its commanding position above all the surrounding country. If you want a lot for a home or for an invest ment, or if you want to start to save something each . month, you can't afford to pass this by without looking it over. Benson & Carmichael 642 Paxton Block PERRINE & WOLCOTT IUai Estate and Insurance Brokers Suite H Urandeta Theater. 72J 8. th Ave., b-rooin basement cottage, standing on north end of lot 6xi24; room for two detached cottage fsclng on Leav enworth St. Modern conveniences. Price Is low, tt.OOo; will handle. Near Slst and Ames, I-room house, strictly modern; laundry; lot Bftxia. Price $3.ot. Near Sth and Camden. -room house, barn, fruit: 4 full lota. $1,300. S3M Boyd. 7 room cottage, modern every way, laundry; a very complete home; must be seen to be appreciated; $$.: can ar range terms. SOUTH OMAHA X. d between B and C 8ts.; 8-room strictly modern; barn; lot 4oxl; VACANT 35th and Dewey Ave . dxl!4- $1 500. tioward. between. J7th and ttth, O.IU). -it . .- n.nMmrt. ti4x!24. S.jOUl eoxiss. Davennort. between 47th amd 4Mh, 49x104, KkiO. Davenport and 47th. 0xlO4, $. Burt, between 51t and i-d, 0xl3a. IS"0. a w i-nr t K od Stone. SUxlXl. tCS n. Lit ' and Webster, i lots, luoxtfi. n . v ... Vt..n KSxlML KM. un Mih and irth and Prague and Bpalding. i bMUUful lota, each rtxlUO, US ee ItoA W.750. For t good cottages at 1S13-1S1S Clark St. w. rf.p fnr in flnt time tw very food bumva. one of rooms and me other rooms, nice lot; paved street; lOose In; near the boulevard, and In very nice condi tion; part modern; on very ea.y m ROBINSON & WOLF, 4K Paxton Block. Choice lots in different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W.J.DERMONDY INVEST MENT CO., TeL D. 786. N. Y. L. Bldg. New 7-room modern house. Dundee neigh borhood; convenient to cr. Price $3.uu. Would take good building lot as part pa. s-raum modem house and barn, paved Street and walks. Taae g nd lot part pay st Its cash value. Price li.ao- t-room modern houiw aiui good barn or Iuuil $4-juu. New and up to data. L N. HAMMOND Ut Board of Trade. Vacant Bargains tSxlSt feet, on block from Rom hotel. Value are, sure to lncreasw her. Only 200 per foot. TV. Farnam Smith Co., 1J20 FAHNAM ST. TfJ. Doui. 1014; lad. A X0. TWO NEW HOUSES WALKING DISTANCE $3,900 Just completed, a well built (-room, all modern residence at SU Dodge St.; down stairs, exoept kitchen, finished In oak; up stairs in ouarter-eawed hard pine; full basement, good furnace, combination light lng fixtures; full south front lot, 50x142. Terms. $) cah. balance monthly. $4,150 A handsome, well arranged home of seven rooms and bath, reception hall, liv ing room, den and dining room, finished in ott; kitchen, three large bed rooms and bath room, finished In hard pine; combi nation fixtures, full basement, screens, ce ment walks, etc.; south rront lot. aOxlM. Terms. kxiU dun. balance like rent. Would be pleased to show either of the above properties at any time. 'Phone for an appointment. The Byron Reed Co. Both 'Phones. m 8. 14th ONLY ILSS FOR NEW S-ROOM UOCSR. Also 6th room for batft. will Duua it tor you and have ready to move in less than forty days. Three blocks to car and paved street, hi rand new. built on run tiity-ioot ioc south front, street graved permanent brick sidewalk on street, cement walk In yard, cement cellar, city water, sewer, sins in kitchen, ewctne and gas light. House alone is worth tl.UO and lot iMi. This is special, and will build only five houses at this pnos. cols a. balance tame as rent. ee us at onctt. (Smaller houses if preferred for $4 up. Easy pay ments. U-47I care Bee. INVESTIGATE It will be an agreebale surprise when you see this well-built, ousy cottage. Has ieceDiion halL Darior. dining room, kitchen and large pantry os first floor. Two large bediouma with