Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Big Dirifihle, with Thirty-Three Pu
feajerv HiSei Through Storm.
rtil afcipwreekra la Mia-Air Cllss
t fkafrlr Deaaa fl M
tr I IMeaMe la a
Heavy bale.
President Quits
Washington for
Summer Capital
Let ret White House with Air of
Gaiety for Taettioa Period t
tl"FrFLrOEi,1 Jud Ij. CoBCt Zenl.n'
passerrer airahin Ir utschlana. the hlffcwt
developed c.f I1 the famous aeronaut's
models. les ton-Bbt on top of the Teuto
bursaln forest, pie'cea with pine tree stems,
a. rnan of deflated silk and ti wtnJ aluro
tatim. The thirty-thi perron aboard th alr
hip ben it rrt4 on the pine altr a
wild contest with a Morn, escaped unin
jured, climbina down from th wreck on a
r?p ladder to the tree toa.
Herr Co'iet.marw acneral manager of the
pew :rrhlp conranr. Chief Engineer Iuerr
of the Zeppelin company, end Captain
KannenbenK. w ho personally had chars of
the c-w of ten. and twenty newspaper
mea tailed from lutldorf at I.M o'clock
thi momms for a three hour excursion.
The objective point wa Uortmund, about
thirty-five mile from Duldrf. but a
high head wind prevailed and an effort was
made to reh Muntter. a garrison town,
o that a landing rtiisht be road on the
pa: ado ground bt the aid of th soidiera
It wa realiied that it would require a
large number of them to hold the vat con
trivance of fUk and m tal against th wind.
Mavr Uadlr I)imH.
It was dangerous to attempt a landing in
an open field because of the Worm, a the ;
mrtal wa likely to pound to piece. In j
tli tush wind one of th motor refuted to
work, and the other two were not power
ful enouarh to make any progress in the
gale. The airthip drifted, saajine in the
violent gufcU, and aomttime leaning to an
angle of forty degree. All the while the
tng'.nemen were at work repairing the dis
abled motor. When thi v.aa don ail four
screw were driven at their full power,
under which. In normal condition, the air
ship wa capable of attaining a speed of
forty Biiit! aa hour. But the helmsman
wa unable to keep hi course and the
great craft wa swung at th mercy of the
. c'uleunann did not dare to turn the thip
around for fear of overturning and de
cided to drift to the ffle. which wa blow
ing at the rat ot fifty miles an hour
toward Osnabruck. also a garrison station.
If be missed, ttiat .be expected to continue
on to Senna. Suddenly he perceived a
whirlwind coming and ascended to a
height of nearly 4.OT0 feet to avoid the
worst vf it. With the w hirlwind cam a
heavy downpour of rain.
After half an hour the Deutschlacd came
down to permit of observations, and It was
twen that the Teutoburglan forest lay be
low. The forward motor again stopped
and Colesmann sent five of the cor
respondent to th aft gondola to ballast
th vessel. The Oeutschland tank rapidly,
having lost much gas in the high altitude
and dragged along th top of the dense
v Faumeaa-ers lrw t Fleer.
A heavy branch of a tree broke through
tile floor of the cabin amidships, throwing
two of the . guests to the floor. Other
branches ripped through th ga compart
ments and the wool great structure
settled do a thirty to forty feet from the
CrotLBo. ., . - ,
. lt ta not th fault of the Zeppelia -lem.-
exclaimed Herr Colesmann, "that
1 all right. It 1 or iw'b fault. , our
benzine raa out."
The airship which Colesmana's company
tiad just paid $m.& looked like a wreck.
The frames were broken, but the motor
were not damaged. The silk wa ripped
avnd had fallen in a torn mass on the tops
Ot th tree,;
.Report of disaster, explosion and death
Were widely ' spread. A party of officer
and sure eons came by automobile from
Jbiirg, Willi the distr ict governor and his
wife, with first aid to the Injured ma
terial, arrived at the scene within half an
hoar by special train. A company of in
fantry was sent frorf. Osnabruck, and
picketed th wreckage.
