Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1910, Image 11

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    TI1K BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1910.
Early Sentiment Forcei Price to
New High Points.
Aheat Has a Sharp AdriM Owing;
to lontlnned Dry. Weather la
(a Kitmit Srtfcw
s rrirr Rnla Firm.
' OMAHA. Juna 27. 1910.
There were fair rains reported in the
southern part of the spring wheat belt.
North Dakota and ' Mlnnexota are still
Iry and tiivi from that section la att.Hl
oulllnh. Early sentiment forced prices
to- new, high, point for ths bull move
ment. Good nlni-Ktr received over the corn
belt whlcn have relieved the 'Iry spell,
rrospec-ta are good-and, ahould the coun
try movement t purree, lower prices
ahould be expected.
Wheat had a ahura advance early, ow
ing to the continued dry weather In the
extreme north went. ; J'rlees ruled firm
and higher tfirougbont the day. Calamity
reports were less -numerous and an easier
market Is Itkelv.
Good rains In the com belt took the gimp
not of .he market and prices were off lo
at the opening. Cash OiWn was weak under
unr liberal offering- br country shippers.
Iteef-lpt. are expected ttf Increase with the
iore favorable outlook for. the growing
Primary, wheat receipts were 687,000 bu
and ahlomeata were lit 1. 000 bu.. against re
ceipts last year of 2W,0OO bu. and shipments
of 2X7.0UO bu. ,-i
Primary corn rerelDts were $33,000 bu. and
shipments were 475.000 bu., against receipts
laet year of 687 OOv bu., and shipments of
wzsn dii.
Cleeranre pn IfO hu. of corn. 200 bu.
of oats and wheat and flour equal to 113,000
DU !' .
LIveYpdVjf clotted1 '.Hit, higher on wheat
ana wuRnwon corn. :
Local rang pf options:' '
Artlcle, Operk) High: Low. Closel Sat y.
: 1
:9s I
57 I
86 I
Omaha Cash. Prrcea
WHEAT No. 1 hard. 935197c: No. 3 hard.
SOfiMc; No". 4 hard, 794i90c; No. 2 spring, 92
ttatic: rNo. & spring, JsiC(j92c; No. 2 durum,
iwiio' lyo, a durum, Wianc.
JO,tN No...! white, Wftc; No. S white,
69Vc No.. 4 white, 67Mrfa oSftc ; No. 3 color,
6iftfl69c! ISo. 4 color, 66467cs No. 2 yellow,
66c; No. t rellow,. 564floto; No. 4 yellow,
64ft?f66ftc; --No. . ffc; No. 3. tWuoftc; HO.
4. 644c: no Brad 40o4o.
OATB--N0.1 White. 36OT38t4c: No. 4 white,
36fl"36c; No. t yellowt,3ftfl34ftc; .No. .4 yel
low, Bf0rac: t ,
BARLEYe-Nty. V )4A4Sc: No. I feed, 42
44e; rejected. berljry,, 39&41c.
Ric-Nt. i-at&rjoi No. s, eagne.
. 'li ! Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chlcag6,.,.t..(.... ..... U 200 102
Mlnnca polls ,y.,i .....394
Omaha .ww.wm,., ..7i .
Duluth ....T4....
No. 2 mixed. 61'y'ilWc; No. 3, 00c; No. 2
white, 6c; No. 8, M'i6c.
UATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, SoflTWc;
nnxd, 3V(i.c.
HXK No. 2, S870c.
HAY Unchanged; cholca timothy, 115.09;
choice prnlrl", lll.25irll.50.
mI lhK-t rrmi'iy extras, ioc;
24c; seconds, 22c; packing stock. 20'c.
KOUS First, 15.15; seconds, 1.1.50; current
receipts, new cases, 84 30; miscellaneous,
Receipts, enipments.
Wheat bu K'trnO
Corn, bu 107.)0 i.OO0
Oats, bu 4,000 MM)
t ondltlnns Are Favorable for . Fair
Weather Tonlaht and Taeaday.
OMAHA, June 27, 1910.
Rains were general throughout the central
valleys and southern portion of the coun
try within the last forty-eight hours. They
were not enpeclaliy heavy In the upper Mis-
issippl and upper Missouri vaueys, out
were fairly well distributed over those sec-
tions. They were much heavier generally
over the lower valleys and excessive fails
occurred In Ohio. Illinois. Iowa and Mis
souri. Warm weather continued over the
central valleys during Saturday and Bun
day, but a slight fall In temperature Is
shown this morning throughout Nebraska
and the southwest, with little or nd change
In the upper valleys. An area oi relatively
high pressure overlie the eastern Rocky
mountain s ons am UDPer valleys, ana gen.
rnllv elosr weather prevails from the Mis,
sourl river west into me mountains mis
mnrnlni. and conditions are favorable for
fair weather In this vicinity xonigni ana
Tuesdsy, with no Important change In tem
perature. ...
The minimum temperature and precipi
tation compared with the last three years:
1910. li)0. U0. 1907.
Minimum temperature.... 70 t7 60 68
PreciDitatlon 08 . 36 1.34 T
Nnrmu tamDerature lor loaay. n aegrees.
Deficiency in precipitation since March L
10. 4S Incheii.
Deficiency corresponding period in iw,
1 fU inches.
Kxcess corresponding period la 130$,
2.06 inches.
L. A. WELSH. Local uorecaster.
tori and Wheat Region Bnlletin.
For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four
hours ending at 8 a. m., ,75th meridian tune,
Monday, June 27, 1910:
Temp. Rain- .
Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Kky.
Ashland. Neb 85 6 .01 Cloudy
Auburn, Neb 92 4 .00 Clear
H'ken How. Neb. K0 til .78 Clear
Columbus, Neb... S8 $2 .12 Pt. cloudy
Culbertson. Neb.. 88 tiS .00 Clear
I'alrbury, ND... W (hi .10 t;icar
Fairmont. Neb... K4 fl .US Cloudy
Or. Island, Neb.. M i;i .00 Clear
Hartlns-ton. Neb. 84 U0 .00 Clear
Hastings, Neb.... M M .w ft. ciouay
Holdrege. Neb... 86 61 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb 84 f .00 Cleaf
omaha. nD t ,u .vo . i.iouoy
Tekamah, Neb... M M .25 ' Pt. cloudy
Alia. la. ...1 85 C4 .00 Clear
Carroll, la 88 M .15 Pt. cloudy
Clarlnda, la 92 08 .17 Pt. cloudy
Sibley, la 87 6s o Clear
Sioux City la... 86 .64. .00, Clear
Minimum temperature' for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m, - .
No. of- Temp.
Districts. Stations. Max. Mln
Columbus, 0 17 - . 00
Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 . 94
Chicago, 111 26 ..... 90
Fentoees of' the Trading; and Closing
Prteea on Board of Trade.
"CHTCAGO, June 27. Dollar wheat fasci
nated speculators today. Every future
delivery of the grain closed here this af
. -ternoon above the magic mark. Before
the beginning of alarm about the effect
, f of .drought on the spring crop, the price
was In the eighties well under 90c a
bushel. -Latest trading was at -nearly the
f top figures of the day and showed a net
(' gain pt Vs to 2,iot as compared with Sat-
ui u.j iukih, Jill urL'iueu i;uiiiittBfc cui II
' to S4i-c. It was a ragged wlndup In pro
visions,, all the way , from .2Hc decline
to- 25c advance.
The most excited buying of the session
came 'in the last fifteen minutes when ail
. Opening with a sharp rise due to a dry
" 4iiHp northwest,1 the market ' mora than
"tout all the gain;' The reason was profit
taking, but the strength returned and
,.j prices went higher than before, following
Increased scare In the spring wheat belt on
accoulit of the absence of general rains
. aad because of the prospects of more heat.
Liverpool was reported as taking a ser
. lous, view of the crop situation on this
side. A sudden bulge in quotations at
Winnipeg added to the bullish tension.
