THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. A It -if OFFERED FOR rent (Continued.) d II on in. VIWLT lurntaheA front mom amtable Tor two. with nitrate family. Dodge, 4-ROOM modern apartment. Tel. Web. (.2. roomi for gentlemen. HI ' Y 13lh fit Th Ch,ham f J ..AlifODF.RN room for t. I or 4; t I ' "d " w,lr1- 11187 Harney. ? EIGHT rooms strictly moden separated ern. 110. 2431 M ,' Caldwell St Call Harney tilU. FURNISHKP or unfurnished rooms; near car Una. H. 19th. tt MODKRN room, nlceljr furnished. $10 ; ml 13 W a week, til N. Uth St SMALL neat front loom, modern house. ' lieinli park; strictly private family, to lady employed during day. Tal. Harney 2234. THE use of my furnlahed house in ex change for hoard. TeL Wab. 4238. THE BACHELORS 20TH AND FA UNA M. I now operated on the European plan. Rooma may be had by the day. week or month. Meals as ' desired In th cat. .t DESIRABLE room , Ing distance. Ill 8. A ) CEWEI European ' f; LA ROE front roon DESIRABLE room; fine location, walk- fcth St bote). 13th Franara. room and ona amall room. , euitab e for two or thrae gentlemen; 4 blo k fruui car Una, to? 8. 28lh ait. Puon. ;,A-2w2. I'l MODERN outride room for gentlemen; i flva blooka P. O. Tal. Douglas 7.U. Wha ften'rcr.A " ' family bote. "7 .r" , iw. Ueorgla Ave. H-63L c, DO DOE HOTEL Large outside, ' and r steam beat lu every room; ratea by week. NORTHWEST CORNEA 18th and Web , eter, furnished yoonui, day or week. . TARLOft-ALCOVE on third floor north. ,. attiitahlai for nun and wife, or two arentle. .men. Breakfast, privileges. Kent reasonable. , uj a. 2hi. t large Front Room fcf real- two rentlemen: U per week; for one gentleman, .$2.60 per week.- ziOK nun hi. ;. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all - modern; private tastily, 'Phone Red 73W. TWO pice' rooma; .Phone Douglag B42&. terms reasonable. TWO very desirable rooma tor' light fcousekeeplnu; niodei u; reasonable; walking ' dlatance. t. 26 tn Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; r)aige and cool; niodurn; eaat front fine locatiou. Tel. B-141. IMS N. Uth Ave. FURNISHED front room. In modern house; near Carter lake. Tel Webster 64. ' FRONT- room; modern; In private fam ily; price reaaonable. 114 a). 2jth St. NICE furniehed room, good -Jtood. sat b.- itUL; Deuatktav 5W1. inJignoor- TWO nicely turnlhe modern front rooms conneoteU) for. two or three per ona. Phoi.e ltetl WoO. EXTRA large, e sgaut room, fine furni ture. VJu No. 14o i u. No sign ou bouse. LARGE-r6om and close, facing south on Dewey Ave.t near kelb; svriouy modern, 'Phone Dougiaa li . , . 712 N. Uth Bl, large modern room, cheap, private funnily. .. . NICEiLY fdrnJuhed room In all modern cottage; easy walking distance; private family . M S. 24th Bt , . E1NGLE room, lit week (Ml N. 23d. NICE front room; also two smaller south rooms, til aV ltu. - ., BINOLE room In fine, ' modern borne; close U the bet boardiug houses. 107 a 25th Ave. Douglus. uwV TIIRE1-1 roams fur teat In private fam ily, large houae, UlcS lawn, cool rooms; one lrgaiid one euiali., suctJy Oiodern. 2 Call. Doughs 4JW1. Ul Nof Lh iiUi Bt , TWO nice modern tide Locust St south front rooms. SINGLE room for . gentleman, 7. Mason. Harney STtVi. 3001 FURNISHED or 2009 Lake atreet unfurnished rooms. NICELY furnished front room to gen tlemun; 13.&0 per week, lull Casa. LARUE and smalt rooms. 14 North 19th. LARGE, beautiful room; large closet; furnished or unlurnlaiied; modern. 7vl ' Georgia Ave. Harney 2130. ROOMS near new street car barn and depot; all modern. 814 Hickory. Red 7jtij. LARGE front room and alcove, beauti fully ruriiimieu; reasonable. 2671 Dodge, NICE, clean rooms.. 703 N. lSib, St. LARGE modern room, 82 week. iMU3 Burt. . . FURNISHED front room In - private .family; ail modern conveniences. 2047 Dodge St ( aLAHUK south front room on first floor; running water; private entrance onto lawn; also other rooms. - lis S. 26th Ave. " IF you win h a room frith piano call at 2603 St Mary s Ave.- NEATLY furnished, atrlctly modern, 'with or without, board. 2210 California SL LARGE ifout room, Hi. 60 week, single room, U. 618 N. lath St Also . TWO furnished front rooms, new flat; walking uuHauiua. reasonable. iu o. 1;U Dougiaa S!M. TWO nluuly .furnished rooms, either two gentlemen or man and wile; with or with out board, lnd. 'phone 1206. COAT and PANTS to order, 230; perfect tit Aiacv.Aiiirti-tviL.auA, Mi a. loth. COOL east-front pallor; modern, private tome, clean bed; to guiet gentleman; a' week. 82Jt S. 20tli. Real 0227. - NICE- front room,- northeast corner 1102 ,6. 11th St., upstairs;, very reasonable. VERY large, well furnished, south front; permanent parties. 2.'W Farnam. x CLEAN furnished rooms, well tared fur. 220 N. Uth. ARK you looking for a cool, pleasant rooinT Iinjulre 2621 Harney or phone Har ney 6X.8. ' - TWO beautiful clean front rooma, ail modern: private family. 706 Georgia Ava phone Harney 6168. . . NEWLY rurni.-hed single rooms; south ' exposure. iw Farnam St NEWLY and -nicely , cheap. 214 N. 261U bt. furnished Dt 8462.1 rooms. MODERN basement room for boy, 11. JO. ;t!6 8. 