Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Detective Catches Boyt Charged with
Wholesale Vandalism.
I'oit snaths Are Foand to Have Sys
tematical!; Stripped It est I nit
Place of Head and "old
Frame to Florist.
Robbing gravel of flowers and flower
frames la tha goullsh vandalism charged
against four boyi alio were arrested Satur
day morning. Information lias been found
that the youths dismantled tha last rest
ing place of the late William Krug, and
4hat several other graves In Prospect Mill
cemetery likewise have been robbed.
Nathan Norton and John Norton of
Tweniy-slth and Lake streets, Loyd Allen
and WliiKlow Allen of Thirtieth and Lind
say streets are the boys who were arrested
by Detective Dunn. It Is stated that the
boys stole a great number of the standards
and sold four of them Friday to Charles
Ederer, a florist at Thirtieth and Bristol
streets. These frames were taken from the
grave of William Krug.
Not First Offense.
Mrs. Kderer said Saturday that from time
to time they had purchased th frames
from these boys, and that they were told
by the lads the frames came from the
dumping yard of the Forest Lawn cemetery,
where they were thrown out and destroyed.
When it was found that the graves In
Prospect Hill had been robbed, tha local
authorities began work on the case, with
the result that the four boys were arrested
Saturday, and have been turned over to
. Juvenile court charged with larceny. When
making the aale Friday the boys told Mr.
Kderer that they had more frames which
they had found and Intended to sell, but
that Chey had been stolen from them. It Is
Supposed that .the boys are responsible for
the other frames that are missing from
tho ccmotery. It was sa:d by the police
that the' damage. If It could be estimated
at all, would amount to $1,000.
Bandle's Office
Shows Big Gain
Office of Register of Deeds Shows an
Increase in Instruments
The semi-annual report of Frank W.
Bandle, register of deeds of Douglas
county, shows an Increase In receipts over
the first six months of H0 of $fll.30. The
Increase In expenditures Is $496.40. Follow
ing are the figures:
11110. 1909
Receipts $11,125.45 $10,512.15
Expenditures 6.604.98 ,10s.6S
Surplus $ 4.523.47 $ 4,403.67
Instruments Filed 1910. 9.075; 1909. 8,457.
Closes Vis Door Saturday to Cabrh
Up on Some of the Back
Taxpayers who waited until the last min
ute to walk up to the captain's office found
the treasurer's office closed Saturday morn
ing. A sign on the door told them the office
would be closed all day and continue closed
until Tuesday morning.
The rush to pay taxes the last few days
baa been so great It was found necessary
to close the office to get the work of the
treasurer's office cleared up in good shape.
During the rush the treasurer has not
asked for extra help and the commissioners
' bave not tendered any.
Tbe penalty on personal taxes began to
run with the close of June and many who
came late were inclined to give vent to
soma warm language.
Left on Boulevard by tho Joy Riders
Who Made Oft with It Friday
Tha automobile of Attorney Arthur Eng-
Ush, which was stolen from in front of
the H. C. Brome residence, tXl Harney
street. Friday night was recovered Sat
urday morning uninjured on ths boulevard
neuV there. It Is believed by the police
that a band of scapegrace youths borrowed
the machine and took a Joy ride.
Several clews have been received as to
the probable Identity of the guilty boys,
and it Is expected arrests will be made to
Deadly Frlaht
possenses sufferers from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them, 60o and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Ringllno- Brothers' Clron Surpasses
Its Past Brilliant Records.
In novelty, costliness and brilliancy th
parade which the Rlngling Brothers are
presenting this season is a marvel of
achievement It far surpasses their past
records. There are three miles of It. In
very mile more strange sights are dis
closed than are possessed by any other
circus that ever toured America, r
When it U seen in the streets of Omaha
on Tuesday, July IS, it will afford specta
tors more real enjoyment than ever they
had In the past on circus day. Th four
million people of New York City are sing
lng the praises ot th Rlngling Brothers.
They have not recovered from the amuse
mant occasioned by the brilliant Madison
Square Garden engagement.
When all the canvas of the show Is up
fourteen acres of frromil are covered. Be
sides th several exhibition tents, theie are
rows of dressing rooms, streets of shops,
a post office, hospital, hotel, library, lauJry
and dynamo plant where power is gener
a ted for (.000 electrlo lamps, beacons and
searchlights. The show carries Its own
doctors, lawyers, dentists and detectives.
' The management maintains business offi
ces ln New York City and Chicago, winter
quarters In Baraboo. Wis., foreign work
shops at Stoke-on-Trent, England, and
agencies tn London, Liverpool, Paris, Ham
burg, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Melbourne.
Constantinople, Vienna, Calcutta, Hong
Kor.g, Buenos Ay re and Cap Town,
This aeason it has 875 performers. Over
300 of these are making thslr first tour ot
America. ' .
There are fifty sensational acts on th
program. Any on of them would carry a
show to distinction. Th Pchuman per
forming horses, from th Circus Sohuman
ot Germany, are worth their weight In gold.
Th S.xon brothers are th three most re
tnarkabl men tn th world In point of
strength and nc)uranc. Other noted fea
ture ax Rob led I Ho, th Mexican wlssrd
of th wir; th Lorcn family of acrobats
from Oermany.