closets, splendid bath room and linen closet on second floor. Electric lights and gaa and Carton furnace. Fully cMiuipned with screens and storm windows snd doors. One block to Hsrney car and la a good locality, vtortn J.uuw out nrsi best oiler takes It. WKAY & STEVEN 510 Be Bldg. Dougl&a 1407 New Modern 5-room Cottage , . "z, , . i, , . eiw.. I straight and swivel, settee, Mcilonal sup- JlKibT1,fi ful rI:iP,1 verucei fi.e cases, sic au m I"0 Jl L.T -1- .i condiuun. but at half price, bee us nart ment basement, open piumuing. gaa and j bal. eur K.4M. THUS. VT. HA ZEN, 10$ rJoutl KtA. Phone D. 1300 NEW 6-ROOM MODERN home near Kountse Place at a M bargain, for quica saje by oecer. Call C. W. Ln derhill. Hurney nrr. NICELY furn'.sned four-room flat for sartftos. EverjUuim ceavji'ie. unui street. crtftos. EveoUuaa cesvsi'le. Call Ujs Cumiai street. INVESTMENTS Jll.OfW Two-store, brick apartment house, strle:lv modern, hullt only Close to 24th and Far nam Sts. Rented on a irT. net basis. $20,000 For four seven-rrxm brick houses, full two stories, ail modern, located on corner. 10fx'.) feet, directly opposite Han.com park. Renting for $l.'.t n y-ar. il5.0n Two brick houses and n feet of froniaae on l'4th. ZU and Davenport streets, near CreiKhton college and high school. Excellent location for flats and small stores. LOW PRICE HOMES-WELL LOCATED ll.STA 2R14 Bristol street, five-room cottage, modern er cot beat, "aved afreet. t.'f-iTTHi-ioim hoii'. n dern except heat. ner 2 1 and ik-wani streets. 12,309 each $7U cash, balance Ilka pm for two new fie-t oom cottages, modern ex cept ht-at. near :7th and Lake streets. tJ.vv Six-room modem cottage, two lota, near Boulevsrd and Ames venue. W.rt" Eight-room, two-story frame house, modern, eaat front on istlt. near Wool-Wrrrth. B.jOn CC Fowler avenue; six-room, two-story street ?ii7 25tri avenue; new, sis-room line. CLOSE-IN H.fm0 3. C4 St.; seven-room, two-story Three-room house In rear. Lot OOxlSl feet. $50 per front foot North front Iota on Cass tre paid. 155 per tmni foot, south front lota, in the same location. Mx!3I fe-t. south front on Davenport street. n-ar 24th street. t-'.SO 3x4 feet, on Dewey avenue, west of i3th avenue. Excellent renting; locality. BEMIS 7,740 Two-story, eight-room, strlotly modern Double-frontage lot. One of the choicest locations In Bums park. A good hurue at a low price. FIXE RESIDENCE IN FOREST HILL MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE SO? Worthlna-ton Place 11-room. all modern pawed oak. High panelled wainscoting in dining room. Three large fireplaces. Tiled bath. Paving paid. One of the best corners In the South 10th 'street resi dence district. Close to depots and wholesale district. Key at our office. WEST FARNAM BUILDING SITE Less than a front font for one of the choicest lots In the West Farnam district, fronting; east on 32d avenue, near Davenport street. Fine residences on ail sides. Size 67HX13&. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY JULY BARGAINS O0O Good sised cottage of six rooms; half block from rtiiermsn Ave, car; see this and make offer. J15T0 This is a good five room cottage mo dern except heat and well rented; half block from Sherman Ave. cai. Will take $2 cash; balance easy terms. $2300 For a good house of six rooms, ail good size; full lot; cemented walks in and around the house; fine well and cistern; located in Dundee. We will take axnall cash payment from reli able party, balance monthly. $4000 This a house of six rooms, all good size; bath and toilet; furrmoa heat; fine lot; half a block from 24th Street on Manderson; practically new; 81. paved. J470O A new house of seven rooms; four bed rooms; large living; room; fin ished In mahogany and oak: bum for a home; has large fireplace In living room; located