( ft i fa ft OFFERED FOR RENT leatlaaed. MCC c!rsn mom a. m N. lath SU LAU-l- modern loum. tl week. " Burl. FCRNI5HED froDt room In private iiniiy; til modern conveniences. Jw; Vouge SL f,.AUiE soutri ,,ui.ing water; jth front room on fine fiour; iU''.irn water; pnvai ei" i '"- iwu, w. .... tnf rr.un 1X1 a. iith Ave. IF you wlsn a room with piano call at ttU bu Mary Ave. NEATLY furnished, strictly modern, with or without board. Ultf California Sk LARGE front ingle room. - room. 3 40 week. Ale N. UiD Su TWO furnished front room, new fet, walking distance, reaeonabia slw ft. !.. Douglas v TWO nicely furnished rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wife; with or with out board. And. 'phoae 1A6. COAT and PANTS .o order. J0; perfect f.t, ic(.Aniiii-vy ii5U. 04 a. lain.' COOL east-front parlor: modern, private home, clean bed; to quiet gentleman; t-jO a week. iv . aiui. lied ;,. NICE front room, northeast corner 1102 6. lltli St.. upstairs; very reasonable. VERT large, well furnished, south front; permanent parties, ,' Farn-ra. CLEAN furalahttl rooms, well c ed for. 2 N. i:th. ARiO you looking for a cool, pleasant room r Inquire l!l Harney or phone liar ney TWO beautiful clean modern: private family. Phone Harney sloa. front rooms, ail M Georgia, Ave. NEWLY furnished single rooms; south eapoaure. Xuus I'tmtm at. "v NCWLT and nicely furnished room. " cheap. . lit N. ata Bu D. Hit MODERN basement room for boy, 11. j 116 8. silk St. PARLOK for or iceiitlemen; modern; also small room. I.' week. S. 24th Ave. NICELT furnished room; reasonable. liH N. uh st. NICELT furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, t the right parties. klfl N. 20th St. Tel. Had UM. NICELT furnished front room to gentle men; H.W per week. 1911 Case. Drivaia family: no children: ona or two I trntlemen; No. 7 Shelby Court. tiX and eaveoworth. X 14; Loug. 17JL CLOSE in dean large furnished room, reasonable. 2uo Capitol Ave. LARGE alcove room. Si per week, ZZU California. FRONT room, walking distance; private borne, till Douglas, 'Phone Douglas TUk. NICE clean, strictly modern rooms. ZJM Harney Bt, , TWO modern light housekeeping rooms, lit monthly, fflitt Leavenworth. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 718 & 11th Ave. Bed (172, A NICE large room in private family; fine iieighbornood. fctf Capitol Ave. LARGE east room, furnished for gentle men; private family, suu! tit. Mary's Ave. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, from I-.M up; under new management. CIS N. i.ih tic J NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board, a blocks from center of city. Ap ply Iko. Farnaxn tit. N1CKLY furnished room. S424 CaldweiL ROOM; walklnc distane. strictly modern. 1 N. UU ait. FOR RENT Large front room. 2417 Cali fornia, 'hoo U. Ma, res. or Douglas .0. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, 2mm) TWO FurnUhed BUMtexn, ts month. , Housekeeping Rooms, tbU Davenport strweu MCE Rooms for colored people. Buru Pilose Doug, tela, 171S LARGE Front roem, first floor, modern; good neighborhood; suitable for two gen tlemen or man and wife. .Reasonable. tA Harney street FURN1SHI ROOMS; also housekeeping rooms, u desired, mh avtn. TUHEH nrrf urslahed and two furnished, 7U N. IMth be LA RGB south front room, on first floor, running water; private entrance 'on the summer . lawn; also other rooms. 121 a. sata Ave. - iiOt'ERN rooms, fof X; rates.' 2317 Harney. NICE outside room. tU3 Famaxn. I handsomely furnished rooms, modern; close in. walking distance, tin a. th Avs. "FRONT rroms, strictly modern, suitable for two ladies 07 two gentleman. 1822 Cspt iui j.ve. I OR I rooms furnished for housekeeping. N uuvr, imw.gr u. es n. SM D. FURNISHED room. S..H week. US N. Win. NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance, new. swi d. ana Ave, TWO Furnished Steeping Rooms. t3d street. PLEASANT Furnished Front Parlor In partly modern flat. MJ7 N. 17th. Phono w en. aae. NICELT furnished. strict I v mndprn room, suitable tor two. In a new, strictly moovru uu v iu-uki, near High COINI. v.1 AASfc mim BU1TJ3 of rooms, slso other sleeping rcoius, moUcTn. Ui&-A-Paclflu street. Call alter s.js. OMS single rronc room lor rent; also huge front room; two small connecting rooms lt k . cioeeta. Uls Cass. Pbone loug. Me. so PART of now modern house unfurnished for furnished! for two ladles or hulunH and wile. No children, aula Lake. Webster NICELT furnished rooms; new maoage- dkqi sou rrii-ui mm narney. WILL aharo rooms with working girl. C per mouin; walking dlstanco. liJ4 N. Liih. lAt i mooera lumisnea or un- ftrniahed rooms, Hanscoot park car Una No- Xiiie & Xld Ave. NICELT fumishe.1 modern rooms, single enauila U12 Cass. PARLOR floor, two or threa moms, hand sorr.eiy ftirnisned; modern; walking t )s lance. shada u04 8. 2klh. AN elegant south toons furnished suit able for two gentlemen; private family; breakfast and (Laaor if desired. 2AM How ard. Red JsuL FINE east front room, strict! v modern. reesooaBla Pnooe Red Tvea. U N. Sin. MCi dean. Caaa omM sleeping rooms. laU TWO or three furnished rooms for ho, beeping; Strictly saoderav 1M7 Fsraaia. TWO modern fumished light houeekeep Irg rooma; seo wieepuig rootus, eus a, ana Ava TWO ol-gaat turniah-a rooma tight and eool, ail suodern, la private faiuUy. fca) u list BU IJtRGK. sewly furnished southeast roons, with ail moii.rn tmrmmiisi A .m soig.o rooma turn Capitol Ava FURNI4UED HuOUl In Bodera pnvata horoa Pboue Harney it 11 a.. Dodge Su Hi. JO MS for aeusekeeplng. K$ gv irta Ava ONC eiesaatly fa, dished treat rooea, laU Catxioi a. a LAKvlsl. beautifMI rooas; large lueil , .