Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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    Tiie Omaiia Sunday Ber
Knit-red at Omaha. postoffloe as second-i-lais
matter. ,
Dally lira (Including- (vmdayi, per week..irc
l-mly fce twttnout euaoayF. pr weea. loo
Dally Mee (without Sunday), una year.. .It.w
Daily Hee and .Sunday, on year (A
Evening He (without Sunday), vv.r week A:
Evening Baa (with flunday), per week). ..10c
ojndav Bee, one year M 0
Saturday Bea, one year.- 1 6w
Address all complaint of Irregularities In
Unlivery to City Circulation Department
Omaha The Bee Huljding.
8oulh Omahw-Twenty-tourth and N
Council tolufls 16 HiMitt btreeC
Lincoln 61 Little Building.
( 'hlcago ln4s Marquette ttulldlng.
New York Kooma lM-lHtt No. M Weal
Thirty-third rVtreet.
Washington 7a l-'ourteenth Street, N. W.
Communloatlotia relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should be adaresaeo: uniana
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Only 1-cenl atampa received In payment of
mail account, l'.ersonal cneckn, except on
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Slate of Nebraska, iouK'a County, :
Ueonge B. Taaonuck, treasurer ot I'ne Bee
J'unnxning Company, being -iui sworn,
aya that the actual nunutr ot full ana
complete copies of The Daily, Morniug,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tin
month of June, lsl, waa as loilowa:
1. ........ ,.43.700
S i .444100
4....:.. ...,I0
I 41,000
...,.... 43,40
7 ,..43,700
I....',..,'... 44,430
sl.'.. .
:t it....
. .44,530
. : 41,500
; .44,000
. .44,640
. . 44,730
. .44,770
. .45,030
. .46,100
. .41,000
i .45,410
, .43,90
1. 44,540
, .44,410
14. . . 1
IS ..., ...
.. . .
; . 10,000
Not -Total '.,,.'.
Daily- Average'
. . . 43,704
.. . . i Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before. me this- 30th day of June, 1910.
., Notary Public.
Oabscrlbe-rs leavlag the city trm
porarlly ahoald have Tka Be
mailed to tkw. Addressee will b
chasgea aa often aa reqaratea.
The, bitterness of the vacation io also
the "come back."
And Just to think, only a week ago
today all eyes were riveted on Reno.
Georgia calls It a "Qoobernatorlal"
contest. Sort of peanut politico down
' 1
Thfa game of coming back has really
never been successfully played except
by tha'cat. '. !
- , ,. S."-r-
Champ Clark tello the democrats
their ..victory is asured providing
they vlu. lt... ' ; .' ' -. :..
If some July bride wants to eclipse
her June sister she might pull off aa
aeroplane wedding.
"Politicians up In the Air,"' says a
headline. Must be taking, their vaca
tion in an aeroplane. , ." " '
Mr. Rockefeller is an Invincible op
timist,', we a're ' told. Invincible in
more ways than that, too.
Mr. FoJk has captured the endorse
ment Vote; of Bertie, county, Js'ortn
Carolina, for 1912. Sounds a little
like mollycoddles...
. . - . . -' i
A Minnesota writer puts out an arti
cle on v"Pavtng the Road to 'Hell.
Some men have found it too smooth
traveling as t is,
Homicide 'committed by one of their
paid detectives io not calculated to
boost the cause of the anti-saloon up-
Hfteroyery materially, . ',
W. R; Hearst has now joined the
war-with-Japan forces and Is bombard
ing bio papers from Paris with column
long projectiles, but bio country sleeps
peacefully on. ' '
. To ghpw how. deep is his sorrow at
Jeff'o defeat, Jim Corbett mentions the
fact that, be gave' up a theatrical tour
to help train btm. -Well, what to Cor-
belt's loss la the public's gain.
At last Valter Wellman, who would
bave discovered .the North Pole with
Ma airship had not Cook and Peary
Interfered, has consented to cross the
Atlantic . ocean in that faithful old
8omo headway toward a safe and
sane Fourth was achieved this . year,
and If this Is used as a starting point
toward, a still better showing next year
we may accomplish something worth
while in 1911.
The first postal savings depository
cannot be ready for business before
next January. Thia. holler of the
uanks, tnen,. must ne on tne same
principle that actuates the boy Who
yells In. anticipation of something he
is expecting.'
