8 f THE BEE: OMATTA. MONTAY, JULY 4, 1010. REAL ESTATE MUM A ll Ut.HH u.u rnR lAia Colors oatlaaed. IRRIGATED LAND3. M and llO-iw:rs tract of smooth, fertile. Irrigated land on tha Coatilla estate In tha Ban Lulu valley of Colorado can yat be purchased, at $ an acre. lUi Include a perpetual Water right. Easy terms. Larg st and most attractive project ever de veloped In Colorado; 6,000 acrea In cultiva tion thl year. W rile lor t r mapa and folders. COSTILLA mniOATKIJ LAND CO., 1M4 Champa bt., lenver. Colo. RPAI FSTATP I REAL ESTATE FARM Al HAtH I.AM FOR SALE FARM A SO RAII I. AMI FOn 9AI.K tContlniivd.t Afknika Contlanrd COLORADO Property for Bale 11-room brick and Hone residence at Golden, Colo., 12 rr.llee wel of Denver; place haa been need for private boarding house, la mod ern and a munuy maker; eury term to the right party. Mix 223. Golden. Colo. HOW would yoM like to visit In Sunny Southern Colorado at oiir expetiHe? r'or full particulars uddreft the W eldon-Spelts Investment Co., Wood lUver, Neb. Florida,. FLORIDA. We have some ot the beat land In the atate, below the froit Una at attractive price, bend for particular. Estero Land Company, 'First ISational bank Bliig., Chicago. 15.000 ACRES. A snap yon yuicK kale. Florida East Coaat. Everglades. All muck land. Greatest bargain la the whole atate. No broker. FRANK U LULLS & COMPANY. 2 Monroe Chicago. FLORIDA FARMS PUT M AjS COUNTY. FLA. Ten-acra farms) lor ouly tM, one-third caah. balance one and two year. We f uarantee the land to be a rood any In ha atate. Natural flowing well. iwl drainage, home market. Only 6 mile from Palatka, Carraway atatlon on tha U 8. & F. Ry.. In the conter of the land. All of our farm are In eaay Walking dlatanci of atatlon and poatotflca. River and rail way transportation facilltlea for trucker and grower the beat in the atate. Fine! farming and residence aectlon In Florida. Good aohoola, churches, eto. No malaria. Write today for ou of our beautiful li luatrated prospectus and map. E. i. JONES 4 CO.. 606-607 Atlantis National Bank Bldg., Jacksonville. Fla. TOU CAN 8TAT AT HOMS And make Big Money In Florida. On dollar a month will make you part owner In on ot the greatest fruit, trunk, penain, orchard, resort, hotel and general high-class development proposition ever inaugurated la this tat of phenomenal opportunities. Send for proof of thl state ment and full partlouiar. J. A. Hollomoaw President, Jacksonville. Fla, The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Idaho. T i a -Double lnvesunenis in Value Cities spring -Into bolnoj Ih Idaho. The whole Mate la BURSTING WITH LIFE. Ton can share In this .development. Write today for what we can do for you. We wl l help the right kind of men. DOUBLF. YOUR MONEY IN IDAHO. F. K. liRlSWOLD, Secretary Burlcy uommerciai onit, Hurley, Idaho. O. A. AXLINK. Kecrotnry Albion Com mercial club. Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, Secretary Oakley commercial ciud, uaiuey, juano. , Iwa, , . . (. 960 A-FARM, mostly good land, finely lm Droved, located about IS mile 8. W. of Dea Moines. Also 16.000 acres east Panhandle, Tex., b good oorn una. . " These land belong to a bankrupt estate and the U. S. district court has ordered trustees to sell all together or any part of this land. Write for full description. Frank L. Hall. L. J. Klemm. A. F. Brown, trustees. Office with Corn Belt Land & Lottu Co., Ues Moines, la. Mlaaesota. FOlt SALE in a ...... nl rholi-a hardwood timber I r .. .-III ...11 ...... .... -4 .. f lann for ..Fe in the ciover and fruit belt of tJIiei "ill Wii Iiuj- JW11- Ol nayneid county wi. very p'"""-23,000 acres western Nebraska to Insuie gViod crops; Mil sell in trad to 1 eastpril Colorado land, in suit, with amall down payment, balance on wsiiiu vuwii uu ,L , . eauy terms. Zuel-Wood-Guff Co., Inc., Man- (racts to SUlt .ilircliaserS. TlllS kaio. Minn. . , - is a cunnce lor bargains 11 you O . . ...U l...u all tlllflhlA. tllacU lllim o,i; tme crop growing; high atate of cui-1 Wlint an investment or coloniza- livation, neer renifu, an im-cvj , b, , 1 ' pli auant liouae; nam ana oilier oui.nings; Hem DrOPOSlllOn. fine well, windmill; value of Improvements, I 1 1 t"ii- U.i.W. Insurance, $3,0"0. Fine grove ever- 1. MClVlllip, nar hniiM. Three miles from fineat county I 3()7 h irst NiltlOIial Bank Bldg., Tel., Tyler IU70. seat In state; public park, lake, band I concerts, rural delivery and telephone. I Poclilvely worth M) per acre. Will not be old for leas next fall. Owner nulls farm- liia-. Uulck sale, liM.60 with terms to suit. No trade or trlflers. Call or writ at one. Brock, Litchfield, Minn. rata . i'r Minnnnii'a arrest clover 80 acres In corn. 40 acres In corn, balance belt,, price, W.W Pr acre; Diggeai Bargain r". Farm Bargains 10 acres. 7 miles north of Nellgh, Ante lope Co., Neb. Small set of Improvements; In atate. SCHWAB BKUB., 123 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. lllraiaaa, ENAP Money-maklns country home. stock, tools snd crou complete; on of the hest ifi-acra farina in tha atate. DraotlcallV level, laya about 2V mile from town, oo I Co., Neb. PRICE. 143 PER ACRE. 120 acres. Kilnore Co.. Neb. Fair et of Improvements. All In cultivation; Z miles to Shickley. PRICE, 3 PER AL'HK. 480 acres In Boone Co.. Neb.; 320 acres un der cultivation. Good Improvements; ( miles to Cedar Rapids. Pit ICE. loO PER ACKrJ. 640 acres, 6 miles from Potter, Cheyenne beautiful mada road, close nelahbora. ohoola and church. Thl farm borders on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook Hows across it. large new v-room field atone residence, big basement or cellar, large verandas; big. new barn, room for 4 head of horses, cows, also carriage and tool room; lota of choice bearing fruit. Thl PRICK. $15 PER ACRE. .Western Keal Estate Co., 411 Karbach Block, Omaha. DID YOU EVER farm la high clasa In very lespect and we L... rtf S'idnpv drflW in are making a great aacrlflc when we offer near Oi. llitJ OlUUCjr uiuw iu It. It mutt oe sold quick and we will let PliovPTino pnnnrv tbfi bpst Innd vervthlnt go In the way of machinery, neyenne COUIliy, lilt) UtJSl 1UUU toek, etc. There, is everything from : vppsfum Nehrnskat Vo section Dltchfork to sen oinaers, an macninexy is i . . 