Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Tor Nebrafs Generally fair.
r"cr lou Shower.
For weather retort pat t
TA7 on
hot ingei:many
C:nitit for Commercial Supremacy
it Becoming cf Acute
aiizucatts QnrriY WITCSTSG
German Officials Are Exercised Orer
Goinf After American Trade Captains
XTiereTer Found.
HKn rkrtf Of latere!, artth
Brlblac Fia)l.e la Hr f
rvrfac Orlrn frosa
BERIJX, July S 'Special Dispatch to
8he Bee The A raericaji-Germaa trade
war erf w have heard so much 1
auuiuins Cr-riwiii and acuta si. ape la and
cut er th eti.pie. So fir the German.
,eem to be the ayrreMws. The Americans
ar minding their own bueineaa. taint after trad rn arierlt end generally speaking
eiung it. Itui latter fact i what Mmi
So be grieving Uba German official and ia
flustrlal world and la leading- to measures
thai ar to say tba least somewhat od
prafaaaioiial. These measure apparently
bav the active support of th. higbest
awthcrtty-which mean, tba emperor. Un
3ar hi majesty stimulation tba imperial
revernmea Is going right after the Ameri
ca trada captains wherever they can be
Frwtest ta tba loi-te.
Aa excellent lllustratloa cf thi gtrvarn
neotai artlvity is given by the recent d's
ratch lj.ired by "official souroes" which
was trajialated to the correspondents hera
Anion other tempi thia dispatch set oat
Baroo Marscfeall von Blebersteln. thai
Oermn ambassodor to Con(antmople.
represented to tba sublime porta that Tor
the Turkish government to grant conces-
siona .ought by as American f lnanc-ial '
roup would be to controvert the mJntna
law ar.ed upon by the Turkish govern-!
inent and the Kuropeaa ambaRaadoia. The i
, jF)nmffli tnereoooti re
quested this aoveraroetit to look into the
J1"1""- ?r t the foreim ofTioe
to the state o-trtmnt has beeo for
ntulsted and In eubstance is most favor
able io prmetple to American nterorise
.."Tni- th rreet
ease, specific Genciaa ooncesnlons are ad
versely affected. Aec.ordlmrn' H Is rar
retod that the AmerlcaQ flnanclcJ fater
ts rearh an understanding with li
owners of the Bag-dad rail a ay.
Tba "onrwi cf the attdad railway are
tHronc Gerntaa rtnancial Interests which do
t take kindly to tba Idea of American
merprlss participating la the derelop-
meet of the far east. Such evlopmont '
oald. of course, carry Mlt ft eMB(Kui
nd trade reiaUons with the d' jopula
th there. It is the same "Thf lueoce that
pretested ajminrt the partfclpatk) of
American caplial in the Chinese loan. )t
U ranerally considered that, as la the
Chinese case, the Intervention of t,e 'VfBan
toa-.on roveraraaatt will force sa end to the
unoersroitd work aalnt American tn
eereeta with the Turkiab cvrnmeoL Tba
rtlvttles of the pushlnt Germans hare
therefore 6featd themselves In this ln
nance. A somewhat almUajr altuatooa, tbourh
AJoc different line, has coma to a head
at Hamburg mlth the collapse of the gm
emment s oasa against the Standard Oil
company. This unexpected fiasco has left
the Gem as business and official world in
" somcvb :ng of a mild daaa
The Harnbiu-c nattr began with the dis
charge rf an empioje. a native German,
who I 4 ned Ih. reutache Vaxwura Oil
cempany aa salesman. The Deatach.
acuum totrpajir ia the lubrlcatta oil
branch of tha Jjndard'a organiaaUtM In
Qermany. The former aalesraaa w. .
r!raj bouses with stories charging- -he
tandard ith rarlou. corrupt practiJea
The matter as jut In anspa by these
val concerns and submitted to the
Fremdenblau. a strong paper with ideas
of "enterprise.- It traaeplred at the hear
ing that the persons who Instigated the
publication. German distributors of Ras
Siaa, Austria, and Geliclaj, oils, knew the
charges were unfounded. But the PYrnj
denbUtt accepted the rbargea la rood
faith ejid boob oegan the erasade at a rate
that wsuld fcat-e give to
ita Ameticaa cuntemporariea.
