TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1010. 'Phe dmaiia Daily Bee FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATEK. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha pos toff Ice m secend cltuM matter. TERMS' OB" SUBSCRIPTION. Daily B (including Sunday), per week.tf-o 1 ally Be (wlinuui Sunday , per wek. .10a Dally be IwlUiout Sunday), one year. $4.00 Daily Bs aod bunday, ou year .0 IEL1VEKEU BY CARRIER. Evening 4e (without Sunday;, per week. Ac Evening bee twlih Sunday), per week.. 10c fcunday Bee, one year 12-M) Saturday bee, on year 1-60 Address all complaints of Irregularities lu WUvery to City Circulation Department . OFFICES. maha The Bee Building. tWulh Oniaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 15 Beott Street Lincoln tlt Lltila buUduia. Chicago 1448 Marquette building. New rork-Rooraa llul-HOI N. 14 West Tblrty-Uurd Street . Washington i Fourteenth Street. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and editorial Inatter abeuid be addraeeed: Omaha Bee. Editorial Departmanu REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable te Tbe Bee Publishing Company. Only fr-cent stamps reoelred In payment of mail accounts. Personal aback, except on Omaha er eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION, fc'tat of Nebraska, Douglaa county, est George B. Tsachuck, treasurer of Tbe Bee Publlablng Composy, being dulr wo'"i aaya that the aotual namber of full and complete copies of Tbe Dally. Morning, Everlug and Sunday Bee pruned during the meoxu oX May, 131, waa aa louww. i 41.400 17... 4440 II 44,030 1 44,440 )0 43400 1 ,.43.000 V It 41,450 It 43,740 4 43.433 43)90 ! 43,374 17 43,400 II 43,650 II 41,300 ' 10 43,370 ' II. ...t 44,130 a S 43,880 4..... 4.410 44,480 44.440 T .48,690 41.470 43,150 14 4. ...44,660 11.. 43,570 It 4X500 It 43,030 14 44.850 II..... 41,600 24 43,110 Total Returned Coplea f .1,346,410 4,944 Net Total ..1,316,235 . 44,858 Daily .Average GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and awora to before ma this Ut day of May, 1916. ' M, P. WALKER. Notary Public Bwbacrlbcr leaving the city lam porarlly aheald bare The Bee mailed to them. Addreaaea will be chaaa-ed ae of tea aa re tested. Ue'4 coming back! Who's coming back? Mr. Bryan's coming back. Reno U becoming quite a milling center divorce and fight mills. At any rate, the Omaha Commercial club gave those army offlcera a warm time. Senator Gore, though blind, la sure be could see graft in those transac tions. Did Mr. Bryan seloct Montreal in order to avoid a home-coming ovation on the dock? In view of passing events and those to come, Reno ought to be the pick pocket a paraaise just now. Most of us have, at least, reached the conclusion that no man has a monopoly on honesty in thta country. Pretty aoon the various departments of our city government will be able to put on an automobile parade all by themselves. Georgia seems destined tor another Itate campaign between the Smiths and Drowns Hoke and Governor Joe Hard to count between them. Has Mr. Roosevelt's alma mater be gun turning out mollycoddles? One of this year's graduates announces that he will become a milliner. A package containing $6,000 of real money last seen in an express office in Omaha is on the missing list. If you iee it coming your way, don't dodge. j-.no to some men arirta along as smooth as a plane, while others have their San Juans and Sagamores al ways climbing hills and snatching vie tory at the top, Bare ana Bane celebration of the Fourth would save many lives, and so would safe and sane driving of auto mobiles every day in the year. Why cot have both? The anti-saloon professional reform rs Insist that their financial accounts are all right, notwithstanding the in nuendoes of the seceding insurgents. Perhaps that's what is the trouble. A Aiempnis paper nears a rumor that President Taft will appoint Gov ernor Harmon to the supreme court. Hardly, not so long as Harmon can be kept in the ring as his possible oppo nent. "Why 14 it." ask W. T. Stead, "that I never attend a peace conference without v becoming bellicose?" For the same reason, perhaps, that build Ing warships promotes international amity. The t thinga go by paradoxes. - - The true Roosevelt character waa ex amplified at Cambridge, where tU former president at the Harvard demonstration acted as chief guest and host at the same time. Guess lit tie Archie's definition of his father Is all right Some women aeem to gain recognl Hon without woman's suffrage. For Instance, there Is Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, auperlntendent of the city achools of phicago, being proposed for president f the National Educational association. Important If True. Announcement la made by the Rail way Record, a weekly paper published at Chicago In tbe interest of the rail roads, that the higher rate schedules which the railroada have been trying to force upon the people have been agreed to by the big shippers, and par ticularly tbe meat packers, who have Uvn persuaded to withdraw their op position to the advance in rates and to consent to an Increase of 11 per cent on packing house products from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic sea board. After telling these glad tidings the Railway Record continues: It has been Intimated that a great deal of the opposition of shippers aa a whole to the proposed advance In rates waa cre ated by the fact that the Impression had got abroad among them that in making tbe advance packing house products and a few other linen, comprising In the aggre gate a great bulk of the traffic of the rail roads, eJer to be specially favored. This, It was claimed, would have thrown the great burden of the proposed Increase upon the shoulders of the smaller classes of shippers, and hence the vehemence which they exhibited In resisting the efforts of the roads to advance their rates. Now that the great packing house Interests have signified their willingness to pay the im portant advance referred to, and as other great lines of Industry such as the steet interests are understood to be prepared to take similar action, it la believed that the opposition of the smaller classes Of shippers will be entirely overcome, and that when the railways again file Increased tariffs with the Interstate Commerce) commission, no question whatever wilt be raised con cerning their reasonableness and Justice, and thua the whole trouble will be peace fully and happily overcome. Should the smaller shippers persist In their opposition It Is believed that the ac tion of the representatives of the larger lines. In thus agreeing to a considerable advance In the rates on their traffic, will establish such a preponderance of evidence In favor of the case of the railways that the Interstate Commerce commission will have no recourse but to decide in favor of the railway companies, and they will thus get all that they have been contending for In the premises. This may be Important if true, but even if true we apprehend that the smaller shippers, who are not Also big owners of railway stock and therefore In no position to milk the cow at both ends, will not be stampeded by any such agreement, nor will the Interstate Commerce commission be constrained to approve a general rate increase Just because the packers may be willing to pay more on their products and take it out twice over on the live stock man from whom they buy and the consumer to whom they sell. No doubt the railroads will again file their Increased tariffs. All the signs point to such determination on their part, particularly their continued cry of tight money and loudly pro claimed abandonment of projected ex tenslona and improvements, gut if the railroad rate-makers have led themselves to believe that no one will question the reasonableness and jus tice of the new levy they propose to make on the traffic of tne Country they are likely to find themselves mistaken. No Muzzle for the Press. The attorney for Lee O'Nell Browne, accused of bribing legislators, showed lack of good judgment when he asked the court for an order enjoining the press from criticising the four men who hung the jury in this case. No matter if this attorney actually be lieves in the innocence of hltf client, he was not warranted in making such motion and the court did a com mendable thing in summarily overrul ing it. It la not for courts to abridge the right of free speech or free press in this country where those rights are organic and where they have stood since the foundation of the republic as one of the greatest restraining influ ences in our national and civic life. Good men and righteous causes do not suffer, aa a rule, and have little to fear from the searchlight of publicity and In such cases as this one, where the accused is not acquitted, but merely escapes on technical grounds in the first trial, it would help nothing to muzzle the press. There are ample legal restrictions 'upon the newspapers for the protection of innocent parties, or parties charged and not proven guilty or crime, so that for any un bridled comment passed upon Mr. Browne or the four men who refused to accredit the evidence of his alleged guilt there is a remedy provided. It is not an argument for this at torney's case or client or for the character of service rendered by these four men for the attorney to make this remarkable request of the court. Let honest criticism be made unhindered. It there Is no guilt anywhere there can be no injury, and if there is culpa bility the people may want to know It and the light of further publicity might enable them to Bee It. State Conservation. The deliberations and results of South Dakota's state conservation congress will arouse more than or dlnary interest, as the congress rep resents the cosmopolitan citizenship and the varied industries of the state and contemplates a broad scope of activity. It is the purpose to ask the federal government that the coal, tlm ber and water of the state be removed from federal to state control and that the arid land heretofore subject to government reclamation be turned over to the state to' compensate for the railway and swamp land grants given to other states. These demanda will no doubt meet with objection, especially from those who look askance at the general prln clplo of state's rlghta, but It need not necessarily come in conflict with