1, 1 ! I it '! ! M , t Want - Ads IJKAIII AMD KLMOKAL NOTICE. WINN Donald K.. asd 6 rear. died" at Grand Island, Neb., Tuesday evening. The funeral will be held from his home, 144 bouth Twenty-sixth, Friday et 2 p. in. Interment at Prospect 11111 cemetery. ANNOUNCEMENTS $0.00 Ladies' and Men 'a Shoes to r $2.00. All sizes, all widths uud Leathers. ALiiXAiNDER, 3a i' loor x uxton Block. ricxic lunciu;s ;drtrh Iiuii.h rouiiiNJt. ! and cold pie. DE LI C ATESSEN J ' 1n- rVrna to 6.30. 1MM h amain. LA pip 11 V L; Refreshing Medicinal AOlUiMJ bumiuer Drink. Daily lelail delivery. Asa your doctor. Alanine If'V I'I'VaM "ALWAYS THE BE91 -.wj v-. HARDING'S Ice Cream. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Go. HL'tiVr Vmv lia and"V,o LUNCH ME.KCHA1N1S' mianu CAfa H PRIVATE DINING ROOM til N. 16th St SUITS that sold up to A at $15. VOLLMLRb, IV? bo. llb. CLAUJi M"-,.-'--. ""'SIGNS MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATE, in auma to cult. i0 Bee Bidg. )'lio:e Doug. 29o4, L.n.O.n Lu-vA COMPANY. B. F. WLKN, Optician, 424 Brandels Bldg. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embalmerh. Mil Chicago. D. lt)59, B-16G:. r DIVORCES OBTAIN F.D without noise or delay; 2x years practice, w. A. connoiiy, 630 Ilea Building Phone Doug. 2668. ItARk'V.R KK()X. PAINT CO. - Wholesale-relK.i. 1'jWVs Farnam til.. Bher- wlil-VVUlianui paints, oils, varrnanes, giana, white iead, wall paper, bruhea, glaslng and picture framing. TELS. : UELL DoUti- LAS 47W; 1ND., A-M21. I1RANDK1.J' DHUO AND PHOTO DK-PAHTIIKN'T-Wo do all kinds of develop-1 lug and inunhlnpr. Films left before noon will ba flnlulied same day. v FOU ("5AKF.S Watch out specials at JJU1V Vyrtlrii3 n.yaon s Bakery Dept. Try ilayden s first. It pays. HAVE Y0U1. EYES TESTED BY AN EXPERT AT I'axton ik. Dr. John J. Foster, tit Brandels Theater Bldg. Dentist, has moved to ThO Greatest Day Of the Year T1 . .... I., ,,., i Eagles 1'icnic at the White City Courtland Beach. Saturday, July 2 All Day Admission 10 cents. HEALTH COMMliSlONERS COMMANDS Order your houe i'nd prcla Fcreened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCREEN CO., A KANlTAHf M:CE.NH1TY FOR EVERY HOME. B4 N. 16th Bt. Call Doug. 46M. LYNCH BItOS. "eS REPAJR WORK. 706 S. lGlh SU D 1477. MAGGARD Van at Storage or Omaha Trunk, Van & Storage Co. Pack, move, store and ship II. H. goods. D. 14M, U-24& SUITS that sold up to $30, at lo. VOLLMElt'S, 107 bo. 16tn. WEDDING rln "d preaents. Oustaf ,Y XJXJiJXTS U kon & H,liar,ckl(OIli 01 N. 1( Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, 1U0 S. 10th bt. 'tel. Douglas 4367. OOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. A. JETibS. LU Douglas bt. 5 CTS. PHOTOGRAPHIC Euppllea Sataioga milt co., Miu ana Ames. w. lib. ii-ioii. DA'ID COLE Creamery" Co," "" ELEVAioltS REPAIRED: freiaht. Daa- Ciier. J, R. Kennedy, 104 S. Uth. Doug.2u7 " . , , . ; lirh V -r V " made by hand, sold by weight, T. L. fumU & Co., 1U0 Douglas. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; supplies. WESTERN UMBRELLA. CO., om x- arumii. lied it i a. VLROIANA ITAVtli: am. Thn a hot. tie. KLEIN LlyUOR HOUS1S, &U N. 161D ok juugias MI'U. Jeffries-J ohnson iVfi" UOALE'S SUMMEii GAltDEN Omaha's Coolest Spot, J Km"41 ED. liOTUEltY jH 2. Full lluuora and cuie in connection, ill s. 14th. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTll- JrROOF VAULTa Nominal cost. SHU- iviiiu a, ititn and Harney. Lawn Mowers Sharpened by ma Minuiuuwcis. ciiineiy; called for and a. ueusen k bona w.iirtii; 11-IU47. Kohorf cmi o PADnnnn 113-U 8 n,nlUu1Uu. uth bu tbaeemunt); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladles and Buiieuien. Aame dilute dinner Sunday THE place n hire cool breezes, music and viiiuseiueiii an mingle to make an enjoy- ur. .ue; -arior neater. ILEIi GRAND HOTEL inest iu the we.u TnrUieh ltntVia Uth and Howard Sim. XUrKlSU HaiUS DOUGLAS Printing Co. TaL Douglas M. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. iO bar cent lens than Omaha prices. 24th and L bi duuim wmaiia. GET your WEDDlNti RINliS at VHlCIl KHUUIiUAAllU It niurai ..i.rt luck a. latii at., at the sign of the Crown. ENGKAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, calling cards. Ivutem A: l.irv l,'n -' Jackson ' Douglas lity. A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emu. scent. puwcaavr to lU.ruu m to., imi capitoi Ave. SUITS that aold up to tJO, at 116. VoLLMER'b, 107 So. 1HII1. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKLN'O. Arauus, us b. inn, upstairs. JOHN NITTLEli Ham Consumers' DLutrlhmor T TTV1TL1 THM nvcu v r. i LUAUS L t djx mi ii I n x-in hi Douglas 1109, Red ludepeudenu A-I4M. a U. Cola blgn Co.. D. 7S. Ult Farnaro. ANCHOR VKJMl-hl I'll lroh and W ire Fenoes Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. xuf N. l,th bu Phons Red 114. AT LIBERTY Colored band and orohes- tra with lull uniforms. Four. a of July. Audress vui. Lewis. 2014 N. 24th Si . UuithM 8AM 81NH. 1RU2 vv-h.i... a. .. open. AUTOMOBILES nRriMMnNntt.BWo iurn, Builds aaona, .wrpau auiui uu au biaoi or stacniiiea, uib aou uaruey ais. R 1 iT ATfll? Repairing by experienced VJ1VJI ,.1U Gieaiiough, ilt a. M. . H l IT .FT k-1 line, auto accessories and . "supplies. Nebraska Bulck I aui v.0., ouiana. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOU HIKE DAY Olt NIGHT Repairs und Storage Station 1GT1I AND HOW AUD D. 3248-A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company bUlTS that sold up to $30. at $15. VOLLMEH to, 107 so. win. A li Btodd.ird-Dayton 4i-h. p. roadster, J;;1.'1"" l" condition at a bargain. n-i WH have for immediate Bale a big com fortable five-passenger touring car, in fine condition, Has lop, wind shield, doca. speedometer, prestollte tank, headlignta. extra lira and complete toot kit. Cunt i..T)U when new and only run a few momhs. ?l,w inM it. wse una r oi unut, ii a u Ms; bargain. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., Tel. Doug. 3085. 20u2 Farnam St. We Have the Following NEW CAHS For Immediate Delivery Locomobile touring car .V H.f0 Locomohllo roadater t.500 Mathoson roadater. baby tonneau I.ojO Htoddard-Dayton, T-paaaenger touring.. I,o0 Sloddard-Dayton loadster, baby ton neau 1.800 foadard - Daytbn, torpedo Stoddard-Daytori. bahy ton body.. neau..... , a.auo Storidard-Currler roadater American Mors. J. I'M) two Traveler Kegal 1,100 Slightly Used Cars Stoddard-Day ion luadter S2,(M) btoddarrt-liay ton, i-iiumntrr touring.. 1,4m aioddard-JJayton, a-paatnger. with touring and limousine body... t800 Stoddaid-Liayton, B-puKaengur... l.OUU 1, 4U0 Lexington. 7-paseenger W lnlon lounug, b-piibaenKKr.... Soma Waverly Klectrica to. U SUWM TO Llt.AL.fc.KS T"PT?f JUT AUTOMOUlLK COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. Wltl have Jui.t received a new consign ment of Furry Touring Cars, the blBKest and longest car, and the most powerful of any car on the market for the money. They are making good everywhere, lie "' to see this car before buying. SWEET - ED WAKDS AUTO CO., Wbi Far n-m a. Tel. Douglas 305. One 6-Cylinder STEVENS-DUHYEA Touring Car ONE TWO-CYLINDER BflCK. ONE THIRTY-HORSE ROADSTER. The above cars are all Dai gains In first- class condition, cheap If taken at once. Call for demonstration. VEL1E AUTO CO. Auto llepairing Lnecondandancc!!ri Diamond tires carried I., stock. '1 lon-Mlicuell C.. iL& Harney. D. T& : r ha rax- Till. A-ili. DO you contemplate buying a seven-pas senger car. it so you bhould see tne forty-five hur.c power Moon Car at our garage. Everyone says it Is the easiest riding car tiiey ever rode in, anu ins price Is right. SWEET-ED WARDS AUTO CO., 2062 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 8085. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agent for Oakland, btaver & Welch. U1M I1UI AUiU CO., uui uarnam. BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DER1GHT AUTOMOfcUUhi CO., 14 Farnam bt. Aut0 Minting XZFvSti MURPHY SON, 1411 Jackson. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. . FREDR1CK.SOK AliO CO., Omaa. FOR SALE cheap, two-cylinder Bulck In good condition. m& N. 24tn St., South Omaha. Big snap In Parry touring car. Only used very little as demonstrating: car. Looks like new. f or sale at a very low price ii taken at once. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. Tel. Doug. 8085. Jixi2 Farnam St. SIMPSON, IoSd1 AutomoDiies, wagons, carriages; makes to order new wagons and automobile bodies, automobile wheels, tops, springs. slip covers, second-hand bargains in closed carriages, ttom phones. AUTOGENOUS WELDING AU kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. I CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ccniatn i muiun tuurAA x. Council Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 26o to U.bCL COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 200-2U a loth. GREAT WESTERN. 8CHACHT AND MONITOR TRUCK; can deliver at once. Central Implement Co., 1117 Farnam St IT Is worth a trip to our salesrooms to see the American Traveler. If you have never seen this car you should take ad vantage of the opportunity at once. It Is like no other car. undersiung frame fifty horse-power, 4,ouo. The finest car on wheels, regardless of price. SWEET EDWARDS AUTO CO.. 2Qi2 Farnam SL Tel. UOUg. SObj. Motorcycles. R. F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent condl ticn: slds car attachment. Call Harney lea. FOR SALE 3&-H. P. Thor motorcycle f list-class condition: WILL SACRIFICE If ss condition: will s; once. Tel. Harney 27S. Isold at BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business call on UAJMOESTAD, 404 Bes Uldg. Xel. D. 3307. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Here la a bargain, 10-room rooming house, ad in A No. 1 condition; cneau lent; ait rooms well rented. Price. sui&.vU. Location. jlu sua Dodge. LAililtUl' s TOBIN 4.1 Bee. IJS'lTlN W1S INCORPORATE your ousineaa. .nun. land, hum ant aim .uriiisn men to sell your snaiea. fit inoter, elu I'axton Blk. ba.ii. Ait. ior city and farm Investments. jvim .nmian, sju AHVU14 XX i a. t. 1S FOR 8ALC or trad., fine ratal! stock at a all paper In Omana. Finest stock In thi euy. Aaoreaa Ate. o-L AN OPPORTUNITY for a canable man I csiaoiisa nunseii permanently with om oi me oiuesi anu largest larm impiemen manufacturing companies in the Unite Slates. Owing to tne Increase of business, we rind it necessary to establish a dis tributing warehouse In the state of Ne braska and have a confidential position ti fill In nn.tl, I.K .k.. . .T those who arelooklug for