Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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    A w fii a)a.jws,'wae,t ji-Hsiw V' ; ' o'tj,,.; - JXo-v-vv-vvr . . , J. m a i I i e -wwa wwj.
-gg - 3lC
r Wlmj IIM, ,B r-Ht'T" r. v-f. '-wwvf rsr-yir? V srytrrn-mrrr A . -.Vh-: "yT nin "i " fir" mmlm km "Hi ""W, 1
" SaBaBaaaBBMBSBBl I 1 SliaSl eaBBBBSa 1 II - I I I- B
Roardlna. Bad Kom
NICE room, with or without board, ll'l
Cut StreL 'Phone, Iioug. 147.
iOARD end room, teo7 HL Mary's Art
HOARD snd room: 1 or J ladles: private
horn. walking disumre. Harney 4237.
MRGS south front room, on first floor,
running water; privata entrance on the
summer lawn; also other rmi 121 b.
tth Art.
COOL east front room, with board.
So. Bl rhora D. (US.
t'arBlekeft Reeaaa.
;WLT furnished front room eti'table
for two. with privata family. Kit Dodge,
4-ROOM modern apartment. TeL Web. CM.
TTRN1KHFD rnoma for saatlemaa. U
t. Utb tL Tfaa Chathaa
LKPIRAHLE room. raonhle. furnlahed
or unfurnished. New Hamilton. Inquire at
care. 2Uh and Farnam.
TOVKG MAN to ahaia comfortably fur
tilnhefl rami; rpanonable term. UTOJ Far
nam ihuna liurney 2672.
MODERN room for t I or : separated
oeos u ceaireo. mm Harney.
UGH f rooms strictly modara. Pa, Jul
Caidaau at cau Harney aiaa.
EXCKKTIUNAXLT nice room. XX N tad.
FVRNlBlit:i or unfuradaaed raonu; uti
car una. KU aV ma.
atODEILN rvoma. aloaly lurniabad. iXM
I iHi H-ft a weea. ail M. lata ait.
(MALL neat front loom, aavdeta huu
beiula fJ; au-toily privata family, ta lady
eiupiuyea aiuuf m. oi. naxaay jm.
TUB uaa of my furnlrbed bouaa ta az-
chac Sur board. Tai. Wan. am.
ROOMS, 2210 Harney EL Bad U3L
FRONT rooms, south and east exposure
modern. u b. 2SU Ave. Tyler luiWw
UNDKK sew manaicement. Z11-21U aoJ
tilt ioulK ait., rounia, coul ana lu fine
coudlLWii. desirable iwr summer, eu&er lur
liuihed or uniuruifched Call aLU lougiaa.
PYjR RJLNT Four larca. modern rooma
furnished or uniuruished, sultabia for either
lisbl fauUMsascpuiii or aieepuiji. lor rent ail
tuKolher or eearaie. au iuuciaa Bit.
euv M. 1U4 st, jaxei rlunu
NICELY furnlaued rooms. iKla IXxJga feL
biNGLli room, reasonable, modern.
"ixain bt.
NICjuLT furnished front rooms, lare and
ciL, svalklUK dlaianoa. 1Z1 uu. 2(ta BL
NICE .coul, modern south and aast rooms.
U01 Uodce. 1.hiuuls 44DS.
SIKGLIS loom tor gentleman.
Mason, liaiiity ZTvl.
17. 3001
BEAUTIFUL front parlor; (aaUeaoe
rcu:. u -'th St. hauls trunlrs. Pnanaa L). til A-2611.
SLNULK SOUTH room. X226 Luda Red
COOL south room for cantlemaa ta pr..
vate family. Mm bemard.
NICELY furniahad room, all aavee
Icncea; aeuueuiiia prvforred. CaU atU
Ku Mary's Ave.
NKATLV furutahad front parlor, doas ta
modern. Z-ttt xoulas.
FLRMiliLU rooms, tut Chlcsfe St.
BOUTH room for gentlemen. 24ub Harney.
E. Mih Ave.
modern. Vi
N1CI. clean, strictly modern sleeplt-g
room; rent reaaonabla. ej N. 2Mh Ku
6INGLE rooms; eastern exposure; nicely
furniahad. VIU Park Ava. Harney X24L
DEWEI Curopaea botaL Utb Pranans.
LARGE front room and one small room,
suitable for two or three gentlemen; 44
block from oar Use, as? a. UJa uu. 'a'boae
MODERN outside room for gentlemen,
five blocks P. O. TeL Douglas TkU.
NORTHWEST CORN a, II lath and Web
Her. furniahad reooia. day or aoak.
PARLOR-ALCOVE ea third floor norts.
auiiable for maa acd wife, or two gen lit
men. Breakfast privileges. Kent rcakuaOia,
Large Front lioom tuTr
rentlemen; 4 per wwk; for oue ganiltmaa
T. ... . 1 . . , ,3,
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all
modern: private family. 'Phone Red 7DaV
TWO nice rooms;
Phone Douglas MM.
terms reasonable.
FRONT auigie room, (X fclu &. lath Are.
TWO tiy oeairauie roams tor iiga:
bcuskepuit moocra; reaaunabla; walamg
distance, ad b. pta Ave.
fTRNlsUlU front room, ta tDOdera
r.uuu. near i-arur lake. Tel debater
FRONT room; ruoaern; la private las
; price reasonable. "It b. fete, at.
NICK furnisaea loua. good
fceod. KM av sxd. Douglas ink.
TURKS NEWLY papered looiua, parlor
flcor. iuoJ Uouco bl.
DODGE HuTLL. Utll and loi-, ail oool
rooma; auecis.1 rates by the week. '
luieiy bed bugs. r jch-a, f.tas.
lice and an otucr inmci uie. ine twit
niaroial Cht.nvcal Co.. US Paitua Block.
