Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Kor Nebraska Generally fair.
Kor Iowa (.JciieraUy fair.
For weather report ee pagn 2.
It th mot powerful bntlnefM
Kttr In th went, becau It os
to the home of poor and rtcb.
VOL.' M.-XU. 8.
Oregon Short Line Limited Held Up
ByMasked Bandist Within
City Limits.
Hold Up Passengers in Each Car
Without Sign of Fear.
Head of One Woman.
Hundred rasspaifera Are Relieved of
Ynlaablea and lootrnK of Safe
' la lUa IS x press tar Are
1'nrrlrd ' Annr. .
ucJDLN, Utah, June 27.-Tt.roe masked
t,:imilm iinlil uu the sriond section of
likoit Line train No. 1
bound, which luit Ogden ul l ocioi
tills morning at fcecoud street in the north
ern part of Una clly. All of tho passen
gers in Hie train Wero relieved of their
valuables and the express messenger wl
compelled to deliver over tlio contents of
his sate. The exact amount the robbers
obtained has nut been ascertained. Two
passengers and two trulnmen were injured.
The robbers drove to Second street from
Ogden lit a buggy. They atopped the train
by placing railroad torpedoea on the track.
Whan the sngliieer brought the train to a
top the head biakcman went forward to
ascertain tlie cause of the delay aiid was
struck with a revolver by one of the rob
bers, lie was then taken at the point of
a, gun to the express car and compelled to
call to the messenger to open the door.
As soon as the door was opened one of the
bandit crawled In and commanded the
messenger to open the safe. After rifling
the safe the robbers turned their attention
to the coaches. As they started for the
coaches Hear Brakeman N, B. Franklin
was met us he was on his way forward.
The bandits commanded him to halt, but he
(Unregarded the order and two shots were
fired at blm. He then stopped and one of
the bandits knocked him down. Franklin
rolled into a ditch, where he feigned uncon
sciousness. After seeing that he was not
watched he Jumped up and ran three blocks
to the home of Deputy Sheriff John
Hutched, whom he aroused and Informed
of tha robbery. The deputy hurried to the
aecene, arriving Just aa the train pulled
out for th n'jirlii.
The train robbers went through each
fcoech with a deliberation and calmness
that showed they were not novices at the
Whan Conductor H. L. Williams left tha
train, he was covered by cn of the rob
bers and ordered back Into a coach. While
erne' pf'.th . desperadoes- -stood .guard over
Engineer Klrkwood, - ther other two with
revolvers drawn, went through the train,
ordering each' passenger to hand over his
valuables. , 6n woman, Mrs. J. H. Ball,
was relieved, of a pair of diamond ear
rings, which were torn from her ears. A
foreigner, whose name was not learned,
Wan assaulted by the robbers. The man
did hot understand what was going on
and was brutally beaten with the butt of
a . revolver. . After tha train had been
robbed the desperadoes fired a fusillade
of shots In tho air to terrorize the passen
gers, got Into their buggy and drove away.
Sheriff Wilson gathered a small poena
and Started In There were nearly
100 passengers on the train,, every one of
whom lost something.
Officer have been busy 'all forenoon
rounding up Suspicious characters. Two
suspects re under., arrest.
Vatican Note to
Spain is Regarded
. as an Ultimatum
J ; ' ,
Demand Decree Be Withdrawn Be
fore Negotiations for Concordant
Are Resumed Starts Rioting. .
MADRID, June 27,-The Vatican's latest
note to tha Spanish government Is re
garded a practically un ultimatum. It
insists, till tha withdrawal of the decree
of June 11, us a condition precedent to the
continuation of the negotiations over tha
revision of concordat.' The republicans and
radicals ar orgahUlivg throughout Spain
counter manifestations ngalnst the Cath
olic agitation.
