Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha Keeps Up Good Work; Cubs Win from Reds; Athletics Win; Naps Lose Two Game s
, f
Omaha Able to Withstand Heavy
Batting of Champ.
Roarkes Flar Errorless Ball aad
la Tata War Ittm Sevnttloar
Rally of Hlaalaa
DE9 MOINES. July t-Omnha used two
pltcheri In an effort to stop the heavy
hitting of the Des Molnea aggregation.
Whlla Omaha played an errorless game, the
locals swatted tha ball freely and with ap
parent case. Score: '
AB. K.
Fetter, rf....
Colllgan, mi..
MalUck, cf...
Dwyer. lb...,
Nlehoff, Stf...
Curtis, If
Bailer. 2b....
tjlenimons, c.
Mitchell, p...
Owens, p
Schnelberg .
33 t
AB. R.
10 2T 17
McNeill, 8b....
C'orrldon, as...
Persons, If
Thompson, cf.
Kane, lb
I'arrlna, 2b
Welch, rf
Uondlnf e
Rhodes, p
Blowers, p
Keeley, p
., 1
T 17 1
Kan for Nlehoff In tha third.
Omaha 0 8 0 0 0
Uea Moines 0 2 10 0
0 2
Two-baA hit: Corrldon. Three-base hit:
Curtis. Horn run: Mattlck. Kits; off
Mitchell, t In ona Inning; olf Owens, i In
: off Rhodes. 6 In thre ln-
V nmgs; off Slower, 4
Keeley, 1 In two Inn
) ulf Mitchell, 3; off I
f 3; off Stowers. 2. I
111 I fur innuiga, u
Inning, h'ajia on balls:
Owens. 1; off Rhode.
poaeved balls: CI am
ine i. a, 2. Htruca out: joy uwmii, , m
Blowers, 1; by Keoley, L Stolon bases:
Corrldon, Persons. IxwibVe play: Corrkton
to Kane. Sacrifice hits: Colllgan, Owans,
Rhodes. Left on bases: Dee Moines, 4;
Omaha, 8. Tlma: 4:00. Umpire: Mullen.
Atiendancs: 400.
1 Ol mated aad Ekinaa Knocked Oat of
Box hr Drummers.
DENVER, Colo, Jury 8. St Joseph,
knocked out Ol mated and Khun an out of the
box In the' first two Innings of today's
rania and took a lead or ten runs. Dur
ban's catch of Lloyd's liner In tha seventh,
which he tu rived into a double play, was
tha feature. Score:
AB. R.
H. O. A. E.
10 3 0
I 4 1
19 10
3 0 0 0
0 a ' o
t too
4 .6 1 0
n rf n 2
II. O. A. E.
12 0 0
1 4 0 1
1 2 1 0
1 W 0 1
2 0 3 1
i ; o o
0 4 10
0 0 0 tl
0 0 10
S 0 s o
13 2 4
0 0 0 0 011
0 S t t
Fox. 2b
Corhan, ss
Jonea, lb
MoChesney, cf
Bauer, rf
Retlly, 3b
Chad wick. If..
Frambes, c...
Ualxano, p
. 2
. 6
......40 U
AB. R.
Lloyd. 2b
Waldron, If...
Cranston, as..
Cusxidy, rf....
Lindsay, lb...
Uolaii, 3b
Beall, ct
McMurray, c.
Olmatead, p...
r.hinan, p
Adams, p
St. Joxeph
... s
Stolen bases:
Cranston. Caaaidy. Polan,
Two-base hits:
Framves. Waldron. Three-
bass hits: Lloyd. Cranston. Bean. Mome
runs: Fox. Jones. Dolan. Saorlftca hit
lleilly. Uacrlfloa fly: Waldron. JKruck
nut: Bv kihnuLn. 1: by; by Gal
nati.v 4. turns on balls: Off Olmstead, 1:
otf Adams, 2; off Galguno, 4. Double
naya: Galgano to Jones to Frambes; Cor-
nan to Jonea. lilt by pitched Dan: nauer.
Coihun. Lett on bases: Denver, It; St. Jo-
-nn. 7. lilts: otf Olmstead. 2 in ona
f Inning
' Time:
th.rU Innlnc: ore isnni&n, I in iwo-miras
g; on Adams, in eigni KMiings.
2:0(. Limnirea: spencer ana riynn.
Sloaz City Detents Antelopes by
Twelvo to Three,
SIOUX CITY, July S. Freeman pitched
a splendid gams for Sioux City In pinches
today and won, 12 to 2. Ha struck out six
teen men. The locals batted like fiends
again, hitting Fox hard in the first, fifth
and sixth Innings. Both teams played brll
liantly In the field, the work of Col a
short being first class. Score;
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Andress, 2b 5 3 3 2 10
Stem, lb 4 2 2 0 0
Wulllin. tb 4 1 2 3 2 0
Feiiiou. rf 4 2 4 0 0 0
Neighbors, ct 6 2 3 1 0 0
Miller, o I 1 2 1 1 0
Hantaan, ss 4 0 1 0 0 0
Myers, If 4 0 0 1 0 0
Freeman, p 4 0 2 0 0 0
Totals 40 12 19 27 i 0
AB. R. It. O. A. E.
Jude. If 4 113 0 0
Cole, ss v. 3 U
Cbb, rf & 0 0 0 0
Cockman, tb 1 2 4 t 1
Thomas, lb 4 1 1 10 0 0
W ledensaul, 2b 4 0 110 0
Davis, cf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Krueger. o 4 0 1 5 2 0
Fox, p 8 0 0 0 1 0
Totals 3 S 11 34 11 1
Sioux City 2 1 0 0 2 0 4 2 "-13
Lincoln 0.2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3
Stolon bases: Miller, Freeman, Andreas
(3). Two-base hits: Andrea. Feiiiou, bum,
4ulllln. Thomas, Wledensaul, Jude, Cock
man 12). bacrifice hit: Stem. Double play:
Cola to Thomas. Struck oul: kiy Free
man. Itt; by Fox. I. Bases on balls: Off
Freeman, 6; oft Fox, 2. Wild pitch: Fox.
Passed ball:, Time: 2:15. Um
pires: Haskell, Welch and Fartiilug. At
tendance; 1,400.
lienor Nearly Even I'atll Near End
of Cloae Game,
WICHITA, July 1-WlchlU won today's
game from Topeka ill til ninth inning.
