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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1910)
TIIE BEK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JTILT 8, 1910. i iriiiiij n b jiui r liiiiwi a mv sua m. f SinMnmial Clearance Sale T Bo Washable Suits 1 ill 'Jlussraii 'or Sailor blouse sflesj whltor colored. SU&,?n4IMX values, at.. ....... .v at... $2.25 and 2. 50 Suits, at $3.60 and $3.75 Suits, at ..98c 1.15 $1.85 $2.85 $3.65 $4.00 and $4.50 Suits, at ... i. Children's Guimpcs in white lawn with fine lace or embroidery insertions and trimmings, 2 to 14 year sizes. $1.25 and $1.50 values, 0 now $2.25 and $2.60 values, f f Oft now ...i. $3.00 and $3.25 values, pf or now ,10 S3.7R and $4.00 values, $2.35 now. , Store Clone at tat YTjona OWK STOKE 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET. only generally, and this Is how he gen eralised them: Sleep some, in addition to a pile of good eatables and drive his racer. It remains to be seen whether the thousands of colbred persons who choked, the street In front of his Wnbash uvenue home for hours and kissed and patted his automobile when they couldn't reach him. Will allow him to dis pose of himself thus1 easily. "As to the fight, he hits adopted a new ai swer to inquirers. It is a nod. a know ing wink and a smile of deprecation and Kol'l teeth. As to his future, he, himself, says: "I certainly would like to stay right here, i nd I don't know but what I will, unless they fores me out" MORR OBJECTION TO PICTURES Mayor Gurnor Will Not Kay What He Thlnka Law la. NEW YORK, Jul 7. The moving pic tures of the Jeffries-Johnson fight were denounced as Criminal from the pulpit of ihe Church of the plvlne Paternity today, where the. twenty-second snnual convention of ' the Young People's Christian union Is bring held. : .Mayor Oaynor today denied having said that he had decided "not to Interfere with tbsj exhibition here of the moving pictures of jths Jeffries-Johnson fight. The mayor Sv no liCftli sMijwv hat. he considered) tnavJAiv. IwUsa-amaTW-?. - CINCUWATL. July J. Imports from all important towns In. Kentucky today showed that In only two Joylngton and- Frankfort will exhibitions of the Jeffries-Johnson pictures be allowed. The jtegroea at Cov Ingtori are opposed to, .the pictures, fearing they may Provoke race trouble, ST.'. JOSEPH, Mo.. July ,7.It was an nounced today that a mass meeting of citlsens would, be called by the local Fed eration of Churches, . In a movementt to prohibit the exhibition here of the Johnson Jeffries fight pictures.' ."The council will be petitioned to pass an ordlnanqe barring the pictures. ' ' " 1 LYNCHBCR&.Va.. jujy fc-The JeffrieS Johnsoh ''prfce fight , pictures wete . today ordered barred from exhibition here. HOLIJOAYSBTTRC,, Pa., July 7.-Burgess Edgar Hale Jacobs' of . Huntingdon today effected' an agreement jwlth'the proprietors of .the moving picture place's for separate exhibitions ' of tft", Jbhiison-Jeffrles prise fight ' No negroes wiU allowed to attend the. performmtoeavfor tJi Whlt6 people a.nd vice versa. , . ayor llalnes today ordered 4hnt none of the Jeffries Johnson fight -pictures b exhibited here. MONTRKAL, July Proprietors of mov ing picture shows in this .otty say they Will not exhlUlt-plctire'J-of; the Jeffries Johnson flsht CALCUTTA. July T. vne demand for the prohibition of. blograpb pictures of the Jeffries-Johnson fight is spresdlng In India. The papAjS lgset" that (he Amorican au thorities destroy the .films and compensate the owners, BURGLAR CAPTUflED AT HARLAN C'ltiaeaa' rows 4laa-als Plsht with Man Catitffct Robbing- Defiance Hardware Store. HARLAN, Is.,' July T.-(Spec!aI.)-The De flarrca. -Hard ware-; oefopaiiy's store at De fiance, twelve miles north of here, was entered by burglar early Monday morn ing, but only, a, fjjvi articles, were taken. Ttis burglar waa discovered at work about 1 o'clock b Bert Kingsbury who was Just going home from his restaurant and who aw flashes of 'light lit the building from matches 'hich "the btivglur lighted while searching for' his'ooty ' lvlfignbury spieud the alarm byV'lcpWie and several ckliens untundfd the jtidru. The burgiar procured luo rovolvertil' tihr liica and a buiclmi knlftf and when'liu i'ounj out lie ws dis covert d "lie filed tuo.fcirois and ucrd Uio l.