Th morning parade is a model of perfec
tion. It U th longest and most costly over
Tb K.y to th. SituaUon-Be Want Ad.
0 rK'Uk
Joseph C. Sparks, the newly elected pr'n-
clpaf of the Chadron Normal school, which
Is now under course of construction, Is a
HoosleC. He came to Nebraska from In-
dlana twenty-one years ago and located
at Central City and secured work In a
bank, afterwards graduating from the Ne-
braska Central college. He then began
teaching school and has been at It ever
since except during the last five years
which time he has been employed in the
office of the state suprlntendent as the
head of the certification department. He
has taught at Oreeley, Orleans, Falrmount
and Aurora, resigning the school at the
last named place arter rive years in oroer
to take his present position.
Mr. .Sparks was selected by Jasper L.
MoBrlen, then state superintendent, for the
head Of the department Of certification, be-I
cause or ms tnorougnness, nis aouuy to
dig and eep on digging and because of
nis interest in a nigner sunoara lor xne
normal scnoois ana lor mo learners.
in my opinion, no ouier man in uie
At rni' 1 1 hi Anna th work as wI1." I
state couia nave aone tne worn as wen, i
said Mr. McUrlan, recently. I had an op- I
portunity to give Mr. Sparks a place which
paid more and as I offered his place to
another who was receiving less money
than Sparks. The offer was declined. The
Instructor said 'I could not begin to do
the work Sparks Is doing. I would rather
be where I am for less money than to
attainpt It,
During the last campaign Mr Sparks
. W r Wl.hrv rft l th .un,. I
T...: " K '
office, was a candidate.
Mr. Spc.rks not only enjoys the friend
ship and confidence of a large number of
teachers In Nebraska, but of others as
well, one of his strongest endorsers for
the head of the Chadron school being At
torney General Thompson, who was his
neighbor In Central City for years. "The
board made no mistake," said the attorney
general. "Mr. Sparks Is so well equipped
for the place as any man In the state.
He will make a splendid principal." Mr.
Sparks has Just completed some post grad
uate work at tha state university and is
now ready for his master's degree.
Merchant Policeman Killed hy Vn-
known Man Who Resisted
LEAVENWORTH. Kan., July 2.-m-
brose Donahue, a merchant policeman of
this -city, was shot and killed by an un
- I
known man who resisted arrest early to
Dons hue and two railroad watchmen
heard a shot in the railroad yards, and
upon Investigation, found a man In a box
car. They ordered him to come out and
submit to arrest. Instantly the man fired
on the men outside, killing Donahue.
Th murderer continued to shoot as he
Jumped from the car and escaped across
a bridge Into Missouri. His pursuers shot
at mra several times.
This Is Said to Be One of the Finest
l lrnpa Tpav11n I .
The sreat Sells-FWn .h. '
to Omaha on July S5 for two perform-
anoes. and for the first time ln the his-
tory of big tented attractions the pric
oi aanussion Will be out In half.
In explaining this deoarture Artr,,.-
Bennett, who I. representing the proprl-
tors said
- . v
7 .
I ' ' V
; tf - ;
r" 'la ' 1
V i
"Now; don't misunderstand this off,L..K ..,ii i, L
of ours. We make it without eoulvo.
cation or reservat.on. For 25 cents our
ivi vtia Kin esriLii ifn in tna Ca
patrons are entitled to see the Sells-
Floto show In Its entirety. This in
cludes our famous menagerie.
"For th nominal price of admission
you can also see the entire performance.
the greatest ever given by the greatest
Independent show on the face of the
clobc tha irmnii, ilru,,. k . . .
bareback an., .h. ....n' " 1""""
Soader Johnson. h. v.n 7 Z.'.
an arm of "lov rtl... -v, '
i,...... . v. .' ..
ce abratai I N.taonV n th. DZ Z T n
ce.ebrated Nelson, in th. one star of all
star circus acts; the contortionists, trained
elephants, th Roman chariot races th.
troupat of .Im tt..plM and a host
of other attractions tor ctnt
.iveryon. who keeps In touch with th.
amusement world I. familiar with the
circumstance, which led up to the circus
" Rooa, om
.v.-.-w.,.. v .u,auWlt,. v are or
. nu i nir. is plenty oil
room for everybody territory enough for
us and sufficient left over for our rivals,
but they can't seem to think so. Th.
proprietor, of ...e Sell.-Floto show mak
their own .ong. anu .lng them. They
bav. aiway. refused to be dictated t
or be coerced In any way. They have no
quarroi wivn anyone in the same line of
business and are quite willing that they
should conduct their own affair, in their
own way, reserving these same right
Conrtlaad Benb's Fourth.
Courtland Peach has many attractions
asldo from the regular features of bathing,
boating and fishing. Th Haas brothers,
comedy bar experts, ar. booked for the
entire week, giving their first series of
performances on Sunday, July 3.
On the evening of July 4 there will be
a display of 13,000 worth of firework..
Th n.w tf.SOO skating rink Is now open
and there I. a fie moving pictur. show
very evening.
lew Cabinet for Itcnnaark.
COPENHAGEN. July t.-The king has
requested Klaus Rernsten, minister of the
Interior In the cabinet which resigned yes
terday because of the defeat of the gov
ernment In th recent lections, t3 fornj a
new cabinet, ...
