Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1910, Image 1

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    aily Bee.
No woriian need blush when
reading Th Be; it is barred
from no hone. Thla tniifs It
tii most powerfnl Influence In
seillrir, tcooda through advertising.
For NobrasKa Generally fair.
For Iowa fier.erally fair.
For weather report aoe paRC 2.
sixdu: txii'r, two cknts.
VOL. XLNO. 17.
The, Omaha
Closes Door of Party on Senator!
Wio Voted Against Initiative
and Referendum.
Calls oa the Voters to Tarn Them
Down at Primaries.
" -
. , t '
FLAIfUKM 13 A aALixlAJ i
" '
Ho Man Has Right to Disregx
Party Pledges. v
flair War ( Peretnat Kreedsna
to "Let the reople Hale" and
Only Oae War to Do
Hom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 7. (Special) William J.
Hryao this afternoon In statement No. S
set the rollers tinier democratic Senators
Kannom, Howell, Tanner, Buck, Klein,
Dartos. V'olpp and Bess because they
failed to vote for tlia Inlliatlva and refer
endum during the late legislature and he
auggesta thnt the constltutents of these
senators keep the rollers moving.
Senator Buhrman come In for a side
rwlpe for voting against the proposition
luring ttie regular session, but gets pract)
uti forglvenesa for agreeing to vote "yes"
o the extra session which the governor
bailed to call. Explanations are offered
f Volpp and Besse, because they said they
would vote "yes" If thela constituents told
'hem to. '
When he made reference to Volpp Mr.
liryan was not In possession of th fact
that Volpp remarked that If the peerless
leader secured enough signatures from his
constituents to constitute a majority of the
votes cant for him he (Volpp) would de
mand In addition that he also be supplied
from each signer with an affidavit that he
Is a democrat and will vote the democratic
ticket next November,
Mr. Bryan's Aiitkrai,
Mr. Bryan's statement Is as follows:
"Tho primary will soon be here, and as
candidates are already entering upon their
canvass, It behoove tha democrats of the
state to know the views of those who as
pire to office. We have 100 rundred repre
sentatives and thirty-three snatcrs to elect
to the legislature, and every candidate
should be put on record upon the question'
at Issue. No tanlld-ate Is deserving of demo
cratic support unless he believes that a
platform Is binding. A platform which Is
not binding Is a fiaud upon the public,
and the man who repudiate a platform
after he Is elected upon It is an cmbexzler
of power. ,
"Next to believing In platforms comes
the securing of a platform that rtprewarrts
the wishes of the voters. On national ques
tions th& demiMrata of .Nebraska are agreed;
as they have tcn for mure than fifteen
yeah;; ' but as there are differences of
opinion on state o. it Is necessary that
these ahull be given careful consideration
and that the platform ou all of these ques
tions shall be clear and represent the sen
timent of tha voters. Theie Is one issue
to which special attention ought to be
called at thin time. If Is the Issue repre
sented In the Initiative and referendum,
gas it la laanlasoos.
"The sentiment In fsvor of this is prac
ticslly unanimous among democrats, and
jet In the lust legislature a few democratic
senators assumed the responsibility of de
feating the initiative and referendum reso
lution. This resolution had the support of
the democratic governor, of nearly all the
democratic members of the house and of
mora than half of the democratic members I
of tbe senate, but In spite of this indorse
ment of a fundamental democratic doctrine
the following democratic senstors voted
against the resolution: Ransom, Howell,
Tanner, Buck, Klein. Buhrman, Bartos,
Volpp nnd Beese. " If four of these had
voted for tha resolution tha amendment
would have been aubmitted and the liquor
question would not now be acute.
