10 THE KEF,: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JULY 1. 101O. REAL ESTATE FAIlM AM IIAXII I. A It FOR IALB Culorada L ontlnaed. inlUfJATEU LANDS. fO and 100-aore tracts of smooth, fertile, Irrigated land on the Costilla estate tn th Fati Lula valley o( Colorado tan yat la purchased at tiO an acre, ihl Include! a perpetual water right. Lasy terma. Larg est and moat attractive project aver de veloped la Colorado! 5.000 acres In cultiva tion thla year. Write (or Ire maps and toldera COriTILLA IRUIOATKD LAND CO., 1M4 Champa tU, Denver, Colo. COLORADO LAND Very fine ICO acres Irrigated lund near Denver; good doll and directly on railroad and motor line, surrounded by Improved ftirma uf 6 and 10-aero fruit and Harden tracts. All plowed and ruudy for water, liave $10,000 equity, which might exchange lor Rood Income property or merchandise. Mortgage, long time and easy payments. AddreKs owner, B. 11., 2018 Howard Bt, or ca.il Douglas HtX. Florida. TOO CAN STAY AT HOVIJB And make Big Hooey In Florida. On dollar a month will make you par-, owner In one of the greatest fruit, truok, tiecan, orchard, resort, hotel and ganeral high-class development propositions ever Inauguiated la this state of phenomenal opportunities. Send for proof of this state itient and full particulars. i. A. Hoilomon, Fresident Jacksonville, Fla. FLORIDA. ' We have torn of the beat land In the state, below the frost line at attractive price, bend for particulars. Eatero Land Company, First National Lank Bldg., Ch.cago. FLORIDA FARMS TOTMAN COUNTY, FLA. Ten-acr terms for oily $JO0, one-third cash, balance one and two years. We guarantee Uie laud to be aa good aa any In ; the state. Natural flow-lug- well,. cvvl drainage, home markets. Only 0 mllefc from Falatka, Carraway etatton on the U 6. & F. Ky., In the center of the land. All ; of our farms are In easy walking distance of station and poatofflce. River and rail. way transportation facilities for truckers and growera the best In the state. Finest farming end residence section In Florida. Oood schools, churches, etc. No malaria. Write today for one of our beautiful il lustrated prospectus and map. 1. Z. JONUU & CO.. M6-607 Atlantic National Rank Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla, 15.000 ACRES. " A 8NAP FOR QUICK SALS. Florida aet Coast. Everglades, All muck land. Greatest bargain la the whole atate. No brokers. FRANK. L. BILLS A COMPANY, 2& Monroe St. Chicago. Iowa IOWA CORtf LANDS. 240 acres improved, 16 per acre. 19 acres Improved, 5 per acre. WO acres Improved, $70 per acre. W acres Improved, $76 per acre. 100 acres improved, A0 per acre. 040 acrea improved, ji0 per acre. 80 acres Improved, W per acre. 240 acres Improved, $16 per acre. ItiO acres improved, $06 per acre. 1H0 acres improved, $05 per acre. 147 acres Improved, $60 per acre. The above farms are all within driving distance of Kstherville and we will be glad to give description and particulars In re gard to any certain tract. Persona Pitcher Land Co., Kstherville, la. 960 A-FARM, mostly good land, finely Im proved, located about 15 miles S. W. of Des Moines. Also 16,000 acrea east Panhandle, Tex., good corn land. These lands belong to a bankrupt estate and the U. S. district court has ordered trustees to sell all together or any part of thla iahd. Write for full description. Frank L. Hall, L. J. Klemm. A. F. Brown, trustees, office with Corn Belt Land & Loan Co., Des Moines, la. Kansas. FOR BALE Improved farm, 640 acrea, COO tillable, MO level, fenced and crose fenoed, watered with aprlnga and ponds, eoma hay land, 800 pasture, no rock, 220 cultivated, 76 wheat, 26 apelts, IS barley, n corn, cropa fine; balance feed; 4-room atone house, atone barn, granary, room for 1,000 bu., hen nouse, crib, cattle shed, good well, mill, tank, brood house, full act of implements, t horses, set of harness, 20 cattle, 1 brood aow, 800 chlckena, orch ard, all kinds of fruit, telephone; black oil, clay subsoil; buildings Insured; miles to sohool and postoffice; price $13,000. UU.kuQ cash, $2,800 5 years at per cent; U mile to town, no agents. Writ owner. A. P. CARLETON. Grove County, Aiautliua. Kansas, THINK ABOUT THIS. If your farm pays you $20 an acre profit and you could sell it for $130 per acre and buy another for $06 that would produce you the same profit, would you do It? Let me tell you about an alralia farm near Deerfield, Kan., at $6 per acre. Write John 12. Lander, Deerfleld, Kan. Missouri. IN M1SSOURL Z15 a or as; 126 miles south east of Kansas City, 70 acres In cultivation. Box house: good barn; out buildings and fine water and grasa; large orohard of different varieties of fruit. 8 miles to good trading point. Cloae to school and churchy Price $2,600. Tola is a money ' maker. GEORGE! KUMPP, t03-t Sheldley Bldg.. Kanaaa City. Mo. FINE CASS CO.. MISSOURI. FARM 460 acrea, one mile of railroad town, 3) miles Kanaaa City; all In cultivation and graaa; all rich, fine lying land; s-room houae, barn and outbuildings; well fenced and watered. If you want a bargain in a well located grain and atock farm, you can't beat It; only $66 per acre; good terma on thla. -O. W. CLARDT INV. CO., 801 Commerce, Kansas City, Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains In South Missouri. Morris as Walker, Moun tain View. Mo. FOR SALE South Missouri farms near St. I.outa markets; any slse; some good bargains. Write, stating your wants. Free list. NORVELL & BASS, SteelvtUe, Mo READ THIS. HOMESEEKERS The cheapest farm a in the United Slates today are In the Osarks of Missouri, lovely cli mate, close to good markets, St. Louis and Kanaaa City; for hearth wealth, clover, timothy, bluegraaa, timber, fine fruit, beau tiful streams; fine fishing and hunting. If you want to aea the cheapest and best farms you ever saw priced in your Ufa for the money, write for our list and be shown. A. D. Roberta & Son, Rluhlamd, Mo Mlnneaotsu 10,000 acres of choice hardwood timber land for sale In the clover and fruit belt of Bayfield county, Wis. Very productive soil pure water, and where the rainfall is ample to Insure good crops; will sell In tracts to suit, wun small oown payment, Daiance on aay terma. Zuel-Wood-Goff Co., Inc., Man kato, Minn. 276 acres, beet, all tillable, black loam soli; fine crop growing; high state of cul tivation, never rented; all fenced; large, Jileaaant house; barn and other buildings; fine well, windmill; value of Improvements 82.600. Insurance. 