TIIE BEE: OMAHA, 'THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1910. Rourkes Win in Twelfth; Athletics Lose Game; State Golf Tourney Opens at Country Club bACKMCES WIS FOR OMAHA t Cadman and 8-:hipke Save Say in Twelfth Inning:. GAME 0 HOT AT CLOSE KffUf'i glngla Also t'oatrlbate Tawartl Victory Wan from Wichita r Xrore vf Klaht tv Ktvra. tfchlpke's fly to center in the twelfth, Just at the time when it would do the mom good, brought in the winning run for the Kourkes yesterday afternoon and gave Omaha the closing game of the Wich ita series by a genre of 8 to 7. The firm few Innings were common or dinary base ball. Without any of the ex citement an audience pay Ita Rood money to witness, but along about the seventh thing began to happen and it was tooth and nail from then on. Keeley and Jarnlgan, twirlers for twelve acta, both did good work and kept a steady gait all the way through. Jarnlgan had the better of the mgunicnt according to the dope sheet, but keeley held the Jay hawkers in the pinches' and won out in tlie strenuous finish of the twelfth Inning. Wichita had tied the score in the eighth by making two rune, and .from that time to the end neither side had been able to get a man across the , plate, although-it looked mltrhty shaky fur the Rourke on several occasions. Twelfth Stellar Innlnic. The twelfth was the real inning of the game and many a fan stayed until nearly seven bells and then iad to square him self at borne. Wichita was first to bat lu the lust inning and made one run. With two down Shaw singled and when King let the ball slide through his logs, he went on to third. Jarnlgnn lilt what looked like the winning ball when he lauded a hot one into the middle garden for two sucks, scoring Shaw. Out the collegian was aoou caught flapping and it was Omaha's turn. Uonding, who had taken Kane's place at first, hla safe, his second in the half game. Cadman executed A sacrifice, putting Shot ten, who ran .for OondLng, on second. Thompson drew a pass and Keeley hit a long single which scored Shotted and tied the sooie. Slugger Dill waa next up and he hit a Jong fjy to Belden. Bhotten waited until the ball Tvaa caught and then scooted for 'home. It was a close race, tut Mullln was saved the necessity of mak In a decision on a close play when Bhaw nilssed the ball on the bound and the game waa over. The score: OMAHA. AD. n. II. O. A. E acnipk, 2b v, ? j -'T. cf 6 2 1 Corrldon, as 1 i Welch, rf 4 0 1 Hollenbeck, If........ 11 Kane, lb II 0 0 Oonding, lb 3 0 2 Shottou 0 10 Cadman, c ....6 0 0 (Thompson, tb, ....... 51 0 Keeley. p 5 0 2 Total 42 g 11 84 15 WICHITA. ' AB. R. H. O. A. E. ft.M.n 1 f 2 0 t o Jrflddlelou, cf 5 0 Claire, aa 4 ' 1 Hughes, 2b 5 2 Pettlgrew, rf 5 0 Bhaw, o 5 j Jarnlgan, p 5 0 l i 4 1 8 a t 12 0 0 3 I 0 0 10 6 0 Totals 45 7 17 34 14 5 Han for Oonding in twelfth. One out when winning run was made. Omaha Huns .... 101011000002-8 Wfih'iu- 10 : 0 2-11 Hun 03000102000 1-7 Hlt" 0 11 I 0 I t I I 2 0 217 Cl1arb"H-MhL,,: I?ch,P. Jarnlgan (2), Ki.ui- ini on -balla: Off bn u'j " J1arnln. 7- Hit by pitched bail By Jarnlgan, 1. Struck out: By S.'lf y' i. by, Jr"'t". . Left on bases: Omaha. 11; - Wichita, 12. Double plays r5Jrt.0-n.toJhoJJr,"M'? ,0 Kane' Keeley to Cadman to tlondlng, Mlddleton to Hughes mri,l,r.bm"',! Co,rl,' Welch, Lad- 5"; Muiih,,pet,llfrew-.. Tlme: Um- Aotoa of the fiamo, Denver comes today. ! 1. 1 PHth. and ht two pretty out lea, when they counted. preuy Kwlv WA hit Vi . H . . - TJIT . lh Cl" d wu yelling for pa tc Pa to "u new tnrower. and saving ,, " ,V"has Vmpoved wor.dirniii,- on that throw of his P d If ,1 V1 1.1. L ... nil t ,1 .'a1 '? ? PHPhad ball on the ... J? n1 vir' I" the fifth in favor hi h.."o ."".; Hho pul "inT team bj his che.tter around the Initial sack. . It looked a tf KlnCi Pn. j. .1.. ......... wsh f.ral ..-- il-?JZ '" iwentn as fatal, when l.e let ha W s single so o ammlL0! ,0,he nce.Kbut the 5n bacT h" rtBC"a and 01 n.v fa run back Jarnlgan made a mlsoue after ha hsd BeSden ".""I doub"- Whn K"v pasied Sf.. .n..,!'" Sn ?dt " head, he .X;.,,1,UnVta,!onhg'.rd "uh Manager Bill made a wise move when lhVtVf?n,?hi!1 "Gon'dl.rg" ine twelfth,- The spnedy hoy . brouaht In the run that , tied the, iror. It w5a h . first appfarfrnca for over a week, i Col7'don "'le an enviable record dur- w!h9!.'?; After Wlcliit had scored two In th eighth inning, the fcasea were flled wl , n "nl"h,' hot one straight uTcor-N don. . The lad with the auburn hair was iavh,nrSg.Vn?-'POt nt -,ha " CHAMPA BIX p oi UKWKR Baperlor Pltchlnit Brln, Victory, Three to One. tKj4 linivr t t t.. tr' "!" won Ion seemed un all at critical V H s O. A. E. 2 I & 1 114 1 2 10 0 0 IS 0 0 0 I I 1 u 0 0 1 v 0 0 0 011 1 1 1 0 IT 15 " H. O. A. E. 1 I S 0 o i o o 0 2 I o i 0 r 1 0 0 1 0 . 1 1 I 0,1 i ; 1 i 2 0 0 1 0 13 1 0 0 11 1 24 IS "l 0 1 1 -i able to ronnecrrth the f moments. Score: DE8 MOINEw. Kearney, ;b Colllgan, ss Mattick. cf...4)... lwyer. lb. . . , Nlehofft 3b Hsder, rf............. Catea, If Neal. c Herche, p , . 4 I . 4 0 .30 .10 .10 8 . I 0 . 1 0 I Total DENVER. AB. R. ,0 t 0 Lloyd, ib......... Waldron. If..'