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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1910)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATO? DAY, JULY 0. 1010. IJAYDEHs Store CJ at b P. M. Daily Until Sept. 1. (Except Saturdays at 10 1M. Round-Up Round-Up Sale TMK STOdt SATURDAY SATURDAY 16 Saturday s Extra. Specials FTr Great Clearing Sale Saturday's clearing sale bargains will be the most extraordinary of the entire sale. Scores of specal lot at reduced price. A New York ManTger's. Sample of .Women's Fancy Parasols More . than 1 00 st3'les taffeta, silk, silk nnd linen finish pon gee, silk emhroidered, white linen embroidered, plain, all silk taffetns, some hemstitched and tucked, borders all . colors worth up to $2.50, at Ribbons at 10c Yd J?. Fancy moire, all silk taffetas, all silk messalines, all siik satin taffetas plaids, checks and floral designs up to six inches wide tor hair bows and sash ribbons bhuck, white nnd all colors worth up to 35c a yard, at, per yard Women's Fine Neckwear, 15c and 29c Dutch and Middy Collars in crochet, venise, val. lace and embroidered effects, fancy lace jabots, new side, and frill effects, fancy. lace and tailored stocks C 5C many worth 75c, at, each UC"iC Handkerchiefs from Our Clearing Sale .Women , men a ana cniiaren s . Women's and men's all mire Irish , fine- cambric handkerchiefs plain white and fancy colors all styles, each, 3"C Clearing Sale of Women's Underwear Women's 25c fine ribbed vests lace trimmed, at, each 12 Womens 60c J fine ribbed union suits regular and out sizes, at.. 25 Women's fine lisle thread vests crochet trimmed, at, each 35 Women's fine lisle thread union suits brella knee, high neck andi long sleeves, etc., at, suit 4UC 1 Extra Specials in pure thread silk hosiery wide bem tops, double neels and toes; white, tan and fancy, Ca pair UC Women's ; and men's pure silk hosiery sheer quality, double heels and toes black, tan and fancy colors, per pair, 39c Women' pure thread Bilk em broidered Bilk hose fancy light shades black and tan- double heels and toes, at, per pair $1.39 Clearing Sale of Women's Gloves Long Silk Gloves elbow length, extra quality pure Milanese, 2-clasp fasteners, double finger tips black, white, pongee and blue; r worth fl.OO a pair, at ' 3JC Long Silk Gloves black, white, mode, gray, and yellow; elbow length; worth up to 75c C a pair, at JC Ikiil Kim f& fell 21 tiliil in vb.'uv tun i yrus: fvr1 I a. mil 1 I M -fc. c-nM. 6 THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA. TION has paid its members Six Per Cent ner annum for the past 27 years, than ever to protect : members. Try a saving account with payments or lump sum not over VkliCa liUVi till ASSETS. $3,600,000. M,ire88 16th Dodge 39c-69c linen handkerchiefs fine, sheer quality, Bome with initials, at, each...' U2C tight knee, lace trimmed, um Hosiery Dept. Women's fine Imported French lisle hosiery mercerized and dull finish lisle, fancy silk em broidered boot patterns, allover lace and lace Cn boots, at, pair .0'J0 Women's and 'children's fine lisle and cotton hosiery all over lace and lace boots, children's rib bed hosiery, some with double knees,' heels and toes, C at, pair UC Men's fine mercerized lisle and cotton hosiery fancy silk em broidered and silk . f y 1 clocks, at, pair 12 Short Silk Gloves 2-clasp, black. white and all colors Kaysers and Fownes, double tipped, fingers, pr.. , SOc-Sl 10 Spend Summer among the O A Her are thousands of beautiful lakes abounding in game fish. Camping resorts where the appetite rows, the pale cheek glows and you wear old clothes. Easily reached by convenient train service of the Northern Pacific Railway Atk for copy, of 'Minnesota Lakes' a work of art to make the angle;' mouth water. Well illustrated with numerous maps and cover in hand some colors, it describes the various outing spots, lakes, hotels and rates, how reached, kinds of fish, etc. Address E. D. ROCKWELL. Did. Pati'r A get tit Cnturt Building. D Mm and today is better prepared and foster the interest of its it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly $5,000. Ask for Booklet "A" and RESERVE FUND, $64,000. Streets, Omaha, Neb, CLOTHING COMPANY Midsummer Clearance Sale Men's and young yS men's fashion- 2iS&L able band tail- orcd suits actually x worth $18, $20 and $22.50 your cboicc ( Saturday Be sure and see these as they suit values ever shown. Pants Special Stylish Trousers, suitable" for street, business and outing wear; positive $3.50 and $4.00 $ 2.45 values at. . . PARIS CARTERS The best 25c Garter on the market here tomorrow at, pair Q3OTrg (JoufW QourCt C3rWyg OMAHA'S PURE FOOD CENTER SPECIALS for Shaeffer Bros. German Mottle Laundry Soap, made from pure red oil and tallow, per cake. .5c Per! box, 93.50. 