It doe not Took as If the Abernatby
boys "came, saw and conquered," for
they are, riding' back to Oklahoma In
on automobile! They daisied the east
for a moment with their branded
ponies, but they oeern to be returning
victims of eastern style.
Mr. Bryan'o Commoner says acme
thing about Mr. .Roosevelt being "de
servedly rebuked"- by resolution of
some committee of the International
Arbitration and Peace association, of
London. It Mr. Bryan keeps on in
viting a rebuk from the colonel, he
easy get bis sooner than he experts.
Postal Sa vinyi Bogies.
Although the postal Ravings bank is
an assured fact, as a result of the leg
islation enacted by rongresH urged on
by the president, the agencies that
w-re most active in endeavoring to
head off the pontal savings bank bill
are continuing to picture the dreadful
possibilities it may ha a in store. Kroni
reading one of the financial journals,
published near Wall street, its chief
apprehension seems to be that the pos
tal savings bank may prove a success.
In one breath we are assured that the
offer by the government of 2 per cent
Interest will not be sufficient to tempt
people to become depositors, and cer
tainly not to induce them to transfer
any funds from present depositories
that pay higher rates, and in the next
breath we are warned . what havoc
may be wrought by piling up a large
volume of money withdrawn from cir
culation, and perhaps invested in
United States bonds.
It is possible, under the law, we are
told, to convert 30 per cent of the sav
ings bank funds Into government
securities, and after setting aside a 5
per cent reserve to make the 65 per
cent deposited in local banks subject
to withdrawal at the discretion of the
president, and so long as this is possi
ble the Wall street bankers cannot en
joy undisturbed sleep. What different
disposal of the funds would be made
If the savings bank deposits were put
in . the existing private banks in the
first instance Is not disclosed. The
actual cash reserve would, perhaps, be
a little larger, but there would be ab
solutely nothing to prevent the banker
frdin Investing' the remainder "in
United States bonds, although It would
more likely be loaned on less desirable
eecurity at higher Interest. It jo cer
tain, at any rate, that the small sav
ings accounts given over to the . gov
ernment wtll not be. so easily trans
ferred to Wall street as call loans to
ohare the winnings of stock exchange
Again, we are told, that should the
volume ot deposit mount up to great
magnitude, as some of the advocates
of the scheme think will be the case,
other embarrassing possibilities might
ensue. The S per cent cash reserve
would produce' further accumulations
in the treasury vaults which ought to
be In circulation. The fact Is over
looked, .however, that not only the 6
per cent reserve, but a large per cent
of the total, would otherwise be In
hiding or hoarded, and not In circula
tion at all.
Another fear Is that a period of dis
tress might lead to a sudden and gen
eral withdrawal of deposits in the pos
tal banks, in which , event the 5 per
cent cash reserve would be plainly inadequate.-
It lo oMfe gtiess: though.
that a period of distress that would
piiii deposits away froni.tne govern
ment would also pull them away from
private banks,-, .and . the. government
iWpiild. at the worst, be no- more em
barrassed (than . the toep. bankers.
There 10 this consolation vouchsafed
no, also, quoting from the same finan
cial authority, that !'these're mere
possibilities, and In, our. estimation it
la not probable that they will occur."
But a further and much more likely
possibility is that with the advent ot
troublous times some people might lose
confidence in the existing savings de
positories and transfer their moneyo
to the safe-keeping of the government.
whereby money would be flowing, to
government vaults at a time" when par
tlcularly needed In. the channels of
trade. Fortunately, however. thia
possibility may. also be met by the gov
ernment in turn, relieving the banko
by rfBdepoelting or reinvesting In gov
ernment bonds, . thus nuttlnr th
money back Into circulation .through
the very banks from which It was
withdrawn.'. . " "
respite an tnese postal savings
bogles which the bankers persist In
conjuring up, the much more probable
expectation' Is that postal savings will
not only, encourage thrift and bring
hoarded money' out ot biding places,
but will serve to steady the monetary
situation and operate aa a safety valve
for the commercial banks. and private
savings institutions.
' Curing a Grouch.
