Want-Ads Want nils received al aar tlaee, to Imarr proper cleslf Iratloa mast be prrseated br'eri- lit ,rlwW ra ter ikl ewnlug fdlttoa. a4 before Ti:0 o'clock af ure.lncs alaif l mora In aud Saadar rdltlo"' 1111 aitva their tiret la.erllrin ,b beading "Too l,ne a tfssslfy." Cash must arromenar orders for an ads. aad adTrtlee'-ul be accepted far leas faaa S4 ,or Xrat laaerlloa. tlatra apply to either TM n "f imdar Mea. Alwaya i-ouat els word Ha. TAMI nATRflTnrt WAKT AD". HECilLAM rLASiriCATI: m Inavrlloa, 1 .j eeate rr etord aad ut Bar eerd for caok en"-"!1" I lueertioa. tmk Inacrtloa ' " ..1J days, 1 cchI. per i-rd .3U lr laa par auoaia. Waat ada for TheBe ,,n at aar of the following r atoraa taa la roar "romer draggle" ara all branch offlcaa lor Baa and uor ad will ha laaerta" ! promptly aud ua ta ua rataa aa al the aiala offlca In Tba ! Balldlac, acnlatn aad Faraaea atrcatai A1bnh, W. C, 40th and Frn. Keranek, 8. A., 1408 8. 16th HI. Peyton Pharmacy, 7?0 B. 16th St. benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nab. Hm!i Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Mlale-Brad.sh. 116 Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce 8t. i ' i f t unl T)i. ....... .... 9914 Military AV. Hinterlong Drug Co., 21st Ava. and Far- nsm Bt. Cressey Phurmacy, 4th and Lak. C'ooney Pharmacy, 2221 8. ltb 8L Ormak. F.mll. I2l-ii Bo. 13th Bt Killer, F. If., 2801 Leavenworlh. Foster at Arnold!, M3 N. 2Tth St. Krcytag, J. J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. IregKer Drug Co.. 130 N. 16th Bt. Plnruni.. tl.. 1 Pirn an ND. Oretn'i Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific ureenuugh, u. A., ion B. wo oi. Hit-enough. O. A., 10th and Hickory. li.ir'.n U'MHair. --.9ll irirflim St. lianscorii I'ark Pharmacy, 1601 B. 2tb, Ava. Holm, John, 1524 N. 1Mb at. Huff, A. I,., 1'j24 Leavenworth St. Jihanson Druir Co.. 21th and Spalding. Xing. H. 8.. 23Vi Farnam, Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 2304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred U, 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Dru Co.. 134 N. 24th Bt. Lathruo. Charles F... 1124 N. 24th Bt. Goldman Pharmacy, 14th and Lavan- vurtn st. hchaefer'n Cut Price Cruf Store, 16th and Chicago bt. Suhaefer, Aug., Kit N. 16th. chrniilt J. U Eilh.and Cumlnf Stf, aJnut lilll Pharmacy! 40th and Cumin DEATH AND FUNBIIA. XOT1CKS. KUETSCH Carolln July 2. 1910. Funeral July 4 from Dodder'i chapel. Interment at pleusant Hill cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., tuankdc. 3er (era, mbalmtia. 1CU Chicago. D. 1659, B-im. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, 3d Floor Paxton Block. THE AMERICAN Heating and", Plumbing Co. Announce the-Opening of their business July 6, doing general plumbing and heating repair work. 107 N. 24th. Web. 2602. A SAFE INVESTMENT If you are ', troubled ' with bed bugs, roaches, fleas, ants or any other Insects, KNOXAL Is the paying investment Ask your druggist or cull THE COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO., 639 Paxton Block. Tyler 114X RPAT.FS Independent Scale Repair Co. OVilliljO Keflttln, rebuilding and test RFPATRF.I) ln- Refitted scales sold f!ARTP,R SHEET METAL WORKS UiUlirjXV hJlv move to their new plant 110-12 South Tenth Street -4 COMPLETE returne of tha Jeffrl Johnson fight will be received at tha Hen haw by private wire. ILER GRAND HOTEL Ftntst In the 'west ,16th and Howard Sta. Turkish Baths DOUGLAS Printing Co. TaL Dougiaa 641 THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per rent less than Omaha prices. . 24th and L Sta., South Omaha. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BKODEGAARD'S. It Insures good luck. Itt 8. 16th Bt.. at tha sign of the Crown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, calling cards. Kotera & Leary Co., utu.iaJ.tcmon A. K. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent Successor to Martin It Co., loll Capitol Ave. SUITS that sold up to ISO. at 116. VOLLMEK'S. 107 So. 16th. S, H. Cola Sign Co.. D. 2762. 1211 Fain am. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood, Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th St Pbona Had 214, DAVID COLD Creamery Co. PTfiKTH T,TTKfTH"FS made to order, prepared with home cooking, rakes, pies and cold plea nFJjnATRRSFATI-'"ht lunches 2 to --:au. i Farnam LACTONE ?'rolnjr Madlelnsl - Summer Drink. DaUy nun weiiTvry. jui your uocior. Alamlto ICE CREAM VALWATS THK best.- iVJH VXkJULU HARDING'S Ice Creata weagewooa ere. Butter. Harding Cream Co. MERCHANTS' Y"S PRIVATE DINING ROOMtl 3lJ N. 16th St UD VOLLMER'a, 107 So. 16th. CLARK grduBV- vJMSIGNS MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sums t suit 910 Hee Bldg Phone Douc. atoi. UNION LOAN CUHfAMI, B. F. WURN. Optician. 424 Brandeis Bldg BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, 1602H Farnam St, Sher. wtn-Wllllams paints, oils, varnishes, glaaa, wblta iead, wall paper, brushes, aiming ana picture rraming. ltm.j BtJUU iigutr THE MODEL LAUNDRY ANNOUNCES Th installation 1UUiV,1jO OF . NEW SYSTEM which guarantee all waahlna to be don wnn aoi. nut. muroa ana gerra-proox water. xnes aaaa aaiimea, combined with our usual good rlca, asaur yo cf th best in laundry work at no extra. xt Family washing, roach and dried, le per lb. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, 1110-1113 1 od st root. Omaha's v Sanitary Soft Water Laundry. "bpandeis- druoan!ph7to DE- (AKTMENT-W do all kind of develop, ua and flnlshlne. Ftlma left before nooo rtU o tlnlahed m day. . . VOR f!AKFS Watch out specials at Try Haydao's first It . ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) IAVE YOUK EYES TESTED BT AN EXPERT AT . SAN I) WALL ll00t- (i l V1 Indeprnilent Prnle Repair Co. OV,IvlO ifttns;i rehulldinR and tet- iijlMHUD no eo. nth. roug. as; 4. Dr. John J. Foster, UentUt. hai moved to 116 Branded Theater BldC- HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order yotir house and porch acreend from THE OMAHA WINDOW W'Kbr A SANITARY NF.OFSSITT FOK KVERY HOME. 624 N. 16th EL Call Doug. 4691. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORK 06 S. lGth bt. U 1477 MAUQAKD Vsn A Btorace or Omaha Trunk. Van A 8torae Co. Pack, move, tore and ship II. H. goods. D. I486. B-2428 SUITS that sold up to $30. at 115. VOLLMKR'S, 107 So. 16th. WF.nr.TKfl rln n1 presents. Gustaf " 111 U ion 4 Hendrlckson, 201 N. If Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1620 & 10 th St. Tal. Douglas 4367. OOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. RflTQ A. JETES. m Dougiaa St. . VAO. PHOTOGRAPHIC SuDnlles. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames. W. 111. B-1016. ELEVATORS REPAIRED: freight, nas- snger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 8. 13th. Uoug 1997 WEDDINO rings made by hand, sold by weight T. L. Combs A Co., 1620 Dougiaa UMBRELIAS recovered and repaired; nupplles. WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., 182 Farnam. Red 747S. V1RGIANA DARK wine, 7bo a largo bot tle, KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. (22 N. 16th St. Douglas 6670. Jeffries-Johnson Kei9 ROME'S SUMMER GARDEN Omaha's Coolest Spot, 'jw 5"0H F,D RDTTTFTiV Bchlltx No. 2. Full cigars. CaXa In connection. Ill S. 14th. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost. SHU- KEKT'S, lath and Harney. T own Mnvori Sharpened by ma LawnjUOWerg chinery; called for and delivered. A. Jensen & Sons. W.1649; B-1647. Robertson's Restaurant t; (bssement): cool, light, sanitary, quick rervlce. popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen. Table d'Hote dinner Sunday. RAT KOSHER HOMHJ COOKINQ. Arklns, 316 S. 15th, upstairs. - JOHN NITTLER HomenI.Pn.TI,.m,r' T JTYTTS THE BEER YOU LIKE. J lni h M,h fiL Douglas 1899. Red 3932; Independent A-1420. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND1 Sells Buggies, Makes AUTO TOPS. Builds Wagons, Repairs Autos and all kinds of Machines, lttli and Harney bia. One 6-Cylinder STEVENS-DURYEA Touring Car ONE TWO-CYLINDER BUICK ONE THIRTY-HORSE ROADSTER. The above cars are all bargains. In first class condition, cheap If taken at once. Call for demonstration. VEILE AUTO CO. FOR RENT BRICK BARN for automo bile and storage. . .'vus bt Mary a Ava AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25o to 13. Ml COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-2U S. 16th. GREAT WESTERN. BCHACHT AND mokjitor TRUCK: can deliver at onca, Central Implement to., mi itrnam Bt. it Is worth a trlD to our salesrooms to see the American Traveler. If you have nvr seen this car you should take ad vantage of the opportunity at once. It la 1 ke no otner car. unaersiung irame, fi'tv hnrsa-DOwer. 14.000. The finest car nn wheels, renardless of price. SWEET EDWARDS AUTO CO.,' 2052 Farnam St Tel. Doug. ausa. wpite for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDRICKSON" AUTO CO.. Omaha. "We Have the Following NEW CARS For Immediate Delivery Locomobile touring car 13. WO Locomobile roadster 2,500 Matheson roadster, baby tonneau 3,000 Stoddard-Day ton, 7-passenger touring. 2,800 Stoddard-Dayton roadster, DaDy toti- neau 2,800 Stoddard-Dayton, torpedo body... 2,800 Stoddard-Dayton baby tonneau 2,o0u Stoddard-Dayton roadster , 1,050 2,100 1,100 1,100 American Mors Traveler , Regal Slightly Used Cars Stoddard-Dayton roadster 12,000 Stoddard-Dayton, 7-pasnenger touring, i.iuu Kindriard-Liavton. 5-Dassencer. With tour nir and limousine body l.BOU Stoddard-Dayton, 6-passeuger 1.000 Lexington, 7-pahsenger 2,200 Wlnton touring, o-passenger 1,200 Some Waverly Electrics, lloO to 400 Discount to Dealers. TMM)Tn t J Tl AUTOMOB1L13 COMPANY, AJJ.V1.VJJ-LA iiM fiUKAM STREET. OMAHA, EittO, EMTATflT? Rapairlng by experienced AWIAIUIV nlen- Ui eenougd, ilb . M. Ci lf PT.FrFl'he, auto accessorie and "--"supi uppliea. Nebraska Bulck Auto Co.. Omaha. SUITS that sold up to 230. at 115. VOLLMER S, 107 Sollth. WB have for Immediate sal a big com fortable flve-paaaenger touring car, in fine condition. Haa top, wind snleld, clock speedometer, presiollte tank, headlights, extra tire and com Die to tool kit Cost $2,600 when new and only run a few months. slum takes it. see this car at once, it is a big bargain. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., Tel. Doug. 3065. 