The visible supply showed a larger de
. , crease than expected and the world's ship
ment were below the estimated weekly
' requirements. Shorts sold early, but were
all covered later on. September ranged
., . from 98Ho to I1.00V4 and closed lVitlc up,
at 11.00-V The July option dropped to
" discount under September today, showing,
: with the cash delivery, the effect of the
coming movement of new wheat.
Corn prices broke because of good rains
1 in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.
- September fluctuated between 69c and
. " fiovic. closing . Tu off at 60',,c. Feeling in
' the'eaxh market was weak. No. 2 yellow
' closed at flO'A&60Hc '
- Oats had a hard setback due to wide
v., spread -rain. Price variations tor the Sep
' , tember delivery stopped at iliiyiSjS'Jc, with
' the finish at 38Tc, a net loss of H5?c
On light trade, provisions ranged lower,
i Final- quotations were unchanged to 2ac
higher tor pork, up a shade to Sc down
for lard, with ribs unchanged to IStjio off.
V'. Leading futures ranged as follows;
Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y.
St. Ia.uIs. Mo la 92
Des Moines, la.... 14 M'.
Minneapolis, Minn. is 88
Kansas City. Mo.. 24 90'
Omaha, Neb 19 84
. Wl
, 64
" .60
Mood of Depression Folowed by
Shrinkage in Prices.
Financier's Presence Cited as
of Reasons for Dnllness as
Dae to Disappointed
481.000; silver certificates outstanding, 3487,-
t. (100.
Oeneral Fund Standard sliver dollsrs In
eneral fund. $4.627.2i2: current liabilities.
V'T.Wl.lW; working balance In treasury of-
Ices, K.w8,46; In banks to credit ot t'fi-
ry ot the United States. I10.S4).30; sub-
idlarv sliver coin. $20.2;0.A4: minor coin.
l.oiJ 080; total balance In general fund, 383,-
Warm weather continued throughout the
corn and wheat region. Oood rains were
general in all sections and excessive falls
occurred at points in the Columbus, In
dianapolis, St. Louis and Des Moines dis
tricts. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
i 'Wheat. 1 ' ; I
; . Ju)y...98V499( 1 00,
oept..,'J!-)-9l IOU',,1
Dec....l uu'4Ht 102
.tl ll-i , I
July...15s-Vie.W' W1!
, :
98?,11 mi-WWi'4
98-t 1 MuS,98S-'a-!
Wft 1 01l9Va!s
6S C8 bfl-M.
eptH..t!'t- wqi di! i
Dcc....l8 69 !67T(a6l6S,,iitt;l
loC I I I I
,luiy,..38mi'39 899,1 384 89V40 f',
40 S4ai4Uh''8'Mi
I'm k. '
. July...,! 28 10
Kept... 22 45
23 66
Zi 6i
23 10
22 40
13 35
i Scut.. .1 12 X5 413 42m
July.r-14 40 i 12 411.12 40
Jm-y.V.l' 12 12 92f 12 97
Bept... It! 4ZVh u 4 u 40
23 S3
2 2 60
13 40
12 42V4I
23 40
22 60
12 42U
12 4o
12 92Vi 12 924
12 46 Vt diVn
No. 2.
Cimlt nuotutlons were as follows;
FLO I'll Firm winter patents, $4.C084.90;
winter suaiKhts, 3-l.2u((4.7&; spring straights,
4.6i4.70; bakers, 3a.sOUJ.10.
HYbiNo. . ;u76o.
BAH LK Y Feed or mixing, 4ffj6c; fair
to choice malting, 60&64U.
SUED Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 32.06;
No. 1 northwestern, 32.14. Timothy, . 44.60.
Clover, 31160.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 3.73
V. (1 IK Lard, per WO lbs., I13.47H. Short
rilm. sides (loose), n.r.'4yl3.j0; short clear
sides t boxed), 314.0014.25.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
. equal lo lilouo bu. Primary receipts were
687.000 bu.. compared with 387,000 bu. the
' corresponding day a year ago. The visible
supply of wheal In the United States de
creased 1.8.rv8,000 bu. for the week. The
amount of breadstuff an ocean passage
decreased 1,400,0000 bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
IS cars; corn, 301 cars; oats. 1,008 cars; hogs,
14,000 head.
t Cnicigo Cash Price Wheat: ll.00Ol.03Si',
'No. 2i-ed, tntovtl.i; No. 2 hard 99Vkc(j)
. $1.01Vv; ,g. 3 hard, Vavwc; No 1 north
ern ii liii,-. ll.Os'val-H'-i: o. 3 northern
spring, ll.OCVl.OuVt; No. 3 spring, 98cV
l ll.We; - Corn: No. 3 cash, bvij o'c ; No. 3
cush, &Wtl'8V!; -No. 3 white tZg24c; No.
" 3 wlillo. wmOO'jc; No 2 yellow, tjUubO'c;
' N) 3 yellow. Uxu6VkC Oats: No. 2 white,
.V 4oo;- No. 8 white, HSVitiaic; standard, 40
, Hi Wt. 4 - .
BUITPR-Steady; creameries, - 14H$27c;
dairies. 'tMaoc.
1 ' KUUS-eteadjr; at mark, eases Included,
.f- lijl6 0 firsts, 18c; prime firsts, 19Sic
. k LlllitlSli tiady; . daislss, 16Wttl5Vio;
twins, W; young Americas, 16Vs16c; long
:-i . - PO'fAToli Firm: choice to fancy, 19
.. 20c; -lair to good, 1631"o.
,. POULTHV-Sieady; turkeys, 15c; ohlck-
r ens. lic;! spt lugs, 22a26o.
i t VTCAL-"tSlady; W to 60-pound weights,
. 6SJ-c; 0 W- Impound weights, 9iVso; 86
to 110-pound weights. loHrto.
I'.eccipts Today Wheat, 12 cars; corn, 300
cats; outs, 103 cars. lLStlmated tomorrow
. iWlxNii, la.cara; corn, SOI cars; oau, U$
' curs.
- - -.
I Cm a mas C1r Grain and Provisions.
tr.t KANAAM CITY, Juna 37. WHEAT-July.
, . Wuj , brptsmber,. 6V December, 98'c.
, t', unchaHsed; No. 3, KNU41.06; No. 3,
url(i. No. 3 red. 92fj98c; No. 3. 884jlc.
- OoltN July, 3Jc; September. 6757Sc
bldj DeceinUer, . M'c. Cash, fetjlo lower;
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, June. 27. FLOUR Firmer,
with a moderate trade; spring patents, 35.30
4i5,60; winter straights, 4.36(4.45; spring
clears, 34.3'4.60; receipts, 13,400 bbls.; ship
ments, 3,671 bbls. Rye flour, quiet; fair to
good, f4.164f4.40; choice to fancy, 34.464.50.
CORN MkiAL Steady: fine white and yel
low, fl.301.36; coarse, fl.26iijl.S0; .kiln dried,
S3.:g. 1 ' ......
WHEAT Spot firm;- No. 3 red, 31.07,
nominal, c. 1. f., to arrive, elevator; No 1
northern,' ft. 2 nominal, f. 7o.' b. to arrive.
Wheat futures were rather quiet, but the
undertone was firm on small offerings and
moderate buying on further bullish reports
from the American ana Canadian spring
wheat sections. The closing was net lVicfr
2c higher, as follows: July, fl.07; Sep
tember, fl.06i; December, 1.07V Receipts,
32,800 bu.; shipments, 16,400 bu. .
CORN Soot .easy: No. 2. 68V4c nominal
elevator, domestic basis, to 'arrive; export
No, 2, 68c for export. Options: Dull, closed
Vrtlc net lower, as iouows; juiy, esc;
September, 69Hc; December, -66c. Re
ceipts, 63,075 bu.
OATS S Dot. firm: mixed 263)32 pounds
nominal; natural white, 2t&32 pounds, 45
47Vic; clipped white, 84(42 -pounds, 46'4ao
1u.aIu XI ran.
HAY Steady: prime, fl.16;- No. 2, 11.00
1.06; NO. 3, 8o(tfWC.
. hops steady : state, common to cnoice.
1K09, 21&24c; 1:08, nominal; Pacific coast,
19UI, 14i(ll8c.
