Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1910, Page 7, Image 7
hie r.EE: omailv. fkipat. jixt ?. v- DRIEF CITY NEWS iluUREFuilHtttUsEuIj I arras Oimm a. ait Twta ate Beet mz ra Tab JOB ear airy i m arts; c : jar -ty Jlj Works, ftcnta Fi CI fcraei IHfit Tears A? to B Hr1 t pr.- l nm-tr an-r boari. eat f. ia tb mi4ct tr r-ei :m. Mammy mm a-aa ta Beau BiIMm at jrv i umclm r;n ar.d easiest ; tvf.bc4 ef rHrBt . etarut-e fcJiie a - Loan Aa a. m Board el Trea !.!.. j U tee kiivecce Cearv ire- ia X. Maybe j intrx-s Arms v. C Ma?uw, a t-T rtu '-. frarv. im ct T de-rt4wn Rum Lar-s he bvrs g.ves a d-cre f r ; (y-rn A. La.31 e-atJii.s if 5..-..;.i t A deer" ta frraxted J oa-s.t- (.:irrU 1UJ.T frot Ft., a k ra. B-raixr cursed Airs with a v!t net jM-ut-a tbew caJArea. JUa fa Oftoii 1-tn. r;r ahe td ms. sacts K. lSeecber ) f tar a'ttcr) crr cierk aa , r so Tbxtr Vt4 Rate. 'ta kr r rtMI( CnlMtaM aad Br4IM Batr. General Rain All Over State Helps the Crops Srrere Eertriral Etcra E?rre-a 0lL aii AA-llt Citr Beati rr. B. 1". Eii;? ef lert Calri ti Jew Prttiitxt u 1 vrrT.m TU T,aI ry B shcwer THarsar G- JSJ Lt.ui.-t-p srrt p:T ef t rtr-ft 1 r-- Bratii-pn tj-ca. hi K aa rarl'r' for nerrioo ta te at- f"v 19jca cwunry. Ha taa ta xxm arcta- caLVudar. tfca - ' aoya tio ta ta t raorranrd T Caf :fiw Mct ienarx Klt ; jaara aa Ut ciak vaa IwM aa4 haa ban a.ij.-uc lt rtia -r K-jrC avt a ! av arat-eza of aaAfu uii rac.atratioa tu Ma-ria I ccaanajttaa. . 14.. afcjca E. W. Ivkioe, . Jat ra-t ( Sww Ia.cta anJ S M -a !. .rs af C"aoa Z-trm - ta . . ,. aa.jai. awfTaT! ermaa. ..-. . . w ' . 1- "1. ur ta a-h haiw aad aJ tb. fiir i.,. aa C"aha and Kir.wi Crt ana pwt-J ta that TV-rtiirr, ia rjo ta .s-b-atrr Rbraka and a ers-n U:crl. ti-sarr rare aTBpni tt -. lairly fcrary ra. aJw-'jt c--haT ':-- A a Effart a B ! la arfnntitl f tov tat aatlaaval Craalnn Hf yjma JtUT, .iar;A 14. Codaiy. Jfaii-T; &RMka& an4 i a Satirti aa ivts C 'tx j iu-fea-la rs-jtrt bava a'l wgy tn aaa t , rapuaswaa cm kU -t ia tba , arwiNirl' aTTaira fTta oii-cr am tx aa M4ar tf r fila aw t.-r ara. Kr. (dHL Tk aoK tm .j-acty ta chary McLat.l.a aaj-n feia platf irra ta "I'j-i.itt f at tka be- Ji ba tu aoea ia Utt xrpirt m r mm " 1 Mt ba hUw a&4 mi cbarca f On arraat aalaa erf tfaa rartta 1 xa la srtti." fc aaJd. jrra Jaa Caj-raa Tary Coatecaa. Tt tiM Kara a fta aa Paaa Cpaaly j J-- Cmra.afAer Jh O-a-rt bt-jer te tt- T 13 ba gwm a roll ini-rr4itta "rtaaa cn a aa." H aad ba caa ba loen'ufiaa tut teua tr eC L.rrtit Tbcri.y ttr-,'1- " b br ary at U ruwse ta to, arof-icia, aa a3 7 taei at ta.,1- " aa, aatroa a oa-t kBa. H aart Iur tzi 1 " CWGTt. If :aa T r. Kmt laknua arJ t xaa w a saw cuir aa aa tie: aa eta . I ja- tat of ih f th u and votala l4tUl -r, his. a. , BlwtlOT . vu lurL '.wjm tiatf l-a afr-rmr t fcnaa ira ar at -a-ra aa can at tuna , .v. w I fcma a arriiin of lark erf ,Ll"t J' fca-ic-a. i pt- ifu, ( . cock ana ta aae? "tai ir irf aifairm erca. wavai ana vk-iim mm imaaa VQt a aaiocma. rxjH-t-j ta rt-aaiaMia Itt 1. aa tsSd.Tf anwciatiur aiaraa fear-! c!4k rr!nt ta tka faJl. AJ2 of ita m tu cil a nutaaa. aaa aasa Uot tha;ir kaefcaa. ty tha clrrulata maaacvt caaaty ewort wrvn rt. Tt- lawuiec ; , tha rirwM Mw aaa il acy bay a-'- Ar t 00 MMft-k tt raat t! t-ta aJEiaril asatnat ta nJra. ta ri-i- 4T '. atuefc. tt .A claaed. la tba ajcaoant I i,oa la n If Lly eid fcy a rrfaaaJ ta ae3 of Mr. Mre.hJVt tadebtrAiicaa. Tha coca- j am aay mora pora. A ir-TllT c2t a-aa pasy" atatca ttat JteLlLa a ttr a - i rjiin fey Mocr Baraatpsa la Vtaca coueta. aa for ft asl tfcc trtrxr Inr fwa. ! apoLa aWat t-a-a yaart afs and tb buav Th7 farmer tcata that irbea tie paid tb urn axis f taat city art aatr rajamx Kc.iait f trV a Tr.iti' i ta va md, by ' tun4 ftr a club ttocaa. t!rt bcr i arntt avre inarke4 patA.