-raishad or uaf urr e.ied; aaoora. IJ aectg.a g I. Maraey Xsk ONK nieeiy fortUsasd largo Croat roots. -4 . AMO TM1CTLY Skvde4S Urge froal rwora for le geoueuioa, Lj S. s,ta ac Tel. Dog OFFERED FOR RENT tit BUN N T single room. 12 a week. Walking 4. stance, liu Leavenworth. MCELI furnished room, modern. T14 17th Ave. LAKiiE front room, private family, ve-l- lent neighborhood; weisirg ami Phone Jl. i. kin 8. 27th street. PARLOK for two, alo housekeeping rooms for couple employed. UU Chicago. NICELT furnished. strictly modern rooms, toot and cold water. Wis Chicago St. NICELT rooma oJ furnished. N. 2d 81. strictly modern HOUM; walking distance; strictly mod ern th riU TWO nicely furnished rooms with private family, strictly modern, walking distance, ail Howard. Tyler Wti. ONE nice clean room, suitable for 1 or 1 persona, boarding place close. tU - ttth. FURNISHED ROOMS; al!o housekeeping rooms, it desired, ou4 . .vtn. MODERN. well furnishes, southeast front wun alcove or single room; large lawn; private family. M Ueorgla Ave. FRONT narlor with light housekeeping privileges; modern; Ice and telephone. 1UI ericas eu FOR rent, one large, splendid furnished mom. Htrietlv modjin. nu.mi o. stance. call at 23 Dewey Ave., or Douglas tmu UODERN room. cess in. Private family, No L'HlLDHtN. 1 or a gettlemen. Cut Jones. Hed I-4A SOUTH front sleeping room. Ill Douglas. NiCi.LV furnished front room, private family, lot. a. iM-u bu 'Pnoue Douglas ELEUANTLY furnished rooms, cool and ll-ni: ail uioUcrn; le-euuauie. aVl N. iUl street. FURNISHED rooms lei. Douglas 4441. at ti ft. Eid at. NICluLT furnished Ma IV. lstk e)L large (root rooms. NICELY furnished front parlor, suiUble for two gentlemen. UW Chicago ou ONE elegant furnished large room, suit' able for two or three young men. south east exnosure. iL Uni north exposure, taiae loom, vluganlly furnished, t&. One south exuusure. rieuiuitlv furniaheu room, suitable lor two. -. xlUi Dodge. Walking distsjice. lbone Liouglaa U THIlKiS furnished housekeeping rooms Modern, gas range, clean. Jul. is. uui e. NICE, clean, strictly modern rooms in a btauuful location; also suite of these rooms for light housekeeping, leu iougiaa miv luti cans au NICE front room, private family, modern homes, easy walk inn distance, reieieui.ee. frtki 8. 27 tn St Pnone Harney twnu. NICELY furniahod rooms, eastern ex. posure; references required. IUm r.riAve. Phone Harney 3211. TWO fine east front rooms, modern references. Red 7015. N. lain. Iluase keep lag Kooas. FOTTR rooma second floor, for Ught housekeeping, for small family; southwest corner lata and Hickory. TWO mod era housekeeping rooms. t2a N, Uth. TWO comnietelv furnished rooms foi light housekeeping; nalhroom floor; rea sonable. iJi 8. Ave. Douglas t&t. TWO nicely furnished large, mod era rooma on ground floor, gentlemen pre ferred; also large front room on second floor and two small rooms, to N- 334 Bt. A SUITE of three elegant cow rooms. modern, sm N. fcth fcU BUITE of housekeeping rooms. 1001 Dodge. NICE largo neatly furnished rooma lufht housekeeping; all front rooms and modern; reasonable root. 14H N. 17th. THE DOUGLAS rcj JoaVia. Douglas street. THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms; also nice sleeping rooma aut N. 2d. TWO NICELY furnished parlor floor. housekeeping rooms, Ught, cooking gas, laundry, lea box, with or without piano, also other light Bouseaeeplng rooms. Ml a. -din ava FOUR rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re Quired, at No, 40th BU FURNISHED bousekeoDlnc rooma fdl B. Cd. ROOM or rooms for renL KH1 California. THREE nlco rooms, housekeeping, it-- 8. Uth bU HOUSEKEEPING rooma 4S N. 19th. FURNISHED snd unrurtilsned rooms for light housekeeping. 7fS N. Uuu TWO largo front rooma two south rooms and one etuall room, for housekeeping. 1U1 Douglas. TWO front rooma furnished complete, for light housekeeping; modern housa Web. frtlft. -Ill bpencer St. SU Harney. bOUTH EJuPObURE. nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; walking distance NEAT and clean light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones. LIGHT housekeeping room, aia N. 17th. LOVELY furnished front parlor, very rea sonable; tor lignt nousakeeping. til. Chi cago bU TWO nicely furnished rooms at 1701 Far nam. TWO nicely furnished rooms en first floor, a. per week, at! 7S. list bu TWO modern N. lsth Su rjoms en oar lull LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or eisepmg. 'Hui LeavenworLa st. Phone A-iiii FhONT room, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete; leasouabta a Dodge bU NICELY furnished housekeeping or sleep ing rooms; ciose in; strictly modern; l.e and U wees. e m. Mtn a LARGE, convenient rooms; modern; housekeeping or sleeping; waiaiug distant, reasonable. llMt N. Uia su Puuue Web. t.