HI DBS weak; . central , America, z;c;
LKATHER Weak; hemldck firsts, 26
tie; seconds, 22(24c; thirds, iodize; rejected,
1 141 JOC.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, f25.00
lrJO.60; family, j.otKjjb.,); snort clear,
f.'4. u0r 26.00. . Cut meats, steady; pickled
bellies. 10 to 14 pounds. l,'3le; pickled
huiiiH, f 16.004! 16.50. Lnrd, easy; middle
western, prime, fI2.3.t; 12.4.1; refined, steady;
continent, 313.20; South America, 114.00;
compound, tf.50i) 10.00.
TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhds., 6Hc;
country, 674rh-,c.
RICt; Steady;, domestic, 2?6c; Patna.
BUTTER Firmer: creamery specials, 2R
ttJ8c; extras, oc; tniras xo iirsis, ofqtiw,
Btato dairy, common to line, 23y-"1c;
process, second to special, 22'ai6Vic; factory,
22gr23c; imitation creamery, 24'u25c.
CHEKSE-Strong; state, whole milk, new
specials, l&frlOVio; fancy small white, H'4c;
fancy small colored, 144c; average prime.
14c; fair to good, WVuUc; common, Wd
12c; skims, fine to special. 12Vs14Vtc.
POULTRY Alive uncertain; luwls. 17V4c:
turkeys, lOccfHc. Dressed steady; western
broilers, 2226c; fowls, H'tfl&c; turkeys, 16
St. I.onls General Market
ST. LOUIS, June 37. WHEAT Futures,
higher; July, 8SSc; September. 98 14c; cash.
firm; track, ao. 2 rea, st.usv1.v4; xmo,
hard. 31.01 u 1.06.
CORN Futures lower; July,- 69o; Septem
ber, btHkwiko; casn; lower; track, No. 2,
OATS Futures lower; July, S7c; Septem,
ber, 87c; caah steady; track,- No. 2, 37c; No.
2 white, 41tc.
RYE Nominal; 7So.
FLOUIl Unchanged: red winter patents.
f5.00&6.36; extra fancy and straight, H&Oif
t.yn; nara winier clears, S4.ouj.yo.
SEE1 Timothy, 3.0la3.65.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 84(S87c.
HA Y Dull;, timothy, fl4.O04il7.6O; pralre,
PROVISIONS Pork, easy: lobbing. 324 M.
Lard, lower; prime steam, fll.6l2.l5. Dry
sail meats, ieaa poxea extra snorts,
314.25; clear ribs, 114.26; short clears, $14.26,
Bacon steady; boxed extra short, f 15.25;
Clear rion. tia-ac, khoti clears,
POULTRY bteady; chickens, 12c; spring.
ip(ic, iuinv7, , uutH, wu, geese, 00,
BUTTER Steady: creamery, 23itfti7c.
EGOS Steady. 15c.
Receipts. Shipments.
NEW -YORK. June 27.-The stock market
underwent a mood of depreisiou aaln to
day and prices were subjected to a severe
shrinkage on a smallness ot actual trans
actions out ot ail proportion to the amount
or tlia -rlrclinea.
The croD news was not bad and It was
necessary to turn to other factors ior
Dlanatlon of the weakness. There was a
suspicion, amongst other proffered explana
tions, ot a concerted attaeK iy an organ
Ised bear party under powertul auspices
The nnnearance earlv In the day of a
rumor, often used by bears, that J. Pler
pont Morgan had been stricken sudnlenly
with death, which was followed shortly by
Mr. Morgan's appearance at his office to
give nimsell to tiuslnos-s activities, arouseu
this suspicion. The disproof of the rumor
did r.ot. however, revive the market.
Mr. Morgan s reappearance in Wall street
was cited, In another way, as an explana
tion of the market's weakness, as due to
disappointed speculators who had waited
on his return from abroad with the Iden
that it would foment an active period 01
rising prlcei of stocks. The grounds on
which this ' supposition had been formed
were the reports that he had enlisted larpe
amounts of forela-n caDltal in the purchase
ot Amerloan securities, that he had secured
an agreement with foreign copper producers
to co-operate with American producers in
curtailment of output and that he had
assured the listing ot United States 8tel
on the Paris Bourse. From these reports
and from the diligence of his banking
house In getting assents 01 treignt snippers
to the advance In rates asked for by the
railroads it had been Inferred by party
in the speoulation that the Morgan party
was lookii,a to hlsrher Drlces tor stocks.
. Out of this situation an advantage Is
supposed to have been sought by a bear
party to press an attack on mo market,
I'ho action of the market today hud great
influonce In coloring the conlecturea ot the
alignment of parties In tho regulation,
the Standard Oil party being assigned
naturally to the 'role of leaders ot the
onslaught on prices. Another explanation
ot,the weakness of the market was that
a sale of some large estate holding
of important stocks was in progress and
that banking Interests, having knowledge
of the fact, were disinclined to attempt a
support of prices while this was In progress.
Outside the realm of pure conjecture
there was much to throw light on the
pressure of stocks for sale and the lack
of demand. Railroad traffic officers re
ported a well sustained volume of busi
ness and a hopeful sentiment on account
of confidence that rate Increases would be
allowed. The call money market showed
no disturbance from the approach of the
July settlements. Private discount rales
were easy in London and Berlin and the
official discount rate ot the National Bank
ot Belgium came down to 3'4 nr cent.
Foreign exchange rates In New York, how
ever, turned UDwards rather sharply. The
extension of time allowed for payment of
the corporation tsx to July 10 relieved the
! money market of one requirement for this
week, although: the subtreasury operations
In New York show signs of the turning
over of some large sums ot money to the
The severity of the day decline gave
rise to the inevitable uneasiness, out spe
clflc rumors even of financial difficulties
were not heard. The stocks of railroad
in the group controlled by the Interest most
active in recent deals and readjustments of
relations were watched with som? special
attention. Last prices were the lowest ot
the day. Union Pacific and Reading show
lng losses of over 4 points. Chesapeake et
Ohio 3( and the active list generally from
1 to I points.
Bonds were weak. Total sales, nar value.
4i.8Mi.ouo. united states bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and heading Quotations
on stock were as follows:
Salta. High. Low. Clow,
Neve York Moaer Market.
NEW YORK. June 27. MONEY On call.
firm at 2f.1 per cent; ruling rate. 274 per
cent; closing bid, 27 per cent ;offered at
t per cent. lime loans, a shade stronger;
sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days, S' per
cent: six months, 4'-i per cent.
per cent.
STEK1.1.NU EXCHANGE Firm, with ac-
ual buslnees in bankers' bills at 34 84MHf
4.k ior sixty-day bills and at I4.M-.V) for
emand; con irerrial bills, $4.83Vu4.84'i.
SILVER Bar, 6bSc: Mexican dollars, 44e.
BONDS Government steady; railroad.
Closing Quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
I. nl. 3, rf ....1A0llnt. M M. 44s i
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
.... 16.000
. 23,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
fill; September, tl.lWVtf 1.06ft; December,
1.0&; cash. No. 1 hard, fl-14'4; No. 1 north
ern, ll.13vfl.HS; No. 3 northern. 31.1131.11";
Io. x oortnern, i unoi.iw.
FLAX Closed at. 12.13. .
CORN No. 3 yellow, 65fi6o.
OATS-No. 3 white, f7iai9Hc
UYB-No. 2, 70C7SC.
BRAN In 100-pound sacks. 317.60.
FLOUR First patents tin wood. f. o. b
Minneapolis). fj.u.5 40; second patents, 36.00
ii6 .30; first clears, f4.txV34.16; second clears,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 17. CORN Lower; No. 4
white. 57'4c; No. 3 yellow, 6e; No. t yel
low, 58itc; No. 3, 6SV6c; No. 1 Wa57c:
no grade. &Mi6&Ho.
OATS Lo-er; standard. 894c; . No. 3
white. 39c; No. 4 white, JSC.
RYE Steady; No. I 7c.
Omaha Har Market.
OMAHA, June n.-HAY-No. L 3J.0O;' No.