20c bottle Queen Olives 15c Pint Jar Queen Olives. ..... .25c Pinard Olive Oil, sells regularly per gallon $3.50; Saturday spe cial $2.75 30c can Potted or Deviled Turkey, Chicken or Tongue 25c 2-1 b. tin Bensin's Fat Herring 25c 1-lb. flat tin Steak Salmon... 15c Grape-Nuts, per pkg 10c 3 pkgs. E C Corn Flakes 25c Brusson's Gluten Bread, box $1.50 Trojan Wafers the daintiest, most delicious and wholesome wafer on the mamet today put up in tins, each. . . .50c and 75c Lightning Ice Cream Freezers each. .$2, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 Comb's Aluminum Coffee Makers, a big saving and better coffee each 25c, 35c and 50c White and Yellow Cornmeal, per sack .... . 15c 10c Toilet Soap, 6 for 25c 25c can K. C. Baking Powder. 15c 48-lb. sack Lotus Flour. . . .$1.50 Butter, Eggs and Cheese Dept. Large Edam Cheese, each.. $1.00 Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb. 35c Domestic and Imported Cheese, in Jars, each. . .10c, 15c and 25c is Ci J-outW (jSuftfk (JsaSfQ ROUND SjnSO, 41.85 and 43.20 U Hew York City $1fl60 and 44.60 qu Boston, Mass. and 46.35 Portland, He. $3000, 33.00 and 34.00 a Buffalo, 11. Y. Mf.70 and 41.09 U Atlantic City $9 qCO, 32.09, 33.00 and 34.00 fiJ Toronto, Ont. $qcoo 00 Montreal, Quo. tqOCD, 33.00 and 34.00 0& Niagara Falls Tickets on sale daily. Ticket Offices ' ' HQU1403 Farnam Strut Omaha, Ktb. 1U Sixth Annual Convention July 18. 19 and 20 Associated Ad Clubs Meet with America, business creator, t WRITE OMAHA AO CLUB FOB PROGRAM are positively the greatest Furnishing Specials Broken lots of fine Balbrig gan and genuine "Poros knit" union suits'; values ' up to $1.50, 15c QfeucVyj (J-buAr (Jwutvgi (WwJ SATURDAY Lotus Butter, cartons, per lb. .Sic Our best Country Butter, in sani tary Jars, per lb 30c Brandels Eggs, per doz 35c O Guaranteed Eggs, per doz. .. .28c l Ranch Eggs, per doz 24c in Fresh Fruits ana Vegetables. (gj Celery, Mushrooms, . New York Currants, Gooseberries, Blue Ber- V? ries, Shives, Cauliflower, Fresh tl Peas, Denver Rea Raspberries, $ Florida Watermelons, California l! Cantaloupes, etc. For Te that's Nice, For Tea to Ice Try Courtney's. Per pound. 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 Ice Cream Jello, per pkg .9c Fresh Peanut Butter Jars 10c, 25c and 50c Bulk, per pound 20e Saturday in Our Liquor Dept. Old California Claret, per gal. 75c Hydrox Ginger Ale, large size, per dozen . . . . , $2.25 Hydrox Ginger Ale, small size, per dozen $1.50 Hydrox Ginger Ale, splits size, per dozen .... . . .$1.00 Clicquot Club, Ginger Ale, Sarsa- parilla and Root Beer, doz. $1.75 Per case, 2 dozen $3.35 Shogo Ginger Ale, small, pel doz $1.35 Lotus Grape Juice, bottle. .. .45c Catawba Grape Juice, bottle.. 50c f5wWJ3k uA -uuAr& -Kfis TRIP I . 'l 'I'. .1 ..'m Xsiocrai reium limits and favor able stopover privileges. Fast trains at convenient hours, make direct con-" nections in Chi cago ivith all lines east. PLAN YOUR TRIP 10W VIA MW146. 3 Twelve hundred more High Class Suits cut out from the regular stock and branded with a price which will insure a quick cleanup. You can find suits at equal price in any store? True, but you can't find equal quality suits elsewhere at the same price. You're buying real bargains when you get 11 ART, $18, $20, Some Facts Worthy of Your Consideration 1st Hart, Schaffner & Marx does not make a suit to sell for less than $12.00, so you can't make a mistake. 2d Every suit made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx is guaranteed absolutely all vool and perfect in fabrics. We also guarantee perfect fit and general satisfaction. Sd--We make any necessary alterations free of charge. 