Th disaster occurred at i 39 o'clock in
the evening. The early part of the flight
was delightful, much like automobiles,
without the Jarring. The airship main
tained aa altitude of about 600 feet, and
during the f int hour or two th passengers
felt con tempt for the trains rumbling down
below and spoke of automobiles as out
of date. This was when the airship was
sweeping gently across the country, but
during the height of the storm the
const tenet -of those aboard were not so
WASHINGTON. June President Tart
left here today to spend the next three or
four months at Beverly, Mas., the present
summer capital of the Vnlted Ftate. Th
president s air i t gaiety e as accentuated
by a vivid red necktie.
The president s private car was attached
to the Federal express, which pulled out
of the Union station at 1 15 o'clock this
afternoon. Before going aboard the train
the president stood on the platform for
several minutes chattlr.g and expressing
his w lubes fur a happy summer to the
members of the White House executive
force, and others who had gone to the
station to see him off. fort mart er General
Hitchcock accompanied him to the train.
With the president was Secretary Norton
and Assistant Secretary Forester, Cap
tain Archibald W. Butt, his military aide,
tr. Barker, his physical director; two
stenographers and several messengers.
On the same train, although not in the
president' car, was Secretary" Nagel of
the Impertinent of Commerce and Labor.
Before leaving the White House the
presidvct called Into his office all the news
paper men who have been writing for their
associations of papers of the dally doings
about the executive offices and wished
them a pleasant summer, expressing the
hope that he would see them again In the
BEVERLY. Mans, June 2S. The right
name of the Italian laborer, who was in
jured by Robert Tart's automobile yester
day, was learned today, when Chief of Po
lice W. A Ferguson and Attorney Eugene
B. Jackson, representing the president,
visited tbe hospital. The man Baid his
name was Vicbseio di Grigardlo, that he
Is married and has a wife and one child
in Italy. His explanation of the accident
is that he was crossing the street and be
came conrusod. He said nothing that could
be construed in any wsy as placing the
blame on Toung Taft for the accident.
Kobert visited the horpital surgeon today
and saw the injured man for a moment
Late tonight the hospital reported that the
injured man was resting comfortably and
that his chances for recovery had improved.
Indipnsjit Illinois Citizen Demand
I&Teitigition of Bribery.
Dewa-State Hepreeatattv Claehee
with Ckleaawaa Over tateweat
Coaeeralaaj VatlBBlr Deatba'
f laHt Meaearee.
j Council Bluffs
Arrests Made ,
in Shooting Case
William Vincent and Delbert Cook
Talen in Charg-e for Assault
on Charles Wood.
Ktw Plan to Settle Difficulty Over
Jfuholsi Tisduct
Senator Burkett
Passes up Visit
Arrangements Made for Journey
Home and Will Go Later to
Oyster Bay.
Vorarra Anist Kitten la Eatia
gaiahlaa- Blase r Mystiv,
boeta Dakota.
t'EADWOOD, 6. L., June . Using over
lit of tbe d,e union miners from Lead,
the forest reserve officials have succeeded
In ceu.r.f liic forest fires below Mystic
uijoti 4.on!ioi, aud tiiis afternoon taoet of
titem were eent home. The fire burned over
ah area of about tW acres of the best
timber land ia tbe Hills. A new fire, not
yet of serious consequences, was discov
ered this afternoon near Uumont. and is
bting fought.. The Mystic rire is believed
to bave started from a spark from a rail
road enslths." The fortst officials lixk for
other fins, constantly oa account of the
Hostile (nnl ftarroaads Palace umi
Is Dispersed by Fsllre Arsaed
wltfe takers.
BILBAO, fc'.i.)' June JS There ere fur
ther disturbance UKlay gro-ing out of the
strained ieiatiiiri between the government
c.f Pi emit Cans tela and the Vatican. A
crowd, t-ympt.-evT of Carlist and natiunal
is. sarrt' uncled the palace of the' governor
tt tbe province .of Biscaya and shouted
Town w :5 Jie "uovercor.
