1U Want - Ads Want ad rfltr4 mi any time, ont la Inmrt froprr classification mnst presented hrtr 1 31 'clock fi lar the eveulnsMi'dltlon, nnd lfor I ISO o'clock of jYrevlens " mornlnsj and Hnndar editions. Wnnt eda received nfter s-eh ,T,n have tnelr first Insertion ending; "Too Late to Cls-sUf." Cask moat necotna-nnr all orders for ( ads, a ad ao advertisement will ke accepted for 1cm tkaa 20 cent for first Insertion. nates apply to either The under Hce. Altrnys coaat als words to a line. CAf II RATES Foil WANT ADS r'r Una per aaontk Want ads foe 1st Bee may " ,e,t at any of the following: draw storeo on is roar "corner drag-let" '"' are all branch offices for Tke flee and roar ad will ko Inserted Jost as promptly aud oa tko aaoao rales as at the aaala offloe In Tko Dee Bolldlng, erententk and Faraant atreetsi Albach, W. C., 40th and Far-am. Saransk, ft. A.. 1403 8. 16th St Payton Pharmacy, 7 H. Wtht Hensou Pharmacy, Cannon, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, VA and Cuming. Blade-Bradish, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., 6th apd Pierce SU. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam St , Cre.sey Plinrmacy, ilth and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 22211 H. 16th St Cermak, Emll, 1264-6 So. Uth RU Lhler, F. H., 202 Leavenworth. Foster 4 Arnold), 113 N. 25th ft. Krcytag, J. J., 1814 N. nth St. Fregger Drug Co., 130S N. 16th St. Florence rrug Co.. Florence, Neb. Green a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific UreenouKh, U. A., 106 S. 10th St. Ureenough, O. A., Wth and Hickory. Hayden. William, 2M0 Farnam St ltanecorn Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 2th Ay. Hoist, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2U24 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8.. 2238 Farnam 8t. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 8304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred L., 201 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1124 N. 24th St. in in I up, cum iw. ., j a- ...v.. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th aud Leaven- ftunn tis. r- . , . S-t Bli L . A,- A 1. A Daraiuga irug v.o., x.m biiu Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicago Sts. Schaefer, Aug., 2631 N. lth. Schmidt, J. H., I4th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICKS. o .nAn n tnnoiuiiy, avi.wv . hi., au . Neclian, -aged u years. Survived by wife . . . . . . . . ... - ... ttnt.lnl. and five sons, jonn, jowpii, utwiut, WrA and Unbert. two dauchters, Mrs. Veklman of Omaha and Mi s. Pomeroy of Palisade, Wyo. CutiHrml FVlanv momlni from residence, 1541 North Nineteenth street. Holy Fcmily CHurch, at 9 o'clock. Interment at Holy Hepulcher cemetery. Tr A irrM Tn....h a,ui 74 VAiira Funeral from resioenoe, at 2105 Howard treat, at 8:30 a. in., Friday, morning and to the St.' Peter's Church, at I L in. In terment in the- receiving vault at Holy VH1I rUlJUCHl. nmi'TiiiH-iffirrt-iW.Wi1 iiM LODGE! NOTICE). Atfonton, F. V. of A. The funeral of Brother T. J. Meehan mmber of Mondamln lodKe. No. 111. will occur Friday, July 1 at 9 a. m. from Holy Family church. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Members are riuetuea to at' tend.- - J. is. HKUUiva, so. SOPHIE -aLLEji.' 8eo'y.' MARRIAGE! LICEN9KS. The following marriage licenses hava been Issued: Harry L. Arnold, Omaha 40 Emma M. Lorenzen, umana William B. Fuller, Omaha , 32 Emma E. Wallace, Omaha . 24 Fred E. Brasle, Harlan la Alice Bacon, Harlan, la 26 Anton Starclo, South Omaha 31 Teresa Krai, South Omaha loHcph Roul, South Omaha 27 Frances Cejka, South Omaha 24 Northern Jenkins, Omaha Ella Taylor, Omaha John Sullivan. Council Bluffs Douthle McKin.le, Maryville, Mo 63 Leon Ullaka, South Omaha Mary Stadalak, South Omaha Arthur D. Sowers. Emerson la Pearl C. Harris, Wolvern, la 26 John F. Moran, Omaha 24 Uoldle I. Furneaa, Omaha 20 Stanley M. Udale, Omaha Lahveala P. Pack wood, Boaton Rov (.'. Hollensbe. Pueblo. Colo Anna M. Borger, Pueblo, Colo in Emit O. Slaaelkow. Cleveland, Wis 28 Minnie Lenliaid, Omaha .4 Joseph B. Kleet. Omaha Laura B. Stevens, Omaha... Wllsle L. Lambert. Coon Rapids, Ia....H2 Ola L. Jeffrey, Hlnton, OKla 30 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha Anthony Kemper, 6348 Nort Twenty-fifth, gui; Vis Anderson, 1. Pi'.iilp irlri. Deathu William Blackburn, 1521 Spencer, kf Anion Manilnk. First and Sprnia. oi Andrew Jurgetison, '1 111 rty -fourth and Meredith, Zi. ANNOUNCEMENTS J . A. GENTLEMAK CO., V"d" mbalnurs, 114' Chicago. D. 16-9, B-iux.' $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.5U'. All sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, ' d Floor Taxton Block. P1PWH! T IlMf'TI.S m-le to order, - V'-"-'---. prepared with home cookiiur, caKm, plea and cold Dies. U I-tJ--X 1jOOu ,j 3l) lbJ0 . arnum. LAI-TONE Refreshing Medlcln A v 41 Summ.r Drink. Dam retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alauilio ICE CIRAI "ALWAYS THE BEST. -lAULUAU ice (Jieam. v eaeewoou jr. nutlet, uaiaing eieum Co. MEHCIIANTS' li0 -nd ",c LlJc UllV.UAiM- MIDLAND CAKK. PIUVATli L'lXINii ROOM- 3i7 N. loth a SUITS that bold up to $30. ut $13. VuLLMER'a, 107 BO. 16th. MONEY TO LOANLOW i llAit. In sums uil. 10 Bee Bid Phone Doua. am UN1U.N LU.WN CUMl'AJXy. B. V. WI RX. Optloian, 424 lirandela Bldg. URANDEIS- DlU'O AND PHOTO