-i. Call touay. VERY deairabio housekeeping rooms; parlor Loot, lurnished compieia as a. jeia PARLuH floor, two er three rooms hand- somei furnished; niodera, wasuag H tauce. sbada ex a. asta. KITCHEN and parlor tor housekeeping, modern, til Douglas. TWO nicely furaisbed boueekeoping rooms; use of la unary, k-l A Isia mu ONE large, modera ma for 1 gal housa beepius- Aai Case (H. Tk o modern Uabt housekeeping rooms for be per aionia. as N. Mo. Psoas TWO larga ail-modera roorcs f er 1 gat beueeaeepw. ii Mtuis Ava SMALL hjusekeeping rvM. la per swaia sL'lTK of two rooma all modern, fur ubed bos prtvOegee. Tot fciswocy aeX loel Pais Ava TWO alee rooms, range, ref riserator. two ai. baseoieot rooaus, cheep, ell a SU ROOMS for lht hoaseaaepuig; ssodera koaM. set a aife Ava uai N. nwwa o fkjor. tTts, furalabad heusekeaptag a, um TWO furaiahod roocee for ligit keeping- d a stta. paao A CIA TWO furnaed front rnoens WHS kiissa beeping prtkaa ssm Burt 04. TWO large rooma, gas, KM Dodaa KI'KN I H KD moms fof striping M kouaeaeepuie a, leca. Dousa f,, OFFERED FOR RENT Iloeee-tterplag stasia itimaed SI.KEP1NQ and uouseaeeping rooms. 1S11 California THREE well furnisned front rooma, also three back rooms wun sina. pantry, laige porch. Call third floor ltila Howard. FRONT parlor and dining room with set; use of piano; no childreu, for housekeep ing. tX ti. ih bt. LARGE, ciooern room and alcove, newly papered and cleaned. baih same floor; housekeepii g privileges it.71 be Marys Ave. TWO rooms, gas range. Wot California TWO front rooms, via 8. futh. FURNISHED housekeepiiig rooms. Cuming bt. LIGHT nousekeecUig rooms, modern; walking distance. ImI Dodga S1TTINU room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern, aj North 17th Su THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gas lai.e. CLEAN, aulv No. Uth. TWO light housekeeping; references. Red 2UA Chicago bC FRONT and bsck rooms for light house keeping; completely furnished. 3., Harney. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all modern, shade trees and large lawn; all outside rooms, 'lei Doug. ttui. tU Burt bl. FURNlbHED rooms; house new; plenty hoi water. .Is N. Into. lafamUked I.mwi. FOUR roouis, for lu per month. 17th Ava tli N. TWO or three furnished or unlurmsneu. I'.l Dewey Ave.; Harney 1,41. UNFURNISHED room, private f-mlly, no oilier looiuei., close lu. Harney i-u. PART of new modern houso. unfurnished (or furnlaucu), for two lailit A or hUDband and wife; no children. iX'lj .ake; phone Western aiwo. THREE unfurnished rooms, St. m a. i7tn THREE unfun.!shed rooma mw fist also a housekeeping rooois. Mil Davenport Bt, IXIUR nnfurnlshed rooms; modern except beau Call alter :M p. m.. Mus l. 1st a Ava FOUR rooms, unfurnished, I3lh and Vln ton; rents 18. 'Phoue D. toil. U. si. Hard ing, 260 b. Uth U FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooma modern; no children. Ali Daveuport bt. THREE southeast rooms, on Harney car line; references. 4.1U Casa U THREE large unfurnished rooma, every modern conven.enca lttH Webater. THREE rooms for Ught housekeeping. IS N. oth Bt. Asartments ana Flats. CENTRAL AFARTMENT5 i ne cheapes hiKh-grade flats in city. Well ventilated cool rooms, fine finish. Real Chicago flats. Free hot water all year; steam heat; waik ing distance. One fc-room flat, li summer 17 more winter. Reference required. B. :n.a Cailberg Co., 310 Urandeis Theater BitU. SERVANT PROBLEM solved; 8 rooms condensed Into 6; steam heat; electric lights and laundry, hot and cold water, wall oed safe. Mas stove, refrigerator. Janitor service. The Hunter, 2ath and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 1132. ELEGANT . t and s-room apartments. u eh low Terraca W abator W NEW fiat. 8-room and reception bail; all modern. 2124 Caaa A DESIRABLE four room bu Louis flat. new, IM.IM. Harney ivxi. SPECIALLY desirable lo-room flat; mod- srn; nice location, 614 is. 'aa bu i.eu 4io4. NEWLY swDered f-room flat: modern except heat; 413. luuO N. Mia bu CouraJ Young, liii Dodge btreeU ONE of the most beautiful, apartments In the city; West Farnum dlscrlcU Frrma & WolcotU Brandels Theu-ter. Famished Hoaaes aad Flata. FOR RENT FURNISHED. 11 rooms completely furnished near Field club. D. V. 8HOLE? COMPANY, IU UL Trade Bids. Tel. D. 4K; lad. A 2043. FOR RENT Furnished house; first-class. 2615 Blondo. Tel. Web. 34W. J110 CHICAGO 11 rooms, screened sloep. ing porch, two bath rooms and garage, a-u. KlMiWALi BKU3, isaraer uiock. SEVEN-ROOiJI. modern, well furniBhed home for rent for one year; large yard, shade, barn. etc. Will take $35 per month rent if grown son la permitted to retain ono room. 4101 Farnam bu 'Phono Harney FOR RENT Furnished apartments for the summer. In the Majestic, N. lath; all modern. Apply Immediately. Phone VI eh. 4b7. FOR RENT July and August: eight- room furniBhed housa on Went Farnam; family without children preferred. U. 4u7, Bee. Uowsee aad Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pocked, forwarded. cheap freight rates; moving and storing. fcxpressmen a ueiivery t-o. rec uiouc. 