Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Brandeis Great July
UNTIL 10 P. M.
W Close Othsr Wesk
Bays M s r. M.
It it BranJeii Store policy n;sr to carry over
goodt from on teason to another.
We begin every sea$on trt'lA absolutely neu good.
He lacrifice cvr tuvtner gooat right in tin
midst of this teaton.
Summer Suits and Dresses MuslGo
$l?-$2? ,
Smart and practical summer dresses in
ginghams and chambrays, Dutch necks'
and sailor styles, all colors, also lingerie
dress6s, worth
up to $7.50, at
Those smart linen coat suits, in white and
colors, plain tailored or fancy trimmed,
worth up to $10, are going
Full length loose or semi-fitting, all new
styles litis season, worth up to 7
$15, special at
Full length coats for traveling and outing,
worth up to $10, at . .$2.98, $3.98, $5
Women's and Misses' White and Colored Wash Skirts
Linen and reps, all new styles, at 98c, $1.50 and $1.98
Battling Caps and slip Children' Colored
pcrs Caps in checks, Jumper Dresses
blue and red and Have been Belling at
polka dots $2, ages S to 14
at....30 and 50
, . W
A1 ft-
Women's Bathing
Suits Excellent
materials, at
at 81.98.
$2.08 d $5
Saturday the biggett day of
of detir-
Wt art making
0i clear ng tale.
Wonaerfui bargain pricu o tcores
able loft.
You can buy the things you need right now at
iht most utraordinary reductions.
men's Waisb
Regularly Worth Sl0 (jT)
and 32 Each atvtur
day Main Floor . . . .
Hundreds and hundreds of our most up-to-date new
waists, that have been selling regularly at $1.60 and $2.00,
are placed at one big clearing sale price.
These waists are in Dutch neck and turn collars, also high necks with
sleeves. Also Tailored Waists, In newest styles, are included, at.
Clearing Sale of Fancy Jewelry
All our imported belt pins, belt buckles in sterling sil
ver, fancy sets, in gold filled, also our cameo La Vallieres,
at Just One-Half the Marked Prices.
All Our Filled Pearl Neck Strands Worth to $2, a great,
clearing sale specif, 50c
All Our Women's Fine Gold Filled Bracelets worth up to
$5.00, clearing sale special, (Tf50
All Our Women's Genuine Patent Leather Calf Skin Belts
In red and black, worth 75c,
In Cut Flower Department,
main floor, south side.
Carnations In all colors,, at per
dozen 25
Cut Flowers at special prices.
.8 I
or three-quarter H
UNTIL 10 P. M.
W Clot on Othar Wee
Pa? s at 6 P. M.
Women's 'Mid-Summer Hats
Your Choice of Hundreds of Women's Fine trimmed Hats
In our second floor millinery de
partment. They have been selling
up to $15 and even
$18, clearing sale,
-ui.ix s.uatuc-AV aV IUJ J
nietl Hat in Our Basement H
reds of styles, at
Special Clearing Sale Bagains in
randeis Basement
Women's Summer Waists
Many slightly soiled, a big assort
ment of up-to-date waists, worth
up to 1.60, extra
special, at . JC
Women's New Waists
Hundreds of fine waists with Dutch
necks, short sleeves, etc., tailored
or trimmed worth.
' up lo $1.25, at
Children's White Dresses
Dainty new styles, in ages 1 to 4
years, have been selling up to $1,
clearing sale price, 10
Women's Wool Skirts
Desirable 1910 models, black and
colors, pleated and gored, worth
up to $6.50,
Women's Wash Skirts
Good quality llnons, etc., plaited
and tunic effects, clearing sale
T? 98c
Hundreds of Men's Negligee
Shirts Worth up TP
to 75c, at 3C
Women's Low Cut Shoes
Pumps and oxfords, & 150
Worth to $2.50, at . vp 1-
Women 8, Misses Dresses
New style glnghata, lawn and lin
gerie, slightly soiled, white and
colors, worth up to ff' nn
$7.50, at CfZ.JO
Men's Summer Undershirts
and Drawers
Worth to 75c, at... .wC
Men's Leather Belts-
up to 50c,
each, at
Women's Sample Low Shoes
Welt and turn, QO
at, per pair OC
Women's $2 Canvas Oxfords
and Pumps q
at, per pair 0C
Specials Women's Low Shoes
Your Choice of Hundreds of pairs or
Women's Up-To-Date Oxfords and
Pumps In the most popular styles, have ;
been selling at $3 and $3.50, clearing sale
at . .