83.000. Fine a rove aver. greena. maplea, box elder and apple trees - near house. Three mllea from finest county seat In state; publlo parka, lakes, band concerts, rural delivery and telenhnn. Positively worth $80 per acre. Will not be sold tor less next ran. uwner quits farm ing. Quick sale, $68.60 with terms to suit. No trade or triflers. Call or write at once. jjrocK, uicnrieia, Minn, 83 60 PER ACRE 5,000 acres In Minnesota' a great clover belt., price. 83.60 per acre; biggest bargain in at ate. SCHWAB BROS.. 123 Guaranty Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Mica las a. IF BOLD AT ONCE. IN aorta; good soil; apple orchard: 48 acres timber; 8-rooia houae; good bars; very-thing ooasplete. M eorea; a sandy loam: T acres maple and elm timber: two large apple orohards; 10-room houae; large frame barn. Within four mllea market and main line railroad. Cholee, 83,800; cash $700; balance easy terms, WATIND RBALTT CO Wayland, Mloh. FARM BARGAIN. Best MO ain-e farm In Michigan black eandy loam, l binge.; 1 mile from town. R, ARBORUAST. Bloomfield. N. J. .... .. HtAL U.rtlC FARM AXlt HAMII I.A.NO FOR SALE Mirhiaan- oailaaed. OCEANA COUNTY FARMS. JUST A eAAH'LW OF WHAT 1 HAVB Foil HALK H-ACRIS farm, nice ti-room cottage, good stone collar, good littlo mini, stone coal house, (.tone chicken house, ling house. Rood well ii rid cistern, li lame cherry trees, & largo apple. Lots ot grapes, giMiKchprrles, currants and fine ornamental tre, flow its and shrubbery about the l.uuse. A fine. ittl home. 4 mile from railroad Hag station. Easy terms, 11,200. lo acre, email house and barn, SuO fine bearing peach, cherry, plum und apple, good soil, right near beautiful Silver Lake, whero bhick bass and pickerel fishing Is always good, other cottages and school adjoin. Kasy terms, $1,200. Lti acres, (.ood o-room house, 100 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, grapes, etc. h mile from beautiful Silver Lane. A fine little home for anyone. Kasy terms, $1,200. 40 acres nice improved level land, no building, 4 miles from station, heavy aod. First crop of potatoes will pay for the land. Easy tortus, $f$00. 0i acres, Do under cultivation, IB acres hardwood timber, well fenced, 8 acres new ly seeded. 1.200 fine growing fruit trees, apple, peach, cherry, plum. New 7-room house, stone cellar under w hole. New barn for 14 head stock. Level, 3 mllea from Hart on fine main traveled, graveled road. Kasy terms, $3,000. M acres, 7-room house, barn 30x.", 3c0 bearing ft tilt trees, apple, cherry, pench, plum and pear. 70 acrea Improved. Flm large creek crosses place, lo acres heavy bottom land, 6 acres hardwood timber. Clone to school. Kasy terms, fll.oUO. Write for full lint and literature. J. D. 8. HANSON, HART, MICH. SNAP Money-making country home, stock, toola and crop complete; one of the beBt 70-acre farms in the ataU. practically level, lays about 2'-i miles from town, on benutlful made road, cloaa neighbors, schools and church. Thla farm borders on a beautiful lake, an elegant spring brook Hows across It. large new v-room field atons residence, big basement or cellar, large verandas; big. new barn, loom for 4 head of hoi tea, a cows, also carriage and tool room; lots of choice bearing fruit. This fsrm la hlgr. class in every lespect and we are making a great sacrifice when we offer it. It mu.t bo sold quick and we will let everything go in the way of machinery, stock, etc. There is everything from a pitchfork to aelf binders, all machinery la practically hew, also wagon, currlage, har nesses, 60 chickens, I cowl, 4 horses, hogs, etc To quick buyer will make the price Yi MOO; must have $1,200 cash, balance can be paid in small yearly payments. Will give possession and turn everything over to buyer In 4S hours. If you are ready to snap the biggest bargain on earth, don't miss seeing this quick. THE FRED PARR CO.. Box K. Plainwell. Mich. THESE ARE WONDERS. Read, Read and wonder. Practically a gift; 240 acrea, lies like a garden; 175 acres cultivated; balance In timber and pasture on beautiful river; good house, IVi story, good barn and other buildings. Buildings carry $2,000 Insurance; farm all fenced and cross-fenced; rural mall and telephone; three miles to town, nine miles to railroad town; 100 fine bearing apple trees and other fruita. THE PRICE ITS $18 PER ACRE. Think of it. There Is not another tuich bargain in the world. Eighty acres splendid land, 60 acrea cul tivated, balance in fine hardwood timber; 7 miles to town; rural mall and telephone; good house ard barn; A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Price, $1,760; $1,000 cash, balance to suit you. We are always the leaders In bargains, Others try to follow. Send for full particulars, H. W. SAWYER, Newaygo, Michigan. THESE ARB WONDERS. READ, READ and wonder. Praotloally a gift; 240 acres; Ilea like a garden; 176 acres cultivated; balance on timber and pasture on beautiful river; good houae, ltt atory; good barn and other buildings. Buildings carry $2,t00 lnaurance; farm all fenced and cross fenced; rural mall and telephone; three mllea to town, nine mllea to railroad town; 100 fine bearing apple treea and other fruits. THE PKlCE-aT b $18 PER ACRE. Think of It. There ia not another such bar gain in the world. 