'The democratic votera in the districts
represented, or misrepresented, as the case
may be, by tha above-named senators, are
to decide whether these gentlemen gave cx
prutaion to the sentiment of their constit
uents. Since the adjournment of the leg
islature a democratic state convention the
convention of l'.uo has unanimously In
dorsed the Initiative and referendum, and
there is no djubt that the coming state
convention Willi do likewise. Yet In spits
of tills positive indorsement of this demo
cratic reform by a state convention, iSena
' tots I'.ansom, Howell. Tanner, Buck, Klein
and Jiailos recently declared that they
would vote agulntt the resolution again it
a special session were called. Senator
Buhrman. who voted no at the regular
aesslon, announced tHat If a special setslon
was called bo would vote yet. Senators
Volpp and Bessa, who voted no during the
first ss,luu. announced that they: would
votf no again unless their constituents
asked them to vote yes. Senator Tibbetla,
who voted yes at the regular session, re
fused to ssy how he would vote at a special
Mast (io , oa v ltecord.
"This lsue ought to be discussed in every
senatorial and legislative district, and every
democratic candidate ought to be com- i
pe lied to announce himself on the proposl
l.ou. No man is entitled to democratic
aiit.nnrft it h. i in n..r wlllinr til allau- th neu
rit t nil If Hi naiilrt desire, to aiak !
directly on any question and the Initiative
and referendum give them tnis right tbvy
should have tha right to do so. No demo
crat who has gune on record agair.el tt,e
InillaiUe ai.d referendum should receive
democratic support unless he ha repented
.... ki .,n,,..- .h. h.
cn be trusted to vole for the piuptts.tlcn
at all times unJ under all ill cunii:nc.s
l ereaUr. It a democratic off cil thinks
that his cnkcime tld him to vote sgalust
the initiative and referendum he is mlb
taken; such suggestions do not come from
that source. It is the voice of the serpent
and not the voice vt God that prompts a
senator at representative to deny to his
peoplo tbe right to coutrol their own gov
ernment Noue but the faithful should be
put on guard at a time like thla"
New Tea, (or C'realoa.
V'RESTUN. la. July T.-ttipeclal.) Two of
CreMuii s furmrr star 1 at. ball play era
Ltailtt Khlrta and fliarlr. Crusen, aie or-fc-anizma;
a ball team her, and have leased
m old railroad commons, and are putting
It in sliai.e for playing. They have a team
marly and 1' to giva tha
lutai fan a Unto of the name. U Is cx-V-ti
d lite ui aajuzatlou i f the Uam il b
pojtciU and Ute tlrst game will b pytd
Shoots Husband
and Child and
Takes Poison
Wife of Chicago Street Car Con
ductor is Goaded to Desperation
by Alleged Brutality.
CHICAGO. Julv 7.-Mrs. Henry Mulsaw
I goaded to desperation by the alleged bru
tality and unfaithfulness of her husoana.
stroet car conductor, today shot and
'ally wounded the latter and their 9-year-
dausliter. and then killed herself by
. Wa.boiic acid. '
" Mulsaw planned her act carefully.
arrowed a revolver from her lamer,
n that she needed It for protec-
her husband worked at nights
wrots letters to ber parents, her
-, 'aw and to tha public. In these
k V, d she had been a good and
ft , but that Mulsaw spent his
sn -rfu with otter women and often
Mulsaw Is alleged to have been with an
other woman until 4 o'clock this morning
when he returned to his home. According
to the' police ha began abusing his wife,
seising her by the hair and kicking her.
She then drew the revolver and shot him
In. the abdomen. He fell to the floor and
he sent another bullet Into his back. She
then went to her bedroom and fired a bullet
Into the bedy of her little daughter. Satis
fled that both were dead, aha completed
tha tradegy by taking tha poison. That
she again shot her child after this act is
shown by the marks of acid on the child's
The police found the woman dead. At the
hospital It was said that the father and
daughter could not live.
New Aviation
Duration Record
M. Oheslagers Sets New Mark for
Time and Distance at Rheims,
BETHANY PLAINS, Rheims. July 7.-M.
Olleslagers today broke the records for
duration and distance at the aviation meet
Ins; In progress here. He remained In the
air two hours, thtrty-nlne minutes and
thirty-nine seconds, and covered the dis
tance of 158 35-100 miles. During the speed
contest Leon Morane, the French aviator,
covered twenty kilometers, 12.42 miles. In
thirteen minutes and forty-two seconds.