In addressing a woman'a club con
vention Dr. Madison C. Peters recently
said that social settlement work was
a sure cure for a groucb because It
broadens a person's vision ot life and
makes him happy to know that be la
doing something for othefro and not
centering all his efforts on self.
No doubt the doctor is correct, but
this broadening Influence Is not con
fined to the workers In oocial settle
ment. It cornea from any work that
io jorth while, for any work that io
worth while comprehends the other
man, never stopping at self. People
do not have to engage In public chari
table or reform movements to get thia
broadened vision of life, to let In thia
sunshine of happiness and contentment
that dispels gloom and care. They
may, Indeed, get It by purauing the
r.raple Hues ot their own private daily
occupation, the while mindful of the
other fellow; willing and ready always
to lend a helping hand when it la
needed, or when It may do some real
good. Often the man or woman whose
voice la never beard in public places,
whose name never appears in print as
a popular champion, or reformer, but
who confines bis or her labors to the
ordinary fields of activity, fills just as
wide a sphere of actual usefulness as
the one' who Is known far and wide
for his public utterances.
"Charity beglnO at home," after all;
an old. but true adage, and grouches
are as likely tq spring up at home aa
at any other place. There la oppor
tnnltyfor fhe uroposed remedy around
the firoslde Just as much, If not more,
than on the public rostrum or in the
club. The nian'or woman who lights
the faces of bontfc fnlfcs lth prauticr.l
deeds of love and charity Ignites a
more enduring flame than the one who !
saves the spark for strange hearts. )
And if the borne duty were given first beginning, to have their effect In vari
and sufficient consideration there jous phases of life and coming to be
would be leas call for all these public! more generally recognlxed. . The
benefactors; there would be fewer ! divinity of Broadway as sung on the
grouches to cure. stage is' only a in; th in the good old
Evanescent Fame.
A new edition of that indispensable
volume which goea by the- title,
"Who's Who in America?" gives us
oome entertaining, If not instructive,
statistics of the Instability of fame.
This compendium of biographical In
formation 'about contemporary people
more or less distinguished is made up
on a definite plan so as to embrace
those who are' most conspicuous In
every worthy Walk of lite, and also
the following, "without regard to
notability or prominence in any other
AH members of congress.
All governors of states, .territories and
island possessions of the' United states
now in office.
All United States judges.
All Judges of state and territorial
oourts of . highest appellate jurisdiction.
Members of the cabinet.
Federal department heads.
All officers of the army above the rank
of colonel, and of the navy above the
rank of captain.
All American ambassadors and minis
ters plenipotentiary.
Heads of all the larger universtles and
colleges. . .
Members, of the National Academy of
Sciences and ot the National Academy
of Design.
Heads of the leading national societies
devoted to educational and scientific
Bishops and' chief ecclesiastics of all
the larger religious denominations in the
United States.
. And others Who are In like manner
chosen because of their offlcal relations
and affiliations.
The result of , this fine-tooth combing
for "notables" has produced a volume
containing 17,646 biographies, being
an Increase of 1,161 since the preced
ing publication two years ago. It is
also stated that 1,680 names are omit
ted which appeared in the last edition
of which 974 are known to have died,
leaving 706 dropped because regarded
as eligible Subjects- for. inclusion
"only so long as they filled the places
which brought them at least tem
porarily Into public notice."
Here, Indeed, we have a cold com
mentary on the evanescence of fame.
More than- 700 ambitions gratified-by
reaching f that pinnacle of glory enti
tling them to shine In a biographical
dictionary,, only to fall by the wayside
Into oblivion In the obort period of
two yearo. - ..
Sic 'transit gloria mundl which,
translated into common - English,
which neither' Caesar nor Cicero would
understand, means that an. lectrlc
light ohlnea brighter than a tallow dip,
but burno out. Just the same. ' " ;
Work for the Educator.
The recent convention of the -Na
tional Educational association was
notable for a prevailing spirit of criti
cism by educators of the system ot
popular education in this country. One
Kansas City instructor went eo far In
bis condemnation aa to assert that
"our present system of teaching has
produced a luxuriant crop of spineless
and animated nobodies."