... t. ranston, ss I o l assldy, rf... 4-0 IJndsiy. lb 4 o l'olan, lb 2 j Reall. cf t. j o McMurray, c t Schrelber, p o Totala 30 "I Pea Moines 0 0 0 1 lenver 0 0 Earned runs: Des Moines, 1. Three-base hit; Herche. ' Baser on balls: Off ll.rche 4; off Wchrelher, 1. Struck -out: Bv If I . . .., .?.... !.. . . . . . ' rivn-Iiw, . " ' o.nrriiirr, . rilolen DSSeS' Ke.trney, Dolan. iMiuble plays: Dwyeriun-i asslstedl, Kearney to Uwyer. Sacrifice ' hits: Colllfah, Waldron, (.ranston, Mc Murray. Timet 3.UX - Attendance: 200. : Umpire; Clark. - , , J.I.N4 0I.X OiTS AMD RIM WRLI. llageriaaa Hassle to . St. Jouk. Ser Klrt to Foar. ' LINCOLN. Uun 19 Lincoln won the fiuaJ f am froju t- Joseph by t aoor ut STANDING OF THE TEAMS. WKPT. LEAOI'R. I NAT L LEAOVC W.l. Pet W.L.Prt. Wichita .'.-..27 K .M Chicago JO C6o Sioux Cit ,.36 2K .811 New York ,.SS 12 .71 Denver 3 2S Pittsburg . ...JOM KM Lln oln : 31 .fcKjrinrlnnatl ...MM .MM I Moines ..2 14 .m1 Philadelphia. IS 30 .m Omaha ,J1 II .4.4jt. Uwla 2S 14 .4fil t. Joseph ... 24 M .400 Brooklyn ....2AS1.4W Topeka Z W .J77 Boston !1 40 .144 AMKR LKAOfE. AMEK. A8SN. - W.L.Prt. W.L.Pct Philadelphia 3S II .f44l Minneapolis .49 24 .671 New York ...'Mil .. St. pu 4 M .6' fetrolt J .tot) Toledo 44 27 .19 "nston 32 27 .Mi! Kansas City 28 37 . 4: Cleveland ....24 28 .4M Milwaukee ...29 34 .41 Chicago 25 22 .4W. Indianapolis. II 42 .425 Washington ..24 M .tVIColumbtia .... 40 .412 St. I.ouls ....17 40 .2! Douisvllle ....25 47.347 XEH. i LEAOt'E. MINK LEAGUE. W.LPct Clarinda ....14 I .TJ w.L.Pct. I Or. Island .24 15 .81K ..21 16 .m ..21 18 Shenandoah. IS II .600 Falls City ...It 17 .4 Superior . Seward 'nlumhus ..20 18 .626 Auburn .Id It .467 1 21 .475Maryvlll4 . 15 21 .417 14 20 .412 JiawtlngK .17 91 lis V.h I'ltv it-a 1 lima ...16 m .411 Krnry 15 24 .Mo Teilerdsr's Hesalts, WESTERN LEAGUE. Omalia, 8; Wichita, 7. I'enver, 1; Des Moines, I. Topeka. 6; Sioux City, 10. St. Joseph. 4; Lincoln, 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Rrooklyn, 7; Boston, 5. Philadelphia. 2; New York, t. Chicago, 1; St. Louis, . Cincinnati, tf; Pittsburg, 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE. New. .York, 2: Washington, J. Boston. 8; Jhlladelphla, 4. Chicago, 0; Detroit, 2. St. Louis, 4; Cleveland; I. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, ;' Minneapolis, 4. " Toledo, 2; St. Paul, 10. Indianapolis, 5; Milwaukee, 8. Louisville, 2; Kansas City, . NEBRASKA L.EAOUE. Seward, 0; Superior, 4. Columbus. 3. Kturnpv 9 Grand Island, 0; Hastings, 4. MINK LEAGUE. Maryvllle, 6; Shenandoah, t. Nebraska City, 3; Auburn, . Fall City, 4; Clarinda, 7. Games Today. Western League Denver at Omaha, Wichita at 8loux City, Topeka at Lincoln, i'lrs aiuiiies at m, josepn. National league Brooklyn at New York, Philadelphia at Boston, Chicago at St. Louis. Cincinnati at PrttHhursr. American League Chicago at Detroit, St ai vieveianu. American Association Columbus at Minneapolis, Toledo at St. Paul. Indian apolis at Milwaukee, Louisville at Kanjaa vuy. Nebraska State League Fremont at Red Cloud, Seward at Superior. Columbu at rwrnrney, urana island at Hastings. Mink League Ealls City- at Maryvllle, rntnunaoaii at AUDurn, Nebraska City at vmnnua. to 4, batting harder and running base to belter advantage. Hagerman was a pusKle to the visitors, but hla occasional aireuK oi wuaness came near being fatal. a ne score; ' LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A- E. H. 1 1 1 2 0 I 1 0 0 Jude, If Gagnler, ss Cole, 2b Cobb, rf Cock man, 8b Thomas, lb Davis, cf Kruger, e Hagerman, p 4 U Totala ....80 5 JOSEPH. AB. R. 9 27 14 ST. H. 0 I 1 -J., 0 0 0 0 1 0 3. A. t 0 S - 0 i e Powell, If Fox, 2b....; Jones, lb McChajtsey, cf..v Bauer,, rf Corhanv . .."...... Rellly, 3b Shea, c "Fiambes Manske, p ,, McNeill Swift, p Totala 3 1 1 0 '1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 i-t 0 1 t 0 I 0 0 0 ..31 6 24 Krambes batted for Hh.a in tha ninth. McNeill batted for Manske In eighth. Lincoln o 10 12 0 10 S ok. ausepii u 0 U Z 0 0 0 0 34 Three-bae hits: Jude, McChesney. Two base hits: Gagnier, Cobb, Thomaa. Double plays: Gagnier to Cole to Thomas: Corhan. (unassisted.) Stolon bases: Cockman, ru. junea. sacririce nit: Hager man. Struck out: By Hagerman, 8; by Manske, 1; by Swift. 1. Bases on balls: Off Ilagerman, S; off Manske, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Hagerman, 1. Time: 1:50. Um pire, Haskell. Sloax City Wins Horning Game. SIOUX CITY. la.. June . Sioux City made it four straight from the disorgan ised Topeka team this morning, winning a listless game by a score of 10 to 6. The locals made four runs In the second inning, when errors by the visitors gave opportuni ties for scoring. Freeman was touched up freely In the ninth and the Cooley club reg iatered four of their five runa in that ses sion. Score: 810UX CITY. TOPEKA. AB.H.O A H. AB.H.O. A. B. Anaraai, ZD.. 4 14 4 URtllly, m.,., (0I1 m. T I OThomMon, ct 4 1 0 0 t yulllln. lb... 4 I 1 1 OLaudrvin, lb I 1 10 0 Wlch, rf.... i 0 10 OHuitn, 2b.. I 111 Nllib'r. cf 1 1 4 0 0Kern, rf.... I 110 0 Mill.r, o.... 4 111 OBolM, 4 4 1110 ll.nmin, m. I 1 t i 0Srhml4t, It.. 1 0 0 0 Mvr.. If..,. 4 1 0 0 0Kust, p.... 110 4 0 Frermsn, p. 11210 , T.T."1T. Totals.. .11 TI4 1I I Toltl.. ...01 Jl II u u Sioux City 1 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 -10 Tpela 0 0 100000 4-1 Stolen basest Freeman, I; Stem. I; An- 2r.'0",Xa!.;rr"'. M''lr-. QuUHn. Two-base hits: Qulllln, 2; Boles. Thomason. Home nin: Andreas. Sacrifice hits: Hnrtman Kreemnn. Struck out: By Freeman, 7; by Fugate. . Base on balls: Off Freeman. P: off Fugate, 2. Hit by pitcher: By Freeman 1 by Fugate. 1. Time: 2.00. Umplrea Hynn and Spencer. Attendance, 600. UVUUS IX . TIH-COUSTV LEAGl'B Dorrhester Dovras Eseter. DORCHESTER, Neb., June 29.