1 K!Silf-Wwj-.aIi!S? 7 miles from railroad. $15 per iAtaMiM f taken immediately. You pr.e.!ior"aV tu7n wtwn. "oV'll can stand on one corner and see buyer to. 4a hours. If you ar reaay to avprv nnrt of it B 4l)7 Bee nap the biggest bargain on earth, don I every pari Ol IU i iee. Dilsa aewg mis nuica. lilt; khku pa nit ---. Box E, PlaJnwelU Mich. REAL ESTATE FARM AM RANCH I, AM) FOR SALE Oregon Coat I aned. BCY farm lands now; thry ate dally In crealng in value. There Is a limited amount of land, but no limit ti the future population. Tha pacific Northwest is the present land of opportunity. We have a fine fssortinent of farms, some of which will suit you. Write us today, stating your requirements, and we will mail you full particulars free. The Card Realty ft Inv. Co., 23 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. HIt SALE Wanted Long headed con servstive men and women looking for and capable of recognising a life time oppor tunity to write for free book, 'The Apple King," written by 11. B Tronsun, the Apple King of the World. Telia how you can par tlclpata in the enormous profits being reaped by apple growers In the famous Kogue River Valley, without leaving your present position or residence. Address Rogue River Commercial Orchard Com pany, Dept. H. Medford. Oregon. BUT farm lands how. They are dally In creasing In value. There Is a limited amount of land, but no limit to the future popula tion. The Pacifio Northwest la the present land of opportunity. W have a fin assort ment of farms, soma of which will suit you. Writ us today, ststlng your require ments, and we will mall you full particulars free. The Card Realty inv. Co.. k2 Henry Bldg., Portland. Ore. LEARN about the country throuKh which Hill Is building to the coast; also about the land recently purchased by Si. Paul capi talists. Vale Is the key city of this big country. Subscribe today for Oriano, Valu, Ore., at $1.60 per year. Soatti ItnSLOta. SOUTH DAKOTA CORN' AND ALFALFA LANDS. The rush is on for Stanley county: buy lands near the new railroad and double your money In the next year; 20.000 acrea to aelect from; S10 to til per .acre. Call or write Fellaud Realty Company, 631 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Imnroved. IN acrea, fin land: 10 miles to Omaha, 6 mile WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN T mm farmlnir hdqp UoMuln I jli. nniintV. Michlgan, 1 came here from Indiana four I io South Omaha ' stock yarda, Prlo It years ago ana am wen satisiiea wun mis i sold quick, liao per acr. country. I know of some bargains in this I - T") t vicinity that can be had for cash. If you I . K i Omi)S. will write me and tell me what you want " v'u111 - and how much you can buy, I will find Room U Old U. S. Nat. Bldg.. UUi . and something to suit you here or at least I Faroam Phone, D. Uit. try to. and It will cost you nothing if I , don't. I have no circulara or literature, so FOR SALE CHEAP. make your wants plain in your letter and I 900 acres deeded land and t40 acres, 22 I win describe to you what l can una, men 1 years scnooi lease, an in a ooay; an you can come and see it If Interested. I fenced with Osage hedge posts and three W A ELLIOTT. I aTHvanizeu nog wires, fart level ana pan roiling; one-nan nine irvm scnooi; a nines THESE ARE WONDERS. fom n, K. town In J4.eltn county, NeD. Read. Read and wonder. Practically I " sold quick will take 7,&w; no trades. gift: 240 acres, lies like a garden: 175 acres Address, box Nebraska city, ixeD m i It 1 ra t k1 ha la n na In I r tier and na 1 1 1 rst I - - - - -i. . . - on beautiful river; good house, 1M story, rjn n:i oi agrwuiiurai good barn and tAher buildings. Buildings stock farm, 3 m ien from town. Address carry 2,000 insurance; farm all fenced and ox ii aiuioru. ei, frraaf unA1 tmrnt tnall anrl aI airh tr I -" 1 11 1 1 11 1 " - 1 - threo mllea in town nlno rolls to railroad FOR SALE By owner. A farm of 180 town; 100 fine bearing apple trees and acres In Valley county. Nebraska, located other fruits. THE PRICE 1T'8 $18 PER between Old and Arcadia. House, barn ACRE. Think of it. There Is not another nd good steel tower windmill with my such bargain In the world. share of the crop price. M per acre. Ad- Eighty acres splendid land, 60 acres cul- aress, netuw, oui tuwr .nuu, muu, tivated. balance In fine hardwood timber: Oregon, 7 miles to town: rural mall and teleohnne: I good house ard barn: A WONDERFUL BAitViAiw in -iair vauey irrigaiea BARGAIN. Price, 11,760; 11,000 cash, balance rarml fcxtra good lQ acres; must b sold to suit you. quick. W acrea alfalfa, 80 acrea bast wheat We are always the leaders in bargains. others try to follow, bend for full particulars, H. W. SAWYER, Newaygo, Michigan. grass meadow In the country; 30 acre to other crops. oe per acre, vvrus guics xor terms and further Information to Box No, 161 tiering. Men. IP BOLD AT ONCE. 120 acres'; good soil: apple orchard; 41 crea timber; 8-room house; good barn; everything coarplete. MUST 'sacrifice lA sections of the -best plow land In Kimball county. Address T umana iseo, council jctiutia la. Montana. FOR SALE Improved stock farm, 300 acres. Custer Co.: close to station; 317 per 62 acres; a sandy loam: T acre mapl cr: no tradea. Box A, Oconto, lien, ana im timber: two large appl orchards; 10-room house: larae liaina barn. Within four miles market avnd mala Una railroad. Choice, 13.200: cash 1700: oalanc aaa terms, . A WATLA ND REALTY CO. W a viand. Mich. FOR HALEV-4.720 acres Ih Jefferaon county, Montana, at $10 per acre, on easy terms. Thin tract la located t miles from town of Whitehall, a thrifty little city on FARM BARGAIN, ftnat AYl PU far-m in Ulnkltran Kl a nlr Bar.,!,, i.rr, hi Ki,i.r. . i nwn j I cent of this tract la tillable. biaAC suit ARBORGAsf; Btoomf le id, K J fhb,,0r Thl locte? to IOWA CORN LANDS. 340 acres improved, fso per acre. ltW acres Improved, t6 per acre. lyO acres Improved, JiO per acre. SO acres Improved, IIS per acre. 160 acres Improved, t60 per acr. 040 acres Improved, Its) per acre, HO acrea Impreved, per acre. 240 acre improved, fiU per acr. 160 acres Improved, u5 per acre. 160 acres improved, ICS per acre. 147 acres Improved, (60 per acre. The above farms are all within driving distance of Estherville and we will be glad to give description and particulars In re gard to any certain tract. Peraons Pitcher Land Co., Es Iberville,, la. mp mi r n n.. bargain. v. . w c. n w , 1 1 1 o . . w . 1 u,.. , of Michigan's finest villages; 7 room house, "ww cr- Meafnef county. Muiseisneii barn 10x40. windmill that fumiBhe house 7y n,'JU1f; " Sftf01?' a?,iterm?i and barn with water, outbuildings, appl V!mfj' n M.- .."si H.mi!!! orchard, pears, cherHes,. plums, grapes; '7"Il(l.w?r f1, J0"? 52 JR" 5 acres timber' 40 rods to school- soil V"" trt la aultabl for farming. A dark loam cork nlanted oati mown all ood P-PO"tlon to cue up Into amall farm; -a5K 1.a Pnt!d' f.w"'. 