Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1910, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1910. . .j a REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMtll LAM) Foil AL lowa- onttneeri. f A-FARM. mostly good land, finely Im proved, located about U miles S. W. of Ief Molriea. Also 16,000 acres east Panhandle. Tex.. V good corn land. These lands belong to a bankrupt fUI and (ha L'. 8. dUltlrt court h.e ordered tnictct' to sell all together or any part of this land. Write for full description. Frank L. Mall, L. J. Klemm, A. F. tlrown, lrutee. Office with Corn Bell Land & Loan (Jo., Dee lloiiie., la. THINK ABOUT THIS. If your farm pan you $-'0 an ncr profit and you cciild aell It for 1130 per acre and buy another for $bu that would produc you the turn profit, would you do Iff Let iih till ou ii bout an alfalfa farm near lieert'ield. Kan., at $&5 per acre. Write John K. Lander. Deerfleld. Kan. REAL FSTATF M H Aril M3TO FOB IAI.B MlrhlAan-Contlaaed. STOP AND THINK! WE are on the (round and ha the first opportunity to buy land at low price. We save the rent of big offirea in Chicago and Klve our ctistomera the benefit of low prices. We have farms and unimproved land, fummer resort property. cottages for kale and rent near a beautiful chain of lakes, three mll.'s from town. The beet bargains In Michigan. Write for booklet. 8. D. THOMPSON. NEWAYGO, MICH. A SNAP. M ACRES FN I 'IT. VEGETABLE AND CHICKEN I .AND, In renter cf kl'di gait; ner county srat and railroad town aud fine lake; 100 apple tree. It peach trees, 700 small fruit; raises 4ta) bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil: clear title; only S.100-, IM down, 1 per month, without Interest, or 130 off for cjh; must sell; might throw In cuw or 40 chick' ens. ijt.NLK. It. 403, US Dearborn St., Chicago, FOK ft A Li & Improved farm, 040 acre. (00 tillable, 600 level, fenced and cro.n fenced, watered with springs and ponds, tome hay land. BOO pasture, no rock. cultivated, ii wheat, apelta. la barley, Ii corn, crops fine; balance leeu, 4-room tone house, stone barn, granary, room lor 1,000 Lu., h-n iiouh, crlo, cuttle ahed. good well, null, tank, brood hiu4, fuil et of Implements, i horses, aet of Harness. SO cattle, 1 brood sow, 300 chlckena, orch ard, ail kimi of fiuit telepnone; black oil, clay subsoil; buildings insured; 1 miles to fcchoul nnd postoffice; price trj.OOO. $1Q,100 cash. W,m s years at t) !' cent; U miles to town, no aKcnts. Write owner. A. P. CARLKTON. Grove County, Alanthua. Kaniaa. tllssonrl. READ This. Homeseukers The cheapest farms In the United eUates today are In n Oxu.rkM of Missouri; lovely climate; close to good markets, fat. Louis and Kan-J cas City; for iieattn, wemui, ciovci, timothy, blue grans, tlniber. fine fruits, beautiful stream; fine tlalilng and hunt ing. If you want to aee the cheapest and 'best farms you ever saw priced in your life for the niouey write for our list and be shown 'A. I. ROBERTS A SON. Richland. Mo. FORCED SALE Aa excellent M-acre farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wet land, very productive; with success- ully Krown corn, ciover, wneat. vegeiaoies md (ruit: S-roem house: beautiful shade; large burn, poultry bouse, tool house, eta; also plenty of choice bearing fruit. This is teal farm ana one mat win mam money for any iiv man. It Is ua main road, close iitighuors, achools, etc.; only about 10 minutes' walk from the biggest lake In Michigan where thers la good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm must be sold quick and we therefore make the price 1,A; one-nan win, miani-v n uu uiiin. U. C. Unas. Buz E, Martin. Mich. READ THIS, HOMUSEEKERS The cheapest farina In the United eitates today are In the Ozarks of MisHourl, lovely cll inate, close to good markets, St. Louis and Kansas City; for health weaJth, clover, timothy, bluegrass, timber, fine fruit, beau tiful streams; fine fishing and hunting. It 'you want to see the cheapest and best farms you ever saw priced m your life for the monay, write for our list and be uown. A. l. Koberts & Son. Richland. Mo. IN MISSOURI, tit acres; MS miles southeast of Kansas City. 70 aores In cultivation. Box bouse: good barn; out buildings and fine water uni I grass; large orchard of different varieties cf fruit. Ii miles to good trading point. Close to sobool and church. Price $3,M0. Tula U a money maker. 