TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 4. 1910. ) r OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rwni LontlnaeSl COOL eaet-front parlor; modern, private bom, claan bad; to quirt gentleman; U t a k. east m. loth. . Red tm. . ARB o looking for a coo,, pleasant room? Inquire xtui Harney or phono Har- 7 LARGE rat beds. modern furnished rooma, 3UH7 Harney. aepa- FTJRNISHED rooma, strictly modern; walking distance. ttiS 8. 19th Bt LARGE Iront room, well ventilated. B. Kth Ave. Ill ' LA ROB front rooms, nicety furnlahed In mooern noma; large cloaeta; 313 a month cne-hslf block from Leavenworth car. Tel Harney 91 8. JStb at. CLEAN furnlahed rooma, board If vented. ' Christian family.) mi Capitol Ave. COOL, elegantly furnlahed roomej mod ern; reasonable. UU Chicago 8t BINGLB room, $2.80; modern. 660 8. Kth ATI. TI1HBE furnlahed rooma and one un- furnlahed, modern, reasonable to the right party. Mi Cass St. SINGLE rooms, modern. Douglas 7358; Ind., ' A-3371. 205 Farnam. THE BACHELORS 30TH AN0 1'ARNAU. Is now operated on the European plaiv. Rooms may be bad by the Visy, weak or month. Meals as desired In the cafe. - YOUNG MAN to share comfortably fur nlahed room; reasonable terms 2702 Far- nam street Phone Harney 373. PrtlVATK family, front room, walking distance, &410 Harney. ' COOL, clean,, south room, modern. Dodge. 1707 DESIRABLE, cool rooms, one $10, 112. 'Phone Hrd 610 N. 30th. NEWLY furnlahed rooma In modern brick , flat. 622 s. uth St NICELY furnished front room (or rent. J406 S.iaU St, 2rd floor. FINE south and. cant front suite; strictly modern, electrlo lights, lawn, close In. $104 Webster St. SUITE of modern rooma; man and wife without cjiildren; privilege of kitchen. 1103 raciuo. i. NICELY, furnished room, suitable for gentlemen; everything modern. 634 8. 83th ROOMS, walking distance, modern. 67 N - hui. . uarney leva. . "W ItY pay ad much for small bed room a we asK for nice, from parior. u in $6th St. pqug. 653. SLTEEPlNd rooms, modern, HIT Douglas St.. IS per week, FURNISH ED front room; walking dis tance; private family. 6L3 N. 36th St. Phone Red UA TWO good rooms, furnished for rent, rea aonable. Pour., 7707. 3640 Capitol Ave. NICE cool front room. 1404 Harney. 8230 Km met, Webster 4170. large room, modern. 'Phone NICELY furnlahed room, private family. "Phone D. i860, 410 S. 36th Ave. Gentlemen only. (ROUT room, new and clean, in new pome, clore to good boarding place. 107 16th Ave.' Doug. 6664. . COUTH . Dodge. - .single - room, $3 week. tun PINOLE rooma, 12; modern. 770 Far- COOL sleeping rooms, by day or week; also housekeeping room. 710 S. 14th. TWO furnished rooms, modern, ble.. 723 . Mthf u. -':r I 3 FINE, large room, for two men or mar ried couple; everything modern; eleetrlc lights; 'terma' reasonable. T04 8. 84th St. COOL; well furnlahed room In all modern, detached cottage, private family, walking dlatanee.. 6S 8; 24th St ,t i i TWO single rooms, east front: $8.60 up; Modern. - 600 S. 36th. Harney 3111. ROOM and board In private family, mod rn, walking distance. 410 N. 33d. DESIRABLE modern room; private fam ily, waklng clstanoe; 12.60 a week. 810 S. tatbAve.- . SOUTH front room, private home, walk' Ing dlataaoe.. 609 S. 16th Ave, - SINGLE south rooms, modern; 33 up. YJainey. 25t9 SINGLE room, 83 week. 3310 Douglas. CLOSE IN7 fumlshd room for gentle men, -reasonaoie, sit) xn. una. THREE large, beautiful modern rooms In private family,, furnished or unfurnished. Fear car. 4065 Grand Ave. 'Phone Web, 1704. "NICELY furnished, large, oool, southeast room; walking distance. An u. 2cth st. hone D. s89. TWO rooms,', one front, strictly modern; references, ds n. win cu 3NI3 JIARNEY, nicely furnished Single rooms, ' walking aistance, modern. IF YOU want large, cool rooma at low tate, 13 per week, with big lawn and shade. ran at ipai uarney ct. TWO eaat front -rooms, furnlahed. 12J0 YI. 24th St., South Omaha. 'Phone South w.- . r NEWLY and nicely furnished and remod led rooming bouse, now open. 1821 Caaa ONE-Mwo or three - flrst-elaas outalde .rooms, , all modem, with, hot water . the year around; furnished or unfurnished.' 1718 tcnoias st. rnone a awi. NiCELY furnlahed, clean. cool room. In strictly modern home, within . walking dls- l&noe. , vm. tit.. Mary's Ave. 'Phone Red NEWLT furnlahed rooms for rent. bath fend lavatory; colored people. 8418 Cuming Bt. BINOLB and double rooms, south ex-2osui-e, nicely furnished, reasonable, re fined parties. 2818 Douglas. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. 401 N. Jld 6t- TWO beautiful clean front rooms, all rnodern: private family. 706 Georgia Ava Phone Iiarney, CUi. NEWtY and nicely ebeap. 814 N. Klh St. furnlahed rooms. D- NICELY furnlahed room; reasonable. 869 14. lets, at. i NICHLT furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, to the right parties. 6l N. JOth fit. Tel Red 6630. NEWLT furnlahed modern rooms, from IX w up: under saw . xnaoagemeoi. ais jm. 7tk 84. . NIPEjr.Y furnlahed rooms for men ; mod rn, oooleet part of city; walking distance wholesale district and depots; $18 per knonth. 'Phone Douglas 7253. 