Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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'l-JBiWWW.iiJua m iTiBr jjl ii, , tlmtmrm jjmiaysi '' sn .....a-. ,.. u. i wu.w. !.) iLuumi.1.. us.i ..wwwwp g... i, t, .LiiMtjit,!.. ..Jill 'JIM hi- w T.n .. .... i.niiiigi iMwpirwMiy.J yiui i naul'fHU'ilJ.MItm'UVMIflTaBTn
rpannf 4 Thursday We Inaugurate Our Round-Up-Sales A gathering together of all odd lot3, remainders and left overs, from the past months series
c l S m . . . ... m . .1 . . , . .1 i . . . i i I 1 x il 1 1 - m II 9
L SO Driuiant saie events, a cutting out oi surplus summer stoat ana a Drancung oi me wnoie wiia D&rgain prices, mat win insure a uean sweep oi an oqq iota ana
, SO
l Q a quick and drastic reduction! of our immense summer stocks. Every department in this busy store will contribute most extraordinary money saving values
in wanted, seasonable merchandise.
Sale of
Embroideries 1 urs(aY Banner Bargain Day in Omaha's Busiest Suit Dept.
The Biggest and Best Lot of Embroidery
Bargains Ever Shown in Omaha
' 75c Flouncings, Thursday, 29c
A bMutifur line of 24-lnch and 27-Inch Skirt
'-.Flouncings. in the very latest eyelet, floral and
'openwork patterns, almost unlimited assortment,
that Mold D to 75c a yard. Round-Up Sale Price,
per yard, at 291
53.00 Embroideries, Thursday, 98c
Finest Baby Irish Crochet and Planeu Flouncings
and Allovers, Embroideries to match, yard, 98
Loom End Strips Up to six yards in length, edges
and lnsertlnga, matchless values
per yard. at.. 3. 4S 7H. and IStta
'A eating of over Half from the regular retail
worth of the goods. ,
p Domestic
: Rppm
Thousands of yards of wash
goods, soma in fall pieces, some
is remnants, at about V regu
lar price; Remnants of ging
hams, of ' sheetings, crash,
towellngs, etc., at wonderful
bargains to close. Everything
must go, price will do it.
All odds and
ends of wool
dresa goods
will be
cleaned up at
from to
regular price.
By far the largest purchase we have ever made and the
biggest month's selling we have ever known has left us with
many small lots of ready-to-wear summer dresses, coats,
suits, etc, on hand; many were bought far below actual
worth or others we are willing to sacrifice for quick stock
reduction. No place in Omaha will you find the equal of
' niir nssnrtmpnta nnrl vnlnps in liio-h pin us snmiripr Htpssps.
"- suits, coats, waists and skirts.
s y Only a few or the many Thursday bargains can be here
A f 1 H W Al , m M 11 1 1 it
1 mentioneo. many otner iota oi iuuy equal Dargam worm
will be shown in this great Round Up Sale.
Ladies' Long Linen Coats,
bought to sell at $7.50 and
well worth it; priced for
Thursday, your choice
at $2.50
Long Silk Pongee Coats
Splendid assortment, reg
ular values up to $20.00;
all in one lot to close
at ...$8.90
Wool Tailor
Suits Values
up to $35.00
275 in the lot
all sizes in
Thursdav's sale
. $1:2.50
$15.00 Lingerie Dresses at
$6.95 All the choicest
new summer styles, both
white and colors; many
fine all over embroidery
dresses included; choice,
&fc i 0do
Linen Wash
Suits, values up
to $10.00, big
assortment for
selection at,
choice, $2.95
Lingerie Waist,
beautifully trim
med, regular val
ues to M. at,
choice . . 91.95
Waeh DreMM
Values to 5.00,
sizes 14, IS, 18,
all newest styles,
at 81.05
OlnflMm Under
klrta, 11.50 valuta
at 79
8:t0 to 10 a. m.