'i 4.000 to i,000 acre can b Irrigated: many crops are now pianieu, spaii va, I anrtnas furniab abundanca al ik. corn, potatoes; ail . -mra.,n - - - S!S0 ACRES FOR A FARM. 60 per acre, uituaud In Decatur county, along Builington It. K. ; all in cultivation, but about 6U acres timber and blue grass pasture; good . 10-room house, barn, cribs and orchard. Owner too old to handle it knd oflers ut price that should sell it. M UEE, REAL ESTATE, 14 Pearl tit., Council Bluffs, la. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Kansas , . i. . . FOR BALE-Improved - farm, 640 acre. 600 tillable, WO level, fenced and cross fenced, watered with springs and ponds, soma hay land. 300 pasture, no rock. IM cultivated. 75 wheat, 26 spelts, U barley, 16 corn, crops fine; balance feed; 4-room atone house, sioa barn, granary, room for 1,000 bu., beu nouse, crib, cattle shed, good well. mill, tank, brood bouse, full et of Implements, 3 horses, set of harness, 30 catllu. 1 brood sow, 800 chlokens, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone; black oil, clay subsoil; buildings insured; 3 miles to school and posiofftce; price H3.000. tlO.suO caah. ( years tit per cant; U mile to towu, no agents. Wilt owner, A. P. CAiU-ETON. Grove Couuty, Alanthu. Kansas. THINK ABOUT THIS. If your lurra pays you 320 an acr profit and ou could sell It for 1130 per acr and buy another for fii that would produce you the name profit, would you do It? Let me tell you about an alfalta farm near Deert'ield, Kan., at 365 per acre. Writ John lil. Landr, Duel-field. Km.ii. SHaaoarl. ' READ This.i Hoineseekers The cheapest farms In the -United (States today ur In the Osarks of Mhourii lovely climate; close to good markets, u Louis and Kan sas City; for' health, Wealth, clover, timothy, blue grass, timber, fine fruits, beautiful aLi-eauia: fine flshlno- ana hunt ing. It you want to see Hi cheapest and beat farms you ever ' saw priced in your lit for U luouey write for our list and ba shown. A. D. ROBERTS k SOX. Richland.. Mo. READ THIS, HOMESEEXERS Th ehoapeat farm in the United states today are in the Ozark ot Missouri, lovely ell mate, close to good marks is, St. Louis and Aansaa City ;-. fur hoaito - weaHh, clover, timothy. bluesTraos, timber, fine IrulL beau. tilul sueams; fine fishing and hunting. If you ant to aeeMae -cheapest- and best farm you aver mw priced in your life for the money writ for our list and be Shown. A. V. Kuttila at HQa. lUuhlaud, Mo, lit MIVSOURL 111 acrea; 133 tell southeast of Kansa city, iv acrea m ca'Vivaiion. uui house; good barn; out buildings ajid fin water aad grass; large orcaard of different varieties ef fruit. I Hi He to. goad trading point. Close to school aud chiuctt. Price ti,Uk This u money luavictr. UMiOfiaa.KUMPF. Ki-t Sheldley Bldg.. ' . , Kansas city. Ux FOR'SALE South Missouri farm near Et. luis markeui; any slse; sora good bargains. Writ, stating your wants. Pre Hal. jNiutvcLOj at t&aa. cieeiviue. mo. r Final t.Ai-o l -f SIIOBUUIU, SAttM 40t acrea, one mil f railroad town, 3i mile Kansas City; all In cultivation and grass;, all rich, fin lying land; S-rooui house, barn aud utbulldlugs; well fenced end watered. If you waut a bargain In a wall located grain and stock farm, you ( can't beat H; only ,f& per gcrs; guod larms on ihia. ' .'- Q. W. CLAJRDT INV. CO.. 301 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. TIMBER an4) ranch land baraalna la Fouth Missouri Morrl sV Waiaar, kioua- the N. P. and C. M. & St. P. coast line: 000 acres of this tract la under Irrigation; water rights rrora tn jetleraon river. About 1,200 acre bottom land, about 76 per MARXYN STUART LAND Ctt. Aberdeen, 8. D., And 33S Paiwoe ttldg.. Minnvasolla. Nartai Dakota. cows, chickens, hay, Implements necessary to carry on a farm; telephone R. ID.; close to creamery; thick ly settled neighborhood: 32.800. 3600 down: to appreciate this Is to see It; 14 acre on the br.nks ot beautiful body of water; lie on the edge of beautiful village; V room nouse. Darn iim, icenouae; an Minus ot 1.320-acre drain and stock farm best nart fruit; fin. shade surround, th house; thl. L&fSu ieuUvts. 1 wortn seeing; w.tw oown. . cro auout m n GEO. BKlDOEb. Bangor, Mich. cropped; 240 acre, fine Umber, 200 acres . : , I fine hay meadow; balance first-class pas-, FORCED KALE An excellent 60-acra I 4vn.n r k,,imi. Csrm. aa.ll .mootii and level, no "wamp or mens valued at 310,000; house, ' barn and wet lana, very productive; wun success- n nastures Dined with runnina- waior fully irowo corn, clover, wheat, vegetables f" .m?? w.al,efr and fruit: s-rooin nous; Deauuiui shaoe; - . o Minnt I,nJ.r i twelve miles fence; located on small lake; , - i , - . . i t . : i Hew an iiiifs, caiiu m imiiiui. uuuer con- alaS manty of cholc Tbearmg fruil This ii trucUon. crosses part of land; some of aa?fumudOM land Jln new township; If purchased for'y T U U on SatoToad' betorJ'aivef ha crP oe", wlth. ni.ioh irru aa rt nt I aa utn An u ahm. I wu vJ v bcci ou a cuuiuiiicut lilt. V 10 minutes' walk from the biggest lake la e purchased If desired; owner has ranched Michigan where there ia good boating, fish- heI.e for. twenty-five years and wishes to in. nr h.tKJiitf. This farm must ba an 14 I retire;, land has been farmed only few ciulck and we therefore make the price years and grow excellent crops. Price 31,400; one-half caah, balance to suit buyer. 360,000, and a anap at that. Don't bother H. C, DEES. Bos G, Mai tin. Mich, me It you are not able to "handle this; couiu sen a uozen umes to iigntweignts; term, on part, E. B. McCutcheon, Mlnot, NORTH DAKOTA. THE LAND OF OPPORTDNITT. Land tn tha Mouse River loop, where 40 AC RE 3, 1200. HALF CASH. BALANCE U TEARS, Tha land la situated not far from Ba Citv. Miohlgan. aud adapted for farm. graxing or fruit, Perfeot title, and will crop failure Is unknown. Hon. J. J. Hill bear clou inspection. The above price and say this land la all worth 1100 per acre, terms are made to olose an esiat quick, and he knows. Will rent and pay 10 per If you want a 40 or mora send your option sent on Investment. What 1 vour monev iu now, with 31 Per acre, aad baUanc fa earning? The fineat prairie land In in l naiu wsea aeeus ar reiuxueo. i wona. write me lor lieu it la free. i jk. jii. uvwin, uienourn. rt. u. BRADFORD 4k COA1PANT, S4 Adams iU, Chican'O. Oklanomau Blur aimu xximo.1 I vm-inn WE ar on the ground ana cave tha I v. ..i . .kh. v.... .. ------ . . at r ara awssa w vuwiaw n u u i a k u, w uii asa. laTiu first opportunity to buy lana at low price. A s.,tory. modern. 