on 42d just south of Fafiuun; very desirable, $5000 Nine room house, with hot water heat; parlor and hall finished in oak: only four years old; walking ojs Uuice. VACANT LOTH. mAWiT some choice south front lots In Dundee, nail blocs, iroro car. iti ikn terms. $360 Very dealraole lot In Dundee, on Cap itol Ave. Specials ail in and paid $1000 Each for two choice lota, half block rrom car in uunaw. j nejr ic luvm and have all s Decisis In and paid tor W might shade this a little if suid together. They are very choice. Dm the N. EL corner 4SKH ana caurorni. In dundee: 1UUXL2): level as a iioor tim nothing finer in that direction. Price t. Peters Trust Co., N. Y. Life.' 4 GOOD BARGAINS $1,1)00 ft-room cottage, not new, but In excellent condition, built by owner and Uvea in con tinuously by him to date. Nicely decorated, shade trees, front and rear porches, cistern and fine well. Located within oiock or 31st and California tits. Price .!0. o00 cash; balance less than it would rent for. See us quick about this; It won't last long at this price. $2,550 Five-room cottage, lust completed, modern except heat; piped for furnace, with at tractive registers: dining room and parlor In light oak; hard pine with maple floors in other rooms- full basement; nice comDioa- tlon fixtures: a most attractive home tor this flaure: near 33d and California. Bee us at once about this. $Luw) cash; balance easy. $3,000 Seven-room home on Ohio St., near 34th; built within the last two years; modern ex cept heat; large lot; !0 cash will handle this. Act. $5,500 A beautiful home of rooms, fully mod ern, oak. downstairs; toilet In basement: combination ' fixtures; paved street, veg etable cellar and laundry In basement; ex cellent neighborhood. A very attractive home in every detail. ED JOHNSTON CO.. Phone Doug 1235. 305 3. 17th Sf $300 CAS1L house. 2 lots, near 30th and Bur dette: cherries, peaches, plums; fine shade. Free, $0,300. tuuO CASH. S rooms, modern except heat, on paved street: lot 40xia; nearly new. Price $l.sa0. Soap. VM CAPIL (-room new house on N. 28th St.; modem except heat; fine home. Price $2,460. $a0ll CAH. S rooms, modern except heat; corner lot; close to S4th St. car line, anap lor xl Hut CAdll. t rooms, modern, on N. 2ith At. near Ohio St.: newly decorated throughout. Snap for someone. Best offer gets il. Uuo CAslL Two houses o'n one lot. four blocks from car: rents tor $21 per montu. want otter. MM CASH. S rooms, modern except heat; good barn; S. j2tn tit.; comer lot. Price S 100. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. R..m in Kirhi:n Blk... Omslia. Phon Red Ml. Independent. A-3t4i 10 INVESTMENT CLOSE IN 4 cottages, always rented, on corner lot, all sped! taxes paid. See" tut for location, price and terms. WALSH . BENSON" Ml'EIiS CO., Bole Agents. 434 N T. Life Bid. Phooe Doug, 74s. One complete office equipment aU ' to gether or by single pieoe. $UM worth all kinds of oiflce railing, fixtures and sup piles, from &c letter files to fire proof sale. 1 . roll tup and flat: typewriter decks, toil top and flit: letter preae. chairs. s for first choice. TO BUILDERS (Will ceil at Huf Value.) 1.000 old brtck X0u latn. 1 new patent aelf-alrlng wall ld. Los Angeiee pattern, so popular there, plate glws mirror iront. ! 1 u4i mantei, with cabinet top, piste 'glass mirror, etc.. UPH Kamara St. Tel.. il. Zlf!. RrJAL ESTATK TITLE TRt'ST ICO. After August L City Nalioroil lliug. FOR 8ALE $-room hoi.se modem, ex oevt beat, frice u..tsji o. a Mar4 at. i oavl beat, ' Ownssv 1 TaL Uamsjr S08-L few years. house, modern, hot water heat, ps.ved house, modern, convenient to S4th stre-.