THE BKE: OMAHA, Tl'KSDAY, JULY 5. 1010. 10 REAL ESTATE m FARM AN U HAAtll LAM FOR lAt" .Colorado Cowtlaeed. IRRIGATED LANDS. M and lW-cr tracts of ntnoolh, fertile. Irrigated land on th Costilla eatat In th San Lula valley of Colorado can yet be purchaard at $'0 an acre. IWi Includes a perpetual water right. Kaey terma. Larg eat and moat attractive project aver de veloped In Colorado; 6.0W acrea in cultiva tion ihla year. Writ for Ire inapa and folders. . . COHTir.UA IRIIIOATED LAND CO., 1W4 C bam pa SL. Denver. Colo. COLORADO Property for Bale 11-room brick and alone residence at Oolden. Colo., 12 mllea west of Denver; place has been used for private boarding huuta, is mod ern and a money maker; eusy terms to to right party. Box XO, Ooldeu. Colo. HOW would you Ilka to visit In Sunny Southern Colorado at our expense? For full particulars addrees the Vv eldon-Spelts Investment Co., Wood Klver, Neb. Florida. FLORIDA. Wi have soma ot tha best land In tba tat, below tba frost Una at attractive price. Bend for particulars. Kstero Land Company, Plret National bank Bldg., Cb'.cago. 15.000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Florida Vast Coast, Uvergladea. All. muck land. Greatest bargain In lb wool tat. No brokers. FRANK. L. MILLS COM PANT. Jio Monroe eiU, Chicago. FLORIDA FARMS PUTMAN COUNT V, FLA. Tan-acro farms for oulv $300, one-third cash, balance oo.nd two years. Wa guarantee lli land to ba as gou! as any In tba atat. Natural flowing well, r-wt drainage, horn markets. Only mile from Paiatka. carraway station on tn u u A. V llv In tha center of th land. All of our farms ar in asy walking distanck of station and postofflc. Klver and rail, way transportation faculties tar truckers i best In th slat. Fines! esidanc cUon In Florida, church, tc. No malaria, and growers me uesi : farming rnd residenc luod school, church! Writ today for on of our beautiful U lustraUd prospectus and map. K. Z. JONES CO., UB-6OT AUautlo National Uank Bldg., . Jacksonvllls. Fla. . IOU CAN 8TAT AT HOIII And mak Big Monr ' In Florida. On dolla a monta will mak you part owner In one of th greatest fruit, truok, neca,n. orobkrd. resort, botel and general blgh-olass development propositions ever inaugurates; tn. tin swai oi pnanomenai opportunities. Send for proof of tnla state ment and full particulars. -J. A. Hollomoo, President. Jacksonville Fix, - , r " Jdaho. Inyestments Double in ValUQ I Cit es snrlnv Into belne In Idaho. The whole state Is BURSTING WITH LIFE. lou can ahar In this rdavolopment. Write tnM,yv ?or.haf -?L?S a, tor ??;tt,W5 ?'MUel?JJigTkl,rV0If,men- DOUBLK YOUH MONEY IN IDAHO. F. E. XlHiaWOLD Secretary Burloyl Commercial club. Hurley Idaho. . I u. A. AXUNfJ, secretary Albion com- rnfrclal club. Albion;' Idaho. W. J. iMITCHJKLL,' Secretary Oakley Commercial club,. Oakley, Idaho. Sotsa. WO A-FARM mostly good land, finely Im proved, looatad about IS miles 8, W. of Des Molne. .i.j. . - A4o 1;(W arret-'east Panhandle, Tex., V good corn land. Tbs lands belong to a bankrupt estate and the U. ' 8. district court has ordered trustees 'to " sell all together or any part of this land. Write for full description. Frank Hall. 1. J. Klemm. A. F. Brown, trustees. Offlc with Corn Belt Land A Loan Co., Des Moines, la. IOWA, CORN LAN) 3. t40 acres Improved, ltd par acre. 100 aerast Improved, 16 per acre. . lift) acres improved, 179 per acre, so acra , Improved, $76 per acr. 160 acres Improved, S60 par acr. 640 acres Improved, $D0 par acre. 80 acr Unproved,. fM par acr. 240 acres Improved, '4 per acr. 160 acres Improved,' 5o per acr. 160 acrelmproved. (6S per aor. 147 acres liuproved, (iM per acre. l ne aoova taxms are an wiuiin anving distance of Esthervllle and we will be glad to give description and parucuiars in re- gard to, any certain tract. Persona Pitcher Land Co., -EaUiervllle, la. K80 ACRE3 FOR A FARM. $60 par uqee, situated In Decatur county, along Burlington It. li. : all in cuiuvation. but about 60 acres timber and blue grass pasture; good i-rOonr house, barn, cribs and orchard. Owner too old to handle it viid offers at price that should sell it. M OKE, REAL ESTATE, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. H a . FOR BALE Improved farm, tit aor. COO tillable, 600 level, fenced and orea. lauuw, , ... via ,iiu yuuK ww wuui soma bay land, too paalur. no rock, XM cultivated, -M wbjsat, U pelts, 16 barley. Si corn, -crop flu;, baianue ld; e-room stone houso. ton barn, crauary. room : lor LOOO bu ban nous, or 10. cattl ahed, good wall, mill, tank, brood house, full set of implements, i horse, set ot barnasa, 10 oattl. 1 brood sow. Huo chlokens. orch ard, ail kinds of fruit, tslepnona; black oil, clay subsoil; building Insured; J uniea to school and postofiice; price $i$.00U. $lo,ku cash. $$, t years at I per cnt; U (nil to town, no agents, vv rue owner. A. P. UAttLkiTON, Orov County, Aiantnua. 67 anas a THINK ABOUT THIS. If your farm pays you $20 an acr profit and you could sell it for $140 par acre and buy another for $ui tnat would produce you th sam profit, would you do UT Lt mm inii- fyu wm auau iwui near iJeertield, blan., at p6 per acre. Write John hi. Lauder, ueeriieid. n,n. 'VlHoarU I 1 READ This, Homoseekars Tba chaaxjest farms in the United Stale today ar in th Oxak of AUaaourt; lovely climate; close lo good market. Uu Luia and Kan sas City;, for baatih, wealth, olover, timothy, blue grass, uinbw. tin friuta. beautuui auraiu; fin flsiuug and h unt il ig. if you want t see th ubeapaai and bst tarma yea ever saw vuur lit for th mousy writ for our list and ba anowu. U. ROBERTS as HON, Richland. Ma . - wouiano, an. READ THIS. HOMESEQKBKA Tha tiiaaimat faxma in iha I'uiiarf i.. .. , . . ,k. -j uu. . .' mat, ale te good markets. Si. Louis axTd ivauaa viiyi oc neaun weaiin, clover. iimiKiiv. aiun-aaa uintMr. fina rr.,i h....: . ' ; z ' : . l.iui sireaiujt; uu tuuitig ana hauling, if you want lo lh cneapeat and beat I j.niv.ivii uanui i crop win more uan pay tor tana, wiu take laiuia you ever saw priced iu your uf for ln een(r of Michigan; near county swat and $1$ per acr for quick sale. Absolute gov n.a nuin.if. wni. iur our iit ....i hi raUresvd Uwq and fin Uk; U4 appl tree, ernment aHle. This is a great bargain and shown. A. i.' Roberts 4k Sou. lUuhlasMl Mo i , ., IN MISSOURI. til acre: U6 mil outnaat of Kuau City. 70 acre in cuieivauon. Bo housV good barn; out bullatug end fin water and grass; iarg orouard of different vaxiatiaa ft fruit, I lull to go) trwduig point. CUw i bosom ana oaurvo. , rrtim u,mi 'Aiu 4j a aaiaa' auaaer. . VI tO RGB KUMPF. r0S-f Shidly Bldg.. swaaeas City. Ma, FOit-aALE Swuta Missouri farms naar St. Louis , niarkut; any alxe; aoia good bargains. 