Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    Cm: BEK: OMAHA, TI1C18SIUY. JULY 7, 1910.
em Root mas xv
Take your printing to the Tlaoa.
Xlectrio rasa KnrfMMInilit Co.
Bt lrf Cleaning of garment Twin
'-It y Dye Work. 407 Ssuth Fifteenth.
Stake Tour Saving increase your earn
ing; by becoming a member of Nebtaaka
Kavlae. and loan Am u. Kama 6 per cent
lr annum. 1603 Farnam St., Omaha,
DUcbarg la Bankruptcy Henry Bach
man of umalia and Cnarlpe V. 0ml ot
Springfield, Harpy county, have ten given
dlacliai'gca In bankruptcy In federal court.
Sua racking Co. Maurice Zlnger ha
bi ought ii tit against tlie Cudahy Packins
company fur I2.QC0 );. ages an a result ot
a r-vnt accident In douth Otuaa In wh.-jii
l.i- T.u badly mj.irrd abuiit t'.ic head.
atohults to Walv Preliminary A ttor
iirya for Al 8chu..z, htitl on u charge of
manslaughter In connect. on with the re'
rent death of William Krug in an automo
bile accident, announced that he will waivo
a preliminary hearing In police court r ri
day and go under bond to the dlatrict
court. Ilia bond la now ti.OX).
Cob it Ac .'o urns July IS Adjournment
Of the iJougla county district court will
be taken July 15 if no unforeseen matter of
Impoit.tnce artxe before that time. Thla
nan decided at a meeting of the district
Judgea held Wednesday noon In the office
cf Judge Estell. Court will adjourn to
the first Monday In August, although there
will be no Jury cases before October.
a the DlTorce Court Jamea F. McMil
llan haa filed, ault for divorce from Tlllie
McMllllan on a charge of desertion. Mayme
15, McEldon haa brought a divorce suit
against her husband, Byron McEldon
charging him' with neglect and failure to
support. Nellie N. Jacobberger ha ttcen
glvn a decree of divorce from Harry A,
Jaccobberger on a petition charging deaer
To Bid a Vompatan Boom W. P. Nel-
acn, head of the company of the name of
Chicago and perhapa ihe foremont decora
for In the west, will be In Omaha Thursday
with J". W. Vheaton. vice president of the
Thompson-Starrett company. Mr. Nelson
cornea to supervise the redecorating o rhe
Hrandels Theater and to make a bid for
the interior decorating of the Pompelan
room.'' I
Kra Oronk on the Jtand Mra. Cora. I.
Cronk;, defending a ault for divorce brought
by George P. Cronk, wa on the wltnoaa
stand Wedneaday morning under cross ix
amlnatlon. , f?h continued to deny charges
brought by her husband and continued to
teatlfy to time he had strayed from the
straight and narrow path. It Is not prob
bit- that the caae will be concluded this
Carte n Chang Finn Harry K. Has
ten, who for the laat alx years has beer
associated' ''with , Thompson, Belden &
Co., haa left that firm and la now with C.
Z. Oould, representing the Penn mutual
Life Insurance, '-Co," Mr. Eaaton started
with the Thompson,, Belden Co., when a
boy, holding various poalllons of truat with
them'. He leaves a host of frlenda in that
concern. Mr. Eaaton assumed his new
position July L. .
IZany' Politicians Tile The name of
Harry H. Fleharty of South Omaha haa been
filed as a, democratic eandlda e for congreie.
The filing petition was aubmitted by Sophua
Nitic. The final decision on the part of
Mr. Fleharty t-orhes after several elaborate
rumors as to his Intentions, which were fol
lowed by denials. James P. English, present
and past Incumbent, haa filed for county
attorney on the democratic ticket and two
republicans, Herman Boesche and J. V.
Jurtoa have filed for state representative.