-t car PROPERTY modern house, hot water heat, oak finish. Speciais in and paid for. street, between H5th and 36th streets, pav- PARK house: we'J built, flr,t- class repair. residence: first floor finished in quarter- New Bungalow No. H21 Grand Ave.. on-tty location. paved street, large living room, with fire piace and onJ( flnisri; most modern plumb ing lit kitchen and bath room; two good bedrooms, whiteenaimei finish; cemented cellar, with furnace. Just completed and ready for you to move into for V.Tm). Easy terms. Suited for sma.il family, simple life and little nousekeeping work. House Is open. 6-Room Cottage On Nortli 24th SU. near Fort at., built I years ago for a home: has S rooms and hall down ataire and I rooms and bath up. Very attractive and In splendid condition. S,laO. Morrison Home On Florence boulevard, opposite Rome Miller's beautiful home, corner Grand Ave. This is a a . front, with large forest trees in yard; a pretty view over Carter park; Urg rooms; hot water heat; an unusual place. $7,500. Easy terms. 42d and Douglas Sts 7 rooms, nearly new; some oalc fin lan; 2 large lots; ail In splendid simpe. JS.ioO. Lot Bargains COxlS ft-, 41st, near Davenport. $2,000. ... 54xluO, Capitol Avo.. about 47th, J-rX 50x130, Boulevard, near Fort, $1,100. These lots nearly ail have sewer, city water, gas and electric light and sidewalks. They axe bargains In their localities. Harrison & Morton 91$ N. T. Lire- Tel. D. 314. Special Lot Sale Easy Terms Creighton'a Second Addition on Military Avenue between Seward and Parker Sts. Every lot has sewer, water and permanent walks; all lota graded; high and sightly. Close to car. These are the best and cheapest lots In this part of the city. Look these over today. Prices from $500 to $; small cash pay ment; balance your own terms, practically. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, Tels. : Douglas 4. Ind. A 3048. Ill B1. Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sta. Extraordinary BARGAINS Near Miller Park We hare for qnlck sale three lots 56x135 feet each on N. ith at-, I blocks south uf Miller Park at ONLY $700 This Is fully S per cent less than adja cent lots are selling for. See our big sign ou these lots. Don't Miss These Bargains ED JOHNSTON k CO.. Phone Doux Ui.. Jui S. 17th St. New Houses 3 6-roomed, fully modern houses south front on pared street, one block north of Hanscom park; price, 14,000 Terms, $1,000 cash; balance like rent. Situated Uoth and Poppleton Ave. "W. Farnam ISuiitli Co., 1320 FARNAM ST. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A 1064. Six Lots in good location; one-balf Mock to car; worth C60 each. Wig i-u the hunch fur $l.tis this week; $Ki0 cash. McEachron Itealty Co., Phone Web. 18uL UCt Lalte dt. F. R- GO.SNrJY. tot N. T. LUe Uidg. Uouglas 1M. 244 8. SOth SL. rooms, modern ex. heat. tt.UK. W i 11th St., r., modern ex. hsat, U. 1-1. ;u; r. nth. C r., completely modern and new. $iju. 412 N. 17lh et-. r.. with 3 lots. $3.jML FRED S. HADHA. MU N. Y. L.fe Bldg. Douglas UH. SM N. IJth St.. i-r. cuttass, ILi0. li-.'l Willis Ave., cvr. JMU ot.. -r. cottage, $Z.uu. jtil N. JTth St., 7-r. residence, $2004. 2U Cludweil Ml.. -r. residence, Vi.fM. OWNER LEAVING CITT offers thrse iota and good. 5-rwni house near Ud and Moulding tor liuO. r. D. Wi, Aii. ImH JTarnam bt NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE READY TO MOVE INTO 315.") Meredith Ave., $2,5M) Well htillt n-room cottage with lath. lo cated In district where sll new huss have lately been butlt. Within 1 block of Ames Ave. oar line snd 1 block of school: very desirable location: has cement walks In front and around house. Maple St., :2,64 r0 5-room bungalow; has city water, sewer gss. bath, electric light; lot 40xlJ7; cement walks In front and around house; within block of Dodge street car line and 1 block of new school house. In locality where all new houses are !e!rg built. This can be had on terms of fi cash, balance about the same as rent. . 