'Wrltec.sta4.lug your wants. Free llL NoRVtCLL A UAai Steelvllie. Mo. FIN IS CAdS Ct). MlSSOUHi. FAItu 4ut acre, oue lull ' of railroad towa, li mile Kansas Cltyi all In cultivation and a rasa; all rich, fin lying laud; groom bous. brn.4id outbuildings; well fnod and watared. If you want a bargain ia a well located grain ajid stock farm,' you can't bat ti; only $66 per aie; good 11 ins on ln'i .... ., . O. W. CLAADT INV. CO.. 01 Commaru. Kansas City, Ma, II i. T . ii ii , li Ilkiitn aua renen lana Bargains la ssoutn aminni saw, i m m .it aiart oas) xaia .IS", aaif REAL ESTATE I FARM AM) HtHH I, AM FOR BALE (Continued.) Mtaaeaota. 10.000 cres of chcrtc hardwood timber land for sale In the clover and fruit belt of Ka field county. Wis. Very productive soil, n..r. matar an.l where the rainiall la ample to Insure good crops; will sell In tracts to suit, with email down payment, balanc on sVtS t" Zuel-Wood-Goff Co.. Inc., Man- .ere,0.' best, ... tuisb... black o.m su.i; fine crop growing; hjgn ute of cui- ivti,iri nv.r ran.l : all fenced: large. pleasant house: barn and other buildings; fine well, windmill; value of Improvements, H.600. Insurance, $3,000. Kin grova ever- greens, mapha, box .elder and apple trees nesr bouse, i n re miles irora miem seal in iiait, puunu ijmi . i concerts, rural delivery and telephone. I t'oemvciy worm vv per at-rw. . iv uo sold for loss next fall. Owner quits farm ing. Quick sale, $.6o with terms to suit. No trade or triflers. Call or writs at once. Brock, Litchfield, Minn. n fa r. i.1 ri irnn o.tfv x i.i. v. . 8 000 acres In Minnesota's great clover belt., nrlce. I3.W ocr acre; biggest bargain ' In atala. SCHWAB llKOS., 123 Guaranty Uldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Jalcaiataa. ENAP Money-making country horn. stock, tools and crop complete: ona of tha best 70-acre farms In the Stat, praotlcaliy Isvel, laa about Zi miles from town, on beautiful mad road, close neighbors, schools and church. This farm borders on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook flow across It. large new s-roora field atone residence, big baaement or cellar, large verandas; big, new barn, room for 4 bead of horses, cows, also carriage and tool room; lota oi cnoic Bearing iruiu mis iUVth'.o''hrlVof TrlchiUarJ! ativk. ito. There la evarytbinc from a I pitchfork to self binders, all machinery la practically liew, also wagon. currlaga, har- nesses, dw cincaens, s cows, etc. To ukjk buyr will mak tb prlc 13,800; must kave U.2O0 cash, balance can b paid In email yrly payment. nonuiloc and turn everything over to buyer in S hours. If you ar ready to snap the biggest bargain on earth, doa'l mis seeing this quick. THE FRKD PARR CO., Box &. Plalnwell. Mich. WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN I am farnilns near Baldwin, lake counts, Michigan. 1 came her fiom Indiana four years ago and am well satisfied witn tnis country. I know of some bargains in this vicinity that can be had lor casn. n you will write me and tell ma what you want and how much you can buy. I will find something to suit you here or at least try to, and It will cost you nothing If I don't. 1 have no circulars or literature, so make your wara plain in your letter and I will describe to you what I can find, than you. can com and see it If Interested. W. A. ELLIOTT. THESE ARE WONDERS. Read. Read and wonder. Practically a gift; 240 acres, lies like a garden; 175 acres on beautiful rlv.r; good house. 1V4 .story. good barn and other buildings, hiuiicungs carrv 12.000 Inmiranna farm all fenced and cosa-fenced; rural mall and telephone; mi co nines iu town, nine iu lauruau ...... n V) 1... 1......... . . I .. ...Ana An., U.h.. tuu duipp it'o hu ti.-i, ACRE. Think of IL fherii Is not another 8ucn bargain In the world Eighty acres splendid land, 60 acres cul- tlvated. balance in fine hardwood timber; i ,n. ,i , n . .idk.,o" good house ard barn; A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Prlcet. &L750: tLOOO cash, balance ,n vol. We are always th leaders In bargains. others try to follow. bend for full particulars. M. W. BAWYKK. Newaygo, Michigan. IF BOLD AT ONCE. 180 a ores: good soli: sddI orchard: 4t acre timber; 8 -room Lous;, good barn; everytning courpiet. 83 acres; a sandy loam; T acre mapl and elm timber: two large appl orchards; iv-room nous; iarg irara barn. Within four mil market and main Una railroad. . Choice. 13.200; talk 1700: ' oalanea asy terms, .WATLAND REALTY CO, W airland. Mich. Best 600 acr farm In Mlchliran black sandy loam. W bldg.; 1 mile from town. R. ARBORUAST. Bloomfleld, N. J. FOR SALE 60 acres, two miles from one of Michigan's finest villages; 7 room house. oarn wxtv, windmill that lurnisnea house and burn with water, outbuildings, apple orchard, pears, cherries, plums, grapes: 6 acre, timber; 0. rod, To school; sol dark loam, corn planted, oats sown, all crops are now planted; span norses, s cows, chickens, hay, corn, potatoes; an implements necessary to carry on a rarm; telephone R. 4D. : close to creamery; thick ly settled neighborhood; $2,800, $600 down; to aDDreclute this is to see it: 14 acres on i trie banns oi oeauurui bony oi water; lies on th edge of beautiful village; room house, barn 40x44. icehouse; all kinds ot fruit; fine shade surrounds the house; this is worth seeing; $2,600. $600 down. GEO. BRIDGES. Bangor, Mich. FORCED SALE An excellent 60-acr. " ... i ii L v rTduS with Ju: fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; s-rooiu bous; beautiful shade; kirn nulfllrv hmiA. lnnl hamn tn . also plenty ot cnoice searing iruiu in is is . i . . . Ti. . i . . . . . . I . . . i . n... . a l ea4 tanu maa uu tnai win tuaa money tcr nv llv muL It 1m on main rnrf close neighbors, schools, eta; only about 10 minute walk from tb biggest lake In Mlchican wber there is aood boating, flsb- lna or bathings This farm must b (old quick and we therefor mak th prlc ll,4fco; om-Diui casn, oaianc vv suii; suyvr. U. v. tj a. am. jbux JL. aaaa uii. atuuia. 