4. LOTS FOR FIFTY CENTS A WEEK See N. P. Dodge & Company's advertise ment In this paper of lots for sale In South Omaaa tor 11.00 down and So cants a week, without interest or taxea FURNISHED house for rent during July and August, near Hanacom park and within halt a block of street car. and within walk ing distance of Field club. House has 7 rooms, besides bath. Is modern and has nice lawn and small garden. Inquire, 1113 South aoth Ava Tel. Harney 4!4. HOUSES la all parts of ths elty Crelgh Sons ex Co, Bee bids a-ROOM t.oupe. new snd modern, located In the Fleid club district: five bedrooms and sleeping porch: tile bathroom; hard wood finish and r'oors; very desirable; $. PETERS TRUST CO.. New York Life. CM AHA Van Storage Co.. pack, mora store household goods: storehouse, 1130-24 N. lth; offioe, a, 17 to Hu Tek Doulaa fcua, HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, alto a. N. Y. Life Uidg. Hod La FOR RENT Eight-rooms brick housa modern, a minutes waik to city hail. &i41 CaDitoi Ava Tek Lnug. NINE-ROOM modern detanbed brick, 1414 borwooo aisi a s-atuarsoo. ai Far nam ttb UOUSEd, Cats, Oarvla Bros, K. V. L. HOCIU, tDsurasoa Ring wall, Marker Hua NINE-ROOM m ousts ferlca saute, sortg port of atiy. k-s. a-room spartment. 11T Clark. Ha, t-room apartment, Ul7 Ciara. aa e-room aparuneal. aity waier. loiiet. auaa k-ro apertineat, las) Jhi. 171a, aL C si. siACHMAN. we runs iheck. 'Psoas ke4 awe, Reaidsace iMug. awed. UN K S-room. aew. tarlck bouse, Jul csisj. pie led. a.i uodersi mmtt.l iwa Lsturae net C i sli.liJ.lNN, M Paatoa Hloca. Ofueo phwe. 14. h M . Reeioeofca D. es-A UOL'iEi FOtt KENT. a rooms, city water no owtu floors, well and iiiitrn. Suilabio for two lamiiiea Will pot la good repairs. Look st mi Do- 1 : . , , .. Land A Lot -e phone Hed IM. 1. Life siMig. FoUtt-KooM saod.ra Sru.a. li s kv. 4 It. ta Paiiaweoa. loU fsnaa S4. s-r.. aa eat aWa.is--.arifg Ca, k-a rib m. 4a Iweaoeui si dg kiiiitT rooma, i.4 a ana sh esia, gaa, a six, gat. Mcv-e io ttaaeat Co. 4-tUA)- ssod-ra. iuy rura.B swos rer or moim a mS 44 kaa. 4-K'K'M rwtias. j f ,in.i,i, ia,a. llA 4t SC 1m OFFERED FOR RENT Mowees aad ItllM.i Loatlaoed. TWO t-r. modern, very nice, beautifully located, newly renovated. a. I7th bt Douglas 4JJ. FiR Ki.NT fix-room c.ittsge, modern except heat; corner IMfi and cailtji Ave., to good tenant. Iriepnune Ited SAA ROOMS and reception hail, thoroughly modera house, walauig distance, ou parked streeL Hi W ebeter M; Mi Key at lung- wail s otuca Jot Barker uonx. -r rew. square, on car line f3J O tt.Ec.sE KklL kjTliS CIA. MQl-a-4 N. I. Lata Doug, r A llil A GOOD, cool, brick house for rent, ben part of the city; eignt rooms, modern; tor. Wtn and Cass tts., t:!- F. D. WbAl), mn r arnam et 6 rooms .rasy walking distance. $ 5. " rooms', brand new; close In on Capitol venue. . Nowata land and lot co.. C4 N. Y. Ufa lildg. Phone Red i:99. 2407 P. KTH. t-room modern Tat, SIO. illl Chicago, -rooni moiirn bouse. X.J0. RINGW ALT BROS.. Harkcr Block. J-room cottage, flrst-clasa condition. modern, except furnace; adults only. 2imb Caldwell. 2412 Parker St.. 6 rooma. WK S. 2:td St., rooms. IIS. Poppleton Ave , bath, gum, t2Q. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES FINE l-room, modern houoe. 1701 Cali fornia Tel. D. 2710. K. A. Smith. MOl'EUN six-room, and hath, cottaga tX).. Seventeenth and Castelar Sireets. t . k. u o s IS , i . EfiO N T. L. Bldg. Phone Douglas 4.;4. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. ( rooms, modern; close In. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., C N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1. NEW 6-room brick hous?, modern. Har ney Bemis Park Cottage. Must be sold. Hot water hat. Plenty shade. Phono D. 12?4 or W. 2688. 113 NORTH 31st St.. Central Boulevard. S-moni, now, ail - modern brick house. beautiful location, no noise, no dust, an ideal horni Rent $.17. .iu. References. Phone Harney 4"7 or Kelly Investment Co., Neville Block. Stores aad Offices. TORE ROOM-1S0T Ferrtara . Beml-basemanta well lighten, UU7 and 190 Farnam Su e'tore room, tit N. 14th St.. So. Omaha. THOA. F. HALL. 4.13 Ran.ge Bldg. Both 'Phoaea WELL lighted larre comer room. Xlxioa. tituated on second floor. Palace Clo. Co, 14th and Douglas. LARGE store room for rent. 2Oxd0: also 1 elegant living rooms and basement suitable for barber shop. 1715 Leavenworth 6L TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam, This-property has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Farnam. UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY-Oro-cery and meat market, with fixtures com plete; no equal. T IZARD BLOCK. Apply 220 N. 23d Su EXPERIENCED stenographer wants desk room in exchange for work. Address Y l&t. Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE rarallsre. TWO hard coal burners; largo slse, nearly new, pipes, etc.. 191 bU Mary's Ava PRINTERS FUBJSrTURJS. Four Imposing tables. Iron base snd tone top; also a galley banks and two team tables for aale. Applj Sea Pub. Co, nth and Farnam. FOR SALE gaa range, 1114 Martha Sc Phono R. 687S. BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING W 111 sen iuriiiBinafc.1 ui -iw".i , consisting of parlor, library, bedroom and dining room furniture, domestic and orien tal draperies and bric-a-brac; also fine Dlano. Call at 2826 Chicago St. 'Phono Harney 2lCS. Slaaleal lastrwsseats. XWT TN. comnlete Has TORFC BAND TN STRUM ENTS; no euual for prlca bchmoller Mueller. UJS c amain. FINE Upright Piano, latest style. tllS. Owner leaving city. Cost a360. 