14 THE BEEr. OMAHA. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1910. u U M i i I i! if il u i REAL ESTATE V. fl M AD H AM It LAND KOn SALE FlorMnC'on t FLORIDA. W hav nmi at th beat land In th t. below th troat Una at attractive prices, baud for particular. Eaters Land Company, Kirit Nalioual bank Bids., C h e ago. 1&000 ACRES. A 8NAP OK QUICK SALE. Florida feast Coast, tuvergladea. All. muck laud, oreateat baigaiu ui in whoia kiata. u brokers. FKAMK i MILLS COM PA-NT, Jii Atomoc hl. cUitaau. Iowa. IOWA COitN LANDS. 240 acres Improved, n6 per acre. low seres Improved, o per acre. ijv seres Improved, fiU per acre. ttu acres Improved, a, a per acre. lw) acres Improved, uU per acre. My seres Improvea, !iu per acre. Ml acres impiuved, f fer acre, 2) ai res Improved, ftio per acre. IhO acres Improved, j6 per acre. i) acres linpioved, Vo per sere. in acrea improved, i0 per acre, i lie abuva tarnis are iil within driving distance of Ksthervilie and wa will be glad to give uencripiion and particulars in if taru to any certain tract. .Persona l'ltcher Land Co., Kstberviile, la. 8C0 A-KAltM, iiioetly good land, finely Im- t loved, located about la miles 6. W. ot Lies Lolnea. Aiau 16,000 acres .east Panhandle, Tex., V good corn land. These lamia belong to a bankrupt estate and tha U. ti. dlalrlct court has ordered ti ustees to sell ail together or any part lit this land. Write lor full description. 1- rank L. Hall, L. J. Klemm, A. F. lirown, trustees, office with Corn Belt Land at Loan Co., lies Moines, la. Kaaaas, FOR SALE Improved farm, M0 acrea. M0 tiflable, Mi level, fenced and cross, fenced, watered wan springs aud ponds, some bay land, Jfuu pssturo, Uw rock, 1MI cultivated, 'ii wbt, io spolts, is barley, T corn, crops fine; balance lead; a-rooin stone house, atone barn, granary, room for 1,000 bu., hen House, crio, cattle shed, good well, mill, tank, brood bouse, tuU act of implement, t horaes, sat of names, 20 cattle, 1 brood sow, UOu citlckena, orch ard, ail kinds of fruit, iciepnoiie; black oil, clay aubsoil; buildings insured; i miles to school end postotiicei price U,0Ou iuio casn, U.'tt a years at per cant; U tulles to town, no a g ants. torn uwoer. A. i, CAriciuTON, Grove county, auaiuu, Kaaaas. THINK ABOUT THIS. If your liirm pays you 30 an acre profit and you could sen It tor i3o per acre and buy auotner for $u mat would produce you the same profit, would you do uv Let Die tell you about an airaua tanu neu leerrield, Kan., at tw per acre. Write Jonn al Lander, Lieerfielu, Kan. Sllsaoarl. READ This, Homeseekers Tha cheapest farms In ins Umteu btutes tuaay are In the Ozarks of Missouri; loveiy climate; ciose to good markets, o i. Louis and Kan sas City; for Health, wtum, ciovcr, timothy, blue grass, umber, line iruits, beauutul streams; tine finning and Hunt ing. If you want to see the cneapesi and beat mi um you ever saw pricea in your lite for the money write lor our list anu ue shown. A. D. ROBERTS & SON, Richland, Mo.' FINE CASS CO., MISSOURI, FARM iM acres, one mile of lailrouu town, 35 miles Kansas City; all lu cultivation an J glass; ail rich, fine lying lanu; 6-room house, barn and outbuilunigs; well fenced and watered. If you want a burg-aiu In a weil located grain and stock tarrn, you can't beat It; only & per acre; good laimj on this. Q. W. CLARDY INV. CO., 801 Commerce. Kansas City, Mo. TIMBIlR and ranch land bargains In Eouth Missouri. Morris Walker, Moua tain View. Mo. FOR SALE-South Missouri farma near Di. xvouia maiHc-is; any size; some good bargain. Write, stating your wants. Free flat. NORVKLL & BASS, Steelville, Mo. r RlTAn THIS Hlf wawv ipa vl. cheapest farms In tne United States today are in the Ozarks ot Missouri, lovely cli mate, oloae to good marketa, St. Louis and Kansas City; for health wealth, clover, tlmnlhv Vbliibtrrauu ttrk fl,,.. ..! w .. Utul streams; tine lislilng -iiui hunting. it ruu w an i. m see me cneapesL ana best farm you ever saw priced in your life for tli a money, write tor our lidt and be sjhown. A. D. Roberts &. Son, Richland, Mo. IN MISSOURI. (IS acrea; 12& miles southeast of Kansas City. 70 acres in cultivation. Box home; srood barn; out buildings and fine water ai.J grass; large orchard of different varieties ui fruit. 2 miles to good trading point, Close to school and church. Price fci,&uc. This li money maker. GEORGE KUMPF, f03-i Sbeldley Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Minnesota. 