that fundamental doctrine. Until the plan of national conservation has bad time for practical operation there will of course, be some obstacles la its way of state Initiative, but It would seem that the state could accomplish . much Kood by co-operating with the national government In safeguarding Its nat ural resources, as each state ought to be Intimately acquainted with its own resources to be able to develop or conserve them Intelligently. The plan n.ipht also eventually have the very desirable effect of lightening tbe ex pense of the goneral conservation movement upon the government, and, if so, then leave more money for the carrying on of enterprises distinctly federal In character. Minnesota has organized a state conservation Congress and other states are likely to follow the example, but owing to Its peculiar situation South Dakota's project will no doubt have vital bearing upon the action of other states. Parents and the Fourth. City councils and mayors In many cities have decided In favor of the 'safe and sane Fourth," while officials In other cities have not. But without official embargoes to aid them parents can do much toward bringing about a safe and sane Fourth, toward prevent ing needless casualties from the hand ling of explosives if they will. Of course, Mrs. Jones may not be able to do much with Willlo Smith, but she can with Johnny Jones. If each father and mother would do their best to keep their children from running wild that day and Injuring themselves or somebody else they would find a tre mendous falling off In the list of acci dents. And vthy should not parents per form this duty? Why should they wait for of hers to do it for them? True enough, tho least city officials could do, If they viewed this matter in Its serious aspects, would be to limit the use of dangerous fireworks. but even then it remaina largely a matter of parental control. Last year there was some falling off in the gen eral number of Fourth of July victims over the country, showing that the people are getting more cautious about the use of these perilous devices, but there should be a greater reduction this year and there will be If every household looks out for Its own. The Late Senator Daniel. The death of Senator John W. Daniel of Virginia takes out of the halls of national legislation the most typical representative remaining of the old school southern statesmanship. Except for Senators Frye and Hale of Maine, Senator Cullom of Illinois and Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island, Sen ator Daniel's record for length of con tinuous service in the United States senate is unequalled by any of his col leagues. Senator Daniel's democracy was of the ancient and unadulterated brand. True, lie followed Bryan In bis first two campaigns, but with reluctance and misgiving. He never had much faith in Bryan leadership, and even had a personal encounter with him as result of their differences before his third term nomination, which the Vir ginian freely asserted was foredoomed. As a constitutional lawyer Senator Daniel was in a class reached by very few, and the law text book known as 'Daniel on Negotiable Instruments," written by him in bis youthful days, Is still a standard. Everywhere, In pri vate Intercourse as well as In the Ben ate chamber, he was courtliness and gallantry personified. Virginia will have to search far to find another to fill his place as well as he did. A Far-Reaching Sate Decision. The Interstate Commerce commis sion has decided that the principle of rate making is wrong that permits a railroad to charge more for transporta tlon from Omaha to Reno than from Omaha to Sacramento, or the same whether the shipment originates at Omaha or Denver or Boston and goeB to Reno or Sacramento. It is purely arbitrary and the railroads have never been able, when put to the test, to Justify It, though they have managed In some way to keep the principle in vogue. The idea mat intermediate cities should pay the coast terminal rate plus the local back to the point of delivery never was tenable and the wonder la that the railroads have been able to maintain. They could have done their general cause much good by abandoning it long ago, but instead of that they are not yet ready to make the concession. It is this practice that the Interstate Commerce commission knocks out in Its decision In the Pacific coast cases, which is one of the most important it has ever made respecting freight rates, because it both uproots one of the railroads' most tenaciously held rules .and is nation-wide in its effect It furthermore must be helpful aa factor in clearing up thla whole rate- making situation. Certainly It tends to add no weight to the railroads' arguments and pleas for the necessity of a higher level of rates aa a means of increasing their earning power. Its chief influence in this connection will be moral, for It la bound to reflect some discredit upon the good faith of these representations. Of course, there may be rates here and there that are subject to reaoonabe advance, just as thjre are others calling for reduc tlon, but the remedy la not a general raise, but readjustment upon a sound basis. A bo dived