1 GhiORaB KUMPF. COS-4) Sheidley Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo ' WANT a farm in Johnson county Mo.? Good farm near good town, school, church: on tfeleuhone amd rural mail route: well -watered; smooth level land; buildings and fences new; good growing crops or clover, corn, blue grass, timothy and oats. Lowest irate jot tax; carry big loan. a. u. Bturgis, i Lee ton. Mo. FOR'SALE South Missouri farms near ifit. Louis markets: any sire: some good bargains. Write, stating your wants. Free riNH CASS CO.. MISSOURI. FARM i 41)0 acres, one mile ot railroad town, S5 .miles Kansaj City; all in cultivation and grass; ail rich, fine lying land; g-roout house, barn and outbuildings; well fenced ' and watered, if you want a bargain In a Wfll located, grain and stock farm, you , can't beat U; only $ per acre; good terms on uiis. ' G. W. CLARDT 1NV. CO.. i xn Commerce. Kansas City. Mo. I TIMBER and ranch land bargains In ftoulh Missouri. : Morns at nsisw, aaoua I tain View. Mo. Minnesota. 10,000 acres of choic hardwood timber land for sale in the clover and fruit belt ot Ttavfiaid county. Wis. Very productive soil. Tura water, and where the rainfall Is ample .to Insure good crops; will aell in tracts to suit, with small down payment, balance on i cany terms. uel-w ooa-uoii w, iuu., jiiu i kato, Minn. 175 acres, best, all tillable, . black loam soil; fine crop growing; nign state ot cul tivation, never rented; all fenced; large, Dleasant house: barn and other buildings; fine well, windmill; value ot Improvements, x:t.f0u. Insurance. 13.000. Fine grove ever greens, maples, box elder and apple trees near house. Three miles from finest county seat In state; public parks, lakes, band foncerts. rural delivery and telephone. Positively worth. M per acre. Will not be old lor less next rail, owner quius larm- '; Ing. Quick sale, fG&.&O with terms to suit. Mo trade or tnners. van or v. rue at once. ' Brock. Litchfield. Minn, 13.50 PER ACRE 6,000 acres In Minnesota's great clover ; belt., price, fXuO per acre; Diggeal, bargain In stale. SCHWAB BROS.. 123 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. REAL ESTATE FARM AND ItASnt LAMU FOR 9 ALIO REAL ESTATE FARM AM) H4.Mil I.AM) FOR 8 A IK Jtebraiska 4.natlneI. Texas 'ontlasied. BARGAIN la Platte Valley Irrigated A riKthllN tv-K-rT rsrral Extra good It sere.: must be sold voir niiuii'i1 In .now ABOtfT IT. onlck. M acres alfalfa. M acres beat wheat If. a count v mt In lha center of tha Hie grass meadow lu Uie country; hi serve is Grands Valley and Irrigation; baa railroad. uiner ciovi. swt oar acre, wriie vuitK lor i taha nw rnnr hmiM kmiii bank. terms aod further mfoimatioa lo Mux Ne. I ho.,1 brirk ikti uering, neu. i people to aevtlop its greet resources; IDty ii ricn euougn 10 rr.aae yau rico. mi us for bouaiet U. CUAi'lXli. iOVVNSlTH cviair An g. Cnapln. Tex. M'laetaieB. M-acre Improved farm for H.000. This farm haa 10 acres cleared free of stumps ru BAL.K-HIU section land In cen- I and under cultivation; land la level; goo tral Nebraska. Hood soil, no sand; a bar- I clay loam soil, ciay subsoil; no stone; has gam. Addieis L.ock ilox ia, Morth Loup, W acres of heavy hardwood timber such set. ii auaar maole. oak. baaswooa and birch. no unuerorusu III uie tiinuer; paiance of TOR BALK. 1W acres unimproved prairie land. All level, good land. In good oeighbornood. i miles nortneaai or u Nell l iuia u a ar xaui. Price Hi per acre. C. F. McKENNA. O Nelil, Nebraska. WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN I am tanning near Baldwin. Lake county. Michigan. 1 came here from Indiana four ears ago and am wen satisiiea wnn mis country, i know of some bargains in this vicinity that can ds naa ior caan. it you will write ine and tell me what you want and how much you can buy, i will find aomethlug to suit you here or at least try to. and it will cost you notning if i don't, X have no circulars or literature, so make your wants plain In your letter and 1 will describe to you what l can una, tuen you cun come and see It If interested. W. A. ELLIOTT, TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter I land easy to clear. This farm borders oa wheat and aualla land for sale in largo a beautiful lake with good fishing, it ha bnd email farms In Snerman, Custer and I a new frame house with seven rooms all ituirttio countiey. v rite fur prices. J. i. loinnlete ready to move Into: and a new Campbell. Litchfield, Neb. stable, 16x28. Farm la locate! six miles irom Cumberland and three miles from MUST sacrifice lVk sections of the best Barronett: In a well aettled fanning coun- plow land In Klmtmii county. Address T. try; Germans and Americana; on main Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. traveled road, near schools, churches and creaiiiery. There In timber enough on this FOR SALE Improved stock ' farm. 300 farm that when sold will nav tha Interest acres; Custer county; Close to station; II? I ana taxes lor five years, ierms X2uu cash, per