StSifSKfa Aeaaadaaa.
It was charged, among- other tllinga. that
.... peapte nao for years been in
the habit of briito employee of intendms
I u vers fer the purpose of securing ther
" ' " - ui.t sarreis oontaintos
w,la rans representing a
bsruar cuallty and by c ceteris, acooums
by a manipulative of purchase a4 aellina
prioea. had shown reduced profile and a
resulting tower amount subject to state
taxes. These and other charge, were
readily believed by tba general public. J
they were right la line wiu, u,, pub7lp
tiona that had appeared la Americas j,w.
paper, and ma.aalo. and reproduced by
.he eoterpria ua; Fremdeablatt The cru
aad. began In optcbar last and was kept
up coaunuoua-y unU th. public proeeeutor
at Haroturg tok up the case on behalf of
th. govemmert This it .as generally .up
osed meant th, f,nl,h of the Standard ta
Cermany. But to the oot.tematioB of the
rremertlatt and the p.;,pi.
charrea. the public prosecutor, after a Ion.
and exteas'v. bear., .IMera,ea the
To Co arcusiomod to the company,
us-! reuoenc. regarding its kuWi. ,
k. Mn..! of a inru. to see ho.
Btuck of the .Meries of the oil buaneas
ad in can share la it the Standard rol
uhtanii repealed
kla.dard tleea Paeta.
or ir.true. far the flr.t time oa record
! re riven exact tacts regarding th.
lei.l of tn. f-tandard n,.r.,. ,.
btiainesa. It aa. .hoaa that th-
r;;t WOjJtU " ""beinria an!
iot.UI1iea for the ,ar to S.ltMor. Of
tal. hait. amount the oiandard exported
7 "..L or .rU r per oant Te Ger
Uiany th. United f'uiea aent
rtt i ta i-etrcleum product, and over u
r orrt of thi. total waa ahlpped aod
d..!ri&u:rd by the Standard. The rwpre.
souue af the eland. rd wk .
Ui figures, made aa ni4.n.inr. t
mrt.i tLt caused th. Garmsa bualnes. ! f boUl ,b Io''" ,n" -americaa Ear '
oiij to .it tip and uke nuticat jassoclatlasia aad cf the Anrncaa FolltcJ '
"rj3 production in the In: ted etataa"1"4 aial assoclatk-a. j
((.waioiued oa fcraoad Foga law
Nothing to Do But
Rest, Play Golf
and Grow Light
Plaij. Perfected for tie Work of
President Taft Dtrin? Sumter
Season at Beverly.'
BEVERLY. Mass., July ? (Fpeclal
Telerrsm.) Everr importart Btst:man
who calla on Tesldetit Taft is flrM
searched at the executive office and all
suspicious looking papers are ttken from
him. According to the strict o-ders left
by Secretary Norton here. Mr. Vaft is
to haxo a vacation. There are ta t
no conferences. tk dictating of state
papers, no reception of delegations and
no es;ecial attention to correspondence.
The program at Beverly bpw consists cf
golf, automobile riding and social callji.
rresldent Taft will exercise the same
care here this tummer thst he did last
and ntkt the same efforts to reduce Ms
weight La: last summer after several
strenuous weeks he took off four pounds.
