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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1910)
8 ? 1l Want - Ads Want ! t4 "t any tl" In laurt proper classification snast Drrwilrl hr'trr 11 eloclc lor the iTnlnf edition, TiilO o'clock ( prevlocl ! fo moraine- ..4 ganday oltlon. W,B' ads received after aaeh boars hare their first laaertlon beading; "Too Late t t laealtr. Ce.h mast aaonmaa.y ' f"n ! ada, and a a d verl!"" " accepted or leaa than - "rat Insertion. Hate apply to ellhar T" "f" aaday Kt. cuoal ais eard CAH RATE! TflR WANT IXASSIFICAl - . . . - . ,.r4 ill In re -at per word for each artloa. Kach Inaertloa. " , KO a . . .... artl. Bl.aV ! era la -ler Ilaa per uionin. Want oda f.e TTll mf ',,' at any of the fl01rla dro I. oar "earner dral" '' ore all branch offlaea l Th' ,n'. "ad roar ad will ! laaerted JM " promptly and the anme ko mala offlew la Tka Ilea Bolldla. eveateath aid Faraani atrectai Albaeh. W. C.'aoth and Faniatn. Heranek, 8. A.. 1403 8. 16th St. Pay ton Pharmnry, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Phurn-iacy, Henson, Neb. , Remls Park Pharmacy, rl and Cuming. Hlade-Bradish. rSK Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 8213 Military Av. Illnterlong Drug Co., (1st Ave. and ar nam oi Creaaey Phur-nscv. Wti and IAa Cooney Pharmacy. Zm 8- 1"B Cermak, Emll, 1264-4 So. 13th fit. Ehler, F. II.. 2dM Leavenworth. Foster c Arnoldl. 213 N. 2Sth St. Freytag, J. J.. 1914 N. Nth St. Freisger Drug Co.. 1!0S N. 16th St. Florence Drug- Co . Florence. Nf0 Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Facuio Uieenougli, G. A., tin 3. 10th St. lirt-onuugh, O. A., 3!-h and Hickory. nayuc-n, n imam, t.'j rii... . Itar.sccm 1-ark Pharmacy. !W1 AV moibi, .lunn, n.i in. imn ri. , Huff, A. i, t.iii Leavenworth St. Jonansc.n Drug Co.. :th and epaldln. Klnit. H. 8., Favnam St. Kountza Tlaca Pharmacy. SM N. tn. Morea. Kied L.. 10 Central Blvd. Patrick Xiu(t Co., 1624 N. 24th 6t. Uoldman 4'lianiiacy. Kti and Leaven north Bta. Suralou Druff Co.. 2h and Ames Ave. Kuuaefer'a Cut Frica Uru Store, lbth ano uniiMtro oia. Schat-fer, Auc, J'31 N. 16th. . Schmidt. J. H 1th and Cuming 6t. Walnut lilll Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming UUATII AU IUSERAL XOT1CKS. I'liASlNUKU-KJUubeth, aged 69 years lull 7 Villi Funeral tiom family residence, 3604 Dodge ctioel, Saturday, &:3o a. ., to bt. Cecilia's vlitii tti at o clock. Intel niunt Holy Sepulcher cemetery. n'rtaihi ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmera. liUi Chicago.' D. 15. 13-166 $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, 3d Floor Paxton Block. Wjp AT VJ Independent Scale Repair Co. OUlUiiO Refitting, rebuilding and test 1JVP AllH'h )" Refitted scales Bold xvl.1 ivmrjij Uu So 1Uhi Uou. 174. P Airrioi? khkkt""mh:tal. works , uv moved to their new plant, hu.jj r-outn xentn tetreet. ILEU GEAND HOTEL Finest In the west. 16th and Howard tiu. Turkish Baths PinMin T TTMnriV.H made to order, ivi.iu uiivj. prepared with home cooking, rakm. plea and cold pies lVJ,l(1ATRXXK!JLBht lunches to .e:3U. ls(iS Farnam T . J flTAW P. Refreshing Medicine u bummer Drink. Dally retail Delivery, am your aocior. Aiamito 1 r W PP V A HT ."ALWAYS THE BEST . vim HARULVO 8 lea Cream. eugenooti era. Mutlar. l-Uiraing cream Co, MERCHANTS' 'midland ritlVAIK I.UNIISU ROOMS i7 N. Wlh St. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATK. In sum to suit. 310 Bet blilg Phone Uoua. VKT"nTNiT-rtW n1 presents. Qustaf uVJh)B . Hendnukaon. 201 N. If Bee Hive Clenning and Dye Works. 1634 S. 10th St. Val. Douglas 43o7. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. R nn'O A. JET lib, lf Douglas St "la PHOTUGRAl'lUO Muppllvs. Saratoga urug co., 24tn ana Ames. w. in. u-ioii I'l.vvk roinnrpiinrn. fr.ihi n. nuir. j. H. Kennedy, lu4 8. 13tb. Doug.217 I'M 1IRELLA S recovered and repaired SUppnc. V Itai UHUUtLLA CO IHi r urnuni, Red 74TS. - W1CDDINU rings made by hand, aold by welgl.t. 1. L. Cuinba at Co.. lbW Douglas IS TFUl WAathMr Inn Vint? f4t rlilA nf vnn grouch; enjoy a good laugU and a good cooling off at the place ot fun. The I'arior j nvaier. II. F. WCRN, Optician. 4Z4 Uraiidels Bldg DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas (41 THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 30 per cent than Omaha prices. 24th and L bis., toutiv Omaha,- A. E. ROBERTS, reliable cmp. aganL bucceasor to Martin A Co.. 1,11 Capitol Ave. A SAFK'IN VESTMENT If you are troubled with ' bed buga, roaches, fleas, aiits or any other insects, RiVOXAL is tht paying iiivcstmtmt Ash your drugist or call THE COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 63 Paxton Block. " ' ' . ' Tyler 1143. BARKEnBROTTAINT CO. Wholeaale-retaiC 1G0D4 Farnam St.. bher w in-Williams pa lots, qIIs, varnlahea, glaaa, white lead, wall i-aper, brushes, (lailng and picture framing. TELS. : BELL DOUG LAS 4760; 1ND.. X-tiCl. A PLEASANT PLACE ROME 'S4 SUMMER GARDEN Omaha's Coolest St,Horu Sud Robertson's Restaurant ,hli gt; (Uicinrnll; cvll,,'' liKht.' unitary, quick sertirv. . popular prices. For lilies and gentli men. Table d'Hote 'dinner Sunday. GET your WEDDINO RINGS at FRED P.KODEGAARD'8. It Inaurea good luck. IK 8. liith St., at tbe sign of the Crown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, calling cards. Uotera & Leary Co it.i'8; 8. U. Col SUin Co.. IX (Vtis. UU Farnam. ANCHOR fLKCK CO.. Iron and Wire Fences cnaier Than Wood. Laai . Lifetime. 