DE PARTMKNT We do ail kinds of develoi lng aud fl'il-hiiic. Films Ipfl befoia noun win tre iiiuanca same uay. FOli CAlES,.v'tch oul t AU" Vmu..OjllyJell.1 Bakery Dept. Try Hiiyunri fiisu It pays. HAVE YOUtt EYES TESTED BY AN EXPERT AT SANDVALL f8' m Kvah u i j'axton Blk. floor. Dr. John J. Foster, Sli Brandels Theater Bldg. Dentist, has moved to SCALES !",,.',n"t Scale Repair Co. netiicing, reminding and test' lUUilI?Vn Ink. Rafkted sral nlrf 11ECILAB CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, 1 l-Jl cents per vrd and t rent per vrord for eack aabscqnent Insertion. Each Insertion made oa odd days, 1 1-A cents r word, 1.5" ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued! The Circa tost Day of the Year Eagles I'ienic at the White City Courtland Beach. Saturday, July 2 All Day Admission 10 rents. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and poich screened from THE OMAHA WIM.KJW SUKW.i V.U., A SANITARY NF.OKSHIT I UK EVEKV HOME. 624 N. 16th St Call Doug. 4691 A'NCH BROS. PLM?lKuAND RKPAIR WORK. 706 8. 16th St. D 1477. WANTED Concessions for Fourth of July uch a balloon ascensions, merry-go-round nd other attractions at Plymouth, Neb. otlfy particulars to C. D. Mcculimacn, Secy. MAGGARD Van tk Storage or Omaha runk. Van & Storava Co. Pack, move. store and ship II. H. goods. D. 14W, U-21M. SLITS that sold tip to $30. at $15. VULLMc.lt o, 1W SO. 16in. WF.DI JiNfl rln presents. Oustaf VV laUUHWJ ,un & Heiidrlckson. 201 N. II Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Works, im B. 10th St Tel. Douglas 4367. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. R P.TSi. A. JET KS, 1302 Dougiaa St. PHOTOGRAPHIC SuDnllea. Earat'iea Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. lit. B-1011 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ELEVATORS REPAIRED: freight, pas senger. J. K. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug.2997 WE DDI NO rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas. UMBRELLA8 recovered and reoalred: supplies.' WESTERN UMBRELLA CO., 122 Farnam. Red 7478. VIKQIANA PARK wine. 7bo a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, 6l N. 16th St. Douglas 660. Jeffries-Johnson ykSLu3 ltUAlJ'S UMM:ii UAlDN Omaha's Cooleet Spot, ED. KOT1IERY scnim no. 2. Fun u-. xfcV7-iixu- ,lno of llQU01.g and cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill b. 14th. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH- PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost. SHU KERT'S,- 15th and Harney. Lawn MnWPrn Sharpened by ma UttWlliUUWtlo chlnerv: called for and delivered. A. Jensen Sons. W.164V; B-1647. Robertson's Restaurant fl?-1 2? (basemen ti: cool, llcht. sanitary, auick service, popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen, Table d uote dinner Sunday. THE place where cool breezes, muslo and amusement all mingle to make an enjoy able hour. The. Parlor Theater. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. Turkish Baths 16th and Howard Sts. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dougiaa 644, THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per cent leas than Omaha prices. 24th and L is., south Omaha. GET your WEDD1NO RINGS at FRED UKODEUAARD'S. It Insures good luck. ill. a. ltith St., at the sign of he Urown. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, announcements, calling cards. Kotera & Leary Co., l'To. A. E. ROBERTS, reliabla emn. aarent. Successor to Martin & Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKINO. Arklns, $16 S. 15th. upstairs. JOHN NITTLER Homer,,.FKn""mr"' LUXUS THK BEER YOU LIKE. Douglas 189, Red $932; Independent, A-1420. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO Whol3Sttl-rTRl1 Ir-IQU. iTarnnm lt Cki Will- VV 1 1 1 1 U m liulnta nil tiarhiuhas' ulau. whit lead, wall paper, biUHhes, flaming LAS 47&0; INU, A-3S2L 8. H. Col Sign Co., D. S7GS. 1216 Farnam. Iron and Wire Fences cheaper Than Wood j-.si a ueiiine. 207 N. 17th St, Phone Red 811 AT LIBERTY Colored band and orches tra with lull uniforms, Fourth of July, Auare ia. xewis. 2uii iN. ztn isl AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND" Sells Buggies, akes AUTO OPS, Build s agons. Repairs Autos and all kinds of Machines, lsth and Harney ois. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE DAY OR NIGHT Repairs and Storage Station 16TII AND HOWARD D. 324S-A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company SUITS that sold up to $30, at $16. VOLLMER'tS, 107 So. 16th. GTfP5fiM PAINTS AND REPAIRS. Automobiles, wagons, carriages; makes to order new wagons and automobile bodies, automobile wheels, tops, springs, slip covers; aeoond-hand bargains In closed carriages, aoia puones. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES aud CASTINGS promptly repaired. add womv uuAKAfiiiitU BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 2io to $3.60. COLUMBIA OPT1CAD :o., iU-2U 8. 