60-roc-n. brlek hotel We save the rent of big oitlces in Cmoasw I tmtMinv in itw anm attiiu.. ri.i and glv oar customers the benefit of low Best located property In city. Stlliwater prices. "v ummiiiviTO i is center 01 interuroan ayatem now build- land, summer resort property, cottages for log. has other good railroad facilities, ha sale &uu rent near a oeaauiu cuain ot i state agricultural school; city Is growing lakes, three miles from town. The best rapidly. This hotel has best business In the Bargains in naicuiaan. n ma tor uuuiuau city, out in Drooneior must sell on is. S. D. THOMPSON, NEWAYGO, MICH. count of poor health, will sell furnltur ana ounuius uu uay ui aaie wiia privilege MICHIGAN FARM. Of leasing II Dulldlng Itseu Ooe not selL inquiries concerning mis property and No. 1 30 acrea, cleared barn, some fruit, near town. ri.oou. No. t 40 acrea, cleared, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good sou, il.Zo. No. s Ml acrea, rich loam sou. 'level, 4 mile. Muskegon, city 35.00U: lit per acr. n per aore aown, Daianoe eaay terma. mail house and terms of sale will b promptly answered l, fin fruit land, by th undesigned. juuoi. Dr., iuiwaier, uil Oregon. ALBERTA WHEAT FARM. 320 acres of finest Alberta wheat land In tub EVANS-HOLT CO.. lTramonL Mich, the famous Saskatchewan valley, about six mues irom ine growing town oi vegrevuie LAND FOR SALE. and between the main lines of Canadian Writs me today. Northern railway and Urang Trunk Paol- E. F. FREMONT, NEWAYGO CO.. MICH, tlo, and only a few miles from both. Land in mis vicinity proauces irom su to eo ousn- A SNAP. I el of wheat to th acr and 100 bushels ot 30 ASRES FRUIT. VEGETABLE AND I oala, and Is rapidly Increasing in value. On CHICKEN LAND. I crop will moi than pay for land. Will take In renter of Michiaan: near countr seat and 1 113 per acre Xor uulck aal. Absolut gov railroad town and fine lake; U apple trees, ernmeni une. in is is a great Bargain ana lue peach trees, 700 amall fruit; raise tot will make big money. There Is only one bushel! oi potatoes to an acre; gooa soli; i crop ut unu, ueier get in wiie(ii is cneap, clear title; only wuw; aw aown, per i c. . nouiu, nut su. rurusuo, uit, month, without interest.-or xw on lor caso; must aell; nught throw tn w or t onick- ana UvVNER. R. 403. US DoarOorn aL, Chicago IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS, Hogu Klver valley, Oregon. Declared by government expert to be th MICHIGAN FARMS. Bacst Mrfact fruit belt In th world: arrand No. 120 acre, cleared, small house and sweepstake prise; Spokane National Appl barn, lumt fruit. Hear town, line trull auow; uaa iwun iut nigneat prioea ever land II 000 Paid for fruit in the New York and Los- No. 340 acres, cleared, good house and on markets; orchards ouw producing over barn, plenty of fruit, -level, gooa sou, n,s - No. 8-auu acres, rich loam soil, level, irrigated orchard tracts on payment plan. nule Muskegon, city, 35.000; 113 per acre, rang ug in price irom s per acre lor un 11 Der acr down, balance easy terms. viopa lana w kw iw acre tor avi THE evans-holt CO.. remout, icn. vr-'- k . Nebraska. Medford. Oregon. Teiaa. A CANADIAN WENT TO ZA VALLA COUNTY, TEXAS. He was a novice to farming. A man offered him the use of 20 acres ot land without charge tor one year for tha clearing and plowing. He planted 20 acres of onlona according to the directions given him by his nei;hhirs. HE CLEARED 110,000 NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 ACRES, OR 3000 AN ACRE, IN ONE SEAlsON. He tnen offered to buy the land at 3150 an acre, but th owner wouldn't sell. I HAVE 10.000 ACRES OF THE SAME LAND JUST ALONGSIDE AT ONLY 116.00 AN ACRE. But It must be sold In one body. Real estate men of long experience pronounce It "THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS. It must be sold at once, and 115.00 Is cost price. , Naturally this Is a wholesale proposition. This land can be readily re-sold In small tracts from 330 to 375 per acre and if the buyer wishes, I will undertake Its re-sale. The land I offer you I. In th artesian belt and Is the best opportunity you will ever have to buy. For particulars address W. B. MURRAY. 407 COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. REAL ESTATE LOANS Continued.) WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam bmlth at Co.. 1220 Kama in SL MONEY TO IXJAN Payne Investment Co. 1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wsad. Weud Bldg.. lMh and Farnam, Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on band and for sate amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. at ICiOO to 3.'.004 on homes III Omaha. O'Keef Real Estat Co.. 1U03 N. Y. Lit. Douglas or A-3162. SUITS that sold for $:, at $15. VOLLMER K, 107 So. 16th. LOANS to horn owner and horn build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 103 First Nations,1 "ante Bldg REAL ESTATE WANTE D OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Steady Saturday For Week All Kinds Are Higher. H0QS LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Sheep Show Decline ' of Ten to Tvenly-FlT trail Sine Week, While Lambs Arc Fnlly Steady, SOUTH OMAHA. July . 1910. Receipts were: Csttle. Hogs. MPP Offlclsl Monday l.V 7.'0 Official Tuesday 3.M U.-42 Official Wednesday 3,5.0 Official Friday 84S .4U Official Thursday ...... 1.3.15 W.4.4 Estimate Saturday 0,4lMi 6.014 6.7tl 4,i-W 2I 1.M.1 73 53,4.10 47,64s 40.42 i 4.S.HN3 44.MK) 19.371 2.441 lK.flM 12.iW 10.4'.8 15.8S4 "WE HAVE BUYEES FOR I, I and 7-rooni house. If price ar right w can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suit i N. Y. Lit Bldg. WANTED Good rental property, 31.600 to 13.000, for choico vacant lot or lots, one third to one-half the value, balauc spot cash. Give particulars of property offered. Address M 297. Eee. SWAPS Wll can trade anything, anywhere. LATiiilOP 4k TOU1N. D. 3033. 421 Bee. 640 ACRES extra level land, close to rail road. In Box Butte county, Nebraska; will exchange for merchandise; pneo, 6M pr acre; will carry 34.000. A. K. Thompson, Holdrege, Neb. TWO TEXAS FAKMS FOrt BALds. 131 acres. 