28G0 Corby St., $2,730 Well built 5-room bungalow on south front lot. 40x127. Has sewer, city water, gas. bath, electric light, fine fixtures; papered throughout: full cellar, cement wiks In front and around house. Terras, V.'M cash, balance monthly. 2.".8 Camden Ave., $2,850 Well built cottage with 3 larce rooms and bath, citv water, sewer, electric light. gas. south front lot. :mix10; within one block of car. Has full foundation, cement cellar, cement walks In front and around the house. In locality where all new homes are being built. i 2::i)S South 14th St., $3,200 40-foot luf. House has 5 large rooms with bath, city water, sewer, gas. electric light, combination fixtures, cement walks In front and h round the house. Also has fur nace and stair to second floor, so two more rooms can be finished. Terms. $yj0 cash, balance monthly. 2421 Webster Ave., $2,850 This Is practically a 7-room house, new, strictly all modern, full basement, best of heating and plumbing. Has five large rooms and vestibule on the first floor and two rooms and hallway, and two closets partly finished on second floor. Built by owner, who Is one of the best mechanics in the city, snd the material la "A No. 1" throughout; tTiO cash and terms can be arranged on the balance. Tou will find the above list of cottages are all well hullt and In desirable loca tions. It will pay you to look these over. In case you want any different terms we can most always arrange terras satisfac torily. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1814 Harney Street, REAL ESTATE TITLE TRCST CO. Ground Floor 1201 Farnam St. GOOD BUILDING LOTH Lake James Park. $10 down and $10 per month. Will build on these to suit pur' chaser. (E57T). l"p from $2ju. Beautiful f-foot lot on Hamilton St. Just west of lid St. car line. This has double frontage, also on Charles St. tGsU.) $1AW. Three good lots near Franklin school, on Decatur St., near 34th. ttjhlil Lach $aoo. Nice lot on Suth St., or Florence Blvd., car right in front ot the door. $10 down and Jo per month. (Etil7. $600. Two lots on West Center, or Lincoln Ave.; on Missouri Pacific tracks. Good trackage. Non-resident owner wants offer. HOUSES AND LOTS Four-room cottage, near Country club, on Lake St., with two nice lots. h-sy terms. (E.21.1 $1,400. can sell two other lots nearny these, rnus making the price Including house $1,000. - soLin Omana Three-room house; small lot: shade trees: good cellar: chicken house. etc.; short walking distance to packing houses. Easy terms. Rents $84. (EU1.) "M. Field Cluo home of it rooms and two baths: strictly modern; on 33d and Center. Leased at $4au. Will trade for Kansas land. Grand View. G616. Special price $4,500. t our-room house, 2zx3Z feet n Grand View: south front, full 50-foot lot; near Second and Francis St. (E61S.) Only $830. Bemis Park home of g rooms; south front on Burt SL. near 33th; all modern. (EnM.) $3.4uO. Rountze. Place, new modern home of rooms: also fruit and shade trees; large lot; hardwood finish and floors; owner must sell for business reasons. Lothrop, near Sherman Ave. (E621.) $4,300. FRUIT FARM. Choice tract In Arkansas, near Spring- dale, in the famous Dayette Viile territory about forty acres; special price on this for quick deal: well improved with house and barn; all kinds or rruit bearing. m,JZ.) ii.76b, REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. After Aug. L City National Bank Bldg. New Brick Dwellings Offered at a Bargain Just listed new double dwell ings, modern in every detail close in, well rented, all spec ials in and paid for, any one looking for a snap see me abou this at once. Full commission to agents. R. IL Landeryou 442 Board of Trade TeL Doug. 2151 Ind. A-2151 12.00ft. For 2 houses and t large lots. At &W4- Boulevard, we offer two cottages in very good condition; Just papered, nice south front lots, always rented, near bouth Omaha car line; on very easy terms; this is a snai). EOBLNSON & WOLF, 4S Paxton Block. Yours for $3,500 9-room. fully modern; large barn splendid shade; lot 68x160 feet; must be seen to be appreciated; two blocks from car. No. 2612 Plerc St. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 FAR?'AM ST. Tel. Doug. 1064; Ind. A 1064 PhysicianDentist Eunt-room nwJrrn brick home st 2122 Doutfiss. suitable (or office and home of physician or dentist- Dr. llaiin. the owner, i.as purchased home and office two doors eaat, and. having no further use for this one, for JO days offers it for ssis. If not sold will rent- Phone Douglas 34JS. TWO LOT& EACH 00x130, $S0B. Near N. -ttn bt. car line, almost waiklc disiauce to center of city. Lots in this neigribvrhoud are held U41 to $1,000 caco. Tl.eee t o. $!M. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, 6U New York Life Bldg. Creighton College District. Nlue-roorn, ihorougnly modern house, two blocks from St. Jons s church; hot water, r.eai; first-class condition, good terms, price $W w. Liuaban lioalty Co., PT.one Doug. ll. 70S N. T. Life Bldg. I BY OWNER $un t-room, modern. Windsor piaxe. 7-rovm, modern, SSd and Charles. li tut I rinim part modern, close ia. Inquire. Ull ou. asta MU Monarch Land & Loan Co. jC2 Bee Building. INVESTMENT It Pays lb'' tll.OOO buys close In fully improved prop erty, fins condition, paying above -i-ci-ni-ae; has $.".tMl mottKBge. Special reasons tor sale. Worth Investigating. Improved $1.000 iood new 4-room house, full lot, close to school and car, near "tli boule vard. Oood terms. tl.tiTi Lai ge 4-i..oin. electric light. cm ;.t ccilar, watei; lot 141x124. On small pay ment. (131) H.6O0 New brick cottage, i extra irf.wc rooms, cement cellar, gas, electric Iikih, bulb, toilet, lawn. 1 his is an unusii,i:v attractive home. $1.."iOO in building and If 4 $2,450 Nearly new. a-room, modem, except heat; south front lot. house in the beet of condi tion. Just reduced from Z.7o0 and Is a snap. Shown anytime, 23o Saratoga St. Walking Distance New. i-rocm pottage, fully modern; per manent walks, paved street. Right down town and as owner Is leaving city, has been priced to sell. See it today, Zili Capital Ave. Never Occupied Juat completing nice 7-room. fully mod ern, oak finish, south front lot; permanent waika, paved street, ail paid. This home faces on the "Court" in beautiful "Saratoga Court' adddltton and is open for Inspection ail the time. If sold at once owner will take $3 W0 and make easy terms. 2430 Sara toga street. F. C. Best, 957 N. Y. Life Phones Doug. 7330 and Harney 3714. INVESTMENT BARGAINS Close in modern frame flat of apart ments. 8 rooms each: always rented for LI a year; only $lt.000 for quick sale. One of the finest homes in the Hansrom park dlstrlrt; very fine interior finish; trlctly modern: large garage: $.000 for a short time. HOME BARGAINS $2,200 for new modem except heat 5-room cottage; stairs to 2d floor, where 1 more rooms can be finished: $500 cash, balance same as rent: Slst and Grand Ave. $2,500 nearly new 5-room partly modern cottage for $2,100; owner going to Europe ana must sen quica; good neighborhood on Ontario street. W. W. MITCHELL Board of Trade Building. Modern Cottage-Want Lot as First Payment 3198 Larimore, choica new 6- room home, modern in every respect, corner lot South front. See this at once. Easy terms on balance. Only $2,750. R. H. Landeryou U'l Board of Trade Tel. Doug. 2151 Ind. A-2151 SOUTH OMAHA COTTAGES. FOUU rooms, brand new. two full lota. located on south side of Madison street. between :6th and 36th streets. Knap. Price only $1,325. 