16th, GREAT WESTERN, SCHACHT AND MONITOR TRUCK; can deliver at once, Central Implement Co., 1117 ! arnain St. HANDSOME Waverly electric, new tires, ton. chainless. black plush upholstering new batteries, perfect condition; cost $l,feu0 new. Owner will sell for cash or take clear cottage or lots. Aaaress u-iin, care Bee. Auto Repairing ffirt niamond tiiea carried ll stuck. The Pax- too-Mltchell Ct 231S Hartley. D. 70, A-AiU. BARGAIN'S In used cars; expert repair lng. Agent for Oakland, Staver & Welch, M INT x it au iu to., r arnam, SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIOHT AUTOMOBILE CO., lv'4 Farnum St, Anto Paintinir "Murphy Did it." Get ilUlU ttlUllJJg our price,. ANDREW UUKl'llI son. lUi Jackson. WRITE for list of automoblla bargains. H. a., i n uiutNj'V Auiu co Omaha. klotorc) xlvs. R. F. MOTOR CYCLE, excellent condl tlon; aide car attachment Call Harney (I. FOR SALE 3V-H. P. Thor mntorcvel flrat-claxN condition- WILL SCR1F1CK old at once. Tel. Harney 273. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on aANbUSTAD. H Bee Bldg. A el. D. U67. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SA LE Here 1 A No. 1 condition; cneap rent; all rooms well rented. Price, Jtuxoa. Docation, Uia and Dodge. LATHP.OP S, TOB1N. 421 Be. LISTEN w,!i..LNc.?"po!iA.IE ..r.0" ana rurnisn men to sell your siiaies. i'rj luoier, uu raxtoo Blk. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued ) SEE ME for cliv and farm lnvestmenta Alex Chapman, 230 Neville Blk. I., 16M. FOR BALE or trade, fine retail stock of a!l paper in Omaha. Finest stock In the Ity. Address Bee. - 4. SUITS that sold up to $.10, at $15. VODDMDKS, 107 CO, lttn. NEW laws and other conditions neres- ltate opening distributing offire In this istrict to supply Increasing demand lor ur manufactured products usud by busi ness men, farmers, etc.; liuO to II salary monthly; office expenses and coinminviona mummy, uiiii'w expenses ana vuiui allowed; position permanent: ref tturgls Thayer, Northwestern Director, 4U0 National Bank Cu referencos. Sales Commvro Bldg., Minneapolis. Mln H3l (h FOR SALE Ons of the best meat mar kets In the city of Normal, HL, known as the Schults Market, doing the leading business of the city. Fully eaulpped. to gether with barns and stables. Will sell on easy terms ror quick sale. J1 or lull in formation, write Hesnes-Rleger Land Co., Chelsea, S. D. FOR SALE All kinds of property, farm nd timber mills, saw mills, town and city. Stores, etc. Terms. A. E. Rice, Avon, Latah County, Idaho. FOR SALE. Saloon In Washington. Neb., for sal or trade: only saloon In city: paying Invest ment; new fixtures and Inside furnishings; also residence, with five city lots; would fell or trade for nice property. H. Buech. waaningion, ien. FOR SALE Hotel. Mrs. E. W. McHenry. Fairfield. Xs'ab. FOR 8ALE General merchandise stock, new up-to-date, leading store, large terri tory. Invoice $10,000, at a snap. You cannot beat this proposition. Box 13, Merna, Neb. ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY NEWS PAPER FOR SALE Fifteen thousand dol lars, part cash, takes only morning news paper In rlproarlng new city of eighteen thousand population In the high altitude region of Tex is. Climate same as Colo rado. Railroad center, backing houve. flour ing mills, fine farming country; wholesale pol nni for area larger than state of Iowa. Paper circulates over wide section. Owner as other Interents In Omaha which pre- ent Personal attention to nrobertv. Chance of a lifetime for crpable man. Address O bli. care Bee, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Bakery In good live town of about 1,100; doing a good busiuees; reason ror selling, want to go east. John Rosen berg. Arapahoe Neb. NEW HOTEL Modem, steam heated. lectrlc lighted, hot and cold water, good business, at a bargain. Write for descrip tion, it. u. Shiley, Merna, Xveb. 0 Pfr P!Tlt MONEY. Invest a few dol- lars, Omaha company, sala- Div!f?pnr1 r,e1 positions, either sex, umucuu ninnev r,iiirt !all rt Prcmioter, 610 Pax tori Blk. New & 2dhand harness & hardware stock. Sell or trade for real estate. 1912 Cuming FOR SALE The best restaurant in So. Omaha; a snap for someone; must be sold quick. i, Bee onice, South Omaha. TP YOTT want to buy or sell pool or L- A w u cigar fixtures, see Linn, 1610 Harney St. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. See Midland Inv. Co.. 103 McCaguo Bldg. WANTED Young men with cadtal ' to promote an Omaha .invention. 70 now In use in umana. win pay you to investigate tms proposuion. tt&6 t-apitoi Ave. LOANS made on mining, oil and wireless tocKH, per cent; stocks bought and sold, Address P 519, Bee. SPLENDID opportunity to a-et In hard. ware business; business running and mak ing money. F. D. WEAD, mi Farnam St, GOOD PAYING POOL HALTJ: must be old at once regardless of price, owing to accident to proprietor. Phone Wepster 2733. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $16. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. , YOUNG attorney wonts to hear of location at opening where a lawyer is needed: erad iate from eastern law school; has had inree years practice, a n. Bee. FOR TRADE OR SALE Elevator iii.d mill, located In Omaha, doing good :: ness; an clear, win trade lor clt lo i uuaoie ror iiais. uau or write owner. ow-du-dn xianaeis xneaier mag.- CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam St Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS STEVENSON ROOFING CO., gravel and comDosltlon roofing. Ill S. 10th St. Tel., Doug. 3119, ma. a lifi. rtes., weDxier rot. FOR PLUMBING and gas fitting see Walter J. Cattin, wu jn. ztm. Doug. iu; B 1625. 