108 8. Uth St, corner of Wllliain, . v FRONT room, modern: private family, nu. iev7 Davenport, pnone. I NICELY rurnlehed rooms, with or with out board. 8 blocks from canter of city. Ap ply Uu4 Farnam Bt. ROOM: walking aUatanoa, strictly modem. tu ti. Ull B4. mit RntT.Urn hail room. 1417 Call orals. VPttooa D. bog. real or Douglas 67. TWO hkoaly furnished rooms with private ramiiy; atnetiy modern, waixing onium Hi Howard. Tyler Ms. TWO Bodern, irnratahed $8 month. Housekeeping Rooms, 8633 Davenport street NICELY furnished room. 434 Caldwell CXKL room for gentlemen, in 8. 86th St FURNISHED ROOM8; atoo bousekeeplng rooma II desired, sue I, win. NIC a rasa. ieaa. imI aieaploe' rooms. UU OFFERED FOR RENT t arnished Rooms .'oat lasted. f XCELLKNT ftii-nlh n tin. fyrulhed rooms; llanscom park car Una No. 860) a. 83d Ave. WILL Bhsre I raorni with wnrkln airL $f per month; wslkmg distance. 1635 N. loth. PART of new modern house unfurnished (er furnished) for to ladies or husband and wife. No children, lill. Uti. Webster TWO elra-ant furnish rnnma llirht and cooi, an ruouern, n private family, toy w. list Bt FINS eaat front room. ' strictly modern; reasonable. Phone Red 7046. HO N. 86th. NICELY furnished modern rooms, single or ensuite. Ui3 Case. FURNISHED ROOM'S In mcitern nrivata noma. rnone Harney 431L 2671 Dodge It ROOMS for housekeeping, rt 8. 17tu Ave. LARGE front room, srivitu family, excel lest neighborhood; walking distance. r-none H. eOta. tij 8. fjth street. MODERN. wall furnlahaa. southeast front with alcove or atnela room: larae lawn; private family, T08 Georgia Ave. FRONT parlor with licht housekeeping privileges; modern; tee and telephone, ill! v.nicagi st. NICELY furnished front narlor. suitable tor two gentlemen. Ult Chicago Bt. ONE elegant furnlahed large room, suit- Die for two or three vount men. south east eapoaure. toe. One north exposure. large loom, elegantly furnished. One sou IB exposure, e aiantlv furnished room. suitable for two, 124. yoa Dodge. Walking visienve. rnont Jouaiaa 4slX EXCELLENT walking dlatanee. room. Drlvate family, Cars at door. 11.76 weak. ill Leavenworth. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed rooma, all modern., su B. nth St. NICE2, clean, strictly modern rooms In a beautiful location; si. mo suite of these rooma ror light housekeeping. Tel. Uuugias til. iiw t..ss si. NICE front room, private family, modern numes, easy wanting distance, reierences. buu b. itn bt. Phone Harney 60W. MCt.LT furnlahed rooma. eastern ex posure; references required. 10(3 Park Ave. i uoue ttarney tMl. N1CKLY furnlahed parlor for three men o. mn. FLltXlSHKD rooms. 613 N. Z2d. THE PLKA8ANTON known as the old Paxton home will rent rooms; dining room closed for the summer; breakfast will be served to any who dealre; rooms are largo, cool and runulnit water: the large lawn an veranda make an Ideal summer home meals can bo. had acroaa the street. 204 S. t6ll Ave. ROOM4 near new street car barn and depot; all modern. 814 Hickory. Red 73V6. THREE nicely furnlahed 'rooma, piano; modern. 1666 St. Mary's Ave. with SUITS that sold for 630. at 116. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. FIRST-CLASS rooma; reduced rates for the summer; close In. 618 S. 19th . St. lioaackeeftlns Reams. ROOM or rooms for rent. 1041 California. FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. 114 California St. . TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping. All modern, 114 per month. 2016 Webster St. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2218 Leavenworth St. ' 8228 FARNAM, t nice rooms, gas range; laundry privileges. TWO modern furnlahed housekeeping rooma; gas range; refrigerator. 1823 - Chi cago. TWO rooms for working womas or old lady. 201J Caldwell. . , - TWO front rooma; reasonable. B 1039. 1813 Isard St. THREE elegant rooma, first floor, east front; vacant July 6. 614 S. 23d. TWO large front rooms, .well furnlahed. modern. 8403 N. 80th St TWO rooms for housekeplhg. furnlahed complete; gaa fpr. coukkig and . light.. 8333 Leavenwortn. , THREE furnished rooma for light house keeping; 113 . per month. 8414 Webster. Phone riarney inu. TWO modern front houaekeeplns rooms furnlahed, $4 weak. 3003 Burt.-, MODERN room for light houaekeoDlnar. 1121 Webater SU NICE houaekeeptng rooms, modern. 3676 Harney, -v- ...... . . . TWO aouth rooma for housekeeping, $4 week. 630 S. 26th Ave. LARGE, nicely -furnlahed housekeeping room, strictly mooem, i-.ne riat, ciose in, bath same floor. $8.60 a -week. 647 South 84th Ave. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 2010 Davenport. THREE nice rooms, housekeeping. 1113 South Uth Bt . POUR rooma strictly modern, narlor floor, ail per montn. iiw x, jstui ot LARGE front room, first floor, modern: good neighborhood; reasonable. 8964 Har ney. TTIfA hnitsalaArilnsr r-nnmi 41 nan wul. large back porch. 410 N. 16th St, third A ll J uwuBowv'"aj awwaasavi srv a'va TVX-vbv. floor, can mornings. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite, cheap. 613 N. 20th. TWO nice large front rooms for light housekeeping. .2321. W HHs Ave. Tel. .Web ater 1660. DINING room, furnlahed or unfurnished. 