Have Boot Irlnt XV
Slectrlo Vans Borgsss-Orandea Co.
est Dry CUenlag of garments. Twin
City Dys Works. 407 South Fifteenth.
Tor Wags Zaruers the monthly repay
ment plana of .home loans Is Surest j
cheapest, quickest. Nebraska Savings and
Loan association, 10H Hoard of Trade
Vaxtoa lavsntory riled The Inventory
of the estate of the late William A. Paxlon,
Jr., has been filed with the county clerk.
It shows the total value" of real and per
sonal property to be $425, 82S, with liabilities
amounting to $35,016.
County Clerk's Office Op a Monday
The office of the county clerk will remain
open on Monday, July 4, until noon to pro
vide for old soldiers who desire to apply
for their pensions. No other business, will
be taken In and the office will close at 12
rickard Baa Another Attack Follow
ing an operation a ahort time ago for ap
pendicitis,. O. W. Pickard Is suffering from
an attack of heart disease thought to have
been brought oh by the operation. Ills con
dition Is not considered dangerous, but he
Is exceedingly weak.
Thief Qets a Diamond While ths fam
ily of J. E. Buckly. 4004 Charles street, was
eating dinner Friday evening, a thief n-
tered the house and stole a one-carat dia
mond valued at $160. The report was ma le
to the police Saturday and steps were
taken to apprehend the thief.
Ballsy arts Two and a Ball William
Bailey, colored, pleaded guilty. Saturday
morning to a charge of assault with Intent
to kill and was sentenced by Judge Estelle
to two and a half years In the Nebraska
penitentiary. H- was charged with having
shot at Artnur &tanaisn witn a w-cauoer
Check Passer Bsntsnoed C. Robinson,
,who was arrested Friday for passing
worthless checks upon a number of Omaha
merchants, was given thirty days In the
county JaU by Judge Crawford In police
court Saturday mornnlng. The game Rob-
inson and his pal, . Smith. Who Is as yet
at large, worked Jn this city Is considered
by the local detectives to be as smooth a
bunco as has been attempted for. some
r ths DlToroe Court Jennie Blckford
ha. Btartd BUit for divorce from Samuel
, KicUrord rter . married life of thirty-
. ur vear. Sne charses failure to suDnort
r,n,ivl a RiibsbII hin V.omin suit tnr Ai. I
vorca from Mary E. Russell, charging her
wlth n,iBCOnduct. John F. Mohlman asks a
diVorce from Maria Wllhelmlna Mohlman
on thB Bround that she took their small son
and let nlnj( golng to Germany. Mabel H.
. . - j t . t i m n .
Button asks
divorce from Louis T. But-
Woman Assigns VezdloV Ida Rocka-
feller, who was given a verdict Saturday I
morning for $974.60 In district court, must
have had a "hunch" that things were
coming her way. Several hours before the
Jury brought In its verdict the plaintiff filed
an assignment of Judgment in favor of a
rtartv havtnff a ludirment a&rainst her. Th I
derendanU were u B. Scott. A. H. Rosen-
baum and Warren, 8. Frank. Ida Rockafel-
1ai fharvari that In evchlLnrA for fl. Mtnnlr nf i
" ... ....
millinery she had received from L. B. Soott
et al. a tract or lana aoceptaoie in every
respect except that It lay beneath the Mis
souri river.
Kay Parol Hall. James Hall, con
victed by a Jury In district court on a
charge of manslaughter, may be released
? Pari. JL V"
appeared before Judge Estelle Saturday
morning and requested that the prisoner be
paroled for tbe reasons that he has a 4-
year-old child to take care of and that.
aside from the unfortunate olrcumstances
said to have been the cause of his wife's
death, he hus not been a bad man. Judge
Estelle took the case under consideration.
He Intimates that there Is a possibility of
the verdict of the Jury being set aside on
the ground of Insufficient evidence against
the accused.
i e. i- nA.
UJ B a J MBBv sirs " vrvna wwvat m M
American Medical Col
leges. The death in England of Dr. Ellsabth
Blackwoll Is a reminder of th progress
mad by women ln a profession into
which they had literally to force their
When Miss Blackwell applied for per
mission to attend medical lectures In
Philadelphia in 1847 four colleges refused
to admit her. The larger medical schools
of New York closed their doors against
her, and It was only at Geneva, N. T.,
that she was finally able to secure a medi
cal education. When she began to prac
tice ln New Tork she was virtually
I ,r. .fft,.i ,.
either lodgings or office rooms.
What a halt century has done to change
thes conditions is indicated by the ban-
I . nn,,r.hin. ....l.i.
. Mh. n.. Tn.v ww.
Cal college, held In this city at almost th
I " ' . . . . ...
I mnmn nf thill nlnnftr nv(i niaH nh Valnla n
1 1' ,
trance ,nto the profession has been greatly
. ... . . . . i
facilitated, w nere in j,v tner were tn
women puyBii;ii utgvuim in nm
United States, the . number tnoreased to
1,432 in 1880, 4,667 In 1890 and 7,387 In 1900.