107 N. 17Ui bl. Phone Red (It LiAitlV old BoBloa btor. P-lua BRANDEIS' DRUO AND PHOTO DE PARTMENT We do all kmda of develop ing and llnwhiniv Films tafl before noon Wul be tiiUaaed aaui flay. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) DR. J. F. M AVIN. d-ntlat. now located t room 434 Rrandcla Theater Bldg. DAVID COIJB Creamery Co. riT)U f1Alvl". Watch out apectala at " Hayden a Bakery Dept. Try Hayden's tlrst. It pay". EAT KUSHKR HOME COO KINO. Arklna, 816 S. lith, upetairs. SAM SI.NU. 1602 Webster. St Restaurant opn. HAVE YOUB EYES TESTED BY AN EXPERT AT SAND WALL f M f,0' Dr. John J. Foster, Dentist, has moved to 116 Brandela Theater BldC. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your housa and porch screer4 from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN COM A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. (24 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4691 LYNCH BKOS. PLUI?lPAIfANn REPAIR WORK. 506 8. 16th 8U U 1477 MAGGAKIJ Van A SlnrSae or Omaha Trunk. Van it Utoraua Co. Pack. move. store and alilp H. 11. gooda. D. lit, U-M2S. VIROIANA DARE wine. 7bo a large bot tle. KLEIN L1UUOR HOUbE. t2ii N. UU EC Dougiaa (670. KD ROTTIF.FJV schiitt No. . Fun cigars. Cafe In connection, ill a. mml iSTORE YOL'R FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal Cost. SHU- K.ERT'8, 16th and Harney. JOHN NITTLEii HomLIitcrfbnu,tuerr'' I. Yl 1U BEEH XOU LlJkJS. Bumn m c v. Dougiaa 189, Red 3932. InuapeudeuL A-1424. THE GROCERY BUSINESS at 13th and Mason Mi.i., conducted by M. Newman, has ueen purcnasea by . Jklauro and S. iiag hlnL AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND? bells Buggies, Mtke AUTO ,'OJc'b. iiullda u,(, hi. pan auiiw and aii Kinds of Macmne. lam aoa Haruey ota. IT is worth a trip to our aalesiooms to see Hie American iiaveitr. If you have never aeon tins car you snould take ad vantage of Uie opportunity at once, it Is llku no other car. Underslung frame. fiftv horae-uoner. (4.000. The Iiiiest car on wheelH. reaardless of price. SWEET' EDWARDS AUIO CO., 20o3 arnam bu leL Doug. 3U8o. AUTOMOBILES FOB HHiE DAY OB NIGHT Repairs and Storage Station 16TH AND HOWARD D. 3248 A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company WE havu for Immediate sal a big com lOriULUlB llVU'aaDCllCCl urn. uii t nm. ... condition. Has top, wina anieia, ciock aiipmlometer. Dremolite tank, headlights. extra tire and complete tool kit. Cost (2,600 when new and only run a lew monins. (1,060 takes It. tiee this car at once, it Is a big bargain. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. Tel. Doug. 30SS. 2062 Farnam St WE have lust received a new consign ment ot Parry Touring Cars, the biggest and longest car, and tne most powerful of anv car on the market for the money. They are making good everywhere. He sure to see this car Detore ouying. SWEET-ED WARDS AUTO CO., Wat Far nam St. Tel. Douglas 3086. rw ami rtnnt Amnlala hllltnir Bl laVfl.tkB T urns uKaiiU etc .U. bTVII V ( . Afc BW JVM SIOW KllJJ forty-five horhe-power Moon Car at our garage. Hjveryunfj muym ik ib mo vuics. riulllK car lioy rver iuuo m, uu tii IT. - ...n. - . n m i r . . never OTTVfrQnT PAINTS AND REPAIRS Automobllea. wisom, carrlacea; makes to order new watfon and automobile bodlea, automobile wheel, tops, spring, slip covers; second-hand bargains In Closed carriages, ouiu tniuuvm. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASE8 and CASTINGS promptly repaired. all, wonts. uuaiiajnih,i;u. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. nice mnr in Parrv tmirlna ear. Onlv uaif very little as dernonHtratlng car. Looks Ilka new. For sale at a very low price IX laneii ni oij-o. wttKT-rcrWARr9 atito rn Tel. Doug. 3085. 2K2 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cars; expert reoalr Ing. Agent for Oakland, Staver Sc Welch M'INTYRE AUTO CO.. 2203 Farnam. END for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1K4 Farnam St Antft Pflintinj "Murphy Did It" Get AUIO X aiUlLUJ, our priceB- ANDREW MURPHY It SON. 1412 Jackson. Auto Repairing lBd!S.JJS"Sa Diamond tliea csrrled l stock. The Pax-ton-Mitchell Co. 2010 Harney. D. 7281. A-2011. FOR RENT BRICK BARN for automo bile and storage. 2008 St Mary's Ave. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, Z5c to (3.64 COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 20V-3U a 16th. GREAT WESTERN, SCHACHT AND MONITOR TRUCK; can deliver at onca. Central implement Co.. 1117 Farnam St. COMPLETE lino auto acceaaories and supplies. Nebraska Buick Auto Co., Omaha. WRITE for list of automoblla bargains H. E. FREDRICK HOK AUTO CO.. Ouiana UADTATOl? 'Pairing by experienced uawiniuu nien Greenougli, 215 s. 20. Motorcyntvs. It. F. MOT.OR CYCLE, excellent condi tion, car attachment. Call Harney 1673. Wi4n Ua T id- ot used motorcycles. iiuni'uiuioi, w, carry a fvl, or inuit parts, kkbkaska CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANGETAD. 404 lie BldM. Tel. O. U67. FOR SALE General merchandise stock, new up-to-date, lea'!ng store, large terri tory, invoice (lu.Out, at snap, tou cannot oeut tnis propoalllun. no 10. Merna. Noo. 25 Ppr Ppnt money, .nv to x er eni laril oraih4 vest a few dol aha. Liumiiinv. IJlVldf'IRi r,ea positions, either sex. money tecuied. Call, writ. noiiioicr. iiv axion Uik. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Here Is a uiiiuiii, lu-iooni looming nouse, ail in A iso. l condition; ciiekp rem; all rooms nvii lenitu. i-rice, K,u.M Locailoo, Mia L-ViHROP ft TOBIN. 421 Be. LISTEN WU INCORl"ORATE your business, shop, land, patent. -..v. Iue lu ,eu yuiir suaies. Pro- niuici , uv rax ion Blk. FOR- SALE or trad, flue rcUll stock of aa'l paper lu Omaiia. Fmssi aiock la the FOR SALE-hotel. Mrs. E. W. M?Htnry, Fairfield. Neb. GOOD furniture buslneaa; must sell on account daalh in famUv. 14C4 Dodge. . v aimed Young men with capital to promote an Omaha : use in Omaha. ill pay you to Investigate una propoaiiion. m Capitol Ave. GOOD PAYING POOL HALL; m-JM be u.u icaruieas or price, owing to YOl'NU attorney wonts to hear of location or opening abert a lawyer Is needed; arad uate from raatein iu scqool; .aa iiad NEW HOTIIL Modern, strain heated. :clrlc liKhted, hot and cold water itojd biiainena. at a bargain. Write for deacriD Uoa. R. C. Shlley, Merna, Neb, ue,cnp- BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) New At Idhand harneas AV hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estate. UU Cuming TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. Sea Midland Inv. Co., lot McCagua Bldg. FOR SALE Iaae and furniture of Coro- nado hotel at Friend, Neb. Good thing for right party: money maker; don't answer If you don't mean buslneas. Good reasons for selling. Lock Box 326, Friend, Neb. FOR SALE Restaurant: aood buslnens; beot of fixtures; all dcoomted dlehes. Will sell for half price. Phone B 3645. FOR SALE or trade, fine retail stork of wall paper In Omaha. Finest stock In the city. Address O 6o0, Bee. PARTY with proper credentials desiring rashlwnhlp, can furnlah those with capital inronnatlun concerning excellent location for bank with not leaa them (2MM0 capital. Growing weetern town and oountry. One bank now located. (100.000 esDltal and sur pins. Deposits, I22S.000. Address Y 143, care liee.' SEE me for cltv and farm Investments Alex Chapman, (30 Neville Blk. D. lifts. 4S0-ACRE farm, flva miles from Dun ning; all fenced, sod house and other build lngs: small fruits: lake with fish. (3.M per acre. Address Y 14. Bee. CHIROPUUlbTS DR. ROY, IMS Farnam 6t Douglus Wfl. rtUNiKACiuns anu buiLUMts W. H Of Sh'.M Practical Builder. j. JO. VJlsQEtSX, .tauata, urnuitied, lei. BetiMau HuU. WKAVKH BOARD .' lain ana master AMERICAN oUPPLY CO.. ILL! Farnam. THE bOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterurvof concrete blocks are guar nteed. Cituue taotuiy, o. aul: office luoue OLD ROOFS plrd; umau givan Schraeder-Huinphrey itooiing Co., D. e023 CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall, 40uu Leavenworth bt PAINTING, paper hanging and docora ting, very luaaonabla for landlords. Fstl- maies trea to all. U. a). Keiinvsou, 43U4 L bt, bouui umana. O. LUND, aidswalk contractor. Tel. B 2814. BAILEY d MACK. 3d floor. Faiton. D. lOai. TAFT'b Dental Rooms, 1617 Dougiaa bt DR. M. T. GORDON, 816 Brandela Thea ter Blog. DETECTIVES- OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Inc. anu oonded, 2s- Faxton Blk. D. uu. CAPT. T. CORMACK, (17 Karbach. D. HS& MISS STURDY, 1701 Farnum. Tel. H. 4674. TERRY Dressmaking buhool, 30th and f amain. v EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL C BOYLES COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profitable poaitions In book keeolng. ahorthai.d. typewriting, telegraphy. civil service: sura to ue uvea in tha fall and winter. Tlia year book is ready. Appiy lur ,b biuuenu admitted any aay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles ldg.. Oa,aaa, Nab. Both phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYb (1ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3843 Charles. Harney 3383. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN TiDtflTQand plants that grow. F. W. ",J-IJ-"SJMeneiay, Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, 211 and Farnam bta. Phons Harney 4ohC. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC anu IRON complexion wafers make ciear, wnlta akin. By mail 60o and ll.tu. bucrmtu as Alccouiieii Drux Co. oinaha. ' i I I Vrt'i We are exciualve agents forth aj laiuoua Calbaa olive oil, from (III, liaty, Ior meoicinai puiposes. Liquors, viu uii&cujronl Ak ollimr Italian nradueiL A.! as - wo lis b. A41A. Doug. Mt TTT A TTT Drugless, nonalcohollo and y I rt y I nonaurglcal treatment; It naa spared ihs Uvea of tnouaanda ol ram and women; 4oU-page book free, tu BKAXMDEIS BLDG., OMAHA. Ideal summer urlnk, Aiamito lactone. G A MTT A T?V HAIRDRESSING narlna. A Marinello creama used and aold. cot paxton Blk. Tel. Dougiaa 4671. KNXAL AND SPRAYER produce Instant results. The noisome in sect dead before you. Guaranteed the world s test insecticide, germicide and die tnfectant. A post card or phone call will bring deinonstiation to prove the fact. THE COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 633 Paxton-Block. Phone Tyler 1143. AT THE' hottest time of the day there Is one cool place, The parlor theater. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-IOOL L. Henderson. 