-Speelal.) DorcheHter won from Eseter here today on heavy slugging and superior base run ning by the score of 12 to . Exeter a five lone hits in the fourth and fifth, together with Dorchester's four errors, netted them Mx runs. The features of the game were the two-baggers of L. Byera of Dorchester, Baker of Uxeter and Morrasy'a home run in the sixth with two on bases. Both pitch era were wild at times. Score: R H E. Dorchester 1010401 -12 12 0 t'f.c,,'r 0000 2 4 000- 1 8 12 Home run: Morraay. Two-base hits: Bvers, Baker. Stolen bases: .Dorchester, U, txeter, a. Left on baaes: Dorchester 6: Exeter, 1 Hit by pitched ball: By Wampler, 1; by Jordon. 1. Sacrifice hits: Off Jordan. 1. Struck out: By Wampler. 7. by Jordon 7. Double play: Exeter, 1 rr!.h ?:. ''i?'"'-, Jordon nd Anderson; Dorchester W ampler and Morrrasy. Um pire: Kd. Morrasy. , . FAIRMONT. Neb.. June 29-Falrmont took a big smile away from the Bearer threm 7 t f " rtTi' .Yy by tnem 2 to 1. 1 hi ties them with Dor- chejuer and Beaver Crossing for .econd CRETE. Neb., June 29,-Frtend failed to Standing of league: Crete W Dorchester ' Beaver Crossing Fairmont ". Kxeter ' Friend Lost. 1 1 1 I 4 4 Prt. .833 .S00 .10) .VO .33 .3.13 RRSll.TS 1 MI-VK LEAGl E riarlada, Maryvllle sad Aabara , W la nere of Ike Day. At Clarinda. Score: nir I ; alia City 014)00110 M " , 001 4 1 00 3 I C Batteries: Miller, Heacock and P.r..t Hunt and Bromley. Umpire; Fall ",t,t- At Shenandoah. Score- n vi ir Zlryvy , S 0 0 1 1 0 -U Vl . I hhenar.doal lOOOtOOOe-17 g Batteries: Fort and Pollock: Bvrd Uohn son and Castle Umpire: Fi. tcher At Auburn. Score: ffu v Nebia.ka City 0 t 0 I 0 0 0 1 0-4 i a A,,bu" 1 J 1 0 o 4) g ii i Butterlea: Miller and Waiier. am sim Kianlnger. . Umpire: Myers, ' 1 'Bd ST. LOUIS BEATS CUB TEAM Sallee'i Pitching Too Much for Chi cago Nine. KANE'8 HOMER SAVES SHUTOUT Marvh af Ea-Chasaaloaa ta Aaather reaaant Interraated Tempor arily at Least hr Car- t dlaala. oi. ixjljh, June z.-st Louis won against Chicago today, bo a score of i to 1. The visitors were unable to make much headway against Salle and Kane home rune In the seventh inning saved them front a shutout. The score: 8T. LOVIS. CHICAOO. Afl H O A E. AB.H.O. A. K Hiifgini, 2k.. I Ellis, if....... 4 Oakei, rf 4 Konotuhy, lb. 4 Bvani, rf 8 Btetnahtn, c. 4 Mowrer. b. . I Hsuatr. ss. . . . I ttilM, p ORrsrs. tt 4 lBhwkard, If.. 4 lXchuit., rf ... VHotmsn, lb.. 4 ozimsrmsn, ib 4 OKaiM, cf 4 4 Tinker, ss.... i OKIIn. I OMrlntyr. B.. I 0 II Arehar 1 ToUls. .11 11 17 11 I - Totals SI 433 13 Mowrey out, hit by batted ball. Batted for Bchulte In the ninth. St. Loula 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 imcago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base hits: Tinker, Ellis. Three- rase nits: scnulte, Oakes. Home run: Kane, Sacrifice Hit: Mowrey. Double play: Tinker Evers and Hofinan Stolen bases; Hauser, tlUgSins. Il l Hit hv nltcheil hall- Hv Mr, Intyre, (Houser.) Base oo balls: Off Mc Intyre, I. Struck out: By Mclntyre, 1; by ijeri on oases: t. louls, ; Ohl cago 6. Time: 1.45. Umpires, Rlgler and biiiniie. Errors llela Broaklrn BOSTON, June . Mattern lacked effec. tivenes and waa wild. Wild throws by H. Smith to second gave Brooklyn two i una. ocore : BOSTON. BROOKLYN AB.H.O A R. AB.H.O. A. R. Colllna, If.... 0 I 1 e ODallnn, rf.... 6 1 Hurra, lb.... 6 OWhaat, If I Ollutnmall, lb. I lLannoi, Ib... I 2!ldsnn, cf. 1 0T. Smith, as. 1 Onrrsan, c 3 Ottrwin, c 0 IBell, p 4 0McElven .... 1 0 1 I 0 Hvrtog, lb... riharpa, lb... Miller, rf.... 8hean, lb H. Smith, a. Beck, cf ttvaanay, aa. Oati, as 1 10 i 1 i o 1 14 1 1 Mattam. p... 0 rerxuaon, p., Oraham .... Totala... .84 I 27 13 I Totals u Willi i . Batted for Sweeney in eighth. Batted for Bergen in ninth. Brooklyn 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 27 Boston 1 1 2 o 0 0 0 1 06 lwo-oase hits: H. Smith. B. Burch Three-base hits: Beck, Davidson. Home run: Hermog. Hits: Off Mattern, 8 In eight and one-third Innings; off Ferguson, 1 In siwo-imras OI an innlnir. Mtnln hnu Hummel (2). Smith. Millar OmihU .,laU. Herxog, Sheen and Sharpn. Base on balla: uii Ben. i: orr Mattern. k. Hrurir mn. By Bell, 6; by Mattern. 1. Time: 2:03. Um pires: u Day ana urennan. Twenty Innings Without Decision Pitcher Loty of Pocahontas Doe Ex. ceptional Work, Breaking Amateur Etcordi. fOMEKOY. la.. ' June 28. - (Special.). Pitcher Loty of PocphonU broke all Iowa amateur -record today at Palmer by atrlk. Ing out 11 men lft-fh 'lorifeest 'ga"hi ever seen In northwestern IovlU. Udell for Pomeroy altched exceptionally gopd iall, but depended more on hi Support. ' Loty seemed aa strong In the twentieth as he wag in the first. Hronck. who causht him, i also an old C. U. man. Score by Innings: Pomeroy R.H.E 020 0 0 00000 000 00 00 0 (N foconontss 00 2 U00000 0 0 00000000 0-2 2 BattbrUs: Pomeroy. Lidell and Jamison: Pocohontaa, Loty and Jlronek. Umpires: Devaney and Harold. AttendanceN 1,10. Game called on account of darkness, DENVER COMES, FOR BATTLE gtrong Bssch of Mountaineers Will Arrive Tharsday (or roar ' Days' Visit la Omaha. The Grizslle will come down from their mountain home around Denver Thursday to atart a four day' visit at Vjnlon street park, when the Rourke will meet them in battle array. Pa ' Rourke says ' he - hopes that com of the cripple will be back In the game by that time and that he will be able to make the reception a little warmer than he ha for Wichita. Friday will be ladles' day when the old favorite will be on exhibition for the benefit of the fair ex without charge. The lineup: Omaha Denver Lindsay . Lloyd Kane First...... 