Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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'Hie omaha Daily Her
Entered At 'Omaha postoflic (eaond
elass matter.
rlly fce (including fun. lay;, per week. lie
lJRily kit 9 (witl uiu H.injay;, per Week. ..I'M
1'Miiy bi Iwtthuui rumln), on yaar.M -tw
Daily Uwj and tMiutJUy, on year .W
Evening lin (without Sunday), per wreK.ttc
Evening tie wrn Sunday;, per k..lvu
hunuay tie, una year
baturday Bee, one year
Adiiiuaa all cunipiainia of irregularities in
delivery ta City Circulation Iepartnint.
Omaha Tha ! Ku.iuing.
bouin prnana Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Uluri-lo Kcott HtreeL
Lltiuolii618 L,ittie Building.
Chicago lit MaiqutUte building.
New k ora ttnoms llul-llitf iNo. 34 West
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Commun. cations relating to new and
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Remit by dralt, exprets or postal order
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Slate of Nebiafka. IHsugiiia county,
Oeorgn B. Tsavnuuk, ttmiunf of The
Beo I'ublishlng Company. being duly "Worn,
says tnat the actual number of full and
complete . cop lee of The Oaily. Mrnlnff,
Kvfiilng and Sundav He printed during the
aioiith of June, law, was as follows:
1 43.700 IS
1 44J50
1 43,730
4 ..44,190
.i 41,650
7. ....... ',.'.43,700
I. ....43,830
B. ........ .44,000
10., .43,980
11 44,420
17 ,
,. ,46,030
. . .46,000
It. .
... .44,400
SO.. 44380
Returned Copies
Net Total
Vially Average - . .
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this SOth day of June, 1910.
...'. Notary Public i
Subscribers leaving; the) city tem
porarily afcald Stave The Bee
mailed to tbem. Addressee will be
cbanned a often as requested.
By the way, has anybody seen Hal
ley's comet?
To auto speeders: Slow
avoid the consequences.
up and
Thus far "Uncle Joe" has not com
plained of the' high cost of tobacco.
Those peculiar signs of lugubratlon
must emanate from the vicinity of
Edgar Howard.
Thus far the imprisoned St. Louis
man with three wives has made no ef
fort to break jail.
: " Thomas E. Watson of Georgia says
' hla. hps ate sosjed. J Mr- ' Watson
trying Yo' tie" f utfrty t
Having reduced the Fourth to an ap
preciable degree of sanity, New York
might now tackle Wall street.
What we all want to know is, Who
Is that Harvard graduate who said he
would challenge Jack Johnson?
The moving picture folks are also
getting a lot of free advertising, which
they will doubtless cash . in. later.
For some unexplainable reason Mr.
Bryan does not say just what hap
pened to Associate Editor Metcalfe.
In all this talk about a record
breaking crop of June bridea we have
not heard a word about the grooms.
Things are looking up in Nebraska
democratic circles. This ought to be
a good year for stings of ingratitude.
A prise fighter at 35 may be all in,
but old man Diaz at 80 Is able to whip
the, best man they can bring against
James A. Patten has again retired,
but before doing so he thoughtfully
tucked away $10,000,000 to tide him
over. '
As soon as Mr. Bryan decides what
he will run for next time many, of his
whilom supporters will be much re
But the inside gambler did not lose.
He kept up the odds on poor old
"Jeff" and planted nis money on
We speak for, slice of the moving
picture concession when that Joint de
bate between "Tom" Blackburn and
Judge Sutton Is pulled off.
"Fighting for fair has -been re
vived as a popular expression out In
San Francisco, since it undertook to
land the Panama exposition.
Eighty-seven la every on hundred
Canadian' farmers own their own
farms, but statistics do not tell how
many of these Canadian farmers used
to be American farmers.
It seems that Lincoln saved Its
sewer bonds quite accidentally In spite
of the "wet victory" at Its recent
special election. Of course, that puts
another color on the situation.
The Baltimore Sun fears that if San
Francisco gets the exposition It will
be run by1 the Reufs and Schmidts. It
probably forgeta that Mlsther Mc
Carthy 1 still mayor of "my town."
South Omaha evldeutly does not
care how it spends Its money so long
as it has reason to expect Omaha to
pay otf after annexation tha debts
South Omaha creates before taking,
Democratio Uncertainty.