It must now b largely in excess of
Women physicians have shown their
capacity ln all fields of medical practice.
not only in obstetrics and gynaecology.
but as general practitioners and spe-
I claiists. as ambulance and railroad sur-
eon. and a. house physician, in hos-
e""" J ' , ,
PltalB- Tne ola ocl1 Prejuaioe against
them haa died out; they are largely rep-
resented ln th. membership of m.dlcal as-
wclaOon. and ar. now found In th. van
of public movement. In which women take
rr .....
But has th. ancl.nt professional pre-
u"-' --- .--
pos w f". .iioumi
I qualifications for th profession, and th
caustic criticism by Prof, von Bergmann
of Borlln to th. same effect will ba r.-
called. Yet it women doctor, ar. not a
success, how account for their present
Lumur.?-N.w York World. .
8, .'City o, Peoria- for 4n.y
3 Md a on tho Old Missouri.
. Tk .v.! Ik." IT,. :
17?' 1 1. .,, . ,v tTi,i k..
..i.i ,rfrmano.a on both trios mad.
by the steamer on Sunday. July t, and
Monda July 4.
Ther.'will b. .pedal music on board for
dancing and fireworks ln th. evening.
T.,.......r win mat two trio, to Flor-
.. . . .. ...
ence and return eacn nay, leaving me toot
of Douglas street at J.30 p. ra. and 8:30 p. m.
Educational Adraataae Applied.
W sent our oldest gal to a seminary."
And she spends most of her spar time A, a matter of fact, the temperatur chart
reclln' our grammar. Our second gall. . .. . ... ... ,
went to a oookln' achool."
nd she keeps herself busy tellln" her
mother an' me how w ought not to at."
Cleveland Plain Dealer. I
Seldom that It can be stated that a man
passed away at the age of 61 years whose
birthplace was on Nebraska Boll. Yet that
a true of John Jenkins, whose funeral was
held at his home near Stella last April and
whose burial was In the Nebraska soil lie
loved so dearly, In the Stella cemetery.
John Jenkins was born In Richardson
county In 18M and his birthplace was In
little log cabin" neav "the present site of
Verdon. Mr. Jen Kins was of a family of
six boys, three of whom died at an early
age. One brother resides at Chester, Neb.,
and the other at Loulsburg, Kan. The
mother died at an early age, which left the
little boys soon to develop a wonderful In
dependence of their own.
At the axe of 21 Mr. Jenkins was married
to Miss Melissa Barter of Missouri. After
ruMIni flv. vanr rur VWIin fhn rvwmU
moved to the farm northwest of Stella and
occupied It until his death, developing this
farm from almost a barren desert, until
it in nnu n nmrlol farm in tvprv rojn.t
During the last twenty-five years Mr. Jen
I. . ... . ....
kins was a victim of stomach trouble and
only able to supervise the farm work, yet
so wisely did ho plan that his family Is
abundantly provided for. He frequently
made the statement that he never expected
to grow wealthy, but he doslred that his
children should be taught to be useful men
and women and that they should have good
educations. One son, John F. Jenkins, is
nat,ui. n kgni, at nraimm a n n ,-.,
Gienn Jenkir Is principal of the school at
Central City, Neb. Eight children and the
i i rri i nm- nRM.i.A.
WHO SUlVIVe. XllC TV y..l,.
at the home by Rev. Shlrck of the Luth
eran church of Stella.
Pair Hare Been Married (or Sixty-
Nine Years and Are Still
James and Mary Maxwell Vt Caledonia,
N. Y., have passed the place where their
marriage seems matter-of-fact. Indeed,
now that they are in the seventieth year of
their wedded life their love of seventy
years seem to them as wonderful as It did
at first. To us dt m!& it is marvelous.
One . woman on man for sixty-nine
They sit together In the parlor, side by
side, and tell about it.
Her eyes are bright and blue, her hair
Is white. His -eyes are dark and a little
heavy, and his hair Is still well sprinkled
with black.. His tricks of facial expression
and speech are not' hers. She never did try
to be like a man. No suffragette business
for her. Tou make her frown by mention-
ln ,t;
He Is 94 years old; she is 90. They were
marrle1 APr11 lm
Tou remember when you proposed?" you
ask the man. He doesp't seem old; he
drives to town alone, every day.
"No," he says mischievously.
"Father!" comes chldlngly from her, as
she looks at the company, with smlle-
oovered face. "He does remember," she
explains. "It was in June, 1839 one even
ing at the fence."
King Edward was a baby then. Theo
dore Roosevelt had not been born. How
many million, have lived and loved and
weaaea ana norne emidren ana seen them
ra" '"V ana J"6" pafetl
'nto, tTernlty- the'r l"-work dona, since
I a -
le" Seventy Junes have followed, and yet
V XrltZ theJr ow" ,,ps
I of that star-bleflffed evening' and see them
I . v. . w
sitting befor you, std by side, smiling
w,th happiness because, so long ago. she
... Jf.
whispered it," aha explains, almost
What a potent whisper to cover seventy
years! Boston Transcript
Muety-Four Years Ago a Continuous
Frost and Mlahty tneoiu
fortnblo. .
Every now and then some on. discover,
that our winter and summer seasons are
not nat they used to be, that the ther-
mometer nowaday. 1. prone to capricious
that. a. the rustic poet sings.