3 ti'.oo; packing, 34.60; new, SI0. Straw:
Wnvat, i; rye nd oau, V. Alfalfa, fU
400 It
., 41, WO S44
0O 42
.. 0 34
.. mo
.. tH MS i
.. 1,100 2
42 41 40U
1i 72'4 TJS
4n 10944 12 H 102 Vi
100 Z U
1,400 UlVi llftt 11
2.000 IMS 136 134
100 tfttt
900 31 Xl MSi
000 I84 884 S
16,40 lo-ji ioi 14 10114
& 1QS 101 '4 10114
TO lit lit lit
4, M0 11'). lot 10U
lt.MO 7H 1 7
2,604 11 140 11
10.400 17 15 36
104 104 10614 104
1414 7H
it 24
1.400 W,k 14i 143
81,504 122V lH
2n) 80 1V 11
400 36 li 14 13
31.104 UM U3 1S-1H
M 14T4 l "S
it, too to
'"ibi 24H
too its
too 84
1.004 144 143
12.1X10 130
1 "00 u
100 1314 131
4,100 ID 1
4 J0
I, bOO
Alllt-Chslmert prd ...
Anislsamated Copper .
Ameriran ArriculUiral
Amarlctn Bl gujar
Amrlctn Can
Amtiioan C. A P
Amtrlcaa Cotton Oil......
American H. L. p(d
Am. Ics acurltia
American l.uiMd
Amerlean LoronvMlve ....
American 8. A R
American B. A R. prd...,
Am. guel Foundrlct
Am. 8ugr Retlnlnf
American T. A T.....
Amartcan Tobacco pfd
American Woolen
Anaconta Mining Co
Atchiaon pti
Atlantic coast Line ,
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem steel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central ot New Jersey...
Chesapeake A Ohio
Central of New Jersey...,
Chlcaio Ot. W., new....
C, t. W. pM
Chicago A N. W
C, 81. A Bt. r
C, C.. C. A 81. U
Colorado r. A I
Colorado A southern.....
Consolidated Uu
Corn FrocoiHi
Delaware A HudHon
Denver A Rio Urande,...
D. A R. O. pfd
Dlatillert Seourltlea ....
Brie lit pfd.
Krle Id pfd
General Electrlo
Great Northern pfd
Ureal Northern Ore ctfs.
Illinolt Central
Interberough Met
Int. Met. pfd
International Harvester .
Int. Marina pfd
International Paper
International Pump
Iowa central
Kanaaa City So
K. ft 80. pit
Laclede Oaa
Loutevllle A Nathvllie...
Minn. A It- Louli
M Bt. P. A g. 8. M....
M., K.. A T
M , K. A T. pfd
Mlaaourt Pacific
National Blacalt
National Lead
N. H. R. of M. 14 pfd...
New York Central
N. Y., O. A W
Norfolk A Weitern
North American
Pacific Mall
People ! Gas
p C. C. A it. L. ......
PiUabarg Coal
Prveaed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car
Hallway Steel Spring
Hepubllc Steel
Kepubtle Steel pfd
Rock Uland Cs
Rock laland Co. pfd
BU L. A 8. F. 2d pfd....
St. Loull B. W
Bt. L. 8. w. pfd
glow-Sheffield 8. A I....
Southern Pacific
Southern Hallway
a. Hallway pfd
Tenneaaee Copper
Teiaa Pacific
T., St. U A W
T., St. L. A W. pfd
Union Paclflo
United State Realty
United State Kubber
I'Dlted Slalea Steel
U. s. Steel pf4
Utah Copper
V. -Carolina- Chemical ..
Wabeiti pfd
Western Maryland ,
Weeunghouee gleotrl ...
Wealern lu,on
whAlin A L. g
Total ale fur the day, Jil.400 shares.
42 Vt
88 -41
11 Si
do couson
V. S. la, reg...
do eoapon ...
. 8. 4i. reg..
do coupon ...
Allla-Chal. 1st
Am. Ag.
.10VSJepan e te
,10114 do 414, t4V4
,I01IK, C. to. let 8 71
.U4SL. B. deo. -4e I'll l'l
-1HI A N, uni. 4 tl
Bal. A Ohio 4.
do 14
do g. W. IHa.....
Brk. Tr. cv. 4....
Cn, of Oa. ta
Cen, Leather 8a....
C. ot N. i. 1.
Tl M , k. A T. let 4a. Ms
101 de ten. 4St It
Am. T. A T. ev. 4l..jOOStMo, I'aclflo 4 17
Am. Tobacco 4eu,.... Tt N. ft. g. ef M. 4V4B. M '4
do 4e 10cHN. r. C. s. I Set 11V
Armour A Co. 4'4... 1144 do deb. 4t 82
Atchleon sen. 4 M N. Y., N. H. A M.
de ev. 4e.., 104 ev. 4 4...111
do cv. 6a 101 N. A W. let con. 4a. M44
At. C. L. lit 4a 48 d cv. 4e 100
. Pt No. PaeMlo 4e 10014
. to do 8 TO
, 8ti40, g. U, rfdg.. 4 MS,
. WPenn. cv, l ll .. trv,
.liHtt do eon. 4a... lot
. M Readlni (en. 4 HV4
lit S. L. A 8. V. Ik. 4i. 44k
Che. A Ohio 4HS..100 do gen. 4.... 11
do ref. la tl St. L. s. W. c 4a ... 11
Chicago A A. IHt.. 70 do lit gold 4e to
C, B. A U. J. 4.... X.HSeaboej-4 A. L. 4.... T44
do sen. e ttso. Pac. col. 4a tfl'i
C. M. A I f, g m tl do ev. 4e MV
K. 1. A r. e. 4s.. iu do let ref. 4 44
do rtdf. 4s 87 ',4 80. Hallway 4a 1044
Colo. Ind. 8 71 oo gea. 4 7t
Colo. Mid. 4a 4S4Uoion Pacific 4a 1004
A . r. A e. 44a. 44 do cv. 4a 10t4a
1. A H. ev. 4a tl do let A ref. 4a.. It
D. A R. O. 4a V. S. Rubber 102U
do ref. f.; ,tH4tr, S. Rteel M la IDS
niHIIIera' 6 uVa.-Caro. Chem. U. lilt
Krle p. I. 4 , tl4Wabah let 6e 1084j
do gen. 4a 12 do let A i. 4a.... 444
Mo cv. 4t. ser. A.. TO western M4. 4a 8344
do terlea B 44 Weet. Kleo. ev. 4 lltt
Oen. Klec. cv, ta Ill Wla. Central 4e to4
III, Cen. lit ref. 4a. 17 M. P. ev. le ctfi.... M1
Int. Met. 4S4a 80
Bid. "ottered.
Nye ana Tipnep Co. I
, 45
44 V4
We beg to announce to the public tho fact that through our New York con
nection we can buy or sell any bond listed on tho New York Stock Exchange,
charging the regular commission of on one per cent. Furthurmore, through
our banking connections in Chicago and Milwaukee and our Boston office, wo
have a wide market for the bonds we offer and are prepared to buy or sell any
well known bonds in which our clients may bo interested.
Pres. Nye-Schnalder-Fowle-r Co., Fremont, Neb. Pres. Fremont Trust Sav's. Bank, Fremont, Neb.
TKANK . 90XBTION, . lmri.n X. TAJtlVET,
Sec. and Trea. Omaha Prlntlnt Company. J'lilllp H. Farley & Co., Boston, Mans..
OXil. W. TTrKim, Jr., Secretary.
Ul888S4SJm WSJta aS44IU8SI.4Jt8A844S.4
Local Belnrltlss.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns.
jr., tKkj .Mif xorx lite Duiiuin(, umana:
8K, A4.
nee Building Co. stock
uitf National 4a, 1420 -
CHr ot Omaha 4t4 1114
Coramoawealih Lite Ins
rtydrtulle freteed Brick fd
Iowa Portland Cement 1st Sits- 4a..
K C, 81. A 0. pfd
Haneaa city atock Yard stock
aUnaaa Clir . U ta, 1811
Lincoln. Neb., 4m 1920
Morrl A Co. 4 H. lilt
alioO.n, Mao., Hei. Water te. 1144....