1r XT rT QTPM Practical Builder. U. XI. ULiCJJ-XN, Estimates Furnished, Tel. Benson iM. HMaVk'.RHriAHli Takes place of ' -" lath and plastei. AMERICAN surrbi cu,, nit r arnatn , O. LUND, sidewalk contractor. Tel. B 2S14. CEMENT BLOCKS and building mater. lal. Frank Marshall. 4005 Leavenworth St THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar nteed. Phone factory, 8. 801; office Phone B. 1133. PAINTING, paper banging and docora ting, very reasonable for landlords. Esti mates free to all. O. S. Kenneson. 4304 L St. soutn oman a. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. DENTISTS BAILEY MACK. 3d floor, Pa-ton. D. 10Si, TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St DR. M. T. GORDON, 616 Brandeis Thea ter Bldg. DETECTIVES- OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, Inc. and bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. :lt. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. D. 2S3 DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2707 Farnum. Tel. H. 4676. TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and r ai uani. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Nnrserlea. rrvp-rr'-c'Qiand plants that grow. F. W. -"Cj-Lj0Meneray. Crescent Nursery Co.. Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sts. Phone Harney 455W. EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLEs' COLLEGE, IS NOW OPEN. ..-. 4n.m jtrMtMi.t TwrsHltlnna In hAAk .-.n.n aKr.rfhi A t Vlldl i tlnlT. tll IT T D h V t..II aarvlna' atirn t f si fHMl. lfl th tn.ll tod winter. TUm year book im ready. Apply for 11. fiiudeiitv diiiUted any Uay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylea Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, Both phones. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL Rev. F. D. Tyner. 384S Charles. Harney ZSsX SUITS that sold up to $30. at $15. VOLLM ER'S, 107 So. 16th. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Q A XTtai ATYHAlRDRE8SINO Parlor. OAK i liU-k A 8ltehi made from comb ings, $160- S01 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 4671. ARSEN1C and IRON complexion wafers make clear, whit skin. By mail 50c and 11.00. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co. Omaha. MUSIC, mirth and amusement at the coolest of summer playhouses Th Parlor EVERYTIHNG FOR WOMEN Continued. nr,IV!'. We are exclusive agents for the Albas olive oil, front HIT. l'Alr, for medicinal purposes. Liquors, v macaroni 4k other ltallau products, A. Minardi & Co., 7l g. 14fh. Doug. 4s. TTT A TTT V I A V 1 nonsurgical treatment; it has " spared tlie lives of thousands of men and women; 4nO-paKe book free. 812 BRAN DEIS BLDG., OMAHA. CHINA decorating; order work a spe cialty. Lessons -Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungata, 891 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red $486. Ideal summer drink, Alamito Dactone. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Doug 1268. J. F. WILCOX, Council Bluffs, la., larg est greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped (any where In U. S. J. H. BATH, 162$ Harney. Douglas 8000. HESS 8WORODA, 1415 Farnam 8L FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes, Furnaces, Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. Stoves repaired, good as new, guaranteed; storage; buy sell. 1719 Cuming. D. 1550. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED An experienced lady cafe checker. Her Grand hotel. WE have the following positions open to day: 3 stenographers, $46 to $50; 2 steno graphers and bookkeepers; 3 hotel checkers, $40 and board; bookkeeper and typist, $55; billing cierk, who can operate smith Pre mier, $50. CO-OPEIIATIVK REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. EXPERIENCED stenographer: give ref erences and state salary wanted. Address Y 856, Bee- WHEN answering advertisements In Th Be Want Ad columns, kindly mention th fact that you saw lb ad. In Th Bee. Factory nnd Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at once: a-oort wages and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Company. Entranc off Eleventh street viaduct GIRL wanted to learn hair dresslns1. price reasonable. Oppenheim Hair Dressing panors. u mo-ague iag. aoi. jj. 2390. Uonsekeeper nnd Domestics. WANTED Capable girl who can cook: secona gin Kept; iwa in u unuy. aw su Mary a avenue. COMPETENT, permanent a-irl for ran, eral housework. TeL Harney 4229. WANTED A general housework a-Irl who can cook. Wages $7 a week with washlnc. $6 without washing. Telephone Douglas Zoao. tiesiaence, twi j-oage street GIRL for general housework: small family and good wages. Mrs. T. M. Orr. 2706 Farnam St WANTED Reliable woman for house. keeper: small family; best wages and ex cellent home for competent woman. Call after 6, at 3404 Dewey Ave. Tel. H. 356. WANTED Cook. 1 dining room a-irla and 1 silver girl. Bachelors' Hotel Cafe, 2012 Farnam St WANTED Girl for general housework: mall family; amall house. Phone Har ney 210. WANTED Experienced alrl for s-eneral housework; must be good cook; laundress employed. 416 S. 3Sth St Tel. Harney 265a GIRL for renerar housework, two In family. CaH 415 Ni th 8t COMPETENT woman for aeneral house work, no washing, good wages. Call 4810 Florence boulevard, or Phono Web. 4624. WANTED-Experlenced dining room a-lrL St. James hotel. 416 S. 18th. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no laundry; small family: good wages: references required. 