apennanent vuiiiitouihi sua ro ill position to make lll- vestment, sufficient to Insure same, need appiy. j. Aj. owens Mf g. Co., Minneapolis, i sainn SUITS that sold up to 30, at 115. VOLLMER'b. 107 bo. IBtli. .iSif. oDenmc "Srtot K ,un, " " .?'". NEW laws and other conditions necs ing aistrlbutlng office in thu supply Increasing demands for I v iciured products used bv husl. Bess men, farmers, etc.; 1100 to 1151 aalarv u,y"""f expenses ana commissions .i aiioweo; position permanent; refeienooa. pturgis Asayer, Northwestern bales director, ou national Bank Commerce oiog., jamneapoiia, sllun. FOR BALE aQUi. Urm. EL W. MrH-nrv , 1T i..ul.t v:... ' uuuu (urniturs business; must sell on ! dniu an sainiiy. lioo uodge. FOR SALIC General merchandlsi stock I nw up-to-date, leading store, large ten tory, Invoke llu.000, at a snap. You cann beat Uila proposiUon. Boa Li. Mama, .sub, TO BUY. BELL OR THAlm Sea Midland Iuv, Co., 104 McCague Uldg BUSINESS CHANCES IContinued ) NKW IIOTl'ljMixlrn. eteam heated. electric liKhted, hot and Co. I wut'r. ao.nl btimncn, at a bargain. Wrfle for cieacrtp- lion. It. c. bniley, Merna, Mao. ?r 'r ( Vnt MONEY. Inveet a few dol vyciilarl, Umana company, aala T!vUlmil tied poKltlonH, either ae, liviuciiu mow ,wur(li, Call, write. Promoter. (10 tax ton Hi a. ASSOCIATED PHEMfl DAILY NEW f'Arr.It Folt SALE Fifteen thousand dol lars, part caali, takes only morning news paper in rlprounng new city of eiKhteen thousand lnulatirm in the high altitude I region of Tex is. Climate same as Colo- mill Hail ml . I nanblnff hirilAA f l.liir- I Ing mllio, fine farming country; wholesale point for area lurnor than state of Iowa. I r auer circulates over wwie section, uwner i Khji fithfir lnl.r.111. in 1 1 11 ha u-hlrh nrn. I vent Personal mioniinn to tironertv. Chancel of a lifetime for citable man. Address O I. i . r a . V: . I . ... N ..V. KOH BALE Bakery In good live town of about l,lo); doing a good businees; reason fur selling, went to go east. John Korn- uerg, Arapatioe MeD. New it Whand harness ft hardware stock, bell or trade for real estate, lyli Cuming. roil KAI.C The beKt mataurant In So. Omaha; a -r.a for someone; must be aoHl (juIck. 11, i.ku office, tkmth Omaha. WANTED Young men with capital to TO now In promote an Omaha Invention. use in Omaha, Will py you to Investigate I this propoaitiun. ZC32 Capitol Ave. t , ,., n .nH wi. I stocka, per cent; stocks bought and sold. 1 Adaress f ttiv, Live.' GOOD PAYING POOL HALL; must be sold at once retjardleaa of price, owing to accident to proprietor. Phone Webster iia. SUITS that sold up to $30, at 115. VOLLMEK S, 107 bo. 16th. YOUNG attorney wonts to hear of location at oibiiliig where a lawyer is ueedea; grad uate (lorn eastern law school; uas naa three years' practice. H VI, Bee. CHIROPODISTS DR ROY, 1506 Farnam St. Douglas 64H7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS! L' IT ni Wli'V Practical Builder. ii. j-l. vxjjjii.', Kstiinatea a umiaiied. Tel. Benson iM. i UEAVEli BOAltD .JSlSS AMEKlCAN turi'Li co., 1U2 jf aruam. O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. Tel. 2&14. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater ial. Frank Marshall. 4tM6 Leavenworth bt. TUH SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL. STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory, B. 01; office Phone 1133. PAINTING, paper banging and decora- tins, very reasonable for landlords. Esti mates free to all. O. S. Kenneson, 4iXU L St., buuth Oman a. SUITS that sold up to 30. at $15. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D. lu. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1U7 Douglas St, DR. M. T. GORDON, el ttraudels Thea ter Bldg. ; DETECTIVES- OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Ino. and bonded, 42s- Paxton Blk. D. Kilt CAPT. T. CORMACK, M7 Karbach. D. 2Sj2 DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2707 Farnum. Tel. H. 4076. TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and Fai num. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Nurseries. rrrp-i-ixioand plants that grow. F. W. i,i,lleneray crescent Nursery co.. Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 4550. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN 5 A W7TAT?YHAIRDRES8INa Parlors. OAlllliiin Swltcl tee made from comb ings. 11.50. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4b7L ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 50o and 11.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MUSIC, mirth and amusement at the coolest of summer playhouses The Parlor i neater. nr.TVF. We are exclusive agents for the vLa fw mrmu I'uDm. nllvai nil frnm OTTi Italr. for medicinal purposes. Liquors, tJu- macaroni & other Italian products. A. Minaroi c Co.. 'iiu a Ittn. Lioug. tost. TTT a TTT Y Xxi. V X nonsurgical treatment; it lius spared the lives of thousands of men and women; 400-page book free. 813 i)UAlut-lB BLDG., OMAHA. CHINA decoratlnar: order work a sne- clalty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and baturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 891 oranueis tildg. Tel. Red 5486. Ideal cummer drink, Alamito Lactone. EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BO YLEs' COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profitable ponltlons In book l.iililmi .hn.lh.i A Ivn.ai-ltl.,. I.l.iraiili. civil service- sure to-be open' In the fall and winter. The year book is ready. Apply ior it students admitted any uay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Both phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3848 Charles. Harney 2333. SUITS that sold up to S20. at 115. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE, 1607 Far. D- 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Doug 1258. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers or any occasion snipped anywhere In U. a HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot .. . v. . ,,W....B, 1 1 nivi l iuiiim OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, ljuv-s Liougias bt. uotnfDones. diuvob icyuiicu. iuuu tma new. iuirnieti: norKa, vuj at mmn. 4 J.9 twuniiuic. ju. XbM. HELP WANTED FEMALE WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact mat you saw tne a a, in me lies. Factory ssa Trades. IfWITVTV.riVlv trlfla , . , wages and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag company. entrance on cieveniu street viaduct GIRL wanted to learn hair dressing. fries reasonable. Oppenhelm Hair Dresslug arlors. 313 McCague Bldg. Tel. D. lini. Uaasekeegers aad Domestics. WANTED Capable girl who can cook; second gin aepi; two iu lamuy. bt Mary s avenue. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral apusewors, i ei. iiarney im. WANTED A general housework alrl who can eook. Wages 17 a week with waahln y wunoui waanins. leiepnone Douglas bw. iesiuuws, wi aooks air ecu HELP WANTED FEMALE Ilaaeekeeere Duainlln Caat'4. OIUL. for itneral tiousework; amall family and kohM wages. Mra T. M. orr. ITHti Farnam WANTED Cook, 1 dining room g'.rls and 1 silver KlrL Uaihelors' Hotel Cafe, 2U1J Karnam 8L WANTklli tJIrl for general housework: small family; small bouse. Phone Har- ney 110. WANTED Reliable womitn for bouse- keeDer: email family: beat warra and ex cedent home for competent woman. Call after 8 at H404 Dewey Ave. TeL H. a6. 1 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; must be good cook; laundress mpioei. o. oom o. ...i..c7 OIKL for general nouseworg, two in family. Call 416 N. utn bt. wnrk, no washing, goon wages. Call 4819 Florence boulevard, or Phono Web. Vili. WANTED-Experienced dining room glrL St. James hotel, 418 8. Uth. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no laundry; amall family; good wages; references requireu. iMi Howard. WANTED A good cook; 820 N. btB St. Tel. Harney all Mis. L. C. Naah. OtRL for genera) nouaework; V per week. PP' " mv """ WANTED lady to care for child during the day. and room xnotner. iveaaouauia. 1-'1' l0ib M""". LADIES WA NTED Taka work home anulv transfeia: II to U dos; work guar atiteed. l'nebers, tie Brandela Theater Bid. GOOD girl for general housework; no washing and Ironing; good wages. &10 N 20lti bu COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework, no washing; small family; good wages. 1U02 Howard St." COMPETENT girl for gen. housework. Mrs. F. F. Hall, Sherman Ave.; both phones. WAbll woman for Monday and Tuesday. Tel. Harney 741. 1304 S. 3th street. GIRL for central housework and wash ing. K218 Dodge bt. TeL H. 34a. GIRL for general housework; comfort- able room; good wages. Telephone Harney HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 2017 Manderson. GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt street. GIRL fir general houaework, and also a nurse to care for two children, Airs. if. A. Nash. LJU S. Had street- COMPETENT 2d girl. 34U Farnam. WANTED, at once, a girl for general hodaework; one who can do good plain cooking. 40? N. s7tn street. WANTED Good washerwoman for Man day. TeL Weosler STsa. 1511 Louust street COMPETENT cook In private family. Mrs. F. B. Kennard. Dodge bL No objection to color. WANTED-Servant girl at once, 113 a JCth street. Mrs. Louis Moncrleff. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small lumiiy; good wages, itat a. SKth street. NEAT school girl to assist with light housework. Phone Harney aato. ow a. mux street. A GOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 6. 33d Ave. A GIRL from 14 to 16 yrs. to take care of baby. 133 s. 3a Aye. WANTED A young Danish gill to assist with general housework. 730 S. tid street. corner 33d and Leavenwonn. WANTED A good girl for general house- work; small family; good pay. &12 Har' ney street WANTEd-A competent housemaid: must have good references. Mrs. John McShane, iJt S. 3ith street GIRL for general housework. Good wages, no cooKing. ia o. oiu street. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1128 N. 16ttl street WANTED Washerwoman. family of three. Call 1312 b. 33d or phone Harney 2873. rsiKL, for Ken era 1 housework. Mrs. H. C. Uhlig, 2420 Caldwell street Tel. Webster 2o5. WANTED" Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. E. Ribbel, 1334 a 31st street TeL Harney 1529. WANTED A cook. Apply 8130 Daven port St Tel. Harney 59. COMPETENT Eln for general house work; no washing; $6 a week. 2307 Dodge St Mrs. George B. Lake. WANTED Second girl at 610 South 224 St Tel. Douglas 4430. Mrs. lladra. WANTED A young girl to assist with bousewoik. 603 N. 40th St WANTED Girl for general housework. 