from the center span of Brooklyn bridge into East river for $250 offered by a merchant to any per son foolish enough to risk his life In thin manner. But why make such offers? What cause is to be served by the feat? And what if the boy had been killed, aa many othera have who tried to do what be dial ) UtJj Is the merchant's way of advertising he ought to learn some new lessons and the law might take a hand in teaching him. Our democratic friends are evidently hard to please. Here is one In the same Issue of the democratic contem porary fTscrlblng the loss of a postmas tershlp of . one senator to his Insur gency and crediting another senator with getting an appointment for a favorite who Is too much of an Insur gent. This looks like the coon trap "to catch 'em a-comln' and a-goin'." Even our newly arrived army offi cers remark upon the disgraceful con dition of Omaha's streets, which is the one thing about our city that Impresses strangers unfavorably. For bad streets, however, the blame can be lo cated and the fault remedied If our people will only pursue the matter vig orously and persistently. Freedom to worship God In any orderly manner is the constitutional right of every American citizen, but freedom to disturb the neighborhood with a bass drum pounded in the name of religion at all hours of thg day and night has Its limitations. Reports from Montreal are to the effect that on landing "Mr, Bryan re fused to discuss politics." It's a ten-to-one shot, however, that he will over come his reluctance to discuss politics very shortly after he gets within sight of Fairvlew. Where We Shlae . Bit. Philadelphia Ledger. Americans may vote against the candi date In power without being put in Jail, this country being In some respects a shade ahead of Mexico. Where the shoe Plnhea. Chicago Tribune, n the case of some men whom vou know. perhaps, the increased cost of living is due o tne ract that the grocer, butcher and ther dealers In the necessities of life insist n being paid in rash. Dsarmament of Uncle Joe. Philadelphia Bulletin. Only a few week! ago Speaker Cannon declared the Insurgents of congress Bhould be hanged; now. In bidding them fare well, ha wishes them well. Had the In surgents ousted him from his chair, pos sibly "Uncle Joe" would have compli mented them! A Falao .Alarm. Pittsburg Dispatch. A woman in the caDltol at Wmhinrtnn raised an excitement by declaring that she had been robbed of her parse, which was luDsequently founl In one of the galleries vhere she had dropped it. Female visitor. to the aat of government should under stand that no one about the capltol would steal anything, at least on retail lines. Perils of Aviation. Baltimore American. Aviation is going to hava Its mm like other great enterprises, the more as mey are, in a way,, fanatics, too; for no amount of danger and actual accident m deter men frotn.tryin to conquer this eiusive element or dim Ita fatal fascina tions. Tha measure of success which has attended latter-day effort will serve to minimise the effects of the danger still more. LOST IJf THE IHUKFtB, How a Coal Rate Redaction Failed to Reach the ronanmer. Sioux City Tribune. The public cries out aeainst railroad and demands lower freight rates. But when lower freight rates mm. they sometimes do. the consuml nir nennla discover that the reduction does not al ways reach them in the form r,t prices. As an Illustration of this, two years ago tne interstate Commerce commission, on complaint of the Nebraska. Tfniiwnu commission, reduced coal rates from Colo rado and Wyoming to some Nebraska points. At North Platte, for example, this reduction was from It.&O to $3.60 per ton. Ihig should have made cnn.1 1 not Inn cheaper at North Platte, but it did not The dealers there, considering that the complaint had been made In their behalf and not in behalf of their customers, that me reduction ordered was a reduction of freight charges and not of retail prices, went right on selling the cml nt tho .om. old price. Railroad Commissioner Wlnnett, at North Platte the other day, finding the people there Impatient at the state com mission because It waa not doing as much for them as they thought It ought to do, undertook to refresh their minds s IUMa and referred to the XI a ton reduction in coal ratea. "What reduction In coal rnt.n1"' mandad the North. Platters. Why," said commissioner Wlnnett, "the reduction In freight rates i)f $1 a ton that the commis sion got for you people about two years ago." "We didn't get It," responded the North Platters. "You may have reduced the freight rates, but the retail prices are the same. We get no benefit" "That is not the fault of the commission," said Dr. Wlnnett, and he waa right. The people, not only at North Piatt, hut everywhere, must help to fight their own Dames, mey must keep awake to what is going on and taka soma action on tn.ir .own part They must expos and protest ana unng greedy dealers to time while they are crying out again the greed of the railroads. Concerted action at North Titt. at the time the railroads were deprived of a dollar a ton of their rata would have se cured most If not all. of that dollar a .,n to the consumer. He should not