While a short time ago democratic
organs and orators were vociferously
proclaiming that a democratic victory
In the fall elections this year were al
ready assured, it Is noticeable that
even those of them who are still re
peating this formula, apparently to
keep their courage tip. betray a note
of uncertainty that is unmistakable.
Democrats who professed themselves
cocksure that the next houBe of rep-
resentatlves would have an over-i
whelming democratic majority and
boldly talked about capturing both
houses of congress are drawing In
their horns and telling what the party
must do to be saved.
Most significant among the aval
anche of authoritative advice to dem
ocrats la that offered by Chairman
Mack of the democratic national com
mittee, who In a call to arms declares:
Some democrats have assumed that the
democracy can win this year, entirely
and alone, on the record of inefficiency
and corruption trailed out by republican
officials, and, while the disgust of the
people is widespread and pronounced, It
Is also true that conditions are rapidly
changing throughout the country and a
party must offer something more than
the mere failure of the opposition to war
rant success. It must have an aggres
sively popular program of its own, and
candidates who are affirmatively a
pledge of good government.
Of course, Chairman Mack is san
guine and expectant, but his exuber
ance is disclosed to be of hair's breadth
thickness. If the democracy must, in
order to win, have "an aggressively
popular program" of its own and
candidates who are more than mere
negatives, no one knows better than
the national chairman that the condi
tions of democratio victory are want
ing and cannot be made up.
When the democrats rail against
the tariff they will be reminded that
they by their votes helped to make the
very schedules that are least satis
factory and that they were absolutely
unfcble to frame a substitute bill
which could command the united sup
port of the democratic members.
When the democrats seek to belittle
the fine record of progressive leglsla
tlon of the closed session they will
have to admit that the most important
measures were put through over dem
ocratic opposition even when, as in the
case of postal savings, they were com
mitted to it by their own democratic
platform pledges.
In view of all the existing condi
tions, well may Chairman Mack warn
the faithful that the elements upon
which they have been counting may
find expression in a "wasteful third
party" unless "the democracy proves
worthy of if! by "the elimination of
bossism or clique domination." Chair
man Mack sees plainly enough that
the republican party Is still, as it has
always been, the only political organ
ization to which the progressive forces
of the nation'can turn for real reform
legislation and effective energetic ad
ministration, and tnat the prospects
of the democratic party depend wholly
upon making a pretense of newly ac
quired virtue and deluding the people
into accepting
this pretense aj
Settling the Northwest.
The government will throw open to
homestead 600,000 ' acres of land in
Montana July 19 and each person who
files may secure 320 acres, thus pro-
viding new homes for 1,875 settlers
and their families.
This is a very small opening as com
pared with others made and to be
made by the government, but it is an
important one, nevertheless, for It not
only affords entry to some choice
agricultural land in a great and grow
ing state and country, but indicates
the wise policy of our government to
provide new homes for people with the
means and will to obtain them Just
aa rapidly as conditions permit This
land lies immediately north of the new
Puget Sound railroad In a section of
the northwest where the precipitation
is said to be ample and soil fertile
Uncle Sam Is in the business of help
ing the people to build up this empire
of the West and placing at their dls
posal magnificent facilities with which
to begin their enterprise.
While critics of the administration
are engaged in splitting hairs on the
technicalities of conservation policies,
the president Is proceeding, with every
facility at bis command, to lay the cor
nerstones for developing the resources
of the west by throwing open home
stead land, the simplest way, after all,
to build up a new country. This is
praotlcal statesmanship under a prac
tical government.
Growth of the South.
According to advance figures on the
census, the greatest percentage of
growth in population of the United
States in the last ten years is disclosed
In the south sixteen states, including
Missouri and Oklahoma. The percent
age of increase there Is 21, while in
the northern states It Js 18 Vs.
The north aa well as the south may
well afford to applaud this showing,
for It simply indicates that aa a nation
we are becoming more closely knit to
gether and are busying ourselves with
the work of developing resources too
long dormant for lack of energy and
enterprise. Countries grow In popu
lation when they grow in wealth and
Industry and that is the secret of the
south's advance.