40 ACRES, POO. ' HALF CASH. BALANCE U TEARS. Tha land la aituatod not far from Baf City, Mlonig,n, and adapted for farms, erasing or fruit, Porfeoi title, and will bar cum lnspeotion. The above prlc and term ax mad to oioa an eia,i quick. If you want a 40 or more send your opUoa 1a t r isuf aj lln fll VAjSiI am Sk r i Vv la ft, a in sow, with $1 per acre. nd bstla&o to b paid whan Oeeos ar iwturMO. BRADFORD & COMPANT, 64 Adm be, Chioago. STOP AND THINK1 WP1 ar on th around and hava tha flint oDuortunlty to buy land at low nrlraa. I W save th rent of big otfict In Cnicag I aiia give our cusioinera in oeuent ot low I prices. W e have farm and unimproved lano, summer reson property, collages tor n!lnK f , " viiki. wrf,- t. . bargain In Michigan. Wriu for booklet, o. u. inuaroun, nsnAiw, w.itu MICHIGAN FARMS, No. 120 aerea, cleared, small bous and barn, aom fruit, Bear town, line, fruit land, U.0V0. No. I acres, cleared good house and I barn, plenty ot rruit. level, good eoll. Jl.too, No- rr? or '-" 'level 4 miles Muskegon, city $6,000: $12 omr aore. n I P acre down, balanoe easy tar us. ; VANS-HOLT CtX. Freuioot, Mich, I . . .' I laAiMU JTUH mls, Write me today. FRKMONT. NEWAYGO CO. MICH, I . I A i am L&nTra nt it VBinurriaT.n ivn I '"" ..uVkjUm . r,m M peach tree. 70 maU fruit; relM 40 I uu i.w -1 wv wu, I wear uui ui w; in per nwutn. witnoui iuirt.. or m on lor oaah; B,u" u; mignt tnrow ia oow vr t chkik- I ?."! OV NER. R. 401 lli Dearborn St, Chleag. MICHIGAN FARM8. No. 124 acres, cleared, small bous and bam, sinn fruit, near town, fin fruit land, $l.wN. No. $40 acres, cleared, good bouse and barn, plenty ot iruii, level, gooa soli, $l.u. ISO. a suu ac res, rich loam soil, level, mu- Muskegon, city, $b,0o; $11 per acre, il per acr down, balanc eesy terma. THE K VANS-HOLT CO., Fremont, Mich. Mebraatiaw FOR cVALK. 1(0 aeres unimproved prelri land. An L I level, good land, ln good aelghborheod. 8 alas northeast of This 1 bar. sain. Pno Ub Dr aore. C. F. kloKKNNA. O'Neill. Nbrah FOR HALE Nearly T acres In Cedar Val ley, one mile from Cedar Rapid. Neb. ; good bom. Addr Mrs. Alive 1U Touug. ...... 1 .(.... V . U I. . REAL ESTATE FARM AMJ I.A.MI FOR SAI.K Nebraska Coat I used foii sale Owner will bell any part of y (W) nrrpq Tvpstpril NellTaska J,wO tlCl ta WtSlCIU aeuiaBlil arA nnstpm folomtlo 1:111(1 in "U UUSICIU V,010rilUO IUUU, lit JructS tO Suit purchasers. Tll'lS s a chance for bargains if you want an investment or colomza- Qi. PrOPOSltlOD. Lj. MelVlIlip, . Xr . t11 ' oui J.' II PI lMtllUllill J lit UK DlUK'i mi nv. i nti Ad., Ayier IUiU. Farm Bargains 160 acres. 1 miles north ot Nellch, Ante lope Co., Neb. Small set of Improvements; M - , ... . .. , f" acres in corn, w acres in com. ua.auce paeiure I-RIfK. 14.1 PKR ACRK. 120 acres, Kllmore Co., Neb. Fair set of Improvements. All In cultivation; S miles to Mluckley. PRICE, fS PER ACRK. 480 acres In Iluone Co., Neb.; 320 acres un der cultivation. Good Improvements; ( miles to Cedar Rapids. PRICE, 60 PER ACRE. 640 acres, II miles from Potter, Cheyenne Co., Neb. PRICE. 15 PER ACRE. .Western Ueal Estate Co.", .411 Karbach Block, Omaha. DID YOU EVElt Cheyenne county, the best land in nrocturn ToVieb-o l conlinn - ' 7 Hulgg from raillOUU. $15 VCt . . , , . r acre, if taken immediately. YOU. " '"minj. iu can Stand On One COmer and &ee every part of it. B 497, Bee. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved, 160 acres, fin land; 10 miles to Omaha, 6 miles to South Omaha stock yard. Prlc If soia uick. iiuo per scr. C. R. Combs, Room 16 old U. S. Nil Bldg.. I2ttt and i'arnaui Pnon. D. tula. t- FOU SALE CHEAP. 960 acres deeded land and t40 Acres, 23 years school lease, all In a body; ail fenced with Osage hedge poats and three galvanized hog wires. Part level and part rolling; one-half mile from school; s nines from 1C R. town In Keith county, Neb. If sold quick will take H, 600; no trades. Address, box 433, Nebraska City, Neb. I'fOB. SALE-320 acr; , of asrloultural A! ,r box STi. Milford. Neb. FOR SALE By owner. A farm of 160 acres in Valley county, Nebraska, located between Ord and Arcadia. House, bain and good steel tower windmill with my share ot the crop price. fcu per acre. Ad dress, L. Warner, 07 Foster Itoud, Lents, Oregon. BARGAIN In Piatt Valley Irrigated Farml Kxtra good ltM acres; in-jst be sold quick. W acre alfalfa, SO acre best wheat grass meadow lu tb country; 3u acre to other crops, ftkr per acre. Writ quick for term and furtbar Information to Box No. 1st Uarlug, Neb. MUST sacrifice IVi sections of tha best plow land In Kimball county. Address T, Omaha Bee, council Bluffs la. FOR SALE Improved stock farm, 300 acres, Cuter Co.; close to station; 17 per acre; no tradea. Box A, Oconto, Neb. Montana. FOR RALE 4,720 Acres tn Jefferson county, Montana, at tit per acre, on easy terms. Thlr. tract Is located ZVa miles from town of Whitehall, a thrifty -PI ttl city on th N. P. and C, M. & St. P. coast line; t,0U0 acres of this tract Is under Irrigation; (Mir rights from th Jellerson river. About acres bottom land, about 76 per . V01 ifKfulf ?f.,,iul.t" th famous Montana appl bait and Is a bargain. 13,000 acre. Meaghar county, Musselshell alley, Montana. 117 per acre: easy terms: . Z. umf iThl. ?r5( . ,1, i i'" n. tooeud on C, M. 8L P. R. R . i miles east 80 per cent for farming. A good ProposHlon to cue uo Into small farms: LOO to (.000 aore can b IrrlKatad: mans springs furnish abundance oi water th year around. UABXIN STUART LAND CO.. Aberdeen, S, D.. nd I3t Paic ttldg., MinneapoUs. KarUl Dakota. 