During one of the flights, Weymann, an
American aviator, fell. He waa uninjured.
but his machine was wrecked. M. Petrow
skls of Russia, also met with an accident.
being precipitated to the ground by the
rush of air from the motor of M. Ktnef
of Belgium, who passed within fifteen feet
of his machine.
Pierce Settles
, -With Oklahoma
Oil Magnate's Company Agrees to Be
Good and to Pay Large
ENID. Okl., July 7.-The signing of
stipulation by which the W'sters-Plerce Oil
company is to pay a fine of $75,000 and be
restrained from entering Into any contract
In restraint of trade, resulted In the dla
missal today of the que warranto suit
brought by Attorney General West against
tho company.
The fine Is to be payable as follows
Twtnty-flve thousand dollars In sixty days
$2S000 in six months and $25,000 in nine
It was agreed that the defendant com
pany should maintain uniform prices upon
petroleum products in Oklahoma.
New Tariff Law
Brings Revenue
Collections for Fiscal Tear, 1910, Are
Largest in Government's
WASHINGTON. July 7.-A utatement
prepared at the Treasury department by
direction of Acting Secretary Hilies show-
that the customs receipts for the fiscal
yiur 1210 amounted to $S3S.(H3,. For th
greater pert of the year, the Payne-Aid
rich tariff law was In force and Mr. Hilles
said the receipts were the largest for any
year In tha history of the covernment. For
the last nine years the receipts in round
numbers were.
190J tre.Orto.ow
!!$ 2M.S).t.WI:IW J6.MMmO
I'.kh Ki.uiio.uoo ijOit
1!jS 1161. OoO.OiOi 1!10 ii3.-iOU.Ou0
(astslaa iolf faamnloaaklp.
TORONTO. July 7. By defeating the
vettrau, Georre Lyon. In a cloe match
Lambton, Frits Martin of Hamilton has
won the Canadian amateur golf champion
Marines Have Bruiser They
Think Can Trim the Champ
Down at the marine recruiting station
I' ne'e Sam's men are taking turns in rend
ing the reports of tha championship fight
and a letter from Private Tom Ashley. 201
I Puntla. of New Orleans, whom they think
couia wnip jonnson ana in me
same ring at the same time. Corporal
Henley of the local recruiting station, re
ceived the letter from Private Ashley
Wednesday evening and since has tKun
plana to Inveigle the 2V4-pounder of New
Orleans Into serious thoughta
Henley and Ashley were pals when the
ships of both were stationed at Hong
Kong. At that time Henley got Into a
scrap with a mob of rlck-a shaw coolies
la front of th absinthe joint on the water
front, and Private Ashley saved his life.
Ashley's letter received Wednesday, told of
a mors trying experience even than the
un at Hor.g Kong, and Henley declares
it prove; his friend ought to be champion
of th world.
"Th bluejackets from th Massachusetts
hav been bothering us with an argument
that on of their chars can sing better
I than I." th letter txplalna "That's th
Personnel of Delegation that Calls
on Former President Upsets
. 4
Close Friend of Colonel Spends Night
at Oyster Bay.
Presence of Three Men from New
Hampshire Also Canses Surprise.
Mr. Roosevelt appose 4 to Have Gone
Over Extent of Progressive Move
meat with Mr. Foalke sad
eaator Beverldare.
OYSTER BAT. July 7. Theodore Ho
ve'.t authorised the announcement this if
tcrnoon that he would take the BturriD in
Indiana this fall in behalf of Senator Bv
crldge'a fight for re-election. ,
OYSTL'K BAY. July 7.-Forecasts of to-
ay a conference at Sagamore win were
upst by the personnel of the delegation
hlch arrived.
Colonel Roosevelt said 'yesterday that
Senator Beverldge was to be here, and a
umber of other men who were affiliated
more or less closely with the progressive
movement In the republican party, whose
names he would not divulge.
The Impression was that several other
men from the middle west would be here.
The presence of three men from New
Hampshire and one from Montana puxxled
political observers.