0 acrea aplendid land, 60 acres cultivated, balance In fine hardwood timber; 7 mllea to town; rural mail and telephone; good house and barn: a WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Price $1,700, $1,000 caah, balance to suit you. We are always the leaders In bar galas; others try to follow. bend for full particulars, H. W. SAWYER, i NEWAYGO, MICHIGAN. Baldwin, Mich. FOR SALE 60 acrea, two miles from one of Michigan's finest villages; 7 room house, barn 30x40, windmill that furnishes house and barn with water, outbuildings, apple orchard, pears, cherries, plums, grapes; 6 acres timber; 40 rods to school; soil dark loam, corn planted, oats sown, all crops are now planted; span horses, 2 cows, chickens, hay, corn, potatoes; all Implements necessary to carry on a farm; telephone R. 4 D. ; close to creamery; thick ly settled neighborhood; $2,800, $600 down; to appreciate this Is to see It; 14 acres on the banks of beautiful body of water; Ilea on the edge of beautiful village; ii room house, barn 40x44, Icehouse; all kinds of fruit; fine shade surrounds the house; this Is worth seeing; $2,500, $u00 down. GEO. BRIDGES, Bangor, Mich. WRITE ME ABOUT MICHIGAN I am farming near Baldwin, Lake county. Michigan. 1 came here from Indiana four years ago and am well satisfied with this country, i Know ot some Dargains in tois vicinity that can be had for cash. If you will write me and tell me what you want and how much ytfu can buy, I will find something to suit you here or at least try to, and It will cost you nothing If 1 don't. I have no circulars or literature, so make your wants plain In your letter and I will describe to you what 1 can find, then you can come and sea It If Interested. ' W. A. t,LL,lUll, FORCED SALE An excellent 60-aore farm, all smooth and level, no swamp or wat land, very productive; with success fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; 6-room house; beautiful shade; large barn, poultry house, tool house, etc; also plenty of choice bearing fruit. Thla Is a real farm and one that will make money for any live man. It la on main road, close neighbors, schools, etc.; only about 10 minutes' walk from the biggest lake in Michigan where there is good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm must be sold quick and we therefore make the price $1,460; one-half cash, balance to suit buyer. U. C. DEES. Bos E, Martin. Mich. 40 ACRES. 8200. HALF CASH. BALANCE 13 YEARS. Tha land la situated not far 'from Bay City, Mlohlgan, and adapted for farina erasing or fruit Perfeot titles, and will bear close lnapeotlon. The above pries and terma are made to cloae an estate quick. If you want a 40 or more send your option In now, with $1 per aore. and balance to be paid when deeds are returned. BRADFORD & COMPANY, 64 Adams St.. Chicago. STOP AND THINK! WE are on the ground and havs the first opportunity to buy land at low prices. We save the rent of big offices in Chicago and give our cuatomers the benefit of low prices. We have farms and unimproved land, summer resort property, cottages for tale and rent near a beautiful chain of lakes, three miles from town. The best bargains in Michigan. Write for booklet, b. U. THOMPSON, NEWAYGO, MICH ....v ......... . ...Il.l. No. 120 acres, cleared, small house and barn, some fruit, near town, fins fruit land, $1,000. No. ! 40 acres, cleared, good house and vara, premy oi iruu, level, good soil, 11.260, Vrt 9 Bruu .Uk t ... i 1 1 i miles, Muskegon, city, 35,000; $18 per acre. v. i miv 'luwu, naiance easy terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO., Fremont, Mich. . A SNAP. 80 ACRES FRUIT. VEGETABLE! AND CUiniPM ivn In renter of Michigan; near county Seat and railroad town and tine lake: 100 apple trees, 108 peach treea, 700 email fruit; ralaes 408 bushels of potatoes to an acre: good soil: clear title; only 8300; $20 down. $10 per -"" luiercar, or ju on xor cash: must sell; might throw In cow or 40 chick- OWNER. R. 403. us Dearborn 3L. Chicago. MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 1-20 acres, clear, email house and $1 0(3l near town, itns fruit land. No. 840 aore cleared, good houae and tarn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. 81 2L No. 8 !0 acrea rich loam toll. leveL 4 miles Muakegon. city 25.0u; 612 per acre; Q per acre down, balance easy terma THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fromont. Mich. LAND FOR HALE. Write me today. E, F. FREMONT, NEWAYGO CO.. MICH. REAL ESTATE FAftM AKlt H A M II LAM) KOR"Al.F. Mt FOR HALtV-4,720 acre In Jefferaoa eounty, Montana, at $10 per acre, on easy terma. Thla tract la locate J Ihi miles front town of Whitehall, a thrifty Utile city on the N. P. and C, M. A bt P. coast Una; t out acrea of thla tract la under irrigation; mater rights from the Jefferson river. About l,M acres bottom land, about 71 per rent of thia tract Is tillsbie, balance suit able for pasture. This tract la located in the famoua Montana apple bell and la a bargain. IS, 000 acres, Meagher county, Musselshell valley, Montana. $17 per acre; easy terms; located on C, M. St. P. R. U . 3 mllea from iwo good towns; at least SO per sent of this tract la aukable 'or farming. A good proposition to cut up Into small farms; 1.000 to 6,000 acrea can be Irrigated; many springe furnlaa abundance of water the year around. MARX YN k STUART LAND CO.. Aberdeen, 8. D., And 80S Palace yidg.. Allnneapolla Nebraska. Never Mind the Heat Weather Is riollehtfiil nut In lh Knott's Bluff countrv. Wn have another car load of land seekers out there now investigat ing conditions of soil, water, crops and climate. It is Your Turn Next Arn Vnlt nnntitiail .a lpplirall.,n ? t vm lmmm, Knw 1 - 1 , . .1 . . i i r . ........ ' ii. mo win id utiri nave .vuu uvn Been crops growing under Irrigation? If you A nn, 1- I.. . ... .. .. mi nnuw, lei ua snow you. vju Willi us our Next Excursion Tuesday, July 5. Scott's Hluff Is not sn fur from Otunha In fact, that irrigated land la the nearest Irrigated tract to the Missouri river mar kets. The Investor In Scott's Bluff lands SAVES ENOUGH ON FREIGHT RATE TO PAY GOOD INTEREST ON II 16 LAND. Why go Into' Idaho, into the mountains, or to the Pacific coast for irrigated land, when you can find just as fertile, Just as abundant water supply In "America's Val ley ot me iNiie," AN ABUNDANT WATER SUPPLY Makes the Scott's lilnff nrnnnsittlnn at tractive, but all we ask of the man In terested Is that he take a look at the country, water supply and crops. Make your pians inoyv. vve are closing put our Scott's Hluff listings very rapidly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam Sts. "Manless Land for Landless Man." DID YOU EVER hear of the Sidney draw in Cheyenne county, the best land in western Nebraska; section 7 miles from railroad. 415 t)er acre, if taken immediately. You can stand on one corner and see every part of it. B 497, Bee. Sarpy County Snap A beautiful home, highly Improved. 1C0 acres, fine land: 10 miles to Omaha, 6 miles to South Omuha stock yards. Price If sold quick, $160 per acre. C. R Combs. Room 15 Old U. 8. Nat. Bldg.. 12th and iiii mono, aj. Kug. iron ma ri,' pw ' nn,. a . . , . . ' J " "CI . LO.I 111 ui IW acres In Valley county, Nebraska, located wiu uu Arcaaia. Mouse, Darn and good steel tower windmill with my share of the crop price. $50 per acre. Ad dress. L. Werner. M)7 KYiater UmH T . a n i . , . V" l. Oregon. FOR SALE. 180 acres unimproved prairie land. All level, good land. In good neighborhood. $ miles northeast of O'Neill. This is a bar gain. Price $26 per acre. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill, Nebraska. BARGAIN In Platte Valley Irrigated Farm I Extra good 180 acres; must be sold quick. 60 acree alfalfa, 80 acres best wheat grass meadow lu the country; SO acres to other crops. 885 per acre. Write quick for terms and further Information to Box No. lol tiering. Neb. MUST SELL FARM 320-acre, 200 culti vated, 100-acre best bottom and alfalfa lanri n n H nn...lvh(h mil. . . - , ,,it,a m LUWU, aja per acre. Worth $60. Stocks Land Co., North Dakota North Dakota Farm Land Excursion July 5th Closing out large tract fine agricultural land, underlaid with coal, Stark Co., N. L.. near Northern Paciflo R. K., $11 to $20 per acre; easy terms. Prices 83 to $6 per acre less than adjoining lands. Crop prospects In Stark county are fine thla year. Plenty bf rain. Write for map and full informa tion. Excursion 1st and 3d Tuesday each month while this land lasts. Your ex penses paid If you buy. J. H. Dumont . & Son, 1G06 Farnam St., Omaha. NORTH DAKOTA. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITT. Land In the Mouse River loop, where erop failure Is unknown. Hon. J. J. Hill says this land is ail worth $100 per aote, and he knows. Will rent and pay 80 per cent on Investment What is your money earning T Tha finest prairie land in the world. Write me for list. It Is free. K. E. GOWIN, Olenburn. N. U. 2,820-acre grain and stock farm, best part of North Dakota; 1,600 acres cultivated and in crop, about COO acres more can be cropped; 840 acres fine timber, 200 acres fine hay meadow; balance first-class pas ture; excellent set of buildings. Improve, ments valued at $10,000; house, barn and all pastures piped with running water; twelve miles fence; located on small lake; new air line. Fargo to Mlnot, under con struction, crosses part of land; some of land adjoins new township; If purchased before harvest half crop goes with land on paying for seed used; equipment may be purchased If desired; owner has ranched here for twenty-five years and wishes to retire; land has been farmed only few yeara and grows excellent crops. Price $00,000, and a snap at that Don't bother me If you are not able to handle this; could sell a dozen times to lightweights; terms on -part E. B. MoCutcheon, Mlnot. 8. D. Oklahoma. NOTICES. To be sold at public auction, June 28, 1810 A 8-story, modern, 60-room, brick hotel building In city of 6,000, Stillwater. OkL Best located property tn city. Stillwater Is center of interurban system now build ing, has other good railroad facilities, has atate agricultural school; city is growing rapidly. Thla hotel has best business in the city, but the proprietor must sell on so count of poor health. Will sell furniture and building on day of sale with privilege of leasing If building itself does not elL Inquiries concerning this property and terms of sale will be promptly answered by the undersigned. JOHN YOUMT. Sr., tlllwater. OkL N Wyoming, FOR SALE 640-aci-e Improved t.nd Irri gated ranch, located In southern Wyoming. completely fenced, with flrat cla-si house and all necessary outbuildings; irrigation stream direct from government timber re serve. Independent of all water companies; no charge for water, rights perpetual; owner must sell at once and will sacrifice on reasonable terms. Address A. B. Land, 628 Unity Bldg., Chicago, 111. When you havs anything to still or trad advertise It In The Bee Want Add columns and get quick result. j REAL ESTATE FARM AM) HAM II UMI FOR Bt.R (Continued.) v Orrsosi ALUEHTA WHEAT FARM. ... . . , . ... .lira ui iiueni aiupiis wneai mini in the famous Maskatt-hewan valley, about six " niuvwiig low 11 UL trxivouw 11,1 ll. tUA 1.- . I.-.. .... ... , n c ii me muni iinrs 1.11 lauaoiMii iSoithcin railway ana tirand 'intuit laci llc, and oiny a tew inlli-s lroin boln. Land 111 this vicinity produces from dO to M) liu.-n-eis ut n 11cm to the ane una loo ouoiicls u( uatH, and la rapidly Increasing in vaiue. One ciop win more than pay for und. Will take 1 per ucit lor uulcK. saic. Aosoiute gov. eminent lilltt TIi.a I. .1 cua t -... ,,. .,,! villi make tug monr . 