-hers arid'iiiaile lii cfccipe t)iiouU tiie back dour.' lie Inm run io.tnl thu Mil waukee depot "and on U; v. y met tiu ve Jllxei.a hom'l. t'houaht vsere after him Mill ho opened .fie lilt a fcvolvei' aiiU run onto the (tujuiil. trauks east ot town. He , hid the tvo idv.oivers and. aiumuiiirion under the ailro,4 ur.dse si.d starud down the tracks lia lett , Jua si.ots in the store It s UX for itlui -tn travel an-1 after he had.oue bout a- mile lie Ui.l down and fell aleeif vii a pUu of lies uUun '.ho track, Iik.w. :puiei by a. ran-nlns parly ul u.lun uouut 5 o' Mouday li.orn.,, H 4s brought to u.u city eterUdy niuiiuug and ptucd In In. County Jail, lie uui naaiu'u U u.. biinth anU Clf.i- 6iilv;,. WaSii., as in; homo. v ; ,, ; : , . i. llo was given a preiiui!iiry Uaai in,. VYtdnedsy .mojiUng. btifoiu Justice Jar;. Dualavy un iss enarge-xf bdvklng mu snterlr.g, "to w bl-li: cbargt) hd'iucadtd gul.t: . In default ot . t.VM piicii'4no bond lit was committed -o tk oUnty iui to await the actionof Jtye. '4iiltiy,.'couuty . giuii.t lury." .1 . xn ii i ii t ii Whan uu bat j'luitwf u ki. or tra. dveme t l Tb4sea Want Ada columns u4 get qutckirmsMlta - ( . v. .-: ' -' ' I Girls1 Dresses in fine colored lawns and dimities, also white lawns and dimities. $1.25 colored dresses, Qfif now .vOl t i.iioil dresses', P 4 now $astir $2.60, colored or white, n now $lJd $3.60, colored or white . 2 45 I $4.60, colored or white, ..$3.45 $175 $6.00, colored or white, now $12.0.0, colored or white, !',.$8.50 now ; . . . . Small Women's Linen Suits, formerly $12.00, now $7.50j Linen Coats that were $7.50 are now $5.00; Pongee Coats that were $19.75 reduced to $.11.75; Pongee Suits that were $25.00 now $10.50. Highest grade Linen Dresses tor small women, in newest shades, that were $12.00, reduced to $8.75 $19.75 values now $14.75. Five o'Clock. pfonrs LIFE; STOCKHOLDERS , MET Commonwealth Company Subscribe! Vote to Go Ahead. WILL ASK F0S STATE LICENSE Van B. Lady's Criticism of Officer Overruled by Meeting Com pany Has 82TT,00u Cash on Hand. Blxty stockholders of the Commonwealth Life Insurance company met yesterday afternoon at the Commercial club and for three hours and one-half threshed over the affairs of the company. Fire flew at times, but In the end everything was serene and a vote was passed to instruct the directors to go ahead. The directorate was told to apply to the auditor of state for a license. It was stated at the meeting tht 3, 000 had been subscribed to the capital stock of the company and that $63,000 of this has been used up in promotion. Stockholders, feeling that It was time some action should Itternselves. Clark. Qtllaplon of ...Ulij acted as prodding officer. . . . . . Addresses were made by a good many of those present, including President Sherman Saunders and Van Lady, the secretary Lady's disagreement with other officers of the company was narrated by several speakers, and he put forth his own side of the case.. The meeting voted to sustain the other officers. Feeling by some men was expressed that the company should dissolve and that the atock subscriptions be refunded. This was not the sentiment of the majority, who voted to go ahead. Forty-nine per cent of the stock subscribed was represented at the meeting. A committee composed of Clark O'Hanlon of Blair, II. B. Waldron of . Waterloo and T. W. Weber of Plattamouth was named to work for the securing of a state, license to write insurance. CONVICT'S FREEDOM PROVES SHORT LIVED AT FT. CROOK Military Prisoner ' Escapes llut ' Is looa Heeantaried' by Moonted Troopers. The ssntlnels at Fort Crook were kept busy Wednesday morning. A military con vict by the name of Dill escaped, and by the time the officer of the day was noti fied ha was well on his way to South Omaha. Colonel Button Immediately or dered a mounted detachment In pursuit of the prisoner and he waa taken between Bellevue and South Omaha, with but very little resistance. A strict watch will' be kept on all the general prisoners until they can be sent to the government military prison at Fort Leavenworth. FIVK THOUSAND AT TOIR.XEV Moathvt ea.-rn Iitns Cities Compete at Vllllaea. VILLISCA. Ia., July 7.-(Spcial-.) Vlltisca caught th orowd the Fourth, also the fifth, when the Southwest Iowa fireman held their annual tournament at that place. It is estimated about 10.000 witnessed the events Monday. Over 300 Creston citlsens ucconipunled the local , fl:-e lads to this t'laco. , . . . The prises captured were; Clarinda,- first in the novelty race, tlms, C;Hi; aoond, Ci anion, time, 0:42. ...... Hook and ladder race: Red Oak was first, tiinr, u:S3, and Clarinda took second place. Clarinda won the flag race In 1:07, with UiCin a cloxe second. Uunk and hitch race: Red Oak' first. In l:2ti; C'rt.lon Second, in 1:27. Shenandoah's time was 1:10. Clarinda failed to get time, otwng to tuiiie Illegality. Rd Oak .captured first on best appear unce in the parade and Osceola second, while Red Oak imu scored first on having the laigert number of raea In line. - Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big lteturns, The Weather 1 i P. M l. HA SKA Fair. l-'iU low A -Fair. 