1M1X Caaa Typewriters. wrwum-kanA tvnewrttera sold, renalnd. Central 'Typewriter Exchange, lrf Farnam, Typewriters for Kent tUt Farnam SU wmans- TCI- . r.nt an OLIVER TTPE WRITER with oak stand. S3 monthly, from manufac tuiera. most Interested In satisfaction given. Tmnmtol1 1 r "one ais. mrr en L. C. Smith Broa Typewriter. n F. Swansea Co Distributers, UU Farnam bc BBIeeeltaaewaa. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt bos, la good condition, Length ft. Address, C Ci. care ilea SAFES Overstocked with sooond-haad safes, all eises aad atakes; bargalna Aiuar- wan Supp Co.. U1S sarnaia u HAND painted oblna for sale; reaaoa- able prices - - LUMBER! No. 1 board. i4 per M. Other alsea to match. Try the only indepen dent Lumber Dcaiers .a the City. C. C Dtmmock 4 bona, 24th and H. So. Omaha DRUGS at eut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue frve. Shermaa A stcCoaneU Drug Co.. Omaha, Aes. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard snd pool tablea We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick, Balke. Culisndsr, N gv wu sib SECOND-HAND oag counter: haad- t rrv&rble cashier Plate; wire wickat. sbout 40 ft, odd snaps; wal tu a roooi teenty feet wkio. Caa be seen at storage heuse. For surtner iiwukiuws rniin oug iss 1M. boo Bolidlug Co. TV- fnnmf Wladow oreoa wtll luc avwwoy save you oae-aaif. T. H. Weir tea FUturo Ca, sit kinds eg aull work. Electric Power Attachinenta. n.H HAND ELEVATORA LeBroa beiuiuu Wot as. aU , 1A D-ti;i . HALL'S safir- Hi, id-a aad. MU Faraasv t uoa s.dewaik brwa, IU-. ata Foppistoo Ave. WC HAVE oa baad a aorobee of tab arrets anica we wul sell for a eeols aaas, they are ftao tor raui stU or aeoea va4 Si prose rMU. iMto rssuMiag wo. Full eALi Futureo tor Jewelry elore aorutil oak etll caaea piaio guies snow m etc. Addreea ki. Anrawn at Sous Mfg. Co.. rl Josepa. Mo. FOR SALE At a bargsin, a No. Prams ' rstiera la f.ret cum coud.tion. Tel. Uarbey 1 1'ilV 7al feot. suite 3-e for buuner v.a sr.r ruom huut. ua 1 MrJrd Produoe u, U i Uta L . Filters M twun Filter Ca. Ill 0 Howard. One said I La-I Recti. lnear lens: ona 11,: ; I ilrn, v . A Aoli'iit Wns, ooe la I'.rti a. 4 etna Addreea F ad. Uta WHKN snwenrc sdvert'.-vnerts In The et Waet s4 c. mi.a. a.i.d mn:iot, tae tai e aew U.e ad. Ut 1st ieo. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. J0- Brandete Theater Bklg. I 'it. B. 8. Tnraler Hldg. PbTEitbON, kit! Biandeis IT. Ka-hrvn Nicnois. 50 N. T. Lire nirle PATENTS HIRAM A. 3T URGES, registered Ptent attorney. U. a. and orti . i cured, eia N. Y. Life Bidg leu D. Hk. D. O. BARN ELL, Paxtoa Blk. Tel. Red TUt WILLARD EDDY, registered practltlonei In U. 8.,Psu offlee. tl rsxion Bia. K. Hwi. PERSONAL UECHA.NO THERAPY. Massage treaunent stonmcu trouble. Marvarite Hanoi an, li Neville Bik. D. ..01. HlNlXiO TABLETS will build, oraoe, strong tuen. sve UkLL DHUG to, iritrria from combing. -- ClWllCXICa jg-la,wa, Neviua Bk. Mr. u. da YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers aie invited to visit the koung Woman's christian aeaocialiuu bunding ai seventeenth ou and eu ataiy a Ave., w.iere they win be uirvvten to suitable boaruing pieces or otherw.se aasiated. Look for our traveler a aid at the union station. vVWl VfJl-'vJ huober good by mall; t; aiiSi-Nur-0I)1,CM. "Bn4 tor tree calalogua Myera-DUioa Drug Co., Oraaaa llUVAik. liuUk during conf uiemeui, babiea tor adoption. Good bamarltan bam lorium. 740 1st Ave Co.mcU Biuffa la PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr K-cg. UJ4 .-.'. -4.il St. Phone Webster THE sJlLVATlCN ARMY solicits cast-off '.uthins. in fact, anything you do not neea We collect, repair and sell at U4 N. UlS Kt for ouat o( collecneu, to uie woruiy pool. L4U pnoue iuugie u eu aaou will call. f AflKVrTP treatmenta E. Brott, I1U UlUUtit-aaog,, lttH. 11. klMS. OMAHA Stammerers' lna. Ramge Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding preeenu a specialty. iM4 uaveaoorv ino. o-itn. MISS LOliETTA M0RAN, Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp treaunent, hair goods; sunaaya, in to p. m. M Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 423s. M AflVri'TW! tieatment. Una Smilu, t--U-li-AAV u a Mtn- Xhlrd Floor. rrrrjC and loupes for men. Griffith, Y IU- j, and M FRENZEH BLOCK. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room aut Old Boston Gtore Bldg.. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. lsth at WS rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines, lna. A low. uoug. i4. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lth ana Harney Sta MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. Iuu6 Dodge St., oppo- . .. . ,1 n-.i . ....... sue iiuawiiiti, a i.in, a 'u . itrev. IOSIE WASUCURN'S book. "The Under world sewer." st ail book stores; price il.ea STRICTLY private boms for confine ments; excellent caie; babiea fur sdopuun. ioM Daveuor(. MRS. EUOERS private confinement home. 11 Martha St. Omaha, Neo. Phone Douglas UJV THE air blows gently. It Is very cool during the entire show at The Parlor Theater. POULTRY Screenings. 1.-5 per 100. Wagner, sOl N. 11 SILKO CHICK FOOD Is ths best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 01-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. PhonesDouglas 1142. Independent A -US. PRINTING LEW W. KABEE, Printer, EN,RB ON BEE BUILDING SI YEARS IN BUSINESS IN OMAHA, WE DO ALL KINDS OF PRINT1NU. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co. lu 8. 