TirE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JULY 9. 1910. 11 BRIEF CITY NEWS F fcoot Tnnx XV Taks fimi prtutlBf tk Tlsa fcisctris ru Biiftn-Omte C. sst ry Cteftniikf of gar-nania. Twla ; Cltjr ! Work, tw Sou La nttsantA. Tbs Earlng-a Kablt iiwi loru.ed toads to ln5-pnunc. one flullsr (tart aa ao- : count with KtbraUl feavlriss and Loa& i Ass n., 10 liuard of Trails Hid, Umibt . X tha Slroro C6urt Ji ace Ann busel j baa btwn kivcd a decree of tiivurcs from j Rudolph L"usL h charted him with ntfleit arid failure to support her and' their children. ; X.rtlls to Talk Judfe Ls 6. EFteils of tr.e dif-trict court, lert yesterday tor'.. Watertwn, is. L., where he sill deliver! a Chautauqua address Sunday. Judge j Hetlitk W ill take Juuse Jt,ie lie's docket , Saturday, j Cnisltj to A-nlmais Kude Bsnnleh was fired l and costs in poll'. court Friday j morning on the raarge ft cruelty to am- mala, ufflcer Hudson arreslod Eantiish Inur day evening, and stated that the j man was whipping and Jerkies tls horse I in a Inhuman manner. j Iiw Air Into KaiUig Tha Interstate Commeros commission has passed a sew law in regard to tha brakes to be used on railroad trains, which slates that no train shall overate on which teas than 6 lsr cent of tha brakes available for use on tha train are ueirif used. Tha sew law foes Into effect September L. I "Mania at Xfcular rrk Miller park j will be the scene ef th annual church ; picnic of the Bimanual Baptist church on baturday afternoon. Te special care i will he taken by the plcknlckers and the I whole afternoon spemt In games and amusements, followed by a supper at the park In the evening. ! Bit for rrsifkt 2epot Deeds are re corded transferring property from Oliver Ames to the JkcCarue Investment com pany, and from that company to the Union I'aclflc, for a consideration of 3I, 000. The property Is the block between Eighth and Ninth streets, and fronting on Jackson, which It was announced six weeks ago. had been bought by tha rail road for terminal purposes. Specials to TaUo-wwtona Summer out ing specials have started on their way and baturdar morning, tha first of the many annual special trains to Tallow- d stone National park, will pass through Omaha filled wlu. pleasure parties. The Union Pacific railroad Is furnishing the train, tha expedition ung In charge of Gilllsple and Kimport. who manage a number of them each year. W vosmaroial Club Telspaoswa A private I branch telephone exchange has been la l stalled by the Commercial dub. and Ita , general number will be Tyler Mi, which, j because of the sequence, will bo an easy ( one to remember. There are aeven sub . stations. Including besides J. 1L Guild. ' commissioner, the bureau ef publicity , under cuarge of Will A. Campbell, the freght rata bureau, under command of E. J. McVann. the billiard room and the chefs office. Body Xeld foe Xdoatifioattoa The body of Albert Damske, who died at a local hospital several days ago, la being bald at the . Cole-cKay morgue, awaiting identification. Whila Mr. Damiks baa resided In Omaha xor several years, little of bia relatives Is known, and as yet It i has been imposali - to find any trace of bis family. For some time be lived In . , the violi.Ity of the Union Paclfio shops, I ' near Tenth street. Jac Colo la endeav oring to find aomo rrlen who will be able to tell something of bia family residence. A Grain Man Says Crops Are Fine T. B. Hord Arrmgixf Trip to Europe and Makes Statement is. Om&hA oa Outlook. T. B. Hard of C antral City was at the X'axton hotel Friday. Ho waa la Omaha to maite final arrangements for a trip to Gersmny. where bo will take the waters. "With Mrs. Hard and Charles J. Greene ajid wife of Omaha be will sail from Now York on the 23d. Mr. Hord s health Is somowhat Improved, but not to