100 in cultivation, alfalfa, oorn Ind potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on the Colorado, river; no overflow; 66 mllea from Houston. Also fc acres, so In cultivation, corn; ad joining the above place; 4 of mile to a rauroaa swucn; party can get Immediate possession; will take 360 per acre for on or both places. Write to the owner. A. A. Norton. Wharton. Tex. Terms. - YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat In tha center of tha Rin Grand Valley and irrigation; has railroad. canais. new court nouse. good bank, school, brick business houses; Chapln needs people to develop lis great resources; tney-r ricn enougn to make you rich. Ask us for booklet "B. " CHAP 1X4 TOWN81TH COMPANT, Cbapln. Tax. WIT) CAT .TT ftWl s.och IU ... V. I 20 acres fine Texas rig and orange land direct from owner. Only few tracts. Write H. W., 704 MarquettuBldg., Chicago. i- IC.AAS uul( cuKsr rney are coming In trainloads to buy our S and 10-acre farms In the proven orange belt of Texas; also truck larms and town lots on the coaat. Why don't you come? ' Write for book to day. Scandinavian Dept. 61s Gibbs Bldg., Dan Aniunia, i e. Virginia. CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO KAIL WAX AS LUW AS J 10 FHit ACRE: rich soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar- 1. t . lna kannmA 111...., . 1 V. 1 . 1 . "COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 pages), and low, twice a month excursion rates. Address G. B. WALL, Real Eiitate Agent, C. ft O. Railway, Box M U. Rich- mono, va. V1HG1N1A FRUIT FARM. 326 ACRES 36.600. Two-story bousa; 13 room and basement: t porches; ample outbuildings; appl orchard of 600 Albemarle pippin, win sap and other high-priced varieties; the tree ar u years oia, ana oeing located In th great fruit belt ot Albemarle county they are hardy and thrifty, and will yield a lifelong -Income; 3'A mllea to railroad tAtion; surrounded by good neighbor. If taken at once, oiuy stt.boo; part cash, bal ance on easy terms. For further details, see page 24, "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. 10, Second Edition." It describes other rare bargains from ti an acre up In Vlr- Elnla, Maryland and th south. Copy fra. tatlon 2676. E. a. birout. Union Bang Bldg., niisourg. rsv Wyoming. FOR SALE 640-aore Improved and irri gated ranch, located In southern Wyomino-. completely fenced, with first class house and all necessary outbuildings; irrigation stream direct from government timber re serve. Independent ot all water companies; no charge for water, right Perpetual: owner must sell at once and will sacrifice on reasonable terms. Address A. 13. Land, 621 unity Diug., Chicago, m. Wisconsin. SO-aore Improved - farm for 31,600. This farm baa zu acre cleared ire of stump and under cultivation: land 1 level: cood clay loam soil, clay subsoil; no stone; has su acres ot neavy naruwooa timber suon as sugar maple, oak. basswood and birch. no underbrush tn the timber; balance of land easy to clear. This farm border on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It ba a new rrame nouse witn seven rooms all complete ready to move Into: and a naw table. 16x26. Farm Is located six mils from Cumberland and three mile from oarronett; in a well settled farming coun try; German and Americans; on main traveled road, near schools, churchaa and creamery. There I Umber enough on this farm that when sold will pay the Interest ana taxea lor nvo years. Terms 3300 cash. Daianoe on time to suit purchaser. We also own another 80 of unimproved land that Joins this farm In case you want more land. Send for our special list of other farm and timber land we own, also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. We ar located In Barron county, 73 mile north east of St Paul. Address Wisconsin Col- muuuu ui, cumDcruna. w is. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR 110 a month, good land, at from 38 to $J0 per acr in Vilas and Oneida counties, Wls- ' W chars no Interest. We nsv tha ..- Insurance clause in th contract. Hi portunlty In th country for th man of uiuueiaia mrana io own a rarm ana be In dependent Write for map and book to ljkvu a G. F. SANBORN CO.. Eagle River, Wis. TOU CAN BUT LAND FOR 310 A MONTH gooa iana at irom M io uu an acre. in vuas ana untias counuea. wiaonna in We charge no Interest We pay the tax. Insurance clause In the contraot. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN THU COUNTRY for man of moderate means to OWN A FARM AND BB INDKPENDKNT write i or map ana hook to uept 1 a 9. SANBORN CO.. Eagle River, Wla. fa aim Til ti m A miVT mtUMsfMJITirkar Mn ..AWT i . kuwu lnniuAiiun rnwiuoiiiurt. r iih ha i a i sj... a 1M .r.. ..nlmnro.l ..ralH. land. Ail t w cre" mauy locaiea contiguous 10 Uy. good land.' in goeS neighborhood. 1 .. n Ua kaa A 1' Mlll 1 hla maa Sk Ka bm, I -iu ssvav a ...a v w mrm aawwau a v s VrlZ iZnZ- arr. subdivision r for selling tracts. 360,UU0 w t : . I u.1 1 aAiitnr t lies rlaa l-iA rl AF linn i ramlu 11. IT. HeKENNA. I " " ' - .s.. v" "in w . v t.r I under IrTinaUon. Frouuues neavliy in al W aV SJtAg. AW w I , , . . ,... . FOR SALE Nearly M acre In Cedar Val- u"n,n? on. : Neighboring land lev. ona mil. from Cedar RaDida. Nab.: selling rrom Juw ioouv pei acre, tnauce good hom.: Addr Mr Alice a. Young! fiVJSS e" Uauar HaDlda. NabraakJL. I " - - MlsoellaaeoBB. . HAVE TOU A FARas FOW SALE) OR TRADKT Or do you want to buy onef Make your want known through TUB DE.-4 MOINES CAl'lTAL tha want medium nf Iowa. Rates: 1 cent a word for each Inser tion, cents a line, 7 oenls an Inch. Cir culation, 41.000. largest or any Iowa dally. Dive us a trial. Address The Capital. Land uept- tes aiointa. lows. REAL ESTATE LOANS GAHVI.N BROS., 3d floor N. Y. Life. o00 to liuu.uuu on Improved property. jo aeiav. WANTKD City loan. Pstars Trust sv 'room, all modern: easy walklna dis tance; price $6,000; mortgage $1,360; give legal numbers In first letter. It saves time. KOHAiA LtAPOJ A.NJJ CU., 624, N. X. Ut Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 133. Six day thl week ll.73 Same days last week. ...17,141 Sam days 2 weeks ano.. 15,14 Same days 3 weeks ago. .13.233 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 13.873 Kama .!-.,- I . .. n lul , u t n j m ini-v nrniiiiViW " The following table show the receipt of csttle. hogs and sheep at Sousi Omaha tor the year to date, compared with last year: 1910. 1909. It""- I'0- Cattle 474.1SI 47.3.321 20,800 Hogs 1,126.900 1,397,672 270.t..2 Sheep 6S4.449 670,139 14.311 The following table shows the average prices of hog at South Oman lor the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1910. 14X.1906. 1907. 1906. 1905. 11901. June !1.., June ... June M.., June ?4... Jun 35.., Jun 26... Jun 37., , Jun 29.. Jun SO.. July 1... July 2... 401 164! 14 t 24 I 26l I t 13T4I 991,1 9 2 8 90-HI 8 78 T 631 T 3KI 7 4SI T 40 7 4l 7 681 I 7 621 7 Ml 7 621 7 63 I 6 R9I 6 771 6 til t Ml I 6 921 6 831 6 871 6 801 6 83 1 6 831 6 86l 6 821 6 99 6 921 6 031 6 9S R 94 6 97 6 84 6 28 6 Ml 6 361 I 6 351 6 39 6 43i 6 471 V 6 4St t 101 8 07 6 131 6 07 6 161 6 OK 6 301 6 12 I I 16 tn: 6 H2I 6 14 6 221 t 06 at $5 26 the bulk commanded $... as feed "a spring Ismh hsve been rsther scarce, and becau'e of this fact, have b.