acre; no trades. Box A, Oconto, Neb. balance on time to suit purchaser. . We alto own another DO of unimproved land Oregon. that joins this farm In case you want more .inn. Bend for our special list of other FOR SALE -Wanted Lona- headed con. I farms and timber land weown. also our ervative men and women looking for and I book on northwestern Wisconsin. We are capable of recognising a life time oppor- tocaiea in tsarron coun:y, i miles norm tunlty to write for free book, "'The Apple t of St PauL Address Wisconsin Col Ring." written by II. B. Tronson, the Apple enlsation Co., Cumberland. Wis. King of tha World. Tells how you can par- ,. ,,.., V'lw,,'. ... i,.i.:.,i. i .... T.r... YOU CAN BUI LAND FOR tlO reaped by apple growers In the famous a'vf,ooa la",aVat .5rom W .V a0,J.ef Rogue River Valley, without leaving your ?m ' d neltla W la ws charge no interest. We pay the tun. lnaurance clause In the contract. Beat op portunity In the country tor the man of ALBERTA WHEAT FARM. L" VT-. .r, 'T. 'w . . ,n m nr a ii..ii i.-m i. utiniiutuu nun 'or uiau sua dook to the famous Saskatchewan valley, about six p-' kantu-iRV rn rui. ri.r mile, from the arowlna town of Veir.vlll. BAI,BORW - River, W Is. Datd',1 tOUCAW BUY LAND FOR $10 A MONTH MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, small bouse and barn, some fruit, near town, fins fruit land, tl.000. No. 240 acres, cleared, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good son, li.z&o. No. a 200 acres, rich loam soil, level, 4 miles. Muakegon. city. Si.000; 112 per acre. $1 per acre down, balance easy terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO., Fremont, Mien. IF BOVD AT ONCB1. 1M acres: arood soli: sddIs orchard: 40 acres timber; (-room house; good barn; everything oourplete. 82 acres; a sandy loam; T aoree maple and elm timber; two large apple orchards; 10-room bouse; large frame barn, i Within (our miles market and main Una railroad. Choice 13,300; cash 1700: oalano easy farms, , .WATLAND REALTY COl, Way land. Mich. JUsmtaaa. POR P ALB 1.700 ateres In ieffaraaa county. Montana, at $10 per acre, on easy terms. Thlr, traot la located 1V miles from town of WhltelieJl. a thrifty little city on ine jx. f. ana c. at. as St. P. ooaax una; 2,000 aores of this tract la under Irrigation; water rights from tha Jfferson river. About 1,300 acres bottom land, about Ii per cent of this tract is tillable, balance suit able for pasture. This traot Is located la the famous Montana apple bait and la a bargain. 18,000 acres. MeaaTher county. Muaselahall valley, Montana. $17 per acre; easy terms; located on C, M. 4k St. P. R. R.. IV miles from vwo good towns: at least 80 rr aant oi mil tract isr aui taoie 'or larminsL good proposition to cut up Into small farms: a mui i nru . , , . . . i,w iv i,w mvrwm van urn irrigatea, many springs furnisU abundance 2 water tha year arouaa. MAiti XN ETUART LAND COl, Aberdeen, S. D., And I3S Palace Udg.. Minaaaoolla. present position or residence. Address Rogue River Commercial Orchard Com pany, XHpt. !. Madford, Oregon. Northern railway and Grand Trunk p.-icl tlo, and only a few miles from both. Land In this vicinity produces from no to 60 bush- els of wheat to the acre and 100 bushels of good land at Irom $8 to $20 an acre. In Vilas and Oneida counties. Wisconsin we cnarge no interest, we pay the taxes. oats, and is rapidly Increasing In value. One mfjX opPuAtT nitt in THwrmfNTRt crop will more tban pay for land. Will take 8ESA,V iUiiL.. Jl A RT $13 per acre ior quick saie. Absolute gov ernment title This li Tgreat barln and OWN A FARM AND BB INDJBPENDKNT win mVke bi'a: monev The?e li iolv one Wrlte to1' na u1 Xo jL,ePt- Srtl..Wl.t In while U "."'cheap' O- V. BANBOKK CO. Kagl, River. Wk C. F. Booth, Box 854, Portland. Ore. Virginia. - CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHI6 RAILWAY AS LOW AS $10 PER ACRE; LEARN about the country through which Hill is building to the coast; also about the land rai'.Altlv nnrohftspd hv HI. PmiiI rani. taiiata. Vale la th kev Altv of this hi rich soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar country. Subscribe today for Orlano. Vale. kets. For handsome Illustrated booklet. Ore" at . IM pet J year. ' COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 ymvmjt aviau wit, iwm at luisubu ,vui,iuu rates. Address G. B. WALL, Real Estate Agent, C. dx O. Railway, Box M U, Rich- mono, v a. IRRIGATED FRUIT LAN Lai, Rogue River Valley. Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the most aerfeot fruit belt In the world: rrand sweepstakes prise; Spokane National Apple show; uaa received the nignest prices ever VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. m ACRES $$.600. Two-story house; U rooms and basement; paid 'tor fruit in tha New York and Loa- J(or5he"i Jlfnpi,,K.OUtliU11?!""L PP' SonTinarkeU; orchards now producing over retard ot M Albemarle pippins, wine $1,000 net per acre. saps and other bign-prlced varieties; the Irrigated orchard timcte on payment Dlaa. tf u.ld' lD J00'4 JB i i... im n.. i ine great iruu pelt ot A.Dsmarw county ottoSed lind to W per acri fV devil. nr,1, a,,d aua wU1 chai-da. w oev i ufelong tofc0m.; miie. to railroad Koguelands, Incorporated. Madford. Oregon. station; surrounded by good neighbors, if taken at once, only $.cou: part cash, bal anca on easy terms. For further dataila. aA DlEt 24. "Strout'a Varm Catalnsru Mi $50,000 IRRIGATION PROPOSITION. so. Second Edition." It deaoribea nth.. I.OUO acres lueauy located contiguous to 1 rare bargains Irom IS an acre ud In Vir. government and private Irrigation projects cinla. Marylwhd and the south. Copy frea. will be sold to Individual or syndicate for btatlon to8. E. A. . btrout. Union Bank SUDdlviuion or ior selling irecis. ov,wv I mug., fittaourg. fa. win swing me aeai. r-ari oi lano aireaoy under irrigation, produces heavily in al falfa, onions, potatoes, etc. Low altitude; I SfirTrtV.OARyiN BROS.. $d floor N. Y..Llfe. $6W P.M...B ...... : , - " . I tn lllHlOu An liTiornva1 nrnnArtv. Isltt a. bv to make 1200.000. D or particulars address I " ' "- t u. v. lively, oriu jro.uaiiu. ura WANTKD-filtv loans. Peters Trust Ca REAL LilAit LUANS ""fni" "SSr, ""Vk ".r0.0, V',.'"; W ANTED City tomn, and warrant W. w Timit 7 ,h-".V.V, Farnam smiin a Co., is Farnam bt. MJ11', StW.Ui; "ONW TO IXJAN-Payn. ln,-tt Co. Micbiaxan. j;- ' acres. $ra ! HALF CASH. BALANCE U TEARS. Tha laad to aKuated root far from Bay . CltT. Mlohlgan. and adapted for farma srraaln or fruit. Perfect titles, and will ear close lnapeotioa. The abore price and terms are made to does an estate quick. It you want a 4 or more tend your option In now. with $i per acre, aad balanoa to tto paid waea a on are returueo. BRADFORD COMPANY. M Adams St.. Chicago. gHAP Monay-making country noma, atook. tools and cron oomDlete: one of the best lO-aore farma in the state, practically level, lays about Ift miles from town, oa beautiful made road, cioae neigooors, achools and church. This farm borders on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook (lows aeruss it. large nsw a-room neia stone residence, big basement or cellar, large verandas; big, new barn, room for 4 head ef burses, oowa. also carriage and tool room; low of choice bearing fruit Tola farm is high class in every leapect and we are niaklug a great sacrifice when we offer it. It niu.t be sold quick and we will let ovary thins go in, the way ot machinery, stock, eta. There Is everything from a pitchfork to sU binders, all machinery is practically new, also wagon, carriage, bar Besses, U chickens, cows. horses, bogs, etc. To qukik buy.r will make tha price $,900; must lave $LM0 cash, balance can be paid in amali yearly payments. Will give possessiob and turn everything ovor to buyer in 4$ hours. If you are ready to snap the biggest bargain, on earth, dos t aulas aeeing this quick. TUB FRED PARR CO.. Box K. Plaiawell. Mica. THESE ARB WONDERS. Road. Head and wonder. Practically a gift; 240 acrwa, lies like a garden; 17$ acres cultivated; balunce in Umber and pasture on beautiful river; good house, 1V story, good barn und uther buildings. Buildings carry li.WO Insurance: farm ail fenced nnd -croaa-fenced; rural nail and telephone: three miles to town, nine iniles tu ladr iad town; iuu fuie bearing apple trees and Other fruits. THE PKlCE-irS $1$ PER ACRE. Think of It. There la not another uch lutrgain in the world. Eighty acres splendid land, U acres cul tivated, balance la tine hardwood timber; 1 miles to town: rural, mall and telephone; good bouse ard berg; - A WON DISHFUL BARGAIN. Price, $L7W; '$0,000 cash, balance to suit you. i we are aiways the laadurs tn bargains, thra try to follow. : Bend tor f ifll particular-. H. W. bAW7ER. Newaygo. Mlculgwa. FOR BALK TiO acres, two miles from one of Michigan's finest villages; 7 room bouse, barn Xix40. windmill that furnishes house and barn with water, outbuildings, apple orchard, pe.ns. cherries, plums, grapes; $ seres timber; 40. rods lo school, soil dark uam, corn planted, vats aown, all crops are now planted; span horses, t rows, chickens, bay, corn, potatoes; all Implements iiccextary to carry on a farm; telephone R. 4 1'.; close to creamery; thick ly aottltd neighborhood; $2,su0, $t)0 down; lo appreciate this la to aee It; 14 acres oa the b'.iiks of beautiful body of water; lies on the otlgs t beautiful village; 1 room