. That is very strong language and It
Io a severe arraignment of modern
methods ot teaching, possibly too rad
ical, but the fact that it is made by a
man whose business io to teach must
entitle It to consideration. What
must strike 'everybody Is that since
these men and women bave discovered
the defects in the system it is their
duty now to find the remedy and apply
it wlthont delay. No matter what the
problem la, they ohould be equal to it,
and If they are they are falling in their
duty; let them get together, decide
upon just what la wrong and what is
right and try to readjust the system
upon correct lines.
Of course, it will appear by a care
ful survey that, while the teacher and
school authority can do much to cor
rect existing evils, there Is much more
he cannot do, but that must be done
by higher authorities, by the state, or
by people themselves. In this case
It becomes the duty of the professional
school man to direct the work of Im
provement Fundamentally our pub
lic school system la sound, and what
ever defecto exist must be superficial
and not organic, but they ' ohould
nevertheless be corrected, for the pub
lic schools are among the pillars of our
national life.
The Heat East and Wert.
Summer'o . oun lo no respecter of
peroono; it shines on the Just and un
Just alike, on the west as well as the
east, and not every city or state in the
Transmlsslsslppl country would make
an Ideal summer resort. But there Is
a difference between the conditions
and effects of the heat in the east and
the west, as appearo from statistic.
On one day during) the excessively
hot spell which seemed to be general
over tbe country, thirty-eight deatha
from heat were recorded and they
were all in citiea from Chicago east;
not. one west. Chicago Itself had
twenty-one deaths, Philadelphia six.
New York four, Pittsburg four, and oo
on. At the same time the tempera'
turea In aome of these cities were not
as high ao were tomperatureo lo west
em cities, but buildings were higher
and more numerous and the humidity
greater. s
People of the west, whether in cities
like Omaha. Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Oea Moines and Denver, or lu the
country, are likely to grow Indifferent
to their natural advantages Ir
n the
conservation of health and life
they "sometimes 'pauso i lake slock
and by comparlpou note their lot a
against that of people in Ih.u larger
eastern cities. These advantagta of
purer air and wider open space W
u mm or limn linwavnr much It iiiav
fascinate in the winter months, and
even the provincial Gotham Is begin
nlng to realise this.
Speedy Justice.
Ike slate of Georgia is encumbered
with a system of court procedure
which lawyers and newspapers declare
to be destructive of speedy justice and
pernicious In its influence upon the
state, and a strong protest has arisen
against it. What Georgia complains
of other states are enduring no more
patiently and the demand is growing
for the elimination of red tape or any
condition that obstructs "a fair,
speedy and impartial trial."
The situation in Georgia has become
so bad that the legislature has taken
It up, and yet we doubt if it Is one
whit worse there than in many other
states. Judges may wince as they
please and resent criticism of their
conduct of court trials, but it is often
as an attorney writing to the Atlanta
Constitution Bays, "One of the pressing
needs of relief Is a reformation of the
methods of court practice and proced
ure." Perhaps the blame for delayed
trials, civil and criminal, does not rest
entirely upon the court; much of It,
ot course, Is due to the lawyers on
either side of a case, out a great deal
will have to be laid at the Judge's
door, for if be has the power under
the law, to permit Continuous delays,
he also has the power ,to enforce "a
fair, speedy and Impartial trial," which
the organic law promises to every
man.' s " ,
. There ia no doubt that the uncer
tainty of punishment and the appar
ently unnecessary delay In court pro
cedure invites men to commit unlaw
ful deeds and never deters them from!
it. Criminals frequently escape pun
ishment altogether or are long Im
mune from the' law's penalties because
the wheels of justice move too slowly.
In civil cases involving business in
terests the delays are equally harmful.
The Georgia lawyer quoted puts It that
the administration of law beara about
the same relation to the progressive
spirit of business as does the medieval
ox-cart to an electric motor." Tbe
comparison may be overdrawn from
general application, but all over the
cduntry this same gelay justice has
come to be more And more an 'object
of complaint snd i. demand that the
remedy ben applied; . .
While we boast of our judiciary as
one; of the "bulwark pf our civil lib
erty," still since Jawa and their admin
istration depend, upon Tinman nature
and are bound to be Imperfect, It is
useless to deny that certain Judicial
reforms could - and should " be made.
Respect for law is not fostered by
weak and slow execution.
o Aeroplanes and Battleships.