1513- Farnam. Doug 1368, HESS & SWOBODA, 14U Farnam St 1 BV YV 1 I J'HV PAimnll Uli,f I. 1. eat greenhouses 'in west; beautiful f'lowers FURNACES AND REPAIRS Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot water nnuni, waier f ronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. Stoves repaired, good as new. auarantw storage; ouy At sell. 17lit Cuming. D. lfioO. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Offle. GIRL for Insurance office work. Derma.. nent position. State aalary wanted and reierences. Addresa K. 461, Be. Factory aad 'trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at one; good wases aim ateauy wora. oemis Omaha Bag Company. Entrance oft Eleventh atreet viauuci. WANTED a good cook, no washlne- lronlng. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 So. 39th St Ussstktertn aad Dotueatlua. WANTED Capable girl who can cook second girl kept; two In family. 24S0 bt aiary a avenue. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen vi bi uoumwuik. Aei. uaruey sua. uitiL ior general Housework; small ismiiy ana good wagea. Mrs. T. M. Orr, iv. arnam bl WANTED C.lrl for general housework small family; sola II house. Pbon Har oey 2iu. WANTED Reliable woman for hod se Wi aiuau laiuiiy; oesi wages and tallent home for competent woman. after ( at 3404 Dewey A. a. TaL H. lit. es Call WANTED KxDerlenced elrl for a-anaral housework; mual be good cook; laundreat einpioysa. 41s . utu it Tel. Harney Jwil GIRL for general housework, fatally. Call 414 N. 2Ctn St. two i WANTED lady to car for child during tne uay. ani room womer. ncasooaols, t ail :u jaason. COMPETENT girl for gto. housework. Mrs. F. F. UalL UU t.irms's Ava; pbonea. bBU HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaaekeepera aad Demeitlna Caat'd. WANTEIa-Erportenced dining room girt Pt. Jamea hotel. 41( 8. Uth. TaL Harney til Mrs. U C. Naab. OfRL for generu Housework: 17 per week. Apply at 4R4V Plerc 8t GOOD girl for general housework; no laiiiug auu ATonins; ooa wacea. viw rt. 30th GIRL for general housework and wash ing. 8218 Dodge St Tel. H. Hi. HOUSE-KEEPER for man. and wife. 2017 Mandaraon. GIRL for general Housework: comfort able room; good wages. Telephone Harney GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt a treat GIRL far aeneral ttntiaawnrlr. and also a n 1 1 r a .. t rt par. f, t a nhll,lrn- VI pa. IT. A. ixasn. isi a. xsa street WINTRn at ini,l m arlrl tnr e.nar.1 housework; on wbo can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th a tree t WANTED Good washerwoman for Mon day. XeL Webster 8786. 16U Loouat street WANTED Servant rtrl at one. 113 & 16th street Mrs. 'ouls Monorleff. 1 mtnA mr tnr ..n.r.l liniiaw work: email fuiti 11 v o-wvri waaraa. 1.12a & 28 Ih street COMPETENT girt for enral house work; no washing; 88 a weak. 2307 Dodxs bt Mrs. ueorg li. lake. A GIRL from 14 to 18 rra. to tak car of aeuy. us o. aa Ave. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework In modern brick dwelling; wages (7. Apply any time. 1308 Park Ave. TsL Harney 1234. tVlTRn A vsum Danlali arlrl tn aaalal with general housework. 720 8. 2d street corner 22d and Laayaworth. work; small taouUy; good pay. sltf Har- WANTED A competent housemaid; must have good references. Mrs. John Mcbbana. m S. 3?th street , GIRL for general housework. . Good wages. No cooking. US & Hath street WANTED Girl for general housework. 1128 N. lbth street WANTED washerwoman. faintly of three. Call 1313 a. 32d or phone Harney 2871 GIRL for general housework. Mrs. K. C. Uhllg. 242v Caldwell atreeu XeL Webster 3365. A GOOD laundress, must hav reference. 123 8. 2d Ava WANTED Girl for areneral housework. Mrs. F. E. RlbbeL 1334 , 31st street, TeL Harney U29. WANTED A cook. Apply 8120 Daven port bt. let ttarney ba. WANTED Second girl at 610 South X2d Et Tel. Dougiaa 443U. Mrs. uaara. WANTED A young girl to aaaist wltn WANTED Girl for ceneral housework. 1212 N. 26th bt, tsouth Omaha. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; t7 per week, m b. 26th Av. A GIRL for general housework: good wagea; small lamuy. a. tud Ava. GOOD girl lor general housework: 87 oer weea: must oe aooa cook. eoencer eu jrnouo vveDster u. WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; good wages; with or without washing. 1304 b. 36th St. Phone Harney 741. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousewora; a, inontn; no laundry work. 710 N. wtn. lei. tiarney swa. LAUNDRESS for Mondays: references required. Mrs. H. F, Morris, 4013 Farnam bt Tel. rtarney hob. GIRL for general bows work: no cook- lng; mSist go home nlghu; at 3o08 Franklin bt ,x . . .... WASHERWOMAN wanted. 624 8. 28th St GOOD girl for general housework. TeL Harney tva. 60ls California bt GOOD cook and housekeeper, to co to country; good wages, .good home; refer ences. Call Mra. VW li. Davidson, Loyal holeL WANTED A girl for general house work. 2811 W St, South Omaha. Phone South 6W. Tir 1 UTL-Ti Pn n. n . t . n . l-l . t , Lr A a . Of inrea aiiaii ciuiareu, luumuwi yiawe, . i . n . ' LJ .. Tl T COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. B. Rustln, 206 S. 87th bt Tel. Harney 2036. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. 4810 Flor ence Blvd. 