Honors were about evenly divided iliioutfu
oui the corneal. Score:
Relden, If 3
Mu'dleion, cf 4
Claire, ss ., 4
Hug". 2b 4
laldl. lb 4
Weviersil, 3b 3
Koei her, rf 4
bhaw, c 4
Jkiiilsan, p 1
TvtUu 83
R. 11. O. A. E.
0 0 3 1 0
0 1 3 0 0
0 13 2 0
0 0 3 3 0
0 0 11 0 0
13 13 0
0 0 0 0 4
12 4 10
110 1)
t I 37 V 1
K. II. O. A. E.
W 0 I 0 0
13 3 0
0 0 3 0 1
V 3 1 4 V
0 0 4 11
0 o 1 2 a
0 i 2 0
3 2 5 1 V
0 O O 1 0
3 5 2J (
Wocley. cf 4
Reilly, aa 4
Tliomaaon. If 1
He k i. rf 3
Welch, 2b 3
Holes. 3b 4
rUht, lb 4
Kariu, c 3
lackaon, p 3
Totals 30
Out out when winning run was made.
Topeka 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 1-3
WichU 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1-3
Left on bascx: Topeka, 7; Wichita. J.
Sacrifice liita : MlddlMon. Jackaon. Bei.len.
JarnlKan, Welch, Clair. Two-base hlta:
lteauaii. Wealersll. Hume run: Kerns.
Stolen bases: Western! (2). Thomason,
Belden. Struck oul: lly Jsrnlgaii, 4, by
iavaawii, 4, baees ea bail; OH Jaraiaan,
W.LPct W.LPct
Floux City. .11 28 .(II Chicago 43 J4 Ml
Denver 41 il .6TF New Vork.,.40 M .WW
Wichita ....43 11 .BTS.PIttsburg ...34 31 .521
IJncoln 39 14 ,5,'Hi Cincinnati ..3 33 .6.3
Omaha ai 39 .47.1 Phlla
lies Moines. 34 43 .442! Brooklyn
St. Joseph.. .29 40 ,421'St. luls.
Topeka i!4 46 .t Boston ...
.32 36 .4
...30 37 .44
...10 XV .4.46
...20 44 .301
,ia 41 27 .(H.7 Ml:
PhlladclDhla 4i 21 .ft .7 Mlnneanoll. M 31 .:
Boston 40 2 .5T3.SU Paul.... T.2 30 .
New Tork.. 39 2 .S7?XoIedo 4 34 . 675
I'etrolt 41 33 .5)2 Columbus .. 42 .4S5
Clevelnnd .. .29 34 ,4 .0:Milwaukee . 25 43 .41
Chicago ... 20 Iff .44;Kans City 34 41 .4B
Wfanhlnictoii 27 43 .ri Indianapolis. 34 4 .416
St. Louis... 21 4S .313 LouisvIHe .. ?S Rl .3M
Fremont ....?) 20 .6W( iarlnda ....30 13 .I
Or. Island.. ,2S 21 .57l!Fat)s City. ...24 It .rVtf
Superior ....W 2J .Ml Shenandoah 20 24.4!
Seward 25 24 .6HNeb. City 23 23 .4M
Kearney ....23 27 . 4-tt'Auburn 1 24.442
Columbus ..23 27 .4Mary villa ....17 29 .370
Hastings ...21 24 .4471
lied Cloud ..19 24 .42?
leeterdny's Reaalta.
Omaha, 6; Des Moines, 4.
Lincoln, 3; .Sioux City, 12.
Topeka, 2; Wichita, 2.
bU Joseph, 11; Denver, I.
Brooklyn, 4; Pittsburg, 6.
Cincinnati, 2; Chicago. 3.
Cleveland. 1: Boston. 3. Second same:
Cleveland, 2; Boston, 4.
Detroit, i, f niiadeiphia, a
St. Louis, 2; WaahtuKton. 12.
Chicago, 4; New York, 13.
Columbus, 6; Toledo, 4.
Indianapolis, 6; Louisville, 4.
Minneapolis, 2; Kansas City, 10.
tit. Paul, 1; Milwaukee, 2.
Kearney, 0; Superior, 2.
Grand Island, 8, Fremont, 10.
Seward, 8; Columbus, .
Auburn, 0: Clarinda, 10.
Shenandoah, 2: Falls City, 3.
Maryvllle, 4; Nebraska City, IX
Ganiea 'radar.
Western Leaa-ue Omaha at Dea Moines.
Lincoln at Sioux City. Topeka at Wichita.
St. Joseph at Denver.
National lianas Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Boston at St. Louis, New l'oik at Chicago,
Philadelphia at Pittsburg.
American League Cleveland at Boston.
Detroit at Philadelphia, St. Louis at Wash
ington, Chicago at New York.
American Association Columbus at In
dianapolis, Toledo at Louisville, Minneap
olis at ouiwaukee, bt. Paul at Kansas city.
Nebraska State League Kearney at Su
perior, Haatlngs at Red Cloud. Grand Is!
and at Fremont, Seward at Columbus.
Mink League Auburn at Clarinda, Shen
andoah at Falls City, Maryvllle at Ne
braska City.
off Jackson, 2.
Tim: 1:50. Umplra
Kearney Keeps Up
Winning Form
Takes Game from Superior by Score
of Five to Two- Townsend
. ia Box.
SUPERIOR, Neb.. July S.-8pelal Tl.
gram.) Kearney won today's game from
Superior by i to 2. Score: R.H.E.
Kearney ,.....,.0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0-6 4 i
Superior ...... .0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 03 ( j
Batteries: Kearnev. Townaend an4
Wright; Superior. Snyder, Kills and Bart
ley. Two-base hits: Cole and Grant. Douhl
piays warner to Woods - to Bockewlts.
Struck out: By Snyder, 2; by Wright. 6;
by Ellis, 5. Base on' balls: Off Snydr, 4;
FREMONT, Neb., July a (Special Tele
gram.) Fremont defaUd Grand Island to
day In a very exciting gam. As both teams
were even In the percentage, this waa the
gam that would show which team would
go to the top. The feature of tha game
waa a lony drive made by Mason, which hit
tha fence with three men on bases, scoring
them. Score: R. h. e
Grand Island.. 0 01303010 13
Fremont 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 10
Batteries: Grand Island, Morse and Car
roll. Travers; Fremont, Campbell, H. Smith
and Miller.