This advance is the more notable
when we understand that It Is mostly
from within bur own borders, that it
Is due only in slight degree to foreign
Immigration. With all the flood tide
of aliens that has been pouring into
our gates comparatively little of It has
drifted below Mason and Dixon's line
But from bow on this probably will be
different, for as new Industrial centers
open up immigrants seeking employ
ment will follow and also many of the
foreigners who come to this country
with money to Invest will soon be go
ing south to share iu the benefits of
the agricultural awakening down there
where good land is available for small
prices. The south as well as the west
needs ne farmers and it seeds new
farm hands. Just as much, if not more,
than It needs factory and mill labor
and it offers good Inducements to the
right sort of material
If these statistics now available
may be relied upon the total popula
tion of Dixie today is about 34.000,
000. What a magnificent growth in
fifty years! In 1860 its population
was 10,000,000, of which 4,000,000
were blacks. It has more than trebled
Itself in a half century. After we
have got through being impressed with
the industrial aspect of the picture it
would do no harm to turn and look
at its political significance a splendid
tribute, Indeed, to the work that was
wrought out from 1S61 to 1865.
The glory of the New South is that
its light spreads beyond the line that
marked the sections half a century
ago, burning out the old prejudjee
everywhere to make room for the
spirit of peace and progress.
Proof of the Pudding,
In the last few years we have heard
a great deal from certain quarters
about what is called "hostile legisla
tion" legislation, In other words, sup
posed to be Inimical to big business
interests, The outcry was raised
throughout the Roosevelt admlnlstra-
tion and has been continued under the
Taft regime. In the meantime, with
this adverse comment going on, the
country has continued to multiply Its
sources of wealth and to enjoy the
greatest degree of prosperity It has
ever known. If prosperity is the
product of legislation, then we must
conclude that we have been having a
rather good brand of legislation and
that the term hostile legislation is
An anti-Taft newspaper recently
said that "nearly all the legislation
enacted by congress since the Taft ad
ministration began has been of this
so-called hostile character," and In the
same editorial that paper commented
on the fact that not only Individuals
and private business, but the govern
ment, as a whole, has made most rapid
and- remarkable gains financially, the
government's -being so great that in
one year its official deficit falls from
$118,000,000 to $25,000,000, a show
ing unequalled in the history of the
The import of all this Is the proof
positive it affords that the general run
of laws lately enacted are not, In fact
hostile or Inimical to Interests, large
or small. To preach or teach or pub
lish such misinformation is most mis
chievous In its ultimate, influence, sub
versive of the highest respect for law
and those charged with its admlnlstra
tlon and conducive to a form of die
content which we can ill afford to fos-
ter. The logic of events has refuted
the assertion that congress la engaged
in enacting "hostile legislation," but
patent as this la to the thinking mind
it carries us sinister power to the
thoughtless. The economic situation
may be far from perfect but it has
been steadily and vastly Improved and
I the drift of legislation is all for fur
ther betterment.
Misquoting Eoosevelt ,
When Colonel RooBevelt sfarted on
his tour abroad he took the precaution
to forestall fake Interviews by an-
rcuaclng that anything ascribed
nim but not bearing his signature
should be discredited as spurious and
Bince returning home he has made
similar announcement. Much as we may
regret the conditions tnat seem to com
pel such a course by an ex-president,
the necessity Is there just the same,
and Colonel Roosevelt has acted with
wise foresight. , ,
it is strange that anyone should
presume to speak for Theodore Roose
velt, for he has been In the habit of
defining himself quite clearly and the
people have never had to wonder long
where he stood on any public Issue or
question of moment. Those who have
recently been misquoting him in their
seal to enlist his Influence for a par
ticular cause must appreciate by now
that they do themselves no good,
each case, beginning with the fake
cable from over the ocean that he had
become embittered against President
Taft, Mr. Roosevelt has In his own
way effectually exposed the counter
feiters. Scarcely bad the enemies of
the New York primary election bill
sot their canard aired until the former
president came out with his letter en
.i , . , . . , . .
uuibius iuo primary diu ana even
more impressive is his denial of the
report that be had championed the
candidacy of favored candidates for
the United States senate. Colonel
Roosevelt Insists he is taking abso
lutely no part In factional or local con
tests. ,
It is but natural that old political
friends and party leaders should want
to meet and talk with the former pres
ident, but it will be safe to let Colonel
Roosevelt make every announcement
as to his attitude toward political lead
ers and Issues and nothing is to be
gained by trying to misstate his posi
tion beforehand.