In particular the visit of Senator Carter
could not be understood. "The senator from
Montana has been one of the righi-hand
men of Senator Aldrich and has conalitent.y
opposed tha insurgency movements. He
had no word to say when he got here as to
why he had come to Oyster Bay on this
occasion. It was observed, however, that
when the party drove off for Sagamore
Hill Senator Carter was in a carriage by
Fovlke First Arrlpal.
William Dudley Foulke of Indiana came
down from New York last night. Mr.
Foulke was a civil service commissioner by
appointment of Mr. Roosevelt, and on sev
eral occasions when the then president
wished to make a public statement of a
political nature he did so by writing an
open letter to Mr. Foulke.
A delegation of visitors to Colonel Roose
velt arrived from New fork on the noon
train. . Ttiera vers six In the party, two of
whom wero United States Senators Bever-
Idge of Indiana and Carter of Montana.
The others were John Bass, war cor re
suondent, and his brother Robert; Winston
CTMirchifl, BOveHst, and James B. 'Sheffield
Robert B&sa Is an "Insurgent" candidate
fir the republican nomination for gwernoi
of New Hampshire. He and Mr. Churchill
are to lay the situation In New Hampshire
before Colonel Roosevelt in an endeavor to
enlist his sympathy and, - If possible, - his
support in their contest.
Carter Talks of Interview.
NEW YORK, July 7. Senator Carter, on
bis return from Sagamore Hill, said that
while his visit was not a political one, he
bad given the colonel considerable 'Infor
mation about the situation In the west.
"I assured . him," sakl Senator Carter,
that the alleged divisions In the west were
greatly exaggerated and that many of us
were trying to attain the same ends through
different methods.
Senator Carter said he had assured Col
onel Roosevelt that the strength of the In
aurgent movement In the northwest had
been overestimated. The senator was asked
If there was any possibility of a branch
between President Taft and Colonel Roose
velt, and he replied:
1 can see no danger of it. Mr. Roose
velt will probably have more of a soothing
Influence than any other.".
Xewell Bark froai New York.
WASHINGTON. July 7. Director Fred
erick H. Newell of the reclamation service,
whose differences with Secretary of the
Interior Ballinger have created general
comment, returned to Washington today
from New York, where it waa understood
he talked yesterday with former President
The unusual reticence of the director con
cerning his New York visit lends color to
the report that one of the objects of his
trip was to consult, with Colonel Roosevelt
concerning the friction with the secretary
of the interior, over the administration of
the reclamation service. He refused to ad
mit or deny that he had had conference
with the former president.
Mr. Newell said he had conferred in Bal
timore and New York with B. N. Baker,
president of the second national conserva
tion congress, which will be held In St.
Paul September S to . The program, he
said, would be submitted to both President
Taft and former President Roosevelt for
their approval.
Secretary Ballinger left Washington today
(Continued on Second Page.)
reason why I'm a marine just cow with
an ultra-marine eye."
"Well It got pretty hot finality, and the
boys organised a bout between me and
'big' Jack of the Massachusetts. It didn't
sound much like singing to me. and you
know when it comes to 'Willie tha Sleeper
and 'Casey Jones' I can deliver a few
lines, but I let tnem have their way.
"Well, before w got through, 'Big' Jack
had forgot all he knew about singing and
three other chaps from the ship also were
ready to go back to deep water.
"My. argument is they better sing in
quartets hereafter."
Corporal Henley says Ashley has had
numerous touts for th tumor of th
mar'nes. and notably was victor over a
bluejacket from th Wisconsin, winning
af'er thtee Mows. The champion of the
rervlc Is six feet and one-iuarter Inch tall
and beautifully put together. Henley de
clares. Ashley also has the advantage of
being onlj SI years old.
Th local marines are planning to get
Ashley Interested In prize fighting, so that
som day ha will b champion.
riis-'Kni.,-.,.. ti r r i v r
1. 1 a v
"Well, Bill,
From the Cleveland Leader.
Chicago Woman Elected President of
National Association. '
Report Nomlaallag X.' ' X. Sayder,
I'rlnclpal of Colorado State Nor
mal School, Rejected by
Derisive Vote.