COLUMBUS, Neb., July 8.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Hansen walked five and hit on
out In the first Inning when h was re
placed by Harrington. Agnew's base throw
ing was th feature of the game, as his
work was largely responsible for Columbus
winning. Score: R.H.B.
Columbus S 1 0 0 0 0 0 S 8
Seward 0 0 4 1 0 S 0 1 o 6
Batteries: Columbus, Hamilton and Ag
new: bewara. Hansen, Harrington and
rseit. umpire: uoswsu.
Rod aad Gia Clab aad Diets Clab to
Mis si Diamond.
Th much talked of battle between th
Diets club and th Rod and Gun club will
be pulled off at tho Rod and Gun club
Saturday afternoon and a bloody debate Is
looked lor, as intans rivalry exists be
tween th two crew. A crowd of rooters
will accompany the Diets team to cheer
for their Draves. uam called st I p. m.
Diets. Position. Rod and Gun.
Hall .Short Woodruff
Anderson Second ..." Kennedy
B. Lafferty Center Rhynshriver
K. lrreriy ..ttigni.. Swarta
Plstner First Prentiss
Speiiman ..
Third Atkina
Catcher Peach
....Pitcher Fletcher
Nrltraika IHr, Valla City aad
riartuaa Take Game.
At Nebraska City. Th score: R. H. B.
Maryvlll O 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 T
Nebraska City ,...0 4 0 0 4 0 0 2 13 11
Bat I art is: Pollock and Gardner: Wells
and waiter. Umpire, base.
At Falls City. Th seora: R. H. E
Shenandoah 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 02 6
Falls City 00 000 2 00 3
Battrle: Ward, Cochran and Castle
Duran and Poteet. empire, Myers.
At Auburn. The score: It. H.E.
Clarinda 0 7 1 0 0 0 10 110 8
Auburn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Batteries: Casey and Johnson; Rumback
ana Krsninger. umpire, r lotcher.
Major Carson
Goes to Europe
Bead of Bureau of Manufactures
Will Be Suceded by A. H. Bald
win of Connecticut.
WASHINGTON. July I-Major John
Carson, chief of th bureau of tnanufae
tuiers of th Department of Commerce and
Lbbor, has been selected to go abroad
look into the general trades conditions
and opportunities for Ameilean majiutae
Thcra art now a number of special agents
In the department, who are engaged
certain sptcifio lines of Inquiry, such at
cotton, wheat, tie
Albcrtus 11. Baldwin of Connecticut
chief clerk of th Department of Commerc
and Labor, has been recommended to th
prealdont to succeed Major Csrson. Th
position pay $4,000 a year.
Robert M. Plndell, jr., of Maryland, chief
clerk In th office of fourth aaaiatant
postmaster general, has been appointed to
succeed Mr. Baldwin.
V.'lion you hav anything to sell or trade,
advertise It in Th Be Want Ad columns
and get Quick results.
Schardt Pitches Excellent Ball for
Milwaukee Nine.
Raaaall laeoaselaaa far Tea
Mlaataat hat H acavera aad
Seems Nat Serloaaly 1 n
larcd. MILWAUKEE, Wis., July a Schardt
pitched grand ball today, keeping tho hits
ell scattered after tha first, and Milwau
kea beat St. Paul, t to 1. Randall was hit
on tha temple by a terrific InshooL He
unconscious for ten minutes, but was
not seriously hurt. Albert Furchnsr,
pitcher, was purchased by Milwaukee from
Cincinnati. Tha score:
AB.H.O.A .
lUnAall, rf.. t 0
Dmishartr. rf t 1
CUrka. If.... 4
a l
Ijvnw, at t
e.Uumr, H... 4
SMoCorni'k, as t
Aatrr, lb... t
OBouoker, b. . 4
OKoll.r, s 4
Meier. Ik..
CUm, p 1
karlM, tb... 1 1 1
Spvncar, eg.., 4 1 t
4 1
!. aa 4 I 1 I
t li
McOann, lb.. 4 0 1
1 1
lark, lb 4 t
raan. If t 1 I 0
arshall, .. t 1 10 t
Bcbarat, p.... t 1 4
Totals SI lllll
tl t 14 12 t
Milwaukee 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -3
St. Paul ....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Threa-basa hit: Bvancar. Saorifloe hits
Charles, YVrtgley, Autrey. Stolen bases
Clark. 2. Loft on bases: Milwaukee, 4
St. Paul, S. Base on balls: Off Liese,. 1;
off Sohardt, S Hit by pitched ball: Ran
dall. Struck out: By Liere. 3; by Schardt.
passed ball: Kellev. Time: 1:50. Lm
plres: OuUirle and Chill. ,
Blaee t'oaaeet wlthS Ike Ball.
KANSAS CITY. Julv 8. Drivlnr Tanne
hill from the box after one out In the first
inning, and continuing- their heavv hlttlna:
on Patterson, who replaced him, tha locals
iook tne last of a series from Minneapolis
too ay oy a score of 10 to 3. Minneapolis
won only one game out of the five, the
urei. peore:
AB.H.O.A.g. AH h o A.
Shaanon, If.. 4 14 4 OClrmar. ef... 14 10
KalUrr. of... I I 0 0MeCorm'k. of 1 1
Hunur, lk... 4 1 11 0 Altlir, at. .. 4 0 11
'-. IS. t 111 OCratata. If.. 4 II
Coraah, rf.... 4 t I 4 0 William, 2b. 4 1 I i
KUtr, e 4 1 I 1 OKoaunan, it. 4 0
Barboaa, a.l I I I lP.rrlo, lb.... 4 10 1
uownio, lb... 4 1 1 ooill. lb I 1 I 0 1
ewaan, p 4 1 t (Owena, e 8 14 10
Davaon, c. . . 1 1 1
Totala II 13 tT 12 lTaanohlll, p.. 0 0 1
rattonraa, p.. t 1 8
Totala tl T 14 14
Minneapolis .....
...6 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 -10
Kansas City ....
Two-base hits:
Cravath, Hunter (2), Co
Ferris. Three-bane hlta:
cash, aBrbeau,
Williams. Shannon, chicrifice hit: Cocash.
Left on bases: Minneapolis, 6; Kansas City,
7. Stolen bases: Hitter (2, Downl. Double
plays: Hitter to Hunter; Barbeau to
Hunter. Struck out: By Patterson. 4: by
swann, z. uaaes on balls: Oft lannehlll
Off Patterson. 8. Hlta: Off Tannehlll
3 In one-third lnnlns: off Pattersnn. a In
seven and two-third Innings. Tim: 1:55.
umpires: Owen and Cusack. .