14th. ind. A4. Miller A Jamleaon. Dou. Both phones. PHONE IND. A-2t) for good printing. Lyngstad Pri ntlng Co.. 16th A Capitol Ava REAL ESTATE HEAL E.STATH Uk-LERl. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. I85H: nromot scrvloe; get our prtcea aos Brandeis theatre REMINOTON-LUNDBERQ REALTY CO. ToL D. till. 642 Ramge Bldg. New houses. BENJAMLN R. CO., 477 Brandeis Bldg. pgaT. KSTATB TITLE-TRUST CO, 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. J-RED a HADRA. (26 New Omaha Na ttonal Bank Bldg. uoug. 4-H. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co.. 40 Boa Eastern Colorado lands, wholesale pricea Weatern Realty Co, paxton Bldg. ABSTRACTS OF T1TLK. Neale & Norton l1 .T'- a M. SADLER di SON tot S. lLh St. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. lt Farnam, FBTSR J ESSEN, JR. 'eL Douglas -0 CITY PBOPKMTY rod B A Lift, WE HAVE $5,000 CASH. Wa want to buy choice Income payin property, n 111 put in some clear property in addition or sssume a reasonable amount. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. G4 N. Y. Lite Bldg. 'Phone Red 1909. A BARGAIN for a short time; within walking distance; fine s-room modern house: oak and birch finish and a strictly up-to-date home; to.o. F. D. WeaO, laol farnam bt-. SIX-ROOM HOUSE tor sale; lot lXixlsi: terms resaonsbla Paul Sydow. trtl S. 15th, DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OF ioot land: Write a description of It. buildings, water, near wnat town. Make 70 words of it all and send it to The Omaha Bee with 72 cents for each Insertion. People in Ne braska have money and want land. They took to ine umana riee ror real eststo or fe rings. And they get them In The Bee. YES, ONLY 20 PER MONTH T rooms, brand new: large lot. Ho much rent are you paying? Wa are mak ing you a present of thle home. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. CM N. T. Lite Bldg. Pbona Red IM, NOTHING VENTURED. NOTHINO WON 1100 as a lust payment w:ii ouy a room UD-to-date, modern cottage located at Hut So. l'tn St. You can pay the bal ance Including Interest monthly. In place ot a pile of rental receipts, you will soon have a home of your own. My jrlce Is as low as you could buy for caaa. In spect every day, including Sunday, from 1 to 4 p. m. F. R Goeney. tit N. T. Life. Phono D 4S4. CENTRAL CORNER ON "AR.NAI 44al-; a-etory. brick building covering en tire lot. Make unusually easy terms and the prico is so low thst it will surprise ou. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. CM N. Y. Lite Bklg. Phono Red ltoa. NEW brick St. Louis flat; gi-od Invest snenc Inquire ot owner. H. 3sm r:il ft.; east front: lot on South 14th near Center Su. for tl.JJU. F. D. Wead. lsvi l amam Su ir TOC WANT a fine i-room cottage, etru-tly modern eacept heat, thai ran be ha 1 on very reasonable terms. TeL Benson tel. Choice lots in tlifferent parts of city, $l.(tO ch and CrO ceuts It.r wtvk. W. J. DEIiMODY I. NVESiT- MKXT l Ttl. I). Tso. sJo N. Y. L. Bidg. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPaCRTT FOR 111. rContlnu t ) South Omaha Lots Fifty Cents a Week We still have a few choice lots In our famous Homeslte addition at S3d and Jef- ernon fits. Smith iimihi Flaav welkins istanoo to packing houses and stock urils. aoth PL paved nearly all the way rom Q St. to Jefferson. Ail lot- tl down and JOc a week without Intereat or taxea. High and sightly ground: everv lot fOxlTi reet- over l,o lets sold to home ouyera Plenty of choice lots left to select from, Prices range from $170 to 1700. How to Reach Homesite Take West Q St. car to 30th snd Q 8ts.. where we will have a carriage to take you to HomeSite. Remember Homesite extends from itd to Wth Sts., Jefferson to Harrlsion, right In the cttv of South Omaha. Sales men on the ground all day Saturday and Sunday. Come any time and urlng your dollar. For An Investment ISO Cash and 110 Per Month. toth and Btnney 1450 Sth and fclnney 4S0 29th and Burdetto 450 28th and Ames Ave 550 CREIGH, SONS & CO., Tel. Doug. 200. 60S Bee Bldg. Good Investment Close In. Tn order to close out an estate am author ised to offer two eight-room housea, well rented and walking distance, for a snort time only, ib.jw. F. D. WEADE, 1801 Farnam bu FOR SALE Elegant 10-room residence Just com pleted, on ono of the finest streets in the West r arntm insinri. uwner leaving city. FINE APARTMENT HOUSE SU hi.. 102x110 In the West Farnam District, J9.760, Hicks Real Estate Co.. 213 Bd. of Trade. 50 CASH, 15 PER MONTH, t-room house, lot 50x130. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. C4 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 1999. ts. ZM Buys 10-r. house and 70 ft. frontage on St. Mary's Ave., near aotn bt. F. D. WEADfci, iul rarnam su LOTS FOR FIFTY CENTS A WEEK He N. P. Dode-e 4 Company's advertise ment In this paper of lots for sale in South Omaha for Jl 00 down and 0 cents a week, without Interest or taxes. SEVEN ROOMS, all modern except heat; Just right for old couple; close In. Price 13,690 fz.aoo cash, w m. Arnold, iai n. lain. Will Sell at Sacrifice Modern housa In select residence dls. tiict; no Incumbrance; might consider trsde for farm in corn belt. M 412. Bee. S800 Buys east front building lot on 24th St,, adjoining several stores. t t . U. w lauxl, isui r amain ou Dundee Lot Wa have a verr choice lot. facing south on Burt street with water, sewer and side walks. It is on a nice terrace, and In fine location. Price cut from asMO to S2S. Wo will build to suit you. NORMS & MARTIN, Doug. 4270. 