26th St , PARLOR for I or S gentlemen; modern; also small room, 12 week. 616 a 24th Ave. NICELY furbished room; reaaonable. 2621 . X- 24lh St . . " N1CELV furnished east front rooms, rea sonable, to the right parties. 614 ft. 20th St. Tel. Red 630. NICELY .furnished front room to gentle men; 12.60 per week. UlCass. gv FURNISHED Room, . walking distance; private family; iu children; one or two gentlemen; No. 7 Shelby Court, UJ and ; . Lea veu north. A 1084; Doug. 67JL CLOSE In clean large furnished room, , . reasonable. 26u8 Capitol Ave. LARGE alcove room, California. 13 per week. 1211 FRONT room, walking dlatance; private jiume. 2219 Douglas. 'Phoue Dougiaa 783b. NICE clean, strictly modern rooms. 2208 . Harney St TWO- niudun H V. kni.l.. stnlrtaT t.kAma 111 monthly, iftajj Leavenworth. uiwisllLI) houaekeeplng rooma 710 8. -,17th Ave. .Red 8112. - A NICE large room In private family; . fine lielgliborhood. 2i3j Capilol Ave. , LARUE eaat room, furnished for gentle uu..pi,jau family.; 2vo tu Mary's Ave. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room. loatlaeed. NEWLY furnished modern rooma. from 2.:j up; under new management, (la N. I. in c-t. I NICELY furnlahed rooma. wtth or with out board, 1 block from center of city. Ap- ply lut r arnani St NICELY fumlahed room. iUA CaldweiL IiOOM; walking distance, atrlctly modern. iio N. lbth bt. FOR RENT Large front room. 2417 Cali fornia. 1'lione D. uti. res.; or Dougiaa 6.. MC'KLY furnished rooms for rent, !UM uarney bt. TWO Furnished modern, a uionlli. Housektjfplng Rooms, Zbii Davenport atreet. NICE Rooms for colored people. Burl Fhoue Doug. Hit 171S LARGE Front room, first floor, modern; good neigliboriiuod; suitable for two K' li nemen or man and wuo. steaaonttbie. DM Harney atreet. FURNISHED ROOMS; rIso housekeeping rooma, II desired, dot H. 2Utn. THREE unfurnlahed and two furnished. 4758 N. U4th felt. LARijE south front room, on first floor, running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also other rooms. 113 B. Ajtn Ave. MODERN rooma, for I; rates. 2317 Harney. N II - lr. AiitAlde room. 2221 Km fry mm . I 4 handsomely furnished rooms, modern; close lu, walking oistance. nil tt. Zbth Ave. FRONT rrjnm, atrlctly modern, suitable tor two i.uiea uv two genucnieu. Ia2 Capi tol Ave. 1 OR 2 rooma furnishsd for housekeeping, 2d floor, modern. 22 N. 23d bt. FURNISHEJJ room, 2.D0 week. tlS N. 19th. NICELY furnished rooms, walking di- lance, new. ovi a. Mia Ave, TWO Furnished Sleeping Room. 23d atreet. 401 N. PLEASANT Fumlahed Front Parlor In partly modern flat. 14U7 N. 17th. Phone Web. 4.1b6. NICELY furnished. atrlttlv room, suitable for two. In a new. strictly modern and up-to-date Hut near Hlah anhiiol. 317 N. l.t Bt. BUITE of rooms, also other sleeping ruoniB, uioueru. uixy-A-xaciKio street, tail alter iiao. ONE single front room for rent; alao targe irom room; iwg small connecting rooms with closets. 1818 Cass. Phone DOUg. 1410. PART of niw rruiriern hmiA iinrnvnl.ti.4 I mr fi,rniitiidi f,r tn intiaa k.K.nj and wife. No children. 2UU Lake. Webster bCIH. I Kiir-ir.t.v rmih.i4 mnma. I meut and reaaonable. 2208 llarney. WILL share S rooma with working girl. so per uiuniu; warsuiig oisuuice. amo Pi . xth. EXCELLENT modern furnished or un- furnisnea rooms; uanscou para car Una I mo. zuiv a. wi am NICELY furnished modern rooms, single or ensulte. 1U1S Case. PARLOR floor, two or three rooms, hand somely furnished; modern; walking Is- i&jioe; snaue. ova 0. 40m. AN elegant south 100m furnished suit. able for two gentlemen; private family; ureaaiasi swim uiuuor u ucarreu. aam now- ard. Red FINE east front room, atrlctly modern: reusonauie. -none iua iwao, av N. Zblh. NICE clean, oMl sleeplna rooma. lull tass. TWO or three furnished rooma for hnuia. keeping: siricuy tuodern. 1807 Farnam. TWO modern furnished light housekeep ing rooms; also sleeping rooms. 400 s. 26th Ave. TWO elegant furnished rooms. Ilsrht and cool, all modern, In private family, (09 N. list bt LARUE, newly furnished southeast room. I with all modern conveniences. Also tingle I rooms. 4juo vapuoi Ave. FURNISHED ROOMS In modern private noma, -jrxiuue uaruey tin. iaia uodge St ROOMS for housekeeping. K 8. 17tn Ava ONE elegantly f uinlabed front room. lUi vapitoi Ave. I.iUlihl hMantlfiil rnnm- l,r.. Alnu. furnished or unfurnished; modern, ui ueorgia si. itarney zim. ONE nicely furnished large front room. 816 o. 18tn street. , BUNNY single room, 12 a week. Walking aiBiancc. iuvenwurio, STRICTLY modern large front room for two gentlemen. 216 S. 26th St TeL Doug iaa owe. NICELY furnished room, modern. 17th Ave. 714 a LARGE front room, private family, excel lent neighborhood; walking distance. i-none 11. out, us e. it in atreet PARLOR for two, also housekeeping ivvm, ,w. vvugriv ciuyivtu. 191V twllicago. NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms, hot aud cold water. 1818 Chicago St NICELi furnished, strictly modern rooms. 