COZY COTTAGE, bandsomaly furnished;
cheap to a wmg time leijtut. ror particu
Urs i-a'l at aik bouUt tULh. Wast Leaven'
aotth car.
TWO sitvely furnisher aiodera frost
reoma (connected) lor twe , or three pet
1 irons us) uaa. '
ram. RENT Nicely rwnished rooma.
laiga and cool, uiuoara; east f rooL fiaa
lutauoit. 1 w- a-saia asis as. una Ava
TWO large rooma, nioely furnlahed. fine
bada ail luuwara oouvemaaoea: stalkina" dla-
taniei ou car Hue; piitata faumy; fins
location. 3 w. bin M. 'rnone L. m
PART of new tuouara bouaa unfuralahad
(or furuiaheoj fur to ladies or husband
and wifa Ne children, suit Lake. Webster
ttoOMd tor housekeeping. CX ft. 17 La Ave.
LARUE roosa sad eloaet. faevag south ae
Deary Ava. car ih; SLrtouy. saodera.
'1'noiM Douglas .
RooMS near aew suwat oar bars aad
ftrpoti aU modern, tit Hickory. Red 0.
TWO htcelr rurauuWt mat eltaer twa
geiiilexoMi or maa aud wite; with or wuk-
ptit buu-a. iss. vooae uui
VLRT large, well furnished, south front;
fe: uiuiieai panics. saraaaa.
DFIRABLE room; tine lues uaa. walk
ing distance. tl b. Utk att.
. ONE large and one single room, nicely
furnished, ill win eh ,
N 1CELY lurnianed
1. 17ih Ave.
rooma, modern. ;i
ONK elegant furnlahed targe room, suit
all fur la or tnree young maa. aourh
east expwiure. alia. Um aorth exTittaure
Isrse Ju.ia eiegsntly furnished. Uk. Oat
eouta exposure, eirsanny rurniahr mom
sultkbta U' two. tJk Maa lelt Walking
tuaiauca. t none ovusiu taia.
rarBtshed Rmm CltlKl
ONE large, cool front room. No other
roomer. but Davenport bL
tXCELLENT modem furnished or un-
fvrnhed rooma. Hensoom park car Una
No. 2Me ft. i.4 Ave,
WIIL ahara I noma with Worktne Ctrl.
par month; walking distance. le N. ltth.
5'WO elegant furniabed ronma. light end
cool, ali umOmim. la private family. W N
FINE east front room, strictly modem.
reasonable. Pood Rd 7Me. S N. Lta.
NICELT famished modara reoma. aliile
or ensulla. IMS Cass.
FURNISHED ROOMS in modern private
borne. 'Pbene Harney 4S1L fell Lode SL
NICE cool rooms: modern, brick flat
welkins' distance: Darlor room on first
floor. W6 N. iSU.-
SICK front room, modem, private family;
gentleman; iu. twl iavacpon
LARGE front room, private family, axee!-
I'm ricichburbood: walkina distanoa.
Phone H. ei9. eit aV. tTUi aueet.
MODERN. wall furnlahao. aouthaast
front wua alcove or ainipa room; large
laan; private family. 7tu Georgia Ave.
FRONT parlor with llcht housekeeping
prtvilegaa: modem; Ice aid telephone. 2ill
cr.icag-i bt.
NICELT furnished front Darlor. aultable
for tma genilan-an. lal( Chicago Bt,
NICELT furniahad parlor for three men.
jut o IDIO.
THB PLEASANTON known as th old
Pax ton home will rent rooms; dining room
closed for the summer; breakfast will be
served to anv who desire: rooms are large,
cool and running water: the large lawn and
verandas make an ideal summer n cm raj
raraia can be had acroaa the street. 2U6 is.
iiili Ave.
ROOM for one or two gentlemen; pri
vate home: walking distance: new noua
clean, cool and quiet, phone Harney
EXCELLENT room. private family,
walking dietance. Cars at door. U-T& week.
au Laavao worih.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all
modern. 6U 6. 11 in St.
NICE, clean, atrirtlv modern rooms In a
beautiful location; also suite of these rooms
for light housekeeping. Tel. Lougas nut
211 Caas bi.
FURNISHED rooms, tat N. 22d-
NICE front roorv.. private family, modara
homes, easy wa xing distance, referenoea.
el ft. fith 8L rneus Harney om.
VICELT furniEhad rooms, eastern es
poaure; referencea required. MM Park Ava
pnooe narney aau.'
ROOMS near new street car barn and
depot; au modern. kU Hickory. iua i..ja.
THREE nicely furnished rwimi,
piano; modern. Bu Mary'a Ave.
FIRST-CLASS rooma; reduced rates for
the summer; moss in. ei . una bl.
t NICKLY furutahad rooma. wiin or with
out beard. I blocks froo eeater of city. Ap-
,.ly llrj Farnam at.
ROOM; walking distance. strtoUy oiodern.
u N. lata st
CLEAN furnished rooms. board If
wanted. (Christian family.) lkU Capitol
COOL, elegantly furnished rooms; mod
ern; leasonahle. UU Chlcitge bl.
f-iNGLE room. ZMi tcodern. abu & fcth
A a.
TUKEk furniahed rooms and one an
furiuihed, modern, reasonable to the rlgb
party. 1 Caas EL
bINGLE rooms.
2036 Firum.
Douglas 73W; lnd..
Is now operated oa the Kuropeaa
plan. Rosaus may be aad by the
day, week or month. Meeia as
desired la the cafe.
PRIVATE family, front room, waiking
els la (tea. sub Harney.
COOL, clean south room, modara.