'I i ir.pijp mi iir. n at Omaha yesterday; mm r nour. S ... in. .......... a. in 7 a. m S a. m a. m , 10 a. m 11 a. m II in... 1 P- in 1 p. in I p. in 4 p. m 5 p. m p. in 7 p. in I P- tu DeK. ' "N fcf SO FIGHT ON IOWA JUDGES Hawkeye Politicians Keep Knives in L0OT0E - STARTLES DEUGGISTS Mrdlral Clla Man rsrea Kaeh Star Krrprr to Make Teat af Dr(i and Be Held Reapoaslbla for laalltr. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINKR. la., July 7. (Special Tele gram.) Judicial conventions wert held In a number of districts of lona today and in every instance the conventions. were harmonious and short. In all cases the pres ent Judges were renominated. At Boone, the Eleventh district conven tion renominated D. E. Albrook, It M. Wright and C. O. Lee. At Calmar the convention renominated L. E. Follows and A.' N. IJobson. At Mason City, J. J. Cfark and C. H. Kelly were renominated. At Cedar Rapids the convention chose F. O. Ellison,. W. II. Trelchler and M. P. Smith. ) A number of other conventions will be held next week. Coart neportera Meet. Court representatives fro mall over Iowa gathered hers for the opening' session of the third annual nv;etlng of the Iowa Court Reporters' association. Today's sess'on was opened tt 2 o'clock by President H. B. Beach of Carroll, who addressed the meet ing. William H. Whltford of Ciii-ago Is here and will address the meeting. Chaae Talks to Draaralata. At the state convention of Iowa druggists today Dr. C. G. Chase of the State Medical school at Iowa City advocated a law that would require every druggist to make a test of the drugs he sells and to become responsible for their quality. The report of the Iowa Druggists' Mutual Insurance association showed that It now carries risks amounting to $291,000 and that last year $1,061.76 was paid out for losses. The association has only been carrying, its risks Bince last November. Chaatanqoa at Harlan. HARLAN, la., July 7. (Speclal.)-Har- lan's sixth annual Chautauqua will be In session from August 6 to U this year. The program for the session has been completed and consists of the following well known lecturers and entertainers. Ned Woodman, cartoonist; Mauds Balllngton Booth, Arthur McMurray, Byron C. Piatt, Governor Rob ert B. tilenn of North Dakota, Colonel Bain of Kentucky, Governor Richard Yates of Illinois, Arthur Dugmore, Mohammod All of India, Governor K. W. Hoch of Kansas, Dr. E. I Eaton, Dr. John Wesley Hill of New York City and Congressman J, Adam Bede of Minnesota. The musical en tertainers for the Chautauqua are Prof. Leech, director cf musio in the Interstate colleges of this city, snd his chorus of fifty voices, Lyrio Glee club, Arthur Beard Concert company and tire Spanish orches tra. Captured After Lou or Chaae. HARLAN, Io,, "July 7. (Speclal.)-rDeputy Sheriff J. J. McMahon returned home yes terday from Austin, Minn., having in charge Jens Paulson Grandual, whom he captured working for his brother on a farm near that city, after lively chase of a week Grandual Is a young man 22 years old and Is wanted hero on a statutory charge pra ferred by Miss Mary Jensen, a 20-year-old orphan girl, who lives with her cousin In Polk township in this county. Grandual will be given a preliminary hearing before Jos t'cer W. "P." Kellogg"1n'tMs ft!ty a 'aiion as the prosecuting witness returns from Da kota, where she la 111 at the home of her brother. Iowa Nwi Notes. LOGAN "Bill Bhadden" was taken Into custody by Sheriff Rock upon request of Council Bluffs officers yesterday. This morning Mr. Shadden accompanied the Council Bluffs officer back to face an assault charge. LOGAN From the fact that It was known here that Dr. and Mrs. I. C. Wood. old-time residents of Logan, had taken passage on the Baltic, which collided with another vessel In mldocean Thursday night last, muoh apprehension has been felt here concerning their safety. However word waa received here this morning, an nounclng their safe arrival ih New York City yesterday. The doctor expects to be in Logan in about two weeks. IOWA CITY James Corlln attempted to commit suicide here