1212 N. 25th St., South Omaha. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; fl per week. 123 S. 25th Ave. GOOD girl for general housework; 17 per week; must be good cook. 1622 Spencer St Phone Webster 442. i WANTED Girl for general housework: small family; good wages; with or without wanning, ijpt b. Both St. Fhone Harney 741. WANTED Experienced alrl for general housework, 30 a mouth; no laundry work. 110 N. 88th. Tel. Harney 2081. LAUNDRESS tor Mondays: references required. Mrs. PI. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam bt lei. iiarney uio. ' GIRL for general housework; no cook Ing; must go home nights; at 2J06 Franklin bt. WASHERWOMAN wanted. 624 S. 28th St GOOD girl for general housework. Tel, Harney 25. 5016 California St WANTED German or Bohemian Klrl for housework in modern brick dwelling; wages 17. Apply any time. 1308 Park Ave. TeL Harney 1234. WANTED A girl for general house work. 2811 g St, South Omaha, Phone South 590. A GIRL for general housework: good wages; smaii lamuy. La b. via Ave. WANTED Comnetent clrl to take care of three small children, suburban place. during summer, mono u. a. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. C. a. Rustin, mo a 37th St. Tel. iiarney 2035. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Lothrop bt Tel. Webster K75. WANTED Competent girl: two In family: I laundress employed. Mrs. C. E. Spans, Tne ciannoa Apartment, no. t, ui ana Far nam Sis. I COMlETENT srirl for ceneral huniui work; no washing; good wages. 4td0 Flor- CIUO UIVUi UUtlC VI VUIICI U,t. LADIES AND GIRLS wanted to work on Hf if A. til I iti WM Hi in hum ' M lie-i-iMin ii n n .! . iHurv: i-mm rnrstiinitiiH. tmi h lnrti WANTED Experienced cook: 2 In family: I iuuu wages; auotner gin iwul axis. u. O. Cluik, 43 N. 31st St. WANTED A woman cook. Address Dr. Hargeua banitarium, Hct Springs, b. D. WANTED Chambermaids, Millard hotel, WOMAN to asaist with housework and care of invalid; good wages. Mrs. W. B. Clark. Millard Hotel. LADIES WANTED Take work home apply transfers; 11 to 4 dos; work guar anteed, irieoers, Bib uranoeis inealer Bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework 133 No. 43d. Phone Huiuiey 5148. Good wages. Mlarellaaeoas. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association bunding at St. Mary a Ave. and 17th bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places I or otnerwlae assisted; look for out tiaveier s i sid at Villon Slatloil, HELP WmEDMALE A grata, talesmen and lleltara. WANTED A good huntllng snliscrli'tlon sollcitcr to go on tne roail lor 1 no I wen- tleth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation, ibe Be Publishing Co. WANTED A first-cless hardware clerk for a western Nebraska town; must be married and i out 30 years of tine. Salary. .j to isii. Room 612 Bee Bldg. WANTED New appearing solicitors to work In crew; men can earn $.1 to til or more dally; chance for advancement to competent men. Room 718, llenshaw hotel. WANTID-Ily established wholesale hoifSe, sober, reliable, honest man to sell perlsnable goods from wagon to retailers In Omaiia. One acquainted with meat mar ket and restaurant trado preferred. Per manent plant and good opening for light party. Addrens In own handwriting, stat ing age, experience and salary wuiiled. Address P-37, Bee. WANTED By August 1, two honest. sober, reliable treaveling salesmen; one fur western lowa, the oilier ror north half or Nebraska. Experience with packing house trade preferred. Address In own handwrit- iik, stating age. experience and salary waLted, Address S-, Bee. A SUMMER leader that sells: tj a day easily made; sample, free; write now. The Home Supply Co., box 143, Lincoln, Neb. SALESMEN for our patent "Adiustn Top petticoats, aprons, sun bonnets, doll bonnets, sleeve protectors. Liberal com missions monthly; credit for reorders. American bun Bonnet company, Lathrop, no. SALES manager of demonstrated ability to sell farmers. Must have a clear record and be capable of organlnzlng an efficient sclliBj' force. Full particulars must be given uy an applicants, ah replies conn dentlal. M-34, Care Bee. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wanted; must have good reference. Raph- el-l'red Co., latti and Farnam bis. WANTED Men to sell shares, Omaha companies we Incorporated; beginners taught, good pay. A'romoter, 10 Paxton Block. SUITS that sold lip to 130, at 13. VOLLMLR S, 107 So. 1-tu. COLLECTOR and salesman: pt-rmanimt city position; sairy ana commission con tract: applicant inuxt be between acre zo ana 40 and have had some successful sales man experience. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., Omaliuw Neb. Clerical and Office. IF you are a competent bookkeeper stenographer, salesman, etc., see US at once; we can p.nce " nhort notice. w ,ii-.Ui REV. 4 BOND ASSN., INC., iai-M ,N. X. Lulu in... ti.. a irs.j OUR Dally Bulletin gets results. Give us your record and we will secure the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED A young man stenographer with experience; must be a good man. Room biii nee mug. WE have a number of openings for bookkeepers, stenographers, office clerks and salinmen. if you are open for a posi tion S,E US AT ONCE. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N.. INC. 752-54 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlost, Bee Bldg. SHOES repaired by hand while you wait Coircct Shoe Repair o , &u a Uth. WANTED A first-class baker. Sampson, Seward, Neb. It L. A GOOD clock repRlrer, who can assist ....il. .t-L- llljirl liVthnlm I.m.u. VU l VII nw.n. . mui.w... .."Villi WANTED Cylinder press feeder. Medlar Co., 414 So. 11th St I. A. WANTED Saddle hands and raised stamp hands. Pudgtt Bros. Co., Dallas, Tex. WE have places fur good machine and floor men building machine tools; have nice shop und pleasant surroundings; pref erence win De given marnea men wno would move their families and become permanent residents; have good proposi tion for steady men. The Ingersoll ilillmi; Machine Co., Rockiora, iil WANTED Experienced egg candlers; rnust be steady, sober and export at candling eggs; reliable men only wanted. Address or report to 703 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Miscellaneous. DO vou know where It Is cool every min ute of the time? The Parlor Theater. rro.OO MONTHLY for man to manage branch office, eastern Nebraska; small In vestment for fixtures. Address Capital Collection Co., Des Moines, la. SUITS that sold up to 130. at t!6. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 152 R, Rochester, N. Y. HFI P WANTFQ MALES AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha. AGENTS Men, women, best hot weather seller on market. Write quick. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha. WANTED A cook at Bachelors' cafe. 2012 Farnum. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system Is death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas 3530, Omaha Steam Laundry, 1750 Leaven worth. YOU MISS the best laundry service If you fail to patronize us. National Laundry. 2916 Cuming St. LIVE, STOCK FOR SALE Baggiles. TTTGTT GRADE Buggies, Surreya, X1XUXX UXW1XAU 6tanhopes and Run abouts for sale cheap. 1117 Farnam St GOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE. Pbcue Harney 232. 4207 La Fayette Avj. FOR SALE New runabout buggy harness. (15. 2433 Poppleton Ave. aud ONE good single CARRIAGE for half price. Tel Har. 2423, or 3519 Jackson bt. Horses and Vehicles. 1-100-LB. bay horse, harness snd steel tired top buggy, 13A. Will take good cow as part payment. 19J0 9. 34th St TWO good work horses, two sets of har ness and four laundry wagons. Phone Harney 1335. SUITS that sold up to :0. at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. FAMILY HORSE FOR SALE with bUKav and harness. Price 1180 cash sultuhle for women to drive. Call at room Tot), Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas 6'jo or Harney 2044. Cevrs, Birds, Dogs aad Pete. THOROUGHBRED English bull dog pups Address 1908 S. 13th St. , LOST AND FOUND in, rpJ,l Tini. Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 1S18 HARNEY. BOTH PHONES, IX)ST Male Boston terrier,- brlndlo with white markings; had on leather collar with brars trlmmlnxa. No Omaha lag as was Just received from the east. Liberal reward if returned to I nil ueu, nut onerman Ave. Phone W eb. 600. A POCKETBOOK marked F. A. Corneer, containing Elk membership card and valu able papers; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer, 24th and Dorcas. LOST-A dlnmond-shaped medical frater nlty Din set with pearls and emeralds: ini Hals J. F. 8. on back; a reward of 13 will bo paid for return to Bee ocive. MEDICAL DR. J. II. HUGH ES Specialist In chronic dlsrasea Consultation, with In- strurtlons how to use the waters, fres oi charga Offlcs In Mcintrr liidg., KxceUior bprlng. Mo. HAZEL LEAF PILM CONES; b"t rem- sdy for Itching, bleeding oi protruding PILES, Wo postpaid; samples free. S Her man . AlcCunnell Drug Co., omana. FREE medical and surclcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14lh and Daven port bt.; special attention paid to w ilnement rases; all treatment supervised by college proressurs. Phone Douglas LWJ. Calls answered, day and night Dr. McGrew IUs given his entire professional life to the treatment of ell forms of chronic and spe cial diseases of men. For 31 years he has teen known and trusted by all. S years in Omaha. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co.. 2u S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. SUITS that so'd up to :t0. at 915. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. REST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food pills. U a box, postpaid. Sher man a. McConnell Drug Co., omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AM) CHATTELS. tttttmmttrtmtmmuuutttjtmmmnmt; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ft CHEAP MONEY M FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION. tlO TO I1.CV0 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD M FURNITURE, PIANOS, SALARIES. M THIS lb A NEW FlKJd Organized by the REPULABLIS It BLSlNEbS MEN of this city to pro- W tect honest working peopie In need 4 of temporary help from the exorbl- U tant diaraes of the so-called loan companies. We will loan you all tne 1$ U money you want and charge you only 14 ff 10 per cent a year. U W THIS MEANS YOU PAY M II Interest on I 10 for 1 year. it 2 Interest on 25 for 1 year. f H 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. II And all other sums In proportion. i Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. 