Movey rFe4l,ouaiiry--WJJioAib wolicfta
tion sum ot glS.OOO has already ben
pledged to . the ..stock subscription of the
A.' E. iliorthlll company which Is to re
move here from Marahalltown, la. Active
r, oi k toward securing the $160,000 desired In
Omaha will begin aa toon as the site for
the foundry company Is determined. Presi
dent Speers spent all day Wednesday look
ing over altes. One new one visited Is on
the I'liion Pacific right-of-way between
the Drake-William property and Twenty
fifth avenue. It la owned by the Saull
Land Company.
freak Tight Wager Paid Persona pass
ing aiong Sixteenth atreet Tueaday nU'U
were amused by the' sight of one young
man wheeling anotSer In ,a wheelbarrow
Claude. Pluramer, Fourteenth and Am,
made a wager with William Llvesy, Fif
teenth and Jayne, on the orlca fight, Plum-
mer ' bai. king Jeffries. The wager wae for
the loser to wheil the w:i.uer from Leaven
worth - to Nicholas street. Plummar was
game and toted hla burden of human freight
p.lor.g Sixteenth, paualng every block to
rest. The principals In the little comedy
were Joshed and applauded as they made
tlnlr way up the crowded thoroughfare.
Was Is Male Stenographers From every
department of Uncle Bam'a government hus
arisen such a cry for male stonographur
and typewriters that on July K an ox
amlnatlon under civil service rulea will bo
held In Omaha, exclusively for male appll
canta. Men taking this examination will
be eligible to appointment In every branch
' of departmental service, regardless of lo
cality; and will alao be eligible for ihe
Plillllpplne and the Isthmian Canal service.
It aeems there haa never been an adequUe
upply " of 'mala stenographers and type'
. writers, - to aatlBfy tee demand of depart
nient heads, and at present this demand ia
a ; ':" t,ri thun evr .
Missouri Valley Veterinary Associa
tion Visits South. OmaLi.
Two Days' Session Start Wednesday
Morning with Hundred Doctor
la Attendance Headqaar
tera at the Merchant.
To compare their own aklll with that
of the government packing house Inspec
tor and to gain a knowledge of methods
from the public' protectors, the members
of t. a Missouri Valley Veterinary aasocl-
l.or,, In session In omaha, will make a
trip Wednesday afternoon to the Pouth
Omaha packing house of Armour St Co.,
where a pathological exhibit will be given
in their honor. The Missouri valley doc
tor will examine the specimens of dis
eased stock which are on display' and
each one will make his own diagnosis.
Afterward the official diagnosis for. each
case will be made publlo and compared.
Tho Missouri valley association began
a two-day meeting Wednesday morning
with about luv doctors In attendance. The
program for the day Included the annual
address of the president, Lr. A. T. Klnaoly
ct Kansas City, and the report of the
secretary-treasurer. Dr. B. F. Kaupp of
the Colorado Agricultural college. Papera
were given by Dr. Q. II. Glover, Dr. II
Jensen, Dr. J. 8. Anderaon. Dr. D. M
CanriDbell. and other members of the
standing committees.
Wednesday evanlna a banquet will be
held and Thursday will be spent In hear
Ins DSDers and annual business. Head
quarters of the association ia at the Mer
chants hotel, and the meetings are being
held on the second floor of the city hall
Local men In charge of the arrangements
and reception are Drs. Frank Jellen, D. C.
Scott O. R. Young. C. C. Hall, H. R.
Morris, W. C. Langdon and C. S. Breed
Blackburn Puts
Over Challenge
He Serves Subpoena on Judge Sutton
for Debate in Court of
Publio Opinion. .
The contest tpr the republican nomlna
tian for conaresa In this district waxes
warmer. Tom Blackburn comes to taw
with the following challenge to debate
which he haa served on Judge Sutton with
subpoena to answer In the court of publlo
OMAHA. July 6. 1M.
Hon. Abraham Lincoln Button, Omaha,
Neb. My Dear Judge Although you have
faiiid to respond to my letter of June 13,
1U10. I venture once more to make some
suggeatlons of mutual Interest,
'ine newsDapers announce that you hav
filed for ine republican nomination fur
raninu. Tht Hlslr Pilot, a rank antl
Taft organ, supporting you, aaya you will
resign tna Judgeship to make the congrea
aional race.
Will vou reslam and when?
Now. Judge. 1 vrouoae a Joint debate be
tween you and myaelf in Omaha, Boulh
Omaha. Bialr and Pauilllon upon the vita
Issues of thla campaign, a thoae issues are
auDDosed to divide republicans. I will take
iha administration end of the discussion toi
the reason that 1 am republican without
uiv nrallminarv. modlfvliia- adjective.
stand ready to approve and defend the
record of my party upon an ine queauuns
uppermost in tne public mina.