2202 Howard. WANTED A good cook: 820 N. 88th St Tat Harney 212. Mrs. L. C. Nash, OfRL for general nousawork; $7 per week. Apply at 4S40 Pierc St WANTED lady to car for child durlns the day, end room mother. Reasonable. Call 10l Mason. LADIES WANTED Tak work bom: apply transfers; $1 to $4 dox; work guar anteed. Trieber's. $16 Brandeis Theater Bldg. (innfi srirl tfw (TAn.-ol V. nuaAUrnrlr n j ' e ' 'a cat u uuov iwih ai waahlnK and Ironing; good wages. 2010 N. 20Lh St. nnMDl?'PP,V,P rrixl crn h AlisaufAplr WAua ' 'i t a. ' i gvui uuuuv nui sa. Mrs. F. F. Hall, 2216 Sherman Ava; both phones. WASH woman for Monday and Tuesday. TeL Harney 74L 1804 S. 35th street HIP T. ftT sTnital hnngdvnrlr nrl aa ah. lng, 3218 Dodge St TeL H. 348. GIRL for general housework: comfort able room; good wages. Telephone Harney 292. v HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 2017 Manderson. GOOD colored cook. 1517 Burt street GIRL lor general housework, and also a nurse to car for two children. Mrs. F. A. Nash 120 S. 32d street COMPETENT 2d girl. 3411 Farnam. WANTED, at one, a girl for general housework; one who can do good plain cooking. 407 N. 27th street WANTED Good washerwoman for Mon day. TeL Webster 3795. 1511 Locust street COMPETENT cook In private family. Mrs. F. B. Kennard, 124 Dodge Bt Nd objection to color. WANTED Servant girl at once, 113 & $6th street. Mrs. Louis Moncrleff. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small lauiuy; good wages, lis a. 2Mh street NEAT school girl to assist with light housework, pnon Harney 9tt. too s. 34tn street A GOOD laundress, must have reference. 123 S. 82d" Av. A GIRL from 14 to 16 yrs. to tak car of baby. o. za Ave. WANTED A young Danish girl to assist with general housework. iM S. Z2d street corner 2-d and Leavenworth. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family; good pay. 3512 Har ney street WANTED A competent housemaid; must have good references. Mrs. John Mcbhane, Hi S. 37th street GIRL for general housework. Good wages. No cooking. 615 s. 29tb street. WANTED Girl for- general housework. 1128 N. 16th street WANTED Washerwoman, family of three, can uu b. Jd or pnon Harney 287$ llllir .a. VAnsp.l !.....-....,.. I. ft , I . . Uhllg, 2420 Caldwell street Tel. Webster WIM WANTED-Glrl for general housework. Mrs. F. E. RlbbeL 1334 3. 81st street TeL Harney l5. WANTED A cook. Apply 8120 Daven port bt. Tel. Harney 59. CAUPL'TfVT - -. -1 t...-- . . , . - aw, bci'.i 1 uu,r work; no washing; $6 a week. 2207 Dodge Dl. Mrs. ueurg u. LtKfl. WANTED Second girl at 610 South 22d si. lei. uougias mju. Mrs. Maara. WANTED A young girl to assist with ft.n..-An.n.l. AiV, VT .. V UUUHMVI., A.. VUl U OU WANTED Girl for general housework. uiz im. win oi., aouth Omaha. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; $7 per wstk, ui a. ana av HELP WANTED J-EMALE II.MH'kerrrri and lm ! Cont'd. GOOD m .r funeral housework; $7 per week; must be good cook. 1623 Spencer St Phone Webster 442. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages; with or without washing. lJt4 S. loth St. Phone Harney 741. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; $.fcj a month; no laundry work. 710 N. 2xth. Tel. Harney 2681. v LAUNDRESS for Mondays; references required. Mrs. H. F. Morris, 4012 Farnam St Tel. Harney 1335. GIRL for general housework; no rook ing; must go home nights; at 2o06 Franklin St WASHERWOMAN wanted. 624 S. 28th St GOOD girl for general housework. Tel, Harney 2b. 6016 California St WANTED German or Bohemian girl for housework In modern brick dwelling; wages $7. Apply any tune. 1306 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1231. WANTED A girl for general house work. 2H1 y St, South Omaha. Phone South bin). A GIRL for general housework; good wages; small family. U 3 S. 32d Ave. WANTED Competent girl to take car of three small chlldien, suburban place, during summer. 'Phone D. 27. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small lamily; good wages. Mrs. '. B. Rustin, 206 S. 87th St. Tel. Harney 2035. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 1622 Lothrop St Tel. Webster iS. WANTED Competent girl; two In family; laundress employed. Mrs. C. E. Spens, The Clarlnda Apartment No. 4, list and Far nam hts. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. 4tU0 Flor ence Blvd. Phone Webster 4624. LADIES AND GIRLS wanted to work on eom pillows at home; experiencu unneces' sary; call forenoons. 2307 S. 13i.lt. WANTED Experienced cook; 2 In family; good wages; auotner girl Kept Mrs. D. O. Clurk, 42 iN. 2lst St. WANTED A woman cook. Address Dr. Hargens Sanitarium, Hot Springs, S. D. WANTED Chambermaids. Millard hotel. WOMAN to asslut with housework and care of invalid; good wages. Mrs. W. B Clurk, Millard Hotel. LADIES WANTED Take work home; apply transfers; $1 to $4 doz; work guar anteed. Trieber's, 315 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary a Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look for out traveler aid at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen nnd Solicitor. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road lor Hie iwen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation, iho Hcj Publishing Co. GOOD, experienced clothing salesman wanted; must have good reference, llapn ael-Pred Co., 13th and Farnam Sts. WANTED First-class clothing salesmen only those with experience In selling cloth ing need apply. Brandeis Stores. WANTED Men to sell shares, Omaha companies we Incorporated; beginners taught, good pay. Promoter, 610 Paxton Block. SALES manager of demonstrated ability to sell farmers. Must have a clear record and be capable of organlnzlng an efficient selling force. Full particulars must be giveu by an applicants, ah replies confi dential. M-34, Care Bee. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16lu. Clerical and Office. OUR Dally Bulletin gets results. Give ua your record and we will secure the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. WE have a number of openlnics for bookkeepers, stenographers, office clerks and salesmen. If you are Open for a posi tion ttti ua A 1 UNU i. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N.. INC. 752-54 N. Y. Lite Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) WE HAVE the following positions ODen today: Extension clerk. $35: ledeer clerk. $50; 2 bookkeepers, $75-$90; 2 stock clerks, $35-140; 2 office clerks, good penmen, $45; noiei cierK ooura- ana room, sw. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-76-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Be Bldg. SHOES repaired by hand while you wait Correct Shoe Repair Co., 617 S. 13th. WANTED A first-class baker. H. L. Sampbon, Seward, Neb. WANTED A team superintendent, one who has bad experience preferred; must be capable of directing business compris ing fifty teams. Address In own handwrit ing, stating experience. Give reference. W 502, Bee. A GOOD cock repairer, who can assist on watch wotk. Albert Edholm, Jeweier. WANTED Cylinder press feeder. I. A. Medlar Co., 414 So. 14th St itacellaneoaa. DO you know where It Is cool every min ute of the time? Th Parlor Theater. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, $16 to $20 weekly paid graduates; few weeks qualifies; can earn tools and board from start; busy season for barbers. Call or writ. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St $70.00 MONTHLY for man to manage branch 'office, eastern Nebranka; small In vestment for fixtures. Address Capital Collection Co., Des Mulnes, Ia. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $16. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 162 R, Rochester, N. Y. HFI P WANTFf) MALE AMI FEMALE, WANTED Six good agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha. AGENT8 Men, women, best hot weather seller on market. Write quick. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, WANTED A cook at 2012 Farnam. Bachelors' cafe, LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR suultary system Is death to germs and life to you: protect your family bv sending us your laundry. 'Phone Douglas iujo. omana steam t unary, liw Deaven worth. YOU MISS the best laundry service if you rail to patronize us. National Laundry, 291rt Cuming St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Bu(ilt. HTOTT GRADE Buggies. 8urry, rilUIl UIVilDD Stanhopes and Run abouts for sal chnap. 1117 Farnam St OOOD DOUBLE SEATED CARRIAGE, rben Harney 831 4207 La Fayette Avi. FOR SALE New runabout buggy and harness. $45. 2422 Poppleton Ave. ONE good single CARRIAGE for half price. Tel liar. 423, or 3518 Jackson St. Horse a-! Vehicle. 1-100-LB. bay home, ha mens and steel tired top buggy, $135. Will take good cow a part payment. U'JO 8. $4th bt LIVE SOCK FOR SALE Horse nnd Venlole onllnned. BLACK HORSE, weight l.L'iO pounds, fair condition: black steel tired buggy, stolen from Sixteenth and Howard Saturday lilsht between 10 and 10 30 o'clock. Horse had white mar on forehead, wire scratch on left forefoot and one Irft hind leg across for part or hoi K Joint, newly shod plates In front. Tel. South 2066 or rail at 1319 N. JMh St., South Omaha. Iteward, owner, $ .; county, $.). RED Berkshire pigs and sows for sale, at Forest Fruit Farm, S miles west of Ben son; come early. A. S. Billings. LOST Bay horse, weight about 1.000 lbs. Right knee swollen. Last een near Sey mour pnrk. Phone Douglas 502 or Harney 3158 If found. Reward. SUITS that sold up to $30. at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 Ho. 16th. FAMILY HORSE FOR BALE with buggy and harness. I'rir $11 rash; KiiltaMe for women to drive. Call at room 1ih(, Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas GW or Harney 2014. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear ft''.'" 181$ HARNEY. BOTH t'HONES. LOST on main road between Blair and Calhoun; silver chain bag containing small gold purs and hankerchlef marked "G. H. II."; reward If returned. Call Harney 604, A POCKETBOOK marked F. A. Corneer, containing Elk membership card and valu able papers; liberal reward for return to F. A. Corneer, 24th and Dorcas. LOST A diamond-shaped medical frater nity pin set with pearls and emeralds: ini tials J. F. 8. on back; a reward of $2 will bo paid for return to Bee office. MEDICAL DR. J. H. HUOHES Specialist In chronic diseases. Consultation, with In structions how to use the waters, free of charge. Office In Mclntyr Bldg., Excelsior Spring, Mo. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES: best rem edy for Itching, bleeding oi protruding PILES; 50o postpaid; samples rree. oner man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surxical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven Dort Sts' snectal attention Daid to con flnement canes; all treatment supervised Dy college proressors. 