1th large kitchen and bed room: dandy location tor rigui party; rent reasonable. till Douglaa. THREE elegant, large, cool modern par lor floor rooma, furnlahed complete for housekeeping, Including refrigerator, sew Ing machine. 807 N. fc.th St. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms; gas; Mini reasons oie. nvi vasa. NICELY furnlahed housekeeping rooms. Ultf Dodge st TWO housekeeping rooms; modern. Sec end floor. 623 N. 23d 6t. LIGHT ' housekeeping, two ensuite, single;- modern, neat, cool rooma. one 1111 Chicago. NICELY furnished housekeeping, suite of three, also sleeping room. 816 M. 83d. THREE rooms for housekeeping. 26th Ave. 408 a THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern. 4344 Harney bt FURNISHED rooms fo light house keeping; modern; good location. $43 S. 87th bt TWO front rooms for Ing. 3421 Podge St. . light housekeep- COOL room and pantry. 620 N. 33d. MODERN M2. - rooms, 2310 -Harney 8t Red TWO housekteplng fornla St rooms. 3006 Call THREE nicely furnished rooms; modern. 8131H California St; no 'children. Tel. U-1836. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and two base ment roon-s; reasonable. 61s B. 8Zd St, Phone Douglas 5661. ROOMS. 8210 Harney Bt TeL Red. 64M. PARLOR floor. I or 4 large. 000L hand eomely . furnlahed rooms; piano; shade walking distance; modern. 604 a. 38th. TWO newly papered mnd cleaned house keeping rooms; reasonable; modern. 8b7$ St Mary's Ave. TWO light housekeeping rooma XU N Uth. THREE housekeeping rooms, completely furnished; also single room. 614 o. 14th st third floor. . OFFERED FOR RENT HaaselrerplasT Nixini Loatlnaeel. FIRXIt-HED looms for light house keeping. 14 h. 17th Ave. TWO rooms. J2.j0 per week. 120 Lea- venworth 8t. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. 62S. TWO south rooms for likht housekeep ing. 270 Parnam Ht. 8UITK or lisrht housekeeping rooms; newly papered; modern. 21 bodge. TWO IlKUl housekeeping rooms; modem. 422 N. 17th. THE HOWARD. 21st and Howard. Furn ished new apartments; Janitor, hot water heat, private bath. Telephones; bed In wall; vacuum cleaner; automatic door openers. Tel. Red 4487. TWO or three furnlahed rooma for light housekeeping; all modern; upstairs or down. Tel. Red 7U&9. Vnfaratshed Heesta - FOUR rooma. for ttf oer month. til N fTth Ave. TWO or three furnlahed or unfurniaheii 2716 Dewey Ave.! Harney 1741. UNFURNISHED room, private family, no other roomers; close in. Harney 1177. THREK unfurnished rooms, ill 8, t7tb Bt FOUR unfurnished rooma: modern except beat. Can after 1 .10 p. m.. 160s N. lth Ava THRFB unfuni'sheo . rooma, new flat; Uo I bousekeeplng roojnia. 6011 Davenport FOUR rooma, unrurnlshed. 13th and Vin ton; rents fa. 'Phone D. 6J71. U. E. Hard Ing, DOM a Uth 6t. FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms, modern; no children. 610 Davenport St. THREE southeaat rooma, on Harney car una; reierences. (210 Caaa St. THREE large unfurnished rooms, every modern convenience. 1611 Webster. THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 1254 rt. ma (. Apartments and Flats. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; I rooms condensed Into 6; steam heal; electrlo lights and launary, hot and eoid water. Wall bed. safe, gas stove, refrlnerator. Janitor service. The Hunter, 6tb and Dodge. Tel. Dougla.1 41L ELEUANT k, t and 6-room apartments ttrehlow Tunc, Webster 4328. SPECIALLY desirable 10-room flat; mod ern: nice location, 614 N. ttd St. Red 4664. NEWLY papered 6-room flat; modern except heat; 111. 1650 N. 20U) tu ConraJ Young. 1&16 Dodge bireeu NEW five-room duplex flat; ground floor; fine yam. Mb s. mh St. 'lei. Harney 1401 CORNISH APARTMENTS S. W. Corner 10th and William Streets This location is one of the bent In the city. Surroundings very pleaaant. Free from noise, oirt ana trail ic, making it a very desirable place to live, convenient to whole sale district All Fan am cars paa. One four-room apartment, $45; one five-room apartment, loO; one five-room apartment I4B. W. FAR NAM SMITH & CO.. 1820 Farnam St. CHOICE FLATS. 1821 Casa St., 10-room brick,- modern, 850. 2612 Dewey Ave., 7-room brick, modern oak finish, nearly new, very choice. 846. 8419 Dewey Ave., good 8-room brick, mod ern, uo. .608 H. 86th St., new 6-room St Loula brick oak llnlsn, a swell apartment, 132.60. 8716 Jackson St., good 9-room brick, mod ern, 83B. . 631 8, 29th St., 8-room brick, bath, $1S. APARTMENTS. Choice 4-room apartments, every conven ience and walking distance, nearly new brick. 821 8. 24th. 823. UAKV1N HOB., 3d noor, K. X. Life. FURNISHED apartment of 6 rooms, first noor; modern; piano; telephone, etc. 3008 St. Mary's Ave. . -. ! : a . r- . Faralahed Hastes st4 Flats. FOR RENT FURNI8HED. M rooms completely furnished near Field elub. I. V. BHOLES" COMPANT. Ul IM. Trade Bldg. TeL D. 48: Ind. A 2048.. One olesantly furnlnhed apartment:' every modern convenience. Including steam heat and auto garage. Cornlxh apartments. W. (AKNAM SMITH & CO-, 1330 Farnam bt. 7-ROOM modern, well tarnished home for rent for one year; large yard, shade, barn, etc. Will take $35 per month rent If grown son la permitted to retain one room. 4141 Farnam St Tel. Harney mv. Uoaaea and Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwardedt cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmens uaiivery CO, let. iou. 3SH. VOR RENT Elaht-rooms brick hsuu modern, 8 minutes walk to city ball. 8341 Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 458. FOR RENT Five-room house at 4404 N. Thirty-first street TWO BLOCKS FROM COURT HOUSE. 