'Phone Webster 4624. LADIES AND GIRLS wanted to work on sofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary; vail forenoons. 2307 S. 13th. UIiMli'll rnmnrnt y1.. tu,n In f.mlli,. 1 ... w v...arav.. a " ... ..... . , laundress employed. Mrs. C. Et. Spena, The Ciarinoa Apavtiiueut. o. . anu ar nam Jits. I WANTED A food gui for general house work; do washing. Harney bt T.X7 A M T I.' T i Tl nn.1 irlrl ter w.n.r, I hnii,. work. 1622 Lolhrop bt Tel. Webster .5. WANTED Chambermaids. Millard hoteL LADIES - WANTED Tak work home ayliy . avuo.w. w. W V T- " v. n a,UM- anteed. Trlebors, 816 Brandela Theater Bids. I ' . . I . , n t , Ar.m amrlr ar.ittn. WANTED A neat young girl to assist with housework; two in faintly. 4801 Dodge St. WANTED Chambermaids shaw hotel. i at the Hen WANTED A good girl for general house work. Phone Harney 2o. Witt caiuornia. COMPETENT slrl for general housework. Three In family. Harney 4366. y 604 So. 36tb Bireeu Ulaccllaaaoaa. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tne young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for out traveler aid at Union station. WANTED Young lsdles to wait on tables. Apply Immediately, a wee nana Brandels East Arcade. n,i,TT -, ...... lit.. . a Mnl .ir.rv minute of the Urn you are enjoying a good siiowt uo to me rai iur niwiei HELP WANTED MALE Aaeata, talesmen aud Sollcltora. WANTED experienced shoe salesmen a Bennett's; permanent , positions for righ parties. THE BENNETT CO. WANTED A good hunttlng subscription solicitor to go on the road ior nn iwen tlth Centurv Farmer. Call or writ -man ager of circulation. The Be PubUst'ng Co. WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES IN ALL CITIES OVER 6.0U0 HANDLE H1UH-GRADJ5 lina of DISINFECTANTS AND D1S1N FECT1NG APPLIANCES; ALSO LIQUID bOAPS. Addreas, ! COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO., 63 PAXTON BLtJCK, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Man to sell shares Omaha companies we Incorporated; beginners taught, good pay. Promoter, tuo Paxton Block. WANTED. SALESMAN SPECIALTY MAN' (hHll) APkl'.AMANL'G AND WITH ABILITY TO INTEREST THE BETTER CLAfd OF BUSINESS AND PKOra. floNAL MEN, ON A HIGH GRADE PROPOSITION. TO THE RIGHT MAN 1.1 B K RA L INDITCHMENTH WILL BE MADE. SEE tiALES MGR.. 40. KAR BACH BLK.. 9-:S0 A. M. WANTED experienced shoe salosmen a Bennett's; permanent poalUona for right parlies. THE BENNETT CO. HELP WANTED MALE x .Continued. ) Clerical aad Office. OTJR PYSTF.M" places your application before 200 leading concerns dally, and ae- ures you the very position you wsnt in 14 hours. DON'T RR IDLE. HKR l"H. CARSON REFERENCE BUREAU, 674-676 Brandela Bldg. OUR Dally Bulletin ers results. Give us your record and we will secur the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ' (73-76-77 Brandela Bldg. WANTED A young man atenorranher with experience; must be a good man. Room (13 Be Bldg. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY CLERK; GOOD PAY; MIST BE MAR RIED MAN. ROOM 613, BEE BLDG. WANTED Bookkeeper, young man; must write plain band and quick at figures; ser vices 10 hours per day; give reference; ex perience and salary required. N 464 Bee. Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleit Be Bldg. SHOES repaired by hand while you wait Correct Shoe Repair Co., 613 S. 13th. WANTED Watchmaker, engraver, sales man all around man; (20 to according to ability. Ed J. Niewohner, Columbus, Neb. WANTED An experienced butcher. Ad dress Ed. Koudete, Schuyler, Neb. WANTED Experienced man at soda fountain; experienced. The Bell Drug Com pany, 1216 Farnam. Sllacellaneoaa. WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES EVERYWHERE TO PELL FLASH Brass Polish, RADIUM powder, pride or the Bar. Klean or Shine." silver and glass polish. This Is a golden opportunity tor the right parties. Apply or address InrJ COMMERCIAL CM12.M1CAL CO., 639 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Writ for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept 162 R, Rochester. N. Y. THE Parlor Theater has the best to be had In vaudeville and It is cool all tlie while. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: few weeks completes; time saved by ateady practice; careful instructors; tools given; diplomas granted; . wages Saturdays; posi tions walling; splendid demand for gradu ates; call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 9- M'n St YOUNG man for fruit department at Bennett's. Apply in Iepl. THE BENNETT CO. LABORERS WANTED. Omaha Gas Company, 15uv Howard WANTED Young man as shlDDlna- clerk. Prefer one who has had some experience. Young man to work in store, about 18 or 20 years of age; must write plain and be wining to learn a new business. Also want a man with horse and wagon, to drive wagon and do delivering anu work in and out ot store when not busy with wagon. Prefer a handy man, who can do a variety of work. Address L-lti2 Bee, with references. WANTED Students, or others, to work 3 hours daily for board. Vincent Cafe, 19th and Harney Sts. HELP WANTED MALES AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agents to work arouna city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha. AGENTS Men. women, best hot weather seller on market Writ quick. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk.. Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system is death to trerms and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douelaa (630, Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leaven worth. YOU MISS til best laundrv service If you fail to patronise us. National Laundry, 291ti Cuming Bt . , LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hussies. HIGH GRADE Buggies, Surreys, aaXVJJ-L viixjz.JJ stannopes and Run abouts for sal choap. 1U7 Farnam St GOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE. Pbcne Harney 333. 4207 La Fayette Avi. ONE good single CARRIAGE for halt price, -lei. Har. Mi. or 3ol3 Jackson St Uoraea sad Vehicles. DPiVING HORSE, harness and phaeton for sale. We will aell tms entire outfit at a aacrifice price If you will call on us dur ing tne next few days. This horse is per fectly sound and quiet and has been driven by a lady for the last two years. Apply International Land and Investment Co., 210 Bee Bldg. 25 PER CENT OFF on LEATHER HORSE COLLARS. Big bar gains in HArcsEsia and tux nets. HAKDEN S, Harness Dept., BA8EMENT, CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN S, The Cut Price Feed Man, 619 S. 13tb St. DELIVERY horse. Omaha. 813 No. 21st St, So. 2,400-POUND TEAM, harness, wagon, disk cultivator; bargains all. W. F. Shear, 4da ana raucis. Cwots, Birds, Dogs aad Pet. THOROUGHBRED English bull dog pups. Address 106 S. lolh St. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, coming iresn. vveoster au. LOS I ANU i-UUNO The Teddy Bear 1 1818 HARNEY. BOTH PHONES. A POCKETBOOK marked F. A. Corneer. containing Elk membership card and valu able papera; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer. 24th and Dorcas. LOST A sliver watch fob with seal; re ward for return to me at 713 Brandela Bldg, F. S. CowgilL LOST Between 6th and Pierce and 16th and Harney, ladles gold watch with gold fob, the word Marion on charm, on Harney car. Return and receive reward. J. V. Granes. Berger Auto Co., 312 S. 18th. LOST A parrot, 837 So. 22d St. Return and receive reward. Phone Dougiaa 6140. ONE dehorned cow. red and white snot ted nearly fresh; weight about 1.2o0 it,.; IX round prrone So. 10l4; liberal reward. MEDICAL DR. J. 11. HUGHES Spet.aliat la chlonio diseases. Cousuliatlou. WIL11 111 structlons bow to use the waters, free ot charge. Office In Mcintyre Bid.. Excelsior bpring, mo. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; too poaipaid; samples lie, buer man at McCounail Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghion Medical college, 14tn ana Daven Don bis.: auccial atteiitlou paid to ooo finemenl caaes; all treauuaul supervised by coueg wolesaoi. Phuiia Dougiaa llsi Calls ai.aucieu, day and nigut Dr. McGrew Has given iiia entire profeaaiuuat life to the treatment ul all form ol ciiroiiiu tuU spe cial uiseasee of man. For 36 yeara ha has been known and trusted by ail. 3 year In Omaha. Chargea low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. aiuiirew Co.. li t. 14ih bt. Ouiana. Neb. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, (1 a box, postpaid, buer man 4 McConnell Drug Co., oinaha MONEY TO LOAN (ALAU X AftU CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPMt, WOMEN KL.fa.PINO HoUSH AND OTH ERS. without security; ay payment Olflcea In 44 principal sill, XoJutaa. j-vMai M New Vwrk La stias). MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattel Ctlned. iiB!miimitimiMHjiiiBHHW' NOTICB TO THE TUBLIU CHEAP MONEY FOR YoUR HUMMER VACATION. (10 TO (1.10 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, BAI.AR1E3. THIS If A NEW FIRM. Organttied by the REPUTABLE, BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro tect honetst working people In need of temporary help from the exorbi tant charges of the so-called loan companies. Wa will loan you all the money you want and charge you only 1(1 per cent a year. THIS MEANS YOU PAY $1 IntereHt on (10 for 1 year. ti interest on - for 1 year. (10 interest on (100 fur 1 year. And all other- sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reasonable Appralnement Charges. A glance at the abov rates will convince you how much you save by dealing with us. no red tape. no delay, money in your pocket within an hour, room 204 withnei.l building. lndejendent Loan Co. Doug. 604a. N. E. Cor. 16th and Har. (mwmW(wwnww(?twwwwttm$- Cash Quick on Easy Tenna Have you ever thought of borrowing money on youi furniture, piano or team' If you haven't, Just think how easy It is to get a loan from us and hav your pay ments so small that you will not miss them (1.20 is the weekly payment on a (uO loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the sam proportion. If you hav a loan at present and the company suits you, stay with them. If they don't suit you, com In and let us explain our 60-woek plan to you. We are daily taking up loans from other companies and advancing mora money. Why not let u do the sam for you? Money saved is money earned. Phone or mall applications receive our prompt at tention. Privat and reliable. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk., lMl'i Dodge St Phone Douglas 2466. CHEAP LOANS d Furniture. Piano or Salary. YOU BORROW 810.00 you pay back (11. M (26. on- you pay back (tf.M Ml-uu you pay )ack o4.v NO OTHER OHARGE. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 8 ft Room 60L Brown Block. (4 UW7 b. lain Kl.. cor. oougias ft , II Phones: Douglas 8034; A 103. (J M(ttU(3(W(A.at1,rt8U(44l CHATTEL LOANS For LOWEST RATES and STRICT PRIVACY, see NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7 Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol Ave. opposite postoince. Both Phones Doug. 13oti; A-146U. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5f W. C. FLAT A U, 114 TVil let Had (61a MONEY NEED ANY?. OO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, 113 Board of Trad Bldg.. Southwest Cor. 16th and Fari.aui Street Telephone Douglas 2336. Rates cheaper than any advertised. We can prove It MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 300 So. 17tb. Tel. D. 1668. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 2207-09 lsard St. WUITPWiAUINll nla.f.rlnrr . . . r. . repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished. McRea. 8119 Half Webater. Harney 8404. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ROOM and board; horn cooking. 3008 S. !4th. TeL D. 6482. BOARD AND ROOMS In nlc congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locatity. Use of large parlor and living room. (20 per month. Phone Webster 6344. 6318 No. Twenty-fifth street BOARD and ROOMS Nice location, walk ing distance. Ladies preferred. 2018 Cali fornia St FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly modern: private family. 2527 De catur. Webster 8260. ONE or two pleaaant rooms In modern home: will give breakfast If desired. 214 N. 23d St.. Phone Red 6369. FOUR boys. 84.M per week. 2689 Califor nia St Pbone Pouaias 616L ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with board, conveniently located; references 2420 Cass. Phone Dougiaa 6315. ROOMS and board. 86 week; bom cook ing. Modern. 8214 Douglas. ROOMS a'nd board. 8712 N. 19th St TeL Webster 3162. Good neighborhood; four blocks from car lina LARGE front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms. 3108 Dougiaa ROOMS for two. with board; nome cook ing; modern. 221S Howard. FURNISHED room with board In private family. Call at 818 South 26th St ELEGANT parlor and also studying room, iiano; private family. 642 S. 19tn. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board U desired. 2018 Cass. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board, modern, also table board. 610 Dodge. PRIVATE family. 8408 Chicago St FURNISHED room and board. Itol Ava 'Phone Douglas 7768. 1818 Cap- DOUBLE room with board. IS and up; use of piano. 3110 Dougiaa CHOICE rooms with board. "Th Tem plars." 1818 Capitol Av. LARGE south front room tor -3; good home cooking. 1114 Chicago. NICE room a excellent board, with Ger man Christian afimly. 1811 Capitol Ava LARGE front rooms; also single room, rood board; ruteal 2618 Harney. NICE parlor room for 8 or 4 gentlemen, hoard (7 week; also single rooms, li! ti Nth Ava NICE rooms, with or without board. 1511 Cass stret 'Phone, Doug. 1476. BOARD and rooms. 2KV7 St Mary's Ava BOARD and room; 1 or 8 ladles; private horn, walking distance. Harney 4337. LARGE south front room, on first floor, running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also otbsr rooma 123 8. 2Sth Av. COOL east front room, with board. 213 So. 26th Su Pbon D. 3133. . Faralshed Hootua. VtWT-iT furnished front room suitable for two. with private family. 8614 Dodga 4-ROOM modern apartment TeL Web. (24. niRMlUHKD rrami for lantlimis. Ill f. 11th Bt Tho Chatham.1 MODERN rooms for 1 8 or 4; separated beds If dual red. ton Harney. EIGHT rooms strictly modern, (30. I4X) Caldwell St Call Harney 8394. EXCEPTIONALLY nlc room. 220 N 23d. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; near ear Una 23J n. Uth. MODERN rooms, nicely furnished. (XIM i nd (J.M a week. 18 N. 19tb bt KUALU neat front loom, modern house, bamls paik; strictly private family, to lady employed during day. TeL Harney 2U. THE us of my furnished house in ex Chaog lor board. TaL Wen. 4as. ROOMS, 2210 uainey bt Red UU. OFFERED FOR RENT. Faralshed Rooms Con tlnaed. , FRONT rooms, south and ensl exposure! modern. 4U a. 3bth Ave. Tyler liAkO. . UNDER nw management, 210J-21U and (113 Douglas St., rooms, cool and in (m condition; desirable lor summer, either fur nished or uniui nialietl. can 8113. Dougiua. FOR RENT Four large, modern rooms, i. t,i ,,e iinftirnlHhail. auilabia for aithne light housekeeping or sleeping, for rent aii together or separst. Call Douglas 2.i, 402 N. 33d St. J anies Hunt NICELY furnished rooms. 1816 Dodge St SINGLE room, reasonable, modern. 27ul Farnam bt NICELY furnished front rooms, lsrg and nice; walking distance. 121 bo. 27lh -bt NICE ,cool, modern south and east room. 1:01 Dodge. Douglas 44JS. SINGLE room for gentleman, 37. Mason. Harney 27H8. 3001 BEAUTIFUL front parlor; gentlemen or coupl. 604 S. 27th bt. .-.(.. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phons D. (11 A-3S11. SINGLE SOUTH room. ITS Dodge. Red (Got COOL south room for gentleman In dm vat family. 26.18 Seward. NICELY furnished room, all conven iences; gentleman preferred. Call 313 St. Mary'B Ave. " f NEATLY furnished front parlor, close In; modern. 2202 Douglas. FURNISHED rooma 8114 Chicago Bt SOUTH room for gentlemen.