Tbe polype were eumraoned and charged
the drmaratiaure v:th drawn Habere
aounding a imiabcr of thrm.
The capital ha been the scene f many
civil clash.- In lTt It wtthtto'd a lens
ange by the Cat lists.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. June 28. (Special Tele
gram.) "Come on," telegraphed Colonel
Roosevelt ta Senator Burkett today, but the
senator, who bad made all his arrange
ments to leave with bis family for Lincoln
tomorrow, could not change his plans. Sen
ator Burkett, at the suggestion of tbe gov
erning body of Ak-Sar-Ben and the State
Fair association, desired to present aa In
vitation to Mr. Roosevelt to attend the tall
festivities of these two prganlzaiiona, Ak-Sar-Ben.
Ilk rAbu-Beo-Adham." leading
all the rest. -. .
Senator Burkett will go borne with his
family tomorrow, but will make a trip to
Oyster B -y immediately after be ha estab
lished his office in Lincoln, believing that
Colonel Roosevelt might b induced to stop
over in Omaha and Lincoln on his way to
or from Cheyenne, where he will partici
pate in Frontier day.
R. J. Clancy of the Union Pacific, who
has been ia Washington for several days on
business connected with the Interior de
partment, left for his home In Omaha to
day. Secretary Wilson will leave Washing
ton tomorrow for Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
to visit his brother, who is ill at his home
in that city. Should Secretary Wilson find
his brother's health improved he will start
immediately upon his annual inspection of
the forest reserve and agricultural stations
in the west.
Secretary Wilson expects to be absent
from Washington about a month.
Chaplain William G. SUverson recently
appointed, is assigned to the Eighth cav
alry at Fort Crook.
Master Signal Electrician Harry F. Jor
dan of Fort Omaha will be sent, to Wash
ington for 6:3ty.
Postmasters appointed are as follows:
Nebraska Asbby, Grant county, William
3. Wbettton, vie J. McCabe, resigned.
South Dakota Carpenter. Clark county,
Elmer C. Aaby, vice M. H. Lewis, resigned;
Mullen. Gregory county, Eva M. Smith, vice
M. L. Noel, resigned; Smith wick. Fall
River county, James J. Strain, vice A. J.
Ash mere, resigned.
Henry F. Jungblut was appointed rural
carrier, route No. S, at Elkader, la.
PEORIA. 111.. June -In resolutions
Introduced by Representative Morton D
HnU of Cbioago. the demand goe forth
from flfl citisens of Illinois that a complete
investigation of charges of bribery in the
election of Senator William Lorlmer Is
mad. Tbe resolutions were adopted at
the conference considering the 'break
down" ot representative-government in
Illinois. Jurt before sine die adjournment'
tonight. Copies ot the resolutions will be
sent to Senator Cullom, State's Attorney
Wayman of Cook county aad State's At
torney Barks of Sangamon county. It is
demanded that both federal and state In
vestigations of tbe charge be made.
Among the other resolution Introduced
by Representative Hull and adopted by th
conference are thoee demanding aa amend
ment to the constitution, which will pro
vide tor the Initiative and referendum as
followed in the state of Oregon; the pas
sage of a corrupt practices act and a
comprehensive state civil service system.
Aether Favere Hhort Ballet.
Winston Churchill of New Hampshire,
advocating, the short ballot system, spoke
to th assemblage of citisens at tbe
Majestic theater tonight. His speech
brought to a close tbe most remarkable
session of men without partisan bias ever
held in this stste.
The closing scenes of the convention,
which exposure and corruption caused to
be called were enthusiastic and the crowd
which attended were larger than on the
preceding day. The afternoon session war
called to order by Chairman Capen ef
Bloomlngton and it was almost instantly
planted into a boiling debate between
Chicago representatives and thoe from
down-state over charter legislation for the
Royinond Kobblna of Chicago fired th
first shots In a speech on the history of
Chicago charter legislation. He told of the
efforts of representatives from that city to
secure charter legislation. He mauled tbe
legislature on its manner of transacting
executive business, telling how three dis
tinct bills had met ultimate deaths at
the bands ef what he termed as the down
state men. in closing nis spectacular attack
on the legislature in general, he said:
"Until this state is represented by men
who are human beings who do not do their
voting by long-distance telephones, Chicago
will ask no further charier legislation."