He bopes te lake off at least twenty
pounds this summer, .jt r-hri n.rv
of Ciacrnnstl. a pt yslnai culture expert.
wno tias had charge of lite physical con
dition of President Taft during the last) WINFIELD. Kaa.. July . Emphatically
Ttr, Is here. ,- He will be in charge of i c:arina- that the fight of the "rrri i
tha work of reduclug the presidential i3 only Just begun. United States
weight. There a ill le long walks for j t,en,or Jcn.h L. BriBtow of Kansas here
Mr. Taft a strict llet and perhaps some I ttiim afternoon delivered ht firw public
wrtstllnc and boxing. Although the pres- iterance sinoe Saturday last, when he.
dent tipa the beam at the 100 mark, he j R"prJit,outIV -Murdock and E. H. Mad
la ouick on hia feet and very muscular. n Kansas "Insurgents."" Journeyed to
president Taft Is much pleased with j u'ter bay and held a three hours- confer
tbt prcgram which has been Isid down!"1'' Theodore Roosevelt
for the reducing ef hi a eight He is i "To hoube Porrtsuve.- said the sen-
partlcularly plad that Ir. Barker is in
Charge of It The Ohio physician had
planned a trip into the west, where he
contemplated spending the summer, but
ir. Taft mas sa Insistent that be came
to Beverly an- cancelled i.ta western
plana. The weight reducing work has
not yet been s tatted, nothing; Is afiowed
now to Interfere, with the president's
vacation. He golfs with John Hare Ham
mond and Secretary Meyer and takes
long automobile rea with jre. Taft
ana is apparently without care. He will
enter tratam with the hope of "Coming
back- a little later.
Two Railroad Men
Killed in Wreck
Conductor and Brakeman Meet Death
When Engines Collide at
WATERLOO. Ia, July i-Bpec;aI Tele
gram.) Two Watarioo men, JDavid K.
Bankaon aad T. S. McCarthy, were killed
in a railroad eoEinkw last night at Free
port. 1!L, on the Illinois Central. Bani
aon was condnctor and McCarthy brake
man. Both bodies sara brought to Water
loo.. Ran arm was a restraa of the Spao
iaa war. Has deacb caused great sorrow
le lb la city.
Alleged Mabray
Leader is Dead
Enwell D. Herriman, Wanted in
Council Bluffa, Diet While Ap
peal ii Pending-.
BAN FRANCISCO, July .-Rusaen D.
Herrimaa. reputed leader of the Maybt)'
crowd of race track and priae fight opera
tors, died last mg-ht at the Oakland Hospi
tal, where he was operated on several day
ago for caxtcer of the stomach.
Herrimaa has been to the Alameda comity
Jail for several months awaiting an up
praj to the United Slates Supreme court
against an order of the United States Cir
cuit court removing him to Council uluUs
for trial.
wlla Fwar Haadred Tkaaaaad
" Wart a f Graa Bare ale
(rwaa Africa.
BERLIN. July niugglera with dia
rooPds werth . from the southwest
Afrtaaa field, have succeeded la evading
ujv uuuui uiiicer. at uuaerits Bay and
escaped for Esrope. It is beHeroi they
are aboard a German liner. The -overn-ment
which is entitled to K&a per cent
tf the value of the Jewels is watching ail
vesse'.s which arrive. Tna revenue efTices
assert that diamonds worth many millions
hsve been smuggled out in reornt yearn.
The smugglers have not been detected, but
are supposed to be women, wbo concealed
the .lories la their clothing.
Iowa Jurist Who May Sit
on Federal Supreme Bench
Horace Emereoo Ieenw, a ho it men
tioned as tba aucceasor to Chief Justice
Fuller, baa been chief Justice of th. su
preme court of loaa three timee. and bold,
that position now. He waa made chief
Justice for the first tlzna in ISM. whea he
waa Jiret put oa ths supreme bench. a-ai
la 3WH. and acaia is 110 4. He had beea
bffore that a judgw for seven year. t ttt
Fifteenth loaa district
He a as bem at Bourbon, a liiU. Lorn n is
aortheim Indiana. September I 185S. To
get hi. eduoatioa he cam. vest to loaa
s graduated from the law depait
roent of tbe atate uatveralty at loaa City
ie-a. jjis marrlag. to Mum J.i-t ,
Glbac.B occurred three years later.