Nebraaka Telephone nock t r cent.. 101
Mlndaa. Neb., A. W. U. 18S4 N
Nebraaka Tel. stock, t per cent..,.
n..rH.. . w i. v. (,,.,,.,. .,
Umaaa Water Co. la, 1144
Omaha Oat M, 1811
Omeka K. L. pfd t per seal
Omaba A C. B. 8b Br., pfd, es-dir..
Omaha A C. B. Bu Ry te. 1814
Oinaha A C. B. B. A B. pfd
Faclllo T, A T. 8a, lti
puttamouth. Nek., Tel. stock. It . a, 'S4
rtoear ait. oen nock tt tt
twlft A Cs tl!4 lMtt
toath Omasa, City ot, 8. Hk 144
Trl-Cttr Br. A U. 4 tdi, yi
Union stock laro stock. Bo. ouu., 87
Westers Paclfle 8 U14 8144
Vnloa Cob. Co. (bonus) It Tt
laumaUvoal Ceo. c. (hosoai II 14
Cattle Generally Slow and All Kinds
Ihrep and Lamb Trade 8ffr from
Dnllness and Killers Are Ten to
Fifteen Cents Lower and
Feeders Still Worse. .
SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., June 27, 11U0.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog Sheep.
F.stlmate Monday 3,87 7,277 5,9i7
Hama riv lat H.t',7 b.5s7 4,6
Hame day 2 weeks axo.. 4.24J 5. lol 1
Same day S weeks ago.. 2,4U 3,4iM Ai65
Sam riav A ...L. awn . 1 4.11)7 i.lHi
Same day last year 3, 403 6.4B1 ,W0
The following bible shows tne receipts oi
cattU;, hoes and sheep at South Omaha for
trie year to date, compared wmi last yr.
1319. 1909. Inc. Deo.
rattlA AtM Kl liil nai 24 Hal
Hok 1.0S0.747 1.36s.5t7 ill w
Sheep 671,07a 654,254 16 821 ....
The following table shows the averajre
prices of hogs at South Omaha for the
idst several days, wittt comparieuiui
London Stock Market.
b I . 1VDU O, LUI L,TT3
and about unchanged. Later.
light covering advanced part of the list, and
at noon tne marxet was dull, with prices
ranging from unchanged to He higher than
Saturday's New York closing.
London closing stock: quotations:
Console, money .... t2 Lonlavlll A Naah..lKH4
. a2Mo., Kan. A Tex.. Wi
. 4414 New York Central.. 120
t Norfolk Weitern. .101
106 do pfd 41
106 Ontario A Weatern.. 444
Baltimore at timo..iutrnnarlTanla sfl
Canadian Paclflo IMS Hand Mine 4
Cheeapeak A Ohio.. llVBeadln TH
Chi. Great Weatern.. fl southern Hallway .. t4
CM., Mil. A St. F..W. do pfd .-. 42
P Beer lWfeotbern Pacific ,...121t4
Denver A Rio 0.....3I Colon Paclflo V
do pfd CO pfd 4414,
xikut s. aaeei
44 do pfd 11744
HHWabaeh 14
1' do pfd 44H
144. Spanish. 4 ,. ,
S1L.VKK Bar, steady at 21 11-lGd per
MONEY 2V4 per cent
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills is 2 per cent; for three
monins dii is, jv per cent.
do account
Amal. Copper
d pfd
40 1st pfd....
do Id pfd
Grand Trunk .
Illluota Central
Boston Closing" Stocks,
BOSTON. June 27.Closing quotations on
stocks were as iouows:
300 11
127'4 127
M'4 46
111 44
ll 11
1,104 10144 100
1,100 1444 141 14444
100 11444 131
T.lod 1144 IS
41 4144
W44 H4t
1.JO0 14S 7244
1.400 117
1,800 44 "
1.700 10044
1.104 1144k IS 1I
14,104 111 1301 11044
1.7O0 10414 10144 10444
100 tl 4744 4i44
104 II 17 1744 JW
100 157 147 lut
It 1, 400
Amal. Copper
A Z. L. A 8
Arizona Com
B. A C. C. A 8. M.
Butte Coalition
Cal. A Artiona
tel. A Hecla
Copper Hang C. C.
Eaat Butte C. M....
Glroux Con.
Oraoby Con
Greene Cananea ....
lele Koyal Copper..
Kerr Lke
Lake Copner ........
La Salle Copper
Miami Copper
It Mohawk 41
l Nevada Con i4t
1444Nlpleln Mines 114
, 1444 North BuU It 44
, unisons Lak it
, 11 Old Dominion 4V4
, ii44taceoia u
, U Parrott 8. A C 11
,M Qulncy 74
, It Shannon 444
, 404t superior 1
, 1 i superior B. ju t
, 10 Superior A P. C 10
, 44 Tamarack 41
, V. 8. C. A 0 1444
, 744U. i. 8. R. A at ... 11
. je ao pia 4t
, II Utah cos. 11044
, Bawinooa
, 11 Wolvertnt 110
. lVt
Ttt York MinluaT Stocks,
NEW YORK, June 27. Closing quotations
on mining miocki were:
Alllc 100 eiadvlll Con.
Bruoewlck Con. .... 11 LltUe Chief ...
Corn. Tunnel etuck... 14 Mexican
do bond 17440ntarlo
Con. Cal. A Va 17 Uphlr
Horn Silver 40 standard
Iron Silver 200 Yellow Jacket ,
Bank Clearioata.
OMAHA, June 27. Bank clearings for to-
oay were e.wv.ovi.ti ana ior the corre-
spvnuing aaie iaL year a2,i,4ig.67.
17.700 1IT4 17S4 ft,
too It to 40
1,700 4444 42V4 41
200 !24t 3t 11
400 7144 75 44 7 5
200 tS4 4144 41
47,400 122 11IV4 111
1.200 1444 25 24
tot 4u4 144 4444
400 244 2444 It
100 4 14 24
400 2144 224 2i
KM II tl 4044
104,100 17144 1444 1
4044 1444 II
,177.100 774 U 1444
4.490 114 11444 lll'e
1,200 42 4144 4144
, t.400 1144 474 114,
400 It 1844 144
4,100 4444 40 404
400 44 44 44
200 II tl II
400 1444 4J44 43
, 1
Row York Corn Market.
The following quotations are furnished
by Lagan A Bryan, members New York
Stock exchange. 116 South Sixteenth street:
Bay State Ua i 4, Inspiration 1
Butte Coalltloa II Laroae 44
Cactus 1 4-UNev. Conaolidated. .. 1144
Chtno 114kNewaouee ttt
Chief Conaolidated... 14iUh!o Copper 114
Ii4tawblde calltlea... II
14 Hay ventral 144
144twirt Pkf. Co 10444
14 Sear. Hue buck C0..U1H4
11 Silver Pick t
414(uprtr A Pitta burs I044
4 Tonooek Mlalns .... 1
Oeldneid florenee... IS North Lake 104
Oeldtteld Daley 4 Bohemia 444
Oreen Oanenee .... 144
(ly central
Ely Consolidate
Oeldtteld Cnae....
Trtaaary Statement.
WA8HINOTON. June H.-The condition
of the treasury at the beginning of busi
ness today was as follows:
Trust Funds-Oold coin, esllM.ft: silver
dollars, t41.40o,0w; sliver dollar of IKaA
DaU. I 1810. llM8.lt08.UW7.UU6.lt06.1904.
June 16..,
June 17..
June 18...
June 20..
June 21..,
June 21...
June 22...
June U..
June 24..
June 26..
June 26...
June 27..
7 441 I 64
7 U It 63
7 61 16 67
7 a It 64i
7 6J1
7 631
7 64 S 77
J 461 6
7 401 6 K
7 4l 6 67
7 6e 6 83
I 0 40
S 83
4 61
4 M
t ssi 6 n
t 39 '
I 2 I 19
a nil 6 151 6 00
28 6 10 t 07
6 2i 6 lol
6 33 6 13
6 m 6 16
I 6 20;
4 Mil 6 36
it mi Ml 6 28
6 62 6 43 6 32 I 14
5 07
6 0
6 12
6 14
277 5 00
7tW 4 75
051 3 00
712 S 10
m 3 10
43j 3 75
S3 2 7
1 feeder... 700 6 2Ti 44 feeders.. S!2 6 ."