Are vou s. republican or an Insurgent?
i If you -do not care-to take any position
upon the tarlir. couservauon. nouae ruieo,
the speakership, the record of the present
conarreaa. the Taft uoacie or any otne
virile topic, then I wlil discuss with you the
reaaona why a judicial officer n--.'l re
algn before becoming a candidate for po'
Utical offloe and attempt tJ demonstra
that a candidate for congress caunot rtdo
to Washington In a baby cart or Bleep in
trundle bed alter he reaches tne capital.
I much prefer a manly bout without
gloves on real issues, but believe 1 can
accommoaate you witn a lively lairamm
In the children's playground if you prefer
tag or Copenhagen.
I am wining to scana nan tne expense in
cident to the proposed Joint debates and
sua nest that each of us select a repre
sentative and they choose a third, the three
to be our Joint cora-nittee or arrangementa.
jLeg .Crushed
in Runaway
Tanner Meet with Serioui Accident
Wednesday Hominy May Loie
a Leg.
J6 f V. ' ' " " "
Thrown from a heavy wagon and crushed
under -U. wheels, Uuatav Neumann, who
lives three mile- this aide of Millard,
suffering from a compound fracture of the
left les at St. Joseph's hospital. Neu
mann net with hla injury when the tongue
of his wagon broke trom its place and the
horsea became frightened and ran away at
Twenty-fourth atreet and Poppteton avenue
about ) Wednesday morrig.
The horaas tore themselves loose from
the wagon and caused the latter to turn
over in their wild run. Dr. F. J. Sohleler
attended the injured man and had huo
taxeu to the hospital. It I reported Neu
mann la In a serious condition and njty
lose hla limb.
Rufe Coleman is
Killed in Quarrel
by Buster Jackson
Colored Men Fight One is Killed
and Woman Shot Through
Rufe Coleman, US Nirth Twelfth street,
as shot and killed and Lulu Newman.
til Njrth Twelfth street, was shot through
both wrist by Eugene Jackson, alias
Buster," at the Brown flats. tlJ North
Twelfth street, at noon Wednesday, a a
result of a quarrel which occurred Tuea
day night. Two shots were fired at Colt-
man, both of which took effect, while one
shot passed completely through both of the
Newman Woman's wrists, caualng her to
uoae a large quantity ot blood, though her
condition la not thought to be serious.
The murderer of Coleman, aftor teeing
his victim fall helpless In tho alley, be
came frightened by what he had don.
nd mad hla escape, running north. He
ran coatleas for ome distance, and then
ventured to Fourteenth and Dodge streets.
where he bought a ham sandwich. Bo
eivous that he could not eat the sandwich,
he went to the Midway saloon, where ho
gave himself up, and Officer Murphy took
him to the station.
The fight was said to be the result of a
quarrel, which took place Tuesday night
between Coleman and Jackson. It I stated
that one of the men made a slurring re
mark about some woman, which the other
resented to the point of threatening to
kill his adversary. Eye witnesses state that
Coleman told Jackson to leave the place.
and that If he ever returned he would kill
him. The quarrel was thought by out
siders to be settled.
About noon Wednesday, Jackson came
down the stairs and out onto the porch
of the Brown flats. Coleman was talking
to Lulu Newiru-p and J. Richardson, 817
South Eleventh street, were seated with
them . Jackaoti, upon seeing Coleman,
pulled out his gun and deliberately shot at
his enemy. The bullet miased aim, and
struck the Newman woman, who wa
seated between the two men. Beelng that
he had not struck Coleman, Jackaon shot
again, this time the bullet striking Cole
man Just over the heart. Coleman Jumped
from the porch ana ran down the alley
by the side of the house. Jackson started
after him and fired another shot which
passed Into his back. Jackson made hi
escape and later gave himself up.
Coleman and the woman were taken to
St. Joseph nospitai where uoieman died
shortly after arrival.
Now the Greatest Sale ofi Years
Of Hen's and
Mangled Body is
Thought Lundeen's
Bemains Found on Railroad Track
Near Belknap Answers Miuinp
Man's Description.
With the discovery of an unknown man
lying dead on the Burlington tracks one-
quarter mile west of Belknap, Neb., Tuea
day night, the police of Omaha believe that
T. A. Lundeen, the young man who left a
note In hla room at 1901 California, the
Fourth for V. L. Lungren, hi room mate,
stating that he Intended to commit suicide,
ha carried out hi, decision. The dead
man found, it is elated, haa red hair, light
complexion and la about ts years old. The
description answers that given of Lundeen
and it la thought that he 'undoubtedly J;
the missing man.