408 ft. 23d St ROOM; walking distance; atrlctly mod ern 678 B. 28th St TWO nicely furnished rooms with private lauiuy, siricuy moaern, walking distance. .'j 18 j toward, jyinr juzo. ONE nice clean room, suitable for 1 or I persons, boarding place close, 63Z B. Z8tn. n-T'tiviawpn nnAUd. .1.. kn..B.i.Anin rooms, 11 uesireu. 00a rl. Vlll MODERN. well furnished. southeast front with alcove or single room: larae iau; private family. 702 Georgia Ave. a nvi 1 aJitriur vim iitni. ncuBeueeninf cmca. bu iKjn rent, one large, apienaia rurnisned room, strictly modern, walking distance. Call at 2308 Dewey Ava, or Douglas 6401. MODERN room, cede In. Private family. NO CHILDREN. 1 or 2 gectieuien. 26K J ones, lied Was. SOUTH front sleeping room. 1111 Douglas. NICELY furnished front room, private family. 1044 b. 28iu bt 'Pheue Douglas VMM. ELEGANTLY furnished rooma, cool and lignt, all modern; reasonable. 602 N. 211 mi tel. FURNISHED rooms Tel. Dougiaa 4442. at 642 B. 22d St NICELY furnlahed large front rooms. au pi. j mn at NICELY furnlahed front parlor, suitable lor two gentlemen. U18 Chicago St ONE elegant furnished laraa room. suit. able for two or three young men, south east exposure. . VJX Una north exposure. large room, elegantly furnlahed, 2&, One suuin exposure, elegantly furnished room. suitable for two. 120. 2U26 Dodge. Walking uiataitwe. a uuil. AOUglaa AJiA. THREE furnished housekeeping rooma aauoern. gas range, clean, juio ft. uth St NICE, clean, atrlctly modern rooma In a beaulilul location; also suite of these rooms tor ngnt Housekeeping. TeU Dougiaa iiXi. i i.aas oi. NICE front room, private family, modern nomea, eay walking dlatance, references. 6ou it. I. in Bt Phone Harney to0. niithl furnished rooma eastern ex posure; references required. 1063 Park Ave. r-iiuiie narney Sill. lloaeekeeg-lasr Hoaaaa, FOUR rooma second floor, for light houaekeeplng. for email family! southwest corner UtU and Hickory. TWO modern housekeeping rooma 121 N. inn. TWO completely furnlahed rooms light houaekeeplng: uuthroom floor: tot ouable. J8 8. 24llt Ave. Douglas 8364. OFFERED FOR RENT Iloneekeeplna Ho.ul ontlnned TWO tiloeiy furnished large, modern room on ground floor, gentlemen pre- f erred; also large front room un second Hour and two email rooms, w N 13d 61. A SUI1B of three elea-ant cew rooms. modern, n. zvtn eL BUITE of housekeeping room. 2o01 Dodge. NICE large neatly turnlahtd rooiba. lignt hriu.ekerpuiK ; all fiont rooma and modem; reaaonable rent. 142( N. 17tn. TUB DOUGLaVSSJVra Douglan atreeL THREE pleasant housekeeping rooms: also nice sleeping rooma. tue ft. UiL TWO NICELY fumlahed narlor flm.r i housekeeping rooma. Ugtit, cooking gaa, laundry, ice boa. with or without also other , light bousekeeplug toonuk -JU n. am Ave. FOUR rooma, eotnnletely furnished, for housekeeping. No children. References re euired. mm No. 40th Mt. FURNISHED houaekeeoluu rooms. 614 8. Z1A. ROOM or rooma for rent, am California. THREE nice rooms, hougekeeulnar. U 1 8. Uth kit. HOUSEKEEPING rooma. 40 N. tilth. FURNibliED and unf ill lutined rooms for llfiht housekeeping. 47U1 ft. iU. TWO large front rooms, two south rooms 0118 aiuail room, lor housekeeping. ilU wugiu. TWO front rooma. furnished complete. for light housekeeping; iituderu house. Web. MiO. nil bpencer SU 2&S3 Harney, SOUTH EXPOSURE, nicely furnished houaekeepinsj rooms; uioueru; walking dlatance NEAT and clean light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 1411 Jones. LIGHT housekeeping room. 818 N. 17th. LOVELY furnished front parlor, verr rea sonable; for light housekeeping. iU4 Cni- ' ; ; TWO cicely furnished rooma at 2iu3 Far nam. TWO nicely furnished rooms on first uuor, per wcea. iu f. lust ou i w u moueiu i juma a cax una. una N- 1,tn su LARUE, convenient rooms; modern: housekeeping or sleeping. 24tt Leavenworth Bl- uo" A-2&12. FRONT room, for sleeping or light house keeping; everything complete: reaaonable. 24Z6 Dodge bt Red Ueti. NICELY furnished housekeeping or aleen ln rooms; close In; atrlctly uiudern; MHI v., nwi - LARGE. convenient rooma: modern: housekeeping or sleeping; walking distance; i reasoiictoic uw uvu, 11,11, Call today. VERY dealrable housekeeping rooms: parlor floor; f uruisned complete. aM U. mia Ave. PARLOR floor, two or three rooms hand- aomely furnished; modern; wailuug dia- tance; shade. vA S. 2lh. KITCHEN and parlor for housekeeping; modern. 2110 Douglas. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; use 01 laundry. iui s. istn au . ONE large, modern room for l.shl house keeping. 2013 Cass bt TWO modern light housekeeping rooms for IIS per month. U N. 20th, Phone u-ms. TWO large, all-modern rooms for light housekeeping. 2221 Willis Ave. SMALL housekeeping room; to per montA. 2013 Leaven worm. fttTiTB of two rooms, all modern, fur nished box privileges. Tel Harney Sitfi. 1041 Park Ave. . TWO nice rooms, range, refrigerator, two nice basement rooma, cneap. ox o. an ROOMS for light housekeeping, modern house. 646 b. attn Ave. ikm N. 17th. 1 furnished houstkeeolng rooms, on car Una. house modern, first I floor. TWO furnished rooma for light house keeping. 703 a. liitn. rnone A-iii. TWO furnished front rooms with house keeping privileges. 