2 feeders.. 915 4 25
I.. Uerggren Wyo.
J2 steers.. ..1278 5 20 24 steers. ...1W7 6 60
25 cows 8M 2 V) i cows 71.t 2 65
10 feeders.. 944 1:0 13 cs. & lis. rr 3 3o
Frank sides wen.
Id ealves... 171 6 26 4 calves.,
6 feeders.. 1088 6 M) 1 heifer.,
I calves... 350 4 00
Frank v Sides Neb.
8 cows 1000 4 SS Scows...
1 cow 10..0 3 00
18 steers.. ..1001 4 ST. 4 heifers
25 steers..., 7fl 4 05 13 cows..,
1 1,: r , v-
J. H. Blair-H. 11.
21 cows 1001 8 70 Scows..,
HOGS Heavier runs of hoes in the eat
made U poE.sible for packers to force values
lower ana local prices were mtiuencea ac
cordingly. Receipts were normal, but two
of the larger buyers, including one or the
big shippe-i-8, stayed out 01 tne trade at
the opening, and absence of competition
resulted In a draggy movement.
L.lKhl and mixed grades were purchased
at f Iguren about a dime lower than at
last week close, but heavies were nardlv
wanted at any price. One drove of 1,20 J
head, largely light hogs, coat and
two other droves, aggregating 3.200 head.
averaged S0.159.12H. It Is needless to add, of
course, that kihhi oacon nogs sold
S9.204j9.26, with mixed and butcher grades
at or near
Demand became even more Indifferent
toward the close, many of the late sales
showing declines of 15c. Heavy hogs suf
fered the full deollne, extreme heavies sell
ing at the bottom of the list.
A larre share of receipts went at 9.1 Off
9.20, as compared with Saturday's spread of i.p.oiee ngni pigs soia an nidi
D.s $9.30, only a nickel lower than the bent
price paid at last week a close.
No. Av. So. Pr. Jo.' Av. Sh. Pr.
46 ZM ... I 00 t 172 10 I It
Sunday. .
Keceluta and disposition of live atock t
the Union tock lards. South Omaiia, ior
twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock, p. m.
June 27, U10:
c ' M AV fit. T. Ity... 2 a ...
Wtthum x .... ..
Mo. Pac. ity. '1
Union Paclnc K. it. . 11
C. a. N. W. Ky iiast ..
C. 4 N. W. Hy West 60
U., t. P., M. O. Ky 14
C, B. 4k Q. Ky., East ..
C, it. cfc V. ity., vvest 01
C, K. I. dc P., Jiast.,. 6
C.. R. I. e V., West.. ..
Illinois central ity....
Total Receipts
a .
ao i
.... a
1 1
36 4
1 ..
110 28
Cattle.Hogs. Sheep.
3,(7 1,235 101
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift & Company .
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co
Murphy Shippers
Benton, Vansant tt Lush 157
Stephens Bros 153
Hill & Son 337
P. B. Lewis 27
J. B. Root & Co 78
J. H. Bulla 77
U F. Hum 114
L. Wolf 47
McCreary & Carey TO
S. Werthelmer 127
Lee Kothechlld 8
Mo. & Kans.-Calt Co... 72
Other Buyera 372
8.000 6.317
Coffao Market.
tuies opened steady at unchanged prices
10 an iiiviura vi a points in sympathy
with nigher i-Tench cables and as a result
01 a continued aemana ior uie near months
from large local trade interests. The buy.
lng from this source fell off in the ltr
trading and the near months reacted under
realizing, wnne later positions improved
somewnat on covering, with the close
sirmy, net. a points lower to i points
hiuho-. Mall advices from Havre stated
.vt n announcement had bean mt
1W4 1044 160 vh.r -hat 60,000 bags of valorisation coffne
1244 2 iUir.i been sold In this country. Sales for
I...T oay were io.ioo Dags. t'loslng bids
Jiine and July, 6.K0: August. 6.65c: Sntm, October, November and December
6.70c; January, 6.72e; February, 6.73c: March
6.74c; April, .75c; May, 6.77o. Spot, steady:
No. 7 Rio, 8 5-16c; No. 4 Santos, 3c. Mild
iimci, vuiauva, yLfc
Metal 3tnrket.
NEW YORK, June 27.-MlCTAIvS-tand-ard
copper, weak; spot and futures, tu.969
12.25. London, easy; spot, 154 lis 3d; fu
tures, 60 3s d. Locally, lake copper, 12.61tt
U-12.87Vt; electrolyUc, 12.2ej 18.50; casting.
12.12Vil2.37H. Tin, quiet; spot. 32..W3.7.i.
London firm; spot, 148 6s; future, (149 2s Sd
Lead, quiet; spot, 4.4i (O'1.50 New loik; 44.1Vk
i 4.4244 East St. Louis; London. 12 15s
Spelter, quiet; 8510.60 New York; $5.00(a
5.024s East bt Louis; London, 23 6s. Iron
lower; 46s lOVtd, Cleveland warrants In
London. Locally quiet; No. 1 foundry
northern, tl6.2tx0l6.6O; No. 2 northern, $16.00
016.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
soft, Ilt.25jl6.75.
v Visible Supply ef Grain.
NEW YORK, June 27. The vlalble supply
of grain in the United States on Saturday,
June 25, as complied by the New York
Produce exchange was:
Wheat, 18.142.000 bu.; decreata,,,,000 bu.
Corn, 5,!'V4.MA bu. ; increase, 81.00 hu
Oats, 4 712.000 bu.; decrease, 552,000 bu.
Rye, 406,000 bu.; decrease. 41 000 bu
Harley. 1.448 000 bu.; decrease. 195,000 btl
The visible supply of wheat In Canada
1VJ85i.uLdy ,2,000 bu.. a decrease
of 314,000 bu.
Mllwanke Ornln Market.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1 14H31.15H;
Jf o. S northern. 1.121.18; September,
OATS 410.
BARLEY Samples 4S(44Hc,
Kllarla Batter Market.
ELGIN. III.. June 27. BUTTER Firm
27VC; output. 1,333,600 lbs.
Total 4.032
CATTLE Aa a general thing when a se
vere break takes place In cattle values
a wins- to larre rAnelnta the country Will re
duce its shipments. Last week under the
strain of heavy marketings of cattle all
markets were more or less demoralised,
declines of 26c(g1.0G per hundred being re
ported. It would seem as if such a break
would be followed by light receipts, but,
on the contrary, today's receipts were ev
erywhere liberal. The only explanation Is
that the dry weather and the lateness of
the season has made the country very anx
ious to unload rejrardless of market de
cliuea. Possibly the country figures that
even after the break of last week prices
are stilt high compared with previous years.
Whatever may luive been the reason re
ceipts this morning, as noted above,, were
large at all polnta, and aa a result prics
were everywhere decidedly lower and the
trade dull at the decline.
There was a wide difference of opinion
among buyers and sellers regarding the
market. Sellers who had cattle last t riday
and who felt the full effect of last week s
decline in many cases thought that they
did Just as well today, that la, they quoted
the market steady. On the other hand a
good many were calling it fully 1015o
lower on the general run of cattle of all
kinds both killers and feeders. One thing
Is certain, the feeling was very weak and
the tendency of the market was lower.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers, r7.25fl8.00; fair to good corn
fed steers. 6.507.25; common to fair corn
fed steers, 85.006.50; good to choice Oows
and heifers, S5.2Vn4i.75; common to fair eows
and heifers, 3. 8041-5.25: good to choice stock
ers and feeders. S4 60(&5.90; fair to good
Blockers and feeders 4.004i50; .common to
fair Blockers and feeders, 3.iiOi&4.00; stock
heifers, S3.6oy4.26; veal calves, S4.0O&7.6O;
bulls, staggs, etc.. K 6005.76.