Decernber comes in June.'
Those who deplore the passing of the
ol(Mtme ,ummer ihould ,ook up the recordl
of the year 1S16 and note what happened
tnen. lgl4 waa CBllea ..ths year wlthout a
summer." There was a frost ln every
month of the year. January and February
kt " ' " " " " " V , l.Z '
. th' .e"d i!', 5U2dant X
m' n,n4 Y.l , . a... I ........
r t" , ' " .1; ZZZSJ. T a
winter. In May the wondering buds and
young plants were nipped ere they were
aware; the corn crop was annihilated by an
Ice-sheet that formed to the thickness of
Tp ,n 7.w To and Massachuselt and
, P. . . r , ana Massachusetts, and
half an Inch. In June snow fell three Inches
My was disastrously completed. On the
6th of Julv ,C9 thick as window glass
w" common phenomenon in Pensylvanla,
n,dJn August there waa Ice half an inch
thick. Pennsylvania farmer, were com.
P6""1 t0 and 85 a bu.h.l for corn
Ttr that navl anrlnir rtlanttn v W ( n r a
for the next spring's planting. Winter
med to set in during the latter fortnight
I nf fifttifThr frnm that t(mi fnrwanl tr.
r - -- -
a now "er "m lacaing.
Many prrsons are quit reaoy lo ascriDe
. II. II..'- ... ....... M...m .k. .. t
,u , " wu " V u""
' o'aiic cona.wou.. ujr mm. my,
1310. was a much colder month than usual.
"om mrougn Memorial nay snows
an excess of 17 degrees aoove tne normal,
with a total nf KM decrees since tha bevin.
... ,
Tun .iP Till' r I V lV Hl'iT
IUrilS Ur 111b VAl Ur KtM
Dundee Presbyterians Dedicate
Church Sunday.
Hrenlna; .aherln t.lvrn I p Unrlna
Heated Term by Lara amber
of ('heretics I Ike
l .
Dedication of the new Presbyterian
church of Dundee takes place Sunday at
th church which has been built at th cor
ner of Fiftieth and Underwood avenue. Th
church Is a brick structure, lather better
looking than th ordinary, and cost a good
many thousand dollar, to erect. Th. pro
gram for the day Is this:
Morning service at 10:30.
Dedlcutory sermon preached by Prof. Jos
eph J. Lampe, Tt. D.
Afternoon service at t o'clock.
Fellowship meeting, at which a number
of the prominent minister, and laymen of
the city will speak.
Evening service at S o'clock.
Sermon by W. H. Kerns, D. O.
Special music at all these services.
July 10, Sunday school at 9:46 and preach
ing at 11. The sacrament of th Lord's
supper will be administered at the morning
At Immanuel Baptist church. Rev. J.
Scott Ebersole Just called to this charge,
win take up his work Sunday for the first
time. He will be heard at both morning
and evening services.
With the advent ot J'uly come announce
ment from a considarabl number of
churches that evening services will be dis
pensed with during this month. Another
announcement is to the effect "that all ser
vices will be made as brief as possible."
James B. Wootan, editorial writer for The
Bee, will be the speaker at the Young
Men's Christian association Sunday after
noon. His theme will be "Journalism and
Its Relation to Religious and Moral Prog
ress." This address is the fifth on of a
series under the general category of "Chris
tianity and Practical Living."
Grand View Bant 1st Sunilav Rhnnl
Fourth and Cedar, K. B. Elrod, Superin
tendentMeets at S:30 p. m.
Uerman. Twentv-ninth and PlVnv
Preaching by Pastor A. Jansen; services
ii a. m., ana cio p. m.; subjects, "Christ's
Mission," and "God's Power."
First There Will h. nr. .vonlnc ..ral
during July and August. Rev. J. W. Mer
rill of Nebraska Cltv will nrem h mt in-.Tn-
subject. "The Only Begotten Son."
Grace. Tenth and Arhor. H p. f.iim.n
Pastor Preaching at 10:48 a tn. and n n'
m. by the pastor; Sunday school at noon;
Young People's meeting at 7:80 p. m.; the
Lord's supper will be observed at close of
morning service.
Immanuel. Twentv-'fnnrth and PlnVn.
Rev. J. Scott Ebersole, the new pastor,
will begin his work Sunday morning and
will preach morning and evening. Special
niuo.u uy ine cnorus cnoir at Doth services;
Sunday school at noon.
First. Twenty-sixth and Marnrv. nv T
M. Kersey, Rector Preachins: at 10:ao ami
8; Bible school at 9:30; young people's meet
ing ai i.
Christian Science.
Second. Nineteenth .nrl Fa mam T.vd
Theater Sunday school at 9:45. Subject of
lesson sermon at 11, "God,"
First Twenty-fifth and Farnam. Cham.
bers' Building .Sunday school at 9:4D.
Morning services at 11; subject of leason
Kermon, "God." Evenlne- services dlxcmn.
Untied during July and August. ,
Saratoga, J. L. Fisher, Pastor Preaching
t 10:30 and 8. Morninic. "Christian Soldiar.
Ship;" evening, "Come Unto Me." R.v.
J. K. Dubois will preach both morning and
Plymouth. Twentieth arid Soencer. John
P. Clyde. Minister Morninic worahln at
10:30; theme, "Brotherhood in Modern Life."