2001 Hurt St TWO large rooms, gas, U.W week. 2401 Dodge. FURNISHED rooma for sleeping or housekeeping. 809 A Uth. Douglas 6610. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms. 18U California. THREE well furnished front rooms, also three back rooms with sink, pantry, large porch. Call third floor 1B16 Howard. FRONT parlor and dining room wtth set: use of piano; no children; for housekeep ing. OUti S. 2Ulh bt LARGE, modern room and alcove, newly papered and cleaned. Bath same floor; Ave. houseaeepiiig pnvuegea. ui ou aaary a TWO rooms, gaa range. 2000 California. . TWO front rooms. 818 & 20th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2408 Cuming St LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern; walking distance. 2663 Dodge, SITTING room with kitchen, housekeep ing; modern. 482 North 17th St THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. modern; gaa range. CLEAN, 2010 No. Uth. TWO liirht hri.iu.k Anltttr- r,r.rini-,lL Red I . . . . . . , - VHnMT anii finolr rrry,a tnr- ert hnnu. I i,i..nir- r,,inii.i.iv i,ni,h.n h.tu u,r,..t LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all modern. hi. risk t raasi m nil la riyak liiun1 aft. 1 1 rturulfiAa i rnm nri 1 imur aa.vj otvrt Rm- ki FURNISHED rooms: Iuoum dw: Dlcncv nut WHLer. Aim m iMtn EXCEPTIONALLY nice room. 220 N 23d. Uafaralabed Rooms, FOUR rooms. lor 111 per month. 311 N. 27th Ave. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished. 2716 Dewey Ave.; Harney 1742. UNFURNISHED room, private family, uo omer roomers; viose in. iiarney lit I. PART of new modern house, unfurnished (or furnished), for two ladies or husband and wife; no children. 2U16 Lake; phone w estern ohm. T1IKE1S unfurnished rooms. 2U b. 27th St - THREE unfurnished rooms, new flat; also I housekeeping room. 8018 Davenport bt FOUR unfurnished rooms; modern except beat LUi aner iju p. m.. sou n. am Ava FOUR rooms, unfurnished, Uth and Vin ton; rcnta 8. 'Phoue D. 6072. U. E. Hard ing, 2003 B. Uth St FOUR ground floor housekeeping rooms. modern; uo children. Alv Davenport bt THREE southeast rooma on Harney car una; reierenoea. 8210 caaa bt THREE large unfurnished rooma, every modern convenience, ima weoater. THREE rooma for light housekeeping, 2264 ra. cutn Bt. AiMtrtiateate mm rials. CENTRAL APARTMENTS The cheapest high-grade rials in city, well ventilated, cool room, fine finish. Real Chicago flata. Free hot water ail year; ateam heat; walk ing distance. One 8-room flat, f'-S summer; ' m"r- w'fnler'AKfe,"1,c" r.fV Carlberg Co.. 310 Brandeu. Hi uueo. Hemi eater Bldg. SERVANT PKULSl.tM aoived! I rooms condensed into 6; steam heat; electrle light and laundry, not aud cold water, wall bed safe, gas stove, ret rUeralor, Janitor service. The Hunter, 2lh and Dodge, let Duuglaj OFFERED FOR RENT ApartsnesMs aad Flnte t antlssrd. CLEOANT s. 4 and 4-room apartments. Mieniow lerrace. v easier cs. NEW list, i-room and reception ball; all modern. 1J4 Cass. A DKIKAliLE four room M. Louis fiat. new, .v.ou. itarney jMii. iSl'EClALLY desirable lti-rooin llai; moa eru; luce location, 614 N. Mil bt. Red 4im4. &EVVLY pwpered e-room flat; modern excopt heat; ii IvoO N. Vlh bu ConraJ loung, Uija Dotiue btreeL ONE of tho moHt beaiitlful apartments In the city; Weft Karnum district. IVrtiue Ai Woli-ott, ill amid Tlliattr. Faralehed and Klata, FOn RENT FURNISHED. 10 roouis completely turnlahtd near Field . U D. V. 6H0LE0 COMPANY. Ill Rd. Trade Kid. TeL D. ttf; lnd. A HJ. FOR RENT Furnlnhed house; first-class. ili. Hlondo. Tel. W cb. S4!K. S110 CHICAOO 11 Minis, ho ree net! slrcp ing Dorch, two bath rooms and Karaite, . I U1NUWALT llltos., J.arker Jbioik. SEVEN-ROOM, modern, well furnished home for rent lor one jenr; lare yard, hade, barn, etc.- Will take Ju per month rent if sjrown son In permitted to retain one room. 41UI Farnum um at. I'lione llarney 19. FOR1 RENT Furnished apartments for the summer. In the Majestic, N. ISth; all modern. Apply immediately. Phone vveb. 4t7. Houses and Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rales; moving and storing. Expressmen Delivery Co. leu Doug. TM. LOTS FOll FIFTY CENTS A WEEK See N. P. Dodse & Conip.tny's advertise ment In this paper of lota for sale In South Omaha tor l.uu down and 6v cents a week, without Interest or taxea I FURNISHED house, for rent during July and August, near Hanscum park and within Hole Klru nf Mlrttt cur. and within u-alk- in Hi.iuiii-a nf i.'ioi.i rinh Hnnaa hit a 7 I rooma, beside bath, is modern and has nice lawn ana small garden, inquire, hid eoutu 1 30lh Ave. Tel. Harney 4824. TinTTRPS U parts of the city SECOND-HAND oaa counter; hand IXKJ V OXjO Crelgh Son at Co., Bee Bldg. carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket, I ....... tt mt ...I., ahan,- avlll Hp i.nnnM t.oiiEA. nam and mndern lnat-i I In the Field club district, five bedroom and sleeping porch; tile bathroom; hard wood finish and I'.oors; very oesiraDie: 866. PETERS TRUST CO., New York Life. CM AH A Van at Storage Co., pack, mora tore household goods; storehouse, 1130-24 N. Uth; office, 80s o. um bt -let Douglas l&Sa, HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624. N. Y. Lite Bldg. Red im irnR RENT Elaht-rooma brick hoiiu modern, 8 minutes walk to city halt &H Capitol Ave. let. A.oug. aa NINE-ROOM modern detanhed brick, 1414 I Sherwood Avo. ; ajw. roiieraou, um jf ar- nam St HOUSES, flata, OarvU Bros, 3d floor is. X. A BOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker BIX. NINE-ROOM modern brick house, uorO part of city. 12a, l-room apartment Ull Clark, 210. -room apartment, 1917 Clark. . 