Colambna Wine In Fourteenth.
LOUISVILLE. July 8. Howard's trtnla
ana j ira jjoyie a long iiy won lor Louts-
vine in me tentn inning. Hcore:
KODinson, as s e i ocnidb'rna, cf s 0 to
Suuilsr. of... 4 11
0 0 coif. j, aa.... 4 1 2 t
" ODolohantr. If. 6 t t
1 Har4o. rf... 4 0 t 4
I tea it, lb I 1 11
4 1 Lemon, tb... 4 0 11
0 tttoworman, o4 8 '4 1
1 Williams, tb. t 1 4 4
t tOlaM, p 10 4 1
Floernoy, If.. 4 t
Howard, lb... I I 11
J. Doyle, lb.. 110
Hschu, lb... 4 t 4
Pickering, rf. t 1 1
Bcbrack, o.... tit
Juo Dor to, p. I 0 1
sennna .... A
(K'hener, p..,- a. ft
lllcblor, p.... 4 4
v O'MI llsaa 10 4
Urmham, p... 0 0 4
Totals 81 10 14 1
Totala 40 tlt 14
Batted for Joe Poyl in ninth.
Two out when winning run waa scored.
-oiuiiKan Dattea for maze in ninth.
Louisville 1 0000001 1
Indianapolis 0 00001108 05
Two-base hits: Delehanty. Stanley. Three
base hits: Howard (J), Delehanty. Struck
out: av joe ooyie, a; Dy oiaze, 4; by
nicnter. i. unto on nans: Oft joe Do vie. 8
off Glaze, 2; off Rlchter. 1. Hits: Off
uraham, l in oneand two-thirds Innings
on joe uoyie, in nine innings: off Rich
ter, 0 in one inning; off Glase, I in eight
Innings; off Cheney, 2 in part of one lnnlns-.
Time: 2:20. Umpires: Blerhalter and Van
TOLEDO. July 8 West weakened in the
fourteenth Inning and Columbus got four
hits and three runs. Score:
fyRourke, lb. 4 1 1 1 OHalliaan, rf.. 6 4 I
W.HI'man. If 4 t 4
Consalton, rf 4 1 1
Downs, lb.... Ill
R.llly, of.... 4 11
OdKOll, lb... 4 1 14
Quintan, aa. . 4 1 4
Carlach, a.... 117
gil.Hrnua, lb 4 I t I 0
Sullivan, ef.. 4 1 4 0 4
I lHicknuui, If. I I 4 0 0
0 VMcCarlhr, It. 1 0 0 0 0
1 2'raman. lb. t 1 11 1 0
4 IHullar, sa.... T 1 4 t 1
1 uLana, e 7 1 I 4 l
4 OKIw.rt, lb.... 4 1114
Kaler, p its
aelea, p 1 1 1 t
.44 17 43 84 4Wt, p 1 4 11
ALboll, c... 1 1 0
Totala 44 U 41 18 3
Batted for McCarthy in fourteenth.
Toledo 000210000000 1 4
Columbus 0 000300100000 34
Two-ban hits: Freeman. Land. Kaler.
Thre-bas hits: Hickman, Kaler. Stolen
bases: West, O'Rourke, Downs 00, Odwell.
Sacrifice hits; Sullivan, Freeman, W.
Hlnehman, Reilly. Base on balls: Off Bolce,
o: off West, t; ort Kaler, t. Struck out:
By Bolce. 1; by West. 2; by Kaler. 4. Hits:
Off Bolce, 4 in four and a third Innings;
oft' West, 12 In nine and two-thirds innings.
DoiiDie piay: Butler to rl. mnenman to
Freeman. Lft on bates: Toledo, 13; Colum
bus, 13. Hit by pitched ball: Downs, Hall
man. First base on errors: Toledo, 8; Col
umbus, 1. Time: ;06. Umpires; Hayes and
Waterloo Lands on Hovllk for Seven
Hlta In InalnsT.
WATERLOO. la.. July S Waterloo
landed on Hovllk in tne third and fourth
innings, making seven hits snd scoring
nine runs. McOe blew up In the fourth.
Score: R.H.E.
Waterloo o 0 a 0 0 0 13 3
Peoria 0 00300000-372
Batteries: McQee. Hughes and liarrlnc
ton: Hovllk and Aemussen.
UAVeJirvitT, ia., juiy t. iTipies by
Geyer, Fouls and Pen nance, a single by
Breton and an error gave Kavenport four
runs In tne seventh inning and tne game.
Score: RH.K.
uavenport 0 0 0 0 I 0 4 7 3
lilooiiungton .. 000000 22 8 i
Batteries: Pennance and Wolf; WalsC
and Nunamaker.
DUBUUCU. ia., July s. Bprlngflcld
pounded Parkin all over th lot, making
tlv doubles and thre triples. Score:
Dubuuu 1 00100000144
Springfield ....0 0 0 0 4 4 1 1 8-13.18
Batteries: Parkins and Kelly; Middlaton
and Johnson.
ROCK. ISLAND, III.. July 8. After Using
th seora In th eighth and tenth Rock
Uland had a third rally In th eleventh.
only to be nipped by a spectacular catch
by Hlldebraua. ocore:,.
Hook Island 000001 200 14 a 3
Danville 40010020013-4 10
Batteries: Couchman and O'Leary; Rey
nolds, LoouUs and Wolfe,
rteld ot More Than Fifty Start In
W eat ward Ho Championship;.
CHICAGO, July 8. Play In th annual
open championship of th Went aid Ho
Golf club began here today. A field of mora
than filly competed In the qualifying round
uter a aunbaked course that waa covered
Mlth cracks.
Desoite this drawback. Western Cham
pion Charlea Evans, jr., of the Edgewaier
Golf club, clipped one etrosa off the record
ot the course, making it in 71. The previous
mark waa 72, held by Nod Sawyer of t.'i
W heaton club. National Champion Robert
Uardnor of Hlnaual waa off ia hi aiming
taking kl Albert SecK.I of Prluceit.n, ttia
ltitercollegisie cnampioii, nao it.
Employe I'nder Bellinger 4)alta.
WASHINGTON, July 8. -A. C. Campbell.
chief law officer for th reclamation r
vice, in a letter laudatory of th cabinet
officer has tendered hi reslpnatlon to
Secretary of the Interior Bellinger, Mr.