Sunday school at noon. Christian Eudeavor
at 6:46. Evening worship, in charge of
North Side Christian church, at 8.
First. Corner Nineteenth and Davennort
Rev. Frederick T. House, pastor, will speak
at morning worship at 10:a0. Subject, "The
feaue oi uoa, tne Jreace of Nations and
the Peace of Soul" (Independence day sub
ject). Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at 7. No evening preaching serv
ice. Lutheran.
St. Mark's Englhili, Twentieth and Bur-
dette, L. Groh, Pastor "A Christian is a
Patriot" at 10:4u. "A Right Time and Place
for All Needed Things'' at 8. Sunday
school at noou. No young people's meet
ing. innity Lutheran, Nineteenth and Cas-
tellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor Services
at 4:lo p. m. ana at 8 p. m. Subjects, "A
vain Beuet ana a True worship."
Sunday school at 3 p. in., E. B. Cook.
Grace, 1322-26 South Twenty-sixth, M. L.
Mellck, Pastor "Weight and Gifts for
Everyone at 10:46. No service
during July and August. Sunday school
at 12:15. Luther league at 7. Prayer meet
ing and Luther league business meeting
Weanesuay nigni..
Kountxe Memorial. Twenty-sixth and
Farnam, Rev. John E. Hummon, Pastor
Services at 11. This service will be patriotic
in character ana tne suoject oi tne sermon
will be, "The Giants ln Our Land." The
music will be patriotic also, with special
number Dy a quartet anas Lancaster, so
prano; Mrs. MeMullen, contralto; Mr.
HnrtzoK. tenor, and Mr. Rowe, bass. Sun
day school session will be held at 10. Morn
ing services win continue uuring me sum
mer. The Young People's society and tne
evening service will be omitted during tne
summer months.
Oak Street Mission Bible school, 3009
South Twentieth street, Sunday at 3 p. m.,
adult and children's classes; midweek meet
ing Thursday at 8, topic, "Power."
Pearl Memorial Rev. Dr. I. S. Leavltt of
Dundee will preach next Sunday morning,
Not only Is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the
comfort and healthful condition Its use produces makes it of Ines
timable Talue to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves
the pain and discomfort caused hy the strain on the different liga
ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache and numbnens of
limbs, soothes the inflammation of .the breast glands, and ln every way aids ln pre
serving the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend Is a llnl
ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the different mus
cles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system for baby's coming without
danger to the mother. Mother's Friend
book for expectant mothers.
Enjoy th grandeur of snow-cspped mountain in rsiiui pieaaur uj
fertile vallsys th aud b.auty of nature s grandest and most
rugged scenery. A trip on the ' ... .
offers a vacation at small expense to th most talked of and Interesting
scenic spots ln the world. -,,. . ,
Here you wlil find a perfect revel of enjoyment no other place can offer
; such an opportunity lo kodak, hunt, ftsa. drive, sk.tob. climb, aotanls.
. Hotals ai under direct management of th railway company and glv.
un.uualed .ervlce. .. w
Low sjumm.r Tonrlsl Tare. XUy to all Worth
Saolflo Coast Cltle., Jnn I to ptamber SO. M
If desired, you may ua the Canadian Paclflu in on. direction and any
other railway In th oth.r . ...
Al A CVS and return from Vancouver,
cur vour steamer reservations before starting. Elteratur fr.
Tickets for sal by agents of
a n tiw n.naral Irnl.
"v- Jf'hn t ly.le, pastor of Plymouth
"rtnl church, in the evening.
Reward Street. Twenly-erond and
Seward, Frank A. IIIkIi, Pastor-Morning
at 10:SO; Sunday school at 11:4S: Kpwnrth
leagno at i p. m. 1 h.- pustor will preach.
No service In the
llHiinrnm Talk. Twenty-ninth and Wo.-I-wurth,
11 Sovt Hyde. l. 1., PaMor-Sun-duy
school at :.i; morning service at 11,
with sermon ly p.istor; no evening preach
ing service; Kpworth lexaue at 6:4i.
Walnut Mill, Forty-First and C'h.irles, 14.
K. Hoiinan. Pastor -.Morning at 10.3P. aer
moil by pastor, "The Great EmanciUntor;"
Sunday school at noon, Kpworth leHitue at
7 p. in., evening service at S, "The Boon of
Trinity, Blnney and Twenty-First, O. W.
Abbott. Pastor Morning, a short sermon,
followed by communion; morning subject,
"The Rice Not to the Swift;" evening,
"Something New." During hot weather
services In this church will be as brief as
can be made.
Hirst Met' orlul. Thirty-Fourth and I.nrl
niore, William J. HriciU, Pastor Class
meeting, Rev. T. W. Miller leader, at 10;
service by pastor at 11. subject, "An ideal
Community;" Sunday school at noon, Kv
worth league at 7, Miss Lura Olmstend,
leader; evening, t to 8;4R, by the pastor,
subject, "The True Wisdom."
Free Methodist. 1737 South Eleventh, Jo
seph L. Riley. Pastor Preaching Saturduy
evening by Presiding Elder Rev. E. E. Hut
field. Sunday services: Love feast at 10 W
a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by
Rnv. E. E. Hitfleld of Lincoln; adminis
tration of the Lord's supper after morning
Diets Memorial. Tenth, and Pierce, O. U.