4-room apartment, city water, toilet Hi ill l-room apartment 1828 JN. 17th. lit C. M. BACHMAN. 438 Paxton Block. 'Phone Red to: Residence -Oaug. 6otH ONE t-roum. new. brick bouse. Just com pleted, all modern; ; combination fixtures. tu !. zisi oi.; em. - C. M. BACHMANN. 43 Paxtott Block. Office 'phone: R. 2U3D; Residence. D. 80(4. .. HOUSES! FOR .RENT. 8 Tomi titty witter, on ' tith -floors, well I and cistern. Suitable for--two families. Will rjut In good repairs. Look at 8401 De catur and 1710 North 24th'' and make an offer. We want to rent them Nowata Land & Lot Co.. 824 ft. x. Life Bldg. Phone tea utj. " FOUR-ROOM modern brick. 1110 N. 22d St; Us. Patterson, 1023 Farnam St ' E-r.. all mod., 136; (12 80. 27th ftt Bemla-Carlberg Co., 480 Brandeis Bldg TWO 8-r. modern, very nice, beautifully located; newly renovated. TlS S. 27th St Douglag 4i. -ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer. 140. 36(16 -Jackson. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, modern except heat; corner 28th and Catltol Ave.. 126 to food tenant. Telephone ited 62o4. o nuvm3 aim icvDuuuii nail, utuiuuiiuir n 1-miuA iatll.ii .liU.n ill... r n . . . I. street 2703 Webster St.; $30. Key ut King- UitUtJ. U w . V. . I. ... n w.w.uuwb, V 1. un. Km. wait a oince, u xsaraer oioca. 8-r, new, equare, on car line 131 O H-JtUlJI 11. lUilAA, L31A1 bi J4 1002-3-4 N. Y. Llfa Doug, tr A tlU -ROOM cottage, all furnished; modern; 2418 Fort St 'A el. W. book; sju. EIGHT rooms, 214. S. 29th St.; bath, gas. water; 820. McCague Investment Co. A UUV'l'i wtrui, Ullta IIUUR, 1,1 I u ll L, urst part of the city; eight rooms, modern; cor. 3Ui and Cass Sts., $52.60. - . D. WEAD, lsul Farnam St. 6 rooms .easy walking distance, $16. I rooms oianu uew, ciose in ou vapitoi avenue, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. G24 N. Y. Life Bldat. Plione Red 1993. 2407 S. lfiTH, 6-room modern flat, $30. 311b Chicago, 6-room modern house, $30. R1NGWALT BROS., Barker Block. 6-room cottage, first-class condition, modern, except furnace; adult only. 2025 Caldwell. 2412 Parker St., 6 rooms, $15. m S. 23d St., t rooms, $18. 2065 Poppleton Ave., bath, gas, $20. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. FINE 8-room, modern house, 2702 Cali fornia. Tel. D. 2710. E. A. Smith. MODERN six-room, and bath, cottage. $20.. seventeenth and lasieiar streets. t. it uunn i i, 660 N Y. L. Bldg. Phone Douglas 4334. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. 6 rooms, modern; close In. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone lied 1999. Stores and Offlcea. TORE ROOM U0T Farnam Seml-baanmenta, well lighten, 1807 and ISM Farnam St. lore room. IIS If. Uth St.. Bo. Omahl THOU. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'Phone. WELL lighted larae eorner room. 13x10. situated on second floor. Palace Clo. Co, 14th and Dougiaa. LARGE store room for rent 20x00; alao I ciefejuui tiv.tia, iwi, "u ............... ... for barber shop. Alia Aeaveuwortn Bt TRACKAGE PROPERTY, Wa nftW fnr i-prt thtt nnA. Btory and basement brick etore- AArrt 4B Q1A TT0 O w-ea HTV. t TWfWL. iwm atAiA, a 'r- erty Lai trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th. and Farnam. UNEQUALLED OPPORTUNITY-Gro-cerv and meat market with flxtureaVcom. plete; no equal. T1ZARD BLOCK. Apply UM is. n n- EXPERIENCED stenographer wants desk room in exchange for work. Address Y 664, Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE , , . TWO hard coal burners, large alse, nearly I new, pipes, etu.. ltii bt aiarys ava OFFERED FOR SALE Farnlt or- tout Inened. PRINTER FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables. Iron base and stone top: also J sailer banks and twe steam tables tor sale. Appls Uee l ub. Co., Ilth and tarnam, FOR HALE gaa range. 1414 Martha, 8L Rhone R. uHiX UREA KINO UP llorsKKKFI'lNtl. Will s-ll furnlHhlngK of S-room house. consistlnir of parlor, library, liedroum nnd dlnlnn rtxint f uriiltiirt. domestic nnd orien- tl draperies and brlr-a-irac; aio :t line piano. Call at ttM Chicago St. 'I'hone llarney ataalcal last rawents. JUST 1. complete line YORK BAND IN8TRU MEN! ; no equal for price, bchmul'er & Mueller. 1311 Farnam. FINE VnrlBht riano, latest style, tlli. Owner leaving city. Cost UW). Wll Case. Tperller. rrrnwn.hinA tvnewrltera sold, repaired. Central Typewiiter Eaohange. 1607 Farnam. m n,.; tna fnr If oil t ALL ij-iienureioivi ii. y. bwansou, 13H Farnam 6t Omaha. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPEWRITER ..i,i.,i utand. IJ monthly, from inanufaa- tuiers, most Interested In satisfaction given. fi:or Tvtipwritpr Co Phone "-' - J i' uougiaa i BUY on 1. C. Bmlth g Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Swausuu iJisinuuiers. uu Farnam bt IllU'ellaarvsa. ONE bamboo ablrtwalst and skirt bos. In good condition. Lengta 4 ft Addreea, C 878, care Oea SAFES Overstocked with second-hand sates, all eieea and make; bargama Auiw Icau euppo aaav ,.iuaM u hand nalnted china tor sale; reason able prices. 1148 N. Uth. Tel. Web. i6L LUMBER yS; No. t board, S20 per M. to match. indepen dent l.tiiiit-er ueaitrs ,1) tne City. C. C Dlmmock Ac Sous.. 24th and H, So. Omaha, : - DltUu a( cue prices; Kreiguv paia on ail flO order; catalogue Ires. snermau a) MCConneu Arug v.o., vm,u mi. KOH SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheaaj oar iaii". ""","""... Balke. coiienoer. vi . iiw 01. laeniv feet wide. Can be seen at storan house. For further particulate Phoue Dou-- las 238. Bee Building Co. Window Screen will lll ut-uuvui. ave you ona-h&.f 1 one-h T. H. Welrlch Jiixture -e all kJud oi tutll worn. Electric Power Attachments. FOR HAND ELEVATORA LeUron Electrical Worka. 313 H. 13. D-2174. HALL'S aafaa. new. td-band. lilt Farnam, 2.0U0 sidewalk brick, S12. 2423 Poppleton Ave. WE HAVE on baad a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 60 cents eaeh. They are tine for rain water or ashes, call at press room, net fuouaning t-o. FOR SALE Fixtures for Jewelry store: Quartered ouk wall cases, plate glass show cases, etc. Address 11. Ehrlich dc Sous Mfg. Co., St Joseph, Mo. FOR SALE At a bargain, a No. Premo camera In firat class condition. Tel. Harney ,4683. IfV I'nV Jx7 teet, suitable for butcher XjU AJJ ir Kloter. phone Doug. 32o8. Standard Produce Co., 415 6. 11th St - - Filters Missouri Filter Co., 1310 Howard. One 8x10 Rapid Rectilinear lens; one 11x14 Extreme W. A. Anastiginat lens; one fcxlO Portrait lens. Address F 40U, Bee. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, S06-8. Brandeia Theater Bldg. DR. . B. S. PETERSON, 618 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Dr. Kathryn Nichols, 60S N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS HIRAM A. QTURGES, registered patent attorney. U. M. and foreign patents se cured. 6U N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. I48S. D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tat Red TUT. WH.I.1HD HOUT. rea-lsiared practitioner In U. 8. Pat. Office, alt paxton Blk. R.2t PEKS0NAL mithik-'ii thrraPY I Massage treaunent stomach trouoie. Jur. I Vlurirnrilu Ha uiran V2tl FtiAVllla 1K. I lur. I . I , . . . . . - HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, streugihvu. too. BELL DRUG tu oTO:r.lirta (rom combing. 1W. Mrs. 8. I J " a.-a.u ilutheWU. 304 fteVUlO ASK. iJ. MK vnimn tvriKftrM iwmini to Omaha aa stranaura are Invited to vUit the Young Woman's Chrialian association -building Seventeenth St and bt Mary a Ave., wuers ,hov wiii be directed to suitable boarding nlacea or otherwise assisted. Look for our v1,i aTCii.ici Ruober good by mall; O i JiJJN U HiO urtCea bend for i cut tit-luat hand for Ire .tioirua. Mvera-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omana PRIVATE HOME during confinement; huhlua for adoDtlon. uood Samaritan caul torium, 740 Ul Ave- council Auuiia, ta. -- 1 . I fRIVATK confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324N. 24th St Phone weDBter sous. Mmo Tfrovor Agent for "Sempre I lUllltJ. A luyvi, Uoviiie," "Tho Foun- tain of Youth." Alegeatn siauouery wov 1421 1) amain. THE SALVATION ARMY sollolta caat-off clothing. In fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Uta St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poot. Call 'phone Douglas 41a, aud waguu will cait BRAIDS and switches made from comb ing. $1 up; a fine line of switches on hitnd: mail orders filled. Mrs. P. Stover, 2612 St Mary's Ave. Phone Red S16L M A HMTCTTn treatments. E. Brott, I31J III a iu,mav c,, 1BLh ij. iij OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg EXPERT, china packer; wedding present a specialty. 1JU4 Davenport auo. u-naa. MISS LOKETTA MOHAN, Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp treatment, hair goods; bundaya, 10 to p. m. toa Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4238. MAGNETIC ueatment, Una Smith, 122 S. 16th. Third Floor, TUT nQ and loupes for men, Griffith. avaj u ui w FRENZEH BLOCK. MASSAQE1 AND BATHS. Room 808 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor elevator entrance. 120 8. 16th St WE) rent and repair all kinda of sewing macmnea. ina. a ima. ioug. rnu. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, 16th and Harney Sts, I MM 171 AT.I.tlM nf r-hli-auo hatha. fw fVertf lOSIE WASHEURN'8 book. "The Under wit. sw.r.'- t au book .tor..; price $i.6. 