- 'TTa hart tba baat bha.v4 art at Ba Xas4vsn Xa ba nnt-Uralri ef I tra af ary city ta U caantry.- aav. th Xital Reiaa 3-aienr Hardrart as. j tarr, -aaa taa ttaa tbai aacps tbaa aaciaxicn aria inn U Oaaa aa Saturday j toartier ia tsia orrauaatwa. It Aaca away af larRooBi at 4 a. as- c a saaoaJ du a: I aJeo4iUiy arita aay 4axar af strikes or us. rViim rrarisa. 7km -.; ba abaci Si ' arraasa-4 tr-.vNj, as4-U aeJpa taa bays. j Th TalT TmrATT asa-TOt-tif": ba d-a IX ?- n nx i- . !--. aorordi.- ti tt f"jr c'T ut rr tt rmr T-iTT-trraaiir- fr. B- F. Jiaxii-a cif Cain-ado Ftatr Ajrnexiu'al 1 et'rce. Il.-.A is saw ti a-euiil la:T"t ctranaat-i t rj kii.d. track Lmrwxa. as 4i 4is. t f - - cf J taLi&ZAJ trftiairjDtL irt Ij th ei-?-ica.l Jintirrtnr. Brta-ra Ui-iiT'"rJ t! America Veterinary ancl Mc4 ad Omaha tb ram tt mt r1- , te" aauca.ues awrts la Ran rrim-rs o tr N'rUiw'Ti. Kra t-wi O NrtI 1 35 Ttr. tr. aad at tiat t3e tn ie Len Ftaa. ar.4 c tba Er!r t! ' at-s from tt JCiaaoirf vr. tn. P. oawnlal m aomra-Lat IiarbW- Toe iber 1 ackiaaaa. aia rrte-jiarjaB cf aTka atia ef Ltnofhi tb rata rarae eariwr to r,t- 'r- R- O'XeiZ ot Laa. Kan , w.a If TT rill nouncemeii t Saturday, July 9th we commence our semi-annual reduction sale of men's Furnishings and Straw Hats VTa'di Friday's Papers for Our Al 11 f 1 try ta sM reprraaBiauaa ti saort-fag. aa4 v aa'.T kearr. Tha a-naort frets Oraal Istaad tr4 1 - tfiaacua far tba ttniy aad r C.rk trtrt ta AF a4 ua tt Fjti.- i ctiOD cf tuiMtrcuiaea io aclaala Tv rf uc 3aai tjcjK- -i hra-ee , umu . c i .. aa err rai y. a nr - ; -w- - - - j ibea-ry raJa frra raorfas. S. D t JSorJcia . acianoe. aos rr ac-j aciatioa u j lan-t oa t Pi i -r aara at tba wart A3 ttoe eMtttrr cvri fcr ti raia. aa-J W tu wtitr t lCii thai a-jt brfcTv Lrr.- an --- fwumi, c e. AJfcT). Offr-au Cow ; Erat Tvce rSMlr.t. C A. ! urer. E. Gra.3. Ifia.r4 ar4 to ts mmn bfajaerti DS."t rf tha state. tf tbe ram banty. a4 t ?rtol; aacoo rca prdtt. C wH i-. , ssr-r. f- t ta Si Is- rart. Charttoa. la.; srary-treaa- C JE7tn. I'rraaos, la. Tt af cmaora i eonaat c Richar4 Ebbirt, Oracd lijid, . H. io-caoa. Car roO. Ia.; H J-pn-a. Kaas City; J. "W. La Crvix. HjawaUia, sad H. L k -t r-rn. Furt Cai-ja. t Tha aeaaiaa of Ttaraiay aurr.'r.t a-aa 4an arar ta buaiaeas aiter tea rtaafiir.j c te.trertit apers try Ir. 1. V. La Cronx. oa aad lr. J. W. .eriioea papers were Saf4 trata Ir. A W. "WhJ.Loha. Dr. S. i? tew art, Ir. M F. Fa'SMsr aad r. a. Waajtr. Police Dragnet for Joy RidersliTtted Party ia EoJTo-ei Aatoitclils ax-te;a cf iJbc asocAtlcn aa tha tra-a bwudA fw Iwirver w tfaesr way ta tha ta xHjlI tiTdwaxt 4kri erarvvntiaa, ta ae te'4 tfcis ytau is prrez. Tba traia wm a baUA tart fima 4 a'elora asta I. wbaa tbe Vnioa Pci will ta-ta tt ta tts ceaaatia. Tba apeooJ cocunists cf sixtvea sleepers aaJ twa