2062 Farnam St WE have lust received a new consign ment of Parry Touring Cars, the biggest and longeat car, and the most powerful of any car on the market for the money. They are making good everywhere. Be sure to see this car before buying. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., 2062 Far nam St Tel. Dougiaa 3085. DO you contemplate buying a seven-passenger car. If ao you should e th furty-flv horse-power Moon Car at our garage. Everyone says It I th easiest riding car they ever rode In, and the price is right SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. 2062 Farnam St Tel. -Doug. 2086. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair, tng. Agent for Oakland, Staver dt Welch. M INT IRK AUTO CO.. 2202 Farnam. 6END for our list of second-hand car. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 104 Farnam St Alltft Paintinir "Murphy Did It" Get .auio jrauiuiig our prlc.fc andrew MURPHI al BU, 111 J jaOKSOO, FOR SALE cheap, two-cylinder Bulck In good condition. 626 N. 24th 6t, South umana. Big snap In Parry touring ear. Only used Tory little as demonstrating car. Look Ilk new. For sal at a very low price If taken at once. SWEET-EDWARDS ATJTO CO., TeL Doug. 2065. 2052 Farnam St SIMPSON INTS AND REPAIRS. OXA1XOV71, jot DODGE, Automobllea. wagons, carriages: makes to order new wagnna ' and automobile badtea. automobile wheeie. tops, springs, slip covers: second-hand bargain la cloaed carrtagea Both 'phone. Auto Repairing d.S?"..?: Diamond tlr.s carried -i stock. Th psx-toa-Mltchell Co.. OH Harney. D. T2U, A-JUU. AUTOMOBILES il'ooiinuetLj AUTOGENOUS WELDING All klnda of BROKEN CTLJNDERB, CRANK CASK and CABTINOB lromitly repaired. AL.I. wukk uuaiuphmiO, SKRTSClir MOTOR COMPANY, Council bluff. ia Mloreyrii,a. R F MOTOR CYCLE, excellent eondl- .m. ,ti,rkm.nL fait Harney H71. ' I FOR BALE I'i-H. P. Thor motorcycle. fliat-ns-.- loLrtnoM lt.l, -CrtlFtCK If old at once. Tel. Harney S7S. BUSINESS CHANCES Tn r.F.T in or out of business call on GANQbsTAD, 404 we ia. lei. u. Vi mi PAt.K Omra house, modern, larao stage, seating capacity one thousand, lo cated In a good iihow town and only house la city, 14,uw inhabitants; price, iu,ww in unincumtn'i'eu land. 17.0U0 canir In hand and balance 116,010 at per cent. Also a tnree- inrv innri note! and turn innings, join business, only good hotel in city of n.wti Inhabitants; reason for selling, owner is a widow lady and desires to retire; price. 127,0110; terms, 6.oou In unincuinDerea iana 16,000 cash In hand and balance 16.oou i at o per cent. A good Investment. Address Sheridan Clyde, Elwood, lnd. SUITS that sold up to 130. at 115. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. NEW laws and other conditions neces- itate opening distributing office In thla llstrlct to supply Increasing demands for our manufactured proaucts usea oy mi.i- nesa men. farmers, etc: 1100 to 1150 salary monthly; office expenaes and commissions sturala Thayer.. NorthwesUrn Sales nirertnr. ou national Dana i nmimnn i w . I Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. for 8 ALE General merchandise stock. new uo-to-date. leading store, large terri tory.. Invoice 210,000, at a snap. You cannot beat this proposition. Box 13, Merna, Neb. ')riPrP(iTitMONET' Invent a few dol- lars, Omaha company, aala- Dividend rled P0ltlon elther IllUllVjr DITUUIVU vtaviia WlltV. Promoter. 610 Paxton Blk. 290 MONTHLY drawing account and half the profits tor a man with xsuo to liou to join my like amount In engaging In an excellent clean commercial business. Ad dress telling something of yourself and giv ing phone number. Y 137, Bee. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Hera is barcain. 10-room rooming house, all In A NO. 1 condition: cheap rent; all rooms well rented. Price, 3576.00. Location, 24th anil. Dodge. LAlllKOP jfc TOHir,. aee. LISTEN WB, ' ,NC9;Bn,0S55B n,rUtr business, shop, land, patent I nit furnlah m.n ll vmip ihliei. Pl-n. w . - moter, iv paxton am. BEE ME for cltv and farm Investments, Alex Chapman, 230 .N ovule utx., u. lbtw. FOR SALE ir trade, fine retail stock of wall paper In Omaha. Flneat stock In the city. Address Wee. o-eao. SUITS that sold up to 230, at 215. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. FOR SALE-Hotel. Mrs. E. W. McHenry. Fairfield, iseb. GOOD furnltura buslnoss: must sell on account death In family. 1404 Dodge. 1 Must sell 200 shares in Omaha Mnfg. Co.: buyer gets good paying position. Write F, care- 611 Paxton Block, for Interview. FOR SALE Bakery in good live town of suout l.iw; aoing a gnoa Dusinees; reason lor soiling, wan. io go easu juim . . , j . . . i , t. I WANTED Young men with capital to vriuaj.a. w. in ymj jmu , m,.ui.n is proposition. 2632 Capitol Ave. , GOOD PAYING POOL HALL; must be aoiu ii uiiuv irK.iui c.a ml ihiuo, v i iim m .v.v. . - YOUNG attorney wonts to hear of location three years' practice. B 72. Bee. " ' L , .77 w aii a rariuvr wilii fiw iui Aaa,.iaB. profit; aalary weekly; money aecured. Q At&. Ra. V,U. , ' I1W (JUIUjJC li lion t ymjm rw yni vdhi arrivm nr allant nartn.p with soma cash to help Incorporate company. P. O. Box 313. New as Zdhand harness & hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estate. lu cuming W1PW unTPi Mn.rn mtrm heated. I electric lighted, hot and cold water, good business., at a Dargain. write xor ueocrip- tion. R. C. Shliey, Jderna, xeo. TO RUT SKIX OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co.. 103 McCague Bldg. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 11505 Farnam St Douglas 347. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Err OT QIPr Practical Builder. . ii. UAjOHiIN, Estimates Furnished. Tel. Benson 20. TTT Kn?Tt Tin AT?n Takes pi ace of uici. v win uuaiiw i.th and plastoi. AMERICAN bUPPLY uo, uu farnam. O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. TaL 2214. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marsnaik 4uut Leavenworth bt THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL BIUINEJ UUMrAIN I, Ulir VWIHW1 .r. . m V. 1 n 1. a . . - anteed. Phone (aotory, a. wa; oiiic Phone a 1132. PAINTING, paper banging and docora- Una. very reasonable for landlord. Esti mates free to all. O. S. Kenneaon, 4201 Ll St, South Omaha. SUITS that sold up to 230, at 115. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. DENTISTS BAILEY 4V MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D. 10U. TAFT'S Dental Room, 1617 Dougla St isr piq. DETECTIVES- CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach. D. 2332 OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, Inc. and bonded, 438- paxton hik. ij. 1319, . DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDJ. 2707 Farnum. TeL H. 4671. TERRY Dressmaking SchooL Farnam. 20th and EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. rVerjare for nrofltabl position In book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil s.rvlc' aure to be open In th fall and winter. Th year boon 1 ready. Apply tor it ntuaenu lamitin aoy uay. Boyte Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both phone. 8T. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 2642 Charles. Harney 2221 SUITS that sold up to 230. at 115. VOLLMER S. 107 80. 16th. EVLRYTHINQ FOR THE GARDEN Msrwriaa, rrrrT?T7cand Dlant thai arrow. F. AALXrOuanaray. Crescent Nursery Co.. Omaha yard, uat ana amain aia. rauoi narney maav EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN m. HHKN It. ana ihun complexion waters make clear, white skin. By mall 6O0 and 11 ua. Shennan A McConnell Drug to - Omaha. PEARL O. HUNOATE Studio. 2612 N. 2Wh tt Flrtnf one a week. 'Phone Webkr M. EPERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) OT TVTi'. w r eiciualva aganta for the y i-i fBmoui ealbea olive oil, from i"T T . Italy, for medicinal purpoeea. LJquora, v-'-4AJ macaroni other Italian products. A. Minardi A Co, ill S. 14th. Doug, lota, TTT A TTT V I f V X nonsurgical treatment; It haa of men and women; 400-page book free, sil URANDKJS BUUU., OMAHA. Ideal summer drink, Alamlto Lactone. SANTTATJY HAIRDRESSINQ parloa. " x x Marlnello creania used and sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 4671. KNXAL AND SPRAYER produce Instant results. The noisome In sect dead before you. Guaranteed the world's best Insecticide, germicide and dis infectant. A pout card or phone can win bring demonstration to prove the fact THE COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO., 639 Psxton Block. Phone Tyler 1143. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-lOOt L. Henderson, 1512 Farnam. Doug 125s. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.. larg- ,t rrMnhouses In west; beautiful flowers for .njr .hipped anywhere In U. & . HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS A8a- M ""'"tJ: ..S?"iDlV".on S LAWN VASES. Marvsl Coal Chut nil W a. rm r arm Air and Hot " -'"'"r OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. imn-m uougiaa st Both pnonea. rpalr, M ruMMteed; Illir.I, : nil v a I . 111. . . . m I n v I lUfl -- ... v........ . .uw. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Clerical and Otflee. WANTED Lady to handle mall In Omaha proposition; salary 120 per week from profits; small Investment required; money secured. Address Company, 111 Pax- v ia JV(WVK 2 STENOGRAPHERS, 235 to 262. CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 74-S76 Brandels Bldg. .Factory aad Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls w"ee" nd ,t"dy work. Beml. Omaha Big Comnanv. i,.nt,.... i.-t . .v.. ,...su.u aireet GIRL wanted to learn hair rinaain. price reasonable. Oppenhelm Hair Dressing Pari... lit Vf i ,nj rr' - t - Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Canabla srlrl wha can -b. second girl kept; two in family. 2450 St! J S TCUU-x, COMPETENT. Drm-nnt tHrl fAk m. eral housework. Tel. Harney 42? XX7 A XTTITT A i t . . . " 7 ",.," "ousewora gin WDo 1, without "whln', T."phon. a. TelenhAna I inn.l.. w.uvi.o, wi Awuge street. GIRL for annl y.n,i-..ni. . ,, hmll. ..V . ' w-wwvr., email 2706 Farnam St ' 1 BIIIIU BbllU KOUI1 WHara M 'I1 ft WANTEn (-.r v . small ramlly; small house. Phone Har- . . . - avi.v.a.. nguHwor. WANTED Reliable woman for ,. mum nome ror comietent wnman f.ll after I at 3404 Dewey JKi! TaL l? WANTED-Experlenced girl for general nouaewora: mnar r,.. .... 