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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1910)
vDOMHSTIC ttJ v-v Vet J J5" V ENTERFKlSiNU i V ott f ntiii i ra . . i f - - a . IJ AT licun TSeaWawBaaanaBBesssaesaw naMv'9MfaBMgfBVW ( imlw empioi3v 1 i li vi ir f i i -v "x. ii t u '.Vii i i ii Want - Ads Want nil receive at any ttsae, hut Insure proper claeslflentlasi Bt ba presented br'ere 33 a'cloclc .. lor tbe 'tcsliic edition, and before 1.10 o'clock of pre v Iocs 'ml" T unrnlag an.l Saartny " ad. received after sack ' have tkclr flnt Ineertlo" beading "Too ! to Clasalfy. task mast nceampeay all ' want ada, aad a advertiseeat w bo accepted for loaa thaa " 0 tlr.t Inaertlea. Rate, apply alt bar T IU, Sunday llaa, it, CASn RATRi run WANT ADf UEGILAK CLASiriCATlOJ Insertion, 1 La cents tt wa cent ncr ward fa each aaaoaa" insertion. Eack Insertion BO JU daa, 1 1-S eaata a Wd " Wr liua per luoath. Want at any of tka follow las dra , ouo . yoor "rorarr drobt - w aw " " ky aro all braack otflcea tor Tk aa and ad will bo la'" a Jaaf a laa aa at tbo mala offlea la Ike eveateatk aad Farnaa atractai Albach, W. C. 0lh and Vam0. Uerftnek, B. A.. ItUS 8. 14th 8t; Piyton Pharmacy, 7M B. tfith Bt. U.-(! Park Pbarmaey. d and Cumin Clifton lilll Pbamiaoy. WU Military At HlntarUw ru Co.. llat Ava. Ml nam bt. , Cre.sef Pharmacr. f4th and V Coonay Pharmacy. tS2 B. 1Mb -t Cermak. Kir.ll, Ho. IStn Bt tdler, F. H., 2801 lavcnworth. Foster Arnold I, till N. th t Frcytaa. J. J.. )14 N. 4th Bt. FreKKer Pru Co.. 120 N. ltk Bt. nil pi .i mi a PM AB. Green a Pharmacy. Park Ava. and Paoino. Oreenouoh, O. A, lHh and Hlckopr. i i j it at it uom .nam Ht. hanacom Park Pharmacy, lfiOl t11 AT Holm, John. 624 N. 16tn Ht. HaM. A. I. t)M Laavenworth Bt. Juhanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Kln, H. 8., 1238 Farnam Bt. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. M04 N. MUt Marea. Fred L.. U1 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1&4 N. Wb Bt Ooidman Pharmacy. 14th no. Va"n t.oiih sta. . . . Saratoga 0m Co.. 24th and Kchaefer a Cut I'rlce trug Store. ltn na Chicago tita. Bchafer. Aug.. Zfttt N. lth. Kchmldt, J. H.. 4th and Cumlnf Sta, Valnut HUI Pharmacy. 40ih and Cuming KATI$ AND FUNERAL SOTICBS. H'DERMOTT Charles, age 62 years. Funeral from family remuenoe, UU Fierce ueet, Baturday muiniiig at :30 a. m. to tit. Puiuminui'a cnurcii at a. m. lnter . uenl Holy bopulouer cemetery. bUtMU ! A0 DEATHS. Aili tiis W. It. Hiiunond, - 4321 North Fony-nrai, K'n; unuiiea Coouey, ooy; Alton o. Mead, 41 iNoitli Tweuiy-seventn avenue, g.n; Frank svuaU, 1114 Boutli 'AHeUui, "xj; Vmliam dtewart, liU) boUi.a A- uui iceulii, boy. Deaiut-J. -. iiyeis, Fontanelle, 67 years, Airs. Paikur, Ui i aii icK avvuue, 7i years; Mra JuloI) Pu:uger, JmW Dodge sueet. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmeiB, lull Ctucago. D. 1063. B-1669. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes lor $'2.50. All sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, 3d Floor Paxton Block. SCALES Independent Scale Repair Co. Kefitv.iij, rebuilding and test- RF.PA .KKIj .."f'tl.d ? UUB0 MUl it i Dmnii sn mkt.m. wiImkd VyVlVXXjIs navo inovtll to tneir new plant, 110-12 South Tenth Street. ILER GRAND HOTEL Flneat In the Meat. 16th and Howard sta Turkish Baths PlPVin T.TTMPHFS made to order. -v-..-. va.-. pie pared with Liome rt.okini;, ral es, plea and cold pies DEUCATESSENS-rrfai ICE CREAM .ALWAY8THKBE81. AiA.itui.u M l.e Cream, Wedgenood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. MERCHANTS ' 150 ana 130 lunch .ulJAlUAA-AAtAfl MIDLAND CAFE. 1 Kl A A E UlNINO ROOM-- 8i7 N. 14lh St, MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums te ml. uo Bee Bldg Phone Doug, ihn-t OIU.N A-UAiS COMfAiNY. WEDDING lln" "1 !"' " ajAVAaVJ U & Hendilokaon. Gustaf. 201 N. It Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Work. 1C0 8. 10th SU Tel. Douglas 43bl liOOD M MUCH IN'lV LUNCH. A. J E l aS. Ul J Douglas St, 5CTS. PHOTOGHAPUIC Supplies. Saratoga AJi ug Co., Z'll and Ainca. . us. tl-HMtV ELEVATORS REPAIRED: freight, nas- Itiuer. J. K. Kennedy, 104 8. 13th. Doug.237 UMORELIAS recovered and repaired; supplies. WESTERN UMllHcXU CO., laj ran, am. ilea it. WELDING rings made by hand, sold by weignu a . l. uoinus a uo.. iui uougiaa 13 THE weather too hotT Get ride of your groucn; enjoy a goou laugn ana a good vooiing oit at tue place oi tuu. ine A'rlor Theater. B. F. Wlii.N, Optician, 424 Brandels Bldg. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas frli THE HOME FURNITURIS CO.. 20 per cent les than Omaha prices. 