1,820-acr grain and stock farm, best part of North Dakota;, i,600 acres cultivated and in crop, about 600 acres v-nor can b cropped; Z4V acres line tlu.oer. 200 acres m.8? WJ ' . K1?08. "t-class pa- i lure; excellent set ot ouiiaings. irnorove- valued at $10,000; house, barf, and au Pre P'Ped with running .water; "oei 'nea on siuuu lake; I new tut luia, IU ailuol. uuuer COn- I flldtl.i gmmaa rawt .f In..... .. . . r . DV""D I land adinln. n.v tnwn.hln. if n V. n .. 1 i . ' -jw...- " ...... , f n.-oou before harvest half crop goes with land on paying for seed used; equipment may I oe purcnasea n aesirea; owner nas ranoned here for twenty-five years and wishes to retire; land has been farmed only few years and grows excellent crops. Price sbu.vuu, ana a snap at mat. Don't bother me it you are not able to handle this couia sen a dozen times to lightweights terms on park H. B. McCutcheon, Mlnot, NORTH DAKOTA. TIIE LAND OF OPPORTUNITT. Land In the Mouse River loop, where crop failure 1 unknown. Hon. J. J. Hill says this land is all worth $100 per acre. an1 ha knowa. Will rn mnA ... ., sn cent on Investment What is your money 1 a . . T - . earning! im uoui prairi lana In th worm, writ me tor list, it is fre. K. B. GO WIN. Glenburn. N. D. Oklahoma.. NOTICffl. To b sold at publio auction, June 9. 1910 story, modern, 60-room, brlok hotel building In city of 1000. Stillwater. OkL Best located property in city. Stillwater is center oi interurban sysiam now build' hm, other stood railroad facilities haa .ihVc5iVr rapidly, inis notei has best business tn th city, but the proprietor must sell on so- count ot poor neaitn. will sell rumltur and building on day of sale with privilege of leasing if building itself doe not aelL Inauiri concernlna- this Dronertv and terms of sal will b promptly answered I by the undersigned. JOHN TOUST. Sr., tlllwatr, OkL Oregsa. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM. I $20 acr of fltiet Albert wheat land la th famous Saskatchawan valUy. about six I mile from th growing town of Vegrvlll I and between the main lines of Canadlai I Northern railway and Grand Trunk Fnol. flc, and only a few miles from both. Land I i""" v wwuuau I els of whoat to the acre and 100 buahels o i , i , . , w, ia laviu.jr uu,iu u n will mak big money. Ther 1 only on . crop oi laiiu, iMiar gei in wnno it t eaoaa, I c. r . uoolh. Box $64, roruaud. or. . IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS, Oregon. DaeJarad bv :ovrnuiant xnart tA h th Bmt narfact fruit halt ln tha world- arand aweanatake nriae: Snokan National Aoula show; has received th highest price ever paid for fruit in tb New York and Lon- I don markets; orchards bow producing over $l.uuo oat per aore. 4 1 Irrigated orchard tracts on payment plan, ranging In price from $Kli per acre for un dvaiupd land to $io0 per acr tot devel oped orchard. Hogualands, Incorporated. 11 aUord. Oregon. 1SO.000 IRRIGATION PROPOSITION. I,0u0 acre ideally located contiguous to government and privet irrigation projects will be sold to individual or eradicate for subdivision or for selling tracts. $5O,Ou0 will swing the deal, part of Land already under irrigation. Produces heavily In al falfa, onions, potatoes, to. Low altltuJe; long sunshiny season, neighboring lauds I selling from $200 to $600 per acre. Chanc I to mak $J00,oO. For particular Address I , . e . I. .-I.. Pn.ll.n.1 , . . . REAL ESTATE FARM AMI RAM II I.AM) FOR SAI.B Orrioa- ostiaars. BUT farm lands now; they are dally In creasing In value. There Is a limited amount of land, but no limit to th future population. The pacific Northwest Is th present land of opportunity. W have a fine i ssortnient of farms, some of which will suit you. Write us today, stating your requirement, and we will mall you full particulars free. The Card Realty He lnv. Co., Henry Uldg., Portland, Or. KOIl SALK WanWd Long headd con servative m n and women looking for and capable ot recognising a life time oppor tunity to write for frea book, "The Apple King." written bv H H Troneon. tha Aoula f King of the World. Telia how you can par ticipate in the enormous profits being reaped-I1 apple growers In the famous Kogue Uftr Valley, without leuving your present position or residence. Address Roguo River Commercial Orchard Com pany, Dept. V). Msdford, Oregon. BUT farm Isnds now. They sr dally la. creasing In value. Thar Is a limited amount ef land, but no limit to th future popula tion. Th Paclflo Northwest I th present land of opportunity. W have a fin assort ment of farms, soma ot which will suit you. Write us today, stating your require ments, and w will mail you full particulars -free. Th Card Realty at lnv. Co.. lis Henry Bldg., Portland. Or. r LEARN about the country through which Hill is building to the coast; also about the land recemly purchaned by St. Paul capi talists. Vale Is the key city of this big country. Subscribe today for Orlatio, Valu, Ore., at 11.60 per year. South Dakota. BOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS. Th rush Is on for Stanley county; buy lards near tl.e new railroad and double your money In th next year; 20,000 acres to select from; 110 to $1S per acre. Call or writo Felland Realty Company, 131 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. l'CIUl, A CANADIAN WENT TO ZA VALLA COUNTY, TEXAS. He was a novice to farming. A man offered lilm the use of 30 acres of land vtithout charge tor one year for the clearing and plowing. lie planted 20 acres of onions according to the directions given lilm by his nwlr4. HE CLEARED llt.GOO NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 ACHES. OR $600 AN ACRE. IN ONE SHiAUON. He tnen offered to buy the land at $160 an acre, but tba owner wouldn't sell. I HAVE 10,000 ACRES OF THE SAME LAND JUST ALONUhlUli AT ONLY $16.00 AN ACRK. But It must be sold In one body. Real estate men of long experience pronounce It "THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS." It must be sold at once, and $16.00 Is cost price. roaturany tnis is a wholesale proposition. This