Av. Pr. No. A...
10M 4 10 1174 7 00
1116 4 40 tt 124 1 00
1044 4 40 It 401 1 IS
1241 t 10 t ! '
til S 40 1 441 I 44
1011 1 00 t 114 1 64
101 I 10 t tlO t 14
11 I 10 I. 424 I 10
Ml I 40 It 441 4 00
117 I 14 104 4 40
424 I 40 11 411 t It
...... 424 t 14 6 470 I 10
414 t 10 t 741 S It
tit 8 14 1 1040 I 7t
1444 I 44 1 I 4 04
1240 t 4t 1 1814 4 24
Ill t to I tot t
170 t 00 t 144 4 24
14 t 40 It 14 t 60
442 I 40 t ' 4 00
4J0 1 19 11 424 4 Ot
I6 I 10 It 140 t 40
mi t to i in t to
til IM 81 1011 6 40
411 8 It
til 4 to
t:7 4 44 t
A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
6 steers.... 6Ti6 S 15 7 cows 8'J2 IV)
11 steers. ...1141 4 90 25 steers.,.. 1030 I 00
42 271 -
44 240
40.. 240
40 I 00
40 t 00
40 00
I do
61 tt 120 4 00
47 ...set to t 00
W,...,...20 10 k 00
44...' 22 120 tOO
40 264 ... 100
II 308 ... I 00
0 278 10 t 00
41 240 120 t 00
40 2l 1M0 1 0244
U 244 40 4 0244
41 M 40 t04
44....... .174 40 1 05
M. ...... .264 JI0 t 05 "
17 ,..2St 40 t 05
0 ...lot 140 4 06
44 2V4 120 t 05
71..'. 246 140 t 06
S ..232 40 t 06
tl 241
41 211
67 ...
14... .....242
17.. 2t
4 HO
42 171
44 247
42 .876
40 t 06
,.. 6 10
. . t 10
40 I 10
0 t 10
40 I 14
244. 120 t 10
.251 M I 10
.Ml 40 I 10
.176 100 t 10
.240 10 t 1244
.261 140 t 124
.tot 10 t 1244
240 140 t 1244
40 t II
M t 15
.. tie
.. t li
.. t 16
.. I 16
71 U 10 I 16
40 114 ... 4 16
48 2i 160 t 15
41 242 160 t It
67 2X2 200 t 15
U m 40 t 16
4i 211 110 I 1144
47 Itil 40 I 174
16 lit ... tl74t
71 190 ISO 9 174
61 241 10 t 1744
41 24 ... 4 20
41 2ft4 40 I 20
11 224 40 I 20
72 161 240 t 20
40. ...... .214 tO t 20
' 72 240 140 9 20
70.. ......241 M t M
l Z2I
41 164
47 tnt
74 224
Mteariy to 10c lower: nigs and lights. 89.00
tt9.7: packers, IM&jja.oS; butchers and
beat heavy, Ssi.fttxii1t.00.
SlIKl'Jl' AM) LAMBS- Receipts. 8. 100
heud. Market, steady to 25c higher; native
muttons, Ii.(r)i4 5i; lambs, tt.bOuiK .00; culls
and bucks, 2.504K.75; Blockers, S3.Outf4.0O.
Bt. Joseph I.lvet Mtock Market.
ST. JOSEril. June 27. CATTLE Re
celpts. 1.300 head: market steady: steers.
$5.5047.76; cows and heifers, S2.60flti.76;
calvea, S3.OUA7.60.
HOUS Receipts. 6.000 head: market RO
10c lower; top, til. 40; bulk of sales, 8J.25
SHEKP AND LA M H8 Receipts. 1.300
head; market slow and steady; lambs, 86.50
Stock In Mlaht.
Receipts of live stock at the five princi
pal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 3.875 7,275 6.000
St. Joseph 1,300 6.010
Kansas City 7.OU0 6, vox)
St. Louis 3,000 6,000
Chicago 83,000 . 33,000
48,775 56,875 34,100
40 I 20
40 t 20
40 t 20
SO 4 20
40 t 20
. . t 20
.224 120 t 20
.240 140 t 20
.221 100 t 20
.244 ... t 20
.223 80 t 2244
.2-15 140 t 2244
.224 640 I li
.207 10 t 2t
.224 80 4 25
.224 140 I 25
.221 40 t 25
til ... 4 26
.214 40 t 25
.201 40 t 25
.18t 80 t 25
.101 120 1 2744
.Xtt ... 4 10
.14 ... t 10
SHEEP From the amount of business
tranaacted In the sheep barn this morning,
It appealed as If buyers had taken a day
of.. Salesmen denied the existence of any
kind of a market during early hours, and
while a few small bunches ot fat stock
changed hands, demand was decidedly
backward and trade almost lifeless.
Receipts were fully normal, the big end
of the run consisting of grass sheep. Aver
age, quality was very1 common, several
strings showing up that were too thin for
killers and not very desirable as feeders.
Naturally, the trend ot prices was lower,
packers buying most of their stuff at re
ductions of 10jl5c after trading finally
started. Stock sheep suffered even more
then 'fleshy uiaxk-s, as feeders do not care
to have their .orders filled until weather
condition!) are more favorable. While it Is
pretty hard to quote any actual decline on
feeder sheep and lambs so early In the
season, today's Bales are safety 15fl23c lower
than those of laat week's close.
Quotations on gratis stock: Choice spring
lambs, S6.9U&7.25; fair to good spring lambs,
III. 4041(1.; - good to choice yearlings, o.25'tt
5.60; fair to good yearlings, 4.Su(25.2o; good
to oholoa wethers, l.25'u4.60; fair to good
wethers, 3.90fl4.25; good to choice ewes,
l!.0O4.35; fair to good ewes, S3.6uiH.00.
Representative sales:
22 western Iambi ,
western lambs
10 western lambs, culls..
86 fed lambs
15 fed Jambs, culls
(1 fed ewes .,
16 fed ewes, cults
847. Wyoming wethers
312 Idaho yearlings, cull feeders 63
273 Idaho yearlings, feeders 65
660 Idaho wethera, feeders 90
158 Idaho Wethers, feeders 90
17 western ewes 88
... 68
... M
... 62
... 61
.. 116
7 26
4 35
2 75
7 25
5 00
4 00
I 25
4 30
5 75
4 00
8 65
3 65
i 50
82 steers.... 727 4 10
8 steers.... 841 4 DO
steers.... 431 S 60
18 steers.... K"3 4
24 steers.... 90 4 65
14 heifers... 646 I 15
Russell Thorp vVyo.
I titers..... 915 4 00 1 steer 700 i 00
Cattle and Hogs Market Generally
Lower Sheep Reported Higher.
CHICAGO, June 27. CATTLE Receipts,
83.0UO head; market, generally lower; steers,
S6.26i8.ti0; cows, t4.2.ijf 6.76; heifer, S4.00(u
I6.50; bulls. 4.00r7.uO; calves, S3.00fl8.25;
stockers and feeders, 44 0Ofj6.5O.
HOGS Receluts. 33.000 head: market. 6fi
10c lower; heavy, t.45f.50; butchers, 89 .40
4j9.55; mixed, i.3ia.4o; light, i9.Wriua.oo;
bulk of sales., S9.25fh9.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.000
head; market strong to 25c higher; sheep,
S3.7oiiiH.76; yearllngB, S4.75fl6.0O; lambs, So. 50
flt.76; spring lamus, o.wu m.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 7,0"0 head, Including 3,300
southerns. ' Market, steady; stockers,
string; dressed beef and export steers,
7.00fl8.26; fair to good, to. 354; 7. 00; western
steers, - liOufl 8.00; stockers and feeders,
I8.00flt.15; southern steers, I3.70fl6.35;
Southern cows, S2.50fl4.50; native cows, S2.50
4)5 26; native heifers, 83.60&6 50; bulls, S2.!M?
5.76; calves, S4-60fl7.6o.