Cesses Bark at ClktiNi.
Representative B. V. Ionahue of Bloom
Ington took exception to the Chlcagoan'
sweeping denunciation of the down-stale
representatives. He declared the three bills
presented by the metropolis were unfair,
that they were repetitions of former enact
ments and that they did not clearly specify
the ends toward which they were aimed.
Bobbins came back with the declaration
that Donahue had never read the bills.
The latter denied this and stated that Chi
cago was not attempting to deal fairly with
tbe down-end ot the state. This colloquy
began to resolve itself into a genuine scene
in the legislature, lacking only the stage
euinga." and. seeing the situation. Repre
sentative Morton D. Hull of Chicago Jumped
into the gap and poured oil on troubled
waters by declaring that each speaker wa
drifting from the purposes of the confer
en re.
mi resolutions committee report was
then presented and an hour's debate pre
ceded the adoption of the resolutions pre
sented by Chairman W. S. Rogers of Chi
William Vincent and Delbert Cook, th
two fishermen, charged with firing a
couple load of shot into the person of
Charles Wood, a Loveland railroad man
In a quarrel ever the entanglement cf
Wood's fishing lines. In the trap net of
Vincent and Cook near Grable, la., a tew
nights ago, have been arrested and both
are now In the county Jail la thi city. Tbe
charge against Vmcent and Cook is shoot
ing with Intent to kill.
In the meanwhile Wood's condition is
somewhat Improved and it is not tbougbt
that b 1 seriously injured, although b
is pretty badly peppered with Mrd-shot-
The hearing of Cook and Vincent will
Brweker Father aa Ordlaaaee that
1 Eipeeted te Care SMaatiea
aad Permit Early start ta
Through an ordinance Introduced last ;
evening, bearing the name of President
BriKker. the city council expects to solve I
the difficultie that threatened to materially j
delay tbe building ot the proposed Nicholas '
treet viaduct. The ordinance dec'.ares the
neoessity for condemning a strip thirty- I
eight feet wide on the north side of Nicho- j
las street, from Thirteenth to Fifteenth,
and sixty-six feet of a lot at the northwe.'. I
corner of Fifteenth and Nicholas. Some uf
tbe property it Is proposed to condemn ha
already been vacated by the city, and the
owner of the lit in question paid the city
ITiO for a part of same iinw years ago.
be held at Loreland, Friday, July i. Both! The Missouri Pacific owns tbe thirty-eight-
men live in tbe vicinity of Grable and are
farmers. Neither offered any resistance
to arrest-
As an aftermath of tbe shooting scrape, a
eisur and destruction ot forty-three nets
belonging to Vincent and Cook has resulted.
Tbe seirure was made by Deputy Game
Warden Groneweg, assisted by Deputy
Sheriffs Ward and Waddington yesterday.
The hoop nets were all practically new and
were valued at about $ each.
Tbe nets are used for trap fishing in the
drainage ditches and it was through
Wood's hooks fouling in some of the hoop
nets planted be Vincent and Cook in the
Grable drainage ditch that the trouble
between the partie occurred.
Cenerll BlafI Miatsterlal Associa
tiva Expresses Hearret at De
part ere ( Pastor.
At the meeting of the Council Bluffs
Ministerial association Monday, beld at the
Toung Men's Christian association, these
farewell resolutions were adopted in rela
tion to the departure of Rev. G. W. Snyder
from this city:
Where, Our brother, the Rev. G. W .
Snyder, after a pastorate of more than
twentv vears In St. John's Lutheran churcn
in Council Blurts, in wnicn ne nas oeen
exceedingly successful, has been called to
a larger field of activities as pastor of a
churcn in Omaha, and,
W hereas. During nis residence in Council
Blurts he has been active in the work of
th Council Bluffs Ministerial association
for the nineteen year of its existence, be
ing Its first secretary and nestor of the
association, and.