Ana sun, tne primary law pre
scribes a penalty for anyone who gets
signatures to a nomination petition
and then refuses or neglects to Ale it
with the proper authority. The only
place where those petitions, asking
that Mr. Bryan'a nam a be put on the
primary ballot as candidate for United
States senator, can legally stop is in
the secretary of state's office, irrespec
tive of the intention or wishes of the
person named
The right of the city to compel the
railroads to construct viaducts over
their tracks at street intersections has
gain been vindicated in the courts.
This thing was fought to a finish clear
up to the United States supreme court
early twenty yeara ago, and Omaha
won out. it is a trine jate for any
railroad to question the authority of
the city In this connection at this late
One thing is Imperatively demanded
to relieve the paving situation in
Omaha for the future. The specifica
tions for brick paving should simply
prescribe the test without permitting
a monopoly for any one make of pav
ing brick. It is evident that the fine
Italian hand of the paving contractors
has had altogether too free scope In
making the law under which they are
The Water board demands the top-
notch limit of money which the char
ter permits it to take out of the prop
erty owners In the form of taxes. We
thought the board promised to reduce
taxes as soon as It got hold of the
Colonel Roosevelt says he Is paying
out $5,000 a year In postage as a pen
alty for having been president. And
yet we ask if we-should pension our
ex-presidents. At any rate, we should
not fine them.
Fate Works (or Time.'
Washington Star.
It would seem as If Fat were on the
side of delay in those great cases before
the supreme court.
Inhaled Cheer.
Indianapolis News.
Inasmuch as the Interstate Commerce
commission has refused to reduce tha
freight rates on hay. It Is unlikely that
there will be any decrease In the price of
breakfast food.
Stimulating; Sportlaa Inatl
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Pay as you land" airships might be more
popular than those collecting for tickets in
advance. The possibility of a free rid to
the next. world would arouse the sporting
Instincts of the speculatively Inclined.
Hear, and Heed Not.
Baltimore American.
, A peculiar thing about the American pro
pie is they are willing to listen to advice,
but they do aa they please no matter how
great the man who gives the advice. It Is
unnecessary to particularize. The rule al
ways holds good in Independent America.
Sapplytma a Lon Kelt) Want.
Chicago Record-Herald.
On of the inventors has perfected a
basket fender for automobiles. It Is In
tended to pick up people who happen to
be in front of the oncoming vehicle, but
the Inventor fall to put forth the claim
that It will nut; muss the clothes of the
pedestrians who, are, whisked from their
feet. .
War Veterans In th Senate.
, Boston Transcript.
' By the deaths of McEnery and Daniel the
nunrner oi ex-conieaerates in tne senate Is
reduced to six. There are eight senators
who may be reckoned as union veterans,
without counting Bradley of Kentucky,
whose father took htm out of the ranks
before he could get to the front. This in
Btance of parental feeling prevailing over
patriotism Is' set forth in Senator Bradley's
biography. Senator Dupont, who served In
tha regular army throughout the civil war,
Is a West Point graduate. So ia Senator
Brlggs, who was born to late to acquire
war record. Most of the veterans of both
sides are' in the late sixties or early sev
enties, but It may ba years before the
name of tha last senator who saw service
In the civil war is Btrlcken from the senate
roll. It Is less than twenty years since
the last survivor of the British officers at
Waterloo died.
"On Booker- Washington Worth
Million Johnsons." -
I Indianapolis News.
Fairness the negroes compels the state
ment that all the talk about the fight as
a struggle for race supremacy came from
the white men. As far as w know no
colored man mad this silly assertion.
Johnson himself said that it was simply
battle between two men, which, of course
la all It was. Jeffries, on tha other hand
insisted that h would never have consent od
to fight had it not been that he felt that
tho world ought to have a whit cham
pion, and in Ms post-fight statement h
makes this point very strongly. The wholo
theory was nonsense, but it Is nonsense for
which the black people were In no way re
sponsible. What wonder is it that some
of them cam to accept tha whit view, and
to oelebrata the triumph of Johnson aa
victory for their raceT
Tho whit men who seriously argued
that tha honor of their race was in any
way at issue In a battle between two great
brulsar war themselves guilty of dis
honoring their race. Jefferles did not fight
for his race, but for a big purse, and tils
share of the proceeds of the moving pic
ture show. Ha was not a representative,
not a champion. Nor was Johnson. One
Booker Washington la worth millions of
Jack Johnsons. Both races ought to be
and we have no doubt are, proud to ba re
presented by their beat personalities. To
say that cither was so represented at Reno
la to say what la preposterously false.