100 cash, laoance $1S per month. UEMIH-CAKLHERU CO. 312 Urandela Theater. MID-SUMMER BARGAINS $2,500 buys a new mod. 5-r. cot tage In north part of city fine south front lot, $400 cash. $2,l(i0 buys a good 5-r., mod. house on Franklin St.. near 33d St.; house cheap at $2,100. Easy terms. $1,750 buys a good mod. cottage on N. 19th St.; easy walking distance. $400 cash. $1,200 burs a fine 4-r., partly mod. house on 27th Bt., south of Lake, close to two good car lines; house cheap at $1,500; real easy terms. J. V. RASP CO., 689-91 Brandeia Blag. Douglas 1653, A-2653. Nicely located lot to build on, 46x13 for $475. aouth front, one block south of Ames Ave.; id lot east of 27in, between two houses; cement walks. W H C1ATES Room $44, N. Y. Life iJtdg. Phone D. 1294 WA XT OFVER Zh Grant. S-room modern House with furnace In good repair; renting to good tenants for LT6 per annum. Thus. W. Uaaen, lue Bo. lth. Phone Dougias 1J00. EIGUT rooms, all modern. Inquire at 611 ri. 3tn at. NEAR HAAttCOM PARK. Doubss house. rooms on eacn aide; all modern. Hants $720 per year. Price. $i.Uu0. dumll amount cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. MM) New York Life Hidg. HEAL KSTATB DUALUUS. REED ABSTRACT CO . Est. IMK; prompt set vice; get our prices. Jut llrandels thsater. BENJAMIN R- E- CO.. 477 Brandeia Blag. REAL EBTATB TITLE-TRUST CO. ISA r'arnam. Ground Floor. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co.. 40$ Bee. REMINGTON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. 1XTL Mi Hamge Bldg. New nouses. ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. S. V. SADLER SON. M & lsth Bt. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 13 Farnam. PETER JESSEN. JR. Tel. Douglas ZTJZ. Listen to what a prominent dealer in Dakota says of Bee wants ads: Tbs ad I run with you brought ms S7 applicants and says ms food results. C. A. JOHNMN," Fairfax. S. O. I HAVR the finest 7-room house, all mod ern excpt hst. on X iMIl !t. Fine loca lion Must be sold in tm unvs. Price, $c BuCK. The Itargain Man. N. JMh at. ttooth Omaha. 8N.P-2.S each easy terms, :M-7-. Merldlth .tve., one block from car line: nl"t) lor.itlon lor home: & rooms, new. swell. See them and be convinced. Phone Wee 4491. Owner; no commission. SOUTH ERS L.AXI INVF.8TMF.Nt CO., Medical Bl.lg.. (iulfport. Miss., offe lots inriiMi feet. Terms suit anv on. Healthy climate. Near $:'' ticlf 'Links.' REAL ESTATE fr'AHM 4.D RAICH USD roB ALsl Cm Bads, FOR QU1C1C HALE. Ons full section In famous Milestone country In rask., Canada, where crop fa IK ores are unknown. Wlfhln one mile of school house. WUI divide. No trade con nklered. Address lAMF.il W. MARTIN. Owner. Joilet, 111 lOlS our excuslon on July 1 to Wheat. flr-iils In Canada. We can show you where to invest your money where it will he safer and bring ymt better returns tlrnn any ; other Investment vou now have. Hound trip Vil. Board snd berth. $1.S pr day. ''all i and see us In our n-w office at 1710 Car nam (Hee Uiitldlng). We will he pleased meet you. Unen to the public Tuesday, i July II. flee our announcement in this psj i per under the hendlng. announcemenia. , i-.nreihrecht ltavcr, 1710 Karnam 141 j Omaha. Neb., phone: Harney &. FOR SALE OR TRADE Am leaving Colorado and will trade first class eastern Colo rado unimproved lands for un incumbered property in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. Might take a going mercantile business. Can suit my acreage to your wants. Give particulars ia first letter. Dr. D. B. McMahan, 306 First National Bank Bldg.. Tel., Tyler 1U70. HKALTHUBKKKHrt. Attention! Investi gate lis salt; mild climata; purs water; la midst of mountains; no wind nor dust; good fishing; fresn eggs snd milk; teat sites free; cottage for families ehssp; ne organised clique to get your money. Oet out near to nature and get