Ia 1SW. twectr-flve years after rradua-l
tic, he began to serve his eoliea-e in the
capacity of a lectunr oa apeciavl phtvses of
ana vu maae as honorary pro
fessor of jurtaprudanoa. Aa a legal areolar
he has become very aidely knoaw. Ms te
best knowa book, bt mg "XSrauid Jrifi -a
study of the oprst'on of Jury lovest'ga
umit, and Xclopedla cf Law and Hto-cedare.-
Besidea these, be 1. th. autW of
a oumbe-r of monograph, on law utrim.
and his syllabi for lectures are Jnsidered
suthontaUve He has bee3 an active mer-l
Kd -k. be tr rjuuns
offic. la i Mw'nea
; ;
Kansas Senator Telli of the Work
Performed by Eepuolicans in
Corporations Exert Strenuous Efforts
to Block Legislation.
! vnvmTTee irrT-TT -r-r v-r-.
! t-: v ,, ,
1 l' la -rowex necgej M a ifTJUOn
of the Tariff.
t eaalltlaaa aw t t.pirrl Taese
that EiUtH im the OI1 Daya
f He very Prior ta the
aior. nsv-e roaae great progress. They
have practically overthrown the dominion
of Cannon and the coterie of men who sur
rounded him. Bet." be added significantly,
"the great work Is but fairly begun."
tier.ator Bartow's speech was delivered
at the Wlcfleld Chautauqua He analysed
the tariff and tketched the work of the
"progressive republicans" la amending the
railroad bllL There never had been a time
in American history, he said, when greater
responsibility rested upon th. aeraKe citj
srn than today. The couutrv Ui
faced problems more perplexing. The funda
mental question to be determined, he as
serted, wta. Shall this rovernment be ad
ministered in the interest of the averaxe
man or for the benefit of special privilege'
The conflict la American politics today
arrued Senator Brunow. is based upon
the same fundamental principle, as w
that which preceded the civil a ar. The cor
porate interest, of the country have dom
inated the affair, of the nation a. com
pletely as did th. slave Interest in the days
its greatest st-ength.
Caparlaai la Made.
rKm of .lavery was reai by
slave power, so every effort made to pre!
tect the peopta from th. Injustice of the
corporate reod is resisted b, the great
f th The repreX"-
halU i of congress and contended for the
perpetuity of sUvery of their finln!
rial !cti-et in tbt Itastitutton.
-And no th. ir tax, tic monopoiie, of tuis
day hare rxnn . .i. . . .
,c in me hails of
TT m pur Kromo!e
r which they now hare, to plunder the
Amencan poWlc. Thi. sx forcltly m
trated m th. tariff r,ght that occurred a
year ago. . w a
T.Jh PArty In its national eoa-
rentlon decla.ed for a revision of th, tariff
matataining the principle of protect and
further stated that duties should be based
upon the difference In th. co of proouc!
for , at home and abroad, plus a rJL
profit to the home manufacturer K'n'tle
OBfc. and I believe that nine-tenth, of the
repubLcaB. throughout the land ex,cte1
Thi.1 r r,,0 CU out ,n - Ul
not bet T W.Ul1 bBVe Wn don
It not beeji for the perfidy snd selfi?hne
of certain designing legiM.tors. who werl
hi svormg special lnierenu
than of prorooung the welfare of the peo-
"Under the leadership of these men. In
stead of revlsmr th. tariff a. was prom
ised, duties were fixed, not with a view
or protet-tlng legrUmate American in
dustries, or of securing revenue for the
government, but for the punnwe of pro
moting uie financial ir.teresi. of certain
individual concerns.
reat Work Oaly Started.