July a, mo.
John D. Rockefeller, America' richest
man, waa born July 8, 1S3 at Rlchford,
N. T. He started out as a clerk in
commission bous in Cleveland, later go
ing Into the oil business and organliln,
the Standard Oil company. He has given
away In the neighborhood of 100,000,000 to
charitable and educational Institutions.
Benjamin I Wlnchell, railway man, now
at tha bead of th Frlsoo system and for
merly president of th Rock Island, Js 62
today. II was born at Palmyra, Mo,
and worked his way up the railroad ladder
from th bottom, and ha visited In Omaha
several time.
C. 8. Hay ward, the shoe man, was born
July K UC7. at West Acton, Mass. He hat
bn president of th Commercial club
and also member of th school board
Prank B, Burchmor. general agent of
th Connecticut Mutual til Insurance
company. I an Omaha boy, born here
thirty-nine yeara ago. He went through
the Omaha High school and then went
Into the First National bank, becoming
associated with th Connecticut Mutual
In 190L and It general agent at Omaha
sine 1303.
i Our Birthday Book
Nation's High Court
Continent a the Death of
Chief Jnstlo rmllsr and th
Appointment of Sis uocasaor
Dlsla-lhla- Hanlltlea.
Chicago Tribune.
Justice Fuller will not go down In the
history of th aupram court as one of It
great Judges, but his service has been
marked by Industry, earnestness and that
wis conservatism which in a member of
th mm powerful tribunal on earth Is a
most desirable quality.
Mo Taint of Partisanship.
St. Louis Republic
A statesmttn of keen discernment Indls-
solubly wedded to the principles of dem
ocratio government Inculcated tn his youth.
never In his whole career did h stoop tu
the ure of political art to aid his ad-
ancement, nor was his long and honorable
term aa chief Justice ever tainted by th
smirch of psrtlHan prejudice.
A Man for th Place.
New York World.
Should Mr. Taft now make Mr. Hughes
chief Justice Instead of associate Juatlc
the appointment would be greeted with all
the manifestations of public approval that
followed the original nomination. There
would be general satisfaction that this
greatest of legal tribunals la to have a
Its presiding Justice a man who has demon
strated his fitness for any office of public
trust, who has proved his sympathy with
the court's best traditions and loftiest
President Taft'a Responsibility.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Of all the responsibilities that have fallen
upon President Tart there is none com
parable In its lasting Importance with what
Is likely to amount almoot to a reconstl
tutlon of the membership of the supreme
court. He has already filled the vacancies
caused by th death of Justice Peckham
and of Justice Brewer; the retirement of
Justice 'Moody Is expected to make an
other vacancy, and now it is for him, with
the advice and consent of th senate, to
select th successor to Jay, Marshall,
Taney", Wait and Fuller. One more va
cancy, which Is almost Inevitable in the
near future, will make a majority of the
court of his appointment.
Moorned and Honored.
Cleveland Leader.
The nation has lost a wise, conscientious
and self-sacrificing public servant. He goes
to his grave mourned and honored. But
the manner In which he would have his
taking away regarded is shown by hi own
words, uttered twenty years ago, when the
centenary of the supreme court was cele
brated. Judges will be appointed," he said, "and
will pass. One generation rapidly suc
ceeds another. But, whoever comes and
whoever goes, the court remains, keeping
alive, through many centuries w shall not
see, th light that burns with a constant
radiance upon the high altar of American
constitutional Justice."
Early Environment.
Baltimore American.
Chief Justice Fuller In early life was a
staunch supporter of Douglas, while de
moted to th Interests of the nation aa such.
He represented th old school of politics
and when he passed from the arena of
th strenuous cltlset. to th place of abso
lute Judicial impartiality he reflected great
credit upon the appointing power by the
acumen and tho Insight be displayed. His
power to command the respect and In later
life the veneration of his colleagues, his
patriarchal aspict were factors In his Indi
vidual impress none ' the less Interesting
than his commanding intellect' and his
breadth of sanity.