Women's $5 grey and brown suede pumps and ox
fords, at $1.05
Women's $4 Red Cross ankle strap pumpa, gun
metal and patent colt, at $2.69
Women's buckskin pumps and oxfords, hand welt,
at $5.00 .
Women's cool comfortable house slippers f
at , 551.5U J&1.7& na 351.USri
Children's ease skuffer. $2 oxfords, sires 7 to U.jtJ
at " $1.00
111 !' Gun Metal Pumps . Children's Barefoot
Worth $2, at $1.25
Boys' and Youths' Oxford8 In
black and tan, at special prices.
Sandals At
special low prices.
Women's Sample Tumps and Ox
fordsWorth $4, at $1.80, 91.05
Big Demonstration Sale of the
Celebrated Omo Oress Shields
Now In progress In Notion Section. Showing the com
plete line of all the various shapes and styles. Shields for
every occasion and for all the different kinds of dresses.
An expert and able demonstrator in charge to explain
the individual merits of each. '
Hammocks and Porch Shades
Porch Shades 10 feet wide, 8 feet long clearing sale
price, each $1.50
Hammocks Worth $1.50 for Saturday, each. .08
Mammocks Worth $2 for Saturday, each..l,5o
Hammocks Worth $3.60 for Saturday, ea. .$lOS
Hammocks Worth $6 for Saturday, each.. $450
Special Saturday Drags and Photo Supplies
26c Sanltol Tooth Powder. . .13
26c Lilac Talcum Powder. .. .7
75c Pomplan Massage 49
$1.60 Oriental Cream. .. .$1.09
26c Consuelo Cold Cream. . . 16f
60c Java Rice Powder 2(J
60c White Rose Perfume, per
ounce 25
We guarantee Rexall Hair Tonic
at -50 and $1.00
Rexal Straw Hat Cleaner, at 10
7 tubes M. G. Developer. . . .25
25c Developing Trays 16
36c Developing Trays '.10
1 lb. Hypo 5
Drying Rack for 12 plates.. 14
1-6 oft on all Seneca Cameras,
We do developing and finish
ing. Films left before noon may
be got the same day; all work
$1.00 Traveling Case . . . . . .30
16c Chamois O
75c .Rubber Gloves 30
5 cakes Ivory Soap 10
See our ad on last
page of. this paper
special sale of Rib
bons and Hosiery.
BEE TELEPHONE TYLER-1000 Schultz Again
Drives an Auto
Kew Private Exchange for Bee Pub
lishing Company.
'After P. M. Editorial Rooms Are
I Tyler ltOOO Baslnesa Office,
Tyler l.OOl
1,002. j
Protest is Made to the Chief, Who
Says He is Powerless to
Stop Him.
Whlla AI Schulti, charged with having
caused the death of William Krug In an
auto accident, was being arraigned in po
lice court Friday morning, a committee o
autolsta waited upon the chief of police In
an additional charge against the man, , The
auto owners and drivers rose up in arms
over the news and the sight of KchulU
again driving a big touring car, the in
dignation being to the effect that he was
not a fit person to be allowed the prlvl
lege of driving through the city.
The committee asked Chief Donahue if
he might not forbid Schulti from driving
car. The chief replied that he could not,
from the fact that the law does not make
the privilege of auto driving one requiring
a license.
Schulti waived his preliminary hearing
on the charge of manslaughter and his
bond was fixed at $5,000.
The telephone number of The Bee has
been changed.
One general number, "Tyler 1000," now
calls the newspaper, exchanges in editorial
and business departments having been re
placed by a private branch exchange,
patrons giving the old call, as some are
bound to do for a time, will get the central
operator, who will give the person or de
partment desired.
After 6 p. m. calls should be made as
For editorial department ask for Tyler
For circulation and advertising depart
znents, ask for Tyler 1001. 1
For managing editor, ask for Tyler 1002.