1 hompson Second ,., ...Second ...Third ... Short , ....Left ...Center ...Right ... Catch ...Catch Oraham ... Schlpk ,. Corrldon .. Shotton ... Dolun . . Cranston ... Waldron Beall ... Cattsidy , McMurrey ... Wearer llaggerman Adam .. Olmatead . Hammond .... Ehman ... Schriber King Welch .... Oonding .. Cadman ... Sanders ... Hollenbeck Keeley .... Melter .... Slower ... Rhode .... .... Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch ...Pitch OMAHA BEAT WICHITA ONCE Baek la 1SMT s'Htar Team from Here Visited Kansas and Took Them Into Camp. There wa a time once when Omaha could beat Wichita. In going through hi file Wednesday morning City Comptroller Lobeck found a Wichita paper of August 15, 1887, with the report of an Omaha-Wlchlta game that Omaha won. The Omaha team wa composed of Walsh hortstop; Mersltt, second; Dwyer, first; Fusselback, third; Bader, left field; Jansen, catcher; Qenlns, center field; Bandle. right field, and Htaly, pitcher. Old fans will well remember some of these former atari of the Omaha team. Bandle 1 now register of deed and Jo Walsh 1 working for an express company In Omaha. Bader Is the father of the pres ent Western league player and Frank Qenlns i now an umpire. PA WORKING ON NEW PLANT President Hnnrkc'a Architect Have Plan A boat Completed to Work Mar Start. President Rourke of the Omaha baae ball team Is highly pleased with the layiurfo hi new plant at Vinton street park, which Is to be In operation for the season of 1811. The architects have now completed the blue print and thing are showing up fine. The grand atands will have a seating capacity of 1,000 and the bleachers 1.&00, making a total seating capacity of 7,toa The construction will be steel, with con crete pier and approaches everywhere, and modern lines will be followed throughout. It Is to aurpas any plant In tha Western league and cost not less than lii.ooo. President Ilourk ha succeeded )n getting a ten-year lease an the Vinton street grounds and proposea to give Omaha a base ball park to be proud oC Superior Gets Three Shutout Games in Row Fani in NuckolU County Are Wild with Enthuiiaam Orer Record Kearney Lotei Close One. SUPERIOR. Neb., June 29.-(Speclal Tel. ......, superior snut put Seward In the nrst game or the aerie today In a 4 to core. Thi makes the third 'ehut-out game Bu pei, or naa won in as muny day on th nume grounds, this week. Ellis, the slab ri.si ior superior played a fin game and had excellent BUpport. The Superior team i playing great ball a they have not been scorea against in the last thirty Inning. iney took twp out of three games from Orand Island, two shut-out game from Fremont, and a shut-out game today from reward, making the fans here howl for fair, The game by lining: R.H.B, ?e"" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 3 Superior 20001010 4 S u. . ,i e 8J.,seward' Walker and Cllnon man Tim' 1 l""d Bftrley- L'mP"e: Br' KHAKMCY, Neb., June 29. (Special Tele gram.) Columbus won a close game with iiearney here today by a core of 1 to I It was one of the games where the umpire's Decision decided the winning team. Nelson aya it wa close but the man he Judged was out by a hair. Had the decision been ine other way th game would have re suited 4 to 3, In favor of Kearney. Score v . . ' R.H-E ! "CI .aa.....lf U II II H a M II II J m Columbus 000 O0300 oa a Batteries: Kearney, Akers. McMahon and ."..n-iiu, vuiiimous, .-Miiaeiar and Agnew Time: l:5(i. Umpire: Nelxon. HASTINGS, Neb., June 2.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Hastings celebrated the departure or urand Island today by shutting out the leader. One-handed catches by Garzes and Watson and two-baggers by Hugh Cook Graham, Watson and Deconly featured th ajame but with a two-bagger and three sin gles in the sixth, Hastings got but one run. score: R.H.B Grand Island ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 5 4 10 Hastlnga 1 2 000100 Batteries: Urand Island, Carr, Hastings, Waldron, Garde. Travera. Gliddenites Have Joy Ride Through Iowa Farmer Prepare Fine Eoad, Hang hunting: in. .Fences and the Bands Play. utB moinks , 'Jun 2.-8Declal Tele- aianw-Arter yesterday' terrible grind of 2 mile, Tuesday' run from Omhft to Moines over the finest road yet en countered by the Gljddenite and conalitlng of but 169 mile, wa merely a pleasure '"p. rreviou to -the 'tour, prospective n tranta heard a" great deal about Iowa' "river to river' road, but like many other gooa ming whloh were promised and which ien nat during the tour Itself, no on took a great deal of stock in this road in suit. f;tli prdloili.S4Aof Dal'Oew that tha roaa was a boulevard, In th aotuul running, however, the road turned out to be all that waa Diediott of It, In addition to tha exceptional fine going, the tour received a hearty welcome io owa. At least W par tent, at the farm er had tlrelr fence decorated with Araeri' can i lags and bunting. Two or thre town proviooa disss band, and even the little CrUBS rOUd atatllTlB ' worn . MarnM u.U. banner welcoming the Gliddenites. A a result of this enthusiasm, th. naa lonigni taken; on renewed life. Every body feel better for - having received a little cordial treatment, and in addition everybody 1 elatjsd that the run 1 so near it