Sraaalnf Saeqnas,
worth 75c. at .89o
Honse Dresses
worth $1.60 98
Long Silk Kimo
nos, worth $5.00.
choice . . 82.95
Round-Up Sale Laces
Irish Crochet, Net Top and Cluny
Iaccs at About Half Actual Worth
51.00 Mover Laces Wc
Most beautiful new patterns, in the popular Cluny,
Net Top and Irish Crochet Allovers, clean desirable
goods, that sold up to 11.00 a yard. Round-Up
Sale Price, per yard .' 49J
25c Net Top Bands 10c
A splendid assortment of Net Top and Irish
Crochet Bands and Edges, in this lot for selection,
regular prices 15c to 35c a yard; the most popular
laces of the season and the greatest bargains, at
Per yr 19?. 15 nd 10
eries All odds and
ends of cur
tains, some
single, some
pairs, etc, will
close at about
half price.
Wash Goods
15c, 18c and 25c wash goods,
to clean up 12H
12 He and 15c wash goods.
Batiste, Organdies and other
goods .....10
25c Abberfoyle ginghams 32
Inch wide, clean up . . . .15
Here's Muslin
'and Knit
Underwear Bargains
"Which we're confident surpass any
ever offered in any Omaha store.
Ladies Gauze Vests Regular and
extra sizes, to 25c values, in white,
pink or blue, choice... 9c, 7YzC
Ladies' Fine Silk Lisle Vests-35o
and 50c values, with hand croched
or lace trimmed yoke, white and
colors, choice, at 12M:C and 19c
Ladles' 50c Lisle Union Suits- All sizes,
exceptional bargains, at 25
Ladles' MusHn Combination Suits $1.00
quality, lace trimmed, at... -40
Gowns, Combination Hnita and Skirts To
12.50 values, at 98
Icorse Cnrand. .Hrawei That sold regularly fo BOc. in one lot,
? at I .' ' " 16
Big After Inventory Shoe Sale
All the odd pairs of oxfords and discontinued lines to be sold
in this sale, at prices that will move them quickly.
The cost will cut no figure at all.
All the boys' and youths' odd lots of shoes,
values up to $2.25, in C f A I
, two big lots, at $1.50 and. . . $ 1 1 UU
Delightful Millinery Bargains
Women's $3.00 and $3.50 oxfords, all
leathers and styles, not all AO
sizes of each kind pi70
Women's oxfords in odd sizes and wine
kid pumps, worth $2.50,
Cannot Guarantee Filling of Mail Orders During This
Bale, as Lots Will Not Last Long.
One lot of women's white and colored can
vas oxfords, regular price $2.00,
small sizes in this sale . .JlC
Misses ' tan blucher shoes and child 's black
and wine oxfords,' values up
to $1.75
Barefoot sandals, nearly all sizes
up to 2
No Omaha Women should fail
to see the unusually attractive sale
offerings Thursday. Clever New
DnMgus for summer and early fall
wear, are shown at prices, which
mean a saving of 15 to 50 per
cent to the purchaser.
As An Extra Special for Thurs
day's Round-Up Sale We are
offering a large assortment of
beautiful trimmed Hats, that sold
regularly to $8.00, in three big
lots Thursday
t..$2.50. $1.50 and 98
In aplta of the tremendous sailing
during the last month, conatant re-
f .lacing of stock by special purchaaaa
in left us at the opening of the
clearance Mason with aanortmant.not
In any way depleated and values sur
passing any prevloua aeaaon.
This Store Will Close at 5 P. M. During July and
August Excepting Saturday at 10 P. M.
Men's. Balbriggan Under
wear Also fine lisle in all
eizes and colors, value to
$1.25 garment, choice
x at 39c and 49c
Men's Balbriggan Under
... wear Values to' 50o, all
sizes and colors, in two lots,
at garmentf 19c and 25c
'Men's Union Suits Regular
values to $1.50, in all sizes
and colors, sale price, 49c
Men's Union Suits Values to 3,
' In fine silk lisle, all sizes and
colors, Thursday, at 98
Try HAYDEH'S First
After Inventory
Round-Up Silks
Seldom if ever, bare such assortments' and values been offered at
bargains prices like these.
1.25 Pongees, J9
Beautiful shade of tans, 36-inch
wide, matchless value.