land can be readily re-sold In small tracts from $30 to $75 per acre and If the buyer wishes, I will' undertake Its re-sale. The land I offer you Is In the artesian belt and ia the best opportunity you will ever have to buy. For particulars address W. H. MURRAY, 407 COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR oALdS. lil acres, 100 In cultivation, alfalfa, corn nd potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on th Colorado river; no overflow; OS mile from Houston. Also so acres. Ho in cultivation, corn; ad Joining the abova place; of mil to a railroad switch; party can get immediate possession; will take G0 per ucre fur on or both places. Write to the owner. A. A. Norton. Wharton. Tex. Term. TOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat in the center ot the ltlo Grand Valley and Irrigation; has railroad. canais, new court nous, gooa bank, school, brick business bouses; Chapin needs people to develop lu great resources; they're ricn anougu to make you rich. Asg us for booklet "li." CHAPIN TOWNSITB COMPANT, Chapin. Tex. ; FOR SALE 420 cash, $20 monthly secures 20 acres fine Tex3 fig and orange land direct from ownocr'Only few tracts. Write H. W., 704 uarqwue Bldg.. Chicago. TEXAS UUL.U' tVASi-iney are comma- In tralnloads to buy our 5 and 10-acre farms in the proven orange belt of Texas; also truck tarma ana town lots on uie coast. Why don't you come? Write for books to day. Scandinavian VepL. tl Ulbbj Bldg., can Antonia, lex. Virginia. CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE) AND OHIO RAILWAY AS LOW AH $10 PER ACRE: rich soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar kets. For handsome Illustrated booklet. COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 pages), and low, twice a month excursion rates. Address U. B. WALL, Real Estate Agent, C. & O. Railway, Box M U, Rich mond, va. V1RU1N1A FRUIT FARM. $23 ACRES $6,600. Two-story bouse; lil rooms and basement porches: ample outbuildings; appl orcbard of 600 Albemarle pippins, wlna saps and other high-priced varieties; th trees are u year oiu. ana oeing located In the great fruit belt of Albemarle county they ar naray ana tnruty, aua will yield a lifelong income; zy, nines to railroad station; surrounded by good neighbor. If taken at one, omy ste.eou: part cash, bal anc on easy terms. For further details. see page 24, "Stroufa Farm Catalogue No. $0, beconu tuition." it describes other rar bargain trout $5 an acr up In Vir ginia, Aiaryiana ana in aoutn. copy fre. btatlon 2676. E. A. b trout, Unlou Bank Uldg., ninourg. fa. ' Wyoming. FOR SALE 640-acre Improved and Irri gated ranch, located ln southern Wyoming. completely fenced, with first class house and all necessary outbuildings; Irrigation stream direct from government timber re serve, independent of all water companies no charge tor water, rights perpetual owner must sell at once and will sacrifice on reasonable terms. Address A. B. Land, 62! unity tiiug., Chicago, jji. Wtacooslay 80-acre Improved farm for $1,600. This farm baa 20 acre cleared free of atumns snd under cultivation; land is level; good clay loam soil, ciay subsoil; no stone; has so aore ot neavy narawooa timber sued a augar maple, oak, basawooa and birch. do underbrush la the umber; balance of land easy to clear. This farm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It has a new frame bouse with seven rooms all complete ready to move into; and a new stable, 16x26. Farm Is located six ml las from Cumberland and three miles from Barronett; ln a wall settled farming coun try; Germans and Americana; on main traveled road, near schools, churches and creamery. There is timber enough on this larm tnat When sold win pay the interest ana taxes lor five yeare. 'terms $200 cash. balanoe on time to suit purchaser. We also own another SO of unimproved land that loins this farm ln case you want more land. Send for our special Hat of other farms and Umber land w own, also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. W ar located ln Barron county, 78 mllas north east of St Paul. Address Wisconsin Cot onuauon Co., Cumberland, wig. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 a month, good land, at from $$ to $J0 per acr in vuaa ana uueia counties, wis consln. W chare no interest. We pay the taxa. Insurance clause ln the contract. Best op portunity ln the country for the man of moderate mean to own a farm and b In dependent. Writ for map and book to j-pt. i a. F. SANBORN CO.. Eagl River, Wis. TOU CAN BUT LAND FOR $10 A MONTH rood land at from M to tat an acre. In Vila and Oneida counties. Wisconsin. W charge do inures t W pay th tax. Insurance clause In th contraot. BEST OPPORTUNITT IN THE COUNTRT for man of moderat mean to ' OWN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDENT WTlt for man and book to uapt. Q. V. SANBORN CO- Vagi River, Wis. stlseellaaeea. HAVH TOU A FAR" FOk 8 A LB OR TRAIET Or do vou want to buy one Make your want known through THE DES MOINES CAPITAL, th want medium of Iowa. Rate: cent a word for each Inser tion, cent a lln. 70 cents an Inch. Cir culation. 41.000. lamest of any Iowa dally, (live us a trial. Address Tb Capital. Land Ltapt. ! Molne. Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS.. $d floor N. T. Life, $oo0 to $100,000 on Improved property, iso oeiay. WANTKDCltjr loans, Ptex Trust Cjj REAL ESTATE LOANS I'.ontinued.) WANTF.D City loan nd warrant, Farnam Smith A Co.. 12 Frnm 81 W. MONEY TO IXJAN Pyn lnv tmnt Co. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wad. Wead Uliig., lMh and Farnam. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on band and for gale amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. at $600 to $6,000 on borne In Omaha. O'Kcef Real Estal Co., 100 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-Z162. SUITS that sold for $:, at $15. VOL. L.M lilt' S, 107 So. 16th. LOANS to horn owners and horn build ers, with prlviltg of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. . (03 First Natkjii.' ank Bldg J REAL ESTATE WANTE D WE HAVE BUYERS FUR (. ( and 7-room houses. It prices ar rlgbl w can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suit 628 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED Good rental property. $1.