conclusion. All of the leader In both the Glldden trophy and Chicago trophy class received penalties today. Thi seems to sound Ilk a Jest when so few gar re main that practically every contestant may consider himself on of the leader. frontier No. 1, now leading in the Glldden division, received two point for" putting on new tan Deit. The Premier Ko. 2. lout 114 point for replacing a Funk sDiimr Chalmers No. 5 found It necessary to make valve adjustments and received the penalty of sixteen point. Maxwell No, 7 lost x point for taking water and replacing the n oeit ioune No. 101 and 102 received penaitle for taking on -water. No. 101 got six point, while No. m lost three points. Announcement was made tonJitht hv Chairman S. M. Butler of th American Automobile association that the Parr Automobile company Is disqualified and made Ineligible for entry in all contest held by th association. Thi concern at tempted In Kansas City to seour an' In. Junction against the contest board to pr- va-ui iu puuucauon oi tneir official records and to top th tour. Th Parry company ha been everely censured by all entree of the Glldden tour, and their dlgqualifica- uon is in result of a petition filed with the contest board and signed by a number of the leading American manufacturer. IHHKE-I LHAGl'E. BALL SCORES Peoria, Uabuu aud kprlnfffleld. Art Winners. PKORIA. Ill' June 29. Rchmli-Ur nllrihl brilliant ball for eight innings, out allowed two runs In the closing session through wlldness and euav halls i..nn.. u u Peoria l 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 6 j Bloomlngton ...0 0000000 2 I t 0 Batteries: fchmirlcr and inm.n.n Boyer and Irwin. UUBLUL'E. la.. June 29 V.rri.. h. k. visitors at his mercy at all limes and Du buque won, 6 to 1. Score: R H E Lubuque '..,0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 I 1 Rock island ..00000010 01 I Batteries: Ferries and Boucher: Counh. man and Starke. ePRINGFlKLD. 111.. Juno 29 Rnrln-f lM bunched hits In the eighth inning anu won the opening game from Danville, 7 to 2. Meloan and Johnson of tiorlnrfleld urh made a home ran and two singles. Score: U II L1 Springfield .... 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7 12 i Danville 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 01 I Batteries: ' Willi and Johnson: Rvni,i. and Wolfe. WATERLOO. la.. June 29 n. v.nrvnrt. Waterloo game postponed to July il. KROMISL II W1.VI MOTOR RACE Boat from Besaosksrat Yacht t'lah First to Reach Bermada. HAMILTON. Bermuda. Juna ta Th. motor moats Eronel II and Yo Ha arrlv.rt here this morning, the former sufficiently in the lead to give it the victory In the race from New Yprk. ine cronei u creased the finlah line at 1:24 a. m. and the Yo Ho at 7 o'clock. The Kroi.el II allowed the other a handicap of one hour and seventeen minutes and hlrty-aix seconds, and . accorriine iw with a margin of four hours, eighteen min utes and twei.ty-foui' seconds. The boata started n hir sTA.mii. from off the anchorage of the New York Motor boat club In the Hudson river, New tum Domruaj morning. The K.onel II is owmH hv Vl. ..... miKlore Cochrane of the tiensonhurst Yaoht !'"' ' " no oy Henry Uoualas Bacon ot the Kennebec. Me.. Yacht club. Special tale Parlor tar Service. On June 23 the Baltimore A Ohio Rail road Inaugurated epecltt Cafe Tarlor Car Service on train number 7 and I, between Chicago and Zaneaviile, O. STATE GOLF TOURNEY OPENS Starters Number 110 of the Leading Players of Nebraska. . FOYE PLAYS THE COURSE IN 78 President of tha Association Blake Qalta Remsrkthls lUnlsg la the Prcllmlaary Roaad ( Plar. One hundred and ten golfer entered th ixth. annual golf tournament, which started at th Omaha Country club Wednesday morning. . These entries . in elude golfer from the Country club. Hiddv Hollow club, Omaha Field club. Miller Park uoir club, South Omaha Country club Council Bluff Rowing association, Lincoln Country club, Overland Country club of eDraska City and Fremont Country club. The qualifying rounds for the Nebraska state Team championship wa started promptly, at 7 'clock in the morning, W Chafer and A.- O. Klllck being the firt pair to tee off.: Other pair followed closely after th starter And all th entrant had lert th flrt tee by 11 o'clock. Shafer and EUKk- completed th course shortly, after 10 o'clock. Shafer made the cour.e in 18, while Elllck made th round In M. With thi atart, the member of the Happy Hollow club are enthusiastic over meir cbanc to win. o uesi score that were In up to 11 ociocx were Hal Brady of the Country .nu jun Abbott of the Field club, "'" Vl wnom made the course in 84. Joe Weppner of the South Omaha Country club and James Allen of th Field club also rnsae 4 each. Tk. - y.uirm ior Wednesday morning was the qualifying round, M to qualify In three iigni or thirty-two each. Weather PtrlMi. Better Weather condition under which the golfer started off could not h. h.n uesirea. ine dav hrii.t . n j with enough warmth to put the player on their mettle. Hardly a breath nt ,.. atlrrlng' and the accuracy with which the oii ten indicate on of the best tourna matrll m U a. I ...w.... ,tml ever hel(j ,n the west. . ui ine noticeable features nf th. tourney ia the number of entries among the 'uu"tr memoer of the ocal club. Th. Country club, Field club, Happy Hollow and Kilti.v. i..b i . .. . . uuui an nave some youngster in the match who are looked upon to creditably represent their organ- ine veteran mm .. brassie and putter who are ent.rt i .h. ie are w. U. Rancker. Counlrv olnh- 1 V.8hols, Field club; H. C. Summey. Field v.uu, . v. xownsend, Field club; W. J Foyc, Country club; F. H. Gaines. Coua- wjr ciuo; j. 11. BpraKua Countrv nl..h. a v....... neia ciub, and A. A. McClure, M'7 V!iOW, Teaos Match FlmvmA. , , In the team match today als-nt tMm. four player each wer entered, th quali fying score to tha thirty-six hoi.. t .n nyer counting io th team score. whi . wer entered hv th. wmana ieia club and the Omaha Country ciub and on each from th Happy Huliow, Soiith Omaha, Country, .Lincoln, Country club. .and the Coun;ll Bluff -Rowing sjk sociauon, . ........ , , Tlw jnembera of th team ar; , Omaha Country. Club No. l-w. -J. Foye. Omaha Country rluh a u w t."" R. M. cetera, HmyCSm". u bCvin t.i'imnLf;.cJ,"'Pbe. J- W- Hughes! , .T V,UD r- B. Llnasay Abbo"t!. tiJaueeUr' ,Junt 'Allen, j. 1 iiaPDy Hollow CllihK' W Il.l. .r ., Shater, Jfi. A. Nordstrom. A, a mii',.. soutn Omaha Countrv ri.ihi i .i. gerald. J. Weppner, F. Sherwood, 'ft. M. juaverty. .. Linooln Counlrv ftuhr. - T o"rnham, J. a. Meadowa. G. H. Haw- Council Bluffa Rniilni A ..A.l.tn. ... Kimball, C. JS. Reed, C. Dudley, it.' it trewington. Captain W. J. Foye president of the N.. braaka Golf association led in the morn ing piay by a score of 7. J. B. Lind say of the Field club was second with rs Then cam a number who mad th oours in . Preliminary 'Roaad. Followlhg ar the score up to npou: J.rP:.WttB,!e' - C. C. 80. W. N. Chamber, O. F C. 82.' J.- B. Lindsay, O. F.- C, 83. Jack Hughe. O. F. C. M -' J. 8. Weppner. 8. O. (J. C., 84. . lUy Low, O. C. C, 84. James Allen, O. F: C, 84. Ueorge Ross, H. H., M. J. A. Abbott, O. C. U 84. Hal Brady, O. C. C, 84. J. B. Hahm, O. C. C, 84. fe.. M. Morsman; Jr., O. C. C' 84 C. H. Hawthorne, Si. " T. L. Davis, O. C. C, 86. lUlph Peters, O. C. C, 85. Blaine Young, O. C. C., 88 M. H. LaDouceur, O. F. C. 17. W. D. Bancker, O. C. C, 87. J. J. Fltsgerald, B. O. C. C. SS. W. E. Shafer. H. H., 88. Jack Sharp, O. F. C, 88. R. R. Russell, O. F. C, 89. E. P. Murphy, O. F. C, 90 Fred Hamilton, O. F. C, 00 Clarence Peters, O. C. C.. 99. H. C. Frlebee, 6. F. C, II. C. 8. Montgomery O. C. C. IL L. R. Foote, L. C. C, 11. R. L. Doherty, O. F. C, M. L. O. Paine, L. C. C, W. Robert Thompson, H. H., 12. J. L. Burnham, L, C. C. iZ. F. W. Hal, H. H.. ii. T. Austin. H. U.i 98. J. B. Porter, O. F. C, 03 Charles Battelle, O. F. C, 93 H. C. Townsend, O. F. C. U2. W. J. Foye. O. C. C, IS. A. O. Elllck. H. H., 94. J. H. Hill, jr., O. F. C, 94. E. A. Foye. O. C.'C, 94. F. Sherwood, S. O. C. C. 94 C. P. Dudley, C. B. R. A.. 94. C. J. Bmith, O. F. C, 95. A. B. Sohns, L. C. C, 96. J. N. Tlilson. O. F. C. 95. W. J. Credon, H. H.. 95. Ouy Liggett, H. H., 95. Benjamin Gallagher, O. C. C, 95 Edward Crelghton. O. F. C 95 J. H. Conrad, O. F. C, 96. Edward Wilson, M. P., 94. L. E. Ricketts, L. C C. 94. K. F. Reed. H. H., 91. E. A. Nordstrom, II. H , 97. W. S. Cornutt. O. C. C, 98. 8. Dougherty, 9. O. C. C.. M. W. F. Whltten, L. C. C, 98. R. J. Green, L. C. C, 98. It. B. Lemere. H. H., 91. H. E. Uurnam. H. H , 9. F. L. McCoy, O. F. C. 109. Perry badoilet, C. B. B. A., 100. J. L. Meadows, L. C. C, 100.. R. H. Beauchamp, M. P.,' 100. A. W. Clark, H. H., 100. 0. D. Kiplinger, O. F. C. 100. H. A. Tukey, O. C. C, 10L T. Paton, M. P., 101. C. A. Ooss, O. F. C-, 102. H. P. Stoddard, I C. C. 101. A. O. Hunt, O. F. C. 104. 1. A. Kellogg, S. O. C. C, 104. Joseph Polcar, H. H., 104. J. E. Merrlam, M. P., 106. W. B. Grlswbld, L. C. C., 105. W. C. Calklna. L. C. C 106. Crosby Wyman, H. H-. 10. H. W. Orr. L. C. C, 101. F. 8. Empkle. C. B. R. A.. 107 John Dorgsn, L. C. C, 107. K. M. Tracy. VI. P. C. lu. . E. E. Brando, O. F. C.. 100. Arthur Taylor. 111. H. E. Goach, L. C. C, 111. B. W. Tanhy. H. II.. 112. A. W. Hcribner. Q. F. C. 114 . R. W, Hammond. F. C. C, Hi. W. Lurss, M. P.. 122. ' W. W. lahlnn, M. P., 129. W. W. Uagee. O. C C. C. V. Kimball, C. B R. A E. W. ArthurO. F. C '" O. O. Smith, C. B. R. A .... 7 .... 107 .... 97 .... Ml .... 7t .... Nt .... 9 .... K .... 97 .... 95 .... 90 .... 95 .... 114 .... ioo .... 90 .... 93 .... PX .... 93 .... 7S .... 117 .... 114 J. W. Parrlsh, O. F. C. R. M. Laverty, 8 O. C. A. C. Reed. M. P C... R. P.. Neelv, O. F. C. E. II. Snrague, O. C. C. Albert Cahn. O. F. C... C. M. Martin. O. C. C... F. J. Hoel, O. C. C H. C. Sumney, O. F. ... C. R. Iiwton, C. R. R. Z. T. Lindsay, O. C. C. TIGER PITCHER WINS DUEL Donovan of Detroit Oatclaaaes Scott of the C'h lease While .Sox, DETROIT, June Zff.-Ponovan got th de cision over Scott in fin pitcher' battle today, defeating Chicago. 2 to 0. Score: . . . DBTROIT,. CHICAGO. E; AB.H.O. A . m.imrra, .. i v l I trfaliar. 4 111 ! " J Br.-wna. cf... 4 1 1 Cohb cf...... 4 1 4 0 K uilina, rf.... 4 1 1 Crawford, rf.. 10 10 ODoUfhertr, If I 1 0 0 tvalahanty, h 4 1 I oo.ndn, lb ... I 119 MorlarHr. Sb. 4 1 0 1 0p,un, lb..., I I I T. Jonea. lb.. 4 1 t vuiarkb'ne, aa. I 0 4 I Itinata, c ... 4 1 i I ii.n, c I I 1 tlflnotaa, s... 0 0 1 t'ftoott. 'e 14 4 1 Total! 21 1 27 II "irrnt ' 111-. Totals M 1 14 10 I oanea ror Scott In the ninth. V , 000000000-0 Two-base hit: Cohh Thr.h... k... c age. Sacrifice hits: (landll, Purtell. Stolen bases: Crawford, Delehantv, T. Jones. Double play: Bush, Delehanty and T. Jonea Ift on base.: Detroit, 9: Ohlcagn. 4. First vu errors; uetroit. I; Chicago, I. y I'onovan, 4; by Scoit. 