24th and L ais., bouiu uaiana. A. E. ROUERT8. reliable emp. ageeu 6uccaor to Alart'o m Co.. UU Capital Ava A SAFE INVESTMENT II you are trouoled with bed bugs, roaehi's, fleas, ants ur any other Insects. KNXAL Is the paying InvestmenU Ask yuur arue m or can THE COMMFRCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 63$ Paxton Blvk. Tyler 1141 ANCHOR FENCK CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheeper Than Wood. l.tst a A-lleUina $07 N. 17th Uu I hone Red til UAUaXTjIS " IIKUS. l'ALNT IX). Whnlexale-retall. lwH Farnam St.. Sher Li ", una, iiiianci, giaaa. winiv ivau, ari uaper, orusnea siasing tad plotiue franilng. 1 ELS BELL DOUG- LAS t,M, ISU A-KC1. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) A PLEASANT PLACE ROME'S SUMMER GARDEN Omaha's Coolest SpotM.. Robertson's Restaurant toa emenii; cooi, ngni, imwi " irvlce, popular prlcea. For laJies and Mntlamon. Tablo d llota dinner Sunday. GET your WEDDING RINGS at .FRED nurvnF.fJA ATirvn It lnaurea good luok. 1U B. Wth 8U, at the algn of the Crown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcement, calling cards. liotera & Leary CoM iS a. H. Cola Sign Co., D. S76a, Ills Farnam, SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from tui. MacCarthy-Wilsun. i(04 tj. lfath bt. CLARK i,ou ll7- 20"S1GNS itRANHFia' nntTf and PHOTO DE- PAK'i'JM IfiNI-Wt do all kinds of develop ing and finishing. Films left betora nooo wui be iiouued aam oay. DR. J. F. M'AVIN, dentist, now located at room 434 Brandels Theater Jildg. DAVID COLB Creamery Co. FOR tlATCPS Watch out speciala at rUiti AJVL.OHayden , Bakeiy Dept. Try Haydan's first. It pays. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns. SIS 9: loth, upstalra. mm i 1 I BAM BINU, 1602 Webster. Bt Restaurant open. HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED BIT AN EXPERT AT SANDWATJ- Jewelry Co.. $d floor. " raxton Bik. . Dr. John J. Foster, 116 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dentist, has moved to HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and poroU screened from I A Hal UMAHA WINDOW SCKJeilUIN UJ., A BANITART NECESSITY FUR EVERY HOME. (24 N. 16th ft Call Doug. 4602. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORK. 708 8. 16th St. O 1477. MAGGARD Van & Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van & Storuua Co. Pack, move, I ktore and ship li. H. goods. D. 14. ll-U Y1RGIANA DARE wina. 7bo a large bot tle. KLEIN L1UUOR UOUSiC $22 K. 16 U tit. Douclas 66.0. ED. ROTHERY ? ull llauois and oikara. Cale in connectloo. 111 S. 14th, b'lOKAil YOUR FINK FURS IN MOTH- PROOfc' VAULTS. Nominal cont. terlUf a.aRl"B lain and Harney. IfillM Kfl'll'l I'U Home Consumers' " "AAA"" lllcirlhiirer I LTIXriS BEER kOU LIKE. USA SiUtO 241AJ BU Douglaa Inn, Red 2U22; AndpnUinu A-112. THE GROCERY BUSINESS at 13th and Mason bts., conducted by M. Newman, lias tteii purcbaaed by F. Mauro and 8. Zag hinl. AUTOMOBILES DROMMOND1 bells Buggies, .viaaes AO AO iOl'Si BlillU. Maumiiv. iti-u sua uaruvy bis. IT is worth a trip tu our salesrooms to ee the American Traveler. At you have never seen this car you siiouia use au vantace of the ooDorlunity at ouce. At is like no otner cur. Unuerslung frame. tiftv hoise-Dower. $4,000. Aha Anient car mi wheal. iearuiens of price. 8 W EE 1 EDWARDS AUto CO., 2w62 Farnam 8t. tJJ. RECEIVER'S SALE , . , .AiuomoDues Following cars oifeieu lor immediate suit): New $1,730, 1910 motluU 40-hors. power l,1 A l . . lOLirtnir tiax. siewaxi uyoeu- ometer. at i,nv f,T,,.V' Erin's- car. TomoleV with New $1,400, mo model, 30-horse power ::,alas. front, it $1,160 !,,... .umi iai Maxwell touring car. with top, fine condition, at $ 860 One $1.4i0. 1K08 modoU 2i-horse power. hLiiii.if.r tnurinir car. aetacnaoie iuii- neau. at 360 ihnva pars will be sold by reoelver ap pointed by United states court tor CHARLES F. LOUK, 2050 FARNAM ST. AIITOAIOBILES FOR HIRE AUAUJIUUILLH J. U1V A-AAiVAJ DAY Oil NIGHT Repairs and Storage Station 16TU AND 110 WAKD D. 324& A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company v H have for immediate sale a big coin- foitaul. flve-pasaeiiger touring car, in fins couultion. Aia top, wina. snieiu, ciock speedometer, prestoilte lank, headlignls. extra lire ana complete tool kit. coal $4.uO0 when new end omy run a few months. Il.ube takes lu bee una car at ouca li is a big bargain. BWF.E'A'-ED WARDS AUTO CO. TeL Doug. Ana, 4Wua Faiuam SU We Have the' Following NEW CARS For Immediate Delivery Locomobile touring car $3,500 Locomobile roadaier 3.6'JO Math9son roadster, baby tonneau $uuo btoddard-Dayton, 7-pasaenger touring. 2.6U0 bioddard-Daytoii roadster, baby ton neau 2,800 Studdard-Dayton, torpedo body 1 j0 stollara-Dayioii, uaoy tonneau z,wv stoddard-Currier roadster... ...... . ..Ihv 2,100 American Mora.. Traveler l.loO Regal 1.100 Slightly Used Cars , Stoddard-Dayton roadster J'.iXiO SUxldard-Dayton. 