Aiaart, aaS K taacy f tha fjraaaa aesJ wr emwoAfr anHsf ta t?e launiutoa. t&m t aided, soma mora cars, tntk -a on af tba JtJtr. aawwia "a af tt yeaj-. Croak Cns'a Ban I 'ear Tha Crack crrcrat can arili drart am. acd th and is hot j C Turs2ar Bxraix was eaoanzroed the ewsiajers aad tha pabitc- Plan to Change Local Company &ttll aden cf Coaacs-c-ealtli lilt Icrarsjuse Ccspsxy Hell 3t:et if Terterdy. j Bttrkheidars t tha CBBSeEwei:tt Li.Se Icsnarasea coarpar.y bead a saeelUxtx Tfc-ora- wtih reaetuu testimocy. Oaorse F. Crack ; Cat aTtertaaoat at tha 'jm.rr,fi coa taklRC ts atuiaas atasd. PraeUcaSy tha : M .jta acaea racardzac tha fstsrs of tbe ana story was rwtoid. as il has bava aev eLi tlaa daraa; the last few ears. Mr. Cnnt cad Mrs. Craak aaca tIttac It ta a jf fereat a ay. arMt ao ocaBtraAteQcc what tha ctbar aaat-fWd. 14 r. Crwk aaasd;te , g, M that ha had cid Idra. Crack R had coat ' Ui Ci as keei tha aeuittjoa aot af the Los AEVciea papna; ha eeauad slrkc tot aa a reason why ha eoaid not any her as aat'tdi aJme at tba astrich larwi. Loa AxraiaB, aad ba desiad that ba dnk aa the eocass whea ba was dta oaverad aaiear at ha etchiita hotel, aav. inC ba. asawrre4f . 48, . . - .- -j Children Sleep Out of Doors 7ea.ii Are ?r ri itd for Culdrea te Osild Saritj 2at- Tm U-eata etaiaarts hra baaa inada ta tb aracuoa f tiiaerTiK ia the epea air. They are eoaverta. aJthaacA aot aausolisd ta the Btatarr beforahaad- Tha fany-o.t ara tba chiXraa irrtsc SJ cba Ch-ld hrt Ltssta. Tha it n sKt as latntAed tinw larra tests far at4ca wcKKas. Cuurs hare baea la4d asd arreca walla arectaa. Enej asa ef tha efcDdrc has taaan ta tbe arndaer. f?taa-aur Mas, a j".tJ-ra bora taT crsatar i am tart aad a aa kS -a that they are caatjuac eoKpaAT. Tha Siaatixis: was callad ta arier by Daitd Caia. ha awA2aad thai a haaa- bcz af saarfctiKiaei s thoucht they asbt h asd dchbarara. "II tie .rry mbtui ensatre,- aaJd nr. Jt. j tba JCatJroal rUeflly and Caaoaitx oom- paxj baa a yrajciataaa ta BtsAa ta the atackhoidars. C C Farmeia of FWrrsmoctx was tbaa a a tad aa chatrjDaa. ast ba d an riad and ivdee Clark O'BajDea C BSair taoa the piaoa The Beat aeScaa was ta excladc hratakjwr reporters. Amecs' athara yaasiiat was Taa B. Lady, secretary af tba aatBpajrr. was baa eome trttt eoUisua wrb aehcr aCScera ataca the eoTrjany a as nrfraiiised last rtrrriisier. A jai'tumaitjoa to aa fat ta naraw arrrh ait-artlto- oeanpaay well arvaniaed. rasirtas tsa obsirxBaa tiara cant froaa Fatiarasath ta attaod tha mapr'ra; Kaecrt Eherr. sr.; T. T. TrrtLmaaa and airs. K. A. E-ixjjb. Kr. Lafiy was acamtpajiied ta tha maair fct by T. W. E'Jtctaurn. bis aturxy. ta tta be bad f-rst tpvea a proxy cm a yart cf tit s-ack. Fred Qmma, a cuiifeuT f-jr tbe btc-Card- Brady caecpasy, was arrested Wednesday nitt wiie eclcrtajiiii aerarai frieniia with a )ey nfie ix ha esLployer'a aatomebJa. FoUcieiLajt Marria aj-restad the J-Ty ax Twenty-third aad Csoxt&c streets aa a noiMaiBt troro the cvsars af tha mar-hlae. which cacaed a dracart ts be throws act by the pobce. Frack IScLa --hISi, who was with Qtu drare the ltiftrt: mm hak ta lis caraca. and tha wsscah. wha was ia tha pnj. was parmitad ta depart. It Is exjwctsl a charge wiS be Uad rp1" -i Tha enUre pejca departmerl was ret am the aJert ts iut tha maw h'TX aad Us Joy riders a2wssx the repeat af their lark, aad arreral mt. h'na speadxsc at wideiy LfIereat parts af tha city were ealiad ta a bait and their ocroaais aaes tkmed ekiaeiy before th nfftt culprits ware fvaad. LEAVES FOH HIS OLD HOVE 1 Baacget. The sJHEhal taaqatt was hta it the ee tnc ia the Fuua hcrrtL Vr. A. T. tLUije?. alansts Cry. yrtiitagct. efn-iated aa taat saaster. aad was sx4-portd ty tbe fcuicw 1d orTic-ars: I'T- W. xL Tiak. Freou.a. ?