300 Men's Odd Suits, that sold on sale Saturday, at Everything in Summer time Saturday. II AtfltfM9 Don't Miss Those very special Kouna-up 1(1 1 licUS Sale Bargains Saturday Your Boy Is No Exception . H What be does to bis shoes I. a good and plenty mighty little regard has he for shoe leather, but We have a dependable shoe that you can depend upon glv- lng more wear than two pair ol the ordinary kind. These may cost you a trifle more to begin with, but you will find them worth the dif ference. 1 to 6tf sires at $2.00 $1.75 10 4 to 13 sizes at ... - We guarantee satisfaction to the boy and to you that, two - guarantees' and two people to satisfy but we do It. . - Bring the boy with you Sat- urday. Drexcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam ' St July Clearance SALE Dig Reductions in AH Departments Figured Lawn and Batiste Dresses, very pretty styles In new over-skirt effects, worth up to $6.50 S2.0S Lingerie WaiBts, beautifully embroidered, worth up to (2.50 .....98 Figured Lawn Dressing Sacque. worth up to 50c 10 COO pretty House Dresses,' In a variety of styles and colors worth up to $2.60... $1.25 Muslin Night Gowns, worth up to $1.00 48 Uovolty Skirt Go. 214-218 North 16th St. From Manufacturer to Wearer Direct. Hotel Romo Knropean IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cor. 16th and Jackson St Two blocks from leading department stores and all . theaters. BOMS MILLER. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEh .Reach afea. SC11 AFFsM&M ARK SUMMER SUITS THAT SOLD AT $22.50, $25, $27.50 and $30 up to $18.00 H. S. & M. $9.50 regular price choice. Clothes must go. - It's up to you ' . , i .' MILK FED ' Spring Broilers PORK CHOPS, pound -.12t VEAL, ROAST, pound ' and 8 VEAL STEW, pound 4H BOILING BEEF, pound.......... 4tt LAMB, STEW, pound. .V 4? FALL LAMB LEGS, pound 10 VEAL CHOPS, pound.................; 10i SUGAR CURED BACON, pound. 17V4 FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS, pound .... . . . FROM 7 TO 9:30 P. M. COUNTRY SAUSAGE, pound. 5H FRESH DAILY Home Made Pies, Cakes and Cookies. Get some of our Home Made Bread, 6 loaves for 25 BRANCH OF NEW ENGLAND BAKERY WHITE & ORTMAN. GROCERIES v Specials for Tomorrow. Two cans Mayflower Peas.: l5c, DELIVERY WAGONS LEAVE AT 10:30 A. M. AND 3 P. M. At Special Prices ran An excellent opportunity to equip your office complete or la part. ALL DESKS , Marked at liberal reductions more than 125 pattern and alaea to choice from, In oak and mahogany ROLL TOPS--FLAT TOPS TYPEWRIT ING and STANDING DESKS. Afrenta for ( , Olobe-Wernloks Oo4 ruins' XTles. Orchard & Wilhelm 414-1.-1. Sontb Street. A Light Teifht Suit Case for Your Trip We have the best and light"' est can. suit case In the mar ket Olive color, leather corners, good handle, neatly lined, price $4.25 Others, tip from 91.50 Frcling & Steinle Traikt Baft Ssit Cues uim Leather Gtrii 1503 FARNAM ST. ORollablo Donttotry Taftvs Deotal Rooms PILESFISTULA All OIaeea eared witboal a sannrml eperattoat and 6aa. aat4 to laM a Lfia. Me cihineotuna. i bar, or oibar (neralananthfileasaa. taamUalteo f m. Write lev tree Seem. u DSL Mm tL TAKIry m Ih in-. oMw, wn. 5 tSS1? Hand Tailored Dress Trousers, , up to $10.00 $5 to get the bargains of a life ilAVDEUs Each 1610 Harney St Phones, Douglas 2144 and 945. Ind, A2147, SUMMER TANS Tan shoe, are alway. popular dur. lng the summer season. Tan la art Ideal leather for low cut shoes. Al way. stylish and alway. smart. We're showing oxfords, and one and two-eyelet ties, ankle strap pumps, In the new shades of tan, that are very handsome. Short vamps and high Cuban heels. Every size and width. Tan footwear never looked as beau- tiful as It does this season. In oue new low cut summer models. FRY SHOE CO. "THE SHOEBS" 16th and Douglas Si. LADIES osdxx tovb ricjuoms by rBons A Few Hot Weather Bargains Imported Italian Olive OH per Qt. .750 Burnham's Clam Bouillon Vi pint, 30o two small bottle ,.,....160 TABU WZBXS. California Claret and Relnllng Wine. per qt 86c, 36c, 60o California Port and Sherry at, per -quart..., &o, 3So. 600 California Muacatel, Angelica, Tokay. eio., per quart... .Boo, 36o, 60o, 7tio Home Made Orape Wine, red or white, per gallon Bl.Oo Old Kentucky Bourbon Whiekey per gallon, S3M per quart 11-00 Mail and Telephone Orders Promptly ruled. CAOKLEY BROS. Wine acareaanta. 181 Be. 1Mb -. Oppoatie Poetofflca. a , B raoaes. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER , M Dm lolUr ret Teat.. - f i J 9 i 1 .if '