the extent that bo desires. With thirteen catUe feeding stations on bis bands tn Nebraska and a Use of fifty elevators, T. H. Hord Is probably the larg est cattle feeder In the country. If not In the world. Ills elevator Interests make lilm also deeply interested in the crop situa tion. "in my judgment the growing Nebraska crop la la pretty good condition, said Mr. Hord. "H i have had several good rains that came In time to help the crops ma loriaiiy. Wheat and corn fields that have Ovnie under my observation look ail right, ajid reports we get Indicate the same thing as a rule. Of course, the dry spring made a shortage of good grass, but the alfalfa U all right, and the area, planted is steadily growing." During the last winder the Hord company Lad pearly I2.UU0 cattle in the feeding arda, nearly all of which have now been uld off. Talking tit feeding, Mr. Hord j evinces lonsideraule enthusiasm over the I product of the slfalla niiil si Central City. I In tins oiili California nulii is used j tn mix wlib the cry alfalfa hay as it Is ground, and Mr. Hord believes this Is the very lt foi.d tl.at can be fed to cat Us in combination w ith the roughage. "We have a splendid little miH, be said, "and lis product is in good demand wher ever fanner and cattla feeders are ac quainted v .ib its value." Onif (Greaiesi Cleaining Sale Now ii Fusil Sway Every Man's and Young Main's Suit in Our Cloth ing Dept. (Including Blue Serges) Now on SaJe When this sale was conceived S10 and S12 Suits, Now ft S13.50 5 S15 Suits, Now The most wonderful Footwear bargains of the year are now awaiting you in our July Clearance Sale of ' Oxfords For Men and Women we determined that it should be the greatest clearing sale of Men's Clothing ever held by an Omaha concern. We have outdone all previous records even those great records established by our own sales of past years. This wonderful sale gives you an unrestricted choice of every man's and young man's suit in our clothing dept including Blue Serges. Regardless of whether the lots ' were broken, or were complete, we have not reserved a single suit. New 1910, Hand Tailored models at every price we name, and sizes for men of every build from 33 to 48 chest measure. Attend this sale as early as you possibly can. You will find it the greatest genuine bargain event of years. Lot 1 Lot 3 Any man's or woman' pat ent colt oxfords or pumps In the store. Including the celebrated "Regala," In reg ular $3.50 and 4, Biar is. bo ana MfeA grade. Clearing J bale Price Vltf Men's tan calf, gun metal and patent colt Oxfords that were old all summer np to 3.60. Clear ing Sale Price. Ladles' patent colt, tan calf, tan rlcl and gran metal Ox fords and Pumps actually worth $4.00, now reduced for this Clearing Sale ' $18 ana $20 Suits, Now 1M i $1.95 All our ladies' Oxfords that were sold up to 2.60, In broken sizes and mm widths only. Clear- Sf S22.50 and $24 Suits, Now $25 to S35 Suits, Now 52.15 ZStfhSrr. .. C MUJLL LoKJJ A i -JJ- WoVW I sJ Wl Store Open Till 10:00 U Sz...TwA 1 a . ill. adLUXLUiV Store Open Till 10:00 P. M. Saturday Our Annual July Sales of Men's Furnishings and Straw Hats Commence Saturday We have determined that our men's summer furnishing goods and straw hats must go, and go at once. So every article has been reduced in price from one-third to one-half or more. Now is the time for you to stock up for the balance of this season and a good share of next. Poulson Pavs 9 Visit to Omaha! Stale Superintendent cf Anti-Saloon League Explain! the ' Eesignations. M . PouiKim, iste sujeruitndent of the, Aiiu-uKum league. In Omaha Thurs day and l-'rulay Frititig a line on his con- suiut-my. ltesardUit h rcnt rtn.f- i Citlon if Hi ,nnmlif rs i'f the board vt ; truKCmK. he iv )t i mt-rcly another chatt ier of the fight un the league, which has lrtn Culns on for several years. 