Keyes, Pastor Sunday school at 1.46;
preaching at 11; topic, "A 1 v Events ln
hh Life of Christ;" Kpworth league at 7;
evening service at 8, preaching by Dr. Wil
liam Gorst, district superintendent; after
sermon, the Lord's supper; prayer meeting
Wednesday evening.
First, Kev. Frank L. Loveland, D. IX,
Pastor Morning at 11, themo, "America in
History and Prophecy," a sermon tor in
dependence day; evening at 8. theme of
sermon, "The Location of the Kingdom of
God.'' This will b. the last Sumlay the
pastor will preach before going upon his
summer vacation. Sunday school at 9.4u,
young people's meeting at 7.
McCabe, Fortieth and Farnam streets;
Rt-v. John Grant ShlcK, pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a. m., riupcrlntsndent diaries
E. Chase in charge. Preaching survico al
11 a in., theme: "The Puipose of Law."
The Kpworth Uagui service will not be
held at 7 p. in., but will be combined with
the preaching service at 8. This will be the
plan for several weeks. A leader, appointea
by the lraguu, will have charge of the
opening service and will announce a
speaker, who will give the mum address.
The theme for this week will be. "The
Christian's Citizenship," and the address
win c given by the pastor.
First, Seventeenth and Dodge, Edwin
hart JeukH, u. it.. Pastor Morning service
at 10: JO. Christian Enueavor at b.t. Sun
day school at noon.
North, Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Hlgbve.
D. D., Pastor Morning worship al W:o0
Communion at 4. Saboath school at noon.
Christian Endeavor at 5:j0. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at 8.
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth Sab
bath school at H.M. Puono worship auU
sermon by Rev. F. P. Ramsay, Pn. 1
Chlcugo, ill., at 10:15 a. m. ana p. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. ru.
Lowe Avenue Congregational, Fortieth
and Nicholas streets; Rev. Nathaniel Mc
Giffln, D. D., minister. Sunday school at
10, morning worship at 10. 6o, scmun to
Sunday school and communions; Christian
endeavor at 0:45. No evening service.
Clifton Hill, Rev. T. B. Greenlee, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:46; K. D. Johnston,
superintendent. Sermon subjvcl at 11 a.
in., "The Christians Heart-Hunger Satis
fled With an Unseen Feast." No evening
service. Week-night services V ednesday
ur 8 o'clock.
Caxtellar, Sixteenth and Castellar, Ralph
H. Houseman, Minister Public worahip at
10:3u; subject, "l he Key That Procures the
Highest Blessings;" second anniversary
sermon. Bible school at noon. Young
People's meeting at 7:10. At 8 p. m., "True
Watchwords ot National Life."
Benson. J. C. Wilson. Pastor Morning
topic, "The Rewards and the Process of
th. Perfect Life. Sacrament, baptism and
reception of members In connection Wita
morning service. Al 8 p. ni. 1. W. Car
penter of the Carpenter Paner comDanv
will speak on "Christian Principles Carried
into the Wholesale Trade." Tluu Sunday
evening series No. 4. Sunday school at 10.
Christian Endeavor at 7.
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
tun Mann, Minister Service at 10;45; ser
mon, "The Righteous Significance of July
Harford United Brethren, Nineteenth and
Lolhrop, M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor Morn
ing, 10:30, "Patriotism;" evening, 8 o'clock,
Peoples, 615 North Eighteenth, Rev.
Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Morning topic,
"Where Two of You Agree"; evening toplo,
"A Growing Faith."
Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R, T. Bell, D. D., Pastor-
Service, at iu:4U a. m. anu s p. m. sabbuth
school at noon. Young People's Society
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in.
Th. Omaha New Thought society meet.
at the Millard hotel, Thirteenth und Doug
las, at 8 p. m. Sunday, when an address
on "New Thought For New Beginners"
will be made by Mrs. Eliza Eautman.
Omaha New Thought Fellowship meeting
In Lyrlo theater Sunday at 8 p. m. Ser
vices conducted by Kuth B. Ridges, min
ister Minneapolis Fellowship. Topic, "The
Gospel ot Gladness." Special song ser
vices. First United Evangelical, 2420 Franklin,
Rev. P, H. Hlnes, Pastor Class meeting at
10.30 a. m.; sermon at 10:45 a. m., by Her
bert Hlnes of Iowa City, la.; Sunday school
at 12 noon; K. L. C. E. at 7 p. m.; sermon
by C. Ryder at 8 p. m.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints, 1818 North Twenty-first,
Elder J. H. Baker, Pastor, 3015 Franklin
Sunday school at 9:46; prayer and sacra
mental service at 11; young people's meet
ing at 6:30; Ladies' Aid Thursday; prayer
meeting Wednesday at 8.
Council Bluffs.
People's Congregational church, Thirty
fifth and Avenue B; Rev. C. S. Hanley,
pastor. Sabbath school at 10 a. in , preach
Inir at 11. subject: "The King's Business."