608 8. litth St.. 6 rooma atrlctly modern and up to date; building is brand new and haa just been newiy aecorateu. only 137.50. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & SLATER, Sole Agenta, 6th Floor N. Yt Life Bldg. TWO 8-r. modern, very nice, beautlfull located; newly renovated. 719 8. 87tu St Douglas 433. CM AH A Van 4k Storage Co.. pack, mova store household goods; storehouse. 1X30-14 N Uth; office. 80s 8. 17th 8b Tel. Douglas 156s, RENTAL BARGAINS. 1641 S. 26th. 6-r.. all mod. except heat. $20. 110 Stanford Circle. 6-r.. all mod. except neat, i. !Ku4 Deoatur, 7-r., all mod. eicent heat, JIM. 4107 Ixard. 7-r., all mod.. $27.60. 141S R. llth. 7-r., all mod. $30. lk.19 N. 24th, 6-r, all mod. except heat, $17. 4217 Harney, 8-r.. all mod.. 825. 4306 Burdette. 8-r.. all mod. except heat. gooa Darn, izz.ou. 2911 Farnam, 6-r., strictly mod. steam heated apartment, $26.50. ii! Yates, 7-r., all mod., 3Z7.60. 151$ Yates, 7-r., all mod. except heat $25. 1H08 Spruce, 7-r., strictly mod, $35. 824 N. 25th, -r., atlV'Uy mod. $35. 8522 Wirt. 8-r., all mod., good barn, $35. 414 N. 41st Ave.. 6-r.. strictly mod., $.15. 663 Farnam. 7-r.. strictly mod.. 840. 2236 Farnam. 7-r.. all mod. steam heated apartment $30. e 3221 Poppleton Ave.. 7-r... strictly mod.. Silf.W. 12 S. 56th. 8-r.. strictly mod.. 846. 4103 Lafayette Ave., 8-r.. strictly mod, $45. t Farnam, 8-r.. strictly mod.. 142.60. 608 N. 21st 8-r.. strictly mod., fine shana sou. 1003 s. aoth, 10-r., all mod., $40. PAYNE, BOSTWICK St SLATER, Bole Agenta. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSE8 AND COTAGES. $217 N. 19th boulevard, apiendld 7-room dwelling, oak finish and every convenience; a anap, iju. $933 N. 25th St., good 7-room, bath, etc. anap. $22.60. 1841 S. 37th St. This 7-room house is being paintea ana repaired; nas porcelain bath, electric ugnts, etc. ana is a snap, 132 60. 3707 Caldwell, 6-room cottage, $15.60. tt16 Mason, good 6-room. bath. etc.. 820. 1214 So. 17th St., 6 rooms, first floor, walk ing distance, $11 2406 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, second floor, $15. N. E. cor 86th and Douglaa, $ rooma, city water, newiy paperea, sis. GARVIN BROS.. 3d Floor. N. Y. Life. ONE e-room, new. brick housa Jest oom plated, all modern; combination fixtures. m r. . un Ebi pe. C. M. BACHMANN. 438 Paxtoa Slock. Offloa 'phone: U. ftaW: Residence, D. M4 FOR COLORED PEOPLE. $ rooms, modern; cloee In. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. CM N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Phone Red im. NINE-ROOM sood era brick house, sorts part of eliy. $38. 8-room apartment U1T Clark. $18. 6-room apartment. U17 Clark, 1. 4-room apartaneot. eity water, toilet $1XM Vreotn apartment UU N. 17th. $u, C. M. BACH MAN. 4M Paxtoa Block. Pnone Red UMi Residence 4aug. 6uee. CHEAP RENT Cottage 6 rooms and a basement, cistern, bath, hot water heat fruit trees; house In first class condition $30 a month at 2818 Decatur. Come Quick vLUer parties will be after It ' OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Coae t'ontlnned. HOUSE FOR RENT. g rooms; city wnur on both floors, well and cistern. Suitable lor two ramlllee Will put in good repnlrs. Look at tol De CHtur and 1710 Noith 34 Ui and make an offer. We want to rent tnem. Nowata Land A Lot Co., 624 N. X. Life Bldg. Phone rteo bw. vi m RENT-Slxvrriom cottaae. modern I except heat; corner ZMh and Cs; Itol Ave., 26 to gooa tenant iciepnona nta ml. BRAND NEW" 8122 Cass St.. a -room, strictly modern brick houne, has been decorated throughout, $.17. W. I'AYXK, boh i v icrw tbAir.it, Sole Agents, Uth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. t rooma .easy walking dlatanee, $16. T rooms; brand new; close In on Capitol avenue, NOWATA L.A nu a.i u iaj 1 i;u.. (24 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone Red 1999. TinTTsFS J' Prts of the city uwwmum creign boo ana Co bee Bldg . 8-ROOM house, tie and modern, located (n the Field club district: five bedrooms and sleeping porcn; tin Dainroom; nard- ,ood finish and f'oora; very desirable; tog. 1 PETERS TRUST. CO.. New York Ufe. wood 11 NORTH 31st. Bt, Central Boulevard. 8-ruom, new, all . niudern brick house, beautiful location, ro hoiks, no oust, an Ideal home. Rent $37.80. References. Phone Harney 49OT or rveiiy investment Co., 130 Neville Block. . ; FOR RENT Six-room flat Klner block. Corby St. and Sherman At.; modern, with steam heat; rent, $22.60 per montn. Inquire 40 Brandels Bldg., - 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace. $532 Davenport 8& Tel. Doug. 2710. FOUH-ROOM modern brick. 1110 N. 8M St; 814. Pal (person, lsu Faroaoa St BEMIS PARK BARGAIN. 3214 Hamilton St., 8-room, all modern ex cept heat, $37.60. PAi.NK, UUSTVtrlClt ft SLiATHiK, Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. SIX rooms, n Oder 11, walking distance. Apply 22i3 Burt St. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMKH'S. 107 So. 16th. HOUSES. N. Y. U flats, Oar via Broa, 8d doer HOUSES, Insurance, Kingwalt Brandels Theater Bldg. NEW 6-room brick house, modern. Har- ney 647. -. . - NINE-ROOM modern detanhed brick. 1411 Sherwood Ava; $30. Patterson. 1621 Far nam 8t t-KOOM. modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, $40. $666 Jackson. YATES St., 6-room cottage, all mod ern, Including furnace, $21. 612 S. 27th St., 6-rpom St. Louis flat, strictly modern, $35. ' BEM1S-CARLBEUG, $13 Brandels Theater. CLOSE IN BARGAIN. Look at 808 N. Bd St;, a 10-room, alt mod ern flat. In nice shape, only $40. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & SLATER, Sole Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW, modern 8-room house at 4624 Cum ing, phone Webater 2174. S-ROOM cottage, close In, $10. 6 rooms, close In, $12.50. .0 rooma, all modern, walking distance, $35. 7 rooms, close In, on Capitol Ave., brand new, $35. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 658 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Red 1999. INHECT3 DEAD BEFORE YOU. KNXAL did It Aak your drugglat. A FOUR-ROOM cottage; bath, toilet, fire place, furnace, o?K .Jinluh; fun cement basement; nice yard and outbuildings; located at 1014 N. 82d.St Telephone Harney 60. Harry H. PutriAftv 6140 Burt 8t. FOR RENT 6-rqortj cottage, 2788 Capitol Ave.; bath; good - plumbing; good repair; nearly new; $25. ,Te4,iJled 6564. ' HOUSESTOR RENT. , 8 R., mod. ex. hnst, 219 Douglas, $12.60. 7 B. mod., first-class, 2d. 1336 No.. 40th, $20. 3 R. heated apartment new, l'ltw Burt St.; water and Janitor furnished, $30. 8 R., mod.- ex.- heat, 4232 Burdette, first- cliwis, $20. 8 It., mod. ex. heat. 2154 S. 34th St., $25. 7 R , mod., fine lawn, shade, $11 N. 33d St.,- $30. . 7 R., mod., new, 3316 Don ge St., 46. 12 R., strictly mortv 816 S. 22d St., $45. 10 R., strictly mod:, 618 8. 26th Ave.. $60- s 10 R., strictly mod., hot water heat fur nished, 1908 Capitol Ave., $R6. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. HOUSES TOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CCA. Suite 624, N. Y. Life Bldg. Had 139. SWELL APARTMENT. A fine 6-room. strictly modern apartment In Hanscom park, Oak finish throughout large living room, everything up to date; must pe seen to ue appreuittiuu, umy eoi.ov. PAYNE, BOSTWICK at SLATER, Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 7-ROOM nw bxtck flat; modern In every way; hardwood linian. ioi ueorgta Ave. Tel II. 1590. vrn TlfVT Tlnli-flVil B-ronm rMM.n,,- modern plumbing and heating. 8. E. corner Jones and 25th Sts. J. 1, Kerns, 2512 Xav enworth Sts. . . 12-ROOM house, modern, low price. 2710 Burt St . 631 a 22d St.- strictly modern, 10-room house; fine location. . Inquire at 6S3 8. 22d. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; well located; close to car and school; rents 317.60 per month. This la a snsp. Phone or call W. B. Frank, 821 Neville. Both phones. - - - Barns, - FOR SALE Brick barn at 2116 S. 32d St. Tel. Harney 1335. Stores and Offices. TORE ROOM 1 SOT Farnam "t Saml-baaomeeta, well llgbtea, 1807 and ISM Farnam Bt -(tore room. 618 If. C4th Bt. 8 Omaha. THOSL F. HALL, 433 Range Bldg. Both 'Phones. GOOD, big store room, cemented base ment. 2211 Cumins St.. 'phone Web. 61C4. UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY Gro cery and meat market, with fixtures com plete: no equal. 'X IZARD BLOCK. Apply 120 N. tld St rpw nr a nv PwnPFPTV i iuauiuiuu m. a. .We offer for x-ent the one- story and basement brick store- . 01 i vji- rrii?. room at yl4 arnam. jlhis prop- , , , m . . . . , . eriy nas iracAtto tacuiiiea m rear. Apply : BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. WELL LIGHTED store, 32x100, 108 S. 10th. Carter Sheet Metal Works. OFFERED FOR SALE Varaltere. PRINTER FURNITURE Four Imposing tables. Iron baas and steam tables for sale. Apply Be Pub. Co, hid ana farnam. LEAVING CITY-Furnlshlngs used just a short time, good as new; mahogany, leather and goldleat parlor and library suites, leather couch, davenport, masalve brass beds, bedroom suites, oak dining room suite, oriental and domestic rugs and portlera, variety of bric-a-brac, piano, Imported paintings. Call quick at $836 Chicago. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, consisting of aide board, davenport couch. Ice box, gasoline stove, gasoline heater, pianola piano player and numerous other furnishings, cheap. 2648 Chicago 8t FURNITURE of 6-room house; good qual ity; nearly, new; bargain. Phune, Harney ROLLER top desk, lot Brandet Bldg. OFFERED' FOR SALE tc'entlnucxti Maalcal laeirasnesita. FINE Upright llano, latest style. $118. Omner leaving city. Cost 8.160. 1111 Cass. $lf PIAXO at $1W: also t0 leather couch at 630. Doug. 3um. 101 South luth St. T ,ei rltvis a-rrv-iMrv-ksnn tvnewrltera sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchanga 1)07 Farnara ; Typewriters for Kent 1116 Farnam 8t, Omaha. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPKWRll'bH with oak atand. $1 monthly, from manufac turers, most Interested In satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Con ooug.'i 1918 BUY an L. C. Smith 4 R, r. Swansoa Can Farnam St Uroa Typewriter. Disuributera Ull Mlaeeltancoaa. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt bos. In good condition. Leu g Ik 4 ft Address, C 671. care Uee. The Economy ",' .Irtaa rUiSS W. m screen will one-hair. all kinds W sulll work. ERPOND-UAMU oa eounteri hand- carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket. about 40 ft, odd shape; wul fit a rosea twenty feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars rnooe uouas las 138. Bee Bulldlug Ce SUITS that sold for $30, at $16. YULUlLlt a, ivi bo. iotn. DRUGS at out prices; freight paid en all 116 orders; catalogue xree. bhermaa A MoConnell Drug Cck. Omaha. Men. FOR SALE New and second-band billiard and pool tablea We lead the world in oheag bar fixtures; eur vwvum. i iw.wa' Balks. Coliender. 407 B. IQUi St. .til f Will feet of Cottonwood lumber and U,UW 600,000 bilck for sale. Corneer Bros., 24th and Dorcaa Sta. TWO DOUBLE heating hard coal base burners; law aixe, wllta pipes, etc., 1913 1st. Mary's avenue. SAFES Overstocked with second-hana safes, all sises ana maxest Dargaina Asa&r- can fcuppiy vo., uu aruaw itu Electric Power Attaciixnenta. FOR HAND ELEVATORS. LeBron Electrical Worka, HI S. It D-2171 FLAGS FOR THE FOURTH. Ask for Estimates on Awnings. QPfYIT TENT 4 AWNING CO. 0J A A tU-m So. 13th St.. Doug. $38. HALL'S safna. new. Id-band. 1818 Farnam, WB HAVE on hasd a number ot Ink barrels wnioa we win sen ror ou eents eaaA. Tbey are una ror rain water or aanta Call at presa room, tee ruuuaning CO. FOR SALE At a eV-rgaln, a No. ( Premo camera In first claaa condition. TeL Harney 1PF. HOY ,x7 feet' "uHable for butcher J.VA AJCV lr srrocer. 'Phnnn 1 m, Mnnoara I'roauce to., ib b. utn ou Filters Missouri Filter Co.. 1310 Howard. ONE second-hand 25 H. P. enrlne and one ralrbanks Duplex pump. telephone Douglas 806. ONE MODERN rubber type card Index! Aaaresaograpn machine in first ola.s con dition every way. Reasons for selling, owner purchased metal plate and plate muiter. inquire uee rsiag. BUFFALO robe for sale. In flrst-clasa condition, worth $125; price, $75. J. B. Skaflan, Malvern, la. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 806-8 Brandels Theater Bldg. DR. B. 8. Theater Bldg. PETERSON, 616, Brandels Dr. Kathryn Nikolas. 608 N. Y. Life Bldg. i DR.JOHT DE FOX, osteopath. 320 Bran dels theater. PATENTS HIRAM A. STURGE8, registered patent attorney. U, 8. end foreign patenta se cured. 619 N. X. Life Bldg. Act u. SMU. t. O. BARN ELI Paxton Blk. Tat Red Till. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner m u. s. pat, offiee. 6w aton biic. r 11 PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment stomach trouble. Dr. Margarita Hallorao. W Neville Blk. D. 7701. HINDOO strengthen. TABLETS will build. 60c BELL DRUG CO. brace. SaritfTiPQ from oomblngs, $160. Mrs. owuciiea Mathewa Q4 Nevtue Bit t. no. young WOMEN comma to Omaha as Woman's Chriauan aasocutuoa buuoing allied. IXOXI fUv.ntMnUi Kt anil KL U i, r V ' s Ave., where I ' they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for out travelers am at ine union station. MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow anu iuttVBit;v. aouo iuus, ot., vyyu postofflce, 4d floor. Tel. Doug. 7686, .. DR. RITTENHOUSE RHEUMATISM, CONSTIPATION, PARALYSIS, LUMBAGO. " All Chronlo Disease. $06 Boston Store, UO 8. 16th. - STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2616 Davenport WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing I machines, ind. A-lii3, Doug low, NEBRASKA CilLtl CUfdPANlf, 15th and Harney fc.t. . MA88ACK AND BATlIs" Room. 808 OU' Boston Sture Bldg.. 4th I floor, elevator tJtfance. 130 a. 16th 8t EXPERT (hii..M ptckcr; wedding present a specialty. uu tavaport lax. u-niM. QVUl'WmOS Huober good by mall; cut bXitlXSUO DrU-as. Send tor free catalogua Myers-DUloo Drug Co Omaha PRIVATE HOMia during conflnsraent; saDies tor ouywuui woo nauiritaa oaoi torlum. 740 1st Ava. JniiaoiI Bluffa la. PRIVATE confinement horre Mrs. Dr. 13alN-nu a Fnt"" wsbater 3658. t&Z?&VgVri& We collect repair and 'M at 1M N. Uta 6t., for cost ox oouecttoa, t ue wormy -poor. Call 'pnoue Douglaa 4U auu waguut win can. SUITS that sold. for $30. at $16. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. OMAHA Ktamroercrs Ina. Ramge Bldg. MISS LORETTA MORAN, Maaaaglng, manicuring, chiropody, seals treatment, .balr goods; Sundaya -10 to i p. in. aueeviue sia- iu Doug. ui. DIVORCES OBTAINED without noise or delay; 26 years' practice, w. a. Connolly, 620 Bee iJUiioing jrnone voug. woe. MRS. EGGElur private confinement home. 1616 Martha fit. Omaha, Men. Pnone Douglas 63W MAuNllU treatment Mma Smith, an a. mo. i aire noor. TTTTfj Q and toupee for men. v lUu ij mB- M rRONZJoa Ortfflth, BLOCK, JOSIB WASHBURN'S book. "The Under. world Sewer." at all book stores; price 8161 BRIGHT BABY girl for adopt TeL Web. 8bb. MAGNETIC rK E. Brott 831$ IN. Health lu every glass Alaraito Lactone. FILES cured without operation or Dr. Maxwell. 