(a first Tics areaidcnt. Lr. L C Siu sft. Sijeldtm. 2a sect ad vice sreaideat; Lw. S. T. K-uj-ii. Teteriaary Atimnmecz Cmlo- ! rado Acricultarsl coUece, Fort Ctt.Uiaa, I j aacretxry-treasarer. AfLar d-sar Tarioa tojjica tit later est ts the prcfesaioh wert discacaed, aroac them CeiI4 ixJIeriiotu Ciseasea, gltnd-ra. contacuoua ahortkjB aaj ffted irukWcuca. Tha speakers were: Ijr. W. s. Neil, chief Vli'-fJ States inspectae at Oaoaha; It. T. Jellea. aaatfz.t chief io spectar; Ew. C F. Lert. Bad OaA Lv; Ur. ti. H Hsjey. Vtited States intj TBiaary depart Tttit; IT. F. JacJtmdsa, state naeruanAii; Li. A. X. Fetert, Sbrinf2Jd. III. ' f w m i il k ; tyV. bhi m . .ii. a. -. .ii . 1 1 il n u,ii ii-ii mi i I I i ii ii I '.j.,ll',M' "-' "' " M Phenomenal lug Bargains OMAHA M3T03 CLU3 IS NOWJl CORPORATION 1 f! ri i saa ai a Ii Clriaalnttta Cectew mm WHaii afca ataaCtat aa tea Hts FaOca Arte sua Abtrara mt " Imrtm Mangled Body is That of Lundeen Maanruaa work ia SJ-acrasainf raaiCy as tha new f.fwe haa of tha tmciraae whacli la batec ervrted an rnrrj aamil -bera Jackaoa wild tasm awl jf hava. Caasftat f aaanac a bete bud aa tha wmiiid flocr ana tt ts cEpectad that the beticjxic wiil be chttreiy by Oo- Company Formed to Give Aero Meet Officer Hefted ia! Stock Eta . acriiti at KctUx El Tltrbciiy. Tba aiidweat A va.:xi Keel cocJ.y was rsutaat at a r-wsr's bd at tha Caa soeFuiaa tiuB Thanaday eoaa. This eoaa jiafy wLi ba 'y reiqpuxisiha La- the aria3a Swd U ba ai Ju.y 3-C aadex tSt auiit af ta Aera Ca ef Kabraaaa. Tb aew eracpacy ta ta hare a caftta. arack f Si C:-rtaed tat im That afTfemara were ejected: ireadaait J. i. I'Whl. TV.w Fraarftaat X. K. b .-nba L aermary and btaaaa'er CIw a FaaaUL Traatiiirer iau.d Lfetts. u tie Saa Via rLreAt cxed S&idie. - 2t was reported tts Fan,TSa Wedaeaday evaniad t r.a t th TiiH.siiad corjiaa cf a "-ti fsaad aa th raLrsatd trafAs aear Beiau Tsaaiflay bad aera idBed paaizrrcjy as th remains at T. A. lAiihWm. wa am aciaraa srom uniara vwtsc i tha ff that t n-iatan wrata aeraral latLers ta trttAa Jast befta b diaajypaared tll:ag theia ba mended tak mg bis awa trtm. Cor saiar 2etara says he dMa hat tsjaA a&y ca ouaat wL3 ba Baceaaar. Jeph . Iaiwurat, a tamer acaoea-r-"' af tb deed laaa, saade tha iAeuuZ tiua ITeaaaaday'. He aaid T irninau waa fureed f Jee ctJiaaa befar fratus l-y.r. of rnaacial troabiea. BRI5.GS EACK ALLEGED FORGER Uatatras ppsrators wSi breathe a aich of relief wttea they bear that Kpt. Dr. Bevx baasrxav MajauiaVfeb Cbeezteesaacyaaji is ts sail far Tcrkey in a day or twa with tb resoit that bis leatrtby name win ther f .rnr a aaore ta Omaha aawapaaera. Rtrr Jobs Baptist, aa bis bum is is Eh( liah. expects ta leave Omaha, where b has lired ft a yar aad na baf. Friday c-ea-teC for "Svm Tork. Thaaca ba sails tar Lsbdca aad wiU r thence by way of Paris aad Vietana to Consra uTi-nople. E