Campbell will sever his connection with
th Interior department July 25, to take
up th practice at law in Denver, Colo.
Gotch Tells of
the Defeat of
J. J. Jeffries
Champion Wrestler Spends Thursday
in Omaha Says Jeff is
Frank Gotch, world's champion wrestler,
arrived In Omaha from Rano Wednesday
night and spent the day Thursday visiting
Gotch was as close ss anyon to th de
feated Jeffries, and held a number of per
sons! Interviews with the former champion
He visited Jeffries before and after the
big fight and was one of the men who was
taken Into th confidence of tb boiler-
In speaking of th fight. Ootch said:
"Jeffries met a better man and waa fairly
licked. When I saw him before th fight
to all appearances he was In the prime of
condition, but when ha got tip against the
negro he was merely the shell ol th man
that fought six years ago.
I felt Jeffries over three days before
the battle and he seemed as hard and in
as good condition as could be desired. But
when he got in th ring that vitality, that
nerv and stamina which made him the
greatest fighter the world ever saw, was
1 saw Jeffries after he was licked and
he was a beaten man. Not only a whipped
man In the ring, but a whipped man in
mind and body.
I talked to Jeffries after the battle
was over and be had no complaint to
make. He said that tha public had urged
him on to reclaim the championship from
the black and that be had don his best.
He said that even though h had won
1300.000 from the fight, counting the money
he had made before and during the fight,
ne would rather be the bollermaker at a
dsy wage than have the defeat admlnla
tered to him.
'It Is a cinch that no matter how long
Jim Jefferles live he will never outlive the
sorrow that has been cast over his life
by the beating that waa administered by
Con ervation
Program Delayed
Fear that Ballinger-Pinchot Incident
Will Be Made Too Prominent
is a Factor,
ST. PAUL, July S. The program of the
National Conservation congress, to be held
here September 6 to 9, which, It was hoped,
would soon ' be ready "for announcement,
is being held up pending a conference to
be held In Chicago early next week, be
tween Governor Eberhart and Gifford Pin
Tha trouble Is, according to Ralph
Wheeler, - secretary . to tho governor, that
the Balllnger-Pinchot controversy has again
entered into the discussion.
'It .seemed to b the opinion of the local
board," said Mr. Wheelock. "that aome ot
the speakers were too partisan and that
the Pinohot aid of the Plnchot-Balllnger
controversy was given too. prominent place
in the program. With this Idea In mind the
governor wired Mr. Plnchot asking for
conference and received a reply that
would be Impossible to change the program,
at all the arrangements had been made.
"We believe Mr. Plnchot does not under
stand the governor's message."
Wires Back in
Broker's Office
Western Union Restores Service to
Points in Central New Tork
Where it Was Cut Off.
UTICA,. N. Y., July . Without explana
tion th Western Union service was re
sumed at the stock brokers' offices today
about an hour after the opening of the mar
NEW YORK. July S.-As In the matter
of the discontinuance of wire serv'.c to
brokerag affloes In Utlca, no offiolal ex
planatlon could be obtained from the West
ern Union Telegraph company regard In
the resumption of service.
Dispatch slmHar In purport to th on
from Utlca hav bean reoelved from Water
town, Ithaca and Gloversvlll. showing th
restoration of brokers' wire service sus
pended yesterday by th Western Union
Commissioner of General Land Office
Upheld In Cna of Parker r.
HerrlnaV, from Alliance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July J.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Tha secretary of the Interior has
affirmed the decision of the commissioner
of the general land office in the ease of
gam A. Parker against Elisabeth Herring
upon appeal of the latter holding for can
cellation the homestead entry for a tract
qf land In the Alliance land district
Civil service sxsmlnatlon will be hId
August 4 for rural carriers at iNenawas
and bt. Edwards, Nab. .
Increases of salaries for clerks In the fol
lowing Nebraska postofricea were an
nounced today; Aurora and Hastlnga, two
eaoh, from 81.000 to 11,100; Norfolk, one,
from SL100 to 11.200; York. one. from 8800 to
8MW; on, from 11.000 to 81.100, and on, from
81,100 to H.2O0.
Frank M. McGuIre has been appointed
rural carrier, Myrtle McQutre. substitute,
rout S, at Diagonal, I a.
lira. EHaabeth Hovtsdea.
vJN LEY, Nb.. July 8. (Special.)
Elisabeth Jones, waa born In England
In 1834 and married to William Ilows
den in P57. died at the h .me of her son.
Js k Howadert, Tuesday. Thar was born
to 1.. union fifteen children, nine of
whom are living. ' Services wr held
at tha nous Thursday at 1 10 p. m
Rv. Ruah ot Alma officiated. Th
body Tas laid to rest in Balnbrldg
cemetery. Sh leaves a number of
grandchildren and a host of frlnd.
Aliened UMaat Smagaler Arrested.
EL PA HO. Tax.. July a. Through th con
fession ot J. C. Hall, with maiiy allaaes
and Information onti.lned tier bw officials,
th arrest of almoat a dosen people charged
with opium smuggling have been mad la
several parts of tiie country acoorduig to
an announcement uiad lata today. This
action. It Is ok net ted, will break up on of
ths biggeat oesaiilaod band o opium traf
ficker th country haa ever known.
Good Fielding- Keeps Scores Low for
Oldrlna- Draw Biaaeat Rnn of
Game Klnl Score I roar
to Three.
PHILADELPHIA. July S.-rhlladelnhla
hit Mullln hard In today's game and won.
aa m n a a
Hartael, If.
OlSrlng. ef.
i 1 l D. Jonea. If.. 4 110 0
i v vHuan. aa 4 4 1
4 0 t 1 OOobk. ef Ill
Colllna, lb.
Bakar, lb...
4 111 tcrawfara. rf. 1 1 1
""' 4 I (n.rr. lb . I 0
Murphy, rf... 4 t 1 talortarlir, lb 4 1
Harry, aa 4 1 4 I IT. Jnn Ik I a w
Tbomaa, 4 Itt tSehmldt. ... I 1
ftonan, p.... 4 114 iMullln. a.... 1 I I
Mclntyrs ...1
ToUl.....l4 13 3T14 4.La,krs ....I 4
Total! tl 121 14 4
uatted tor O'Leary In ninth.
Batted for T. Jones in ninth.
Houser out; hit by batted ball.