The aeroplane la already oerlouoly
considered aa an antidote for the
Dreadnaught in time of war, if we are
to continue wars as a means of settling
international disputes. If,' not, then,
of course, the aircraft and water-borne
vessel will bave to remain on the equal
footing of defensive, instead of offen
sive, Implements of war.
From teats made by Glenn H. Cor-
ties it haa been determined that an
aeroplane can fire projectiles accu
rately from great heights and eould
wreck a warship at a distance that
would make it practically immune
from danger eo far aa the water craft
was concerned. For Instance, it io
claimed that a thousand obot eould
pierce the flimsy sails of the aeroplane
without doing the least damage, and
that while the crew would always bo
more or less subject to peril, the rising
and falling, flitting and flying course
of the aeroplane would make it ex
tremely bard to hit from any distance
But we are discussing battleships
these days, ao we are discussing most
everything else, from a monetary
standpoint One Dreadnaught is to
cost $18,000,000. A good aeroplane
would cost $,000 or 13,000, and
while it takes 1,000 warriors to man
an ocean vessel. It requires only two
or three for the ordinary aeroplane.
There Is something of a financial gain
to start with. Then another compar
ison in favor of the aircraft is in speed.
The aeroplane can attain a rate of
travel which the warship could not.
Still. It will be oome tim before
these new implements of war will be
Introduced, but modern .inventions
move owlftly, and what progress we
bave wrought In air travel baa been
sudden. With oo many addressing
themselves to the subject it is not Im
possible that some nation may soon
decide upon the Innovation. An Aus
trian admiral and naval conatructor Is
quoted as aaylng that "piano for the
future Dreadnaught must provide
protection against this new danger"
(the aeroplane). Major Parse val, the
German expert, dlacusaea the subject
scientifically and Archduke Leopold
Salvator believes that "international
law will bave to provide against this
kind of warfare." In the United
Statea Mr. Curtlss baa been employed
to make demonstration.
r So fur aa International law providing
against this menace to concerned. If it
can do that successfully, then It can
accomplish tbe better alternative of
abolishing war entirely, tbe end to
which the powers are, of course, !oek
10; 1010.
! inv
g. nut wnne loomng tney are "tin
eating million in warships.
Due of the objections lodged against
the new campniKti publicity law
enacted by congress is that it applies
only to national campaign committees
and cimimltteea doing work in more
than (mo state and not to State and
local committees working wholly
within state lines. If that is a defect
it dons not "bold against Nebraska, and
for that matter against many other
' 8,te" tu1 hvc "founded ot.ta end
local committees witn equally severe
(restrictions. The real nub of the whole
business lies' in the observance of the
laws, which in Nebraska, we regret to
say, have been much honored in the
breach during the ten years they have
beon on our statute books, and the
most flagrant of these violations are
chargeable to Mr. Bryan's political
With reports coming in from South
Carolina and New Hampshire of dem
ocrats endorsing ex-Oovernor Folk for
the presidency and mutterlngs ot a re
volt agatust Bryan even In bis own
state, some folks fear they may soon
witness the overthrow of another old
time champion.
Those erudite educators who met in
Boston the other day and jumped on
the public school system with both feet
might do as much good now by apply
ing the proper remedy to the defects
they have discovered. "Words are
good, and only so when backed by
The official organ of the anti-Saloon
league says it will not reply to the fire
of the Insurgents, although it has
plenty of ammunition, but incidentally
remarks that "It la treason to resign
on the eve of battle." How do the
traitors like thatT
Despite the 3-cent fare law the rail
roads are again finding it to their ad
vantage to put in the usual reduced
rates to stimulate summer vacation
travel. We may be sure the railroads
are not losing money, on these bargain
iaj offers either. '
A- "Come Back" to the Laad.
-. , Denver. Republican.
Under the leadership of so distinguished a
convert as Mr. Jeffries, the "back to the
Ignd" movement should take on fresh
lmpetu-'. ; '. " . '
Taklngr the Meaaare.
Indianapolis News.
Perhaps soma idea of the difference be
tween the good trust and th bad trust may
be gained, .from tbe way , trusts take a
chance on paying the corporation tax.
Moot, Boys, Brace Up.
St. Loula Republic.