7-paaaenuer touring. LeuO Stoddard-Dayton, $-passenger, with touring and limousine body 1.800 Stoddaid-Dayton, 6-passengur l.OuO Lviklngton, i-pasaenger : Win ton touring. 6-passenger Home Waverly Electrics. tljO to 4u0 Discount to dealera DFRKIHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, IMS FARNAM bTREET. OMAHA. NEB. . WE have lust received a new coiuian. ment of Parry Touring Cars, the bluxest and longest car, and the most powerful of any cat on the market for the money. They are making good everywhere. Be sure to see this car berore buying. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. 2062 Far nam bt. Tel. Douglaa 3USS. SIMPSON PAINTS AND REPAIRS. DllYlJ. Ot-n, u DODGE, A ut ibKI (aba. tring rsk kr let areksa- ' " automobile .u cuv.n aacond-han.t h... i .. .ui.innnii. i nn m k n u i cloaeo carriagea tujiu pnonaa I BUMMER (tills to ordvr $17.60. re,lu,..,i trom t-i. MacCarthy-Wllson, M 8. 16ih bi. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) IK) you contemplate buying a seven-pas-nengtr car. If ao you should aee the forty-fl horue-power Moon Car at our garage. Everyone says It is the easlet riding car they ever rode In, and the price la riRht. 8WEKT-EU WARDS AUXO CO.. kAl Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. SOffi. AUTOGENOUS WELDING A kinds of BROKEN CTUNDERs. CRANK CASKS and CASTINGS promptly Mpalred. ALL. WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHr MOTOR COMPACT, CouncU Bluffs, la. ai an.n In Pimr touring car. Only used very little as demonstrating ear. Looks ilka new. For sale at a very low price If taken at once- 1 dWKKT-KDWARDS AUTO CO.. Tel. Doug. 80&6. 20G$ Farnam St SEND for our list of second-hand cars, DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1W4 Farnam Bt. Auto Painting ZX$Z?18b2 Get W MURPHT at DUN. 1UI jackson. Auto Repairing lft.rrt Diamond tlraa carried It stock. The Pax- ton-Mitchell Co. 1010 Harney, li. 7281. A-lulL FOR RENT BRICK BARN for automo bile and atorage. 00$ St Mary's Ave. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 2to to $3.60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. aOV-fU & lata. GREAT WESTERN. BCHACHT AND MONITOR TRUCK: can deliver at once. Central Implement Co., 1117 Farnam Bt. COMPLETE line auto accessories and i a.T - W I. m. DnInU A..$a f kmnaia. '""'"" " " ' WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRlCitSOX AUTO CO.. Omaha, T? A TIT A TTlT? Repairing by experienced Uotorcynlee. R. F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent condi tion; side car attachment. Call Harney 1073. Write For List w." TJuTC of THOR parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on I GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. TeL . $267. OJIPn-PnntMONKIt, Invest a few dol- vc"lars. Omaha oomuany. sa la- I II tri'lnl lied positions, either sex. fiomoier. u.i f axton Blk. ROOMING HOUSES FOR BALE Here Is a bargain, 10-room rooming house, ail In I A No. 1 condition: cheap rent; all room well rented. Price. (676.UU. Location. 24U ana uoage. JUA A HROP TO BIN, 421 Bee. SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced i roin MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 3. Mtn St. AN OPPORTUNTTT for a capable man to establiuh himself uermanently with one nf Fh. nlil.t ,,.1 l.jr... r.rm Imnlumant I manufacturing companies in the United Stales. Owlntf to the Increase of business. we una it necessary to establish a Dis tributing warehouse In the state of Ne braska and have a confidential position to fill in connection with this branch. Only those who are looking for a permanent connection and are In position to make in vestment, sufficient to insure same, need apply. J. L. owens Alt K Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. . ATTENTION RESTAURANT MEN I have a restaurant for sale that la noth ing less than a gold mine. A man can dear $2,5uO a year. Will Invoice afcout $1,200. It you have money and mean buslnexa, call and see me. Just the place for two live young men who can hustle. BOCK, The Bargain Man, 606 N. 26th Bt., South Omaha. IJSTF.N WB INCORPORATE your JM -A-A-" bualness. shoD. land, nateut. ana iurnisn men to sell your snares, pro moter, tuu i'axton Blk. FOR SALE or trad, flue retail stock of we!l paper In Omaha. Finest Block la the city. Address Bea 0-6C4. FOR SALE Hotel. Mrs. E. W. Mctlenrv. rairrieia. -.d. GOOD furnlfure- business: must sell on account a earn in lamuv. ltu uooga WANTED Young men with caDltal to promote an Omaha Invention. 