'pnone uougias uvi Calls answered, day and night Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to th treatment of all forma of cnrtmlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 35 years he has been known and trusted by alL 28 years In Omaha. Charges low. If you hav no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrw to, 215 s. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. SUITS that sold ut VOLLMER'S to $30, at $16. . 107 So. 16th. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray' Nerve Food pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.. umana. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. tttm$$mmmtt$$J$w$$$$$$ww$$$$$i $$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. $ $$ CHEAP MONEY $$ Is FOR YOUR SUMMER $ It VACATION. $$ $ 110 TO $1,000 $4 $ LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD $$ U FURNITURE. PIANOS. SALARIES. $4 $ THIS IS A NEW FIRM, $$ Organized by the REPUTABLE $$ 4$ BUSlxNESS Mti N Ot this City to pro- $4 tect honest working people In need $$ $f of temnorarv lielo from the exorbl- $1 if tant charges of the so-called loan $$ $ companies. We will loan you all th $$ $$ money you want and charge you only $$ ft 1U per cent a year. $$ THIS MEANS YOU PAY $$ $1 interest on $ 10 for l year. 41 t$ 2 Interest on 26 for 1 year. $$ 1$ 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. $4 $$ And all other sums In proportion. U .asy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $$ $$ A glance at th above rates will $$ $$ convince you how much you save by $$ $$ dealing with us. $$ 4 NO RED TAPE. NO D-DAY. $ $ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $$ $$ WITHIN AN HOUR. $$ U ROOM 204 W1THNEDD BU1LU1NU. W $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO. $$ l Doug. 045. N. E. Cor. loth and Harney, u $$ $4 rmtt$tmmttmtmm8m$tttmtm$titit$ttti tt$$$W4i $ $$$$m$$$mmst$$$wiiw Could You Use $50.00 To a Good Advantage J II If o, sit down, sum up all your bills, u tl putting thsm in on amount, than com $ II in ana give us a onano 10 explain our M $$ plan for helping you pay your bills. $i u It Is much easier to make paymenta tl $$ on one bill than many. W loan money $ $$ on furniture, piano or teams, with $$ $$ out removal; $1.2 1 th weekly, pay- $$ $$ nient on a $50 loan for fifty weeks; $$ $$ other amounts In th same proportion. $$ $1 If you need money, call on or writ 88 $$ us, and our agent will call on you at It $$ one. All business strictly confldeutlaL tl t$ STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO, $$ $$ Room 12, Arlington Blk.. 1611V4 Dodg. $1 tl Phone Douglas $468. $i U$$$$$$$$HUinmi$ni$$$i$$w$$$$$$$$$$ Salary and Furniture Loans at positively th LOWEST RATES, quick? crvlc and MOST COAvFIDENTIAL DEAL of ny In the city. Pauouls u BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO- Third Floor. 807-80$ Paxton Block. Douglas 14U and A-14U. ' DIAMOND LOANS AT bf9 W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dod-a TeL Red MUi it$$$$t$nt$ww$$$$$w$iiwi$w$t$.$$i Uli-iAP lUAlfc l Furniture, Piano or Salary. $7 YOU BORROW $ rO.OO you pay back 111.0 $ $26.08 you pay back $27. Ot . $ IdO.UO you pay back $54.W $1 NO OTHER OHARGE. 14 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 8 II Room 60L Brown Block. 1$ $$ N7 8. 16th Bt. Cor. Douglas Ht . $1 $$ 'Phones: Dougiaa 2006; A ftUg. 81 lAumuiiMiAMwimtiuKAum)!. SUITS that sold up to $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. HONEY NEED ANTT. 00 TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co 118 Board of Trad Bldg. Southwest Cor. 16th and Fari:au Streata Telephou Douglas Rates cheaper than any advertised. W eas prove It MONEY LOANED SALARIED PKOPI.a. WOMEN KEEPING HOUMK AND OTH EHS. without security; easy paymenta, Offices In 44 principal oltiea 'A'eluian, root iu .New Vurk Life Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrlo vacuum system. 309 So. 17lh. Tel. D. 15b. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 2207-08 Izard St. STOVES stored. Kane.' 1611 N. 24th St WHITEWASHING, plastering, screens repaired and put on, windows washed, new buildings cleaned, floors waxed or polished, McRea, 8118 Half Webster. Harney M4. SUITS that sold up to $30. at $16. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. OFFERED FOR RENT Board nnd Rooms. ROOM and board; horn cooking. 1008 a 24th. Tel. D. $482. BOARD AND ROOMS In nice congenial family. Large rooms, elegant table, good locality. Use of large parlor and living room. $20 per month. Phone Webster 624i 6118 No. Twenty-fifth street FURNISHED room for gentlem.a, strictly modern; privet family. 2527 Le ts, tur. Webster laef OFFERED FOR RENT Board and lloitiai ontlnned. ON IB or two DleHsant rooms In mod r.omo: will glv breakfast If desired. : N. t&l Bt.. Prion Red kc. -OUR bo vs. $4 W per w.ek. K I Callfo til gt rbon Mouaiaa u ONES or two nicely furnished rooms wiri board, conveniently located; reference. HM Cess. Phone IMuglas Ml. ROOMS and board. $6 week: bom co o "tl fiur lng. Modern, f-'ll Dougiaa ROOMS and board. $712 N. lMh St fat W.b.ter 2142. Good neighborhood; fut block from car Una. I LARGE front lcov room, tnodtrt, wltl board; ethar rooms. 2lu Doug 1 a ft. A.U d In, M.ltft. Kn.. .... ....... . lng; modern. 