.e trreat work before ue u but f
beun. This year we fcd to fht as hard
to hold what had been
past as we did to ajet additional legWa
tioru To hold what we now have and ae
cure thewe other necessary provisions H,
the f gbt for the future. It cannot he won
without the determined support of the
-Our hope ! In the lntellirent and pa
triotic purpose of the people themselves
The combined influences of criminal ael
tshnee. and groed are apalnst us. Their
Continued on Second Paee-j
' ' r . :
. .
I 1 . J i
V -
- .i''"'
TOl, 'J -
LnTOUg. LIGHT 50 SimzZ
To Be Guest of Kin? Ak-Sar-Ben Sep
temhtr Second. -
Haa Set Tra Tavaaxaaad' Mcaa
Vera aa Ike Mark, la Have Whea
tbe wted Heater eaeee
bw Oanaha.
W(rn Colonel Rooeeveit visit. Omaha
Scptea-iber t he will te invited to attend
a special initistion ceremony at the Ak-Sar-Ben
den. Whether he can arrange to
attd or not remains to be seen, as noth
ing definite cn be learned as u the hour
or manner of his coming.
King Ak-Sar-Ben XVI. ha. already bf gun
to give serlou. thought to the edvent or the
colonel. The distinguished traveler has
beea received by ruler, of all land, and
peoples; and hia entertainment on every
one of these occastlon has been more mag
nificnt than has ever been tendered another
private citizen. And, after JSeplember I
ha. come and gone still another such re
ception will have been given' Theodore
liostxelt and King Ak-Sar-Ben will dem
onstrate that old world monarch, are not
In his class.
MeaibrrabtTi Bis.
"Golns up," answered Samson's
man alien asked about tde memb.-isb.ip-The
tolaJ is now and still they come.
To thotiMind membere by September 2,
l the record SamsHjn lnteads to make, for
it -would never do to miiiie a m.alj show ing
on that d.y.
Emil Brandt:, chairman of tiie &muee
ment comruiue. lelt riatuiday nirht for
New York. While there he will confer with
the Ak-fijir-Bcn booking ayetit. B. A.
Myers, and make arrancrment. for amuse
ment frr the tail fesiival. Jlr.
wi:l get a line nn mt is up-to-date la
the way of amusements, and ai l hii- g beck
icluivble supgesUona
Tomorrow nlRht at the dr-n the Omtiha
Electrical club members will be the guests
of honor, and will for the first time, un
dergo tbe "shock" of an evening at the
den. Electrically speaHng. whea the sixty
five or more mean her. of the club hav. bteo
taken In a. true knirhta. they will be
charged with about ,ffi 0U0 volts of the Ak-Sar-Ben
spirit of boort.
Wssaaa 1 aval red la Faasaae Storey
Col tea ftwiadle Fined Five
Haa- red.
PHILADELPHIA. July Brought to the
bar of the Unltod States court ln thi. city
after she had eluded capture for nearly five
years. Sophie Beck, one of the principal,
ia the famous Storey cotton swindle, which
found victims ia all pans of the United
States, pleaded ruilty to the charge of
UEitg the mail, to defraud. She was sen
tenced to pay a fine of tJ'JO and a!60 to
pay KKW of the coel of rrosecutlon.
Thone Tyler 1000
for all departments
of The Omaha Bee
Ttl is th sew gwitchoosrd tl
phoDe nuniber ot Tbe Bee. Cet
Th B operator and atk for th
department you wact.
After 6 p.m. and tiffore S
a. m. call Tyler 1000 for edi
torial department, Tyler 1001
for advertising and circula
tion derartroent8 and TSler
1002 fur manag-ing editor.
Coming and Going in Omaha
Erents as Viewed by The Bee'i Artist
King Preaches to
His Subjects and
: Proposes Peace
Utterances Considered the 3ost
trikin? that " Have Emanated
froa Throne in 2any Yean.