expect to take it all away from one party. Our Birthday Book Xniy 1, mo. . Albert Bushnell Ilart, professor of Araerl can history at Harvard university, was born July 1, MM, at Clarksvllle, Penn. He is a writer of history aa well as a teacher of history, and has been president of the American Historical association. Joseph M. Dixon, United States senator from Montana, Is Just it years old. Ha Is a native of North Carolina and a lawyer by profession, and also owner of the prln clpal pewspaper In his home town of Mis soula. Prof. Nathan Bernstein, head of the phy lea department of tha Oniaha High school. was bom July L M71. at Louisville, Kan Ke Is a graduate of the Omaha High school and also of Dartmouth college, and la In demand as a lecturer on popular science subjects. Oeorge Forgan, presldentof the Forgan investment company in rn Paxton block. Is today. He waa born In Scotland, coming to this country at the age of 15. He started out with the American Loan and Trust company, and has been In busi ness for himseK for ten years, ' Around New York SUpplee en the Current of Xdf as Been la the Oreat Amerloaa Metropolis from Say te Pay. Commissioner Drlscoll of the New York bureau of knights and measures had a heat t-to-hrart talk Inst Monday with rep rfiitatlva provision dealers, chiefly butchers engaged In the wholesale trade. The purpose of the commissioner was to Impress upon the dealers that net weight Is to bo the rule henceforth, that short weight will not bo tolerated, and that wood skewers, spreaders, and wrappers must not be weighed in wlth tlie meat and palmed off on the consumer at meat prices, Several dtalers caught with short weight goods were given to understand they must stop the practice or prosecution will follow. Among the shady specimens ex hibited to the d.'akrs with the dealers' brands were horns and bacon six ounces short of the branded weight and carrying ono pound of cover, skewers soaked lit water to Increase their weight, one Bkewer weighing ten ounces and another twenty ounces, and lamb carcasses covered with "caul fat," which increased the cost 20 cents. "Custom" was the excuse given for these practices of the trade. Down Into a cellar filled with poisonous gases, while fire raged In the building, went Walter Murray to rescue Mahomet's Daughter, bulldog of renown, and her litter of thirteen puppies, a remarkable number. The father of tha puppies Is Tliornburg Rajah, as blue-blooded as the mother. Groping about in the darkness and with miniature explosions going on about hlin In other parts of the building Murray tenderly gathered the mother and her babies together and took them to places of safety. Then, when the work, of rescue was complete, he fell unconscious and It was some time before he could be revived. The fire waa at No. 410 Bleecher strait, which is occupied by the Murray Oxygen company, of which Edward Mur ray, a brother of Walter. Is the president Persons passing a clothing store In Broadway, near Canal street, for the last week have been interested In a larga, typewritten notice pasted in the window, entitled "Tips to Tourists. The Language, of Kuropean Labels." This notice warns all prospective European travelers of the secret Bertllllon or "trunk-print" system, adopted by porters and other employes In foielgn hotels, by means of which they re able to segregate the tourists into "tipping" and "non-tipping" . classes, and nnouncea that the secret "code" has been deciphered by a member of the firm ar.d Is explained In the sign. When asked how It was that he had made so exhaustive a study of the subject, the member of the firm said that he had been pestered so long by porters of foreign hotels seeking "tips" that he determined to find out Just what these secret signals were by means of which the porters estab lished a "tipper's dead line." it set forth, for instance, that a label pasted In tho middle of the top covpr of a suit case or trunk signifies that the owner Is a close-fisted person. A label pasted on the covers at right angles with the long side of the parallelogram means the owner has a bad temper and is likely to use his flats If annoyed. If tbe label is pusied diagonally across the cover it indi cates that the bearer la easy and can be made to double his tip. A few years ago a banking institution was started that appealed strongly to a peculiar pride of the Manhattamte. A bank was opened to run day and night, never to close Its doors. to rushed were the people, It waa announced, that It wis absolutely necessary, In order to enable them to get rid of their surplus cash and put it into a safe place, that an oppor tunity should be offered to bank at all hours. Strangers were shown the Night and Day bank as an evidence that New York never sleeps. The lights burning within the institution were regarded al most as reverently as altar flames. The midnight tellers were considered as the highest type of metropolitan enterprise and progress. But lately the directors of the Night and Day bank have noticed that while the lights burn brightly and the in stitution is pointed out with pride by New Yorkers escorting rural cousins about tne city, and loudly proclaimed by the