-en ,, It g.md. strong prices. Best prlngers sre quotable at $' 0 or better, but demand n " VorunTe oT'.eeder lr.de Is growing .., th. week's close finds several good sit ed order filled. Demand has been faiily broad ami active throughout and price w ere well sustained at all time. Few feeder lambs are coming, but there ate Plenty of orders on file for good ones at WOO or better. Feeder sheep have be. i, moving readily at H.HrfH.iW and beet feeder yearlings would sell around ow. uuotations on grass stock: Choice spring lambs. $7.lt7.tO: fair tc good, si.rr.ig lambs. S.I:B7.I0; ood t;i flioliw. yearlings, 5l;4b-; f'r to good Jearllngs. 4 .16; gd to choice ; wetheiA uwa &: 'nr to good wethers. $3 64 wi; good to choice ewes. $3.80434.10; fair io good ewes, $3133.85. Itrpresentaiive ssiw; No. Mm Oregon wethers. 114 native ewes 15 native lambs, cull hi native ewe SI. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 2 CATTLE Receipts, none; market nominal; "teers. J8-'; cows and heifers, $3.2ui8.6y; calves, $4.00 7 HOGS-Recelpts. 3,000 head; warket alow: prospeets, 10l5o lower; top. 39.12W; bulk of SHEEPInD LAMBfi-RtPt.. none; market unchnnged; lambs. $7.26410". took In Blsrht. Receipts of live stock at the five prlnel pal western markets yesterday: Av. . Ill . 113 . 46 . W Pr. 4 : 10 e vi 3 IKJ South Omaha St. Joseph. Kansas City M. Louis Chicago Total receipts.. 4 8tW 800 6..VP0 S.ono 1 s.0 8.0.10 3C 6.0 l.oi 6,0 6 17 ( 23 I t ON 3 13 6 19 HANDSOME Waverly electric; new tires. top, chalnless, bluck plush upholstering, new batteries, perfect condition; cost II, WW new. Owner will sell for cash or take clear cottage or lots. 810 N. Y. Life. ELECTRIC light plant Missouri county seat; cost $J0,0uo; leased $160 month; per fect condition; owner lives North; will con sider clear farm. 810 N. Y. Life Bidg. SWAPS. Nine-room house nearly new. Will put In cash in trade for vacant lot In Omaha. NOWATA LOT & LAND CO.. Suite 658 New York Life Bldg. Red 1999. Double apartment bouse, strictly mod ern, close-lu. Good Income payer. Price $10,000, mtge. $2,600. Want land. Might take an automobile. Don't need rain to make this puy. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 644 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 1999 SUITS that sold for $30, at $16. VOLLMEH'S. 107 So. 16th. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits 336 and 340 value at $16. See A. Rubensteln, Slit 8. 14th St O. A. LINQUIST CO, 335 PAXTON BLK. FOR evening function full dress I the rule, and to get It made right see Ed Thiol lanor. ia a. istn bu WANTED-T0 BORROW WANTED to borrow 37.600 from private party on nist class security. Address u? 466. nee. WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand Stewart model 24 or 26 speed motor, wood or brass wind shield, two-way valve lor itt exhaust pipe blank. Address o 4bo, iiee. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, clothing aud shoea. Phone Douglas 8S7L Safes One large and one medium aise sate, state size and price. M 280 Bee. SUITS that sold for $30, at $16. VOLLMER'8, 107 So. 18th. BEST prlcea for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Gold. etc. NATHAN. 211 S. 13 ta St WANTED By young lady, good location for small cigar stand, in store or office building. W 39. Bee. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sixes. List With U. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Llf Bldg. Phon Red lm SUITS that sold up to $30. at $16. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. WANTED SITUATIONS COLORED man and wife want work In family. Address P 600. Bee. YOUNG man, 24 years old, desires perma nent position with wholesale house in Omaha; good references given. .Address Y 138. Bee. Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yarda. South Omaha, for the tenty-four hours ending 3 T. m., July 2: RECEIPTS, Hogs, sneep. C, M. tk 8t P 1 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 3 Union Pacific 21 . C. A N. W. (east) 2 1 C. & N. W. (west 27 . C, 8t P. M. & 0 7 C, B. A g. (east) l C, B. ft Q. (west) 23 C, R. I. ft P. (east) 4 C, R. I. ft P. (west) Illinois Central 2 C, G. W 6 Total receipts 97 3 DISPOSITION. Cat He. Hors Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co. Murphy Shippers ... Other buyers 14 U6 l,4tu 2,322 318 18 -,.w OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG AMERICAN All Kodera Safet-r Setrloes (Wireless, etc.) London-Paris-Hamburg Prss.Orant.July 13. HAtn Cincinnati July 14 Pannaylvania ..July 20 Clsvalsnil July &i Kals'n Aug. Via. July to Praa. Llnooln Aug. M Arnarlka A us. u Praa. Orsnt Aug. 17 Hlts-Carlton a la Carts Hssuuram, HsmlHirg sinst naw. Hamburg-Aiuarloau Line, 46 Broadway, N. X.. or Local Agent. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cat tie, Sheep and Lain lis Steady Hog Reported ISaer. CHICAGO, July 2. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 300 head; market steady; beeves, $5.36&i8.66; Texas steers, $4.2t)&,"0; western steers, 5.40jj-7.36: Blockers and feed ers, $3.606.76; cows and heifers, $2.8007.00; calves, 36.604ri.26, HOGS Receipts estimated at 8,000 head; market easy; light, $9.10.40; mixed, $8,960 (.86; heavy, $.96&u.20; rough, $8.65a.86; good to choice heavy, $8.fKVg9.u( pigs, $D.10 9.46; bulk of sales. $8.76iU6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 6,000 head; market steady; native, $2.764.86; western, $3.26(r4.86; yearlings, 46.000-6.00; lambs, native, $4-76ra-i0; western, $6.267.76. Kanaaa City Lire sleek Market. KANSAS CITY, Jury 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 400 head. Including 300 southerns; market steady: native stsers, $6.0utf3.26; southern steers, $6a.W; southern cows, UtXai.26; native cows and heifers, $2,600 7.26; Blockers and feeders, $3.i.76; bulla, $3.2n&4.t); calvea, 3 7u'o7 60; western steers, KUKiW.ia; western cows, $i.00iU6.ll6. HOGS Receipts, 1,200 head; market 610c lower; bulk of sales, $8.9541. 10; heavy, $.90 69.00; packers and butchers. $.0u4p.l. light, $b.tt,.lo; pigs, $8.60y.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head; market steady; muttons, $3 76U00; lambs, 3o.UOca7.66; fed wethers and yearlings, $1001 6.00; fed western ewes, $3.7604.76. Bt. Louis Live Block Market. ST. LOUIS. July l.-CATTLE Receipts, sou head, Including 600 Texans; market steady; native beef steurs, $6.7608 60; cows and heifers, $4.6007.26; Blockers and feeders, li.2606.,6; Texas and Indian steers, $4,600 7.00; cows and heifers, $4.6006.76; calves. In carload lots, $6.6008 60. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 bead; market 6910c lower; pigs and lights, $.oO0.4O; packers, $8 IW(9.16; butchers aud best heavy, $8.10 09 20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1.000 bead; market steady; native muttons, $4.90 64.60; lambs, $67608.75. - Total 20 6,857 748 CATTLE There were no cattle of any consequence here today and the total for the week snows a falling oft of over 6,iwu head, as compared with last week, and of over 1,000 head as compared with a year ago. Owing to the moderate receipts, there has been a better feeling prevalent, and prices iiave shown decided Improvement as compared with the demoralized state of the market at the close of last week and the opening of the present week. On Monday and Tuesday of this week beef cattle sold at the low point of the sea son, the market being in a badly de moralised condition, not only here, but at every other selling point As receipts every where showed, a very heavy decrease, and aa the glut of beef was cleaned up, the market took on a better feeling. Prices gradually firmed up, so that at the present time It Is safe to say that the break the first of the week has been all wiped out and possibly a little more, leaving the mar ket fully steady with last week's close, or possibly a little stronger. What has been said regarding beef steers would apply to a great extent to the mar ket on cows and heifers. Prices; on that kind" of cattle have Improved rapidly dur ing the last three day, and they are now 26ft 40o higher than the low point. Cannera, which did not show as much decline as th better grades, hav naturally shown less advance, the medium and good cows show ing the most Rslns In some sections of the country, to gether with decreased supply, has brought about a decidedly better feeling In the tocker and feeder market and cattle of that description can. at the close of the week, be quoted 25035c higher than a week ago. Quotation on rattle: Good to choice corn fed eteere. $7.50(34.06: fair to good corn fed steers, $6.50fl7.60; common to fair corn fed steers, $6.00.50; good to choice porn fed cows and heifers. 36.00tt.00; fair to good cow and heifers, $S.80g5.00; common to fair cows and heifers. $2.76g3.80; rood to choice Blockers and feeders. $4.25ff6.75; fair to good Blockers and feeders. 3.76g4.25; common to fair etockers and feeders, $3.00 3.76; stock heifers, $3.254.00: veal calves. $3,500)7.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.2o0'6.OO. HOGS Another mean market developed In the hog yards this morning and. even though aupply was limited. It required con siderable effort to move offerings at figures that were 1015o lower than yesterday's average trade. Shippers bought up fully 1,000 head of mixed hogs during early hours, but one of the larger paokers proved a poor purchaser, and competition was very slack throughout. Three killing droves, aggregating 4.300 head, cost about $8.80. Heavies and rough mixed had to sell around $8.6608.70, fair to good mixed moved at or near $8.80 and lights sold at the h!;h figures. Despite the dull tone to trade, the big end of supply changed hands before midday. Closing rounds were very slow at the full decline. A large portion of receipts went at $8 700) $.86, as compared with yesterday's spread of $8.8009.00. Tops dropped to even money, 20o lower than the high mark yesterday. Continued liberal recelpta at all point thl week have resulted In broad declines. Demand on most daya has Just about equalled aupply, and while movement has not been very active, holdover hogs were not numerous enough to exert a very strong bearish Influence on the trade. Cur rent aales are Just about 60o tower than those of -a week ago. Representative sales: At. 6b. Ft. ....Ml 40 1 46 ....III 320 I 45 ....114 40 I 45 ....173 120 I 46 ....16 kU I 49 ....80 ... 110 ....36 400 IT ....46 IK) I 70 0 70 40 70 1M I i 40 I 70 M 211 17 ) I 70 .161 40 I TO No. 4.. 65.. 18.. 44.. 14.. V.. 44.. 61.. 47.. T4.. 45.. 47.. 44.. St.. 43 234 ... 1 7 44 D K 3 TO 44 HI 120 I TO 74 i.l 180 I T 44 ti 0 tV6 1 141 10 T6 U S M I 75 tt 140 10 lit 46 Ill 40 TI 70 24 U I T5 If.7 80 I 75 40 t0 100 I 15 It Ill 164 I 15 t 1 T5 41 10 41 HI 61 4 41 16 10 141 4... 41... 11 301 No. At. Bh. Pr. 74 14 0 I 10 10. ...... .231 120 I I 70 IbO 120 I M 44 Ill 40 I SO 44 140 40 M 61 lt, 240 I 10 70 Ui 19 M 41 i .M so i so II 22 80 I 40 41 175 400 6 10 44 214 40 I 10 46 Ill 140 I M 45 Kit 140 I SO 7. ...... .134 40 10 61 144 120 I SO 74 131 140 I 40 11 141 120 8 10 11 Ml 10 I 10 44 234 40 I IIS II 114 140 42' 44 Ill 140 I I2V6 l lid 44 131 84 241 ..ia 44 I 1 .. I 71 ., I 15 io I n 44 I T7S4 ..171 140 I 11 .141 SO I T7j W 1 T1U 47 1M )0 I TT 17 J37 SO I SI 44 114 .120 334 11.. T.. 40.. II.. 14.. 44.. 17.. II.. 71.. I so I 40 I M ..Ml 204 I M ..111 I'M 110 ,.U 44 IM ..121 140 ( 4 ..124 ... 80 ..121 4 I 10 ..144 10 I 40 ..344 ... 1 40 7..., 14.... 81.... 7.... II.... 14.... !.... 41.... 4.... 14... 40.... 49.... T5.... It.... 14.... 14.... II.... 14.... II Ill II 131 14 Ill 10 131 40 ll 14 1 lb. ... I 42 ... 4 ' SO I 40 104 110 I 46 .224 ... Ill ..27 IH . ..237 40 I II ..111 140 I 44 227 40 I 46 l4 120 I 45 10 SO I 44 40 I 44 ...201 ...at ...134 ...210 I 4, I 14 I 4 .134 240 I 46 ...111 ...10? I 16 I VO ..130 124 I 40 .in to i so 40 I 40 4 I 4 ,.. I 40 40 I 40 44 I 00 H I 00 SHEEP Not enough atock wa received today to make a market and value re mained nominally steady. Three load of heep and lamb arrived, one of mixed native and two of Oregon grass wethers. Asld from mora activity In feeder circle lately, the trade during th week lias In many respects been a repetition of that of previous weeks. Supplies ot eheep were barely normal, quality none too good, de mand limited and the trend of prices lower. Grass wethers wer especially nlantlful and th heavy kinds, weighing 11$ to 120 pounds, are closing at the full decline, lust about a quarter lower than a week ago. Good 100 to 106-pound classes did not suffer as much and show losses of not more than 10016c as compared with last week' close. Several strings ef range yaarllncs shows! up. but they were hard- fat enough for killers ana, excepting a sioaii sort lor top .1.600 31,700 8.J4 OMAHA UfSNEhAL MARKET. staple aad Knncy Prod nee Prices far aiaked by Bayers aad Wholesalers. HllTTn.ik Craamerv. No. 1. delivered t! il. retail i rati h. lii 1-1 ,v carton. 