BILBAO, Hpalr June 27. Republicans
who ware making an antl-Cathollc demon
stration entered the Carllst club rooms to
day and rioting followed. The police in
tervened, but before the fight was stopped,
one mini hud bean killed and many others
BAN SEBASTIAN. Spain. June 27.-A re
ligious riot occurred before the quarters of
the Basque dub today und shots were ex
changed. Municipal guards chafed the
disturbers, killing one man and wounding
sevou other.
Stock Market Off
Two to Four Points
Rumor of Morgan's Death Discounted
by His Appearance at Office,
but Fall Continues.
NEW TORK. June .-The stuck market
developed a very Weak tone today, the ex
planation not bsing obvious In any of the
known events of tha day. Humors were cir
culated early that J, Pierpont Morgan had
died suddenly or was seriously 111, but the
appartnce Of Mr. Morgan at his office
caused It to be assumed that bear activ
ities war responsible for the downward
course of prices. This assumption was
weakened Whtrt the fall In prices was re
newed with even greater violence.
The aotive trading stocks were 2 to 4
points lowsr than their closing prices of
Saturday by tha middle of tha afternoon.
Tha spring wheat crop was tha subject
tf continued solloltud. Tha unexpected
weakness of th market gave rise to a feel
ing of dread that som bad news was hov
ttrlng over tha market which had not yet
become kraut
Two Chinamen
Dead, One Hurt,
Seven Arrested
Deadly War Betwen Four Brother!
and "a Lecn Tongs Breaks Out
2 Vnew in New York.
RK, June 27. Two Chinamen are
rd Is badly wounded In a hos-
5-al .S
ven orientals rtre undeq arrest
t of the renewal yesterday of
hA In the never-dying Tong war
u Ft Long Island laundryman. was
i 'flrsrl'i in to succumb to the wounds
h eclv" ten o fusillade of shots broke
Ic i whi Four Brothers, one of the
pi .-s ti.uv!" conflict, were celebrating an
ar. vrsary in Ptil street, and the On
Loon Tongs, their rivals sore over tho
murder recently of one of their number.
were gathered In force In Mott street near
by and are alleged to have raided the
at riving banqueters.
The second victim was Sen Jong, shot In
front of a store at Mott and Pell streets,
w.iero the heaviest shooting occurred. Jing
died early today, Chu Pan, the third man
tu be struck by tha flylni bullets. Is ex-
jiected to recover. He is under guard In
the hot-pital.
The troubla wns unexpected, but the po
lice artlved In time to confine It to the Im
mediate locality, and believe that among
tho men they grabbed during tha melee
they may bo able to find some guilty par
Tlie two dead men were of the Four
Brothers and tlie recent killing of Chong
Fook Yuen is said to be considered by
fellow Tong members of the dead man
among the On Leungs to have been ade
quately avenged.
Immediately after the shooting a big
force of police was thrown Into Chinatown
and today the district Is being strongly
guarded to prevent a 'renewal of the
Desperado Kills
Three Men and
Wounds Three
W. H. Bostwick of Occilla, Ga., Who
Defied Officers for Hours, is
Finally Killed.
ATLANTA, Ga.. June 27. W. H. Bost
wick, the desperado, who killed three men
and wounded three at his home near Oc
cilia, yesterday, was found dying In hla
barricaded home turly today when the
Fitzgerald company of the National Guard
captured the '.louse. He expired within an
hour. The five children who were In the
house with him were rescued uninjured
It Is supposed a bullet fired during the
fight with posses last night struck him
Sheriff J. P. Delnnls died today:
The soldiers today kicked In tha door and,
with drawn revolvers., entered; tha house.
liostwlck waa founds on- tha- floor uhcon-
clous. The children, terrified, huddMed
near. It waa reported at first that guards
men had killed bostwick. but this was
denied later. .
The affair began Sunday afternoon when
an officer went to arrest Bostwick. Later
In the afternoon Sheriff Mclnnls and
posse went after him. After Bostwick
killed Chief of Police Steve Davis and Dep
uty Sheriff Sheffield Of Occilla Sheriff
Mclnnls and two deputies fell badly
wounded. ....