iH leac th Tvkuak r'1 fcrmefiateiy few Marae saa. a taws to Asia bliaer, tbe bam of bis parents, whacs be has cot sees for aiae wc years. str. Bapuet raoaCfad bis passports from Waafeiafftaa Thuj'aday mcrnh-ic aad alas Savkw tram Constat. timpe that it win be perfectiy safe lor bim ta mnrt After Ttnitir-C bis parents, Mr. Baptist piass to go ta Lam&cns ts take a pest-cradoate costs ia medici-5-. after which be wfll go back ta Tttra-ey aad l'ract--a aad preach twwiy tis Arsiestisa brethrea. YOUTH WOULD KAIL SUIT CASE raaattaat ;' I ta Pat a lafaraaa Jam Caee-bt at I' at Itatiaa Ttaaear. The OtaaJaa Jf star bhih. or-raaiaed about the mKdl of Jcae Tor trie purpose af a- i mivr-.T-.g ta the welcome ta the Giiddea tovrists. bas rvoii-ad tats a permanent ar- . fatisatioB. Articiea of teeorperatiMi haT bees filed with the county clerk with a , caaital stock of C9 WW. IHrectors are : named at foHcnrTr'W. I. Hosford. W. L. j Pr"-". rw-)gT,;g.-;m L. E Iwty aad-j Olio F- XestEaaa. icers are: 0e iiit-1 nar. prosidect; C. L. Gutiii. firrt rtre prasj baat; W. J. Klrk-'.ajid. secretary; i)Ct i SiiTer, treasurer. j Surely It's a Busy Store It's rtrr prices aad cur snaiity that xt.akes tail a bury store. EeiT wcy who ia'xesrijfa.tes prices ia 'I aad triea i-isits this atMW in Bouth Os.aha bays their goods tm. Jast ttatX 2 per ceat b!i.'w CmaiA (iricea. Tl j means tm 09 ta a huared pur-t.t-&e. Thafs s lot ef raorey off. don't yoa tnink? Aad U s reaiiy a-orth lateTicatitifc isa't it? Ttiea. com va 4ari here, it doesa t evea cost mere car fart, f-et a transfer, ail scrcta Ottr. cars pass oar door. Iarestif ate Oz-aha prtcea. mat aotatioaa. etc aad then cam drws aera, Taa "11 ae the eeriTLK. n nvcszu bvs-a fcerfui shea v&g .i u.rm. Ferfert :y &Aie zr- e tare axi mm mram :v err tt lur.L'i pr1c ef these bair.ifui ii-et n.r maAa there prernr rea- aaaahie iactid .rriy tall alXUrtU mvom mt ti. t-iC"t cuai:ty. maoe by tr, lat ent aad Biiiat iricuctl jr"cs cf Biatruiartura They S"iTe ereT-Iajcuac wear otu y tilt (trnn sidsis sosr BATItaJCT B TtKJW ktwwlt t.;f iLim wiu wiaader at ccr pr" fa t.-ie elffart pattrma "W aeii U.m at rui.y lit m .ea tkAa th 0a price Ctr price ieuT woven at CO "J Hotmt FhtsI- JO, J e Ca, oaiy eft tt tiese bair-.ifui 515.00 BTfwS ef e,e toe b tr. iat- $17.50 Xiiiir I It - S26J50 psia einiti TOW Most exT-eruy e tr.te 1 Mortens oeirii, oria-taal and excjusite- amir raaj ta bi 1 Cimah. mora per oaiy -36.30 Hake Big Money Riiicg Street Cars Board aar Ojaia cat. aak for a traiAler to may Scatb OxtU car at 3 pet c-H dt 2 4 lb aAd L atresia, rtg-fct tx frost cf ocr .ere. ia 5cta JDsaAa That's taa Wat- to c.ak.s coney riiiag on street cati asd tie raotier. too. Wt : eTeryti-laj on &a BTerare of 19 per oe&l below OsaXb far&itarc ar.ore price. Oar rst cf tt way Vo caiiom aad coaaentx.t lifrtt oprm.tlrc expect- tbia, job know. We cn all ,Ter These Prices Are Not for One Day Only -But Apply Every Day HOME FURNITURE CO., 24s'.hXdoil" INSANE EOY RETURNS KOMEI Italy by tbe 1 Be se-at BacA ta laaaaiaaratlasi Casiatajiaa a . L.aii. -U iXI Osiaeppe Itariaa ,iartBVj. the l-year-oid T'T bey who becazae iasaoe throth Bfimrsickaeat tcrr tua some aad faa-i.y ia 1-Laiy, wlH soun be seat back ts bis tatrre laad. Tbe ma tter kaa been tabea m charge by th laiaucratoa oumzniaauS