70 now In use in Omaha. Will pay you to Investigate tnis proposition, zua uapitoi Ave. GOOD PAYING POOL HALL; mMt be sold at once regardless of price, owing to accident to proprietor. Phone Webster 27 He. YOUNO attorney wonts to hear of location or opening where a lawyer is neeaea; grad uate from eastern law school; has had three years' practice. B 72, Bea New & Jdhand harness A hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estata Uu Cuming TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co.. 102 McCague Bldg. FOR SALE Lease and furniture of Coro- hotel at Friend. Neb. Good thing for rlht prty; money maker. on t an,wer if I you don't mean business. Good reasons for selling. Lock Box 36, Friend, Neb. IF you are looking for a business and have $000 to Invest, call at Drexel Hotel, Room IS); money secured. This is suitable for lady or gentleman; call in person. FOR SALE Restaurant: good business: bent of fixtures; all decorated dishes. Will sell for half price. Phone B 204a. FOR SALE or trade, fine retail stock of wall paper in Omaha. Finest stock in too city. Address o u0. Bee. PARTY with proper credentials desiring cashierahlp, can furnish those with capital Information concerning excellent location for hank with not less tnun izs.imi capital. Growing wemern town and country. One bank now located, tioo.ouo capital and sur plus. Deposits, $!S,0u0. Address 3 142, care nee.' SEE me for city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman, 130 Neville Blk. D. lttW. 1W-ACRE farm, five miles from Dun ning: all fenced, sod house and other build ings; small fruits; lake with fish. $3.60 per acre. Address X R3, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam 6t Douglaa 647. BUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from $6. MacCarthy-Wllson, iH 8. 16th Si. CONTRACTORS AND Rim DFRS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar- anteed. Phoue facuay, a. Mil; office Phone S. 1113. OLD ROOFS roP1'1; estimate given; Si'hraeder-Humphrey Rooting Co., D. tU2t, W. 2UU. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall. 40U Leavenworth SU BEAVER BOARD J'Vaate" AMERICAN 8UPFLY CO., 1112 Farnam. PAINTING, paper banging and docora tlna. very reaauoable for landlorda Esti mates free to ail. U. s). Keuneeon, 4302 L AIL. South Omaha O. 214. LUND, sidewalk contractor. TeL B SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from lit. MaoCarthy-W liaou, 2V4 8. 16U) St, DENTISTS BAItJIT A MACK. Id floor. Paton. D. 11. I TAFT'iJ Dental Rooma, 161J Douglas SU DR. M. T. GORDON, 614 Brandels Thea- ter Bid. BUMMER suits to order $17.50, reduced from $05. MacCarthy-WIUon 30461 hj- DETECTIVES- nuiui Homt Karvir. Detective eency Inc. and bonded. IU-9 Paxton Bik. V. 1311. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach. D. isa nRFMAKERS MISS 8TURDT. X707 Farnum. Tel. H. 471 TERUT Dressmaking School $0th and Farnam. RtlMMER aiilta to order $17.60. reduced from $H5. MaoCarthy-Wilson, 304 a 16th St, EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Pivnar fnr nmfitnhlA nnnltions In bonk keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; sure to be open in me iau and winter. The year book is ready. Apply for it students admitted any uay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Both Phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3b48 Charles. Harney 2383. BUMMER suits to order $17.50, reduced from Maccartny-wiiaon, am a. wn Bt, EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN rrorT7'Tr'CJand Dlanta that grow. F. W. Xi.VijJ-iOMeneray Crescent Nursery Co. Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sta, Phone Harney 4560. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Ideal summer drink. Alamlto Lactone. Q A "KITT A T? V HAIRDRESSING parlos. kJi-" a. J. Marlnello cream used and sold. 601 Paxton Bia. Tel. Douglas 4871. ARSENIC and LRON complexion wafers CrI; JH 1 "mLw1 lir.TV PS? " I rT T7"IV We era exclusive agents for the "Ui aj famous Calbas olive otL from nil. Italy, ror medicinal purpose uquora, VA-AJ mucaxonl A other Italian Droducla. Italy, for medicinal purpose Liquors. A. Minardi & Co.. 716 3. 14tn. Doug. 2634 VI AVI Drugless, nonalcobolla and nonsurgical treatment; It haa snared the lives of thousands of men and women; 40-pae book free. 812 ttKANDEAS BLDG., OMAHA. KNXAL AND SPRAYER produce instant results. The noisome In sect aeaa tieiore you. Guaranteed the world's beat Insecticide, germicide and dis infectant. A post card or phone call will bring demonstration to prove the fact. A ricj (JOMMEAtCAAL CHEMICAL CO.. sw A'axion hjock. Phone Tyler 1143. AT THE hottest time of the day there is one cool place. The Parlor Theater. SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced irom iuac-jartny-wuson, XH a. isth St FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Doug 124 HESS A'SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam SU J. T. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.. lars est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in w. 8. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutea Furnaces, i. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating. Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1306-2 Douglas SU Both Phonea Stoves repaired, good as new, guaranteed: storage; buy & sell. 1716 Cuming. D, 1630. SUMMER suits to order 217.60 reduced from $26. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 1 16th St. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical and Offlea. STENOGRAPHER, machinery. $50. BOOKKEEPER who can do tvDewrltlne- eio n ee a. STENOGRAPHER. SmKh-Frwmler. f5K. TWO STENOGRAPHERS, wholesale. $t. VU-Uri.HA I lVl!i K1SI EHENCbJ CO.. LTJ T. I 1 .., 1 I 1 J 673-i3-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Good voices for fe male quartet. Apply Hotel Paxton Fridav eve iwiu j auu a ask xor ur, Aserger. Factory aad Trades. TWENTY-FIVE glrla at mice: vA wages and steady work.. Bemls Omaha Bag uoi'ipaiij. a.iiirnee oil Ai.venta Street viauuci. WANTED a good cook, no washlnr or ironing. Mrs. w. uixon, 11 So. 3!nh St. Housekeeper, aad Ueueestlea. WANTED Capable girl who can cook-. econa gin Kepi; two in lainuy. 2ljl 8t Marys avenue. WANTED A woman to wash and iron on Monday. 12J0 N. 2Dlh St., South Omaha. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen- al housework. Tel. Harney 422a, era GIRL for general housework: mmn ramuy and good wagea Mra A. M. Orr. nut) farnam et. WANTED Girl for general housework . small luiiuiy; uian uouso. rnone Har. ney xiu. WANTED Reliable woman for house keeper; small family; best wages and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call arter t at mm Dewey Ava Tel. 11. 256. WANTED Experienced girl for aeneral housework; must be good cook: laundre employed, no a. sttn it Tel. Harney 2660 GIRL for general housework. two in can 415 n. 20th su WANTED lady to care for child durina the day. and room mother. Reasonable, l.ail j.JL niiuii, COMPETENT girl for gen. housework Mrs. F. F. Hall, 2216 Sherman Ave.; both phonea WANTED Experienced dining room girl BU jsnies noiei. ui o. niu. WANTED A good cook: Ce N. $sth SL , Tel. Harney ill alra u. C. Nash. OfRL for general nousework: $7 per weak. Apply at tw fierce bu uwtu gin tor general nousework: no washing and Ironing; good wagea 201$ N. svth bU GIRL for general housework and wash Ihg. 221$ Dodge BU Tel. H. $46. HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 2017 Mandarsou. WANTED Good washerwoman for Hon. day. TeL Weosier ti'to. 15U Locust street HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoasekeepera aad Doaaeattca C'oat'4. OIRL for general aouework: comfort. able room; good wages. Telephone Harney KM. GIRL for general housework, and also nume to care for two children. Mrs. F. A. Nash XH 8. 33d street. GOOD colored cook. 1M7 Burt street WANTED, at once, a girl for general housewoik; one who can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th afreet WANTED-Rorvant girl at onoe, 11$ & icth street. Mrs, uia Moncrierr. WANTED A good girl for general house- i wora: email iuiii .1 v : trooa waaaa. iiat a. Ktn 'f COMPETENT girt for general house work: no washing: $6 a week. 2207 Dole Bt. Mrs. George B. Lake. A GIRL from 14 to U rrs. to take car of baby. U3 8. Kid Aye. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework In modern brick dweUlug; wages $7. Apply any time. 1306 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 14. WANTED A young Danish girl to assist with genet a 1 housework. 720 8. S-d street, corner 22d and Leayn worth. WANTED A good girl for general house work: small luuilly; good pay. &u Hir ney street. WANTED A competent housemaid: must have good references. Mrs. John McSbana bin a. sua atreeu GIRL for general housework. Good wages, no cooaiug. tia s. iuia street. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1128 N. Kith street WANTED Washerwoman, family of three. Call 1312 8. S2d or phone Harney 2878. , , UIRL tor general oouaewora. sara. t. c w? A GOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 8. 2d Ava WANTED Girl for general housework Mra F. E. Rlbbel 1334 S. list street TeL Harney 1628. WANTED A' cook. Apply 8120 Daren- port bt. 11. Aiarney ml WANTED Second girl at 610 South 22d c. ti ixuieI.. um Ur. n.rt , , WANTKD-A young girl to assist with housework. 602 N. 40th Bu WANTED AT ONCE-Good voices for fe- male quartot. Apply Hotel Paxton Friday eve between 7 and 8. Ask for Mr. Bergar. WANTED Three women to iron bHI ?'ol"e'1, i,''' , " -iS,n, KS' . 1 J - . . . Ion tit' WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 2otn tt., south Omaha, EXPERIENCED chambermaid; $7 pi, I I'd K , Ava. A GIRL for general hourework: mod wages; small family. IB 8. 