BOSTON, July 7. Mrs. Emma Flagg
Young of Chicago defeated Z. X. Snyder,
principal of the Colorado State Normal
school, for president of tha National Edu
cational society today by a vote of 617 to
ITS, the question being on the substitution
of Mrs. 'Young's ' name for that of Mr.
Snyder In the report of the committee on
nominations. "
Z. X. Snyder, principal of tbe Colorado
Stat Normal school. ni nominated by the
committee on nominations for the next
president of tha National Education asso
ciation. Mr. Snyder received 24 votes and
his' nearest compel V e rs. Emma F,
Younf of Chicago, NiJfJlrcn 13.
Tha constitution of ile association pro
vides for selection of a board of governors
by tbe delegates, but also provides for the
presentation of a ticket by a nominating
committee, Tha members of this committee
are selected by- state, and Monday, after
the stadium meeting, at which President
Taft spoke, all the states caucussed and
chose membeis of that committee. The
nominating committee met at 9 a. m. today
in' Trinity chapel for the purpose of decid
ing on a candidate for president, with the
annual meeting of the association follow
ing at noon at tha New Old South church.
At the meeting work of the convention
special attention waa paid today to children
and teaching In the lower schools. Kinder
garten work, various branches of child
study, music and physical education were
also discussed ly well known authorities.
Tha officers of the association gave up
all hope today of obtaining tha presence
of former President Roosevelt and the con
vention will close in Tremont temple to
morrow evening with an address by Mrs.
W. N. Hutt, chairman of the women'a
branch of the farmers Institute work of
North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C; President
Emeritus Eliot of Harvard and tha new
president of the association.
Catholic Ktlacatloaal Convention.
DETROIT. Mich... July 7. At; the Na
tional Catholic Educational convention here
today, his eminence, Jamea Cardinal Gib
bons of Baltimore was elected honorary,
president and Right Rev. Mgr. T. J. Shahn
of Washington, D. C, was chosen presi
dent general.
Woman Faints
on Witness Stand
President, of Kansas Oil Company
Collapses After Two Days' Gruel
ing Examination.
INDEPENDENCE. Kan.. July 7. Miss
Hernamia Kaesmann. president and gen
eral manager of the Sunflower State Re
finery, after being on tha witness stand In i
bankruptcy case two days, collapsed under
the fearful gruelling of creditors' lawyers
today and swooned from the witness chair
in a nervoua wreck. After about an hour
she revived sufficiently to be carried to an
Interurban car and sent to her home.
Men Vote to Co Oat, net Are Awalt
lag -llesults of Peadlag Ne.
PARIS. July 7. A geteral railway ttrika
here is threatened. The men. who demand
r.n increase in wacts and other ameliova
tkor.s, have already voted to strike In prin
ciple, pending the result of negotiations
with the companies.
Man Who Lived on Mstr-Flve Teats
a Week Leaves savlaas to
PITTSBURG. Pa., July 7. The will of
Nicholas Dalo, a former newspaper man,
who had lived for year a hermit like life
on 65 cents a week, as he boasted, was filed
today directing $1,300, which h had saved,
be forwarded to the "Holy Land to the
Sorrowful Mother and Blekked Virgin
church erected 1.500 years ago in the path
of the cross."
As a writer he was one well known here
for his Intlmalii acquaintance with th steel
Industry and lu Uadtrs, Including Audrcw
What Taft Has Done
if smiles can do,all that, keep
Four Hundred
Union Carpenters
Are Locked Out
Men Refuse to Work with Nonunion
Structural Iron Workers and
Building Operations Stop.
DES MOINES, la.. July 7. Four hundred
union carpenters were knocked out by the
Master Builders' essoclatlnn of Des Moines
today, because the carpenters refused to
work with nonunion structural iron work
ers. All big building contracts of the city
are tied up. Other affiliated uniona will not
strike unless the master builders employ
nonunion carpenters, they say.