Detroit 1 03000 0 00-3
Philadelphia 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4
Two-basa hits: Pnhh Prlsfitnl TV,-
base hit: Oldrlng. Base on balls: Off Mul
lln, 2; off Bender, 1. Struck out: By Mullln,
2; by Bender. 3. Time: 2:0. Umpires: Per
rine and Egan.
Boston Wins Doable-Header.
BOSTON. Julv Olevalanrl'a nl.nh.r.
could not check the local batters today and
uu.iuu uu ooin games oi a double-header,
bcore, first game;
AB.H.O.A.K. aa u n a .
Hoopoe, rf.... I 110 ONIIoa. rf 4 110 1
" b 4 118 OOrmn.y. ef.... 4110
tpoakar, cf.. til
stahl, lb 10 1
Gardner, 2b.. 4 11
v OTarnor, sa.... 1 t 1
1 OLajolo, lb.... 4 111
t IBemla. e 4 14 1
1 OBtovall, lb... 4 17 1
2 (iPorrlns. lb... 4 t 1
1 SKruegar, If... 4 1 1 0
4 OKalkanboif, p t 10 0
Lawla, If 4 1 1
Wasner. sa... I i a
Carrlsan, e.. I I
Han, p 10 1
-larko 1 4
Totala M t H 14 tMltoholl, p... 4 01
Lord 1
Totala It 3 M 10 3
Batted for Falkenberg In seventh. .
Batted for Mitchell in ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
oosion 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1
Hits: Off Falkenhrrar In al Innl...
Base on balls: Off Falkenberg. 1; off Hall!
i. oiruca out: By Falkenberg, 2; by
Mitchell, 3; by Hall, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire;
Score, second game:
Hoover, rf.. . . 1
Engle. tb....f
tpaakor, ef... 4
gtahl, 1 t
Gardner, lb.. 4
I 0 ONIIeo, rf I 1 t 0 0
111 lOranoy, cf... 4 0 8 0 4
v a v vTumor, aa.... 4 10 1
119 OLajolo, lb.,.. 4 1114
111 OBaatarly, o... 1 1 4 0 4
Lovla. If 1
siv omovall, lb... I 1 11 e 0
Wainar, as... 1
Maddan, c... 4
Cocotta, p..., t
I 0 1 OParrlns. lb... 4 4 4 1 t
111 OKrtiHT, It.. 40100
4 0 1 OMItcball, p... t 1 0 t
oiais UII 1 Totals 11 4 14 t O
Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03
Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 4
Two-basa hits: Stnvall Txl Thn.k...
nus: r.aateriy, oardner. Home run; Stahl.
Base on balls: Off Mitchell, 3; of Ciootte, 1.
r-wuca. out; xjy Alltcnell, a Dy cicotte, 8.
Time: 1:47. Umpire: Evans.
Browns In Poor F
WASHINGTON. Julv 8. St. Louis nlaved
poor ball here today and Washington won
Bu.r, u to s. in tne nrtn inning Lake
weakened and was given poor support, the
locals securing ten runs. Lalivoit and v.i.
berfeld winding up th carnage with triples.
juiuiBoii strucK out eignt patters m the
first three Innings. Score:
AB.H.O.A. . An u n a
pioan, er a s s e
OStona. If 1, If... t 1 1 0
Kltwrfold, lb. 8 1 0
OHartaoll, lb.. 4 1
4Wallac, aa.. 4 1
ONswnam, lb. 4 1
Osrhweltur, rf 1 0
Hoffman, of.. 4 8
Cotiroy, lb... 1 1 0
Ueialer, rf.... I 1 1
MuBrlde, sc.. 4 t 4 t
W.KIlllter. lb 4 1 I I
OTrutadalo, 2b 1 4
I'nflaub, lb.. 4 1 1
OD.KIIIIIer. o. I 4
OAllen, 0 1
Laka, p 8 0
Spado, p 1 1
0Gria 1 0
Btreel, c. 114 1
Henry, c 1 0 1 0
Johnaon, a... 111
Holnrlch, p.. 1 0 0 0
Crlaa 1 4
Totals M 13 27 11 0 '
Totals 12 t 24 10 4
Batted for Allen In ninth.
Batted for Soada in ninth.
Washington 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 0 13
SL Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 08
Two-basa hits: Wallaca. I'mrlnnh Thru.
bsse hits: Lellvelt. Elberfnld. Hlta- cttt
Johnson, S in seven Innings: off Lake. 10
In five and two-thirds innings. Sacrifice
on; Bunweiiscr. uoume piays: Wallace
to Newnam; Johnson to McBrlde to Ung
laub. Left on bases: Washington, (; St.
Louis, & Bases on balls: Off Johnson, 2;
off Heinrichs. 1; off Lake. 2. First base
on errors: Washington, 4. Hit with pitched
uaii: ay A.axe, 1. atrucK out: By Johnson,
8; by Spade, 1. Passed ball: Street. Wild
pi ton: Heinrichs. Tim: 2:00. Umpire:
Wthlte Sox Hard Hit.
NEW YORK. Julv 8 New York Ata7A
Chicago, 13 to 4, by fierce batting, making
fifteen hits for a total ot twenty-nine bases
off Scott and Young. La Porte led in the
assauu wun two doubles and a triple.
Daololi, lb... 4 14 4 1 Browne, rf.... 1 4 4 1
WolUr, rf...
Knlshl, aa.,
Larorto, If..
Roach, If...
Oardnar. lb.
Craw, cf
Auattn. tb...
woonor, a..
Manning, p.
Warhop. p...
S ecolllari, rf.... 4 1
4 OKreueti, tb... I
0 lParant, ef.... 4
4 e Dougherty, If 4
1 OMullen, lb... 4
0 OPurtell, lb... 4
oBiackb'na. as 4
4 4 1
1 OPayao,
4 0
0 0 Block, 0. ..
0 OScolt, p..,
Youn, p..
.IT 11 27 T awhito .,,
mlth, p..
Batted for Young In eighth
.at in 1
Chicago 0 30100000-4
New York 10 14 10 0 -13
Two-baa hits: La Porte (2). Austin (61
Three-base hits: Collins, Young, La Vorte,
Sweeney. Gardner. Daniels. Home run
Daniels. Sacrifice fly: French: Stolen bases:
Sweeney,- Manning. Double play: Knight to
Gardner to Daniels, struck out: By Young,
2: bv Mannlna. 8: by Warhou. 4. Baa on
balls: Off Young, 7; off Manning, 2; off
Warhoo. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Young
Manning; by Smith, Daniela. Hlta: Off
In seven Inulngs; off Scott. 4 In one-third
inning; off Young, 10 In six and two-thirds
innings: t.rr bmitn. u tn one inning, um
pires: Connolly and Dlneen. Time: 2:15.