NEWLY furnlahed rooms In modern buck
flat. U & ULh tu
N1CEL furnished east front rooma res
sonabie. te the rigs, par Uaa. tlv N. 2tk
ML iel. Red iuav.
FOR RENT Large front room. Mil Call
forma. 'Paoaa IX ana. rea.( or ivougiaa f.'
TWO nicely furnished rooms with private
family; strictly mooern, walkisg dtalauce.
Uia Howard. Tyiar urn.
TWO Furnished
Housekeeping Roams,
1m3 Daveuport streau
modern. $ month.
NICELY turniabed room. Ml4 Caldwe
COOL room far gentlemen.
LU e. Jti Ji bt.
TeL D. 6&7.
FI7KN1MHED ROOM: also bouaekeeDlns
rooms. It oeaurea. sot w. atux.
COOL east-front pa nor; modern, privet
borne, dean bed; to jtet rUeman; U-
a aaak. aiJw . aVLB. nea
LARGE front room, wail veniilated. 117
ft. 26th Ave.
LARGE modem furnlahed rooma. acia
rate oeoa. auw narusy.
FURNISHED rooms. atrioUy aaadara
walking distance. ft. Isia it.
ARB yoa) tooticg for a coom, piaaaant
1 soia ' luquure H Harney or poena bar
ncy sua
LARGE frost rooma. nicely furniahed .in
mtiern home; large oloaeta, til a monta;
cne-half biock trow L.avena Oita car. Tei
Harney ImW. kit S. 2s: a Su
NICELY furnished front room for rant
ltd S. Itith St, kid floor.
FINE south and east trout suite; atrlcily
modern, electrlo lights, laws, close la. 2UM
VS ebausr sl
SUITE of modera rooma; maa and wife
without children; privilege of kite lien. Hug
NICELY furnisnad room, suitable for 1
genuaiuen; evaryUiing modern. U4 S. oVth.
ROOMS, walking distance, mod urn. 7t N.
klh. Harney ta.
WHY pay so much for small bed loam
as we ask for mow. front parlor. Ht N.
2ih SL Dong. frLX
FRONT room, new and clean. In new
home, clote to good boarding piaea. 1U2 ft.
lh Ave. Doug. Btee.
Ft K-MiiiH-D front room
t a tics; t.rnaie famliy. ail
'1 tone lUd saA.
waiking d.s
N. lot bL
SL'iUMER suits la order tlT.UI, reduced
from (. MsoCarthy-Wi.aon, 3M S. liith Sl.
TWO good roomt. furnished tor renL raa
aondUia 1 "ou. r07. 2u Capitol Ave.
NICE cool froat room, aavt Uaruey.
Emmet, large room, modera,
webatar ilTw
NICELY furnlahed room, private family.
'Phone p. akfcw tm ft. totii Ava CeaUauiea
FINE, large room, for two man or mar
ried toup.. . t very thing niuduw: elei-U'ic
ligiite; tci ma reaavnabSB. vt ft. tUi su
Karalahed Heean Caatlaacd.
PLEEPINO roomi modern. 13 per week.
ZU7 Douglas au
ingle room, 2 week. K22
SINGLE rooma, at; modern.
SWO Far-
COOL sleeping rooma. by day or week;
lao bouseketping rooms. Tit B. Mth.
TWO furnished rooma. modern, reason
able. 7a a. iin.
COOL, well furnished room In all modern.
drtaehed cottage, private family, aalking
distance. Kit a. Mth L
TWfl ,lnvU rr.r.-m . S7 A mt
modem, auw 5. istli. Harney Uil.
ROOM and board In crlrata family, mod
ern, a aikitif; c:siica. iu is. ma.
BOUTH front room, private home, walk-
g distance, eus 8. 2&U1 Ava
SINGLE south rooms, modera; H up. ZrM
DESIRABLE modern room, private fam
walking instance: a week, iiit S.
win Ave.
SINGLE room. 2 week. 1210 Douglas.
CLOSE IN. furnished room for cenila-
men. reasonable. 16 N. Una.
THREE large, beautiful modem rooms In
private famiiy, furnished or unfurnished.
car car. ahii urand Ave. ftiuue weu.
TWO rooms, one front, strictly modem;
references, out N. 2ulh bt-
rooms, walking distance, modem.
IF YOU want lerre. oool rooms at low
ate, iz per week, witn big lawn and shade.
caa at zj!7 Harney t.u
TWO east front rooms, furnished. 1220
N. 24Ui bL, South Omaha. 'Phone South
NEWLY and nlce.y furnished and remodi
eled rooming house, bow open. 1K21 Caaa
ONE. two or three first-class outside
rooms, all modern, with hot water the
year around; furnished or unfurnished. ITU
Nicholas SL 'Phone B 203L
NEWLY furnished rooma for renL bath
and lavatory; colored people, til Cuming
FRONT room, modern: private family.
110. 2401 Davenport, 'phone.
NICELT furnished, clean, cool loom. In
strictly modern home, within walkmK dis
tance. 2502 SL Mary'a Ave. 'Phone- Rod
SINGLE and double rooms, souiti ex
posure, nice.y furnished, reasonable, re
fined parties. 2218 Douglae.
FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern.
N. iSd SL
TWO beautiful cleaa front rooms, all
modern: private family. 71 Georgia Ava
Phone Harney UU. ,
NEWLY and nicely
JX 4S2.
cheap. M4 N. IBth SL
NICELT furnished room: reaaonabla. 221
N utth L
TWO well furnished rooms, eno front
parlor. 3 Capitol avenue. Phone Red
NICELT furnished rooms for men: mod.
ern, coolest part of city; waiking distance
wnoieaaie oiairict ana apote; tlx r
month. 'Phone Poulas 7uA 1404 & bux
SL, corner of William.
clean. tui aleeplag rooms. 1U1
ROOM to girl or woman employed, for
cumpany nighta. S 4w, Bee.