241 Ava week: most be good cook. 1623 Spencer 6t Phone Webster 442. WANTED Girl for general housework! small family: good wages; with or without washing, am b. som bu rnone Aiarney 741. WANT ED Experienced girl for general housework; $30 a month; no laundry work. An N 36th. Tel. Harney 20SL LAUNDRESS for Mondays; references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4013 Farnam BU TeL Harney lias. GIRL for general housework! no cook ing; must go home nights; at 2a06 Franklin bU WASHERWOMAN, wanted. 624 S. 38th St GOOD girl for general housework. Tel, Harney K. 6016 California bu WANTED A girl for general house work, fell Q SU, South Omaha, Phone South uw. WANTED Competent girl to take care of three small children. suDuroan p-ace, during summer. 'Phone D. 27. COMPETENT girl for general house- work; small family; good aages. Mra C. B. Kusun, 2U a. Situ su asi. Aiarney zuie. COMPETENT ATlrt for general house. work; no wanning; good wages. 4610 Flor ence Blvd. 'Phone Webster 4U24. LADIES AND GIRLS wanted to work on sofa pillows at nome; experience unneces sary; can lorenoona imii o. ma. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. iZM Harney bu WANTED Chambermaids. Millard hotel. T.ADIES WANTED Take ' work homo annlv transfers; $1 to $4 dos; work guar anteed. Trteber'a. S13 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED A neat young girl to assist with housework; two In family. 4S01 Dodge St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Thrpe in family. Harney 4356. 604 So. 6th Street 1 9 OR S nlrelv furnlnhed front rooms; main floor; complete for housekeeping. 2018 Dav- enport. WANTED Quiet, competent maid for general housework; small home; two In family; nice room for maid, who must be neat and iurnisn gooa reierenoes. a-u a. 40th St. BIt.cellaneoaa. YOITNO WOMEN coming to Omsha as strangers, are Invited to visit the Young women n .iirianaii ,:,um.ium ......... n . Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plsres r otherwise aslted; look for out traveler aid at Union station! wantkd AT ONCE Good voices for fe male quartet. Apply Hotel Paxton Krlday eve between 7 and 8. As.k for Mr. Berger. wnr'LD vou like to keep cool every minute of the time you are enjoying a good eliowT Go to the Parlor Theater. spmmrr suits to order $17.60. reduced from $:. MacCarthy-Wllson, H s. loin si, HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED experienced shoe salesmen at B ennett's; permanent posltlnns for right parties. THE BENNETT CO. WANTED A good hustling subscription olli itor to wo on the road for Tho Tn- ttath Cuntury Farmer. Pall or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED Steady, reliable single man with $160 cash. Make $5 a day, Har.dis your own money. Farnam SU Room 23 top floor. I WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES IN ALL CITIES OVER 6.WAJ HANDLE Hliiil-GRADE line if DISINFECTANTS AND DISIN FECTING APPLIANCES; ALSO LIWUID bOAPS. Addr,.-., tUU.ME.mvlAl. 1 IlE.Mll.AUtU., e kJS fAAIUM III.IMJAW. OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Men to sell shares. Omaha conipaiiits we Incorporated; beginners tauklil, good pay. Promoter, 610 paxton HELP WANTED MALE tCootinu'd.) Clerical aad Offloo. BOOKKEEPER. $75. OF KICK CLERK and typist, $.i0-$fi0. BTENOGRAPHER, $75. BTIfVl Uill A YU h'.W tlA UTSTF.HN HEK. A HOND ASS'N. INC., 7f2-4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. (bint $ Yra.) "OUR ST8TEM" places your application before 200 leading concerns dally, and se cures you the very position you. want In 24 hours. DON'T HE IDLE. SE3 UH. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 674-67S Brandels Bldg. m?n Dntiv Bulletin results. Give us your record and we will secure the position you aro aaaptea xo. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCES CO., (73-T5-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED A young man stenographer with experience; rnuat be a good man. Room 13 Boa Bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper, young man; tnust write plain hand and quick at figures; ser vices 10 hours per days givo reference; ex perience and salary required. N 404 Bea. OFFICE mgr.. one In So. Dakota, $100. SALESMAN, machinery, experlenco pra- rerrwt, $100. BOOKKEEPER. A-l man. fSB. and credit man, local firm, $100. LEDGER CLERK, wholesale, $0. COLLECTOR, f list-class firm. HQ. OFFICE CLERK, good penman and rapid in flKurea. 