The man wa found some time Tuesday
evening. Both his head and feet were aev
ered from his body and he wa terribly
mangled. Near him wa found a bottle of
chlofoform and piece of cotton wrapped In
handkerchief, showing the man prob-
ably took the drug before laying hlmsolf
on the .tracks. Hi body wa taken In
charge by the coroner of Sarpy county.
where It la nova retained awaiting an In
Would Keep Boys
From Night Work
Labor Commissioner Maupin In-
Instructs Omaha Juvenile Offi
cer to Act at Once.
Labor Commissioner Will Maupin will be
notified by Chief Probation Officer Mogy
Bernstein that the telegraph and measenger
companies of Omaha are continually vio
lating the child labor laws.
"There are a number of boy under 14
who are working, in violation of the
statute," say Mogy, "and nearly all of
thoae over that age; but under IS, who
are allowed by law to work in the daytime,
are being used by ihe messenger companies
all night long. There has been some agita
tion in the matter before, but the faw
breaking continues. The situation can never
be properly handled In Omaha until Com
missioner Maupin hit a paid deputy for
Omaha. He ha all he can do himself In
Lincoln, and the probation officer here,
although they , can atop violation when
they happen x .see them, have no time
to look for them."
Governor Veaaey and family of South Da
kota were In Omaha between train
Wednesday morning, en route west for a
' Captain II. U. Palmer nas returned from
a trip to the Adiiondauka, having been
away alnce June 14. He la sunburned and
rough aa to akin, but husky aa a suction
Unltod Hlates Marshal W. P. W arner has
Cone to Aitkin, Minn., to look over tne
country. He may buy some Icke ahore
property befaie leturuing, on which' to
Vulld a auinmer home.
It. T. J. Mackay and wife -and Mr,
ttwn Harrows and son Hunald leave Thura-
oay for a trip that will Include Bait Lake
and the Yellowstone pitrk. rtnm the WUtwr
resort the travelers will aroieed to Denver.
from where lr. and Mrs. Mackay will gu
)nto the Jiiountnina, while Mra. Barrows
and son will go to Pueblo to spend aome
time with V 11 lra Harrows, who lives there.
S10 and $12
Suits Now
Young Hen's
$13.50 and 515
Suits Now
I'MtMlliti'V"""" aw 1
S18.00 and $20.00
Suits Now
55 jl 940
$22.50 and $24.00
Suits Now
fj yj35
it; Ira eLLa
Gophers Boost
for Whole State
Will Come in Force to the Ad Clubs'
Convention Here This
Gopher delegate to the national conven
tion of the Associated Ad club announce
that they are coming to Omaha to advertise
Minnesota "aa well aa Peary and Cook did
the North pole."
An even hundred of these Mlnnesotans
are coming, of whom fifty are from Min
neapolis and twenty-five from U Paul.
They declare that their mission ia not to
boom any town or city, but the state a a
whole. With them will be Governor Lber
hart, who 1 to address the convention upon
"rotate Conservation and State Advertis
ing." The Chicago Advertising association has
Issued a bulletin under the caption "On to
Omaha." The circular says that 126 "live
one" will be aboard the special train which
will leave the Union station at Chicago at
p. in., Sunday, July 17, and arrive at
Omaha the next morning at I o'clock.
$25.00 and $35.00
Suits Now
Commences Thursday,
July the 7th
We have determined to outclass
every clothing .sale held in Omaha in
recent years even those wonderful
sales for which the "Nebraska" has
become noted. To do so we will
place on sale every man's or young
man's fancy suit in our clothing dept.
at the prices named here no matter
whether the lots arc broken or whether
they are complete.
We have not reserved a single
fancy suit.
These garments are the remainder
of our Spring and Summer suit stock
and are without doubt the handsom
est, the newest and most stylish, the
best fitting and finest hand tailored
suits ever offered in any clothing
sale of recent years.
In the assortment are sizes to fit
men of every build from 33 to 48
chest measure.
During July and August We Close at 5 P. M.
Except Saturdays.
si.. v-lr"'';T
'IiVXI' j.
a L p
'The House of
High Merit."
ijHf n
teiiM, iv .