A new posse was formed and another at
tack made It waa known that Mrs. Bost
wiok had fled with one child, but the
father kept the remaining five In the house
with him. One of the children he sent out
to gel the revolver that the dead polioe
chief had dropped, knowing that the posses
would not fire on the led. '
The posse of local citizens kept up a fire
on the beleagured man all night. The llv
lug victims of. Bostwlck's bullet are ex
pected to recover.
He Had Commenced . Dictating; Me
ate Whti He Derided to Give
Farther Hearing;.
WASHINGTON, .June 27. It leaked out
today that three days before congress ad
Journed President Taft started to dictate
message vetoing the river and harbors
bill which he finally signed. At the last
moment the president decided to give the
framers of the measure a hearing. He sent
for them and it was because of their expla
nation and the announcement of their plans
for the future that Mr. Taft finally affixed
his signature.
Man Supposed to Be Burned to Deat
Un Kxcuraleu Steamer
la Foand.
LACROSSE, Wis., June 27.Latest can
vass of homes of people who were on th
excursion steamer "J. 8," which burned
Saturday nltfht. Indicate that Mrs. Emma
R.indall of New Albion was the only pas
scuger of 1,500 whose life was lost. H
body was recovered Joday. John Flu ne
who was reported burned to death on the
boat, was located today at DeSoto. Th
list of Injured now reaches close to 100.
Only six of these suffered serious Injury.
Three Omaha Girls Arrested
in Ogden in Male Attire
Through friends who have a mean way
of being friendly, the adventures of three
young Omaha women who "beat" their way
from Omaha to Ogden. in male attire,
headed for Reno, were reported In Omaha
Monday morning. According to tha report,
tha young- women were arrested at Ogden
Just aa two had swung upon th bumper
between the box car and the third was
grasping a hand-hold to follow.
Th girl are It, & and 21 year old, re
spectively, and are good looking. When
the Ogden police took them In charge, they
were garbed In greasy overalls and tolled
"Say, what' th matter with your hatT"
remarked a policeman, upon notlolng that
each of th prisoners was busily adjusting
"bis" hat and hair. "Tak 'nt off and you
won't ba so uarvoua."
Foreign Government Seeks Extradi
tion of Self-Confessed Slayer of
Wife at Lake Como.
Accused Man Breaks Down Under
Strain and Weeps.
Surrender of Prisoner to Romo
Matter of Diplomacy.
Foreign Office at Rome Has Often
Refused to Return Italian Clti
sena Wanted for Crime in
This Country.
ROME, June 27. The foreign office today
decided to follow the provisions of the Ital
Ian-American extradition conventions and
to ask for the extradition of Porter Charl
ton, leaving It with the American author
ities to accept or refuse the request
With this decision the Lake Como mur
der case enters the realm of diplomacy,
nd the outcome of the exchanges between
Rome and Washington will be followed
with on Interest quite outside that attach
ing to the murder of Mrs. Charlton. As
soon as It waa Known nere mat tne con
fessed slayer was under arreBt In the
United States, the ministry of Justice rec
ognized the unusual situation In which the
Italian authorities were placed and referred
the whole matter to the foreign office.
Fine Leal Point Raised.
Extradition between the United States
and Italy Is provided for In the conven
tions of 186S and 1884, but Italy has always
held that these treaties did not cover the
cases of Italian citizens, who, having com
mitted crimes In the United States, escaped
to their native country. In such instance
the government has Insisted that the ac
cused be tried In the courts of their coun
trymen. Several times requests for extra
dition of Italian criminals from the Amer
ican State department have been refused.
In the Dresont case the government deter
mined to put the matter up to Washington.
Should the American State department fol
low the preoedent established by this coun
try and reruse tne extradition oc cimriioii,
its action will be construed as a recog
nition of the equity of the Italian Interpre
tation of the extradition conventions pro
viding, of course, that the refusal Is not
based on the grounds that th prisoner is
Insane or tfcr any reason other than that
ha la an American citizen.
Charlton in Slate of Collapse.