The four trunk lines and twenty stations " A L,,,
have been installed for service In the prl-1 1Y11SS xlUllCUScr
yate branch exchange, which will be a
epeedler method of establishing connections
than by the old double system.
The index "Tyler" which has been given
The Bee and a number of other telephones,
marks a oertain portion of the Douglas
boards in the general offices of the Ne
braska Telephone company. At present the
Tyler exchange is not Urge, but it is ex-
tected to add to It in the future. Relieving
the load on the Douglas switchboards will
make for better service all around, because
the heaviest traffic by far Is on the Doug
las exchange. Including all the big down
town business houses which use the tele
phone moat often.
Within The Bee building and the annex
are twenty Intercommunicating 'phones for
the use of the different departments of The
llee Publishing company. A majority of
these 'phones also have outside connections.
Contests Suit
Railroads Issue News that Most of
State Ha Had Rain. ,
1 i
t'nlon Pacific, Barllaartoa and
Northwestern Report Winter
Wheat, Oats and Potatoes
Vastly Improved.
CHICAGO, July 8. Mlsa Nellie Anheuser
of the wealthy St. Louis family of that
name arrived in Chicago today to contest
the suit of Dr. Robert Good, a dentist, for
1500 for work done for the defendant. The
hearing was set for this afternoon.
While Miss Anheuser was here for the
grand opera last winter the gowns which
she had expected to wear were attached
at the instance of the dentist. The de
fendant hss refused to pay the bill on the
grounds that the rate of $25 an hour
charged by Dr. Oood is excessive.
Baatih Omaaan Is First Democrat t
Ren-lster Candidacy for Nebraska
l,elslatar from This Conatr.
George 8. Collins, 65 South Thirty-second
street, South Omaha, Is the first democrat
to file as candidate for the state legislature.
lie filled out his blank and paid his fee
yesterday. Mr. Collins Is out for election
to the house. John Larsen has filed for
county commissioner from South Omaha to
succeed John C. Trouton.
Business Men Pledae that No Serlons
Hesnlts Will Follow Efforts
of Strikers.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., July . -(Special Tele
gram.) A mass meeting of the business
men of Havelock was held today and reso
lutions addressed to Vice President Byram
of the Burlington railroad were adopted.
assuring the Burlington officials that the
officers of the town would protect the em
ployes of the Burlington and would pledge
themselves to see to it that there would be
no riots or other disturbances. These reso
lutlons grew out of the strike of the boller-
DALE CHARGED WITH MURDER "ker. and the trouble which recently oc
i-urrvu bi ti more.
According to reports received In the of
fices of the Union Pacific, Burlington and
Northwestern railroads the rain of Thurs
day saved a large per cent of the crops
of winter wheat, oats and potatoes, but
wlil have little effect on the corn. On the
Union Pacific lines rain . was reported
heavy as far west as Grand Island and
the soil in fine condition after the soaking
North, and south of Grand Island the rain
was general, but farther west, where it
rained a little last week, this later rain
did not touch.
Between Omaha and Lincoln the crops
were becoming in very bad condition, espe
daily the hay and oats cropt, and the
pastures were drying up, but the rain came
just in time. It was too late to help win
ter wheat much, but the majority of this
crop was in fairly good condition before
this week. In the southeastern corner of
Nebraska the ground was hard and baked
from lack of moisture, and the rain will
save the farmers from 20 to SO per cent of
their crops. .
The downpour around O'Neill and Long
Pine was so heavy that the people in that
locality think more rain will do more harm
than good, as their crops, although some
what dry, were, in the case of the wheat,
ready to harvest and the corn needed no
rain. The soil in that region is in very
good condition as light showers fell
there during the last two weeks.
Omaha grain men are more enthusiastio
about crop prospects than they were, par
ttcularly with respect to corn. As concerns
this grain, dealers of the Omaha Grain ex
change take a more hopeful attitude than
do some of the railroads.
"We ought to have at least SOO.000,000 bush
els of corn this year," said A. H. Beivsher,
"and oats are looking better than a while
ago, although the crop Is spotted.
C. C. Crowell, Jr., of the Crowell com
pany declared that corn along the Albion
line of the Northwestern and from Fair
fax to Norfolk "is looking splendid. Oats
will do better than expected, and we need
no rain for awhile. The fields are re
markably clean."