Whereas. The pleasant associations of the
Rev. G. W. Snyder with the members of
this association are about to be severed;
Resolved, That we. Wiememoers or the
Council Bluffs Ministerial association, do
hereby extend to our brother our heartiest
congratulations on his advancement and
pray God's blessing upon him in his new
field of labor. Recognising the worth as
a man and a minister of the Kev. G. W .
Snyder, we. tbe members of the Council
Bluffs Ministerial association, do hereby
commend him to the member of the Oman
Ministerial association and to its individual
members; and, be it further
Resolved, That these resolution be spread
upon the records of this association and a
copy thereof be given to the Rev. G. W.
Snyder. H. A. RK1CHENBACH.
. , Committee.
foot strip between Thirteenth and Fifteenth
and It is the expectation ot couucil that all
the property contemplated in the condemna
tion ordinance can be readily secured, at
no great cosu
Tbe ordinance was sent to the committee
on street improvements, and the under
standing is it m be reported favorably
and passed at the next council meeting-
The greai objection raised by protestants
against tbe Nicholas street location tor the
viaduct has been the narrowness of the
street, as compared with Izard, which has
a width of 100 feet. When the additional
strip Is secured Nicholas street will be as
wide as Izard.
lax oa Billboards.
Councilman Johnson reintroduced the j
ordinance levying an occupation tax on j
billboard companies, the first one having '
been found defective in some particulars.
The new ordinance fixes a graduated tax. 2
per cent cn all business up to $ls,0uu, 1 pt-r
cent on all business from S1L.000 to t-S.W !
and one-half of 1 per cent on all business j
above fcS.Oiti. The first ordinance fixed a
i per cent flat rate on the grobs businesb j
of the companies. The committee of the
whole will consider th new ordinance i.txi j
The Krcile Grading company w a given j
the contract for grading Cuming street, ,
from Forty-third to Forty-eightn, at 3u i
cents per yard. i
Council passed the ordinance providing
for lighting the city streets during the Na- I
lional Saengerfeei in July, at a cost not
to exceed H.500.
for the
Don't forget that the na
tion greatest holiday
The 4th of July falls on next
Monday. Our itore will be
closed all day so do your out
fitting early.
Don't wait till Saturday be
cause we are always jammed on that day. Come be
fore, when we have the time to show you the coolest
of cool serges homespuns crashes flannels and
worsteds full of style and as handsome as can be
made-$10. $12, $15, $18.
Outing trousers soft shirts knee drawers skele
ton coats-thin underwearbelts bathing suits, etc
Fortune Found
Under Mattress
Thirty-Seven Thousand Dollars Dis
covered in Womsm's Room
Her Arrest Follovrs.
NEW TORK. June 2S. A handsome young
Roumanian woman, who gives the name of
Maroelle Webber, is beld a prisoner at
Ellis Island as an accomplice ot Paul Web
ber, a clerk who is charged with looting a
German bank at Cairrsryt, SjA.vW
not long ago. Nearly SX.uuv was found
under a mattress in the woman's room In
irookiyn today. Webber has disappeared.
Bishop McVikar
Dead at Beverly
Episcopal Diocesan Head of Rhode
Island Dies, Aged 67 Tears
Held Important Offices.
BEVERLT. Mas.. June . William
Nrilsom McVlckar, Episcopal bishop of
Rhode Island, died at his summer home at
Beverly Cove late today after a lingering
Hires. He had been bishop ot Rhode
Island since ISO!.
Bishop McVlckar waa born in New Tork,
October IS. IMS. He graduated from Co
lumbia college In 1&S& and the General
Theological seminary in 18SS. He bad been
rector of Holy Trinity church, Harlem,
New Tork City, and of Holy Trinity, Phil
adelphia. He was deputy to tbe general
conventions of the Episcopal church from
IBS to 1H and was president of the south
west convocation and member of the
dioceean board of missions and board of
managers of the General Missionary so
ciety. His home was in Providence, R L
A ler la the luairk
1 dyspepsia complicated with liver and
kidney troubles. Electric Bitters help all
such cases or no pay. iivc For sal by
Beaton lrug Co.