Rccaatlnsr. the HIah Oonrt.
Fate is hastening the fulfillment of one
of the campaign claims of 1908, that the
president then selected would have the task
of remaking the supreme court Apparently
It will soon be a Taft bench.
First came the death of Justice Peckham,
to succeed whom Justice Lurton was ap
pointed. Then the death of Justice Brewer
made a place for Mr. Hughes. Now the
death of Chief Justice Fuller makes a
third appointment necessary.. The prao
tlcal retirement of Justice Moody fore
shadows a fourth early appointment.
And Mr. Taft has been preslde.nt six
teen months! He has thirty-two months
yet to serve on his first term; one ap
pointment more than at present clearly
foreseen will make a majority of the court
Taft appointees.
Death Make for Delay.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
It had become doubtful before whether
the great trust cases, ana tne corporation
income tax case, could be reheard by the
United States supreme court as early as
next November, to which time they have
been assigned. Tha death of Chief Jus
tlce Fuller now makes it practically cer
tain that they must be further postponed
for the present postponement was dictated
In part at least by tha desire that a full
bench should sit In causes of such great
magnitude, and unless the president should
call the Ben ate in extra session befor De
cember to confirm appointment In succes
sion to tha chief Justice and Justloo Moody,
who may retire at any time, there could
not be a full bench with all members qual
ified both by appointment and confirma
tion. It will doubtless b well along Into
next year befor these great cases are
disposed of.
t Chances in HI Tim.
Philadelphia Record.
Since 1888, when Chief Justice Fuller
ascended th bench, th commercial system
of the country has been recast by the ag
gregation of capital in tho vaat transpor
tation and manufacturing enterprises, and
by th efforts of congresa to meet new
condition by new regulations for th pro
tection of the publlo. Interest. The Cullom
law was passed the year befor Mr. Fuller
joined th court, and the Sherman law
two yeara after ha Joined It. Thece laws
and others Incidental to them Indicated
a radical change In th attltuda of the
government toward business, and this
change, aa expressed In statutes, had to
b construed and applied by th great
court, ovar which Chief Juatlc Fuller pre
sided. Th decisions that th Income tax
waa unconstitutional; that labor unions,
as in the Dan bury Hat case, war amenable
to th Sherman law; that th state of
Pennsylvania could not tax Interstate mes
aagea, and that a state could not Interfere
with original package shipped Into It oven
though the package contained liquor and
tha state had a prohibitory law, were the
work of the chief Justice, himself.
A Strict Constrnetlonlat.
New York Tribune.
In the court h represented a survival
of the repressive strict construction notions
of Taney, which had been swept aside by
th rising sentiment of nationalism. H was
nearly always to be found In bis Judgments
on th a'd generally tha minority which
wanted to restrain congress in th us of
power not explicitly granted In th con
stltutlon. Two typical Instancca of his at
Utude are furnished In hi dissent from
th Insular cass decisions, and th decis
ion dissolving th Northern Vecuiitles mer-
ger. He exercised a reiratlv rather than
a positive force In constitutional Interpre
tation. But even In a court the attitude of
a minority ought to be felt, and that duty
fell appropriately to the chief Justice, who
lucidly explained th opposition's reasons
for attacking decision which marked the
steady progress of nationalisation. On
questions nut Involving the Issue of state
rights and national sovereignty Chief Jus
tic Fuller's leadership in the court had
mor opportunity to make Itself felt. He
was an accomplished Jurist and a felicitous
On I
Ever Too
Old for
Washington Herald.
This Is th very heart of plonlo time.
10 you remember, you old fellows, how
you used to go on picnic when you Were
boys? Do you remember how you would
bound out of bed. and look out of th
window to see what th weather was liket
Even th sun had to bestir Itself to rise
befor you did. No other morning wa
quits like plcnlo day. You botted your
breakfast, and spent an hour or two be
tween the front gate and th kitchen,
where mother and th girls were putting
up the lunch.
You bad a ban ball or a fishing pole to
tak along. You longed to tak the family
pg, but. of course. If you were going by
boat or by th cars, he had to be loft be
hind, wagging hi tall disconsolately as
you vanished, loaded down with those mys
terious plcnlo supplies. Perhaps the load
was heavy, but your heart was light, and
you could hardly restrain your Impatience
to be at your destination.