'ilieie is only one crop of lana; iieter get In wnne it Is cheap. C. F. lioutn, Box 3,4, IVilimid, Ore. IRKIUATKU FRUIT LAMii, Rogue River Valley. Oregon. Declared by government experts to be the nictt perfect Irult belt in the world: srnnd saeepalaKus prize: buokane National Annla ahow; has received the highest prlcea ever I'aiu tor nun 111 me isaw xurK and Lon don markets; orchards now producing over $l,ouO iiel per aore. irrigated iMcliard tracts on payment Dim ranging In price Iroui yui per acre for un oewlopeu Una to toou per aero lor davtl oped uicuards. atoguulands. Incorporated. Medfurd. Oregon. $..0,000 IRRIGATION PROPOSITION. 2.0UU acres locally located contiguous to government und private irrigation projects win 00 boiu to liiuiviuual or syndicate for buhdlvlblon or for selling tracts. $o0,ou0 will swing the deul. Pall ot lana alreuuy under Irrigation. Produces heavily lu al taltu, onions, potatoes, etc. Low altitude; long sunshiny season. NeiKhtiorlnK lands selling from $200 to 600 per acre. Chance 10 maae -w,uw. for particulars address D. o. Lively, North Portland, Ore. FOR SALE Wanted Long headed con servative melt and women looking for and capable of recogtilzink a life time oppor tunity to write tor tree book, "The Apple King," written by 11. ii. Tronson, the Apple King of the World. Telia how you can par ticipate in tho enormous profits being reaped by apple growers in the famous Rogue River vulley, without leaving your present position or reHldence. Address Hogue River .Commercial Orchard Com pany, Dept. 10, Medford, Oregon. BUY farm lands now; they are dally In creasing in value. There la a limited amount of land, but no liiiill to the future population. The Pacific Northwest ia the present land of opportunity. We have a tine I ssortment of farms, some of which will suit you. Write us today, stating your requirements, and we will mall you full particulars free. The Card Really & lay. Co., 625 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore.- BUY farm lands now. They are dally In creasing In value. Tnere is a limited amount of land, but no limit to the future popula tion. The Pacific Northwest ia the present land of opportunity. We have a fine assort ment oi larma, some of which will suit you. Write us today, stating your require ments, and we will mall you full particulars free, 'xne Card Realty & lav. Co.. 2 Henry Blug., Portland. Ore South Uakotav. SOUTH DAKOTA CORN AND ALFALFA LANDS. The rush Is on tor oianley county; buy lauus near the new railroad auu double your money in tne uext year; 2o,u00 acres to ael.ct tioru; $lu to $18 per acre. Call or write Folland Realty company, Ul Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. CHOICE BARGAINS. lbO acres, I luiies iruui vvatertown, 2 tunes Hum Foley, ueauutul siiguuy roll lug land, free Horn pond, cieeas, gravel or alone, 1m acres into crop, a acrea nay, no uuuuiuga, lor. a quica saie .d0 pel acre, cash down to a aoo0 mortgage now uu the land, a per oeui, mruiucr gu oue-uurd ciop ueiivered. uui acies, aii piairiu, no improvements, too acrea good lann land, 100 rougn pasture laud, U miles from Water town, u miles Hum 3 other towns, it's worm m per acre, we are vtteriug it for $2a tor a quica sale, vaaii down to a' $4,600 mortgage now uu the land at per cent If you are on the market for a bargain In laud )uu suouid lose uu tune in seeing tnese. Auuress Walkiin Busuey, Water, town, bouia Dakota. ... t,u Mlta'cxas. l,irlt.i a canadian w ent to za valla' County, texas. He was a novice to tanning, A man Offered lllm the use of 20 acrea of land without charge tor one year for the clearing and plowing. lie planted 20 acres of onions according to the directions given him by his neignoora. HE CLEARED 10,0uo NET PROFIT FROM THE 20 ACRES, OR $i00 AN ACRE, IN ONE SEASON. lie then offered to buy the land at $luO an acre, but the owner wouldn't sell. 1 HAVE 10,000 ACRES OF THE SAME LAND JL'ST ALONOSiDE AT ONLY $16.00 AN ACRE. But it muBt be sold in one body. Real estate men of long experience pronounce It "THE BEST TRACT IN TEXAS." It must be sold at once, and $15.00 la cost price. Naturally this is a wholesale proposition. This land can be readily re-sold in small tracts trom $30 to $76 per acre and if tne buyer wishes, I will undertake its re-sale. The land I offer you Is In tha artesian belt and Is the best opportunity you will ever have to buy. t or particulars address W. B. MURRAY, 407 COMMERCE BLDQ., KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. TWO TEXAS FAKMS FOR oALB. 131 acres, lot in cultivation, alfalfa, corn and potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton; on the Colorado river; no overflow; Sb miles from Houston, Also j acres, 66 In cultivation, corn; ad joining the above place; of mile to a railroad switch; party can get 'immediate possession; will take $60 per acre for one or both places. Write to the owner, A. A. Norton, Wharton, Tex. Terms. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT IT. It's a county seat in the center ot the Rio Grande Valley and irrigation; has railroad, canals, new court house, good bank, school, brick business houses; Chapln needs people to develop its great resource: they're rich enough to make you rich. Asa us for booklet "B." CHAP1N TOWNSITE COMPANY. Chapln. Tex. Virginia. VIRGINIA FRUIT FARM. 828 ACRES $6,600. Two-story house; 18 rooms and basement; 8 porches; ample outbuildings; apple orchard of 800 Albemarle pippins, wins sapa and other high-priced varieties; the trees are 18 years old, and being located la the great fruit belt ot Albemarle county they are hardy and thrifty, and will yield a lifelong income; 8Vs miles to railroad station; surrounded by good neighbors. If taken at once, only $4.6o0; part cash, bal ance ou easy terms. For further details, see page 24, "Strout's Farm Catalogue No. to, becond Edition." It describes other rare bargalna from $S an acre up in Vir ginia, Maryland and the south. Copy free. Station Ktrfs. E. A. btrout, Uniou Bank Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. ' CHOICE VIRGINIA FARMS. ALONG THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY AS LOW AS $10 PER ACRE; rich soil, mild winters, nearby eastern mar kets. For handsome illustrated booklet, "COUNTRY LIFE IN VIRGINIA" (100 pages), and low, twice a month excursion rates. Address G. B. WALL, Real Estate Agent, C. & O. Railway, Box M U, Rich mond, Va. TWO TEXAS FARMS FOR SALE. 131 acres, 100 in cultivation, alfalfa, corn, and potatoes; three miles from the town of Wharton, on the Colorado river; no overflow; 05 miles from Houston. Also 86 seres, hi in cultivation, corn; ad Joining the above place, three-fourths of a mile to a railroad switch; party can get immediate possession; will take $n0 per acre for one or both places. Write to the owner, A. A. Norton, Wharton, Tex. Terma. Wlaeoaslsu YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 a month, good land, at from $8 to $20 per acre In Vilas and Oneida counties, Wis consin. - We charge no Interest We pay the taxes. Insurance clause in the contract Best op portunity In the country for the man ot moderate meana to own a farm and be in dependent Write for map and book to Dept. 8 O. F. SANBORN CO., Eagle River, Wis. When you have anything to sell or trade advertise It In The Bee Want Add columns and gst quick results, t . , REAL ESTATE FARM AM MAX II LiMI FOR 8AI.F. Wisconsin t'oatlaaed. PO-acre improved farm for $l.00. This farm has M acres cleared free of stumps and under cultivation; land la level; good clay loam soil, clny aubnotl; no atone; has 10 acrea ut heavy hardwood timber auch aa auKar maple, oak, basswnod and birch, no underbrush In the timber; balance of land easy to clear. Thla farm borders on a beautiful lake with good fishing. It has a new irame houso with seven rooms nil complete ready to move Into; and a new stable, lfix2. Farm is located eix miles from Cumberland and three miles from Barronett; in a well settled, farming coun try; Germans and Americans; on main traveled load, near schools, churches and creamery. 1'here In limber enough on this (arm that when sold will pay the Interest and taxes fur five years. Terms $.'00 cash, balance. on time lo suit purchaser. v also own another fcO of unimproved land that Joins this lann in vase you want more land, bend for our special list of Olber farms and timber land we own. also our book ou northwestern Wisconsin. We are located In Barron county, 78 miles north tast of St. Paul. Address Wisconsin Col onisation Co.. Cumberland. Wis. YOU CAN BUY LAND FOR $10 A MONTI! good land at from $3 to $20 an acre, In Vilas and Oneida countiea. Wisconsin, We charge no Interest We pay the taxes. Insurance clause In the contract. BEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE COUNTRY for man of moderate means to OWN A FARM AND BE INDEPENDENT Wllte for man and hook tn Dent. 1 O. F. SANBORN CO.. Eagle River. Wis. -Miscellaneous, HAVE YOU A l.'ini. vnv. rat.it n TRADE? or do you want to buy one I your want known through THE DES MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium of lowu. Rates: l cent a word for each inser tion, 8 cents a line, 70 cents an Inch. Cir culation, 41.000. largest of any Iowa dailv. Give us a trial. Address The Capital, Land Dept.. Dca Moines, Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS., 2d floor N. Y. Life. tM to $100,000 on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. rarnum bmiin & Co., 1220 Farnam St WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. lAth and Farnam. $009 to $o.000 on homea in Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1002 N. Y. Life. Douglaa or A- 2152. SUITS that Fold for $30, at $16. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. LOANS to home ownera and home build era, with privilege ot making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMA8, 603 First Nations,' ank Bldg REAL ESTATE WANTE D AVE HAVE BUYEKS FOK t, 8 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property fur you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 620 N. Y. Life Bldg. ry ai a uui reniat prupeny, ti,ow w $3,000, tor choico vacant lot or lots, one- .tilrri tn nnu.liu i . 1. ualn, I . a I u rw A n, 1 1 cash. Give particulars of property offered. Address M 2K7, Bee. . SWAPS WE can trade any tiling, anywhere. LATHROP At TOB1N. D. 2058. 421 Baa WE will tiade our equity of $1,200 we have in a flue quarter of land northwest trom Lodge Pole for either a Chalmers, Oakland, Velie, Overland or E. M. F. tour cylinder automobile; car must be prac tically new; no otliers need answer tnls ad. Tate & Barlow, 'Lodge Pole, Neb. Double apartment house, strictly mod ern, ciose-in. Good income payer. Price $10,000, mtge. $2,500. Want land. Might take an automublle. Don't need rain to make this pay. Nowata Land & Lot Co., 24 N. Y. Life Blug-. Omaha, Neb. Pboue Red 1999. 8 rooms, all modern; easy walking distance;- price $5,000; mortgage $1,20; give legal numbers in first letter, it saves time, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Red 188. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. 640 ACRES extra level land, close to rail road, in Box Butte county, Nebraska; will exchange for merchandise; rice, 8d0 per acre; will carry $4,000. A. JR. Thompson, Holdrege, Neb. TAILORS MISFIT tailored suits $36 and $40 values at $15. See A. Rubensteln, 211! 8. 14th St O. A. LINQUIST CO.. 235 PAXTON BLK. FOR evening functions full dress is the rule, and to get it made right see Ed Thiel Tailor, 718 S. 16th tit. WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for second-hand furniture, carpets, clothing and sboaa Phone Douglas S97L Safes One large and one medium slse safe, atate size and price. M 280 Bee. SUITS that sold for $30, at $15. VOLLMER'S. 107 So. 16th. BEST prlcea for BROKEN WATCHES, Old Gold, etc. NATHAN, 211 8. 