Kaiser Wflhalm, ia looking for. a son-in-
law. Single American young men ot aver
age habits, desirous of a pesltion with, aa
assured Income- and not toe arduous duties
might do well to investigate, this proposi
tion. - , - . ' ' ' ..."
i i . . in. I.- .
Which la ?bV..Betr Wart
' Baltimore American. '
The candidate. who .ran for president of
Mexico In eppoaltton to Dlas ls-now In
prison. Practical politics has great advan
tages for successful party bosses in Mex
ico over the American system. Here one
candidate, successful or otherwise, can only
call his opponent hard names.
Dopo Lens; Drawn Oat.
Chicago Tribune.
Of the 000,000 or more Words sent by tels-
graph from Reno last Monday it la apparent
now that there were at least 54,317 that
might have been omitted without marring
the record. They were the words used In
padding out the bald and simple statement
that Mr. Jeffries had not "come back."
Croaked Taaaraea Cot Oat.
Baltimore American.
The youth who expects to become an
officer in the United States army must tell
the truth even If it hurts him. Two cadets
have been dismissed from West Point tor
lying. The government proceeds upon the
theory that a man who will tell even a
white lie" is not to be trusted.
Canada Oolagr It Aloae.
New Tork Tribune.
Mr. Fielding, the Canadian minister of
finance, Is reported as saying that "there
never was a moment In Canadian history
when less attention waa paid to the idea of
annexation to the United States than now."
That statement may ha aacepted as correct.
Since the lamented death of Ooldwln Smith
It would be difficult to name a single liv
ing annexationist of real Importance.
Our Birthday Book
Jaly 10, UIO.
Christopher Columbus would be cele
brating his birthday today if he were
till navigating among the Bring. He
waa born July 16,- UM, in Genoa, ana
shuffled off this mortal eoll In 150
without knowing that he had discovered
a new continent.
Flnley Peter Dunne,' the Irish philoso
pher, is -Just 41. He was born In Chi
cago and started out as a newspaper re
porter and has since climbed the laader
of fame aa an author bulging witn wit
and humor.
John W. Griggs, who waa attorney
general In the Mckinley cabinet, Is cele
brating bis . sixty-first birthday today.
lie waa born in Nawton, New Jersey, and
is now practicing law at Paterson.
' Adolphua Busuh, head of the big brew
ry at St Louis, waa bora July 10, 1(43,
In Germany. He came to this country
poor boy of 16, and la now so rich he
doea not know what to do with his
Walter I. Smith, member of congress
from the Ninth Iowa dlstrlot, which in
cludes Council Bluffs across the river. Is
lust 4s years old. . lie waa born and
reared' in Council Bluffs and waa dis
trict Judge before be want to congress.
Ha won out handsomely in the recent
primary fight and haa been talked of as
a possibility for speaker.
alsaao N- Seligman, of the big Seligman
banking house. In New .Tork, waa born
July 10. ll&f. on Staten Island. ' His in
stitution ia 'heavily Interested In Oraah
street railway securities.
M. I. Ctunaron, vloe prasldant and treas
urer oC t'.ie Fetera Trust company ' of
Omaha, la Juat U. He hi a native of Ohio,
whose folks located in Colfax county,
where he started out in bualnsaa, coming
to Omaha from Sobuylar ta'llKtt.
Guy Howell m born July 10, 1j0, at
Albion. -Nab. i Ha la the son of United
8tate Dlatrtnt Attorney F. & HoweU.
XpiiiHifH'lii ll.-publloan: All rf-Htili.un le
nnniiiifltlnns em to be siitlKfled with the
re.-rnt diu lslun of the Illinois supreme court
ruling i'.ibiu leuiting, ninglnv ami ryer
out ot- Urn piinlh- kcIiooIk. Thru te held
ti conMtltnte worship, lind freedom In the
exercise of religion excludes i-omptilslon of
attendance upon any form of worship; aid
when all are taged far the support Of pub
lic schools,- no form of worxhlp . cn be
maintnlned thr without belilg. is It were.
j forced upon those to whom It maj be dis
j ugreialile. iu In a geinunl u reasoned
the court, which waa not uiuuilinouH. lu-p-I
resentativoft of thn lWian Catholic, of the
Jewish and of some of the l'rotestsnt
chuiches are quoted in comm. -mint Ion of
the 0-ciHlon.