orators on tho sight-seeing automobiles, little business was done after 9 o'clock. So, having more regard for dividends than lor furnishing an object of tourist Interest, the directors have decreed that hereafter the bank will be open at h o'clock in iro morning and close at midnight. "It was just like a sabre cut that ap peared on tho rlKht foreleg of General Kherman's horse, but of course we knew that no sabre caused that injury," said an officer of the park department speaking of the equestrian statue at the Plata. "The cut extended from the hock almost to the knee and threatened to enlarge un less repaired. That leg is raised and flexed at the knee. The only way In which we could account for the Injury was that the aun caused an expansion of the bronse, making a slight crack, and then when winter came water got Into the crack. Water In freezing has great force and It just rent the bronse asunder. It caused the department to expend 195 In repairing the horse's leg." A large china cup with a handle was shoved across the counter and a child's voice said; "Ma wants a cupful of sugar." The grocer filled the cup, weighed the sugar, poured it back Into tha cup and said: "Two cents." To a customer who expressed surprise at his willingness to sell groceries in such small quantities, he said: "Have to In this neighborhood. Most of these people live from meal to meal, which means that they buy things by measure instead of weight. Beckoned by the cupful, the spoonful or the pailful they know Just how much of anything they need. In order to satisfy both customers and the inspector of weights and measures we measure first to suit the trade, then weigh afterward." la tho Niels of Time, New York Tribune. The admission of Arlsona and New Mexico to statehood will enlarge In the nick of time the list of names available for armored cruisers and battleships. That list is almost exhausted and the Navy de partment has been forced to appropriate the state names originally borne by certain monitors and reassign them to the newest battleships. Nevada and Oklahoma are the only states whose names are still avail able. Cssjm Kffeot, New York World. Speaker Cannon aays tha Blxty-first con gress has enacted more and better' legisla tion than any other congress In thirty-five years. And lota of people think Its best work was in stripping the yellow jacket from Joseph O. Cannon. ' A Ye loo from tsie Tomb. Cleveland Leader, Alton B. Parker, remembered as having once been talked of for president or some thing, now rliiua to remark that the coun try la going to biases because the big stick has suddduly returned to favor, NEBRASKA PRESS COMMENT. Blue Springs Sentinel; Is Jim Dahlman rlsht when he calls Governor Shallenberger a four-flusher? Howells Journal (lem.): Nebraska wants Bryan In the senate and he must not turn a deaf ear to the pleading of hit people no matter how little desire he may have fur the position. The draft Is to be made, and he must honor !t. Kearney Democrat: Very gratifying news reached the public to the effoct that Gov ernor Shallenberger had announced that he would not call an extraordinary session of the legislature. This Is a wlso act on the part of the governor and we never did have a fear that he would be led astray by his enemies with their sophistry about the ex tra session business. Arapahoe Pionevr: Shallenberger la the only governor we have been able to elect for over years. Why should he lo turned down for a man who represents the bHSer interests of tha stats? Down with Dahlman, down with the breweries, the distilleries, down with tha Interests that back Dahlman! They are the low, degrad ing kind, else why did they not go higher up for a candidate to represent them7 Mouth 8loux City Kccord: After promising Mr. Bryan a special session In which to down the liquor "ghost," Governor Shal lenberger showed his hand thla week, by refusing to call the legislature. Talk about your "slippery" and "foxy" politi cians. He got the brewery and temperance vote in 1804 and wants them both in 1910. He waa the liquor Interests' choice lit l'JOfc' and Is still. He signed the I o'olock clos ing, because he had to not because he wanted to. Clay Canter Sun: Those who were led to believe that Congressman Hitchcock had tho right-of-way with Bryan's endorsement for the United States senate are reminded that a number of Nebraska paper have all tha time predicted that soma way would be found to Induce Mr. Bryan to be a can didate. With Mr. Bryan out of the country, and hundreds of lnngcent looking petitions being sent out over the state, the old tint. pressuret?) Is being brought to bear, and the Omulia congressman is in a fair way to again feel the sting of ingratitude." Albion Argus (Dem.): No extra session of the legislature to enact the initiative and referendum. Tbe governor has dis covered that the matter must be paased on In the primary and so was a little too late getting around tg it Probably Just as well. While we are in favor of the meas ure, yet w do not consider It of sufficient Importance to Justify Calling a special ses sion of the legislature to enact it If It Is as good as we all think. It will keep Ull winter and will