834 Bee Bldg. D. 1424. .BEDBUGS. ROACHES and WATER buga destroyed at once by the great disin fectant and germicide of the age, KNXAL. The druggist know. POULTRY Screenings. $1.11 per 100, Wagner, (0i N 16 SILKO CLUCK FOOD ta the best In the market for young chlrk - ene. Made from pure grant. A. W. WAGNEK. IWI-lt NORTH SIXTEENTH BTREKT. Phenee roilas 1141 IndrndentA-4Sa PRINTING LEW W. liABEIl, Printer, KNB ON BEE BUILDING $1 YEAH3 IN BUS1NESH IN OMAHA. WE DO ALL KINDS OF PRINTING. R1E8-HALL Pig. Co. lu ft 14th. Ind. Atelt, Miller 4V Jamleson. -ill Douc. Uola pbooea SUITS that sold tor $30, at $16. VOLL.Mh.lt'8, 107 So. ltith. 'PHONE IND. A-KSO for sood prmtlna Lyugelad Printing Co., 16th Capitol Ava PRINTERS, notice. About 600 pounds eleven point old style, almost as good as new; any reasonable otter auceptea; win sell any part or a II. Address 8 61 Ree. REAL ESTATE REAL BIT ATH UKALIEItB. Rtltn ABSTRACT CO.. F.st. IH rroiriDt aervlee; got our prloea 808 Brandels theater. BENJAMIN R. &. CO., 4T7 Brandels Bldg REAL ESTATB TITLE-TRUST OU un arnam. urouna loor. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co.. 408 Bea tCeatern Colorado lands, wholesale Prloea Weatera Realty Co.. 84a- Paxton Bldg. REMINOTON-LUNDBERG REALTY CO, Tel. D 1271. 643 Kamge Ming, mw nouaes. ABITHACTI Or TITLB. 8. M. 8ADLER SON, 80$ 8. 18th St GUARANTEE Abatrsrt Co.. 1623 Farnam. FETER JESSEN, JR.. Tel. Douglas $39$. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALK Lots, Easy Terms We have two fine south front lots, V block to car, near school, having water, sewer, gas, permanent sidewalk. In good neighborhood. Price $600 each. Terms, $60 cash, balance $10 a month. WALSH BENSON & MYERS CO., Sola Agents. 42 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doug. 74. NOT AN OLD ONE New square style, full-alied basement, hot and cold water there, combination fltiir fnur mnms Anwn an4 four rnnma up. Attlo Is floored and you could finish a room. Screens, shades and decorations, High ground. North of Bemle park. Meet us there. Take Harney line to door. 1519 NORTH 38. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-03-04 JT. T. Life. Doug. 3152. Evenings. Harney 6134. Monarch Land & Loan Co. ... 523 . Bee Bldg. . INVESTMENT PAYS SIXTEEN PER CENT $15,000 Close in city property, fully improved and in first class n1i firm 4i7 (Vlrt winrtofn era ".V". "O" I TriiB will renflv careful mvesti- gation. Has not been , offered for sale before. (129) IMPROVED $1,600 Waw fnnr.roftm Vinnso lpf. ..... . , . tno light, cement cellar, all in ennn condition: lot 120x126 $2,800 New five-room brick cottage, cement cellar and sidewalk, extra large rooms, all modern (except heat), a very pretty and attractive house. Terms. (124) $150 Cash New 7-room house, l-story, good v.i i chicken yard, electrlo light, high sightly. Balance $26 per month. and $350 Cash B-room. modern except heat, near 32d and Cuming Sta. Balance $20 per month. $300 Cash 5-room, nearly new. In Crelghton's 1st addition. on S. 84th Et Balance $20 per month. $600 Cash 6-room. corner Uth and Castellar Sts.. modern axcent heat. Balance monthly. Western Real Estate Company 411 Karbach Block. REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE. $100 CASH. $15 PER MONTH Five-room bouse near N. 24th street car. Price $1,260. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 658 New York Life Building. Phone Red 1898. Omaha, Neb. NEW DUNDEE HOME. Very fine, lust completed, thoroughly modern, oak finish, 6 nice rooms, living room 36x11, pleaaant dining room with win dow seat, pantry between kitcnen and din Ing room, front and back stairway,- three nice bed rooms and bath on second floor. stairway to large attic, screens, full cement basement furnace neat, cement walks, nne combination fixtures, near car and school. on fine lot everything first-class Price. $3,650: $3u0 cash, balance monthly Anyone looking for a home should see this, as I am anxious to sell and am making a bargain pries, win take gooa lot as part pay. 'Phone Owner, Harney 6319 for more Information. . ACrtr, rt. utn Bt., unincumuereo, line view, fenced, good neighborhood, 126 fruit trees, $500. owner, Telephones Harney 6304, A-3468. WB HAVE $5,000 CASH. We want to buy choice Inoome paying Property. Will put In some clear property in addition or assume a reasonable amount NOWATA LAND 4k LOT CO., CM N. Y. Ufe Bldg. 'Phone Red ISO. READ PONDER ACT. 6-room strietly modern In every detail within walking dlatanee, close to high school Price only M.ouo. gauu to 8300 cash balance practically same as rent; located 408 N. 87th Ave., near central boulevard. 6-room. lust being completed, modern, fur nace heat 83.66U; small payment down; bal ano same as rent vs ratnea Ave. 3 vacant lots, south front. Soth Ave. and Fort Bt. 4jo each. Big Bargain. 61 feet eaat iront on ft, Z4tn St. near Spencer, all specials raid ll.wo. snap. rjrjssi-i;An.LBE.Kii tu., 810-313 Brandels Theater Bid;. REAL FSTATE CITY rROrLHTV FOR BALK. IContlniKdjI ' WE MUST SELL our new cottage, Just completed Strictly modern, nicely sire lined. Health has failed and must go to hlKher a'tltude. Full sise ot on ravid street Hand Ut car and school. Place l worth $3,000, but will sell for much le. If .taken Soon. Terma to suit. f-l. care Ilee. WEST FAIWJAM.'SMAP 8-room. modettvi 11 minutes' walk to lth and Karn.Mii. Vt.JtO; eauy terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., tiCe New Vnrk Ufe Irtilldlng. Red 19. 