How you boys played ball, put up swings
nd went swimming In the creek. If thet
was one, while the girls gathered wild
flowers or busied themselves spreading out
the lunch!
Ah, that lunch that good, old-fashioned,
Indigestible, dcllotous plcnlo lunch! Do you
not wonder If the boys and girl of today
enjoy things to eat like you used to?
You are too old for picnics now,, you say.
Is that the truth or are you Just lasyT
When your children want to go on a picnic
you order out tha automobile If you have
one and perhaps the servants put up the
lunch. Terhapa mother has a brldg en
gagement, and you why, of course, you
would like to go, but there's the office.
You can't leav. Let th children go and
enjoy themselves, but you must stay and
You are unfair to yourselves, you old
fellows, and to th children. Stir up your
recollections! Wasn't half the fun of th
plcnlo th fact that father went along and
showed the boys how to build th fir to
boil th coffee; gave them lessons In th
overhand stroke. Just coming Into fashion;
played ball with them, and led the way
through tho. woods on th hunt for the
wonders of nature? And mother, too! What
can a picnic be nowadays without mother
and her pies and her cakes and all the
goodies that went into that basket and
came out of It, too?
Too old for picnics? Absurd! Take the
ohlldren . out all day In . th woods. Gn
tired; not Just slightly tired, but dead
tired. It may take you a whole day to
eadjust yourself, to get rested, but what
of It? In the long run the picnic will do
you good.
A plcnlo Is Just what you need!
Spectacle Worth Viewing.
New York Sun.
The spectacle of the Hon. Lon F. Living
ston of Georgia, standing up for economy
on th part of congress and hurling back
at tha Hon. James A. Tawney of Minnesota
the Impurities and transparnt fiction that
the session Just concluded has shown a
considerable improvement on Us predecessor
Is calculated to fill every throbbing south
ern heart with pride. We "all know that the
on object of tha Hon. t,onldaa F. Living
ston's Uf Is to persuade oongress to ba
economical. Ha may paint his own state
with federal buildings and with appropria
tions for phantom river and obaour hog
wallows, but when It comes to th rest of
th country he Is adamant. He stands, an
elderly but un terrified Casablanca, upon a
deck already singed with burning pork, and
clamors for retrenchment everywher out
side of Qeorgia.
Talks for people
"I would not think of 'advertising at
this season come to tne around tno
first of September and I will see about
Advertising men all over the coun-
try are listening to those or similar
words from merchants these days.
I confess I do not know. Perhaps
some time or other in the dim past cause it is summer."
some merchant or other, somewhere. The truth about this summer bug
saw a customer, with bags and trunks, bear Is that at the first hint of warm
leaving town and said to himself:
There they go everybody is leaving
town: no more business this summer,"
and the legend has been handed down
from one generation of merchants to
Anyway, I have never heard a satis-
factory answer, some mercnanis say,
People don't buy during the sum-
mer. Others Say, reopie UUUl ru
the papers during the summer," and
nearly all claim that "Everybody
leaves town during the summer." j
Our merchant told me that the only
time he had an excuse for not adver- thousand people read The Bee every
Using was during summer, and that day, and they want and need season a
he took advantage of it to "get even ble merchandise,
with the newspapers!" Will you tell them about yours?
The number of people who leave We will prepare seasonable adver
town for any length of time won't Using ropy and illustrations which
make up S per cent of the population, will open your eyes to the possibilities
The majority have neither the time of stimulating summer trade,
nor the money for long vacations. Do 'Phono and we will call on you.
Your Family's Health
is so important that the wholesomness of your
foods is of the greatest consequence. 1 Biscuits,
muffins, calces and so on are made lighter,
more wholesome, more digestible by Rum ford
Baking Powder than by any other. The results
Surely Secured by
this best of powders are just the results you
want with no chance of trouble. Hegard for
health economy, too should lead you to
choose now and always
Rumford Baking Powder
Tie Wholesome Powder No Alum
Champ Clark of Mlummrl picks Chump
Clark of Missouri as Tttxt speaker of the
house, and frankly admits him to be tha
mn for tho place. j
Three people were killed In a MexleuaA
bull fight Sunday, having mad the mistake
of engaging a bull who refused to abMe
by the rules and expire eomplacontly.