1.00 Taffeta In 36
lnch wide, oil boiled,
black ..'-69
75c Pongees, 35
All silk, 27-lnch wide, a regular
75c a yard value.
igl.OO Pongee 36-lnch
wide, in rough or
smooth 59
1.25 Peau de Sole
Black, 36-inch wide,
oft finish . . ..85
A Round-Up of AU Short Lengths, Thursday in the
roolarda, Poaraaa, Hnnunar Waah Bilk Oaeoks, la ail alsaa, afeaaallnaa, ato.
Actual values to $1.25, lengtha up to It yards, all at ona price, 8c
the choicest silk bargains aver, Thursday yww
Men's $1.00 Night Shirts
Fine cambrics and nain
sook, sale price 49c
Men's Shirts Values to
$1.50, dress or negligee, in
all sizes, at. 49c
Men's Hose Valaes to 35c,
in two big lots, sale price,
Thursday, 10c and 15c
Boys' Balbriggan Under
wear Regular 35c quality,
all sizes, garment 15c
Try IIAYDEU's First
ma '.Vilf' '" -J
Hemmed Huck Towels The best value ever sold, worth
at least I2V2C, Thursday, each 9c
Cream Turkish Bath Towels Heavy and absorbent, worth
easily' 19c, Thursday, each . . : 12YzC
Hemmed or Fringed Bed Spreads Full size, good value at
$2 50, Thursday, each $1.50
Heavy Large Size Bed Spreads Knotted fringe, the best
quilt ever sold, worth $4.00, Thursday, each $2.50
Umbrellas and
Ladies' Regular 1.50 Umbrella.
American taffeta covers. Para
gon frames, dlrectorie handles,
on sale, at .69
Ladles' SOc Hose, 25
Fine gause lisle hose, in all sizes,
not a pair worth less than 35c
and up to 50c to' close .. 25
Other Matchless Bargains In
. Ladles' Hose, Thursday -t
10 and 12H
Children's 25c Stockings . . 12
Bathing Suits At Special Clear,
ance Prices. ,
Xoexleai Leader Announces Para
mount for Nebraska Campaign.
Bh&lleabcrgar, Daiilaaa awU Hlteh
aonar Blaaana tot Vallara Imltl
tlva an Hfrv4wi r'wtuaaad
Caatr Optlom jaorei.
(From a Statf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., July .-(Spclal.)
iWUUam Jennlnirs Bryan Is out with
a loos' 1 pmnunclamento In which ha
Instate that tba great laaue In Nebraska
at tha coming campaign must ba county
option. Ha will not consant to Its being
et aalda for any oiher laaue. He aaya he
is not a candidate (or any office, but doea
not say ha will not run for tha United
glatea aenatorahlp.
After reciting the governor's refusal to
call an extra aeaaion of tha legislature
tor tha Burroae of aubmlttlrig an amend
meat to the conatltution providing for the
initiative and referendum, Mr. Bryan aaya:
"The defeat of the special less Ion plan
a a dlaappolnlinont. In tha atatement
given out when Inquiries were sent to the
legislators I suited tliut the submission
t tha Initiative and referendum amend
ment. benids securing a great advantage
to tha stale, would, to a large extent,
ellmluaia county option aa a party issue,
and enable us to conduct our campaign
along national lines. Soma of the mora
pajrtlsaa republicans accused aj of trying
la ecu re an advantage for tha democratic
party an accusation ' which amounted to
tha oonfesFion. that the republicans were
sat prepared to defend the national poli
cies of their party; but fair minded men
in both partita recognised tha propriety
of making tfce fight on national Issues
without asking which party would derive
moat advantage from It. U'e have six
CMigreaemen lo elect and one United States
senator and these ought to b elected on
national Issues, but tlie governor's refuaal
to call the apeclal session will make It
Aimoult. if nut impossible, to give tha
national Issues a paramount place in tha
Blames the Caa41aea.