NEW YORK, June 27. Italy's decision to
apply for Porter Charlton' extradition, an
nounced today, 1 believed here to be likely
to hasten a decision on tha pending ques
tion of his mental condition. .
Coincident, ,- with the new, froni iUrnie,
too. comes word from jersey city, wnere
tne COnireocu wi3 uiuiucici .o
pending hl.s arraignment tomorrow on the
charge of being a fugitive from Italian Jus
tics, that the young prisoner breakdown
of yesterday had been followed by a night
of sleeplessness with frequent spells when
the youth seemed to lose control of him
self and to break Into sobs and moans.
His condition today was considered worse
than last night, when Warden Sullivan
sent In a hurry call for physicians.
Already Charlton has been examined by
the' group of alienists engaged by his
father. Judge Paul Charlton, to determine
his mental state, and Dr. W. J. Arlltz, who
saw the prisoner when he was In his Mate
of collapse, declared himself confirmed in
the opinion he had previously expressed
that Charlton was suffering from a form
of dementia.
McMurray Will
Make Statement
Oklahoma Attorney Preparing Com
plete Denial of All Charges
of Wrong Doing.
WASHINGTON, June 27.-1. F. McMur
ray of McAleater, Okl., the attorney whose
contracts with Choctaws and Chtckasawa
are to be made the' basis of an investiga
tlon to be conducted by select committees
of the house and senate, will prepare a
statement for submission to th two com
mittees setting forth a complete disclaimer
of anything except what Is proper and
There was no meeting of the senate com
mitter today as anticipated.
Its hearings are likely to be held In Wash
ington. The house committee will meet In
Oklahoma during the first week In August,
Bill of Government Against Western
Roada Stricken from
ST. LOUIS, June 27 United States Dis
trict Attorney Charles H. Houts today
asked for the dismissal of the suit brought
In the United States circuit court by the
government against railroads composing
tho Western Trunk Line committee to re
strain the proposed Increase In freight
rates. Judge Dyer ordered the suit dis
missed. After a trifling hesitation and consider
able blushing the prisoners complied.
"Aha," ejaculated the policeman. in the
move of taking off their caps each pris
oner became enveloped In a mas of fow.
Ing locks.
"I guess Bill Harris. Tom Morton and
Frank Maxwell are nom de plumes eh"
Then came further development and ad
mission. .... , ... . inuwi io gjv, tnlr
real names, and explained they had been
waitresses In Omaha and upon getting out
of work had undertaken to go west for
their better fortunes. AfUr a night in th.
matron's room, they were raleased. x
young roan named Earl Leslie.' whom tha
young women said had helped them on
their adventure, was bald.
j A Record of Which to Be
From the Philadelphia Press.
Returns' to Des .Moines With Some
Praise for Congress.
lowaa Declares They Made Railroad
Bill Good Disclaims Any
Credit for Postal Sav
in K Act.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, June 27. (Special Tele
gramsSenator Cummins, who returned to
hla home today, said that In his opinion the
work of the congress Just closed on the
whole was excellent and that many good
measures are to Its credit, though there are
some that are not. J
"The one measure for which the stand
patter are entitled to full credit Is the,
postal savings bank bill," said Senator
Cummins, "and they can have It."
"I think it Is but fair to say that to
the persistent and hard work of the pro
gressive republicans Is due the railroad
bill, which, as it passed, Is good," con
tinued Senator Cummins.
"The bill In its regular form was vicious.
It was so construced as to repeal the anti
trust law; mergers could be effected under
It and the old over-capltallzatlon, which
has been fought for ten years, was made
possible again.
"As to the withdrawal bill and the cam
paign publicity bill, there were really no
serious differences of opinion; every one
was for them. The publicity bill Is good
a far aa It goes, but In the opinion of
progressives It does not go far enough."
The senator has a number of speaking
engagements at chautauquas, but may be
compelled to give them up, owing to 111
Senator Dolllver Is expected to go to
Arizona for his health.
Will Test Iowa Coal.