Itonton Heiald: The cleravnum of a
heading church In "New York hat? resigned
j because he docs not get ulong witn his
congregation. This clergyman hiia a habit
pi -r-peuKing right nut in tuectln . Some
time sgo he thundered In his pulpit tigainst
Chiiuncev M. lxpew. Me also- was as
Uoaneig-.a In. denouncing graft among
prominent church members. In commenting
sutagely on Quick divorce and resultant
second, third or fourth marriages. He
ptobnbly umde the fntl inlstuke of par
ticularising. Niithan had the boldness to
say to King lavkl; "Thou art the man."
David acknowledged his transgreaslon; but
ha continued to live with tiathaheba, his
wife, and "Nathan departed unto Ills
house;" he did not stay in the court and
keep reminding Jjuvld of his sin.
Doston Transcript: .V southern newspa
per relates an interesting occurrence which
Illustrates the danger of communicating
scriptural messages by chapter and verse
numbers. It setting that - the Southern
Presbyterian assembly at l.ewlsburg, W.
Va , decided to send fraternal greetings to
the Methodist Con f erenow at Asheville, N.
C, and selected for that purpose a passage
In lslah which runs: "How beautiful upon
the mountains are the feet of Him that
brlngeth good tidings," to which telegraphic
reference was made by chapter and verse.
The Methodist convention had the day be
fore bon having a spirited contest over the
eleotlon of some new bishops, and the
choices involved some disappointments,
(treat accordingly waa the astonishment
when,' through an error in transmission,
the verse which came to the Methodists
over the wire from the onloklng Presby
terian waa found to read: "As lambs led
to the slaughter,".
No matter what other creature falls by
the wayside, there Is' good, authority for the
statement that "the cat cam back."
New York's heroic efforts for "a safe
and sane" Fourth were painfully marred
by a death due to tbe city's own firs
works. Owing to 'the overflow of puglllstio dope
in California papers young Theodore Roose
velt and his bride have' had a week ot
enjoyable privacy. .
A safe and sana huaband may cause an
agreeable divers'ty for vacation conversa
tion by reading a chapter or two from the
thrilling serial "July Bargain Sales."
Most ot the t. 000 sports of San Francisco
who observed Independence day away from
home returned to town fairly flush and
correspondingly happy. They couldn't find
enough takers .for their money.
Froof comes hopping on the heels of Tex
Rlckard's assertion that the -chief execu
tive ot Nevada is the "gamest in the
United Statea," Tne governor waa touched
by a pickpocket and didn't hollar. -
The milk' of human kindness bulges the
pipes in. Baltimore. .Finding the strain of
Idleness too much tor the strenuous nerves
ot joyriders in jail It is proposed to put
them on a .treadmill and keep them on
the go. ' '. : ' i '.
Chicago assessors are the meanest ever.
Making note of newspaper reports ot Jew
el worn at social functions in the city,
the owners have been requested to list their
treasures for taxation. The temperature
occasioned by the move puts the celebrated
lake breese out of business.
Grandmothers of today who in" their youth
fashioned 'warm expletives, will be Inter
ested In the news that the man who in
vented hoopsklrta lived through eighty
years. ' Equally surprising it is that he
lived most of the time in New York. The
man with the scythe got him aa Juris
Col. Bryan's Fast and Fataro Ser
vices to the brand Old Party.
New York Sun.
At present it seems probable that Wil
liam Jennings Bryan may be needed by
tha republicans two years hence to do
feat the democratic national ticket. It Is
true that Mr. Bryan is doing what ha can
to prevent such a situation from develop
ing, but even his ingenious avaults on demo
crats may prove unavailing, lie may have
to take tha field again himself. .
That Mr. Bryan Is ready to naorlflce
himself once more his record and his atti
tude prove conclusively. He has thought
of a dosen really paramount issues, in
cluding government ownership ot cargo and
passenger xhlpa in tbe commercial marine
and national prohibition. These and gov
ernment ownership of railways ttp.d the
guarantee of bank deposits would defeat
any democrat no. matter how dissatlnfled
the publio might be with the republican
It It can 'count on Mr. Bryan's help the
republican party need fear the result of
no folly, ' bad . management or corruption
within Its organisation. He can defeat the
democrats at any time and is always ready
to do It
Here's What You've Been Waitin For
An Opportunity to OWN a Guaranteed
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Both the Piano and the Player Guaranteed.