by drinking lauda num. He was unconscious five hours, but finally reoovered. He came here irom Davenport, following his bride of two weeks, whose father threatened to part them, because Corlln had married the young woman without having a priest perform the ceremony. . CRESTON Will Torrey, son of Master Mechanic Torrey, formerly of this divis ion of the Burlington road, and who now pitcher on the New York Natlohal league base ball team was badly injured by jumping irom tne window or a New York hoauital. while sufferins; from ty phold fever in that institution. It Is said his injuries will not Interfere With bis recovery. CRESTON Local shopmen of the Bur lington fori e have beon put back on ten-hour Scuedule for five days In th week. Tli j car repairers ' work on that schedule ami the other shopmen work nine hours five days In the week and five hours esch Haturday morning, making an aver age of ten hours per day in the week It Is expected this schedule will remain in force until cold weather. MASON CITY The Cerro Gordo County Normal institute will convene in this city August for a six-days' session. Prof. Augsburg of Oakland, Cal., author ot the drawing system used here and In many Iowa schools, is one of the instructors. Others are Prof. Cable and Prof.-Colgrove of Cedar Falls normal. Miss gweney of Minneapolis, Miss Waller of bt. Paul, Miss Knowles of Ames, Miss Keerl of Idaho and Miss Faint of this city. NEWTON--The city of Newton, through several of lvs citlsens, hss gone to the courts in an effort to prevent the inau guration of higher rates for phones. A pe tition for sn injunction has been filed to prevent the proposed Increase and the removal of phones where patrons refuse to pay the higher rental. It also seeks to pre vent the company from surrendering Its franchlHS and operating under the Bell franchise. VINTON E. D. Roberts has been placed under arrest on a charge of violating ths pure food and drug act. by selling com mon field corn and claiming It to he tested seed corn. It is alleged a number of Hen ton county farmers purchased the oorn at 12.60 a bushel and were compelled to replant their entire fields. MARSHALLTOWN Everett Rash, aged 42. waa prostrated by the heat Wednesday afternoon, while at work on his farm near this city. His condition Is serious. MARSHALLTOWN The cornerstone of the new Baptist church, which will be erected at a cost of $46,000, was laid last night with impressive ceremonies. The new $50 000 Central Church of Christ is al most completed and will be formally ded icated .September 4. MORE PAY FOR KING GEORGE Select Committee - of Parliament Herontntenda Increase la Allowance. LONDON. July 7. The select oommlttee of Parliament to consider the civil lists f or Kirg Cii.i ge V, recommends a provision of $.1,170,000 yearly for the maintenance of the royal family. This is an Increase of 1-16.000 over the allowance mads durtng th last reign. Jj A serious Breakdown Vol results from chronic constipation. Dr. 0 King's New I J To Pills curs headache. sti.mat-h, liver and kidney trouble. 36c. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. Sleeping Car Kates in ouri Northern. Pacific ii Making? Another Effort to HaT9 .Redaction Order Set Aside. CHICAGO. July 7. A second attempt to obtain aft' order "testrarhtng the Interstate Commerce commission from putting Into effect lis order reducing sleeping car rales was made by the i'utlman company et al. In the United States circuit court here to day. . Attorney t'ernald of the Pullman com pany produced affidavits to show that If the commission's rates ware made man datory the rats of earnings on the North ern Paclflo would be less than t per cent. Between St. Psul and Fargo It was al leged the rate would bs less than per cent. It was stated that the Banta Fe road loses mooo a year on Its California Lim ited running between Chicago and the Pa clflo coast. "William Ellis of the Chicago, Mllwau- lc JC b Pu.ui which oneratea Us own sleeping cars, declared that the road loses IMO.OOO a year on them. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Total Wnters slaughter Dhows In crease of Forty-Two TkssMsd ' Over Sanaa Week Last Year. CINCINNATI, July 7. (Special Tele gram.) The Price Current says: usual operations in snlmal Industry have been somewhat Interfered with by the week's holiday conditions, but a fair number ot hogs bave been handled by packers, ths total being moderately In excess ot the corresponding time last year. Total west ern slaughtering, 40,000 hogs, compared with 63a,OU0 hogs the preceding week, and 600,000 two weeks ago. For ths correspond ing time last year the number was 420,000 and two years ago, 495.000. From March 1 the total is 7,2i,VU0, against 8,810,000 a year ago. A decrease of 1,626,000 hogs. Prominent places compare as follows March 1 to July 6 mi. lDOO Chicago k..i.. ....l,4oo,O00 .... SdO.tKM .... MO.OOU .... Uil.OUO .... 