623 Bee Bldg. SOUTH OMAHA HOME Wa mean it. a perfect 10-room home; beat location in South Omaha. The prloo ws win make you Is a teaser, NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Kl N. Y. Life Bldg. Phono Red 199b, fiPLENDIT opportunity to get In hard ware buainest; business running ana mak ing money. Ir. If. v KAUC, iwi r arnsm ou REAL ESTATE FARM AND KANCH LA I) FOR -ALB FOR SALE or will exchange, preferably for southern lands, a good level half sec tion in Alberta, Canada. William L. Em ery, caie Fort Worm university. Fort Worth. Tex. Colorado. rvMiRim Pmnartr far Hale li-room kriir imni mid.nc at Roidan. Cola.. U miles west of Denver; place has been ua.i i ,,r nriwii. knini.n, i.uuaa. la mod- ern and a money maker; easy terms to ths right parto'. Bog !-. Golden. Colo. A COLORADO LAND BACRIFICB. tm acres tor ta.Ovo &.0v down, balance I years' time, equal payments; comprlaing the old home place of the bpere ranch- fins rolling and second bottom land valus of lands surrounding Is tlw to o per acre this land snould sell for more moneythe price la for ihiuiedlato sale writs for plat and description, HAlul.H REALTY COMPANY, Colorado Springs. Colo. Ml ACKLd JR LESS OF THE SEMPkUi Attk. mllaa northwest trom Denver oa C a k It U Boulder; choice farming land; miautaS from Speuccr atauon or school, houriy laterurban to Denver and northern towns; plenty irrigating water, I-room house, atabies, granarloe, otc, 2 walla (bee uineral water in Colorado), orchara. .. .-ov e, largo shads trees around housa. Apply 00 premises to a. semper, owner, w r. U box Ml. usurer. rnioRinn Wyoming. Ksbrasaa and Kansas Lands for aala -X ner Acts bays from owner a tract of level, unimproved land in irrigation district In the San ,uis tsuey. W iii arraags to show at any Urns, awe us lor full particulars. WM. 1PPLE. (U Comns-awaaltb lildg.. Denver. Colo. IRRIGATED LANDS. SO and 1 so-a ere traots of smooth, fertila Irrigated laud on ths Costilla ostals In the san Luis valley ot Colorado can yet be purchased at 1jw an acre. This Includes a oervetual wster righu Easy terms Larg est and moat attractive project ever ae- veloocd In Colorado; a,0u0 acres in cultlva lion this year, vt rue lor free maps and toMera CuoTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO.. laaa Caaoipa su. Denver. Colo. raarlda. YOU CAN STAT AT UOHS And snake Big Money la Florida. Ooe dollar a uonta will make TO part swner la aas at the greatest fruit, truok. seeao, srctiard. resorU boai and geooral i higa-e.aae devalopmeot protMisiuaas ever ! loaugurated is true stats of phenomenal epprtniia. rend for praif of lots staie- meal aad full pariiculara I. A. aiotaoowd, i'(Saleat JacksvaviLA, FVa REAL tSiATE ' ; FA It t AU M( It LAU) FOR iALsl Flsrlda- L'oattaoed. FLORIDA FARM" PITMAN COUNTY. FLA. Ten-acre farms for oIv one-thlrt, rash, balance one and two years. guai antes ths land to bo as govc1 ee any It the 'ata .Natural (lowing wen f-asA drainage, none maraeta. uniy t mile from I alataa, Carrawav station on the tk S. A F. Ky.. in the center or the land. All ot our farms are in easy wslktng dntgnct of station and postofflca River and rail way transportation facilities lor trockark and growers ths beat In the Slate. Finest farming rnd residence section In Florida, Good schools, churches, etc. No malaria. V rite today for one of our beautiful Ah luau rated prospectus and map. t a. jo.. at J.. NC-507 Atlantic National Bank Bldg., jacasoavms. la. FLORIDA. Ws have some of the best land tn the stAte. belcw ths iroet tins st stu-acuve prices bend lor particular a-etero una Company, C m m . - .. v , , . , .. m mm-t Ch.cs go. U.0U0 ACRES. A SNAP FOR W-l-K 8 ALB. norma kast Coast. Lvergisdea 'All muck land, tireatest baa gam la the wbeta state. No brokera. . FRANK, la. BILLS tUSFAAI, Jts Monroe bt, Chicago. 11 i1 , Iowa, . ' 10-ACRE PLACE. " 1 MILES ot Council Piulra. all good new land, wen improved; about. acres bear ing fruit; Improvements would cost about o00 or more; p.in-realdent siwner says sell for t3.ouu, one-thud cash, osl-iice, long un.s at per cent. MdiEE KfciAL ESTATK 14 Pearl St, Council Blufts. la- 30-ACRE PLACE. RICH ralley land, not Subject to over flow; -room bouse, good barn, a acres bearing fruit, nice yard, aet with ever gieena and shrubbery on main road, level sll the way to city; 4 miles east of Council Bluffs and IS rnilea from car line; achool across the road; small store building on the place, where owner can do k good busi ness ir no caree to. oos at . ivu it is worth the money at M.tOO. McOEE REAL ESTATE CO., 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Kaseia FOR PALE Im Droved farm. 40 sere-, 90 tillable, o00 level, fenced snd erose- tenced, watered wltn spruigs ana ponae, some hay land, auo pasture, no rock. ) cultivated, 74 wheat, spelts, li barley, 74 corn, crops fine; balance teed; 4-room stone housa atone harn. ' sranary. roona tor 1.0U0 bu., hen house, crib, cattle shed, good well, mill. tank. . brood house, full set or implements, a horses, set oi narncss. 