Hera is th most remarkable Playor-l'iano offering ever extended
to Omaha's munition homes we say "muslcless homes" for, really,
very homo is musicless until it breathes of tha very best munlc tha
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INHTItltTIO.N. Uut the beat of all Is the fact that these musical bless
ings can be had for tha same price as that paid heretofore for the plain
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not exert any Influence upon tbe artistic results to bo obtained from it.
Tho equal In
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Payments as Low as $2.00 Weekly.
1315 Douglaa Street
yg'W'ssaii t j .Amerrmm jam. i.tu j ..
The doors of lven are Ij i-etited plm
f helpfulness.
When-s rosn's religion ! on M neevr
Im itMuatly part of his cloak.
ii I easy In love truth aiduntly vhii
etlae is tea ai d your adversary.
Too many ot our ideas un duties are iull
mixed Hlth notions on revenue.
Nothing- a ill help you more than helping
a man when you do not Want to.
Hatntllnes and sanity are both a happy
balance between self and aoclety. ,
Too many ate praying (or a harei. of
love who have planted no seeds of klndrit
If you cannot sometime forgvt 1 count
yourxelf you will never be worth counting.
Thn preacher Who would guide to fhe
Ideal -life must lire In the heart of our real
II is good evidence you have only- hart a
truth when you think you have a monopoly
of all.
This world would be a goocj dual more
healthy if we might quarantine the grum
blers. Thn nio.t uncomfortable people In this
world uro UiDne who are anxious only for
com fort. -''htcag"o Tribune.
"I dreamed laat ntijhl thai 1 proposed !o
a pretty girl," he told her.
"And what did I say?" she asked breetii-
lessly. Buffalo Kxpiev.
"Mandy," eald her eldm-ly relative, "I
should think it would nike you blvirh to
bu caught smearing powdered chalk on
your face the way you do."
"Oh, no, auntie," eald Alios Quickstep; "I
bluHli only when I'm using tvugo." Cl
eago Tribune.
"Just think, dear hwurt!" exclaimed th
young woman, "You proposed to me but
twenty-four hours ago!'"
"Yea, sweetheart, ' came In thrilling
tones from the fortunate man, "and It
eems as though It were but yesterday!"
l,llincott's Magasine.
"I nevor have my umbrella up when 4t i
rumlng," said th chronic grouch, "unless
It la lalnlng money."
"And In that cuao," said tho wixo guy,
"you wouldn't have senna enough to turn,
It upside down." Louisville Courier-Journal.
This is an unjust world. v
Yea; even the Innocent eggs get bcatm
for other people's dessert a Boston Tran
script. ...
"I guees they must have sent me to Uio
wrong office, ojr else somebody was having
fun with me," said the open-faced young
man from beyond the suburbs. "Whea l
stepped -up to the desk and asked for a
marriage license -thoy took, my Hertillon
measurements. They said It was the cus
tomary thing , to do with all bridegrooms
nowadays; it tnaured their capture In caae
they deserted their wives." Chicago Trib
From the French of Victor Hugo. .
It waa her custom, eativ every day
My room to visit for a little stay.
I'd watch for her as for a beam of light n
Joying at her, "Good morning, father!"
Pitting beolde me she would seise my pen,
Play with my books and laugh, and
laugh again
A she deranged my papers; birdlike
then, .
All suddenly she flit out of tbe room;
When I with lighter heart would work
Oft as I wrote upon some -sheet to find
Strange arabesques her dear hand de
signed, Or some white page that bore her fin
gers' smutch;
My sweetest verse some way flowed on
She loved Ood. flowers, the stars, and
-verdant meads;
She was a spirit with a spirit's needs
Before the woman grew and gainsd con
trol. Her look- revealed . the clearness ' of hr
Oh! radiant winter evenings that ,w'r
Piscustiing language, grammar, ' history.
My lour i young children, grouped - about
m v irriMk
Their mother near, friends In the lngle-
Convereing softly! Ah, as back I look,
How llttl-i then to make life sweet It
Now she Is dead! God help me by His
I had no Joy when sadness marred her
In gayest rout gloom was my constant
If, leaving her, a shadow dimmed her
1 eyes!
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