at St. Lods nA arrargamrata are beiax Biao twr bis retstra. The lad cams to Antenca one year aco. in 2 a-J. lDUk, aaJ cuaed bia faxher la Omaha, Ka wsrkad far several moaths as a railroad laborer with tie father, bat the roarh work aad kmeiy life made him luaf for ba bom aad aja brothers aad sittrrt is Italy. Ha grief fiaaDy drove aim r ft be was tsAea oader ctaree af the eouaty BBthoriries, Uaraaal alayea BVeraraa Cawea Cai. ! aa arttbi Baa taHI arttti BeatAaaT Maaaaaat CaaaBaay. I Ueateaaat Eays retBraaw maramc from Cbicac wrra Jaawa. th yruoaer charxed with Tharaday 1 atmc b trass tba J. F. Jmtamm Jtinmmeat I Bails. I aad Graatte works, iaatmm Xaay peccbar requests are mad ef rhe buformaxioB bareas at the Taioa stsruia, bot tbe peroea ia charge baa biii iwum so bardeaed ta reeerrb&c a demand far a hair pta or a ahtfeoora, or aotne sack thji. that be is fajaed tar sad wte for bia pa uaaee. a aich bas that of Jo af th istsaa htstary beat by tar. But Thnrsdar aora to$ the eterk ia chmrsw recerred eaa which b thouht she&ld cat the bia riobaa fr th KM foa'.iaib quas-wa A biC buaky cooatry bvi stood at th iittie wiadew aad Tery caaciy slaved if they wouid be aa kiad as as let turn have a Bail or ta aad th bos ef a "rr for a Short tun. After th clerk reoorerad from tu first shack ba asked what m the world b waated to da with a hammer to a statiua where aJt -as steal aad noa. la tbe rather rafsa eTji4iTarims waacb foj iewed X was Socad thai a aci'.-j had brokaa eaea aad tha Mruy way b kaew t a srvaea bos aaa with a ---r ( CCLEliA!. IKQ'JEST FRIDAY HAF.RiNaTCJt AGA:?aST ERYA.VS LATEST PLAJ. ; CORN IB pottos oeta-t aader the charr. Ha de auuaded a prettmmary beartnc pieaatr aot gu2xj, aad the beariaa was act for Saturday. T" embesxicisnit is alVeced ta bav oc r uriard Jsae t. Jciaaa' bead was xed at Weald Pat a Caaalf Opti aa fWat ta the Pe-ia i rira.tte M. F. Harrictr-fa t O NJ1 wat rara ten at th Paxtna yesteraay. lie refaavd ta diat-uaa ti atatta;it of W. J. Brraa aach.aaT the to-.orrair til ottsary te-ai ;.t en furthrr thaa t eay: -J4 - Errax tt& B-yae-f ara ar pr LBi frifcatU. aad as I fl aot be draaa ttto ary a---iett. Ta;a asuo I wiJ aay. uit-jsrt.. t-.i a m.,i.4 th aawcraj aad puf'ccaAs that I hai- raft, is th dlemcta a hrr ay amiTiaoa taaa aue box ace aaa yet (XlafaaMrd feiaiaur ta tavor ef ptix a caary np a paias ia tae state piat tarm. ef taeaa ar tbr taa thiac pcr at'eax.;. but tt rj u auc aal ta pat a ata-'atiua tavrc ts ia taa ptaiiraa. a tar aa caa be . Jrr-4 cexr, I d bm( Ia,) a cuaaty iwcaa n pA&a tu M j RECDFTS ARE HEAVY la laya I rttaaas tee Tbaa d a law. Kaoevts et eora br the Otaata Gram carhaace are the bu-rest far tfcja tai cf ytur ta the baMary ef tbe exrhaagc la th last ara days. Sa cars of cura bar eaene ia as aya SET ia tts era-reepoadiBC tiaaa last year. Tu emenmt of eora eeat ia b- beea r. surprise ta a flrtt assay (rata scea amcaaal at lotAed ta aaa a bit" taiisif atf la rertupts at tu ead ef Jane aad ta first part ef JiuT It Si mry Aeat that ti eocatry diatricta bare bees hntitiTif saoro Boat ar ta th crowd acTstad t try tie Ja of a piece ef tame ea tta ttCBi-ed travaliac oas sad th avd aaid. A3 r-ht. Tm a sport aad w-Clin ta try aay enjr way af mil aaythtac KEW RUUK3 FOR CARRIERS rtaa Enint EM-rtae Hea bp mate Taey Mai