house, barn 4ux44, Icuhouse; all kinda of fruit; fine shade. surrounds the house;, this Is seeing : $ $uo down. GEO. BRIDGES. Bangor. Mich. Nebraska. There Are Dry Spots ail over Nebraska and the west. That means poor crops. Last year there were too many wet spots. Now out In the Scott's Bluff Country where! the water supply la abundant, there Is no complaint about wet weather. Irri gation farming la tha most sure, tho most practical. Irrigation Is crop Insurance. In Irrigated country you Irrigate the soil; In the rain belt you "Irritate" your mind trying to regulate tho weather. Irrigation Is the bond; the crop la your coupon. Irrigation la tho co-operation of .v and nature. Irrigation is, a draft on Providence paid In ninety days. - Irrigation begets ambition, arouses en thusiasm, creates energy. Irrigation is agriouKural optimism. Test These Things Go .With Us on Our Next Ex cursion to the Scott's Bluff Country Tuesday, July 12. Prove Our Statements The famous "Payne Special" leaves the Burlington station, Omaha, at 4 p. m. We take you at once to the headgatos of the Trl-8tate canal, show you the method of handling the water supply, the canal, sluiceway for cleaning out the sand, the drops, laterals and the crops growing where well watered. It Is an educational trip. We show land by automobiles and get you back to Omaha Friday afternoon. There Is a limit to Irrigated land and that limit Is not far In the future. . Decide today that you will go next week. Write or telephone us. Ask for a copy ot the Land Owner. You will find it good read lng as well as good advertising. Payne Investment Co. S. E. Cor. 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. "To Put Landless Man on Maniess Land. ' i?i? iS!01.!.?.?.'-""10 AW 1.000 Promptly. F. D. Wead. ;".""'.. VJ V- rm :ti . " weud Bldg., lata ana jraraam. particulars free. The Card Realty ti Inv. co., aa xienry iilag., Portland, Ore. LfiOO to to.OOO on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 100$ N. T. Life. Douglas or A-Z1&2. LOAN a to homo owners and homo build ers, with privilege-! making partial pay' ments semi-annually."- W. ti.. THOMAS. $0$ First Naifrmv1 anfc Bids?: REAL ESTATE WANTE D ' Oklakeua. NOT1CB. ' To be sold at nubile auction. June SB. Ifflft A $-story; modern, 60-rootti. brlek hotel building In city of 6.000. Stillwater. OkL Best located property in city. Btillwater Is center of lnterurban system now build ing, has other good railroad facilities, haa t . f . ..rlniillnp.1 ..I... I. 1 rapidly. This hotel has host business In the ,WE HAVE BUYERS FOK "et preSlVrwili" 'all tunltZ JrtV To rW an hutidinv n riav r.t .ii- .hi, nrin..Z wo can sell your property for you. oi leasing it puuding itaeu ooes not eolL tnaulries concerning this property and terms of sale will be ' promptly answered oy ine unoersignea. jtmN iuum, sr. "Uiiwater. ukl LAND FOR dALB. Write me toiav. EL r. FREMONT. NKWAYUO CO.. MICH. , FARM BARGAIN. Best 600 acre farm in Michigan black fandv loam. 1 bldg. ; 1 mile from town. IS. ARBORUAST. Bloomfield, N. i Farm Bargains ISO acres 7 miles north oi ..elign. Antelope Co., Afb. timal set of Improvementa; so acres in corn, 40 acres In wheat, balance in pasture. PRICE $4$ PER ACRE. 120 acres, Fillmore Co.. Neb. Fair act nf improvements. All In cultivation; miles to snirKiey. PRICE N5 PER ACRE. 4S0 acres In Boone Co., Neb.; $M acres un- aer cuiiivaiion. uood improvements: miles to Cedar Rapids. PR1CF.. $o0 PER ACRE. 640 acres, $ miles from Potter, Cheyenne Co., Neb. PRICE S15 PER ACRE. Western Keal Estate Co., 411 Karbach Block, Omaha Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved. 1M acres, fine land;. Ill in I lea to Omaha, i miles to bouiii winana atoca yaroa. Prica , U ii imca, iuv per aero. C. R. Combs, Room 16 Old U. 8. NaL Bldg.. uth aad earnam roona, u. (ala. FOh SALE Neany 1 acres lo Cedar Val ley. one mile from Cedar Rapids, Nab good home. Address Mia Alice R. Youn Cedar Rapid. Nebraska. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. bulte S2 N. Y. Life Bldg. North Uotsu NORTH DAKOTA FARM LAND EXCURSION, JULY 19. WANTED Good rental property, $1,600 to $3,000, for choice vacant lot or lota, one- third to one-nan the value, paiance spot cash. Olve particulars of property offered, Address M 7. Eee. . THAT OLD DO LBV rvc TOL.O VOU SO MUCH ftBOUT J ' I r-r T- -' rktjM-OOLBV'a GOT nv BEST tiu esv PRtTtMOlMG .HE 2 MfC- I'U GtT Mi& WirC MD TeKC MERTO THt SeAME HES GOING DOUBLE r COMC AuU KIUWyA VITHME-irA U I'ULCOME MD WE LL HAfVE I J ' jT-a J NICE LITTLE J I not rPt. 7 SPBEftO T D y T" LLV- HERE COMtb Hevr OLD roou OKA DO LBV PLoV OHE Or OH HIM THERt-'ISH'TMY DOUBLE - DOKT LET HIM FOOL VOU THIS TIME OlLLV'STOPrt CARRYING THE OOKE TOO FAR! VOU'LLTRV T03TEAL WILL. f DO N'T H IT MV HUSBAND,! MISTER. EyERETT? PLC A5E. OOtlT. l Her 117)) ' Jr k& :TT J 7 lATJ-Vou r WITM MV DOUBLE! to HOME! TUTTUT- BILL EVERETT. My WIFE I5TOO &MftRT TO BE FOOLED lM0uM I AH! OFFICERS-HE'S ONLV JOKING LET HIM GO-I HE DOESNT MEAMIT sJ.