UasMkerplai Rooaaa.
ROOM or reoma tor reaL ftMl California.
TWO furnished rooms. 64 S- Ifcta. Phuua
Dcugias 4l!.
TWO furnished houaekeeoiriic rouma. 2xK.
TWO nicely furnished rooma oon.Dlete far
light houMieeping. All modem, ii per
month. Huls Webster SL
FURNISHED -rooms for light heusekeeo-
ing. tM Leavenworth bL
22--t FARNAM, 1 tuoe rooms, a as run'
lauudry priviiagi-a
TWO models lurniabed nouaekeenina
rooms; gaa range; refrigerator. I Chi
cago. TWO rooms for working woman or old
Uoy. 2Ui Caldwell.
TWO front rooms; reasonable. B l&ft. 1&12
Isard SL
COOL room and pantry. 620 N. 223.
THKiK elegant rooma, firrt floor, east
front, vacant July a. 111 a 1UL
TWO large front rooms, well furniahad
modern. Mot N. suth SL
TWO rooms for houeekepu.g. f'.miahed
complete; gaa for eaa ing ana ligbL w
THREE furnlalied rooma for light house
keeping; tU per month. MI4 Webster.
U'hone Hautey 1M.
TWO modem front housekeeping rooms
furnished. t4 week. 2003 BurL
MODERN room tor light housekeeping
2121 W abater St.
NICE housbkeeplng rooma, modern. 1571
TWO south rooms for housekeeping. 4
week. IM S. Sfcth Ave.
LARGE, nicely furniahad housekeeping
room, strictly modern, fine fiL close In
rata same floor, fa.M a weak, til Soutn
14 Ih Ave.
FURNISHED roe ma for light huuaekeep
Ing. 2ult Davenport.
TH1.KE nice rooms, housekeeping.
South LUh Sl
LARGE front room, first floor, modem;
good neighborhood; reasonable. M Har
ney. TWO houaeltwp.rg rooms, U per week;
large bark por h. 410 N. luth SL, third
fioor. Call moribge
HOUSEKEEPING room, single
suite, eheap. is N. 20th.
or ea
TWO nice laie front rooma for light
hc.UM-kr-u.g. iiil WUUs Ave. Tel. Web
ster luett
DINING room, furnlahed or unfurnished,
with lars kitchen and bed room; dandy
location for party; rut reaaonabla
till Douglas.
THREE elegant, large, oool modera par
lor floor rooms, furnished complete, tor
huoaeltefping, including refrigerator, sea.
Ing machine. Sttt N. 2sth St.
FCRNldllED light housakeapiiig rooms,
gaa; bain; reaaonaoia mm
NICELY furnished housekeeping rouma.
11 Docge hi.
TWO bonsekuapuig room; mod era. Sae-
nd floor. L3 N. Zld SL
LIGHT houaekeepiaft. twe eusulte, one
single; anodcra, neat, oool rooms. XnJ
NICELY furnished beuaekeeplng, suite
bf thiwa. also sleeping room, tit N. Sid.
THREE rooma for Luos keeping, toy g.
2-th Are,
nooaekeeplwar Rooaas
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and two base-
lent room; reasonable, alk S. !2a St. a
Phone Dooglas 1ML
THREE furnished rooms for light house
keeping; modern. 4244 Harney St.
FURNISHED rooms ft Hxht house-
keeplng; modem; good location, ail S. Z7th
TWO front rooms for light bousekeep-1
ing. ftSl lodge BL
MODERN rooms, tat Htmtf BL Red
T-1 T XT Trin ..ln.1a , I.VaA ewwavnaa enHilaww I
S121 California SL; ae children. TeL 1
TWO hovaekaeplng rooms.
too Call-
fornia BL
ROOMS. X21 Harney SL TeL Red. UK
PARLOR floor. I or 4 large, oool, hand.
aorr.ely furnished rooms; piano; shade
walking distance; modern. 4 b. ZFth.
TWO newly papered and cleaned bouse-
keeping rooms; reasonable; modern. tt7!
bL Mary a Ave.
TWO llaLt housekeeping rooina. HI N.
THREE housekeeping rooma, completely
furnished; also siugle loom, bit S. lath SL,
third floor.
4-F.OOM modem apartmenL TeL Web. 6A
FTRNIbHED rooms for
keeping, bit 8. 17th Ave.
light house-
TWO rooms. U 50 per week. 22M La-
venwortn en.
TWO south rooms for light houatkeep-
ing. rroitarnam s-L
SUITE or light housekeeping
wmi-w nss- I
newly papered; modern, isool Dodge.
TWO light housekeeping rooms; modern.
422 N. 17th.
TWO or three furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; all modern; upstairs or
down. TeL Red "Mas.
i it ikviu, for lli per mia
;u Ave.
L wf aratlskad kstiaa
TWO or three furnished or unfurnished
:71 Lawey Ave.; Harney 1741.
UNFURNISHED room, private family, ii
ilher roomers; close In. Hamey ISO.
THREE unfurciahed rooms, 211 S. fits
fOUH un-jrnianed room, modern eac-a
LeaL Call after : u. m, 2u N. UU Ave
THREE uulcixlsbeo rooms, new flat,
also I aouaekeepug rooms. ajiS Davenpari
FOUR rooma, unrurnlbhed, 12th and Vis
tun; rents &. 'pbone D. av71 U. E. Hard
.ng. Hull s. Idlb SL
V'K ground floor housekeeping rooms
modem; no children, all Davenport SL
THREE southeast rooms, on Harney car
una; . refereaeea. Uu? Case L
THREE large unfurnished rooms, every
modera convenience, uls Vttbater.