1. . i . i -f -"j m o. an ii . ei. Harney 2850. GIRL 'for general housework two in I COMPETENT woman ......i v... I "V": ood.w.gw. Call 4810 r vi cutf uvuiavara, Or .fnone Web. 4624. WANTED-Experienced dining- room airL St Jamea hotel. 411 L 13th. amea hotel. 411 S. 12th. LUMfi, I1SNT arlrl for 1 work. no laundry; small family: good , iouii.u. uowaro. WANTED A arood rmtu- -n m M.k a. w, mm. ra. i. ij. Naan. G'RL for general housework; 27 per weak. " - mrt. ou WANTED lady to ear tnr hii a-.- lh. lldU . . . . .wwua luvuiir. sveaaonapia. 4U1D AHVII, alT- al.l mt . . cin act nnsru naunvnrir i.a wkbiijiik nu ironing: mnna mM.mmm. nma xr I A. U 43 - . 1 (Will Ol. COMPETENT vlrl for am. hnn...... Mrs. F. F. Hall. 22X5 Sharmao Ava! both WASH woman for Mnndav anil TllAskHn TeL Harney 741. 1304 S. 35th street GIRL for reneral houaawnrtr ant -w . tna-. 3218 nndaa At Tal u u I - GIRL for general nouaaworlrr iinh.i. able room; good wage. Telephone Harney HOUSEKEEPER for man and wlfa am? Manderaon. GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt street GIRL for general housework, and ala a I , u . f D , V 4.. , J I ,wu IIUIUU RD. an M . K'.,h 1M a taA . -- COMPETENT 2d girl. 3411 Farnam. WANTED, at onca a eHrl fnr housework: one who can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th street WANTED Good washerwoman tnr un. day. TeL Webster 2796. 1511 Loouat street WANTED Servant alrl at una m a 26th street Mr. ul Moncrieff. WANTED A aood alrl tnr aanar.i h. work; small family; good wag. U2 a asm street. NEAT school alrl tn aaatat atltK ii. v. street. COMPETENT girt for reneral hnnaa. work: no washing; St a weok. 3207 Dodg St Mrs. Georg B. Lake. A GIRL from 14 to II yra to tak car of baby. 123 S. 22d Ay. WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework in modern brick dwelling; wages $7. Apply any time. 1306 Park Ave. TeL Harney 1234. WANTED A young Danish srlrl to aa.iat wUn Ceneral bouaawork. 730 S. 22d straet, corner wu aiiu Maqwgrm. WANTED A rood alrl for aonaral houaa. Work; small family; good pay. 2512 liai ney street have good referenoe. Mr. John McShana, Ut 8. 27th street GIRL for ceneral housework. Goad wages. No cooking. KU S. 29th street WANTED Girl for general housework. yg N. street I - WANTED-Washerwoman, family of three, call uu a. za or phon Harney pnt GIRL for general housework. Mrs. R n I TJhllg. 2420 Caldwell street. TeL Webster X3. A GOOD laundraaa tniiat hawa f .r. A m 8. 22d Ave. WANTED-Girl for aaneral houaawark Mra F. E. RlbbeL 1234 a, list a treat. Tal narney laa. WANTED A cook. Apply 21 Davan. port St TeL Harney U, WANTED Second alrl at fl South n,t du ici. iuuaiaa uu. air, naora. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework. U2 N. 40th St. WANTED Girl for a.naral houaaarork uii r. m ot, aoutn ouiana. EXPERIENCED chambermaid: 27 car I wcea. ua . mia Ave. 1 WANTBU-A woman cook. Addree Ur Hargana banltartum. Hoi. Spring. 8. D. A OIRL for general housework; good I wages; mau lamuy. 122 2M Ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE ilvusekeepera aad ! mweilrs tuil'il. GOOD girl for general housework; 17 per week; must be ood cook. 1621 Bpencer Bt. Phone Webster 442. WANTED Girl for seneral housework: small family; good ages; with or without washing. 1304 S. 25th St. Phone Harney 741. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; I3u a month; no laundry work. 710 N. 28th. Tel. Harney 3t41. LAUNDRESS for Mondays: references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam St Tel. Harney 1335. GIRL for general housework: no cook ing; must go home nights; at 2jOI Franklin St WASHERWOMAN wanted. (24 8. th St GOOD airl for aeneral housework. Tal. Harney 2u. 6011 California St WANTED A - girl for general house- Wbrk. 2M1 W St, South Omaha. Phoue South 690. WANTED A cood nlaln cook: family of two. References ranuirad. Annlv l.U So. 27th St WANTED Competent arlrl to take care or tnrea smaii cniidren, suDuroan piace, during summer. 'Phone D. 27. COMPETENT alrl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. B. Rustln, 206 S. 27th St Tel. Harney 2035. WANTED Good girl for general house- wora. itim xoinrop at 'tel. Webster tn. WANTED Competent girl: two in family laundress employed. Mrs. C. E. Spens, The ciarinaa Apartment xxo. 4. list and Far nam Sta.. COMPETENT alrl for general house. work; no washing; good wages. 4610 Flor ence Blvd. 'Phone Webster 4624. LADIES AND GIRLS wanted to work on sofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary; call' forenoons. 2307 S. 13th. WANTED Experienced cook: 2 In family: good wages; another alrl kept Mrs. JJ. O. Clark, 4tf N. 21st St. WANTED Chambermaids. Millard hotel, LADIES WANTED Take work home? apply transfers; 1 to 34 dos; work guar antees. -irieDora, gi ranaeis Theater mag. WANTED Housekeeper between 25 and 35 without children. Tom Teller, McCook, D. U. WANTED A neat young girl to assist with housework; two in family. 