4W.000 .... 2,0A .... i)60,0W .... 1KS.0U0 .... .... 128,000 .... U6,tM .... 226.00U .... 200,000 1.76O.OO0 Kansas City bouth Omaha...... St. Louis St. Joseph Milwaukee l,2uti,0U0 S66.000 740,000 6W.O0O 416,000 192,00V 156,000 Indianapolis ...... Cincinnati ......... Ottumwa, la Cedar Rapids, la. Sioux City, la..... JW6.O00 226,000 240,000 St. Paul, Minn.... Cleveland, O, CONFERENCE AT SAliAMOltE HILL (Continued from First Page.) for a trip of Inspection westward, which may cover a period of several months. He wss accompanied by K. C. Finney, assistant to the secretary ,and a stenographer. During his absence he will visit several reclama tion projects, Indian reservations and na tional parks. : - Will Speak at Farwo. FARGO, N. D., July 7. Colonel Roose velt has promised Congressman Hanna that he will deliver an address on Labor day, September 6. The Invitation waa extended by the Federation of Labor, through Mr. Hanna. ' .. " HYMENEAL The Metropolttanvclub was the seen of a pretty wedding Wednesday evening, when Miss Rose Bpiesberger wag married to Mr. Walter Appel . of Denver! .The ceremony was celebrated afY o'clock, Rabbi Fred erick C6hn officiating. Th .club rooms were profusely decorated with cut flowers and palms. i Miss Blanch Cohn was maid of honor and th bridesmaids were Mlssss MamIS and HorUns Spiesberger. Ira Rothgefber of Denver sarvsd as best man, and the ushers wsre Messrs. Jake Bpiesberger and Leslls Appel. Following th ceremony there was a dlnnsr for the wedding guests, whsn covers were laid for eighty, Mr. and -Mrs. Appel left, for a Western trip and will be at .home after September 1 In Colprado. - The out-of-town guests present at the wedding Included, from Den ver, David Appel, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Appel, Miss Birdie Appel, Ira Rothgerber, Miss Bertha Sellgsohn; Mr. and Mrs. L. Bpies berger, Chicago; M. Keller, Philadelphia; L. S. Elson, Walter Zelnlcke and. Miss Louis Zelnlcker, an of SL Louis: Harry Kaller and-' fiamuel Well. .Vicksbura; B. Krause and Miss Htat Krauae, Toledo, O.; Mr. and Mrs. N. Mantel, Lincoln, and Mr. Berg, Chicago. . Aasuue-Goachef, Miss Nora Goacher. rt tighter of Daniel Goacher. and Mr. Felix Adams word mar ried by Rev. Charles W. Bsvidg at his residence, Wednesday at 1:30. DEATH RECORD I Casper Koehler. Bt. LOUIS, July 7. Casper Koehler, presi dent ot tho Columbia Brewing company of St Louis and vice-president of the Tenn sea Brewing company oi saempnis, iaiea todsy at Berlin, Germany, according to a cablegram received her. If was traveling with his wits and daughter, and wss stricken with apoplexy. H was 71 years old. Mrs. J. M. Caafleld. LYONS, Neb.. July 7.-8pecial.)-Mrs J. M. Cantlsld died late last night after some weeks of suffering. - She bad been to th hospital, but returned horn as Incur able. Sh was th wife ot th well-known veterinary surgeon, and leaves four chil dren three girls and one boy. Dropsy, sompllcatsd with soma heart trouble, was the cause of death. Charles Falrcnlln. NEWPORT, R. I.. July 7.-harlea Fair child, aged 72. died at hi summer hoina here today. Mr. Falrchlld was born lit' Cleveland, O. He studied law In Madison, , W is. In 15 hs established th New York I banking of Charles Falrchlld A Co. Mrs. Sasaana Parker. Mrs. Susanna Parker, aged 71 years, died Wednesday at ths home of her slaughter. Mrs. M. O. 8gtton. ztu Patrick avenue. Mrs. Parker has lor some years been a widow and raided with ber daughter. IOWA JUDICIAL CONVENTIONS ', Jadges Albrook, and Wrlnrht Ar Renominated In tk Elev eath District. BOONE, la., July 7. Speclal Telegram.) The Eleventh Judicial convention today unanimously renominated Judge C, K. Albrook of Eldora, C. G. Lee of Ames and K. M. Wright tt Fort Dodge. Th eon ventton was a social love fsast at Country club. MASON CITY, la., July 7.-(Bpcll Tsle-gram.)