- t ' ivr.i. EVERETT H3TS &a ml 51 jGoorruftrn -J 'iOtlYRI GHT?91 a'BY TH E NEW TQRK EVLN1NQ JUaRAM.INIW' Y0RRTHERALD ca.AB TtiglilTlSsirvwt: (T- Items of Interest to the Women Folk r- SWAFS Closing out larse tract fine agricultural 'J' " . D . Vn land,-underlaid wuh coal. Btark o., N. D., t? ?ehbJiii?l 2eWJS?mCn?. SS.1Sl WW dud.hnrTocatednd,Vvri EtSy aroTn8inged'3,cVopttpps and "Mo. in tstarK county are fine this year. Plenty ,rr j T. ...j of rain. Write for map and full Inform ,I.nd- tf.7JSLmia52.A.?J2? lion, excursions 1st and iki Tuesday each AHHr... v 1V1 ill ' " mnniri while thla land 1 u M t Your 4xnpnaAMl paid if you ouy. J. ti. DUHOnT & BON, 11106 Farnam St.. Omaha. Hale Clerical and Stenographic ilUUH.KJSJilr'UR, ins. office, $75. A group of veilings at the uniform price of 25 cents a yard In one shop struck me as being of remarkable value. Included were veils In new form octagon mesh, light and thin for. summer, wear, eighteen inches wide, in brown, wistaria, navy, taupe .and, , gray. A . magpie . mesh with small woven dots Is attractive aa well as durable, and In addition to the black and white effects this veiling could be bought in a combination of brown and white with brown dot, or pink and brown with brown dot. Then a fancy tuxedo net that was light and refined looking and a more showy hec tagon mesh with chenille dots only con cluded about half the variety of veilings at 26 cents a yard. The white washable belts for wear with trim shirt waist suits of white goods are exceedingly attractive, while the prices at which they are marked are cheap. 180 acres land In 1 Paso county. Colo rado, all fenced, every Inch of it tillable; veil settled all around It. Clear. Price 12,600. want a-room house, north end pro- rwirrr-M .i.ri, i. tut I assume m nwiiiua incum- I'vpirijTi'Wi 'w?i Rani, ..i.u ' an 'IDrance. RXPMRiFNricn NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., wkstitrn n fr.r a nniin ihk'V Tien I O0" r. 1 "f? 762-4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. (Kst, 8 Yrs.) Phone Red im 1130-acre grain and stock farm, beat art JL "at.c'?. " cropped; M acre. fliT ttmbii, 200 acre. KJldVJfc NrtS7 " inompsoa. fine nay meadow; balance first-class naa- I "lar iura v&caiiciit set oi Duiminaa. imorova. i i . . . . ... , - . I o jxram L".FnJluh """'i """.f"1! Nlnroom bouse nearly new.Wlll put In r-ir mn i" ... '17" caan in traae ror vacant lot in Omaha. - rr NOWATA LOT & LAND CO.. struouon, crosses part of land; some of "" tana aaioins new townsnin: ir Durchuuui before harvest half crop sroea with land vu ym m lur inu ubcu , equipment may I r anca be purchased If desired; owner haa ranched WK can trade anything. LAIliiUir A IUUIN. anywhere. 421 Bee. WANTED to trade good five-passencer utomnbile for Ralston lots. L. Howard, here for twenty-five yeara and wishes to Joo, ow, and a snap at that. Don t bother I ! "ut..u' ? .""ai".i'1i"i HANDSOME Waverly Electric, new tires, B".,rT i'muV"( 'W,S"; top, chalnless, bl-ck plush upholstering; . s new batteries, perfect condition; cost $1,800 new. - Owner will sell for cash or take clear cottage or lota. 810 N. Y. Life Bldg TAILORS NORTH DAKOTA THB LAND OF OI'PORTUNCTT. uuia in me snouso tuver loop, where erop failure Is unknown. Hon. J. J. HJU aava ma una u an .Aith vinn -. - and bo knows. Will rent and oav 10 ni MISFIT tailored suit-$s and $40 values sent on Investment What la your money at $m. Bee A. Rubensteln. IUH 14ta BU aue finest prairie land In toe world. Write ma for Hat. It la fran K. K. GO WIN. Olenbura. M. IX. O. A. LINQUIST CO. $35 PAXTON BLK. FOR evenlna functions full dress Is the rule, and to get It made right see Hi Thlel Tailor. Til 8. 16th fit, WANTED TO BUY BEST ' PRICE) paid for furniture, carpets.1 clothing Phono Douglas tali. second-band and sue. Cafeo One largo and one medium also safe, state slse and price. Id 2k0 Be BEST prioea for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Gold, eta NATHAN. 211 a Uta St, BUST prices for td-hand clothing. D. $440. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Slsea. List With Ua NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (24 N. T. Life Bldg. Phone Red ISO. kua, TO ZA VALLA COUNTT, TEAAP He was a novice to farming, A man offered him the use ot M acres of land without charge for one year for lh clearing and plowing. He planted 20 acres of onion according to the directions given him by his nelhnrs. HB CLEARED I10.00G NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 ACRES. OR $600 AN ACRID. He then offered to buy tbo land at $100 an acre, but tho owner wouldn't aell. I HAVE 10,000 ACRES OF THB SAME LAND JUST ALONGSIDE AT ONLY $16.00 AN ACRE. But It must be sold In one body. Real estate men ot long experience pronounce It "THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS." It must be sold ac once, and 116 00 Is cost Drlce. Naturally this Is a wholesale proposition. i ma laiiu can oe reaaiiy re-suia in small tracts from $J0 to $76 per sore and ii ine ouyer wishes, i win undertake lis re-eale. Tho land I offer you Is In the artesian belt and Is the best opportunity you will ever have to buy. Fur particulars addreaa W. B. MURRAY. 407 COMMERCE BLDQ.. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR a A LB. Ill aores. lu lu cultivation, alfalfa, ann ana potatoes; tmee innas irom tne town of Wharton; on (be Colorado river; ae avarflow! aa mllaa from llau,lon Aiao a aoree, le In cultivation, eorn: aA. 1 rtnrlrtn.. M-s rla. M a m rt I ire Joining the above place; ot mile to , " " rauroaa switch; party can get immediate Cincinnati. juu ill r hi rrca. uneoin aug. 10 poaeealon; wiu take $60 per acre for one r'n wlvanla ..July li Amarna lui. it or both placM. Writs to the owner. A a Clmiaod Juir u orr waiaaraaa. Aut. 17 Norton. Wharton. Tex. Trrira fKala'n Aug. Vie. July wirineinnail Aug. 20 tuu-i anion a la uaria nauiinoi. a ........ u . . . ..M ... B v.. WU IV n w . M Rl. Raturna. - ' nimBui-! 'I.T. . . 9f IaSM av-H NEATLY furnished room by couple em ployed during day. Must be reasonable. 640 Bee Bldg. MAN and wife would like to board and room with private family, both employed. No boarding houe; references. Addrvss M- 4fc,. IW. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All IXodera aafe. Devices (Wireless, etc) The smartest of ' these belts close with small round or oval white pearl buckles, which can be removed when laundering. Imagine a white duck belt so fitted, one and one-half Inches wide, at 40 cents, and a pretty white mercerized embroidered jac quard belt a little wider at 18 cents. Twenty-five, cents will buy a white linen all over embroidered belt, stitched edge and lined, and 35 cents the same design in a better quality. Keep the baby's hands and feet warm If you expect a good digestion. Accustom the baby to outdoor air by be ginning Its airings In the nursery. Take the baby outdoors at the age of four weeks in winter and two or three weeks In summer. On windy days, or when there Is much dampness or melting snow, air the baby In the house. Use a comfortable baby carriage for the baby's outing; do not use a go-cart or your own arms. Woman's Life, , louely clean. Have the shelves, aides and door scraped down and washed with hot soda fend water at least once a week. Home Chat. A sanitary tooth brush holder Is made rrom glass in cylinder snape mtea witn a removable metal cap. The stand Is also of glass, so every part Is dainty and hygienic. These stands hold one and two brushes. The single size Is 60 cents,, the double 85 cents. Much valuable time Is saved It al) dirty saucepans are filled with cold water until you are able to wash them. Home Chat. The DailyBumbix Bee VOU I. OMAHA, JULY 8, 1910. NO. 194. THB BVMIU.B BEE. A. STINGER Editor Communications welcomed, and neither signature nor re turn postage required. Ad dress the Editor. NO ADS AT ANY PRICE. Cheer I' p. All sorts of things happen in this queer world, and some of them don't please us overly much. But it has been our cheerful experience that the sunshine always follows the rain, and that If we wait long enough the moat persistent drouth is broken. Many of our reader felt badly put out by tho outcome of the joint debate at Reno last Monday. They had staked their expectations on "the white . man's hope," and the hope failed them. That took a lot of joy out of their Uvea, just at the close ot a glad holiday. But the whistle blew the next morning just the same, and when they got down town they found tho same old Job waiting for them, with he same glorious chance to earn a living honestly. Now, If they'll just stick to that job and put their minds on tho work in hand, by this time next week, they'll have forgotten that any such disappointment as that of Monday ever came Into their lives. And if the white race will go carefully about its busi ness, avoiding over Indul gence in heavy foods and alcoholio liquors during the heated term, it may sur vive the shock. . Poor Doak. Just now tha most edifying spectacle to bo observed any where is that of the Peerless Leader trying to hitch tho democratto