then become a law, no matter which party la in power. All the good Is not in one party. Blair Pilot: Congressman Jim Latta voted against tha postal savings bank bill, not because It was In the democratic na tional platform, but mora probably because" he was a banker and It was against his personal interests. The excuse he gave was that the democratic platform failed to carry, but the republican platform prom ised the same thing and It did carry. Evi dently neither the voice of the people nor the voice of the democratic party is the voice of God to Mr. Latta. How hardly can a rich man, even a banker, become a real statesman, even though he secures the votes and is able to write "M. C." after his name. Kearney Hub: Hear! hearl This from Chairman Carrlg to the World-Herald with reference to the Bryan letter: "I was some what surprised that Mr. Bryan's under study at Lincoln, namely I taka for granted Charles Bryan, should turn over correspondence of this kind to the Omaha Bee. It is certainly not treating Nebraska democrats light for the many favors shown Mr. Bryan In past years In this state, and I don't think tbat such will be received with very good grace by Nebraska demo crats. I have no apotogy to extend to Mr. Bryan for tbe action I took In ref erence to his letter, and oan assure him that Buffalo county democrats are not in accord with him on many state Issues in the coming campaign." Holbrook Observer (Dem.): If certain leaders of the democratic party of the state are not carerul they are going to wake up some of these days to find their party badly demoralised. At present cer tain straws would Indicate that some of these leaders are endeavoring to cater to the corporate Interests and the people at the same time. This same condition dis qualified the republican party In Ne braska, and Is disqualifying It today In the nation. Tha attempt of some of the democrats in the state to hold up W. J. Bryan to ridicule, ao to speak, because of his attitude on county option or the initiative and referendum will not have any reassuring effect on the people whether they b demoorats, Independents or republicans. The democrats stand an 'excellent show of winning i'.i this fall's election, providing there Is n honesty of purpose back of it Otherwise there is liable to be a revulsion, of feeling, which will sound its fefes'. in no uncertain language. We vtoulA regret to learn that Governor Bha'.ienbe rger could be a party to this conspiracy. That others In whom tbe people have placed confidence the last two years wouW: so far forget their obli gations to their constituency. In case this were true, the aovernor's eloquence could not save him. The side-stepping of the World-Herald on certain state issues would have an unsavory effect and would be conducive to defeat Tbe Observer will not support any form of democracy If It must Join the breweries and other corporate In terests, detrimental to the people, to win victory at tha polls. Talks for people There is business for every day in the week enough to uake every day a day of profit and gain, If you will go out and get it, every day. You cannot advertise today and ex pect the public to remember what you said a week hence too many things Intervene. People have too many In terests of their own to remember you unless you bring yourself to their notice constantly. It is the little, Insistent, every-day advertisement that gets the every-day business. Once-in-a-whlle-advertlsing will an swer if you are satisfied with email business, but it Is a well-proven fact that advertising effect increases in pro portion to the quantity or frequency of appearance of space used. Yon who want business every day; had you not better ute th advertising columns of the newspaper which reachea most of tha peope every day? The following sixteen title are suggested aa the possible nuoleus of a library for an advertising worker:. "Forty yens an Advertlilng Agent," by George P. Howell. Price, 13. "The Art and Science of Advertising," by Oeorge French. Plies, tilt. "The Theory of Advertising," by Walter DIM feoott, Ph.D. Prioe, i. ''Successful Advertising How to Accom PERSONAL NOTES. An Ohio woman has gone crazy over the big fight, but a lot of mn did It flr4 wimuiik musing aprii.! ,iBviinun Indians have advanced almost to a point at which they can put Into good RrgllsM their objections to being robbed by a u perlor race. Mis Latilse Davis, the Orange ' teache who won fain as a base ball umpire, ha gone and got married, and the member of the school nine don't like It a bit. ' fn the school of Instruction for ruatont house employes In New York a short course might be devoted to pressure of the "glad' hand" when returning tourists arrive from Europe. Sometimes there Is a good deal In It. An Rngllthman, Pir Venule Cave-Tlrowne Cave, hss permitted It to be known that he would Ilka to merry some beautiful Ameri can girl with plenty of money. He must have an ancestral sett or two that are about to rave In. Gottlieb Graul, a former resident of Orange. N. J., Is detd In Cincinnati, at the age of 106. He was In tho employ of the family of Congressman Nicholas Long worth up to the age of 10S. He was for many