' i I
Aetlve Pallbearer to Be Oldest Kua
'. pleye and Friends aad CharcU
Aaapatate Honorary.
The funeral of the late E. V. Lewis,
treasurer of Crane A Co., who died
Tuesday morning, will be held Thurs
day .afternoon at 1:30.' The service will
be held at All Saint church, and burial
will be at Forest Lawn cenetery. The
active pallbearera will be selected from
among the oldeat employe of the com
pany of which Mr. Lewi wa treasurer.
Honorary pallbearer will be friends of
Mr. Lewi and warden and vestrymen of
the All Saint church.
Mr. Lewi wa a prominent mason and
a member of the beat cluba In the city. H
waa an enthusiasts golfer and lover ot
outdoor sports. He wa born in 1866 and
came to Omaha about thirty years ago.
H. 8. Weller A. J. Ixive
K. 1. Van Court C. 8. Montgomery
J. B. Ilahm - E. B. Bruce
R. B bunch Luther Drake
Additional honorary pallbearers are the
warden and vestrymen of All Balnta
church, Mr. Lewis havltg been a try.
C. 8. Montgomery V. H. Caldwell
J. 8. Brady W. A. Redlck
a A. Ewlng Arthur Hmlth
F. B. Klraendall . W. Wattle
J. H. Bani J. 8. Tlppery
J. M. Prtugle W. D. Ma field
K. 1). Coe E. K. Clauan
Mr. John Berryman, connected with the
Crane company office at Chicago, and
Henry Hay mo ad of the Crane company
branch at Philadelphia will arrive la the
Sleeper Named
"Reno" Arrives
Car Traveling; Under False Pretenses
is Seen at Union Station
Limping Into town under false pretense.
a sleeper, bearing the uame "Reno," met
the eye of cror ds at the Union station
Wedneaday morning. The car was part of
the Union Paclfio Overland train, and had
never been near Reno, the town whoso
name It flaunted.
It wa observed that the car would not
even arrive at Reno, where it la ultimately
to pass. In time to carry out any part of
the crowd who witnessed the "fight of
the century," If, indeed, it ever reaches
Reno at all.
Chief Donahue Says People of Omaha
Are Law Abiding.
Say that Omaha Colored Population
I Different from That of Other
Cltlea Law Permits tho
"We have absolutely no fear of any race
war here," said Chief of Police L-onahue.
"because of the prize fight, or for any
other reaaoo, and If the fljjht picture, are
brought here they will be shown without
any Interference from us. The mgco ele
ment In till city ia for the most part law
abiding and quiet, and we havon"t enough
of the rowdy element of eii'.ier color to
cause muoh trouble. In Washington wrere
they have 98,000 colored people it may be
different, but we aro in no danger.
Btlde, I am not ure that we would
have any authority to stop the exhibition
of the ploture even if we wanted to. Our
laws provide only against obscenltie In
moving pictures and that would hardly In
clude price fights.
"Moat sucti riots are started by email
boy who throw thing until the older
people get excited. Nothing like that can
uupn here because we would top it be
fore It got under way.
"There have been no display or riota in
thl city because of the outcome of the
fight. Moat of our citizens are convinced
that It went to the best fighter, and that
la no reason for hard feeling."
Mayor Eahloian is out of the city.
Henshaw Hotel
Stops Runaway
Automobile Bolts When Cranked
and Smashes the Marble
Shoving Its window forward several feet
the llenahaw hotel building stopped a run
away automobile about S o'clock; Tueaday
evening. Tho building received severe lac
eration and bruise to the marble front
In the accident, but la expected to aoon re
cover Its normal appearance.
The machine waa that of Joseph Shlvely
and the accident grew out of the action of
Mr. Shtvcly a moment before it happened.
Mr. Shlvely had forgotten that the mech
anism waa set at the low speed gear ready
to move forward and proceeded to crank
the motor into action.
It I the usual method to crank a ma
chine only when the gear la aet at neutral.
The machine leaped forward, knocking
him aaide and aiming Itself down Farnain
from the comer of Sixteenth street. A
number of hotel guests escaped being hit
by a narrow margin Just before the hole,
miraculously stopped the maddened auto.
Coat and Pants
Red need from $J8 and $25.
This sale Include our $25
and $28 two piece Suitings.