Manning, 6 In two Innings; off Warhop,
A Shooting; Serap
with both parties wounded, demands Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores
burns or Injuries. 25c. For sat by Beaton
Drug Co.
Ve rtJmtff4Jffi
Expert Clothes Fitters
Men's and Young Men's Fine Clothes
$13.50 $15.00 $18.50 $23.50 $28.50
Blues and Dlaclts Included
Western League Gossip.
Chicken Autrey continues to lare out th
horaehlde tor bt. Paul, landing at least
two nearly every day.
It is on Dotted that Morlarity and Sullivan,
the two new infleldera obtained by Kourke.
will join th team at Da Moines Saturday.
Burns has repeated th dose he gav to
the Cub me time ago. 1 hen It waa
a one-hit game. Thursday he allowed them
two hits and won his own game with. a
Dslton and Davidson, the AVestern
lesguers who are now with Ve Trolley
Dodgers, are largely responsible for the
double headers taken rom Philadelphia
Johnny Jon, th right-handed spitter,
who wa released this week by Lincoln,
expects to land a berth with Jack Hoi
land. ,
Bove and Slndllar, two young pitchers
whom Pa had on his staff early in tha
year and later farmed out to ths Stat
league, or pitching good ball and are
being well seasoned fur next year's try
out again with Hourk.
Fenlon, the Ploux City fielder, la doing I
some heavy alugglng tma year, lie has
a bAttlng average of .toy. He has been
at bat 23 tlmea made sixty runs and
103 hits. No wonder Sioux City is lending
In team batting, for there are Hartman,
Miller, Towne, Neighbors snd Qulllln all
rapping the pill above the .300 lick.
Wednesday morning was pay day for the
Rourkea, and when Johnny Gomllng went
Into Brother Dave's sanctum someone sit
ting In the Smoke house said: "Johnny
haa been doing that for twelve years.
Think of the bsle of money he haa taken
out of there This base ball certainly Is
a cinch." "Yes," said another, "but -think
of the work Johnny has had to do to
got that money."
Golfers . Prepare to Contest for Jnly
Trophies Whleh Ar Honor I' p.
Following are the pairings for the
monthly contest at the Miller Park Golf
club which will be played Saturday:
Beauchamp plays Gusiafson.
C. O. Dooley plays Moran.
J. B. Dooley plays Stringer. .
C. J. Merrlam plays J. Burchmor.
Lowe plays K. E. Hatch.
Edwards plays F. Burchmore.
Shlnn plays Clary.
Schumacher playa Jackson.
Langdon plays Lucas.
Calvert plays Rued.
Tltterlngton plays Taylor.
Gillespie plays Lancaster.
wnmotn piays Murray.
Tracy playa Flodman.
E. J. Hatoh plays Bothwell.
Special prizes will be given for winner
ana runner up in each flight. Thoae who
did not qualify and those put out In the
first round play for the consolation priz.
One of Largest Western Racing
Stable on Carpet for Drnpysrlns;.
LATON1A. July 8.-H. G. Bedwell, owner
of one ot the largest racing staples in the
west, with his entire stable of luufces and
his agent, Thomas II. McCreary, wuru
ruled off the La ton la course today. Tbe
action by Judges Prloe and DHI041 followed
the Investigation into the condlliion of the
horse Nadzu, which was excused from the
sixtn race July 4.
At that time Nadzu. waa apparently under
the influence of stimulants and tikis was so
noticeable that It was -ordered excused and
did not stsrt. July t judges suepeeded Bed
well snd bis stsblo pending an. Investi
gation and tills latter proved, according to
tne Judaea that the nore rsad been
stimulated with drugs, the result being the
ruling off of the entire outfiL
The case will be reported by Juure price
to th Kentucky facing commission lor
future action.
Resalta in the Central State Tennis
ST. LOUIS, July a. C. 8. Peters of Chi
cago won another victory in tne central
talcs tsnnls championship tournament to
day when he defeated Mel Smithers, 4-0,.
-4; Leo Osthaua defeated F. Overall, 8-4,
6-4; R. Hoern defeated G. Sorreno, 6-1, 71;
L. Jones aeieatea n. diiibji, u-z, o-z.
Doubles: Thornburn and Janls deOeated
Bascome and Johanning, 2-4, 4-4, 4-4; Gam
ble and Oliver defeated Van Ripper and
Dickson, 6-2, 6-1; Hoerr and Smlthers de
feated Thornburn and Janls, 7-5, 6-4; Nel
son and Moore defeated Broctaneyer and
Brockmeyer, 4-8, 4-8; Small and Holthauae
defeated Randall and Atkina, 0-2, 8-4, 6-1:
Gamble and Oliver defeated Crunden and
Overall, 7-6, 6-3.
Arrangements Mad for Rennrl Robin
Meets Thts gammer.
Arransements have been made bv tha
run clubs of omana, Houtn omana, Benson
and council niuira to noia an intercity
team race this summer. It is planned to
hold the shoots every Sunday on the
grounds of the ciuds in the league, each
taxing turn at entenaiuing. cacn team
will be composed of five men and each
man will shoot at 100 targets. Five optional
sweepstakes of twenty birds each will be
arranged, jaca raooit oiviaion ot money
aviu b used.
Tha first shoot will be held at the Omaha
Oun club'a grounds Sunday. Tne prises for
th high guns are: First, thermos bottle;
seoond, steel fish rod; third, pearl handled
hunting knife.
Tne scneuutw ui wuera mv snoots will Ds
held after this next Sunday has not been
completed, out. win oe announced later.
Persistent Advertising Is th Road to Big
Wt) all understand tho principle of bodily nourlshmont how th blood
loaded with nutritive properties, circulates through th system aad corutantii
supplies tha needs of every muscle, nerve, bona) and tiasuo. Thd majority o?
human ailments are caused by Impure blood, because whon tho body is supplied
with weak, polluted blood the system Is deprived of its necessary strength ana
disease-resisting powers. Children do not develop perfectly, nor are thev
trong ; and robust unless the blood Is pur and strong, while old p0pl ar afflict
d with rheumatism, and other attendant troubles of old age, because of a weak
ened circulation. 8. 8. 8. Is made entirely of healing, strengthening, cleansing
toots and herbs, the purest and best blood medicine for young and old. It cure"
very ailment which comes from Impure or diseased blood, tones up and regulate!
very part of th system and creates an abundant supply of nourishment wlti
which to build up the blood. 8. 8. 8. cures Rheumatism. Catarrh, Bores an3
TJlcert Scrofula, Malaria, Bkln Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, and all othej
blood disorders, JJooi, on th Blood and any medical advice free.