10.000 acres of choice hardwood timber land for sale In the clover and fruit belt of Bayfield county, Wis. Very productive soli, Dllrn WRlpr anil u-htra ,1ia pulnfull I. tp inline good crops; will sell In tracts to uu, nun smau aown payment, balance on easy terms. Zuel-Wood-Uoff Co., Inc., Man kato, Minn. T5 acres, best, all tillable, black loam aoil; fine crop growing; high atate of cul tivation, never rented; all fenced; large, pleasant house; barn and other buildings; fine well, windmill; value of improvements $3,600. Insurance, 3,000. Fine grove ever greena, rnaplea, box elder and apple trees near house. Three miles from finest county seat in atate; public parks, lakes, band concerts, rural delivery and tiUr,i,..n. Positively worth iM) per acre. Will not be r ies nei ran. uwner quits farm ing. vfuic'K. saie, fbs.bo witn terms to suit No trade or triflers. Call or write at once Brock, Litchfield. Minn. 13.50 PKI1 ACTUS 5.000 acres In Minnesota's great clover Den,, price, tj.ou per acre; biggest bargain In stale. SCHWAB BROS., 123 Guaranty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mlcniaan. IF SOLD AT ONCE. IM aores; good soil; apple orchard; 4t acres timber; 8-room house; good barn averythlna; coawpleta. (3 acrea; a sandy loam; T acrea mania and elm timber: two larKe apple orchards: 10-room house; large fmme barn. Within four miles market and main Una railroad. Choice. 13,200; cask 1700; oalanca aas terms, WATLAND REALTT CO. Waylanq. Mich. FARM BARGAIN" . Beat 600 acre farm in Michigan black andy loam, 1 bldgs.; 1 mile from town. It ARBORUAST. Bloomfield, N. J. oNAP Money-making country home a took, tools and crop complete; one of the beet TO-sore farma In tha Slat, practically JaveL lays about IVa miles from town, on beautiful mad road, cloae . neighbors schools and church. Thla farm border on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook' f Iowa acrosa IL large new y-room field atone reaideuca, big basement or cellar, large vear,daa; btg. new barn, room for a head of huiaea. cows, alao carnage and tool room; lota of cbolca bearing fruit. This farm Is high clasa In every lespect and we are making a great aacrlflca when we offer It. It must be aold quick and we will let everything go in tha way ot machinery stock, etc. There la everything from a pitchfork to self blndera, all machinery Is practically iew, also wagon, carriage, bar. nesaea. uO chickens, I cow a, 4 horaes, hots, etc. Tc quick buy.r will make the price tS SOO; mual have tl-MO caah. balance can be paid In air.all yearly paymenta. Will give puaseaslob and turn everything over to buyer in ii boura. If you are ready to anap ti,e biggest bargain on earth, don't luiaa aealns; thin quick. THE FRED PARR CO.. Box E. PlaJnweli. Mich. FfR SALE 50 acrea. two miles from ona Of Michigan's finest vlllases: 7 room hmixa barn iux-,0, windmill that furnishes house aud barn with water, outbuildings, appie urcnaru, j'eaia, cnerries, plums, grapes; I acres timber: 40 rods to school; soil dark loam, corn planted, oats aown, all crops are now planted; apan horses, t cows, chickens, hay, corn, potatoes; all Implements necessary to carry on a farm; telephone R. 4 D. ; close to creamery; thick ly settled neighborhood; tz.WO, ft) down; to appreciate thla Is to see It; 14 acres on tha banks of beautiful body of water; lies on the edge of beautiful village; v room house, barn 40x44, Icehouae; all kinds of fruit; flue shade surrounds the house; this is worth seeing; i,!r0. M down. QUO. BRIDGES, Bangor, Mich. REAL ESTATE FARM AXn HS( I 141D FOR SALTS Mlrhtstaa Continued. THERE ARE WONDERS. Rai, Read and wonder, practically a gift; 240 acres, lies like a garden; 175 acres cultlvaed; balance In timber and pasture on beautiful river; good house, m story, good barn and other buildings. Building carry .'.0iO Insurance; farm ail fenced and cross-fenced; rursl mall and telephone; tlirra miles to town, r.lna miles to railroad town; loo fine bearing apple trees and other fruits. THE PRICE ITS 1S PER At, RE. 'ihink of It. There Is not another such bargain In the world. Eighty acrea splendid land, 60 acrea cul tlvated. balance in fine hardwood timber: 7 mllea to town: rural mall and telephone; goon noune ard barn; A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Price, $1,7&0; fl.OOO cash, balance to suit you. . , We are always tha leader in bargains, others try to follow. Send for full particulars, H. W. PAWVErt, Newaygo, Michigan, WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN I am farming near Baldwin, l,ake county, Michigan, 1 came here from Indiana four years ago aud am well satisfied with thin country, I know of some bargains In this vicinity that can be had fur cash. If you will write me and tell me what you want and how much you can buy, I will find something to suit you here or at least try to, and it will cost you nothing If I don't. 1 have no circulars or literature, ao make your wants plain In your letter and 1 will describe to you what I can find, then you can como and see It If Interested'. Wi A, ELLIOTTi FORCED SALE An excellent St-acra farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wet land, very productive) wltb aucceas fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; 6-rooin bouse; beautiful ehade; large barn, poultry bouse, tool house, etc.; also plenty of choice bearing fruit. Thla Is a teal larm and ona that will make money for any live man. It la on main road, close nelghoors, schools, etc.; only about lu minutes walk from tha biggest lake In Michigan where there Is good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm tnuat ue aold quick and we therefore make the price tl.tiiO; ont-half caah, balance to suit buyer H. C. DEttS. Box E, Mat tln. Mich. 40 ACRES, K00. HALF CASH. BALANCE U TEARS, The land Is situated not far from Bay City, Michigan, and adapted for farms, grazing or fruit, Perfect titles, and will ear close inspection. The above price and terms are made to close ac estate quick, if you want a 40 or more tend your option In now, with 11 per acre, aad balance ui be paid when deed are returned. 