HOGS Receipts, 5,0u0 head. Msrket, b&
lOo lower; light hogs, strong; tup, S9.50;
bulk of sales, 19.20A9.40; heavy, 9. 15f9 26 ;
packers, and butchers, 83.25fl9.40; light, SSI. 30
fe9 50: pigs, 18.75fl9.O0.
HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8000
head. Market, steady to 26c lower; lambs,
84.50fl7.40; yearlings, 65.0UAS.75; wethers,
S4.25A6.00; ewes. S3.T5fl4.76; Blockers and
feeder, 12.753450
t. l.onta I.lvo Stock Market.
ST. LOUI8, June 27. CATTLE Receipts,
8.600 head, . including 2,000 Texans. Market,
steady to .10c higher; native shipping and
export Steers. 7.2TcrH 00; dressed beef and
butcher steers, f'.OittflO; steers under
1.000 pounds, S5.7Ti(&7.40; stockers and feed
ers, 84. 2&A 67ft; cows and neirers, t4.Z5Q7.00;
canners. S-' 6Wil.76: bulls. 84 25A6.00; calvea.
86.MtQ826r Texas and Indian steers, S4 40fl)
7.10: cows and heifers, S3.60H5.75.
, HOUd-IUcelpta, 6,600 head. Market,
Staple and Fanes' Produce Prlees Far
stlshed by Bayers and Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. L delivered to
the retail trade, in 1-lb, cartons, 2vo; No. 1
in 25-lb. tubs, 2S4e: No. 8, lu l-lb. cartons,
27c; In 00-lb. tubs, 274te; packing atock, solid
pack, 204tc; dairy, in to-lb. tubs, 83o. Mar
ket changes every Tuesday.
CHEEsiu Twins, lie; young Americas,
18c; daisy, liftc; triplets, 176c; liniuerger,
18c; No. 1 brick, 17c; No. 2, 14c; imported
bwlHH, 30o.
POULTRY Dressed broilers, 30c; hens.
16c; cocks, llVxc; ducks, 18c; geese, 15c; tur
keys, 26c; pigeons, per dos., 81-60; homer
squabs, 84.00 per doi.; faucy squabs, 83.69
per duz.; No. 1, 83.00 per dos. Alive: Broil
ers, from 14 to 1ft lbs., Uu; 1ft to 1 lbs.,
18c; hens, 12ftc; old roosters, 7c; ducks, full
feathered, 7c; geese, full feathered, 10c; tur
keys, 16c; guinea low la. Hoc each; pigeons,
Vic per don; homers, t-i.00 per dos,; auuaba,
No. J, 12.00 per do.; No. 2, 60c
FISH tail f4osen-Pickerel. lOo; white
fish, 14c; pike, l3o ; trout, lto; large crap
pies, IbAlftc; Spanish mackerel, 16c; eel, 18c:
haddock, 13c; flounders,. 12u; green catfish.
16c; buffalo, 8o; halibut, 11c; white perch,
9c; bullheads. 14c; wblte cat, 18c; roes had.
Si icach; Bhadroea, per pair. 60o: frog lega. -80c
per dos. .
MEAT CUTS-Rlb- No. J. J6Vio; No. 1
14c; No. 3, 9ic. Loins: No. 1, lsc; No. 8.
144c; No. 8, 10yc. Chuck: No. 1, 8e; No. 2
8c; No. 3, 6ftc. Round: No. 1, llo;-No. 2.
1144c; No. 8, 84tc. Plate: No. 1, 7'ao; .No. 8.
6ftc; No. 8, 6fto.
FRUITS-Oranges: California Camilla
brand Redland navels, 80 slse, per box, S3 00:
100 site, per box, 83.36; m size, per box.
S4.00; 150 size, 84.25; 176 and smaller size,
per box, 84 50. Havana Mediterranean
bweets, 126-112 sizes, per box, 83.00; 126 and
150 sizes, per box, S3.26M60; extra fancy
Mediterranean sweets, per box. S3.504u3.76:
VulencluB, 96-112-126 sizes, 84.60; 160 and
smaller sizes, 84.75. Lemons: Llmorlera,
extra fancy, 300-300 sizes, S8.6ofl9.00; choloel
300-360 sizes, per box, S8.O0,8.50; 240 size, 600
iiei uum. less., bananas: ancy select, per
bunch, S2.26fl2.50; Jumbo, bunch. S2.76A3T76.
Pineapples: Florida, 30-36 sizes, 83.00 ; 48-48
sizes, I2.75fl3.00. Cantaloupes: . California
64 size, 83.00 ; 45 standurda, 83-50. Cherries1
California, per lo-lb. box, 81.75. Apricots
r- Ii ' '".'"" crate, ii.ou. flums:
California, red, per 4-basket crate. SI 40.
Peaches: California, per 20-lb. box. SL101
triumph, per box, 81.25. Watermelons!
Texas, 2c per lb. Dates: Anchor brand,
new, 30 1-lb. packages, in box, per box. 82.00
VEGETALLE8 Potatoes : Irish, Wscotv.
sin and native, per bu., 60fl60c. new. In
jacks, per bu., 81.10. Cabbage: New Cali
fornia and southern, per lo., Sc. Onions'
Texas crystal wax, per crate, 12.00; yellow
per crate, 81.75. Uarhc: Extra fancywhite!
per ib., 16c; red, per lb., 16c. Egg Plan?
Fancy Florida, per doz.. Sl.50fl3.wl F TomaU
toes: Texas, per 4-uueket crate, $1.36. Beans:
String and wax, per hamper, about 25 lbs
82.50; market baskets, 81.00. Cucumbers':
butbox'!USSie75.I,er UOi" T"- P
ishes:, kxtra fancy home-grown, per doz.
bunches, 20c. Lettuce: Extra fancy, leaf
per doz., 30c. Parsley: Fancy home-grown,
per doz. bunches, 3uc. Rhubarb: per dos
bunches, 46c. Asparagus: Per doz. bunches'
IBfloOc. Onions: Green, per doz. bunchel
25c. Turnips: Per market basket, 60c Car
rots: per market basket, 60fl!75o. lleeU: Per
?ariket taJk' 65475c- 8Plnah: Per busheL
get 990 "er m"kt
MISCELLANEOUS-rWalnuts:' Black, per
lb., 2c; California, No. L per lb.. 17o- Cali
fornia, No. 2, per lb., 14cT ' CU
HICKORY N UTS-Large, per lb 4m
small, per lb.. 6c Cocoaiiuts: p7 BacgJ'lfi OOi
per doz., 65c. . . t
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 27.-COTTON-Snn4
closed dull 10 points lower; mlddllrTVn-
i9SbW,WC: mldd","f 8Ulf' U2i"-
COTTON Futures closed steady Clo
June. 814.96; July, $14.94; I t si:
September, $13.09; October. 112.42; November'
$12.30; December, $13.23; January turn
February. 812.18; March, 12.20 ' U
ST. LOUIS. June 27.-CoTTON-Steadv-mlddllng,
14T.C. Sales, none. Receipt. 1
bajes; shipments. 1.769 bules; Vock. VS3
Liverpool Grain and Provision.
dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock
futures steady; July. 6s 7d; batorroa
94d; December, 6s lOTid. "-, oa
PKA8 Canadian steady at 7s
FLOUR Winter patents, 28s 6d.
Dry Goods Market.
Market was steady for the day, with busi
ness on moderate hand-to-mouth scale la
cotton goods. Dress goods rule generally
quiet. Jobbers are doing a very light trade,
Sir Market.
NEW YORK. June 27 Si "GA It-Raw.
firm; muscovado 89 test. 3.74c; centrifugal
.7 1 molasses sugar, 89 test, 3 49a:
rerined. quiet; crunhed. 6.86c; granulateu!
6.15c; powdered. 6.25c.
Mouenleiie at Unehee.
AVIATION PARK.. T.iirriiinp -'..-
Juntt J77Counl L-Mfp', flfty-hprs'a
j, r,.V r'n"PliU4 h which- ho
crossed the English channel arrived today
for the International avtatin meet .vT
Herbert B.Coooh Go
Broker and Dealers
Omaha Offlei, lit Board of Trad Stldg.
U, eTaoaa, Dong, gait lad. eV-dl W