30 cattle, 1 brood sow, aoo chickens, orch ard, ail kinds of fruit, telephone; black soil, clsy subsoil; buildings Insured; a miles to achool and post of I Ice; prico ilaWM. tlu.aD cash. U.bM 6 years st i per cent; 11 miles to town, no s gents, wnis owner. A. P. CARLETON, Grove county, Alanthus. Kanaaa Mi-swark FINE CASS CO.7 MISSOURI, FARM su a.rea one mile of railroad town, af miles Kansas City; all lu cultlvsUon and grass; ail rich, fine lying land; a-room bouse, barn and outauildiugs; well fenced and watered. If you want a bargala In a well located grain and stock farm, you can't beat It; only os per acre; good tsrms on this. O. W. CLAilDY IIMV. t.. 801 Commerce, Kansas City. Mo. TIMBER and ranch land bargains la Morris as Walker, Moun South Missouri, tain View. Mo. IN MISSOURL ViK arras 12& mliea aouiiioast Of Kansas ritv 70 acres In cultivation. Bos houae; good barn; out buildings and fins water soil areas: larxs orchard of different varieties of fruit, a miles to good trading point. Close to school and church, rrice ,. 4 me is a money maker. u&oftuhi tujarF. tCJ-l Sheldley Bldg.. Casas City, Mo. Mlehtgaau : MICHIGAN FARMS. No. 120 acrea cleared, small houss and barn, some fruit, near town, tin fruit land. H.- - .... No. atu sores, ciearra. gooa nouse smt barn, plenty of fruit, level, good soil. tl.XA. No. a 200 screa rich loam soil, level. 4 miles Muskegon, olty au.OuO; (12 per acre, a I par acr down, balance easy terms. THE EVANS-HOLT CO.. Fremont, Mich. 40 ACRES, 001 HALF CASH, BALANCE 11 TEARS. Ths land is sRuated -ot far from Bay City, Michigan, aud adapted for farms. grazing or iruiu rerjeoi una, ana win boar clone inspection. The shove prloo and terms are made to close ae esiata quick. If you warn a 40 or mors send your option In now, with tl per acre, and balance) to bo paid whoa deeds are returned. BRADFORD At COMPANT, k4 Adams Su, Chiuago. THESE ARB WONDERS. READ, READ and wonder. Praotlcally a gift; 240 acres; lies like a garden; 17 acres on beautiful river; good house. 1W story; cultivated; Dsianos on timoer ana pasiuro good barn and other buildinga Buildings carry awu insurance; isrin ail xencea ana . , .. ., . -,lr n . . ' 1 mnA lnKn&. WVH ,, . . . ,.,w. three miles to town, nine miies to ra-ro-d town; 100 tins bearing apple trees and ether fruits. TUB PRICE IX IU PER ACRE. Think of lu There Is not Saaothar aucu bar gain in ths world. kO acres splendid land; 60 acres) cultivated, balauca In fins hardwood timber: I miles to .WWW. W, II 1 II .M .L1.,.,UU. UwUMw ana barn; A ao.nd.iv u, iau.aim. Piles l7jj. Ii.Cmu cash, balance to suit you. we are always tuo ieausrs la pargaias; ornera try to touow. ae a lor full particulars. H. W. SAWYER, KEWAVUO, MlCHiaAK. FORCED SALE An excellent sO-aora farm, ail smooth ana level, no swamp or wet lend, very productive; with success fully grown corn, clover, wheat, vegetables and fruit; 6-room ho use 1 beautiful shads: 1 large oarn. uuuiiry nouse. 1001 nouse. eta. : I also plenty of ofiolce bearing fruit. This la I a real farm aad ons that will make urnoay I f or any live man. It Is on main road. clo neignbors, schools, sic; only about 10 minutes' walk from the biggest laks la Michigan where there Is good boating, fish ing or bathing. This farm must bo sold quick and we therefore mske ths prico li.4J0; one-half cash, balance to suit baler. H. C. D-ULa. Box . Martin, Mich. LAND FOR SALfi. Wrue me today. B. F. FREMONT. NEWA.OO CO.. MICH. SNAP Money-making country boma, stock, tools aad crop complete; ons of tno beet 70-aore farms is the stale, prcticay level, las about ls miles from town, oa beautiful made road, doss neighbors, schools and church. This farm borders on a beautiful laaa, an elegant spring brook flows across it, large new a-room field stone) residence, big basement or cellar, largo verandas; big, new barn, room for 4 baad of hoisea, a co we, also carriage and tool room; lots of choice bearing fruit This farm Is high class In every 1 aspect and wo are making a greet sacrifice when we offer IU It must be sold quick and wo will let everything go In the way of machinery. siocs, etc imn i everyuii-g trout a, pitcnrors, " oir. iw """-"'"-V practically new, also wagon, carriage, har nesses. B0 chickens, cows, 4 borvaa, hogs, etc. To quick buyer wtll make ths pries ta.stm; must have ai.aoo cash, balance can bo paid la email yearly paymenta Will give ruasession and turn everything over to uyer la 4a hour a. If you are ready to snap the biggeat bargain on earth, doi t miss seeing tuts quick. THE ltk.U PARK CU, ' . Boa E. Plalnweil. Mien. IF SOLD AT ONCE. J2 acres; good soil; sppls orchard; 4t aores tunbor; a-rooia bouse; good barai everything cuaepieta KI acres; a sandy loam; T aores mspla and aim timber; two largo apple -orchards; 10- room house; largo frame barn. . Within four mues marast and mala ling railroad. Choice, R100; cash $700; sslasno easy taruia WAT LAND REALTT OCX. ' . W a land. Mich, A SNAP. ACRES FRt'lT VfcAlETABLB AND. CHICKEN LAND. ' la renter of M en sea. nw.r county seat snd railroad town and fins laks; les apple tree, 1 peach trees. 7us smaii fruit; raises eug busheis of potatoes to sn acre; good soil; clear tlUa; only Ut down. I t pre month, without Interest, Be ) o'f fav eash But aril, might throw In cow ir e chick- OA NCR, B. 403, LA Dearborn sL, Chlcsgo. 1 1 N