Starriw Ta fivkoe-me' suarra- bceasas were a-4 t-oay : i.a ai r.raeat bt 1 May Maujxa, Rerl T. Lour. bL-aafiapWia If 1 1 lU Iffactrra TtMsilay. a ae-w ruiiac aeat brtt effect lawns' the letter carrtcra af Omeaa aad other crLica Heretuf are. Khder the etcttt-bwr law. whenreer a caLms bap peaed ts be wfeea turn might boars wert to. there be citl aad earned back ta ta aaia office axy BvaJl yet aaeeiivercd. Tata a-atJB iiw,tim prova vary ns aaxtsf utury. as carriers aoaoeumea brvcht Jt a ff:d Caai af mai2 that laid over uatil aczt cay. TU depertS2at bas bv maii a raltxc tba. wtU camara ahaJl Bet be , aiwaed to work Bora tbaa tatfTy-erot hevxa a Bees, aa i.&a days they may be toft erf ait stx bcurs work aad oa Ta Balbrt Weaadi ta Vrtat sVataver Weaaava taaa Ttaae. ac Lala JCewmaa. the a-sereas mho was shot throuch tba arjci by -Bsis-er- J arises e-hea tbe latter abet Hate Ceieciaa 'ia dtaLh -VedKeBdAy. was ahie ta leare St. J:eph's liieritTii Tharaday aaom,a. Th wamaa wl reaaia tb as of her baads ia a abort t It is reported, bm wiU sufter eaiy tha dAf3rurmec:t of both tojiu-ed hana. Tb tBQtieet tote tha itttata of Cwtriaa J1 be held Fridaj. H ife May JTEW TOX. Jry 4. Tb Warjd wOi aay tomorrow it aaa retla ie mf jrmatiua aaat fiaira frily Gtntla. who divorced Fraak 3. Goiad to May. aa. win be mar ried Jaiy li ts Baipb Thoraas. a aepbew cf TTashiaarua. Tbocaaa. prMiuiem ef tu Amerieaa Bogmr rHt,irg oempasy. it TfSjfTI, A 0 IT A T1 'TP 1 1 1 i t r at at 1.11 Chaucer Ata a t-' tiraarb aaa 1 ver Tatiat 1 wl braoe ap Ch aereea. aaaiaa aaA head ache, preveat oekpuadeacy aad iavifurata aj Kara, aua ty a Baatreal aad A ventabia -t,t"1 de luxe wr,g rail road pamiihieie bas bona uumed by the Graad TratA aay fysusm to proclaim . - -.r turits tu sieries ef tu cniea ef M.tfBtreiLl aad wucUc TU prochhre is t-auifuiiy prmxed aad at-r, arraased ta tbt aruatie acy in if earher cays, aaa I taa eraaairctaLiuB ef a v&.ixae was Tm- (u-tt as aa jaodent ts its rtp riiaBTaTia or roaAx scatier. It ( aa bvtaraetms: deacnjxjuiB ef tu tws muet laiereauiaC cSJes ta Car aaa wrtb niexy iliBetrarjeu tram tvaowraHta eeat tree to aay aareea. Appiy ta W. . CskAsua. tS atcrrtiaata Leaa A Trutft Lui.ri 71. Cav acja tay, it mi a bacy one. they taay be 1 w . , , laull . X I bj . , , . I R obert T. LAHaOfr. BL.aaatMi Mr. Marra-ioa iuud u did But beiarv Tz ""T - w..,. f- a oooid ariend tu stats ctaietitfcjyi bJB- I j j-e H. t'uja, Or-wau. A Ii a I ae", -aiiaoua-a I aaud Tory Baca bat , s tMU A fwm uiaU ba I La." be aiited. j laiajat -Waa a I - I Hijtj Varwa. Cbam . , , samaraa art. j TTr Ci-pita, Omeaa T. Caiaeriu J rw, uoaaaa E-a. exk OtaAt, r ii a axuta uaaaaa h . . aasy j persisted ta aork tea L-ura- Ar I .Feacaiaaier Tbiana a Wietea tha tin -4 w21 work Tery auch ta ta a cf LU Ca patraae -aha off it. A tt n An of saaiana, e- er raatreeueat aad tudory Lrwatua. is taa J cured ty aectrtc a.) ta. a-uajt ai ead reaaedy. aiet. For aaj kr ..Jhmum Lsn-4 Ca B'Cab a CWa A C tw. a H. laitn at M. btiMC - aaauca. a. Van the STnewam talis ts teactiuGS, tu beweis berome derBa. the L'r aad tu Aidaeys caaeresed, catAa .tutu a Tbe aaadnach aad lnr nut be revtured ta a baa.thy rreadxiae CUSBberuLia's Btamawb aad Liver TaaieLS caa be depaaded opua ta de Jr. ke aad tier effect!, Suad by 3 J 1M HFATER a Modern