8TRICTLY private home for confine ment.; exceileut care; babies for adoption. lull Davenport MRS. EUGERS private confinement home, 1616 Martha St, Omaha, Neb, phone Dougiaa a2JW THE air blows gently. It Is very cool during the entire show at The Parlor Theater. POULTRY Screenings, $L26 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 11 SILKO CiUCK FOOD la the beat In the market for young chick ana Made iroin pure gram. A. W. WAGNER, am.ll NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Phones Dougiaa- 1142, Independent A-3461 PRINTING LEW W. 1LVJJE11, Printer, iVTan,a8 ENc" N BEE BUlLDiXG 21 1 EARS JN BUSINESS IN OMAHA. WE Do ALL KINDS OF 1'RINIING. RIES HALL Ptg. Co. 10 8. 14th. lnd. A3421 Miller & Jamleson. Doug. Both phone. 'PHONE 1M. A-K20 for sood printing. LyngstndPrin! ln;t.o.,ll hA C"tJvL Ave; REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DlSALtCHt. , RKKD ABSTRACT CO., Est IMA, prompt tervlce; get our prices, tot Brandeia thoatea. REM I NO l'ON-LUNDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D. U?L 64 Ramie Bldg. New house. BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandeia Bldg. REAL ESTATES TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Uround Floor. FRED & HADRA, I2( New Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Doug. 4334. W. 8. RODMAN Realty Co., 403 Bee. Eastern Colorado land, wholesale price. Western Realty Co.. 33&-3 Paxton Bldg. ABSTRACTS OF TIT1.K. NpaIs it Norton Abstract of Title, ieai ou iui tuu Jea Bldg., omaha. B. M. SADLER A SON 108 8. llh St GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1(23 Farnam, PETER J ESSEN. JR. TeL Dougiaa 22-Ji CITY I'llOPKHTV KOIt SAI.B9. WE HAVE 3,000 CASH. We want to buy choice Income paying I property, win put in some near property lu addition or assume a reasonable amount NOWATA I .AND t LOT CO.. 024 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'I'hone Red M SIX-ROOM HOUSSfor"eale: lot lxl6S: terms reasonable. Paul Sydow. UlU S. Uth, South Omaha Lots Fifty Cents a Week We still have a few choice lots In our famous Homeslte addition at 33d and Jef ferson Sts., South Omaha. Easy walking distance to packing houses and atock ards. 30th St. Daved nearly all the way ,10111 w ou 10 jenerson. All lots 11 down and bOo a week without interest or taxea. High and slehtlv around: every lot 40x13 teet. uver 176 lots sold to, homo buyers. Plenty of choice lots left to select from. Prices range from $170 to $200. How to Reach Homesite Take West O St. car to 30th and Q Sts. where wo will have a carrtaite to take you to Homesite. Remember HomeSite extends from 33d to 36th Sts., Jefferson to Harrison; right In the city of South Omaha. Sales men on the ground all day Saturday and Sunday, Come any time and uring your aoiiar. 66x88, $100,000 6-story bldg., In heart of city. Harrison & Morton DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OF YOUR LANDT Write a description of it buildings. water, near what town. Make 70 words of t all and send It to The Omaha Bee with 72 cents for eaoh Insertion. I'eonle in Ne braska have money and want land. They look to Abe umana Bee for real estate of- tarings. And they get them in The Bee. 23x132, $7,500 Brick bldg., Douglas near 20th. Harrison & Morton VES, ONLY $20 PER MONTH T rooms, brand new; large lot How much rent are you paying? We are mak ing you a preaent of thla Home. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1W2. New Morrison Home Made over; hot water heated, renewed 1 outside and In. grand old trees, best out- look in the city, diagonally across from Rome Millers. Ask us quickly for price and terms. (Terms easy.) Harrison & Morton NOTHING VENTURED. NOTHING WON $100 as a first payment will buy a I room up-to-date, modern cottage located at 2403 So. 17th St. You can pay the bal ance including intereat monthly. In place of a pile or rental receipts, you will aoon have a home of your own. I My price la a. low aa you could buy for oaah. In" -verday. including Sunday, from F.'k. Ooaney, W . Y. Life. Phone D 4334. 5 Acres, $3,000 30th and Ames; terms. Harrison & Morton COURSE YOU WANT A SNAP Farnam. 12 blocks from 16th and Farnam. l-room. modern; only $3,200. Make any reasonaDie terms. NOWATA LAND dc LOT CO., 124 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1991, 44x142, $45,000 3-story brick next 1st National on Far nam. Harrison & Morton CENTRAL CUKNEK UN f A UN AM ..,. hrinir ttuilrfina- mv.ritu .n. tire lot Make unusually easy terms and the price la Vo low that U will surprlee l" "." NOWATA LAND ac LOT CO.. 124 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone lied ltv3. 66x95, $25,000 20th near Farnam. Harrison & Morton NEW brick St Louis flat; good Invest- mont Inquire of owner. It 2666. 14.000 A house In Dundee. I rooms and bath, hot water heat; cellar; laundry; two storerooms-, five closets; cement walka. Inquire on the premises, 804 N. 4vlh Ave. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHT X FOR IALK, (ConttnuMt) 8 Acres, $10,000 Um well near end Ames Ave. car line. Harrison & Morton IF YOU WANT a tine 5-rrom Pottage, strictly .modern except heat, that can be had on very reasonable terms. Tel. Benson 6M. $50 CASH, $15 PER ,M ONT1L -room house, lot 0xl.W, NOWATA LINO A LOT CO.. (24 N. Y. Llfa Bldg. 'Phono Red VOX 23x85, $10,000 19th near Farnam. tSmall bldg.) Harrison & Morton Choice lots iu different parts of city, $1.00 cash and GO couta per week. W. J. DERMODV INVEST MENT CO., Tel. 1). 