(00 to $3,000. for choices vacant lot or lots, on third to one-half th valu. balanc spot cash. Ulv particular of property offered. Address M 2U7. Ree. SWAPS 10'0 acres land in El Paso County, Colorado, all fenced, every inch of it tillable; well settled all around it. Clear. rice $2,500. Want 8-room ,i . r 1 liouse, nor Hi end preierreu. Will assume a reasonable in cumbrance. ., Nowata Land and Lot Co. G58 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1(J(J(J. WE can uaue aiiyliiiug. unywoere. LATHROP at TOB1N. i. 2066. ' - 421 Bee. rooms, all modern; easy walking dis tance; price $5,000; mortgage $l,toi give legal numbers In first letter. It saves time NOWATA LAN U ANU J-Ui CO., 24 N. X. Life Bldg., Omaua, Neb. Phone Red 19s. 640 ACRES extra level land, close to rail road. In Box Butte county. Nebraska: will exchange lor merchandise; price, $.10 per acre; will carry $4.uuu, A. K. Thompson. Holdrege, Neb. HANDSOME Waverly electric; new ttrts, top. chanilesa. black plush upholstering, new batteries, pertect condition; cost $1,800 new. Owner will sell fur cash or take clear cottage or lots. 810 N. Y. Life. ELECTRIC light plant, Missouri county seat; cost $30,0oo; leased $loO month; per fect conaltion; owner lives North; will con sider clear farm. 810 N. X: Life Bldg. SWAPS. Nine-room house nearly new. Will put In cash In trude tor vacant lot In Omaha. NOWATA LOT & LAND CO.. Suite 65B New York Life Bldg. Red 1999. Double apartment bouse, strictly mod ern, close-in. Good Income Payer, fries $10,000, mtge. $2,b00. Want land. Might take an automobile. Don't need rain lo make this pay. Nowata Land &. Lot Co., -'4 is. x. L,ue uiug., imiana, rtco. mum Red Vm. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits-$SS and $40 values at $15. See A. Rubensteln. 2U S. 14th bt. G. A. LINGUIST CO.. 136 PAXTON BLK. FOR evening functions full dress is th rule, and to get It mad right e Kd Thiol Tailor, lis a. ism ou WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow $7,600 from private party on first class security. Address E 4a6. Bee. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand Stewart model 24 or 26 speeu motor, wood or brass wind shield, two-way valve for m exhaust pipe blank. Address D 466, Bee. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and sbota. phone Douglas 897L Safes One larg and on medium lis sate, state size and price. M 250 Be. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. BEST price for BROKEN WATCH BS, Old Gold, etc. NATHAN. 2U S. Uth ok wanted Bv young lady, good location for small clfjar stand, ln store or offlc building. W , Bee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses ot All Sixes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., f24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Prion Red 19k SUITS that sold up to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. Itlth. WANTED SITUATIONS COLORED man and wife want work in family. Address P 600. Bee. YOUNG man, 24 years old, desires perma nent position with wholesale house In Omaha; good references given. Address Y 138, Bee.' GOVERNMENT NOTICES rwiF-.F QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE.- Omaha, Neb., July 1. 1910. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will b received here and by quartermaster at th posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, August 1, 1910, for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw during the period from October I. 1910, to June $0, 1911, at Omaha, and Forts Crook, Omaha and Rob inson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation her or to quartermaster at sta tion named. Envelope containing pro posals should be marked "Proposal for Forage," and addressed to Lt. Cob D. 1. McCarthy. C. Q. M. Jyl-l--a-29-S0. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. The annual meeting ot the shareholder of the Nebraska Savings and Loan associa tion will be held ln the association office. No 108 Board of Trade building, Omaha, Nebraska. Wednesday, July 6, 1910, at 8 p. m. Polls for election of three directors open at 12 o'clock noon and clos at 8 p. m. on th sam d0vjN R BRANDT, Secretary. Jyi-n No woman need blush when reading Th Bee; It ! barred from no home. This make lt tbe most powerful Influence la selling goods through advertising. MAGIC POWER OF ARBOR DAY Nebratka Idea Spread Throughout the Country. TREE L0VEES IN ALL AGES J. sterling: Morloa' Tree riaallng plrit Hrroanea a Tree Plant l Holiday la Many tatea. Always there were tree lovers who wer one In spirit with the primitive men who worshiped beauty and majesty spread ing oak and beech and lofty pi,,,. Some of these had the gift of song and In me lodious phrase chanted praises of the for ests. Lowell and Emerson, Bryant and Thoreau, Longfellow and Whltller, all helped to Inculcate a srntlmerit for trees which has undoubtedly helped In the prac tical movement ror their conservation. protection and Man Is a complex creature, many mooded. many sided, many faceted. Some of his most successful achievements In the ma terial and concrt world have grown out of dreams, aspirations and sentiments which the practical side of his nature, ln the midst of accomplishment, tries to Ig noie and forget. It was to his practlcai side that J. Ster ling Morton, the originator of Arbor day, appealed. As a farmer in treeless Ne brsska, he had realised, as had his neigh bors, the vital need of trees. They needed them as a protection from the billiards of winter and the hot drouths of summer. The government recognized the need when it offered tree claims to settlers, giving them free land if a certain number of trees were planted. Some of thtse settlers of German origin probably knew the efforts which the German government was putting forth, even tn the middle of the nineteenth century, toward the scientific management of the nation