Necessity The water gets all the heat; the kitchen none Connected to the kitchen boiler it is independent of the range Strike a match and in a little while you have an ample supply of Hot Water anywhere in the house So Price, connected, $10.00 OMAHA GAS COMPANY COTO COUE C5DER E05D y -ai Xuy ICtxiiaff Hat Tretll witi CtltfiSa Offidala. llnia aad Fxtbs Jaae Lackita. boy; A -ex T. Xeiaon. STia Ta-ka-. g-rL. Lj.iA vteriri, Ter-ij-s-rtA and TeaaiW "n. irt luariia Finra A. F ,u. iiJ Laavervutta. 1 imj , K. V. Lraa. aii. NitU iruu. - yewa, lowrt A-. t-i.aut. IK' Lt-ut. 1. jaara. I fceudur. iJaiie. TunTy-ft.ana h.z-& iajd aiete: btr T. T. Lic. Trxiy-i I'.turta aaa ti-aad ua-maMt: Mrs. btmry I War i.a-i lG a-i. e ji..tu. ytara. j i.ismrjm if. tia-ry, r ute Tun- j f-ji eaeua. 3 ?r. Hra. Ter Ber-e, jata A. tarwn, Bouts SEZ a S AI ACT2XSS irauud ta sraar ta ctatvoert ih orchestra ef waich L-r. to Orraaa axbsr boud ta U receivad by rae euataans affjoen her. Aride from tU uakaatait dock grwitg aad a pieaatrter eae by the ew Turk re porters r-he sfhted bar aame a tae at: s peer--nr bet aad baannigtet aater- tl niictwiiff cxpreaaes aroat stag AairtTea Beea TbaawAay Ma IB 1U tac ta aaa Maate Taw Beteew Rafarmles. bas tr tt a piaee ka the paas ef Mary Macaeff. tee COkU etaaer ' a urn baa iuaraiiy ratkjted '.jr a a the j li.'ripaa ctert ba.Sk aad be returned trjs miirtar-x to spend tu natne with n-r aajtaer. Mra A bt MtaeWf. to f-tut e-..-'-.t. fee- i' G r-aaat. 1 vur is ttt eurtry Cti fill, ber f rt m T'm Maa-V-rjji. aad.jt. SJC. .'.i:t.t ( ooioitry. Ttss tcwr. waich ia pabu Fatu btju an. FoiiT-irfc 1 bar laoclxr wiS Baiiaainry be a A.--lMaee axS sua. a. e w. J. ,. . , , . . . . (Vjt . . jt ar u. ina ana. ao u m Jaauary lor wtth th Cuaea is Ia returaa ta bar amtiv laad K:aa Muachoff ttA taaaoe was f3roefuT.y tm praseed by tU rustams bouse raiiacs Bud m a auimdersLa&a about stait '-uf her swat xtaed th iaa4aaat etmrua, wtch I Paw-e at ber.c aotu acaia ts Ciau. airta7 iacaAea so suaat' af tU great aiac- : U arr-rtd ta New Tork Ja:y t. "a teeuax eta aad which aaacs so toati!y tU aa-1 ' HUiV. uaA I bad ts iead ttuee hfekrs rra-a af tU preaect methud af aprauia; ; tu iKVA ttf Aecaa fusaiac about my tu ssu wtiijf ax sues a aeceesary pan iuar i v A c " Cu stappea ia fcui uf a ataaer's wardruba. : a-e f. 1). tatt aad arrtved to Osasaa . . . j "."buraevtif" Uimng. . ' -- WUl-M'. M-4 It teas," said M-iss MAacaaff. -that tier ia eome tmi of a aea kt which puts a Lity trjma theatrical ffiiasA Tu mspectar raoavat msl ef seme ef ary fir urn aad bairavise taay bad tnmmlaca -.hat sparkled j-T.pod ta tu caalaaic uat tay aera theatrical fuata of atHo-st taey ar liot. 1 eaaiajaed that ta baa. bet i a araii. lie Lara, tm aaid. a tbeatnea. faet wtMU be asa oba.- Tie atterar a a beipieea lK'Je sura as taeuch t aa, mat cuawd I dT" btAwever, aaa abd bad .1B to a.swr1 Urn mad set- free "Luc. a." --arj snrg fraea 'IVezwe aad iuitet. aria trust tU "iiarher of Br;r, aad L Hirt aaf caxa Fraea' .. uerU. Sdiiaane tnada ba entry rt'm arr-aoe Bertta reoet-Cy. aays sat al.r. eauff It aaa at th btru.dy etuearau a tt Fratt. rpace, tbe aeii bava sop tar. It was a gtxirmg of artists raui oua aad literary dentil, aad iiiAeu ita prwte&ted ta tts profsenr was re ceived waA bvod earitTiierwiaa ef appr. t