650. If looking for a position, look these up at once. CO-OPERATIVE- REFERENCE CO.. 673-76-77 Brandels Bldg Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. BHOE0 repaired by hand while you walk Correct Shoe Repair Co., oi a. ma. WANTED Experienced man at soda SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced from $25. MacCarthy-WllBon, 304 S. 16th St. allacellaaeoaa. WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES EVERYWHERE TO SELL FLASH Braas Polish. RADIUM POWDER, Pride or the Bar, "Kiean or Shine," silver and glaaa polish. This Is a golden opportunity for the right parties. Apply or address THE COMMERCIAL UHlSUlUAlj UJ., 639 Paxton Block. Omaha, iseo. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Anstuute, uepx. ibi n, ngcnwuir, . a, THE Parlor Theater haa the beat to be had In vaudeville and it la cool all the whll. ZL YOUNG man for fruit department at Bennett's. AddIv in DeDt. THE BENNETT W, LABORERS WANTED, Omaha Gas Company, luu Howard. 1 WAN11SU zoung man as snipping ciera. Prefer one who haa had some experience. Young man to woric in store, aoout as or 1m years ok age; muai wnw piitin aiiu om willing to learn a new buslnesa Also I want a man with horse and wagon, to drive wagon ana ao delivering ana worn In and out oi store wnea not ousy witn I w. von. Prefer a handv man. who can do a variety of work. Address L-4i2 Bee, with I references. i WANTED Students, or others, to work $ hours dally for board. Vincent Cafe, 10th and Harney Sta HELP WANTED MALB AMD FEMALE!. WANTED Six good agenta to work arouna city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha. AGENTS Men, women, best hot weather seller on market Write quick. BartAett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha. bttmmer suits ' to order $17.60. reduced from $25. MacCarthy-Wllson. 204 8. 16th St. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS Ann . r. I w 4 A aa t H tn ir skefriri an() ,lf. Vou: Drotect your family by ..nillnir na vour laundry. 'Phone Douglas 1630, Omaha Steam Laundry, 17) Leaven worth. YOll Ml as the beat laundr- service If you fall to patronize us. National Laundry, SU Cuming 8U LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Rasgslea. HIGH GRADE .TO gbouts for sale cbaap. nil Farnam St, GOOD DOUBLE 8EATED CARRIAGE. Pbcne Harney 232. 4207 La Fayette Ava ONE good single CARRIAGE for halt price. Tel. liar. ZiZJ. or dois jacKson su Horace aad Vehicles. DRIVING HORSE, harness and phaeton for sale. We will sell this entire outfit at I a sacrifice price if ou will call on us dur- I lng the next few uays. ims Home is per- I fectlv sound and oulet. and has been- driven by a lady for the last two years. Apply International Land and Investment Co.. 210 Bee ASlug.' 25 PER CENT OFF on LEATHER HORSE COLLARE. Elgbar gains In HARNESS and 'LY NETS. HAY DEN'S, Harness Dept., BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED in town at BIDMAN'S The Cut Price Feed Man, 619 S. Utli Su r DELIVERY horse. 81$ No. 21st St.. So. Omaha. 2.400-POUND TEAM. harness, wagon, disk cultivator: bargains all. W, tld and Francis. F. Shear, Caws, Birds, Dogs and Peta. FOR 8ALE Good Jersey cow. coming fresh. Webster 44:i0. FOR 6ALF Spits puppies and grown dogs. J. W. Barr, Lamoril, la. SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced rrom a, Mauuarmy-wiiMon, 304 s. 16th Bt, LOST AND FOUND LOST A laily'a watch and chain a Manawa July 4. Return to 602 No. 23d Su, ana receive reward. Tho ToHrtr Itcnr Expert Cleaners I -"w and Dyers, U18 HARNEY. BOTH PHONEa A POCKETBOOK marked F. A. Corneer. coniaining r.ia memoersnip rara ana vaiu able papers; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer. 24ih and Dorcaa SUMMER suits to order $17.60, reduced rrom lii. MacCarthy-Wllson, 904 8. 16ih St MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, $1 a box. postpaid, buer man Ac McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to th treatment of all forms of cnronlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 26 yesrs he hss been known and trusted by all. 26 years In Omaha Charges low. If you have ne mousy, call or write, anyway. Dr. MuOrew Co., $16 a. 14lb bt, Omaha, Neb. MEDICAL (Continued.) FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14lh and Daven port Bts.; special attention paid to con finement caes; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1147. Calls answered, day and night HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; too postpaid; samples free, liber, man ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSbJ AND OTU KRS, without security; easy payments, unices In to prlnotpal cities. Tolman, ruout 613 New York Life Bidg. $tmwwfflimiiitw$$$$t$tmnmw$w$i At M V 1$ a it NOTICE TO THE TUBLIC. CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR BUMMER VACATION. $1U TO II. lain LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD $ FURNITURE, PIANOS, BALA HIES. IHU 1SAMCW t'lHM Al Organized by the REPUTABLE It business MEN of this City to pro- U $$ tect honest Working people In need oi temporary Aielp from the exorbl- $$ tant charges of the so-called loan ii companies. We will loan you all the t$ money you want and charge you only $$ 10 per cent a year. $$ Tlii si MEANS YOU PAY H $1 interest vn $10 for 1 year. $$ $2 Interest on M for 1 year, it $10 Interest on $100 for 1 year. $$ And all othei- sums In proportion. t$ Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charges. 