years head gardener and laid out the grounds of the Ijongworth homestead at Eat Walnut Hills. Miss Hattle P. Dyer Is one of Boston women hat manufacturer whe- ranks among the most successful of the older business women In Boston, She It de scended from Mayflower stork, began to work early In life, and by determination, thrift and energy has risen from compara tively humble beginning. A Boston man Is accumulating a bunch of summery fame by announcing that he will prese it to the next legislature of Massachusetts a bill requiring hulanda to pay their wives 10 per cent of their incomes. Being a bachelor, probably from necessity, ha argues that benedicts should pay a liberal stipend for the favor they enjoy. A discordant note was sounded by tha New York Sun while the multitude waa welcoming Roosevelt The Bun Insists the mightiest hunter that ever pulled a trigger in Africa is John Rtcalton of Maplewood, N. J., who walked from Cape town to Cairo without an army of por ter, hunting aa he went, and on on day shot throe rhinos. Th Jraey hunter la 62 years of age. LAUGHING GAS. . "Th Spendems ought to be able to atrlke a balance between their opposing trait." "What are they?" . "He Is always lending money and ah I always borrowing trouble." Baltimore American. Flashy Young Woman I called to te If you didn't require a beautiful model. Artist Why, have you got a friend! Boston Transcript. "May I see my father's record?" asked the new student ' He was in th class of '77." "Certainly, my boy. What for?" "He told me when 1 left horn not to dis grace him, sir, and I wish to see Just how tar I can go." Life. "Jones made an awful big hit at the bas quet the other night." . "Is Uiat ao?" "Yes; he was called on for a speech and refused." Detroit Free Pre. "What member of th class can mention one memorable date In Human history f the teacher asked. "Antony's willt Cleopatra," ventured one of the boys Everybody's Magaaine, "Had Robert been 111 for any great length; of time?" asked a diatant relative as tbe funeral procession made Its way to th cemetery. ...,.,. E - "Yes, indeed," responded one of ' the mourners. "Why, he hasn't been out of th house for six months until today." New York Times. Nan The professor says my vole is as clear as a silver bell. Fan I've often noticed that it has a, metallic sound about It Chicago Tribune. New Tboughtist Why, what's th mat. ter? Old ThoughUst I've got a toothache. New Thoughtlst Don't you know if you had faith you wouldn't have tnat tooth ache? Old Thoughtlst Don't you know that If you had this toothache you wouldn't have any faith? Cleveland Leader. CRY NO MORE. James Whltcomb Riley. I ain't a-goin to cry no more, no morel I'm got euraohe, an' Ma can't make It quit a-tail; An' Carlo bit my rubber ball An punctured It; an' 8ls she take And poke my knife down through the stable floor And loosed it blame It all! But i ain't goln' to cry no more, no morel An' Aunt Mame wrote she' comln'; an' she can't Folks Is come there! An' I don't care tine Is my Auntl . An' my eyes stings; an I'm 1st coughin' all tne time. An' hurts, m ao, an' where my side's so sore. Grampa felt where, an'' he Says, "Maybe It's pleurasy!" But 1 ain't goln' to cry no more, no morel An' I climbed up an' failed orf the fence. An1 Herbert he 1st laujjh at me! aii my ii uenui It a f I r U f(1 In mv tin H.nlr an' 1 i .. . Purto' mi thumb nail off, a tryln' to git uui-nen smasn ill An- li s 111 there yitl But I ain't goln' to cry no more, no morel Ool I'm ao wicked! An' my breath's so hot 1st like I'run an' don't res' none But 1st run on when 1 ought to not; Yes, an' my chin An' lips all warpyt and teeth's so fast An' a a place in my throat I can't swaller past An' they all hurt sol An' oh, my-ob! I'm startln' ag'ln I'm startln' ag'ln, but I won't fer shore! I 1st ain't goln' to cry no more, no more! who sell things plish It," by J. Angus MacDonald. Price, 12. "The Psychology of Advertising," by Walter Dill Scott, Ph. D. Price, 12. ' Modern Advertising," by Earnest Elmo Calkins and Ralph llolden. Price. 11.50. "Practical Publicity," by Truman A. De Weese. Price, 12. "Mahln's Advertising Data Book." by John Lee Mahln. Price, 2. "Printing in Relation to Graphlo Art by George French, Prlc. $8.60. "Witting for tho Press," by Robert Luc. Price, jt "Financing an Enterprise," by Francis Cooper. Price, . "Pushing Your Business," by T. D. Mac Gregor. Price, IL . "A. lk-Book of Errors in English.' by F. H. Vltetelly. Price, 71 conta. ' 'Astir." by John Adam Thayer. Price, 61.211. "American Newspaper Annual and Dlreo- SLIOHTLV MIXKD. Hunter rye. Oolngl Going!! Gone!!! Quaker oats. Fifty-seven varieties. Omega oil. It float. Pexuna is a friend of mln. Lydla K. Pinkbam's vegetable compound. That all. Postuni-4h king of table water. Planoiaa. They work while you aleep. Arrow collar hav th strength of Gibraltar. . 1Whj" d drink, drink . Platt'a chloride. Uneeda Waltham watch. Casoarets step lively. Pearlln. Th flavor lasts. Spencorlsn pens. Haven't eratehd yet Allwyn baby carriage. Th kind you hav always bought. Wilson's wblsky. Th kind that mother used to Irak. Regal snoes. W could not Improve the S,'irf ". 'w Iwovi, th ho.-v Printer s Ink,