4S01 Dodge WANTED A good cook; no washing nr ironing; a nousemaia ana a rainy expel- icnceu nurse, rteierencea required, jar a. W. Dlnon, 117 S. 89th St Mlscellaneoas. TOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and I7th St, where they will be directed to suitable boardlna Dlacea or otherwise asaisted; look for out traveler aid at union atution. WANTED Good voices for female quar tet; vaudeville; good pay; steady work. Apply Hotel Paxton; ask for Mr. Berger, Tuesday evening. HELP WANTED MALE AaTCWts, Saleamea and Solicitors. WANTED A good huHtllng aubscrlptlon solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. Tha Bee Publishing Co. MEN caDable of taklnar orders for Mr, Rohrer'a gas stove covers can easily make from 14 to 26 a day. Inquire Maione Coffee Co., 21U Cumins St WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES EVERYWHERE TO SELL FLASH Brass Polish, RADIUM POWDER, Pride of the Bar, "Klean or Shine," sliver and glass polish. This Is a golden opportunity for the right parties. Apply or address THE COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 539 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wanted; must have good reference. Rapb-el-Pred Co.. 13th and Farnam Sta. WANTED Men to sell shares, Omaha companies we Incorporated; beginners taught ood pay. Promoter, 610 Paxton Block. COLLECTOR and salesman; permanent city position; salary and commission con tract; applicant must be between age 25 and 40 and have bad some successful sales man experience. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Omaha, Neb. POCKET ADDING MACHINE-Llghtnlng seller; agents write us. Cincinnati Specialty Mg. Co., Cluclnnatl, O. WANTED Collector and solicitors on new proposition, good pay and steady work year round for competent, neat-an- pearlng men. Chance of advancement wnn competence 1 proven. Room 718, Hwishaw hotel. SUITS that sold up to 230. at 115. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. Clerical aad Office. WB CAN USE AT ONCE B BOOK KEEPERS, 3 ASSISTANT BOOKKEEP ERS, 2 SALESMEN AND SEVERAL COLLECTORS, STOCK CLERKS, SHIP PING CLERKS, AND BILLING CLERKS. CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 674-271 Brandel Bldg. OUR Dally Bulletin get results. Give ua your record and we will secure tha position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 672-75-77 Brandel Bldg. WANTED A young man atenocranhar with experience; must be a good man. Room 6U Be Bldg. WANTED Man to handle mall In Omaha proposition; salary 225 week from profits; small Investment required; money secured. Address W, 611 Paxton Block. WAN TE D-A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY CLERK; GOOD PAY; MUST BE MAR- K1EU MAN. KOOJH 613, iJJUUi ULDCJ. Factor aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Be Bldg. SHOES reoalred by hand while you wait. Correct Shoe Repair Co.. 617 a 13th. WANTED Experienced egg candlers; must be steady, sober and expert at candling eggs; reliable men only wanted. Address or report to 703 O St.,. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Watchmaker, engraver, sales man all around man; 20 to 125, according to ability. Ed J. Nlewohner, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Rollers and bunchbreakers; steady work all year round; good wages; congenial surroundings; light, airy factory. Th Harkert Cigar Co., 4th and Taylor Sta., Davenport, la. WANTED. REPRESENTATIVES IN ALL OITTES OVER 6 000 HANDLE HIGH-GRADE line of DISINFECTANTS AND DISIN FECTING APPLIANCES; ALSO LIQUID SOAPS. Aaaress, COMMERCIAL CHEMICAL CO.. 532 PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA, NEB. Ilseellaoeoes. SUITS that sold up to 230. at 212. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. WANTED Laborer at quartermaster's depot, 22d and Hickory street. GOVERNMENT employ wanted. Writ for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 162 R. Rochester. N. Y. WANTEI Men to lern barber trsde few week completes; time saved by steady practice; careful instructors: tools given; oipiomaa wrantea: wages rjaturnays; poll tion waiting: splendid demand for cradu ates: call or writ. Molar Barber College, 110 B. it' n bt When you hav anything to sail or trad advertls it In Th B Want Add oolumn and gst quick result. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WAKT'rSlT rood arents to Work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha. AGENTS Men, women, best hot westher seller on market. Write quick. Barueu FuppW Co.. Hrown Bik., Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system is death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglns ii.JO. Omaha Steam Laundry, lVuO Leaven worth. YOU M188 the best laundry service If you tall to pstronlxe us. National Laundry, rHH Oimlng St LIVE STOCK FOR SALE HHKBlra. HIGH GRADE KaSTO abouta for sale cli-ap. 1117 Farnam St. GOOD DOUBLE SKATED CAKHlAUsi. Pbcoe Harney 233. 4i07 La Fayette Ava ONE good single CARRIAGE for. half pilca. Tel Har. 2423, or 3il Jackson St. Horses aad Vehicles. SUITS that told up to 230, at 215. VOLLMER S. 107 So. 16th. FINE family driving horse, stanhopa and harness. Call 112 N. 33th St. Cni, Birds, Dofi aad rata THOROUGHBRED English bull dog pupa. Address 1908 8. 