Cool Qfy. Blue Serges, Home
'spuns and Crashed in abund
ance. Every garment guaranteed
perfect in fit and style.
Tailoring Co.
804-300 South blxtecnth St.
Near Farnain. .
fiutr Corporation Tax la Responsible
(or a Large Part of tho
Internal revenue receipt for the- Ne
braska district dt rlng June totaUd M$,r.22.14,
aa against llU.'Ml.tO tor the same month In
1909. The Increase In collectlona amounts
to I137.212.J4, of which 194,617.28 waa real!ed
from the new corporation tax.
Hamilton Held
for Manslaughter
Charged with the Death of Messen
ger Boy He Esq Over on
the Fourth.
Robert Hamilton. Ufttt Blnney street, the
lud who rr.n over and killed Elliot Robin
aon, a messenger boy, with hla automo
bile the evening of the Fourth, waa ar
raigned before Judge Crawford Wedneaday
morning, on the charge of manslaughter.
He demanded a preliminary hearing, which
waa set for July 14. He waa released
on S5.000 bond, which was furnished by
hla father, H. P. Hamilton,
C. L. Saunders
Files for Congress
Will Seek the Nomination for Hitch
cock's Seat on the Repub
lican Ticket
Charles L. Saunders, director of the cen
sus for this district, ha filed for the nom
ination for congrem on the republican
ticket. Two years ago Mr. Saundera made
the race for the same office and waa
beaten in the primaries by A. W. Jefferla.
' Dangerons Sargery
In the abdominal region 1 prevented by
the use of Dr. King's New Life Pill, the
painless purifier. 26c For sal by Beaton
Drug Co.
At Fountains & Elsewhere
Ask for en i anrffn"
Tht Original and Ganulna
Thi Fcod-drlnk for All Ages
At restaurants, hotels, ami fountains.
Dekcious, invigorating and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without it
A quick lunch prepared ia a minute.
Take no imitation. Just say "HORLlCTi"
In No Oomblno or Truat
In th Shopplg
Slat riot.
llth and
M-'3e, ou
fT ael i
Hotel Kupper
llth and MoOe
Kansas City, Mo.
Za the Shopping Distriot,
Hear all the Theater.
BOO Beantlfal Sooau.
100 rrlTatS'Batha.
Zot and oold water In all rooms.
Spacious Lobby, Parlor.
Telephone In every room.
Beautiful Cafe, S-erfeot Oulalna.
$1.00 to $2.50 Per Day
European Plan
Kupper-Benson Hotel Co.
Ho woman who bears children need suffer during the period of
waiting, nor. at tho time of baby's coming, If Mother's Friend Is
used as a mssasgs for the muscles; tendons and glands of the body.
Mother's Friend Is a penetrstlnf , healthful liniment which strength
eus the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those muscle', on which the strain
Is greatest, preTenU caking of the breasts by keeping the :cts open, and relieves
nausea, backache, numbness, nerrouiness, etc its regula- use will prepare every
portion of the system for the safety of both mother and child aid greatly reduce
the pain and danger when the little one comes. Mother's Friend Is soil at drug
stores. Write for our free book, which contains valuable Information for expectant
Doautlful Tooth
There are but few people who have
them, ttooa Teeth, every vu sulgnS aav
It they would no to Ui. biadbuiy. Th
quickest, caaleat and leaat painful are
the ialy nietuoda employed by us ai.ti
hundred of our patients, both In and
out I th city Will gladly tell you about
the good denial worn and our up-to-date
ware of doing thing. Crowua aud bridge
work from fk.Ot per tooth. Platea that
fit Irom 4. v to IHsO. Painless extrac
tion of teeth. Nerve of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work wariaated
tan years.
UOS Varaana Ct Phone D.
If rear ansa i ana
UniQue it food Cuisine.
FORTHIi-bo WuMiui,, l.mtet Will-
tary Post on tne Allan no Coast
HAMPTON hUAUH, the lieu luavou
ut ilia Is a lion a Warship.
Bpsotal Weekly Bate Jan to October
Booklet at Chicago, Book Xtland b
faolfio, and wssub
Or auareee CrUO. P. ADAM d, Mas.
POkta'SU., StOJIslUB. VA.
Hotel Rome
Cor. 16th and Jackson SU
Two blocks from leading
department etores and all
HOME Mll.Lfcil.
Bee Want fids Boos! Your Business