Mabray Convict
Free From Prison
Harry Forbes, Indicted at Comneil
Bluffs, Ordered Released by
Judge KcPherson.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., June B.-Harrv
Forbes, lightweight prise fighter, will b
released from the federal penitentiary
here tomorrow, pending the determination
of hi appeal.
He ha been serving a sentence for par
ticipation ia fake athletic events promoted
by the J. C. Mabray gang, recently In
dicted in Council Bluffs. Ia. Aa order for
Forbes' release was signed yesterday by
jnag smith Mcpherson of the federal
court. Forbes is one of th six members
ot tbe gang who filed appeals. H fur
nished Sa.W for his release.
rMtsaaeterw af Third awd Fwwrth
Ctaes Will CesTta Middle
f Jely.
Tbe postmasters of the third and fourth
class of tbe CouncU Bluffs district will
hold their annual convention in thi city
in the Pottawattamie ooanty court house,
July IS. It is expected that fifty or sev-;
enty-five of the western lnwa postmasters
will be present
W B. Keith of Mondamln is the presi
dent and L, L. Reynolds ot Little Sioux
is secretary.
The following is the program of the
meetjng :
to 10 a. m : Question box.
10 a. ni : Reaaing of minutes of last
meeting, reports of secretary and treas-
D-er, ana trie apiMjiui.ujeuk vi nmmuucc
on resolutions.
Annual address or presioeni v . o. iieiui
of Mondamln.
The Postmaster ana me timer, - w.
L. Bronson, Irwin.
'At the Registry winaow, j, n. jonn-
on, Logan.
The League a tieip 10 etver i-ostai
Service. Roscoe C saunaers, xaanuia.
"The Postmaster and the Public," L A.
Ma'nea, Charter Oak.
"The League. Mat tresioent wnaries
. Barry, Walker.
"A Midel Postmaster," Postoffice In
spector J. A. Bwenson. Council Bluffs, Ia.
"Ctvll Service and Its Effect on the
Service, " Lira Miller, Plsgah.
"Parcels Post aDd t-ostai savings tsanKS,
K. Haxleton. Council Bluffs.
"Election of officers awd delegates to the
state meeting at Le Moines. August 10
and SL state fair week.
Celebratlew at Katrssomat Park Will
Be et Diversified aad Pep-alar
The Fourth of July celebration at Fair-
mount park is a sure go and an Interesting
as well as an enjoyabl program will be
carried out. Mayor Maloney ha appointed
th following committees to have charge
of th celebration:
Committee on Program Alderman Fisher.
John Mulqueen, Bob Huntington, Alderman
Minnies, 4eorge nugnea.
Committee on bports Alderman Evans,
Bill Barghausen, Harry M Brown. Alder
man Beetle, W. t' - 6pp.
Committee on prises Alderman tounxnr-
man, Joe Smith, C. A. Beno, L. J. Zur
muehlen. Alderman Ellsworth, Alderman
Committee on I'istrlbutlng Prises Frank
Peterson, H. G. McGee, Alderman Hubbard.
Thomas Malone.
Committee on Music ran irue, A- w.
Casady, J. J. Hughes, Charles Pai-chal.
Custodian of Greased Pig M. r. ttocrer.
Barms trwk by Ilaatalsa.
MAIU?HALLTOWN, la.. Juue a. (Spe
cial. Serer electrical storms which were
r-Tt psr.iwi by heavy rain tht wept over
auxy if. ito ot central Iowa late yes
terday af iernooo, lust night and this mora
ine, did znuch damax- by setting barn
aid other. farm building on fire. lprs
a been received today from all of the
lurrounaing counties, which icdicste that
-he total toss ill be Urge. liKstuaaMe
tued resulted from the getieral heavy rain
f itst night, which, with th continued
t wee tier, has caused all farm crop and
product t !iilr leap with growth. Not
wily w-jf ceau-i.1 Ios v:?:-ei but aplerdd
and m!,h t,eCrd rains fea in pract!