13th St TOY poodle dogs; will sacrifice at ex tremely low prices entire kennel of pedi greed, prize-winning pure white toy poodles, brought here from New York. Puppies and grown stock, male and female. Write to day. Mrs. C. Branch, 1315 Broadway, Kan sas City, Mo. . TOY Boston terriers, fine markings, pedi gree, house broken and trick trained. Tel. Doug. 1852. , FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, fresh. Webster 4430. coming LCSV AuU FOUND STRAYED Red mooU-y rkasu noiuy coster kt.3. cow; finder The Teddy Beur ExTnd Dye"r.,r" 1818 IIAK.VKY. BOTH PHONES. A POCKETBOOK marked K. A. Corneer. containing F.ik membership card and valu able pirs; llbeial reward for return to F. A. corneer, -nh and Dercas. IX)ST Watch chain and charm; charm nan 210 gold plec, 1.-07; liberal it ward for return to Boe business olflce. MEDICAL DR J. U. HUGHES dpaalallst In chronio diseases. Consultation, with In structions how to use tne water, free of charge. Office In Mcintyre tl.Js., Excelsior Spring, Mo. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for Itching, bleeding ot protruding PILES; 50c postpaid; samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, FREE medical and surgical treatment al Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port bta.; special attention paia to con finement cae; all treatment bUperviaeU by college professora. 'Phone Dougiaa 117. Calls answered, day and night Dr. iyicGrew Has given bia entire professional life to the treatment, oi all tortus ot cnrfituo and spe cial diseases of men. For J6 years he has been known and trusted by all. as years In Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway, ur. MuUrew Co.. 15 S. 14th St, Omaha. Neb. SUITS that sold up to 230, at 116, VOLLMER S. 107 So. 16th.. , BEST nerve bracer ' for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills, 1 a box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. nwwimwww3wwHmwwwwmi CHEAP LOANS 21 11 11 u II II Furniture, Piano or Salary. YOU BORROW 110.0 you pay back 211.0t 225.00 you pay back 227.M 450.09 you pay back &4.J NO OTHER CHARGE. II OMAHA FINANCIAL CO, tt Room 60L Brown Block. II u 207 tf. Ilia St, Cor. Dougiaa 8t . l U Tnones: Dougiaa 2036; A 1034. l uauimni''uj'ninii)i MONEY NEED ANTt 00 TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, 112 Board of Trad Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Farr.aiu Btreeta Telephone Dougiaa 2296. Rate cheaper than any advertised. We ran prove It MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; ey payment, rifficae In Ml Drlncloal oltlea Tolmaa. rooui 111 New York Life Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5?i W.C.FLATAU. TfSua SUITS that sold up to 230. at 115. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. . MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 300 So. 17th. TeL D. 1552. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport St., warehouse, 2207-09 Iaard St WHITEWASHING, plastering, screen repaired and put on, window washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished, McRea. 2119 Half Webster. Harney 240S. SUITS that sold up to 230. at 115. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Room. ROOM and board; bom cooking. 24th. Tel. D. 6482. 2002 a BOARD AND ROOMS In nlc congenial family. Largs rooms, elegant table, good locatlty. Use of large parlor and living room. $20 per month. Phon Webstar 6244. 531H No. Twenty-fifth street . . BOARD and ROOMS Nice location, walk ing distance. Ladles preferred. 2012 Cali fornia St FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly modern; privet family. 252T De catur. Webster 2260. ONE or two pleasant room In modern home: will give hraakfnst If desired. 214 N. 23d St., Phone Red 5352. FOUR boy. 34 60 per week, 2522 Califor nia St Phon Dougla I15L ONE or two nicely furnished room with board, conveniently located; references 1420 Cas. Phone Dougiaa 6311 ROOMS and board. 22 week; bom cook log. Modern. 2211 Douglas. ROOMS and board. 2712 N. Uta 8t TeL Webster 2162. Good neighborhood; four block from car line, LARGE front alcov room; modern, wlta board; otkar room. 2102 Dougiaa. ROOMS for two, with board; noma cook ing; mooern. 2216 Howard. FURNISHED room with board la privet family, can at sis aouia aula ou ELEGANT parlor and also studying room. liano; private family. 642 8. 19th ROOMS for llRht housekeeping, board It eekired. 2019 Cu SOUTH front parlor with excellsnt board, modern, also table board, toll Dodge. PRIVATE family. 2401 Chicago St FURNISHED room and board. 1211 CP" Uol Ave. 'Pboa Douglas 7754, OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms 4'oatlaaed. DOUBLE room with board, tt and upt ue cf piano. 4110 Dougiaa CllOlCh; rooms with board, plars." 1M6 Capitol Ave. 'Th Tetn- LARGE south front room tor 2; gooJ home luokiu. 1914 Chlca.o. NICK rooms, excellent board, with Ger man Christian admly. 1811 Capitol Ava. LARGE front rooms; also single room; good board; luteal Harney. NICE parlor room for 3 or 4 gentleman, board ; al.o tingle luoiua. IIS a. Nth Ave. NICE rooms, with or without board. Ifll Cass atret 'Phone, Doug. 1476. BOARD and rooms. 2ti07 St. Mary'e Ave BOARD and room; 1 or 1 Indies; private home, walking distance. Harney 4137. LARGE south front room, on first floor, running waitr; private entrance on tha ummer lawn; also other ruoms. 123 S. 25th Ave. SUITS that sold for S0. at VOLLMMK'S, 10? So. lbth. COOL east front room, with board. 