2WS; No- 1. In 26-lb. luos. 2etoc; No. 3. i - carton, lie; In uO-10. tuos. tnv; packing stock, solid pack, 2ovkc; dairy, in aO-lo. tuba, tc. Mar ket cnanges evvi-y juenuay. CHEhlsnt-Twiii, lie; young Anierlcas, 16c; uaiay, liViu; triplets, liVc; lunXirger. 16c: No. 1 briua. lie; No. a. :o: uiuori4 Swiaa, 30c; domestic Swiss, 33c. POULiRY Dressed broilers, JOc; hena 16c; cocks. llVtc; uucks. Iso, geese, lao; tur keys, 26c; pigeons, per oo., $1.60; home. squabs, H oo per Uoa. ; fancy squabs, per dos.; No. 1. 4.w per ooa, auvo: broil ers, U UUI 11 IV AT IU, A 7W m 1m; hens, Uc; old roosters, 7c; Uucks, full feathered, ic; gae, lull Uauiereu, so; tur keys, l&c; guinea lowis, 200 acu; pigauus. IOC per oos., iiouiers, a.w per wwa.f suauai No. 1, $2.w per uoa-i No. 8. eve. TH tail trosen Pickerel. 10c; white fish, 14c; pike, uc; trout, 14c; large crap pies, 160lSc; Spanish mackerel, lsc; eel, lc) haddock, lac; flounders, Uc; green catfish, lac: butfalo. 8o; ualiout. Ho; wnite bercn. 8u; bullheads, 14c; white cat, ltcj rovshau, It each; shadroea, par pair, doc; flog legj, 8vc per dox. MrtAl CUTS Ribs- No. L IWc; No, 3, i4c; iNO. a, sHu. iau. uu. a, -ic, o. a,, 14c; No. 3, lOtoC Cnuck: No, 1, o; No. 2, 6)4.0; -o. o, osc. fwuuu: a, ao. a, live: No. 3. bvc. Plate: ISo. 1, 7 'Ac; No. 3. Bite; No. 3, 5vo. 'HU1TS Oranges: California Camlli.l brand Redland navels, 80 size, per box, $3.00; 100 slse, per box, $3.36; 126 size, per box, $1.00; 160 size, $4.25; 176 and smaller sizes,', per box, $4.50. Havana Mediterranean sweets, 126-112 sixes, per box. $4.00; 126 and 150 sizes, per box, $3.2503.60; ex--ra fancy; Mediterranean swoeta per box, $4.5003.75; Valencia. Vti-112-12d sizes. $4.60; li and mailer sizes, $4.76. Lemon: Llmoriera. extra fancy, D00-36O sizes, 4e.ao09.uo; choice, 300-360 sizes, par box, $8.vOiq8.60; 240 size. 504 per box less., uananaa: r ancy select, pes bunch, $2.250260; Jumbo, bunch, $2.7608.75. Pineapples: Florida, 30-46 sizes, $4.00; 42-48 sizes. 12.7503.00. Cantaloupes: California. 64 slse, $2.00; 4s standards, 34.50. Cherries: California, per 10-lb. box, $1.76. Apricots: California, per 4-basket crate, $1.60; Plums: California, red, per 4-basket crate, $1.49, Peacnes: uaiuorma. par av-ioi . box, 11.10; trlumuh. per box. 41.25. . Watermelon.- Texas, 2o per lb. Dates: Anchor brand, Hew, Kl l-iu. paunagea, III UQl, per DOX, ZJ.OU, VEGETABLES Potatoea: Irish. Wlacon sin and native, per bu., 6O0tioc. new, in sacks, per bu., $1.10. Cabbage: New Cali fornia ana souinern, per io., 3c. Onion Texas crystal wax, per crate, $2.00; yellow, Der crate. $1.76. Garlic: Extra fancy, wi.u rsr lb 15c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg Plant, ancy Florida, per do., $1.6O02.uo. Toina-' toes: Texas, per 4-DasKel crate, $1.36. Beans ' String and wax, per hamper, about 26 lbs., $2.60; market baskets, $1.00. Cucumbers: Hot nouse, per oos., tv0oc;- Texas, per bu. box. $1.76. HOME-GROWN VEGETABLES Bfl. lanes: Extra fancy home-grown, per dos, bunches, 20c Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, Der dos.. 80c. Parsley: Fancy homs-nns. per dox, bunches. 30c. Rhubarb: per dos! bunches, 46c. Asparagus; Per dos. bunches, 46060c. Onions 1 Green, per dos. bunches, 26c Turnips: Per niarkev basket 60c. Car- rota: per mamei nasnet, MJ076C Ueeta: Pef market basket, 66076c. Spinach: Per bushel, 12 lbs.. 50c Peas: Green, per market bas ket. 60c. , MISCELLANEOUS Walnuts: Black, pet u., v.,.v,,,., , r,r iu,, ,o: Cali fornia, No. 2, per lb., 14c. HICKORY NUTS-Large, per lb., 4c) mall, per lb., 6c Cocoanuts: Per sack, $6.00; COCO AN UTS Par sack. IK On- n.e in. 66a ' Local securities. Quotations furnished bv Samnol nln. Jr., 643 New York Life building. Omaha: Bid. A,lr4 am. 1. at. 1. coi, 4S, Ivxf Bsnaon (Nb I School la. 30 1. City Nat' I Bank Bldg. Is, 1420 City of Omaha 4s, 1410 Commonwealth Ufa Ins. Co .., Oerman Fir Ina. Co , Iowa Portland Cement lat mtg. 4a.... ivanaas .ii, bh, St Orient pM.... Kansas Oas as Blac. 7 Did Lincoln (Nab.) 4a, 1J Uoa Ansales O. A E. la, 1431 Lincoln (Neb.) Trac. 6a. 1131 Michigan Dial Tal. pfd Mnrrla A Co. 44a, 1439 Nab. Talephon atock. 4. ax dlv.. Nab. Traction A Power 4a, 1133..,, Omaha Water Co. la, 1444 Omaha Oaa 6s, 1417 Omaha Electric. Ltaht old . 1..... Omaha A C. B. Bt. Rjr. pfd., 6.... Omaha A C. B. Bt. Rjr. la, 142.... Omaha A C. B. Ry. A B. ofd Plattamouth Nab.) Tot. atock, 10., Bwltt and Company 6a, 1114.,.. City of South Omaha 4a Btata Inauranca Co Union Block Yarda atock. Bo. Omaha., 16 Union Construction Co. (bonus; 74 international Cos. Co. (bonua).... n 041 100 100 103 19 12H 1O0 21 100 IK 8 M4 T 1 101 so 44 W M is n ' 44V4 K 100 IM 7 71 14 Btatement of CTeariuar Horn Baaka. INEVV iukk, July J.-The statement of clearing house banks for the week show that tha baniri hM 110 ttiu . - - ..w.u v.u,v,o,-wv mure man the requirement of the 25 per cent reserve . . uci Cuba 01 tv.Boojuo ia the proportionate cash reserve as compared ...... . iu statement 101 owa; ,..61,216,637,000 .. 1,208,273,800 4s,317,lO0 0 44 0 104 H ioi" 81 21 1 44 17 t , , 91 100 , 76 97 , 94 , 82 ' , m , 97 , 46 . 9414 M 110 Loan Deposit Circulation Lsaal fanHara tie u-7-. cut " , - ........ "1,11, I Bpeelo 262.6o9.3u0 Reserve 320.llKo.iai0 Reserve required .. 18.H18.450 Ex U. B. deposit.... 10,422,776 -uecrease. The Dercentau nf ..... .. . clearing house banks today was 25.76. . """ 01 oanxa ana trust c.om Danlea of (li-aat XI. vn.i. : - . , , , - - - u, reporting tn tha r-1 mo rl it h,.,,.. . . . $16.756.ij0 7.137.600 U.IMI l.tao S 6,716,900 -S.lod.oiO 9.56,173 ,IW1,4J5 Loans i..., Bepcle leifal lKnri,r Total deposit 'Uecrease. .. .$1,175,239,100 ... 130.370,300 ..i .21,714,910 ... 1,2110.472,000 , Increase $ i.l4o. .'0 b3,6'4) - 14,lo0 Baalt C"aearlara ' OMAHA, Neb., July $.-ToUI bank clear ing for the day were $2,767,704.47 and for the corresponding date last year, $2,603- aa mo wets, were: Monday .... Tuesday Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .., 1910, 1909. l i-" t I J.173.47387 ,as,l3.aj 1,047.746 07 $.812,677.99 i,3tf,rn.6 $.4M 925.66 2.767.704.47 2.402,772 27 , I.669.242.43 3,8u. aa.i ToUI KL717.W $14,266,568.44 Wew York Prod ace Market. ' ' NEW YORK. July t.-POULTRY-Allve quleti western broiler. 26c; fowl. i7iai7Vc: turkeys. lo;14c;. dressed, quiet; westero l&lso""' towls, 16vil8o; turkeys, liUTTER-Steady; creamery Peelaln. Hc; process, seconds to extra. 22Viic: Imitation creamery, 2426e. CHKE6K Firm; atate, whole milk." spe cial, WjpMci fancy white. 14c; fancy col ored, 1416c . EGGB-Weakl fresh gathered, extra, 22a 34c 1 extra firsts, 20210; fr,u. I8i3c Osuaka Hay Market Li?-.6?' ,n,f HMj 100 Blrtei Wheat, $4.00; rye aud oats. $7.00. Alfalfa,