13th St WANTED Easy riding wheeled chair; street use; will rent or buy. A. J. Caughey, 925 N. '23d St., South Omaha. WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Sizes. List With Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. SUITS that sold up to $30. at $15. VOLLMER'S, 107 So. 16th. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants desk room In exchange for work. Address Y 34, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position With a furniture store as cabinet maker, experienced and can give best ot references. Address Omaha Bee. S 520. COLORED man and wife want work In family. Addren P 600. Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QITARTERM ASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., July 1. 1910. Sealed-proposals, in triplicate, will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, August 1, 1910, for furnishing oata. bran, hay and straw during the period from October 1, 1910, to June 30, 1911. at Omaha, and Forts Crook, Omaha and Rob inson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meade, South Dakota. United States reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on appli cation here or to quartermasters at sta tions named. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Forage," and addressed to Lt Col. D. E. McCarthy, C. Q..M. Jyl-!-5-S-28-ai. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will bo received by the city clerk of the city of O'Neill, Nebraska until eight 8) o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 13th day ot July, loiu, ror rurntsnmg mate rial and constructing a complete sanitary sewer system for tne city or o rein. Ne braska. In accordance with the plans and specifications on file In the office of the city clerk. O'Neill, Nebraska, and in Ihe office of the engineers, , Omaha, Nebraska. Each bid bt accompanied by a certl. fled check of five hundred ($V)0.0u) dollars. . Any one desiring a set of plana and apeo- Ificatlona for personal uae, may obtain the same by application of the engineers and a pavment of five ($5.00) dollsrs per set The city reserves the right to reject any and an bids. o. v. muuirs. Mayor. H. J. Hammond. City Clerk. The Consolidated Engineering Co., Engl neers, 640 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . . J2 d-7l OUR HOME The Tired Business By WALTER A. SINCLAIR "What do you think about the sane Fourth?" aiiked Friend Wife. "I'm just craxy about It," said tha Tired Business Man. "Or elao It's the heat, I don't know. Behove me, an examining board ot patriotic small boys or, at least 'rHotlo email boys would probably find that the so-called sane Fourth was suf fering from stupldorous melancholia and ought to be confined to England and other foreign asylums for the unpatriotic. Any schoolboy who's up on American history and geography will tell you that Paris, by Its rsycr, Is the only place to spend a Seine Fourth. Oof! "Still, when the saving of fingers and toes is computed, we'll find that this Fourth was not so painful 'lu the extreme.' It may be a disappointment for the boy who holds onto the handle of a lighted skyrocket, looking for directions on the handle, but think what a relief lt will be to the many aviators who now clutter our skies and who 'feared to lake their bi planes out for an aerial rump, fearing some roguish person would uttvmpt a little by playing like shooting a screccher through the front wing. The conquest ot the air marked the doom of aerial fireworks, be cause we can't ufford to spare ambulance surgeons from their usual work of tying up late sites of hands to hurry around with dustpans scraping promising aviators off the spot X where tiny struck after the flying machine was punctured. "Along about July fifth each year a national movement is started for a sane Fourth. The nation is in a receptive mood for such a proposition at that time. The only opponents of the cause can't hear the arguments anyway, because their heads are usually dune up In bandages, which also prevent their talking against the movement for conserving fingers and eyes. The movement flourishes grandly during the winter months and continues to occasionally simmer and alzs until about the first of July, when the relatives of the sane Fourth begin to notice queej and fa miliar symptoms. Along about the third of July all neighbors are talking about the eccentric actions of the patient and by morning the Fourth Is usually raving again. "It breaks out of Its straltjacket, over powers the guard and disappears Into the woods, reappearing In the cities to startle Stooping and Stretching While A woman who has reduced her weight fifteen pounds this summer said Bhe did lt by gardening. "I've taken off all the soft flesh and I expect to be a sylph soon," she declared. "Easy? Oh, no. I would not have lost flesh If the work had been easy. You see, I dress the part and I do really work. 1 don't have the gardener fetch and carry, nor do the fussy details. 