'It It i gutstion." he ad. "of six mem- j Ikts a -U.drs li.c. loaaue the other forty-; four would not ir-e with them " The six n e".ib ho res-jtned were 8. -liattea. II. K. Fellaiin. T. M WKnberley. J. L- McBneii. W. R Iwtrira slid U I. Alhott. As these men In their Joint letter j lf tfcli;nua soJn-lid supj.oit fur ths Ne- tiaka County Oxtiou Iris u a. Uie uperln udti.t ltr.hute ll.rir anion mors than arvtn.nc elw is the flcht on the Aod-SI-miu lraue made by the County Option 'ssgue. 10c Ja p a n e t te Handkerchiefs, plain and fan cy colors, re duced to 5c 25c and 35c pure Irish lin en Handkerchiefs, reduced to 1121c 25c "Boston" and "Paris" Silk Garters, reduced to 15c Men's "Hand Made" Straw Hats Greatly Reduced Our entire' stock of fine "Hand Mde" Straw Hats, as well as the cheaper grades, has been greatly reduced from their former prices. Judging from the great popularity of our straps at their regular prices, this sale should fill our hat department to overflowing, and enable us to sell every straw hat in the one day. Choose from sailors, sennets, split straws and Milans. Also all the soft shapes. Including Macki naw, Milan and split braids. $3.50 AND $4.00 GRADES, C QC REDUCED TO vp.U $3.00 GRADES REDUCED TO pfJM $2.50 GRADES REDUCED g(J $2.00 GRADES REDUCED TF TO $1.50 GRADES REDUCED 95 C Men's Summer Shirt Prices Now Reduced Nearly One Half . Our entire stock, of high class tailored Shirts has been divided In two Immense lots, at prices hard ly more than half their value. Hundred to select from, in every color, every pattern and every size. $2.00 and 2. 50 grades of custom tailored shirts imported fabrics and exclusive patterns. The finest In both fit and custom tailoring ever displayed in Omaha. All sites and styleB Re duced to S3L.3. Men's Wash Ties Choice of all our 25c Wash Ties during this Clearing Sale j at IW 2C 11.60 grades of PenangN Percales, Madras and Dimities, with plain or pleated fronts, coat style, curls attached or detached. Perfect in fit and highly tailored 1810 patterns, reduced to Men's Underwear Prices Now Greatly Reduced Every desirable style and make, in both combination and two-piece suits will go on sale Saturday at practically one-half of former prices. Make your choice early Saturday morning before the rush begins. S2.00, $2.50 AXD $3.0O COMBINATION SUITS Of French lisles, silk lisles, soiettes and mercerized fabric. Athletic cut, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle lengths. Also genuine f W a "Scriven's" Elastic Seam nainsook I B S Athletic Suits. All reduced to J J S1.50 tXJMUlXATlOX hi ITH Nainsook, sea island cotton and silk lisle, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length, or athletic cut. Reduced to fl.OO COMBINATION SUITS Poros- . Knit and Holeknit Balb'rlggan. Reduced to 50c AND 75c lOKXS-KNIT Nainsook, mesh weave and lisle finished balbriggan shirts and drawers. Reduced to S5c FRENCH BALBRIGGAN Shirts and drawers, in blue-grsy color. Reduced to 85c 55c eh weave 33c ISc 25c Suspenders, in broken lots, reduced to 10C 50c "President" Suspenders, re" duced to 25c 50c "Crown" Suspenders, ' re duced, to 25c Men's Hose Reduced 10c grades seamless cotton C hose Je 50c grades silk lisle 25c grades fine lisle P hose wsm "The House of High Merit." - Suit Cases Reduced $1.35 $195 $2.00 Matting Suit Cases, , reduced to ID and $5. tO Solid Leather Suit Cases, reduced to .... $ and $7.60 Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, extra heavy, brass locks and snaps. Pa'eiit handle and i n heavy lining $4.7' Krarlsl Massktrr af Jril'y nucri.U-s oi-rurs lien throat and lune diraf are trcalsd who lr. Klr.'s New I'iscuv ry. Wc ard .1.00. Fur aais fcjr Beaiua lru4 Co BOOST YOUR BUSINESS BY ADVERTISING IN THE BEE