1$ A glance at the above rates will t$ convince you how much you save by tt dealing with us. $ NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. f$ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET It WITHIN AN HOUR. It ROOM 204 W1THNELL BUILDING. H Independent Loan Co. M t$ t$ u ii a it Doug. 604a. N. E. Cor. 15th and Har. $1 $$t$$$$$$$i$$m$tm$$$$$$m$mmm$$$$$t$$,.. Cash Quick on Easy Terms Have you ever thought of borrowing; money on your furniture, piano or team? If you haven't, Just think how easy it la to get a loan from us and have your pay- meats so small that you will not mis them $1.20 la the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. It you have a loan at present and the company suits you, stay with thein. If they don't suit you, come in and let us explain our 60-week plan to you. We are dally taking up loana from other companies and advancing mora money. Why not let us do the same for youT Money saved Is money earned. Phone or mall applications receive our prompt at tention. Private and reliable. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 13, Arlington Blk., ISllVi Dodge Bt Phone Douglaa 2466. K&SB$SIt$$$f2$f4$$i$t$S2tt$St CHEAP LOANS S$ on Furniture, Piano or Salary, $$ YOU BORROW $10 09 you pay back $11.00 $$ SiS.OO you pay back $27.00 $$ $60.00 you pay bark $54.00 St NO OTHER CHARGE. OMAHA FINANCIAL. CO, " $$ Room 601 Brown Block. $ 207 S. 16th St.. Cor. Douglaa St It 'Phones: Douglas 2036; A-20S6. $ i$$$tttMittt$(ttt$tttttttt$ttitttti CHATTEL LOANS For LOWEST RATE3 and STRICT v PRIVACY, see NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7 Crounse Block. Corner 16th and. uapitoi jive, opposite j-osioixice. Both Phones Doug. 1356; A-1366. MONEY! NEED ANYt GO TO t Omaha Mortgage Loan Co Uil Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam Sta, Telephone Douglas E6. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We can prove lu DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C FLATAU, 1614 Dodga Tel. Red 6611. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE OE CO. ' cleans carpets on your floor. Electiiq vacuum syslein. 309 8. 17th. Tel, EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th l and Dave M lard St enport SU.. warehouse, 2207-Oe Isard St SUMMER suits to order $17.60. reduced from $26. MacCarthy-Wllson, 804 8. lilth St, OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Rooms. ROOM and board; home oooklng. toot a. 34th. TeL D. 6462. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenlsl family. Large room., elegant table, good locatity. use oi large parior ana living room. zv per roontn. r-uone vveDsier s24 $Ut No. Twenty-fifth street BOARD and ROOMS Nice location, walk-. lng distance. Ladles preferred. 2WS Cali fornia bt. uruMlSHED room for aentlemas. strictly modern; private family. 2527 De catur, wevsiei- PRIVATE famUy. 240t Chicago Bt ONE or two pleaaant rooms In modern home; will give Dreastasi u ctaired. 21$ N. 21d St.. Phone Red 63ba FOUR boys. $4.14 per week. 2639 Callfora rla SU Pbane JJoualas 615L ONE or two nicely furnished rooms wlik board, conveniently located; reference. UM Caaa. Phone Douglas 4414. ROOMS and board. $t week; home cook lng. Modern, tilt Douglaa ROOMS and board. $712 N. 19th SU TeL Webster $162. Good neighborhood; foul blocks from car Una LARGE front alcove room,, modern, wits) board; other room. 2102 Douglaa HOOM8 for two, with board; nome cook, lng; tuodpru. 221S Howard. rURNISHED room with board la private) family. Call at 816 South 2ith SU ELEGANT parlor and also studying room, piano; private family. 643 8. ltih. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board ui leaned, tuit Cass. SOUTH front parlor with excellent boardl V moderu. also table board. 1610 Dodge. " FURNISHED room and board. Lsl$ Cap Itol Ava Phone Douglaa 77A, lKM'BLE room with board. $6 and ut, one of piano. 2110 Dougiaa CHOICE rooms with board, plsrs." 1613 Capltul Ave. "The Tern. LARGE south front loom lor t; good tifirna cooking. 1914 Chicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Get man Christian aliiuly. IS11 Capitol Ava LARGE front rooms; also single room good board; rates! M10 Harney. NICE parlor room for $ or 4 gentleman. ! board $5 week; also single rooiue, Us a. f Ulwce. t