donkey to the water wagon. But the donk has gone through several strange ex periences under the guidance of W. J. B., and maybe this of all can be But what would of the fathers of tho democratic party ay to It? strangest achieved. COLONEL OULTSPPER'S SPEECH HOPELESSLY LOST. TO POSTERITY Indignation Aroused by News from Reno Over, shadowed by Consternation at the Report from Lincoln. (From a Staff Correspondent) REBEL COVE, Kaln tucky, July 8. (Special by Courier Down the River to Pike's Landing.) Not since the news came that General Simon Bolivar Buckner had handed over his sword to Ulysses S. Grant, and the flower and chivalry of this glorious state was humil iated by the abject terms of unconditional surrender, dic tated by Yankee who hap pened to be for the moment in possession of the advant age of superior numbers and arms, has this community been so stunned and shocked as It was by the news that came through from Reno, Nevada, last Monday. Just at present w under stand that Marse Henri Wat- terson is absent from the state, and therefore la un able to furnish us with our proper expression of senti ment at this moment, when the white race, as one man, should rise In determination to wipe out the Infamous stain that haa been put upon humanity by this remark able proceeding. When Marse Henri has returned, we look for a clarion call from that old warrior, whose plume has always waved far In advance along the line that has battled for white supremacy and dem ocratic success. But, while Marse Henri Is not with us, some of our mora Impetuous citizens are exercising a freeman's right, and voice their personal feel ings in no uncertain terms. Colonel Culpepper, one of our finest citizens, ssys: "By gad, suh. It's un speakable. I can't believe It. suh. It's out of reaaon, suh, that dashed nlgguh would lift his black hand against a white man, suh, much less dellbuhately unduh take to " LATER Colonel Culpep per's remarks were Inter rupted by another and even more startling announce mentes. Posterity will be the loser, for It Is welt known that Colonel Culpep per Is one of our most elo quent orators, a. born orator, in fact, and his remarks on this occasion would have been for all ages. Yes It Is not to be wondered at .that he was unable to go on. Only tho most unusual ot circumstances would excuse the Interruption of the speaker, just as he was get ting Into full flight, but the news was so tremendously Important that no one has as yet had time to think of the episode. Major Desha brought the word, which has since been fully con firmed from the most au thentic and trustworthy sources. It Is that Colonel William Jennings Bryan, whose gon falon wo have followed for fourteen long, lean and hun gry years, has set about to tie the democratic party as a tall to the prohibition kite. No one ot all our citizens Is possesoed of sufficient temerity to undertake to deal with tbla question. It must be left until ' Marse Henri Watterson returns to the state. In the meantime, our chiv alry bows Its head under the two terrible blows to whit supremacy and Bourbon democracy. "Watch II I m Closely. . Aviator Mars expects to aviate around Omaha some time this month. A Chicago paper reports this conversa tion: "Did you see Mars fly." ..NOi linked and 'missed IU" WE W01TOEB If Shallenberger know that the county attorney of Douglas county Is a dem ocrat T Whether Tom Blackburn wilt get an answer to his let ter before he does' to his challenge? How Jim Da hi man likes tho publicity he Is getting from Lincoln? If sending Stoecker to con gress wouldn't be an emi nently fit and proper climax to the silly season? What some Kansas folks will say when they hear that Fleharty Is trying to go to congress from Omaha? If Bert Hitchcock didn't enjoy reading Bill Bryan's communication after his In terview with HaUleld? How the men who paid tho campaign expenses for the democratic party In Ne braska two years ago Ilk the result? Domett lo Science. , ' First She Shocking, that Reno affair. Second She I know It was. First She Hav anything up? , Second She Yes, , with pater. First She Lose? Second She Yes. ' . First She Pay? Second She Surely, (men tal reservation), but I'll hav it back before the end of the week. Take oar Pick. The "wise" ones who wer in the Jeffries camp are either knaves or fools. If they didn't know, while be ing so closely associated with the monumental failure, they are fools. Black Maa's Bardea. Just now the black man's burden seems to be a load of money that Is likely to make him humpbacked If he has to tote It long. Oh. you 10 to f. t'aleja. The Bumble Be Is unique In one respect, at least It didn't send a staff represent atlv to Reno,