Admiral Dot, th midget, who, sixioin
years ago opened th Admiral Dot hotel In
Whit Plains, ha leased hi htl for ten
years to Joseph O. Knapp, a labor leader.
Admiral Dot Intenda to live a retired lift,
as ha Is worth close to lv.iiu.
Mrs. Gusele Ogdwt Drewlts of Cincinnati,
O., having got a dlvurc lierslf, announces j-'
that hh will devote her life and her $1.-1
OOJ.OfW fortune to helping wive who would
be free. If remarriage does not come u.
soon this may develop into a significant
philanthropy. ,
Queen Mary, it Is aald. will arrange her
household after the old plan, having hrr
Uuliea In waiting live In- th-palace with
her. In tha reign of Queen Alexandra they f
lived In their own homee and only camo
to th palace, where th queen win read
ing. In th afternoons. , ...
A national memorial to Edward Everett
Hale, clergyman' and scholar. Is proposed,
to be erected In Boston, Ills birthplace and
hum. Th plana contemplat that the
memorial ahall be ,' portrait statue of
heroic sis with appropriate pedestal, ap
proaches and surroundings.
Town What, on earth baa - eome over
Meekley? He was almost Impudent to m
this morning.
Browne Oh! I'll tell you. ' He answered
the advertisement of a correspondence
school of pugilism last nlaht. and arranged
to take the onurso. Catholic Standard an J
"How long a term does the vlco president
serve, pa?"
"Four years, my son." f
"Doesn't, he get an thing off for goOil
behavior?" Lipplncot fa Magsilne.
Jack I hear you had some money left
Tom Yes; It left me quit a whll ago.
Philadelphia Ledger. .
"Victoria," said her- husband.1 "you will
not mind it. I presume. If I should happen
to be detained downtown ,lat this even
ing?" "I shall not mind ,," austerely answered
Mrs. Vlok-8e.1i,, ''hccaune you will not b
detained downtown late this evening or any
other evening. Chicago Tribune.
Aunt And you reused the count elmnl
because he had a wart on his nose. Why,
girl, he has millions. ' '
Niece (shuddering) Mercy! Then I'm
very glad I refused hlm. Boston Tran
script "Yes. sir, th fish waa so big It pulled
him In the river." . t ,
"And h was drowned?"'
"No, but ha might as welt have been, for
he lost his grip on his gallon Jug. and It
floated down stream, ana he livs in a dry
county." Atlanta Constitution.
New York 'Press.'
W got our old lawn moWer out,
But It would hardly run a bit.
"We'll have to get It fixed.',' aaya ma,
But pa says, "I can tinker It;
It's wasteful, this extravagance,
So get some oil, a wrench, a file;
I'll fix it up the same as new -
In only Just lity while.", .
"Be keerful, now," Says ma, but pa
Jest looked at her and kinder sniffed.
"I know what I'm about," says he,
"At flxln' thing I got a gift.
You Just take Willie off to church,
- And when you're home again you'll sea
That 1 can do thing miahty wall
When no one's by to pester me."
I begged to stay a-helpln' pa
Because I like to hear Mm truss.
But had to ro to. Sunday suhool 1
And couldn't waft to see the muss.
I wouldn't stay Ihere, though, but
Away and run for noma like Ned.
I didn't dare go In, but peeked
At pa from round behind the shed.
And there waa pa his Sunday pants j
Looked like he'd taken them to wipe
A engine with; he'd, tore his shirt
And bit th stem from off his pipe;
He kicked tho thing and hurt his corn,
Then run and got the axe, and wow!
When he got through he grinned and
who sell things
they, then, reverse the season to hlber-
nate, since they oon t buy during the
That people do read tha newspaper
in the summer time Is evidenced by
the fsct that The Bee prints the same
number of papers, winter or summer.
w don't shut up shop, and not one of
our subscribers stops the paper "be-
weather most merchants cut down of
cut off entirely their advertising
which is the source, of supply atd
then complain of a dull season,
The people, are here all summer
long 'or you t0 taIk to if you can in-
duce them to go out in the cold and
ice or winter in response to gooa aa-
vertlslng. they will certainly respond
auuu miieumius iu ut summer.
It is entirely up to you whether or
not you will cut off your source of
supply the advertising columns of
The Bee are open to you. Forty-two