78G. 83U N. Y. L. Bldg. 50x132, $5,000 Corner -0th and Barnaul. Harrison & Morton i 1. mm LOTS FOR FIFTY CENTS A WEEK" Pen N. 1'. Dodiro &c Company's advertise ment In this paper nf lots for sale in South Omaha lor 1.00 down and 60 centa la week, without Interest or taxes. 22x132, $25,000 F til nam ncaC ISth. Harrison & Morton DUl f i:ill 8V rv a-I. aa, 1 1 1 1 II . IVW.I 1 I a a 4U IT T l.' ?VT Dill i 4 O a. 1 1 ai.-a-,.- n w nA4 Ksaaa just right for old couple-; elose In. Price $3,6!O-$2.660 cash. Win. Arnold, 1633 N. 19th. Will Sell at Sacrifice Modern hoime, In select relrie,ice dis trict; no Incumbrance; mlRht conxider - ml' Lt v. lruo Ior Ittrm corn 8 Rooms, $5,750 On 45th. opposite beautiful Crelghton tract; 3 lots, oak finish, fully modern. H irrison & Morton SOUTH OMAHA HOME We mean It, a perfect 10-room home; beat location hi - oouiu Omaha. Hie price we will make you is a teaser. NOWATA lAftD U AA A to., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. , fhone Ked 19JB. REAL ESTATE FARM AND KANCH LAM U FOR SALB I. FOR SALE or will exchange, preferably for southern lauds, a good level half sec tion In Alberta, Canada. William L. Em ery, care Fort Wortn university, fort Worth, Tex, Cooreido COLORADO . Property for Bale 11-room brick and atone residence at Golden, Colo., 12 miles west of Denver; place has been used for private boarding house, la mod ern and a money maker; easy terms to the right party, boa 223, Golden, coio. . A COLORADO LAND SACRIFICE. 640 acres for 18.000 $3,000 down, balance 6 years' time, equal payments; comprising the old home place of the Spere ranch line rolling and aecond bottom land value of lands surrounding la $20 to $40 per acre tins land should sell for more money tne price la for Immediate gale write for plat and description. HA1ULER REALTY COM r Aft X, Colorado Springs. Colo. 80 ACliiia uu J-Eba gr -inia I Altai. B miles hortnweat from Denver on c. & S. It R- to Boulder; choice ' farming land; 6 minutes from Spencer atation or school, hourly luterurban to Denver and northern towns; plenty irrigating water, 7-room houee, stables, granaries, etc., I wells (best mineral water In Colorado), orchard, grove, large shade trees around house. Apply on premises to C. 8. Semper, owner, or f. u. cox Mil. Denver, COLORADO, ' ' ' Wyoming. Nebraska and Kansaa Land lor sale. 12S ner acre buys from owner a tract of level, unimproved land in iirltjAllon district In the san lauia valley. Will arrange to show at any vnt - See us for full particulate.. , WE fcUPFLK. ' ' ; 418 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Colo. IRRIGATED LANDS. hO and 100-aore tracts of smooth, .fertile. 'ml iai on ,V " ' 8 uLuls, "t11 ,ot i-olurarS2, aa,'5t.b? P"'""" ,Th, JT. r perpetual water right Easy terma Larg est and most attractive project ever de veloped In Colorado; 6,000 acrea 1ft cultiva tion this year, write tor ires maps ana foldera COSTILLA IRRIGATED LAND CO., 1634 Champa St, Denver. Colo. Florida. FLORIDA FARMS PUTMAN COUNTY. FLA. Ten-acre farms for only 1300, ' one-third c"h' b1"c n1d i W StZ Na nULrw.:i.EM ftJ S. A F. Ry., in the center of the land. All of our farms are In easy walking distance of station and poatofftce. River and rail way transportation facilities for trucker and growers the best In the state. Finest farming snd residence section in Florida. Good schools, churches, etc. No malaria. Write today for one of our beautiful 11 lu.trated prospectus and map. E. . JONES S CO., 6X-S07 Atlantic National Bank Bldg Jacksonville. Fla. FLORIDA LAND CHEAP" Would you Invest In a 5, 10, to or 40- fnill VAtretablA. Emultrv. bafi.n nf tnjclt (arm In Florida's beat agricultural district. If you ciuia get it tor g'.M) per acre under market price? We are lust opening new tract In Columbia county. and wnue constructing un umiwiiii win sell a few tract on cash or eaay pay ments of $6 per month. We have lust issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings In our lo cality, all In arilstlo colors. We will mall you this book free and send you such, other advertising matter as will give you a good Idea of our proposition. Our land im rn.i..nlanl tt t ffm rullroada anil have Lake City, a modern county seat I of 8.000 people. In our midst People who know Florida consider our iraoi one or the very beat It is endorsed by bankers. congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade, rricea very tow; eaay Buying pian. Write for maps and book giving truthful description. Columbla-Floilda Land Co., 44 Times Bldg., Bt Louis Mo FLORIDA. Wa have aome of the beat land In the state, below the frost line at attractive prtcea Send fur particulara. Eatero Lant Company, First National Bank. Bldg., Cb.cago. 16,000 ACRES. A SNAP FOR QUICK SALB. Florida East Coast Evorgladea. All auuck land. Greateat bargain In the whole Stale. No brokers. FRANK L. BILLS at COMPANY. Ji Monroe bt, Chicago.. . When you have anything to sell or trad adverttae it In The Be Want Add solum na and get quick results. I