LONDON. - .tr ttfpo4el .CaVe-
giaia.) George V stands oonspicuoos.'y
today as a hrl.tian preacher a fact
which haa deeply touched and iropreased
the religious world. Responding yester
day to an address from the convocation
cf the northern provlnc-e. containing aa
rurances cf loyalty to him, his family
and the throne, his majesty said:
"he foundations of national gitry are
set in the home, cf the neonl. .m
rem.ln -unshaken only while th.
life of our race and nation is strong 1 pr"anu! nomination, bllence and fum
simple and pure, he work of the church ! h " nver put to be,tr d-
rellg-iou. and charitable assumes each I .trlt,le U"tn 11 used now by
year a deeper practical simlfleance- I J"scl adherenta of the former go.
Replying te a similar addresa ' t rom i Wb W'-,,t" h,m to lni th am-
th. convocation ot anterb-rv th- ir. cr'e p"rty to tn polu ln
aaid:' it is believed Uiat the candioacy or
"1 desire to promote the peace and'T" W" KIk ' eUl" sun' PPre
unity of oatlona to second all effort.1 " l lh t"rni' f Governor Jud-
for tbe alleviation of alcknea. -m ,,e i BOD H,rmt,n ot Ohio; Governor Marsha
faring- and to support everv wise and
we'l considered scheme for tbe public
good, i am encouraged in all thia l.v
your good wishee and pravers for Oods
blessing on all my endeavor, ui am
rorunea by the belief that the enus we'
" wt;
purs-ue in harmony wl
th tb. teaching,
- achlerlff only
tnd humlhfv Th..
oi the church sill be
nne aa seek n faith and humility that I
perfect atandard of conduct and sacrl- i
flee revealed to Christian men" '
His majesty spoke in a similar .,,.!
in response to itvdbt-ai a.a4.
Tai:en aa a a hole- these utterance, are
- a.Ma MaUJClKl,
sajuugea to le u.e moat striking re
lilTiou. prcmouncement. thai haveeman
ated from the rone in many' years.
The rojal decltration. are welcome I
especially at a time when the records of!
a . .
unvrit courts and the reneral in-i
difference anu cynicism of . :tt 7 .
tiun of society cause profound anxietv I
to all believer, in the vital Importance I
oi tartstian principles
New Head of the English
Department at Peru Normal
It. Homer C. House, the new head of the
Engl ibb department at the Peru Normal
did hi. grade work in the Crete .choal.
under strong teacher, back In the 'S'i. ana
in tbe early Ma entered Ioaie college
and began at once to make 1.1s mart la the
literary circles of the school. The literary
society and th oratorical contests and ths
oolifEe paper claimed House for the r ov a
and aer. well justified in their choice
Ke ale., was a music "shark." and heloi-d
to organlae th. famous "Adelphlan Qiar
tet." 1th which ho eventually -did" al
most every toan and hamlet in Nebraska.
He graduated from Doane .n and lit-r
went to Ui. University ot Nebraska to sr-e-clalixe
In literature, where hia studio, mere
earnest and productive. Here he excited
admiration for his high degree of orlrin-
ality. After aecuring hi. master's degrees'
irum tne i niversiiv of Nebraska, bo ta-jfcht!
for nine years in Kingfiaher eo'.lete Okia-j
hoina. During tbe latter part of hia term)
at Klr.gfj.hey b. began the preparation!
of a text book In English Uerature. which '
aork is now nearly complete. The book'
almost unique in !u uoatatent. 1-!
stead of oeeklrg to merely mak. th. tu-'
dent familiar aith authors and their worka
- - w mmim.jmv Uia flieCI tJl a pi C
of literature on th mind of the radei j
and to dlsoover tbe source of the pp--4il
Another year', aork at the Un: e-wiiy of
br. ia 1WT and IMS rave Ir H6ue
his doctor's degrree fr. the literature
department and ah this preparation he
came to Peru, ax b the retirvmern ol
Prof tVaraoa waa appointed a. bead of the I
Ll.g'u departCMcX j
Democratic Presidential Bee Buzzes'
in IffissouTi Man s Bonnet
CwibM Method, tba t Are Adepied
taaaea (aalrr(l. la Ruka
of the Keeeattl.e Caa.