1 e-ROtM. 1-slnry house: for rrloe anl Mini see 1514 Madison Ave.) Webster l'l, $30 CASH, $16 PTtll MONTH. $-room hotiRtv lot 60x13a " "' NOWATA LAND LOT CO. 414 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. Phone Red 1W& 8UIT8 that sold for W, at $16. VOLLMKH'S, 107 So. luth. New Dundee Home Very fine, lust completed, thornuahlt modern, oak finish, 6 nice, rooms, living room 2Xx11. Dleasant dlnina room with win dow sea4, pantry between' kitchen and din ing room, front and back etotrway, three nice bed rooms and bath on second floor, atalrway to large attic., srreens, full cement basement, furnaop hrat, cenmt walks, fine combination ftxur4, near car and school, on fine lot. 60i36; everything first-class. Price. $J.H60; $300 cash, balance monthly. Anyone looking for a home should see this, as i am anxious to eeit ann am making a bargain price. Will take good lot as part pay. Phone Owner, Harney 6210 for mori Information. ' MODERN COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS 3198 LARIM0RE AVE. 5-room cottage, strictly Irtod ern, new; $200 down; balance like rent; only $2,700; Imme diate possession,; owntr, pilxht consider vacant lot as part payment , . R. H." LANDERYOU, 442 Board of Trade. DougUs, 3151. A 215L . SNAP $2,9 75 SNAP Brand new, alx-room, all modern housa beautifully finished, herd wood floors, first-class plumbing and heating, nice aouth front lot, one-half block to far. Easy terms. This is your opportunity. Don't de lay. -. WALSH BENSON & MYERS CO., Sole Agents. m Y. Life Bldg.. . Phone Doug Ta Choice lots" in -different parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cents per week. W. J. DERMONDY INVEST MENT CO., Tel. D. 786. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. $1,000 PAYS $14 PER MONTH. 6-room house, never vacant; pretty rood Income on the monev. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life1 Bldg. Phone Red 1999. COTTAGE SNAP B-room cottacai. located strictly modern except heat. Price 81.ta TOur own terma. Would consider vacant lot as part payment, Worth InveaUgating.J 321 Neville Blk. ' Both Phone. FINANCIAL REVERSES makes it necessary that I'iell my new home. Has all modern up-to-date features V'f' k floor And wood work. Lot 60x150 on paved street, east front. Fine residential district. Coat, $6,000. If sold Wl.rrn'ak'eVr.' T MA. '. WRAY ft STEVENS. 610 Bee Bldg. 8 ROOM 8 FULL LOTS 100x130 feet of around: fruit and shade trees; large grape arbor' lots of shrubery; large chicken house near car. Price $2,750: small cash nav. ment, balance monthly. -NOWATA LAND AND LOT rn 658. N. Y, Life Bldg. Red 1999. SIX rooms, atrlctlv mmtara n..- ... Benaon; eaat front high and aluhtly; easy terma Owner, phone Benaon 681. REAL ESTATE, stock, natenf. nt all in scription. F. R. Silts, room 3. 1808 Har ney St, Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAQ rOR SALS ' Canada, , t , t '. ' FOR QUICK 8ALE. ' One full section In fa Itl fill A. Ikfl 1 at 4 country In 6aslt, Canada, where orop fail ures are unknown. ., Within ope mile ol school house. Will divide. : No trade oon aidered. Address ...... JAMES W. MARTIN, Owner, Jollet III Caloreut. FOR SALE OR TRADE Am leaving Colorado and will trade first class . eastern Colo rado unimproved lauds for un incumbered property in eastern .Nebraska or ' western Iowa. Might take a 'going mercantile business. Can suit my acreage to your wants. Give particulars in first letter. Dr, D. B.McMahan, 306 First National Bank Bldg., Tel., Tyler 1070. COLORADO LAND Verr fine 160 acres Irrlr, tA an4 . . Denver; good soil and directly on railroad and motor line, surrounded by Improved farms of 6 and 10-acre fruit and gnrdua tracts. All plowed -and ready for waror. Have $10,009 equity, which might exchang4 "" incoiire property r mercnandlsa Mortgage, long time and easy pnymenta. Addreea owner. 11. H . 2uti llnimii n all Douglasa 1109. 8V ACKUe) uH LESS OF Tills OHiMPgat $ miles northwest from Denver on C 8. R. M. to Boulder i choice fw.,t.. landt 6 minutes from Spencer station or school, hourly lnterurban to Denver an$ eortoern towns; plenty Irrigating water. 1-rooua house, stables, grauarlea. eto.. 3 wells (beat mineral water in Colorado), orchard, grove, large bede trees around bouaa. Apply oa premises to C. . eVsinoar. owner, or P. O. boa 657, Denver. A COLORADO LAND 8ACRIFICB. 640 acres foe $8 OOu-43.000 down, balanoe) $ years' time, equal payments; comprising the old home place ot the Spare ranch- fine rolling and second bottom land value of lands surrounding is $30 4o $40 per acre this land should sell for more money be price Is for immediate sale write for blag and description. HAIGLER REALTY COMPANY, Colorade Springs. Colo. COLCUtADO. Wyoming. Nebraska and Kansag I,ind for sale, $26 per acre trays from owner a treat of level, unimproved land In irrigation) district In the San Luis valley. Win arrange to ehow at any time, Bee us for full particulars. WM. sUPPLE. 40$ ComoMMwealtsi Bldg., Penver, Cole. ;