s woodlands. European coun tries learned long before America the lesson that the forests should be cherished as among the nation's most precious posses slons. That was why Plnchot and Graves could find In Europe schools corresponding lo American colleges, established tor the special purpose of training men for the successful planting and cultivation ot tor ests; why they found the growth of treeB and their maintenance reduced to a s.'lence and the management of public forest lands an Important department of state. UegrlnnlnK of Arbor Day. Whether or not J. Sterling Morton, after ward secretary of the Department of Agri culture and father ot Paul Morton, knew Just what other governments were doing to protect and Increase the supply of trees. Is Immaterial. He did know that his own state needed trees. He was an Intelligent, practical farmer and casting about for a RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION ST ATlur. Tenth aud Mason. 1'alcago Great Western Leave Chicago Limited a 6:wi pin Arrlv Tln City Limited a 8:30 pm a 8 00 am Chicago Express a 11:45 pm Twin City Express a 9.00 aw a 9 00 p. u Illinois Central Chicago Exprs a 7:00 am 2:4S pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:45 am Mlnn.-St Paul Ex b 7:00 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a 7:45 am Omaha-Ft, Dodge Loo.. b 4:15 pro bll:33 aro L'aloa Pacific Leave Arrive Ean Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8:15 a. ra. 11:S0 p. nv Chi. & Pac. Fast Mall. 4:10 p. m. 6:45 p. m. Atlantic Express Oregon Express 4:00 p. m. Oregon-Wash. Ltd 12:40 p. m. Denver Special 6:47 a. m. Colorado Special 11:48 p. m, Colorado Express 8:60 p. nv. North Piatt Local.... 8:16 a. m. Grand Island Local... 6:30 p. m. Etromsburg Local 12:41 p. nt 46 a. m, 6:30 is no. b:0 p. in. U:90 a. m. 7:42 a. m. 6:00 p. in. 4:4a p. m. 10:30 a. m. 1:2 p. m isvlcaao, Hock Island t Paelfl EAST. Rocky Mount'n Ltd.aii M a. m Iowa Local Pass.. ..a 6:36 a. ro. Chicago Day Ex. ...a 7:42 a. ra. Chicago Local Pas.blO:S6 a. m. Pes Moines Local Passenger a 4:00 p. m. Cblcago Express.. ..a 4:40 p. m. Chicago Limited.,... 6:06 p. tn. a!0:30 p. m. a 4:30 p. m. a 1:45 a. m. bl:l p. m. aU:.-!0 p. ra. a 1:15 p. m. $:0 a. m. WK8T. Th Mountaineer. ...a 8:60 a. m. a 7:06 a. m. r-hi-aaro-Nebraka Ltd. for Lincoln a 8:26 a. m. Colo. Cab Exp... a l.i. p. m. Okl at Tex. Exp.... a 8. So p. in. a 6:47 p. m. a 4 30 p. m. a 1:20 p. m. au.30 p. m. a :25 a. m. Rocky ftiouui ii atiu.aiv.Av y. u. Wabash rnn .SL Louis Ext.. 8:80 n. m Mall and Express.. 7:30 a. m. ail: 15 p. to. fctanberry i.oc i virom Council Bluff si.... b 6:00 p. m. bl0:16 p. m. Cblragu, llli"- ct at. Paai Overland Unilted aU. pm 7.59 am Omaha-Chicago Express. o J.U am aw Omuiie-Bavm.e Kx c ..16 am .80 am Colo-Calif Express a 8.00 pm 3.26 pm Colorado 8peclal a Lai am u.U pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6.16 pm U.Ui pin MdMlltl -MiC K. C. SL L. Ex a 9:40 am a t:3S ant K. C. tt St. L, Ex all:16 pm a 6:80 pm lJlt,bD k oilkMrs EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:00 am aI2:S5 am Chloaa-a Local aU:to pin a 3:& pm Colorado-Cnioago a u:2W i-ra a 3:28 pm 'i.i.aju bueoiai a : put a 7:m am pacltio Goasi-Chlcago..a 8:vW piu a 3:28 pin Los Aiigelea Limited.... a 6.6u piu al2.20 pm Overland Limited ail:4i pm a 7:45 am Denver Special aU:4o am a 6:32 am Carroll Local a : pui a 9:60 am Fast Mali a 3.2s pm NORTHBOUND, Twin Ciiy Express a 7:60 am al0:M pm Sioux City Local a i:w pm a r:zs pm lm., at uakoia Ex....a :O0 pin a 9:16 am Twin City Limited a 9:00 pot a 1:30 am WESTBOUND, i,.rhadron a 7:60 am al):00 am Norfolk-P-oncsteel a 7 Mam alO 45 pis llatc pine-oo. Platte... .b 2:1a pm a 6:30 pm Hastings-Superior b 8:16 pm b 6.20 pin Ceadwood-Hot Springs. 3:66 pm a 6:20 pm raauer-Lander a 2:56 pro aU:U) am Fremont-Albion ........ .b 6.80 ia b 1:4k pot BURLINGTON ITA. lOTU 3k MASON 0arIlataa Leava Arrive Denver and California.. 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm Puxet Sound Expreea... 4:10 pra a 8:10 pa Nebraska points ah:20ui ak:lwpm Slak HUli a 4:10 pra a 6:10 pm r..,h..,i Einrni ail:25 pm aT:wan Nebraska point a $: am a 8:10 pm Ltaoom mEi bi;3ypu. aliiiipa Nebraska Kxpr -a : a a pas i inwiin Local " 8:08am ttnoo S Looai::.... a 7 :26 pm a i:60pai tchuyier-Plaiutmouth ...b 8:w pm oio: fr..'. ',., a 9:18 am a 6:60 Brvu-PitimouU ..a U:80 pm a J;40 pm Colorado Umltad all :86 pm 1 :W am cnloaao Bpeoial ai:ipm au.:vpoi StSJo x7r.a 4:20 pm 8 66 pm Chicago Fait aixpra..a 8:30 put a $.00 am low-Looal?...-.-" u i0:' Creetto-low Lol a 8:80 pm al8:em , Loul Kxpr a.apu au.waw wT cVend ou eph....aiu :46 pm a 6:46 am Sod BU Jph....b:lam a 6:18 pm E tA aad )u ph....a t.Mpm WEB8TKR gT A lOM "lf leeath aad Wabater. xtleMarl Faelfia aueava, Arrive auburn Bpeoial 1:68 pm bU:18pm Cklaasa, St. . Mlaaeapett Omaha Blous City Kxpr b 8 00 pm bll:4Im Omaha Local ?! l!p2 Bloux CKy Passenger : Twin Oity Passenger.. ..b m ai,. rii Iuul o 3:96 am taarwaUNal b 6:66 pm hi:! am Herbert 5. Coooh Go Brokers and Dealer H a vat faOTIMOg-8JTOOK8) n a offla:. lit Boara f Trad SlOf, Bell Fa. Oeag. Mil Sad. A-al 1 OUUI ABB IVAJBT BOOBB method to satisfy th need hit upon the Idea of setting aside a certain specified day for th Inauguration ot a tre-plntlng movement. At the annual meeting of th Nebraska Stat Board of Agriculture held in Lincoln, January, 1X72, he Introduced a resolution which read: Resolved. That Wednesday, th 10th day of April, 1878, be, and th sam I hereby, especially set apart and consecrated for tree planting In the state ot Nebraska, and the State Board of Agriculture hereby name It Arbor day', and to urge upon th people of th atat th vital Importance of tree planting, hereby offer special pre mium of $100 to tha agricultural society ot thst county In Nebraska which shall upon that day plant properly the largest number of trees; and a farm library of $28 worth ot books to that person who on that day shall plant properly In Nebraska the greatest number of trees." The resolution, unanimously adopted, met with such enthuslsstlc response that on th first Arbor day over 1.009,000 trees ' wer planted. Th day was established as an annual event. In 1886 th legislature passed an act designating th X2d of April, Mr. Morton's birthday, as the date of Arbor day and making It one of th legal holidays of the state. Ten years Inter th Idea of Arbor day was o proudly claimed by Nebraskans as their own that th legislature In Joint resolution adopted a a popular designation for the commonwealth. "The Tree Plant ers' state." ,..