8T. LOU13. July . Special Tele -
rram.) From the tread of event, in tbe
democratic fold. la evident that former
Governor Folk cf ...l.sourt. Is relying
, upon William J. Brj aa of Nebraska to
-Bi1 1 n in aT-ining the democratic
I"'?' M't"' ""nor r Ne
I , . u
C1' f the t ove'w there
n louDt th1 ncmination would
I !? fVZ. ctpteH3w 4or G.ynor
, 1 I "nT "'v 'he exe-
riillt if X. aa aa V - ta
f N"' Tc""k 'iy dte" m'1 'r'
t0 ',hir " . new hold, and
'OUld Proposition to
V. 'V'n t0 th Vic Presidency,
MJ'"r 3aynor has persistently refused
' 0iscu" Politic, and policiea He aay.
he is not ta politic, and that 1t take, all
in. time to attempt to administer the af
fairs of his city properly.
The Folk boomers are active ln the
east, ana n the south.
Lon fi"fl.
. 1 . oen"cra"o of Missouri. iea making a tour through th.
, . mg Of mo-
f ,
, 10 predlct ".e Folk
li pre'aenl,l nominaUon
(Continued on Second Page.
IR. HOMtR C. HwleC
Democrat, at Lincoln Tollow Peerleu
Into the Cold Water County
. Option Camp.
Bou of the Party Placet Hinuelf
Sqnarely on Becord.
Threat Takei Starch Ont of the Old
Timt Fightm.
05E JIAlff
ts opposmos
J. ft. Harley CHtlrlaea Reewrd of the
R.ler af lhe rewveatfoa, bat
t Carry Mack
'rrr,m Ptaff Correspondent)
LlXCiLX. July -.Special Telearram -t
allowing an appeal from William J
Brya. the democratic county convention
this afternoon endorsed county ortlon and
instructed Lancaster countv- fihr..m.
dtleg.te. to the slat, oosventlon to vote as
a unit for a plank favoring county optic
m the .late platform. Two delegate, re
clined to accept Mace, on th.
thu. instructed Bryan threatened that an.
leK county option were endorsed be would
not serve on the delegation, but would
ask some oiher county to name him.
Mr. Bryan rpoke for more than an hour,
and as he burned his brSde Pr. F U
Hall. T. J. Loyle. Bob Malone. A. V. John
son and other war-horse democrats who
have grown gray ta the service af the
party, occupying front urate, sat In sullen
Bilen e ar-d m that way only expressed
their disapproval, while A. G Wolfen-bar-r
and J. L Claflin. prohibitionists,
and W. R. Patrick and others assisted the
galleries and the democratic count optlon
ists ia boosting- the speakea
" Vwlee af Protest.
J H. Harlev- of The old timers waa tb.
only man to ri. his voice io twotert
aaainst thi. outrsae about to be perpet.
,,,to cn patr-. He talxed long and
earnestly against making county option a
pomirai Irsue and he rave a historv of
the Issue, and paramount issuea a hlch Mr.
Bryan had advocated and ln which he
had carried She pany to defeat, but be
succeeded only In ferinriCaT doa-a the wr-.t.
ot the democrat bos. on hi. head and ia
giving him the opportunity to iro over the
numerous paramount Irum m.n
which he amumerated as havlnx' beaaa
adopted by the republican nattv anrt w.4.
itnto lawa
Mr. Bryan denied that he was responsible
unvy option being- aa issue la the
campaign, for a portion of the blame be
placed upon the Omaha World-Herald of
which he said:
'3 want to find democrat, who hers
teen deceived by the Worid-Herald oa
tbi. Issue. I apeak of the World-Herald,
because democrats bar a rurht to era
j ffclr treatment from their organ, lu ewner
l. a candidate for United States senator
t"na ould speay the tnrth ta his paper.
n anouia at least be neutral la this right."