1 It Reasonable Appraisement Charges. II A glance at the above rates will It It convince you how much you save by It II dealing with us. t It NO RED TAPE. NO DEI.AY. It H MONEY IN YOUR POCKET M It WITHIN AN HOUR. It It ROOM 2I4 W1THNELL BUILDING. II It INDEPENDENT LOAN CO. It It Doug. 6v45. N. E. cor. 15lh and Homey. It It U Cash Quick on Easy Terms Have you ever thought of borrowing money on your furniture, plajio or tcaini If you haven't, just think how etujy It is to Ket a loan from us and have your pay ments so small that you will not miss them 11.30 is the weekly payment on a SviO.00 loan for 50 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. If you have a loan at present and the company suits you, stay wiln them. If they don't suit you, come In and let us explain our 50-week plan to you. We are dally taking up loans from other companies and advancing more money. W ny not let us do the same for you? Money saved is money earned Phone or mail applications receive our prompt attention. Nothing moved, btrlotly private. STATE MORTGAGE CO., Room 12, Arlington Blk, 151 1H Dodge St 'Phone Douglas 'MM. Salary and Furniture Loans at poalUvely tha LOWEST RATES, qulckii service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL, DEAL of any in the city. Patronise U K iiUvl' A (ill HKHT. KKL1ABLE CREDIT C0 Ttilrd Floor. W7-I0S Paxton Block, Douglas tu Kim DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU. . 1614 Dodse. TeL Red 6611 tiwmKWWvimwimmwwwiwji UUJliAl' LiUAiNo so Furniture. Piano or Salary, YOU BORROW 110.00 you pay back tU.oe li6. 00 you pay back 1-7.0 (50.00 you pay back M.0I NO OTHER CHARGE. g OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 8 Room eut, crown mocc si j 107 a 16 in Bt, cor. L'ougias Bt . it 'Phones: Douglas 203C: A 2031 uuitmit4miiiimwMuitiAmii MONEY NEED ANT I OO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, lis Board of Trade Bid. boutbwest Cor. 16th and Farnam Street TaleDhone Douiclas 2294. Rites cheaper than any advertised. we . ran prove it SUITS that sold up to $30, at 115. VOLLMER'S, 107 bo. 16th.- MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH1 WOMEN KEEPING HOUbM AND OTH ERH. without security; easy payment Offices In 66 principal oltlee Toluieu. rooia 113 New York Hie Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 909 So. 17th. TeL D. 15b9. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 1307-09 Ixard St. WHITEWASHING, plastering, screens repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished. McRea, 8L1K nan weosier. uaruey tvn. SUITS that sold up to $30. at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. lOtli. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. ROOM and board; home cooking. tOOS 8. 24th. TeL D. 6483. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenial family. Largs rooms, elegant tame, good locatlty. Use of large parlor and living room. $20 per month. Phone Webster $244. W18 No. Twenty-fifth street FURNISHED room for gentlemen, strictly modern; private family. 2527 De catur. Webster 1380. ONE or two pleasant rooms In modern home; will give breakfast If desired. 214 N. 23d St., Phone Red 53 FOUR boys, $4.50 per week. 2539 Califor nia- St Pboue jJoumas euiL ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with bourd, conveniently locatou; rcierences. UM Cass. Phone Douglas eila. ROOMS and board, $6 week; home cook ing. Modern. 131 uougia. ROOM 8 and board. (712 N. 19th St TeL Webster 2162. Good neighborhood; foul blocks from car line. LARGE front alcove room, modern, with board; other rooms, uut uougiaa. ROOMS for two with board; uwuie coo lug; modern. 221$ Howard. FURNISHED roorrl with board In private family, call at sis boutn in nt ELEGANT parlor end also studying room, mano; private lamuy. vOtz a. jsih. ROOMS for light housekeeping, board if desired. mii SOUTH front parlor with excellent board modem, also table board, uio Dodge. PRIVATE family. 2406 Chicago SL F URN loll ELi room and board, itol Ave. 'Phone Douglas 7iaa. 181$ Cap- DO U BLK room with board, $e and up use oi piano, aim uougias. LARGE south front room for $; good uuina cooauig. iit cuicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Gar mail Christian aiiuily. 1811 Capitol Av LARGE front rooms; also single room good board; rales! jtoio Iiarney. NICE parlor room for I or 4 gentlemen. board K wees; aiao single leoine, us a I4tn Ave. NICE rooms, alth or wltlio.it board, Ult Cass suet rnone, Doug. 14ie. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Koe-sas -Cotlsj. BOARD and rooma 11 gt Mary H THE L1VENG00D tiJiTx Z ' . ,. i t ladle: Diirata horn, walking disiaoce. Harney em. T . r . c ..uth twr,t vntfim An ftrtt floor. running water; private entrance on trifJ summer law o; aiao viosr "v" loth Ava. SUITS that sold for $.10, at $15. VOLLMER S, 107 So. 16th. f -r II If . . rnn f rvwm with bOSTd. Xl2 So. St.th St. l'hune D. S13S. Faralsked Baatsaa. I. O . iumiihiivu v. 1 1 , for two, with private family. W14 Dodga. 