"If I had had tha hearty co-operation
of tha two democratic candidates for gov
ernor. Governor Shallenbergar and Mayor
Dahiman. and the support of tha World
Herald, tha property of Congressman
Hitchcock, ona of tha candidates for tha
United States senate, tha special sesaton
would have been called before this, tha Ini
tiative and referendum would have been
submitted, and wa would be ready to chal
lenge the republicans to defend their na
tional measures. Now, however, wa must
address ourselves to tha liquor queatlon
la no escape from It. Consideration for
ule subject has been forced upon tha party
not by the advocates of county option but
by tha opponents of It. The blama pri
marily rests on a handfull of democratic
senators who thwarted tha efforta of tha
majority of tha democrats of tha senate
and house to submit tha Initiative and ref
erendum i tio regular session.
"The democrats of Douglaa county still
further accentuated tha lssua when they de
clared against county option laat summer,
and the breweries and other special Inter
ests have closed all doors of escape from
tha Issue by entering upon an organised ef
fort to control rhe next state aanata with
a view to preventing the enactment of any
legislation objectionable to the corporations
sngaged In the production and sale of liquor
and other corporation pecuniarily inter
ested In legislation. Thoaa alao must share
tha blama who refused to lend their Influ
ence to the calling; of the special aeealon
which would have postponed tha question
of county option until after tha adoptloa of
the Initiative and referendum amendment,
when It could ba brought up by petition and
decided without causing division In tha
Heae a Little.
"When I apeak of blama attaching to cer
tain persons who are responsible for forcing
the county option queatlon Into tba cam
paign I may ba using tha wrong word per
haps 1 should say credit Instead of blama.
It may possibly be to tba party's advantage
to escape the discussion of national Issues
and to make a fight on the liquor question.
It may ba that tha party la stronger on
this Issue than on national laaue. If ao,
thoaa who are responsible for making tha
liquor queatlon tha prominent queatlon In
tha campaign ahouJd be cradltad with tba
advantage which they bring to the party. I
ahall not deserve any of tha glory myaelf.
If glory comes out of tha situation, because
I have tried to prevent 1L Governor Shall
enberger. Congressman Hitchcock and
Mayor Dahiman will be entitled to divide
tha honors between them r shall not at
tempt to state In what proportion If tha
party wina a victory through the adoption
of their plans."
Following this, Mr. Bryan argues at
length for tha pledging of the democratic
party and Ha candidates to tha passage of
a county option law by tha next legislature.
Ha declares himself as being utterly op
posed to tha liquor Interests at all times
and under all circumstances and refuses to
ba a party to any compromise on tha queatlon.
War Department Makes raw Chaages
f Poet for Offleere ssd
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, July . tSpeclal Tele
gram.) Army orders Issued today are aa
follows: Captain E. Holland Hubottom,
Ninth cavalry. Is relieved from duty at
headquarters. Department of California,
and will Join his regiment.
Second Lieutenant William V. Carter,
Sixth cavalry. In addition to his other
duties will assume charge, under instruc
tions of the quartermaster general, of con
struction work at Fort Dea Moines, reliev
ing Captain P. Ryan, Sixth cavalry.
The following officers recently graduated
from the army school of tha line are de
tailed for instructions In tha army algnal
school and will report to the commandant
of tha achool at Fort Leavenworth, August
Is, for duty: Captains Henry A. Hanlgan,
Twenty-second Infantry; Joseph F. Janda,
First Infantry, and James Justice, Nine
teenth Infantry.
Two Mllltoa Dallas' Gala la Vala o
Vsrtasadlas Batarta Port of
Mow Yr ll la riaeaJ Year.
NEW YORK, July (.-Merchandise of an
appraised value of - Ml.SaZ,391 entered the
port of New York during the year ending
June Sa, as against rrT,30J,r9 In UOs. This
la a saw racotA
Adjutant General Takes Sharp Meas
ure to Secure Efficiency.
Compaalas G sad I of First Reglmeat
Will Not Go to Fort Riicr Be
Caaso They Ao Not Vp
1m Standard.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July C (Special.) Adjutant
General Harttgan today Issued an ordur re
lieving from duty Major W. F. Sammona,
Major O. M. Newman and Lieutenant M.