1 BRADFORD & COMPANT. M Adarns St., Chicago. STOP AND THINK I tin:, .. , . v, .......... . i. . i. ut am ui, iiiq b'vuiiu aim nave llie first opportunity to buy land at low prices. We save tne rent of big offices in Chicago anu Klit) uui Luaiuuicm nil? ueuciii ui low prices. We have farms and unimproved land, summer resort property, cottages foi sale and rent near a beautiful chain of lakex, three miles from town. The best bargains In Michigan. Write for booklet. S. D. THOMPSON, NEWAYGO, MICH. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, small house and ham, some fruit, near town, fine fruit lund, $1,000. No. 2 to acreR, cleared, good house and barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil, $1,50. No. 3200 acrea, rich loam soli, level, 4 miles, Muekegon, city, 3o,00U; $12 per acre, $1 per acre down, balance cas terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO., Fremont. Mich. LAND FOR SALE. Write me today. E. F. FREMONT. NEWAYGO CO.. MICH. A SNAP. 20 ACRES FRUIT. VEGETABLE AND CHICKEN I .AND, In center of M.ch.gan; near county emt and railroad town and fine lake, )0u spplo tree, loo peach trees. TuO small fruit; raises l bushels of potatoes to an acre; good soil, clear title; only U00; $20 down, $10 per monLh, without Interest, or $30 off for cash; must sell; might throw In cow or 40 chick ens. OWNER. R. 403. 115 Dearborn St., Chicago MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acres, cleared, sirrnil notice And barn, some fruit, near town, fine fruit Innd. $1,000. No. t 40 acrea. cleorrd. good house nnl barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. Sl.2-0 No. 8200 acres, rich mam aoll. level. I miles Muskegon, city .V,,00; $12 per acre, 11 per acre down, balance easy terms, THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fiemont. Mich Montana. FOR S ALE. 4,730 acre In Jefferson county, Montana, at $10 per acre, nn av terms. Thlr. tract Is located 2V miles from town of Whitehall, a thrifty little city on the N. P. and C, M. & St. P. coast lln; 2000 acres of this tract Is under Irrigation water rights . from (he Jefferson river About 1,200 acres bottom land, about 76 pa. cent of thla tract Is ti'lable. balance suit able for pasture. Thu tract is located In the famous Montana appla belt and Is a bargain. 13,000 acres. Meagher county, Musselshell valley. Montana. $17 per acre; easy termi: located on C, M. & St. P. R. R.. 3-4 mllea from two good towns; at least SO per ecnt of this tract Is sui labia 'or farming. A good proposition to cue up tnto (mail farma: 4,000 to 5.000 acrea can be Irrigated; many aprlngs furnish abundance of water tb year around. MART YN & STUART LAND CO. Aberdeen. S. D., And S35 Palace Bldg., Minnea.oolla Nebraska. FOR SALE Owner will sell any part of 2o,(X)0 acres western -Nebraska aiid eastern Colorado land, in tracts to suit purchasers. This is a chance for bargains if you want an investment or coloniza tion proposition. P. E. MeKiUip, 307 First National Bank Bldg., Tel., Tyler 1U70. EVERY MAN INVESTED We took out another good crowd Into the Scotts Bluff country this week and a telegram from there announces that "Every man bought." Now, what do you think of that? NO ARGUMENTS NEEDED All we ask of a man wanting a home or an excellent investment Is that he go out with us and take a look at the coun try. Do you suppose these men who went out thla week would have invested If the water supply was not all right? If crops were poor, would these men buy land? We are planning for a big crowd on our Next Excursion Tuesday, July o Can you afford to stay at home? Make your plans NOW to go out and see. You will not want to Invest until you aee, and you are almost sure to Inveat If you go. A BIG RISE IN VALUES Is sure to follow the rapid development of the Scotts Bluff country. The water supply Is superior to any irrigation system In Colorado and the soil fully as good as that In the Fort Collins and Greeley districts. You cannot buy a good irri gated farm in Colorado for dou ble the prices asked for Scott's Bluff Land. Ask or send for a copy of the July num ber of the "Land Owner," which tells you of tha crops In tha Scotts Bluff country. Plan to join us next Tuesday. Do not delay, as we are planning to close out our Scotts Bluff lands by August 1. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, 8. E. Cor. ISth and Furnam. ' "To Put Landless Man on Mania Land." FOR RALE. IM acres unimproved prairie land. All level, good land. In good neighborhood. $ Dillee northeast of O'Neill. This Is a bar gain. Pnoe $7$ per acre. C. F. McKKNVA. O'Neill. Nebraska. AEAL tii Alt FARM A! RASCH 1.AAD FOR S A LB -4- Nraaka Coat In aed, FOR rVLE 320 acres of agricultural stuck fait aci, miles from town. Adrtrea box 372, ftlford, Neb. 11 inn vntT win?. j iVAL JL J Jf T XJXV henrof the Sidney draw in Chejfnne county, the best land in Nestern Nebraska; V section 7 mles from railroad, $15 per acre if taken immediately. You can itand on one corner and see every part of it. B 497, Bee. Sifpy County Snap A Ua'uriftrt he. hianlv Improved. IN acrea, fine land; H mile to Omaha, a mile to South Omaha stock yard Price If sold luiclc llM per acre. C. R Combs, Room u Old V. a Mat, Bids, Utn and sarnaaa Poena, D. !. FOR SALE By flwnef. A farm of 10 acres in valley county, Nebraska leeated between Ord and Arcadia. House, bain and good steel tower windmill with my share of the crop price. $00 per acre. Ad- oressi. u. w erner, W7 Foster Jtoad, Lents, Oregon1. BARGAIN lb ' Plstta Valley Irritated Farml Extra good lot acrea) must be aold quick. $4 acrea alfalfa, W acres beat wheat areas meadow lu the country i So acrpa la other crops. $36 per sere. Write quick for tarma ana lurtner iniormauoa to Boa I4o. U1 baring. r.eb. MUST SELL FARM 320-acra 200 rnltl vated, 100-srre bet bottom and alfalfa land, one and rtne-eletith mile to town, ftt per acre. Wnrtli $6tl. Stacks Land Co., ivearner, nuu.- North Dakota. North Dakota Farm Land ' Excursion July 5th Closing out lai'Me tract line akricuilurul land, underlaid v,th coal) StarH Co,, N. u.. near Northern Paeifiu H. R., Ill to j per acre; easy terms. Pilees $D to fi per aer less than adjoining lands, Cicp prospects In Stark county are fine tills ar. Plenty of ram, vrile for map and lull Informa tion. Excursion 1st and 3d Tuesday euou motitn wnne mis land lasts. tour ex penses paia if you buy. J. H. Dumont & Son, lift. A'a.nw.,1 o.., vj.llailtt, 2,9JO-acre grain and stock farm, best part ot isorin uauutaj i,tAM acres cultivated and in ci op, atom few acres more can t ttoppeu; ivt acres fine timoer, itoo ncie tine nay l,eauow; balance lirst-class pas lure; excellent iet of uuiiUuigs, nnpiove incuts valued at lu.ulM, lioubo, bain and all pusiurea p.peo win) running water; twelve units Icucm; located on siuall lake: new air line, f'argo to Ailntit, unuer cou- struction, crehses part of landi tgmi of lund aujulns new tuwnulup; k puichaseu before naivtht iiult cro,) ko witn land on paying for seed used; equipment may be purciiabeu if utsireu; oviit:i nan ranclied here tor twenty-live years and wishes to retire; land has been tanned only few years and grows excellent crops. Price ttO.ouu. and a anap at mat. uo.i t bother m It' you are not able to handle this; could bfcll a dozen times to ligntweights; terms on part. B. AiuCuiciieoii, juinot. S. D. NORTH OAKOTA. THE LAM) OF Oj'fOtt I'L'NITT. Land m Die Mouse i;,vor loop, where crop laliure is unknown. Hon. J. J. H'll ays tills laud is all worth lu0 per ucip. and ho kno. - Will int und pay J' per cut on uivtfctinenL. What is uur intncv amlng? Hie fineat prairie land in ili.i World. vrito me lor 1:hi. It la irea. K. K. CCtvlN. ti.ei.burn. X. I). Okliniuiilu. NOTICE. Tn he sold nt public auction, June ?S IHP A S story, modern. 60-rooui. brick hot; lulli'. Inn in city of o.Ouu. Stilluatcr. Ok' Hes'. located property in city. Stillwa'r in center of Interurban system now build ing. I.as othtr good lallroad tacillties. linn Mate Hgilcultui4i Mhool; city ginw.tu' rspid'y. This hotel ha Lest bus.m'Sd in Hi rity. but the proprieior must cell on ac (wunt ,uC po .r health. Will sell fumituie snd building on uny of tale with prlvii "" of leasing if building Itself docs not roll Inquiries concerning mis piopei-.y an I terms of sale will lj prumpti answer.'-! by the undersigned. JOHN YutiaT, Sr.. Hllw.1ter. Okl. Wyoming, FOR SALE 640-acre Improved and Irri gated ranch, located in southern Wyoming, completely fenced, with first class house and all necctaary ouiouiluiugs; irritation stream direct troin government timber re serve, independent of all water companies; no charge for water, rights perpetual ; owner must sell at once and will sacrifice uu reaouiiauie terms. Add re.