S. P. Mason of the Nye-Schnetder com
pany said that "corn is not hurt in the
north territory, but they are all afraid of
what may happen."
Firemen May
Reach Decision
to Locate Here
Timothy Shea, Vice President of
Brotherhood, Says Omaha Has,
Chance for Headquarters.
Omaha has a good chance' to secure the
home and general offices of the Brother
hood of Lucomotlve Firemen and Kngine-.
men. according to Timothy 8heu, first
vice president of the organization, who was
in Omaha yesterday .ana who remains over
today for a general meeting of ail locomo
tive firemen at xtarlght hull this evening
at t:3U, to wlucn all, union and non-union,
are Invited.
- Mr. tinea oawe to Omaha from Chicago,
where he was on the board wWch secured
the readjustment of wagts for the eugliie
men on fifty of the leading roads of tne
west, in wnlcn tney receive an increase
amounting to about !,5u0,000 a year.
"Our brotherhood haa decided to build a
general headquarters building and the mat
ter is now up to the board of directors,"
said Mr. Shea. "Omaha is making a strong
bid for the location and Is In the running.
"All Is now peace and harmony between
our organization and the railroads and we
hope to contllfo thoee friendly relations.
We have at present over 7,000 men in our
Mr. Shea met with the local union Friday
evening and tonight will meet all firemen
of this section.
Wishes to Postpone Building of the
Dodge Street Viaduct.
Attorneys Bar They Will Ask Conrt
for Permission to Amend Their
Petition to Iteopen the
, Case.
"Even though the decision of the fed
eral court was in our favor, the city is
not likely to get a viaduct built over
the Missouri Paclflo tracks at Forty-fifth
and Dodge for some time," says City At
torney Burnam, "because the railroad Is
planning further litigation.
"I have been informed that It la the
Intention of the legal advlsera of the Mis
souri Pacific to ask the court's permis
sion to an end their bill and that will mean
a reopening of the case. Our proofs on
file will not have to be gone over again, but
part of the contentions will be raised again
and the Missouri Paclflo believes some of
the elements ef the argument have been
overlooked and they will be emphasized."
Francis A. Brogan, who has been work
ing on the railroad side of the case, states
that no definite steps have been taken to
ward reopening the litigation. An appeal
to a higher court on or amendment of
the original bill as is anticipated by Mr.
Burnam are both possible.
Crane Coins Expression to Snlt Him.
self In Ara-ulns Croak
Attorney T. D. Crane has stepped Into
the Jack London claaa and has coined a
new expression. Opening the argument for
the plaintiff In the Cronk divorce case he
accused Mrs. Cronk of "matrimonial lar
ceny" stealing George P. Cronk from his
former wife. Mr. Crane argued that to the
plaintiff the events prior to hiB marriage
with the present Mrs. Cronk would be as a
sealed book, but that the defense had made
the first move toward going Into Crunk's
The introduction of evidence wai con
cluded about 11:30 o'clock Friday morning
and arguments were commenced. Attorney
Crane went over letters received by Mrs.
Cronk from Jessie Laird In Chicago and
argued that they showed Intrigue and de
Lelt. He took up the visit of A. Baum
barger to the home of Mrs. Cronk during
the absence of Mr. Cronk and scored Mrs.
Cronk for her unwlfely conduct. Argument
will likely not be, concluded until Saturday
morning. .
Burley State bank, Burley, Idaho, pays
per cent on time certificates of deposit.
Double your income. Write, SURE, today.
At the Theaters
Hammer Vaudeville at the tanyt'ty.
Quite pretentious is the twenty-minute
sketch played by Louise Buckley and Harry
Hamilton in the new bill for the last hull'
of the week at the Gayety. It Is entitlJ
"The World of Strife" and tells the story
of a strike in the steel mills at Carnepin,
Pa. Mr. Hamilton Is seen as the whole
souled foreman of the steel workers
endeavoring to persuade the daughter of
the steel magnate to use her good in
fluence with her father to end the strike.
He has many witty lines and delivers tlitr.i
with telling effect. Miss Hamilton jilHya
the millionaire's daughter and finds It Im
possible to sue tho serious side of the ques
tion presented by the uncouth foreman.