The State Board of Control has become
convinced that a great saving can be af
fected In the coal bill of the state by
placing testers at some of the state Insti
tutions so that the coal received may be
tested as received. The state buys 96,000
tons of coal a year. At present there is no
way of determining whether the state re
colved Its money's worth In coal. At the
last bidding the offers were all regarded
as too high and a new set of bids will be
secured In the hope that tlie state will saye
about 110,000.
Rifle Contest ia Mext.
The coming week the site rifle contest
of the shooting teams of th Iowa guard
companies will be ne'ld at the state rifle
range near this city. About 'At member of
the guard are expected here to compete
In the contest. A large number of trophle
are at take and cash prizes for individuals
(Continued on Second Page.)
'Everybody reads
Bee want ads.
If you want a servant, use a
Bee want ad. If you want a
position, use a Bee want ad.
If you want to rent a house or
buy a home, use a Bee want
ad. Bee want ad columns
carry all of the bargains.
Bead them today. It will be
Bleaching Flour
Does Nothing but
Change Its Color
Chicago Expert Chemist Testifies
that Food Value of the Product
is Not Affected.
. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 27. Attorneys
for both sides said the bleached flour trial
probably would be finished this week when
the case was resumed in the federal court
Prof. George R. Teller of the Columbus
laboratory, Chicago, testified that he had
examined several . thousand samples of
uieacnea iiour to determine their com
mercial value, which had convinced him
that the process of bleaching flour had no
effect on the flour except to change Its
He said that bleaching added no nitric
or nitrous acids to the flour and that the
digestive value of the product was not Im
paired. He said that In one Instance he had found
four times as much of the nitrite material
In unbleached flour as In flour of the same
kind that had been bleached. .
un cross-examination he was asked If
this were not remarkable In view of the
fact that both the bleached and unbleached
flours were subjected to exactly the same
atmospherio condition. The witness ad
mitted that his experiment had produced
exceptional results.
Speaker Saya He Will Return
Mext Session if He is Still
WASHINGTON, June 27. "God willin
I'll ha hap. . ... ...
- ne, .cnoiuii, una it win ne rr
the republican majority to determine who
snau De speaker."
speaker Cannon paid a farewell call at
at the White House today and the above
is what he had to say regarding his futnr.
,m i ...
mane a rare pie, " continued the
speaker, "you have got flrBt to catch your
hare. I may not be living when the next
session of congress comes around, but If I
am I will be In the hands of the grand
old republican party to do with me as
they will. There are a lot of folk who
think chaos would reign If I came back
as speaker. They prate about czarism and
all that sort of thing, but let that go.
"In all my life I have never seen a situ
ation so full of promise for a republican
victory in the fall. It always happens that
the democrat win hands down at this
time of year, but when the ballots are
counted they comb out behind."
Two Browne Jurors Disagree
About Merits of Big Pugilists
CHICAGO, June 27.-1 11 o'clock this
forenoon the Jury which la considering
the Browne bribery case had been out
sixty-seven hours. There was no sign
of an agreement so far as outward Indi
cations showed.
Even in the Isolated Jury room, where on
of the most momentous verdicts In the
history of Illlnoi.i is being considered th
Jeffries-Johnson fight Is not forgotten.
This developed today when Judge McHureiy
called the reporte-a io him.
"Boys," said hi. "it Is quite useless to
guess how th Jury stands. Nobody knows.
I don't know myself. I see by on of th
Make No Protest to Rate Increase
East of Chicago.
Dry Good Jobbers and
fnse to Stand for tha
, Raise Rates the
Others Re
Omaha to Chicago.
Omaha and South Omaha packing inter
ests are submitting to last week's raise 1
rates by the railroads with a striking
quietude when compared to the objection
registered last May. The May Increase ap
plied to traffic from the Missouri river to
Chicago. The newest Increase Is from
Chicago to the seaboard and Is S cents for
100 pounds on dressed meats, i cent on
provision and packing house product and
3 cents also on hogs and sheep.