-At ths Twelfth Judicial convention held st Charles City today Joseph J. Clark of Mssou City snd Charles H. Kslley of Forest City war nominated for Judges without opposition. Persistent Advertising U tbs Big Returns Hois to AFFAIRS -AT- SOUTH OMAHA Michael Notak Instantly Killed by Fall from Ioe Car. STRIKES HEAD AND IS DEAD i Hog Killing- lloafeo of Cndahy Pack las; Company Progresses Nicely Miller Boys Us Into Iowsu Michael Novak, 1411 O street, was In stantly killed yesterday at noon by falling off an Ice car at Swift and eompany's pack ing plant. He with some other laborers wsre on top filling the ice tanks near the end Ot ths car when he lost his balance and fall to the ground, breaking his neck. Deputy Coroner B. J. Lnrfcln took charge of the body and an Inquest will be held at I p. m. today. Novak an Austrian and had not basn In Amerloa long. He was 23 years ot age and rather slight built. Us has one cousin In America. It is likely that ths Austrian societies will see that the man has a fitting burial. The funeral has not Keen arranged. Cndanf Department rroarressf a. The hog killing bouse ot ths Cudahy Packing con.pany Is being pushed with all possible spesd, but It Is announced that ths building will not be ready as soon as expected. Ths dats loimerly set for ths completion of ths large concrete structure va v bavs beon July li, but owihg to many unforeseen dsiays and ths ueaut of the contractor. Frank Burnaas, It will prob ably bs Iwo months yet before tne plant will be put In operation. The building is now plainly visible from the livestock ex change building and is one of ths most prominent frorrt that point of any of ths Cudahy buildings. There is still considerable: talk of remov ing the general offices of ths company to Chicajto, but no further facts than already have been given out have been developed. Many- Attend Barton Funeral. The funeral of Mr. ahd Mis. John Barton at Twenty-first and W streets was largely attended yesterday by th numerous friends, ana tnosa wno wore attracieu uy sympauiy for ths sad circumstances of their death. Ths funeral was from ths residence at Twenty-first and W streets. Many members r t t.A .. . . - 'w'ui uruar ot Jkagiea were present and Dr. Wheeler had charge. The burial was at Laurel Hill. Miller Dors Uscaye. Henry and William Miller, who confessed to having taken money and a gold watch belonging to Miss W. T. Merscheim from room No. VA, Paxton block, skipped over wis una mio jo it a wnen they were released In the custody of their parents, who had promised faithfully to bring them before tne juvenile court Tuesday morning. The parents and relatives niado up the bal ancs of ths loss to Miss Merscheim to the amount or IU, but failed to kan ih.ii promise concerning the twp, boys. Ihe boys committed ths theft Saturdav uuring mi neavy windstorm. The women In the millinery store became frightened ana ran out oi tne room and the boys seisea ins opportunity to dash In and arao tne pocaeibook, which was In plain sight irom the nail. .- Ma&la City Gosalp. The body ot Jesse Whitmora hinn r&ut.j.u ir I.. I . . I , . . . i . , ff-a-vu No ohangs waa reported In th Mni. turn of W. H. VanSam last night. Mrs. E. H. Roberta Was remrtt im. proved laSt night at tne ttouth Oman bos pital. STORT2 Delicious Bottled Bei ilnu.r. tfiumptijr iu jviui jrnone to. 1&&L oi out! nun z jnasiowsxy Chris and Margaret Larson bave reUiraad. t 'Frwionttansii. 4 vwtx?t;s "swdayT wuu aouin umana intuias. i PHONE 4BOUTH 6tf foP a case nf itrv. TER GOLD TOP BKuiR. . Promote de livery to any part of city. William Jetter. The South Omaha Commercial Cluh lllnl In th club rooms last night and discussed to , city xinanoes. IMiss Mayme Paulsen waa tnw,ui birthday party by a number of friends. who preheated her with a musio cabinet. purjsjr. . - Miss Marl Bhlbsby ana Miss nurth itn nav resignsa as teachers In th puDiio scnooia. jaisa eniosoy was teacher In the South Omaha High school. The Nebraska Shoe And Clothlnir houa at South OmahA, .Saturday, July !, will civs you your iiuresinciea cnoice or any suit in the bouse. Values ui to 1&.50. iin oiiiy, 9is.3v. hik aim iuii areas suits ex cepted. . i . . j,,r ..i t, ... i - .. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS It. K. Welts, the general manager of the Ban Pedro, Los Angeles Southern rail road, passed through Omaha Thursday morning on n:s way noma to los Angeles from Boston, where - he has be-?n on a pleasure trip. Fred Toung, a former resident of Omaha, who for several years bourht stock for. Swift & Co. at South Omaha and who is at present with the same company .In Chicago, is spending- a few days wlui friends in this cuy. AFTER SUFFERING ONEJEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetable Compound Ullwaniea. "Wig. " Ltdla E. Pink- bam's Veretabla Compound has mado ,,, w.y a tikwi m0 ven woman, :! J;j : ' i 1 and I would like to tell thewhole world of it. I Buffered f romf emale trouble and fearful palnsln tnyback. Ibadthtt belt doctors and thy all decided that I had a tumor in addition to tar female trouble, and advised an opera, tlon. Lvdla E. jVinkbam's Vegetable Compound mada me a well woman and I hare no mora backache. I hope I can help others by telilnif them what Lyiii E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has done for we." Mb. EioiaImsb, o33rirstSt, UUlwaukee, Wis. The abOTo is only one of the thou, sands of grateful letters which are constantly being receired by the Plokham Medicine Company of Lynn. llasg.,whlch prove beyond a doubt that Lydia . llnkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such cuf. ering woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia . Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit, tins' to an operation, or girlnf up hoje of recovery. Mrs Pinkba-rtt, of Lynn, Mat Invites all nick women to write her for svdfioe. She ttas frulded thouaiuids to Ileal Us aatl Iter avdrloe Is free. ii!;' fV I tat 1 -J i Ground Broken for New Jacob Memorial Hall Impressive Ceremony Attendi Spad ing of Sod for- Building- at 17th and Lodge. Ths sod for the now Jacob Memorial hall at Dodge and Seventeenth streets was broken Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m. Mrs. Jeffrey Davey, th wife of the archi tect of the new building, dug the first shovelful. Dean George A. Beecher of Trinity Cathedral read the lesson at th opening of the ceremony snd Bishop A. L. Wil liams load In the prayers and the bene diction. The building, which will be built at once, will be given up to use as a parish house, having rooms for games and recreation with a larg swimming pool In th bass ment It Is being given to the Jscob Memorial association by Mrs. J. Maul In memory of her son, who died. In charge of th association are: Bishop A. L. Wil liams, president; Hon. II. W. fates, secretary-treasurer, and Dean George A. Beecher, vies president Tbs Jacob hall will be only a wing of th Gardner Memorial which is to bs built, th Gardner nail comprising th west slds of ths building. Besides Bishop Williams and Dean Beecher officiating thsr were present at th ceremony; Mrs. Jeffrey Davey, Miss Riley, Anna Riley, Agnes Riley, Mr. George S. Collins and the Rev. W. H. Moor. HYDE WANTS JFAN IN PRISON Uetor Given Lit drsleee for Kill. lag Cal. Swape, Wants Jail Llfe . . . Mora Comfortable. KANSAS CITY, July 7.-r. B. Clark Hyde, sentenced to life Imprisonment for the murder of Colonel Thomas H. Swope, and now In tho county Jail her awaiting a hearing on his appeal, would make prison more comfortable. Today lis sent word to Judge Latshaw who sentenced him, re questing that a telephone and an electric fan be Installed In his cell. Judge Latshaw refused, H said Dr. Hyde should be granted no privileges not accorded the other prisoners. For those particular people who deBlre a beautiful complexion and who want to keep the skin at its heat all the time keep It clear, flexible, smooth and give It the glow of health there Is nothing as good as A. D. S. Peroxide Cream, because It contains a small quant ity ot Hydrogen Peroxide, the treat antiseptic healing and cleans ing agent. Its action upon a red, blotched, pimply, scaly, unsightly skin is vry-pronounced. When used as a massage it has a tendency to eradicate wrinkles and to nourish the tissues. , It is ft "hUl hitmen ' perfectly trarwreaa and, will not grow hair, ... ; ThlB is one of the leading prep arations made by the American Druggists Syndicate which is com posed ot 12,000 responsible drug gists, and it is but one ot the fam ous A. D. S. Peroxide Family. The others equally as good, equally as beneficial and Just as popular are A. D. S. Peroxide Tooth Powder, which whitens, cleanses and preserves the teeth; A. D. 8. Peroxide Tooth Paste for the same purpose, put up in a different form; A. D. S. Peroxide Soap, a very superior soap because it heals as well as cleanses; A. D. S. Peroxide Foot Powder, for tired, aching, burning feet, and last, but by no means of least importance, is A. D'. S. Peroxide of Hydrogen, the great disinfectant and germicide now being used in so many homes. All of these A, p. S. prepara tion8.can be obtained at any A. D. S. drug store. MlMSta Uofcfs thteStf DitiggUt's mm ASSOCIATION HQ O&m OTvfftto. yE will include An Extra Pair of Trousers with your suit order this week without extra