-a A. B. Land, Unity liidg., Chicago, Id. Oreiiou. ALEERTA WHEAT FARM. 320 acre or finest Aiotiia wnut land In the l'aniujs asKatcne un aney, abuui .a mi.es iroui trie glowing towii ot Vtre v.nc unu Oc-cueen tne uia.n iiuc ui Canadian isui tlic-ru laiiway anu Oiand irunkH'aci tlo. and omy a tew .....a troin uolu. Lanu in this vicinity produces Iroiu o io jO bubii e:s of Cut io the acre anu iuO ouaiicls o. oats, ai,u is rapiu.y increasing ,n va.ue. Oiw nop win more man pay K.r .and. vv ul taa. U per acts 101 ciuic'k lait. AusOiUte gov ernment tltic. Tins is a icai uarga.n anu lu inane ciy money, 'ineie is only uiim crop ot ianu, oeter oct in wnne ,i is cheap. C. !. Bootn, Box SU, Pel t, anu, Ole. lUstlOA I'riiTFKUiT l.W i.otouo Rl n- Vahey, Oregon. Declare! by govei in,. rut experts to b the nu-fci perfect truit b.t in the v. arid; srund UrrMM:, pi ; trlioka.lv Nallopai Apple How; naa leucntu tut- iniicai rii.rs evrr I aid for fruit in the New 1 or and Lon flun maikeik, oiihaiMa ,utv piouuca, uVc-r $U(ai0 net pel acre. irrigated urcuard tracts on payment plan, langi. in piles Hum -' p, acie lor un ceclupiMi lauu la tbiM pel' ucIm li,r devel oped wrcbaide. KotoLirlandi. Incorporat M. Aledlord. Oiegoit. $M,000 IRRIGATION PUOPOolTlON. 2,uuu acl'eu Iceauy tocaicu contiguous to gOM.-rniiM.iu unu private irrigat.on project? .it Lio tuiu tu inamduai oi bj..uicaie iUi bulidh It-ion or loi bei.uig tracts. J.w.J win sw.iig llie ueal. fun oi mnu auc-uj unucr irngaiioii. fruaueet tieutiiy in ui taiia, onions, ootaiueo. etc. inw altituae: long suiibiiiuy scBbuu. ieigiikor,ng iiiUj selling irura rju io tvUU pel acre. Cliauce io make $w,mai. i' o- pal tiouiur nouiiu D. O. Lively, North Poiilaud, Ore. FOR SALE Wanted Long headed con rervatlv men and women looking tor and capable of lecofciuzinu u lite lime unbur- tuuity to wriiu tor tree book, "ine Appi King," written by li. a. Tronoon, tne Apple King of the World, 'ie.ls now you can par ticipate lu tne enormous profits being reaped by apple growers In the famous Rugue River Valley, without leaving your prevent position or residence. Address Rogu River Commercial Orchard Cum pany. Dept. 10. Mc-ciford, Oregon. BUY farm lands now; they ate dally In creasing In value. There Is a limited amount of land, but no limit to the future population. The pacific Northwest Is the present land of opportunity. We have a fine i aaortment of farma, aome of which will auit you. Write us today, atatlng your requirements, and we will mail you full particulars free. The Card Realty & Inv. Co., 625 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore. BUT farm lands now. They ar dally la creasing In value. There 1 a limited amount of land, but no limit to th future popula tion. Th Pacific Northwi ia the preaen: land of opportunity. W have a line assort ment of farm, aome ot wblcn will ault you. Write ua today, atatlng your require ment, and w will mall you fuil particular fre. Th Card Realty ac luv. Ca-. (Ji Ueury Biug-. rortleud. Ore. Sooth Dakota, SOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND A LFALFA LANDS. Th ruah Is on for Stanley county; buy lands near the new railroad aud double your money In th next year; $0.ou0 acres to aelect from; $10 to $l( per acre. Call or ante Felland Realty Conipauy, Ui falac Bldg., MiuueiHills, Ulna- REAL ESTATE FARM jtXD HAMH I.ANIJ FOR SALE Te.XU. A CANADIAN WENT TO ZA VALLA COUNTT. TEXAS. Ha was novloe to farming, A "an offered lilm the use of V aerea of land without charge for one fcar for tha cioarlng and plowfug. He planted JO acrea of onions according to the directions given him by his neijh'irs. HE CLEARKC $10.00( NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 AI RES, OR $500 AN ACRE, IN ONE SEASON, lis then offered to buy the) land at $li0 an acre, but th oner wouldn't sell. I HAVE 10,000 ACHES OF THE! SAME LAND JUST ALONGSIDE AT ONLY $16.00 AN ACRB. But It muat be sold In ona body. Real estate mm of hum experience pronounce It "THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS." It must be sold at once, and $16.00 is cost price. Naturally this Is a wholesale proposition. This land can be readily re-sold lu small tracts from $30 to $76 per acre and If tha buyer wishes, I will undertake Its re-salw. The land I Offef you Is in the artesian belt and is the beat opportunity you will ever have to buy. For particulars address W. B, MURRAY, 407 COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITif. MISSOURI. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR bALBl Itt acres, h In . cultivation, alfalfa, core and potatoes; thfes mllea from th town of Wharton; on th Colorado river; no overflow; 66 miles from Houston. Also ft acrea, 2b In cultivation, corn; ad joining tha above plac; i vf mil to a railroad awltch; party can get immediate possession; will tak $t0 per acre for ona or both places. Write to tha owner. A. A. Norton, Wharton, Tex. Terms. TOO OUOHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It a county sest In the center of the Rio Grand Valley and Irrigation; has railroad, canal, new court, house, good bank, echool, brick business buac; Cbapin needs people to devespp lis great resources; they i e rich enough (o make you rich. Ask us for booklet "B." CHAP1N TOWNSITB COMPANT. Cbapin. VVlatOftaii M-acra Improved farm for $1,(V. TbJ farm has 20 acres cleared free of ifrimp and under cultivation; land Is