But In view of the way the railroads
worked the Increase, absence of protest
here is not so surprising. The heads of the
packing Interests In Chicago were sum
moned to New Tork City and there told
that this increase would result in better
service. By this and other arguments
which have not appeared, the packer were
Induced to accept the Increase without
It was expected that the packing inter
ests would thus be made to function as
"bell cow" and that western dry goods
dealers and similar lines would be induced
to abandon their position of stout resist
ance to a general Increase In freight rates,
But up to date the dry goods men and
others have not fallen Into line and have
refused-to be placated by the example of
the packers. It Is generally known that the
recent visit of Oeorge W. Perkins to Chi
cago, who was sent by the Morgan Inter
ests to tell Chicago and other western
shippers to submit, has only served
make these shipper the more vigorously
opposed to a general uplift In freight
tariff. The packing Interests alone form
an exception to thlB.
As' regurds to rates from the Missouri
river to Chicago, the situation Is Just the
same as It was. The Alton & Wabash,
which do their trafflo from Kansas City,
have stayed oat, the one because of a
contract and the other that the Alton may
not get all the business. But the advance
continues to affect Omaha and South
Girl Shoots Persistent Admirer.
CHICAGO, June 27. Route Perrlno, 13
years old, rejected the persistent advances
of Antonio Kosxi with a revolver here to
day and RosmI Is believed to be dying with
a bullet wound li. the head. Rosui, It Is
said, followed Miss Perrlno to the feather
factory where nhe Is employed today. As
he entered the building the girl drew a
revolver and fired twice.
papers that the Jurymen have been engaged
In a flstio encounter. A a matter of fact
there was nothing to It. Two Juror who
ar agreed as to the verClct got Into a
friendly argument a to th relative merits
of Jeffries and Johnson. This developed
Into a wrestling match. It was not serious."
ABked how long th Jury mlgnt tay out,
the Judge said:
"I want to leave th city with my family
next Friday. If they stand six to six at
that time, probably I will discharge them.
If it Is eleven to one, or ten to two some
thing like that I may hold them still
ired Automobile Drivers Show Up
in Omaha Approximately
on Time.
Bore Visible Signs of Hot Riding
and Muddy Roads.
Guests of Local Autoists
Had no
Time for Frolio.
rathftnder Says Farmer Are to Be
Complimented on the Manner
in Which They Cara for
The 1910 Gllddenltes raced Into Omaha
lat evoning at the end of the longest
ay's run since the ti'ur began. Baked
by tho heat, covered with dust on which
mud had later landed and dried, tired.
thlroty and ravenously hungry, these au
tomobile enthusiasts were eager to plunge
Into bathtubs and afterward to cat and
ci'P. They did not bit around frolicking
after the cars were parked their scores
uined in aul Inner and outer man at
tended tn. The touitsls arrived approx
imately on time.
Bui although It was a long ride. It was
not tho touKhest, according to the state
ments of Dal Lewis, the official puh-
inder, and others, for the roads from
Leavenworth to M&rysvlUe proved unusu
ally good. .
"The beet stretch we hav struck yt."
said Lew 1b. "1 want to compliment tha
farmers on the way they have been keep
ing up the roads. You take and drag a
gumbo road and pay a little attention to
It and It's great. Why, It waa just like
slipping along a boulevard."
The fact that nearly all th car were
in Omaha by 7 p. m. attests the statement
that the roads were In good shape, for the
run yesterday was 212 miles, which Is a
fairly considerable distance to negotiate In
fourteen hours. The pathf hiding . oar left
Kansas City at 6 a m. and pulled Into
Oinahu at U:30. St. Joseph was reached
by Lewis at 9 o'clock.
Many of the autoiuoblltsts were eager to
talk of the Injunction sought by Max
Parry of the Parry Automobile company,
but a lengthy search failed to find any
tourist who sympathized with Parry's ef
fort to tie the trip up by court order.
It's a cheap attempt at cheap advertis
ing," declared Dal Lewis. Harry Cald
well, the official pies agent, expressed
himself In similar term.