1 get right down and grub; and that 1b one way I have Improved my waist line and made my body supple. At first I was stiff after working. But I kept on, and I'm repaid now. My complexion is Improved, too. That Is be cause I've perspired and thrown off Im punities that otherwise would nave stayed to make my skin muddy. I'm a strong be liever In the efficacy of perspiration for promoting a clear complexion. '.'What do I do? I get up at 7 o'clock nd take a cup of hot water, sipping lt just as hot as I can drink. Then I put on Just as few undergarments as I can, a khaki skirt and a thick flannel waist You see my arms and neck can't burn or freckle through the flannel, and as I do all I can to perspire, I need proteetlqn from chill. No thin waists when gardening. My hair Is dona at the back of my head, using no cushions, and I put on a wide brim black sailor hat held on with a wide elas tic. My hands are protected either by leather or rubber gloves. "It Is about 8 o'clock when I get out of doors, because I drink a cup of coffee r Daily Health Hint J Whenever the nervous woman feels that she Is losing her sleep, she will do well to drop every other consideration and give herself to the task of re-establishing nor mal rest, says Dr. McComb in Harper's Bazar. While sleep Itself is still a good deal of a mystery, we know that at least that the activity of the brain cells Is in sleep largely reduced and for the most part Is occupied in absorbing nourishment from the blood, and so creating a new supply of energy for the waking hours. A Hard Moment. "Well, Jim," said Blngleton, as he proudly showed off his first-born, "what do you think of that for a kid?" "He's some kid, all right, all right," re turned Jim, unemotionally. "Think he looks like me, old man?" per sisted Blngleton. "Hm! Well-er-ah-hum-well, BUI, I-well old pal, to tell you the truth, I'm afraid he does!" replied the embarrassed Jim. Har per's Weekly. POOR OLD PUBLIC rz- "SiiM herrrce h hag madJ miccs m the ttgte, "Notoriety ty, doeWt'UB 1 4Mt MAGAZINE Man THI Friend Wife that SJ I J Ile l Just CrT About a Sane Fourth the natives. Tou seldom hear of an Inaana Fourth being captured until the morning of the fifth, when it is traced by a series or ruins, sijulbs, burned out fireworks, ruined clothes and miscellaneous fingers and eyes. "I wonder how Ihe Mayor Gaynors and the college professors and high browed, editors passed the Fourth of July In their Jovlul youth. Do you suppose that they arose on the morning ot the Fourth lata as ever, dressed carefully and took down their histories to rend the Declaration ot Independence, followed by a careful scrut iny of the constitution, which wss then still Intact? Did they follow this up with a game of croquet, march after the bahd to the rlcnlo grove, where the town orator spouted some Inflammatory guff, and then rlbk their lives eating watermelon and pie? Of course they didn't handle iJynamlta crackers, for they weren't Invented then. But lt occurs to me that toy cannons onca exploded quite as harmfully as they do now. I wonder! Still, I'm glad to know that the Fourth Is to be safe and sane and that only one of two little boys will be hurt." "What two little boys?" gasped Friend Wife. "Either Mrs. Jeffries' little boy.'Jlmmle' or Mrs. Johnson's little boy 'Jsck,' " said the Tired Bui-lness Man. ' Gardening Will Reduce Flesh and eat a slice of toast. It you want ta lose flesh you've got to cut out a meal In the morning. There Is no objection to tak ing orange Juice, but many other fresh fruits are fattening. "From the time I go out until I coma in, about 10 or a little later, I grub. I stand when weeding and lean from my waist In stead of bending my knees. I couldn't do this at first, but now it Is easy. Inciden tally It should be said I wear corsets while working, but they are light weight, soft and loofee. "You Bee, whether standing or sitting, by working in the soil endless muscles are being used and cords are stretched. I twist my body when sitting, In order to reach another weed. That stretch Is good for me. Hoeing and raking affect the arms and the chest, making the first shapely and broadening the latter. Indeed, there Isn't a part of the work which isn't beneficial, If only for the reason that all tfie time I perspire. "Instantly on coming indoors I take oft all clothing and have a warm bath, rub bing down afterward with alcohol. I get Into a fresh set of clothes, and that la the end of violent exercise for the day. I walk, of course, but not as work; but I don't eat a lot of candy and I do try to be reasonable about my diet. It's a cure, I assure you, and you don't need a large patch of land to work In. Quite a small "garden will keep a person busy If she takes care of It alone." MARGARET MIXTER. 0MAMA PUBLIC LIBKAEY AND MUSEUM. Nineteenth and Harney Streets. Oat-of-Door Recreatlona. Baldwin Picture Making for Pleasure and Proflt-O 2483.2. Burroughs Camping and Tramping with, Roosevelt O 4394. Buxton Fishing and Shooting O 4668. Filippl Ruwemorl, an Account of the Expedition ot the Duke of the Abrussi L 2404. Ellis Sketching from Nature Q "644. Finley American Birds M 3666.22. Hanks Camp Kits and Camp Life O 4412. Lehmann The Complete Oarsman O 4041.3. Mlltoun The Automoblllst Abroad L 2708. - Myers Complete Lawn Tennis Player O 4718. Penfleld Holland Bkelchee L 8040.1 JPresbrey Motoring Abroad L 9582. a Richard Through the Yukon and Alaska, -L 5067.2. j Stack Wild Fiowera Every Child tehould Know-M 22W.2. Thompson A Woman Tenderfoot L 4T7a, Turner Aerial Navigation of Today -N 1310.6L Whlgman How to Play Oolf O 4667. White The Pass-L 497L True Atfectloa. The man or woman who knows the ln. est meaning of affection is no fair weather friend. He or she do not mind knowing; the inner troubles and flahta ih.ir Amr ones encounter, and they are tha heat at consolers to the sufferer who tries so bard to "face It out." Their Idea of lov ia typified In the following beautiful lines by ina u. u. Mocn; Keep Not for Me. Keep not for me the brave, bright face you The world a tace that must not bear a, frown. But rather let me see the tired eyes, the The lips unatrung, with corners drooping down; Ah, let me gase away the pain, whon none uui a limy lev. To those leaa dear your noble largeea-i Junt your grief for me. Ina O. C. Kloch In Succeeak Objeetioas. "To learn to swim," I told her, . "Assuredly one ought." "But If one learn," quota she. "one mayn't Continue to be taught" T. E. M, e