Taft Extends
His Vacation
President Will Take Ten Days'
Cruise on Mayflower, Be ,
, ginning July 18.
BEVERLY. Mass., July 7.-President Taft
will extend the ten days' vacation which he
began yesterday by taking a ten days'
cruise on the yacht Mayflower, beginning
July IS. The president's present vacation Is
not up until July 18, so that this will leave
only Sunday, the 17th, Intervening.
Accompanied by all the members of hla
immediate family, by nls brother, Horace
D. Tart, and by as many friends as the
limited quarters of the Mayflower will ac
commodate, the president will sail up the
north coast. He will stop for a day or
two at Bar Harbor and may drop in at
several other resorts and points of interest.
The golf sticks will be carried along and
whenever an attractive looking set of eigh
teen holes appears on the horizon, the May
flower will anchor, forthwith. Cornmanrt.r
bnowden is In command of the Mayflower.
The president played golf this morning
Deadlock on Coal I
Miners' Scale
Operators in Southwest Suspend Ne
gotiations Because Engineers
. Are Ordered from Mines.
KANSA8 CITY, Mo., July 7.-Nesotlatlons
between the coal operators and coal miners
of the southwest were declared off tern
porarily by the operators today, because
Alexander Howatt, representing the miners
in Kansas ordered the firemen and en
gineera at the mines in h's district to quit
work In sympathy with the miners.
I he operators contend that this action
was a violation of an existing contract,
which provides that when the miners hav
quit work, pending the renewal of a wage
contract, the engineers and firemen at the
mines must remain at work to keep the
mines free from water.
Thomas L. Lewis of Indianapolis, will
return here tomorrow and give his efforts
to settle the differences between the em
ployers and miners.
iiasiaesa ronton of Ilea Las De
stroyed by Fire Loas, Han
dred Thousand.
MINOT. N. D.. July 7.-Fire today de
stroyed the business portion of Des Las.
near Minot, burning nineteen stores. Loss.
l'i mx&
CSaJSSffll ) 'T.WW
t ' , r ' a at rr . - m 11 7 A a -a -
Governor Hadley Makes
Remarks on Race Question
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. July 7. -Oov- paired his constitution by Idleness and dis
crnor Hadiey offered a reward of $300 to- ! slpatiun.
day for the arrest ond conviction of every
person who wss enssged in the lynching of
two nesrocs at Charteston last Sunday, He
aid there was no rxcuse fur the lynching,
as he had nut cummunted a sentence of any
person convicted of a capital ciiuie. The
governor warned negroes they n.ust not
provoke race ilots on account of th Johnson-Jeffries
"Negroes have no occasion to feel any
satisfaction over the result of that fight,"
said Governor Hadley. "Its only significance
Is that a nwro inu fighter whipped a
nortuyut w bile prize fighter who had Ini-
a - smiling.'
Bankers Are Engaging Large Sums
for Import from London.
Cash Will Be Used to Replace the
Moaer Withdrawn by Weatern
Banks to Finance Laad
NEW YORK. July T. The gold importa
tiou movement of 1910 had Its Inception
today with the engagement of $1.7U),000 In
gold bars In I-ondon by Lazard Freres for
Import to the United States. Imports of
gold were forecasted by the demands made
on New York institutions by western
banks for funds to finance land purchases
in the west. Local bankers have recently
sold large amounts of American securities
abroad, and are now availing themselves
of credits to strengthen their own posltlo
by Importing gold.
LONDON, July 7. American and contl
nertal inquiries fon gold have- effectually
barred aU prospects of an immediate re
ductton Id the bapk rate. The directors of
tne Bank of England this morning decided
to maintain the S per .cent rate, although
dealing on that basis at th present rate of
exchange represents a loss.
The engagement of $2,000,009 of Cape gold
for Germany reported this morning is gen
erally accepted as correct and the handling
or Donas here should enable New York to
take considerable gold. There soon will be
in the neighborhood of $3,750,000 available
In the open market, and at least a portion
is expected to be purchased for New York.
Bids for Porto Rleo Bonds.