all parts wf ll.Mav during the Saat tttt-U-tvor
bow a
Kerosene Lamps Relegated
to Junk Pile After Blaze
HOLDREGE. Neb.. June .-Speclai , la obedience to the order th local em-
After about ctx months, daring a part of ployse at once resurrected the old guard
which time tbe Adam Express company 1 and rigged then up la tbe beet manner
possible. That wa not saying very much,
bowever, aa tbe second night afterward on
of th most ancient ot th quintet of lamp
rebelled, with the result that an explosion
I olio wed which set fir to things around
th office. The subsequent loss of t
express building here was averted only by
tbe prompt action of the night employe.
For their own safety, thou, aa well as
their convenience, the expreaamca passed
the hat among themselves and ehtainxi
should be dlsrnsd with and that ta then- ' funds to have electric service reinstated,
stead eoal-eil burner of seme- decades age ' Thereafter for some time they dug dsw-n ta
ahouM t iwww rrota and their pockets act paid th light kilis then
again mad te ao acrvioa, edvwa,
has compelled Its empicyes bere to be sub
jected te Bumerous inconveniences and dan
gers arising from th use of old kerosene
lamp, the power that be have gives or
der that, hereafter, henceforth aad for
ever, electricity should be tbe method of
Ittuminattoa to be used at tbe local offices.
About Christmas Um. when th rasa of
buatneM was an, ah oompaay. through it
eastern officials., decreed Thar Itenccforth
the electric lights te th Holdrege office
Biggest Underwear Sale
Ever Held in Omaha.
Oa Thou sand. Three Sandred and
Fifty Zosea Oarmeata.
Surplua Wholesale Mock cf
Men's. Ladies and Children's;
All Sixes. Ail Kinds; Go on Bale
Friday and Saturday
About One-Third
Actual Retail Worth
Haydon Bros.
''aw ..l.-i'fl
SM w K ' - v'- ) ,t
J '' A f
If you're run
S down, run up to I
Colfax and re-
wind your con-!
stitution. Theli
scenery will delight!)
I you the baths willlj
jjrebiiild you the
1 waters will cleanse
your constitution and
Iclear your blood.
I The beautiful rooms t
I will charm you andf
I the meals surprise. ;:
I $3.00 a day for your fi
u room and board.
E Writ, far booklet. ' J
Hetal Coif Cons. lewa. 3
-wa Have Defialte Plaws aad Owe
More Mar .
Council Bluff will be meagerly repre- j
aented at the big fight at Ueno. Net., next ;
XI onday. George & Wright may go, but be
has sot yet definitely decided to do so.
Charles Gregory and Peter Burke have
secured their car reservations for tttno.
These constitute about all thai have given
any algn they will attend tbe big ecrap.
Arrangements have been made by the
local aerie ef Eagles to receive returns of (
the figbt by wire, a hav two or three of I
the cigar stores.
The first active betting upon the tight in '
Council Bluff developed Monday night. The
largest bet was te against that Jet
fries wins. It was put-up by two well
known sporting men. It Is alleged that
otaer euma aggregating II .sub hive been
wagered during the last two days here.
The supporters of Johnson are by ao means
limited te colored men in tbe betting. Many
close followers of th game believe that
the chance favor Johnson and are taking
Jeffries money at odda The colored ad
mirers of Johnson are plunging in a char
acteristic manner and are putting up con
siderable money la the aggregate on their
T'nlciue ea food Cuistre.
FORTKEf'b MOXRUE, Largest Mlll-
tsrv pot on tbe Atlantic Coast.
HAMPTON KOAIvS. tre Rendezvous
of tl Nation'. WarsnU.
Special Weekly Kates Jane te October
Booklets at Chicago, ateck 11 aad ft
racific, and 'Wabash Kailroeda.
Or adores KO. T. 1S1M1. kQa,
Hotol Rome
Cor. 16th and Jackson Sis.