Communion service and opportunity for
haotlsm and reception of members Immed
lately following morning service. Christian
endeavor at 7 D. m.. Miss Myrtle Chambers,
leader. Short sermon with musical program
and personal experiences at 8.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
is sold at drug stores. Write for our free
990 by Canadian vaolii aieam.m. ns
all railwsys. .,... n
.3. Bonth Olark fjtraat. CHIIOAOO
Receipts Growing
at the Postoffice.
rostmaiter'i Statement Showi Eleven
Ter Cent Gain for Year nd Six
Per Cent for Month.
Receipts at the Omaha postoffic fr tha
month of June Just passed are reported to
have been I4.1ttf IS more than those of th
same month last year. The lncreas In
business from that flgur Is at th rat of
f per cent.
An Increase of 11 per cent for the receipts
of the year ending June 80, 1310, over tha
year Is Is reported. Following Is th
statement showing the Incress as given
by Postmaster Thomas Saturday morning:
Month of June, 1810 II,Sf 5!
Month of June. 1909 7l.b74.l
Increase, Tit cent
Year ending June SO, 1910..
Year ending June SO, 1..
Increase 11 per cent
....$ 4,1H3.13
.... ,.4.S4J 37
.... 8S8.712.18
.$ VS.floS.U
Treasury statement.
WASHINGTON, July .-Th condition of
tha treasury at the beginning of business
torfay was as follows: .n.-
i - i , . . i . Antn tjciowtSHS: sliver
dollars. $4.s.ll,0Uo; silver dollars ot 1M .
JS.SmS.oiio: silver cerimcaicn to.
HS9.61l.C0". ... ... ' .
General Fund-Standard silver dollar. In
general fund. 12.685.862; current liabilities.
ini:s.i.n; woraing nii'ui V,: . .....
flees. H,300.tK; In banks to credit of ' treB't
urer of the United States, $41.0;4 811 ;
subsidiary allver coin, ia.l.04; minor
coin. $1J7,84S; total balanc. ln general fund,
Philadelphia Prodne Market.
extra western creamery, aoo, nearoy
prints. 81c. .
EGOS Steady; Pennsylvania and other
nearlw rirsts, f. c. JIVio at mark; current
receipts In returnable cases, 2"c at mark,
western firsts, f. c, 210 at mark; current
receipts, f. c, 20o at mark.
CHEiCSE Firm: full creams choloe, 1j14
lo ; fair to good, lSlRVic
Dry Uooda Market.
dry goods market was quiet during the nay
as most of the large house were closed for
the holiday. Cotton goods closed fairly
steady, with a fair demand reported for
new spring cottons to be mad. Linens
wero quiet and burlaps seemed llrmer.
Liverpool Grain Market.
dull; No. 3 red western winter, no stuck;
futures, firm; July. s G4d; October, 6a
8d: December, Bs 9il.
CORN Spot, firm; old American mixed,
5s 3Vd; old American mixed, via Galves
ton, 6s 8V4d; new kiln dried. s ao; i inures,
dull; July, nominal; September, 4s 64d.
"Summer suits to ordor 817.80 reduced from
l25.-MacCaithy-W.luon, 804 South 18th."
Doing; Drug: Business As Usual
at Siiteehth and Dodge
We beg to announce that although v.
are making some substantial Improve
ments, business Is going on ln the usual
way at our Dodge Street Store. By the ex
cavation now being made, we shnll mora
than double the capacity of our Prescrip
tion department; aio greatly increase our
capacity for promptly taking care of busi
ness in all departments.
Sherman & Drug Co.
oojuraa BixrEsirrs avb sosob am.
Owl Drug Co.
LINCOLN, Feb. 1st, 1S10.
It Is Hereby Certified, that the. North
western National Insurance Co., of Mil
waukee, in the Htate nf Wlsoonsin, has
compiled with the Insurance Law of this
Slate, applicable to such Companies and
is tnereiore aumorizea 10 continue tne
business of Eire Insurace in this Btate
for the current yearending January 81st,
Witness my hand and the seal of th
Auditor of Public Am ounts, the day and
year first abova written.
(Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts,
C. E. P1E11CE, Deputy.
LINCOLN, Feb. 1st, 1810.
It Is Hereby Certified, that the Agri
cultural Insurance Co., of Watertown,
In the Stat of New York, has complied
with the Insurance Law of this State.
applicable to such Companion and I
tnererore autnorizea 10 continue, in bus
iness of Fire Insurance ln this Btate for
the current year ending January 31st.
Witness mv hand and th seal of th
Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and
year first above written.
(Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts.
C. E. PIERCE, Deputy.
flntTwr!aw nv viraT.ininA.
It Is Hereby Certlfla, that th peo
ple's National insurance Co., of Phila
delphia, ln the Htate nf Pennsylvania,
haa complied with th Insurance Law of
this State, applicable to such Compan
ies, and is therefore authorised to con
tinue tho business of Fire Insurance ln
this State for the current xoar andlna
January 81st, 111. .
Witness my hand and th seal of tha
Auditor of Public Accounts, tha day and
year first above written.
81 LA 8 K. BARTON,
(Seal) Auditor of Public Account
C. K. PIERCE, Deputy.
Hutchinson -Bollard Go.
Represent Seven
1623 Farnam St. 2d Floor
r',v;-.Jr ST
ita f