strong. Writ to Mayor, Basalt. Colo. COLORADO LAND Very fine 160 scree irrigated land near Leaver; goes sell and directly on railroad and motor line, surrounded by Improve ; farms of S and 10-acre fruit and gsirdxet : tracts. All plowed and ready for water. Have $10,000 equity, which might exchange for good Income property or merchandise. Mortgage, long time and easy payments. Address owner. B. ii., 3011 Howard flu. or call ilouglasa U6S. Aciutsi uu or xaai auusU'svis ) FARM. I miles Bortliwest irons Denver ea G. j B. H. R. to Boulder; enoloe farming , land; $ minutes from ripeueer station or acSooL hourly inter urban te iMaver aa4 : uwrtorrn towns; p.enty Irrigating water, i 7-i oom house, stables, grauaries, etc.. I wells (best mineral rater In Colorado!, ; orooard. grove, large snade trees areua4 ; house. Aply on premises to C e. Jtmptl, owner, or P. O. box Ml. Ceaer. A COLAJKADO LAND SACRllTICM. sores foe , U.008 down, balance $ wars' tune, euuau payments; comprising the old heme place of the spare ranch line rolling and second bottom land value of lands surrounding is $20 te $49 per sens this land snuuld sell for mere money ibe price Is for immediate sale write tor and description. UAiliL&H HE ALT? COMPACT. Colorado borings. Cms. COLORADO. Wyoming. MetJKa and Kansas) Iaodk for sale. $2 per acre buys from owner a traet of level, unimproved land la Imsatieo district In the ban Luis valley. Will arrange 10 show at mar time. bee us lot full particulars. W at. slPPLal. 41$ ConavaCAWeaiib Uld.. Dearer. Cute, COLORAUO Property for eJe U-roota brick and stone residence at Ooldee, Colo, 11 miles west of Denver: place baa beea used for private boarding; house, is mod ern and a money maker : eaay terms te tas ngnt party, uus, xu. uoiden. HOW would you tike to visit In Sunny Southern Colorado at our expense? For full psrtlculars address the V eldon-Upelta Investment Co., Wood River, Meb. COLORADO PROPERTY FOR 8 A Lit 11-room brick and stone residence st (iol den. Colo.. 12 miles west of Denver, place haa been used for private boarding house, is modern, and a money maker; easy terms to right party. Box 2Z3, Golden, Colo. WE ARB headquarters for large tracts of Canadian farming lands. If you want la buy W0 to 100.000 acre tracts, either for In vestment or colonisation purposes. It will pay you to write to us. 100.000 American farmers came to Canada last year. A larger number will come this yesr. Address, In ternational Securities Co., 649 Some ret Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. WHEN yon answer these advertise meats, please mention The Bee. riaw-irf FLORIDA LANDS CHEAP Would you Invest In a 6. 10, 30 or 40 acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's beet agricultural district, if you could get it for $7.o0 per acre under market price T We are just opening new tract In Columbia oounty, lu-4 while constructing the campaign will soil a few tracts on cash or easy payments of $$ per month. We have juat Issued a bsau tiful 20-iLge bonk, snowing pictures of fields and dwellings to our locality, alt la artistic colore. We will mail you this book flee and send you such other advertising matter as will givs you a good Ids of our proposition. Our land la convenient, ta three railroads and we have Lake City, a, modem county seat of Cuts) people, in our midst. People wno know Floriaa consider our tract one of the very beet. It is en dorsed by banksrs. congreeeraea, farmers and the Board uf Trade. Prices very ioe; easy buying plan; writs for maps ana book giving truthful descrtptum. Columbia-Florida Land Co.. 44a Times Bldg., flu Louis. Mo. K.0M ACRE. snap yua silicic balk. Hone East Coast. Kvergiadaa. All muck land. Greatest barSAta 1st lite waole s. Ne oroaers. FBANK L. BILLS as COMPAJTr. asoazes, st. e n sue so.