Two blocks from leading"
department stores and ell
I ll!(l!ill,!4hi,ll
l ten
You rill find our late night train to Denver con
It leaves Omaha at 11:25 P. LL
It arrives in Denver at 1:00 P. M.
This is the usual Burlington standard, hith elate, dynamo electric
lighted, fast train of chair cars, diners, standard and observation
Omaha-Denver Sleeper Ready at 9:30 P. II.
It leaves Omaha at 4:10 P. H.
It arrives Denver at 7:20 A. M.
Electric lighted throughout, irith chair cars, dinera, also through
standard and tourist sleepers for Salt Lake, Los Angeles and aa
Call or -a-rite for illustrated publications, desc riptive of any tour
of the west j-ou have in mind. Tickets, berth reservations, informa
tion, etc.
1502 Faraam Street, Omaha, Xeb.
BelL Doua-Us S580. Independent, A-S32S.
Today is home day.
Today is the day to find bar
gains in real estate in The Bee.
Dealers have prepared lists of exceptional values.
Look them over.
Do you ever -vith that you csrned your o-n home and won
der if you will ever get enough money saved to buy one?
Stop wishing and wondering buy a home on the easy term
plan a few hundred dollars down and the balance monthly like
rent will get you any kind of a home you want. In a few years
at the most you own your own home.
Make your selection from the homes advertised for sale in
today s Bee. Do It now get away from the rent iatit. .
The Elegant Steel Steamships
'UnItcu"-"Si..ourr "Illinois"
offer VBrivavied Mrricw wb CMtmtr ftDd Mckt
ttmc aUUmd nl oUer f&romt. bunuar It tnm of
Nortltr M ioL im, auuvc.DM wMii iium tar Lak
ttoperlar tved ZMjnerm. araui. im mam mu
iQi dirfvni sent to
t'mtM uvkt LsrUtifttl uui
aUudlnvievB ortluport w lioaaHnc lirouk
l miiilir TVftmkn Masrltn.M' Uad
! .LM HmvM I saw iMT CiaelWTS&B ftatttlt . Mri
Ttaa. alaniit artak. n nh t s amnna ta fifkMt ft.B1 bMt mnitU4 CM IM OlWaW
Bo Unrf ud winj m to mmaf ctmAanUf i in t to Uuw n to Uk tni.
dbuu n& 4k wu.U9. For bank ef tooTB dlrv
iJeCCONUTeCr. OffxM mi Ptcb, mk tmi Iwm BriAa. CHlCeiCO
s w-.v : ti
IU I . s
TW Marii as lealifaa ml Atdtauas
(Mimm Ckxmol, nuM In fait
aw! u Mtnloll tc fa, f Thmre
b Inif sets ml
sctacteliu. feaMea:
la mvimtteid cxanela el bmoI slaaabs.
24 Cotrutew j amncrs tmt tmwtmn.
M fertccur slaaae tot smt.
ta Uwm ih. Wa tWtH te ckw
t Um mt koilainc.
fca, Ltmtm - rVaMae mnmemn mmm
tm4 i.lot mma immalci
auaaai imoL. aiir t j m4,
m& law Caaklm. Sigaiv
t SMMimaiM tan ia bmcm.
Hk Cmmmtmmt a ale ta aSnac. mt aa
Uo kaaci la la l aitM kcalaa.
Newest, Latest
Michigan Boulevard Hotel
THE most beautifully
equipped and homelike
hotel ia the world.
Single Keoms wiik LaeaUary, S2.50
aai a.
Single Kaeaas ertti Batk, S3. 50
aai sf .
Lsrfe Deakle Keeess erkk Batb.
S5.M mmi as.
rrlor. tecretkaa Hall. Bei Seeai
uiti Batk. $16.00 aa e.
Errrjr bata room ha aa outside
HTHE restaurants are not excelled
by any of the famous eating
placet of the old world; yet the
restaurant prices are no higher
than those of any other first -class
hotel. Cooled by refrigerated air.
The windows overlook Lale
The Drake Hotel Q).
Trscr C Dfeka. Fta. Me . UmU.Vum-imm.