The sketch contains many laughi and U
presented with special scenery.
Hattle Wado Mack, an Irish comedienne
of no mean ability, won favor with hi:r
"blarney" ong and talk
Colonel Roosevelt is again prominent in
the motion picture program, this time being
ahowu during his receptions In various
cities in Denmark. A couple of dramatic
subjects and three very funny comedy sub
jects arc shown which, with Harry l.yonV
song, , bring to a close a most enjoyable
program which will continue today and to
morrow, a new bill being prepared for the
first half of next week, slat ting .Sunday
afternoon. .
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Man Alleged to Have shot Hear? An.
derson Asks Preliminary Hear
las Set for Toesday,
Flu Dale, who la alieged to have shot
and k.ued nfir"d:rri:"i:r,!,n'l no postal banks this year
Mr. Byram passed through Havelock to
day and it was expected that he would
stop, when the resolutions were to have
been presented to him. They will be sent to
of murder In tne first degree. The man
nuked a preliminary hearing, and the lat
ter was svt for next Tuesday.
Take Wnralag.
Don't let stomach, liver or kidney trouble
divwn you when you ran Quickly down them
with Eltctrlo Bittern. (V0u. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Postmaster Cenernl H'trkrork Bays
It Will Bo Neeesaary to Walt
Till Jaannrr rirst.
CHICAGO. July S. Postmaster Genera)
Hitchcock, who was In the city today, ex
pressed the oplnlen that no postal savings
bank could be established before January
1, 1311.
B. McCaffrey and James A 11 ma
While AdToeatlna- Socialism,
Draw Obstrnetlas; Crowd.
The police have resumed their perennial
campaign agulnst the obstruction of the
sidewalks of Douglas street and as a ro
suit B. McCaffrey, 1919 Pierce street and
James Allman. who gave his address
Lincoln, were arrested by Sergeant Mad sen
last night and taken to the station. The
pair were engaged In advocating. It Is
stated, the principles of socialism at the
corner of Fifteenth and Douglas streets
and no sooner was McCaffrey sent In than
his place was Uken by Allman. This par
tlcular part of the street Is a favorite
Search Made of Person of George
Smith and Glass Dagger
Fonnd Upon Him.
HARLAN, la.. July 8--(Special.)-Georg
Smith, the 19-year-old burglar, who Is in
the county Jail here awaiting the action of
the September grand Jury, was foiled in an
attempt to stab Deputy Sheriff McMahon
this morning. Smith had made a dagger
out of glasa taken from the window pane
in his cell and filed It otr on the bars of
the cell until It was as sharp as a knife.
He bound the end of it In cloth for a
handle and tied bis shoestring around It
to hold it. Smith told one ef the other in
mates In the Jail ef his plan to stab Mc
Mahon when he brought In bis dinner, but
(he trusty prisoner told McMabon and they
searched Smith and took the weapon away
from him. Smith confessed that he had
said he would kill the first person who
came to his cell so that he could make hla
escape. As Smith Is a desperate man.
Judge Green will call a special session of
the grand Jury, have him Indicted and sen
tence him to the state reformatory at
nWBnBsnBB&Mw'nMi iiii n tmyi irifii ii-1!! IiHi niV-i-iiiii
Uses Cleaver on Officer.
FREMONT, Neb.. July 8-(Spclal.)
Marshall Wormwood of Dodge had a lively
experience with A. Vlasak, a butcher at
that town. Vlasak accumulated a pad of
boose and was brought before a Justice
of the peace and fined 110 and costs. The
marshal accompanied him to his shop to
get the money. When they got there Vla
sak seized a cleaver and started after the
marshal, who was not expecting anything
of the kind and consequently left the
butcher in his shop. The next morning
Vlasak was sober and very anxious to fix
things up, but the marshal was not so In
clined. A prosecution for assault with a
deadly weapon may be filed agaluat him.
Renular $1.50 and $100
Values, Saturday..........
At Our Douglas Street Store
We will offer the biggest waist bargains of
the season hundreds of beautiful new
waists that have been selling regularly at
$1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, in scores of pretty
new styles and all sizes to
pick from. On sale Saturday...
Limit 2 to a Customer
is io
"A W nntirii.A