8 Time: 1:60. Umpire: Dlneen and Connolly. iiiamaaaer Trim Washington. WASHINGTON, June 2!.-Wrhnn easily .......u uinj i.nmjr una iNPW York de fee ted Washington t to 1. 8core: WASHINOTON. NEW YORK. AU.H.O.A.K. AH.H.O.A.B Milan, of.. I 0 Hemphill, cf, e 0 Lellvalt, If... Glherfald, lb, Kllllfar. rf... 1 1 1 I 0 I I 1 1 1 11 1 4 0 0 0 OWoltar, rf... K'haae. lb.... 0 La port a, If , OQarAener, 2b OKnlcrrt, aa..., OAtiftln, 3b... lMli.hall, 0.. OWarhop, p.... 0 ToUls 0 0 1 9 0 0 4 0 McBrida, aa.. Srhaefer, lb.. I'nilaub. lb.. i 1 0 0 1 Street, c Orr. p 0 0 Conroy ...',: -. . ? . Tou, 27 10 1 vi 111; 1 'Batted for (lrv In h. ninth wasn inirion n 1 a a n n n a n , ew xoric 10000100 0-2 a wu-umub mix: ijinnrrA 'hay. r .H ...i . Three-base hit: ITnarlanh K.l.r. Street. Double play: Gardner, Knight and Chase. Bases on balls: Off Oray, 2; off "..nut., v niruca out: uy Uray, 2: by Warhop, 2. Time: i. Umpires: Perrtne and LH an. Browns Beat Cleveland. CLEVELAND. .Tun. 59 s t,,i. a feated Cleveland 4 to 8 Spade was knocked from the box, but Powell, who succeeded him, was effective with men on bases. score: CLEVELAND. BT. LOl'18. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Turner, aa. I 7 OStons, It 4 OHartiall, lb.. I OWallaca, aa... I INawman, lb. 4 OSt'livaluar. ct I OOrifjra, rf 4 OTrusadale, lb 4 0 Stephana, c. .. 4 4Hpade, p 1 OPoweil, p I I 0 Oranay, rf. 1 I 1 11 2 1 I I 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 1 10 1 7 I 0 1 I 1 4 1 0 1 1 Ftovall, ib. Lajola, 3b.. Eaaterly, 0 Lord. If.... Bradley, lb... 4 Blrm'c'm, cf, 4 Mlt.h.11. e... I M'las 1 Totala M 11 17 1 1 Totals S4 12 17 11 I 'Batted for Mitchell in tha ninth Cleveland 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12 bt. Louis 20000110 Oi Two-base-hits.' Easterly. Tjilol. ' Kinnn Three-base hits:. Wallace,- Newman. Sacri fice hlta: Stone. Hartsell. . -Donhl. ni.vut Turner and Stpyall; WalU.ce and Newman, Hits:' Off Spade, S in-three innings; off Powell. 8 in six lnnlnea. Khhm mi i.li. Off Mitchell, 2; off Spade, i. Hit by pitched ball: By Mitchell t2. Struck out: By Mitchell. 3: by Powell. 4. First bae ou error: Cleveland, l;-8t. Louis, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, 11; St, Louis, 9. Time: 1:8.. Umpire; Evans, . , Boston Wins In Fifteenth. PHILADELPHIA. June 29. Hnatnn rl.. feated Philadelphia In a fifteen-Inning game, 6 to 4. With two men on the baxea in the closing, aQrdner tripled and came home on Lewis' single. The score: BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Hooper, rf.... 4 Lord, Ib 4 Speaker, cf... I 2 I 1 I 1 I OHellm'ller, ct 4 OHaruel, If..,. I Ooldrlng, cf... T OU. Collina. lib 7 2 I V 0 I 4 0 I 1 I I 17 I I Buhl, lb...... I 0 It 1 I I 1 0 I 1 I 0 1 0 1 Oardnar, lb., t lUaker, lb., Lewis, IL.... 4 Wagner, aa... I Klelnow, c... I ODarla, lb... 1 Murphy, rf. 0 Barry, as... 0 Donahue, c. OThomu, 0. -Murgan, p.; IKrauae, p... 'Mulnnls .. 'Bender .... Lapp .. Sirunk Collins., p 4 Hall,, p 1 Totals., .60 10 41 U Totals 13 41 II 'Batted for Donahue In the eighth. Batted for Morgan in the eighth. Batted for Thomas in the fifteenth. Batted for Krause in the fifteenth. Boston 0 0100010000010 3 Philadelphia 0 0000000200010 11 Two-base hits: Oardner. ' Heltmuller. Barry. Three-base hits: Hooper, Oardner. Hits: Off Morgan, in eight Innings; off Krause, 4 in seven innings; off Collins, 11 twelve ana one third innings; off Hail, In two and two thirds innlnnH. Sacri fice flv: Lord. Stolen buses: hoiifwr. fli: Old ring, Wagner, Heltmuller, Lewis. Double piays: ruemow and Lord; Olurlng and Davis. L.ert on bases: Boston. 10: Phil adelphia, 14. Bases on bulls: Off R. Collins, off Morgan, 2; off Krause, 4; off Hall, First base on errors: Boston. 2: Phil adelphia, 8. Hit. by pitched ball: By Krause, bpeaker. Struck out: By Collins, 6; by Morgan, 2; by Krause, 2; by Hall, 2. Wild pitch; Hall. Time: 2:22. Umpire, O'Lougb lln. Defeat for Outlaws. WILCOX. Neb.; Juno 29. (Speclal.)-The Wilcox Slugger defeated the Axtell Out law In a last game of ball yesterday, 6 to 2. The feature of the game waa the batting of H. Lamborn and Strlckler for Wilcox. Batteries: Wilcox, ? Frit and Kpecht; Axtell, Engbt ig and Burden. White Sox Park to Open. Official of the American league base ball club of Chicago, have issued invita tions to the dedication of its new ball park in Chicago Friday, July 1. The park is known as the White Sox ball park,- and la a magnificent one. are plain like tlinsf- ravni r-rl re 10 C. C. McMcHonsld. F. C B. t. Rrewlngton. C tl. R. A.... H. C. Westerauard. C. B. R. A. H. D. Morrill, O. F. C P. H. Oalnes, O. C. C R. C. Drni O. F. C... r. Slffernson, II. H.. P. W. Hall. O. C. C J. J. Boucher. O. F. C C. E. Iteed. C. H. R. A but the thoroughbred merit is there. can be left cutunn it out the box and iourinch Londres Finos in ' a green package for 15 cents. Sold and imitated everywhere. I 1 ' i lie it'"' ii 4 f 77 Ai.iiii HKOa. I'bone Doug. tU. BLUES 1JIT ERRING COLONEL Kantai City Beata Louiirille, Nine U Two, at Home. TIMELY STICK WORK HELPS OUT I'olamba Beat Minneapolis, (tlx ta Foar St. Paal Whip Toledo and Indian Defeat th Brewer. KANSA8 CITY, Jun 29 -Kitra baa hill and error at critical momenta won th Louisville game for Kansas city her to day, by a scor of 9 to 2. Score: LOI'IBVIU.B. KANSAS cTTY. AH. II. OAS AH.H.O.A.B. Sullivan. 1 1 I Shannon, 4 I 1 0 ill lianlar. cf... Kluurnor, If. Howard, 1b.. Dorlf, lb.... Maura, lb ... O'Neill, !b.., Shrerk, c... t'oakler. p... 8chank, p.. Touts...'