WASHINGTON. July 7.-The National
City bank of New York and the Royal bank
of Canada Jointly bid $100.0026 for the $425,000
4 per cent gold, bonds of the government of
Porto Rico. The bids were opened today.
The Joint bid was the highest except that
for only one bond, submitted by Edward B.
Folret of Oak Ridge, La., at 103e-
tilrl Shot br Admirer at Kansas City
Was Reared at Norfolk,
KANSAS CITY, July 7.-Mlss Ruby
Hirsch, aged 22 years, who was shot by
Edward M. Baker, a contractor, 47 years
old, last Tuesday night because she failed
to keep a luncheon engagement with him
died today.
The prosecuting attorney today filed I
cnarge pi muracr in me nrsi aegre- against
NORFOLK, Neb., July 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Miss Runy Hirsch, the Kansas City
girl who was fttally shot Tuesday night
by a man with whom she failed to keep a
luncheon engagement, was reared In Nor
folk by her aunt, Mrs. Harry Loder. Miss
Hirsch waa a beautiful girl.
Son of Keataeky Editor Waives Ex
amination and la Committed
to Jail.
KINGSTON. N. yTjuly 7.-Ewlng Wat
terson, son of Colonel Her.ry Watterson. the
Louisville. Ky., editor. Waived examination
today before Police Julge Rowe at Sau
gertles. on a charge of shooting Michael
J. Martin, a saloon keeper. He was com
mitted to Jail to await Hie grand Jury's
action on a charge or aswiult in the first
lreaed Hrlbera Give Irw Bonds.
SPKINOF1ELI). III.. July 7 -Senator John
iMotlerirk at hlcaa-o and
Clark appeared In the Sangamon county
circuit rourt this morning and gave new
bonds In the sum of $10,0'XV earh having
, been reindicted In the legislative bribery
"Jeffries no more represented the wh(te
race than does Johnson represent such men
as Booker T. Washington or Prof. Dubois.
While I propose to do all that I can to
protect th negroes In their fights, and to
prevent and punish acts of vt .lame against
them, th negroes must understand that
only by thtlr ow.i conduct can they secuie
the rexpeot of the popIe."
LONDON. July 7 -Slr Howell Davles has
given notice of his Intention to ask the
home sect-i-tary In the House of Commons,
"in the interest of public decency," to pro
hibit the exhibition of blograph pictures of
th Jtffries-Johnkon fight.
I AC K 1 011 N S 0 N
Fire Thousand Chicagoans, Not All
Colored, at Railroad Station
to Meet Fighter.
Black Pugilist Visits His Mother for
Short Time.
Lenient to
Vaudeville for Awhile. Then Earope
Tells LansJfwrd' to - Pat Vp
20,O0O If He Wants
. . FlRht with Minx.
CHICAGO..' July 7. Jack Johnson, champ-
Ion prizefighter of all champions. Is one
more at home with his mammy and his
In Home a returning victor was let into
his natlv city with his spoils through a
breach In the wall, and adulating compa
triots rent the air with acclaim. Today-
John Arthur Johnson, best of modern gladl-
tors with the modern cestus, cam Into the
city with his following through a solid
wall of people, and ethlcM Chicago lined
miles of sidewalks villi solid ranks to
catch a glimpse of the man no on has been
found who could whip.
It was so much after his own heart th'.i
coming Into his own that the champion
announced all tentative plana for the fu
ture were off. ,
Tells Lansford to Pat t'p.
"Sam Langford?" lie asked. "Yu mak
me laugh. 1 am not running around now
looking for fights. Let Langford put up
his $20,000 first, then he can talk. Just now
1 am going to rest.
"I am going to New York Sunday again
to begin the vaudeville tour. If It looks like
a good thing, I may accept offers to go
to Europe.
"Quit? Well I'll tell you. sonny; I nevr
told anyone I would quit, but It looka as
though I'd have to, does'nt it?" '
Five thousand members of his race and
a big sprinkling of whit pcsons mad the
living wall at the Chicago & Northwestern
railway station when Johnson arrived at
2 p. m. Police wer swept a-vay Ilk chaff
when the Immense fighter, looming abov
the crowd, and with a grim look, fought
his way through handclasps and good
natured pats on the back to a waiting au
tomobile. A line of garishly decorated
automobiles containing newspaper workers
(amply cared for at Johnscn'a personal re
quest) followed hla machine until suddenly
It waa lost.