'Parry," said Caldwell, "ha no kick
coming. HI two car were heavily pan-
allzed because they could not help- but be.
This, I suppose, made him angry. . A llttl
Uter the referee, A. L. Whiting, heard
Parry talking of being 'Intimidated,' and
the matter came then to a showdown.
It appear that l'arry had got hlmweli
appointed an observer on one of th
Chalmers cars, which Is a strange position
for an entrant to hold, anyway. Then
while going into town a few days ago
this car on which Parry was riding went
out of the course a little. Th driver, see
lng a qrowd ahead and a lot of dust, went
around another sida of the square.
"Parry asserted the others In the car
told him they would 'do' htm If he told
of this. Subsequently and for another
cause the car on which Parry kicked was
'But Parry seemed disgruntled when his
complaint was thrown out, and Monday
morning officials of the run were served
with notice that there would be called up
In court before Circuit Judge T. H. See
born of Kansas City an application for a
restraining order. The officials appeared,
but neither Parry nor his lawyer snowed
up. The case was continued, but I don't
suppose anything more will ooma of It
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 17. Th Glld
den tourlRts pass.d through hr this
forenoon. Dal bawls arrived at S o'clock
and the other car war strung out until
10:20, with smooth running. No stop was
made here.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June !7.-At
o'clock tills morning tt-e Ulldden tourists
left here for Omaha, wher they expect to
stop tonight
The run today, 242 miles, will b the long
est they have made during their trip.
Circuit Judge Thomas H. Svehorn today
declined to Iskue thk Injunction afatuat tha
Glidden tour official sought by Mat. Parry
of the Parry Automobile company, on the
grounds that his court had no Jurisdiction
In the case.
In his petition for an Injunction Mr.
Parry charged that tho official In assess
ing, penalties had favored th Chalraera
car at the expense of his own.
A uilld sensation was created in Ullddei)
tour matters Sunday when th technical
committee put another contesting car Out of
the running by disqualifying Chalmers car
No. 3. When approaching this control yester
day, Joe Giuuimm, driver of No. 3, waa
granted permission to leave the course
wlillu u, rentier Iron was replaced. At the
same time Uardham adjusted a spark-plug.
The technical coinmlttte claimed that this
was a violation of the privilege to leave
the course, und disqualified th car. All
the rebt remained close to th hotel today,
enjoying their first day of rest.
The total scores to data follow:
For Glidden Trophy No. 1, Premier, 7;
No. 2, Bremier, tU; No. t, Chalmer, dis
qualified; No. 8, Cole, 1,108; No. 7, Maxwell,
W; No. 8, Caru-rcar, 1.W8; No. . Parry,
UsH; No. 10, Ullde, 1,637; No. 11, Ohio, 1,WJ;
No. 12, Ohio, 1.H8; No. li, Pennsylvania,
l,4Mj; No. 15, CI no, 2,1311.
For Chicago Trophy No. 100, Molina, it;
No. 101, Mollne, 4U0; No. 102, Mullne, itf;
No. 101. Lexington, 1,372; No. 104, Coin,
2,042; No. 105, Parry, 1,014; No. 1W, Jfal,
l.OM); No. 107, Maxwell, 27; No. lot, Carter
car, 2.446; No. lit), Cartercar, 1,0U; No. 110,
Lexington, 1,004; No. 11, Westcott, l.OuJ.
The two Cartercars, In trouble two day
ago, have reached this control and will
continue as non-contestant.
Colored Woman is Murdered.
MASON CITY, I A., June 27.-iSpe.ilal
Telegram.) Mrs. William Hoblnson, Col
ored, who was shot last evening, will die.
The ball entered her back and lodged In
the spine. Hhe claim a whit man at
tempted to assault her and upon reilstanc
shot her. Mrs. Robinson nd her husband
were fishing along the bank of Willow oreek
whoii the crime occurred. The story of the
husband and wife conflict and th bucbaad
Is being held,