level; gond clay loam toll, clay subsoil; no ston; h SO acres of heavy hardwood timber such as sugar maple, oak. basawood and birch, no underbrush In the timber; balance of land easy to clear. This farm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It bis a hew frame houso with seven rooms all complete ready to move Into; and a new (table, 1(1x26. Farm la located six mllea from Cumberland and three mllea from Barronett; In a well settled farming coun try; Germans and Americana; on main traveled load, near schools, churchea and creamery. There Is timber enough on this farm that when sold will pay th Interest and taxes for five years. Terms $200 cash, balance on time to suit purchaser. We Mk own another 0 of unimproved land that Joins this farm In case you want more '.and. Send far our rpecial list of other farma and timber land we own. also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. We are located In Barron county. 78 mllea north east of St. Paul. Address Wisconsin Col onization Co.. Cumberland. Wis. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 A MONTH arood land at from $8 to $30 an acre. In VMhs and Oneida counties. Wisconsin We charge no Interest. We purv the taxea Insurance clause in the contract.' HE ST OPPORTUNITY IN THE COUNTRY for man of moderate means to OWN A FARM AND.BB INDEPENDENT Writs fit I' mun nnrl V. L nn t Q. V. SANBORN CO.. Ksgla River. Wis. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 a month, good land, at from $4 to $30 per acre In Vilas and Oneida counties, Wis consin. We charge no Interest. We pay the taxes. Insurance clause In the contract. Best op portunity In the country for the man of moderate raians to own a farm and be In dependent. Write for map and book to Dipt, a G. F. SANBORN CO., Eagle River, Wis. Virginia. CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY AS LOW AS $10 PER ACRE; rich soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar ket.". For handsome Illustrated booklet. COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 pages), and low, twice a month excursion rates. Address G. B. WALL, Real Estate Agent, C. & O. Railway, Box M U, Rich mond. Va. A Chance of First Near the street cars, business district, factories, school, church', concrete road, boating Iiead the lesson of history. It's the infallible finger-board of the future. You missed the original plat at first prices. Don't neglect this the only one left at such low prices. Many of tlie lots in the original plat sold for $150 to $200 are held today and some have in less than two years. One party paid $150 for A six days sale Beginning July 4 Keep iu mind we never expect to o;x'n , another addition to llal s to n at present price. We want every one to have a chance to pur , chase a lot at first hand. Don't wait until ether parties get the lots and then pay them a fancy price. Lots $200 some higher. $10. CO down $2.00 per week. Xo Interest. -o Taxes. Free Abstract. We expect to break all records of sales in Rulston during the"e six days. ' Although every lot ia good, remember first choice is best. RALSTON ACRES 2Va acre farms adjoining Ralston. Reasonable prices, easy terms. 'Tw enty years ago you from $3,000 to $5,000. ' If we can secure four which means that Ralston HOW TO REACH RALSTON Take Ralston Interurban cars at 24th and N Streets, South Omaha, to center of business district, Ralston REAL ESTATE FARM ANU HAN CM LANU FOR ALB Virginia Con tin aed. VIROtNIA FRUIT FARM. US ACRES $6,900, Two-story bousa; 11 rooma and basement; I porches; ample outbuildings; appla orchard of ioo Albemarle pipplna, wine tap and other high-priced varieties; the trees are U years old, and being located In th great fruit belt of Albemarle county tbey are hardy and thrifty, and will yield a lifelong Income; SVk miles to railroad atatlon; aurrounded by good neighbors, if taken at once, only $.6o0; part cash, bal. anca on easy terms. For further details aa page 24, "Strout Farm CataJogu No.' IV. Second Edition." It describe other rare bargaina from $$ an acre up In Vir ginia, Maryland and th south. Copy fre. rotation '& K. A. Strout, Umou Bank Bldg.. Plttaburg. Pa. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR SALE. Ill u i ' rn It., In on If , vim I in al.'ai. and potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton, on the Colorado river; no overflow; 66 miles from Houston. Also S5 acres, 85 In cultivation, corn; ad joining the above place, three-fourths n t nillfa til m ro 1 1 r io l tullnli a... ""iii'i. i t y la I get Immediate putsessinn; will take & t .'. fur nra m Kti nUn the owner, A. A. Norton, Wharton, Tex Terms. Mlscellaneone. HAVE YOU A FARW FUVt SALE OR TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? Make your want known through THE DE3 MOINES CAPITAL, -the want medium of Iowa. Rates: $ cent a word for each Inser tion, 6 cents a line, 70 cents an Inch. Cir culation, 41,000, largest of any Iowa dally. Give us a trial. Address The Capital, Land Dept.. Dea Moines. Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS., M floor N. Y. Life. $600 to $100,000 on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnani Smith ec Co., 1220 Farnam St. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. $100 to $10400 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Weud Bldg., Jth and Farnam. M to $6,000 on homes in Omaha. O'Keef Real Estate Co., 4003 N. T. Llf. Douglas or A-2162. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. lGth. LOANS to home owners and horn build era, witn privilege of makeg partial pay menis acmt-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 60S First National Hank Bldg- REAL fcSTATE WANTE D WE HAVE FOB l, 6 and 7-room nooses'. If prices ar right wa can sell vuur nroDerty y tor you. NOWATA LANI) AND LOT CO.. Suite 626 N. YVLIfe Bldjf. WANTED Good rental property, $1,600 to $3,000, for choice vacant lot or Jots, one third to one-half tha value:, balajice spot cash. Give particulars vi property ottered. Address M Ofl. Bee. . SWAPS WE can trade anything, anywhere. LATHROP ft TOB1N. D. 3006. 421 Bee. WE will trade our equity of $1,200 we have In a fine quarter of land northwest from Lodge Pole for either a Chalmera, Oakland, Veil. Overland or E. M. F. four cylinder automobile; car must- be prac tically new; no others need answer this ad. Tate & Barlow, Lodge Pole, Neb. Double apartment house, strictly mod ern, clone-in. Good Income payer. Price $10,100, mtge. $2,600. Want land. Might take an automobile. Don't need rain to make this pay. Nowata, Land & Lot Co., tU4 N. Y. Llf Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 19DD. t rooms, all modern; easy walking dis tance; price $5,000; mortgag $1,250; give legal numbers In first letter, lt saves time. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Llf Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Rad 1. 640 ACRES extra level land, close to rail road. In Box Butte county, Nebraska; will exchange for merchandise; price. $J0 per acre; will cany $4,000. A. R. Thompson, Holdrege, Neb. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. TO BUY Addition to Ralston The beautiful green slope to the south a lot and sold it in less than one year for $900, on which there are now three stores. Today we offer you lots in FIllfeT ADDI TION TO RALSTON at first prices. Remem ber you can get original prices but once. After that you pay some one a profit, or, if you are wise, some one pays a profit to you. On the opening day of Ralston, July 4th, two years ago, we sold 200 lots when Ralston was only on paper, with no transportation serv ice but carriages, and many had to walk. On this Fourth of July with the street car line from Omaha to the center of the business district of Ralston, and the many developments that have been made in the town, we should have twice the number of people wanting to buy. Only 125 more people can buy a lot in the FIRST ADDI TION TO RALSTON. Will you be one of the lucky buyers, or one of the larger number who will regret six months from now that he let the other fellow get ahead. could have purchased a similar lot in South Omaha for $200. Today the same lot would cost ( . large plants for Ralston at the start we ought to be able to secure many more in the future, will be a city of at least 10,000 in a few years, and these lots worth $2,000 or more each. TAILORS MI8FIT tailored suits $3 and $40 value at $1&. See A. Hubenteln. Ill1 8. 14th St. O. A. LINQU1ST CO- $36 PAXTON BLK. FOR evening functional full dress Is th rule, and to get It mad right sea Ud Thlel Tailor, il 8. 16th St. WANTED-T0 BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and shot Phone Douglas W7L Safaa Ona large and on medium sis tat, atate else and price. M 8 B. SUITS that sold for $30. at $15. VOLLMEK'S, 107 So. 16th. BEST prices for BROKEN WATCHES. Old Uold. etc. NATHAN, ill S. 12th SL WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 19M. SUITS that sold tip to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. Mth. WANTED SITUATIONS COLORED man and wlf want work In iainny. Aaaresa t ouu. uee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Web., July 1, 1910. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received her and by quartermasters at the posts named nerein, until iu a. m., central standard time, August 1, 1910. for furnlshtnar oats. bran, hay and straw during the period from October 1, 1910, to June SO. 1911, at Omaha, and Forts Crook, Omaha and Rob inson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Meade. South Dakota. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part mereor. jniormauon iumisnea on ftppll cation here or to Quartermasters at at a tions named. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for f orage, ana naaressea to Lt. Col. D. E, McCarthy, C. Q. M. Jyl--5-28-29-30. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED proposals will be received by th city clerk of the city of O'Neill, Nebraska until eight (8) o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, th 13tn oay ot juiy, iiu, ror lurnisning mats rial and constructing a complete sanitary sewer system for the city of O'Neill, Ne braska. In accordance with the plans and specifications on file In the office of th city clerk. O'Neill, Nebraska, and in trie office of the engineers, Omaha, Nebraska. Each bid tn bi accompanied by a certi fied check of five hundred ($600.00) dollars. Any one desiring a set of plans and spec ifications for personal use, may obtain the same by application of the engineers and a payment of five ($5.00) dollars per set. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. O. F. BIG LIN, Mayor. H. J. Hammond, City Clerk. The Consolidated Engineering Co., Engi neer, 640 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J26 d-7t A. BBR WANT AD will rat tha Taumat bssjs fltl boaigars am abort $, at a small coat to yata. K a Life A LOT IN- CBS a th J uly 4th Ralston Townsito Company, Shlmer (SL Chase Co. Agent General Of fleas. 309 South 17lh Street, Omaha. Ralston Office. 77th and Mechanic. BANK STATEMENTS No W REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Th First .National Rank f Omaha, at Omaha. In the Stat of Nebraska, at the close of business June 30, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. 7,37.f45.7l Overdrafts, secured u and unsecured 86.620. V. 8. bonds to secure . circulation 200.000.00 V. S. bonds to secur IT. H. depotdte 1 WOW Of) Bonds, securities, etc. H34.072.03 Banking house, furnl- . ture and fixtures.'... KXMW.OO Dim from national banks (not reserve agents) $ (77,905.0? Due from atate and pilvatn banks and bankers, trust com panies and savings banks !S4,!S 50 Due from approved reserve agents 1.053,256.!) Checks and other cash Items 27fi.227.9! Exchanges for clear ing house S7t.4S3.06 Note of other na tional baiks 60.000.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents (24 06 Lawtul money reserve in bank, vis: Specie 1.041 42 00 Igal tender notes... 400,000.00 4,055.W0.58 Redemption fund with U.S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation). 10,000.00 Du from U. 8. treas urer 4,750 00 TotaJ $12,697 .OUT LIABILITIES. Capital stork paid In $ Wiomoi Surplus fund 750,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 147,933. M National bank notes outstanding 200,000 00 Due to other national banks $2,807,843.4$ Due to state and pri vate banks and bankers 1,855,230.04 Due to trust com panies and savings banks 70. SWTS Dividends unpaid 6,600.00 Individual deposits subject to check.... 4,192.003.67 Demand certificates of deposit 157.259.24 Time certificates of deposit X011.S57.02 Certified checks 8,999.78 Cashier's checks out- i starring 47,302 94 ' United States deposits 69,441 "8 Deposits of IT. S. dis bursing officers 80,406.60-lt.0M.0M M Total $12,697,018. 7 Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss: I, T. L. Davis, cashier of the abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that tha abov statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. L. DAVIS, Cashisr. Correct Attest: F. H. PAVTS, I L. KOUNTZB. J. D. CREIGHTON'. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before ma thta 1st day of July, 1010. JOHN H. BEXTEN. t Notary Public DISBARMENT CASE GOES OVER Farther Hearing; of Chargr Asjalnst tax Davatot Attorney ot poaed Until Aagsaat. SIOUX FALLS, a D.. July L (Special.) Tha hearing In th disbarment -proceedings Instituted against O. P. Harban, a prominent attorney, who Is well known In the southern part of tha state, and who soma years ago was tha democratic nom ine for attorney general of South Dakota, after having been in progress at Piatt for several days, baa been adjourn d until August 23. Tha Key to th Situation Bea Want A4sV Wakos Score at Will. WAHOO. Neb.. July 1. (Special. Wahoo scored any old tlma against Llnooln In today's game. Score: R.H.EV Wahoo o v i x u is x Lincoln 0 OOOOOflgo 000 Three-base tilt: Kircnman. Batteries; Richie and Parse!; Pascal and Johnson, Umpire: Smith. Time and fishing. , your chance to buy a lot in been sold as high as $1,000 The factories in Ralston not all built If they were you would pay $2,000 per lot Instead of $20O. The Howard Stove Company are employing about 10O men in their brick building, 180x275. The Brown Truck Manufac turing Co.. are shipping to all parts of the country, ware house trucks made In their brick plant, 80 x 90 feet. The Itogera Motor Car Co. are now building the first allotment of cars In their plant, 60x126. The Ralston Car Works have already spent thousand of dollars on their plant. Negotiations are nnder way for the removal to Ralston of the en tire plants of two large concerns with many more to follow, and when these are located a lot In tha First Addition to Ralston will cost yon S7SO to $1,000.