7 HKKL rooms lor light housekeeping. HiM
ri. th st .
THREE-ROOM modern except LeaL 2ilv
S. 12th bt, phono Douglas
Apartaueata aad Flats.
SERVANT PROBLEM solved; I rooms
condensed Into , steam beat; electric iignui
and laundo. Lot auu co.a water, wall oed.
sale, gaa aiova, refilaeraxor, janitor sarvloa.
the uuuter, AAU. auu Dodge, lei. Duugias
ELEGANT k t and b-room aparunea
eueniow imut webawr taits.
DESIRABLE 4-room SL Louis flat,
12U. Phone Harney iisu.
tr&LiAU.! uesiraoia iv-roum iiat; mwi
eru; nice location. U4 N. i'.d SL Red toot.
NEWLY papered i-roeni n. mooam
except heat; lis. liit N. 20U1 bl CouraU
tvuug, luia Douga Street.
NEW five-room duplex flat: ground floor:
Mm iird. 17& X. 'JUlti Ht 1 1. Hlrnnv klill
FURNISHED apartmtnt of a rooms, first
floor; modern; piano, telephuue. etc. 20ut SL
Mary a Ave.
WHEN answering these advertise-
mania, pleaae montion The Bee.
Farwisbed Rooms and Flats.
10 rooms, completely fuin..ed, near Field I
Ill Bd. Trade Liu, ltd. D. 4i; lnd. A-204S.
t-KOOil modern, w ell furnished home for
rent lor one ar, targe aid, anade. barn.
etc. Will take Hi Per month rent if grown
bob Is permitted to retain cue room, aim
arnatn bL l ei. Harney sbis.
He ware Aad Cettagea.
Choice residence, t rooms, all modem,
new, large tawn, comer, suade, paved
street, an caiaweii aireei, ju.
Select i-eeidence or rooming apartment,
10 rooma, ail mo&ern; i.ava streeL shade;
2114 Snurman avenue, JJu.
rooms, best repu.ii', fenced, 1WH North
iisL lis; al!o s rooms, guine, IVX, 16.
$ rootna, modern, Kt S ZUh, Jli.
t rouma, city w ater, lii Martha, fli.
t 9imM niv ,l.r Cu.l Wl Ivt I, 41t
T rooniai city water, iuwn. ilJj N. 2SU
Ave., till.
t32 Ramge Bldg. l..m and Harney.
AT 81)th and Farnam, t-roora f iaL strictly
nioaern, per muuiu. leL Hamey Htus.
12-ROOM house and basement; all mod
ern; oag firuah, for lli. i,l durt St.
FOR RENT Just completed, new, elegant
t-rooiu ail uiodern brick l.uusn. It has k
rmiis, with an extra room on tt.e third
auor provided with hot and cold water tor
the servauL besides a neat room lor stor
age. Tins house is beautifully finished lb
quarter-sawed oak, latest nickel plumbing
and a periect mil rm. bee IL ia N
21st St.
1 will also have several nice, new, brick
houses rtudy lor occupancy in a few daya.
1 bey are Una led on tua corner of ainu
and Davonuoits streets, rigiil in the best
residence section of the city; these houses
aru tsoei tally well tuilt. 'J hey have e chl
rooms wtib additional servants and store
rooms on the tlurd floor, Including extra
ba.h room lor u.e sei vant. l hey are sub
stantially and eJt'saiitly finished In hard
ood with uianteL book cases, etc. In lacL
incia i v..- .I., in.!
theju and you will want one. or price.
apply lo l . n. uacan.avii, ua I S ton irtlk
Phone Red-2bJa. Iit)i0 uce Phone, Doug.
lb-r, mod, Ul S. 2d SL. Mi.
ia-r . mod, tin 8. i-lih Ave., tf5.
lt-r, mod., tiu S. tM St., 75.
Harvey "SI? 'it l Uuri '
Ua4 N. Y. Life Bldg. or A-21TJ.
Eveuuias or cunaay, uaruey blJt.
NlNE-RJOM modem brick house, north
part or city, .
t-roxim apanuient. 1M7 Clark, tlO.
t-rooiu anartitit nt. 11' 17 Ciaik. t.
4 room apartmenL ell." Water, toilet, ;J i(.
(-room aerimiiL. ia- i, . i,ia, in.
C. M. BAi naA., t fexlon Him k
'1'bobv i'-vj IWaidrnve Dvug. jolj.
Hewaea awd Cottage
WANTED A suitable couple to occupy
West Farnam home, rent free, for a
month. Address W-t(je, care Bee.
I rooms; city water on both floors, well
and cistern. aultable for two famillea
Will put in rood repairs. Look at HOI De-
cstur and 17) Noith Mth and make an
offer. We want to rent them. Nowata
Land ft Lot Co, Bt K. t. Ufa ISidg.
phone Red 183.
rl . t h'''"' ti.Kji.o pacaeo, xorwaroea
cheap freight rate; moving and storing.
Expressmen"; r"TO !
TTV" . TJ T5 - V T fl arV .sAnm Karar hnnaa
modern, minutes' walk to city ball. bi.
1. ,,ik.i sv. 1.1. riau, 11 I
CapUol Ave. TeL Doug. is.
TWO t-r modern, vary alee, beautifully
located, neauy renovated. i b. (.la bL
OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pack, move.
lath: offloa. sua fi. I7u k TeL Douaiaa lif.'
vlutu4 sail e-v-i nd.rn Mimhlnstinh 4 ifi ream 1
JT,2 v.," vi.. Kt if--. I
M. ilACHMANN, i Paxton Block.
Office 'phone: K. 062); Residence, D.
FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modem,
except heat; corner 2th and Capitol Ave.,
IH, to good tenant. Telephone Red baH.
HniTF ln k11 parte of the city.
'-' J Creigh Sons at Co, Bee Bldg.
,,BooM house, new and modern, located
,n Su: 1 wuo "
wooa lmisn auu iiooi; varr ucurtmc, ea.
PETERS TRUST CO.. New York Ltfe.
SUMMER suits to order H7.S0, reduced
from KS. MacCarthy-vt iison, M b. lath bt.
. ot m xiu
' I r - - I will rja
a rDUmi, ClUftw aftft. eA,aaaa.
l roonift. tm. ii niuuu u, aw-isviiiK uiDLftucv,
1 rooms, cHm in, on Capitol Av., brand
new, t&.
fc N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 11199.
A FOUR-ROOM cottege; bath, toilet fire
place, furnace, oak finish; full cement
basement; nice yard and outhuildings;
located at 1014 N. ted SL Telephone Hamey
so. Harry ii. Putnam, alto Hurt SL
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 27S Capitol
Ave.; bath; good plumbing; good repair;
nearly new ; ix. i ei. xtea u-tn.
HOUSES, flats.
Garvin Bros., 2d floor
N. Y. L.
HOUSES. Insurance, KlngWaii. Brandals
Theater Bldg.
NINE-ROOM modem detached brick. 1411
Sherwood Ave.; S3U. Patterson, iSU Far-
ham Su
6-llOOM. modern, partly furnished, sum
mer or longer, 4U. Jonk Jackson.
lios YATES SL, fc-room oottage, aU mod-
I rn. including furnace, XZL
611 a. Ziiu toi., a-roozn ou ueuis net,
t.ti Mtlv modern, tto.
BLMlS-LAiXhlilUU, iu Hrasaeis Theater,
K.NXAL did il Ask your uruggiaL
Suite i-i N. Y. Life Bldg. Red la9.
7-ROOM bouse,
imwnrn stmm furna
- i
ZUII Davenport
U'eL Doug. 27ia
tot No. 2Cth SL, fc-r, mod. ex. heat, LU.
bl Jones St.. -r.. all mod., $2ti.5tt.
Jltiia Ames Are.. 3-r., mod, iu.
41M No. 26th Ave., s r., ail mod, C2JXL
Mtii California. S-r, ali mud.,
1UU Ju.aJ.ou bL, y-r, aU mod., gJS.
114 So. lith bi, s-r, moa, 2U
I7i Ontario SL, s-r , mod. ex. heat, fit.
toil Fowier Ave., 7-r, mod. ex. LeaL (17.
422 Bee Had. Phones: D. 47J4. A-17&4.
FOR BALE Brick bam at 16 & 23d SL
TeL Harney 1335.
Stores aad Offices.
CTORT5-ROOM ls07 Farnam SL
Semi-basements, well iignieo, uw ana low
Farnam streeL
I store room. sn ii. m t-, o. v.mii.
I 1HCO. r. nAnn. oa moifig siuk.
1 Both 'Phones.
tfilHJIl. II ! K Ktorv IBuni, wiiKuim IMWI-
ment, 22U Cuming SL 'phone Web. wU4
?'.inualfd Opportunity Grocery and
heat market, with fixtures complete; n
equal. Tlxard Block. Apply fc N. 2M SL
We offer for rent the one-
story and basement brick etore-
room at9HFarnflm. This prOT
erty has tractate facilities in
rear. Apply
17th and Farnam,
WELL LIGHTED store, ttxil. lift 8. 10th.
Carter oheel Metal v oraa,
FOR RENT about SepL ll central toea-
i.iin una or best business uiwna oi ise-
iirKKu: motlein store bunding, lu.Uuu feet
floor space; now; su.ta.nla lor a-
parunent atoie. Auaress Y 14-, iee.
. LEAVING CITY Furnishings uaed Just a
ahou time, good as new; mahogany, iaataer
ana xuiuieai bailor ana iioiary suites,
na. uei couch, aavenpoi L massive braes
bed., beuiouin suites, oak dining room suite,
unnniai auu oumestlc ruas ana poruers,
var.ety of bric-a-brac, piano, uupoi tad
paintings. Call quick at 2tO Cnlcago.
FOR SALE Two inirraln rugs, one Brui
.lu caroeL three voriiuiodefc, two toilfl sets,
music box; pricrs vol y reasonaoic. m
kowler Ave.
Mwsiral Uitramtau.
FINE "ii!gUt Piano, latest rry'le SllE
Owner leading city, cost, gMU. isn Lass.
FINE Upright Piano, latest style. lUa.
Owner leaving cuy. uusi sowu. urn uw.
i-m.-T ft a Plivn for aala or Irada.
shear, aid slid y rancia
Typew rltera.
hut in L C Smith at Bros. Typewriter.
K F. SwanaoU Co, uisii louiera. uu
r arnaiii i.
,,r rnt an OLIVER TYPE-
W IJTEK w.lh " tr.d. ta monthly, from
nianutuc-turers, luoi-t Interested in satisfac
tion given.
Oliver lpewriter Co., b,
ougiaa &UL
lvewritfcrs for Rent 1.
ansou. I
Uls r arnaia Su. OmtUa.
M larellaaewaa,
Ask for L nostra oa -awnings.
ci'v.'Hii TENT at AWMNti CO.
a5V,V tl-Ut bw. tflll SL. Dwug. XJt
M laewllaaeeaa
Con1(tTo Ltltt I ft. AMfnk C
rn.. f . . Window Screen
AAltJ iAXIUUlliy ,.v. rou one-half
T. 11. Welrich FUture Co., ail kinds of
mill work.