2211 Howard. FURNISHED room with board in private family. Call at $U South loth Bt ELEGANT parlor end also studying room, piano; private family. Ml 8. 181 h. ROOMS for light bousakeepiug. board it desired. 2018 Cass. SOUTH front parlor with excellent board) modern, also table board. V1 Dodg. PRIVATE family. S404 Chicago St FURNISHED room and board. 1818 Cap itol Ava, 'J'bon Douglas 7758. DOUBLE room with board, $6 aod up) u.e of piano. 1110 Dougiaa. LAROtt south front room for $; good bom cooking. 1814 Chicago. NICE rooms, excellent board, with Oer tnan Chrlallau afimly. 1511 Capitol Ave. LARGE front rooms; also single roomi good board; rates f thin liarney. NICE parlor room for $ or 4 gentlemen, board $5 week; also single rooms. US ts, 14th Av. BOARD and rooms. 2607 St Mary's Ava, NICE rooms, with or without board. 1811 Cass streL 'Pbon. Doug. 147$. THE LIVEN GOOD rat t BOARD and room; 1 or I ladles; private home, walking distance. Harney 4837. LARGE south front room, on first floor, running water; private entrance on th summer lawn; also other rooms. 13 8. 85th Ave. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. Furnished Rooms. N!WLT furnished front room suitable for two, with private family. 1614 Dodge. 4-ROOM modern apartment TeL Web. (28. FURNISHED rooms for genilemea. Ill C. llth Bt Th Chatham. MODERN room for 1 l or 4; separated bads If desired. 2017 Harney. EIGHT rooms strictly modern. $80. 24U Caldweii St Call Harney 1383. EXCEPTIONALLY nice room. 220 N 23d. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; a car line. 233$ 8. 18th. MODERN rooms, nicely furnish $3.0$ ind $( a week. US N. 18th nt SMALL, Beat front loom, modern house, Binls park; suiotly privai family, to lady employed duriug da. ah. Ia. ruey 'iiM. THE us of tuy furnisned house la x change for board, 'let. Web. 4288. FRONT rooms, south and east exposure; modern. 400 S. Ui Ava. Tyler loWO. ROOMS. 2210 Harney St Red 643d. . UNDER new management 2109-211 and 2113 Douglas .St, rooms, cool ajid in fin condition; deBirable for summer, either fur nished or unfurnished. Call 2113 Dougiaa, FOR RENT Four large, modern rooms, furnlBhed or unfurnished, suitable for either light housekeeping or sleeping, for rent ail together or separate. ' Call Douglas 2272. 4CU N. 23d St, Jamtl Hunb-i'"."' FURNISHED rooms; all modern. 6U 6. 19th St NICELY furnished rooms. 1S18 Dodg 6t SINGLE room, reasonable, modern. 270$ Farnam St NICELY furnished front rooms, large and nice; walking distance. 121 So. 27th St NICE ,oool, modern south and east rooms. 1901 Dodg. Douglas 4498. BEAUTIFUL front parlor; gentlemen or couple. 604 B. 27th St SINGLE SOUTH room. 2226 Dodge. Red 6652. FURNISHED rooms. 2114 Chicago St. COOL south room for gentleman la pri vate family. 2638 fieward. NICELY furnished room, all conven iences; gentleman preferred. Call 1612 Bt Mary's Ave. NEATLY furnished front parlor, close In; modern. 2202 Douglas. SOUTH room for gentlemen. $405 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern, 645 8. 24th Are. NIC7, ale n, strictly modern sleeping room; rent reasonable. 946 N. 26th Bt SINGLE rooms; eastern exposure; nicely furnished. 1063 Park Ave. Harney !41. DEWEY European hotel, llth 41 Pranan. LARGE front room and one small room, suitable for two er three gentlemen; v( block from car line. 807 8. nth 6t 'Phone A-S-l . MODERN outside room for gentlemen; five blocks P. U TsL Douglas 7V1L DODGE HOTEI -Large . outside, end steam heat in every room; rates by week. NORTHWEST CORNER 18th and Web ster, f urnlahad rooms, day or week. - PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north. suitable for man and wife, or two gentle isn. Breakfast privilege Rent reasons at M8 8. ttUh. 8t Large Front Room gentlemen: $4 per week; for on gentleman, $2.50 per week. 3408 Burt St FOR RENT Nicely furnished ro ; all modern; private family. 'Phone, Reu 73H. TWO nice rooms; tern reasonable, Pbone Dougiaa $424. TWO very deslrabl rooms for light housekeeping; modern; reasonable; walking; distance. $23 b. 25th Av. FURNISHED front room. In modern bouse; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 5. FRONT room; modern; In private fam ily; price reasonable. 114 a 38th St NICE furnished room, goo'l beighbor bood. 830 8. 2-1. Douglas 710L TWO nicely furnlshet modern front rooms (connected) for two or three per. sons. Phone Red 63u0. SINGLE room for gentleman. 7. 3001 Mason. Harney 2793. i . j FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; large and cool; modern; east front floe location, 'let. B-1414. 881$ M. 19th Ava LARGE room and closet, ftoing south oa Dswey Ave., near loth; strictly modern. 'Puoito Dougiaa 6223. ROOMS near new street car barn and depot; all modern. 814 Hickory. Red 786a. LARGE south front room on first floor; running water; private entrano unto iawu; also other rooms. 123 8. 25th Av. , TWO nicely furnished rooms, either twe gentlemen or roan and wife; with ar with out board. Ind. 'phoue 1206. , COOL east-front parlor; modern, private home, clean bed; to quiet gentleman; $2.60 a week. 822 8. 3uth. Red 6227. NICE front room, northeast corner 11M B. llth St., upstairs; very reasonable, - VERY large, well furnished, south front; permanent parties. 2226 Farnam. ARB you looking for a cooi," pJeasaal room inquire ttu Harney er pbone Uar rr 1128. 1 i I 1 ".U a heater. I ft tr 1 i