S. Mathera of the Mecond rogiment, Ne
braska National Guard. These officers
failed to make reports aa ordered by tha
adjutant general and for that reason they
were discharged. Tha commanding officer
of tha Second regiment was ordered to of
ficer the battalions with captains. Another
order la to the effect that Company G and
Company I of tha First regiment could not
go to Fort Itiley to tha encampment be
cause they had failed to report forty en
listed men by July 1 as ha ordered.
No company will be permitted to par
ticipate In any maneuver or attend the
stats encampment which hue not forty en
listed men. The adjutant general has de
termined that the officers of tha National
Guard must take more interest In Ita af
fair or drop out of tba service. He be
lieves that while tha members of the guard
and tha officers make a certain sscrlflc
to belong to tha guard, they muat under
stand that It la serious business, and thst
if tha companies' expect to get financial
help from tha elate they must In return
give tha atate tha bast that la in them.
In so many words, tha adjutant general
says ha expect "either to make or break
tha guard." and there will be no mora
half-way companlea
Taylor Gt Astoaaobll.
W. J. Taylor of Merna. candidate for tha
democrat lo nomination for congress In tha
Sixth district, hsa registered with tha sec
retary of state a new aatomoblla. It Is
presumed that Mr. Taylor will do his cam
paigning In his new machine.
AnaHS Gets Coaamatatloa.
Governor 3haU:brger has commuted
the sentence of Leo Angus, convicted and
sentenced to the penitentiary for life tor
murder, to ten years. This will release
Angus In 1916 with a good time allowance.
Angus was convicted of participating In
the murder of an Omaha saloonkeeper.
Another Cath for I Ilea I Fishing.
Dan Gullua and his deputy, Joseph Boeh
ler, returned today from the neighborhood
of Beatrice where they succeeded lh con
victing seven men of Illegal fishing. The
men were caught fishing with nets In order
to get a supply of flan for a picnic to be
held the Fourth of July. They were each
fined $10 upon pleading guilty and their
two new nets were burned. One of the
men belonged to a otty council, and an
other waa a physician, though all gave
assumed name upon being arraigned be
fore a Justice.
Two More Candidate.
Felix L. Gallaher ha filed aa a candi
date for the democratic nomination for
representative fur tha district Incluiaug
Thurston and Dakota counties. He signed
statement No. L W. H. Talcott filed as a
candidate for tha democratic nomination
tor the senate In the Second district. He
did not mention the Oregon plan.
Flames Cut Off
Wisconsin Town
Foreit Fire i Bage Fiercely and Lit
tle Village it Doomed to
BAYFIELD, Wis.. July . Cornucopia,
Wis., Is cut off by forest Area Telephone
messages say the fires are getting worse.
Tha steamer Barker Is at the dock ready
to take off the women and children. Un
less tha wind changes the town apparently
Is doomed. All communication Is cut off
except by telephone and that may go at
any minute. Ail available men are fight
ing the fires. Tha population of the town
Is about 100.
Summer Clothes
It requires even more skill to make skeleton or
half-lined suits for summer than to make an ulster.
It ia so much more important, in buying a summer
suit, to be sure that it is well made.
From fancy mixtures to mohairs, we have full
assortments and every suit bears the
Browning, King & Co., Guarantee
Just now a lot of price revisions all along the
line afford special bargains to close buyers.
"We clean up our stock each season without the
aid of "half-price" and "slaughter sales."
During July and August our store will close
at 5 P. M., except Saturdays to make it easier for
our employees during the hot weather.
Browninaifing & Cq
ourrHMto, ruRNWHtNaa Attn mats.
S. 8. WILCOX. Maaa.Tr
The Store Of The Town.
Tha Key to tha Situation lie Want Ads.
awaiaa s av-mv v a I iv
cured by a thorough and scientific course of treatment,
removes ths craving or necessity for liquor or drugs,
f iif$ J imparts new etrengtn to every organ, ana builds up tin geueral
I VI health. Proven efftcaclnua by so yesrs' us and the cure at
y,1 I mare than 15o,00i patients. Bewar of Imitations The senu
mmm inm Keelav treatment Is administered In this Lt.tii nnlv .1