" Why He Plsht. tbe Brewers.
Mr. Bryan did not mince matters whea
be told why be ia now aa violently opposed
to the rrewera. He aaid the brewers Iti
Ohio were able to elect a democratic leg.
i.lature and governor though they lust the
national ticket. The earns thing- occurred
la Indiana, he aaid. and had It not beea
for some republicans who voted for hltn out
of stste pride, the same result would have
been attained ln Nebraska Hs did not
know or these things, he said, until hia re
turn from South America, because bo bad
been too busy looking after national issues
to study the liquor question and for thla
he desired to apologise to tbe people of the
"If you vote down this resolution. " aaid
Mr. Bryan. -I will not be a delegate from
this county, but I will ask some other
county to g-'vw me a aeat on the state con
vention and I will carry the flbt oa Just
the same."
Then Mr. Bryan recited a little history
to show what happened when other op
posed bis will. He told of tbe organixation
o f tbe Suoces. league la Omaha, which con
cluded ta permit hint to attend the national
convention, though surrounded w-tih those
taVt-ia la b. J? a .
im. Th. Sum. Mm. .,.
I Wv dt-al XimJM a ia aLV
snd Ui at candidate received many leas vote ne oia tne lour years before and four
years later.
Brraa'a Reeeat BeewrdL
ln fai. discussion of th isms of Mr.
Bryan. Mr. Harley aaU If Mr. Bryan bad
not advocated government cwnerahip of
railroad, on his return from Europe, a
would have beea elected prealdect. Before
that came the Phihppine taiande. benovoient
assimilation, election of aenator by the peo
ple, publication of campaign oootributloaa,
refill ail on of trusts, and now th para
mount Issue la county option. Nona of
these, Harley Insisted, were of th Injpor
lanc of the tariff and It waa time aha
party a ent back to safe and aana ground.
Th. resolution adopted endorsed the S
o'clou. dosing lit and tbs Shallenberger
administration, as aell as eoumy opuoa
and lbs platform, of tLe natiotai and stala
convention, of 1XJS and 1WS. When they
era chosen delegates Mr. Hat ley and L. a
GeJ.iardt refused to acoept tne p.aee. oa
the delegation. tr. Hall. F. W. brown. T.
i. 1'ojle and other, accepted after Bryan
fcald he did not care het they talked, se
the voted their Instruct; oi.s.
Patrick Raw.t. Oaa.ha, M.gulr. W B. Pnc and
W. Ii. Patrick of Ku-nv
the rwechmakt:,g Magu:re and Prc
talked nlatonal laauea. while Patrlrk gav
an autobiography of hlmnelf and hi. f.ght
for the pec.le aca' vt the orewera. w ha.
he aaid, had J.M ia Ha sertonal
dtatrtt t to defeat him. Oroahe h referred
to aa tne rottenet place in the sute. aa
he said that MS brothel, sell nguor lal.
gaily Uiere without paying state er national
licenses, all of which 1. due to the poof
way the polka enforce tb law. While
one man. be aaid. get. the r.keoff oa th
beer sold in the brwuela his demo
cratic committee bad taken thia money
and used It to help defeat him. and he,
SJ-sle-handod and aloe, had to rig-tit all
the eU irttroa t in his part of th. .late.
Richard L. Metralf paved th. way for ta
6ryn speech whea be cense out flat-footed
for county optloa la the ptatf-rm, and tl
et.dwsaiDei.t of lb. work of Mr. Pnsn,
M.tiwlf. denied that ha aaa a monyoodd.a,
becaus. be wa. t.ow for county opUoa la
tt platform mbu-h b. oj.poaa.4 la
lumbua iKli, but aaid th part a aaj