211 So. 2.'itn bt. Phone D. 3138. BOARD and ROOMS Brand new modem brick tlat; pilvat family; clone In. 612 Is. 21st St Faralsaed Kooiaa, NEWLY lumuhed front room suitable for two, wltn privet family. 2614 Dodge, 4-ROOM modern apartment TeL Wt. CH. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. Ill . Uth ht The Chatham. MODERN rooms for a. or 4; separated beds If desired. U17 Harney. EIGHT room strictly modern, 230. 2UJ Caldwell St Call Harney kj.4. EXCEPTIONALLY nlc loom. 220 N 23d. fc'l '. V I Sil I 1 , ur Liiuriil.hMl rf,..l,iM- i.u. car liu. 243a B. liilh. MODERN rooms, nicely lurmsiieU. ' U-rt ma Ui a wea. sis IN. 19th tit Hial.l ucai imi.i 100111, uiuuurn nouaa, lieiiila park; strictly piivulv lauuiy, to hvi uipiwu uurii.- ua. lei. liaiu.y 214. THE use of Uiy turnisiKxl houaa ui .a Chang for' board. Tel. Weo. 422. FRONT rooms, south and east exposurs; modern. 4o9 b. 25iu Ave. 'iyler lveu, ROOMS, 221U Harney bt Red 5426. UNDER new management iilo9-21U and 2112 Dougiaa bt., rooms, iuul and in fine condition, aesiratile lui summer, eulitr iui ni.iieU or umuiiiiBnca. v.aii ..H3 uou,a. FOR RENT Four large, luoQein rooms, furnibhed or unuinlblieu, auliaoie fur e.liur light houseKecpnig or auepiu,' lor rent 4i logetticr or separate. Can Uuuglas 22i 402 N. 23d ot., sanies Hunt ' FURNISHED rooms; all modern, ill a. 19th St. NICELY furnished rooms, laid Dodge bt SINGLE room, reasonable, modern. 2iui Farnam St. NICELY furnished front rooms, large and nlc; walking distance. LU bo. 27ui St NICE .cool, modern south and ust room. 1901 Dodg. Doualits 44113. SINGLE room for gentleman. Mason. Harney 2793. 27. 2001 BEAUTIFUL front parlor; gentlemen or couple. 604 S. 27th St. O. M. E. haul trunk. Phone v. ui A-zcil. SINGLE SOUTH room. 2226 Dodg. Red 6652. FURNISHED room. 2114 Chicago St COOL south room for gentleman la pri-. vate family. 632 Seward. NICELY furnished room, all conven iences; gentleman preferred. . , Call 2512 St Mary's Ave. NEATLY furnished front parlor, cloa in; modern. 2202 Douglas. SOUTH room for gentlemen. 2405 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING room; modern. S. 24th Ave. - 541 NIC7. clean, strictly modern sleeping , room; rent reasonable. 246 N. 25th 6t SINGLE rooms; eastern exposure; nicely furnished. 1062 Park Ave. Harney 224L DEWEY European bote). Uth A Frannm. LARGE front room and one small room, suitable for two or tbre gentlemen; H block from car Una, 207 tt. 26th bt, 'phon A-2892. MODERN outside room for gentlemen five blooke P. O. TaL Dougiaa 7911. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and We- alar, lurnisneu rouuia, u m.j wi wa.a. PARLOR-ADCOVE on third floor north, suitable for man and wife, or two gentle men. Breakfast privilege. Rent reasonable. t o. 28th. St Large Front Room anSiS-Tw. gentlemen: 24 per week; for one gentleman. 12.50 per week. 2408 Burt St FOR KENT Nicely furnished room; all modern; private family. 'Phon Red T395. TWO dIo rooms; phone Douglas 6436. term reasonable, FRONT single room. 22. 630 & 2oth Ave. TWO very desirable rooms for ltaat bousekeeplng; modern; reasonable; walking distance. 622 b. 25th Ave. FURNISHED front room, in modera bous: near Carter lake. Tel Webstar t4. FRONT room; modern; in private fam ily; price reasonable. U4 S. 2th St NICE furnished room, good BMd. IBM S. Sid. Dougiaa 710L liSighbor. thocr xr.WI.V na De red. rooma. narlor floor. 2003 Dodge St PODGE HOTEL, Uth and Dodge, all cool rooms; special rates by the week. NICQLY furnished front room; all mod ern house; for 1 or 3 gentlemen. 2012 St Mary's. LARGE airy rooms, $10 to $20. 2324 Harney. Douglas 8091. LARGE southeast room and 1 small room. -702 N. 18th St. I- havjs ion itumiJ iv r. : 11 bdso luteiy exterminates bed but;, roaches, fleas, lice and all other Inseot life. The Com mercial Chemical Co., 529 Paxton Block. - ' COZY COTTAGE, handsomely furnished; cheap to a long time tenant. For purtlou- 1 lars call at 916 South 40th. West Leaven worth car. TWO nicely furnlsneo modern front rooma (connected) for two or liue par on. Phon K4 6350. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms large and cool; uiodorn; cast front fin location. Tel. B-1416. 2616 N. 19 U Ava LARGE south front room on first flour; running water; private entrance onto lawn; also other rooms. 123 8. 25th Ave. TWO lrg rooms, nicely furnished, fin beds, all modern conveniences; walking dis tance; on car line; private family; fine location. 222 N. 25ih bt 'Phone D. 4802. SINGLE loom for gentleman, $7, Mason. Harney 2793. 3001 LARGE room and closet, facing south od Dewey Ave., near sath; strio.iy aiodsra, 'Phone Dougla 5222. . . ROOMS near new street car barn and depot; ail modern. 814 Hickory. Red 7265. TWO nicely lurnlshec rooms, either two gentlemen or man aud wife; with or with out board. Ind. 'phone 1206.. VERY large, wall furnished, south front; permanent parties. 2226 Farnam. DESIRABLE room; fin location, walk ing distance. 211 8. tJtli Bt ONE large and on slngl room, mealy furnished. 211 N. Uth St. NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 714 S. 17th Av. ONE Urge, cool front room. No Olhsf reomera. 2U Davenport St I ! 1 t ; J .4' ' V 11 1