DRUGS at cci prices: freight paid on all
fM) orders; catalogue free. Sherman ex
MoCbnnel! Drug Co., Omaha, jveo.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and ikk1 tattles. We lead the world In cheap
'"J'?i -L lEU. Bru",ck-
40.000 ITL 1, r, r I .r
"1""" to en brick for sale, Ceroeer
Bros.. Mth and Dorcas Sua.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all rises and makes: bsrgaina
American supply Co, Ult amam tu
HALL'S safe, new. Jd-band. 1S1I Farnam.
I WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink
barrels w hich we will sell for M cents esch.
They are fine lor rain water or ashes. Call
at press room. Bee Publishing Co.
irrri pnv IxT feet, suitable for butcher
it-'-Li HJA. rooer. Phone Ioug. Sbil
standard Produce Co, tla a. Uta &L
Filters Missouri Filter Co, iSU Howard.
RT-VF-ALO robe for sale. In flrst-dase
condition, J. E. gkedan. Malvern, la.
NEW baLl baarlng dry cleaning machine.
ud extractors. l. L. ll, iox u. Avoca,
fiTERLINO P1CTCLJC. rood u nw, vltb
cotv4lr braise, (XX Karaey
CIT V A MftliAl1v nw Wall's via.
Ible U2 adding machine. Reasonable price.
tie LitUe Bldg.. Lincoln.
Alice Johnaon, 806-S Brand els Theater Bldg.
DR. B. ft.
PETERSON. (It Brandals
Tneater Bldg.
Dr. Katbryn Nikolas, M- Brandeis Thea
ter Bldg.
DR. JOHN DE FOX. osteopath. U0 Bran-
dla theater.
D. O. BARN" ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
to U. aVJ-aLOffloe. 61 Paxton Bllu B-awi.
Massage treatment totuecn trouble. Dr.
Maigajiie hauoran. UM Neville Bik. D. 77uL
jsiu-iti'.lioi! from combing, tLU. Mrs, ft. Maxnew s, Aevine Bk. D. 2WL
HINDOO TABLET'S wUl buUd. brace.
strengtoeu. ovc. hcLL UKUU CO.
MRS. EGUERS' private contmement
home, lilv Martha SL, Omaha, Neb. Tsi.
Douglas aiau.
Yur-NCl WOMEN oomlne- to Omaha a.
suauaera are invited to visit the koung
Wuuiui'i ChrisLian shSiM'ianon binlfiirig all
. -- . , . -
uiev will be airected to auitebie boaruing
MiLimwiiih .i ua ii H-arv a Ava.. iiivra
piaces or otherwise assisted, liooa ior vur
traveler aid at Lie cmoa tuauou.
ume ALLEN of Chicago, baths, wait
glow and auaasage, lte Dodge bt, oppe-
aite posiollioa. d uoor. J ei. Doug. eua.
STRICTLY private home for oonfiae-
nieuis; exoaiieat care; baaias tor adupuou.
I zule DavaupuTL
WE lent and reoelr all kinds of sewing
mauhinaa. iiul A-ieus, Doug, lews.
lii in and Harney sia.
DO YOU enior a oool breese thla not
weather? It Is at the Parlor Theater; also
beat vaudeville.
u,lu , I . , w ..... uil A h
CUJWU . , old o,OM fc-. r. w v.w., ..m
floor, elevator entrance. 120 ft. lvth L
lLa.i'n.iiT uiina pacaar: wumui ureaann
a ap;ialty. U14 DavasBorC lnd. 8-.
IY W 1 V( 1 VOiLubber goods by mail; cut
O J-itXi.NVJA-iOejj. bena tor liae ct-
aloeue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement;
bailee tor adoption. Good Rumanian bani-
larium, 7J bit Ave, Council Blufls. la.
THR fLALVATlON ARMY solicits cast-off
clothine. ln face anything you do not need.
We coilecL repair ana seu i m n, utn
C, fr.r .nut nf nrtllMtlon to the worlhv
Ipoor. caii 'phone Douglas ti and wagons
I WAAJ x4Vag,
omaha stammerers- ins. Rami. uidg.
I WANTED Dressmaker or buKlnetw wo-
I sen aa r e- V n wnnlri 11 at aw rseWT m T1er t artratTtSe a tirl I
I p'" ' business together, to can toiia
l Military Ave.
Military Ave.
Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp
treatmeiiL hair gooas; Sundays, m a t p.
ra. atit jvevine can.. iei. uoug. sua.
TTT PSl cured without operation or pain.
JUL, Dr. MaxweiL Ut Bee Bldg. D. 1424.
u bl iei a. Talrd Flaor.
irrrrjc and loupes foe men. Griffith.
" AVJO U anft H rRKNg.s K BLOCK.
JOSIB WANHEURN'ft wooa. "The Uader-
votld bawer. ' at an bosk stares; prloe tl Ml
MAGNETIC i!T2?r ft Z J
Health In every glass Aiaraito Lactone.
I bugs destroyed at onoe ty the great dlsln-
lacteal ana geraucioe ill me age. svajlal.
i ti oruyKist knowa
Screenings, S1.2S per 100. Wagner, PI Nt. 11
i is in Pear in ue market tor young coick-
ens. Made from suit grain.
Phones: Douglas 1142, Independent A-ttbt.
R1ES-HALL Pig. Co. lift ft. 14th, lad. Atsil
Li . JiAiOilili, 1 nnter, ,rn"
-,vr.M ,r:i J1?
. - .V a. w . , - v . . n.
V. V JJJ-iJ-J 4JtJXJ-iliIU
Miller ii Jainieauxn 1212 Doug. Both phones !
PHONE IND. A-262 for good printing.
Lyngnsd Printing Co.. ISih at t.'apitol Ave.