-. tale Follow Nebraska's Riasisle. The Idea wa quickly followed by other states. Dr. B. G. Northrop, a congrega tional minister of' Massachusetts, known as the "great apostle of Arbor day," gave Dp his other work to devote ' hi entire time to the tree planting culture move ment. The American Forestry association made him chairman of a committee to push It, and In lectures, newspaper and pamphlets he spread the Arbor day propa ganda until before his death he had seen it sdopted by almost every state and ter ritory. He even carried It across the waters of the Pacific and Induced Japan to make It one of the national holidays. This was in 1SDT. His word bore some weight in the land of the mikado, and his visit was a happy one for him, as he was well known. At one time he acted as guardian to three Japanese women who had come to this country to be educated. One of them became the wife of Oyaina, and all that she could do to honor her old friend was done while he was In Japan. November 3, the date of the em peror's birthday, was selected as a fit ting time for the Japanese to observe a tree-planting day. In this country Arbor day is a movabl holiday, each state selecting the date most seasonable and convenient. April seems the most generally favored time, but Its bscrvance ranges from January, the date of the Florida Arbor day, to December, though none of the states uses the summer months. Washington's birthday hag been selected by a number of southrrn states. n many of the states the date is fixed, as ln Illinois, by the governor. The forms of observance have gradually become Identi fied with the schools so that In one sense it Is practically a school holiday. School uperlntendents throughout the country. prepare annually programs the purport of which Is aimed to Inculcate In the hearts and minds of the boys and glr.s a growing appreciation pf the important relation which trees bear to the climate, the geog raphy, the history, the whole life of man kind. Always in wooded countries there has been an intimate relation between man and the trees which in an earlier day he worshiped. The mythology of all the older people Is as full of tree lore as Is the work of the latter day poets. The love of trtes Is not a modern discovery, but their In telligent care and conservstion is a com paratively new thing In this country, and Arbor day has undoubted. y done much to educate the present generation as to Us duty in this respect Henry Barrett Chsm berlln ln Chicago Record-Herald. T WAS BOUND TO ' COME Old Reliable Parkage of Advice on Keeping Cool ln Hot Weather. We feel called upon to promulgate our annual advice about keeping cool, no mat ter how hot it may be. In the ordinary course of events, wa should have relieved our minds of this several weeks ago, but circumstances over which we had no control such as the comet ,the weather man, Mr. Roosevelt's home-coming, and so forth and so on conspired ln such wise that we could not get to lt earlier. We hope this has occas ioned no widespread unhapplness; and, anyway, It Is now our fell determination to get busy and do our duty. Do not eat very much. This is the most vital thing of all to remember. It was good advice last year; lt Is bttter now. If conscientiously followed, and money saved during the hot weather cuhes ln very handy to pay the coal man when It gets cold again as it certainly will. Let such things as you do eat be of the bland est and most filling character possible. Dried apples, wsshed down with pure luke warm water, will serve for a quick lunch at midday, for instance. A little of lt will go a long way; also. It will hold the appe tite ln check for quite a while after eat ing. Touch meat. If at all, very gingerly; and even then, choose . invariably the cheaper cuts. Meat ln warm weather gives one that tired, terrified feeling? Eat very sparingly, remember, of- whatever you se lect. It would, no doubt, be most con ducive to coolness not to eat anything at all; but we do not advise that not be lieving you would fancy such advice, even from us. Be particular very particular as to your drinking tn hot weather. Avoid Intoxicants. They incline the user to loud talking and violent gesticulating most harmful things when the thermometer Is umpsteen ln th shad and (till going upl Do not drink Ice-cold beverages. On account of th 1st spring and the tremendous ice crop har vested last winter, ic Is vary dear this summer, and Iced drinks, therefore, are most extravagant luxuries. A good drink for summer us Is home-made cirou lem onade; the eost Is a trifl and th tempta tion to overindulgence 1 reduced to a min imum, and then aom a Plain water, boiled and oeoled In th cellar, also Is conomlcal and fairly healthy. In the matter of wearing apparel, ehooa eomfortabl thing. Last year's hats and clothes, if not too far gone, generally bang loosely and satisfactorily about ons frame, and may b reoommendad. In buy ing new garment Indulge your tat for th lmplr raiment, but do not b so sim ple, however, as not to understand that the cheapest is by no mean invariably the bast, albeit th beat I all but Invariably th cheapest. Walk on tb shady aid of th street, but of course you understand about that. Do not get angry, even with tb Idiot who demands to know whether It Is hot enough for you. To get angry with htm will only make you bottler, and It will not stop him in his wild and unreasoning career. In short, gentle reader, keejp cool! It is tb only successful way to get through th summer and b glad of it as you go. Washington Herald. Tbe Key to th Bituatlon-8 Want Axis.