... OHaltarr, IHtHiiar, lb. OLova, b lW.l.h, b ,. OCoraeli. rf.. 0flmoft, rf.,., Of hi), aa UUnanle, lb., sjanira, a.., 111 1 I 1 I 1 ire 1 4-0 1 1 1 i 1 1 4 I 1 It Campbell, p. U II 24 10 I T.1U14 4 1J 1 I 17 11 it n I 10 1 H 0 I 0 Louisville Kansas City . 0 0 0 0 0 .21001 two-bane hits: Stanley, Downie, Smott, Schwenk. Three-haxe hits: Campbell, Love, Shay. Downie. Hits: Off Coakley," I In five innings; off Schwenk, I In thre In nings. Sacrifice fly: Msgee. Stolen bases: Shannon, Shay. Struck out: By Coakley, 1; by Campbell, 4. Left on bases: Louisville, 10; Kansas City, 4. Base on balls: Off Schwenk. 2; off Campbell..!. Hit bv pitched ball: By Campbell, Stanley and Flourney. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Hayes and Van Ayckle. .. Orlh Pussies Milwaukee, .,. MILWAUKEE. June 29. Orth was I put lie. while Indianapolis, with 4 rrlppled lineup, bunched hits off McOlynn. Score.' MILWAUKEE. INDIANAPOLIS.. AB.H.O.A.E.' AB.H.O.A.E. Randall, rf... 4 0 0 A OChadb'ne, cf. I ! 0 0 I Charlae, 2b.. Spender, cf.. 1 I 1 I 1 10 1 1 flHeydrn, rf... I Hlisma. 0. ... 4 01kjrman, lb I OMurrh, lb.... I Mctisnn, lb. Barry, If.... Clark, 9k.... Breen, aa. ... Mlrehall, s. McOlynn, p. Bchardt, p.., 'Dougherty . Pi 11 0Lwle, aa 0 ("niter, lb... Mllllian, If. Otirtb, p , ILamon, .,.. 0 1 I 0 0 0 1 lam well ... Totala. . .SI I 17 II 1 Totals. II I 27 14 4 Batted for McOlynn In the eventh. 'Batted for Schardt in the ninth Milwaukee 02000000 13 Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 01 Two-base hits: Hayden, Chadhourne, Base on balls: Off McUlvnn. I: off Schardt. 2; off Orth, 1. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Fergu- on and Blerhalter. MINNEAPOLIS. June 29 Columbua de-. feated Minneapolis. to 4, today. Minneapo lis had thirteen men left on bases. Umpire Ownea was struck by a foul tip id the ec ond inning and was forced to leav thi game, but resumed work later. Score: Minneapolis 01120000 0-7 Columbus 11101030 04 Two-base hits: Cravath. Consralton. Reilly. Three-base hlta: Cravath, Smith, Stolen bases: Clymer t2). Cravath. Olll, Congalton, Downs. Relllv. Sacrifice hltsi Cravath, Olll, O'Rourke, Hlnchman (2), Con- gaiton. sacrifice riy: Ferris. Lett on bases 1 Minneapolis, la; Columbus, 8. Hits: Ofl Thielman. 8 In five innings: off Patterson. I In two Innings; off Altrock, 2 In two In nings. Bases on balls: Off Thielman, 1; off Kaler. 8. Struck out: Bv Thielman. 1 by Patterson, 2; by Kaler, . Passed ball: carmen. Time; 2: JO. umpires." Owen and Outhrle. Boyer Want Game. The Boyer Is one of the fast ball IMmi of the city that are attracting notice thl year. The club has not been defeated an Tar this season and 1 waiting for soma team to come along and take its measure.'' The following Dlavera a r. In th Mn.u n William Dolsoit, catcher; E. W. Ireland cat olier; A. L. Johnson, pitclier; . Orlen., Ulird: Kose. short: Tlierber. first: n'Hrion second. All these men have good record ' at the bat and In the field. The Boyer want games in the state and will play, any team that will make satisfactory arrange-, ments. For games address William Dolsorv 1000 South Twentieth street, or - 'phone. Douglas 4D77. . . Wayne ghat Allen Oat. WAYNE, Neb., June 29.-Speo1al Tele-- gram.) With the exception of a few errors on the part of the visiting club an interest ing game waa played at the ball park thi afternoon by the Wayne and Allen clubs, Wayne winning by a acore of 6 to 0. Soore: Allen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wayne 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0-4 Batteries: Wayne, Saha and Depew; AU ien, Harper and Pomeroy. Qalfk Base Ball Deal. MINNEAPOLIS, June 29.One of tht quickest base ball doals on record was pulled off here today, by which Claude' Boesman was transferred from the Colum bus team to the Minneapolis club. Ross man went to the ball park wearing a Columbus uniform, but changed tiiat for the white of the home club lu time to got into the game this afternoon. Give 'Cut a Uame. The Buck Antlers, one of the fastest amateur ball teams In the city, averaging 18 year of age, are without a gam for ' Sunday. July 8, and th morning of July . 4, and would like to schedule gamea toi , these dates. Call up William Rtckard at Webster OX. Persistent Advertising Is th Road to Big Return. ; :.. . PIERCE RUNABOUT MOTOR BOAT THE BEST Those desiring a thoroughly hlgh-gradf motor boat, completely fitted and at a low price, must not overlook the Pierce 16-fool -1111 Model Runabout. . Fastened with screws throughout panel bulkhead at ' each end large lockers tool and battery locker next the engine gasoline capacll ' for 76 miles running complete set of toolt reverse engine oil and grease cups coil dry batteries bras side steering gear brass gasoline tank filler cup pro peller propeller shoe brass - mooring cleat. Decks, covering boards, conmiriKS, lin ings and bulkheads ar stained, filled and varnished with three cout of best spar varnish. Four coats of white marine paint on planking green copper painted under water body two coats of uulnt on Inter- tor. Price 1157.60. Pierce Motor Company, 278 22d Street, Racine, Wisconsin,,., a nlnm The qualh in the cigar ot tnc makiniy. the packing. Nine a.V ' ' SLr-XaV 3 V. 1 .it- ; .' Lot COBS introduce you to their 5c brother. The "JOHN RUSKIN." ILEWIS & co. Y Manufacturer," Newark. IS. J. CU.. uistriDuitig, JOth and Fanuua t