Dashes Home to Pareat.
Five minutes later, with a rush and
roar, be shot out of somewhere in hla new
lOD-mllefl-an-hour. ear. anA dashed madly
home, where his motBic'r,- Mrs. Tihey Jourv"
son, and members of his family, waited, to
the midst of another crowd of thousands,
for his homecoming. -
Flags waved and an ornately attired
drum major of a colored regiment of stats
militia swayed to the rythm of "America"
nd "Mister Johnsln, Turn Me Loose" and
other similarly "patriotic" airs. In th
midst of a mighty roar of "Oh, you, Jack
Johnson," the champion alighted at hla
own lintel.
He pushed his way into the house amid
deafening roar and with real tears stream
ing down his face, embraced his mother.
Behind him a compatriot struggled through
the crowd, bearing aloft a smoked bacon
side, symbolic, of Johnson's own message
home: "I'm coming with, the bacon."
"Dots' eed 5lo Bacon."
"You doan' need no bacon, chile," th
aged Mrs. Johnson cilc'o.. -'Ah Want to tell
you, I'se sot a mighty fine chicken cook In'
out hea' In the kitchen and you know
how you likej matAhmtlun? We'll have gut
some dandies, Jack."
The champion appeared on the balcony
of his home, pausing suddenly, as he caught
a camera pointed his way, lost the picture
be spoiled. He was about to speak when
he glanced at his racing car, surrounded by
a streetful of dark-skinned "home folks."
He didn't talk. A j'jw minutes later a
figure appeared at the door and canio
struggling through th ecrowds. It was not
the gladiator, the triumphant victor wilb
hla laurels at hla chariot.
Joy Hiding" Is Pardoned.
It was Jack Johnson, joy rider, and tli
"battle of a century" was a conrolete mem
ory. His new automobile can "go some" too.
It went seventy-cue nil'.M an hour for a
while till It was slowed down by a park
policeman. "Here goes the profits," laughed
Jack, but the policeman clasped the cham
pion's band and clouted him on the back.
.' Leaning over he whispered;
"Don't tell anyone, you old warhorsa,
but I won $20 on you."
"Good," answere Johnr-on. and another
whizs and a cloul (of dust later revealed
him at a certain coiner "up south" where
one may acquire Iljulr refreshment after
a dusty ride.
Now Jack," he was asked, "What ai
you go!. it; to do? What amout Sam Lung
ford your mother's saying you were to
qui your tii to Europe ditto other
"Glad you atked me all at once," . h
replied. "Cause I can say I don't know it
all. I have even money to last me till next
wjek, and I am going to find out what's
doing before I do anything. Sam Langford
or anyon els better get their money up
first, and then proceed to whip me after
ward. Pictures Not Hla Worry.
"I have a good chance to go to Europe
but 1 thrk the thirty weeks In vaudeville
will suit me better. Ouiss I mill have to
iiult." thouj'.i. whether 1 want to or not,
wont I?"
"Did you hrar about (he picture im n't
troubles?" he was aked.
"Yes," he aimwertd, "but it do'-nn't
bother me. Thiy all told ino I was a fool
to ell for $:0'Xr), but they thought I
couliln t whip Jeffries, loo."
After Illustrating th manner in which
he "turned thf trick," with a reporter
rep-ewntlnK Jeffries (much to the dis
comfiture of the reporter). h hai'l:
"The figH's over; let's forget It a while.
I hav-n't had a chnno to drive a car la
two weeks, and, golly, I ant to get at thit
there machine again."
I rivv nti'ht h will attend a banquet.
He says he U too buny hating a good tune
to be botheied by a replevin auit flicd to
day by George W. Little, his former maji
acer, for a tl.200 ring
Ills future plans be says, can be outlln.4