REED ABSTRACT CO, KL lstt; prompt
aervios; gel our prioea. M Brandeis tbeater.
BENJAMIN R E. CO, 477 Brandeis Bldg.
1J01 larnsm. Ground Fluor.
W. a RODMAN RtAiP Ca, ut Bee.
Eastern Colorado lands, wholesale prlcea.
Western Realty Co.. Eik- paxton Bldg.
TeL D. 127L Ut Ramge Bldg. New houses.
GUARANTEE Abstract Co, 1J Farnam.
PETER JESSEN. JR. TeL Douglas 132.
A neat, well built easy cottage In a good
residential district In the west part of tews.
Is almost new, has Carton I urn ace, electrto
lights and gaa Reception balL living room,
dining room, kitchen and summer kitchen
on first floor. Two large bed rooms with
cioseu, bath room and linen closet on sec
ond floor. Full cement baeemenL One
block to Harney car. Lot Is large enough
to build another cottage. Thla place is
easily worth tlMKX), but for quick deal owner
will accep: first reasonsble offer.
SIX rooms, strictly modem, hear car ln
Benson, for sale by owner on easy terma,
W. E. Tenon, Phone Benson KL
a-ROOM. 1-story house; for prloe an I
terms see lelt Madison Ave.; Webster 1K
SUMMER su'te to order U7.W. redaond
from Maovarthy-Wilson, tut S. IKik St.
FINE Dundee borne; rooms; strictly
modern; oak finish; brand new; price $I,SM;
ch nd nonthJy. Call Owner, Har
ney Uie for more Information.
I HAVE the finest 7-room house, all mod
ern except heaL on N. &th SL Fine loca
tion. Must be sold ln ten days. Prtoe ll.soo.
BOCK. The Bargain Maa. (K N. Kth St,
South Omaha.
th Ave. and Jones. aU Improvements
In and paid for. ILli to U.SS0.
Walkup Keal bstato Company;
S7b-n Brandeis Bldg. Douglas IkVa.
Burs ft brand new all modern 6 -room
cottage, one block from Ames Ave.,
combination lighting fixtures, fine
ootut DluCiblnf. rooms ftll newly
paprei flD, B0Uth front lot 1400
Cftsn, or will consider trade.
689-sll BrandeU Bids.
Doug. lC&t; A-ICfil.
Five-room bouse near N. Mtb street car.
Price CL.2M.
Suite 658 New York Life Building.
Pbone Red lUa1. Omaha, Neb.
Creighton College District.
Nlne-reosn. thoroughly modern house, two
blocks from SL John s church: hot water.
I heat, flrst-claas oonailtoa; good terma.
Price glS.oua.
T.inarian T?iq ixr C.n
I w
i a ii in lie avui
I Phone Doug. IKS. 70S N. T. Life Bldg.
t-room. modern: It minutes' walk to 18th
and Farnam. 2,20V; easy terma
us New York Life Building.
Red VM.
tOJ Worthington Place; 11-room, all mod-
I ern residence, first floor finished ln auar-
Itcr-eawed oak. Hig-h panelled wainscoting
1 la dlntng room; three laro fireplaces; tiled
neth: three rvoms on tnirw tioor with bath.
I Hot water heaL One of the best corners
I. Ik. a UMh tfi I A .nnm ,4 1 ninu
1 w ' .w..-. ..., ....... -. fc. . j
te depots and wholesale dlslrlcL Price
i aiv,wai, our we vani an oner.- investigate
at once, nev ni our errioe.
I GEO RGB . COMPANY. lUul Ffirnara SL
100x138 feet of ground; concrete walk:
fruit and shade trees; large grape arbor;
lote ox snruoery; targs cnicaiu bouse;
near car. Price t2,7a(l; small cash pay.
ment, balance mommy.
1 SB N. T. Life Bldg. Red IMS,
40 Acres
Near Florence
We have a- fine 40 acres for sale, within
I miles of Florence, close to the macadam
road: Wu acres Is in alfalfa and the other
!t acres is In oats. Nearly all lies high
and sightly. You very seldom get an op
portunity to get a tv-acre piece ao close to
Omaha. Let us show you this at once.
Can make terms. Price, fi'i an acre,
Hastings & Heyden,
lGlt Harney SL
3720 Marcy St.,
A good s-room cottage with gaa, sewer
and city water: fine south front kL Price
reduced to C4&0; choioe dlstricL
I Doug lilt.
4 Bd. of Trade Bldg.
20 Acres, Near
Florence, $3,250
Located close to Calhoun macadam road:
lies high and sightly; about 10 aires ln
timber and 10 acres of fine, level, hlgn
rround now ln potatoes, com and data.
One-half of crop goes to buyer. Be sure
te let us show you this at once. If you
should want 10 acres more adjoining we
can sell it to you. This piece of lend
may be worth double thie price In a short
time, owners may take a t or s-room
house in Omaha in U'tde.
Hastings & Heyden,
lfl 4 Hamey SL
1 n o iJ 1 CM-
TWO LOTS, EACH 60x120, Mft.
Near N. Mth St. car line, almost walking
distance to center of city. Lots In this
neighborhood are held up to li.ww aaco.
1 lieaa i " u, sow.
tU New York Life Bidg.
Physician Dentist
Eight-room modern brtrk home at 2121
Dour 1st. suitable for office and home f
physician or dentlsL Dr. Uahn, the owner,
baa purchased home arid office twe doom
east, and. having no further use for this
one. for M days offers it for sale. If not
sold will renL Pbone Douglas 242.
"West Farnam District,
4K0; new, twe-story and attic; T rooms,
strictly modern; corner lot; 1 block to car.
Walkup Real Estate Company,
' r 77 BrattdcU Bldg. , Doug lag tuft,