Wen Were
$25-527.50 $30-332.50
now now
Kling's Home Run with Man on Bast
Settl?s It.
Iteala-arh Taken Oat aad Replaced
by Mordeoal Pronavr-Brekt
Start for l.oalaa;
CHICAGO, July 8 -Chlrago defeated Cln
cinuatl, 3 to 2, today. Kllng hit a honi
run with on man on base in the fourth.
Both team used two pMchera. Score:
Keoro, lb 4
1 4
0 Prher. H. . . 4
19 1
1 1
0 0 9
4 0 0
I I 1
1 1 1
14 1
9 1
0 9
9 19
Blietkard. 11.. I
OIHtwnay, tb.. 4
4 MohlKaoL lb. 4
UMUt-tlall, rl.. I
Or-aakort, ct... 1
OMIIIor, el.... 1
Soliulto, rf.,,4
t'haneo, lb... I
1 I
0 11
Hotman. rf.. 4
tim'erm'n, aa t
Kilns, e I
Kill, lb.
KM. Jaillan,
Reaibacii, p.. 1
aa I
Brown, p 8
.11 4 17 14 o Ruwan, p.
Batted for Beebe In eighth
. J 14 10 4
Chicago 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3
Two-baa hits: Kvere, Clarke. Home
run: Kllng. Hlta: Off Reulbacn, 6 In ix
Innings, with none out in the seventh; oft
Brown, 1 In thre innlnga; off Beebe, 4 In
seven innings; off Rowan, 1 in five Innings.
Sacrifice hits: Clarke, Zimmerman. Stolen
bases: Eveis, McMillan, lkiuble plays:
Evers to Chance; Brown to Zimmerman to
Clarke; Zimmerman to Evers to Chance.
Left on basea: Chicago, 10; Cincinnati. 3.
First base on balls: Off Reulbnch. 4; oft
Brown. 1; off Beebe. 4; off Rowan, 1.
Struck out: By Keulbach, 2; by Beebe, 3,
Wild pitch: Beebe. Time: 1:60. Umpires:
Klem and Kane.
Broklrn Detent PI I tabor.
PITTSHURU, Pa.. July 8.-Brooklvn de
feated Pittsburg. 4 to , today. In the
fourth Webb hit a batsman, gave two
bases on balls and made a wild throw, al
lowing four runs. Score:
AB.H.O.A.K. AS H O. A B.
oaitan. rf.... 4 lie ORyme, 3b.... 4 8184
latibort. lb.. I 1 I
olMrri, cf...
Clarke. If..
Wasnor, aa.
Millar, tb..
Hatt, lb...
OWiiaon, rf..
nibaan, o...
Webb, p....
OLaaror, p...
.10 8
t I
4 1
Whwat. If. .. 4 8 3
Humraall, tb. I 1 t
Darldaoa, ef. 4 4 1
I 4
Innox. lb. .. 4 1 0
T. Smith, ss. 4 1 4
B.rgan, t 0 4
1 t
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
4 4
Minor. r 10 4
canton, p... 4
"Oampboll .
IT t IT Al 4Maldoa, p... 4
McKsehole . 1
0 0
0 0
. Totals tt I 37 11 4
Batted for Leever In seventh.
Bstted for Maddox In ninth.
Pittsburg 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 06
Brooklyn 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 4
Two-bas hits: Clark, Gibson, Lnnx.
Three-base hits: Byrne, Hyatt, Dalton,
Daubert. iSacrlflc hitsi Lennox, T. Smith.
Sacrifice flies: Leach, Clarke. Stolen base:
Byrne. Double play: Hummall to T. Smith
to Daubert. Bases on balls: Off Webb, 3;
off Miller, 2; off Scanlon. 2. Hit with
pleched ball: By Webb, Davidson. Struck
out: By Webb, 3; by Leever, 3; bv Sran
lon, 1. Wild pitch: Miller. Balk, Maddox.
First base on errors: Brooklyn, 4. Left
on bases: Pittsburg, ; Brooklyn, 10. Hits:
Off Webb, 6 in three and two-thirds In
nings; off Leever, 4 In thre and one-third
Innings; off Maddox, none In two Innings;
off Miller, S In six and one-third Innings;
off Scanlon, 1 In two and two-thirds In
nings. Tims: 2:10. Umpire: Rlgler and
Former Pltoher Begrlno Work on Na-'
t tonal Lena a Staff Today.
NEW YORK. July S. Announcement was
made by President T. J. Lynch of the Na
tional leaguo today that Malcolm Easton
the former pitcher, would tomorrow start
his career In the National league as an
umpire. Eason has been assigned to work
In St. Louis. He Is on trial and for the
present will take Moran' a place on th
Grant nnd Thornton Win.
ATLANTA, Oa., July 8. Grant and
Thornton of Atlanta defeated Whitehead
and Winston, the Norfolk team, in the
doubles, semi-finale today In the tennis
tournament for the championship of the
south at Eastlake.
Harness Rasas nt Nooraskat City..
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 8.-(Spe-clal.)
The race to be held here at th
driving park on July 19 to 31 will be th
biggest and best ever held in this state.
Over 160 horses have been entered and
among them some of the horses from the
Pacific coast enroute east to enter the
grand circuit In addition to the large
number of trotting and pacing horses that
have entered a goodly string of running
horses have been Hated and will run. It
will be the biggest meet ever held In this
part of the state and the association Is
preparing to care for th big crowds
that will be present. Two guldelees won
ders will moke dally races and the Mink
league teams will play a game of ball each
American Coatravcta and Releases.
CHICAGO, July 8.-Ban Johnson, presi
dent of the American Base Ball league, an
nounced here today the following contract!
and releaaes: Releaases By Detroit to San
Francisco, F. Browning; by Washington to
Peoria, Hovllk (optional); by Washington to
Chicago, George Brown; by Washington.
William Rapp (outright). Contracts With
Washington, L. L. Hinrichs; with St. Louis,
Robert Ray; with Boston. J. F. Anderson.
107 s-"