- 8406 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern. 64 S. 84th Ave. - i NIC7, clean, strictly modern 1 sleeping room; rent reasonable. 846 N. 26th St SINGLE rooms; eastern exposure; nicely, furnished. 1063 Park Ava Harney 824L DEWEY European hoteL Uth 4k tTranam. LARGE front room and one email roost, suitab'. for two or thre gentlemen; ty block from car Una 807 8. tJt bu, 'Panne A-2693. -' ' MODERN euutld room for gentlemen; live block P. O. TaL Douglas 79U.i- . NORTHWE8T CORNER Uth and Web ster, furnished rooma day or- week. '. PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor nortM. suitable for man and wife; or tw gntl men. Breakfast privileges. Rent rtasuuaoi. to S. S8ih. at . ii -( i -j Large Front Room gentlemen: 14 per week; for on guniletaaa, (2.60 per week. 2408 Burt St ..... FOR RENT Nicely furnished, room- all modern; private family. 'Phon Red. 739, TWO Die rooms; Pbon Dougiaa (424. tarws reasonable. l .' f. FRONT single room, 32. (30 S. 26th Ave. TWO very desirable rooms tor ligai bousekeeplng; modern; reasonable; walking ctstanca 623 b. 26th Avw, a FURNISHED front - room, la modern bouse; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 69. FRONT room; modern; in private fa ic ily; price reasonable. U4 S. Iwth bt i . NICE furnished room, goo-1 a-ughbor. hood. 830 B. 33d. Douglas ?10L , THREE NEWLY papered 'rooms, parlor floor. 2603 Dodge St. .. -, t - DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge,: all cool rooms; special rates by the week. -, , LARGE airy rooms, 110 to 20. 2324 Harney. Douglas 8091. -, .i -.; HAVE YOU TRIED KNXAL? It abso lutely exterminates bed bug, roaches, fleas, lice and all other insect life. The Com-, merclal Chemical Co., 639 Paxton Dock. I - COZY COTTAGE, handsomely furnished; cheap to a long time tenant. For particu lars call at 918 South 40th. West Leaven worth car. - - ... . ' TWO nicely fumlahet modern . Irons rooms (connected) for . two-ur three par- -sons. Phone Re4 6360.-. ., . , FOR RENT Nicely furnished roomsj large and cool; modern; east front fin location. TaL B-1414. 8811 3S. -lath .Ava LARGE south front room on first floor; running water; private entrance onto lawn;, also other rooms. 133 8. 26th Ava .TWO large rooms, nicely furnished, fine beds, all modern conveniences; walking dis tance; on car line; private family; flu location. 222 N. 2uth bt 'Phone D. 4803. PART of nw modern house unfurnished (or furnished! for two ladies or husband and wits. No children, iailu Laka Webster 6836. ' .. LARGE room and closet, facing south on Dewey Ava. near 36 tb; suuitly modern. 'Pnone Douglas 6321. ROOMS near new street car barn and . - . . .11 nw.ilurn L 1 1 lll..kni-u 7lWi frYxrn nlnalv liiml.h .4 t-Anmaj . It V wA gentlemen or man and wife; with or with out board. Ind. 'phone 1306. VERY large, well furnished, south front; permanent parties. 2226 Farnam. DESIRABLE room; fine location, walk ing distance. 818 S. fcth St ONE large and one single room, nicely furnished. 211 N. 19tb St NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 714 S. Uth Ave. ONE elegant furnished large room, suit able for two or three young men, south east exposure. 830. One north exposure, large room, elegantly furnished. (26. On south exposure, elegantly furnished room, tillable for two, (M'0. 3036 Dodge. Walking distance, pbon Douglas 4912. ONE large, cool front room. No other roomers. 2508 Davenport St. EXCELLENT modern furnished or unv fcrul'hed rooms; lianscom park car llntt No. 2610 g. Ud Ava . . , - - WILL share 8 rooms with working girt (6 per month; walking distance. 1636 N. 19th, TWO elegant furnished rooms, light and cool, all modern, in private family. 600 N. list St FINE east front room, strictly modern; . reasonable. Pnone Red 7046. 130 N. 361a. NICELY furnished modern rooms, slngl or ensult. 1919 Cass. FURNISHED ROOMS In modern private hoina 'Phone Harney 431L 3673 Dodge 8t ROOMS tor housekeeping. (29 8. 17tn Av. NICE cool rooms; modern, brick flat; walking distance; parlor loom on first floor. Msi N. 23d. NICE front room, modern, private family; gentleman; (lu. twl Da vonport St. LARGE front room, private family, excel lni iit-igiiborbood; walking dlfianc. Phon H. 6009. (is 8. 17th street MODERN, well furnishes, . aouthaait front with alcove or single room; laige lawn; private family. 7u3 Georgia Ava FRONT parlor with light housekeeping privileges; modern; ice aud tslephuua 3114 Chicago St NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable (or two geniisuwin. ISio Chicago St . NICELY furnished parlor fur Hire man. 2u4 b. mil. THE PLEAbANToN known as the old Paxton home will rent rooms; dining room closed for the summer; breakfast will be served to any who desire; rooma are largo, cool and running water; the large lawn and verundas make an Ideal summer home; meals can b had across the street art H. 26iii Ava ROOM for one or two gentlemen; prl vate home; walking distance; new liouae; clean, cool and quiet. Phone Harney 4M7. EXCELLENT room, private family,., walking distance. Cars at door. 1176 week. 2119 Leavenworth. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, modern. U 8. 11th St ill NICE, clssn, strictly modern rooms in a beautiful location; aUo suite of these room for light housekeeping. TsL Douglas 7614. 1104 Cass Mt. FURNISHED rooms. U4 N. 224, (