4-ROOM modern apartment TeL Web, tit. rimMAHicn mama for cenilamesv US S. Uth St 'Abe Chatham. MODERN rooms for 1 I or 4; separated beds If desired. su37 Harney. EIOHT rooms strictly modern, Cfw Ml) Caldwell St Call Harney EXCEPTIONALLY nice room. 220 N ltd. FURNISH El or unfurnished row nisi aeas car line. 1331 a 19th. MODERN rooms, mealy furnished. $4.0 inu t-M a week. ! N. WUi stt km ALL. neat front loom, modern house. Bemls pajk; strictly private family, te ladn, employed during day. TeL Iiarney Site, THB use ef mi furnished house la e Change Sor board. TeL Wis, 441a. FRONT rooms, south and east exposure! modern. 4UI a 25th Ave. Tylur loeu. ROOMS. 2310 Harney St. Red 5126. UNDER new management' 2109-aLU and 2114 Douglas St., rooms, cupl and in fine oonditloii; desirable !r sutuuuer, eitner iur nndied or unfurnished. Coil lilt Douglas. FUR RENT Four large, modern rooms. furnished or unfurnished, sukable lor either light housekeeping or sleeping, tor rail an together oi- separate. Call Douglas Uii. 403 N. vl St., j am us Hunt FURNISHED rooms; all modern, U S. 19th bt. NICELY furnished rooms. 181 Dodge SL SINGLE room, reasonable, modern. 210$ Farnam bt. NICELY furnished front rooms, large and nice; walking distance. 131 bo, xitn ot. NICE .cool, modern south aud east rooms. 1B01 Dodge. Douglas 441)8. rin.ji.r room for gentleman. $7. 00l Mason. Harney 2793. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611 A-261X. iiraitifL'L front parlor: gentlemen ot couple. 604 S. 2Uh St SINGLE SOUTH room, 222S Dodge. Iled 6652. FURNISHED rooms. 2114 Chicago St rnni. mith room for aentleman In prU vate family. 2638 Seward. 1 9 virift.v furnished room, all oonven iences; gentleman preferred. Cull 2513 St. Mary's Ave. XUATI.Y furnished front parlor, close Ins modern. 2J02 Dough s. SOUTH room for gentlemen. 2406 Harney. "HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern. 546 S. 24th Ave. v-ti-7 .luin ntrir.tlv modern sleening; room; rent reasonable. 945 N. 26th St a r tvt n t IT! rnnmsr eAMtern exnosure: nicely furnished. 1053 Park Ave. Harney 324L DEWEY European httel. 13th A Franara. anlltaD.e lui .ww w, ..,.ww vvH , rm block trom car lia. 107 A. XfiU bt. 'khon a.-T-vtrT kj AiitiM mnm for n tlsimeDl MLIIIUiVt1 W --'- w - w T vs five blocks P. O. TeL Douglas 791X. , DODGE HOTEL Large outside, snd gtsam beat In every room; rate by week. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Web ster, furnished rooms, day or week. . - n . T 1-riX'l.i n iklHl fin.,. nAwl yAlUjOlVAOviV f w vii ..... v. .v... . ..v. ... uitable tor mau w,w, w. . " " vn- inen. Breakfast privileges. Rent reasonable, 563 a SSlh. St Large Front Room klnSf., gentlemen; $4 per week; for one gentleman, $2.60 per week. 2408 Burt St FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all modern; private family. 'Phone Red 739. TWO nice rooms; terms reasonable. Pbone Douglas (486. FRONT single room, $2. 630 S. 2uth Ave. TWO very desirable rooms for light housekeeping; modern t reasonable; walking; distance. 533 a 25th Ave. FURNISHED front room. In modern bouse; near Carter lake. Tel Webstar Wi. FRONT room; modern; In private fam ily; price reasonable. 114 8. 20th St NICE furnished room, good neighbor- t a uwi ,1 2 -Ail Dnuirlaa 7101. TWO nicely xurmanei uiuuva xroos rooms (connected) for two or three per sons. Phone Red 5350. SINGLE room for gentleman, $7. 3001 Mason. Harney 2793. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, large and cool; modern; east front flue location. TeL B-141. tut N. UU Ave. LARGE room and closet facing south 09 Dewey Ave., near 26th; strtoily niouorn. fhoive Douglas 13 KOCMS near new street car bain and depot; all modern. 814 Hickory. Red 7865. LAKUrC south front room on first floor; running water; private entrance onto lawn; also other rooms. 133 8. 25th Ave. TWO nicely turnlshed rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wife; with or with out board. Ind. 'phone 12vi. COOL east-front parlor; modern, private home, clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $3.59 a week. 822 S. 20th. Red 6327. NICE front room, northeast corner 110. B. 11th St, upstairs; very reasonable. VERY large, well furnished, south front permanent parties. 2326 Farnam. ARE you looking for a coo., pleasant room? Iiuiulre 2621 Hainey or phone Har ney IZ-i. THE BACHELORS 20T14 AND FARNAM. Is now operated on the European plan. Rooms may be bad by the day, week or month. Meals as desired In the eaie. DESIRABLE room; tine location, walk ing distance. 218 8. tela. St ONE large and one slnjle room, nicely furnished. 211 N. Uth St. LARGE modern furnished rooms, sepa rate beds. 2U3J Harney. FURNISHED rooms, strictly moderni walking distance. 633'4 8. Uth St $30 Large, cool, well furnished room and alcove; has six windows; also piano; nice bath, hot and Ice water; both telephones; wulkliitf distance; Leavenworth car one block. 253ti bt. Mary's Ave. Also single room. LARGE front room, well ventilated. 117 8. 25th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, modern. Hi . 17th Ave. CLEAN furnished rooms, board l( wanted. (Christian family.) 1811 Capitol Ave. ONE large, cool front room. No other roomers. 25utt Davenport SL COOL, elegantly furnished rooms; mod ern; reasonable. 1813 Chicago bu SINGLE room, $2.60; modern, (50 a t-ta Ave. THKKia furnished rooms and one un furnished, modern, reasonable la the right party. (Olt'Cass sit ) f 1 f Ml