cost. Suit snd Extra Trousers $25 to $45 V7IXIAM JEBRKMS SONS Ott-2H Ho. 16th Bt. A is rmAjrrED Ma.iton i Bnoklsri KatUa iUMIiiLiI TIME VAUCE. VILLE oosm Aire Warts ataeki Harry 1.70ns Moving JHotarsst Big rip Organ I Illustrstsd Voags, Organ i Illustrated Bongs, llw Plotures las, Xass., Thars. Mew TSud- iQ vllta Ban. and Thnrs. . . . wb TIMS IIAT 1KB X.UU IV snt worth nZWtary Academy ; ' Oldest and Largest In Millie West. Government Supervision. Highest rating by War Department. Infantry, Artillery snd Cavalry Drills. Course ol study prepare tor Universities, Government Academies or for Business lils. Accredited by North Central Associstion ol Schools and Collejes. Manual Training. Separata Department lor Small Boys. For catalogue, addrsss The SKeretary. Boa A, tnlaytoa. Ms. KAI1SAS CITY VETEmtlADY COLLEGE i I. J mmUI tMiM. oral iiww iw Ursst tUf HUM Tln.i- a. latfsctws. 1J. SI VTABT aerelarv, LITTLE DAUGHTER HAD SCALP III . . . i 1 Itched So that She Scratched Un(il Blood Came. Hair Fell Out. Scafp had Unpleasant Odor. UsedCuti" cura Soap and Ointment Four Weeks. Scalp Perfectly Clear Hair Began to Grow Again and Now Has Beautiful, Long Hair, j "When my little daughter was about fiv years old, she was taken with ths mnaaiiw. a lew wpvaa after th vnrmalew wet gone, sh began to havw a severe scalp humor. It itchod so that aha would scratch the whol day, until th blood ram. W had a doctor and tried a good many other remedies, but nothing helped. Her hslr all fell out and th scalp Itself had an sit pleasant odor. "After ws had triad all th other rrnaadl, my wife told ma to try tho Cutloura Remedies. We bought one cake of Cutlcura floap and one box of CuMcura Ointment. V used the Cutlcura Rn ediea according to directions and la about three or four weks her scalp waa perfectly clear of th terrible humor. Her hair brpan to grow agrtin and now she has beautiful, long hair. Since that time 1 have recommended the Cutlcura Remedies to other people and they also had succfws. Chss. Balsbrenner, Amana, -Iowa, Not. 8, 1909." Cstlmrs Boss nSc). OUKws Ointment IJflt l snd Culleurs assotosat SOr ) or Cvttovre PMMJ Clle ) sre sold tbroujhnst ths world. Potter Drug A Chem. Corp.. Sol Praps.. 13A rXumbns At. Boston. -Msm. -Mlld tree. SJ-1e book. Hew to Trwl tor Atectstss si Us kls ssd Beslp. Every 24 Hours Knocks Another $ Off the Prices W have inaugurated our usual July Dally Dollar Reduction Sale the biggest event In tailoring- circles. We. take every on of this season's suitings and we chop $8 Oti Every Price Today And we continue to cut all prices one dollar each day $8.00 off tomor row, IIS.OO off next day and so on until every single suiting in our rftock Is sold. W don't car how much we must cut prices, we will clean up our stock, and we don't care how low we cut tne prices, we won't lower our high standards of tailoring. This , Daily Dollar Reduction Salt Places before you today your choice ' ' of 990 saltings mad to meastus for 933, S3B ones for Sa7 840 on for 93a (Except all solid Blacks and Blues) Coat tod Pants i-lft rJer $17;50 kadnosd from 935 and 93S Every garment guaranteed perfect ' In fit and style. . . ' ,1' MacCarfhy-W.rson Tailcring Co. 304-aoe aonth' let" strsst, ' ' Vsar rarnam. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Low Fare Summer Tours Via WASHINGTON ' TO ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER SETA SHORE RESORTS NEW YORK, BOSTON , AND., NEW ENGLAND POINTS Tickets on Sals Dally Until Oct. Slst. LONG KETUHN LIMIT. Liberal Stop-Over Privileges. For further particulars address W. A. VBMITOIT, AUSTTH, T. P. A., Chicago O. P. A., Chicago. SCHOOLS A.NU COLLEfiKS. KEARNEY" MILITARY ' ACADEMY With our Academic, Classic, Scientific and CsmmercUl Courses that prepare the Boy. for Life We aim to build up a sound body, develop character and create habits that make the Boy the Manly Man. , ', ' . Write for catalogue.. Henry N. Russell, Head Master, Kearney. Neb.' Qf ITITC Military DLLLd Acadom my SCAOOV, MO. BZXT SESSIOB BBOXBS BEBTxaiBBa si, me. to CATAi.00, Asvmesa " BIBES MILITABT AOASXMT, -MAOOB, MO. TUIf TQlp Domestic" Science, lYAUuIV Art, Expression. '.mil. !,y"ii Btw.lalCou s't. Normal Q,nlraca t0, Xescosri. Full Courses lesdlng to Wplomas. . t Ths Best Instruction. Kaaaoeebl Bales. UsaJthlul sad Helpful College Burrouodiuga. Woman's CoUeje, fts 26 jackssevul, 01. uiww.". " rflileMrs. Ttschsrs, IsvMilgaUif . bB. ' whtr lnlonMiKn inl am ppllcsiloa. Csule m HSS It art I la Sueet. Baasas City Me 4 A I -.1 1 ii -1 1 1 J